Dental Supplies Magazine Issue 2.3

Page 1 ISSUE 2.3

RENTAL SOLUTIONS Your practice can benefit from NSK equipment rental whichever system you use... NSK PTL FLEXI-QUICK, KAVO®, SIRONA®, W&H® & BIEN-AIR® NSK rental offers complete peace of mind and predictability of costs for the duration of the agreement, covering all parts, labour and shipping costs as well as accidental damage.* NSK’s rental scheme takes the headache out of budgeting for the purchase and running costs of rotary and small equipment. NSK rental - one easy payment and no nasty surprises.

The following products are included in the NSK Rental scheme: •

NSK Turbines and Contra-angles

NLXnano Portable Micromotor

VarioSurg and VarioSurg3 Piezo surgical units

SurgicPro surgical implant unit

Varios piezo ultrasonic devices for oral hygiene, endo and MI procedures

Endomate DT & TC2 as well as iPex II

Prophy-Mate neo and Perio-Mate hygiene systems

iCare & iCare+ Handpiece Maintenance Systems

iClave, iClave HP and MX230 autoclaves

I believe renting equipment from NSK makes complete sense. I can utilise the very latest handpiece with the peace of mind that it comes from a highly reliable source and service and repair cover are built in to the agreement for a small fixed monthly fee.” Dr George Stramotas BDS Blythe Road Dental Practice, London

Our partners Snowbird Finance offer competitive rental agreements on a wide range of handpieces and small equipment from NSK.

*The only thing NSK stipulate is that if you rent a rotary instrument you need to either have access to an NSK approved care and maintenance unit such as the NSK Care3Plus, iCare or iCare+, W&H® Assistina, KaVo® QUATTROcare or use PANA SPRAY Plus Care & Maintenance lubricant oil. Terms and conditions apply. Contact NSK UK for more information.

Find out more today, visit or call NSK on 0800 6341909







Advertising Sales Lynn Amey - Sales Manager t. +44 (0) 203 198 9623 e. Sales Executive Andrew Rogers t. +44 (0) 203 198 9622 e. Finance & Circulation Manager Emma Colman t. +44 (0) 7720 595 845 e.

Our app sponsor offers a comprehensive range of dentistry products to the dentistry market. We are committed to

DSM is published eight times in 2013 by Future Publishing Solutions Ltd, and is a registered trademark and service mark of Future Publishing Solutions. Copyright 2013. Future Publishing Solutions Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without prior permission in writing from the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act (UK) 1988, or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licencing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1P 0LP, UK. Applications for the copyright owner’s permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be forwarded in writing to Permissions Department, Future Publishing Solutions Ltd, Lea Green Farm, Lea Green Lane, Church Minshull, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 6ED. Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution.

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offering customers more than your normal supplier, by providing unique products and advice from our expert sales team.

General News


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Callu m Little


Production Manager Jonny Jones t. +44 (0) 7803 543 057 e. Editorial: All submissions will be handled with reasonable care, but the publisher assumes no responsibility for safety of artwork, photographs, or manuscripts. Every precaution is taken to ensure accuracy, but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of information supplied herein or for any opinion expressed. Subscriptions: Dentistry Supplies Magazine (DSM) is free to qualified subscribers in the UK and Europe. To apply for a subscription, or to change your name and address, go to, click on “Free Subscription – Register Now” and follow the prompts.

Thank you and happy reading.




Hand Pieces


Professional Services


3D Printing


Digital Imaging





Editorial Callum Little t. +44 (0) 203 198 9619 e.

sections having contributors such as Snowbird Finance Ltd for Professional Services, W&H and B.A International adding to our section on Handpieces and plus many more contributors throughout the magazine. Our 3D printing section features a Q&A with Stratasys Ltd Director of Global Dental, Avi Cohen, who gives an insight into where he thinks the dental industry is heading in terms of 3D printing technology and how dental labs can utilise Stratasys’ product range.

Publishing Director Scott Colman t. +44 (0) 203 198 9621 e.


reetings and welcome to the latest issue of Dental Supplies Magazine. We has seen some personnel changes recently with Andrew Rogers coming on board as advertising sales executive and myself being hired as head of editorial. But aside from domestic changes at the magazine, there has been a few developments in the dental industry. Particularly an increased awareness surrounding the amount of sugar in foods, with several dentistry and healthcare groups calling for a ‘sugar tax’ in an attempt to curb the high levels of sugar we consume. Our news section will cover anything that you may have missed over the past month and more. This issue of DSM has articles on using social media by GLR Public Relations and the business of owning a dental practice written by Sim Goldblum. Along with our feature


Dental Supplies Magazine (DSM) is the magazine and web/digital resource for the UK community of dentists with purchasing authority for equipment, technology, pharmaceuticals and services.


General News 2



ounded by John Clark in Hullbridge, Essex, Clark Dental turned 40 years old this year and members from across the profession celebrated with a drinks reception at The Dentistry Show. Set up as Clark Dental Equipment Systems Ltd in 1975, the company was primarily a dealer for the Italian range of Anthos dental equipment, supplying everywhere from private practices in the city to complete teaching hospital floors in Guy’s and King’s. Current Director Stuart Clark joined the company in 1988, training to be a dental engineer and focusing on surgery design. Although today John Clark is still an active presence and involved whenever he is around, Stuart now runs the company, striving to maintain Clark Dental’s ethos and passion for delivering exceptional personal service and treating customers ‘like family’. Eventually, as it expanded and the 40ft lorries became a problem for the neighbours, Clark Dental moved out of Hullbridge into the current offices in Wickford. In 1992 Clark Dental was one of the first dental companies to embrace and utilise CAD technology in surgery design. This knowledge of the digital side of the business then became the motivation for the

company to explore digital radiography solutions with Schick. Recent years have seen the company continue to evolve and it now has offices in Wickford, Nantwich and Leyland, and has taken on a number of leading brands including Stern Webber, A-dec and Sirona.As well as this, Clark Dental offers a range of unique products such as the innovative T-Scan digital analysis device and the Florida Probe periodontal probing and charting system. But this is only half the story, as important as the quality of solutions provided is the manner in which the service is delivered. To this end, Clark Dental is one of the only supply companies to stock spare parts and also has a dedicated software support desk providing remote technical support for all its clients. Always putting its customers first, Clark Dental is focused on building trust with both customer and the profession to ensure dentists return time and again. That so many turned out to celebrate Clark Dental’s 40th Birthday is a clear indicator that this mission has been a success. For more information email Clark Dental at or visit www.





sugar tax should be introduced to make up for the critical shortfall in the budget for NHS dentistry if the government is serious about providing NHS dentistry for anyone who needs it, dentists heard today at the 2015 Conference of Local

Dental Committees in London Addressing 300 dentists at the conference, the chair of the BDA’s General Dental Practice Committee (GDPC), Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen, said there is a huge mismatch between people’s demand for NHS treatment

and dentists’ ability to deliver this care, when funding is limited to treating just over half of the population in England. Henrik Overgaard-Nielsen said: “The government is keen to promote preventive care, a laudable aim, however, dentistry seems to be the poor relation when it comes to the amount invested in treating current levels of disease, never mind the investment in prevention. “Dentists want to treat more patients - and more patients want NHS care - but the profession’s hands are tied by the fixed contracts allocated to them by the commissioners who buy dental care. “The underfunded service only allows dentists to see 56 per cent of the population over a two year period so we need the sugar tax to increase

this capacity so more people can be treated on the NHS. “The widespread availability of cheap sugary foods and drinks is expanding the nation’s waistline and also rotting our teeth. It’s unacceptable that one in eight of our three-year olds experience tooth decay, a preventable disease. “A tax on sugar – the source of most tooth decay - would provide vital funding needed to treat disease now and invest in a prevention programme to ensure everyone benefits from good dental health.” The GDPC Chair also reiterated his concerns about the Department of Health’s unwillingness to let go of the discredited activity targets in the proposed remodelling of the dental contract that is underway.



Do you know a hashtag from a pin? No? Don’t worry you’re not on your own. Sarah Learoyd of GLR Public Relations, answers some of the most asked social media questions from the dental sector.


: All the businesses in my area use social media, but I have no idea where to start. What should I do? A: Before you do anything you need to really think about what you want from any social media activity and whether or not you genuinely need it. If you’re only considering social media because everyone else seems to be doing it, then stop and invest your efforts elsewhere.

get a return. What you often find is that businesses invest a lot of time to start off with. After a couple of months they find other business priorities and eventually the socialmedia becomes dormant. It’s better to have absolutely no social media presence than to have something old, outdated and unloved.

Q: How much time do you need to invest in social media for a business?

Q: I use Facebook personally, but I don’t know what’s best for business use?

A: You can spend as much or as little as you can afford but once you start you really shouldn’t stop. Social media needs attention and you need to be willing to put in the hours to

A: A lot of businesses set up a handful of social media accounts across the most popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram. Instead it’s

best to just select platforms that help you achieve your goals. Pinterest and Instagram are the best options for consumer and lifestyle brands as they are image focused. They can help position a brand as aspirational. They lend themselves to cosmetic dentistry - but never post any medical or gruesome photos here, only the smile makeovers. If you’re looking to position yourself as a thought leader in the industry or to recruit, LinkedIn is a must as long as you’re active, post content and share material. Twitter is great for businesses dipping their toes into social media as it’s a micro blogging platform that encompasses image, link sharing and

thought leadership. This out of all of the platforms is the one I’d recommend businesses start with. Q: I’ve started a Twitter account but I often struggle to think of things to talk about do you have any advice? A:The secret is planning.Think of four subjects you want to talk about on social media - two of these could be commercial and linked to the key areas of your business, a third could be about your team and the forth about something within a relevant sector that interests you such as healthy eating or perhaps fashion. This will give you some structure to creating your content. If you have any questions, feel free to tweet them to us @glrpr

Vice-Chairman, Professor Ros Keeton named Honorary Treasurer and Dr Allan Franklin as Honorary Secretary. Providing much-needed assistance to UK dentists and their families who are struggling financially, the Fund provided grants and loans totalling

£175,000 in 2014. The Fund depends upon the generosity of the profession to continue this work and would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for your ongoing support.

CBE, the meeting provided a fantastic opportunity to review all of the Fund’s recent achievements and look forward to the coming year. In addition, officers of the Fund were duly elected, with Dr Ann Rockey named Chairman, Dr Bill Nichols as



his year’s BDA Benevolent Fund Annual General Meeting was held on the 19 June at the British Dental Association’s headquarters in London. Chaired by BDA President and Fund Patron, Professor Nairn Wilson



Cost saving and patient safety solutions. Getting the right components, in the right configuration, to the right place, at the right time. The British Medical Journal has recently sparked alarm with claims that the NHS is “close to breaking point”, with finances “cut to the bone” and “public safety at risk”. With public concern growing and reports that “13 NHS trusts are in special measures because of concerns about the quality of care being delivered”, it is critical that the cost effectiveness and asepticism of dental practice within the scheme be examined. Ref:

In response to the critical demand for cost savings and patient safety, MDDI introduces a new range of sterile, single use restorative dental instrument packs. MDDI Managing Director, Perry Johnson, explains: “These sterile, single-use instruments save on labour costs by reducing long cleaning times, reprocessing and sterilisation procedures and assist in helping eliminate crosscontamination by their single-use design and functionality.” A case study by the Association of British Healthcare Industries on the use of procedure packs in Government Health Facilities has found that: Procedure Packs deliver the right components, in the right configuration, in the right place, at the right time. • Procedure Packs deliver all the components needed in a single, sterile pack which improves aseptic control, potentially leaving patients less exposed to healthcare acquired infections. • Procedure Packs improve the quality of service by increasing patient throughput and reducing response times for emergency procedures. • By providing all components in a single pack, Procedure Packs simplify batch traceability. • Broader uptake of Procedure Packs across a number of healthcare providers leads to a standardisation of practices and drives up quality. The utilisation of Procedure Packs can also allow healthcare providers to establish guidelines and properly assess providers against rigid standards. Ref: template.pdf

With the conclusion of this study confirming the push toward single use procedure packs, MDDI plan to assist the NHS in leading the way with the use of disposable instruments in the majority of their hospitals and adjoining universities. Available individually or as a

ALSO AVAILABLE FROM MDDI: Sterile, Single-Use Surgical and Implant Procedure Packs

customised kit, MDDI have designed their range of examination and restorative instruments to be convenient alternatives for dentists in various clinical situations that will save practices time and money. The sterile single use dental instruments feature high quality, precision made instruments with stainless steel tipped probes and ergonomic plastic handles. Sterile single use instruments are not only less expensive in the first instance, but they eliminate sterilisation costs and are made from recyclable materials. ‘Particularly for the NHS, these instruments reduce cost and waste,’ says Barney Johnson, MDDI’s UK Operation Manager, ‘We work with NHS hospitals to create bespoke packages, they can choose exactly what instruments they need.’ While MDDI have an existing range of examination and restorative packs, MDDI also work on a supply / demand basis, which means that hospitals and clinics can approach our product development team with a request to produce a set of instruments customised to suit their clinical requirements. ‘At the moment our largest and most demanding product range is in restorative instruments, and we believe it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.’ The restorative range currently includes the following instruments, however our product development team are continuously expanding our range to meet the needs of the dental industry. • Flat Plastic DE • Carver DE • Ball Burnisher DE • Ladmore Plugger • Spoon Excavator DE • Flat Plastic / Ball Burnisher • Flat Plastic / Amalgam Carver • Amalgam Plugger Large/Small • Wards Carver Phone the UK sales team on +44 (0)127 458 1457 or email for further information on customising your own sterile, single use procedure pack.

Complete range of dental implant and surgical drape kits and procedure packs to suit the area of primary growth in the dental industry today. Design a drape kit to fit your surgical needs, enabling a complete sterile environment and optimal surgical results.

General News



Sim Goldblum

• Vision: what type of practice do I want (hopefully you asked and answered this question when you bought), but circumstances change – are you a passionate NHS sector dentist or have you wider ambitions to expand your skillset beyond even the NHS’ significant skill requirements? What does that mean for the type of practice, its location, its interior and exterior appearance (expensive looking can deter as many people as it can attract, so be careful that you understand your local demographics); Are you planning to be a “we take anybody” or “by invitation only” practice, to quote Paddi Lund? • Goals: What do you want to achieve in years 1 to 5? Whether they be number of patients, total fees earned, a plan is required – it maybe the one you used to persuade your financier to support your purchase, or it may be a more realistic one….. How many clinical, nursing and reception staff do you plan to employ? What skills do you want them to have and what behaviours do you want them to demonstrate? • Budgets: Given the Chancellor’s latest Budget, you may have scant regard for the phrase, but let us examine how important your Budget is. I will assume that, as the practice owner, you wish to earn/take home a certain amount of money

to meet your lifestyle. So, working from that amount, what fees will you have to generate (with or without the assistance of any associates and assuming feasible operating patterns), to meet all your expenses (fixed and variable) and still meet the desired income you want - and don’t forget to allow yourself some profit as a return on your investment! • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): these measures allow you to know whether you are on track to achieve your annual, monthly and even weekly budgets and will be different for every practice. Some are essential, such as fee output per dentist (UDAs per dentist in NHS practice), staff, material and laboratory costs as a percentage of gross fees, profitability per surgery, number of new patients per week (critical for squat practices or those determined to expand to fill open surgeries), complaints resolved/unresolved each week, patient satisfaction ratings and staff turnover. That you are running a business is undoubted. If you do not know where to start, seek out one of the professional business coaches to give you a helping hand, or take one of the accredited, part-time Dental Practice Management coursesthat are being offered. If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me!

E-Myth Revisited” is essential reading for all aspiring dental principals) to the “Entrepreneur” and have some understanding of what his “Manager” does as well! Technicians (read Associates) do not want to be managed but want to practice their highly developed skills unfettered by systems, authorities and people (which, of course, is why the GDC and CQC are “required”). The typical business, whether a corner-shop or a multi-national enterprise, has a vision, goals, budgets and KPIs, recruits effectively, develops people to achieve their potential, builds teams, understands, meets or even exceeds customer expectations and has communication techniques and complaints processes in case anything goes slightly wrong. Are any of those NOT required by a dental practice? I think not, and I am sure you would all agree. I suppose that part of the problem is that we do not know where to start. Having obtained expert help from our solicitor and accountant to acquire our dream practice, will they continue to support you? In general, no, unless you ask/pay, because their roles are primarily transactional – helping you buy and then calculating and ensuring you pay the correct amount of tax. Let’s look briefly at the key first steps:



ell, of course it is, some of you will say, while others will stare open-mouthed and be horrified! I’m a clinician, respected for my ability to solve patients’ oral health problems and I know nothing about business! In fact the Head of a UK Dental School was once heard to pronounce “there is no need for dentists to learn about business during their course, as we teach NHS dentistry, which has nothing to do with money or profits”. Shock, horror you may say, but little has changed in the last 10 years; dentists emerge from Dental School and FD with no taught understanding that being an Associate requires business awareness – your “chair rental agreement” with a principal, your responsibility for outstanding communications with patients to ensure your expert diagnosis and recommended treatment plan is understood well enough for informed consent, your working relationships with practice staff meets employment law and best practice teambuilding requirements; oh and your accountant will want to be able to assure you on a regular basis that you are earning enough to repay that fancy car you just leased! Cynical, you may say, but when you decide to open your first practice, you change immediately from Michael Gerber’s “Technician” (The


Sim has a deep understanding of how businesses, large and small, function effectively. This is gained as a result of many years working for Ford of Europe, ultimately as Director of Product Planning, and as Director of Business Development. Sim put much of that experience into play as a board member of several companies, and as a Non-executive Director of a large NHS Hospital Trust, helping the Trust to achieve Foundation Trust status. Sim brings those same skills to the dental sector, and finds it deeply satisfying to see the personal and business transformations that take place as a result of our educational and training programmes, as well as through his support of individual practices. Sim is a registered and approved Growth Coach for GrowthAccelerator, providing coaching and training to growth-oriented practices.

General News 6

CHILDREN PAYING THE PRICE FOR FAILURES ON PREVENTION T he British Dental Association (BDA) has called on government to act to address the growing crisis on child tooth decay. Official figures have shown that hospitals had to run extra operations in the evenings and at weekends to deal with the 46,500 children admitted annually to have teeth removed under general anaesthetic. The BDA has called for the government to adopt a genuinely preventative to dentistry approach, and has pushed for measures including sugar levies, food labelling, and the provision of fluoride varnish to children in deprived areas, which has already delivered huge results in Scotland. Mick Armstrong, Chair of the British Dental Association said: “Politicians have left ‘Oral Health’ out of the ‘Health’ debate. And our children are paying the price. “Tooth decay is always preventable. So it’s frankly obscene that we are still seeing children filling up hospital beds for extractions. We can and should address these problems at source, at less cost to the taxpayer, and at less distress to these young patients. “So let’s talk food labelling, let’s talk sugar taxes, and yes, let’s talk

about fluoride. The only option we don’t have is inaction. David Cameron says that ‘prevention’ is the mantra at the heart of this government’s health policy. As long as tooth decay remains the leading cause of hospital admissions those words will be nothing more than empty rhetoric. “We urgently require parents,

teachers and policymakers to work with the dental profession so we can make this scandal history.” The BDA has also thrown its weight behind today’s calls from the British Medical Association (BMA) for a 20% levy on sugary drinks. Mick Armstrong added: “Health professionals are speaking

with one voice. It’s time government policy recognised the singular threat sugar represents to public health. “It’s time for real coordinated effort to wean Britain off its addiction to sugar.That means discouraging consumption and giving manufacturers a real reason to cut the dose.”



FRESH BREATH GIVES PATIENTS CONFIDENCE also received positive patient feedback, which I feel is very important because it tells me first hand how CB12 impacts on them. “I find it very rewarding when I can take over the stress and worry of a bad breath problem and solve it for a patient. “If a patient has been suffering with halitosis for a while and you are able relieve it with an effective solution, you then have a patient for life.” If you would like to discover how CB12 can help your patients contact the team to receive free samples.


uke Thorley from Welling Corner Dental Practice is highly experienced in aesthetic dentistry, endodontics and facial aesthetics. He talks about the sensitive issue of halitosis and how he believes

that CB12 mouth rinse can enhance patient confidence. “In the short term, discussing halitosis can be awkward, but if it is approached sensitively, it can enhance patient trust in the long run.

“The reason why I recommend CB12 mouth rinse for unpleasant breath is because it has been proven to neutralise odour-causing Volatile Sulphur Compounds better than 18 other leading mouthwash brands. I’ve

For more information about CB12 please visit www. or to order contact DHB oral healthcare on 0845 601 7086 or www.dhb.

General News 7



ecent surveys and reports have highlighted the growing concern in the dental profession surrounding child dental health, specifically the high incidence of caries in children. Although this is clearly a national problem, some local areas experience higher levels of child tooth decay compared to the national average. One such area that has been identified is Hull and the surrounding locations. In an effort to combat this, local dental practices, including Association

of Dental Groups (ADG) member 543 Dental Centre Ltd, have formed the Teeth Team, a recognised charity that aims to reduce the inequalities in oral health among children. A supervised tooth brushing programme, the Teeth Team supports over 12,000 children, providing fluoride varnish, carrying out dental assessments and recording decayed, missing and filled teeth. The initiative then collates all the data gathered in an effort to highlight the costs that could be saved if prevention was

higher on the public agenda. The Teeth Team has a place on the Oral Health Advisory Group (OHAG) for Hull and is working with colleagues and organisations in providing advice to the Health and Wellbeing Board. The ADG and its members are passionate about advancing all areas of

UK dentistry and continue to support deserving charities and initiatives that truly make a difference. For more information about the ADG and the initiatives supported by its members visit

A FIFTH OF THE UK’S SURVEYED ADULTS FEEL JUDGED BECAUSE THEIR TEETH ARE NOT STRAIGHT. The results of a survey released today found that 20% of adults feel judged because they have crooked, bucked or goofy teeth. Many cite landmark events such as weddings, christenings, special birthdays, or returning to dating after a divorce as a primary motivation to enhance their looks, with 6% undergoing orthodontic treatment (teeth straightening) to improve their smiles ahead of a milestone event. The survey, commissioned by Align Technology also revealed that weddings are the landmark event where concern for our appearance is most prevalent; 63% of those surveyed looked for ways to improve their looks before a wedding. Perhaps because so many pictures are taken on the big day concerns run especially deep? Smiles are on full display, not only of the bride and groom, but of the mother of the bride, the bridesmaids, in fact all the main protagonists of the wedding party. The rise in use of digital cameras, particularly those on smart phones, has led to a massive increase in the number of pictures being taken. Pictures which were once stored in albums tucked away in drawers, to surface ‘once in a blue moon’, are now readily shared via social media and available to be viewed instantly – and commented on - by family and strangers alike. Is it any wonder that so many of us worry about how our smiles may look in pictures? Interestingly the survey also showed that men are more likely to feel judged about the alignment of their teeth (23% of men, 17% women) with 33% of those adults in the youngest age group – 18 to 24 feel most judged because they have crooked, bucked or goofy teeth. Little wonder the number of adults straightening their teeth is growing exponentially every year. This has been attributed to the fact that straightening

one’s teeth has never been simpler or more discreet – thanks to advances in a clear aligner technology, including the Invisalign system. Invisalign has become so popular and so frequently requested by adults because it is virtually undetectable. The system works by repositioning teeth discretely, little by little, using a series of custom made clear plastic ‘aligners’ which are changed in two weekly increments. The aligners are custom-made according to a treatment plan devised by Invisalign providers, specially trained orthodontists and dentists, who combine their clinical diagnostic skills with the use of the latest digital scanning technology and 3D software to plot the way the teeth should move over a period of weeks – and this is demonstrated to the potential patient before they embark on their treatment so that they can see the predicted desired outcome at the outset. Another reason for Invisalign’s popularity is that the aligners can be removed during treatment for short periods of time to allow you to eat whatever you want, kiss without impediment, play a wind instrument and maintain your normal good oral hygiene routine, so that your treatment can be maintained without impacting on your life… and with hardly anyone knowing that you are having your teeth straightened. For more information on how Invisalign could help you smile with confidence at your next landmark event please visit


To download your free copy of this invaluable guide, simply visit nhs. or to contact a member of the Practice Plan Team please call 01691 684165. Practice Plan is the UK’s number one provider of practice-branded dental membership plans. They have been supporting dentists with NHS conversions for over 20 years helping them to evaluate their options and, for those who decide to make the change, guide them through a safe and successful transition to private practice.


important considerations – such as how your patient numbers and financials will stack up, what will happen to your NHS pension, how to prepare your team and how you can communicate the change to your patients – and can therefore help to build a picture of what’s possible.” ‘Your guide to leaving the NHS’ is part of the specialist and expert support and guidance available from Practice Plan’s NHS Change Support Team.

the answers to many of the frequently asked questions that might be weighing on your mind when contemplating a move to private practice, this is an indispensable guide. Nigel Jones, Practice Plan’s Sales Director, commented: “A recent independent survey commissioned by Practice Plan indicated that many dentist are feeling less confident about the future of NHS dentistry, so we’re delighted to offer a new avenue for investigation, to help crystallise what is best for dentists, their teams and patients going forward. “This simple guide covers the



o help dentists who are considering their professional future, Practice Plan has published a new support guide about converting from NHS to private dentistry. Available to download free of charge at guidetoleavingtheNHS, ‘Your guide to leaving the NHS’ contains valuable insights and advice to help you evaluate your options if you are contemplating making the move from NHS to private practice. Highlighting the key areas that need to be considered before making any decision, as well as presenting

General News 8

FIRST CLASS BREATH EVERY DAY P art of the rewards and facets influencing job satisfaction to dental practitioners is helping people. In addition, professionals are constantly seeking out the most effective ways to deliver quality care; not only by providing the best possible treatment solutions but also with ways to build confidence and support home care routines. One of the most delicate areas in which a practitioner may be asked to help is the embarrassing subject of oral malodour. Believed to effect as many as 25% of the population, patients often worry about having unpleasant breath. By encouraging patients to use effective products such as CB12, practitioners can offer a way of keeping the breath fresh all day.



Possible Causes Lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking alcohol and eating strong smelling foods can of course, cause unpleasant smelling breath. However many people many not realise that popular high protein, low carbohydrate diets can also impact on the scent of the breath. The importance of staying hydrated to maintain fresh breath can also be overlooked, particularly when exercising. Additionally, some patients may be unaware that breakfast not only prevents snacking before lunchtime but also plays an important part in helping to stimulate saliva production to clean bacteria from the oral cavity after sleeping. Dentists are frequently the first professionals to be confronted with a patient’s malodourous breath and need to offer sound advice as well as a clinically proven solution to remedy the problem, fast. Some patients may have already tried antibacterial mouthwashes but these can upset the natural microbiological balance of the mouth and at best, simply mask oral malodour temporarily. Some practitioners even believe that some popular mouthwashes merely enjoy large marketing budgets but the actual product could make the problem of halitosis worse. A clinical proven solution CB12 is more reliable than other products because it has been proven to work better than 18 other leading mouthwash brands to target and neutralise all three odour-causing Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSGs) with its combination of zinc acetate and chlorhexidine. The unique patented formula of CB12 is also able to chemically bind to the lining of the mouth, teeth and tongue to ensure long lasting, fresh breath for 12 hours. CB12 offers an innovative new

approach to oral health by advising patients to use CB12 mouth rinse each morning to ensure first class breath. Just as they would use an antiperspirant to prevent body odour, CB12 goes on working and protecting all day. As a modern practitioner you can offer the powerful formula of CB12 mouth rinse to conveniently protect patients from the insecurities of unpleasant breath. Available in mint/ menthol and mild mint/menthol, CB12 also contains fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay as well as that all-important daily shot of confidence. On the go convenience CB12 have also developed a discreet but powerful chewing gum called Boost to invigorate the breath on the go. Not only is CB12 Boost gum sugar free but also contains xylitol, which has been observed to reduce plaque formation and bacterial adherence, inhibit enamel demineralisation and have a direct inhibitory effect on MS (mutans streptococci) levels. CB12 products not only help to protect patients from malodourous breath, they encourage optimum oral hygiene too. Encouraging first class breath, CB12 really can boost self-esteem and enable its users to feel the power of renewed self-assurance. Patients will no longer feel concerned about the smell of their breath, which can really empower them to succeed. Practitioners can also feel confident that they are recommending the right solution to this exasperating problem, building trust and respect as well as the satisfaction of helping in a significant way. As all professionals realise, if

you are able to relieve a serious problem such as halitosis with an effective solution, you have a patient for life.

For more information about CB12 and how it could benefit your patients, please visit

General News 9

THE POWER IS YOURS Powerful Ensures first class breath through its powerful and unique, patented formula.

Long-lasting Provides 12 hours‘ protection thanks to its long-lasting effect.

Proven Boosts confidence with its scientifically proven, safe and effective action.

Measurement of H2S in the breath:

CB12 vs. H2O*

AUC (x1.000)

12 8 4 0


-86% HS

H20 CB12


12 hours after application

* Crossover study: comparison of CB12 with water, n = 19; Source: Thrane P. S., Jonski G., Young A., Rölla G. Zn and CHX mouthwash effective against VSCs responsible for halitosis for up to 12 hours. Dental Health (2009) 48 (3 of 6).



For more professional healthcare information please visit:

First class breath. Your daily shot of confidence.

General News 10



ow old are you? 31

Why did you become a dentist? The rest of my family are doctors and so I wanted to follow in the same line of job. Dentistry gives you a huge variety of people every day and no day is the same. You get to use your mind and hands. Is it the life you expected? It is a busier life. At Boyne Dental we try to open 12 hour days to be as available as possible to our patients. This has changed from when the dentist thought the patient was honored to get to see them!



When did you establish Boyne Dental? May 2012 What’s your favourite thing about your job? Variety. Dentistry can change a person’s quality of life. Having the chance to meet someone for the first time and see how unhappy they are in themselves and then watching that change because of the work you are doing is very satisfying. This is why our practice delivers so many aspects of dentistry; we give people new teeth with implants and restore

smiles with whitening and veneers and we straighten teeth with braces. We have also brought on board a doctor to deliver facial aesthetics improving patient’s confidence with a fresher younger look. Worst thing? In college they never teach you about business and everything involved with running your own dental practice. There is a huge amount of business involved within dentistry and learning all of this while setting up your own practice is very difficult. What do you drive? Ford Mondeo What was your last holiday? I was on a ski holiday in March. We went to Austria. How much do you work? I work 5/6 days a week. I work 4/5 days at Boyne Dental and one day in another practice. Wet finger or business mostly? Combination!! What kind of practice is Boyne Dental? Boyne Dental is a fully private practice. We are multi-disciplinary reaching all areas of dentistry including facial esthetics. Have you had any help with

the marketing? We employ the specialist dental consultants Breathe Business who we find invaluable with general business advice and marketing. Where do you want to be in five years? I would love to be running a fivesurgery practice with the possibility of opening another. What’s the biggest challenge the dental industry faces? The biggest thing I would say that is affecting the dental industry is lower fees with increased cost. Dental fees over the past five years have lowered while the cost has only increased. The government has also cut back on services available to patients and therefore general oral health has suffered over the past five years. What’s the biggest opportunity for the dental industry? Corporate dental practices opening up. This has given private practices the chance to set themselves apart by adding a more personal touch to the patient experience, treating each patient on an individual bases. Corporate dentistry is all about the turn-out and not the personal caring patient experience. The 2008 crunch hit Ireland particularly hard. How was your business affected?

Lower fees with higher costs. Is there an equivalent to NHS dentistry in Ireland or is it 100 per cent private? Yes we have the General Medical Service (GMS) but we at Boyne Dental operate fully private. H o w a re y o u r p a t i e n t s changing? Patients are now more interested in cosmetics and improving the look of their teeth as well as their function. Patients also want to keep their teeth while also improving their overall facial aesthetics. A fresh face with a white smile. Any advice for young dentists about to qualify? I would advise anyone who is about to qualify to start thinking about further education. Invest in your future. Look at doing private further education courses and post graduate courses.This will help you when being employed or even if you are thinking of setting up your own practice. And do it while you are young and your brain is still able! Should fluoride be added to drinking water? It is already in the water in Ireland and I think it should stay this way. We talk about it on our blog at www.



PD regulation is on the increase, with both the GDC and CQC expecting records to be accurate and available for inspection upon request. For practice managers and principals, the effect is compounded, as you are responsible for your own records and, most likely, for those of your staff. Over time, paper-based CPD records become costly and useless. They increase in quantity each year and must be held for as long as 10 years in case they’re required for audit purposes. They can’t easily be searched and they provide no insights into the overall educational balance of the practice. As you have probably already experienced, chasing multiple staff members for their CPD records is an unending and thankless task which is made even more difficult in cases where part-time staff may have their records lodged with another practice. But the increase in CPD regulation does not have to mean increased costs or administration. The solution to all of these issues is to encourage your staff to record their CPD digitally. This is much easier than it sounds: the Dental CPD Pro app is free to download and gives you and your team an easy way to log all of your CPD quickly and conveniently – on your phone. With your entire portfolio in one place, your personal annual

declarations become completely hassle-free, especially as the app is able to sync directly to your eGDC account. The process of uploading your CPD is quick, easy and secure and completely removes the worry over meeting the annual or five-yearly inspections from the GDC and CQC. Moreover, the practice manager’s dashboard provides a real-time overview of each staff member’s CPD log – even if they work part-time at other practices. Instead of chasing staff for records, any inspection can be handled simply by logging into the dashboard and pulling out the required information. With all your staff using the same system, you can keep an eye on everyone’s CPD compliance and any deficiencies can be seen and acted upon before they become a problem. Staff who work at multiple practices don’t have to duplicate their records or move them around all the time. Sharon Fletcher, Practice Manager at Ravat & Ray Dental Care in Burnley and 2014 Practice Manager of the Year says: “I have been using the Dental CPD Pro app for several months. I like that it is a quick and easy way to save and access my CPD, and that I can log things immediately. I would definitely recommend it. “Dental CPD Pro’s dashboard not only makes it easier to comply with regulations, but to plan staff training to address any shortfall.

“With an efficient, digital system to log CPD, practice managers can spend less time chasing people for records, and more time improving their practice.” Every dental professional can benefit from the convenient, timesaving and reliable app that allows all CPD to be logged digitally, no matter where it’s earned. Dr Frendo-Cumbo, a dentist at City Quay Dental Clinic in Dundee, also comments: “Working as a dentist can be stressful enough without having to worry about all the endless filing of certificates and paperwork.The Dental CPD Pro app is much more convenient than paper copies and helps me to manage my time efficiently, plus being available on my phone I can manage my CPD anywhere at anytime. “Dental CPD Pro is perfect for conferences, and I would recommend anyone to download the app before they go, as you can log all your CPD while you are there. “It is easy, fast and straightforward to use, and what’s more it’s great for the whole team. I have recommended


it to a number of dental professionals. “In my spare time, whether traveling on the train or during lunch, I can download articles and modules to read and log these straightaway. I love that the eGDC feature automatically syncs my CPD and my record is backed up online so I don’t need to worry about losing it.” Even lunch and learn events can be logged digitally with Dental CPD Pro QR codes, allowing you to bring new efficiencies to in-house training. Simply create a CPD QR code on the website before the event and let staff scan it at the end. Once scanned, the code automatically updates your CPD log and can even generate a personalised certificate if the CPD is verified! Register today for free and each member of your staff will receive 2 free hours of verified CPD and your practice manager will have free and immediate access to the real-time dashboard. practices

Should you wish we can arrange a free, no-obligation on-site demonstration of the software at your convenience. Many practices arrange over a lunch-time or when they haven’t got patients in. We send a trainer to you – not a salesperson, so that you gain a true understanding of how the system operates, whilst establishing its suitability for your requirements. You may also want to read our FAQ’s on our website and see what our clients have to say about us. This includes practices which have previously used each alternative Dental Practice Management Software package. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have, our

Choosing a dental software supplier is never a simple decision, you need to have the confidence that your chosen supplier will deliver a solution that not only suits your current requirements but is willing to grow with you. We are so confident in our dental software that we offer a free trial download on our website www. We have always prided ourselves on providing cutting edge technology to our clients. One example is how our flagship product, SFD v6, supports Wireless Signature Pad integration. The Wireless Signature Pads enable patients to read and sign every document used by the practice electronically, thus enabling the practice to become entirely paperless.

friendly dental software support team are always happy to offer assistance.



e have nearly 30 years experience of developing high quality, intuitive dental software. Our flagship Dental Software SFD v6 is used by English s p e a k i n g d e n t a l p ro fe s s i o n a l s worldwide. We believe in developing adaptable, client-led software, and truly understand the importance of providing an incredibly strong support service. Systems for Dentists solutions provide: • Bespoke Management Software • Maximised Efficiency • Flexible Administration options • Intuitive User Interfaces • UK-Based Support • Ongoing Developments and Additions



Hand Pieces Section Sponsored by



n an effort to address the time constraints dentists face in their practices today, Swiss medical technologies company Bien-Air Dental S.A. announces the launch of the industry’s most powerful turbine. By authorizing faster dental procedures, the Tornado is destined to have the most positive impact on the efficiency and profitability of dental clinics around the world. Thanks to a series of proprietary technologies, the Tornado delivers an outstanding power output of 30 watts – the best in the industry today. “The Tornado sets a new reference in the category,” says Marco Gallina,Vice President of Marketing and Product Management for Bien-Air Dental. “It helps alleviate the number one dentist concern – lack of time – while promising users the level of quality and reliability they have come to expect from our company.” Operating at an unparalleled 55-decibel sound level, the Tornado skilfully combines performance with user and patient comfort. In this respect, it is no coincidence that Bien-Air chose the Tornado to premiere such features as a new spray/illumination system and an improved bur-locking mechanism. “These innovations come to complement some of our technologies that have proven most effective over the years”, Gallina points out. “And to guarantee superior durability, the Tornado is fitted with custom-designed ceramic ball bearings capable of handling the highest speed and heaviest loads.” The Tornado is now available worldwide where Bien-Air products are traded. Quietly powerful, the Tornado is the perfect timesaving option for forward-thinking practices.





re you looking for a handpiece repair service that won’t let you down? Turn to The Dental Directory’s Handpiece Express for a reliable service you can trust. Offering a range of repairs and services from as little as £19.50 that include a ‘serviced and dispatched’ in 24 hours guarantee*, Handpiece Express is already the first port of call for many practices nationwide. With an established reputation for value, quality workmanship and providing peace-of-mind, Handpiece Express can undertake the repair and servicing of most makes and models of handpiece including surgical. Whether high

or slow-speed handpieces, motors, sonic scalers or couplings you can be sure your equipment will receive the very best care. When your handpieces need a service, contact Handpiece Express – The Dental Directory’s own dedicated servicing and repair facility. The industry-approved and manufacture accredited team of highly skilled technicians provide a range of repair plans to suit any practice requirement. For more information contact Handpiece Express on 01253 600090

Hand Pieces Section Sponsored by



ash is king when it comes to the financial management of any dental practice, and when it comes to purchasing even small equipment such as handpieces or autoclaves, it can often be beneficial to spread the cost by taking advantage of a rental scheme. Renting equipment for a fixed monthly fee offers clinicians the opportunity to use the very latest equipment without the need to outlay a capital sum, and provides total transparency and predictability of the running costs and outgoings. NSK offer a rental scheme, giving

practitioners the opportunity to rent handpieces and small equipment for a fixed monthly cost, which includes all servicing, and even accidental damage cover†. The only stipulation is that, if renting handpieces, clinicians must have access to an NSK-approved care and maintenance unit* or use NSK PANA SPRAY Plus care and maintenance lubricant oil. Dr George Stramotas, BDS, believes renting from NSK makes complete sense: “I can utilise the very latest handpiece with the peace of mind that it comes from a highly


reliable source, and that service and repair cover are built in to the agreement for a small fixed monthly fee of less than £50.00 per month.” For more information on the NSK product range and Rental Scheme contact NSK on 0800 6341909 or your preferred dental dealer. Facebook – NSK UK LTD Twitter @NSK_UK



eneral Medical are the UK Distributors of Mectron Piezosurgery units including the Piezosurgery Touch. Like its predecessors it features Mectron’s patented dual wave modulated frequency technology ensuring optimised cutting efficiency at lower power – less pain and swelling, quicker healing, happy patients. The Piezosurgery Touch has a clean modern design and features built-in LED illumination and a stylish easy-to-use touch-screen display.

Using Mectron Piezosurgery units is the safest way to cut bone and other mineralised tissues without any risk to adjacent soft tissues.They have built in programmes for bone surgery (cortical, cancellous plus “Special”) together with one-touch power settings for perio, endo and implantology; variable fluid control and an automated cleaning cycle. Mectron offers the widest range of insert tips for all types of procedures including bone scrapers, block harvesting, implant site

preparation, nerve transpositions, lateral wall and crestal sinus lifts, extractions, crown lengthening, minor oral surgery and much more. Mectron units lead the field in innovation and reliability and have a two year warranty. Endorsed by many Universities and Opinion Leaders, they are the only units with over 10 years of research and 100 international publications behind them. For further information visit www. or email info@


leaning and polishing use an abrasive agent and some form of mechanical device to remove extrinsic stains (like tobacco, coffee, food and antiplaque agents) and to leave the surface clean and smooth. The traditional technique uses a conventional handpiece with a small brush or rubber cup. Abrasive substances can damage the surface of teeth, if they are not subsequently polished with a finegrain polishing paste. If tooth surfaces are left in a roughened state, accumulation of new plaque and stains, as well as deposits of calculus, occurs. To overcome this issue, Kerr has developed Cleanic®, a one-step prophy paste with integrated abrasion

variability using perlite technology, enabling it to convert from a cleaner to a polishing paste in seconds. How to use Cleanic Cleanic’s specific characteristics require certain adjustments compared to conventional application methods. Treat a limited group of teeth (about 3) with one portion of Cleanic with a rubber cup (i.e. Pro-Cups) or brush in one step from basic cleaning to polishing. Take a new portion and treat the next group of teeth accordingly. For normal dentition, on each tooth work from the incisal/occlusal surface toward the gingiva area of the tooth: this will minimise abrasion. If treating patients with exposed dentine or root surfaces, start with a fresh portion of paste on the enamel

surface and move onto exposed root surfaces or dentine with used paste (paste is less aggressive). The range Cleanic is ideal for use with Kerr’s wide range of complementary cleaning and polishing accessories, according to the dentist’s preferences, and is available in tubes, jars and monodoses. Kerr’s new Berry Burst flavour

adds to the existing product portfolio, which includes classic Mint taste – available with or without fluoride – menthol-free Green Apple with fluoride, and Light with fluoride but without flavourings or artificial colours.



Hand Pieces Section Sponsored by






s with everything, you tend to get the handpiece you pay for. Handpieces are not always what they were or what they are promoted to be. With poor quality cheap copies, substandard or even counterfeit or illegal products easily available on the internet and some suppliers looking to reduce costs both in the UK and elsewhere, you may not be getting appropriate product quality and service. By purchasing high quality handpieces from reputable suppliers, you gain the peace of mind that the product meets all the necessary regulatory requirements and will not endanger user or patient. Purchasing a cheaper option is in many cases not a safer one and can cost you more in the long run and may prove more serious than at first expected or even risk punitive action. Handpieces are precision instruments which operate at very high speeds, so consider carefully when purchasing that they must hold an official CE mark, certifying them fit for purpose. Handpieces sold on the internet may show a similar mark but the product may well not be officially certified or tested fit for use. It is suggested that you look carefully at the regulations regarding the use of products which have not met official UK standards as there may be implications beyond just the quality of the product. As your most hardworking tool, it is important to buy the right handpiece and not risk the possible consequences of purchasing inappropriate product. All handpieces are designed for specific indications to aid the clinician in working for optimal results and therefore it is recommended that the right handpiece is used to ensure clinical success. So, why is it so important to choose your handpieces wisely? Specialist manufacturers such as W&H invest heavily in research and development to ensure they continue to develop high quality innovative handpieces, designed for maximum performance and efficiency for use by professionals. Although cheaper copies can be purchased online, quality is likely to be an issue and it is really not worth staking a professional reputation on a lower cost and reduced quality product. In order to ensure you maximize your investment, quality handpieces are manufactured and tested to consistently high standards and are made from superior materials for top performance, efficiency and product longevity. Make sure you know exactly what you are buying and from whom. Over time, technological developments have enabled the power and torque of handpieces to be increased

and performance, speed and stability to be improved. To protect handpieces from wear and tear, some major manufacturers, such as W&H, have developed new scratch-resistant surface coatings. LED lights provide better visibility and have long service life, especially when incorporated in the coupling. Noise and vibration levels have also decreased which brings benefits for the dental team and patient alike. The dental profession should be looking to gain the best possible value from the new handpiece innovations which improve their working environment especially as they are a long term investment with high user interaction. Handpiece selection is critical as it needs to suit the user, so pay particular attention to some fundamentals when selecting handpieces. It is important that dental professionals look to offer patients quality care, which comes from using high quality, reliable products, while remembering that one spends many hours per day holding a handpiece so make sure that it is comfortable to use. So what is important when selecting a handpiece? Make your choice based on the influence it will have on patients, user and team. A choice of smaller handpiece heads for easier access, reduced levels of noise and vibration all result in greater comfort for both practitioner and patient. Quality handpieces are ergonomically designed to be lightweight and easy to grip with gloved hands, enhancing the comfort when in use and reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries and cumulative trauma disorders. Look for a handpiece design which is comfortable and easy to hold without stress to the hand or fingers such as the W&H Alegra and Synea ranges. Handpiece lumination has improved beyond recognition with the advent of LED. The colour rendering index (CRI) is an important aspect of artificial illumination with a perfect colour rendition having an index value of 100. Therefore look for a handpiece that offers a CRI of over 90, such as those from W&H which will give you the rich colour contrasts you need for a life like view. Choose carefully to ensure you get enhanced visibility and reduction of eye stress. Select LED which offers daylight grade lumination as it is kinder on your eyes gives improved visibility, better colour definition and reduced heat such as the W&H LED+ handpieces. Sometimes there are unexpected solutions to irritating problems, like part of the treatment site to being in the shadow of the bur. Now there is an answer, an Award Winning handpiece with a 5-outlet LED+ optic ring which provides the perfect solution!

By placing the illumination source around the bur, W&H Synea Vision turbines cast no shadow, leaving your view of the treatment site completely unimpeded. 100% shadowf r e e illumination! For infect i o n c o n t ro l purposes you should be looking at turbines that prevent suck back of aerosol particles into the head like the patented W&H hygienic head system. Good quality handpieces, made by good quality manufacturers like W&H are easy to recognise and should be supplied with at least a one-year warranty as standard. It has been proven over many years of research that the higher the quality of the handpiece, the superior the performance over longer periods of time. It is therefore worth investing wisely and looking after your investment. If the handpiece or manufacturer chosen does not meet the above criteria, then it is not likely to offer long-term value for money. To prolong the useful life of your handpieces and to protect both the patient and the team from the risk of cross contamination, it is important that the dental team follow a strict infection control regime. As with any high precision instrument, regular correct cleaning, oiling and general maintenance is critical. Handpieces are exposed to extreme temperatures, high power use, pressure, chemical solutions and mechanical and clinical debris, so caring for and maintaining them according to the manufacturers’ guidelines ensures the optimum efficiency, performance and life span of the product. Only purchase handpieces that adhere to current regulations for health and safety and those that are both thermo-washer disinfectable and sterilizable. When selecting handpieces, it is worth identifying whether the manufacturer can meet all your needs, including offering a full range of products, UK based local service support, care and maintenance training and the appropriate solutions for decontamination. Handpieces should always be maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. W&H amongst others offer free handpiece care and maintenance training, with CPD, including guidance on the products available to assist you in

looking after your handpieces more effectively. There are a number of automatic handpiece care systems, like the Assistina 3X3, the most thorough handpiece cleaning system currently available, providing fast and effective cleaning inside and out and consistent automatic lubrication of all internal components. Choose a supplier, like W&H who will offer an internal maintenance/repair facility or can suggest accredited repair houses who only use genuine manufacturer supplied parts. Individual manufacturers need to be offering their customers sound advice to assist them in making the right choice. Before purchasing ask your local representative for a handpiece demonstration when you can trial the product and assess its comfort and performance. Companies supplying high quality products and backup, with UK based support services are looking to the future for their customers and in doing so, helping them build an efficient and profitable business. Your chosen supplier should be giving you the assistance in selecting the right products to suit your individual needs and also the best method of funding your purchase, so it is worth asking about finance including rental schemes such as the one offered by W&H with no unexpected maintenance costs as these are included. Rental schemes are beneficial both from a tax, budgeting and cash flow perspective with monthly instalments and no initial lump sum investment. Remember, you get what you pay for so it is always worthwhile making a sound investment and purchasing a well-established, well supported brand known for quality and reliability. For information on W&H products and services , please contact W&H UK Ltd on 01727 874990 or email on or visit our website at

Light up the Shadows!

With the exceptional Synea Vision turbine range

Unique Award Winning Shadow-free Illumination

Explore the exciting Synea Vision turbine range, with: • Unique 5 x ring LED outlets for 100% shadow-free illumination, ensuring the rotary instrument does not cast a shadow on the treatment site, giving you a completely unimpeded view • 5 spray outlets for optimum cooling • Incredible scratch-resistant coating, for ease of cleaning and to ensure they always look as good as new • Ergonomic lightweight design for comfort • Low noise level so quiet in use W&H (UK) Ltd, 6 Stroud Wood Business Centre, Park Street, St Albans, AL2 2NJ Tel: +44 (0) 1727 874990 Fax: +44 (0) 1727 874628 Email:


Dental Handpiece & Small Equipment

Repair Centre




DIS R E H C VOU in 1

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2015 B.A International, Unit 9 Kingsthorpe Business Centre, Studland Road, Kingsthorpe, Northampton NN2 6NE, England. E & O E. * Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Valid until 31st August 2015





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Handpiece and Small Equipment

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Professional Services 18





n the business of dentistry, there are several areas in which dental practice owners and mangers often seek support ranging from advice on practice sales and acquisitions to help with team relationships and compliance. Marketing has quickly become one of the topics discussed on a daily basis; budget creation and allocation are aspects I am often asked about. Another area that currently occupies much of my time is the concept of emotional marketing. Going back to basics, all promotional material needs to capture people’s attention and inspire them to actively do something as a result. In dentistry, you are constantly trying to increase the number of new patients you attract or sell a larger volume of high-end treatment where appropriate, and your marketing strategy should be adjusted accordingly. However, if your posters, radio adverts or emails talk about crowns, veneers and orthodontic appliances, then you are effectively advertising products. This won’t evoke an emotional response from anyone who sees / hears it, so why would they feel the need to call or visit your practice? For marketing to be successful, it needs to conjure emotion. It needs to tell a story in order to gain people’s interest, and those people need to be able to relate to the story in a way that will motivate them to do something about it. Rather than hearing about how John had implants placed, people want to know how treatment completely changed his life, enabling him to eat and speak normally and give the speech at his daughter’s wedding as he’s always wanted to do. People want to see how dental treatment has given Jane the confidence she needed to go for her dream job and start living her life to the full, and they want to share Sam’s joy after receiving treatment to repair a dental defect she acquired from a nasty accident years’ ago. Such ‘feel-good’ stories produce highly effective marketing content, as they appeal to prospective and existing patients’ emotional side. People are more likely to relate to the characters in the stories and therefore discuss them with friends or share links on social media platforms, further spreading your messages. Equally, it is the positive effect that these treatments have on lives that patients wish to emulate when they enquire for themselves – they desire to improve their own quality of life or build their self-confidence.

Emotional marketing is therefore a very powerful tool, but with power, comes great responsibility. If you raise patient expectations about what you can achieve and how this will influence their life, you need to be careful that you can deliver on your promise, or you could be setting yourself up for trouble! Particularly relevant in the healthcare industry where the services you provide can be invasive and have an affect on people’s health, it’s important not to get carried away and to communicate the facts effectively. Managing expectations is therefore crucial – make sure patients understand that all treatment results will depend on the individual and that they are realistic about what can be achieved. Similarly, it is essential to ensure you and your team have all the skills and tools you need to deliver results. Failure to do either of these two things can have severe consequences – something that is all-too-evident in today’s profession and general complaints culture. If the patient feels you did not deliver what you promised, you may well be subject to legal consequences. Regardless of any changes to the currently broken complaints procedures within the GDC, it is your duty to ensure patients are properly informed about any treatment they wish to undertake and avoid creating unrealistic expectations. This is just one area we cover as part of the Ultimate Marketing Academy with 7connections. We bring all our member practice owners and managers together every quarter to discuss any problems they have faced and share fresh and innovative ideas to provide solutions that work. We’ll demonstrate exactly what you should be doing with regards to emotional marketing, when you should do it and how much you should spend, all the while helping you avoid the pitfalls and protect your business and staff. After all, with the right safeguards in place, emotional marketing can truly bring your promotional activities to life. It is not a technique I have seen in dentistry in the past, and it is just one example of how dental marketing has developed. As long as you remember your responsibility to meet the expectations you create, you will have a very powerful tool at your disposal. Emotions are like fireworks – they are beautiful when sparked carefully and managed correctly, but you should always take care when opening the box.

Professional Services

Goodwill - normally looked at over the term of a lease for the property or 10-15 years • Debt serviceability – based on the target accounts supplied i.e. past performance • Insurances - most lenders will insist upon you having life cover and practice/property insurance Several of the major banks have specialist dental lending teams so the decision whether to agree to your loan will be taken by people with experience of the dental sector and knowledge of how a dental practice functions. Alternatively, independent companies like Snowbird Finance search the specialist lenders on your behalf – effectively doing the ‘leg work’ for you and gaining you access to the full range of deals on offer. Snowbird Finance specialise in providing finance solutions for healthcare professionals. Our Business Development Manager Bill Carr has over 24 years’ experience working with dentists and can provide you with information on buying, selling and developing your practice. Having spent most of his career at NatWest bank, he can provide expertise and direct access to personal contacts at the lenders so you are more likely to get preferential rates and the best terms. Contact Bill Carr Tel: 01932 874674 Email: twitter: @snowbirdfinance

professionals. By joining the group, you and your team will benefit from our extensive professional network, educational opportunities and outstanding facilities. In addition, you can share the responsibility of increased administration, ensuring you once again have the time and energy to focus on delivering outstanding patient care and treatment. Rekindle your passion for dentistry and go back to doing what you love – contact Rodericks Ltd to find out how today.



hen it comes to pensions and annuities, the Government is constantly changing the rules and moving the goalposts. It’s no wonder many dentists are struggling to know which decisions to make in regards to their own retirement. Luckily money4dentists is here to help. As specialist Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) to dentists, the money4dentists team have over half a Century’s experience in the profession and are there to help ensure you make the optimum decisions

when it comes to your finances. From the economic climate to the amount in your pension and from your geographic location to your health and lifestyle; the amount you receive from an annuity depends upon a long list of variables. So if you are considering retiring soon, or want to be sure to plan for a secure, worry-free future, it pays to seek out the advice of an IFA that has experience and understanding of your profession. Turn to the experts at money4dentists and take a step towards a safe financial future.


With the ever-increasing bureaucracy surrounding modern dental practices, it is no wonder that some principals feel the strain of running such a business. If all the paperwork and red tape is getting in the way of your passion for dentistry, and preventing you from concentrating on your patients and their care, there are solutions. At Rodericks Ltd, we are dedicated to delivering excellent standards of dental care and treatment to patients, while also creating a productive and stress-free working environment for


ver the years dentists have utilised a variety of provisions to enable them to purchase their dream surgery. Some have managed to develop, expand and enhance their surgery generating more income than the previous owners, whilst others have struggled and perhaps bought the wrong practice on bad terms. So how can you ensure that you buy the practice of your dreams? When buying a Dental Practice it is vital to obtain the right guidance and where better than from a truly independent source not linked to the sale in anyway.They should look at the surgery performance, account trends and the staff element. The majority of background information required by lenders will be provided by your independent practice valuation, but specialist legal advice is also vital especially when dealing with issues of contract transfer. The surgery performance can be analysed by comparing at least the last three years’ accounts provided at sale. Look at the trends and changes between the years since launch and this alone will raise a number of questions you should ask of the vendor, as you will probably be asked by the proposed financier anyway. For securing your funding, the banks place most emphasis on affordability to ensure that they meet the Financial Conduct Authority regulations.When assessing a request for finance, a bank will look at: • Your ability to achieve the gross turnover in the target practice • The % contribution - usually up to 20%, although some lenders will look at 100% for NHS





Professional Services 20



ou don’t have to be a lawyer to know that once you sign a contract you are legally bound to it. And yet principals continue to sign contracts and agreements without first having them checked by dental legal specialists. As the following examples highlight, this can lead to significant problems later on: Allowing an NHS contract for performance at the practice premises to be entered into in the name of the associate rather than the principal This may not necessarily present an issue if there is an amenable associate at the practice. But if not, by allowing the NHS contract to be in the name of the associate, the principal risks losing the goodwill value of the practice which may be attributable to that NHS contract. A number of years ago there was a case where an NHS contract worth £500,000 was entered into between the PCT (as it was then) and an associate. The associate was then approached by their PCT who proposed relocating the contract to new purpose-built premises, which the associate agreed to. In this instance there was nothing the principal could do to prevent the relocation and the loss of over £500,000 worth of goodwill.



GDS and PDS contracts There are two key differences between PDS and GDS contracts: 1. PDS is time limited, whereas GDS is not. 2. GDS contracts contain the power for contractors to bring others into partnership, which PDS do not. Traditionally there seemed to be an assumption that when a PDS contract came to an end, the LAT would renew it. However, for many reasons, and in increasing numbers this has not been the case. This caused significant problems for one particular client who had a GDS contract that included orthodontic work. They were approached by their LAT who proposed to split the contract, with the UDAs under a GDS and the UOAs transferred to a PDS contract.

The problem arose when looking to sell the practice, as realising the goodwill value of a PDS contract can be at best extremely difficult and at worst impossible. Whilst the goodwill arising from the performance of the UDAs was preserved, by agreeing to the LAT’s proposals without first seeking advice, the principal effectively lost the goodwill value of the UOAs, which in this instance were again worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. Incorporated practices Finally, a situation that is far too common concerns incorporated practices and the Change of Control Clause. Most practices that incorporated after 2011 will have this added into the contract. However, many dentists did not seek advice on what the effects of this might be. Following incorporation, once the NHS contract is in the name of a limited company, it is almost certainly the case that the only way to sell the goodwill is by transferring the shares. However, if there is a Change of Control Clause, then under the latest guidance issued by NHS England, any share transfer above 10% is subject to the LAT’s prior consent. Without consent it is not possible to sell the shares and again the goodwill of the practice can be lost. Practitioners who find themselves in this situation are essentially at the mercy of their LAT – and practitioners are more than capable of figuring out for themselves whether this is a position in which they would like to find themselves. These types of clauses have been commonplace for some years now, and yet dentists continue to incorporate their practices and to sign agreements with LATs without getting prior advice and in doing so potentially risk losing their goodwill value. John Grant of Goodman Grant Lawyers for Dentists - a Past Chairman of ASPD




esty is a marketing platform that enables patients to find and book appointments online. Each practice member also has a dedicated profile page to display key information, including patient reviews. “We have been working with Zesty for a year now,” says Dr Sarveen Mann, principal dentist at The Fulham Dentist in London. “From a health perspective, reviews are what patients look for when choosing a dentist.’’ “Joining forces with Zesty helped us hugely with raising our online profile. In 2013, Zesty named us the Best Family Dentist in London. Patients have mentioned how our impressive reviews influenced their decision to make an appointment. I would recommend Zesty 100 per cent.” Zesty can help you to attract more patients as well as fill incremental appointment slots. Patientfriendly by being fully optimised for smartphones and tablets, Zesty will help you to grow your reputation and your practice. Contact the team today to find out more.

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Professional Services 22



n a unique and constantly changing market such as dentistry there are many factors that can affect a practice’s value. Christie + Co appreciates the complexity of the dental market and has the experience and expertise to guide practitioners through valuations in this sector. Christie + Co understands the implications of ownership, income mix, contract type, UDA value and location on a practice’s value and can help practitioners navigate the many pitfalls of practice valuation. When trying to understand what a practice is actually worth, achieving a true market value assessment from a RICS Registered Valuer will always be extremely beneficial. If you are looking to sell your practice and are unsure of how to proceed, contact Christie + Co today for expert and experienced advice.

To discuss how Christie + Co might help you achieve your future plans please call today on 020 7227 0700



hen Chris Hobley decided to sell his dental practice in Northamptonshire, he was lucky enough to have the practice valuers and finance experts at Dental Elite close by. “I was selling because of personal health issues,” explains Chris. “Dental Elite were conveniently located for me, so I chose to work with them. Throughout the process our consultant, Alison, provided excellent and personalised sales care. “She actually valued the practice at almost double the yield of some competitors – and we achieved Alison’s valuation! “I think one of the biggest challenges I faced was the level of

administration that was necessary for the CQC Application and the NHS paperwork but, overall, the sale took about 10 months to complete. “My advice to professionals in the same situation would be to sell to a

buyer that you like and who would be most suitable for your patients. “I would also recommend Dental Elite; their attention throughout the sale and follow up was excellent.”

For more information and to find out how Dental Elite can value and assist your practice sale visit www.dentalelite., email info@dentalelite.




We’ve been working with Munroe Sutton since June 2013,” says Gloria Balfourth, Practice Manager of Carnaby Street Dental in London. “We first chose to work with them because of the friendly manner of their representative, Debarae. “Since then, we’ve seen a growth in our takings, which has been the main benefit of working together. “Joining was an easy process – I would recommend Munroe Sutton to other dental practices.” Over 30 years’ experience in bringing patients and practices together has given the team at Munroe Sutton the skills necessary to help you expand and enhance your business. By becoming part of their prodigious network, you will be able to source new patients and boost your profits with ease – all while ensuring

your patients receive the best care you can give them. To find out exactly how Munroe Sutton could help you, contact the friendly team today!

Professional Services




ost firms of solicitors would be able to assist you with the transfer of a general business. However, when it comes to dental practices, things are a lot more complex. Else Solicitors’s Corporate & Commercial department are specialists when it comes to dental law . We have identified a few of the areas you will almost certainly need to address: Employment Due Diligence Requirements This covers details of employees and their disciplinary and grievance records, details of any collective agreements that have been reached between the business and its employees, and records of any claims such as unfair dismissal that are still outstanding. TUPE The requirements of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations is now universally referred to by the acronym TUPE. A key element is that both buyer and seller are obliged to consult with elected representatives of the employees. Some practice owners believe, wrongly, that TUPE prevents the buyer or seller from making changes to employees’ terms and conditions during or after the sale of a practice. This isn’t true. There are exceptions within the TUPE legislation that allow certain changes to be effected, so long as relevant parties are kept informed. CQC – Care Quality Commission All dental practices registered in England have to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) by law. The CQC application process underwent changes that came into effect in June 2014. The various forms that previously existed have now been amalgamated into one comprehensive document. It’s quite lengthy and requires some very specific information. GDS Or PDS Contracts When an NHS practice is sold, it is important to make sure the GDS or PDS contract is transferred successfully. The sale needs to be structured so that appropriate notices are given. You also need to ask the question, “Could NHS England have any reason to object to the transfer?”

Uncompleted Treatments At whichever point the transfer occurs, there will be patients who are midway through a course of treatment. How the responsibility for these patients is apportioned after sale is something that needs to be clearly defined in the buyer and seller contracts. Sale & Purchase Agreements The sort of agreement typically used for a general business is inadequate for a dental practice, because it doesn’t take into account the operational requirements and relevant regulations. In order to provide reasonable safeguards for the transfer of a dental practice, we cannot stress highly enough the value of having a specifically tailored sale and purchase agreements in place. Award-Winning In 2013, the readers of Acquisition International voted Else the UK’s Dental Law Firm Of The Year. Whatever assistance you need, be it regarding the selling or purchase of an existing practice or the incorporation of a new one, we can provide exacting and up to date legal advice. We can also assist with the legal side of owning, managing and running a practice, and help with drafting documentation such as partnership and expense sharing agreements.


your business. Contact Munroe Sutton today to find out how else they can benefit you.

deliver first-rate service to even more people. With over 30 years’ experience and a commitment to bringing patients and dental professionals together, the team at Munroe Sutton are in the ideal position to help you enhance your patient-base and grow


cover that includes a dental plan, whether as individuals or for their employees, Munroe Sutton provides affordable access to the best dental providers available. As a result, by joining Munroe Sutton you may increase your patient numbers, improve your revenue and



f you are looking to fill your appointment schedule and expand your business, look no further than Munroe Sutton. Already one of the largest dental network providers in the United States, Munroe Sutton now works with a vast array of dental care providers in the UK. With dedicated marketing expertise , Munroe Sutton promotes participating practices through a prodigious network of leading financial, insurance and healthcare institutions, including Cigna, Allianz and Free Group. When people purchase insurance

3D Printing 24





digital revolution has been brewing for some time in the dental industry, and the era of digital design has become widespread amongst dental markets. At the heart of this is 3D printing, by combining oral scanning and CAD/CAM design, dental labs can produce a range of high quality models and objects for dental offices with ease. Leading the way in this dental 3D printing revolution is Stratasys Ltd, who have developed a range of 3D printing units that were specifically designed for use in dental markets. The printers themselves are affordable and extremely accurate, and use digital images to create the printed objects. The use of intraoral 3D dental scanners to create the digital images for models is taking away the need for dentists to create manual impressions of patients’ mouths. This cuts down on material cost and reduces the need to store impressions in the dental surgery and lab, as the digital files can be sent where they are required. 3D printing in dentistry isn’t a new concept, the technique has been

around for some time now, but significant developments have been made in recent years which have brought the cost of units down and improved the quality of the objects being printed. The dental and medical market for 3D printing is growing rapidly, with research firm IDTechEx suggesting that the sector could be worth over £500m by 2025. At the heart of this growth is the printer’s ability to produce models faster and more accurately than traditional manual techniques. With a 3D printer doing the hard work, dental labs can eliminate the bottleneck of manual modelling. For those eager for the day when everything from scheduling to finished restoration can be achieved digitally and automatically, the future is here. Avi Cohen is Director of Global Dental for Stratasys Ltd, he gave an interview where he talked about what 3D printing can mean for dental labs and how uptake of the technology is progressing. 1 . W h a t a re t h e m a i n challenges to dental a nd orthodontic labs to move to digital dentistry? Avi: “With any new technology, there may be obstacles that delay adoption. With digital dentistry some may argue that the initial cost of buying a 3D printer and the materials may cause further considerations. Although, with the cost of laboratory work - a major factor in dental restoration planning and therapy - a growing number of forward-thinking dental labs are adopting digital dentistry as a viable option over plaster moulds, since 3D printing significantly reduces the cost per model. Another consideration dentists may have is the re-training of ‘traditional’ dentists to adopt 3D printing

as a complementary technology within the industry. However, the new generation of dentists joining the industry are armed with training in CAD and 3D printing and we are seeing this new generation driving digital dentistry.” 2 . W h a t a re t h e m a i n demands from dental and orthodontic labs and how have these demands changed in recent years? Avi: “The dental industry is, by its very nature, fast-paced and requires rapid turnaround. When a patient care is directly affected by a technology, technicians will always look for innovations that can reduce time while improving quality and precision. “Dental technicians traditionally rely on steady hands and expert eyes to prepare crowns, bridges, frameworks etc. The manual process is time-consuming, imprecise and requires materials that do not typically provide the best durability or aesthetic appearance. By using 3D printing, dentists are not only able to reduce the time it takes to produce a dental mould but also accelerate treatment time, crucially having a direct and positive impact on patient care. “Using Stratasys’ PolyJet 3D printing technology, featured in our Dental Series of 3D Printers, laboratories can print in super-fine 16 micron layers, dramatically increasing precision in comparison to traditional dental mould making. This avoids the need for patients to return to dental labs for corrective procedures, saving dentists both time and money while improving patient care. “Precision is always paramount in the dental industry and this remains a primary demand. In recent years, dental professionals have started

to appreciate that digital dentistry is the new face of the industry. It is no longer a question ‘if’ they should implement it, but ‘when’. As a matter of fact, I believe that in the future, there will no longer be crown and bridges, but digital dentistry labs instead.” 3. Are you seeing more dental and orthodontics labs move to digital dentistry? What do you think the reasons are for this? Avi: “With the cost of laboratory work becoming a major factor in dental restoration planning and therapy, we are seeing an increase in the adoption of digital dentistry by dental labs. This enables them to improve efficiencies and provide a higher level of patient care. “With an increased range of superior intraoral scanners and associated software now available on the market, more and more dental labs of all sizes are exploring and installing the level of 3D printing technology that suits their company’s size and budget. “Most notably, this year we have seen an explosion of devices dedicated to digital imaging, impressions and CAD/CAM fabrication of restorations – both chairside and in the lab. With the roll out of new 3D printing systems, materials and capabilities over the coming year, many believe that more dentists will begin to see the technology as a viable alternative for their practices. “We might look back at this year as the moment that dental laboratories passed the point of no return from a traditional manual workflow toward an all-digital design and manufacturing process. In many respects, digital dentistry is already here, with a growing number of laboratory owners incorporating it in some form into

3D Printing 25

technologies that improve productivity; one of them being a move to digital dentistry. “3D printing is already offering an affordable and attractive option. The practice of dentists plastering a patient’s mouth to take impressions will continue to decline as the popularity of 3D printing increases. With 3D printing, all you need is an intraoral scanner to capture a digital scan of the patient’s entire set of teeth, allowing dental labs to 3D print the mould in a matter of hours, saving time and

improving accuracy while crucially, improving patient care. “I believe that in the future we will have materials that can be kept in the mouth for longer periods and that we will also see a move towards 3D printing end-use dental parts.” Avi Cohen is Director of Global Dental at Stratasys and can be reached at industries/dental


6. Is it fair to say that there is a need to educate dental and orthodontic labs to ensure more widespread uptake of digital dentistry? As a major solutions provider, how are you addressing this? Avi: “With any new technology there is always the need to educate and this is the same within dentistry. It could be argued that many dentists hold traditional plaster moulds in high regard, but now there are alternatives. I believe that more and more dentists, as well as newcomers entering the industry, will adopt new available

4. What advantages does the new Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage 3D Printer bring to dental and orthodontic labs in terms of improving the way they work? What impact will this have on the cost of running labs? Avi: “Forward-thinking dental and orthodontic labs are continually seeking to improve their processes, reduce lengthy milling time and stay ahead of the competition. Engineered to meet the demanding production needs of mid-size dental labs and midto-large-sized orthodontic labs, the Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage 3D Printer provides new additional capabilities for improved productivity. “With labour costs as the main expense for dental and orthodontic labs, the Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage 3D Printer addresses this by a greater level of automation. Printing is done in a click of a button and thanks to the water soluble support, cleaning of models is a fully automated process. A single lab technician can design, print and have all models cleaned with no further post process required. The reduced cost per model has a knock-on effect to the labour cost. “By combining oral scanning, CAD/ CAM design and 3D printing, dental labs can accurately and rapidly produce crowns, bridges, stone models and a range of orthodontic appliances. With a 3D printer doing the hard work, dental labs eliminate the bottleneck of manual modelling.”

5. What materials does this technology support and how does this compare to traditional plaster moulds? Avi: “As a more versatile 3D printer for digital dentistry, the Objet Eden260VS Dental Advantage is compatible with all Stratasys dental materials – VeroDent, VeroDentPlus and VeroGlaze* – and it adds a soluble support option, previously unavailable on the PolyJet Dental Systems. “Soluble support technology allows the easy cleaning of dental parts with fine features, such as small removable die inserts in dental models. “Stratasys’ advanced dental material, VeroGlaze, now meets the requirements of a Bio- compatible (MED610) photopolymer. This material is ideal for applications requiring short- term, mucosal-membrane contact of up to 24 hours, enabling dental labs to use VeroGlaze to create veneer try-ins in precise A2 teeth colour shade. “In addition, the cost of our dental materials are considered as one of the lowest on the market – which, from an ROI perspective, further justifies the move to digital dentistry by dental labs.”


their strategic business models. “For many dental professionals, this evolution has been a long-awaited and welcome transition to a more rapid and labour-saving process that improves quality and precision while keeping businesses competitive.”

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he field of digital dentistry is rapidly evolving, with new dental technologies emerging as part of a more efficient and comprehensive workflow. By managing CAD/CAM and 3D CBCT data under one software platform, dental professionals can bring together a wide range of detailed information for treatment planning and diagnostic purposes. Combining CBCT imaging and CAD/CAM work provides the best possible level of diagnostic clarity. Digital imaging units reveal intricate information on soft and hard tissue structures, while intraoral scans capture precise data above the gum line. Unifying these data under a single system ensures a complete understanding of anycase and makes 3D prosthetic designing quick, accurate and easy. Clinics are able to operate more flexibly, asrestorations can either be designed and milled at a clinic, or easily outsourced to a dental lab in an open data format. A more active role in the manufacturing of restorations opens up avenues for dental clinics to significantly increase their patient volume and grow their business. A streamlined digital workflow ensures the full utilisation of resources, leading to a more efficient treatment environment.



nhance your existing system and take control of your digital images with the Schick 33 from Clark Dental. The latest addition to the Schick Elite modular platform, the Schick 33 is a Digital Intraoral Sensor that delivers industry leading line resolution of 33 lines per millimetre and features Schick’s unique interchangeable cable technology. The Schick 33 provides a clinical-specific mapping feature that defaults settings for general dentistry, endodontics, periodontics or restorative dentistry.You can also create your own personal “me-sets” that can be easily saved and shared using the multi-clinician practice feature. Choosing the Schick 33 will provide you with flexibility and an essential level of quality imaging that you won’t find anywhere else.The Schick 33 is a must have for all modern dental practices, to find out more contact Clark Dental today.

imaging and upgrade to its 3-in-1 solution when required. The MyRay range also boasts intraoral X-ray units offering you precision positioning and imaging every time. The ergonomic unit offers wireless convenience and image clarity meaning that taking radiographs is simple and fast. To discover how you could revolutionise your dental practice through digital imaging, contact MyRay today. For more information go to



e all want an easier life, especially when it comes to work. As the dental profession benefits from a wide range of technological advancements it means there are many methods available to be able to do this. Although digital imaging systems do incur an initial outlay, the effect they can have on your working life can be of huge benefit to you and the rest of the dental team. MyRay produces a range of systems to suit any needs, such as the Hyperion X9, which incorporates a modular concept enabling you to start with 2D panoramic



X-ray 28

SUPERIOR DIGITAL IMAGING WITH THE NOMAD PRO 2 H andheld and portable, the NOMAD Pro 2 X-ray device provides practices with an outstanding level of flexibility. Available from Clark Dental, it is scratch and moisture resistant, and will stand up to repetitive antiseptic and cross-contamination control, making it ideally suited to any busy dental practice. As the design allows the practitioner to stay with their patient, it is perfect for use with children or those suffering from dental anxiety or phobia. It also makes use of the latest modern radiation shielding, which has been specially designed to protect the operator. In fact, the exposure from using the NOMAD Pro 2 is less than one percent of the allowed occupational doses. Whether a practice uses the latest digital sensors, dental film, or phosphor plates, the NOMAD Pro 2 will produce high-quality diagnostic images, every time. For practices seeking a single solution to cover multiple treatment rooms, or looking for the flexibility to expand into more surgeries at a later date, the NOMAD Pro 2 is ideal. Contact the team at Clark Dental today to find out more. For more information contact Clark Dental email or visit

ADVANCED EXPERTISE AT YOUR SERVICE London Smile Clinic, invite practitioners to refer patients to their team of specialist dentists consulting their knowledge and skills to achieve the most beneficial and outstanding results possible. The modern clinic providing 5 star treatments has state of the art technology and equipment including a CBCT scanner and on-site OPG machine. London Smile Clinic is the safe and effective option for any specialist case or service. Keeping the referral dentist informed at all times, the London Smile specialists are able to offer the treatments that patients want before handing them back to you for on-going general dentistry and oral health care. Take advantage of this capability and extend your professionalism by contacting London Smile Clinic today.



pecialist dentists remain at the forefront of their field of dentistry, with rapidly changing new innovations, surgical techniques, materials and developments. But your patients can benefit from this unrivalled expertise.

s the most popular x-ray unit in the world, the ORTHOPHOS XG 3D is the ideal choice for any dental practice. With the capacity to capture a patient’s entire jaw in a single span, the field of view is large enough to avoid having to stitch together multiple 3D radiographs, which subsequently eschews the need for repeated exposure to radiation and allows for more time-efficient diagnostics. With an extensive range of panoramic and cephalometric programs, the ORTHOPHOS XG 3D will ensure you get the x-ray image you need. By offering a sophisticated range

of options designed to enhance endodontic, periodontic, and implant and oral surgery cases, the ORTHOPHOS XG 3D helps practitioners provide accurate, predictable dentistry. And with one of the lowest patient radiation exposures to date, this multi-functional unit is one of the safest too. Practices everywhere are choosing the ORTHOPHOS XG 3D to meet their radiographic needs. Join them and discover how this popular x-ray unit will benefit you.

For more information, please contact the London Smile Clinic, visit

In the next issue of Dental Supplies Magazine All the latest dental news Hi Tech Equipment Impression Materials Intraoral Cameras Oral Health and Hygiene Practice Technology Restorative Materials

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