Paul Bragman – Community & Economic Regeneration Consultant
Aim Developing ways to integrate the social economic regeneration with the physical regeneration.
Grahame Park Diverse community –under
16’s/unemployment/health Many people in temporary housing Regeneration -11 years Low levels engagement Multiple issues Many small community organisations (volunteer run) Disjointed and not always coordinated Changing community Changing community needs
Approach Community & Economic Development Strategy – joint
/evidence base/shared ownership Coordinated approach by agencies – on key priorities identified Practical and tangible Simple approaches Looking at how to use existing money differently e.g. Pooling information Attracting strategic opportunities in a strategic way e.g. Influencing developers
Examples of what has been happening Strengthen existing organisations – health checks,
capacity building support, Grahame Park Consortium Coordinated events Supporting local organisations to merge and strengthen themselves Developing Colindale Communities Trust (CCT) as legacy - management of community centre, One Stop Shop/Apprenticeships/CDO Using existing money in different ways - Community Research – engaging local people
Impact More people know whats going on in the area – quarterly
calendar/One Stop Shop E&T outcomes – workclubs/362 accredited training/85 jobs/3 apprentices - £300K levered in to GP Local groups collaborating more & working on joint projects Shared evidence base of local needs - local groups use for funding bids Stronger CCT with staffing Local people being employed as Community Researchers to identify local issues – social enterprise