NEWSPAPER BRIDGE Teamwork and Communication Exercise – Teacher Notes Provide each group with 20 sheets of newspaper and a role of tape, and ensure they have access to the ‘Newspaper Bridge’ student handout. Tell the students that each team must build a bridge using only the newspaper and tape. The bridge must be strong enough to hold a small plastic bottle (show them the bottle that you want to use) and must be tall enough for the bottle to pass underneath it. The bridge must be FREE-STANDING; not attached to the wall, a piece of furniture, a person or an article of clothing.
Summarise the rules:
You cannot use materials other than the newspaper and tape.
Each group is to build a bridge that can hold the bottle for 10 seconds.
The bottle must also be able to pass under the bridge
You cannot stick/tape to another person or furniture.
You have 20 minutes to plan, followed by 20 minutes to build the bridge.
During the ‘building’ time, you will not be allowed to speak.
Fifteen minutes into the ‘building time’, allow the team to speak for one minute, if required, after which, they must be silent again for the remaining five minutes. Then, call time and assess each group’s bridge – pass the bottle underneath and place it on the structure. When the bottle is put on top, all will count for 10 seconds. This will be done for each group.
Discussion: Discuss as a large group:
How did you work as a group?
Which part was the most difficult?
Did everyone participate in some way and feel like part of the group?
What influenced the type of bridge built by each group?
How did communication or lack of it affect the work of the group?
What characteristics of teamwork became evident during the exercise? | Section 2.3