Vet Supplies Magazine Issue 3.5

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Volume 3 Issue 5

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Volume 3, Issue 5

Veterinary Supplies Magazine (VSM) is the magazine and web/digital resource for the UK community of veterinarians with purchasing authority for equipment, technology, pharmaceuticals and services. Publishing Director Scott Colman t. +44 (0)7595 023 460 e. Editorial Ally Gau t. +44 (0)7769 310 286 e. e. Advertising Sales Lynn Amey t. +44 (0)7790 524 513 e. Circulation & Finance Manager Emma Colman t. +44 (0)7720 595 845 e. Production & Digital Jonny Jones t. +44 (0)7803 543 057 e.


Welcome to VSM


elcome to the latest issue of Vet Supplies Magazine, which features an interview with pet identification specialists Pet-ID Microchips Ltd – long time supporters of both the veterinary industry, and of Vet Supplies Magazine. We also focus on exotics in this issue with articles from Vetronic and Vetark, which look at some of the specialist skills required when dealing with exotic pets. Our other sections bring you the latest news and views from all sectors of the veterinary industry, as well as introducing a few new friends of VSM – Curragh Veterinary Supplies and Mustang X-ray Our next issue will look ahead to this years BEVA Congress – bringing you a plethora of


information wbout what you can expect to find at this years event. Suppliers and vets who are interested in getting involved in product road testing, editorial contributors, and suppliers with product news to share are all invited to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.


About our APP Sponsor (Direct Medical Supplies) DMS Direct Medical Supplies offers a comprehensive range of critical care, IV administration, surgical, and wound-care products to the healthcare and veterinary market. DMS is committed to offering customers more than your normal supplier, by providing unique products and general everyday

requirements for the operating room, intensive care, nursing, wound-care, and infection control. DMS provides a one-source multi-product choice that enables customers to manage their consumable supplies in an efficient and costeffective manner.

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General News Vet symposium probes problem behaviour in dogs, cats and horses


ABI, together with the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) in London, held a symposium on 17 June exploring behavioural problems in companion animals and leisure horses, and what can be done to resolve these problems. The strong link between poor behaviour and welfare problems was a recurring theme. Don Broom noted that the term ‘bad behaviour’ is often used to put blame on an animal when the behaviour is often the fault of the owner or other people. Bad behaviour, he said, is mostly a consequence of people failing to provide for an animal’s needs. Of the many reasons for problem behaviour, he highlighted lack of companionship (either from other animals or humans) as a particular concern, particularly for dogs, equines, budgerigars and rabbits. Don Broom also described studies on changes in behaviour and heart rate of dogs after doing something they had been told not to do and discussed whether this could

likely be attributed to feelings of guilt or a fear of punishment. Behaviour problems in multi-cat households were considered by Tammie King of WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition. She noted that while cats often show solitary behaviour, they are also capable of living in groups and co-operating, provided that their environment meets their needs. Many of the undesirable behaviours seen in multi-cat households, such as aggression and inappropriate marking, can be prevented by choosing the right cat, socializing animals at a young age, and providing sufficient space, litter boxes and places to rest, hide and play. Roly Owers, Chief Executive of World Horse Welfare, said that behavioural issues are an increasing problem in horses, particularly with a trend towards year-round stabling. While equines may be perceived as innately aggressive or ‘naughty’ this is highly unlikely to be the case; the animals are most likely reacting to

something such as pain, fear, poor environment or miscommunication. While it can take time to establish the cause of the poor behaviour and resolve it, ignoring it can seriously compromise welfare. The importance of taking an epidemiological approach to animal welfare and behaviour – considering the occurrence of diseases in different groups of animals, not just thinking of the individual – was explained by Lisa Collins of the University of Lincoln. She spoke about the difficulties in measuring physiological, behavioural and health indicators of welfare, and the need to develop balanced, inclusive scoring systems that are both robust and cheap. She described the development of a ‘quality of life’ assessment tool for use in kennelled dogs. Her research suggested that short-term kennelling does not seem to stress dogs, and may actually be an exciting, stimulating experience for them. Charlotte Burn, Lecturer in Animal Welfare and Behaviour


Science at the RVC, explained that behaviours considered undesirable by owners can be classed as natural (e.g. scent-marking, chewing) or abnormal (e.g. excessive tail-chasing) and that the latter are usually a sign of poor welfare. She highlighted frustration and boredom as prevalent, chronic welfare issues for many captive and companion animals. Talking about the event, Andrea Powell, CIO and Head of CABI’s Knowledge Business, said: “CABI has been publishing information resources to support animal health research for over 80 years. More recently, we’ve become one of the main publishers of texts in welfare and behaviour. This annual symposium just keeps getting better – it’s one of the ways we help achieve our goal of bridging the gap between research and practice; of showcasing some of the excellent research into animal behaviour that ultimately benefits practising veterinarians and the animals they care for. A good understanding of animal behaviour is essential to ensuring good animal welfare, and today’s event goes some way to improving levels of understanding in the profession.” The event, Animals Behaving Badly – Veterinary/Welfare Perspectives, was the 4th CABI Symposium on Animal Welfare and Behaviour, and was sponsored by Ceva and chaired by Martin Whiting of the RVC. The symposium also launched the latest edition of Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare, by Don Broom and Andrew Fraser.

Hall, Westminster, where graduates received their CQ badges and presentation scrolls. During the ceremony, guests were treated to a motivational talk by Benjamin Mee, author of the

For further information… t +44 (0)1359 245316 e w


London venue. Commenting on the day, Denise Burke, CQ’s quality assurance manager said: “Our graduation ceremony is a significant event in CQ’s calendar and this year’s event was another proud moment for CQ. Everyone has worked hard to get their qualification and we were delighted to celebrate the students’ success alongside their tutors, families and friends and we wish all our graduates every success in their future careers.”



entral Qualifications (CQ) held its annual graduation ceremony on Saturday, 20 June to celebrate those qualifying in the academic year. The ceremony took place at Central

best-selling book We Bought a Zoo. Benjamin spoke about how he came to be the owner of Dartmoor Zoo after he and his family came across a wildlife park in huge financial difficulties. He also talked about his surprise when approached by Hollywood who wanted to make a film based on the book, and his subsequent meetings with actor Matt Damon. Accompanied by their family, friends and members of their teaching teams, the nurses wore gowns and a hood trimmed in CQ colours. Despite other events taking place in London that day, including commemorations of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, over 130 people attended the ceremony at the central


Cq Graduates Celebrate Success: Newly Qualified Veterinary Nurses Enjoy Graduation Ceremony

General News 4

Support from Hill’s Pet Nutrition Enables Global Service to Vets T

he Minnesota Urolith Center (MUC) is celebrating the analysis of the millionth urinary stone (urolith) since it set out to reduce the worldwide incidence of urinary disease in companion animals and to enhance the veterinary and nutritional care of pets with urinary tract disorders. With support from Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc., a long-term partner, the MUC is able to deliver an analysis service to veterinarians globally, enabling them to access results and other information easily. The MUC, part of the University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine, leads the world in the analysis and treatment of urinary stones, research to identify risk factors for urolithiasis and science-supported recommendations for urolith prevention. “Analysing one million stones tells us that veterinarians really care about improving the health of their patients and support our efforts in helping them do so,” said MUC Co-Director Professor Jody Lulich. “In the past, stones were thrown away or even taken to school for ‘show and tell,’ but it is increasingly accepted that analysis provides valuable data to improve the health of

companion animals and is vital to prevent recurrence.” The epidemiologic data retrieved through stone analysis has helped veterinarians develop compassionate, minimally-invasive therapies to manage stones without surgery. Lulich cited as an example the nutritional dissolution of feline and canine struvite uroliths. In 2014, the MUC analysed uroliths from 86,875 animals from 55 countries. Most of the stones, 68%, came from the US, but Lulich said global participation is increasing and veterinarians in Japan, the UK, Taiwan and Australia frequently submit stones for analysis. Veterinarians around the world are able to transport stones to the MUC and receive an analysis at no cost, thanks to support from Hill’s Pet Nutrition. “We’re seeing some interesting trends,” Lulich said. “For instance, while New Zealand and Australia are on the same continent, separated by only two thousand km of the Tasman Sea, the types of stones that are submitted differ. In 2014, the most common stones from dogs in

Australia were struvite, while the most common stone in New Zealand dogs was calcium oxalate. Mining data from different geographic locations may help us better understand the risk factors and causes for different stone types.” Jody Lulich added: “Hill’s has been with us every step of the way, and their support underpins the progress we have made. With their continued help and with the kind donations we receive from veterinary professionals and pet owners worldwide, we will continue to strive to improve the efficiency of our service and provide the veterinary profession with results and sciencesupported recommendations they

Trevor Humphrey Joins Bimeda UK VOLUME 3 ISSUE 5




imeda UK is pleased to announce the appointment of Trevor Humphrey to the UK Commercial Team, in the role of Equine, Pig & Poultry Business Manager. Trevor has a wealth of valuable experience, having worked in the veterinary pharmaceutical and animal health industry for the past two decades. Bimeda has an exciting equine portfolio, as well as a broad range of products for pig and poultry, and Trevor’s appointment marks an exciting new chapter for Bimeda UK. Trevor is looking forward to driving awareness of Bimeda’s wide range of products and services, and

is particularly looking forward to the 2015 BEVA Congress, where he and the team will have chance to engage with vets about Bimeda’s exciting equine portfolio. A product which Trevor is particularly enthusiastic about is Bimeda’s Butagran Equi® sachet (POM-V). Butagran Equi® contains 200mg/g phenylbutazone and has added vanilla butter flavour, which is proving popular with a large number of equine vets. For further information t +44 (0)1248 725 400 e w

can use to best manage their individual patients.” Dr Jolle Kirpensteijn, C ‎ hief Professional Relations Officer at Hill’s Pet Nutrition, said, “We congratulate MUC on reaching this milestone. Our close partnership with the MUC shows the value of collaboration between industry and academia to veterinarians, pets and owners worldwide.” The MUC’s website - www. - is now available in seven languages with further translations underway. For further information t +1 785-250-4881 e

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General News 6

Problem solving sessions at VPMA Regional Meetings


ollowing the success of a round table discussion at a recent South West meeting of the Veterinary Practice Management Association (VPMA), Junior VicePresident and overall Regional

Co-ordinator Renay Rickard is encouraging the incorporation of similar sessions into the association’s regional meetings going forward. The round table took place at a meeting of the Avon, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall region on the 17th March, where a group of 14 practice managers from a wide area spent the afternoon talking about management issues common to many in practice. Topics included practice management systems, lone worker safety, pricing and invoicing systems, credit control, TB testing and guarding against employee theft. Ms Rickard commented, “This meeting was unusual in that we did not have a formal speaker and instead focused the entire time on discussion and the sharing of learnings and ideas. We would have continued long into the evening if time allowed, as we realised that we all face similar problems and challenges

to overcome, and that talking them through with other practice managers is a source of great help and support. “I am recommending that this format is incorporated into all our regional meetings going forward, either as stand-alone sessions or alongside our traditional approach of hosting talks on management topics. Our meetings have always been about networking, and the round table format just helps to ensure that time is set aside to have these really valuable discussions.” The next meeting of the Avon, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall regional group is on the 23rd June in Kilmington, Devon from 2pm to 4.30pm. The afternoon is split into two sessions with Onswitch’s Kristie Fairbanks speaking on ‘How to get paid for great care’, followed by a round table discussion on tricky management issues. Positioning and obtaining





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payment for services is an area that commonly causes problems in practice. Ms Rickard further commented, “Unfortunately there is no magic wand to ensure that your clients pay you every time their pets have treatment, but there are ways to ensure that it is more likely that they will. In her talk, Kristie will look at the ways in which you can communicate what your services are worth and also review the whole process by looking at pricing, estimates and the options available, so that when payment is requested, it is a positive experience for you and the client.” The meeting is free to VPMA members, and open to non-members at a cost of £24 inc. VAT. For further information t +44 (0)7000 782324 w


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General News 8

AMTRA Long Service Award for Virbac Technical Director


hris Taylor MRCVS, Technical Director at Virbac, has received a Long Service Award from the Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority

(AMTRA) in recognition of his many years of service to the organisation. The award was presented to Chris by AMTRA Chairman Phil Sketchley during a National Office of Animal

Health (NOAH) dinner in London on 21 April. AMTRA is an independent regulatory body which ensures that the prescription and supply of VPS animal medicines in the UK is undertaken in a responsible manner. Chris Taylor first began working with AMTRA in 1990 and, over the years, has made a significant contribution to the educational support and training it provides to AMTRA Suitably Qualified Persons (SQPs). He acted as an Assessor of SQP candidates for many years and later became Chairman of AMTRA’s Education Committee. He was an architect of AMTRA’s qualification for representatives of pharmaceutical companies. In 2010, training and assessment of this Certificate moved under the jurisdiction of NOAH. After 25 years’ service to

AMTRA, Chris Taylor is now stepping down to focus on his role as Technical Director at Virbac. Commenting on his contribution, Stephen Dawson, Secretary General of AMTRA, said: “I am very grateful to Chris for his extensive and valuable contributions over such a long period. Chris has helped to set the standards for both SQPs and pharmaceutical company representatives, ensuring that medicines continue to be sold and used responsibly.” For further information t +44 (0)1359 243243 e w

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Companion Animal 10

Vet Futures: pen your vision for a chance to win London Vet Show trip


et Futures is offering the chance to win an all-expensepaid trip to the London Vet Show (Olympia, 19-20 November) to the lucky winner of its ‘Veterinary Vision’ essay competition. The winning entry will also

be included in a time capsule, to be opened by the veterinary profession in 2030. Entrants – who could be vets, VNs, practice managers, students, in fact anyone with a veterinary interest – are being asked to pen an essay

in no more than 1,000 words which outlines ‘An idea that will transform the veterinary/veterinary nursing profession by 2030.’ The topic might look at a new business model, a new approach to education, a technological innovation

or perhaps a way that the working lives of those in the practice team could be improved – the approach is totally up to the author. The entries will be judged by the Vet Futures Project Board, which includes the Presidents and Chief Executives of both the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the British Veterinary Association. Entries will be anonymised then scored on a range of criteria, including originality, potential impact for the future and realistic prospects of change. The closing date for entries is midnight on Monday, 31 August 2015, and the winner will be notified on Monday, 7 September 2015. For further information w

Busy Vet Scoops Top CPD prize!





ichael Kingsbury BVetMed MRCVS of Fitzalan House Veterinary Group, has been announced as The Webinar Vet’s Vet of the Year for earning the most CPD hours during the first quarter of 2015. Winning a year’s free Diamond membership worth £2000, Michael has clocked up 34 CPD hours in 3 months – nearly meeting the annual requirement! Michael says he is delighted to have won and adds: “I am a general practitioner, so the varied content provided by the webinar vet suits me perfectly. “The service is fantastic and the quality of the webinars is also brilliant. Having access to the audio recordings is really useful for downloading onto your iPod and listening in your own time, wherever you may be! It’s amazing how much easier it has become to achieve your CPD, no more exhausting days traveling, it’s brilliant!” Adds Michael. Not only is he spared endless

hours of travel, Michael says a key benefit is that he can watch the Webinars whenever and whenever he wants. The Webinar Vet founder Anthony Chadwick MRCVS adds that Michael has completed a phenomenal number of hours on The Webinar Vet site and loves the variety of what we offer. “Michael is a similar vintage to me (RVC, 86) and recognises the same challenges as a busy GP in Sussex as I did when I set up The Webinar Vet five years ago. “I am thrilled that Michael has won this year’s prize of free Diamond membership as he is a great example of a lifelong learner who loves what he does!” For further information t +44 (0)1512 930039 e w



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Shaping the future of animal health

Companion Animal 12

The Road To Recovery By Marianne Lomberg, Veterinary Marketing Manager at ROYAL CANIN


e all understand the important role of medication in helping a companion animal to recover from illness or surgery. However, the role of nutrition in supporting a pet through this process is equally important. It has been estimated that between 25 and 65% of hospitalised cats and dogs are malnourished. This may be influenced by a number of factors including reduced appetite during convalescence and illness, trauma or infections hindering ingestion, necessary fasting due to examinations and surgery, and greater nutritional requirements during acute infections such as pneumonia and peritonitis. Malnutrition can have many knock-on consequences and contributes to many aspects of critical illness - including impaired immune function, increased susceptibility to infection, delayed wound healing, decreased strength and vigour and increased morbidity and mortality. Therefore ensuring adequate nutrient intake in these patients is crucial. Indeed, effective nutritional support has proven benefits including a shorter convalescence time, a reduced risk of sepsis, infections

and complications and a lower risk of bacterial translocation. ROYAL CANIN’s Recovery and Convalescence range ROYAL CANIN produces a range of diets for critical care patients. The range is ideal for the nutritional support of patients postsurgery and during intensive care, as well as for the initial phase of outpatient convalescence. The Recovery diet has been formulated to allow small volumes to be fed thanks to its high energy density and concentrated animo acids, which is useful for animals with a reduced food intake. Its high palatability promotes spontaneous consumption – important in hospitalised pets with decreased appetite and weight loss during intensive care. Due to its texture, the Recovery diet can also be used for tube feeding (for direct use in feeding tubes with a diameter greater than 10 Fr), and is also easy to use by hand or in a bowl. Convalescence support is available in loaf format for dogs and as chunks in gravy for cats, appealing to the species’ preferences and thus ideally suited to initiating spontaneous feeding. For animals requiring liquid feed, Convalescence support is also available in a rehydratable,

powdered format. When is the right time to start Recovery? Nutritional support becomes critical when the patient fails to achieve adequate food intake (real or anticipated) for three days or more. Cachexia, an unintentional acute weight loss of 10% or a chronic weight loss of 20%, hypoalbuminaemia and significant vomiting or diarrhoea are also indications for starting to use diets like those offered by ROYAL CANIN. Initiating feeding in the cachexic patient is best done slowly. It is recommended that one-third to one-quarter of the daily caloric intake is administered on the first day, divided into 4-6 small meals. If

no complications occur, the amount fed can be successively increased to reach the total caloric requirements by the third or fourth day. Close monitoring of the patient’s body weight and body condition can then be used to help to adjust the caloric intake for individual patients. In summary, malnutrition is surprisingly common in critically ill companion animal patients. Numerous studies have demonstrated that nutritional support reduces both morbidity and mortality and so should form an important part in the management of critically ill patients. For further information w

Virbac Launches Sulfatrim, the First Licensed TMPS Antibiotic for Rabbits





irbac has launched Sulfatrim, the first veterinarylicensed Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole (TMPS) oral antibiotic for use in rabbits, pigeons and bearded dragons. Presented in a 30ml bottle with a dispensing cap and syringe for convenient yet responsible antibiotic use in practice. Kate Woolley MRCVS, Product Manager, said: “Until now, no similar veterinary-licensed product has been available for these species and, in an environment where vets are increasingly aware of the responsible use of antibiotics across all species, we are very happy to launch Sulfatrim, the first licensed TMPS for rabbits, pigeons and bearded dragons.” Founded by a veterinary surgeon, Virbac is dedicated to supporting the veterinary profession through the development of innovative products and services, which

help animals to lead longer, healthier lives. One of the largest independent veterinary pharmaceutical companies in the world, its wide product portfolio includes many market-leading and award-winning products for large and small animals. It has recently launched Virtual Virbac, a pioneering, interactive communications portal to keep practices up to date with the latest information on Virbac products. By scanning the Virtual Virbac image using the free Blippar app on a smart device, the image ‘comes to life’, enabling veterinary professionals to interact with a range of clinical and support information on key Virbac products. For further information t +44 (0)1359 243243 e w

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Companion Animal

‘Claimed and Shamed’ – The price of insurance fraud



gria Pet Insurance and its in-depth investigation into pet insurance fraud has secured its place as a key contributor to the latest series of BBC1’s popular documentary, ‘Claimed and Shamed’. This is the fourth time specialist pet insurer Agria has been asked by the BBC to participate in the documentary, which highlights the prevalence of fraud across all sectors of the insurance industry, Agria specifically highlights the impact this has on pet owners, vets and breeders. In law, fraud is defined as deliberate deception designed to secure unfair or unlawful gain. Detecting fraud is one of the reasons why insurers scrutinize claims so thoroughly because it is an unpleasant fact that the cost

of fraud impacts the premiums insurers have to charge. Agria, a leading global pet insurer with particular expertise in the veterinary sector, focuses on training all claims handlers to identify indicators of fraud and detect fraudulent claims, which helps to eliminate the problem thereby protecting policyholders’ premiums from rising. When appropriate, Agria refers fraudulent claims to the Royal Veterinary College and IFED (Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department) and regularly contributes to a fraud round table run by a major law firm. Simon Wheeler, Managing Director of Agria Pet Insurance comments, “It’s a sad reality that there are always people looking to abuse their insurance policy

to make a false claim. We work extremely hard to ensure our claims handlers have the tools and the training to succeed at the challenging job of identifying these instances. We’re delighted that the BBC has asked us to contribute once again to Claimed and Shamed and, as ever, are grateful

for the opportunity to highlight the problem of fraud in the pet insurance world.” For further information t +44 (0)1296 611604 w

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Companion Animal 16

Pet Professionals Ltd, trading as Dog Rocks, supports local Gurkha communities. people and Gurkhas especially, as we all know, are the bravest of the bravest and you couldn’t wish for more organized, loyal, honest and hard-working people to work with. My children and I returned from Nepal in April, 2 weeks before the earthquakes that devastated Gurkha heartland, we want to do all we can to support these very special people”.


s a growing company, Dog Rocks have expanded their storage space & operations. In doing so they have taken on a team of ex Gurkha service men to run their warehouse & pick & pack facility.

“My late father was a British Gurkha and I am immensely proud of his regiment and their people. My ties to Nepal put everything I do into perspective and keep me grounded. ” says Carina Evans, CEO. “Nepalese

Our Lines: Pet Professionals lead product is Dog Rocks, the only 100% natural convenient & proven product to rid your grass, shrubs and box hedging of pet urine burns.

now distribute bulk bags (600g) in the UK and North American market NB – Pet Professionals/ Dog Rocks now distribute Pet Remedy in the North American Market NB – Pet Professionals/ Dog Rocks now distribute the Torus Bowl in the European Market NB – Pet Professionals/ Dog Rocks now distribute PetproBio in the European Market

NB – Pet Professionals/ Dog Rocks

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Companion Animal 18

Geographical Antibiotic Resistance Mapping Now Possible By Anatomical Area


he IDEXX Pet Resist antibiotic resistance mapping website has been updated to include information on the anatomical site from where the submission sample was obtained. In addition to being able to see geographical variations in resistance to the top ten antibiotics used in cats and dogs, site visitors will now be able to view this information by the most commonly submitted anatomical site. Simon Wootton, UK CAG Marketing Manager from IDEXX says that providing this additional resistance and sensitivity information will help vets make more informed decisions on treatment and therapy. “We believe this will be an additional valuable aid for providing first-line treatment options before

samples can be tested,” says Simon. “This is not an alternative to microbiological analysis, but merely an aid to assessing which antibiotic may aid treatment based on many years’ data and well over 200,000 samples submitted to IDEXX.” The information on the website is available free of charge to practising veterinary surgeons. The company says that its aim is to help UK vets gain a good understanding of antibiotic resistance and sensitivity, to help them make more informed decisions when it comes to prescribing antibiotics at initial consultations. For further information w




CVS Launches MiPetFood


VS has boosted its growing own brand MiPet portfolio with a range of premium life stage pet foods. MiPetFood has

been developed to support CVS practices in increasing footfall and generating repeat sales of food products. It has been created

in consultation with CVS’ Clinical Advisory Committee and is being manufactured by a leading, Britishbased manufacturer of premium pet foods. The range includes: Dogs: Puppy, Adult, Small Bite, Neutered and Senior Cats: Kitten, Adult, Neutered and Senior. CVS Director of Product and Buying Sara Armitage explained: “MiPetFood is a high quality product range, benchmarked against other premium ranges and manufactured using the highest quality ingredients, all of which are laboratory-tested. It is available in a range of bag sizes and we plan to add new lines to meet demand over time. “We are excited about the launch of MiPetFood because we believe it gives our practices the opportunity to significantly build the revenue they earn from pet food by offering their clients an exclusive premium brand, which is more affordable than comparative brands.

“Offering our own products gives us more flexibility with promotions and marketing support and, as they can only buy the food at our practices, clients will have a reason to return regularly. MiPetFood is being launched into number of CVS practices during August, with full rollout across the group set to start in November 2015. The MiPet range, offered to practices within the group and to members of its buying group, MiVetClub, already includes many nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products with waiting room retail products also being introduced in July 2015.

For further information… t +44 (0)1379 644288 e w

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Practice Matters 20

Fit for The Future





he recent ‘’Fit for The Future’’ event from Vetswest in Bristol last month introduced key speakers on a wide range of topics who all had a vested interest in supporting strong independent practices, from high level finance, to a Health & Safety expert who had to send the reserves because he himself was in hospital! A number of practices brought multiple members of staff; the ones who are responsible for carrying out the practice development work once the partners have made up their minds! To understand the business behind the veterinary practice, Mark Harwood of Hazelwoods spent the first two sessions talking about the legal structure of a practice and the impact this could have if the practice was sold, be that to a corporate, or to a current associate. Determining the right vehicle for the business, be it traditional partnership, company or LLP, depends on what the management team plans to do in years to come. In the corporate valuation the profit made today will be used as evidence of the value in a calculation of EBITDA. This valuable but often dry subject scored highly on our postmeeting survey, and is a topic we are likely to revisit at future meetings. The wholesalers focused on a variety of topics, including reducing stock levels by different means, demonstrating the value which is locked up on dispensary shelves, (only to disappear in value by virtue of being dropped, going out of date or just disappearing), current legislation and supply chain, and the opportunity value in procedures per FTE vet. The estimates of inventory ‘shrinkage’, as it was so aptly called, seemed to vary from 4-5% to substantially higher teens of a percentage. As computers become more adept at setting rules, the absence of a bottle and batch numbers should now become as effective at highlighting incorrect recording of use as the most diligent practice manager! Bal Bains from the Veterinary Consultancy Team presented on: understanding the levers for profit generation, when to react to challenges within the marketplace and how to determine the services and

products to adjust. A concept might be based on competing as much as the practice is comfortable with on small animal vaccines, adding 50p to the consultation fees and a similar charge on routine procedures such as injection fees, which are compared less regularly. Zoetis have completed time and motion studies on a very large number of procedures within practice. This allows members to put in their own fixed and variable costs to determine which areas are responsible for driving the profit. By making adjustments to the prices of procedures it is possible to understand the effect it will have on your profit. Evidence was given of practices where the majority of pets were 8 years and older, with only a 5% regeneration of new pets. Without new pets coming in on a regular basis, client population is going to age just as the human population is doing in the UK. If this pattern is identified, then the practice can focus on gaining interest from the local population through targeted advertising. Gareth Rees of JPM made what was genuinely one of the most interesting presentations on pensions - clear, concise, and easy to understand. Although the system can be run in house, the penalties for using Government procedures such as Nest includes lack of flexibility, dealing with a large number of starters and leavers each month if staff are part time and have variable contracts and inability to move investments when staff move jobs. With JPM, members will get preferential rates, and a choice of flexible funds to suit employees risk profile. Understanding the drivers of footfall is important, as is the source of profit as outlined above. The ratio of

increased business when compared to discounts given for signing up to a health plan is fundamental to it bringing benefit to the practice and client base as a whole. All staff need to be made aware of the importance and mechanisms which are imperative to be in place to drive this process successfully. The formal structures which give the plans support vary from the helpful Practice Plan for Vets, or the all-inclusive support plan with education for staff, launch assistance for the practice which comes with the Practice Health Plans. They are both companies which are now owned by Denplan. Where members were using iRecall as their reminder system, Vetswest can now confirm proven data from member sales that clearly shows a 30% plus increase in sales volume for those using such a service. Using a traffic lights system in the consult process on a short list of key indicators of health such as Red Orange Green, can make clients aware as to what their next investment in their pet is likely to be. If their tooth health goes from Green to Orange it is a simple reminder that they need to pay attention, just as a warning that your brake pads need replacing alerts you to a future requirement in keeping your car on the road. 3H Partners benchmarking:The size of Vetswest and its detailed market analytic powers allows specific product areas to be examined and benchmarked in great detail. As a result of this the relative performance between members in their own particular markets has been analysed. With the help of MSD this will be used in

a number of short well defined projects to help practices drive their fulfilment of business potential. Vetswest provided the individual members sales versus potential in an anonymised and confidential format within the membership. This data was whole market data rather than simply from one manufacturer therefore providing far greater credibility for members to work with. Business Development Director Chris Sobey said ‘It is imperative that a business group such as Vetswest helps its members be fit and strong for the future. The membership had access to a tremendous amount of useful information over the two days.’’ Chris emphasised in his closing piece “from the points that you have all noted as owners and practice managers over the course of this event, please prioritise your top 3! These goals are achievable and will have more effect on your business than trying to complete a never-ending list of items. Focusing on what is important is key. Post event we had over 50 members apply to do the shrinkage challenge in the 1st month alone! To summarise, the important message to take home with you is be commercial in all your business activities. Involve your staff in the practice marketing and ensure that they understand its importance to the business in general. Empower them to implement the ideas you took home from the course!’’

For further information t +44 (0)1237 459709 w

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Practice Matters 22

Nutrition qualification for veterinary nurses By Ian Williams MRCVS, Veterinary Support Manager at ROYAL CANIN


ollowing the launch of COAPE (Centre of Applied Pet Ethology)’s Certificate in Canine and Feline Veterinary Health Nutrition (QCF) last September, ROYAL CANIN is once again supporting veterinary nurses working within clinical practice or the wider industry by providing a number of bursaries. The qualification offers veterinary nurses better insight and understanding of the effects and importance of nutrition in feline and canine health and disease. The nine month qualification is split across units beginning with anatomy and physiology of the canine and feline digestive tract, focusing on the biochemistry of digestion and the concepts

of digestibility and palatability. The subsequent units cover the essential role of nutrients, energy and the importance of a balanced diet followed by diet types, feeding behaviour and regimes in addition to pet food labelling and legislation. The second half of the qualification begins with principles of canine and feline lifestage nutrition and includes the nutritional requirements during growth, feeding neutered animals and how to approach nutrition during reproduction and the ageing process. A focus on new developments in clinical nutrition sits alongside education into the management of nutrition in critical

care patients or those with a dysfunction in one of the major body systems, in addition to the influence of nutrition on stress and anxiety, nutritional management of obese patients or patients with ongoing chronic diseases. ROYAL CANIN has been championing the qualification since its inception last year and is once again supporting veterinary nurses by providing a limited number of bursaries. Ian Williams, Veterinary Support Manager at ROYAL CANIN explained: “ROYAL CANIN is proud to provide continued support by providing a number of bursaries for interested students. Successful completion of this qualification will aid veterinary

nurses in supporting the nutritional management of canine and feline patients in routine clinics, critical care and chronic disease, ensuring best practice principles for these patients.” The Certificate in Canine and Feline Veterinary Health Nutrition (QCF) runs in September and February and is open to all qualified veterinary nurses. More information can be found by visiting events_details.php?id=24

For further information e w




Does profit-making damage the veterinary profession’s reputation? I n a Vet Futures blog, a former President of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and the Veterinary Practice Management Association argues that practices should be more ‘business-minded’ when it comes to managing their resources. John Sheridan, who is now a management and business consultant to the veterinary profession, argues that veterinary practices are over-reliant on generating profit from sales of medicines and that they should be seeking to make more from their professional services. This is in line with one of the objectives identified during the first Vet Futures Group meeting in January 2015 which said that ‘practices should be less focussed on margins from medicine sales.’ John says: “My experience over the years as a management consultant to the profession indicates that the margin generated by the sales of medicines and other products after allowing for an appropriate share of establishment, overhead and staff costs is modest but

certainly not excessive – while the margin generated by the sale of professional time and expertise hovers around nil and, in many practices, is negative.” He says that, at a time of increasing competition and greater corporatisation, veterinary practices must be viable to thrive and points out that, based on available data, the amount of profit generated by independent practices is poor and declining in contrast to corporate groups. While some independent practices may be concerned about their reputation and relationship with clients if they charge more for professional services, John argues that, with high trust levels in the profession (as demonstrated in a recent Vet Futures survey), vets should not be afraid of having a greater business focus – something he believes should be encouraged from vet school onwards.

“That reputation is our brand. It has been slowly built over many generations by veterinary surgeons and their practice teams up and down the country, every day of the week, dealing first hand with practical animal welfare challenges and delivering professional, caring and compassionate services for their owners. “Will it continue? Of course it will – but only if veterinary practices continue to be viable businesses generating the revenue necessary to enable them to thrive, cover all their costs and, when judged appropriate by their owners, to offer professional services on a pro-bono basis for wild animals, stray animals and those belonging to individual owners in need,” adds John.

Overall, he argues that “better business is essential for the delivery of better medicine” as it allows for investment in facilities, equipment and skills. To read John’s blog in full please visit uk/discuss where there will also be a poll asking ‘Can veterinary practice embrace the urgent need for better business skills without damaging its well-earned reputation as a compassionate profession primarily concerned with the welfare of the animals under its care?’

For further information w

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Practice Matters Vetstream Webpartner launches Content Service for Practice Websites















new Content Service offering clients the capability to send targeted ‘pet owner-friendly’ pree-mails to their clients. Instead of prepared content for use on having to generate the stories thempractice websites and in e-newsselves they will be provided with letters has been launched by three news stories per month or can online veterinary content specialist request stories on a particular topic. Vetstream for its veterinary practice Each story features a call to action website service Webpartner. to drive visits and enquiries to the The new service features practice. The stories can also be stories written by veterinary profesposted on practice websites. sionals on a range of topics relevant “Time is the enemy in a busy practice, even those with the best to small animals. Preventative health is a particular focus with intentions of keeping in close and topics including: regular contact with their clients,” • The risks to dogs from chocolate explains Dr G Mark Johnston, or swimming in ponds with blueManaging Director of Vetstream. “With our new Content Service, green algae we’re helping practices to save time • Common health problems, by ensuring they have a constant including dental issues and tick stream of relevant, fresh and removal • Seasonal advice, including accurate content for their e-newsletters and websites. helping dogs to stay cool in “The stories are written in a summer and to cope with the friendly, accessible style and offer firework season. The Content Service useful, educational information, is Half available as an ‘add-on’1 to04/03/2014 as well as reinforcing the value of SFG Page Advert 15:19 contacting the veterinary team and Vetstream’s Webpartner E-mail inviting them to visit the practice Package, a service which offers

with questions about pet health. They will help Vetstream Webpartner customers to ensure that their e-newsletters are fresh and interesting and that content on their website is updated regularly in line with the changing seasons and other topical developments.” Vetstream Webpartner has designed and built more than 250 veterinary websites. Its team of experienced web developers design and develop a new site from scratch based on a brief from a practice. It offers comprehensive support to its customers in the form of practical advice, training sessions and a range of add on services, including pet owner fact sheets, videos and the new Content Service.

For further information t +44 (0)1223 895818 e w

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Social Media

Practice Matters 26

Vet Inflow says “Use e-mail newsletters to keep in touch with your clients” M

aintaining contact with clients or potential clients is one of the most important goals of a practice. Vet Inflow now provides e-mail newsletters as a form of direct marketing, using electronic mail as a means of frequent communicating to an audience. Vet Inflow is an online marketing company specialising in veterinary marketing with a highly qualified team of vets, veterinary marketing specialists, web developers and designers. The company is already working in partnership with about 40 practices in the UK, helping to increase their Facebook page’s traffic and success, providing regular updates, designed to greatly enhance the overall presence of the Practice Facebook page. This service includes:

• •

Visually appealing, engaging, educational and scientifically accurate content (written by their vets) adapted to the target audience – the clients Popular pet-themed content from the internet – viral photos/ videos/links Specifically designed posts of promotions, behind-the-scenes photos, events and so on; comment management (monitoring, answering and removing spam)

As part of a practice’s integrated marketing strategy, Vet Inflow also writes, designs & sends e-mail newsletters, giving the practice the opportunity to increase brand notoriety and to keep the clients updated with informative content (offers, practice news; reminders; competitions, etc.). A well designed and regular newsletter is a great way for a practice to advertise its products or services and to provide useful and informative articles. It is also a very affordable way to reach large numbers of clients and to encourage their interaction with the practice. Another benefit of e-mail newsletters is that they will be delivered straight into the user’s inbox and it only takes a click to access the information that is of interest to them. Vet Inflow provides two e-mail newsletter options: 1. Content provided by Vet Inflow, including vet columns, text, links & downloads, photos, practice offers, competitions, questions & answers. The practice will also have the option to add their own content. In this option Vet Inflow will co-ordinate & design a full online newsletter & send it to selected e-mail addresses. 2. The practice writes the text and Vet Inflow takes care of the

design of the newsletter as well as all the technicalities of sending the newsletter directly to the clients. Vet Inflow believes that working closely with clients, providing input on their online marketing strategy and offering technical support is the best way to develop the full potential of a veterinary practice as a business. Vet Inflow creates/manages websites of veterinary practices and creates web/mobile apps. With those apps a practice will be able to run competitions (for example, photo of the month, seasonal competitions) capturing data from both the entrants




New Partnerships for Vetplus V

etPlus International is delighted to announce two new partnerships with an exclusive distributor for the Japanese market and also the Cyprus market. The Japanese market is widely regarded as being the second largest in the world after the USA with over two million dogs. This presents an excellent opportunity for growth with a new, committed partner. Neil Pullar, International Sales Director for VetPlus International said “This is a landmark partnership for

VetPlus International, enabling us to access one of the most important markets worldwide. We have been patient in finding the perfect partners for VetPlus and are confident that the relationship will go from strength to strength.” The news of these new partnerships brings our total number of VetPlus distributors to 28, we are continuously looking to grow to increase our worldwide coverage and cement our presence as a global leader in veterinary nutraceuticals.

Craig Wood was posted to Afghanistan 3 weeks after his 18th birthday. 12 weeks later in a roadside bomb he lost both legs and left forearm. At that time Craig was the youngest solder ever injured in Afghanistan. VetPlus have worked with Craig for a number of years, and have recently just bought him a new set of sails to facilitate his dream of competing in the 2016 Paralympics. Craig commented “Speed is absolutely essential in sailing, and keeping up to date with the latest technology

and the voters. Vet Inflow’s offer is flexible; from simple Facebook management, ads or e-mail newsletter to complex ad campaigns, decreasing the need for costly traditional ‘print’ marketing whilst working in conjunction with it as well.

For further information t +44 (0)1793 384069 e

is critical. Every year I get faster and more successful. I am currently in the podium potential Paralympic squad. My aim is to compete in the Paralympics in Brazil in 2016 and bring back a gold medal for Britain!”

For further information t +44 (0)1253 667422 w

Exotic Animals Spotlight 28

Anaesthesia in exotic species - some considerations A

naesthesia in exotic species brings with it some unique challenges and problems not least of which is the vast range of patient sizes. Variations in anatomy and respiratory physiology also need to be taken in to account when anaesthetising these patients. For the purpose of this short article the term exotic will be taken to mean birds, reptiles and mammals commonly encountered in small animal practice where the patient weight is typically less than 5kg. This covers most birds, reptiles and smaller exotic mammals. Vetronic Services has been designing and manufacturing anaesthetic equipment to meet the needs of exotic patients since 1994 and has a large range of products directly suited to the unique problems encountered. When anaesthetising these exotic patients there are a number of points that should be taken into consideration beforehand: •




How will anaesthesia be maintained? Will this be by gas inhalation on a face mask or with an et tube? If a face mask is used a sufficient Fresh Gas Flow (FGF) must be used to clear expired gas and present fresh gas to the patient and a good seal must be obtained around the mask.If an ET tube is to be used, is a suitable ET tube available? Often patient size means that ET tubes need to be fashioned from vascular or urinary catheters. Is the dead space of the patient circuit suitable for the patient? Using standard 15mm connectors to a T-piece circuit may be suitable for animals over 2-3kg but for a 100g bird the dead space may exceed the actual tidal volume of the patient. In these instances increasing the FGF will be of no help. Try to make sure the dead space is no more than 10% of the patient’s tidal volume otherwise excessive rebreathing will occur. Do you have provision for either manual or mechanical IPPV? Reptiles and birds often breathe very badly on their own under general anaesthesia either as a result of the induction agent or as a result of their own anatomy and physiology. Also

bear in mind that in reptiles, the recovery period may significantly exceed the surgery period and these patients may need ventilation for some time before spontaneous respiration resumes. Do you have a reliable means of monitoring the patient during anaesthesia? Often the heart rates of exotic species fall outside the range of many human monitors. A tortoise heart rate may be only 5-6 per minute and a bird’s heart rate may easily exceed 300 bpm. Can your ECG machine monitor at these rates and how are you going to attach the electrodes? In these cases an alternative to crocodile clips is often needed. One option is to use an oesophageal ECG probe. Another is to use specially modified clips or atruamtic clips or even transcutaneous needles. Is your capnograph suitable for these smaller patients? If your capnograph is a sidestream unit find out what the sampling rate is. 200 mls/minute is standard in human machines. Even with good attention to the sampling point and reduction of dead space good capnograms are unlikely to be obtained in animals under 4-5kg. 50mls/minute sampling rate and the use of low dead space adaptors will allow good capnograms in animals down to about 150g. Mainstream capnographs usually are human devices and offer two adaptors; an adult and a paediatric adaptor. Typical paediatric

adaptors have a dead space volume of about 1ml. Using the above guide this will limit their use to animals above 1kg. Will your pulse-ox be suitable for monitoring the exotic patient and where will it be placed? Would it be better to use a reflectance probe rather than a transmission probe? Again, human machines may not be able to monitor some patients with fast pulse rates and placement can be difficult. Test and or make sure that the unit will work on your patient before you begin. Do you have a Doppler monitor for monitoring those patients where access to a suitable ECG site and Pulse-Oximeter site can be difficult and where patient size precludes reliable capnography. In these patients, e.g. small reptiles, a doppler monitor may be the only indication of vitality, particularly if the animal is being mechanically ventilated. One other consideration is to ensure that your small exotic patient is at the correct temperature. This may be below room temperature for some of

the cold-blooded species or above room temperature for the warm-blooded species. Avoiding hypothermia is a must in the smaller exotic patient. The preceding gives some idea of the additional considerations that have to be taken in to account when anaesthetising exotic species. Vetronic Services has a range of products designed specifically for these species. All of our ECG monitors have a range of 6 - 600 bpm and our capnographs are all 50mls/ minute sidestream sampling. We also manufacture tiny temperature probes and oesophageal ECG/Temperature probes for use in exotics. Our web site has an array of articles and information on the use of ventilators in exotic species as well as information and videos on the use of the ventilators themselves. We welcome any enquiry regarding the unique requirements of anaesthetising exotic patients and will be pleased to discuss these requirements with you over the phone. For further information t +44 (0)1626 365505 w

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Exotic Animals Spotlight 30

Microchipping Exotics: Is there a case for it?





dentification is seen as one of the basic principles of responsible pet ownership. Collar tags are a common method used for dogs and cats but other species of pet can present more of a challenge. Microchips are fast being viewed as the most convenient approach to identifying any animal regardless of size or species. The procedure has the advantage over other methods of being permanent, incredibly fast, virtually painless and only needs undertaking once in the animal’s lifetime. While it is a legal requirement only for horses, CITES listed animals, pets travelling and soon to be required for dogs, microchipping has proven highly advantageous in identifying exotic species and is rapidly gaining popularity among owners. Animal thefts are increasing common and some exotic pets are high on the ‘desirable’ list with many species commanding high prices on the black market. Most, if not all, UK databases are able to register a microchip number to any species in the same way they would for a dog or cat. With this in mind, a microchip can be central to the identification and reunification of exotic pets with their rightful owners if those who come into contact with any new animal are encouraged to scan it as a precaution. However, for this to be truly effective as a method of reunification, access to a Universal Scanner (one that scans for all chip types – not just the common ones) is crucial to prevent overlooking a microchip. This is particularly true in the case of exotics as specimens may have non-ISO microchips due to age or being imported. If the animal to be microchipped is a smaller species owners may be concerned about the practicality/pain level of the procedure. We recommend using the smaller, lighter mini-microchip where possible. They are held to the same high standard as regular microchips but are significantly reduced in size of the microchip and needle. This means that for a smaller patient the risks are lowered petDetect have supplied mini-microchips for use in tiny bats, tortoises, emus, snakes, lizards and many other species. Recommended implant sites vary between species and some can only undergo the procedure when performed by a Veterinary Surgeon. Microchips implanted subcutaneously can be inserted by anyone who has received the appropriate training. However, where anatomical knowledge is needed a veterinarian is legally required. This includes when

implanted into muscle as in birds and thin-skinned chelonians, species where a microchip is implanted into a body cavity like amphibians and those implanted into equids. A guideline list of these sites for all species is available from the BVZS website. ISO standard FDX-B microchips are not all the same, in the UK market alone there are many companies with their own unique style. When implanting any animal it is important to ensure the microchip is capable of lasting the animals’ lifetime. As exotics can live for extended periods it is suggested that more technologically advanced chips are better suited for use as they generally have fewer internal connection points that could potentially lead to failure. There is a similar argument for choosing a microchip that is laserprogrammed above electronic programming can minimize any chance the chip can be corrupted, wiped or rewritten. Microchipping is an easy way to permanently ensure animals can be traced, identified and returned to owners regardless of circumstance. A microchip should be viewed as a central part of responsible pet ownership and proactively encouraged across the board – not just in species controlled by the CITES regulations or where legislation binds the owner. Park Farm Emus Case study Microchips are being recognized as a valuable method of identification for many species in the UK. petDetect’s veterinary experience mean they are happy to both supply and advise veterinarians on implanting microchips in any animal. In 2015 we have advised on a range of situations, including the successful implantation of emu chicks at Park Farm Emus in the East Midlands. Park Farm Emus highlighted the technical excellence of Trovan

microchips, petDetect’s service and the value of Petlog registration for identification should any escape from a future owner. In Emus, the recommended implant site is the pipping muscle, so microchips must be placed soon after the chick hatches as the muscle atrophies (effectively trapping the microchip in place) within a week of hatching. If the implant takes place more than four days post-hatching there is a chance the microchip will not enter the muscle correctly, running the risk of migration down the neck. Should the muscle is deemed too small, the tail muscle or under the left wing can be used as alternative sites. The oldest chick was microchipped at three days old and it was noted that the pipping muscle had already begun to atrophy. This is partially for convenience when scanning and also a practical assessment if the bird is destined for meat production. As the location of the implant remains close to the surface and is largely unaffected by feathering throughout an emu’s life, the

mini-microchips were deemed the best option. Measuring just 8mm in length they are pre-packaged in a smaller sized needle more proportionate to the area size and have more chance of entering a shrinking muscle successfully. There should be minimal to no bleeding from the procedure. The first four chicks to be identified with microchips at Park Farm Emus were implanted in February 2015. Adrian Fretwell, owner of Park Farm Emus, kindly provided a video and photographs of the procedure on one of the chicks is available to view on youtube. He also reported the chicks suffered no side effects and thanked petDetect for their ‘help and support and a great after sales service that is very seldom seen these days.’ For further information t +44 (0)1962 813 554 e w



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BUTAGRAN EQUI® WITH ADDED BUTTER VANILLA FLAVOUR Indications: For the treatment of musculo-skeletal conditions where relief from pain and a reduction in the associated inflammation is required. It is also of value in limiting post-surgical inflammation, myositis and other soft tissue inflammation. The product can be used as an anti-pyretic, where this is considered advisable, eg. in viral respiratory infections. Use Medicines Responsibly.

Butagran Equi Legal Category: POM-V. Butagran Equi contains Phenylbutazone 200mg/g. Date advert prepared: May 2015. Contact Bimeda at 2 Bryn Cefni Industrial Park, Llangefni, Anglesey, Wales, LL777XA.

Exotic Animals Spotlight 32

Feather quality – more than skin deep





he basic function of skin whatever the species and special adaptations, is principally the same. It is efficiently summed up in a line from the 1960’s comedy song, ‘You’ve gotta have skin’. It goes “… skin’s the thing that keeps the outside out – and keeps your inside in”. Skin, whether it is the soft porous epidermis of amphibians; cornified scales of a reptile; glandular and hairy dermis of most mammals or the aglandular feather covered skin of birds, serves to maintain a vital physical, physiological and immunological barrier from potential lifethreatening environmental dangers. Whilst evolutionary modifications of form and type allow a creature to exist and survive in their chosen ecological niche, the basis of maintaining a quality external covering remain the same – high-quality epithelium. Because of the need for a constantly high quality dermis, most species have designed methods for its regular replacement. This can be piecemeal and continuous such as the shedding of dander in humans or wholemeal as in the sloughing of the entire skin by snakes. It can be seasonal and protracted over months as in many mammals or as is the case in most birds contracted into just weeks. Regardless of which method is used for it to proceed smoothly and a new quality integument to be produced, the animal needs to be able to synthesise quality cells. This is dependent on an efficient metabolism which in turn is reliant on quality nutrition. Let us look more specifically at the skin and feathers of birds, a class of animal defined by the nature their integument. It is often stated that the outward appearance of a bird’s plumage is a reflection of the inner quality of that bird. Malnutrition as a cause of disease in birds is well documented with conditions ranging from acute presentations hypocalcaemic seizures for example, to chronic obesity and organopathies including the dermis. When moulting does not proceed normally the outcome is generally apparent to both the owners and vet. Poor feather quality, leading to premature wear (often seen as a lack of normal feather colour and excessive black pigmentation) and damage; excess feather dust (higher than normal levels of keratin flakes from the sheaths of

sub-standard feathers and poor quality epithelium); multiple pin feathers from protracted moulting and changes in feather colour are some of the less dramatic symptoms. Feather chewing, bleeding blood feathers and self-mutilation are more spectacular issues that can arise; all may prompt owners to seek help and advice from their vet. That conditions affecting the integument should feature high on a nutritional disease check list is understandable. Feather growth requires a huge investment in both metabolic activity and available nutrients. A bird’s feathers may contain up to 25% of the entire body protein and grow at a rate of 10mm a day so, as can be imagined, the dietary demands to replace this level of nutrient investment in a short space of time is extraordinary. What dictates the quality of a bird’s skin and feathers? Moulting in birds, as it is with most creatures, is under the integrated control of a suite of physiological mechanisms. These are the ‘proximate’ regulators. The way that the moult proceeds is governed by a number of secondary – ‘ultimate’ – factors. By far the most influential of these in birds is nutrition. When diets are deficient, moulting will still proceed but at a cost to feather and body. Moulting will often be delayed or interrupted with a reduced rate of feather production. Feather structural quality

will be suboptimal (the production of stress lines, pigmentation changes, reduced tensile strength) and the moult will generally be protracted – with a knock-on effect on the immunological status of the bird. The nutritional issues that govern feather development are essentially the same as those that regulate the effectiveness of all metabolic pathways; the synthesis of biochemical compounds and subsequent cellular production throughout the body. The visible appearance of the avian plumage can be interpreted as a direct manifestation of the quality of the bird’s overall nutritional well-being. Failure of available nutrients on a daily basis leads to metabolic dysfunction which in turn leads to suboptimal epithelial structure. Epithelium is not confined to the outer dermis. The mucosa of the respiratory system (sinuses in particular) and bowel and the cellular structure of the kidneys are particularly prone to metaplastic changes. I have previously discussed in this journal the complex interaction of nutrient deficient (seed-based) diets, selective feeding preferences and owner non-awareness which predisposes to avian malnutrition. There is no better organ to observe and study than the avian integument – skin, feathers, beak and claws – to appreciate the equally complex effects that the disease of avian malnutrition has

on the whole of the avian body. It is no coincidence that nature has evolved over countless millennia to use feather quality as a badge of excellence in mate selection. Visual quality has a direct correlation with health and nutritional status. So next time you see a bird with a feather condition look beneath the surface. Consider the bird holistically not just a creature with a bad moult. Don’t just reach for a feather-spray, reflect on the cause and address the fundamental issue – malnutrition; correct the problem from the inside. Stop the seeds and start a formulated nutritionally complete diet. Use Harrisons. Harrison’s formulated diets provide all the minerals and vitamins that are lacking in the diet of a seed-fed bird and being certified organic do not contain extraneous pesticides and herbicides common in the production and storage of grains. Neither do they contain additional non-natural preservatives. Correcting malnutrition by feeding a balanced nutritional formulated diet is the most important thing that you can do to correct feather issues. Feather quality is more than skin deep. Correct from the inside out.

For further information t +44 (0)1509 265557 e

Harrison‛s Bird Foods Malnutrition is the leading cause of ill-health in pet birds Prevention has never made more sense Scientifically formulated and nutritionally complete to help ensure the best health of the birds in your care Certified organic*, so contains no potentially harmful artificial pesticides, colourings or preservatives Take the modern veterinary approach to good avian healthcare Available through NVS, Centaur & Henry Schein Please contact us for more information and client literature *Certified Organic in the EU by the Organic Food Federation (GB-ORG-4) and in the USA by USDA and International Certification Services

Meadow’s Animal Healthcare 01509 265557

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Equine 34

Keeping up with the Strongyles


he most effective methods for controlling worms in horses continue to evolve as science brings us new research. The worming experts at Zoetis are keen to keep horse owners as up-todate as possible. While faecal worm egg counts and selected treatment continue to be best practice during the summer, new information about large strongyles (also known as large redworms) is emerging. Large strongyles are found in the large intestine, are dark red in colour and can grow up to 5cm long. The developing larval stages can block blood vessels to the gut and cause colic, which can be fatal. It has been widely accepted that the use of modern wormers has reduced the large strongyle population so that they are no longer as prevalent.1

However, recent data from Denmark now suggests that burdens of large strongyles may re-appear in horses that have not received any wormer for a number of years.2 Danish prescription laws only allow administration of a wormer based on a proven diagnosis of a significant burden. They do not allow routine or preventative treatment of worms, thus in extreme cases some horses have not received a wormer for many years. Whilst it is important not to overuse wormers to prevent resistance, complete lack of any administration may allow large strongyles to gain a footing once more – a fine balance needs to be maintained. In the UK, current general guidelines for worm control in adult horses involve treating strategically for encysted small redworm in late

autumn/early winter, and treating or testing for tapeworm in autumn and spring. Then when the weather warms up, and worms become more active, owners should conduct FWECs every six to eight weeks until October to identify any horse requiring additional treatments for small redworm. In view of the new information, if there is any history of a large strongyle burden or a record of associated colic, your vet may advise a specific, once- or twiceyearly treatment for these parasites. Wendy Talbot, Zoetis vet said: “Selected worming, based on faecal worm egg counts, remains key during the summer. Control of large redworm should be achieved with one or two treatments each year, effective against the dangerous migrating stages of this parasite. For many horses their current worming plan will already

have provided these treatments during control of the more common small redworm, However, for some an additional treatment may be required. As always the best approach is to speak to your prescriber to assess the risk to your individual horse and the suitability of your worming plan.” References 1 Love et al (1999) Veterinary Parasitology 85, 113-122 2 Reinmeyer CR & Nielsen MK. (2013) Handbook of equine parasite control, Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 146-147

For further information t +44 (0) 845 300 8034w www.

Bcf Technology Hosts Vets With Horse Power And Donates Digital Veterinary X-Ray System





eterinary diagnostic imaging specialist BCF Technology was delighted to host talks in Scotland for the Vets with Horse Power group of equine vets. The BCF team also took this opportunity to donate a brand new Carestream Vita Flex digital X-ray system and generator to the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust, the charity the Horse Power team are supporting. The team of equine vets are riding motorcycles around the British Isles and Ireland, delivering high quality talks and raising money for charity. This year they are covering England, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland. BCF hosted the talks to vets and horse owners at their new global headquarters in Bellshill near Glasgow. This will be the fifth Horse Power event, so far the team has raised over £280,000 for a variety of causes. The concept was the brainchild of Prof Derek Knottenbelt, who has gathered other renowned equine vets who are keen on motorcycling to join him on Horse Power CPD tours as far afield as Russia and Morocco.

Professor Derek Knottenbelt said, “We are absolutely astounded by the amazingly kind donation of a digital X-ray system and generator. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would have such a system that could be used at the equine hospital in the Gambia. BCF has supported us every year since we started Horse Power CPD back in 2010. We are completely blown away by such a generous donation. It will make a real difference to the lives of those we are trying to support and the care of their working animals – thank you BCF.” Gavin Mitchell, BCF Managing Director commented, “Derek and his team are a true inspiration and we are proud to support them. They are a very special bunch who make a major difference to the lives of many. We are absolutely delighted to be able to help this year by hosting and supporting one of the events. We knew Derek wanted to kit out the equine hospital in Banjul, Gambia that they help build last year. We really wanted to support Derek and his team and knew the X-ray system

would be ideal.” For more information visit the Facebook site https://www. You can also donate through www. VwHP2015. More information on the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust can also be found at

For further information t +44 (0)7595 522758 e w





Precisely richmond 1/07 fully oie




2 014


New ProteqFlu® contains a Richmond 1/07 flu strain, and is the first and only licensed vaccine to do so. Richmond 1/07 belongs to Florida Clade 2, the group of antigenically related viruses responsible for almost all equine flu outbreaks in Europe since 2011.1 Containing both Florida Clade 1 and Clade 2 virus strains, new ProteqFlu® is now the only vaccine fully aligned with 2014 OIE recommendations.1

Reference: 1. OIE Expert Surveillance Panel on Equine Influenza Vaccine Composition, OIE Headquarters, 4 March 2013. Available at: (accessed August 2014). OIE = World Organisation for Animal Health

Use Medicines Responsibly Merial Animal Health Ltd CM19 5TG, UK. ProteqFlu® and ProteqFlu®-Te are registered trademarks of Merial Ltd. © Merial 2014. All rights reserved. Legal category UK. POM-V , IE- POM . New ProteqFlu®–Te contains Influenza A/eq/Ohio/03, Influenza A/eq/Richmond/1/07, Clostridium tetani toxoid. New ProteqFlu® contains Influenza A/eq/Ohio/03; Influenza. Read packaging before use. For further information call the Merial Customer Support Centre on 0845 6014236

Equine 36

Jason Woon introduces Mustang X-ray


ustang X-ray is the realisation of a long standing ambition I have had to head up a company that offers an equine only solution that offers cost effective innovate technology; outstanding customer care and a UK based support service available when Veterinary surgeons need us, not just 9-5pm. Having previously worked in the graphic media industry for 20 years I took a sideways step from digital imaging to diagnostic imaging. Previously I enjoyed 5 years working at one of the UK`s leading Veterinary specific radiography companies. Starting in 2009 I embraced this new challenge and the steep learning curve from a self confessed Veterinary newcomer. Since then I have successfully sold digital radiography, ultrasound, laser therapy and dentistry equipment to small and large animal practices, Universities and corporate groups throughout the UK and Europe. My vision for Mustang X-ray was for a company that can offer all of its time and resources to the busy equine vet. We are equine specific and operate throughout the whole of the United Kingdom. We offer a 24/7 contact service, with full escalation to on-site engineer support. With no small animal work, corporate account management or labour intensive service contracts we are

ideally placed to be at your call, no matter what time or day. The other driving force was to ensure our clients have a totally wire -free and non mains reliant system. The eradication of cables and heavy equipment seems such an obvious requirement; our partners Medical Econet offer the ideal solution. The Mex 1012 plate will fit on the seat of a standard car, the Vet 20BT generator is the ideal accompaniment, battery powered and only 7kg. All systems come with a 1080p high definition 15 inch hybrid laptop, perfect for use in the field. We are also an official supplier of the range of podoblock equine stands and supports .Synonymous in the industry for build quality and innovation it was a no brainer to supply this outstanding equipment as part of our overall package. Mustang X-ray treats every practice as if it is our most important client. We aim to provide the very best value equipment for our clients, although always ensuring that diagnostic quality is never compromised. Transparent pricing and clear expectancies of service and support are also paramount. This enables our Veterinary clients to focus entirely on the patient`s well being and needs.

favourite after 3.30 we will endeavour to offer the best equipment for you to use, without limitations.

So if your client’s horse is the hot favourite in the 1.30 or the family

Feed fibre to keep your horse hydrated





high fibre diet may help to keep your horse hydrated, for optimum performance in warmer weather, suggest the nutrition experts at WINERGY. Research indicates that horses fed a high fibre diet are less dehydrated after exercise than those fed a diet with limited forage. This is because fibre allows more fluid to be stored in the hindgut, providing an additional source of water and electrolytes. The hindgut of a 500kg horse may contain between 35 and 80 litres of fluid, providing a source of water and electrolytes during exercise. Fibre forms a complex matrix of interconnecting fibres that hold and bind water in the hindgut allowing it to

be absorbed by the body to support hydration. Horses lose water continuously through their skin and from their respiratory system. During exercise in hot weather they may lose up to 15 litres of fluid per hour, including vital electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium. Electrolytes are critical for efficient body function and excessive losses can contribute to serious conditions including Equine Rhabdomyolysis Syndrome (ERS), also known as tying up. “As little as 2% dehydration can affect performance,” said Clare Barfoot, WINERGY® nutritionist. “Our research suggests that opting for a higher fibre diet may increase

water-holding capacity, giving the horse a larger reservoir to draw on for more efficient hydration and performance.” WINERGY Equilibrium® feeds provide a higher fibre diet and all include alfalfa, which is thought to have a better water holding capacity than grass hays. This potentially encourages the development of a larger hindgut fluid reservoir without necessarily adding significant weight. For further information t +44 (0)1908 576777 w w

For further information t +44 (0)2921 680291 e w


Equine 38

‘Fit To Go’ Films for Horse Owners


it To Go, a new initiative promoting preventive healthcare for horse owners was recently launched at the Animal Health Trust by TV vet, Emma Milne. The launch marked the release of a series of educational films in which vets and experts explain what horse owners can do to prevent conditions like equine flu. Describing herself as a massive advocate of preventive healthcare, Emma explained that this, and the welfare of animals, was why she first trained to be a vet. “Seeing first-hand how animals can suffer from preventable diseases is truly distressing. Vaccines alone have saved millions of lives, however we need to do more to help educate owners in preventable conditions. That’s why I was so keen to help support this campaign,” she adds. Karen Coumbe MRCVS of Bell Equine is featured in the first of three films, and explained that

to prevent a flu epidemic in the UK, 70% of herd immunity is required. “Maximising herd immunity is important in preventing outbreaks of diseases like equine flu,” explained Karen. “However approximately just 40% of the UK herd is currently vaccinated¹. “We now know that there were 33 confirmed outbreaks of equine flu in the UK in 2014, so the importance of vaccination cannot be over emphasised. Flu is linked to the movement and mixing of horses, so vaccination of horses on a yard where either they or their companions are traveling, or new horses are coming and going, is so important,” she added. Dr Richard Newton, head of epidemiology and disease surveillance at the Animal Health Trust is also featured in the film series. He explained the importance of using vaccines that are updated according to the latest recommendations from the World

Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Expert Surveillance Panel (ESP) on equine influenza vaccine composition. “The latest recommendations are that vaccines for the international market should contain both clade 1 and a clade 2 viruses of the H3N8 Florida sublineage. “The ESP is really important in the context of its work to ensure that the industry has available the most up to date vaccines to help prevent major outbreaks. At the moment there is only one vaccine commercially available in Europe that complies with the latest recommendations, ProteqFlu® by Merial Animal Health Ltd. “However, equine veterinary practitioners are also critical for effective surveillance for equine flu. The Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) funded sentinel practice initiative run at the AHT offers subsidised testing to help ensure that the OIE continues to receive the most up to date information from

the field. In addition, the Tell-Tail alert service from Merial notifies practices signed up to the scheme when there is an outbreak in their area, said Dr Newton. “The Tell-Tail alerts are excellent for raising awareness, encouraging sample submission and improving vaccine coverage in areas where flu is known to be active,” he adds. For more information or to watch the films, visit or horsefittogo . Information about the Sentinel and Tell-Tail schemes can be found at References 1. GFK data

For further information t +44 (0)7774 973122 e w

Zoetis Introduces Meloxicam to Equine NSAID Portfolio





oetis is delighted to announce the introduction of Contacera® 15mg/ml oral suspension, a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparation for horses. Contacera® contains Meloxicam, which has been shown to hold advantages over Phenylbutazone for the alleviation of musculoskeletal inflammation and pain in horses over six weeks of age1,2,3,4. Contacera® is convenient to administer as it can be mixed with food or syringed directly into the mouth to ensure compliance. It is available in 100ml or 250ml bottles, with a measuring dose syringe and a syringe adaptor. A Contacera® solution for injection is also available. Penny McCann, Equine Product Manager, Zoetis UK Ltd,

said: “Contacera® is an exciting addition to our NSAID portfolio. Due to the potential clinical advantages of Meloxicam, Contacera® gives vets an important additional option for NSAID management. It is a logical fit with the other products in our range and benefits from a choice of presentations.” The NSAID range from Zoetis also includes Meflosyl® and Quadrisol®. Meflosyl® (flunixin meglumine) is a highly effective, fast acting analgesic with anti-endotoxic properties for the reduction of pain, inflammation and fever. Quadrisol® is presented as a paste containing Vedaprofen. It is indicated for use in musculoskeletal and soft tissue disorders as well as for prophylactic use before surgery. It is licensed

for horses over six months of age, including pregnant mares. Contacera® contains meloxicam Meflosyl® contains flunixin meglumine Quadrisol® contains vedaprofen 1 Noble et al. (2012) J. Vet Intern Med; 26:1192-1201 2 D’Arcy et al (2012) J. Vet. Intern. Med.; 26: 1494-1499 3 De Grauw et al (2009) Equine Vet. J. 41 (7) 693-699 4 van Weeran and De Grauw (2010) Vet. Clin. Equine 26 (2010) 619-642 For further information t +44 (0) 845 300 8034 w

First for Animal Care & Value

Special introductory offer vet wrap at 50 pence per roll!

Curragh Veterinary Supplies Ltd is a leading supplier of high quality veterinary consumables which are available to order online for 24 hour delivery in the UK. Veterinary Supplies include vet wrap, bandages, dressings, softban, poultices, syringes, gloves, casts & splints and EquitonTM Liquid Feed. Established by leading veterinary surgeons, Donald Collins MVB MRCVS and Michael Sadlier MVB MRCVS CertESM CertES(Orth) MACVSc, Curragh Veterinary Supplies Ltd supplies veterinary consumables that are carefully selected to ensure highest quality, safety and efficacy.

"We have used Curragh Veterinary Supplies for bandages and dressings at our leading Equine and Small Animal hospitals since 2012. For quality, value and safety Curragh Veterinary Supplies is unsurpassed." Troytown Grey Abbey Equine and Small Animal Hospitals.

Money Back Guarantee & FREE DELIVERY on orders over ÂŁ50

Equine 40

New Online PPID Aftercare Service Connects Equine Vets and Their Clients


s part of Boehringer Ingelheim’s hugely popular disease awareness initiative ‘Talk About Laminitis’ (TAL), the company has introduced a new interactive online aftercare service for owners of horses with PPID. As the sixth most frequently encountered disease syndrome affecting equids in the UK1, TAL Care and Connect has been introduced to support veterinary practices monitor their PPID case load by streamlining the ongoing case management process; an important factor in maximising treatment success and engaging owners and vets post diagnosis. “PPID is a progressive disease, so it is vital that veterinary surgeons remain at the centre of care, and that horses are monitored carefully following their initial diagnosis,” comments Liz Barrett, equine business manager at Boehringer. “However we recognise the high administrative demand associated with this, and TAL Care and Connect has been designed to reduce this as much as possible.”

TAL Care and Connect is a complementary service that will be automatically offered to horse owners who take advantage of this year’s free* ACTH testing scheme, which will be available from July to November. Equine practices can also offer this aftercare service to all owners of previously diagnosed PPID cases. Owners who join TAL Care and Connect will be able to set up a profile for their horse which allows all their ACTH results to be stored in one place. They will automatically receive the relevant reminders for follow-up ACTH testing which will make it easier for vets to monitor their patient’s progress over time. In addition, an independently written PPID owner information pack can be downloaded to provide horse owners with comprehensive information on the condition. Edited by Prof. Catherine McGowan with contributions from Dr. Jo Ireland, Prof. Andy Durham, David Rendle and Dr. Teresa Hollands, the pack includes advice on monitoring and follow-up ACTH tests, feeding, general care of the

PPID patient and the link between laminitis and PPID. Talk About Laminitis is supported by Redwings, The British Horse Society and World Horse Welfare, and will run from July until the end of October 2015. Horse owners can find out more and obtain their free ACTH voucher code at   For further information please contact your local Boehringer territory manager or visit www. * Cost of laboratory test Reference 1 National Survey 2014



For further information... t +44 (0)1344 746959 w

Introducing: Curragh Veterinary Supplies Ltd





urragh Veterinary Supplies Ltd is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of veterinary consumable products. Established by top Irish equine veterinary surgeons, Donald Collins MVB, MRCVS and Michael Sadlier MVB MRCVS CertESM CertES(Orth) MACVSc, all products are carefully selected to ensure highest quality, safety and efficacy. Our customers include leading veterinary hospitals, thoroughbred stud farms, top racehorse trainers as well as individual pet owners and companion animal and farm animal practices in Ireland and now in the UK. The company name derives from our base on the Curragh in County Kildare, Ireland, long famed as the headquarters of Irish horse racing, a tradition in which the company founders are steeped. The exacting requirements of the equine thoroughbred athlete sets the standard for all our products, equine and non-equine alike. Each product

carries the Curragh prefix. Using our extensive veterinary knowledge and experience, our wide product range is selected to meet the needs of both the veterinary professional and the animal owning public. Product categories include Bandages (CurraghWrap, CurraghPetWrap and CurraghPlast),Dressings (CurraghSAFE Gamgee and CurraghSoft), Cotton Wool (CurraghSafe), Gloves (armlength, latex and nitrile), Poultices (CurraghPoultice and CurraghHoofPoultice), Casts & Splints, Syringes and Equiton™ Liquid Feed. Curragh Veterinary Supplies is “First for animal care and value” with: • Superior veterinary quality product range • Free delivery (orders over £50) • Order & delivery within 24 hours • Money back guarantee

Testimonials: “I have a busy companionanimal practice in South West Dublin. I started using Curragh Veterinary Supplies bandages recently and am highly impressed by the texture and tearability of the Curragh Pet Wrap. I shall be staying with this product in future” Manus Cannon MVB MRCVS Curragh Veterinary Supplies has now donated about 20kg of a range of bandaging materials for each of two successive years, to be used at ACE (Animal Care Egypt). This charity is based in Luxor in the Upper Nile region and treats many seriously injured working equids. The materials are top quality, gladly received and we’ve put them to good use. Dr J A Collins MVB MRCVS, Equine practitioner and former President of Veterinary Ireland “We have used Curragh Veterinary Supplies for bandages and dressings at our leading Equine and Small Animal hospitals since 2012.

For quality, value and safety Curragh Veterinary Supplies is unsurpassed.” Veterinary Manager, Troytown Grey Abbey Equine and Small Animal Hospitals. For further information e w

Pet-ID Spotlight 42

VSM speaks to leading microchip company Pet-ID Microchips Ltd





o– tell me about your business? Pet-ID Microchips has been established in some shape or form for nearly 20 years, focusing exclusively on microchips, associated equipment and microchip implant training. I’ve worked there since 2002, and what started out as a little part-time sales job has become a little bigger than I expected at the start - I bought the company in February 2013! For anyone and everyone who had been involved with Pet-ID – customers, people who had supported us, it would have been wrong for it to have disappeared – I wanted it to stay and grow and develop. It needed fresh eyes, and it most definitely got them. Everything is distributed from our central operations hub in rural West Sussex, and we work with trusted partners globally to ensure that our products are the best quality, the most innovative, and that our product development is second to none. Our microchips are produced to ISO standards by the Swiss company HID Global, who produce them in the various formats that we offer, after which the chips are processed by a

renowned needle manufacturer. All our microchips in the UK are registered on Petlog. We have stripped out the ancillary items to focus on the core products – including chips, mini chips and scanners. We strive to remain true to the ?? we know – to concentrate and grow the business based on our industry knowledge. After all, we are a microchip company. What did you do before Pet-ID? Does your previous work/experience influence what you offer your current customers? I spent a large part of my adult life living overseas, experiencing the often widely varying attitudes to pets in different cultures. For instance, in Japan dogs are their owners’ babies and there are whole stores devoted to everything a dog could possibly need, and not need, whereas, in China, they breed dogs for eating and have a completely different mindset when it comes to pet ownership. I was involved with various animal charities whilst I was overseas, and this is probably where my journey started – once you’ve seen the fear in the eyes of a lost, abandoned animal, it

makes you determined to prevent that happening to any other pet. I’ve always been passionate about animals and in my downtime I volunteer at a private reserve, looking after meerkats and bat eared foxes. So - onto your product/service portfolio. What are you most proud of? What are your best selling products? The list is endless, but at the moment, we are particularly proud of our Customer packs, which act as a comprehensive “Microchip Bible” for pet owners. We have produced a really nice consolidated package, which vets and owners are really pleased with. We are also very happy to be able to offer new pet owners a period of free insurance with their microchip. This may sound old-hat to small animal vets, but we can also arrange insurance for horses and for exotics – not many companies do that! I’m also very glad to managed to move manufacture of the IDentifier scanner to the UK – it is a small thing, but very important to me to ensure that manufacture of our products takes place as close to home as

possible. We are committed to providing a service that has options for any animal, large, small, hairy or scaley – if it can be microchipped, we can provide the correct equipment to do it, and if we don’t have it, we can call upon a global pool of expertise to help us to produce it. For example, we are advocates of the mini-chip, which has been somewhat controversial in the past, as the read range is restricted. It is important for implanters to consider the purpose of the chip and that in a rescue situation it may be trickier to scan a potentially stressed animal in unfamiliar surroundings than in a practice after implantation. That said, we find the mini-chips are particularly suitable for miniature breeds, small species and exotics. After all, microchipping should be a one-off lifetime procedure. We also manufacture the smallest gauge needle for 12mm microchips, which offers a more comfortable procedure for smaller animals. Interestingly, the needle assembly was always our biggest seller, but we have seen a significant shift toward syringes in the last couple of years – single unit – simple to use.

Pet-ID Spotlight 43

Another common area for questions is that of adverse reactions reporting. There is now a legal obligation to report any reactions to the VMD, including migrating chips – which is not always considered to be an adverse reaction. Whilst we appreciate that migrating chips aren’t really a procedural failure, we do place great importance on correct implantation. We are often asked to advise re procedure and always happy to help. What’s next for Pet ID?

The pet identification sector is a very active one from the outside. There are a lot of companies all vying for vet business – is it as cutthroat as it seems? It can be at times, however, it’s actually a very friendly sector to work in; we’re all in it for the same reasons – we’re passionate about animal welfare, and about making sure that the end goal of our business, re-unification of lost pets and distraught owners, remains very much the focus of what we do. A lot of us have worked together in the past, and I have friends, now working for competitors, who go back to when I very first started. We are essentially one big happy family – we might have the odd difference of opinion, but most of the time, we all get on very well. There aren’t many industries where competitors will meet up at an event, and not only speak to each other, but socialise together! What about Jo Briault the person? What drives you (other than work!)? Gin!

(Above) Pet-ID Microchip IDentifier in pink. (Below) Pet-ID Microchip IDentifiers in Lime (left) & Blue (right).


Have you experienced any information gaps with regards to the new legislation? Many vet practices aren’t sure who is going to enforce legislation. For the record, it will be anyone authorised by the Secretary of State, anyone authorised by local authorities, and police/PCSOs. Vets are concerned that the responsibility of reporting will fall to them, but this isn’t the case. The vets’ job is to promote best practice, not to be responsible for reporting non-compliant owners. The most valuable thing they can do is to educate these clients – explain to them WHY it is so important that their dogs are microchipped and that their details are kept up to date on whichever database their dog is registered.


How are you getting involved with promoting the new legislation that will come into force in 2016? We have been supporting the vet industry with every aspect of microchipping, from procedural advice to legislation information, for the last 20 years and will continue to do so helping raise awareness amongst owners of the importance of chipping their dogs and of their obligations, which do not stop on the day that the chip is implanted! Vets are very well informed about the new legislation, but the public not so much - too many people are unaware of the importance of, for instance, keeping address details up to date. This was one of the main reasons for developing the owner pack, a simple way to ensure that pet owners are ready for 2016 and all the changes that the new legislation entails.

It is important to us that we continually grow and develop; not just bringing new products to market, but evolving new marketing materials and supporting documentation to enable vets to clearly communicate with their clients on all things identification-related. In terms of product, we are in the final stages of taking on a new scanner, which will work in conjunction with a mobile phone. Other than that, we continue to improve our product portfolio where we can, although we’re pretty confident that we are already at the cutting edge of microchip technology – we’re just keeping an eye open for any new and innovative products that we can add to our stable, as well as working constantly to keep our existing range fresh and innovative. We welcome client feedback and strive to fulfil any reasonable demand. We want to continue to develop the business, whilst staying close to our ethos, which is to focus on what we know; the microchip market. Our main goal is, and always has been, to work with customers to give them what they want from a microchip, and what they feel that their clients want from a microchip.


We offer two types of standard 12mm syringes and an 8mm format.

Clinical & Surgical 44






idlands-based SYSPAL Ltd, a specialist fabrication company that manufactures handling and other equipment mainly from aluminium and stainless steel, has installed a flat-bed fibre laser cutting machine from Bystronic UK to expand the range of materials that it can process. SYSPAL specialises in supplying products and services to the medical, pharmaceutical, and food industries as well as other sectors where hygienic, durable materials are essential. The fibre laser broadens the firm’s capabilities to process antimicrobial materials such as copper alloys, which inactivate MRSA and other bacterial infections as well as micro-organisms like moulds, fungi, algae and even viruses. They can therefore reduce the spread of bacteria from touch surfaces, which is especially important for hospitals, cruise ships and even public spaces. SYSPAL’s managing director Chris Truman explained, “We have operated a number of CO2 laser profiling machines for many years and continue to do so, but that type of machine is not able to cut copper, as reflections can damage the optics and beam delivery system. “Fibre laser machines, on the other hand, are able to cut copper and its alloys such as brass up to 8 mm thick, which will allow us to produce components and assemblies from the latest antibacterial materials like KME Plus copper sheet. “Due to its high reflectivity, even aluminium sheet, which is one of our main materials, is problematic to cut with a CO2 laser, while processing stainless steel tends to be slow. “We regularly cut both metals up to 10 mm thick, which are tackled efficiently by the fibre laser, while up to 15 mm can be processed if needed. The CO2 machine is now mainly used for profiling thicker materials.” Another advantage of a fibre laser is its speed. When cutting aluminium and stainless steel sheets, Mr Truman says it is generally twice as fast as the CO2 laser machine, while thin gauges in some other materials can be profiled three to four times faster. He also points out that running costs are lower, as the consumables are less expensive, and a fibre machine draws only about one-third of the power that a

CO2 machine needs. Continuing to extol the virtues of fibre lasers, Mr Truman added, “With the BySpeed Fiber, cutting parameters are more consistent over the different grades of material we process. “It leads to more repeatable cut quality, helped by automatic nozzle change and alignment after a predetermined number of piercings. “The drawbacks of CO2 are that the focal length of the lens can drift and the mirrors become dirty, which means that while cut quality close to the source may be OK, it deteriorates as the nozzle moves further away, leading to loss of accuracy. SYSPAL, located in Broseley, Shropshire, was an early adopter of CO2 laser cutting and has long experience of the process, having installed its first machine more than 25 years ago. The fibre laser machine, a Bystronic BySprint 4020 fitted with the latest CNC system containing advanced nesting software, is not only faster but also results in increased utilisation of the 4 x 1.5 metre sheets, which is the standard size at SYSPAL. While so-called commonline cutting has theoretically been possible for some years, during which a single cut simultaneously produces one side of a component and another side of a second component, creation of suitable programs has hampered its adoption. Using the nesting software in the latest Bystronic control, such manufacturing cycles are now routinely programmed. Overall, between 10 and 20 per cent more product can be cut from any given sheet at SYSPAL, significantly reducing the area of wasted material

remaining in the skeleton. To achieve long periods of minimally manned running and maximise production output, the company has opted to automate the fibre laser machine with a ByTrans 2040 Extended sheet handling system. It receives its instructions from the program running in the machine control, delivering raw material to the shuttle table and unloading processed sheets. It was the first of this large size of auto load/unload equipment to be installed in the UK, following its launch at the EuroBlech show last October. Nevertheless the footprint is relatively small, as is that of the BySprint Fiber machine. Compactness, together with robust engineering and simplicity of operation, were the main reasons for Mr Truman and his production team opting for this supplier. When dealing with larger sheet sizes, which are significantly heavier than the more usual 3 x 1.5 metre stock, eliminating manual handling avoids the risk of operator injury and also helps to protect material and components from accidental damage. The automation equipment comprises two cassettes of three tonnes capacity each, one above the other, providing a range of possibilities for materials handling. Each cassette can be loaded by fork lift truck with a different type of palletised sheet material. Pallets are prepared at one of the output stations serving the 100-location Stopa automated sheet metal storage and retrieval system at Broseley. Alternatively, the second cassette can hold cut parts or protective separators that are interspersed

with cut sheets to prevent damage to sensitive material. The space beneath the bottom cassette can be utilised for temporarily holding a processed sheet or placing skeletons ready for recycling. Subcontract services account for around 10 per cent of SYSPAL’s turnover. Work carried out includes laser cutting on the fibre and CO2 laser machines as well as on a CNC tube laser cutting centre, a fourmetre automated press brake and other machine tools on the Broseley site. SYSPAL aims to provide customers with an efficient service, whether it be a one-off custom solution or a high quantity of standard repeat products. The company’s technical and production team, which has long experience in fabrication, takes full advantage of extensive in-house capabilities, while lean manufacturing raises productivity, consistency and quality and ensures prompt delivery to a widening market, both at home and overseas. Another part of SYSPAL’s business is the design and manufacture of hydrotherapy equipment, elements of which have been patented. The first version was designed for canines in consultation with vets and was introduced in 2006, followed a year later by a version for humans. More than 500 systems are now in use worldwide. They are fabricated to tight tolerances where the speed, quality and repeatability of the Bystronic system offers significant advantages. For further information w

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Clinical & Surgical 46

In-Practice Diagnostics within Minutes with Woodley’s Big Five Analysers


oodley Equipment supplies a comprehensive laboratory system, which provides veterinary practices with important test results within minutes, allowing for more effective patient management. Woodley’s laboratory system includes: Skyla VB1 Clinical Chemistry Analyser – The Skyla VB1 is a fast, compact and accurate veterinary chemistry analyser ideal for any vet practice or small laboratory. Panel and single/dual testing is available. i-Smart 30 Vet Electrolyte Analysers – The i-Smart 30 Vet is a portable electrolyte analyser with zero maintenance requirements. It performs accurate electrolyte analysis quickly, from whole blood,

serum or plasma and displays results within 35 seconds. It has an “all-inone” cartridge containing all consumables required for the tests including reagents, waste, electrodes and sample probe. QuickVet® Coagulation, Fibrinogen and Blood Typing Analyser – The QuickVet® provides analytical results on a par with large laboratory analysers for PT, aPTT, fibrinogen and blood typing. The QuickVet® uses state of the art “Labon-a-chip” technology to introduce point of care coagulation testing to the veterinary field. epoc Critical Care Blood Gas Analyser – The epoc is a handheld critical care analyser with room temperature card storage that provides accurate blood gas, electrolyte and

critical care biochemistry results in 3 minutes. Mythic 18 Vet Haematology Analyser – The Mythic 18 Vet is a fully automated, 18 parameter haematology analyser dedicated for veterinary applications and delivers the ultimate technology in haematology. It requires little maintenance and benefits from low reagent consumption. It is quick and easy to use with touch screen technology and can

produce accurate results in just 60 seconds for over 10 different species using a small sample volume. For further information e t 01204 669033 w

Pioneering Pumps Transform Veterinary Practice





avies Veterinary Specialists (DVS), a private small animal referral hospital, has seen working practices transformed following the installation of 50 nextgeneration infusion pumps from the B. Braun Space Infusion System. Hertfordshire-based DVS is one of the largest and most diverse small animal veterinary referral centres in Europe, and is believed to be the first practice in the UK to have refitted all clinical areas with the new infusion pump system. The pumps, now installed at DVS, have a specifically designed ‘drug library’, a unique feature which monitors dose range and dose limit to prevent accidental overdose. Already proven successful in treating human patients, the system means animals can continue to receive safe levels of drugs and fluids whether they are having procedures such as ultrasound, being monitored in the intensive care unit, being prepared for surgery or in theatre itself. Healthcare giant B. Braun Medical Ltd, which already supplies medical devices and services to both the public and private healthcare sectors, is now developing veterinary products as part of the ‘B.

Braun VetCare’ portfolio. As well as infusion pumps the portfolio includes surgical instruments, an extensive range of sutures and a comprehensive choice of veterinary licensed IV Fluid Solutions. Hans Hux, Group Chief Executive of B. Braun Medical Ltd, said: “We’re incredibly proud of what we have achieved and how we continue to grow in the public and private healthcare sectors, and it is exciting to now bring this level of expertise to veterinary specialists across the UK. “Through B. Braun VetCare we are working to create an extensive range of innovative products that meet the highest quality standards within the veterinary care market place, and we are delighted to see that this is already starting to make a difference.” Dr Clive Elwood, Managing Director of Davies Veterinary Specialists, commented: “I believe we are the first Veterinary Practice in the UK with the new infusion pumps installed so this is a very exciting time for us. “The new system offers more flexibility in our practice and supports the team in providing the highest

level of specialist care - something we pride ourselves on at DVS.” B. Braun VetCare Ltd is a member of the B. Braun Group, one of the world’s leading health-care companies. B. Braun is a family owned group who manufacture

and distribute on a global basis, employing more than 50,000 people worldwide. For further information w

Save Money! Save Time! Save Aggravation! Albert Waeschle Veterinary and OPTICLAR Saving your surgery money, time and inconvenience. Never buy spare bulbs for your diagnostic sets again. It’s a common scenario, the otoscope light dims in the middle of an examination or completely fails followed by a frustrating search to find the correct voltage bulb, a new set of batteries or waiting for the unit to recharge. With OPTICLAR that’s a thing of the past. OPTICLAR’s advanced TrueTone LED provides consistent reliable illumination and with an average working life of over 10,000 hours and a great 10 year warranty on LED modules, buying spare bulbs is a hassle and inconvenience you can forget. A further very useful advantage of True Tone LED illumination is significantly increased battery and rechargeable cell usage times, resulting in even less down time compared to equivalent halogen sets. With high quality materials and excellent build quality OPTICLAR is a fantastic way to cut ongoing surgery costs and provide practitioners with the high quality diagnostic equipment they deserve.

No Need For Replacement Bulbs!!

Interested? Why not contact us for more details on our exciting part exchange schemes, loan schemes and obligation free demonstrations. We are only a phone call away from saving you money.

Tip Tidy


Keep your otoscope tips in a plastic box? Never quite sure how many are in an examination room? With our unique Tip Tidy you can avoid all of this. Crafted from high quality stainless steel, the OPTICLAR Tip Tidy holds 6 tips and 2 handles safely and securely and can be desk or wall mounted. Daily equipment checks are made easier with just a quick glance to see if all tips are present. The lower lip catches any sterilisation residue and the unit can be cleaned and sterilised in the autoclave if required. Ideal for all manufacturers tips.

700.000.030 The OPTICLAR Tip Tidy is inexpensive (only £28.00 ex VAT), simple, useful and ideal for all surgeries and for a limited time buy 3 and get the fourth absolutely free. Interested? Why not contact us to place your Tip Tidy order or for more information on where to buy your OPTICLAR Tip Tidy.

Albert Waeschle Veterinary Telephone: 01202 607092 Fax: 01202 650022 Email:

Clinical & Surgical 48

CT scanners from MIUS Refurbished CT scanners without the risks


ount International United Services Ltd (MIUS) is known and highly regarded through the veterinary industry for the supply of refurbished ‘gold standard’ ultrasound scanners, providing a first class service from initial contact, through the supply and installation of the equipment to ongoing after sales and service support, all the while focusing on value for money. The company also applies their exacting standards to the supply of cost-effective, refurbished CT scanners for the veterinary surgery, allowing customers the opportunity to purchase high-quality CT equipment fully covered by the comprehensive MIUS warranty for complete peace of mind. The company offers a wide range of systems from major manufacturers such as Toshiba, GE, Philips and Siemens. An expert team is able to help customers select the right system for their surgery and assist them through the design and development of the CT room, including the integration of the CT scanner into existing IT networks.

Each refurbished CT scanner from MIUS comes complete with a 12 months parts and labour warranty, covering ALL parts, including the tube and detector. Not only that but the fully comprehensive service contracts offer the

same cover, enabling customers to purchase a refurbished CT scanner ‘without any risks.’ MIUS works closely with its customers, priding itself on forming long-term working relationships right from the very start of every project,

New kid on the (MXR Podo) Block!





magine you already have four children and you are completely happy with all of them. Then, kid number five is born and he appears to be an amalgamation of all the previous kids in your litter. He kicks a football like Messi, adds and subtracts like Einstein, moves like Jagger, sings like Sinatra, plays the piano like Glenn Gould and has, on top of all this, the looks of George Clooney. What would you do? Dump the previous four rascals and put all your effort in kid #5? For any mum or dad, it doesn’t seem like a viable option, but for MXR Podoblock it is quite a conundrum. Not to say they’re tempted to do just that. What could be the genesis of this parental issue?

Well, the Stat-X family has recently been enlarged, due to the arrival of the Stat-X Espléndido. And this new wonder of technology seems to make all other siblings redundant. It’s not that the other family members are underachievers or misfits, on the contrary: they’re all perfectly up to the tasks for which they were designed to do. It’s just that The Espléndido is the pinnacle of design and functionality. Nothing more nothing less. It performs like no Stat-X has done before and then some. It’s robust and as short as the Pequeño, swivels like the Vaquero, has the working height of the Infinity and holds your cassettes like the Bucky. What will blow you away is the new, revolutionary 3D-head that gives you

all the freedom you need for taking X-rays. The rotating head gives you 12 different fixed angles for any source you may have (up to 17 kgs) thanks to the universal bracket, allows for 360° freedom of rotation and is extremely suited for Skyline takes and head X-rays. So whatever your activity, job or responsibility in the X-ray field you need the new kid on the block, the Stat-X Espléndido! Check out our site for the product movie! For further information t (31) 50 8200 257 e w

giving all customers confidence and security in their investment. For further information t +44 (0)1452 729 380 e w

Clinical & Surgical Abaxis introduces Rapid Test Range


ollowing on from a successful launch, Abaxis UK is delighted to announce the latest addition to their VetScan range – Rapid Tests. Now available to buy, the VetScan Rapid Test range allows users to increase in-house diagnostic testing capabilities without the need for specialised equipment. Fast. Accurate. Easy. Affordable. Available to the market are seven cost effective, easy-to-use tests for Vector-Borne and Faecal diseases, including; FeLV/FIV, Canine Heartworm, Ehrlichia, Canine Lyme, Giardia, Anaplasma and Parvovirus, all with high specificity and sensitivity. Utilising the lateral flow immunoassay technique that combines the advantages of immunodetection


and chromatography, you can rest assured that the VetScan Rapid Test range gives accurate and easy to read results in less than 10 minutes. The Rapid Tests are the perfect accompaniment to the VetScan range, which includes; the VetScan VS2 Biochemistry Analyser, VetScan HM5 Haematology Analyser and the VetScan i-STAT 1 Critical-Care Hand-Held Analyser. Combining the best in on-site diagnostics at reference laboratory standards, Abaxis UK offers a single, comprehensive and trusted partner for all testing needs. For further information e w

Contact VSM Editor to Road Test this product!

(induction chambers can be cleaned with medical grade alcohol, disinfecting spray or soapy water). A new range of small animal induction chambers have been added to the already extensive range of veterinary equipment at Braun & Company Ltd. The business, which is widely referred to simply as Braun, has grown to become one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of medical and veterinary supplies since its formation in 1848. The addition of these induction chambers to the Braun range is therefore a significant development in recognising their importance within inhalation anaesthesia procedures. Braun is one of only a few manufacturers of small animal induction chamber within the UK. Getting your veterinary equipment

from the UK reduces the possibility of the product being damaged during the usual shipping process. The fact that the apparatus has been endorsed and manufactured by veterinary equipment specialists such as Braun represents a considerable step forward in the development of small animal anaesthesia. As any complex veterinary equipment comes with a learning curve for the veterinary doctors using it, Braun have many experts at hand should you need to talk about their small animal induction chambers, or, indeed, anything in their veterinary equipment range. For further information: e t +44(0) 1652 632273 w


household pets. Equipped with both passive and active scavenging capabilities, the small animal induction chambers can safely and effectively collect and remove the anaesthetic gases. This is an imperative function of the apparatus, and necessitates that the flow of gas entering the breathing compartment each minute be equal to the volume leaving it (in order to avoid future problems such as barotrauma). Within active scavenging, suction is applied and incorporates an advanced system which protects against this applied suction as well as protecting the animal’s airway from an accumulation of heightened pressure. Conversely, passive scavenging only requires the latter of these features. Moreover, induction chambers have been developed with the utmost functionality in mind. They are designed to make a veterinary doctor’s life as easy as possible. They are fitted with a sliding lid, which offers superior safety compared with hinges as they are more durable and cannot be pushed open from the inside. They are also available in red Perspex, which minimises stress to rabbits and rodents and in particular albino rodents, by significantly reducing their reaction to light. Additionally, the inside base is detachable, which enables efficient and thorough cleaning, thus guaranteeing the hygiene of every procedure



as induction chambers have been specifically designed to promote safe anaesthetisation for small animals that are challenging to mask when awake. Perspex chamber technology means that the need for physical restraint is considerably reduced, which, in turn, minimises stress and decreases the chance of injury to the animal. Furthermore, the clear Perspex means that the animal is under continuous observation throughout the procedure. Prior to the development of induction chambers, it was common practice for vets to use inhalation masks on small animals. This, however, would sometimes cause complications resulting from the animal struggling and injuring itself, as well as posing a risk to the operating veterinarian. The induction chambers have been constructed with 4mm shatter-proof Perspex, so they have the added benefit of being highly durable under pressure. Furthermore, the apparatus has been expertly developed in three standard sizes (approx. 1.5 litres, 5.2 litres and 18.5 litres), however, they have the added benefit that they can also be manufactured to order, to fit each veterinary practice’s specific requirements. Their flexibility with regards to size, therefore, accommodates most small animals, including birds, rabbits, rodents, cats, dogs and other


New Small Animal Induction Chambers At Braun & Company Limited

Clinical & Surgical 50

Save Money! Save Time! Save Aggravation, with Albert Waeschle Veterinary B

ulbs never fail when you want them to, only when you are using them or need to use them, leading to expense, wasted time and inconvenience. All of the above could be a thing of the past if you purchase an OPTICLAR otoscope, ophthalmoscope or combination set. Why? Because due to a fantastic average working life of over 10,000 hours it is highly unlikely you will ever need to replace an OPTICLAR LED bulb? No more searching through drawers and cupboards to find another bulb, then finding it is not the correct voltage so it either blows or does not work!

Our superb LED bulbs deliver superior illumination to their halogen counterparts, easily coping with differing voltages with little or no change in performance. We are so confident of the quality of our advanced TrueToneTM technology that we offer an unrivalled 10 year guarantee. So our message is clear ‘Never buy spare bulbs for your Otoscope or Ophthalmoscope again!’ For further information t+44(0)1202 607092 e

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Farm/Large Animal 52

Early Preparation Is Key For A Successful Tupping Season I




t might seem like tupping is still a little while away but when it comes to ensuring a successful breeding season, preparation is key. It is vital that farmers ensure that their sheep are in the best possible health and that they are not suffering from any trace element deficiencies or toxicities in the run up to tupping. Trace element issues can have a direct impact on an animal’s ability to cycle properly, to conceive and to maintain the pregnancy, so ensuring that ewes have a healthy trace element status could mean the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful breeding season. It is common practice for farmers to give their ewes nutritional boluses around two months before tupping to ensure they are in the optimum condition to conceive. While this, in theory, is a sound approach, historically there has been little science applied to this method of getting sheep ready for the breeding season; with farmers often choosing a cheap copper bolus and carrying out no diagnostic work to understand the trace element toxicities and deficiencies in their flock. If farmers want to see meaningful improvements in conception rates, they need to take a scientific approach to supplementation, and this is where the vet, vet nurse and SQP can play a key advisory role.

A Quick Re-Cap On Trace Elements & Fertility It is well known that trace element deficiencies and toxicities can have a direct impact on fertility and some elements which are directly related to fertility are copper, iodine, cobalt and selenium. Copper deficiency in forages causes problems in its own right in the UK. This is exacerbated in many areas, by high levels of molybdenum, sulphur and iron in grass pastures, which leads to the suppression of key copper-containing fertility enzymes. As a result, copper supplementation is often necessary for normal reproductive health, general health and weight gain. Cobalt plays a vital role in weight gain and fertility but as the body has no capacity to store cobalt -and with many UK pastures being deficient- ongoing cobalt supplementation is required. Selenium is another critical element. A good supply of selenium is not only necessary to prevent white muscle disease in lambs, but is also essential for ewes to dispel their placentas post-lambing and have good fertility into the breeding season. Additionally, in many areas of the UK, grass and forages are often low in iodine which can lead to

sub-fertility in ewes and lack of libido in rams. It is clear that fertility of animals suffering from molybdenum toxicity, or deficiencies in cobalt, selenium, iodine or copper, is often impaired. Where these deficiencies & toxicities occur, it is vital that they are addressed through high quality trace element supplementation. The Role of The Vet & SQP It is imperative that farmers understand that not all forms of trace element supplementation are equal. Many farmers use a particular bolus or supplementation method just because they ‘always have’. However, as tupping approaches, they may need to reconsider this approach and speak to their animal health advisor or vet firstly about how they can understand which trace element deficiencies and toxicities are present in their flock, and secondly about products which are scientifically proven to give results. A Scientific Approach To Supplementation High quality trace element supplementation can play an important role in addressing some fertility problems. However, it is vital that it has been first established that a trace element deficiency or toxicity exists. Guesswork supplementation can be fruitless at best, and lethal at worst. Housed sheep and certain breeds are particularly susceptible to copper toxicity, so it’s important that the need for supplementation is first proven. Bimeda, who offer the Cosecure range of soluble glass boluses, can assist with these diagnostics, by organising

forage and blood analysis through practices, as well as by providing AMTRA-accredited training to staff. Throughout the UK, vets and nutritionist advisors are recommending the Bimeda CoseIcure & Cosecure range of soluble glass sheep boluses. These boluses have been shown in independent trials to significantly improve fertility in ruminants. Cosecure delivers copper, cobalt & selenium. CoseIcure delivers all of these elements, with additional iodine. As all these elements are included in a single bolus they offer convenience to farmers The boluses use a unique soluble glass technology, which delivers exactly the same amount of trace elements every single day for up to 6 months (CoseIcure) and 8 months (Cosecure). Unlike some boluses, there are no ‘peaks’ and ‘troughs’ of supplementation. They contain a unique ionic copper which is active at the same pH as the rumen, and therefore readily-available in the rumen. Rumen-available copper is vital to prevent thiomolybdate toxicity (also known as ‘copper lock’ or ‘secondary copper deficiency’) which impairs fertility. Many other boluses contain copper oxide, which is only available in the abomasum and is not rumen-available. An additional benefit of the Cosecure and CoseIcure boluses is that they contribute to the healthy development of the unborn lamb; through the placental transfer of trace elements. For all farmers looking to give their lambs the best start to life, the bolus range is a quality and highly scientific offering.

Zinc Supplementation For animals which have zinc deficiencies, or are susceptible to copper-toxicity, the Bimeda Zincosel boluses, which deliver zinc, cobalt and selenium, are frequently recommended. They are used as an aid to fertility, as well as to improve hoof health and boost immunity in zinc, cobalt and selenium deficient flocks. Like the Cosecure/ CoseIcure copper boluses, Zincosel boluses will also contribute to the healthy development of the unborn lamb, through the placental transfer of trace elements. Want To Learn More? Free Training Is Available The area of nutritional supplementation training has been overlooked by the veterinary pharmaceuticals and animal health industry for years and this is something that Bimeda is looking to address in 2015. If you are working in the animal health profession and would like more training in the area of trace element nutrition, contact Bimeda to enquire about free of charge, AMTRAaccredited training sessions on the topic of trace element deficiencies and toxicities in cattle and sheep. Bimeda offers a variety of training sessions, from larger, formal events to smaller ‘lunch and learn’ sessions, which are adapted for different audiences, such as Vets, SQPs and farmers.

For further information t +44 (0)1248 725 400 e w

SECUROS ORTHOPAEDIC COURSES w w w. s e c u r o s . c o . u k


INTRODUCTION TO ORTHOPAEDICS Venue: Eastcott Veterinary Hospital, Swindon & College of Animal Welfare, Godmanchester respectively Dates: 3rd September 2015 6th November 2015 Price £300

Speakers: Duncan Midgley BVMS CertSAO MRCVS & Dr Kinley Smith MA VetMB PhD CertSAS DipECVS MRCVS

INTERMEDIATE FRACTURE MANAGEMENT FORELIMB Venue: Eastcott Veterinary Hospital, Swindon Date: 1st October 2015 Price: £600

Speakers: Duncan Midgley BVMS CertSAO MRCVS & Prof. Filippo Martini DVM

PATELLA LUXATION AND LATERAL SUTURE Venue: Eastcott Veterinary Hospital, Swindon & College of Animal Welfare, Godmanchester respectively Dates: 4th September 2015 7th November 2015 Price: £300

Speakers: Duncan Midgley BVMS CertSAO MRCVS & Dr Kinley Smith MA VetMB PhD CertSAS DipECVS MRCVS

INTERMEDIATE FRACTURE MANAGEMENT HINDLIMB Venue: Eastcott Veterinary Hospital, Swindon Date: 2nd October 2015 Price: £600

Speakers: Duncan Midgley BVMS CertSAO MRCVS & Prof. Filippo Martini DVM



Venue: Eastcott Veterinary Hospital, Swindon

Venue: Eastcott Veterinary Hospital, Swindon

Date: 1st December 2015 Price: £600

Speakers: Duncan Midgley BVMS CertSAO MRCVS & Prof. Filippo Martini DVM

Date: 2nd December 2015 Price: £400

Speakers: Duncan Midgley BVMS CertSAO MRCVS & Prof. Filippo Martini DVM

Contact Clare Potts for more information: 07891 539282 or

The Centaur Spirit issue 81.indd 51

06/07/2015 12:42

Farm/Large Animal 54

Did You Play The Blowfly Lottery This Season?


ith the blowfly season becoming more unpredictable, and reported to be lasting longer and starting earlier than ever before, a new campaign is warning flock managers about the risk of gambling with treatment. The Don’t Play the Blowfly Lottery campaign, developed by Elanco Animal Health, has launched to raise awareness of the risks and

potential consequences of inadequate or poorly timed treatment. As part of the campaign, unique video content will be developed to illustrate the devastation that blowfly strike can cause. This will run alongside a dedicated advertising campaign, which will offer sheep farmers the chance to enter a competition to win a Suzuki KingQuad 400 quad bike and work wear worth over

£5,500. The video is available to watch on the Farm Animal Health YouTube channel - Katherine Openshaw Ruminant Marketing Manager at Elanco said: “Averting blowfly strike can be difficult due to the unpredictable weather in the UK and as a result many farmers get caught out by not treating their flock at the right time. Taking this gamble can cause great emotional and financial implications if sheep become infested as the animals will suffer if they are affected and a loss of production will often result as well. “We wanted to develop a campaign that communicated the serious risk that many sheep farmers take each season, and the consequences of not using a preventative treatment product early.” The FleeceBind Lottery campaign will call upon flock health experts and the stories of people who have experienced the effects of blowfly strike to provide farmers with information on how to adapt their blowfly control strategy to cope with the climatic variability and reduce the

number of flies that are about to affect their sheep. Fly strike can be prevented through the use of preventative treatment products. Using an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) with Fleecebind™ technology offers protection against fly strike. Fleecebind™ protects sheep by ensuring that the treatment first spreads from the tip to the base of the fleece, around the fleece and onto new wool growth; and then binds strongly to the lanolin in the fleece providing full fleece protection. CLiK® and CLiKZiN® are the only products with FleeceBind™ technology. CLiK® provides the longest duration of cover at 16 weeks, which minimises labour requirements for farmers and CLiKZiN™ offers farmers greater flexibility when marketing lambs with its 7-day short meat withhold. For further information w fleecebind.

New Youngstock Health Initiative Aims To Cut Alarming Calf Losses





he ‘Keeping Britain’s Youngstock Healthy’ campaign – orchestrated and driven by MSD Animal Health – will help farmers, vets, the animal health trade and other industry stakeholders cut the alarming youngstock losses suffered by the British cattle sector. “Nearly 2.5 million calves are born in Great Britain every year, but far too many fail to reach adulthood because of disease problems,” said Alfredo Sanz Moreno MRCVS from MSD Animal Health. “On average 8% of calves are born dead or die within 24 hours of birth on British farms. These are appalling losses and significant costs the industry can ill afford to bear. Fortunately, industry stakeholders are committed to reversing the trend, but everyone must work together to give committed youngstock rearers the tools to make a real difference on farm. This new initiative aims to do just that,” he said. This summer MSD Animal Health will roll out a multi-faceted, dynamic educational programme,

which includes training and diagnostic tools for vets to help more proactive engagement with farmers over youngstock health issues, as well as best practice advice for calf rearers. The initiative is supported by an educational website [] complete with practical video content and an opportunity to register for regular e-newsletters packed with topical youngstock management advice. In commenting on the priority areas for improvement, Mr Sanz Moreno highlighted colostrum feeding practices, environmental management issues and disease prevention particularly. “Unfortunately, up to 50% of calves born in Britain do not receive enough good quality colostrum. Addressing this alone would help the industry make great strides towards reversing such depressing youngstock loss statistics. It is also estimated that around 50% of livestock housing in Britain is not able to provide adequate ventilation. Infectious diseases too, particularly scours and pneumonia,

continue to take their toll despite the fact that we have highly effective vaccines and other animal health products available to help farmers manage these problems,” he said

For further information t +44 (0)1908 685685 w

Farm/Large Early-bird rates for BEVAAnimal Congress – How will you celebrate?


9th - 12th Sept 2015, ACC, Liverpool Check out the AWESOME scientific programme designed for equine and mixed practitioners. The three-day event covers more than 20 different subjects and provides over 90 hours of lectures to choose from.




BEVA Members receive ACE registration discounts and new for this year - BEVA and BSAVA mixed practitioners can attend both BEVA and BSAVA Congress on a joint discounted ticket aimed at helping vets be more flexible about spending time out of the practice.

Book before 5th August to make FAR OUT savings!

Farm/Large Animal 56

Confirmed BSE case highlights importance of all-island disease surveillance, say vets V

eterinary associations in the UK and Northern Ireland have praised the timely communications on the suspected case of BSE in the Republic of Ireland and said it is an important reminder of the essential need for robust surveillance systems north and south of the border, and across the UK and beyond. The Irish Government has confirmed that a cow has tested positive and that the case was isolated to a single animal. The infected cow was not presented for slaughter and did not enter the food chain. The Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) said that other animals that could have been exposed to BSE all tested negative after being slaughtered and excluded from food and feed chains. BVA and BVA Northern Ireland Branch reiterated that the swift identification and removal of the animal from the herd and food chain reinforces the importance of veterinary surveillance and the need to ensure that surveillance is prioritised and properly resourced by all governments.

The DAFM statement on the confirmation that the cow tested positive for BSE can be read at this link: ie/press/pressreleases/2015/june/ title,83489,en.html Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, commonly known as Mad Cow Disease, is a fatal disease that attacks the animal’s brain and central nervous system. The Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) said the cow was not presented for slaughter and did not enter the food chain. The Chief Veterinary Officer for Northern Ireland, Robert Huey, has stated that NI beef is safe to eat. The North of Ireland Veterinary Association (NIVA) and British Veterinary Association have praised the measured and timely communications between the authorities on both sides of the border. Commenting, Simon Doherty, President of NIVA and the BVA Northern Ireland Branch, said:

“While the presentation of this case is disappointing, particularly just days after the World Animal Health Organisation granted ‘negligible risk’ status to the Republic of Ireland with respect to BSE, it highlights the robust mechanisms delivering reliable livestock disease surveillance and investigation, and ultimately food safety, reflected both in the Republic and in Northern Ireland.” Commenting, John Blackwell, President BVA, said:

“It’s important to emphasise that there is zero risk to human health as the animal did not enter the food chain. Vigilance ,robust surveillance and applications of official controls within the processing For further information t+44 (0)2079086349 e w

72% want information on stunning of animals when buying meat, says EU-wide study





he British Veterinary Association has called upon the European Commission to back proposals to introduce labelling of non-stun slaughtered meat after a study of 13,500 meat consumers across 27 EU Member States found 72% want information of stunning of animals when buying meat. The survey was commissioned in July 2011 to assess the public’s appetite for labelling after European Parliament proposals to include labelling of non-stun slaughtered meat in Regulation 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers (July 2011) were withdrawn in order to achieve consensus.

Commenting, John Blackwell, BVA President, said: “This EU-wide report confirms that consumers are interested in the provenance of their meat and meat products with a clear majority (72%) saying they are interested in receiving information about the stunning of animals. “The long-awaited release of this report gives renewed vigour to the BVA’s campaign for better consumer information on animal welfare at slaughter and the need for meat from non-stun slaughter to be clearly labelled.” In response to the report’s findings that animal welfare is not listed as a priority issue for consumers

when asked an unprompted question about purchase criteria, and that information on pre-stunning is only of interest when the issue is brought to the attention of consumers, Mr Blackwell added: “As the report states, EU consumers already expect certain standards to be adhered to. That means that there is already a high expectation that European standards on animal welfare will be applied to all products. “Non-stun slaughter is only permitted through a derogation from EU-wide legislation so consumers expect their meat has been killed in accordance with the law, which clearly states that all animals should be

stunned prior to slaughter to ensure their welfare is not compromised. That is why BVA remains absolutely clear that better and clearer consumer information is essential. Ultimately, transparency is vital to maintain confidence in the food chain. ” “In addition, the recent Voice of the Veterinary Profession 2015 spring survey showed that requiring all animals be stunned before slaughter, or improving welfare at slaughter was UK vets top priority for Government.” For further information t+44 (0)2079086349 e w



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