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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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Š The Environmental Design Pocketbook
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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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Š bere: architects
YJ%-#,+13A0% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š Anne Thorne Architects
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š Anne Thorne Architects
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
depth of insulation is substantial
Š Anne Thorne Architects
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š Anne Thorne Architects
YJ%-#,+13A0% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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Š Architecture for Change
?-"$-R05,-A9% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
?-"$-R05,-A9% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š bere: architects
?-"$-R05,-A9% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š Architecture for Change
&J.500#059% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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&J.500#059% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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Environmental The UK Doctoral Training CentreŠ inThe Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Design Pocketbook
Š The Environmental Design Pocketbook
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š Architecture for Change
203,+50,% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š Architecture for Change
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š bere: architects
UJ50Z0CN"#% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
c"-#.%A"%\05"%C35?"#% !-.*A%C"1"+50$%0OA05#31%,+5:3C0,%3A% 2-C5"%d%23C5"%,C310%
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UJ50Z0CN"#% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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UJ50Z0CN"#% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š The Environmental Design Pocketbook
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Light coloured surfaces, Avignon
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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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Š The Environmental Design Pocketbook
8J%3-5Z";% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š The Environmental Design Pocketbook
>A%-,%#"A% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Š The Environmental Design Pocketbook
The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
Approx. 100 dw/ha – low energy
Approx. 30 dw/ha – ‘zero carbon’
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The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
London boroughs who have
foresight of mitigation & adaptation will be ?0k05%d%,3:05%I13C0,% A"%1-R0J%
h*3#4%%9"+% The UK Doctoral Training Centre in Energy Demand Reduction and the Built Environment
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