Future Creative Early Years Impact Report 2012-13

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Early Years Impact Report 2012-13

Tel: 01304 370310 Email: info@future-creative.org www.future-creative.org


Future Creative CIC Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org www.future-creative.org


"This training has helped me to equip children to become more confident and secure in their journey through life." (Early Years practitioner, Toy Box Nursery, West Sussex)

Contents Executive Summary ................................... 4 Latest News ............................................... 5 What courses did we deliver? .................... 6 Who did we train? ...................................... 8 Who are our partners? ............................... 9 What is the impact? .................................. 10 Supporting the local community ............... 12 What does the future hold? ...................... 14

“I am much clearer in my understanding of the EYFS, and now feel I can use it even more effectively.� (Jane Stokes, Patchwork Day Nursery, Hampshire)

Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


Executive Summary Future Creative CIC is a social enterprise organisation which provides high quality creative learning, business training, professional development and community engagement opportunities to those who work in education, cultural, and business sectors. Our programmes provide opportunities for people to use and enjoy creative thinking skills and approaches to maximise their potential through education, professional training and community development.

"I enjoyed everything the training course. I have lots to think about and take back to my setting. Thank you!" (Sally-Ann Putley, Brishing Barn Day Nursery, Kent) Using our extensive Early Years knowledge and experience, Future Creative delivers training courses and consultancy to help your practice be the best. This is not just ‘bums on seats!’ We believe in the importance of placing the child at the centre of Early Years provision and maintaining the correct balance between childinitiated and adult-led activity.

Future Creative empowers Early Years practitioners to enable young children to be creative and critical thinkers. We deliver an extensive range of training courses for early years settings, and we work with local authorities and private, voluntary and independent settings across the country. We also offer bespoke training and consultancy programmes which are tailor-made to the needs of individual settings. Our creative and unique style of training gives us a distinctive selling point in what we can do. All of Future Creative’s courses are interactive, challenging and fun – we encourage active learning to ensure all attendees get the most out of our time together.

"I have learnt some easy resourcing ideas and how to think more creatively." (Francesca Sharpe, Reception teacher, St Elphege’s School, Surrey)

Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


Latest News Future Creative was delighted to welcome Gail Ryder Richardson as our new Early Years Manager in June 2013. Gail has worked in the early years sector for over 30 years in a wide range of roles including advice and support, education inspections and quality assurance. Prior to taking up her role as Early Years Manager for Future Creative, Gail worked as an independent early years trainer and consultant promoting the message that outdoor matters. She has published books, developed revolutionary training resources, written articles for a national early years magazine, and has spoken at many key seminars and conferences. Between 2008 and 2011 she also worked as part of the National Strategies team supporting and challenging local authorities to improve outcomes for children. We are thrilled to welcome her to Future Creative, and we look forward to continued success in our early years programmes with Gail at the helm. Gail says:

“I am delighted to join the Future Creative team and I am looking forward to working as part of such a highly regarded organisation.� Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


What courses did we deliver? Being a Funded 2’s Provider Supporting practitioners to maximise the benefits and overcome the challenges of becoming a funded two-year-olds provider. Boys and Girls Learning and Development This course provides a detailed examination of how boys and girls develop, and links these discoveries to the EYFS. Brainy Babies Equipping practitioners to cultivate and resource a stimulating learning environment for children under 3. Characteristics of Effective Learning and their Significance in the EYFS This course explains how effective practice and quality interactions build children’s capacity for lifelong learning.

"The workshops were thoughtprovoking and effective, and very well received by all of us on the course." (Ann Aikeers, Foundation Stage Advisor, Cambridgeshire County Council)

Child Development This course provides theoretical perspectives and practical ideas to support practitioners in their understanding and application of child development. Cultivating Creativity in the Early Years This course examines the significance of creativity in the early years and supports practitioners to best resource and enable children’s creative explorations.

Future Creative delivers a wide variety of courses which support and equip practitioners to maximise the benefits of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Developing a Stimulating Learning Environment This course investigates how a multi-sensory environment has a positive effect on children’s learning and development. Handling Enquiries and Showrounds in Your Setting Enabling practitioners to handle enquiries to the setting from the initial contact, through to the show-round and the first visits to the setting. Involving Parents in their Children’s Learning This course equips practitioners to create and sustain effective, communicative relationships with parents. Managing Behaviour in the Early Years Supporting practitioners in their continued implementation of behaviour management, based on the requirements of the revised Early Years Foundation Stage. Mathematical Development in the Early Years This course recognises the key aspects of mathematics in the EYFS, identifying how activities, routines, the environment and role models support this specific area.

"I am now going to make maths fun and less regimented in my setting. I've learnt how to use the natural materials we have around us." (Clare Clarke-Jones, Tiggers Pre-School, West Sussex)

Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


"The Future Creative trainer was open-minded, approachable, very knowledgeable, and an 'insider' of our day-to-day challenges."

Did you know? 

75% of brain connections are established in the first 6 years of a child’s life.

Every year, more than 200 million children worldwide under five years old fail to reach their full cognitive and social potential

On average, children will learn a new word every two hours between the ages of 2 and 12.

98% of nursery-aged children measure at genius level in creative and divergent thinking.

(Georgi Hristov, The Village Children's Centre, Kent)

Observation, Assessment and Planning in the EYFS This course examines the various methods of quality observations, meaningful assessments and effective planning and resourcing. Role of the Key Person in the EYFS This course recognises the benefits of the key person system and highlights key areas and practice in relation to children’s learning and development. Sensory Play in the Early Years Providing a detailed explanation of the importance to children’s learning and development of sensory play.

"It was very good doing the practical activities - it keeps the mind going rather that sitting still for 4 hours!" (Kristina Sameson, Thorney Close Childcare, Sunderland)

Supporting Transitions This course investigates the key-stage transition of their children from Foundation Stage, through introduction and involvement of aspects of KS1. Team Building in Your Early Years Setting An interactive course exploring the importance and methods of team building in the early years setting.

"Very valuable and worthwhile training - I thoroughly enjoyed the day." (Esta Ford, Special Educational Needs Early Years Development Worker, Isle of Wight Council) Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


Who did we train?


Number of practitioners we trained in 2012/13.

Percentage of training delegates that were men.



Number of counties we visited to train local practitioners.


Number of courses we delivered.

We surprised one early years practitioner in West Sussex, by informing her that she was our 1000th training delegate of 2012. She was delighted with her box of chocolates. As you can see, the rest of her course mates were hoping she would share them!

Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


Who are our partners?

...and many more! Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


What is the impact? "I am going to re-evaluate opportunities available and use of resources in our early years classrooms ." (Ros Newington, Reception teacher, John Wesley School, Kent)

"This course has helped me a lot with understanding and being able to explain to the parents about the revised EYFS and planning for their child." (Samantha Leigh, Nursery Officer, Lancaster University Pre-School Centre)

"Absolutely amazing – the training has given me some really good ideas and great tips on restructuring some of our maths activities." (Early years practitioner, Hounslow, London)

"We are moving to a new building in September and I am now inspired to look at theorist research and consider our early years environment." (Debbie Latham, Lilliput Pre-School, Peterborough)

"This course has revitalised my thoughts and ideas on outdoor learning, and has given me enthusiasm to tackle our rather outdoor tired area." (Reception teacher, Primary School,Surrey)

"I have learnt how to encourage children to use their imagination to help them develop further." (Zoe Taylor, Childcare practitioner, Sunderland)

"The interactive course broadened my knowledge of the EYFS in a creative way, with thought-provoking discussion." (Abigail Wilkinson, Development Officer for Early Help, Isle of Wight Council)

"The course was very enlightening for me and I feel much more confident in my role as a key person." (Sarah Basley, The Pink Cottage Day Nursery, Chichester) Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org



Practitioners reported an increase in their understanding and knowledge after attending a Future Creative training course.

Delegates reported an interesting and engaging experience with their Future Creative trainer


Would you like a fresh pair of eyes to look at your setting? Future Creative has been working with a selection of schools in Kent, to support Foundation Stage teams in developing their early years practice. Future Creative has a team of early years consultants that visit and advise settings across the country. We provide specialist advice and support around the effective implementation of the EYFS, in conjunction with the development of self-reflective practice for practitioners. Our consultants are experienced, approachable, and passionate about building strong relationships with early years practitioners. Our aim is not to criticise, but to support and empower! To benefit from Future Creative’s consultancy, please call 01304 37030 or email earlyyears@future-creative.org to find out more.

“Plenty of practical exercises with very good training resources. We were given lots of advice for improving our setting." (Laura Kenny, B2b Nursery, Sunderland) Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


Supporting the local community “Sensory Journey has taught me a lot about how my child learns and how his brain works. It’s been a real eye-opener and very enjoyable.” (Parent, Priory Children’s Centre, Ramsgate, Kent) Future Creative worked with Children’s Centres in East Kent to empower parents to gain essential skills and confidence to support their children’s learning and development. We’ve taken parents on a sensory journey, using arts and creative activity to allow them to explore child development and how it relates to their unique child. We also provide parents with a creative toolkit to take away, which will allow them to transfer their skills to their children in their homes.

Through the sessions, parents discovered different ways of helping their children to explore their world, according to the different stages of their development. We particularly focussed on how the brain, neurons and synapses develop in response to sensory input from the world and how a baby’s experiences influence the strengthening of the connections in the brain.

The sessions also used various early years theorists to further support the activities. We mainly focussed on Jean Piaget and his theories of child development. Parents learnt about the sensory motor and pre-operational stages and the ways children learn during these different periods. Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


"I have learnt a lot of things about child development that I didn't realise before." (Parent, Newlands Children’s Centre, Ramsgate, Kent) During the sessions, parents explored ways that they can help to prepare their children for their journey into the wider world. We particularly focussed on how the brain, neurons and synapses develop in response to sensory input from the world and how a baby’s experiences influence the strengthening of the connections in the brain. Parents then applied this by learning about activities they can do at home, to continually support their children’s learning and development to prepare for next steps in their lives.

68% of parents showed an improvement in their child development knowledge. The Sensory Journey sessions equip parents to encourage their children to continue to develop confidence as learners through their early years and as they prepare for new challenges, such as primary school. Parents have developed their own deeper understanding of child development, allowing them to incorporate effective activities and processes into everyday life to ensure their children grow into active and willing learners. This enables parents to provide a firm foundation and a smooth transition for their children into school life when that time arrives.

65% of parents reported an increase in their children’s readiness to start school. At the end of the Sensory Journey projects, parents consistently reported on their newfound enthusiasm for making things at home with their children. Most were surprised at how many easy opportunities there are for helping their children to learn and develop.

"I am looking forward to doing lots of new activities with my daughter that I've learnt." (Parent, Green Banks Centre, Margate, Kent)

If you would like to find out more about delivering the Sensory Journey project in your area, please contact the Early Years team on 01304 370310 or email earlyyears@future-creative.org. Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org


What does the future hold? Future Creative is delighted with the scope and results of the training and consultancy we have delivered during 2012-13. We are looking forward to continuing to support and equip early years practitioners in the year ahead. We are pleased to announce the launch of the ‘Leading the Way in the Early Years ’ training programme for 2013/14. This menu of courses is designed specifically for early years leaders and headteachers, providing the opportunity to be inspired and empowered to sustain high quality EYFS provision in their setting or school.

“Plenty of new ideas, relaxed atmosphere with friendly leaders. Plenty of opportunity for discussion and consolidation.” (Joan Berry, Early Years leader, East Kent Children’s Centres) We will be focussing on outdoors, good practice, two-year-old provision, observation, assessment and planning, safeguarding, and much more. For more information and to book your place/s on these courses, please visit www.future-creative.org/leading-theway-in-early-years. Future Creative is also thrilled to announce new partnerships in their early years sector in 2013-14. These new connections give Future Creative a wider scope to spread key messages for early years practitioners, to improve outcomes for young children across the country. Here are just some of the organisations we are looking forward to working with over the next few months:

"The training was really good and the activities were really interesting. I would recommend the course to others!" (Heidi Ireland, Nursery Nurse, Camelia Botnar Children’s Centre, West Sussex)

Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org

Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org

“To have found a quarter of the answer to his own question by

his own efforts is of more value to the child than to hear it all, halfunderstood, from another.” Frederick Frobel, 1782-1852 “The child, making use of all he has around him, shapes himself for the future .” Maria Montesorri, 1870 – 1952

“Any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development.” Jerome Bruner, 1915 – present

“When it comes to building [a child’s] brain, nature supplies the

construction materials and nurture serves as the architect that puts them together.” Ronald Kotulak, Author of Inside the Brain, 1997

The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done, men who are creative, inventive and discoverers. Jean Piaget 1896 – 1980

Join the debate. Get involved. Keep learning.

To find out more about Future Creative’s early years training and consultancy programmes, please contact the Early Years team at Future Creative on 01304 370310 or email earlyyears@future-creative.org.

Future Creative CIC www.future-creative.org

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