VSM Issue 3.3

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April 2015 Volume 3 Issue 3

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Shaping the future of animal health

April 2015, Volume 3, Issue 3

Veterinary Supplies Magazine (VSM) is the magazine and web/digital resource for the UK community of veterinarians with purchasing authority for equipment, technology, pharmaceuticals and services. Publishing Director Scott Colman t. +44 (0)7595 023 460 e. scott@futurepublishingsolutions.com Editorial Ally Gau t. +44 (0)7769 310 286 e. ally@vetsuppliesmag.com e. ally@futurepublishingsolutions.com Advertising Sales Nicholas Catterall t. +44 (0)7730 762 136 e. nic@vetsuppliesmag.com e. nic@futurepublishingsolutions.com Circulation & Finance Manager Emma Colman t. +44 (0)7720 595 845 e. emma@futurepublishingsolutions.com Web / Digital Jonny Jones t. +44 (0)7803 543 057 e. jonny@futurepublishingsolutions.com


Welcome to VSM


elcome to the latest issue of Vet Supplies Magazine, which went into production the week of BSAVA Congress – cue much hiding in corners to proof read and answer queries from the design team. Our next issue will bring you all the sights and sounds of Congress, in what looks like being the largest issue of the year so far. This one will not disappoint though – we’ve got some great content to share with you, as well as our regular spotlight features. This month, we look at “Pest Control” (of the parasitic variety, rather than vermin!), and cast our eye over all things Feline. You may notice a few subtle changes this month. We have replaced the Equipment and Pharmaceutical sections with a new section “Clinical and Surgical” which will encompass everything that is relevant to vets and nurses both in clinic, and in the operating room. We’ve also taken note of burgeoning interest in maximising practice profit by diversifying into retail, both in practice and online via practice websites. With this in mind, we have introduced “Practice Retail”, an entirely new


section for products that practices can sell on to their customers. Next in line for our attention is the editorial side of VSM. We’re happy with the product news side of the magazine, but we’re keen to balance it out with even more articles, particularly ones which delve into the realities of life in practice, which draw together suppliers and vets and engage them in topical discussions, and which will get products and equipment into the hands of vets and practices. Suppliers and vets who are interested in getting involved in product road testing, editorial contributors, and suppliers with product news to share are all invited to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.


About our APP Sponsor (Direct Medical Supplies) DMS Direct Medical Supplies offers a comprehensive range of critical care, IV administration, surgical, and wound-care products to the healthcare and veterinary market. DMS is committed to offering customers more than your normal supplier, by providing unique products and general everyday

requirements for the operating room, intensive care, nursing, wound-care, and infection control. DMS provides a one-source multi-product choice that enables customers to manage their consumable supplies in an efficient and costeffective manner.

Design & Production Jo Ross t. +44 (0)7740 468 667 e. jo@futurepublishingsolutions.com Editorial: All submissions will be handled with reasonable care,

General News

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General News Rising Demand For Individual Cremation Leads To CPC Expansion


UK’s first pet crematorium to open new centre in Gloucestershire


ore owners are requesting that their pets are privately cremated with dignity in a dedicated pet crematorium according to Jason Cracknell, who has recently joined CPC as general manager. To offer a more local service for pet owners and vets in the west of the country,

CPC opened the new Cheltenham Pet Crematorium in April. Jason says: “When I was a child growing up in the country, our pets were buried in the garden. With smaller gardens and greater mobility this is no longer an option for many. Working closely with vets, we have seen a considerable increase in owners wanting more knowledge and involvement in how their beloved pet is cared for at the end of its life.” Jason explains that views are changing on pet bereavement: “We have dedicated bereavement advisers and run training courses for vets and veterinary nurses to help them to prepare clients for bad news and support them. How a vet manages that relationship at a difficult time can make all the difference. “CPC has been running the Cambridge Pet Crematorium for over 35 years and has built up a strong reputation in providing compassionate pet cremation services with veterinary practices nationwide; this has led to us opening the new facility in Tewkesbury to service the west of the country.”

CPC is family owned. It was established in the 1970s by Ray Hale and his father-in-law Clive Jackman who realised that vets had no alternative to landfill for the disposal of pets. Both animal lovers, they saw a need for a more dignified solution. They designed the first cremation facility in the UK especially for animals and it now receives pets of all types from reptiles to ponies. At the new centre, pet owners will be able to view their pet and say their last goodbyes in private surroundings. CPC can organise a funeral service for the client, including flowers, or the vet can take care of the final arrangements and have the ashes returned for keepsake, scattering or internment. CPC has also seen a rise in pet owners wanting to visit the crematorium before the time comes to see the facilities and to make arrangements. Jason adds: “We operate an open-door policy at our crematoria and positively encourage vets and their clients to come and see us. People are asking more questions

and want to ensure that they provide the best for their loving and loyal companions.” The new Cheltenham Pet Crematorium, on the edge of Tewkesbury, will reduce the travelling time for pet owners who live on the west of the country. CPC believes in involving the local community, and Year 9 horticulture students from the nearby Tewkesbury School are helping to design a memorial and wildlife garden as a place for peace and reflection. Owners often bring their other pets to say farewell too and it is possible to walk dogs in the water meadow beyond. The Cheltenham Pet Crematorium is to be officially opened at the end of April by farmer and television presenter Adam Henson.

For further information t +44 (0)1684 857494 e cheltenham@cpccares.com w www.cpccares.com

recruited a new senior manager. K9 Dog Wash last year unveiled the K9000; a coin-operated, outdoor

For further information t +44 (0) 161 641 1554 e info@k9dogwash.co.uk w www.k9dogwash.co.uk / www.liftsafe.net


dry them using a warm air dryer. Features include a raised floor that keeps dogs’ paws dry and eliminates puddles, and a hair filtration system that keeps the enclosure clean at all times. A custom-made floor coating helps dogs retain balance and feel comfortable, while a large front window prevents smaller breeds from feeling claustrophobic. The machine is available as a standard indoor model and a deluxe version for outdoors. Constructed from robust stainless steel, the K9000 is built from quality components used in the valet and car wash industries. The K9000 is engineered for reliability, ease of use and a long working life.



he company behind an innovative self-service dog grooming machine has

located self-service dog washing machine that offers a low cost and convenient alternative to grooming salons. The Oldham-based company has now recruited Ken MacKinnon as Business Development Manager. Ken is well known, having worked in the pet products and veterinary supply industries for 20 years, starting out with the environmentally-friendly cat litter brand SmartCat. Based in Greater Manchester, Ken is in charge of all UK sales and marketing. “The K9000 is one of the most exciting and innovative pet products for a long time,” said Ken. “It addresses a huge gap in the market and has great potential to help stores improve footfall and revenue.” Designed for canine convenience and comfort, the K9000 enables dog owners to easily position their pet within a safe and comfortable enclosure, wash the animal in shampoo and warm water, and then


K9 Dog Wash Launches Expands Team

General News 4

Deborah Loding joins Best Friends Veterinary Group in the newly created role of Recruitment Manager


ue to the continued growth of the independent, Best Friends Veterinary Group, they are delighted to have had to create the new position of Recruitment Manager, to deal with the recruitment needs of their 36 practices. The veterinary recruitment manager position was the perfect match for Deborah, who is a former RVN of 14 years experience, as during a break from the industry, she spent 4-years as a recruitment consultant. “I’m very excited to be combining two areas that I am passionate about, into one job role. The veterinary industry is a unique market that requires in-depth practical knowledge of how different practice structures affect the job roles within them. A vet or nurse role is very different in a sole charge

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practice, than in a multi vet practice, a hospital or referral centre” said Deborah Loding. Best Friends have all of the above practice structures and say they have a lot to offer the staff that work for them, including support with training, an in-house CPD program, excellent benefits and career progress within the group. Having a dedicated recruitment manager is a major investment by the employer, showing their commitment to finding the best candidates for their vacancies, which can only be to the benefit of both clients and staff alike. For further information e deborah.loding@bestfriendsgroup. com t +44 (0)7894 755652 w www.bestfriendsgroup.com

Best New Veterinary Products of 2014 as Voted by Vets


or the third year running CM Research has published the products that UK vets consider the Best New Veterinary Products of the last year. 300 practising UK vets spontaneously named the one product that has stood out for them among all new veterinary products introduced in 2014. - Apoquel by Zoetis, a fast-acting treatment for the control of acute and chronic canine pruritus, won the title. It was mentioned by nearly a third of interviewed vets. - Bravecto by MSD, an antiparasitic chewable treatment lasting up to 12 weeks, came second with 12% of mentions. - Semintra by Boehringer Ingelheim, a product introduced in 2013, was put forward by 10% of vets, placing it in 3rd position. Semintra is a veterinary angiotensin receptor blocker used in cats suffering from chronic kidney disease. - Broadline by Merial, an antiparasitic chewable tablet for cats, was the next product choice, mentioned by 5% of vets. The survey was conducted

online during February 2015 using Vetspanel, CM Research’s community of vets. The majority of participants were companion animal vets. 12% of respondents were equine, large animal vets or vets treating exotics/ wildlife. The objective of the survey is to provide vets with their peers’ unbiased judgement on which new veterinary products, services or devices have made the biggest impact. The questions were unprompted, ensuring that the respondents were not influenced by pre-set survey options. As evidence of this freedom, some vets suggested products launched before 2014. Several equine vets considered Vulketan by Elanco to be the best new veterinary product of 2014. Osphos by Dechra was also mentioned by a few equine vets. However, the number of equine vets taking part in the survey is too low to draw definite conclusions. For more information ....... w. www.cm-research.com t +44 (0)1372 720041 e. contact-us@cm-research.com

Biogal In-Practice Diagnostic Kits ImmunoComb® VacciCheck In-Practice Antibody Test Kit ImmunoComb® VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit monitors serological status, reduces vaccination failure and prevents over vaccination consequences for dogs and cats. Rehome immediately with the ability to know vaccination status.

In-Practice Molecular Detection Kit PCRunTM is an isothermal molecular amplification method that has now allowed PCR testing to become faster, more affordable and accessible for your needs.

The ImmunoComb® VacciCheck is a user-friendly, in-practice kit, which tests for antibody titres to the three core infections: Canine: • Infectious Hepatitis (ICH) • Parvovirus (CPV) • Distemper (CDV)

Feline: • Panleukopenia (FPLV) • Herpes Virus (FHV) • Calici Virus (FCV)

Current PCRun™ kits available include: • Canine Pathogenic Leptospira Molecular Detection • Canine Leishmania Molecular Detection • Feline Mycoplasma Haemofelis Molecular Detection • Canine Ehrlichia Molecular Detection • Canine Anaplasma Molecular Detection PCR now simply available in-practice.

VacciCheck is recommended by the WSAVA to comply with the new regulations to reduce unnecessary vaccinations

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Canine tests include: • ImmunoComb® Canine Leptospira • ImmunoComb® Canine Parvo & Distemper IgM • ImmunoComb® Canine Brucella • ImmunoComb® Canine Ehrlichia Feline tests include: • ImmunoComb® Feline FCoV • ImmunoComb® Feline Toxo & Chlamydophila Avian tests include: • ImmunoComb® Avian Chlamydophila

General News 6

“Killing dogs won’t stop rabies” T his was the message from World Animal Protection and other members of the International Companion Animal Management Coalition (ICAMC) at their 2nd international conference focusing on Dog Population Management held 3rd to 5th March ’15 in Istanbul. Almost 200 representatives from more than 30 different countries were in attendance to discuss rabies, the dog meat trade and other welfare issues facing large numbers of stray dogs and the risk posed to people. Numerous seminars were given looking at alternatives to shooting and poisoning with a

focus on developing humane ways of managing and catching stray dogs. Professor James Serpell (Director, Centre for the Interaction of Animals and Society, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine) gave a keynote presentation exploring the cultural diversity of human attitudes toward dogs, as well as considering possible approaches to initiating positive changes. MDC (who were one of the sponsors of the event) develop a comprehensive range of products and equipment essential to those working on humane stray dog population management including trap, neuter, release (TNR) and

vaccination projects. The conference provided a valuable platform for welfare workers, international NGO’s and academics to learn, participate in workshops and discusses animal welfare practices, sharing ideas that will positively impact on stray dog populations. Awareness was high among the delegates but a statement provided by Change For Animals Foundation was quite startling: “If there were a dog meat trade in the UK, all 8 million of our best friends would be eaten in a matter of 3 months. There would no longer be any dogs left…that’s how big the dog meat trade is in Asia.” Asia Canine Protection Alliance

representatives highlighted the issue that the dog meat trade encourages the large-scale production, collection and movement of dogs of unknown disease and vaccinations status presenting risks to both animal and human health. Research suggests that 150 people die of rabies everyday; most of these are children under the age of 15 years. In developing countries this equates to someone dying every 10 minutes. For further informatiom w www.icam-coalition.org w www.MDCExports.co.uk




Vet Charity Challenge 2015 – Come and join the fun


he date and venue of the Vet Charity Challenge 2015 has just been announced. The fourth annual event will take place on Saturday 26th September at Cannock Chase in Staffordshire. The event consists of teams of four walking/running, cycling and kayaking as well as some

orienteering and mental and physical tasks. The day is designed for every level of fitness and to reward those that work the best together as a team. So far the Vet Charity Challenge has raised over £100,000 for animal based charities. In 2015 the charities being supported are Canine Partners, SPANA and International Cat Care. Registration opening soon Registration will open online at the start of April. Spaces are limited and last year filled up very fast, so to avoid disappointment it is highly recommended to book early. This year there will be discounted entry fees for students teams.

Gavin Mitchell from BCF Technology commented, “We were delighted at the success of the Vet Charity Challenge so far. Last year we had 50 teams taking part and raised a serious amount of cash for three very deserving charities. We hope to top this in 2015, making the event even bigger and better than last year.” Dechra Veterinary Products joins as new sponsor in 2015 This year sees Dechra Veterinary Products join the Vet Charity Challenge as a new sponsor. Larry King, Dechra Marketing Manager commented, “Having entered a team into the Vet Charity Challenge in previous years, we are

delighted to become sponsors of the challenge in 2015. The Vet Charity Challenge helps raise a significant amount of money for worthwhile causes at home and abroad and we look forward to being part of such a well organised event. This year we will be entering teams into the challenge again and we hope that colleagues from across the veterinary industry join us for what is sure to be a fun-packed weekend. We are proud to be 2015 sponsors.” For further information t +44 (0)1506 469 102 e jason.rogers@bcftechnology.com w www.vetcharitychallenge.co.uk

General News 8

WSAVA Shelter Medicine Workshop Aims to Enhance Shelter Medicine Practice 19-20 May 2015, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University, Thailand





he Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) is to host a two-day workshop on Animal Shelter Medicine on 19-20 May at Madihol University in Bangkok. The workshop features leading global speakers, including Dr. Tess Kommedal, specialist shelter medicine veterinarian and Dr Katherine Polak, Director of Animal Welfare at the Soi Dog Foundation. It also includes visits to local shelters and discussions on the future direction of shelter medicine across Asia. It is scheduled to follow on from WSAVA World Congress, which takes place from 15-18 May in

Bangkok. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) is a not-for-profit body, dedicated to enhancing the quality of veterinary care for companion animals around the world. Its members comprise 92 veterinary organizations from around the world, representing 145,000 individual veterinarians. Its Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC) aims to promote advances in animal welfare and wellness around the world through enhanced veterinary care and through ensuring that welfare issues become a routine consideration for all companion animal veterinarians. Commenting on the Shelter Medicine Workshop, Dr Shane Ryan,

Chair of the AWWC, said: “Animal welfare is a particularly important component of animal shelter medicine. Delegates to our workshop will enhance their knowledge of welfare in shelter practice. They will also learn more about environmental risk factors and infectious disease control. We hope they will join with us in helping to build a better future for shelter animals across Asia.� For further information t +1(0)905627 8540 e wsavasecretariat@gmail.com w www.wsava.org/article/ shelter-medicine-workshop-postwsava-congress

Small Animal Orthopedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Disorders Second Edition Self-Assessment Color Review 2014 | 304pp | ISBN: 9781482224924 | £26.99 • Explores a wide range of musculoskeletal disorders • Facilitates active learning through a new series of selected clinical case scenarios • Contains integrated questions to help readers develop sound decision-making skills • Supplies detailed explanatory answers for contextual learning • Provides references to facilitate additional research • Includes color images and diagrams

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General News 10

CVS Acquires four small animal practices


VS (UK) Ltd has announced the acquisition of four new small animal practices, bringing the company’s practice division portfolio to 276 sites. The practices are: Westmoor Veterinary Hospital:

A small animal hospital in Tavistock, Devon Aylsham Vets: A small animal practice in Aylsham, Norfolk Townsend Veterinary Practice: A small animal practice in Bromsgrove, West Midlands

Woodlands Veterinary Group: A small animal veterinary hospital in Plymouth. Simon Innes, Chief Executive of CVS, comments: “Our ability to offer veterinary staff a diverse range of career options, as well as our significant investments in infrastructure and CPD are continuing to prove attractive and we are experiencing strong interest from practices across the country in becoming part of the CVS Group. We are delighted to welcome these new members.” CVS UK Ltd is the largest and fastest-growing mixed practice corporate veterinary group in the UK. Founded in 1999 and run, principally by vets, it employs more than 3,000 staff at its practices and surgeries across the UK and in its related veterinary businesses, including an online pharmacy, three

pet crematoriums and five veterinary laboratories. Key to its success is CVS’ ability to attract ambitious veterinary staff and to invest in their clinical skills, knowledge and in research to drive the profession forward. It also provides the business support to ensure its diverse range of small animal, large animal and equine practices achieve their full potential. CVS’ guiding principles include a commitment to excellence in all aspects of its work and a focus on building long-term relationships with its customers and suppliers. The company works in close partnership with the wider veterinary profession and industry colleagues. For further information... t +44 (0)1379 644288 e admin@cvsvet.com w www.cvsgroupplc.com





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General News 12

Voting now open for 2015 RCVS and VN Councils elections V

eterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses may now cast votes for their preferred candidates in this year’s Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Council and Veterinary Nurses (VN) Council elections, respectively. Ballot papers with candidate details, biographies and manifestos have been posted to all veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses this week. In total there are 11 candidates in this year’s RCVS Council elections, with the six who receive the most votes joining Council in July for a four-year term. The candidates are: • • • • • • • • •

Mr Niall Connell MRCVS Mrs Joanna Dyer MRCVS Professor Tim Greet FRCVS Mrs Lynne Hill MRCVS Mr Richard Hillman MRCVS Dr Heidi Janicke MRCVS Miss Hannah Jordan MRCVS Mr Thomas Lonsdale MRCVS Mr James Main MRCVS

• •

Miss Katherine Richards MRCVS Mr Peter Robinson MRCVS There are three candidates in this year’s VN Council elections with the two who receive the most votes joining VN Council also for a four-year term from July. The candidates are: • Mrs Lucy Bellwood RVN • Mrs Elizabeth Cox RVN • Miss Marie Rippingale RVN For this year’s ‘Quiz the candidates’, all 14 candidates have been asked to submit a short video in which they answer two questions, chosen by them, posed by members of their respective professions. The video statements from RCVS Council candidates, together with the biographies and manifestos, can be found at www.rcvs.org.uk/ vetvote15, while those from VN Council candidates can be found at www.rcvs.org.uk/VNvote15. Gordon Hockey, RCVS Registrar, comments: “This is the first year that we have had video statements from candidates so please do take a look at them as

it’s important, before casting a vote, to have an idea of the candidates and their priorities, if elected. My thanks to all those who submitted questions. “I would urge both vets and veterinary nurses to participate in this year’s elections, because it really can make a difference. Decisions made at RCVS Council can have a real impact on all vets – the recent decision to allow the use of ‘Dr’ as a courtesy title being a case in point, along with current ongoing discussions about potential further governance reform. Kathy Kissick, chair of VN Council, says: “The recent introduction of the College’s new Royal Charter is a momentous occasion for veterinary nurses, meaning that we are now formally regulated by the RCVS and recognised as true professionals in our own right. With the 2015 VN Council election now underway, it is more important than ever that veterinary nurses decide for themselves who should be elected

to their governing body, as the decisions made by VN Council affect the whole of our profession.” Votes in each election must be cast by 5pm on Friday, 24 April. Those eligible to vote can either fill in the ballot paper and return it by post, or vote online. To vote online, veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses should use the security codes and instructions printed on their ballot papers. Any veterinary surgeon who has not received a ballot paper should contact Ian Holloway, RCVS Communications Manager, on 020 7202 0727 / i.holloway@rcvs.org.uk. Any veterinary nurse missing a ballot paper should contact Annette Amato, Deputy Head of Veterinary Nursing on 020 7202 0713 / a.amato@rcvs. org.uk. For further information t +44 (0) 20 7222 2001 e info@rcvs.org.uk w www.rcvs.org.uk




Virbac Helps Tanzanian Dogs with Product Donation to Mbwa Wa Africa


irbac has donated a supply of its meloxicam-based NSAID Inflacam® to Mbwa Wa Africa, a non-profit dog and cat rescue organisation in Tanzania. Mbwa Wa Africa was set up in 2013 and aims to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome unwanted, abandoned and neglected dogs. Tanzania has a significant problem with stray

dogs and many are currently killed inhumanely. The team at Mbwa Wa Africa care for injured dogs and are working with the Tanzanian Government to encourage a humane approach to population control. They aim to set up a veterinary clinic which will neuter and vaccinate dogs against rabies as well as training local vets, with assistance from foreign vets, to

go out into local communities and carry out neutering and vaccination day camps. Phyllis Hutchison, Founder of Friends for Mbwa Wa Africa, which fundraises in the UK, said: “We have successfully lobbied the Government to consider a better solution to the problem of stray dogs and now we need to show that we can make it work.

“We believe it is important for each village to have a controlled stable population of stray dogs which will play their part in eating scraps and rubbish that the locals don’t want and in keeping vermin at bay. “We are very grateful for this kind donation from Virbac. The Inflacam will be used to provide pain relief to injured dogs and following neutering surgery. On behalf of the dogs of Tanzania, thank you!” Kate Woolley MRCVS, Product Manager (Companion Animal) at Virbac, said: “On a personal level, Tanzania is close to my heart as I spent time in the country working with a rabies vaccination team. It is an amazing country with such wonderful people. We are delighted to donate a supply of Inflacam to support Mbwa Wa Africa’s vital work to give the country’s stray dogs a better future.” For further information t +44 (0)1359 243243 e enquiries@virbac.co.uk w www.my-virbac.co.uk

Companion Animal 14

Adverse reactions to microchips: What should you do?


ases of adverse reactions to microchips have been widely discussed and occasionally documented in the veterinary press. As part of the 2015 legislation for dogs in England all adverse reactions seen in dogs must now be reported, but Pet Detect would recommend they be reported in any species. The Microchip Trade Association asked the VMD to oversee

a reporting system for microchip adverse reactions. The VMD agreed to take on this role and a system is now in place to allow reactions to be reported. While they should be rare, it is a legal requirement to report a microchip adverse reaction in a dog if you encounter one. Reportable adverse reactions include microchip migration, any pathology, excessive pain or suffering due to implantation and microchip failure. Migration occurs when the microchip moves from the place of implantation, which should be midline between the scapulae in the UK. In petDetect’s experience migration is normally caused by the microchip being implanted in an incorrect location, either too high or too low. While this can be considered an implanter fault it should still be reported to the VMD. Independent tests have indicated smaller

microchips like petDetect’s mini-chip are less likely to migrate so it worth implanting these where possible. Any pathology, excessive pain or suffering originating from microchip implantation should be reported. An initial pain response and a little bleeding should be considered normal but if any haematomas, infection or rejection of the microchip occurs after implantation you should report it. Finally, in the extremely rare but commonly assumed instance of microchip failure to transmit it’s number when scanned, you should report it to the VMD after eliminating all other possibilities. Best practice is to check the scanner is fully charged, compatible with the animal’s chip and working correctly. Ensure the animal is scanned carefully and thoroughly in case migration has occurred (documented migration sites include

the elbow, axilla and chest). If a microchip still cannot be located then diagnostic imaging should be used to confirm the presence of a microchip before it is reported to the VMD as microchip failure. In many cases it turns out that the microchip was expelled from the body soon after implantation or the implantation never actually took place. If you encounter any of these, a report can be submitted at www. vmd.defra.gov.uk. Once sent, you will receive an email stating it has been received by the VMD and they will pass on the information to the relevant parties. For further information t 44 (0)1962 813 554 e info@pet-detect.co.uk w www.pet-detect.com




New website from IDEXX maps antibiotic resistance


DEXX has launched Pet Resist, a new website for the veterinary profession that maps levels of antibiotic resistance recorded in cats and dogs by the company over the past five years. The company says that users of the new site (www.petresist.com)

will be able to see geographical variations in resistance to the top 10 antibiotics used in cats and dogs. Simon Wootton, UK CAG Marketing Manager from IDEXX says that by knowing which organisms have shown resistance to antibiotics,

and where this resistance has been recorded, vets will be better able to choose the most appropriate agent for therapy. “The ability to select the most appropriate antibiotic prior to testing may increase the effectiveness of treatments and reduce the number

of return visits,” says Simon. “We believe that this new service will also help prolong the effective life of existing antibiotics at a time when there is considerable pressure on the profession to reduce their use,” he adds. Pet Resist shows levels of resistance overlaid on an interactive UK map down to individual postcode areas – see image 1. Visitors to the IDEXX Pet Resist site can select their postcode area, the antibiotic (amoxicillin, ampicillin, cefaliexn, etc) and the suspected organism (E coli, S aureus, etc). Users will then be able to see the level of resistance based on historical data from the past five years, and use this to help choose appropriate therapies. “We have used results of MIC tests on over 200,000 samples submitted to IDEXX to develop the database upon which the resistance levels are based. The data will be continually updated as we receive more samples at our Wetherby laboratory, further increasing the accuracy and value of the service to vets and their clients,” Simon concludes. For further information w www.petresist.com

Companion Animal

The Best Just Got Better!


BUSTER Premium Dog Collar – the greatest innovation in e-collars since the original BUSTER Collar


ruuse is pleased to introduce the new top-of-theline BUSTER Premium Dog Collar, designed with high patient comfort in mind. The Buster Premium Dog Collar provides exceptional functionality and easy handling combined with ingenious features for improved patient comfort. • Comfortable, perforated neoprene provides a snug fit around the neck (no need to attach to a separate collar) • Velcro fastenings ensure easy, fast but secure fitting • Padded banding around the inner edge provides comfort and prevents skin irritation • Additional banding around the outer edge protects surroundings and reduces impact to patient • 100% Polypropylene shield provides flexibility when the dog lies down

Worldwide, the Buster collar is the most trusted device to prevent canine patients from biting or licking their body or scratching their head and neck while wounds or injuries heal. The functionality of an e-collar is outstanding when it comes to postoperative care and prevention of self-inflicted trauma. The new Buster Premium Collar has been developed in association with vets, vet nurses and dog owners to provide an exceptional collar that is as stress-free as possible for the patient whilst providing exceptional functionality for the user both at the veterinary hospital and at home. To see the Buster Premium Dog Collar in use, go to; www.youtube.com/ watch?v=2GiCTbVAWh8 t +44 (0) 1977681523 e andrew.groom@kruuse.com w www.kruuse.com

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Companion Animal 18

Support At Every Step In Diabetes Management A

new practice support portfolio is now available to help vets and nurses deliver a structured programme of professional care for diabetic dogs and cats. The Caninsulin® & VetPen® ‘Support at every step’ programme has been produced by MSD Animal Health to highlight how practices can benefit from the wide range of services in the period up to and following, diagnosis of pet diabetes. The initiative also includes free Practice Diabetes Adviser online training for UK veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. Caninsulin® is the world’s number one insulin for cats and dogs.1 Now, also offering the most comprehensive package of

diabetes support for veterinary practices in the UK, Caninsulin® & VetPen® ‘Support at every step’ helps veterinary teams to deliver effective diabetes care. Clinical support is delivered through stabilisation and serial glucose protocols, as well as discounted fructosamine testing and additional technical support on-demand, by fax, email and phone. Diabetes is a complex condition to manage and each patient can present different challenges. The client plays a central role in diabetes care, so the programme also includes an owner’s pack that explains everything the owner needs to know, in addition to comprehensive online information.

The use of the medical delivery device Caninsulin VetPen® has revolutionised diabetes care for pets – enabling pet owners to overcome injection fear, improving dosing accuracy and comfort. It was recently awarded an ‘Easy to Give’ award by International Cat Care in recognition of its contribution to removing barriers to compliance. Practice Diabetes Adviser online training includes VetPen® training and veterinary professionals can complete a total of six free modules to qualify as a Pet Diabetes Advisor, earning a badge and certificate. For further information t +44 (0)1908 685 685 w www.caninsulin.co.uk

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Shaping the future of animal health

Companion Animal 20

Feeding the neutered dog By Ian Williams MRCVS, Royal Canin’s Veterinary Support Manager


eutering canines can provide an array of benefits to both the owner and the animal, ranging from an obvious reduction in litters to a reduction in the risk of certain canine tumours. Why neuter? Most dogs in the UK are neutered, a procedure that is widely recommended by vets for a number of reasons. For female dogs, spaying can reduce the risk of infections or tumours of the uterus and reduce the

chance of mammary cancers. For males, neutering can reduce the risk of testicular tumours, especially if the testicles are retained in the abdomen. For all male dogs neutering can also reduce the risk of some prostate problems later in life. When female dogs come into season there is an increased risk of the female and nearby entire male dogs straying onto roads when trying to find ways to get together and mate; neutering reduces this risk.

Specific needs of the neutered dog Whilst the benefits of neutering are apparent, it does also result in some physiological changes which need to be considered and addressed. The reproductive organs secrete certain hormones (such as oestrogens and testosterone) and removing these can inevitably causes hormonal modifications that can affect a number of functions – including metabolism. Within 48 hours of neutering, the dog will increase its daily food intake as it is less able to regulate hunger. Despite this, the daily energy requirements of the animal actually reduce, so obesity becomes a likely risk if the animal’s diet is not adapted straight away. Studies have shown that neutered dogs are twice as likely to become obese compared to the overall canine population and if this issue isn’t addressed this weight gain can lead to joint, urinary and grooming issues. Therefore, it is essential to encourage the owner to closely monitor their companion’s weight and body condition following the procedure. They should also be encouraged to provide the pet with opportunities to exercise in order to use any excess in energy effectively.

The right diet To continue to keep a neutered dog in the very best possible health and condition it is essential to choose a diet that is formulated specifically for their needs and start feeding it straight away, taking care to observe the feeding guidelines and weigh out the food every day. Royal Canin has a range of diets specifically formulated for neutered dogs, be they small, medium or large. All of Royal Canin’s Neutered Adult canine diets provide a formula low in energy to help maintain ideal body condition, as well as containing antioxidants and highly digestible proteins to ensure maximum digestive tolerance. In addition, these diets contain fibres that help dogs feel fuller so they are less likely to return to their bowl so frequently. In summary, whilst some owners can express concerns about neutering due to the chance of weight gain and energy loss, this can be overcome provided that the canine is fed a suitable quantity of a diet specifically tailored for their specific needs after the operation has been performed. For further information w www.royalcanin.co.uk




Healthcare in Bite Sized Portions


he Soft Chew Company provides UK veterinary customers with the benefits of a palatable soft chew, which incorporates the ingredients of many frequently used animal

healthcare supplement products. “The healthcare supplement market in the UK is worth over £20million and rising, but most customers are asked to use products which were designed for use on

humans” says Niall McFerran of The Soft Chew Company “the aim of The Soft Chew Company is to provide those health benefits in the form of treats that dogs and cats will readily accept”. The Chewz product range will initially consist of: • Dog and cat joint support chews. • Dog multivitamin heartshaped chew. • Cat bladder support chew. • Cat hairball relief chew. The chews are flavoured and of the correct texture to ensure a very high level of pet acceptance and are easily divisible to aid feeding accuracy and come in sealed tubs.

The Soft Chew Company ensures that the ingredients used in the products are the highest quality available, they come from natural sustainable sources and that only natural flavourings are used. Evidence exists to show that cats and dogs can benefit from the amounts of the selected ingredients included in Chewz. “The enthusiasm of pets for these products makes it easier for the owner to feed healthcare supplements whilst giving the animal a treat which helps strengthen the human/animal bond” says Kevin Ingram also of The Soft Chew Company, “my own pets love them!” The Chewz range from The Soft Chew Company can be obtained from all wholesalers or directly from J.A.K Marketing. For further information t +44 (0)1347 293150 e info@thesoftchewcompany.co.uk

Clinical & Surgical 22

New Web Site and Products from Vetronic Services


anuary 2015 saw the introduction of a new web site for Vetronic Services. Nothing really unusual about that you might think, companies update their web sites all the time. But in this new web site there has been a major change in the way our products are presented and supported. There are now videos available for each product showing the main features of the product and some of the common procedures

used with them. For example the Merlin ventilator now has videos that show how to connect it in rebreathing and non-rebreathing mode, how to perform a leak test and how to run a performance test. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the same may be said of video. So much information can be conveyed in a few minutes or even seconds of video that can take pages of text and pictures to achieve the same thing. And of course the web site still hosts all of the supporting documentation, including articles and talks, that it always did. Only it is now much easier to find. So whether you’re looking for an article on ventilating birds or just wonder how you should disinfect your ventilator, you will find all the answers on the web site. The early months of the year are often cast as gloomy months whilst waiting for Spring. However, as an equipment manufacturer and

like many other service companies to the profession these dark months largely went un-noticed as we all prepared for the BSAVA meeting in Birmingham. Vetronic Services has held a stand at this meeting for nearly 20 years and always likes to have something new on the stand. This year is no exception as we had both new products and new software to demonstrate. Our new software complements our existing range of patient monitoring, all of which can display their data on a PC either by cable or wireless. Simplicity has been the main aim and we have produced a plug-and-play monitoring system that allows you to seamlessly visualise, record and store your monitoring or diagnostic data. Anaesthetic Charts are produced automatically in pdf format and all monitoring reports can be customised and also produced in pdf format. Advanced options are available for exporting data for research use and also for

integrating with your PMS (Practice Management System). This software is fully backward-compatible with our range of monitors; VitalStore, Impact-III, Sentinel, Sapphire Plus and Solomon. It is also designed to make full use of our newest monitor ‘Lightning’, which was revealed on the stand at BSAVA. Lightning is a fullyconfigurable monitor meaning it can be supplied as a full 10-parameter, wireless patient signs monitor or as a simple ECG and Pulse-Ox monitor. Lightning has an integrated NIBP module offering all monitoring modalities in one unit and this now compliments our stand-alone Sentinel NIBP monitor. Lightning is a compact colour monitor with a 6” touchscreen display, full battery backup and wireless/USB stick options. For further information t +44 (0)1626 3665505 e enquiries@vetronic.co.uk w www.vetronic.co.uk

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Clinical & Surgical 24

Tafonius: New large animal ventilator challenges traditional design concepts


arge animal ventilator design has been the same for many, many years. That is until the development of Tafonius. Tafonius is the realisation of a design dream harboured by two companies, Vetronic Services and Hallowell EMC. The idea behind Tafonius is two-fold. Firstly to produce a ventilator that does not rely on the original bag-in-abottle concept and secondly to produce a ventilator that will allow

easy and detailed investigations into the optimal way to ventilate a range of patients - in essence a research tool. To satisfy the first requirement, Tafonius has a cylinder system with a rigid piston driven by a linear motor. The motor is run on electricity and is very quiet as well as being very accurate in its positioning. Using a motor may seem counter-intuitive if an animal is to breathe on its own sometimes as it would appear that the animal would need to either overcome the motor action or bypass it somehow. However, this is not the case as the electronics in the ventilator turn the piston assembly into a ‘virtual bag’. Simply breathing lightly into the Y-piece will cause the piston to move, thus removing all of the effort needed to overcome resistance in the tubing, soda-lime and valves. The effect is that the piston seems to float in the cylinder, responding to the slightest respiratory effort in a way you would not expect. if you have never worked with or seen a Tafonius machine up close then this feature alone is probably the one that will impress you the most. This unique servo action is what allows Tafonius to be used with animals as small as 20kg and as large as 1500kg. The servo action means that a patient can be connected to the Tafonius Y-piece immediately after induction and can breathe spontaneously with no restriction. When IPPV is required it is a simple matter to turn the ‘floating’ piston into a driven piston, driving gas effortlessly into

the patient. Alternating between spontaneous breathing and IPPV is achieved with the touch of a button. To satisfy the second design requirement, namely of allowing easy and detailed investigations into the optimal way to ventilate animals, Tafonius has been designed with some in-built fundamental design features. For example, to ventilate a patient requires driving a fixed volume of gas into the patient in a fixed amount of time. In its simplest form a breath can consist of a single phase, where a phase includes information on direction, speed and time. So ventilating a horse will use a phase which has direction set to forward, speed set to e.g. 150L/ min and time set to 2 seconds. This gives a 5L breath. At the end of the inspiratory period the piston goes from driven back to ‘float’ mode and fills up with gas as the horse exhales. This system emulates how ventilators have traditionally behaved. But what if it was better to give 75% of the breath in the first half of inspiration and the remaining 25% in the second half? How could you do that? Simple. Deliver two phases, each phase behaving in the required manner. In fact Tafonius can use as many as 250 phases for any inspiratory breath, which means you can use a pure sinusoid or a stepped volume or stepped flow pattern, whatever you want. Whilst this may sound daunting, the design of phases is not left to the user. All the user would need to do is select a ventilation pattern suited to their patient and then push the

MDC Products Saved My Hand!





eil Burton is an award winning Dog Warden and chairman of the National Dog Wardens Association with over 15 years experience in the field. He sent us this account of a recent incident: “I had to attempt to put a muzzle on to an unpredictable dog that was being restrained on a grasper pole. I had my MDC Bitemaster Workaday Gloves in my pocket and after carrying out a dynamic risk assessment I decided to put them on. I know that some

people will say that it is foolhardy to handle a dog wearing gloves but on this occasion it turned out to be the right thing to do! As I attempted to put the muzzle on to the German Shepherd Dog, without warning it managed to leap up, I naturally moved my hand away but the dog bit on to my right hand straight on to my palm and did not let go. The gloves are Kevlar lined so there were no puncture wounds and surprisingly as it turned out little bruising. I did have a pressure related injury but even this went after

2-3 days. I also had my MDC Break Stick in my left hand pocket and I was able to grab the Break Stick and use it in the way advised by MDC. I placed the Break Stick in the side of the dog’s mouth and with one twist it let go. If I had not been wearing the Bitemaster Workaday Gloves I believe that I would have sustained a serious injury to my hand and with no Break Stick available I would have had an issue with getting the dog off me.

Ventilate button. Work on developing new ventilation patterns is well under way with some new ventilation phase design software due to be finished later this year. This software will allow on-screen simulation of ventilation using any design pattern. Once this design pattern is completed it can be loaded into Tafonius and run. Having a fully controllable piston means that the control computer knows exactly where the piston is at any point in time and so it follows that the computer also knows the flow, pressure, tidal volume, expiratory and inspiratory times from any patient connected in spontaneous mode. Using the computer this information can be shown to the user as well as being logged. So for any spontaneously breathing patient where tidal volumes, inspiratory flow rates and inspiratory times might not be known using a traditional ventilator, all of this information is always available with Tafonius. It is difficult to condense all of the virtues of Tafonius into a few paragraphs but it is hoped that you will be able to see the benefits of this new approach to ventilation, not only to the user but also to the patient. There is also a wealth of information about Tafonius on our web site in the Tafonius section of the Products area. For further information t +44 (0)1626 3665505 e enquiries@vetronic.co.uk w www.vetronic.co.uk

When I am at work I now always carry a Break Stick and a pair of Bitemaster Workaday Gloves in my work coat because when you need them … you need them! There is no point in keeping them in your office desk or in the back of your dog van!” Neil’s message is clear. Make sure you purchase quality equipment, know how to use it … and keep it to hand. For further information w www.mdcexports.co.uk

Clinical & Surgical 26

Woodley Equipment supplies Biogal In-Practice Diagnostic Kits ImmunoComb® VacciCheck Practice Antibody Test Kit


The ImmunoComb® VacciCheck Antibody Test Kit from Biogal monitors serological status, reduces vaccination failure and prevents over vaccination consequences for dogs and cats. The ImmunoComb® VacciCheck is a user-friendly, in-practice kit, which tests for antibody titres to the three core infections: Canine: • Infectious Hepatitis (ICH) • Parvovirus (CPV) • Distemper (CDV) Feline: • Panleukopenia (FPLV) • Herpes Virus (FHV) • Calici Virus (FCV) The VacciCheck titre test for dogs and cats is a simple blood test that tests for circulating anti-bodies.

If anti-bodies are present, the dog/cat is immune to the core diseases and revaccination (with core vaccines) is not required. New WSAVA guidelines recommend a titre test once a year rather than routinely giving dogs/cats a booster. If an animal is immune, an extra booster at this point would be surplus to requirements and wouldn’t provide any additional immunity. The ImmunoComb® VacciCheck allows rescue centres to access whether cats and dogs have adequate immunity and if they do, immediate rehoming can take place.

Canine tests include: • ImmunoComb® Canine Leptospira • ImmunoComb® Canine Parvo & Distemper IgM • ImmunoComb® Canine Brucella • ImmunoComb® Canine Ehrlichia

ImmunoComb® In-Practice Diagnostic Kits The ImmunoComb® range of in-practice diagnostic kits, provide immediate answers to multiple canine, feline and avian diseases. These diagnostic kits provide quantitative antibody results making these a helpful tool in diagnosis.

NEW LAUNCH - PCRunTM InPractice Molecular Detection Kit PCRunTM is an isothermal molecular amplification method that has now allowed PCR testing to become faster, more affordable and accessible for your needs. PCRunTM In-Practice Molecular Detection tests can easily be

Feline tests include: • ImmunoComb® Feline FCoV • ImmunoComb® Feline Toxo & Chlamydophila Avian tests include: • ImmunoComb® Avian Chlamydophila

performed in a veterinary practice to help identify veterinary infectious diseases with a high degree of sensitivity. PCR now simply available inpractice. Results within 75 mins. Current PCRun™ kits available include: • Canine Pathogenic Leptospira Molecular Detection • Canine Leishmania Molecular Detection • Feline Mycoplasma Haemofelis Molecular Detection • Canine Ehrlichia Molecular Detection • Canine Anaplasma Molecular Detection For further information e sales@woodleyequipment.com t 01204 669033 w www.woodleyequipment.com

Team Publishes Design of Novel Total Elbow Replacement for Dogs P




rofessor John Innes, Head Vet at CVS Practice Chestergates Veterinary Specialists,

together with colleagues from the University of Liverpool and the Royal Veterinary College (RVC),

has published the first paper on the design and biomechanics of a novel total elbow joint prosthesis for dogs. The ‘Sirius’ canine total elbow system was designed by Dr Paul Smirthwaite of Osteogen Ltd based in Bath. In recent years, he has been working with John Innes, who is also Referrals Director at CVS, and Mr Rob Pettitt from University of Liverpool to develop instrumentation and surgical techniques to implant the prosthesis in dogs. In a paper published in ‘Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology’1, the team document the design features, the surgical technique and the kinematics of the system. Enlisting the help of Dr Sarah Channon from RVC, they used a three-dimensional infra-red motion capture system to map the movement of the canine elbow before and after implantation of the artificial elbow. Commenting on the project, John Innes said: “Severe osteoarthritis of the elbow is a common problem in dogs, particularly in popular breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers. Surgeons have been

working on a total elbow replacement for dogs since the 1980s but the joint is challenging from an anatomical point of view. “Advances in design technology have now enabled us to take CT scans of patients and to model the prosthesis on those 3-D scans. The advance of materials science also brings new opportunities and this novel prosthesis has certainly enhanced our capabilities in this important area. The Sirius elbow has now been implanted in approximately 35 carefully selected patients and we continue to evaluate the short and longerterm performance of the system. It’s good to report that progress is being made and we hope that the Sirius elbow may be of great benefit to many dogs in the years ahead.” 1 Lorenz and others, Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol 2015 28 1: 39-47 For further information… t +44 (0)1379 644288 e admin@cvsvets.com w www.cvsukltd.co.uk

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Social Media

Clinical & Surgical 28

HORIBA hosts a free symposium on innovative methods in veterinary diagnostic testing


ORIBA UK Ltd will be hosting their inaugural Veterinary Symposium at Madingley Hall in Cambridge on Thursday 14th May from 10am to 4pm. Certification will be provided after the event to enable attendees to claim CPD points. Principal speakers will be Kostas Papasouliotis, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Langford Veterinary Services and University of Bristol Vet School, who will be discussing

“Getting the best of out your In-Clinic Lab” and Libby Graham, Academic Head of Infectious Disease Laboratory, University of Glasgow Veterinary School with “PCR-Based Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: Uses and Limitations” ‘The principal goal of the event is to get involved with the veterinary community and provide something of value’ said Paul Lymer, Veterinary Specialist. ‘We are really looking forward to the event and hope it is just the start of an on-going programme’

As part of the event, HORIBA will be setting up a mini-exhibition area to allow participants some informal hands-on time with their growing veterinary product portfolio. ‘It was often the case that veterinary instruments were always adapted versions of human diagnostics but now veterinary diagnostics is coming to the fore in product development with new and innovative designs’ said Paul Lymer. ‘Two new instruments will be launched at BSAVA this year and will be available at Madingley

Hall for delegates to view along with our other equipment’ It the time of going to press there were still some free places available at the event. Anyone interested in attending should contact marketing.uk@horiba.com. For further information t: +44 7890270478 e: mandy.campbell@horiba.com w: www.horiba.com/uk/medical

New brochure highlights the Orthomed range


rthomed develops, manufactures and supplies a range of implants and instruments for the orthopaedic surgeon, spearheaded by the groundbreaking MMP system, which was developed from the human osteotomy technique to resolve anterior displacement of the

tibial tubercle. Orthomed products are developed by bio-mechanical engineers and material scientists, who work with world renowned orthopaedic surgeons to bring Gold Standard surgical procedures within the reach of every pet owner. Sales

are backed up by comprehensive training and education for surgeons at any stage in their career. t +44 (0) 845 045 0259 e info@orthomed.co.uk w www.orthomed.co.uk/orthomedbrochure.html

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Pest Control Spotlight 30

Blowfly Strike – Appropriate Steps for Prevention & Treatment By Rachel Mallet, BVM&S MRCVS Rachel Mallet, BVM&S MRCVS, is a qualified Veterinary Surgeon, who now works as a Territory Manager for Bimeda, covering accounts in Scotland and the North of England. Rachel is passionate about animal health and about promoting best practice amongst farmers and animal owners.

maggots and the maggots feed on the dead skin cells and secretions. As they feed, they ‘burrow’ deeper in to the skin, creating wounds, which ‘kills the skin’, providing the maggots with more food and gradually creating bigger and bigger wounds. If left to worsen, the wounds will increase in size, become infected and ooze. This will cause the sheep to enter a state of shock and perish. This further complicates the situation as an undetected carcass would be an excellent host for more larvae to develop and exponentially increases the number of flies in the area.




Blowfly Strike As spring quickly approaches the problem of Blowfly strike ones again looms. Many will be apprehensive following last year’s particularly warm summer which resulted in a severe fly challenge. Blowflies are the most common ectoparasite of lambs and surveys suggest that every year 80% of farmers will encounter strike. Blowfly strike is a devastating disease which impacts welfare as well as costing both time and money to counteract, so it’s important that we anticipate it and protect against it. Once the soil temperate increases above 10oC and the air temperature is more than 17oC, the flies hatch from their pupae which survive in the soil over winter. This means the first wave of flies emerge around mid-April although it could be earlier in a particularly mild year. One adult fly can lay up to 3000 eggs in its 28 day life time! Blowfly strike occurs when the female fly is able to land on the sheep or lamb and lay eggs. The flies are attracted to moist, soiled fleeces and wounds. Once laid, the eggs secrete an odour which attracts other flies and rapidly exacerbates the problem. These eggs quickly hatch in to

Animals most susceptible: - Sheep/lambs with faecal staining of the wool (parasite induced or dietary) - Sheep/lambs with open wounds (footrot or shearing injuries) - Sheep/lambs with fleece rot. Treatment Clipping of the affected area is vital to see how far the wounds extend, to clean and to ensure that all debris which the maggots can feed on, have been removed. Treatment with a licensed larvicidal product such as a cypermethrin pour on is then required. The wounds may be serious and infected, causing the sheep to be systemically ill in which case veterinary intervention is vital to ensure the best outcome. Prevention Prevention is necessary to reduce the risk- good management and planning is vital, alongside preventative products, to minimise the risk of blowfly strike as far as possible. 1) Sheep, even after receiving preventative treatment, should be checked regularly and at least daily in periods of high risk where possible. The majority of strikes occur around the breech, where there is faecal or urine contamination of the fleece, with

the remainder on the shoulders and the back. 2) Reduce the incidence of soiling by avoiding nutritional upsets which may cause scouring and have a sound worm control strategy. 3) Dock lambs tails A UK study (by French et al in 1994) showed that the incidence of blowfly strike was approximately five times greater in undocked lambs. (Tail docking must be carried out only in strict accordance with the following guidelines. It must be performed by a competent, trained operator and with the use of a rubber ring, or other device, to restrict the flow of blood to the tail. It is only permitted without an anaesthetic if the device is applied during the first week of life.) 4) Dispose of carcases quickly to avoid them acting as a source of Blowflies 5) Reduce the incidence of footrot Footrot acts as a source of blowfly problems as well as causing serious welfare and production problems. Isolate and promptly treat any lame sheep. Consider zinc supplementation if lameness due to zinc deficiency is suspected and talk to your vet about vaccination in problem flocks. 6) Yearly shearing of ewes: Critical to prevention of strike in ewes 7) Regular dagging of the fleece It’s not enough for farmers to ensure that sheep are clean on application of the preventative product- farmers must ensure that lambs are kept clean in the weeks following treatment as faecal contamination will reduce the efficacy of all plunge and spray on products.

9) Open wounds should be treated and monitored until resolved. 10) Pour-on/Dip (e.g. cypermethrin pour ons, dicyclanil pour ons, organophosphate dips). Most farms now rely on pharmaceutical products to minimise the strike affected sheep on their farm. It is important to note that products have to be correctly applied as per the pack instructions and that they have to be used in conjunction with the other management practices as outlined here. Which product is best for my flock? We all know there is a thin line between profit and loss when rearing lamb so it’s vital we make economical choices when selecting which products we use for protection. Pyrethroid pour-ons (high-cis cypermethrins) can give up to 8 weeks’ blow fly protection. Insect growth regulators (IGRS) such as dicyclanil are suitable only for blow fly prevention and are not suitable for other ectoparasites or for blowfly treatment. The withdrawal period and duration of action is very important as lambs may be going for sale in a matter of weeks and this will be a key factor in deciding what treatment is appropriate. Shorter acting cypermethrins are much more cost effective than longer acting IGRS and have the advantage of treating lice, ticks and blowfly strike in addition to prevention accompanied with a shorter withdrawal. As a result I always recommend Bimeda’s Ectofly 1.25% Cypermethrin Pour-on solution which offers protection for up to 8 weeks. For further information t +44 (0)7885 803277 e rmallet@bimeda.com w www.bimeda.com

Pest Control Spotlight 32

Fly-Strike – A chain of events with many potential weak links Brian Stockdale BVM&S MRCVS





he rise in popularity of rabbits as pets over the last 20 years or so has seen an accompanying increasing level of interest in their wellbeing from owners and the veterinary profession alike. Owners are now far more willing to visit their vet, with its associated cost, with a pet rabbit than previously but in line with this, owners’ expectation of informed clinical diagnostics, treatment and advice on husbandry is equally raised. Despite their main-stream appeal and popularity, rabbits are still considered ‘exotics’, and in common with other exotics many of their health issues are associated with less than ideal husbandry practices. Preventative medicine therefore, features high on the veterinary agenda when discussing with rabbit clients their pet’s welfare. Suitable housing and appropriate diet for both psychological and physiological wellbeing and routine health-checks including dental inspection, vaccination and prevention of fly-strike will all feature. Whilst most rabbit owners are aware of the potential problem of fly-strike, that insidious infestation of their pet with maggots, hundreds of cases of this distressing and potentially life-threatening condition continue to be presented to vets annually. These fly attacks are nonselective, targeting the pets of well informed, caring and diligent rabbit owners and less fortunate rabbits alike. One of the big issues with fly-strike is the speed with which

maggots develop and the clinical signs of fly-strike may be subtle. A small loss of appetite and activity from the rabbit may be the only initial symptoms and these may go unnoticed by the owner, especially if the rabbit is housed outside and not under regular supervision or perhaps the task of feeding is assigned to younger children. The onus on the carer to pick up early cases of flystrike is high and not always easy. Putting in place sound preventative measures to ease this burden and reduce the risk of fly attack, is fundamental to sound husbandry practices. The protocol of preventative medicine in controlling fly-strike is multifactorial. Flies are initially attracted to the odours produced from the chemical decomposition of urine, faeces and rotting flesh. It follows that keeping these compounds to a low level – especially where the rabbit is known to suffer from soft stools or urine scalding - is essential. Regular cleaning of the hutch, run and where necessary, rabbit, should be, along with dietary management, one of the first lines of defence. Fly repellents licenced for use on rabbits have become available to the pet owner in recent years and whilst they should not be relied on at the exclusion of other husbandry measures, they are an invaluable weapon in the war against fly-strike. F10 Germicidal Wound Spray with Insecticide is comparatively new in the Veterinary market place and offers an easy to apply spot-on insect repellent spray. The cypermethrin insecticide provides a strong deterrent to all insects (including fleas) and the antimicrobial actives shared throughout the F10 Treatment Range, assist in lowering odours by decreasing bacterial activity. This can be readily achieved by once-weekly application of just 2-3 squirts to the rump of the rabbit. The spray can be used more frequently if the risk of fly attack is high and it can be specifically targeted at susceptible areas such as sore bottoms, open wounds (where it’s use is totally safe and actively promotes wound healing,) and areas of urine scald all area that would be highly attractive to flies. The weekly application regime ensures that there is not over reliance on chemical protection and that the rabbit is regularly inspected. The nozzle spray method of application makes it possible for both a competent young owner and elderly person to use. Where

fly-strike has occurred one of the first considerations following a positive triage is to remove the maggots. This can be a time consuming and thankless task for Vets and Nurses and stressful to an often compromised patient. F10 Germicidal Wound spray with Insecticide offers a convenient, rapid and highly effective treatment to myiasis. F10WSI is safe to apply directly onto the infested lesion. Following 2-3 squirts the maggots rapidly leave the infestation site (even those buried under the skin) before dying a few minutes later. For this reason when spraying cases of fly-strike it is recommended that the rabbit is placed in a well ventilated but secure box to contain the ‘fleeing’ maggots. Following a case of fly-strike it is important to ensure continued preventative measures to try and promote a successful outcome to the treatment. The rabbit will often have an area of damaged tissue that will act as a focus for fly attack and further use of the F10WSI directly onto the wound site should be encouraged. Where there has been more extensive damage and additional tissue care is required then use of the F10 Wound Spray companion product, F10 Germicidal Barrier Ointment with Insecticide should be considered. This ointment also contains the F10 antimicrobial actives and cypermethrin insecticide in a lanolin base providing not only protection against infection and maggot infestation but delivering it in a moisturising tissue-friendly base to encourage wound healing. A unique selling point of this ointment is that it is coloured bright pink. This allows the carer to easily assess when it is time for reapplication; once the pink colour fades, generally around 5 days but dependant on the attrition at the wound area, it is time for reapplication. Although it is unlikely that the prevention of fly-strike will ever be totally achieved, by using and encouraging owners to use products from the F10 Treatment Product range, we can at least hope that we make some impact on the incidence of this distressing disease. F10 Treatment Products are available from your veterinary wholesaler or directly from Meadow’s Animal Healthcare. For further information t +44 (0)1509 265557 w www.meadowsah.com


Treatment Range HELP STOP FLY-STRIKE NOW ! Use: F10 Germicidal Barrier Ointment with Insecticide or F10 Germicidal Wound Spray with Insecticide

An easy-to-use insecticidal spot-on spray and an antimicrobial, insecticidal ointment, provides treatment and year-round protection against fly-strike

Part of the F10ÂŽ Treatment Range

Available from Veterinary wholesalers or direct from Meadow’s Animal Healthcare


Pest Control Spotlight 34

Ceva launches a broad-spectrum, flavoured endoparasiticide, Milbactor®


ollowing the successful launch of Vectra® 3D and Vectra® Felis, Ceva Animal Health has extended its antiparasitic range of products with the launch of the broad-spectrum, flavoured endoparasiticide tablet, Milbactor® for dogs.

Offering comprehensive worm control, Milbactor contains the proven and trusted active ingredients, milbemycin oxime and praziquantel. This combination of active ingredients offers protection against common nematodes seen in the U.K. including Angiostrongylus vasorum and the main species of tapeworm. Milbemycin oxime is active against larval and adult stages of nematodes and increases the nematode membrane permeability to chloride ions leading to paralysis and death. Milbactor treats the common gastrointestinal nematodes found in the U.K. namely, Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina plus the hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum and the whipworm, Trichuris vulpis. Other clinically important nematodes treated by the product are Angiostrongylus vasorum and Crenosoma vulpis plus the eyeworm, Thelazia callipaeda. Heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis is also prevented by Milbactor. Praziquantel is active against

cestodes and acts by increasing the influx of calcium through the membranes of the worm, resulting in easier expulsion from the gastrointestinal tract or death of the parasite. Milbactor protects against all commonly found cestodes in the U.K., namely Echinococcus spp., Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp. and Mesocestoides spp. Puppies weighing as little as 0.5 kg can be treated with Milbactor from two weeks of age and the treatment can be used throughout the dog’s life, following a protocol that suits the age and lifestyle of the pet. Milbactor comes in two tablet sizes for dogs and puppies and the tablets are flavoured for easy administration. To champion excellence in flea, tick and worm control, Ceva has also launched The Ceva Protection System for dogs, a simple two-step solution featuring Vectra 3D and Milbactor to provide comprehensive ectoparasite and endoparasite protection for dogs with one monthly topical treatment and one flavoured

Virtual Recall launches anti-parasitic reminder service


irtual Recall, providers of veterinary digital client reminders through SMS and email has just launched a 3 month taster trial option for their antiparasitics reminder service. New adopters will have 3 months to evaluate before they need to commit to a full annual contract. “We are confident that vets will be so amazed at the results that they will keep the service on beyond their trial period, for all their routine

antiparasitics reminders for clients pets” says Jamie Crittall, vet and co-owner of the business. Independent analysis based on results from existing users has already proven to give average growth of more than 35% on antiparasitics sales. “It’s a no brainer”, says Jamie, who initially trialled the prototype of the system in his own practice, before it was rolled out to the wider community more than 3 years ago. “One of the secrets of

our success is that we are reminding clients to treat their pets with the products they have already bought, not reminding them simply to buy, so clients really appreciate the helpful customer service provided”. iRecall-P automatically generates text and/or email reminders to clients, which are personalised based on sales transactions made in the practice. Practice staff do not need to lift a finger – the system runs in the background,

tablet. The Ceva Protection System also features Vectra Felis for fastacting flea protection for cats and Acclaim® for the treatment of the pet’s home environment. Rob McLintock MRCVS, companion animal business unit manager at Ceva Animal Health, says: “The launch of Milbactor and The Ceva Protection System will enable veterinary surgeons to offer their clients a simple regime featuring Vectra 3D and Milbactor for comprehensive parasite control in dogs. Offering protection both inside and out and with no bite required to kill fleas, the regime offers a simple, effective combination to treat and prevent fleas, ticks, biting flies, roundworms, tapeworms, lungworms and to prevent heartworm. For further information t +44 (0)1494 781510 w www.ceva.co.uk

sending daily reminders to clients whose pets require a treatment from the pack purchased. The service is now being run in 600 sites in the UK, compatible with the majority of practice management systems and supported by several buying groups and leading pharma manufacturers. For further information… t +44(0)208 123 3965 e hello@virtualrecall.co.uk w www.virtualrecall.co.uk

Tragic Horse Death Highlights Dangers of Encysted Small Redworm





he tragic death of an abandoned horse suffering from irreparable worm damage is a stark reminder of the risks of not following a responsible worming plan, say the worming experts at Zoetis. The young mare was found earlier this month, abandoned and collapsed, in a very weak state in a secluded spot in Surrey. The story was reported widely on equestrian websites and through social media. Despite the efforts of the RSPCA and a local vet nothing could be done to save her. She was suffering from cyathostominosis, a potentially fatal syndrome caused by the mass emergence of small redworm from their dormant,

encysted state. Encysted small redworm (ESRW) are the larval stages of the small redworm that hibernate in the lining of the gut. They usually ‘wake up’ in the early spring and their mass emergence can lead to larval cyathostominosis, causing diarrhoea and colic. There is a mortality rate of up to 50% but the risk can be prevented with a responsible, timely worming regimen.1 “ESRW are one of the most harmful parasites to affect horses in the UK,” explains Wendy Talbot, Zoetis vet. “Unfortunately because they don’t show up in a standard faecal worm egg count some horse owners are unaware that they must treat for them every year, during the

late autumn/early winter, regardless of faecal worm egg counts.2,3” Last year’s annual National Equine Health Survey4, revealed that one in five owners who claimed to have treated for encysted small redworm (ESRW) used a wormer that was not indicated to treat these potentially lethal encysted parasites. This suggests that many horses could be at risk. All horses can develop larval cyathostominosis but those that may be particularly vulnerable are youngsters, old or immune-compromised horses (such as those with Cushing’s disease), those with an unknown or sub-optimal worming history and those that were not dosed correctly in late autumn/early winter.

1. Dowdall S.M.J. et al (2002) Veterinary Parasitology 106, 225-242 2. Reinmeyer CR and Nielsen MK (2013) Handbook of Equine Parasite Control. 45-53 3. Nielsen (2012) Veterinary Paristology. 185. 32-44 4. The National Equine Health Survey, conducted by the Blue Cross and supported by Zoetis, was completed by 3,669 horse owners in May 2014. The survey contained 25 questions on general horse health, care and management and was validated by Professor Josh Slater of the Royal Veterinary College.

For further information t +44 (0)845 300 8034 w www.zoetis.co.uk

Equine 36

Be vigilant about Atypical Myopathy this spring urges BEVA


he dramatic rise in cases of Atypical Myopathy in the UK last autumn has prompted the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) to remind vets to remain on high alert for further outbreaks this spring. Early diagnosis is essential to give the best chance of survival of this highly fatal disease. Atypical Myopathy is a serious muscle disease found in the UK and Northern Europe. It is linked to horses eating the seeds from trees in the Acer family, including sycamore and box elder. There were more than five times as many cases of AM last

autumn than in the previous year and experts have warned that the disease tends to occur more frequently in the spring following an autumn surge, possibly because of the growth of seedlings. The prognosis is poor, with survival rates of less than 25%. Horses that develop AM are usually kept on sparse pastures, near trees from Acer pleudoplatanus (sycamore) or Acer negundo (box elder) that shed seeds containing the toxin hypoglycin A. They are often not fed any supplementary hay or feed and may be driven to browse on an accumulation of dead leaves, dead wood and trees in or around the pasture but sometimes well-fed animals are affected. While the tree seeds may not be directly palatable, horses on poor quality grazing may ingest considerable numbers of them. The clinical signs of AM may include muscle weakness or stiffness, colic-like symptoms, laboured breathing, dark red-brown urine, recumbency or even sudden death. Often the disease will present as an outbreak. Confirmation of diagnosis is by a blood or urine test. The toxin directly targets aerobic

energy metabolism so therapy should be targeted at promoting glucose metabolism and provided fluid dieresis. Preventative advice for horse owners includes: • Check spring pasture carefully for seeds prior to turnout • Limit turnout if you are concerned about seed presence and ensure horses are well-fed prior to turnout • Provide supplementary feeding in the field to reduce the risk of horses being tempted to ingest seeds • Avoid leaving wet hay on the ground where it will rot • Fence off affected areas • Be aware that a field without sycamore trees can still contain seeds spread by high winds or flood water Professor Celia Marr, Partner at Rossdales, Newmarket, European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine and Editor of Equine Veterinary Journal said: “New, collaborative research, instigated last year between the University of Liege, the Irish Equine Centre and the Animal Health Trust should shed more light

on the characteristics of the disease in this country. Once we know more about the specific causes we should be able to make more positive progress with prevention strategies.” BEVA has provided free online access to two articles from the journal of Equine Veterinary Education on the disease for all vets to help them address the threat. Volume 25, Issue 5, pages 264–270, May 2013 Management of cases suffering from atypical myopathy: Interpretations of descriptive, epidemiological and pathophysiological findings. Part 1: First aid, cardiovascular, nutritional and digestive care (pages 264–270) G. van Galen and D -M Votion. Volume 25, Issue 6, pages 308–314, June 2013 Management of cases suffering from atypical myopathy: Interpretations of descriptive, epidemiological and pathophysiological findings. Part 2: Muscular, urinary, respiratory and hepatic care, and inflammatory/infectious status (pages 308–314) G van Galen and D - M Votion.

For further information t +44 (0)1638 724043 e info@beva.org.uk w www.beva.org.uk




EquiSal Tapeworm product launch in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium


ustin Davis Biologics Ltd is pleased to be working with Dr. Wicher Holland, veterinarian and director of the Dutch Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory (VPL) “Het Woud” to supply

EquiSal Tapeworm testing to horse owners and veterinary practices in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. EquiSal Tapeworm is a revolutionary diagnostic test using saliva to give an accurate, cost

effective measure of a horse’s tapeworm (Anoplocephala perfoliata) burden. Dr Corrine Austin, director of Austin Davis Biologics Ltd, explains “Our team of experienced scientists have spent several years researching and developing the EquiSal Tapeworm Test. It measures tapeworm-specific antibodies in saliva and has been scientifically proven to have both high sensitivity and specificity; this is important for correct burden identification.” After saliva is collected using specially designed swabs, the samples are shipped to Austin Davis Biologics in the UK for testing. Saliva samples have been proven to be stable for at least 3 weeks meaning that samples can safely be shipped to the UK from countries in Europe. Dr Wicher Holland commented “We are very excited about our collaboration with Austin Davis Biologics Ltd. to introduce the EquiSal Tapeworm test in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. The mission

of VPL Het Woud is to reduce and prevent further development of worm resistance. For over 7 years we have advised Dutch horse owners to only treat their animals if the faecal egg count was above a certain threshold. Until now this was not possible for tapeworm! The EquiSal Tapeworm test has been proven to be reliable and easily accessible for horse owners. Thanks to the EquiSal Tapeworm test, horse owners are able to treat their horses for tapeworm only if proven necessary.” Dr Corrine Austin says “We are looking forward to working with VPL Het Woud to provide tapeworm burden diagnoses to their own clients and also to other veterinary surgeons enabling them to make informed decisions on whether prescription of anthelmintics is necessary.” For further information... e enquiries@equisal.com w www.equisal.co.uk





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New ProteqFlu® contains a Richmond 1/07 flu strain, and is the first and only licensed vaccine to do so. Richmond 1/07 belongs to Florida Clade 2, the group of antigenically related viruses responsible for almost all equine flu outbreaks in Europe since 2011.1 Containing both Florida Clade 1 and Clade 2 virus strains, new ProteqFlu® is now the only vaccine fully aligned with 2014 OIE recommendations.1

Reference: 1. OIE Expert Surveillance Panel on Equine Influenza Vaccine Composition, OIE Headquarters, 4 March 2013. Available at: http://www.oie.int/our-scientific-expertise/specific-information-and-recommendations/equine-influenza/ (accessed August 2014). OIE = World Organisation for Animal Health

Use Medicines Responsibly Merial Animal Health Ltd CM19 5TG, UK. ProteqFlu® and ProteqFlu®-Te are registered trademarks of Merial Ltd. © Merial 2014. All rights reserved. Legal category UK. POM-V , IE- POM . New ProteqFlu®–Te contains Influenza A/eq/Ohio/03, Influenza A/eq/Richmond/1/07, Clostridium tetani toxoid. New ProteqFlu® contains Influenza A/eq/Ohio/03; Influenza. Read packaging before use. For further information call the Merial Customer Support Centre on 0845 6014236

Equine 38

Emergency Aid for Malawi Donkeys


he Donkey Sanctuary has given emergency aid and coordinated future plans to help donkeys and communities in Malawi affected by the worst

flooding in 50 years. The team, comprising of The Donkey Sanctuary’s partners in the region, helped 1,700 donkeys hit by floods in January.

Since then the charity’s experts have drawn up plans to reduce the impact of future floods. The team treated hundreds of donkeys for foot rot, skin lesions, malnutrition and dehydration and helped move animals to higher ground and provide shelter and safety. The floods highlighted the ongoing welfare needs of donkeys in Malawi. As a result The Donkey Sanctuary’s team in the region, which will include an expert vet from Ethiopia, will now continue to work in Malawi to help reduce the future flood risk to donkeys. Permanent shelters will be built on higher land and a Malawian donkey data census has been requested to assess and improve donkey welfare. Consultations with local governments will consider the role of donkeys in future disaster relief and re-building work to help flood-hit communities.

The Donkey Sanctuary’s closest partner in the region (Zambia) is Mwamfumba Multi-Purpose Cooperative Animal Welfare Society (MMCAWS). Disaster relief is just one aspect of The Donkey Sanctuary’s work in Africa. The charity focuses on sustainable improvement to donkey welfare with major projects in Egypt, Ethiopia and Kenya. To help animals affected by the Malawian floods The Donkey Sanctuary worked together with World Animal Protection, International Fund for Animal Welfare, the Malawi Veterinary Association, Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals and Blantyre Society for the Protection and Care of Animals. For further information t+44 (0) 1395 578222 w www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk




A new set of welfare checks is to be applied to mules working in the expeditions industry M

any expedition mules suffer from injuries and even death caused by overloading, underfeeding, badly designed bits, badly maintained harnesses and tethering. For the first time, Leader Checks have been drawn up to enable trek leaders to assess the welfare of

the mules on expeditions abroad. This welfare checklist will benefit the thousands of mules working in the expeditions industry worldwide including many in Morocco. The new checklist is based on The Donkey Sanctuary’s simple ‘hand’ tool for assessing a donkey or a mule’s welfare. It calls for a mule to carry a maximum weight of 80kg and for headcollars and bitless bridles to be used in place of harmful traditional bits. Developed by The Donkey Sanctuary and the Expedition Provider’s Association, the Leader Checks have been recognised as good practice for companies complying with national safety standards, such

as the British Standard BS8848 for adventure travel. Since developing the Leader Checks The Donkey Sanctuary has run training sessions on bitless bridles for the community, and the first ever major conference on pack-mule welfare has taken place in Morocco with major adventure companies signing up to the checklist. Glen Cousquer, The Donkey Sanctuary’s consultant in Morocco who helped develop the Checks, said he was thrilled that pack mule welfare was now being taken seriously by the expedition industry. He said: “It is fantastic that the new Leader Checks are now part of good practice. We hope that we will soon see an end to the many welfare abuses in Morocco

and that good pack mule welfare will become the norm around the world. With the help and support of all our partners we can ensure that suffering and distress will not be tolerated.” Improving conditions for mules working in the adventure industry is just part of The Donkey Sanctuary’s work to improve conditions for donkeys and mules the world over. The charity currently works in 28 countries worldwide, with several high profile campaigns in Europe, and aims to reach 40 countries by 2018. For further information t+44 (0) 1395 578222 w www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk


Equine 40

Equine Industry unites over need for workable Horse ID system British Horse Industry Confederation and Chief Executive of the Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association presented the Equine Sector 2015 General Election Manifesto for the Horse http://bit.ly/17hr6u3. A key recommendation in the document is an update of the current horse passport system as a priority for improved health and welfare.





mplementation of a robust and workable equine ID system was pinpointed as the cornerstone for equine health, welfare and management in the UK, at the 23rd National Equine Forum, held on 5th March. Whether reviewing the Equine Sector 2015 General Election Manifesto for the Horse, discussing the practicalities of equine legislation, the management of health and disease control or the future of British Breeding the common view was that an efficient equine identification database was pivotal to future success. The Forum was attended by over 200 of the country’s most influential members of the equestrian industry, including NEF President HRH The Princess Royal, Lord De Mauley TD, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Natural Environment and Science at Defra, international equine vets, researchers, riders and trainers as well as equestrian trade business leaders. The event included a stirring celebration of some of the UK’s spectacular equestrian achievements of the past year, as well as the presentation of the Sir Colin Spedding Award to Paul Greeves, former Executive Director and Keeper of the General Stud Book at Weatherbys. Lord De Mauley set the scene for the day by outlining the plans for the introduction of a strengthened, fit-for-purpose Equine ID regime throughout Europe. He explained: “A robust regulatory framework is

important – but to be effective we need people to meet their responsibilities. I would ask you in the sector to help us improve awareness and compliance so people know the importance of doing the right thing.” The Minister gave examples of how the horse industry has worked together successfully over the past year. In 2014 equine exports supported a market worth £96m to the UK economy. Fly grazing was being addressed with Government support for Julian Sturdy’s Private Member’s Bill on Control of Horses. In response to concerns voiced by the horse industry the notifiable status of Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) and Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) had not been removed. The revised Tripartite Agreement had been successfully running since May 2014. Steven Gale, Animal Health and Welfare Officer for Stockton on Tees Borough Council discussed the legislation available to Local Authorities to tackle equine welfare and the increase of fly grazing on Local Authority land. He called for the microchipping of all equines, a robust passport system, and owner details to be kept up-todate using a fit-for-purpose central equine database. He also suggested the introduction of fixed penalty notices for non-adherence. Jeanette Allen, Chair of the Equine Sector Council Steering Group and Chief Executive of The Horse Trust and Louise Kemble, Chair of the

As a part of NEF’s new format a panel representing Chief Veterinary Officers (CVOs) from the four UK countries debated their priorities on equine health and welfare in a changing world. Roly Owers, Chief Executive of World Horse Welfare, chaired the panel, which comprised Professor Tim Morris of the Animal Health and Welfare Board for England, Robert Huey, CVO for Northern Ireland, Sheila Voas, CVO for Scotland and Professor Jo Price from the Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework. The consensus was for identification, traceability and individual national databases to feed into a central system, ideally encompassing all 28 EU member states. Northern Ireland’s policy of registering the premises at which the horse is kept was also recognised as a valuable implementation tool. Tim Morris concluded: “To make this work the sector needs to work with the Government. It is very much in our sector’s hands to make sure we have a workable database.” The enlightening first afternoon session, chaired by Professor Pat Harris, Head of the WALTHAM Equine Studies Group, explored the training and professional development opportunities in Further Education in the UK. Lisa Jarvis, Animal Health and Welfare Industry Product Manager at Lantra and Beth Maloney, owner of an equine training centre and former Assistant Principal of a large FE college, outlined the current system and opened the discussion on whether we have ‘got the mix right’. The constructive debate that followed will provide valuable input for the British Equestrian Federation workshop on this key issue due to be held in November. In brief topical spots Lynn

Petersen, Chief Executive of the British Horse Society outlined the importance of the BHS Accident Log www.horseaccidents.org.uk to effect change and help make riding safer. Jane Nixon, Director of Equine Development at the British Equestrian Federation summarised the new British Breeders Network and its anticipated role in building a future for British Breeding www.britishbreedersnetwork.org . In the concluding session on reflections and projections in the horse industry Will Lambe, Director of Public Affairs and Policy at the British Horseracing Authority, reviewed the economic impact of racing which generates £3.45 billion in annual expenditure and provides direct, indirect and associated employment for some 85,000 people. Claire Williams Executive Director and Secretary at the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) revealed some figures from the 2014/15 BETA National Equestrian Survey. According to the results equestrian expenditure stands at £4.3bn (£3.8bn in 2010/11), 2.7 million people have ridden in the past 12 months (3.5 million in 2010/11), 446 thousand people keep horses (451 thousand in 2010/11) and there are 944,000 horses in the UK (988,000 in 2010/11). Andrew Finding, Chief Executive of the British Equestrian Federation, emphasised how important it is for the whole of the equine sector to help increase participation in equestrianism through Hoof, www.hoofride.co.uk, a valuable legacy of 2012. The full proceedings can be downloaded on the National Equine Forum page. The 2016 National Equine Forum will be held on Thursday 3rd March at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Westminster, London. For further information w www.bef.co.uk/National-EquineForum/

Equine 42

SPILLERS® at the forefront of senior horse nutrition research as equine Cushing’s disease. The WALTHAM® Equine Studies Group has recently published two scientific papers and has presented some early research at an international geriatric equine workshop on feeding the senior horse.


PILLERS®, through the WALTHAM ® Equine Studies Group, is actively participating in important research to find the best nutritional support for senior horses, whether they are healthy or diagnosed with Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID). The group has recently completed two significant studies in this area and has a further two confirmed for 2015. Horses and ponies are living longer and advances in equine nutrition, as well as improved management and veterinary care, are continuing to play a key role in increasing longevity, particularly for those suffering from conditions such as PPID, which is also known

A comparison of nutrient digestibility between adult and aged horses, conducted by the Department of Large Animal clinical Sciences and Animal Science, Michigan State University, USA and The WALTHAM® Equine Studies Group, confirmed, in contrast to earlier work, that there was no difference in digestibility between healthy adult and aged horses when fed a variety of common equine diets.1 Characterisation of the faecal bacterial community in adult and elderly horses fed a high fibre high oil or high starch diet, conducted by the Institute of Biological Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Wales, The WALTHAM® Equine Studies Group and Michigan State University, used the same horses as the previous study but this time looked at their gut microflora. The results showed that although no significant differences in individual species of bacteria were found, ageing was, however, associated with a reduction in bacterial diversity. This may explain, in part, why older animals can be at increased risk of intestinal disturbances.2

An abstract that summarised part of the WALTHAM® Equine Studies Group’s work on the effect of additional supplementation on aged horses with and without PPID was presented at the 2nd Dorothy Havermeyer Geriatric Workshop in the USA last November.3 This work, carried out in conjunction with Dr Amanda Adams at the University of Kentucky showed that age is key in influencing inflammation and metabolism rather than whether the horse is PPID positive or not. Professor Pat Harris, head of the WALTHAM® Equine Studies Group, explained: “For the parameters we monitored, the research showed that it is being old that is the issue, rather than having PPID.” This year the Group will focus on two projects: Under the supervision of Professor Caroline Argo (of the University of Surrey, in collaboration with the University of Liverpool Equine Hospital and the University of Aberystwyth) we will look further at the nutritional management of senior (>20 years) and obese animals. We will explore the effects of diet on the gut microflora and examine how this information can be used to improve advice on their feeding and management. Work in collaboration with Prof Ray Geor will also be carried out at the college of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, USA to explore how best to feed the older horse with respect to insulin responsiveness and the ability to manage glucose and starch.

Clare Barfoot RNutr and the research and development manager at SPILLERS® said: “This should give us a better understanding of the effects of diet and age on metabolism in order to determine optimal nutrition for the senior horse. Preliminary work suggests that this new research may change the way we think of feeding the older horse. WALTHAM’s® work continues to ensure that SPILLERS® feeds remain at the forefront of equine nutrition, for the better health of horses everywhere.” 1 Elzinga, S., Nielsen, B.D., Schott II, H.C., Rapson, J., Robison, C.I., McCutcheon, J.,Harris, P.A., Geor, R (2014) Comparison of Nutrient Digestibility Between Adult and Aged Horses Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 34 (10), pp. 1164-1169. 2 Dougal K, de la Fuente G, HARRIS P, Girdwood SE, Pinloche E, et al. (2014) Characterisation of the Faecal Bacterial Community in Adult and Elderly Horses Fed a High Fibre, High Oil or High Starch Diet Using 454 Pyrosequencing. PLoS ONE 9(2): e87424. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0087424 3 Betancourt A, Harris PA, Moffett AD, McMurry KE, Reedy SE, Horohov DW, & Adam AA (2014) Comparison of inflammation, nutritional status, muscle mass, pituitary function, and age in geriatric horses.

For further information t + 44 (0)1908 226626 w www.spillers-feeds.com




Berkshire equine practitioner elected Vice-President R

oyal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Council member Chris Tufnell has been elected as the next VicePresident and will take up his position in July.

Chris, an equine practitioner from Newbury in Berkshire, was elected at the meeting of RCVS Council on 5 March and will replace Dr Bradley Viner who was elected as President for 2015/16.

As Vice-President Chris, the sole principal of Coach House Veterinary Surgeons in East Woodhay, hopes that his experience and outlook as a practitioner ‘on the ground’ will shape his term of office. He says: “Just as many others before me, it is the experience of the day-job which drives me to contribute to the work of the RCVS.”

While recognising the importance of lay involvement in the

College’s regulatory functions, Chris is passionate about veterinary selfregulation and feels that the RCVS is stronger, more relevant and more in touch because of it. He adds: “Although the 1966 Veterinary Surgeons Act can look very outdated today, I do believe that its underlying premise has led to better animal welfare in this country. As a profession we cannot do everything, but as the ultimate guardians of

animal welfare, I believe that we do a pretty good job.” Both Chris and Bradley will take up their positions, subject to formal appointment, at RCVS Day – the College’s Annual General Meeting and Awards Day – on Friday, 10 July. For further information t +44 (0) 20 7222 2001 e info@rcvs.org.uk w www.rcvs.org.uk

Practice Matters UK veterinary reception support service expands nationwide to help vets ease waiting room woes W e all know a trip to the vets can be stressful for a pet, but should it be stressful for the vet and the veterinary reception team? A specialist new service has expanded across the UK to cut out the stress and help the nation’s vets and wrestle back control of their waiting rooms. When the phones are ringing, and there’s a queue of anxious pets and their owners waiting at reception, policing the waiting room is a full time job. Vetsec is the UK’s first dedicated front line support service designed exclusively for the veterinary sector. Created to allow veterinary practices to benefit from

a professional virtual veterinary reception team and the services they provide, without the associated costs and demands of employed staff, Vetsec is already making an impact on the vet industry. The Vetsec service was well received at its official launch at the 2014 London Vet Show and Business Development Manager Emma Day says the industry is ready for outsourced support services. “Vetsec was originally born out of the idea of helping veterinary practices deal with what can sometimes be hostile waiting rooms, where animals not renowned as friends have to share a confined space,” says Emma. “Fighting like cats and dogs is well-worn line, but any number of animals can make

each other feel uncomfortable, especially when they’re feeling poorly and therefore not at their most sociable.” “Veterinary reception staff play a huge role in keeping their waiting rooms as stress-free as possible, which becomes a considerably larger challenge when they are snowed under with telephone calls and waiting patients. The Vetsec service takes the strain; our trained staff can take calls, manage appointments and deal with prescription requests, leaving the reception team free to take care of patients.” The Vetsec service is available seven days a week on a ‘pay as you use’ basis and can be implemented to cover overflow calls at busy periods, out of hours or to cover


holidays and staff absences. Vets can also take advantage of additional services including administration, social media and e-marketing and outbound calling, all at affordable rates. “Vetsec exists to make life easier for Vets and to help the UK’s veterinary practices continue to provide first-class customer service to customers and their pets,” concludes Emma. “By taking these small tasks off their hands, even only during busy periods, Vetsec can make a huge difference to the functionality of a veterinary practice.” For further information t +44 (0)333 800 0025 w www.vetsec.co.uk

Western Veterinary Acupuncture and Chronic Pain Management. The programme is run in conjunction with the Western Veterinary Acupuncture Group and aims to

For further information t +44 (0)1793 759159 w www.improveinternational.com


These new four modules are scheduled to start on 5 August 2015 at Improve’s training centre in Swindon and are available to book at www.improveinternational. com. Further modules in the PgC programme will be released in 2016. Improve International was founded in 1998 by veterinary surgeons from across the UK, including a number of recognised experts. Acquired by Benchmark Holdings Plc in February 2015 and based in Swindon, it provides high quality CPD in a range of formats for veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, receptionists and practice managers to help them to develop their skills and knowledge, using a combination of review lectures, case-based discussion and where, applicable, hands-on practical sessions.



mprove International has launched new modules towards achieving a General Practitioner Certificate (GPCert) and Post Graduate Certificate (PgC) in

enable veterinarians in practice to use acupuncture confidently and safely for a range of clinical conditions. Improve International is one of the UK’s leading veterinary training companies with a 16 year track record in providing structured continuing professional development (CPD) to veterinary professionals. Its postgraduate programmes are accredited by the European School of Postgraduate Veterinary Studies (ESVPS) and validated by Harper Adams University. The Western Veterinary Acupuncture Group has been teaching acupuncture to veterinarians since 2000. David Babington MRCVS, Managing Director of Improve International, explains: “These new modules build on the Foundation course which has already proved very popular. Once delegates have completed this, they can progress to these new modules which focus on the role of acupuncture in relieving chronic pain and can lead to attaining a recognised qualification.”


Improve International launches Post-graduate Certificate in Western Veterinary Acupuncture

Practice Matters 44

New veterinary client communication solution improves patient care, practice image, and profitability


etsolutions has launched Rapport, a complete client communication solution that integrates with their RoboVet veterinary practice management software. Rapport contains multiple communication tools that work together to increase practice efficiency, improve pet health care, enhance practice image, and boost the flow of clients into a veterinary practice. “Two of the most pressing challenges that veterinarians face today are managing the efficiency of their staff and increasing patient visits. Rapport helps veterinarians address both challenges by making client communication efforts more efficient and effective,” said Alan Moody, General Manager of Vetsolutions. “Rapport leverages technology in new ways to make it easier for pet owners and veterinarians to connect, positioning veterinarians as a more





ith pet obesity at its highest levels in the UK and one of the most common medical diseases now seen in vet practices, the demand for specialist training in delivering weight management programmes to pets is increasing. Correctly managed, a weight loss programme of calorie restriction, in conjunction with appropriate levels of exercise, is the most effective way of returning the pet to its ideal weight. With this in mind, Royal Canin’s dedicated Weight Management Team has introduced a new initiative to establish centres of excellence in weight management across the UK. The team of Weight Management Specialists will deliver training in all aspects of pet weight management to help practices become Approved

valuable and trusted source of pet health information and care. We believe it is the premiere client communication solution available in the veterinary market today.” Rapport offers three primary components: online appointment scheduling, multimedia reminders, and veterinary practice websites. Online appointment scheduling allows pet owners to book appointments right from their veterinarian’s website and receive automated email or text confirmations. It then updates the appointment calendar within the practice management software and allows veterinarians to view and modify the calendar via mobile device. Multimedia reminders enable veterinary practices to communicate with their clients via email, text messages, mobile apps, automated voice calls, and direct mail, tailored to their clients’ preferences. These timely, personalised, and automated client reminders and notices result in increased patient visits and fewer missed appointments. Since client interactions and responses

automatically update the practice’s software, Rapport frees up staff members to focus on other tasks. Rapport’s veterinary practice websites offer several features that increase engagement with clients. Patient Portals give pet owners online access to their pet’s vaccine certificates, health history, upcoming reminders, and other pet health information. Professional client education materials on a variety of animal illnesses and conditions make veterinarians the preferred source of pet health information, while search engine optimisation and reputation management tools maximize exposure on the Internet. Rapport is already available in the USA through AVImark and ImproMed. Later this year, it will also be available through Henry Schein’s ProVet software (in Australia/New Zealand). For further information t +44 (0)808 178 4028 w www.hsrapport.co.uk

Working together to reduce pet obesity Weight Management Centres. The centres, which will offer diet and nutrition information and long term client support, will enable pet owners to be confident in receiving an accurate assessment of their pet’s weight and body condition and the dietary advice, support and motivation they need to manage their pet’s weight from trained, knowledgeable staff. Royal Canin is seeking practices who share its commitment to reducing cat and dog obesity to become approved centres. With the expertise of the Weight Management Team and its Veterinary Business Managers, practices can help reduce the incidence of obesity and improve quality of life and longevity for dogs and cats, thereby instilling client loyalty, trust and encouraging a bond

that leads to frequent and regular visits to the practice. Practices interested in expanding their weight management offering can be assessed by the team for suitability and, once approved, will be presented with a bespoke training proposal. The tailor-made training schedule will then be delivered to all staff members to enable them to maximise their success in the management and prevention of obesity leading them towards becoming an Approved Weight Management Centre. A weight management kit will also be provided on completion of the training to support the practice with running weight management clinics. Once the training has been delivered, staff will be required to put their learnings into practice by

establishing a practice-wide protocol for weight management and running dedicated weight management clinics on a daily or weekly basis. Approved Centre status can be advertised on the practice’s website and premises, and will also be shown on Royal Canin’s own website so that pet owners looking for a veterinarian who stocks Royal Canin can also identify practices offering this enhanced service. Working together with vet practices, Royal Canin’s team is committed to helping as many overweight cats and dogs as possible to regain their ideal weight and consequently reduce the risk of weightrelated conditions. For further information w vetportal.royalcanin.co.uk

A better approach to client communications Rapport is the only client communication tool that works directly with your practice management system

Rapport integrates directly with your practice management system, so you and your clients can benefit. Establishing Rapport with your clients increases practice efficiency, improves patient care and attracts more clients to your practice.

Email: rapport@vetsolutions.co.uk Tel: 0808 178 4028


Practice Matters 46

The evolution of a veterinary business. VetClouds journey...


etCloud came into being because a particular practice manager had a very clear idea of what he wanted from his Practice Management System, and couldn’t find it commercially. He was not a technical person, and didn’t really know what was possible, just how he wanted the end result to appear and behave. From that perspective, building veterinary IT has something in common with treating a patient; the owner often doesn’t care what’s actually possible but just wants a specific outcome. If you’re the vet trying to explain to an owner that what they want defies the laws of medical physics or economics then we know how you feel… As I mentioned last month, we have been very fortunate during our development process to have the support of a group of vets willing to

provide robust (and often colourful) feedback on what we’re offering and what we’re planning to do. But that does mean, on occasion, that we have had to come up with some interesting technological fixes to problems in practice, based on input from actual users. We feel very strongly that user requirements should drive the way the software works, and so rather than allow the functionality to be limited by the software we just want to build better software - but this has, on occasion, required a creative approach to problem solving. Unfortunately, we suffered a fairly major technological set back recently, having been working on VetCloud for over a year, when it became obvious that the programming language we had chosen to build VetCloud wasn’t going to be up to the job. We had initially been using the same language that

Facebook uses, and this meant it was fairly straightforward to make the user interface very easy to operate. But after a lot of work it turned out that the list of things we needed VetCloud to do that it just couldn’t got too long and we had to take the difficult decision to start again on the technical side, rather than allow ourselves to be limited by what we’d built so far. As examples, we have been keen to build in the ideas of “flexibility” and “real time” from the very start. The former is really important to ensure the practice can run their software to mirror the way they run their operations, including generating reports that are right for their particular situation. Real time updating means that services carried out for a particular animal will, once entered, will always be up to date, and so a generated invoice will accurately reflect the entered data. It also

means that practice analytics will be accurate at any point in time, notifications can be sent across the platform and received immediately, and drugs, services and products can be debited from the inventory at the point of allocation, meaning that quantities are always accurate. Having to rebuild was very frustrating to have to go through, but ultimately has proven to be very worthwhile. Not only has it given us a much better framework to create our system for practice management, but it’s also made it significantly easier to work with other groups that vets need to get information from or to - wholesalers, labs and insurers to name but a few. We also have one eye on the future, and at the point where pet wearables become as mainstream as they have in human health management we need to be able to make that data available to vets in an easily digestible and

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18/09/2014 11:01


Boost your team ‘Tech-knowledgy’at SPVS/VPMA Event *Special 10% off offer for VSM Readers* FREE place for second team members


egistration is now open for the SPVS-VPMA’s Focus on Technology for Profitable Practice Day on Wednesday 17 June 2015 at Staverton Park, Daventry. Think of it as your annual booster - the day you recharge your thinking on all things digital or technology related. Workshops will cover everything from creating a digital marketing plan to making money from MRI; from the pros and cons of Google ads to shifting your mindset on dentistry. Meanwhile, in the exhibition, you can review the latest supplier apps and pick up some top tips to take back to practice.

With so much on offer, you will need a second team member to cover everything. To make this affordable, SPVS/VPMA are offering one free place with every registration up until 22 May 2015. *Veterinary Supplies Magazine is media partner for this event, and SPVS/VPMA is offering our readers 10% of the price of the seminar. To take advantage, register using the folowing code TECHVSM15 For further information t +44 (0)1453 872731 w www.vpma-spvs-events.co.uk

Looking to start your own practice? VetSavers has an exciting new approach to joint venture partnerships within established leisure & retail outlets, that could enable you to take that leap to practice ownership. With 30 years experience in the veterinary practice, we have the skills, expertise and knowledge to help your aspirations of running your own, successful veterinary practice, come to fruition. VetSavers partnerships offer: - An affordable and flexible route to fulfilling your ambitions - A practice where you make the clinical decisions - You choose the equipment that’s right for your practice - Potential to develop multi vet and multi site practices - Guaranteed salary from day one - Full business support - Group buying power - You keep all of your practice profits Whether you’re just starting to consider this idea or have already made the decision that a joint venture partnership is the next step in your career and are looking to find the right company to partner with, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact us: jvp@vetsavers.co.uk www.vetsaversjvp.co.uk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@VetSaversJVP /VetSaversJVP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We had a very productive couple of days all working together - using technology to work at a distance (Skype, Google hangouts and drive, various chat and messenger programmes) can be very good and very effective, but there’s still nothing beats sitting in the same room to get bugs ironed out. It was also an opportunity to

Unfortunately, my travel woes didn’t stop there, as getting home turned into a lengthy undertaking. Due to the flight schedules, I was going home from Sofia (in Bulgaria), rather than Belgrade. We had to stop for much longer than anticipated at the Serbian/Bulgarian border, as the border patrol were being very thorough, which threw our trip timings way off, and that, coupled with the rush hour in Sofia, meant I missed my flight. As a result of a jam packed schedule, and animals that needed picking up from kennels, I couldn’t hang on until the same flight the following day, so instead took the one remaining flight that would get me home early Saturday. Which is why I departed from Sofia, headed west to Istanbul - the opposite direction to where I needed to be going, snoozed in the departure lounge for several hours in the middle of the night (since Istanbul hadn’t been on my itinerary I didn’t have a visa, so couldn’t leave the airport), and then travelled back to Gatwick from there.



In lighter development news, I went last week to visit our developers, who are based in the south of Serbia. (VetCloud was originally developed in Europe, before moving to the UK last year, but we left our developers where they were in order to keep costs down). Business travel has a reputation for being somewhat glamorous, but this trip underlined just how incorrect that perception can be. I was picked up in Belgrade by one of my colleagues who had himself come from our base in Bulgaria...and whose car promptly expired on us, necessitating an emergency roadside rescue and a lengthy wait for repair. But some seven hours after we were supposed to have arrived I finally met with our development team, some for the first time.

Joint Venture Partnerships

see a beautiful part of the world - and make the most of being in a culture that celebrates good food, so on that point at least the perception of business travel was completely true.


useful format, which we now know we can do.

Practice Matters 48

Bimeda – A Company Profile In this edition we profile Bimeda; a manufacturer, marketer and distributor of quality veterinary pharmaceuticals and animal health products.




History From its foundation in Ireland by a group of veterinary surgeons almost 50 years ago, Bimeda has grown into a global manufacturer, marketer and distributor of veterinary pharmaceuticals and animal health products. The company now has a presence in every major animal food producing region in the world. Through ongoing expansion and strategic acquisition, Bimeda has established markets in more than seventy countries worldwide. It is now a successful global organisation, with R&D, manufacturing and distribution capabilities across Europe, North America, South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Throughout the world, Bimeda is known for pioneering the teat sealant technology which now forms a key part of farmers’ mastitis control strategies around the globe. Bimeda UK In the UK, Bimeda goes from strength to strength and has a reputation for delivering quality products at a fair price. The UK business is focused on four key areas; Parasite Control, Dairy Production, Nutrition & Equine, and offers a range of POM-V and POM-VPS products within each of these categories. The range includes a mix of both truly unique products and quality generics. For example, within their Nutrition category, the Cosecure Cattle Bolus is the world’s only soluble glass bolus and the UK’s only POM-VPS bolus. Cosecure is proving to be very popular with UK vets who recognise it as a unique and scientific product, which is supported by Bimeda’s range of training and diagnostic services. On the other hand, Bimeda offer products such as their Boviseal non-antibiotic teat sealant, which falls within their Dairy Production

category, and which was the second teat sealant available in the UK. Boviseal is being recommended by vets the length and breadth of the UK, as a key part of mastitis control strategies . The fact that Boviseal has been used in Ireland for over a decade and that 70% of Ireland’s dairy herd are sealed with the product also helps give confidence to customers and farmers. Bimeda have also recently launched Bilovet, which is the UK’s second tylan 200mg/ml product that is licensed for cattle including dairy cattle , and which is being met with great interest by UK. These three products represent only a small portion of their offering. By far the biggest category at Bimeda UK is the Parasite Control category which offers a very broad spectrum of products . Ectofly Pour On for sheep (1.25% cypermethrin) is the flagship brand, and customers are rapidly seeing the benefits this product brings to their business, in terms of both satisfied farmers and a strong margin for themselves. Endofluke oral drench is another example of Bimeda’s commitment to answering the needs of the farmer. This product, with triclabendazole 100mg per ml , was recently approved for use in dairy cattle; helping the farmer to combat the growing concern of liver fluke in the dairy herd. Bimeda UK’s Sales Team Bimeda’s growing sales team are known for their knowledge, professionalism and friendliness. The most recent additions include the new Head of Sales for the UK, James Hutchings and the new Territory Manager for the South East, Emma Wormington. James brings with him a passion for animal health, having worked in the industry for the past 25 years. For the 8 years prior to joining Bimeda, James held the role of Head of Sales with Novartis Animal Health in the UK, where he was responsible for their Farm Animal Business. Customer Focus Bimeda is a highly customerfocused organisation and is constantly looking for ways to help customers grow their own business. Marketing Manager, Mary Murphy,

commented; ‘we have an excellent range of products but we recognise that this alone is not enough to help our customers grow. For this reason, at the heart of all of our activity, we place the question, ‘will this positively impact our customers’ business?’. If the answer isn’t yes, we won’t proceed’. One such example of this mantra in practice is Bimeda’s ongoing trace element nutrion campaign. In October 2013 Bimeda acquired the nutritional bolus manufacturer Telsol. They recognised that the Cosecure boluses were an excellent, scientific range and ideal for the vet channel, but that their quality alone would not help customers to grow their businesses. For this reason they are carrying out out a number of initiatives to drive awareness and understanding of the products and of the area of trace element nutrition in general. This includes organising farmer talks on the topic of trace element nutrition, providing educational articles to the press, providing accredited training to Vets and SQPs so that they can provide the best advice to farmers, press advertising, in-store point of sale and assisting with diagnostics, through forages and blood analysis. Bimeda believe that once they have products in customers’ practices it is vital that they take additional measure to up-skill SQPs and vets where necessary, to ensure they are able to provide appropriate advice to farmers. Through a greater understanding of the science of trace element nutrition, customers can recognise when the bolus range should be specified and this in turn helps grow their business. Bimeda feels strongly about increasing the knowledge base of vets, SQPs and farmers so that they can make informed decisions which will benefit the health and welfare of animals. The company welcomes anyone reading this article to get in touch with them, if they feel that they, their colleagues or their clients would benefit from training . The Bimeda technical team are also passionate about improving the welfare of animals through farmer education and Bimeda’s qualified vets, Padriag Hyland and Rachel Mallet, regularly provide educational articles to the UK’s farming

press, such as two recent articles on the topics of nematodirus battus and blowfly strike. The team at Bimeda see their jobs as much more than just selling product and are committed to contributing to increasing farmer’s knowledge base. Vet and Territory Manager Rachel added; ‘My role is much greater than just selling product. We need to ensure farmers are equipped with the knowledge that will help them prevent disease wherever possible. In our view, prevention is always better than cure and knowledge is power, so I am keen to drive awareness of the best practices for disease control. Farmers are busy people and don’t always have time to attend formal training sessions, which is why these educational articles in widely-read publications are highly important to us.’ Growth and R&D Year-on-year, Bimeda UK has consistently grown product range, market share and revenues and this pattern of growth is reflected around the world. A key factor in explaining this growth is Bimeda’s R&D programme. At any one time, there are literally hundreds of products in the various stages of their development pipeline across the world. In the UK, recent launches such as Boviseal teat sealant (bismuth subnitrate 2.6g per 4g syringe), Multishield Dry Cow Antibiotic (neomycin sulphate 100mg, penethamate hydriodide 100mg, procaine benzylpenicillin 400mg per 4.5g syringe) and Bilovet (tylosin 200mg/ml), and the Cosecure bolus range (ionic copper, cobalt and selenium) were all welcomed by the UK veterinary sector. The Future James Hutchings, Head of Sales for Bimeda UK told us; ‘we are all extremely excited about what the future holds for Bimeda UK. With our committed team, our technical support, our growing product range and our customer commitment we feel very positive about what the rest of 2015 and beyond holds for Bimeda’. For further information t +44 (0)1248 725 400 w www.bimeda.com

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Practice Matters

Vet Inflow: Tap into the power of Facebook



ACEBOOK is an essential part of a veterinary practice’s integrated marketing strategy. By increasing the reach, practices become part of their clients’ “social lives”. However, Facebook can be demanding and it is time-consuming.













audiences and captivating potential new clients in the area. Vet Inflow is an On-line Marketing Company specialising in Veterinary Marketing with a highly qualified team of Vets, Veterinary Marketing Specialists, Web Developers and Designers.

The company already works in partnership with about 40 veterinary practices in the UK, helping to increase their Facebook page’s traffic and success, providing regular updates with: - visually appealing, engaging, educational and accurate Vet Inflow can greatly content (written by their vets) enhance the presence of a pracadapted to the target audience – tice’s Facebook page and help to pet owners; build invaluable client loyalty and - popular pet-themed content from trust, makingART_OL.ai it work finanSFG Halfwhile Page Advert 1 04/03/2014 15:19 – viral photos/videos/ the internet cially for the practice – reaching new links;

- specifically designed posts of promotions, behind-the-scenes photos, events, etc; - comment management (monitoring, answering and removing spam) …greatly enhancing the overall presence of the Facebook page. Vet Inflow helps practices to increase turnover by targeted “soft sell” online marketing. It can also add to the bottom line in a far more direct and obvious way. By letting Vet Inflow manage their Facebook page, that time and money can be put straight back into the practice – it makes a huge difference. The objective is to be the practice´s online marketing partner and guarantee to keep up to speed with all the latest developments in the area and be

aware of the next big things. Vet Inflow also creates web/ mobile apps that sit outside of Facebook, with those platforms a practice will be able to run competitions (for example, photo of the month, Christmas competitions) capturing data from both of the entrants and the voters. This database can then be used in future marketing promotions and offers. Vet Inflow not only writes, designs and takes care of the technicalities of sending newsletters, but also creates and manages websites of veterinary practices. For further information t +44 (0)1793 384 069 e info@vetinflow.com w www.vetinflow.com

Spotlight – Feline 52

Earlier diagnosis of chronic kidney disease – challenges and opportunities Dr Sam Williams: (samwilliams@rvc.ac.uk) Analytical biochemist, his PhD was on the detection of recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) in anti-doping samples. Currently working on a collaboration between the Royal Veterinary College, London and deltaDOT, looking at drug metabolism in veterinary applications and their transfer to humans, and the development of veterinary therapeutic drug monitoring applications. Recently launched an on-demand assay of glomerular filtration rate for cats and dogs. Dr Ludovic Pelligand: (lpelligand@rvc.ac.uk) Graduated from the École Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort (Paris, France) in 2001, where he completed a two-year small animal internal medicine internship. He then completed a 3-year anaesthesia residency at the Royal Veterinary College where he gained his European Diploma of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Anaesthesia in 2006. Has been employed as a clinical pharmacology research fellow and is now a lecturer in clinical pharmacology and anaesthesia.





hronic kidney disease (CKD), defined as primary renal failure present for an extended period of time, is a significant problem in companion animals, and especially for cats. Studies suggest that 10% of cats over 10 and nearly 50% of cats over 15 will suffer from the disease to some extent. In dogs it is less common, but can still be a serious problem, with survival times after diagnosis often less than a year. Regardless of the cause, the disease is characterised by a loss of functional nephrons and a concomitant loss of kidney function. Importantly, this loss of function is irreversible. However, in the short term kidney function is reasonably stable, and this stability can be prolonged by the correct treatment. One of the major problems with treating CKD is the delay until the problem is identified. A cat’s kidneys normally contain between 170,000 and 190,000 nephrons. As these become damaged, other nephrons are initially able to compensate so that kidney function is not compromised. However, as the number of non-functioning nephrons increases, this reserve becomes used up and signs of kidney problems start to become apparent. The most commonly seen clinical signs are polyuria and polydipsia. As the disease progresses, increased nausea is common, which manifests as reduced appetite, increased selectivity in eating and vomiting. These in turn can lead to lethargy and weight loss. At first, clinical signs may be quite subtle, so that by the time a cat or dog is seen by a vet, 60% or more of the nephrons may already be non-functional. The etiology of chronic kidney disease is not fully established, but

it is thought it can be initiated by several different familial, congenital, or acquired diseases. These different causes seem to lead to a common final pathway of chronic kidney damage. This is one of the reasons why early detection of CKD may be helpful, as it may enable a specific cause of the problem to be identified and treated; later on, identification (and appropriate treatment) of this initial cause may not be possible. There is therefore a challenge to identify cases of CKD as early as possible. It is also important to identify the stage of the disease, as this enables treatment recommendations to be made, and the appropriate monitoring and probable prognosis for the patient to be determined. Staging by the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) is based initially on two measurements of fasting blood creatinine concentrations, with further substaging based on proteinuria and systemic blood pressure. These are not the only measures by which the disease is assessed, however. A more comprehensive list of some of the commonly used diagnostic methods for identifying the disease is outlined below: Urinalysis – Urine specific gravity can help identify early stage CKD. The normal range is 1.008 to 1.060, but in a cat with a normal blood profile a value persistently below 1.040 might indicate CKD. Proteinuria is also an indicator of CKD, although other diseases can also have the same effect. A recent review of the value of screening for proteinuria concluded that “Persistent proteinuria, in the absence of lower urinary tract disease or reproductive tract disease, is usually an indication of renal damage or dysfunction”. Blood analysis – the classic

way to identify CKD is to measure serum creatinine concentration. However, due to the variation in normal serum creatinine concentration and the exponential inverse relationship to renal function, in the early stages of CKD serum creatinine increases only a small degree for a relatively large decrease in renal function. (FIGURE 1A) This makes single measurements insensitive in detecting early kidney disease. Serial measurement may increase the sensitivity but the largest rises in serum creatinine occur in the later stages of CKD. As such, the use of creatinine concentrations is really limited to assessing the extent of the damage in later stages of CKD. Physical examination – Most cats with CKD have small, scarred kidneys (although the opposite is true if polycystic kidney disease is present). Palpation enables the size of the kidneys to be estimated, and may also enable the detection of scar tissue, although this alone will not be enough for a diagnosis. Biopsy – Biopsies may be carried out when cancer or other infiltrative disease is suspected. Although they could lead to an accurate diagnosis of early stage CKD, the need for an anaesthetic and the potential complications related to the procedure (intra-renal haemorrhage) means that the risks of the procedure need to be balanced against the value of the information obtained. Since other, less invasive methods are available, biopsies are rarely used unless carcinoma or lymphoma is suspected. Screening – Investigation of animals known to be at risk of developing CKD may enable the early stages of the disease to be picked up sooner. Certain breeds of dog, such as the Cairn Terrier, German

Shepherd and English Cocker Spaniel are more prone to CKD. Exposure to nephrotoxic drugs such as carboplatin may also suggest increased vigilance may be useful. With cats, although some breeds are more prone to kidney problems, the main risk factor is age. As such, the value of screening increases as they get older. Such screening programmes are most useful when they are repeated on a regular basis, as changes in kidney function are likely to be more indicative of problems than a single measurement. SDMA – Recent research has shown that serum concentrations of symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) may have some advantages over creatinine as a surrogate marker of renal function. Unlike creatinine, SDMA concentrations are not affected by lean muscle mass, which declines in older cats. Instead, SDMA concentrations are well correlated with glomerular filtration rate, increasing as GFR falls. It has been claimed in one study that use of SDMA concentrations enabled the onset of kidney disease to be detected in cats on average 17 months earlier, and in one case 4 years earlier, than was possible using creatinine concentration measurement alone. Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) - Direct measurement of GFR is considered the gold standard test of kidney function. Decreases in GFR indicate that kidney damage is occurring. Renal clearance of inulin is accepted as the best measure of GFR, but the test is difficult to carry out. Other measures of GFR have been developed for cats and dogs, including clearance of exogenous creatinine and iohexol. These require the taking of repeat blood samples over a few hours. Plotting of the concentrations of these markers against

Spotlight – Feline 53

time allows clearance to be determined, which is assumed to be a measure of GFR. (FIGURE 2) Although these techniques have been fully validated they have not been widely used, due to a lack of commercial testing services, at least in Europe. An iohexol clearance assay of GFR is now available on demand for vets in Europe, and it is anticipated that this will become more commonly used in the future. Treatment of CKD As the damage caused by CKD is irreversible, treatment is aimed at preventing further damage occurring. It primarily consists of dietary changes, although phosphate binders and ACE inhibitors may also be prescribed. There is evidence that diets low in protein and phosphate can have a positive impact on both lifespan and quality of life for cats and dogs with later-stage CKD. In a

study of 35 cats with serum creatinine greater than 167 µmol/L and USG less than 1.036, those cats given a diet in which protein and phosphate were restricted (15.1 g protein and 0.23 g phosphorus/MJ metabolisable energy) showed an increase in body weight whereas those in the control group lost weight. Similarly, serum urea and creatinine concentrations increased more in the control group, while deterioration in halitosis, gingivitis, body condition and appetite were all less in the group given the restricted diet. Renal secondary hyperparathyroidism is a common problem in cats with CKD; research has also demonstrated that this can be controlled by a reduced protein/phosphate diet. A study by the Royal Veterinary College found that cats with CKD fed a normal diet had a median lifespan of 264 days, while those on the reduced diet had a median lifespan of 633 days.

However, despite all this evidence of the benefits of dietary change for animals with later stage CKD, there is a lack of evidence of the benefits of such dietary changes for animals when CKD is just in the early stages. This is, to no small extent, a result of the difficulty in identifying animals in this condition, and therefore of evaluating the impact of different types of treatment. Hopefully, the increased commercial availability of tests which can identify CKD earlier on (i.e. measures of SDMA and GFR) will enable this assessment to be better made in future. Although intuitively the benefits of changing to a low-protein diet may seem likely, the counterpoint is that it may leave the animal nutritionally deficient, especially if the diet is unpalatable. Even so, the strength of the evidence of the benefits of switching to a low protein diet in later stage disease suggest

that there may well be advantages to switching earlier as well. Conclusion Chronic kidney disease is a serious problem for cats and dogs, affecting millions of animals every year. In general, the earlier the problem is diagnosed, the more positive the outcome for the animal. Current commonly used methods for identifying the condition and the extent of its progression may not do so until the disease is at a fairly advanced stage, but newer commercially available tests including assays of blood SDMA concentrations and of GFR may help with earlier diagnosis. It is hoped that this will enable the benefits of earlier moves to a low protein, low phosphate diet (demonstrated to be of benefit in later-stage CKD) to be assessed, and the appropriate treatment for such patients to be established.

companion animal practice and also offers care for ‘exotic’ pets. The ISFM’s Cat Friendly Clinic Programme recognises that bringing a cat to a veterinary clinic can be stressful, both for the cat and also the owner, and aims to encourage practices to create a more cat-friendly environment to make visits easier. Vet Rebecca Kuttel explains: “We wanted to ensure that we were offering the very highest standard of care to our feline patients so have introduced a number of changes to achieve this. They include special ‘cubbyholes’, where owners waiting for an appointment can put their cat’s basket to help the cat feel safe; a separate waiting room area for cats and we have always had separate cat wards for inpatients in both of our clinics. “We were delighted to hear that both of our clinics have been awarded the Gold Standard for creating a Cat Friendly Clinic. It makes all the hard work worthwhile and we hope that both our clients and their cats will find their visits to us a little less stressful in future!”

Dr Andy Sparkes, Veterinary Director at ISFM, comments: “We are delighted that Animates Veterinary Clinics have become Gold Accredited Cat Friendly Clinics. This represents a huge achievement for the clinics their hard work will be hugely appreciated by the cats and cat owners visiting them. Reducing the stress cats experience during a visit to the vet has a major impact on their welfare. There are now more than 200 accredited Cat Friendly Clinics in the UK and well over 1,000 worldwide. We are delighted that Animate Veterinary Clinics are now part of this fast-growing movement.” Animates client Miss Jill Gornall, owner of a cat called Ellie, said: “I have nothing but praise for the team at Animates who look after my elderly cat, Ellie. They follow everything through in great detail so I trust them completely.” Animates Thurlby clinic t +44(0)1778 420462 Market Deeping clinic t +44(0)1778 38011


an international programme called Cat Friendly Clinic, which rates practices as Bronze, Silver or Gold in terms of the ‘cat-friendliness’ of the environment they offer. Both of Animates’ clinics had to apply separately for the Award and both have been judged to have met the criteria for the top award - the Gold Standard. They are the first practices in Lincolnshire to have received it. Animates is a dedicated



nimates Veterinary Clinics, a practice with clinics in Thurlby and Market Deeping, has received a prestigious award in recognition of the standard of care it provides to its feline patients. The award has been made by International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM), the veterinary division of International Cat Care, a charity focused on raising standards of care for cats. It runs


Animates Awarded Gold Standard for Cat Care

Practice Retail Company of Animals Pet Dental Products



he Arm & Hammer brand has been used in households for over 150 years and is known for it’s key ingredient - baking soda. The dental range has been specifically designed to cater for the particular requirements of individual cats and owners, ranging from mints and dental water to dental sprays. Each product contains the baking soda formula which works

by bubbling along the gum-line and between the teeth, breaking down plaque and tartar, reducing the risk of dental disease. It provides owners with effortless ways to care for their pet’s teeth and gums. For further information t +44 (0)1932 566696 e office@companyofanimals.co.uk w www.companyofanimals.co.uk / www.facebook.com/companyofanimals

KONG QuickFit E-Collar for Dogs, available NOW


ntroducing the KONG QuickFit E-Collar for Dogs – it’s smart, economical and safe and offers full body coverage – the perfect post-op support. It’s so easy to use, as the simple tabbed assembly just clicks into place. Made from a clear, lightweight and resilient material the KONG QuickFit E-Collar is suitable for most breeds and is available in 9 sizes. KONG Veterinary Products celebrates its 51st birthday this year and has recently opened its new Dorset based UK/European veterinary sales and distribution centre. The company offers the world’s largest selection

of Recovery Collars for a variety of companion animals and an impressive selection of in-demand Patient Care products and Surgical Supplies. KVP is also the exclusive supplier of KONG products to the veterinary marketplace. KONG Veterinary Products is committed to manufacturing and delivering products of the highest quality and value for money to the UK/EU Veterinary sector. For further information t +44(0)1308 867020 e info@KVPEU.com w www.kvpeu.com

Chill out with Easidri’s new Cooling Mat





asidri, the brand best known for its High Performance Cooling Coat and super absorbent Grooming Towel, has added a new product to its range that’s ideal for spring and summer: the Easidri Cooling Mat. The Cooling Mat was available to buy for the first time this year’s Crufts, and was a huge hit with both human and canine visitors. The mat, which is available in five sizes, contains special gel inserts that stay cool at all times and are housed in an advanced waterproof composite fabric outer that’s durable, wipe clear and puncture resistant. The mat has been designed for indoor and outdoor use. “Easidri has a large number of loyal customers and we listen to the feedback they

provide,” says Martin Balmer from Easidri. “Many of our customers had been using the Grooming Towel as a cooling mat and although it certainly does help to keep the dog cool, it’s not really designed for the job. We put our thinking caps on and came up with the Cooling Mat. It’s safe, easy to use and doesn’t require any form of soaking – the gel is cold all the time. It’s great for in the house and garden but also in the car to help keep your dog comfortable when he’s being transported in warmer weather.” The Cooling Mat is available in five sizes and prices start from £14.50. For further information w www.easidri.com

Farm/Large Animal Independent Trial Shows Soluble Glass Bolus To Be Best In Class For Profit & Weight Gain In Lambs


n independent, blind trial conducted by the Althnorthumbria Veterinary Group, found that Cosecure soluble glass lamb boluses were the ‘best in class’ for profit and weight gain. The trial involved nearly 500 Suffolk and Texel lambs out of mules on a farm in Northumberland. Cobalt and selenium deficiencies had been previously diagnosed on the farm. All lambs were twins and were grazing grass/clover leys in rotation. They tested two drenches, two boluses and a cobalt injection, to find out which product: - helped lambs fatten fastest - gave the best margin over product cost The trial found that Cosecure Lamb boluses gave the greatest profit and weight gain when compared to other treatments.



cobalt in the blood, than lambs treated with other products gave 146g/day over 120 days, compared to 11g/ day for the control on just grass

The Profit After subtracting the cost of the product, Cosecure Lamb gave extra profit of £7.05 per lamb, (calculated at £2.00 per kilo) This equates to £3525 extra profit per 500 lambs Cosecure Lamb Boluses contain 13.4% copper, 0.5% cobalt, 0.15% selenium. The unique and revolutionary soluble glass boluses deliver a controlled and constant supply of trace elements into the rumen for up to six months in lambs.

Lambs dosed with Cosecure: - had nearly twice the levels of selenium and

For further information e +44 (0) 1248725400 w ww.telsol.co.uk

Ceva helps build vets’ confidence when performing routine cattle fertility visits


ets are being encouraged to speak with their Ceva Territory Manager about an upcoming cattle reproduction training day on the 22nd of April 2015, in Telford, Shropshire. The event is part of Ceva Animal Health’s reprodAction Young Vet Initiative educational project to help recent graduates, or those that are relatively new to dairy practice, expand their knowledge in this area. The ‘Building Success Around the Fertility Routine Visit’ course has been set up to support vets in performing these visits and covers

various topics including: identifying clients’ goals, setting herd targets and increasing pregnancy rates. Katherine Timms, Veterinary Advisor at Ceva, says, “Routine fertility visits is an area in which young vets can struggle to build confidence, as visits are normally performed solo, with little or no support. Being such a results driven area of practice, failure is very visible, and all this combined can intimidate recent graduates.” When explaining how this scheme differs from other educational sessions, Katherine continues, “Cattle reproduction CPD is often quite complex, whereas this event

aims to cover basics and most importantly, how to implement it all practically, with respect to treatment protocols.” Paddy Gordon, who has a wealth of experience in the area of cattle reproductive management as Director of Shepton Veterinary Group, is one of the leaders of the event, and says, “This event is designed to address more than just theory, including how to communicate sometimes complex concepts to farmers, via role plays and group discussion. We have had great turnouts at previous events and feedback has always been positive. One of

the most important aspects of the meetings is that they not only provide knowledge but also act as a platform for vets who are at the same stage in their careers to share information amongst each other, which is hugely valuable in building confidence.” Vets who are interested in attending the upcoming reprodAction Young Vet Initiative course can apply via their Ceva Territory Manager. For further information w. www.ceva.co.uk t. +44 (0)1494 781510 e. customerservicesuk@ceva.com

existing networks of local veterinary practices. We will monitor how the service is being delivered at a local level and feed in any concerns raised by our members to Defra and APHA, particularly in terms of any erosion of the link between vets and farmers and the potential impact of a loss of veterinary services in rural areas. “APHA must continue to recognise that veterinary surgeons are vital to both individual farms and to the national disease control programmes.” For further information t+44 (0)2079086349 e bvahq@bva.co.uk w www.bva.co.uk


savings alone. We therefore opposed the original decision to move to a system of tendering for OV services because of the potential unintended consequence of undermining the sustainability of the network of veterinary practices in rural areas. We lobbied hard for the tendering to reflect the need for any new system to ensure that the vital relationship between farmers and their local vets continued and we were pleased that APHA included this requirement in the invitation to tender. “It is essential that local vets in England continue to play an important role in critical disease testing, such as bovine TB, and other OV services and we will expect the delivery partners to utilise the



he Animal Plant and Health Agency (APHA) has today confirmed the award of contracts to five regional Delivery Partners in England to deliver bovine TB testing and other

Official Veterinarian (OV) services. From 1 May 2015 all new TB testing and other OV work in England will be undertaken by the five regional suppliers. Commenting, BVA President John Blackwell said: “In any tendering process there are winners and losers. As our members are involved with the successful and unsuccessful bids we cannot comment on the specific of the awards. “BVA has always argued that changes to the delivery of OV services must not be driven by cost


BVA responds to OV tender result in England

Farm/Large Animal 56


ive independent practitionerled businesses have been successfully awarded contracts to deliver TB testing and other veterinary services in England for the Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA). The five individual companies (to be known as Delivery Partners) are:


also considered efficiency and total cost savings, necessary at a time of Government austerity and required for the benefit of all taxpayers. Each of the new Delivery Partner companies is a separate business, set up and owned by different independent veterinary practices. They already undertake



South West 1

XL Farmcare Devon and Cornwall Ltd

South West 2

XL Farmcare Wessex Ltd

South East

XL Farmcare South East Ltd


XL Farmcare Midlands Ltd


XL Farmcare North Ltd

This marks the end of a procurement exercise in England and Wales that has been strictly managed and overseen, subject to scrutiny and challenge and governed by a clear legal process. It has been a competitive tender where the majority of the assessment was based upon quality assurance to ensure that TB testing is as effective as possible in the role that it has to play in controlling the disease. The procurement process


Companies awarded contracts for TB testing and other veterinary services in England

a significant proportion of the TB testing work in their respective geographic areas and they will now work with other veterinary practices to continue the delivery of TB testing, providing a continuity of service for farmers. The veterinary practices that own these regional businesses are all firmly rooted in their local, rural community. They have ensured that their business models provide sustainability and are congruent with

their complete commitment to the future of farm animal veterinary work, and the UK agricultural industry. “The result is welcomed as a positive step by many vets in practice, as the delivery of TB testing remains firmly with veterinary surgeons and privately-owned veterinary practices,” says Bridget Taylor of XL Farmcare North Ltd. For vets, and veterinary practices, that are not currently part of the regional XL Farmcare companies, there is now an opportunity to get involved. All practices currently performing TB testing will be eligible to register as sub-contractors. “All the XL Farmcare regional companies will shortly be holding a series of supplier meetings for vets to come along and learn more about the practical aspects of how TB testing will be administered by their regional XL Farmcare company and how they can get involved,” says Rob Henderson of XL Farmcare Midlands Ltd. “The need for TB testing has not changed, so there is a lot of work to undertake and there is a requirement for more vets to be part of the delivery programmes,” he adds. All of the XL Farmcare companies are using even-handed business models. Each company confirmed it will be operating its own single rate for payment for all veterinary practices undertaking this Government veterinary work. Practices carrying out work in different regions need to appreciate that the rate paid in each region may differ. “All practices that work with us

are remunerated at the same agreed rates and a very high proportion of the monies received from APHA are passed on to the practices that carry out the work – a critical part of the commercial requirements specified in the tender documentation,” explains Bridget. Many, but not all, of the shareholders of the regional XL Farmcare companies are members of XLVets. “The experience of working co-operatively with other practices and the high levels of trust that have been built over time will definitely help ensure that a cohesive approach to TB testing is maintained and should ease the transition of delivery of the services to the new regional companies,” says Bridget. “It’s critical that farm clinicians stay involved in the management of one of the most important infectious diseases of cattle,” adds Andrew Curwen, Chief Executive of XLVet UK Ltd. “By maintaining a positive approach to disease control and demonstrating that vets can work collaboratively, the profession is in a strong position to support and deliver national undertakings such as TB testing and to continue to safeguard and improve the health and welfare of UK livestock,” he concludes.

For further information e admin@xlfarmcare.co.uk, t +44 (0)800 612 5289 w www.xlfarmcare.co.uk

Emma Wormington Joins Bimeda UK B

imeda UK is pleased to announce that Emma Wormington has joined the sales team in the role of Territory Manager, South East. Emma brings with her a wealth of industry experience, having previously worked in Customer

Development Manager roles at Novartis Animal Health. Emma previously worked for a large online pharmaceutical company following a degree in Bio Veterinary Science. As a farmer’s daughter and someone with strong interests in the veterinary industry she is very much looking

forward to her new role with Bimeda. For further information t +44 (0)1248 725 400 e ewormington@bimeda.com w www.bimeda.com


New Premium TYLOSIN Base

Tylosin base, 200mg/ml solution for injection for cattle and pigs. (POM-V)

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For more information, contact Bimeda on 01248 725 400 No refrigeration required

Use Medicines Responsibly. Noah.co.uk Active ingredient: Tylosin 220mg/ml. Legal Category of Bilovet: POM-V. Date advert prepared: November 2014. Bimeda, 2 Bryn Cefni Industrial Park, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL777XA

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