FuZhouqi's architectural design portfolio

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PORTFOLIO OFF-CAMPUS STUDENT CENTRE: AN INFRASTRUCTURE IN A STUDENT ENCLAVE IN GLASGOW Urban Theory Analysis and Strategy + Integrated Design (not completed) Instructor: Sandra Costa Santos Analysis and Straegy is group work, the building design is individual work Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom Sep 2023 - Jan 2024

ELDER'S MODERN LIFE WITH NATURE: AN INTEGRATED DESIGN OF ELDER HOSPITAL,NURSING HOME AND SHELTER Architecture Design Studio: Integrated Instructors: Penny Lewis, Mike Findlater, Xuechen Gui, Suzuki Takayuki Collaborated Work: Fu Zhouqi (drawings and digital model ,rendering); Li Xiaoyu (digital model) Wuchang, Wuhan, China Apr2023 - Jun2023


DAZHIMEN ART CENTER: RENOVATION OF A HISTORICAL RAILWAY STATION Architectural Design Studio (6): Topic Instructors: Zheng Jing, Mike Findlater Individual Work Hankow, Wuhan, China Feb 2022 - May 2022

OURTYARD DESIGN FOR THE RENOVATION OF AN OLD BUILDING: GUOLIANG ART STUDY CAMP A Real Project Lead Architects: Xue Chujin, Hu Xiaoqing Design Team: Xiong Yan, Luo Sheng, Luo Wenshan, Zhao Honghao, Pan Lingfeng, Fu Zhouqi, Li Yixin, Lu Gongwen Client: Xinxiang South-Taihang Tourist Resort Huixian City, Xinxiang, China 2021 - 2022

MUSEUM OF OLD OBJECTS COLLECTION Architectural Design Studio (5): Intergrated 2 Instructor: Guo Xiang Individual Work Hankow, Wuhan, China Nov 2021 - Dec 2021

Stage 1: Big Group Work Studying Studentification and Student Enclave Practical Background Glasgow Student Boom

30000 25000 20000 17305











Total Students Local Students International Students student statistics of University of Glasgow

12382 10925



Neoliberal urbanism; property-led regeneration Revolution: HMO, PBSA, student village Parties: student, residents, govrernment,developer, university





The expansion of higher education of UK In the UK, the majority of full-time students study away from home in a different region, and require term-time accommodation close to university.

1 The segregation of educated youth and dynamic geographies of studentification, DP Smith, 2014 From this article we know the the reasons, process and results of evolution of student accomodation in UK. There are some types of student accommodation:






T h e s e g r e g a t i o n o f e d u c a t e d y o u t h a n d d y n a m i c g e o g r a p h i e s o f s t u d e n t i c a t i o n The shift of supply and demand of university student accommodation over last two decades (1990-2010) in UK


Theorical Background









Deregulate private HMO landlord became the main provider of student accommodation in neighbourhood

House price growth in specific towns and cities that exceeded the wider region. Studentification disrupt wide existing housing market


De-studentification Depopulation and decline of some classical studentified neighbourhoods


Dispersing students away from established neighbourhoods

The formation of new frontiers of student segregation

Universities’s residential estates can be transferred to developers to generate capital

Refiebishing old university stock to on-campus PBSA

‘Student Villages’ University-led refurbishments

Comparely, emphasis the value of highquality contribute to student recruiment

Reinforce the segregation of students from other social groups

Evolution of Student Accommodation, a summarise from the article by Fuzhouqi

Attractor student accomodations university buildings

student accomodations tenaments flats contempory flats

Transports and Gates gates

Identify The Enclave We investigated a broader area of glasgow whilst using the framework of conceptural models defined in "Recombinant Urbanism". Then by analysing the key features we locates and narrow down the boundary of student encalve here.

Separate student from longterm residential population as well as socio-spatially divide sub-

The slow down of speculative PBSA


In the third stage, individual work, I choose a site and design a building consisting of three functional parts, dining, learning and doing sports. The function is deduced from the research on the facilities around the site. The building itself is based on the site’s characteristics, inspired by the wall in Scottish Castle, with the comparation with the "wall" space in Chinese Courtyard Architecture.

More Expensive

Fostering the regeneration of brownfield sites.

Need-based approach to planning


In the second stage our small group discover the separation within the enclaves, and we proposed to use a system of “nodes and paths” to make connection between students and student as well as students and residents. We also chose a small area to exemplify our concepts.

PBSA use pristine aesthetics and modern architectural design, use good services (gym, car parking, coffee bars, high level of surveillance etc.)

Encouraged by local authorities via planning policies

Spatial Order

This project is a continuous work that involves studying a urban phenomenon, proposing urban strategy, and designing a building. In the first stage, our big group studied the phenomenon of studentification in Glasgow, which economically rely on education industry in its post-industrial period. There are growing number of students every year coming to the University of Glasgow, including local and foreign students, particularly Chinese and Indian students. With the growth of student number, many student accommodations have been built in the area near the university, forming the student “enclave”. This has resulted in problems such as students occupying the resources that belong to locals. To firstly identify the enclave area and find some problems before proposing urban strategy, we studied various urban theories and applied them to our research.

Institutional actors identify students as group which possesses a metropolitan habits, willing to pay a premium for living

PBSA (Purpose Built Student Accommodation) Off-campus student-only enclaves

Housing Typology

Urban Theory Analysis and Strategy + Integrated Design (not completed) Instructor: Sandra Costa Santos Analysis and Straegy is group work, the building design is individual work Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom Sep 2023 - Jan 2024

Increasing constrain on the possible housing choice for first-time buyers.

Tighter regulation of HMO in local and national politics




Expansion of student population


Image from "Recombinant Urbanism"


Development of Individualised rental market investment capital, buy-to-let 1995

2 "Recombinant Urbanism" as an Analytical Framework, David Grahame Shane, 2005 The enclave is an enclosed area with a centre, a perceived perimeter, and its own self-organising system of order. Walking in the city is moving between these enclaves. There are attactors, armatures, dominant typology and bondary as the elements of analysing an enclave. From the study a frame work of conceptual models for analysis will be used.


Student encounter and interaction with other social groups, foster experiences and student hood, senses of belonging and attachment.

HMO (House in Multiple Occupation) Mixed living within established neighborhoods


HMO: House in Multiple Occupation, means student live mixedly with other social groups including the locals; PBSA: Purpose Built Student Accomodation, means its only for students.



Self-segregated university hall of residence

Enclave Bondary

Stage 2: Small Group Work Proposing Urban Strategy Connect the student enclaves by Node and Pathes

Stage 3: Individual Work Designing the Building Off-campus Student Centre as a infrustructure in student enclave

Improve the Life by New Nodes and Paths

The Site

We consider using a system of nodes and paths to improve students' lives. The students and the locals move safely and more conveniently on the path and gather in the node buildings. Within the enclaves, this network can link the different sub-enclaves, the students living in the different sub-enclaves may be from different university departments, and the path and node building can be a place for them to meet and can have cross-discipline communication. Outside the enclave, this network can connect the enclave with some public spaces like parks, providing places for communication between students and resident groups.

This is a plot of land located between two high-level student accommodation buildings on a currently brownfield site. One side of the site is open to the street, while the other side is near the river. With the proposed new path along the river so there will be two ways to access to the site. The site has a level change between the street and the ground. The ground on the site is not flat, with the lowest point being near the river, approximately 3.8m lower than the street on the north.

Enclave B

University of Glasgow


00 -3.6


Enclave A


Nodes Some buildings inserted in different scale, they may be a space to rest along the running trail, shared study rooms, or a student gallery in a bigger place.





± 0.000




00 -3.8



± 0.0

Path An integrated of exisiting paths, and proposal of new paths based on site condition that can work with the existing paths.



± 0.000



Enclave C

Downtown Area

A Key Renovation Area As An Example This key space shows the rebuild of connection within the Enclave B. It connects several PBSA along the two side of the river. The current bankside space is divided into several segments by different PBSA buildings, a brownfield site, a under bridge space, etc. And there also an old abandoned bridge. The proposal of this site is by utilizing the abandoned bridge, rebuilding the connection of the bankside spaces, making the space continuous. This path can connect with the broad plan of the path system.

A node buildin: Student Canteen (Furtherly designed in Stage 3)

From Existing Community Facilities to User Needs Analysis of the existing community facilities in the area can give us a better understanding of what is needed. Firstly, there is no public learning space off-campus where students who live in nearby PBSAs can gather. The closest university building is a 5 to 10-minute walk away. Therefore, it might be useful to have a learning space for students. In tenant and resident-associated buildings, there are public spaces like Partick Library available for students to self-learning. However, group-learning activities might disturb the local residents, which can have a negative impact on studentification. Secondly, although there are sufficient food options available, such as coffee houses, bars, supermarkets, and restaurants, they are unable to cater to the high demand of students in the area. This is due to the recent increase in the number of students in the area and the high concentration of students in PBSA buildings near the site.The sports facilities are not enough, and the existing ones are mainly intended for the residents’ use. Students need a safer sports space that can also be a place for them to socialize. Finally from it I desided the function to be a dining house, a learning house and a sports house. 4

A section of new proposed path near accommodation buildings

Infrastructure Facilities that relate to students’ lives University Building

3 7 6



1 2


3 3 4


2 6

A node building: Flea Market and Student Works' Exhibition



5 4





site 1 3

Glagow Internal Collage


Partick Library


Adam Smith Business School


Partick South Parish Church


Advanced Reasearch Center


The Languge Hub


University of Glasgow Main Building


Partick Housing Association


Royal National Institute For the Blind


Bupa Dental Care


Gardner Street Surgery



Student Accomodation 1

Downing Student Village


Vita Students


Derwent Students


Dunaskin Mill


Unite Student


The Globle Glasgow


Scotway House



Tenant & Residents Associated


Food Associated 1

Lidl supermarket


Morison Supermarket


Costa Coffee


Bag O’ Nail Bar


Doupin Bar Subway Toufu Asian Fusion




Anytime Fitness



Yee’ s Hang Ga Glasgow Martial Art

Photos taken near the site, showing student’ s need

Students from the accommodation building near by can join the path from here

to have more Chinese food selling

Space beneath the bridge is used for runners to have a rest, there is a toilet and some seats

The curved shape of roof go pass of the trees and branches. It can make the path very close to the trees There are walls to block the voice from the path, avoiding to disturb the students in the building nearby

Formal Concept: Thickness of Facade Wall, Level of Spaces

Two Types of Space and Two Types of Materials on the Wall the castle shows the concept of structure-space, but in Chinese courtyard architecture, there is no such relation where the structures are thin. We can also find that the auxiliary space in the walls of the castle is static, except some stairs provide vertical movements, while in the Chinese garden, it is dynamic, horizontally. The new design is a study of these two kinds. The facade wall has a similar thickness to contain static and dynamic spaces. It is a sequence that holds three functional parts. And because it will be built in a contemporary way, it will be actually thin. Furthermore, as the building should demonstrate openness, the facade wall should also show the activities contained in it.

The form of the building here should represent its existence on the site and its function. From the massing, there are three functional boxes. I think there can be a very thick "wall" (not a solid wall, but space inside) on the two long sides as an interface of the boxes with the path outside. To think the wall. I compare a Scottish castle with a classic Chinese courtyard building. Louis Kahn used the castle to elaborate the distinction between ‘served’ and ‘servant spaces’, “with great central living halls and auxiliary spaces nestled into thick outside walls”. I think in a Chinese courtyard building, there are some similarities: The main hall is in the middle, with auxiliary spaces on the sides as "walls". The difference is that

Scottish Castle Comlongon Castle Clarencefield, Scotland 14th or 15th century






system. The wall material may be brick or plastered material. It is okay if the building stands out or fits into the context. The additional parts have more various shapes, so it is good to use cast in-situ concrete.

The Wall

Rough white cement plastered White cement plastered

Additional Parts

Cast in-situ concrete

Grey brick

Red brick

Massing, Generation and Site Plan



The wall includes the wall itself and the things on it. The wall itself looks very solid with the minimum openings, containing spaces like fire-escaping staircases, toilets, plants and so on. The additional part is some small open spaces for people to wander and have fun; it can be seen as a connecting

Chinese Courtyard Residential Building Ge Yuan 个园 Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China 19th century

The shape of the site is irregular, so I think if the building is mainly a holistic rectangular box, it can be more easily used. The big rectangular shape consists of two "wall" spaces on each side and three squares with two courtyards inside. The irregularity of the site and the people's movement

of coming and leaving make the torsion of the shape, forming some angles of different directions. There are four ways crossing the site connecting the pedestrian and a new path, and the entrances of three houses are set on two of the connections.

Basic Volumes Pedestain


Volumes + Access

New Path

Connections + Entrances Dynamic Torsion

Previously there parts of different shapes

Finally three box with variations of two interface "walls"

The "Wall" showings activities inside

Design Skeches

Site Plan

Section 2-2

Section 3-3

Section 2-2


Section 3-3

Device Gallery



Sports Studio



First Floor Olan

Kitchen Service

First Floor


multi-sports studio










students' work gallery


Sports House

Pe de st a

Learning House


Dining House






Staff Room

Washing First Aid

Aerobic Training

Self-learning Library

Dining Hall

Chaning room

Ground Floor self study library changeroom + service kitchen dining hall



Ground Floor Plan Basement Floor self study library rent studio trainning space

Function Layout

The Water

The Fun of on and cross the Wall

The water here is not an artificial feeling water, but a natural feeling water. From the section, the water bottom is not flat, which means it is not tiled, but soil and plants can grow. When I visited the University of Glasgow, I saw a pond where reeds and other plants grow from water or near water, but that was an absolute nature pond. Here, nature co-exists with this rectangular-shaped building.

Besides going inside the building to have lunch, study or exercise, people can have fun wandering in the building. There are many small spaces and patches inside the wall, functionally creating many secondary circulations. People can walk, stay, see, or be seen.

South Elevation

Section 1-1

rent studio Weights Training Area

Section 1-1 Self-learning Library

rent studio

Mixed Training Area


Rent Studio Learning House Sports House

Basement Floor Plan


Study of Hospital's History

The timelines shows the typological development of medical architecture, and the conceptual changes in modern times. Throughout history, medical architecture has changed its type from an enclosure quadrangle to today's prevailing pavilions. The unchanged purposes are using natural light, and natural ventilation to raise efficiency for caregivers to look after patients. Long Term History 1200 AD

1500 1350





Greek Cross


Circular Panopticon

Pavilion High-rised

Modern Term History 1920 AD

Concern natural light, ventilation after the 1918 Pandemic.

Considered nature solutions

ELDER'S MODERN LIFE WITH NATURE: AN INTEGRATED DESIGN OF ELDER HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME AND SHELTER Architecture Design Studio: Integrated Instructors: Penny Lewis, Mike Findlater, Xuechen Gui, Suzuki Takayuki Collaborated Work: Fu Zhouqi (drawings and digital model ,rendering); Li Xiaoyu (digital model) Wuchang, Wuhan, China Apr 2023 - Jun 2023 The final design consists of three parts: an Elder Hospital, a Nursing Home and an Elder Shelter for independent-living elders. The hospital serves elders in the Wuchang District. Currently, one part building on the site is Wuhan NO.7 Hospital, which is an old hospital with low efficiency and needs to be replaced. Another part of the site is the apartments of nearby Zhongnan Architecture Design Company, there are many retired architectural-related workers living in some old buildings. Therefore the new design can work as a replacement for the current building functionally and give people a better life. The design is based on architectural typology studies and some medical-environmental studies. The relation to nature is the theme of design and we decide the extent of how a functional space relates to a kind of "nature".


1940 1930


Hospital as a Hospital typology medical instrument; changed due to "Building as machine forthe introduction of health" techniques of air conditioning


Reintegrating light Biometric structures as a way to return to through venetian square or courtyards, nature considering city fabric.

Relied on technology solutions The relation with nature declined

Reconsidered humanity Returned to nature

Precedent Study: The Zonnestraal Sanatorium 1926-1928. About consideration on Views. The project was designed as the begining of modern architecture when medical building was concieve as a machine for health. This project design a plan that every ward pavilion can have a view of nature without being blocked by other pavilions.

Evidence Based Design Study

Making Improvements Base on Investigation of Present Condition

"View through a Window May Influence Recovery from Surgery", Science 1984. The results of this seminal evidence-based design study suggested that natural views had therapeutic influences on hospital patients.Views of vegetation and especially water may elicit positive feelings, reduce fear in stressed subjects, hold attention, and block stressful thoughts.

Besides the theoretical researches, the design is inspired by investigationes into two near by hospital built after 2000, as well as the old community on the site. From the investigation some problems of patient using hospital and elder's living habits are discovered. Then some design criteria are deduced, in order to provide the patient and elder a better life.

Design Ideas Keep connection to nature properly help the elder recover and keep health. Different function parts connect nature in different extent. Function Part

Spatial Quality

Extent to Nature

Hospital part: Inpatient Outpatient

Efficient Functional Straightforward

View to green

Present Situation

How to Improve

In the Later Design

Hospital corridor space should have natural light!

Access to Courtyard

Living part: Nursing Home Shelter

leisure Interesting Winding

Leisure in Garden

Back to community seeing elder friends gathering in a space near the gate, join them!

Activity in landscape

Water in Living Space Wuhan was known as the "City of Thousands of Lakes" in the past, but in recent years many lakes were filled as a result of urban development. In the Site Design, water is largely used as a kind of natural element, as a response of the city scale, to recover the land feature of Wuhan.Water is a vivid, dynamic element in traditional Chinese gardens, it calms or ripples due to airflow, it changes its reflection color due to light and landscape. Due to its character of shapelessness and variability, water is always connected with time.

Have a specific space for bycical and wheelchair. They will not block the way!

It is difficult to use umbrella when using wheelchair. An circulation with shelting roof solve the problems!

Water with City and Water in the Site Need some rest place during a long walking. Here, join them, one more player needed to start the game!

Jichang Garden, Wuxi

He Garden, Yangzhou

The window toward landscape attracts people's attention

A doctor's room

Overlook of the site

Site Layout and Master Plan

Building Layout

The functions are distributed into two groups, hospital part (Outpatient, Inpatient) and living part (Nursing home, Shelter). The whole site is in L-shape, which has two direction, one from south to north, the other from east to west. Each directions has an outer side and an inner side.The two functional parts are put in to each part, using the inherent site direction to transit.

Hospital Outpatient and emergency parts open to the south, going into the hospital, a central corridor connects the consultant rooms and medical technical departments. Doctors' offices are on the west and east side. On the north side is the canteen for patients and families on the ground floor and the canteen for staff above.

Nursing Home and Shelter The east side is outer, with some activity space like a Lecture Hall and a Canteen. The Lecture Hall is a place for public education. The upper floor is staff offices. The western part is inner, for living. Shelter on north part and Nursing Home on south part. On the ground floor are activity and rehabilitation rooms. Living Units are above.




Device Inpatient Pharmacy

Site Redline An L-shape Site

Sterilization Supply Center

Operating Room

Pathology Department



Blood Transfusion

Blood Dialysis Treatment

Roof Garden

Kitchen Patient Canteen


Medical Image Doctor Office

Two Direction Each has an Outside-inside Transition

Radiation Therapy

Consultant Room Toilet

Infusion Physical Function Examination

Outpatient Pharmacy

Emergency Branch

Administrative Office

physical Examination

Lecture Hall

Functional Parts adapt to the Outside-inside Transition

Outpatient Part In Total: 31000sqm











1.7 2

2.7 1.1 4.5


Independent Living

Activities Educational Lecture

Nursing Units

L-Shape Site

Staff Office

Activities reading, entertainment...


Medical Treatment


Living Part In Total: 18800sqm





1 4.5






Independent Living Elder Facility Room

Bicycle Parking

Facility Room

Medical Supplyment

Elder Shelter Entrance

Cultivated Field


Clean Lift Supply Device Toilet


Dirt Lift

Food Supply

Multiple Use Acticity Room


Lecture Hall

Office Auto Pharmacy Registration


3 Patient Canteen

Nursing Home Entrance

Inpatient Entrance Device

Inpatient Entrance

Activity Drawing Consulting Room

Acticity Calligraphy

Activity Reading

Acticity Reading



Doctor Office MRI




Rehabilitation Treatment


Rehabilitation Treatment

Rehabilitation Treatment






Consulting Room

Public Visitor




Staff / Adminidtrator Service Food Supply Doctor Corridor Changing Room

Patient Corridor

Consulting Room Radiation Therapy Linear Accelerator Treatment


Changing Room

Residential Building 4 floors



Doctor Office

Residential Building 4 floors


Ground Floor Plan

Patient Corridor

Office Infusion

Doctor Corridor


Staff Entrance


Residential Building 30 floors

Pharmacy Auto Pharmacy

Registration Operating





Zhongnan Office Building 21 floors


Resuscitation Room

Office Security

Resuscitation Entrance


Cafe Pharmacy

Staff Entrance

Outpatient Entrance AHU

Emergency Entrance Waiting Area

Fire Control

2 floors Zhongnan Office Building 6 floors

Sculpture Garden


Waiting Area

Emergent Patient

Service Doctor/Staff Ambulance

N 10




Tree courtyard with doctor corridors on two sides



Inpatient A transitional open space between street and the hospital

Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan Design The Entrances of two part work independently, one face south, another face east. But on the back there area connections near inpatient part. The water shows the connection, goes from the entrance of living part to the entrance of outpatient part. There is a transitional space between street and the hospital, where patients and accompanying people can sit to wait car or do other things. And there are many green spaces inside and outside the hospital building.

Hospital entrance hall

From street view the hospital is behind a bamboo grove

Water courtyard with patient corridors on two sides

Vertical Vegetation Balcony





Clean Lift

Dirt Lift

Clean Lift Check Packaging Sterilization

Roof Garden

Dirty Washing

Food Distribution

Dirt Lift

Refuge Room Duty Room

Nurse Office

Balcony Operating Room

Entrance Bed Changing

Office Staff Canteen

Hospital Inpatient Standard Floor Plan

Dirt Corridor



Staff Activity

View of Green through Ward On ward scale, patients can see some plants on a double height balcony. The glass window enables them to get closer to nature.Through the smaller circular window on the south wall, patients can see cityscape when lying on bed.As for the interior layout, ward beds are specially set at 45 degrees, so that views of lying patients from two nearby wards are at 90 degrees and privacy is ensured.



Pathology Department

Blood Examination Lab

PCR Blood Tansfusion

Changing Room

Blood Bank

Roof Garden Toilet


Balcony Blood Dialysis Treatment





Toilet Physical Function Check

Physical Examination Doctor Office

Administrative Office



Toilet Balcony


Doctor Office

Office Office

Blood Examination

Lecture Hall

Male Female

Hall X-Ray


See City from Bed See Green from Bed Viewline Design Avoid seeing patient in opposite room

Section A-A

Dirt Lift

Nurse Station

Anesthetic Operating Room Room

Office Kitchen

Clean Lift

Hospital First Floor Plan

Hospital Floor Plan Design The Plan Organization considers the circulation, activity of patients and hospital staffs, as well as the circulation of dirt and clean medical equipment. Section A-A The section shows the courtyard in the outpatient area, and the inpatient can look down to see these green plants.

Hospital Second Floor Plan

Inpatient Room Plan, Section, Elevation

Section B-B Vertical Circulation Indoor Circulation

Semi-0utdoor Circulation

0utdoor Space

Indoor Spcae Relationship of Level of Circulation Overview of Living Part

The Living Part Circulation Design

Recognizable Design for Alzheimer's Disease Elders

There is a circulation system consists of indoor circulation, semi-outdoor circulation, and outdoor circulation. The elder can choose their walking exercise on different circulation according to weather condition and convenience. On the ground floor level, the elder can get to any functional space under a roof (indoor circulation), like going from the community gate to their home. This is because it is inconvenient for elders to carry an umbrella, especially for those who need a wheelchair. On the first-floor level, there is a 400m-long circular corridor set on the perimeter of the community that is specifically designed for the elderly to walk or exercise and communicate. This corridor is particularly useful for the elderly living in the nursing home located on the first floor.

Alzheimer's Disease happens among the elder group in a high rate. The patient's cognitive will decline and someone may forget where their home is. In the design of independent living shelters, traditional The Eight Immortals patterns are used as a reminder for cognitively declined elder to recognize their home. The folk pattern is widely recognized by the elders. Among the eight patterns, six which are proper are selected.

Section B-B





Basket of Flowers

DAZHIMEN ART CENTER: RENOVATION OF A HISTORICAL RAILWAY STATION Architectural Design Studio (6): Topic Instructors: Zheng Jing, Mike Findlater Individual Work Hankow, Wuhan, China Feb 2022 - May 2022 The Old Dazhimen Railway Station is a landmark heritage building on the edge of the old concession area of Hankou. The original building is dwarfed by new towers to its north and west. However, it sits in a prime location on the edge of an area of heritage regeneration, close to the metro and surrounded by thriving residential areas. This simple building sits on a major axis and consists of a square entrance hall surrounded by four towers which are said to be styles to mimic Bavarian castles. The purpose of this design is to explore the process of bring old buildings like the station back to life. The design focus to study the issue of adaptive reuse of existing buildings. The adaptive re-use of a building demands that the architect retains some aspects of the character of the original building but changes the function. ----- Architectural Design Studio 5 Teaching Plan

1906 First Built;

1917 Was rebuilt after being destoried in civial war;

1931 Witnessed floods;

1940 Occupied by Japanese invaders;

1949 Wuhan Liberation Changed its name to Hankow Station;

1991 Abandonded after the construction of new station;

2005 Established as protected building and refurbished; 2009 Belonged to a Railway Company, remaining unused;

2013 Have been used as a private office till now ......

Project Orientation, Users and Building Function

From Old Entrance to New Entrance

There existing many art-relate institutions near the site. On a 1.5km way toward Wuhan Art Museum locates many art workshops and art equipment shops, which has already formed scale effect. And there are many schools nearby too. Turning the old station building into an art centre, with function of exhibition and education can strengthen the scale effect of art. The new Dazhimen Art Centre will gather functions like exhibition, education and recreation, serving for people nearby neighbourhood and whole city. It will be a platform for artists to have exhibitions, a classroom for nearby students to learn artworks, a sheared studio for all people to communicate about art and life.

The station's south facade is too close to the public street, which lacks some separation and transition. The origin gate should be removed, and some void space should remain for transition. The new addition only occupies half of the inside hall space, infilling into the original building shell. In consideration of the circulation and enough spatial connection and separateness, the main entrance of the gallery is set on the east side of the building. The passageway links the two sides of the site, which is a place to set the entrance.

Wuhan 1978 Art Space

Current Enter Circulation

Proposed New Enter Circulation

A Middle School




i i

Original Entrance Space: Current Situation


Original Entrance Space: Proposed

Wuhan Secondary Vocational Art School A Primary School

Art equipment shops


A Middle School

New Entrance Space: Current Situation

Wuhan Art Museum Pinghe Packing Factory Heritage Art District




New Entrance Space: Proposed

Internal Layout Change Corresponding to The Functional Change ①

Work as a STATION

Centralized layout: Short Circulation, Efficiency Enter from front face

Work as an ART GALLERY Contatenate layout: Long circulation; Recreation Enter from lateral face

Gap and Connection with The Origin Building The subtraction to the foundation with altitude difference will highlight the presence of the old building. By sinking the main exhibition space underground, the addition part has to minimise its visual interruption to the old building elevations. Therefore, the main addition part will use the altitude difference and stay below the old building. The space underneath the ground may arouse visitors¡¯ feelings about time. And by putting function underneath will leave emptier in the old building, where time and light can go in.




i gap

Gaps of history Separation of time

gap Platform that barriers view

Sinking gap for clearly view



Sinking main part underground

New infill half of the old shelf

* Water symbols history and time


The level change

Main exhibition area benethe the Old Building

HuanXiuShanZhuang, Building on wall

Buildings attach on the wall

HuQiuJianChi in Suchou

A High arch above deep water

Design Sketches

Adaptive Formal Abstraction The form of the addition part should adapt to the original architecture. Classical overlapping in corners and decorations makes it distinct from the site. To make the new and old have both similarities and differences, the additional building abstracts the form of overlapping, thus it is both classic and modern; both western and eastern.

① ④

Single large Arch ②


Vertival "Overlapping"

Horizental "Overlapping" Continious Arch

Abstract I

Abstract II

Plans and Render Images


Temporary Exhibition

Public Studio

Reception 2



Souvenior Shop

Entrance Overlook


Studio and Class

Art Gallery

Ground Floor Plan


5 Office













Reading Room

7 Toilet 4

Video Room



Service Gallery



Underground Floor Plan

Ground Floor

Underground Floor

The ground floor is on the same level as the south ground, but in the middle, the building is separated from the road by pools and gaps. On the west side, there is a public studio for nearby residents; On the east side, there is a main museum entrance and souvenir shops.

Taking advantage of the level change between northern street and southern road, there is an underground floor level that sinks into the ground. The space inside the underground floor goes continuously around some water pools, which can reflect the new and old buildings, symbolizing time, and letting people think deeply. Additionally, there are some restful courtyards located beside the water. Natural light is brought into the galleries through openings in each room, allowing exhibits to be viewed in natural light.

Second Floor The main court space is a single exhibition hall for presenting the building model and introducing the history of the building. The annex buildings are an art teaching classroom on the west and a management office area on the east.


Roof 25mm Surface Layer 85mm Insulational Layer 20mm Separation Layer 150mm Concrete

Office Exhibition Hall




WC Classroom

Wall Steel Slab Sepatation Layer 85mm Insulational Layer 20mm Separation Layer 150mm Concrete

Inside Building Elevation - Section

Light Strip

Air Conditioning Pipeline

New Wall 150mm Concrete 85mm Insulation Layer 15mm Surface Layer

Section The elevation and section shows the addition building infill into the old building. It is a concrete structure

50 10

1:30 Section

200 100


Roof Plan





Original Wall 20mm Plaster Surface 5mm Separation Layer 100mm Insulation Layer Original Brick Wall

Pool Water

Section A-A: The Main Court

windows of Origin Building

Light Coutyard

Gap between Wall and Celling

Gap between Vault Celling

Section B-B: How lights come inside

Timber Floor Floor Heating System 15mm Separation Layer 70mm Insupation Layer Precast Prestressed Beam

1:30 Section

50 10

200 100


Physical Model

COURTYARD DESIGN FOR THE RENOVATION OF AN OLD BUILDING: GUOLIANG ART STUDY CAMP Real Project with University Teachers Project Team: OR Architecture + Smart Construction of Villages Lead Architects: Xue Chujin, Hu Xiaoqing Design Team: Xiong Yan, Luo Sheng, Luo Wenshan, Zhao Honghao, Pan Lingfeng, Fu Zhouqi, Li Yixin, Lu Gongwen Cansultant: Zheng Changhui Client: Xinxiang South-Taihang Tourist Resort Structure Design: OR Architecture Huixian City, Xinxiang, China 2021 - 2022 In the summer of 2021, I was fortunate to participate in the "Smart Construction of Villages" team, where we worked on a realistic design project. Our task was to transform an old classroom building from the last century into an art sketching base, which was later named "Art study camp". We proposed that inside the building is the sleeping and living function, and the courtyard includes functions of shower, toilet, kitchen, and painting area. My work was to design of courtyard in front of an old building. I first drew some initial sketches, showing the basic organization and layout like where are the toilets, where is the kitchen, and its openness to the courtyard. Then in order to present the design to our client in an easier understanding way and show some construction details, I built the digital model. Although the final construction differed slightly from my initial design, I was pleased to see that some of my ideas in my initial design inspired later designs and were partly realized in the final construction.

Sketches by Fu Zhouqi

Photos of Final Work : https://www.archdaily.cn/cn/989693/katinat-ka-pei-dian-module-k?ad_medium=widget&ad_name=navigation-prev

Digital Model Renderings by Fu Zhouqi


Massing Generation of The Building

Architectural Design Studio (5): Intergrated 2 Instructor: Guo Xiang Individual Work Hankow, Wuhan, China Nov 2021 - Dec 2021 This project aims to design a museum in Hankow district, considering the rich and complex city context that emerged during the Confession era. The city began its development during this period and over the past 100 years, it has become a very mixed context with various styles of buildings. During my visit to the site, I notice that many places were constructing new buildings with while demolishing old ones. I think it can be a museum collecting the old objects in the place, including the old furniture, old artifacts and other items that commemorate the past daily life of local residents. The new museum will use the material from demolished buildings on the area to reconstruct the relationship between people, old objects and old buildings. The new museum itself can be an exhibit to showcase the original buildings through its exterior skin. If we recognize the material richness of the city, we can consider the city as a museum, and all the buildings and objects within it as meaningful exhibits. To demonstrate these concepts, there will be a path leading into and above the museum from the street. As visitors walk on this path, they can see different perspectives of the city.










10 1 10 10




2 4




2 -3.000




Ground Floor Plan

A Path Providing Different Views to The Museum and The City A path goes up from the city street, wingding into the museum building, providing different angles of looking the museum building, the historical buildings below and the city landscape afar. The rich spatial experience can be abstract into a journey into a mountain.



1 2 7



2 3



6 5

The Experience on The Path 1 Go into The Building 2 Cross above Courtyard 3 Go through The Building 4 Suddenly Open 5 Wing Up along a Wall 6 See Buildings Below 7 See Museum and City afar





Second Floor Plan

First Floor Plan



PHOTOGRAPHY OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE GARDENS Taken in Suzhou, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Hangzhou and so on, from 2021-2023, by Fu Zhouqi Further more information about photography and traditional Chinese garden can be found in my personal WeChat official account: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/c2gEK44RoPYNyu6ZcSD8Sw

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