School Policy
Table of contents Page
1. School Regulations 1.1 Student Conduct: General Expectations
1.2 Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities during classes
2. Boarding School Rules and Regulations 2.1 General rules
2.2 Specific rules
3. Dress code and Personal Appearance
4. Additional matters
2 September 2014
1. School Regulations A positive school climate and a safe learning and teaching environment are essential if students are to succeed in school. A positive school climate means everyone feels they are welcome and respected.
All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe, and feel safe and comfortable in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility for everyone to be accountable for their actions and contribute to a positive school climate.
SEK International School El Castillo expects all its students to honor the following Code of Conduct.
1.1 Student Conduct: General Expectations Extended Study Abroad Programmes: students are required to sign the School Policy document in advance of their programme start date. Short Programmes: this will be provided to the Students at the start of the programme to be signed.
Students must: a. participate fully in all classes; b. be respectful of the host country and school culture; c. demonstrate honesty and integrity; d. respect differences in people and respect the rights of others e. treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, especially when there is disagreement f. show care and respect for school property and the property of others.
Students must not g. buy, sell, possess or use any controlled or illegal drugs; h. commit or take part in any act of violence;
3 September 2014
i. lease or purchase or drive an automobile, motorcycle or moped or have someone else lease or purchase an automobile, motorcycle or moped for them; j. enter into any form of contract whilst on the programme such as lease of mobile phones or computing equipment; k. be in possession or under the influence of alcohol, or give it to anyone else; l. commit robbery; m. use any object to threaten or intimidate another person; n. engage in hate propaganda or other types of behaviour caused by hate or bias; o. hitchhike or solicit a ride from a stranger; p. purchase or possess firearms or explosives, including firecrackers; q. smoke on school premises; r. access inappropriate internet sites and/or download material from the internet without proper copyrights or unauthorized material; s. accept paid employment.
1.2 Behavioral Expectations and Responsibilities during classes The School has high expectations for all its students. Here we outline our requirements with regard to class work and behaviour.
a. Attend classes daily unless a medical condition prevents participation. b. Develop work and study habits c. Establish positive and respectful relationships with both fellow students and staff. d. Complete homework and assignments on time. e. Meet school deadlines. f. Observe the rules and regulations of the school. g. Interact with the learning environment and the school community in positive, responsible and productive ways. 4 September 2014
h. Participate, co-operate, show initiative and enthusiasm in class.
All staff members will support students by: being a role model; ensuring that students understand the behaviour policy; teaching social skills; developing class essential agreements; celebrating positive behaviour in a variety of ways including verbal and written feedback; setting clear expectations; helping students reflect on their own behaviour; sharing successful strategies with colleagues; having a consistent approach to behaviour in the school. We encourage parents/guardian to: have an understanding of the behaviour policy and essential agreements and discuss it with their child; communicate directly with student’s tutor when necessary by arranging a suitable meeting time.
When a student has difficulty managing his/her behaviour we will keep a record of behaviour and follow these steps: a. Informal talk: we will talk in private and discuss how to resolve the problem and we will: Teach appropriate ways to express emotions. Give the student the opportunity to observe good behaviour. State clearly what the unacceptable behaviour is. Listen with respect to the student’s perception of the situation. Give the student a chance to explain in their first language, if possible. Look for environmental factors in the classroom / playground that may provoke the behaviour and try to minimize those factors. Give the student the opportunity to solve the problem through direct intervention when possible (for example, if a student draws on the wall, the student needs to stay in at break time and clean it up, write a letter of apology or make amends through action).
5 September 2014
b. Conference: we will seek support from the counselor, involve parents/guardian and develop individual behaviour plans. c.
Exclusion from classes if the behaviour of the child is disruptive of the learning process and needs to be solved outside the class.
d. Exclusion from activities where the child becomes a representative of the school and the school ethos (sports tournament, fieldtrips.) Note: Severe infractions of the essential agreements such as disrespecting an adult, committing dangerous acts, bullying, harassment, intimidation, disrespect, insolence, abusive language or any kind of improper behavior) or committing gross violations of behavioural norms may be referred immediately to the Principal who can take appropriate action.
International School SEK EL Castillo reserves the right to take any disciplinary action, including temporary or permanent exclusion, for any activities, on campus or off campus, which can be considered detrimental to the welfare of the school, student body or an individual.
Temporary and Permanent Exclusions
International School SEK EL Castillo disciplinary policies aim to help students learn from their mistakes. Temporary exclusion may be undertaken when school rules are violated. If a temporary exclusion is deemed appropriate, it will be for the day(s) following the incident, parents/guardians will be contacted immediately, and a meeting will be held for all concerned following that period. A repeated need for temporary exclusion is likely to lead to a request for the parents/guardians to withdraw the student permanently.
Students who are temporarily excluded may be denied the opportunity to make up any missed assignment or examination scheduled on the day(s) of exclusion. In those cases all missed work will not be graded and will have an impact on the student’s academic record.
Permanent Exclusion from activities or school
In extreme circumstances, and after careful consideration and consultation with the Global Study Pass, the School Principal may exclude a student permanently from activities or the school. These extreme circumstances are reserved for times when a violation of any school rule has been repeated and there is no evidence of improvement by the student or a gross violation of behavioural norms has occurred. 6 September 2014
2. Boarding School Rules and Regulations The boarding school regulations are meant to reinforce the purpose of staying at the Boarding School. We expect all students to be caring and respect the individual’s choice of activities within the Boarding School frame work.
2.1 General Rules a. Correct behaviour, courtesy and good manners are expected at all times. Bad language and shouting are unacceptable. Running, whistling, shouting and making unnecessary noises are not allowed indoors.
b. Students should not hold large sums of money or valuables. Money should be deposited in the House Bank, or in a bank account (see”pocket money”).
Any punishment imposed by the School is to be reported to the Principal as soon as possible.
d. Any damage is to be reported immediately.
e. Students may not get lifts in cars unless specific permission is given by parents/guardian.
2.2 Specific Rules a. Alcohol/ Drugs: It is strictly forbidden under any circumstances to bring, deal or take any alcohol, drugs at the Boarding School. This applies both at the boarding school as outside the boarding school, including weekends. Sanctions: Permanent exclusion
b. No Smoking: The Boarding School is a non-smoking area. It is not allowed to smoke on the boarding school premises, both indoors and outdoors. No smoking applies to all indoor facilities including apartments and houses. Sanctions: oral warning, written warning or permanent exclusion.
Food/beverages: Cooking and preparation of hot drinks are prohibited in bedrooms. Separate facilities are provided for this purpose. 7
September 2014
d. Use of computers and internet: The School and the Boarding School have a policy for the responsible use of the technology including internet access.
e. Clean-up and cleaning: In the different areas of the Boarding School different clean-up rules apply. Students must keep their own rooms clean and tidy. The state of the rooms is inspected by the member of staff in charge. Sanctions: oral warning, written warning
f. Holidays: The Boarding School is closed during holidays (Christmas and Easter holidays). Students must go home during those days. Any other bank holidays the school remains open for all the boarder students.
g. Overnight stay outside the premises: Parents/legal guardian must inform the member of staff in charge if the student is leaving the boarding school to stay overnight by phone or email. During the week the students are not allowed to stay overnight. Overnight leave will only be granted on the request of parent/ guardian. If the student stays overnight without his/her parents permission the student will be subject to permanent exclusion. h. Going downtown on weekends: Students are expected to be back at the boarding school before 22.00. If this is not the case, the boarding school will take the corresponding actions and their families will be informed. Sanction: oral warning, written warning or permanent exclusion
i. Damaging Boarding School/School Property: Students must respect the boarding facilities. Students who cause damage to school property will be subject to disciplinary measures.
j. External Medical assistance: if any external medical assistance is required by the student, eg, dentist, medical specialties, the parents’ or legal guardian’s written consent has to be sent to the school medical service. Appointments, taxis or any extras needed by the student will be directly charged to the account´s family.
3. Dress code and Personal Appearance a. All students must wear the SEK uniform at all times while on campus. The prescribed uniform includes a classroom uniform, and a P.E. uniform. 8 September 2014
b. Distracting hairstyles, haircuts or distractive hair coloring is prohibited. c. Students are not allowed to shave their heads unless there is a medical explanation d. If jewellery is worn, it must complement the uniform. Girls should not wear make up when in class. e. Students have to wear shoes at all times. No shoes may be worn with open toe or open heel. Flip-flops, sandals, water shoes, elevated heels, lace up army type boots and unstrapped shoes may not be worn.
4. Additional matters a. Laundry System: Students have to bring casual clothes apart from their uniforms. It is important to plan the amount of clothes to bring carefully as the rooms have limited storage space. The laundry service is provided once a week. All clothes must be labelled with the number given by the school´s secretary once the admission process is fully completed. All students must bring two laundry bags.
b. Bedding sets: bed sheets, pilows and bedspread are provided by the school. Students need to bring two towel sets.
c. Pocket Money: Students need pocket money to cover normal expenses; the recommended amount of pocket money depends on the usual weekend travel. No specific amount is established by the school. Money can be held securely by the Principal who will operate a House Banking system, enabling students to withdraw money. The school also allows the student to have their own credit cards in case of an emergency. The pocket money can be transferred to the following school ´s account
Santander Bank SWIFT or BIC: BSCHESMM IBAN: ES06 0049 0789 54 2211173763 Account number 0049 0789 54 2211173763 a. Computers: Students are advised to bring their own device to school.
9 September 2014
b. Medical matters: The paediatric doctor Mr. Hugo Ruiz ( and the nurse Mrs. Maria Amparo Rodriguez deal with all medical matters relating to students. Parents/legal guardian must complete a Medical Record Form for the student. It must be completed very carefully (note in particular the signature needed for permission for emergency treatment at the end of the form). Details of childhood illnesses, surgical and medical history, are most important in the case of a child being referred to hospital. Vaccinations must be up-to-date.
Details of medication being taken either regularly or in an emergency are also vital. This includes any alternative medication or treatment that your child might be receiving, since interaction between medications may not just be adverse, but even fatal.
All prescribed medications must be handed in to the medical service for storage and administration.
If the family doctor has treated the student over the holidays, it is crucial that the school doctor and nurse are informed.
10 September 2014