Dental Supplies Magazine 2.1 Digital

Page 1


Stop Oral Cancer Buying a Practice? - Impress the Seller 3D Imaging Protecting Children’s Oral Health

Little Sister autoclaves now start from £1995 ‘The best prices, unbeatable value and unrivalled lifetime protection are all part of the EschmannDirect promise’ Paul Godfrey

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875 78


Contents 1


Call EschmannDirect now for details of our latest Autoclave Offers

Editorial Amy-Louise Thompson t. +44 (0)773 1802262 e.

01903 875787

addition to this we are also introducing MDDI, an Australian company specialising in drape kits and disposable instruments, check out their feature in our Resource Centre to find out more. The team here at DSM are working extremely hard to produce a magazine which has everything you need to know about what is available in the industry. Can’t find what you need? Then be sure to get in touch with our editor and let us know! In our next issue we have the build up to The Dentistry Showcase at the NEC. If you want to feature a product launch – get in touch! Enjoy.


Advertising Sales Lynn Amey - Sales Manager t. +44 (0)7790 524513 e.

Web and Digital Jonny Jones t. +44 (0)7803 543 057 e.



ur app sponsor offers a comprehensive range of dentistry products to the dentistry market. We are

Design & Production Jo Ross t. +44 (0)7740 468667 e.

No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of material in this publication can be accepted. VSM is published eight times in 2013 by Future Publishing Solutions Ltd, and is a registered trademark and service mark of Future Publishing Solutions Copyright 2013. Future Publishing Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without prior permission in writing from the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act (UK) 1988, or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licencing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1P 0LP, UK. Applications for the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be forwarded in writing to Permissions Department, Future Publishing Solutions Ltd, Lea Green Farm, Lea Green Lane, Church Minshull, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 6ED. Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution.

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General News


Editorial: All submissions will be handled with reasonable care, but the publisher assumes no responsibility for safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. Every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy, but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of information supplied herein or for any opinion expressed. Subscriptions: Dentistry Supplies Magazine (DSM) is free to qualified subscribers in the UK and Europe. To apply for a subscription, or to change your name and address, go to, click on “Free Subscription – Register Now” and follow the prompts.

committed to offering customers more than your normal supplier, by providing unique products and advice from our expert sales team.






Resource Centre







Finance & Circulation Manager Emma Colman t. +44 (0)7720 595 845 e.

Practice Management p38


Paul Godfrey

Publishing Director EschmannDirect Engineer Scott Colman t. +44 (0)7595 023 460 e.


elcome to the first issue of Dental Supplies Magazine in 2015. After a successful launch at the BDIA Showcase I would like to thank all the companies that have been supportive over the last 3 months. We know 2015 holds big things for DSM and I want to invite you all to be part of a very exciting year. This year we will be introducing columnists from various sectors of the dental industry, product road testing (if you would like to take part please get in touch) a Q&A column and much, much more. This month’s issue contains all the latest industry news, new products hot off the press and plenty of articles to get your (ahem) teeth into. In this issue we welcome on board some new companies and welcome back plenty from 2014. We have the latest survey results from Philips, top tips on buying a practice from Frank & Taylor Associates and the UK’s favourite smile from Invisalign. In


‘Offering unbeatable value and unrivalled lifetime protection, Dental Supplies Magazine (DSM) is the there’s never been a better magazine and web/digital resource for the UK community of dentists purchasing time to buy thewithbest dental authority for equipment, technology, pharmaceuticals and services. decontamination equipment’

General News 2

IS YOUR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT TURNING AWAY NEW PATIENTS? By Sarah Learoyd, account director at Gillfine PR





irst impressions count, especially when you’re trying to grow your practice through patient acquisition. You’ve done everything you can to make sure you’re attractive to new patients, you’ve invested in a refurbishment and the latest kit so your practice is looking smart and can deliver the best possible treatments, and you’ve even spent some time and money advertising in your local paper. Now all you need to do is sit back and wait for the phones to ring, right? Wrong, you’ve neglected the one area that for many new patients really does result in creating the first impression - your digital footprint. Sarah Learoyd of Gillfine PR, a specialist healthcare communications

and social media consultancy, explores just how important your digital footprint is and how it can lead to patient acquisition. Let’s start at the beginning, what exactly is a digital footprint? To put it simply it’s any reference online to you or your company. It’s what your patients and employees (past or present) say about you on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, it’s what reviews and comments have been left on sites such as NHS Choices and what news articles have been published. Gone are the days when today’s news is tomorrow’s fish and chip paper, now every comment about you and your practice can live online forever whether it is positive or negative. You may ask ‘so what?’ If you’re trying to

acquire new patients it’s this footprint that could help of hinder you. Recent figures reveal that 80 per cent of consumers turn to the internet to check out a product, service or a company’s credentials before they make a purchase. But do people really use Google before deciding to register with a dentist? You better believe they do. Don’t be fooled into thinking that consumers only research the net before they buy a holiday, car or the latest gadget most do it for all their main purchases and that includes their health too. After all, isn’t our health the most valuable thing to us all? To prove our point we recently undertook some research with 100 people and ask them whether they would research their dentist or GP before registering at their practice. 76 per cent said without question that they would and a further 24 per cent said they had their decision of which health care provider to use influenced by online review sites and social media. With this in mind do you know how your practice’s digital footprint looks? Is it working hard to drive patient acquisition or is it scaring them into the arms of your competition? The first piece of advice I would give any dental practice is to be brave and find out now. Even if it’s negative it’s better to know and take steps to act upon it than bury your head in the sand and hope it goes away because it won’t. But where do you start? If you’ve got a website and you’ve invested in SEO then a simple internet search of your practice or clinicians should bring up a healthy stream of links on the first page of Google but it’s beyond here that you need to look. What is on page five? What does the news drop in a Google search reveal? What images have been posted? What happens when you search for mentions about your practice or employees on Twitter? Are patients talking about you? Are your employees representing your business in the best possible light? Before we work with any client and throughout a campaign we always run an audit to review their digital footprint and it’s a surprise to many to find out what’s being said about them on Twitter especially if they’ve been operating on the assumption that you can’t be discussed if you don’t have an account. That’s

really not the case; no service provider can escape Twitter’s critical tongue. The next place you need to look is on the NHS Choices site. This is really important as it allows your patients to review your practice, leave comments and compare you against your competition. Here patients can search by postcode for their nearest dental practices. Similar to review sites such as Trip Advisor it provides consumers with a star rating system and carries comments left by current and former patients. Although it wouldn’t be fair to name and shame any practices I did recently used the tool myself, to find my local practice and the results were quite surprising. I walk by a practice regularly. It looks really professional, clean, it has nice branding and it’s always advertising in the local paper. Based on this I had half decided to register with them. That was before I checked them out online. They scored a grand total of zero stars on the NHS Choices website that’s when alarm bells started to ring. The patient comments posted told a tale of horror, poor customer service, an unhelpful receptionist resembling a bulldog chewing a wasp and long term painful and costly dental problems caused at the hands of its dentists. On Twitter things got worse.There weren’t only comments here but pictures too of the dentist’s handy work. To be fair to the dental practice all of the comments left may not have been justified. A story always has two sides doesn’t it? But try as I might I couldn’t find anything to suggest that the practice had tried to put its side across or rectify any patient complaints. Perhaps they’re not aware of what people are saying about them, either way I wasn’t going to chance it. Instead I decided to register with the practice five miles further from where I live that had glowing reviews. Although this is an extreme example, it only takes one negative comment to put doubt into a prospective patient’s mind. What’s more why wouldn’t you want to know what people are saying about you and your business? I know I do. Gillfine PR E:

General News 3



TS remains the sort-after flagship event of the Dental Laboratories Association (DLA), and the next show promises to raise the bar once again. Among the fantastic line-up of speakers will be Jonathan Bill, newly appointed President of the DLA, developer of the CQR denture technique and laboratory owner. Jonathan will be delivering one of the most anticipated sessions within the Lecture Theatre, entitled ‘Patient Centres Occlusion for Fully Functional

Dentures’. “I view this as a great opportunity to present to the dental team something that is quite different and important in the development of dental occlusion,” he says. “This lecture will give delegates a deeper understanding on how to create outstanding functional dentures by allowing them to replicate the movement of the TMJ. We will discuss the history of this unique concept, the anthropological research performed at the University of Adelaide and

the technical research performed at Loughborough University (UK), one of the world’s leading bio-mechanic universities that supports and underpins our techniques. It will challenge all of today’s established occlusal concepts.” Register online for your free delegate’s passes today.

it is impor tant to refresh and update your knowledge and skills regularly. The interactive Oral Cancer module designed by IDH and the Association of Dental Groups (ADG) is the ideal tool for this, helping to raise awareness and understanding of oral cancer. It is completely free to all healthcare professionals in the UK, and those who seek a CPD cer tificate need only pay £25 excluding VAT, £5 of which will be sent directly to the British Dental Health Foundation. Make sure you are prepared for the fight against oral cancer. To find out more about the free oral cancer training available

visit mouth_cancer.php.

The Dentistry Show 2015 17th and 18th April T: +44 (0)20 7348 5269 W: E:



he number of reported cases of human papillomavirus (HVP) is rapidly increasing, and its links to oral cancer provide great cause for concern amongst the dental profession. Up to 8 out of 10 people will be infected by HPV during their lives, but many strains of the virus are

not dangerous and will often go undetected. It is those associated with cancer that are most worrying, with some strains found in more than 30% of patients with oropharyngeal cancer. Vigilance and careful attention to detail are imperative during opportunistic screening for oral cancer, and

For more information about the ADG visit 1. Journal of Clinical Oncology, Evaluation of human papillomavirus antibodies and risk of subsequent head and neck cancer, Kreimer et al. Pub Jul 2013 20;31(21):2708-15. Link pubmed/23775966 {accessed 19 Nov 14]

For more information please visit


in increasing awareness amongst the public and the dental profession and we are proud to be associated with this excellent campaign for the second year. “Mouth cancer is one of the few cancers that seem to be on the increase. That worrying trend, combined with the fact it is all too often detected too late, means that we all need to do more to raise awareness. “The ADG’s CPD module has been specifically designed to increase awareness amongst oral health professionals, which will help increase detection rates and therefore in reducing mortality.” Find out more about the training available by contacting the ADG today.



ontinuing its support for the British Dental Health Foundation’s Mouth Cancer Awareness Month, the Association of Dental groups (ADG) is offering a CPD module for all. Designed with IDH, the free programme is available for all healthcare professionals throughout the UK and will focus on the early detection and effective treatment of oral cancer. Those who apply for a CPD certificate need only pay £25+VAT, £5 of which will be donated to BDHF. With 6,767 new oral cancer cases recorded annually, it is imperative you have the skills you need to identify the disease early. David Worskett, Chair of the ADG, says: “The BDHF does a fantastic job



General News 4



eading dental practice, Pure Orthodontics, recently organised a wonderful evening of glitz and glamour on behalf of the BDA Benevolent Fund.

Held at the stunning Hyland’s House in Chelmsford, Essex on the 28th of June 2014, the evening included a champagne reception and three-course dinner.

Members of the dental profession, along with BDA members and their families danced the night away to a disco hosted by local radio presenters Martin and Su from Heart radio. The main sponsor of the event, Clark Dental, was joined by many other local businesses that kindly donated some fabulous prizes to the raffle. In all, the fun filled evening successfully raised £3,779.24 for the Benevolent Fund. Every penny raised helps dentists and their families in severe need get their lives back on track. If you are interested in organising a fundraiser to support vulnerable

dentists and their families, please contact the BDA Benevolent Fund today. If you are in need of help yourself, please contact us now. All enquiries are considered in confidence. The BDA Benevolent Fund relies on your help to continue this work, so please contact us at: Registered charity no. 208146



f you don’t have the space in your surgery for an OPG machine, or if the cost of one is out of your budget, referral centres can

be a great contact for you to have. Referring out for X-rays also helps you build a strong link with local clinics; having free and open lines of

communication is a great partnership builder. By referring your patients to the London Smile Clinic you can rest assured that they will receive the best specialist care in state-of-the art surroundings. All treatment is carried out by top dental professionals with a strong focus on maintaining exceptional oral health. Using a specialist referral clinic that

you trust for your patients can become a fantastic practice builder and a great asset for your patients. Contact the London Smile Clinic today to find out how working in partnership can suit everyone involved. London Smile Clinic T: +44 (0)20 7255 2559 W:





We have been working with The Dental Directory for around 15 years,’ says Sam Labadie, practice manager at The Burley Dental Suite, West Yorkshire. ‘We use them to source our general consumables and for facials aesthetics too. When we need larger pieces of equipment I always speak to our rep, Dave first. ‘The advantage is ease of ordering.We

can even order something that isn’t a stock item and The Dental Directory will sort it – we get a great service from our rep, Dave. It is also reassuring that the newest products on the market are available. ‘The quality is consistently good and the special offers that come through are always timely. ‘We use the desktop directory so our nurses can just come to the reception desk and add to the order,

which ensures nothing is forgotten. We’ll send it off on a Friday and our stock is with us by Monday. The Dental Directory is perfect for our needs.’ The Dental Directory can help to streamline the way you work. Call today to find out how!

its reputation for fantastic service and offers free next day delivery on all orders received before 5pm, as well as specific equipment servicing and maintenance options. Whatever you need, The Dental Directory is ready to help. With comprehensive ranges, committed staff,

unbiased and impartial advice, plus competitive prices, you can be sure to receive superior service from The Dental Directory.

The Dental Directory T: 0800 585 586 W:



he Dental Directory is delighted to have reached the finals of the GO Awards Scotland 2014/15. Recognising the importance of public sector buyers, the Government Opportunities (GO) Public Procurement Awards celebrate the

success of individuals and teams across the procurement profession. Entered into the Best Service Award, The Dental Directory was recognised for its commitment to its customers and passion for superior service. The Dental Directory is proud of

The Dental Directory T: +44 (0)800 585 586 W:

Handpieces that Meet the Highest Demands

W&H: Handpieces Designed for Purpose

The ultimate high end quality and technology

Discover the Synea Vision range with unique innovations, including: • • • • • • • • •

The right handpiece for every application Manufactured to premium Synea quality Optimal illumination with perfect positioning of LED+ optics Designed for purpose with appropriate head sizes to meet treatment requirements Includes the TK-94 - the smallest and most powerful micro head turbine head available with 5 hole spray Ø 9mm 5 outlet spray for optimum cooling 3 Year Warranty on Contra-angles and Straights High quality ceramic bearings for absolute reliability Ergonomically designed to be comfortable, light and quiet to use Special scratch-resistant coating for better protection

W&H (UK) Ltd, 6 Stroud Wood Business Centre, Park Street, St Albans, AL2 2NJ Tel: +44 (0) 1727 874990 Fax: +44 (0) 1727 874628 Email:


General News 6



r Amit Patel, Specialist in Periodontics, will be presenting from the popular BSP PerioLounge at The Dentistry Show 2015. Sponsored by the British Society of Periodontics (BSP), the theatre will provide an informative and inspiring two-day lecture programme to help advance your skills and understanding. “My session at The Dentistry Show will cover exactly what should be done in order to encourage success of each

and every implant case,” says Dr Patel. “Treatment planning is key here to preventing potential problems. “To make sure our patients make a good investment we need to get it right first time. I hope to raise awareness of how periodontal disease can affect the longevity and stability of implants, and offer some relatively simple techniques to help delegates treat the disease.” The Dentistry Show 2015 will present a plethora of other exciting features including the brand new

Endolounge, in partnership with the British Endodontic Society (BES), Launchpad UK and STO Lounge. Hours of verifiable CPD will also be available throughout the Show, as well as a range of networking and socialising activities. Register for your free pass online today! The Dentistry Show 2015 17th and 18th April T: +44 (0)20 7348 5269 W: E:



he Dentistry Show 2015 will provide a dedicated Dental Nurses Forum to ensure you are up to date with the latest regulations and protocols applicable to your day-to-day working practices. Brought to you by the British Association of Dental Nurses, which has a finger on the pulse of all issues relevant to your daily working practices, you can be sure to find a packed

conference programme designed to help you streamline your routines. You will also be able to explore different routes in order to develop your clinical skills and advance your career. Takes steps towards a new role in practice management or treatment coordination, or gain new skills to enhance your practice offerings and your collaboration with other team members.

With all this, hours of vCPD, copious networking and socialising opportunities, and access to the latest products at the best prices, make sure you don’t miss The Dentistry Show 2015. The Dentistry Show 2015 17th and 18th April T: +44 (0)20 7348 5269 W: E:






emi Foster, Dental Nurse at Genix Healthcare, has been recognised as one of the most outstanding apprentices of the year. Demi received her certificate at the annual Dentistry Awards held on the 5th of December. The Dental Nurse Apprentice of the Year was a new category for 2014, and attracted a substantial number of applicants. Practices had to submit 750 words on how the nominee had provided exceptional patient care, responsibility or support to the dental team. Genix Healthcare is delighted that Demi has been recognised for her inspiring work by winning such an honorable accolade. The company’s Dental Nur se Apprenticeship programme, run in partnership with the National Apprenticeship Service,

provides comprehensive training support to over 100 candidates each year to achieve an industry recognised Dental Nurse qualification. Apprenticeships give young people a great start to their career and with five brand new schemes on the way; dentistry can look forward to an exciting future. Follow Mustafa on Twitter @Mustafa_T_M or Facebook MustafaMohammed0 For additional information from the National Apprenticeship Service, visit Genix Healthcare T: +44 (0)845 838 1122 W: E:

General News 7



anet Edwards is the Practice Manager at Hoghton Street Dental Practice and Hesketh Lane Dental Practice in Mersyside, and oversees 14 surgeries and two decontamination rooms. “We have been working with Eschmann in the area of decontamination now for many years,” she says. “We have 16 pieces of capital equipment, which is quite a lot for two high street practices, and Eschmann has, and continues to provide, excellent support. “Martin Loftus, our representative

from Eschmann was immensely helpful with the design, set-up and installation of our two decontamination rooms. In fact, even though the first was installed before HTM 01-5 was introduced, we were already fully compliant when the documentation was published, and Martin’s advice was pivotal in this process. “We have an excellent professional relationship – Martin has got to know the practice very well over the years, always works in our best interests and provides useful information and

updates that are relevant to us. “Particularly important for capital equipment, I think it is vital to invest in high quality and reliable technology, with on-going support from a trustworthy manufacturer. I would therefore recommend Eschmann for its quality and support.”

Eschmann T: +44 (0)1903 753322 W:



hairside is the NEW, effective and economical chairside attachment processing material from General Medical. Manufactured by Zest it

is ideal for use with all Zest attachments (Locators, LODI and Saturno) and other chairside attachments too. Designed for ease of use and predictability when processing attachment

components into overdentures, it requires no primer, is dual-curing for convenient self or light-curing flexibility and is very economical too. With an ideal viscosity for accurate application, Chairside bonds to itself to ensure efficient filling of voids and touch-ups. Odourless and tasteless to enhance patient acceptance, it also has a low curing temperature to ensure patient comfort. No primer means reduced chairtime. Shorter mixing tips reduce material waste and cost per case. New Trial Pack Offer. Purchase a

Standard Pack containing 8g syringe and 15 tips for £ 59.50 plus vat and receive a 3g Trial Pack Free Of Charge. If not entirely satisfied with the Trial Pack return the unopened Standard Pack for a full refund. Chairside is the abutment processing material Dentists have been waiting for! General Medical T: +44 (0)1380 734 990 W: E:

GC UK T: +44 (0)1908 218 999 W: E:


capturing the highest detail. Being laboratory optimised, Aroma Fine Plus is compatible with a wide range of type IV dental stones for optimised detail reproduction and an incredibly smooth model surface. This spearmint flavoured alginate is available in normal or fast set for personal preference. The properties of GC Aroma Fine Plus all add up to an alginate impression material that makes it quicker and easier to take exceptionally accurate impressions.



ased on GC’s extensive knowledge of alginate materials, GC Aroma Fine Plus has been developed to offer users final impressions of the highest quality combined with easier and faster mixing. With an advanced formulation, it is easy to incorporate the water into Aroma Fine Plus powder in just 3 seconds and the dust-free formulation allows fast and vigorous mixing for a smooth bubble-free mix. Being truly thixotropic, Aroma Fine Plus reduces patient gagging as it stays in place without dripping or running down the patient’s throat during the setting phase, at the same time it flows under pressure into the narrowest of areas



General News 8



ECIPROC, from Quality Endodontic Distributors Ltd, is not just a new file, but a new concept in canal preparation. It can help you save £00’s if not £000’s per year! RECIPROC® is the first one file system where no glide path is required (in most cases). It works with a reciprocating action which is driven through the VDW Silver RECIPROC® motor, which can also be used with conventional rotary file systems. If you currently use ProTaper and perform 100 endodontic procedures a year, by switching to Reciproc you will save £1000 per year. If you do considerably more, just imagine what you could do with the money you’d be saving! RECIPROC® is made from

M-wire™ NiTi which is stronger and more flexible than standard NiTi.There are three files in the range which all have a regressive taper, which means that the apical portion of the file has the greatest taper. The RECIPROC® file sizes are R25 (08/25), R40 (06/40) and R50 (05/50). Each of which is available in lengths 21, 25 and 31mm.The system also has matching gutta-percha and paper points. Supplied sterile in blister packs, RECIPROC® is exclusive to Quality Endodontic Distributors Limited.

Quality Endodontic Distributors Ltd T: +44 (0)1733 404999 W: E:

RECOGNISING EXCELLENCE practices within the high-achieving group:


uge congratulations to the recent winners from Rodericks Ltd, who were recognised as the best performing

• • • •

Kensington House, Chard House, Cookham and Westminister House The above achieved the biggest improvements in performance since last year while providing first-class patient

care, and members of every team were rewarded for their dedication. Rodericks Ltd encompasses an array of outstanding practices across the UK, each committed to maintaining the highest standard of dental care, as well as enhancing both business prospects and individual career opportunities. The group as a whole is indeed

growing, so if you are looking to share more of the responsibilities that come with running a practice, and get back to treating patients, then contact Rodericks Ltd today. Rodericks T: +44 (0)1604 602491 W: E:






ental practices can look forward to two brilliant apprenticeships thanks to the Government’s Trailblazer initiative phases 2 and 3. The standards for these exciting apprenticeships have been specifically developed by leading employers and professional bodies and led by Mustafa

Mohamed, Chair of the Trailblazer project in Dental Health, and owner and founder of Genix Healthcare and Sparkle Dental Labs. Being employer-led, apprenticeships are guaranteed to meet the needs of practices both large and small. Currently, 96% of employers that take on an apprentice report advantages

to their business , and 74% of small to medium-sized enterprises in the UK believe recruiting apprentices is crucial for their future growth . Through quality on the job, practical training, individuals will get the chance to gain the necessary skills and recognised qualifications to excel, while businesses can benefit from a loyal, dedicated and motivated workforce. Train the talent of tomorrow with world-class apprenticeships in Dental Nursing and Dental Practice Management. Follow Mustafa on Twitter @ Mustafa_T_M or Facebook www. For additional information from the National Apprenticeship Service, please visit: For more details about Sparkle Dental Labs, please call 0800 138 6255, email or visit: Genix Healthcare T: +44 (0)845 838 1122 W: E: advice

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We recognise how vital it is to not only offer the products our customers need, but also to deliver them when they need them. That’s why we are so proud to say that our average daily order fulfilment rate for 2014 was a staggering 99%!**

Couple this with a massive product range, great everyday prices and our PriceMatch Guarantee and you can understand why so many UK dentists are happy to say that they are a customer of The Dental Directory.

Trust… 0800 585 586 The Dental Directory, 6 Perry Way, Witham Essex, CM8 3SX

*PriceMatch guarantee applies to any nationally advertised published price, from any dental dealer on all identical consumables, sundries and materials products. **Order fulfillment rate based on average figures for the 12 month period January-December 2014.

Equipment 10



ailure of dental implants can not only cause patient disappointment but also lead to mistrust in their dental professional if the importance of a good oral

hygiene regime is not emphasised. Tandex offers an implant kit that will enable patients to maintain a healthy oral hygiene regime before, during and after implant treatment. The kit includes: • 1 Tandex SoftTouch toothbrush – for delicate and sensitive cleaning in the first few days after surgery. • 1 Tandex Advance Soft toothbrush – for when the gingiva has healed.

• 1 Tandex SOLO Ultrasoft® – for cleaning in and around the interdental spaces. • 4 FLEXI UltraSoft interdental brushes – especially gentle on teeth and gums. • 1 Tandex Gel – perfect at reducing plaque formation, gingival inflammation and the incidence of caries. Keep your patients smiling for the

long term by arming them with the right tools from the start. By ensuring your patients have all the necessary equipment and guidance you will be protecting the longevity of their implants.

comfortable and compassionate endodontic treatment. Utilising the latest equipment and techniques our specialists are all experts in their field and dedicated to meeting the needs of every patient. For peace of mind when looking for

an endodontic referral centre trust us at EndoCare to look after your patients and see them return to you pain-free.

Tandex T: +45 47 381001 W: E:



eferring your patients to a specialist can be an anxious time for any practice, but when you refer to us at EndoCare we guarantee to provide the best possible service and communicate with you promptly at each stage of

your patient’s journey. We understand that it is important for your patients to return to your practice after successful treatment and can always advise on the scope and timing of any definitive restorative care. We are committed to calm,

Endocare T: +44 (0)20 7224 0999 W:



ith over 20 years endodontic expertise, Quality Endodontic Distributors Limited believe their cordless Gutta Percha Trimmer, which cuts the end off gutta percha points at the touch of a button, is an extremely useful piece of equipment for GDPs and Endodontic Specialists alike. Cordless for optimum flexibility and convenience, it is extremely

lightweight, which helps minimise operator fatigue, and is extremely fast and easy to use. Enabling clinicians to accurately and precisely cut the ends off any gutta percha point, the kit comes complete with a handpiece, four interchangeable cutting tips, a handpiece holder, two rechargeable batteries and a battery charger. QED’s cordless Gutta Percha Trimmer is just one of the endodontic

innovations detailed within their Endodontic Catalogue and featured on, the online version.

Quality Endodontic Distributors T: +44 (0)1733 404 999 W: E:






eneral Medical offer the complete range of Mectron Prophy Units including their NEW Multipiezo Touch & Pro. The Multipiezo Pro is ideal for daily dental practice. It enables operators to perform such diverse procedures as subgingival debridement and adjunctive medicinal pocket rinsing, root canal

preparation, retrograde root treatment, minimally invasive cavity preparation, crown and bridge preparation, implant maintenance and tooth extraction. Incorporating two slimline LED handpieces with innovative swivel-type focus for optimised illumination, Multipiezo Pro is compact yet powerful. With its simple, safe and easy-to-use double bottle system, it enables operators to use various flushing solutions for optimised therapy

without any risk of dripping or leaking. No need to plumb them in, simply fill the bottles, put them in place and off you go! Multipiezo Pro’s touch-screen control offers one-touch selection of the appropriate function ( endo, perio/ scaler or restorative ), power, irrigation flow rate and LED light function. The Multipiezo Touch is designed for scaling, perio, implant maintenance, endodontic preparation and revision functions. Incorporating a single

LED handpiece and a bottle system that doesn’t need to be plumbed in, Multipiezo Touch’s easy-to-use touch-screen controls offer all the ease of its big brother. There is even a Soft Mode for gentle, but still powerful insert motion, ideal for sensitive patients and children. General Medical T: +44 (0)1380 734990 W: E:





Author: Adam Shaw sales consultant at RPA Dental ltd Tavom UK is the distributor of MyRay Products in the UK. To find out more to find out more, please visit

Thanks to the digital nature of 3D scans, clinicians who accept referrals from colleagues can easily share cases either in print, via email or with programmes such as Dropbox. Also, a lot of the software providers also offer a communication channel specifically for sharing with case partners. Because the information is readily available, referring dentists can stay up-to-date on the progress of treatment and have access to notes and radiographs for their patient records. Better communication between practices makes for a better relationship and the referring dentist knows that their patient is receiving the very best care. This is a major advantage if you are trying to build up

Many practitioners have been reluctant to install 3D technology due to perceived cost, however the benefits of more consistently accurate work and successful patient outcomes will not only cover the installation, but could ultimately help to provide a significant return on the investment. The long-term advantages of 3D technology put it well within reach for many practices. When investing in 3D technology, look for user-friendly options and, in particular, modular platforms. My-Ray offers several state-of-the-art imaging solutions, including the innovative Hyperion X9 that can be upgraded to from 2D to 3D when you need it. A modular concept with multiple configurations, it offers true full arch volumetric scan capability and positioning comfort to ensure that no data is missing. Also from My-Ray is the SkyView that will produce 3D scans at exceptionally low dosage and is ideal for maxillofacial imaging. In conclusion, 3D imaging can streamline your workflow and enhance the service you deliver. Investing in equipment with 3D capability will also will have a positive impact on referrals and help to create a better working environment. Whether you operate a busy multi-chair practice or are a more specialist operation, 3D digital imaging can lead to happier patients and increased profits.


What 3D imaging technology is able to provide is information that would be undetectable with other imaging methods, to help solve even the most challenging cases. Because of the non-distorted, cross-sectional view that a 3D scan gives, a wide field of opportunity can be opened up as the teeth can be examined from various angles to assess all potential issues.You may spot previously hidden detail such as cracks, canals or even foreign bodies, and so quickly select the most appropriate treatment for each individual patient. As such, when using 3D you can look forward to providing a more efficient service.

There are a number of significant benefits to the patient if you are using 3D imaging. Consent and treatment acceptance will likely improve because 3D models are much easier to share, so the patient can clearly understand all the elements of their treatment. This leads to a relaxed and collaborative atmosphere, which speeds up the whole process and leads to better results.

your practice’s referral base. You may even consider offering 3D scanning as a stand-alone service to other local practices keen to take advantage of 3D, but have not had the appropriate equipment installed yet.


While most clinicians are now recognising the benefits of going digital, 3D imaging is fast establishing itself as the benchmark for dentists who really want to take themselves and their practice one step further. If you have such a powerful tool as 3D imaging at your disposal, you will find that treatment outcomes become more consistent and predictable, which improves the success of any procedures carried out. Patient compliance will increase, and it can also facilitate a more efficient workflow and help you to build up your referral base.

Enhanced visualisation will also lead to enhanced workflow. Better workflow is a combination of many factors and the less time you need to spend setting up a scan is advantageous for both you and your patients. Moreover, with today’s advanced technologies, 3D scans are comfortable and quick. Because the quality of the scan is higher, diagnoses happen more rapidly and treatment plans are far easier to put together. The insight that 3D provides also means exploratory surgery can usually be avoided and if any surgery is needed, it can usually be performed as minimally invasive as possible.



igital imaging has come a long way in a relatively short time. The main benefit for the practitioner choosing digital over film is clear to see; when images are provided in better detail, it is easier to form comprehensive diagnoses and treatment planning is more successful. For the patient, not only will they benefit from the reduced radiation dose from digital rather than film-based imaging systems, but better scans mean a better level of communication.

Equipment 12



r Rob Wain, Clinical Director of Dovetail in Newcastle upon Tyne, is a long-time user of Multi-unit Abutments from Nobel Biocare. He says: “I have been using Nobel Biocare Multi-unit Abutments for almost ten years. I use them routinely for All-on-4® treatment concept cases but also in multiple fixture cases where I need to correct the angle before I can use a screw-retained prosthetic solution. “Working at tissue level is much more comfortable for the patient and convenient for me, allowing a more leisurely development of the final restoration. Long term stability and success has been excellent, and the easy

access for hygiene and maintenance simplifies ongoing care for the patient.” The Multi-unit Abutment is indicated for use with any screw-retained restorations in partially dentulous and edentulous patients. It is available in straight and angled (17 and 30 degrees) designs, with a broad selection of collar heights for use in a wide variety of cases. Just one more example of the cutting-edge solutions provided by Nobel Biocare, find out more about the Multi-unit Abutment today. Nobel Biocare T: +44 (0)208 756 3300 W:



rincipal of Leading Dental Implants, Dr Riz Syed, is one of many clinicians around the world who depend on NobelClinicianTM from Nobel Biocare. “I plan all my cases with NobelClinicianTM – I think it is fantastic software and is essential for a successful treatment planning process. It is a great way of ensuring the volume of bone available, any potential grafting that may

be required and vital structures before we operate, especially with regards to more complex cases. “We are able to reconstruct the scan sent from the referring dentist as a 3D image. NobelClinicianTM then enables us through the software to visualise placing the implant into the bone. All my complex cases, including these requiring the All-On-4® treatment concept and Zygomatic

implants, are planned on this software. “The images produced also help with communications – both with the technician and the patient. I always send the images to referring dentists to help the patient understand exactly what we are doing and why, increasing treatment uptake. “The days of performing surgery blind are gone – I believe all dental

surgeons should use a system such as the NobelClinicianTM to ensure optimal treatment outcomes. With more predictable results, it’s good for the patient and good for us.”

Nobel Biocare T: +44 (0)208 756 3300 W:





NobelReplace® is a time trusted implant I utilise for its high aesthetic value and

range of restorative options,” says Dr Sam Sherif. “While I use almost exclusively custom and CAD/

CAM abutments for my fixed restorations, there are also multiple, straight-forward stock options for the practitioners preferring this method.” NobelReplace is a longestablished implant system with four implants options for high treatment flexibility. The system offers unrivalled tactile feel with the easy-to-use tri-channel connection and high initial stability with the proven tapered implant body. Dr Sam Sherif is an experienced implant surgeon who has worked with many of the leading implant

systems available today. However, he now uses Nobel Biocare as his implant provider of choice. “The increased aesthetics that Nobel Biocare can provide was a key reason for switching to NobelReplace,” continues Dr Sherif. “That and the ease of restorability. It really is an excellent system.”

Nobel Biocare T: +44 (0)208 756 3300 W:

Equipment 13


The Dental Directory provides an excellent service,’ says Vicky Broadley, Head Dental Nurse at Eclipse Dental Care in Batley, West Yorkshire. ‘We have been working with them for around 13 years now. We can place our orders on a Friday and our products will come the

following Monday, which is great. ‘We use The Dental Directory for lot of the UnoDent products, as well as all sorts of other consumables, and the dentists have been really happy with them. ‘Not only do we like the speedy delivery but our rep, Dave Masson, is

one of the best out there. If we’ve got a query on an order, or we want to look for another product then he’ll find it for us.’ With over 27,000 product lines, The Dental Directory offers quality at competitive prices. With free delivery no matter the size of your order, The

Dental Directory is the go-to supplier for the organised, modern practice. Call today to find out how the team can help you… The Dental Directory T: +44 (0)800 585 586 W:



uality Endodontic Distributors Ltd are UK distributors of the Morita Root ZX Mini. Compact and lightweight, the Root ZX Mini facilitates accurate measurement of the root canal, requires no zero adjustment, incorporates an automatic calibration facility and a clear liquid crystal display. The compact Root ZX Mini apex locator is battery operated, light, tough and easily transpor ted. Featuring a reflector-type colour liquid crystal screen and piezoelectric beeper it makes accurate measurements whether the canal is dry or wet. File position and movement are clearly shown in real

time with easy to read increments for high precision measurements. The display instantly changes to green as the file approaches the apex. File position is also indicated by the audible signal for additional precision. Easy to use, the Root ZX Mini can memorize two types of working length. The Root ZX Mini is highlighted in the QED Catalogue, the definitive guide to Endodontic products for both GDPs and Endodontic Specialists, and featured on www., the online version. Quality Endodontic Distributors T: +44 (0)1733 404999 W: E:

(150°C, 180°C, 200°C and 230°C) to accommodate both gutta percha and resilon, with a quick heating tip that reaches temperature within 10 seconds. Completely cordless, compact, lightweight and ergonomically designed it incorporates a rechargeable lithium-ion battery which facilitates multiple uses on a single charge and allows the operator to complete many cases without the need to recharge. Finally it comes complete with a tip, so it is immediately ready to use, with a full range of optional tips available separately. Quality Endodontic Distributors T: +44 (0)1733 404999 W: E:


allow practitioners to control the flow characteristics of the material; a rechargeable lithium ion battery which will support hours of use from a single charge; and a choice of needle size 23g and 25g with a 3600 swivel for improved access. The Superendo B&L-alpha II cordless vertical compaction device is the latest addition to the cordless range of endodontic equipment that QED have in there catalogue and feature on their easy-to-use website Supplied with 3 tips, the Superendo B&L-alpha II is the ultimate in cordless warm vertical compaction devices and supersedes old-fashioned cable machines. It features multiple temperature settings



ED are the sole UK distributors for the Superendo B&L-beta cordless backfill obturation delivery device and Superendo B&L-alpha II cordless

vertical compaction device – together they form the perfect combination. The Superendo B&L-beta enables fast and easy delivery of warm obturation material for the endodontic backfill technique, facilitating rapid obturation of even the most difficult root canals more completely, in less time, and with less patient discomfort. Cordless, compact and easy to handle, it features variable temperature settings which



Equipment 14







s with everything, you tend to get the handpiece you pay for. Handpieces are not always what they were or what they are promoted to be. With cheap copies available on the internet and some suppliers looking to reduce costs both in the UK and elsewhere, you may not be getting appropriate quality and service. Purchasing a cheaper option is in many cases not a safer one. Specialist manufacturers such as W&H invest in research and development to ensure they continue to bring you innovation and design, supplying high quality handpieces for professionals to use. So, why is it so important to choose your handpieces wisely? Although cheaper copies can be purchased online, quality is likely to be an issue and it is really not worth staking a professional reputation on a lower cost and reduced quality product. Make sure you know exactly what you are buying and from whom. W&H offer their customers sound advice assisting them in making the right choice. They supply high quality products and backup, with UK based support services, helping customers build an efficient and profitable business. The dental profession should be looking to gain the best possible value from the new handpiece innovations which improve their working environment especially as they are a long term investment with high user interaction. Handpiece selection is critical as it needs to suit the user, so pay particular attention to some fundamentals when selecting handpieces. It is important that dental professionals look to offer patients quality care, which comes from using high quality, reliable products, while

remembering that one spends many hours per day holding a handpiece so make sure that it is comfortable to use. So what is important when selecting a handpiece? Making your choice based on the influence it will have on patients, user and team. A choice of smaller handpiece head for easier access, reduced levels of noise and vibration all result in greater comfort for both practitioner and patient. Ergonomics is important in reducing the risk of repetitive strain injury and cumulative trauma disorders. Look for a handpiece design which is comfortable and easy to hold without stress to the hand or fingers such as the W&H Alegra and Synea ranges. Handpiece lumination has improved beyond recognition with the advent of LED. The colour rendering index (CRI) is an important aspect of artificial illumination with a perfect colour rendition having an index value of 100. Therefore look for a handpiece that offers a CRI of over 90, such as those from W&H which will give you the rich colour contrasts you need for a life like view. Choose carefully to ensure you get enhanced visibility and reduction of eye stress. Select LED which offers daylight grade lumination as it is kinder on your eyes, gives improved visibility, better colour definition and reduced heat such as the W&H LED+ handpieces. Only purchase handpieces that adhere to current regulations for health and safety and those that are both thermo-washer disinfectable and sterilizable. Good quality handpieces, made by good quality manufacturers like W&H are easy to recognise and should be supplied with at least a one-year warranty as standard. It has been proven over many years of research that the higher the quality of the handpiece,

the superior the performance over longer periods of time. It is therefore worth investing wisely and looking after your investment. If the handpiece or manufacturer chosen does not meet the above criteria, then it is not likely to offer long-term value for money. To prolong the useful life of your handpieces and to protect both the patient and the team from the risk of cross contamination, it is important that the dental team follow a strict infection control regime. When selecting handpieces, it is worth identifying whether the manufacturer can meet all your needs, including offering a full range of products, local service support, care and maintenance training and the appropriate solutions for decontamination. You should be given guidance on the products available to assist you in looking after your handpieces, such as automatic handpiece care systems like the the Assistina 3X3, the most thorough handpiece cleaning system currently available, providing fast and effective cleaning inside and out and consistent automatic lubrication of all internal components. Choose a supplier, like W&H who will offer an internal maintenance/repair facility using genuine manufacturer supplied parts Remember, you get what you pay for so it is always worthwhile making a sound investment and purchasing a well-established, well supported brand known for quality and reliability. For information on W&H products and services , please contact:

W&H UK Ltd T 01727 874990 E W

Equipment 15



entamix Lite from 3M ESPE offers automatic mixing combined with a convenient mixing speed, making it suitable for those who are new to automatic mixing or practices that make numerous impressions every day. Pentamix Lite is quick and saves time with no difficult functions, just a simple push-button system. Automatic mixing means less hand fatigue for you and your staff compared to traditional mixing and will increase your productivity due to the speed and volume you will be able to produce.

Try a more efficient workflow today that will enable you to produce a higher volume of work, which is also aided by the homogenous and void-free mixing. Just call 3M ESPE today to discover more. 3M, ESPE and Pentamix are trademarks of the 3M Company 3M ESPE T: +44 (0)845 602 5094 W:



n our highly aesthetic society, patients place as much importance on their temporary restorations as they do on their permanent dental work. With 40 years of experience, 3M ESPE brings you Protemp 4 temporisation material, which offers natural gloss and fluorescence without the need for

polishing or glazing. In in vitro tests, Protemp 4 temporisation materials also ranks highly in fracture toughness and compressive strength, making it strong as well as beautiful. Ensure your temporary restorations please your patients with high aesthetics and performance, while saving you

time through easy handling and a fast procedure. Try Protemp 4 temporisation material from 3M ESPE today. 3M, ESPE and Protemp are trademarks of the 3M Company. 3M ESPE T: +44 (0)845 602 5094 W:



he state-of-the-art CS 8100 panoramic imaging system from Carestream Dental is the perfect tool to enhance your patient service and streamline your workflow. The advanced technology is designed for simple orientation, with a user-friendly interface, intuitive pre-set programmes for maximum efficiency and rapid image acquisition in only 10 seconds. Created with a compact and

sleek aluminium body, it is an extremely thin, lightweight and robust unit, while enabling seamless integration with existing practice management software. In addition, the CS 8100 system is easily accessible for all patients, whether sitting or standing, and is designed for optimum patient comfort and accurate image acquisition. With the expert team from Carestream Dental on hand should you ever need support or advice, you

can benefit from outstanding images every time. Discover for yourself why the CS 8100 System was voted The Dental Advisor’s ‘Top Panoramic Imaging System of 2014’!

Carestream Dental T: +44 (0)800 169 9692 W:

patients with a clear visual display of current data. You can manage recare settings and send reminders to patients for appointments automatically, whether they prefer post or text messages. Empower your practice today with CS R4+ practice management software featuring Springboard, from Carestream Dental.Your data in your hands. Carestream Dental T: +44 (0)800 169 9692 W:


• Occupancy – easily identify available appointment slots and analyse patterns to maximise your chair occupancy. • Treatment – find patients with proposed treatment plans who haven’t arranged to take them further and contact them to book appointments. • Confirmation – instantly establish any unconfirmed appointments and remind patients in order to avoid no shows. • Recare – gain complete control over the continued care of your



eading provider of outstanding practice management software, Carestream Dental, brings you the new CS R4+ feature, Springboard. Providing real-time data, the innovative software platform enables you to monitor your practice performance with great accuracy, measuring your success against KPIs. Promoting a ‘can see, can do’ ethos, the R4 Springboard shows practice targets with a live reflection of how the practice is performing in line with those targets. It focuses on four key areas:



Equipment 16


MOVE INTO THE 21ST CENTURY WITH THE NOMAD PRO 2 HANDHELD X-RAY Raine Leary is a Product Manager responsible for Digital Imaging at Clark Dental and has extensive knowledge of the subject from CBCT scanning through to intraoral devices and positioning. Raine has written numerous articles and presented on the subject over the past 8 years. Raine is a PHE certified X-ray engineer and has held positions in sales and marketing. Raine also qualified as a Dental Nurse.





n recent years the arrival of digital imaging within dentistry has presented a plethora of possibilities and opportunities for the modern dental practitioner. The increased speed with which clinicians can access images, combined with the superior quality and resolution now available have made a substantial, perceptible impact on every stage of dental treatment. The simplicity and efficacy of digital imaging has helped practices across the profession to save time, streamline workflows and enhance thousands of patient journeys. When this is considered alongside the vast reduction in doses of radiation, it is hard to imagine how we were able to successfully and safely operate previously. Indeed, the advancement seen in digital radiography and the ease and speed in which clinicians can view the detailed anatomical structures of the oral cavity, means that patients have access to far improved procedures, professional diagnoses and enriched clinical outcomes. For example, it is possible to now show patients features of their dentition that previously would have

been too small or too obscured to easily visualise. Thanks to the developments in digital technology it is possible to enlarge, enhance and outline features of an image to aid both professional analysis and patient communication. This has the effect of significantly boosting compliance, whilst also bolstering the uptake of elective procedures. The gains seen in practice are immeasurable. No longer does it take hours, or even days from the initial radiograph to be able to see and treat a patient. In the right circumstances, it is possible for this to happen in one appointment, on the day of referral, as all the necessary information can be made available and in high detail within minutes. Not only is this welcomed by practices that are able to save time through more efficient scheduling, but patients are invariably impressed with the virtually instant and seamless view of their teeth on screen minutes after undergoing the X-ray. Another specific benefit of digital imaging over the more traditional wet film method for taking radiographs is that it does not require any developing chemicals. Therefore the well-documented hazards that are associated with chemical developing and the environmental damage caused by chemical waste can be almost entirely avoided. What’s more, digital images are far easier to store, taking up very little physical space, and there is very little likelihood of losing, misplacing or damaging patient data as long as your IT system is backed

up sufficiently. There is no doubt that digital imaging is here to stay, and over the last 20 years we have seen significant developments across a range of technologies. One such advancement is the movement away from the traditional wall mounted X-ray units towards more portable, handheld devices that can be used in conjunction with digital intraoral sensors such as the innovative Schick 33. Leading the charge in this development is the NOMAD Handheld X-ray System that offers true portability with cordless operation and freedom. Light and easy to manipulate and position, the NOMAD is a fantastic tool for reassuring patients, as the dentist no longer needs to leave the room to take radiographs. Many practitioners also find that with practice, it can be easier to position than a wall mounted device. Indeed one of the most significant advantages is in the NOMAD’s portability. It provides a level of flexibility that was previously unheard of. Multiple surgeries can use a single device, whereas before they would have each needed an individual wall mounted radiograph facility in order for an X-ray to be taken. In 2014 the Nomad Pro 2 was launched, this boasts a newly designed battery handset with infrared connectors, and an innovative charging cradle that improves durability and performance. Scratch and moisture resistant, the NOMAD Pro 2 will stand up to repetitive antiseptic and

cross-contamination control and this enhanced durability makes it ideally suited to any busy dental practice. The user interface of the NOMAD Pro 2 has been engineered for ease of use and intuitive operation; its colour LCD screen and simple touch controls save time for the operator and patient. The whole dental team will appreciate how quickly and easily the settings can be changed to meet the needs of any situation. Handheld and portable, the NOMAD Pro 2 weighs just slightly more than 5 pounds and as the design allows the practitioner to stay with their patient, it is perfect for use with children or those suffering from dental anxiety or phobia. It also makes use of the latest modern radiation shielding, which has been specially designed to protect the operator. In fact, the exposure from using the NOMAD Pro 2 is less than one percent of the allowed occupational doses. Whether a practice uses the latest digital sensors, dental film, or the new smaller, faster scanner systems such as the PSPIX or Digora Optime, the NOMAD Pro 2 will produce high-quality diagnostic images, every time. For practices seeking a single solution to cover multiple treatment rooms, or looking for the flexibility to expand into more surgeries at a later date, the NOMAD Pro 2, available from Clark Dental, is ideal. Clark Dental T: +44 (0)1270 613750 E: W:

Orthodontics 18



r. Chameera Fernando from Elma Dental Practice in Northampton has been providing the Inman Aligner to patients for nearly a year. “A few of my colleagues had recommended the training course to me and I decided to attend to get a feel for orthodontics. “I thought the training was excellent and very informative. Since

gaining certification, the lab has been very helpful and I have found the online support to be an excellent source of knowledge as you learn from other dentists and cases. “I have since had the chance to treat patients without having to provide veneers as the Inman Aligner is more conservative option. “I would most definitely recommend the Inman Aligner to

others. I feel it’s a good introduction to cosmetic orthodontics. I can treat my patients knowing that I have the support of the Inman Aligner team behind me.” Inman Aligner Training T: +44 (0)845 366 5477 W: E:



r. Kenneth Cheung from Morgan Street Dental Centre in New South Wales, Australia, is one of many practitioners around the world using the Inman Aligner. “It is a great tool to put in your armamentarium, providing your patients with conservative and cosmetic dental treatment. “I am also pleased with the support I receive from the Inman

Aligner instructors and dedicated Inman Aligner laboratory. They have given me more confidence in the use of this innovative appliance.” The Inman Aligner is available from Intelligent Alignment Systems (IAS), alongside ClearSmile Aligners and ClearSmile Braces. The renowned training courses are designed to provide GDPs with all the skills and confidence you need to treat patients successfully. The online support offers on-going

help, advice and guidance from peers and experts, helping you develop your skills and overcome even more complex cases. To find out more and discover how your patients could benefit, contact IAS today. Inman Aligner Training T: +44 (0)845 366 5477 W: E:



r. Owain Joynson from Porthkerry Dental Centre in Wales took the Inman Aligner training course a few years ago. ‘I was already providing some orthodontic treatments, but I wanted to offer something different; something quicker than clear aligners or fixed appliances. ‘I found the Inman Aligner course was very good and easy to follow. The speakers, props, displays and venues

were all great. ‘For the cases that the Inman Aligner is suitable for, it works very well. My patients really like the fact that it’s so quick and predictable. I would definitely recommend it to other practitioners.’ A minimally invasive and ethical treatment option for aligning anterior teeth, the Inman Aligner suits a wide range of patients. First-class, hands-on training courses for the innovative appliance

are available all over the UK, tailored specifically for GDPs. On-going support is also easily accessible for all qualified users via the online forum. Make sure you’re providing the treatments your patients want. Discover the Inman Aligner today. Inman Aligner T: +44 (0)845 366 5477 W: E:






rom IAS, creators of the popular Inman Aligner, comes the ClearSmile Aligner, the simple solution to give your patients a beautiful smile. The ClearSmile Aligner uses small amounts of pressure to gently align anterior teeth. Custom-made for each patient and almost completely painless, it can be removed at any time.

Superior training delivers everything you need to start providing the ClearSmile Aligner immediately. With a 24-hour accessible online course, it covers all aspects from case selection to retention. Once you are certified, benefits include inclusion on the Find-a-Dentist listing on, access to the online case assessment and discussion

forum, plus marketing and promotional materials. As a ClearSmile practitioner, you’ll also be able to use the 3D Ortho Viewer, the exclusive new case management system. Patients all over the world love the ClearSmile Aligner because it is comfortable, discreet and effective. Practitioners love it because it can

attract new patients and build loyalty. Find a course near you today to find out how you can ensure the profitability of your practice. Clear Smile Aligner t: +44 (0)845 366 5477 w: e:



nterested in digitising your x-rays and moving towards a paperless practice, but worried about integrating the new technology, if it is compatible with your practice management software and if it is cost effective? Imaging with PSP plates offers all the flexibility and patient comfort of film, combined with the immediacy and environmental benefits of digital radiography, the best of both worlds. Use your existing x-ray holders and expose the flexible digital PSP plate. Drop it into the Apixia PSP Scanner

and in less than 10 seconds the crystal clear digital radiograph appears on your screen. Insert the next exposed plate when ready. Image plates are automatically erased and can be used hundreds of times. The digital x-rays are attached to the patient’s clinical records as the Apixia imaging software links to any practice management software. It can be easily integrated into existing imaging software, so you don’t have to learn a new program. Apixia PSP is cheaper than using film and costs the same as just one



uji Ortho LC is available in GC’s ultra-convenient automix delivery system, as well as capsules and hand mixed presentations. Consequently, as well as the convenience of light-curing, there is freedom of choice of quantity, plus guaranteed optimised mixing ratios. Fuji Ortho LC is the first light-cured, resin-reinforced glass ionomer for bracket bonding. Enabling clinicians to work faster and easier, whilst securing the full strength needed without decalcification (white spots) at debonding. Fuji Ortho LC delivers benefits that composites cannot claim. It is moisture-friendly, so it bonds perfectly in a wet field. It can be used with either a non-etch or etch technique and no separate bonding agent is needed. Because it is less technique sensitive operators can dramatically reduce


conventional digital x-ray sensor. So you can replace a bulky digital sensor with film sized image plates. Small enough for handy chairside use, yet robust enough to be placed in a central location for use by the entire practice. It is so easy to learn, your practice could be experiencing all of the benefits of digital x-rays in under an hour. Digital Dental T: +44(0)800 027 8393 W: E:

chairside time. Fuji Ortho LC light-cures in 20-40 seconds with instant strength and will set chemically in the absence of light. You can insert orthodontic wires during the same visit. It bonds brackets with ample strength for even the most aggressive treatment, yet is easy to remove at case completion without damaging the enamel. Final clean-up is fast and trouble-free. Fuji Ortho LC releases significant levels of fluoride to help prevent decalcification and decay, whilst fluoride in toothpastes and mouth rinses recharges its fluoride release capacity. GC Europe T: +44 (0)1908 218 999 W: E:

Add to this highly focused, noise-free, high resolution 3D volumes for endodontic and periodontal imaging and new multiple volumes for implant and surgical planning; all from one system that allows you to choose the optimal balance between dose and image quality. Digital Dental T: +44 (0)800 756 5642 W:


orthodontic cases requiring localisation of unerupted or impacted teeth and their effects on the neighbouring teeth, detection of facial asymmetries, defining orthodontic landmarks, post-operative and follow-up images in maxillo-facial surgery. These ultra-low dose 3D CBCT units provide a vast amount of additional anatomical information compared with a 2D image at a similar radiation dose.



igital Dental now offer the complete ProMax® 3D family from Planmeca, which incorporates their new and unique Ultra Low Dose™ protocol which offers superior 3D images for doses less than a traditional panoramic unit. ProMax® 3D units enable Practitioners to impress and reassure their patients and enhance their diagnostics. They are superb for



Orthodontics 20



AS – Intelligent Alignment Systems – creator of ClearSmile Aligners, ClearSmile Braces and the Inman Aligner, introduce Spacewize+. Practitioners who have previously used Spacewize, will notice key differences to the updated version of the diagnostic dental crowding calculator: • Spacewize+ can now be used to measure 6, 8, 10 or 12 teeth, making it ideal for ClearSmile Aligners and fixed appliances • Now customised for upper or lower arch • When you measure 8 teeth or more, you will now get 4 handles to adjust the curve, rather than 2. Spacewize+ can be used with all

three IAS systems to aid treatment planning. If you are not yet certified to offer any of IAS’ solutions, there are certification courses all across the UK that cover everything you need to know, from case selection to retention. You will soon see how IAS cosmetic orthodontic appliances will help you to attract new patients who want brilliant results, as well as comfort and cost-effectiveness. IAS and Spacewize+ will enhance your reputation and allow you to develop your skills. Call today to find out more. Inman Aligner T: +44 (0)845 366 5477 W: E:



r. Shamil Patel from Dental Care Centre has joined the ever-growing number of GDPs offering the Inman Aligner as a safe, fast and effective treatment option for misaligned anterior teeth. He says: “I decided to take the hands-on Inman Aligner course because of the demand from patients to have their teeth straightened fast. The option of being able to remove the aligner is one that most patients found very appealing. “The course itself was very professionally run, with a combination of lectures and hands-on components – I left feeling confident to star t my own simple cases. “I have been using Inman Aligners in practice now

for a few months and have noted a significant demand already. While initial compliance can be difficult for patients, once they start seeing the speed of alignment, I have found that they are more than happy to wear the aligners. “I would recommend the course to all who wish to increase the range of treatment options that they can provide and also those who wish to under take more cosmetic treatment.” Inman Aligner Training T: +44 (0)845 366 5477 W: E:






ith many patients asking for elective aesthetic dentistry or orthodontics, you need to stay ahead of the game to be able to provide the services that are required. For many

GDPs it doesn’t always make sense to offer more treatments alongside the great dentistry you already provide. So what’s the solution? At the London Smile Clinic you can rest assured that your patients

will receive the best specialist care and a five star service from world-class dental professionals. The clinic has a strong focus on ethical dentistry and conserving the natural tooth and all treatment is carried

out in a minimally invasive way using the most high-tech techniques and equipment. Using a specialist referral clinic for adult orthodontics will give your patients the smile they desire with a focus on great oral health. Why not contact the London Smile Clinic today to discover how working in partnership can be beneficial all round. London Smile Clinic T: +44 (0)20 7255 2559 W:



Dentists advise cleaning teeth at least twice a day for two minutes, British Dental Health Foundation * The survey was conducted for Align Technology by Gorkana. 300 people were surveyed in January 2015. They were selected 1

popular and requested orthodontic treatments available for adults – with 2.8 million cases completed worldwide. The system works by repositioning teeth discretely, little by little, using a series of custom made clear ‘aligners’ which are changed in two weekly increments. One of the primary reasons for their success is not only that they cannot be seen, but because they are not a fixed appliance – so can be removed during treatment for short periods of time to allow patients to eat whatever they want, play a wind instrument and maintain their a good oral hygiene routine, ensuring that their lifestyles can be maintained without anyone knowing that they are undergoing treatment. For more information to help you patients worry less about their mouths and their teeth please visit www. For further information, please contact: Tracy Posner T: 020 8566 8811 E:

at random from a variety of socio-economic groups, ages and areas. 50% were male and 50% female. Respondents were asked a series of questions about concerns related to the appearance of the mouth.


attractive improvement that can made to the look of the mouth and the majority of those surveyed indicated having their teeth straightened was the greatest improvement they had made to their own mouths. However, a significant number of people are yet to take the step, even though they would like to; nearly a third (31%) of respondents would like to change the alignment of their teeth. Straightening one’s teeth has never been simpler or more discreet. Yet, many people surveyed believed it was too late to straighten their teeth when they reach adulthood; they believed the time to wear fixed, visible braces are the teenage years and that orthodontics may limit what they can eat, affect their speech, what instrument they play, hinder their ability to effectively clean their teeth and impinge on their life in so many other ways. To counter these impressions and help allay worries patients may express about their mouths, it may be a good idea to discuss the benefits of a discreet and more contemporary orthodontic treatment, such as the virtually invisible Invisalign system. It is no surprise that Invisalign has become one of the most



e use our mouths a seemingly infinite number of times a day; talking, eating, smiling, kissing, yawning -the list appears endless. If patients follow advice from the British Dental Health Foundation, they spend at least 24 hours a year - a whole day - looking at their mouths in the mirror as they clean their teeth; considerably more if they include applying lipstick (women), or shaving (men)! With these statistics in mind it should come as no surprise, that results of a recent survey commissioned by Align Technology*, reveals that nearly 40% of people worry about the appearance of their mouths at least once a day, rising to over 50% in the 18-29 age range. Worries relating to their mouths centre more on teeth, than the peripheries (lips, cheeks, chins). More than half of those surveyed worry about the colour of their teeth, while nearly one in four (24%) dislike their “overcrowded, gappy or goofy appearance”. 40% of respondents stated that straightening one’s teeth is the most




Resource Centre Feature 22


ancer is a deadly disease caused by an uncontrolled division of cells. If left untreated, the uncontrolled growth, or commonly referred to tumour can spread to normal tissues nearby; create pressure on other body structures or travel and infect other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream1. From over 200 cancers, oral cancer is the 16th most common in the UK (2011). Figures have continued to rise over the last decade by 32% and 33% in males and females, respectively2. Early detection of oral cancer remains imperative to ensure treatment gets underway as soon as possible. Statistics reveal that if the cancer is diagnosed during stage I, when it is confined to the primary site and small (less than 2cm) nearly 90% of people survive for at least two years3. Dentists and hygienists will often be the first healthcare providers to spot oral cancer. As within the UK, over 60% of dentate adults regularly attend a dentist. These frequent dental visits provide ideal opportunities for the prevention and early detection of diseases4. As part of the GDC Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme, Oral Cancer: Improving Early Detection is now included as a ‘recommended’ topic5. CPD training defines the dental team’s duty-of-care is defined and information and advice is provided on how to implement a management strategy to help improve early detection within the practice6.




Signs and symptoms The main symptoms of oral cancer that healthcare professionals need to be aware of include: • Red or white patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue • One or more mouth ulcers that do not heal after three weeks • A swelling in the mouth that lasts for more than three weeks • Pain when swallowing • A tooth, or teeth, becoming loose for no obvious reason • A persistent pain in the neck • A hoarse voice • Unexplained weight loss • Unusual changes in a patient’s sense of taste • Earache

Feature Resource Centre DIAGNOSE AND PREVENT



1 Cancer Research UK. What is cancer, link http://www. [Accessed 17th June 2014]. 2 Cancer Research UK. Oral cancer key facts, link http:// keyfacts/oral-cancer/ [Accessed 17th June 2014]. 3 Scully, C., & Kirby, J. (2014). Statement on mouth cancer diagnosis and prevention. British Dental Journal, 216, 37-38. 4 Creanor, S., Millward, B. A., & Demaine, A. (2013). Patients’ attitudes towards screening for diabetes and other medical conditions in the dental setting. British Dental

Curaprox T: +44 (0)1480 862084 W: E:

Journal, 216, 1-5. 5 General Dental Council. Oral cancer: Improving early detection becomes recommended CPD. Published online 21 May 2014, link Newsandpublications/Pressreleases/Pages/Oral-Cancer--Improving-Early-Detection-.aspx [Accessed 17th June 2014]. 6 British Dental Association. Oral cancer-improving early detection, link [Accessed 17th June 2014]. 7 NHS Choices. Mouth cancer-symptoms, link http:// Symptoms-v2.aspx [Accessed 17th June 2014]. 8 Cancer Research UK. Oral cancer key facts, link http:// keyfacts/oral-cancer/ [Accessed 17th June 2014]. 9 Lieshout, H. F. J., & Bots, C. P. (2014). The effect of radiotherapy on dental hard tissue- a systematic review. Clinical Oral Investigations, 18, 17-24. 10 Mouth Cancer Foundation. Joshi,V. K. How to treat patients with mouth cancer. Published online 31 January 2014, link [Accessed 17th June 2014].


Treatment and oral health consequences Oral cancer can be treated with different methods, for example chemotherapy, surgery, irradiation or a combination of these techniques9. Regardless of the treatment or the cancer, most patients being treated will experience oral complications from the severity of the procedures10. Due to the vital structures in the head and neck region, radiotherapy is a very technical procedure with a number of severe secondary consequences, including clinically

options. For example, the CS 5460 ultra soft toothbrush from leading oral healthcare expert Curaprox, is an ideal product for cancer patients. The toothbrush features unique filaments made from CUREN® technology, which are incredibly gentle and flexible, giving a through clean, while remaining soft on damaged teeth and gums. As pharmacist Miss Chow says, ‘After chemotherapy last year, my gums became very sensitive. I’ve had no problem with the CS 5460 however, as it is soft and comfy on the gums and massages them properly. The small head reaches all parts of my mouth and I really enjoy using it.’ Other effective products from Curaprox include the Curasept ADS® mouth rinse, providing all the beneficial antimicrobial properties of chlorhexidine, without any side effects. Oral cancer and resulting treatment can cause serious destruction to teeth and oral function, which can have a major impact on the patient’s quality of life. Healthcare professionals therefore need to remain vigilant for early signs of oral cancer and implement effective procedures to enhance oral healthcare in suffers.


Additionally, the latest UK statistics reveal that around 91% of oral and pharyngeal cancers were linked to lifestyle in the UK in 20108. Being aware of patients that are at an enhanced risk of cancer can help healthcare professionals spot the warning signs early and encourage patients to attend their GP for further tests and assessments. The main risk factors include: • Smoking • Infections • Excessive alcohol intake • Radiation • Poor diet • Obesity • A lack of physical exercise

significant short and long-term oral adverse effects9,10. Most problems are temporary, like the loss of taste, fungus infections, sensitive or painful soft tissue, osteoradionecrosis of the jawbone (ONJ) and mucositis. Other complications are more permanent in character, such as atrophy of the jaw muscles, trismus and changes of the bacterial microflora and proteins. The salivary glands are also often affected resulting in a reduction in quantity (hyposalivation) and quality of saliva. Furthermore, rapid deterioration of dental hard tissue is often observed9. Hence, radiotherapy can affect the patient’s ability to maintain a sufficient oral hygiene routine and coupled with any existing oral or dental disease (e.g. periodontitis, caries, failing restorative work or dentures) the risk of infection may increase. Sometimes the patient’s cancer treatment may have to be stopped or delayed if pain and discomfort resulting from the teeth and gums is too severe10. Preventative measures before and during early cancer therapy are therefore vital. The role of the dental team in the early detection and implementation of a clear pathway of care is essential to prevent or minimise oral complications10. Advice should be given on maintaining optimum oral health, including offering patients effective, gentle and easy to use adjunctive


• Swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck7.

Resource Centre Advertorial


The Benefits of Using Sterile Surgical Drapes for Dental Surgeries Q. What are the surgical benefits of using sterile drapes for dental surgeries? A. Sterile surgical drapes are designed to create an aseptic barrier between the patient and any external surfaces, substantially reducing the chances of contamination and ensuring the best possible operating conditions. The impervious fabric contains bodily fluids, reducing the risk of infection to yourself, your patients and your staff. Several leading implant companies recommend the use of sterile drape kits during implant placement for optimal results.

Q. What are the cost benefits of using sterile drape kits? A. Sterile drape kits will save you time and money. The customisable, procedure specific sterile drape kits will save you time by simplifying the process of stock ordering and stock control as you can order a drape kit specific to your surgical requirements, which is delivered in convenient, ready to use packs. This eliminates the need to source and order different drapes and wraps and reduces the risk of set up error. The sterile drape kits also reduce post surgical clean up and sterilization time, as fluids are contained by the drapes which are disposable.

Q. Where can I order a customised sterile drape kit? A. Medi Dent Disposable International (MDDI) offers a complete range of dental implant and surgical drape kits to suit the area of primary growth in the dental industry today and the placement of dental

implants. The MDDI niche boutique service allows you to design a drape kit to fit your surgical needs, enabling a complete sterile environment and optimal surgical results. They offer a variety of options, from a single, individually wrapped sterile drape to an all inclusive, customised surgical drape kit to suit any surgical procedure. They offer the following options to ensure that you get the product that suits your needs; • Choose from one of the standard MDDI range of drape kits including the popular Complete, Standard or Economy kits. • Choose your own items and make up your own kits from the website, avoiding the unnecessary expense of items that you will not use. • MDDI offer your company the chance to Private Label the inner and outer boxes plus the individual kit packaging, with your own company logos and branding style. MDDI also specialises in a number of other CE products for the dental industry, namely conveniently pre-packaged sterile, single-use items covering the specific clinical needs of dental and oral practitioners. They offer a full range of kits for dental checkups and basic treatments, also sterile single use packs for oral surgical and implant procedures. All of the components in the sterile packs are CE, FDA and TGA compliant and their factory carries strict ISO 90001 standards to manufacture, assemble and sterilize all of the components in the kits.

About Medi Dent Disposable International Medi Dent Disposable International has been manufacturing products to meet the needs of the Dental Industry for over a decade.




In 2014, they opened their UK office and warehouse facility offering regular or express delivery for their full range of products. All of the single-use products arrive to the surgery sterile and ready to use. With the rising cost of sterilization and staff wages, and the peace of mind offered by pre-sterilized products - it is apparent that sterile, single-use products are quickly taking over the dental market. MDDI are trusted leaders of the worldwide dental supplies market, with 90% of the sales of the single-use instruments going to government departments worldwide, as well as universities, dental hospitals, health trusts and a variety of remote dental locations.

Due to the success of the sterile drape kits, MDDI has spent the last three years developing a full range of disposable dental restorative instruments. They are excited to announce that they are now able to supply customised packs of restorative and surgical instruments to suit your clinical needs. Your instruments will be delivered to you in a compact surgery friendly, dispenser box- sterile and ready to use, at a fraction of the sterilization cost alone! Browse their website at and discover for yourself the convenient online ordering facility.

MDDI - UK OFFICE: Unit 7 Thackley Court, Shipley, W Yorkshire BD18 1BW. PO Box 338 Shipley, W Yorkshire BD18 9EE. T +44 (0)1274 581 457 F +44 (0)1274 593 911 E W


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Resource Centre Feature 26


Equipping Dental Professionals


entaid’s charitable focus has always been to equip local dental professionals to enable them to provide a dental service to some of the world’s poorest communities. Since its beginnings in 1996 Dentaid have supplied full dental surgeries, mobile dental caravans, and various dental equipment, resources and materials to over 250 health clinics, hospitals and charitable projects all around the globe. More recently Dentaid have been supplying DentaidBoxes – a complete portable dental surgery in a wheelie bin – to oral health projects in some of the world’s most remote communities.




Supporting Dental Outreach Clinics Dentaid has built many great partnerships with other organisations and local dental personnel working to ensure no one has to endure the debilitating pain caused by bad oral health. Having supplied them with essential dental equipment Dentaid continues to work with our partners to provide dental outreach and oral health promotion in remote and poverty stricken communities. Sam, a Ugandan dentist, is currently working with the UK based charity, Retrak. Retrak works with street children in Africa to give them a viable alternative to life on the street. Retrak’s programmes include education, vocational training, health care, counselling and football. Sam provides a dental clinic at each of their three projects once per term. Retrak provides the transport and Dentaid funds Sam’s time and expenses for materials. Another partner is The Costa Foundation; set up in 2007 to eradicate poverty in coffee-growing areas. Their work has included setting up schools in rural, coffee growing communities. In a joint venture between the Costa Foundation and Dentaid Ugandan dentist, Joseph, is being sponsored to carry out oral health promotion, education,

screening and simple treatments in one of those schools; the Ndeija PEAS High School. It is hoped that this dental service will be repeated in each of their schools. Dentaid Overseas Volunteering Experiences Dentaid also offers the incredible opportunity for UK dental professionals to experience first-hand the oral health conditions in developing countries and get involved with Dentaid’s work to make a significant difference. Our volunteer experiences take teams of 10 to Cambodia, Uganda, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Romania. Teams spend about two weeks working alongside local dental professionals providing dental outreach and oral health education in rural clinics, schools, children’s homes and prisons. Meet the Dentaid team! Throughout 2015 Dentaid will be attending various dental conferences and exhibitions around the UK. Starting with the Dentistry Show in April, followed by the BDA Conference and Exhibition in May, then we will be at the IAPD conference in Glasgow in July, the BADT conference in September and the BDIA Dental Showcase in October. Do come and meet us, we would love to tell you more about what we do and chat about how you can be involved. To see photos and stories from our projects and volunteer trips visit out Facebook page: or follow us on Twitter: For more information visit our website: or email



Ernie Wright is Lead Coach: Business Processes and People Management at Breathe Business, a specialist business consultancy for the dental sector.

were late to the party and getting rich in dentistry was only possible in the 90s, as a young graduate you have a distinct advantage: you are part of the online generation. You don’t need to pay a social media consultant to tell you what to tweet, you know instinctively how to avoid corporatese and you are part of the only age group in the whole profession that really understands the point of Twitter. Many of your professional elders are scared and confused by profound shifts in the market that your generation is intrinsically part of, and you have every chance of coming out on top if you are willing to make a plan and be bold. So, you have three your three personal objectives; try and think of three strategies to achieve each of these. And now is the hard bit. Think of five tactics to deliver each strategy. For example, going back to the strategy of forming a collective of dentists, some tactics could be to set up Facebook page, Twitter account and Mailchimp newsletter and start off by inviting your alumni to like/ follow/subscribe. Use these accounts to find your future business partners with the right mix of skills for your collective. Good luck!

Ernie Get insider business tips from Breathe every fortnight by subscribing free at:


Want to become the hottest young entrepreneur in dentistry? Enter our competition to win £4,000 of Breathe Business support by submitting your business plan to




f you are recent dental graduate thinking of setting up your own practice, where do you start? There is so much to consider, not least how to borrow enough money to buy or lease a site to get up and running. But assuming this is even possible for you, you will have spent the past seven years or so studying clinical dentistry, not business. It’s no longer a case of putting a gold plaque on the door and watching the punters queue up. If you get this wrong, you will be in serious financial trouble and could go bankrupt. Somehow, despite having no business experience, you need to have a perspective on the market you’re entering - you need a proposition. The good news is you can figure this out by answering a simple question: what are you offering to who? Is it low cost orthodontics to low income families within 20 miles of your neighbourhood? If it is low cost ortho to low income families, how do you engage with them? Well, your practice location needs to be easily visible and accessible to people using public transport. But we are probably getting ahead of ourselves... Before you go any further, you need a business plan. Business plans don’t need to be long and detailed, the important thing is to articulate where you want to be three years from now and create a realistic map that you can keep checking to see if you’re on track. Start by writing down three personal objectives. These might be financial, something like ‘earn £100k by 2018’ or they might be to do with your lifestyle, something like ‘work 11 days a month and spend the rest of the time doing humanitarian work and pursuing my hobbies’. Make sure these objectives are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results focused and time bound). Under each objective try and think of three strategies that can be used to achieve it. For example, if your objective is ‘work 11 days a month’, one strategy could be to form a collective of other like-minded dentists and set up a co-operative group in which you share facilities, referrals and professional networks. You could also share expertise so that activities such as social media, accounting, branding and web design are allocated to the most knowledgeable people in the group. Remember, even though it may feel at times like you

Resource Centre Feature 28

THE DENTAL LAB SHOPPING LIST Author: Maddy Managooli Technical Manager at Sparkle Dental Labs, Maddy Managooli, is a qualified dentist and dental technician with over 15 years experience. Maddy qualified as a dentist in 1999 from the Sharavathi Dental College and Hospital in India. After lecturing in restorative dentistry at a dental Institute in Baroda, he took a job as an associate dentist at one of the leading dental clinics in Mumbai. Working closely with highly skilled technicians at the clinics’ own dental laboratory, Maddy developed his skills and passion for dental technology. Upon moving to the UK in 2007, he then undertook a course in Dental Technology at Telford College in Edinburgh. Realising that the majority of UK lab work was being outsourced to the Far East Maddy began discussions with Mustafa Mohamed and Sparkle Dental Labs was established.





hat is it you should look for in a dental lab? When contemplating this, you probably have a short list of the essential qualities you’d desire: fast turn around times, reasonable prices, and reliable quality being among the top three. These characteristics would seem to be the standards that suppliers deem most important to you as well, judging by what most dental labs choose to promote on their websites. These are also criteria that can be met from anywhere in the world – hence the rise of dental lab outsourcing in recent years. There are arguments both for and against the overseas outsourcing of dental lab work. It’s been suggested that it could be disadvantageous to local industry, and that the quality of work or materials used is less reliable when placing orders from halfway around the world. On the other hand, how are dental practices in the UK supposed to sustain profitable growth in the current economic climate without turning to cost-cutting methods such as delegating to less expensive overseas suppliers? As important and divisive as these arguments may be, they step over the real issue, which is the significance of the relationship between practice and laboratory. The responsibility for providing the best results falls on both the dentist and the technician, and so the relationship between practice and laboratory should reflect this. It is worth remembering that successful dentistry relies on a dental lab being full practice partners to those requiring their services, and not just a wholesaler selling a product. Of course, some simple restoration work can be sent off and completed without the need for anything other than a lab ticket, but there will always

be more complex scenarios that will require a secondary perspective or professional discussion between practice and lab. Not to mention the possibility of mistakenly omitting a seemingly insignificant yet crucial piece of information only for the overseas lab you outsourced to not to be able to reach you to verify the details. Naturally, there are many dental labs outside the UK who are able to provide an efficient, personal service. However, it can be that if you choose to delegate your dental lab requirements overseas, communication can be limited solely to lab tickets and emails. This lack of deeper communication can potentially lead to issues further along the line. Returning to the short list, perhaps what practices should be looking out for from their dental lab is a way of enhancing their working relationships. This may include a technical manager with whom you can discuss ideas; a technician who understands you when it comes to ideal treatment results; and the feeling that you’re not performing the restoration on your own, that you have a shared responsibility for each patient. But this of course is the ideal, and may not be entirely possible when you take economic factors into consideration. By choosing your practice lab based on the monetary advantages of outsourcing overseas over the enhanced practice-lab relationship, you face the possibility of loosing out in the long run. Although it may be simple enough to send off your order and get the products back at a cheaper price, what happens when you receive a less than perfect product from a supplier whose communication with you may have been somewhat sparse? Any financial gain from choosing a cheaper supplier would have been

diminished by the added chair time required to properly fit an imperfect crown or bridge. This loss can be even greater when a restoration doesn’t fit at all and must therefore be sent back. When this happens you lose your patient’s trust as well as wasting your own time. To the patient, you, the dentist, have made the mistake – they don’t know that the lab you chose to work with is responsible for the unwanted outcome. The value of clear communication and a strong relationship between practice and lab therefore cannot be under estimated. Fortunately there are dental labs in the UK that provide expertise, personal service and unparalleled quality for economical prices. Sparkle Dental Labs is one such example. Offering the highest levels of service and quality at affordable prices, Sparkle Dental Labs understands the significance of working side by side with practices for mutually assured outcomes. Finding a lab you’re happy to work with is a delicate balance of economics and benefits. Dental laboratories are responsible for far too much of the treatment to be regarded as mere vendors to your practice, but at the same time you need to find a lab whose prices you can realistically afford over a longer period of time. Thankfully there are UK dental laboratories out there that can fulfil all of your requirements and at reasonable prices.Your shopping list of expectations need not be an unattainable ideal, with the right supplier your perfect practice-lab relationship can become a reality. Sparkle Dental Labs T: +44 (0)800 138 6255 W: E:







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Cosmetics 30



s part of its commitment to promoting quality cosmetic dentistry, the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD), offers a bespoke accreditation programme for its members to hone their skills and take their practice to the next level. BACD accreditation allows members to demonstrate they have reached a required level of ability at the end of a self-directed learning process. Clinical cases are submitted anonymously and with photographs, followed by a Viva examination about treatment methods and materials. Thorough and challenging yet immensely satisfying, the process will take you out of your comfort zone. Candidates who successfully complete the exam will have shown that they can diagnose, plan

and execute cosmetic dental treatment of the highest standard. They will receive a plaque allowing them to state that they are an accredited member of the BACD. Accreditation is just one benefit of BACD membership. As well as a year-round programme of training and education, you can take advantage of marketing opportunities, plus get support from respected practitioners in the industry. The BACD accreditation programme will make you a better dentist. Contact the team today to find out how to start your journey. BACD T: +44 (0)20 7612 4166 W:


In 2015 we will be building on what we are already doing, because we are doing it so well!’ says Anoop Maini, President of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD). ‘The BACD is so strong at the moment,’ says Anoop.‘Our membership is growing, particularly with younger members.’ Speaking at another highly successful Annual Conference, Anoop revealed plans to focus on recruiting

more technicians to the vibrant membership: ‘In restorative dentistry, working in partnership with a good technician is critical. We plan to offer our first-ever programme aimed purely at technicians at the Annual Conference next year, part of the fantastic events line-up with world-renowned speakers currently being planned.’ The BACD not only gives you access to year-round education, events and professional development, but you will also be joining an organisation






parkle Dental Labs now offers Professional Tooth Whitening Kits specifically formulated in the UK. These fantastic kits contain everything you need to provide safe and effective whitening treatments to all your patients. Available in three strengths: • 6% HP – the highest percentage of professional peroxide available, this gel meets all of the necessary UK regulations to ensure safe and effective whitening. • 16% CP – from as little as 60 minutes a day patients can

experience enhanced whitening. • 10% CP – this formula can be left on overnight or for 2-4 hours to achieve optimum results. All gels contain an active sensitivity management formula, so even patients prone to sensitive teeth and gingiva can benefit from these exceptional kits. Furthermore, with custom-made trays expertly handcrafted by experienced and knowledgeable technicians at Sparkle Dental Labs, there is no need to maintain bulky and irrelevant whitening stock. Materials

used are first class and fully traceable so quality is assured and trays fit comfortably. Save time, money and hassle while creating beautiful white smiles for patients with Sparkle Dental Labs Professional Tooth Whitening Kits.

Sparkle Dental Labs T: +44 (0)800 138 6255 W: E:

that counts among its numbers some of the best in the industry. The BACD also offers a highly regarded accreditation process, the standard bearer for cosmetic dentistry in the UK. Don’t stand on the sidelines – join today.

BACD T: +44 (0)20 7612 4166 W:

Cosmetics 31




MG’s NEW Vitique veneer cementation system is designed to make it not only

easier to cement composite and ceramic veneers, but also more predictable and reliable. It incorporates

everything needed to cement high quality ceramic veneers, regardless of the Clinician’s experience, including five easy to follow step-bystep User Guides which cover every aspect of veneering, from initial treatment planning to final cementation. In addition to this educational insight, Vitique offers try-in pastes which are indistinguishable from their matching resin cements because of their 100% correspondence. This makes it possible to simulate exactly the final shade of the veneer in the mouth before the final cementation is performed. Whilst the final resin cement is light-cured, radiopaque, offers proven simple removal of any excess “in one piece”, optimal flow proper ties with a very low <

texture; exhibits no colour change; is patient-friendly with a choice of “fresh strawberry or mint flavours”; and has a thin film thickness which is comfortable to patients, even with multiple applications. GC UK T: +44 (0)1908 218999 W: E:

16µm film thickness which facilitates very precise positioning of the final restoration, very low water solubility to protect against micro-leakage, and easy and reliable application due to Vitique’s special veneer application tips. Combined together this ensures predictable and highly aesthetic final results, reliable and long-term cementation without micro-leakage or damage to the veneer caused by excess pressure, excellent handling even with ultra-thin veneers and maximum oppor tunities for variation during shade selection. DMG T: +44 (0)1656 789401 W: E:



f you want to be part of worldwide community of professionals that will help you to refine your skills and increase your patient base, then join the BACD. With on-going opportunities for education and training, membership of the BACD offers a template for career distinction. The BACD is dedicated to

promoting clinical excellence and joining will offer you the chance to tap into the expertise of its forward-thinking members. With access to an array of leading professionals to aspire to, it will become easier to motivate both yourself and your team. Give your skills recognition through the BACD’s Accreditation Programme. A year-round schedule of meetings

culminates in the Annual Conference, a firm fixture in the industry’s calendar. This year, it will be held at the ACC Liverpool in November, for three days of inspirational education, stimulating discussion and invaluable networking. With renowned speakers from all around the world, it will be an event not to be missed. Not only this, the BACD offers

marketing support to help you welcome more patients through your door. Keep enjoying your dentistry – contact the BACD today to find out more. BACD T: +44 (0)207 612 4166 W: E:


for patients. In the oral cavity, CPP binds to oral surfaces such as teeth, dentine, the oral mucosa and biofilm. Calcium and phosphate ions are the building blocks for healthy teeth and MI Varnish delivers bio-available calcium and phosphate ions into the saliva. MI Varnish is not tacky or sticky when applied; has a smooth, creamy


levels of calcium, phosphate and fluoride, which are released into the oral cavity. The calcium and phosphate boosting the benefits of the fluoride by making it more bio-available. The difference is the RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) which is a special milk-derived protein that strengthens teeth by releasing calcium, phosphate and fluoride, thereby making MI Varnish a natural and unique choice



emaining on the teeth longer and containing high levels of fluoride, phosphate and calcium, GC’s MI Varnish with RECALDENT™ (CPP-ACP) is ideal for patients at risk of hypersensitivity. MI Varnish enhances enamel acid resistance and boosts salivary fluoride levels. It remains on the teeth longer than other fluoride varnishes and contains high

Cosmetics 32



ffering an array of courses in the areas of Botulinum Toxin, Dermal Fillers and also including medical micro-needling (Dermaroller), Dr Brian Franks and his team are passionate about providing effective facial aesthetics training. Dr Ourania Savvidi was impressed

by the Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers foundation courses she attended last year. “The courses were absolutely fantastic, I don’t believe it gets any better! Both Jan and Brian were very helpful and full of excitement about their work, which was very refreshing.” To find out how the provision of

quality facial aesthetics could benefit you, and when the next training courses are, contact the team at Dr Brian Franks Facial Aesthetics Faculty today. Dr Brian Franks T: +44 (0)20 8446 6518 W: E:



fter recently giving up smoking Francesca Hull needed stains removed from her teeth and her white smile refreshed. She visited London Smile

Clinic for a Dental MOT, cleaning and a consultation for teeth whitening. Afterwards she highly commended London Smile Clinic and showed off her glamorous smile in the national press. Now your patients can experience the expertise of the London Smile

Clinic team who extend quality care and a five star service at a state-of-theart referral practice in central London. Specialist dental professionals offer access to advanced technology and imaging as well as adult orthodontics to enable your patients can achieve the smile they want before returning to

you for on-going treatment. Your patients deserve the best so contact the London Smile Clinic today. London Smile Clinic T: +44 (0)20 7255 2559 W:






hiteWash Laboratories has developed cutting edge, new dissolvable teeth whitening strips. The conveniently mouldable plastic whitening strips deliver the optimum amount of whitening gel to teeth and offer non-slip technology, which allows them to stay in place. Due

to this accuracy they are enamel safe and reduce the risk of damage to the gingiva. The innovative whitening strips dissolve after 15-20 minutes for even more convenience. There is no need to peel strips away from the teeth and after the initial whitening treatment at the surgery; patients can use these

clever dissolving strips, safely and easily at home.They will notice the difference in the colour of their teeth after just 3 days and will be delighted with the overall results. Dentists can trust products from WhiteWash Laboratories because they are developed and formulated by leading UK dentists. Make your patients

happy and confident by simplifying the whitening process and take advantage of WhiteWash’s new Dissolvable Whitening Strips. WhiteWash Laboratories T: +44 (0)844 68 69 150 W: E:



re you interested in capitalising on the growing demand for non-surgical facial aesthetics? Are you looking to develop your existing skills and confidence to broaden your treatment provision in this area? Then make sure you don’t miss The Dentistry Show 2015. Brand new to the event is the Facial Aesthetics

Theatre, in association with CCR, designed to offer you everything you need to know. Key professionals from the field will share their experience and expertise to give you practical advice and tips and help you achieve optimum results every time. Discover the latest products and techniques, and learn how you could expand your

provision to deliver the solutions your patients want. With a two-day lecture programme designed for each member of the dental team, hours of verifiable CPD, live demonstrations and hands-on sessions, The Dentistry Show 2015 is one event you don’t want to miss. Register online for your free delegate passes today!

The Dentistry Show and DTS 2015 - Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April, NEC in Birmingham.

The Dentistry Show T: +44 (0)20 7348 5269 W: E:


Cosmetics 33

QUESTION AND ANSWER Daniel Rogers is an award winning dentist who took over Bamboo Dental in Cardiff two years ago. It’s now the top provider of affordable cosmetic dentistry in south Wales with patients regularly arriving from 50 miles away. Dan rebranded the practice and launched a campaign with Breathe Online Marketing http:// which saw new patient numbers rise by 400 per cent and remain there. We asked Dan about the challenges he’s faced and what the future holds for young dentists…

What do you spend most of your time doing? At the moment most of the time is spent chairside. Short term fixed ortho tends to take up most of this, but interspersed with some porcelain work and NHS work. A strange mix. With regards the administrative side of things really it’s about making sure we are consistent in our delivery and are forward thinking when it comes to servicing our target market. Are you earning what you expected to earn as a principal? The short answer is yes. I became a practice principle 27 months ago and looked at the performance of the business then as a benchmark for my potential personal earnings.Things do compare favourably at the moment, although drawings are kept to a minimum. Do you think the behaviour of patients is changing? Absolutely. Look at how other sectors respond to their customer base. Some time ago now supermarkets opened seven days a week, and then 24 hours a day, followed up by online shopping and click and collect. Convenience is king and the express version of the big supermarket that lies at the bottom of your road proves that. Why else would you pay more for the same product that doesn’t last as long in your fridge? What is Bamboo doing to satisfy them and make them come back? Well, we position ourselves in front of them with what is at the moment a fairly basic marketing approach. Behind the scenes we are constantly investing time and finances into our team to ensure our brand qualities are met and relayed to the patients subtly so they are happy to come back and ask for more. Do you have growth plans for your business? Yes. It’s nice to stay active and look for new opportunities; it’s what makes things interesting. The business plan isn’t to think small and comfortable, put it like that. How have you handled business growth in the past? We have plans in place to expand the size of the premises to another

How does a young graduate get from where there are to running their own successful practice? Well, I found an NHS practice to purchase, used the NHS contract as an income while I rebranded and communicated to the public that they should come to see us. It’s all about being seen.You have to know what kind of practice you want. I’m not precious about the clinical work, I could quite easily down tools tomorrow but what I am precious about is providing a service that makes people happy. What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? Gaining the post graduate knowledge that allows me to provide a standard of dentistry that makes people happy. Now at the age of 36 you realise how little you learnt as an undergraduate. I wasn’t the best student and leaving dental school without completing a molar endo is not ideal, but I wasn’t alone. Currently I complete over 100 hours verifiable CPD a year and have done for some time. Do you have an idea of how long you want to work or have you thought of an exit plan? We’ll see I guess but one thing for sure is working seven days a week is a thing of the past. I’d like to think I would work four clinical sessions a week within five years. I enjoy the leadership role and the coaching of staff, and this is something I will lock into as we grow. What did you think of the ARF rise by the GDC? A shambles! The most ineptly run governing body you could wish to have. Poor communicators, poor administrators but exper t daylight robbers. To protect the public you would think the GDC would realise that for all concerned it would be better to establish friendly relations with the profession. Let’s stop writing the threatening letters, let’s communicate that, OK, we’ve messed our systems up so much that there is a massive backlog of work, and let’s admit that we need some extra cash to sor t us out. If they said that to me I would say, “OK, fair enough, here’s my cash for a voice on who to run the show from now on and let’s all get on with things for the benefit of those we all want to help, the patients.”


How much do you work? For the past 15 months and up until January 2015 I worked 48 hrs a week clinically and a further 10 hours non-clinical. Currently I work 40 hours clinically in four days with admin time approaching 15 hours.

Do you think dentistry is still a good career for young people to go into? That’s a tricky one. I recently had a very nice young lad spend some time on work experience with us and at the end of it all I asked him if he still wanted to do dentistry. His answer was yes. At that point in time I advised him to move into aesthetic/plastic medicine. Dentistry is changing rapidly, and in a different way to how it has changed in the past.The change now is not clinical and it is not governed by the profession but governed by the person on the street.


Give an overview of how your practice is performing Slightly punching above our weight in all honesty. The performance figures are looking as good if not better than anticipated this time last year. We have two surgeries working a total of 112 hours a week, so this does however tend to introduce staffing headaches. The performance of the business relies heavily on the motivation and enthusiasm of our team and managing their performance is crucial.

two or three surgeries but up until now the business growth has been accommodated by increasing clinic hours. We have taken on one full time and one par t time member of staff to help us achieve seven-day dentistry. Having so many par t time team members is hugely beneficial when it comes to covering illness and holidays but it does lend itself to inconsistencies in our processes. This rarely translates to a poor customer service but it is something that needs attention daily.


How old are you? Thirty six.

Hygiene 34


I distributed some samples of CB12 Rinse and Boost Gum to various staff members,” says Linda Ham, dental nurse specialist at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. “Feedback was that it had a refreshing flavour, cleared the nose and made them salivate more. Overall it was well liked and people commented that they felt very confident talking to patients and friends after using it.”

Patients who use CB12 products regularly will find them effective at eliminating odours and maintaining fresh breath. CB12 contains two complementary ingredients, zinc acetate and chlorhexidine diacetate, which work together to neutralise the gaseous VSCs (volatile sulphur compounds) which cause bad breath. CB12 also contains fluoride to help protect teeth

and to help patients maintain a high standard of oral health. While many ‘fresh breath’ products simply mask the odour of bad breath, CB12 attacks the problem at its source, neutralising the odour-causing gases and preventing reoccurrence for up to 12 hours. CB12 W:



aintain your existing knowledge, develop your skills, find inspiration in

others and clarify your queries at The Dentistry Show 2015. The Hygienists & Therapists Symposium will be Chaired by Melanie Joyce, and will bring you the ver y latest in the field. From local anaesthetics to carries risk assessment, diabetes and nutrition

and periodontal disease, a variety of relevant topics will be covered while offering hours of CPD. Written by dental hygienists and therapists, for dental hygienists and therapists, the Symposium will be tailored to your specific needs and provide all the information, guidance and motivation you need to stay on at top of your game. An array of hands-on sessions, live surgery demonstrations, networking and socialising opportunities will be also

available throughout the fun-packed two-day event, so make sure you don’t miss out! Register for your free pass online today!

The Dentistry Show 2015 17th and 18th April T: +44 (0)20 7348 5269 W: E:






he Dental Directory’s range of own label Classic and UnoDent products are the perfect solution to ensure HTM01-05 compliance. Achieve safe and effective results for waterline maintenance when using the UnoDent Bio-Film tablets, available in a box of 60 tablets. Get simple to use and fast dissolving disinfectant with the UnoDent

Effervescent chlorine tablets, available in a pack of 200 tablets. For clinical surfaces, medical devices and specialist instruments, the UnoDent Unosept Surface Cleanser and UnoDent Rotary Instrument Cleanser are both aldehyde-free and effective against bacteria and viruses. With quality disinfection products such as these, and many more besides, The Dental Directory

helps practices maintain the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Ensure your credentials remain up to scratch by choosing the Classic and UnoDent ranges from The Dental Directory. Dental Directory T: +44 (0)800 585 586 W:



andex offers a wide range of oral care products and tools to ensure that your patients can achieve the highest levels of oral hygiene. The Tandex range includes a comprehensive variety of toothbrushes, each aimed at a specific age or dentition and available in a selection of

colours and designs and free of PVC or latex. The extensive array also comprises many specialised brushes such as the Tandex SOLO, which is designed for interdental spaces and site specific cleaning; the Tandex 69 Denture Brush for the adequate cleaning of dentures; and Tandex SoftTouch brushes for use

on sensitive gums. Tandex also offers a choice of interdental brushes specially designed for effective cleaning and maintenance of the interproximal spaces, and for use with implants, bridges and braces. Ensure you are able to provide your patients with all the tools they need to maintain an effective and

healthy oral care routine by offering the range of Tandex brushes and adjuncts. Contact the team at Tandex today to find out more. Tandex T: +45 47 38 10 01 W: E:

Hygiene 35



revention instead of filling! Preserving instead of drilling! For this preventive approach, professional dental cleaning plays an important role in Practice. This is where Flairesse from DMG comes in. The Flairesse prophylaxis system offers the choice between paste, foam, gel or varnish, all containing xylitol and fluoride. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener which reduces the cariogenicity of plaque because it prevents the bacteria from adhering to the surfaces of the teeth as a biofilm. Clinical studies have proven its cariostatic and anticariogenic effect. Similarly, there is no question that fluorides are important for dental

health. With the Flairesse system, there is an option on hand for each step. A prophylaxis paste to remove plaque and staining; gel or foam, according to personal preference, for fluoridation; and a varnish for desensitizing exposed dentine tubules - all of which are free of added sugar and known allergens and taste pleasantly fresh. They are all available in mint and honeydew flavours, whilst the foam and gel are additionally available in strawberry. DMG Flairesse Specialist T: +44 (0)7854 725544 W: E:



harmacist Krishnaa Pandya is convinced that the CS 5460 ultra soft toothbrush from Curaprox is the best toothbrush around. Featuring unique CUREN® filaments, this outstanding toothbrush is gentle and remarkably effective. Having taken part in the Curaprox challenge last year, Krishnaa received a whole year’s supply of CS 5460 toothbrushes from the top-class oral healthcare product supplier.

Commenting on the product, Krishnaa said: “The CS 5460 ultra soft toothbrush is really good – it is a lot better than the average toothbrush. With especially fine and densely packed bristles, the toothbrush achieves a super clean. “The Curaprox toothbrush is also easy to use, gentle and flexible. The specialist filaments are less harsh on your teeth and gingiva and even when you scrub a bit too hard, it doesn’t feel like it damages the soft tissue.

“Following a great year I am looking to re-purchase and I would definitely, 100% recommend the product to others, as I feel it is the best toothbrush out there.” Contact the friendly and helpful Curaprox team today to find out more about the exceptional CS 5460 and other products on offer. T: +44 (0)1480 862084 W: E:

600,000 PEOPLE CAN’T BE WRONG! introduce your patients to the benefits of dependable bad breath protection. So join the other 600,000 people and order your samples today. For more information about CB12 Mouth Rinse and Boost Chewing Gum and please visit:



or a sterilisation pouch that combines a variety of features, choose PeelVue+ from DUX Dental. PeelVue+ sterilisation pouches feature both an internal and external processing indicator, which change colour after the sterilisation process is complete.

In addition, the PeelVue+ Closure Validators offer a visual guide printed on the pouch to aid correct sealing of the pouch. PeelVue+ sterilisation pouches are made from medical-grade, virgin non-recyled paper and lead-free inks and are easy to close and peel open, even while wearing gloves. Once

opened and the transparent film removed, the paper side can function as a sterile tray liner. With a useful colour coding to aid selection and available in 12 sizes, PeelVue+ sterilisation pouches can be used in any steam auto/Chemiclave. Their easily removable clear film also provides prompt access to instruments.

Produced by DUX Dental, manufacturers and distributors of dental products for over 50 years, make PeelVue+ sterilisation pouches your first choice. Dux Dental W: E:



doesn’t just mask bad smells, it actually helps to prevent them. CB12 Rinse begins working instantly and lasts for 12 hours to give safe breath confidence. Discreet CB12 Boost Gum is also available for certainty and defense throughout the day. By stocking CB12 samples and products at your practice, you can



B12 Rinse is so popular that 600,000 people have now tried this revolutionary system to prevent bad breath.

If you are looking for a reliable solution to a problem that your patients find embarrassing, we can help. The exceptional formula of CB12 includes zinc acetate and chlorhexidine diacetate in low concentrations to neutralise and prevent the origin of Volatile Sulphur Compounds that cause bad breath. Unlike other products it

Hygiene 36


AIR DETECTION AND AUTOCLAVE STERILISATION – HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? can prevent the necessary sterilisation temperature to be achieved, reducing the effectiveness of the entire process and the safety of the instruments. In autoclaves that offer a ‘vacuum’ system, the air is removed by the creation of a vacuum before steam is introduced. Thereafter, the steam is pressurised and the temperature raised before the steam is removed to facilitate drying. If the volume of non-condensable gases (NCGs - chiefly air and carbon dioxide) remaining in the autoclave exceeds 3.5% , the sterilisation may fail, with the Helix Device test being used to check the performance. The removal of air from the autoclave is consequently a vital function that is monitored and ensured by an air detector. CFPP 01-01 states that there should be methods to ensure “steam penetration throughout the chamber and load is achieved for each cycle”, specifying that an air detector should “abort the cycle if sufficient air and other non-condensable gases have not been removed from the chamber.” As the sterilisation process cannot be confirmed by visually scrutinizing the items that have been sterilised, the validation, monitoring and maintaining of conditions reached within the autoclave, is essential. When evaluating the effectiveness of sterilisation equipment used, it is also worth considering when the air detection takes place during the cycle. While in many autoclaves it is completed prior to the process commencing, poststerilisation air detection provides extra assurance of sterility.

Healthcare-associated infections can exacerbate existing or underlying conditions, delay recovery and adversely affect quality of life.” These powerful words from the NICE Clinical guideline CG139 on Infection Control serve to highlight the potential impact that failure to practice good infection control and prevention can have. Only recently did the topic hit the national news once again, when NICE highlighted the importance of diligent hygiene and infection control protocols in reducing the still apparent infection rates in hospitals . Although this particular message was aimed at the NHS, and in fact, dental practices are recognised as one of the most compliant healthcare providers, all should still heed the warning. The sterilisation of instruments is one of the processes at the forefront of cross-contamination protocols, with autoclaves being a popular method of sterilisation for many dental practices. Despite the huge role these appliances play, how they work and why, may remain something of a mystery to many practitioners. But as the philosopher and scientist Sir Francis Bacon pointed out, “knowledge is power” and some understanding of the important functions of these essential machines can be helpful in the battle against infection.

The Easy Way This is of course, a lot of things to think about, and for most dental professionals, adherence to the many other CQC and GDC regulations is already highly time-consuming when attempting to also run or manage a busy practice. Thankfully, there are decontamination equipment providers who take all this into consideration for you, providing you peace of mind that your sterilisation

For more information please visit: or call 01903 753322




The Technical Bit Nowadays, the performance and design of autoclaves are required to comply with BS a variety of intermediary standards. Crucial to their effective operation is the presence of dry, saturated steam, which is obtained by the removal of the air. Failure to do so

processes will be as efficient as possible without any extra hassle for you. Dr Hannah Neve from Queens Park Dental Team in Bournemouth believes that, while practitioners should be aware of the requirements for their equipment, it offers valuable peace of mind to work with trusted providers. “Although I look into all equipment and products I purchase to ensure their effectiveness, the timing of air detection in autoclaves wasn’t something I had previously been aware of before speaking to my equipment manufacturer,” she says. “It is of course important that practitioners do research when it comes to purchasing decontamination equipment, as ultimately it is our responsibility to provide a safe and effective service. The effectiveness of most equipment is however subject to ‘following the manufacturer’s instruction, so trust in the manufacturer is essential. For me, this is one of the most important considerations when purchasing such integral equipment to the practice, along with its reliability and speed.” Eschmann is one of the UK’s leading decontamination equipment providers and the latest in its series of trusted autoclaves is the LittleSister SES 3000B. Eschmann’s innovative and advanced air detector technology monitors the air removable post-sterilisation, confirming that appropriate conditions have been maintained throughout the cycle for an even more reliable process. Eschmann also now offers an affordable and high performance range of consumable products, ensuring a complete solution for all your decontamination needs. “Patients deserve to be treated in a safe and clean environment with consistent standards of care every time they receive treatment.” The ultimate goal is of course always to ensure the absolute safety of both staff and patients within the dental environment – make sure you have every angle covered.


Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in primary and community care Issued: March 2012. NICE clinical guideline 139. Available at: 2 BS EN 13060:2004 - Small Steam Sterilisers 3 Guidance Management and decontamination of surgical instruments used in acute care Organisation: Department of Health. Pub: Published 20 March 2013. Health Technical Memoranda. 4 CFPP 01-01 Ibid. Part 1:1.37 5 Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in

Healthcare Facilities, 2008 see: 6 Decontamination - Health Technical Memorandum 01-05: Decontamination in primary care dental practices . 2013. Department of Health i NICE, Doctors and nurses must redouble hygiene efforts to bring down ‘unacceptable and avoidable’ infection rates. Pub 16th April 2014, link DoctorsAndNursesMustRedoubleHygieneEffortsToBringDownInfectionRates.jsp





Over 8 out of 10 of Dental Professionals are convinced after taking the ‘The Sonicare Challenge’

Philips Oral Healthcare Tracy Posner T: +44 (0)20 85668811 E:


it to reach interproximally and provide seven times greater plaque removal than a manual brush. Impressively the EasyClean handle paired with an InterCare head is clinically proven to improve gum health in as little as two weeks. This is because unlike other electric toothbrushes the action of Philips Sonicare whips up the toothpaste and fluid in the mouth creating a dynamic fluid action allowing it to penetrate interproximally and along the gingival margins where bristles fail to reach. To find out more about why over 90% of Dental Professionals would choose to use the Sonicare EasyClean, go to for the full results of the Sonicare Challenge.


patients. Professional recommendation has been key to the success of the Philips Sonicare brand, and Philips was keen for them to try this brush, as the most accessible in the range, and so the one they might feel most able to recommend to patients. Users were particularly impressed by the comfort of the brush, which appeared to increase with use. Comments included: “After using your brush I found my previous brush seemed a lot more aggressive. It’s nice to get the same feeling of being plaque-free without the power and aggressive motion of my other brush.” Another participant said: “This brush is much more effective than others I have used. This is because the brush head is much smaller and of a more rounded shape.” The Dental Professionals trialed the Philips Sonicare EasyClean, coupled with an InterCare brush head which is Sonicare’s best brush head for an all-round clean. This compact head features extra-long bristles which allow



,468 Dental Professionals were highly impressed by Philips Sonicare EasyClean brush after participating in ‘The Sonicare Challenge’, and over 90% would continue to use their brush after the trial was complete. By the end of the four-week ‘Challenge’, over 80% would also recommend it to patients. A new and extensive survey carried out by Philips Oral Healthcare over the autumn among 5,468 Dentists, Dental Hygienists and Therapists set out to allow participants to try the Philips Sonicare EasyClean brush for themselves, with the intention that after a month of use they would be convinced by the improved clean they experienced, and keen to share their recommendations with their patients. This data is particularly powerful as the Philips Sonicare EasyClean brush is the cheapest brush in the Sonicare range, proving that a great Sonicare clean is available to most patients, regardless of budget. The results were extremely positive, with strong scores for all measures: • Over 95% rated the cleaning as ‘good to excellent’ • Ease of use was also rated as ‘good to excellent’ by over 90% of participants • Gum health was ‘good to excellent’ in over 95% • Improvement in stain removal increased steadily over the four weeks to 84% rating it as ‘good to excellent’ • ‘Good to excellent’ ratings for comfort rose during the trial to 91%. When asked if they would continue to use their brush after the trial, over 90% of Dental Professionals said they would, and over 80% would be happy to recommend the Philips Sonicare EasyClean brush to their

Practice Management Feature 38



essentially medicinal. As for the claims that it is ‘harmless’ – opponents say that sodium fluoride can be poisonous in large doses and that decay has fallen in children anyway, irrespective of some parts of the UK being fluoridated. The research isn’t conclusive enough to convince the doubters. Yet when we hear anecdotal evidence such as a dentist sending a one-year-old to have four teeth removed because the decay was so bad, something has to be done to support parents. In 2010, an Audit Commission study found that with regards to dental health among the under fives in England, the gap between the richest and poorest children is becoming wider. It also found that in deprived areas, minority groups were failing to access services. The key to prevention is education. In Mintel’s survey, one in 10 respondents didn’t think baby teeth needed attention as they eventually fall out. The whole family should be encouraged to start a positive relationship with a dental practice. Children seeing their parents attend the dentist and having

a positive experience will help them to develop good habits early. With many families having two working parents, booking an appointment needs to be simple. Even if a mother knows the importance of regular trips to the dentist for her children, she might find it hard to call the practice during office hours. An on-line booking system will make access to your services easy. Not only will it give patients the convenience of making an appointment a time to suit them, but an online platform like Zesty allows them to search for a practitioner in their local area. Parents are responsible for helping their children to develop a good oral care routine and ensuring regular visits to the dentist. As practitioners, we need to do everything we can to support them. Education is key, as well as making sure that services are accessible and appointments easy to book. Zesty T: +44 (0)203 287 5416 W: E:




lthough the landscape for children’s dental health is generally optimistic, it is still patchy, and it could be that parents aren’t doing enough. Recent market research found just 57% of parents questioned ensured their under-12s brushed their teeth properly. This followed a survey published in 2013 by Public Health England (PHE), which showed that although there was an increase in the number of children free from tooth decay, over 27% of five year olds still had caries. Decay levels were also higher in the North West than the affluent South East (34.8% compared to 21.2%). Still the subject of on-going debate is water fluoridation. PHE claims it is a safe and effective public health measure, which will ultimately reduce tooth decay. Its report also found that in fluoridated areas, there were 45% fewer children aged one to four admitted to hospital for dental problems. But some people feel that they should have a choice if they are to be given something in their water that is

1 2 3 4

Oral Care - UK. Mintel, May 2014. National Dental Epidemiology Programme for England, oral health survey of 5 year old children 2012. Public Health England, September 2013. Water fluoridation: health monitoring report for England 2014. Public Health England, April 2014. Hundreds of young children having their teeth removed because of sugary drinks. Report

on Good Morning Britain, 17 June 2014. Found at: hundreds-of-young-children-having-teeth-removed-because-of-sugary-drinks/ (accessed 17 June 2014) 5 Giving Children A Health Start, Audit Commission, February 2010. 6 Oral Care - UK. Mintel, May 2014.



Author: Lis Hughes is Managing Director of Frank Taylor & Associates, the largest independent dental broker in the UK. Lis has worked in the dental sector for many years and offers a depth of understanding in what does and does not work and which pitfalls are best avoided when buying a practice. Working with both vendors and purchasers during a transaction, Lis has a recognised depth of knowledge and understanding of the business side of dentistry.

• Ask questions of the vendor to establish if you share a similar approach to dentistry (important as the vendor will quite be keen to ensure that a buyer cares for his/ her patients in a similar way). • Relate to the vendor - look for a personal connection and try to find common areas of interest or common business experiences (e.g. you both studied at Liverpool). • At the initial viewing do not ask

• Be positive to the vendor (remember this is their pride and joy they are selling and even if you feel the decor leaves a lot to be desired – make sure you bite your tongue as you can always re-decorate once you have purchased). • Highlight your intention to use a specialist dental solicitor (tends to lead to a quicker and smoother transaction compared to using a non-specialist). • Outline that you do already have funding available or ‘agreement in principle’ for the purchase (And in advance, I would suggest that you speak with specialist Independent Dental Business Advisors such as FT&A Finance, rather than simply your own bank, who from their knowledge of the whole banking market could detail the preferential terms which could be secured as well as proving outline approval). • Assuming your viewing was arranged via a specialist sales

One good thing on your side at the moment if you’re hoping to buy a practice is that the banks now have an active edict from the Government to lend and with the dental industry being one of very few so called ‘Green Light’ sectors, we are finding that as long as you have carefully prepared your proposal in advance (ideally in conjunction with a Dental Business Advisor who knows what the banks are looking for), then most potential purchasers can secure funding. And if you think that the above list is a Iittle over the top, bear in mind that you may be purchasing for a sizable sum, and in this competitive market you really do need to sell yourself to the vendor and make sure they pick YOU above everyone else. It is not always the person who provides the highest offer who secures the practice, but quite often it comes down to personality and who the vendor feels will look after their practice and patients best. So be pleasant in that first viewing and remember the tips....... they really do work.

Frank & Taylor Associates T: + 44 (0)161 393 7107 W: E:


• Prepare a verbal CV in readiness to talk about your past business and clinical experience.

• Do not be pushy as this will probably unsettle the vendor.

agent, do not discuss price direct with the vendor - always best to communicate any offers via the agent.


• Turn up for your viewing appointment on time! Seems obvious but so often not the case!

too many in depth questions (there will be plenty of time for that later!). Remember you may be one of many viewing the practice that particular day and will only have a finite amount of time with the vendor. You do not want to be remembered as the awkward one.



uying a dental practice is a big decision. You’re not just buying a practice, but you’re actually buying a business that you need to fully understand, manage and run. That’s why it’s important that you get it right from the very start. Over the past year or so we’ve seen a huge demand for practices and in the more popular areas; it is very much a sellers’ market at present. So, as a prospective purchaser, how do you ensure that you stand out from the crowd and ensure the vendor wants to sell to you? Here are a few common sense steps that you can take to improve your chances:

Practice Management 40



mma Davies was recently recognised at the Dentistry Awards 2014 for her outstanding commitment to the apprenticeship scheme in dental nursing. She completed the intensive two-year course at Banbury Dental Practice, part of Rodericks Ltd. “I really enjoyed the training and it was great to develop a new set of skills in such a practical way,” she says. “It was par ticularly beneficial for me that I was able to earn and learn at

the same time. “It was a shock to hear that I had been nominated for the Dental Nurse Apprentice of the Year Award, but I was delighted. I would like to thank everyone at Rodericks who suppor ted and helped me along the way and for the nominations sent in by tutors and members of the Rodericks management team. I would also like to thank Shalin Mehra, Managing Director of Rodericks Ltd, for funding my trip to the ceremony

so I could collect the certificate – it was a real honour to be there.” From everyone at Rodericks Ltd, congratulations to Emma on her achievement and we wish you the best of luck in your new career!

Rodericks T: +44 (0)1604 602 491 W: E:



odericks Ltd has been recognised for its effective business strategy and successful growth over the last three years. The Zolfo Cooper Growth Company Award announced the 25

companies who demonstrated the most growth in performance over the three-year repor ting period in the UK healthcare sector. Rodericks Ltd made the list at number 16, along with an array of care home operator companies, diagnostic providers, IVF exper ts and fostering services. But this is just the beginning for the dental group, as current plans will encourage further growth and

development, providing more patients with access to exceptional dental treatment and care. Managing Director of Rodericks Ltd, Shalin Mehra, comments: “We are delighted to achieve our place among the 25 fastest growing healthcare companies. Our focus has always been on providing an excellent patient experience and high quality care. We also offer

an array of educational and career oppor tunities to our all professionals. As a group we will continue to grow and we look forward to new prospects in the future.” Rodericks Dental T: +44 (0)1604 602 491 W: E:






s UK Distributors of the complete Zepf instrument range, General Medical offer the complete Zepf Care System, designed to enable Practices to take optimum care of their instruments, ensuring they last longer and look better! This includes AdCon Cleansing Foam, NCDC-Cleanser and ProActiveCleanser plus various auxiliary products. AdCon surface active and micro-organism cleaning foam facilitates effective pre-cleaning of all instruments. Applied immediately after use to prevent debris adhering to instruments, it facilitates easier and less damaging cleansing. Helping to extend instruments’ lives it is ideal for use when there will be a delay before

cleaning. NCDC-Cleanser is Zepf ’s highly effective liquid concentrate for cleaning and disinfecting rotary and manual instruments in an ultrasonic bath. This Aldehyde- and Phenol-free solution is gentle and has a low electrical conductivity, helping reduce the risk of corrosion and thereby extending the instruments’ lives. ProActive-Cleanser is Zepf ’s high performance cleanser, ideal for use with new instruments and to revitalise older and tired looking instruments. General Medical T: +44 (0)1380 734 990 W: E:



ssociates agreements need to be carefully written to protect the goodwill of your practice and patients, should an associate decide to leave. Having the correct documentation in place that complies with CQC and GDC regulations significantly reduces the chances of any problems and improves staff performance. It also saves a lot of time, money and stress! Goodman Grant Solicitors, specialist dental lawyers with over 75 years’ combined experience in the dental industry provides: • Bespoke Associate, therapist and hygienist agreements • Bespoke Contracts, polices, procedures and


staff handbooks • Advice and assistance on disciplinary, grievance and all other staff related issues If you would like helpful advice and guidance to protect your goodwill of your practice, contact the experts now: Ray Goodman or John Grant Goodman Grant Lawyers for Dentists Ray Goodman: T: 0151 707 0090 E: rng@ goodmangrant John Grant T: 0113 8343705 E: A NASDAL and ASPD MEMBER



esty is an online booking service that ensures a full appointment schedule and encourages new patients. With the prevalence of dental

erosion on the increase among children, it has never been more important to provide an easy and convenient way for patients to book dental appointments. The opportunity for dental

practices to create their own Zesty page, announce any cancelled appointments, and generate more patients as a result, is remarkable. Not only will Zesty provide a practice with new patients and a monetary gain for cancelled appointments, the service will also give existing patients, including busy parents, a way to book their appointments online. Dedicated in the fight against oral

health problems, Zesty will help ensure your patients receive the dental care they need. Don’t let dental erosion take the advantage; call Zesty today to find out more. Zesty T: +44 (0)203 287 5416 W: E:


roviding a wide variety of educational opportunities for the dental

profession, Sterling Dental College announces three new CPD courses for 2015:

Sterling College Dental T: +44 (0)20 3701 4600 W: E:


Endodontics Thursday 12th Feb 2015, 6:30pm – 8:30 pm Dr Peter Patel will discuss all areas of endodontic treatment, from case selection and access to preparation and obturation techniques. The course will provide participants with a better understanding of the principles of endodontic therapy and achieving predictable outcomes.

4 Day Occlusion Course Thursday 21st May – Sunday 24th Mohammad-Adel Moufti will lead a fantastic four-day module to introduce participants to fundamental and complex principles of occlusion, including managing restorative treatment of patients with occlusal problems and understanding the occlusion on the implant patient. Recognised for its outstanding training facilities and industry-leading lecturers, Sterling Dental College is dedicated to providing the highest quality education for all.


Ceramics and Bonding for Dental Professionals Tuesday 10th Feb 2015, 6:30pm – 8:30pm Chris Parker, UK Professional Services Manager for Ivoclar Vivadent, will deliver a fact based informative view of dental ceramics and the evolving IPS e.max system.



Practice Management 42



ractice owners and managers should support their staff in achieving CPD. The Dental CPD Pro app is the ideal tool for us to help our colleagues. What we’re aiming for is to get everyone at the practice using the app, so we can check that they’re up to date with their CPD. We all have busy lives, so anything that the practice can do to make compliance easier is a

good thing. The app’s new Practice Manager’s Dashboard has a real-time overview of CPD completed by your staff, so you can see how much is left to do. The fact that you can pay a small amount to get CPD via this app is great, if you compare it to the cost for petrol to get to local lecture theatres! Dental CPD Pro’s new QR reader lets you instantly add ar ticles

from dental journals to your CPD log, saving time. You log hours immediately as opposed to trying to remember when the form arrives from the GDC.

For more information on the Dental CPD Pro app, visit



r Jeff Sherer from Dental Design Studio in Northwood has been using the Dental CPD Pro app for about two months: “I came across the Dental CPD Pro app when researching CPD options on the internet. The app allows you to record all your CPD in a handy, easy to use format, which is easily accessible from any device. Being an avid user of my iPhone and iPad, this is particularly

useful for me. “There is also a wide range of CPD courses on the website to choose from, therefore if you need to cover a specific area of CPD it is readily available. When I registered for the app I received two free CPD courses, which I found quite good. These could then be logged automatically via the app, so that I could access them anywhere at anytime. “I certainly think the app has a

place in dentistry and I think more and more people will start using it, especially as you can sync your CPD through the eGDC option, which simplifies the whole process.”

For more information on the Dental CPD Pro app, visit


We all lead busy lives and Dental CPD Pro helps me to be better organised and to keep track of the CPD I have completed and what I still need to do,” says Lorraine Arnot, a dentist at Montrose Dental Care, Angus. “The app has definitely made recording my CPD easier, especially

non-verifiable CPD. I love the QR reader because, with the app being on my iPhone, I can log the articles I read instantly. Dental CPD Pro is easy to use and I’ve recommended it to other colleagues at my practice.” With a variety of topics covered, the Dental CPD Pro app provides an easy and efficient way of gaining and

recording your CPD in one place. Download it today and you’ll wonder how you ever did without it. For more information on the Dental CPD Pro app, visit






hen running your own dental practice, retirement means much more than just giving up work. It’s about

the legacy that will be left behind and flourish in the future. The friendly team at Christie + Co can help ensure you have all bases

covered when it comes to selling your dental practice for retirement. The expert advisers can help put together an exit strategy that suits you and your practice. Christie + Co offers a bespoke dental brokerage service that suits all needs and takes the stress out of practice sales, and more importantly has experience across all sizes of practice, from small independents to

large corporates. As you begin to consider retirement you may be uncertain on how to proceed. This will always be a big decision and worth planning some years ahead, turn to the experts at Christie + Co for assured guidance and advice. Christie + Co T: +44 (0)20 7227 0749

Practice Management





Practice Management 44



hen utilised effectively, both internal and external advertising materials are powerful tools for promoting and growing your business. MagicBox from 7connections enables you to make the best of both, providing you with all the digital and paper material you need to get started straight away. You will receive a box every month

containing everything from patient referral cards to reception video loops, posters, banners and social media animations, helping you to market the services you offer to existing and potential patients. Different treatments are focused on each time with seasonal events incorporated, and a 12-month marketing plan will help make sure you stay on track. To enhance both your internal and external advertising in an effective and

affordable way, discover the benefits of MagicBox. Quote code MB14 and book your free marketing review with 7connections today! 7connections and MagicBox T: +44 (0)1647 478145 W: E: phillippa.goodwin@7connections. com



arah Buxton is an Associate Lawyer at LCF Law, specialising in employment and HR issues within the dental industry, and has attended The Dentistry Show for the last five years. “The Dentistry Show is great for dental practitioners and professionals who work in the dental industry to get together and learn about the recent developments in the market,” she says. “It always sources the best speakers in their respective fields to ensure that

the attendees receive the best advice.” Sarah will be presenting as part of the Dental Business Theatre 2015, delivering a session entitled “Getting to Grips with Dental Employment & HR Law”, adding: “I hope delegates attending my session at The Dentistry Show will gain a better awareness and understanding of the need for effective HR and Employment Systems, in order to have a well-run practice which is profitable and a happy place to work for all.”

Sarah will be speaking alongside Sheila Scott, Tracy Stuart, Nigel Reece and Krishan Joshi in the Dental Business Theatre – to book your free delegate place go online today.

The Dentistry Show 2015 17th and 18th April T: +44 (0)20 7348 5269 W: E:



ith the New Year upon us why not make a resolution to turn your dream dental surgery into reality? With Clark Dental you can discuss your ideas with the experts who can guide you through a variety of design options that will utilise your space to its optimum potential. Everything will be taken into

consideration, including the minefield of health and safety regulations that must be complied with. You can trust Clark Dental to take care of every step of the design and build process. As a family run business with nearly 40 years of experience in the dental industry, your practice will be in the safest hands. To realise the practice of your

dreams in 2015 with a full ‘turn key’ design and build solution, speak to the exper ts at Clark Dental today.

Clark Dental T: +44 (0)1268 733 146 W: E:






hey say failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and with the new year upon us

there’s no time like the present to begin planning for a prosperous 2015. Looking forward to a new year can be an ideal time to think about your business finances and start making them work a bit better for you. Money matters can be daunting with so much to bear in mind so it can be wor thwhile calling on the services of an Independent Financial

Adviser for unbiased help and advice. money4dentists has more than half a century of experience advising dentists and has been a member of the Association of Specialist Providers to Dentists since 2004. The company is one of the most respected names in the industry and can provide you with exper t and honest advice to give you peace of mind that your financial matters are

in good hands. To star t planning your financial future, call money4dentists today.

Money4dentists T: +44 (0)845 345 5060 W: E:

Practice Management 45



hether purchasing your own practice or entering into a partnership or incorporation, Goodman Grant’s specialist dental legal advice is priceless. Goodman Grant’s expert team of dental lawyers can help guarantee that you experience an efficient acquisition without any problems or stress, saving you time and money. Goodman Grant ensures that the commercial aspects of a practice and any legal agreements are cared for with dental sector specific assistance. The team can also provide advice on a wide range of legal issues such as bespoke partnership or associate agreements, expense share as well as

the incorporation process. Whatever of your situation, if it is a legal matter, Goodman Grant Solicitors can help, so call today for practical, honest and reliable guidance. Ray Goodman or John Grant of Goodman Grant Lawyers for Dentists Ray Goodman T: +44 (0)151 707 0090 E: John Grant T: +44 (0)113 8343705 E: A NASDAL and ASPD MEMBER



nown for their specific expertise and extensive experience, the team at 7connections provide an array of

business coaching and support services to the dental profession. The Mastermind Coaching Group is just one example of how you can get involved to help enhance the daily running of your practice. Meeting with a group of like-minded professionals every quarter, you will have the opportunity to learn from others in your position, with the added benefit of guidance from the

experts. The meetings enable you to share your problems, concerns and success stories with others in a similar position, providing fresh ideas and new perspectives to improve everything from your team motivation to patient care and management of clinicians. The Mastermind Coaching Group also offers the chance to hear from leading professionals in the business sector, with guest speakers attending

meetings to share their own skills and experience. To find out how such business support could benefit your practice, contact 7connections today. 7connections T: +44 (0)7508 184 044 E: phillippa.goodwin@7connections. com



f 2015 is the year you’re looking to buy or sell a dental practice, the expert team at Christie + Co are the people to see. With a wealth of experience and expertise in business sales and acquisitions, they are perfectly positioned to guide and assist you in achieving your goals. The leading team of specialist

property advisors offer owners and investors alike an array of bespoke solutions that cover all aspects of buying, selling or financing a dental practice. Regulated by RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), Christie + Co has specialists located across the UK to ensure its clients receive the best opportunities and the latest market insight.

Get 2015 off to a great start by contacting the friendly team at Christie + Co and learn how you can get the best results for your business.

Christie + Co Simon Hughes T: +44 (0)20 7227 0749

Tavom UK understands the specific requirements of the dental profession and provides beautiful and functional workspaces using high quality products. Speak to a member of the friendly team today to discover how your practice can stand out from the crowd. Tavom T: +44 (0)870 752 1121 W:


and awkward and will affect the efficiency of your work. Aesthetics should also be considered. Does your surgery impress throughout? Spending money on new furniture and cabinetry may feel excessive but balancing the initial outlay with the benefits of an efficient workflow and a beautiful practice that patients and staff will appreciate, can be a clever move for a long-term investment.



ncrease your practice productivity for the new year ahead by investing in beautiful new cabinetry from Tavom UK that your patients and staff will adore. The set up of your practice is crucial, if it isn’t quite right it can make working practices clumsy




CS Solutions





The complete CS Solutions system allows you to perform everyday restorations in considerably less time and in the comfort of your own practice. In fact, with more efficient intraoral or impression scanning, intuitive well-defined crown design, and convenient milling, single tooth restorations can now be completed in as little as one hour. However, unlike many closed systems on the market, CS Solutions is an open system – giving you the flexibility to choose from a comprehensive integrated system or a series of stand-alone solutions that can be adapted to your preferred workflow and practice layout. © Carestream Dental Limited. 2014.





CS RESTORE SOFTWARE CS 3000 MILLING MACHINE This means that you may opt to do scans in surgery, and then send the impressions or restoration designs to the lab via CS Connect. Together and individually, these products are extremely easy to use and can be seamlessly implemented into your practice workflow; they are compatible with many third-party CAD systems or restorative design programs, and are covered by warranty to guarantee their long-lasting top performance.

For more information or to place an order in the UK please call 0800 169 9692 in Ireland please call +44 1438 245000 email or visit

Practice Management Feature 48



f you’ve started to plan for the year ahead, you may have created a long shopping list of practice improvements that could be made, which can seem like a daunting task. When it comes to deciding where to begin, always ensure you stay true to your original business values. Staff appraisals can be a fantastic tool in gaining feedback from your team about the direction they’d like their career to take and how the practice can cater to that. They may suggest par ticular equipment or products that would help improve efficiency in their daily work, or training to ensure that they can provide treatments that are needed while fulfilling their career progression.




Adding value? Society in general has increasingly placed impor tance on aesthetics, mainly through the media por trayal of celebrity culture, so many patients may feel a desire to improve their smile or appearance through cosmetic dentistry or facial aesthetic treatments. Being able to offer these

services to your patients may be the way forward for improving your business, although it is not always as easy as that. For example, to begin offering endodontic, periodontic, or thodontic, cosmetic or implant dentistry requires a considerable amount of training to ensure you or a team member are at the required level to provide that par ticular service. The alternative would be to employ a new member of staff who can bring a par ticular set of skills to your practice. That’s assuming that you even have the space for a separate surgery to carry out all of these new treatments. If not, there’s no point taking on extra work that will impact on your current offering. Again, keep in mind what is already working, there’s no need to replace the good dentistry that you already do with new treatments that may, or may not, bring in extra revenue. Focus on the right areas So what’s the solution? Working with a good referral practice that you can place trust in can solve this

problem. This will open your practice up to the ability of offering your patients the treatments that they seek without impacting on the high standard of general dentistry and oral health care that you already provide. At the London Smile Clinic you can rest assured that your patients will receive the best specialist care and a five-star service from world-class dental professionals. Not only that, the clinic has excellent equipment in place, such as a CBCT scanner and on-site OPG, the use of which could potentially save you spending out on new technology. Staying focused on what already works within your practice is the best way to begin planning for the future. Why not contact the London Smile Clinic today for a friendly discussion about how working together can be beneficial to both you and your patients.

London Smile Clinic T: +44 (0)20 7255 2559 W:

sh sub All P am ou m R y@ ld iss ds be ion m se s ag nt .c to o. uk

In the next issue of Dental Supplies Magazine All the latest dental news Find the best products in the industry Online Patient Engagement Business in Practice Courses and training Roadtesting new ‘implant pointer’ The Dentistry Show Birmingham NEC

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