Sin Volume 13 Issue 7

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16 JAN 2012

NUI Galway Mourns Tragic Passing of Popular Student By Jessica Thompson The 20-year-old NUI Galway student who died following a brutal assault in

Mullingar before Christmas was laid to rest on Friday 6 January. Bio-medical student, Andrew Dolan from Co.

The NUI Galway Memorial Garden, where a stone will be laid for Andrew Dolan. Photo by Simon O’Sullivan.

Leitrim, was injured in an attack after a friend’s twenty-first birthday party in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. He died in Beaumont Hospital on Sunday 1 January. Gardaí say that Andrew was hit on the head after being attacked in the early hours of Friday 23 December. The assault was caught on CCTV outside Abrakebabra at 2.40am. Two men (20 and 21) and a woman (19) were arrested in connection with the attack, though it appears that the woman was not directly involved. CCTV footage shows that the two men were the ones to attack the victim. A source told The Herald on Tuesday 3 January, “This was a completely random incident — the victim was not looking for trouble and there is nothing in the suspects’ background that suggests any previous form for assaulting anyone. “They seemed shocked

in the aftermath of the incident and remained at the scene until Gardaí arrived shortly after the incident. “It will be up to the DPP to decide but all the indications at this stage are that this will be a manslaughter rather than a murder prosecution.” NUI Galway President, Dr. James Browne led tributes to the popular student on Wednesday 4 January. NUI Galway’s Students’ Union President, Emmet Connolly said that there had been a huge outpouring of grief following the news of Andrew’s death. Connolly also urged those struggling to deal with the tragedy to utilise the counseling services that are available in the college. “We’re obviously very saddened to hear of the untimely an unexpected death of one of our fellow students,” Connolly said. “Our hearts go out to his friends and classmates here on campus.

Glycoscience Research in NUI Galway attracting 5 major funding NUI Galway appoints Ireland’s first Professor of Midwifery


National Breast Cancer Research Institute


€90 Million UCD development scheme


Sin speaks to Declan Ganley


Meet the Mitchell Scholars


NUIG Clubs’ 2011 in Review


“We would encourage anyone finding it hard to deal with Andrew’s death to call up to Brian Grant, the Welfare Officer, in the

Students’ Union offices or to contact the Counselling Service on Distillery Road.” Continued on Page 2

Three NUI Galway Academics to Sit on Council of State By Katie Finnegan Three NUI Galway academics have been chosen by President Michael D. Higgins as appointees to the Council of State. Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, Mrs Justice Catherine McGuinness and Professor Gerard Quinn were appointed by the president along with four others. Professor Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh is a retired histor y professor and a former Dean of Arts and vice-president of the college. Professor Ó Tuathaigh has held many important roles including having been a member of the Senate of the NUI and of the Irish-US Fulbright Commission and

has also been a former Cathaoirleach of Údarás na Gaeltachta. Prof Ó Tuathaigh has been widely published in both Irish and English on many different areas of modern Irish history. Judge Catherine McGuinness was called to the Bar in 1977 and to the Inner Bar in 1989. She was a member of Seanad Éireann from 1979-82 and was previously a member of the Council of State from 1988-90. She served as a judge of the Circuit Court from 1994-1996, of the High Court from 19962000 and of the Supreme Court from 2000-2006. From 2005-2011, she was President of the Law Reform Commission. She is currently the Adjunct

Professor of Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Professor Gerard Quinn is the current Director of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway. The center is part of a new research institute researching policy innovation covering age, child and family as well as disability. A graduate of NUIG, he holds a master’s and doctorate in law from Harvard Law School. His specialisation is international and comparative disability law and policy. He has worked in the European Commission and is a former member of the Irish Human Rights Commission. Continued on Page 2

Professor Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh and Professor Gerard Quinn. Images courtesy of the Marketing & Communications Office, NUI Galway.

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NUI Galway Mourns Tragic Three NUI Galway Passing of Popular Student Academics to Sit on Council of State Continued from Page 1

The priest officiating the funeral which took place at St. Mary’s Church, Carrickon-Shannon, described Andrew as a quiet young man. “How utterly unthinkable that he should be the victim of such an unprovoked and vicious assault,” Fr. Garvey told the mourners who had gathered to pay their respects. The congregation of mourners included former president, Mary McAleese, her husband, Senator Martin McAleese, and NUI Galway President, Dr. James Browne. “Why can young people not go out and enjoy themselves celebrating with their friends, without the menace of an unwarranted attack from those who seem intent on random acts of

violence?” Fr. Garvey asked. The priest also appealed to young people to look out for each other as it is no longer safe to walk alone in the streets. In his tribute to his son, Mr. Dolan expressed his happiness that three other families were celebrating life, thanks to Andrew’s insistence on carrying a donor card. This, at least, provided some comfort to the Dolan family. Andrew was a very popular student and had many friends, including Sean McHugh who knew him for five years: “Andy was a gentleman. He was just a lovely, lovely person to know. He was a great friend. Nobody had anything bad to say about him. Anything he did, he worked for and he worked very hard. He loved

sport; he loved hanging out with his friends. He was just a naturally quiet person. “It hit us hard, just before Christmas,” Sean continued, “We heard about it first and thought ‘he’s gonna be okay, he’s gonna pull through it’ and then we found out it was worse than we thought, and then it just all went downhill from there. On New Year’s Day he passed away.” All connected with NUI Galway were deeply shocked by the tragedy of Andrew’s death. SU Welfare Officer Brian Grant wishes to remind students that a memorial service will be held in the college chapel on 23 January at 5pm for those who would like to pay our respects. Andrew’s name will also appear in the NUI Galway memorial garden.

Continued from Page 1 The four others are Sally Mulready, a councilor in Hackney in London and a prominent emigrant rights activist in Britain who moved there from Dublin in the 1970s, Prof Deirdre Heenan of the University of Ulster, human rights lawyer Michael Farrell and Ruairí McKiernan (32), a social entrepreneur from Cootehill, Co Cavan. During his presidential campaign, Mr Higgins promised that if elected president he would make sure the council was “representative in an inclusive sense”. The Council of State

is the body established under the Constitution to advise the President in the exercise of his powers. Presidents can convene the council to consider legislation, but are not bound by its recommendations. The council is composed of the Taoiseach, the Tánaiste, the Chief Justice, the president of the High Court, the Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann, the Cathaoirleach of the Seanad, the Attorney General, and former presidents, Taoisigh and chief justices who are able and willing to act on the council. Aside from the seven appointed members, the current “ex officio” mem-

bers of the Council of State are Taoiseach Enda Kenny; Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Eamon Gilmore; Chief Justice Mrs Justice Susan Denham, Ceann Comhairle Seán Barrett, Seanad Cathaoirleach Senator Patrick Burke, president of the High Court Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns and Attorney General Máire Whelan. The other members are former presidents Mary McAleese and Mary Robinson, former Taoisigh Liam Cosgrave, John Bruton, Albert Reynolds, Bertie Ahern and Brian Cowen; and former chief justices John L Murray, Thomas Finlay and Ronan Keane.

Future Business Magnates Mentored at NUI Galway

Minister for Health Speaks at Conference on Autism in NUI Galway

By Marése O’Sullivan

The Minister for Health James Reilly spoke at Ireland’s inaugural international conference on Autism last week, 12 - 13 January. The conference was entitled: ‘Autism Spectrum Disorder: from Clinical Practice to Educational Provision.’ It was organised by the Irish Centre for Autism and the Neurodevelopment research at the school of Psychology at NUI Galway and was sponsored by Autism Speaks, which is the largest autism-based charity in the world and the American Ireland Fund. It proved to be the largest autism-related conference ever to be held in Ireland. The Minister’s son is on the spectrum and has received an honours degree in genetics from Trinity College Dublin. Other speakers included Dr Geraldine Leader from the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopment Research in NUI Galway. The international conference took place in The Bailey Allen Hall in NUI Galway last week. The overall aim of the conference was to heighten awareness of autism as well

The J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics in NUI Galway recently played host to industry professionals and corporate experts at a career-mentoring event designed to tackle the concerns of future graduates. Around forty students attended the event and were able to have one-on-one discussions with a range of prominent figures from the business world. These twenty mentors, all of whom have established respected careers in global or national companies, offered advice from their hands-on experience to the future moguls. Dr. Emer Mulligan, Head of the School of Business and Economics, declared how “delighted” the university was to hold the successful careermentoring events again. “This initiative highlights the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics’ commitment to prepar-

ing its students for careers in the real world. It also complements our newly introduced modules focusing on Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise, and Skills for Work Life on all of our undergraduate business programmes.” The students involved in the event were able to gain a true insight into the corporate world, while also receiving tips and recommendations on how to utilise their potential and progress in the competitive area of commerce. Second-year Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting student, Keith Rynhart, complimented the mentors on their guidance and stated that he now feels much more comfortable with his choice of occupation. “The career mentoring session was a wonderful experience,” he said. “It really helped me clarify the path that I wish to take in the future and make some contacts in the business world.”

By Martina Maughan

as increase available support for families in Ireland who have a family member with autism. It also strived to strengthen the international co-operation between Ireland and the US on these issues in addition to presenting research on autism carried out in the US. The event convened researchers, health care professionals and parents to review the best possible practices and examine recent developments in autism research. It also exhibited

the most recent advances in diagnosis, education, clinical management as well as adult service provision. American studies have shown that the number of children being diagnosed with autism in America has doubled over the last decade. An estimated 600 children are born with the condition in Ireland every year. The reason for this increase is still unclear but it is believed that better diagnosis is one of the main causal factors. The conference revealed

the latest research on the early diagnosis of autism and parents of children with autism were also invited to attend. Additionally there was a workshop provided for parents guiding them on how to identify early signs of autism to ensure an early diagnosis and secure a better prognosis for children. The Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopment Research at NUI Galway is due to be officially launched by President Michael D. Higgins next month.

Pictured at the opening of the First International Autism Conference in Ireland at NUI Galway from left: Dr Simon Wallace, Autism Speaks; Dr Jim Browne, President of NUI Galway; Dr Geraldine Leader, Centre of Autism and Neurodevelopment Research, NUI Galway; and Mr Andy Shih, Autism Speaks. Image courtesy of the Marketing & Communications Office, NUI Galway.


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Editorial Welcome back everyone! Oh, how I’ve missed you. All over Christmas intriguing stories kept piling into my mailbox, fun tidbits and rumours, students getting arrested and hints that someone called Fo Shizzle would be playing the Commerce Ball. I was so excited to get the Sin crack team of journalists on the case. Then one story came to light just before Christmas, which was not exciting. Something truly tragic. A nightmare. How does a college paper tastefully report the loss of a student, while also portraying the details of the tragic incident, as a paper should? It was compounded by the fact that Andrew Dolan was, by all accounts, a truly lovely human being. He was popular and beloved by his fellow students. The tributes poured in, and we were left sifting through the details of a tragic incident, an outpouring of grief and the bittersweet news that Andrew’s death has allowed so many others to live. I wish to thank Jessica for accepting this difficult assignment, and for dutifully informing us of what happened, while feeling the loss of a fellow student. I would also like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the entire Sin team, to extend our deepest sympathies to A n d r e w ’s f a m i l y a n d friends. Though it is a sad start to the New Year, January is always a season of new beginnings. This issue we speak a lot about extracurricular activities. The things we do in college

that are less ‘School of Engineering’ and more ‘School of Life’. Socs and Clubs day last week got me thinking about it particularly. There’s a lot happening on this campus, and aside from the fact that these extracurriculars are really fun to get involved in, they really do make a difference to your ‘personal development’ and to your career prospects. Here are some examples of buzzwords you could put on your CV as a result of, lets say, writing for Sin: “Has a proven ability to meet deadlines.” “Excellent researcher, with the ability to investigate not only what is being said, but what is not being

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Múscailt Set to Illuminate Campus By Barbara Preston

said.” “An acute attention to detail.” “Can graciously accept free concert tickets.” So if you’re looking for a New Years Resolution, and you’ve already done Aoife Brennan’s work out twice today, come along and get involved with your college paper. We’d love to have you, and with all this career development on offer really we’re doing you a favour. One more thing: carry a donor card.

Editorial Meetings have moved to Monday

6pm in AC214 (through the yellow doors beside the Bank of Ireland)

Everyone is welcome to come along and get involved in Sin.

Spring is coming and with it Múscailt 2012, NUI Galway’s week-long arts festival which showcases the amazing depth and breadth of artistic talent on campus. Rita Ann Higgins, Galway’s highly acclaimed poet and playwright will launch the eleventh annual festival in the Bank of Ireland Theatre on Wednesday, January 18 at 1pm. Rita is no stranger to NUI Galway, having been the Writer in Residence 1994-95. This year’s theme is ‘Illuminations’ which, according to Fionnuala Gallagher, NUI Galway Arts Officer, “represents a bursting forth of ideas from

all of the art forms”. Lighting up the week will be offerings from a large number of the university societies, a taste of which will be given at the launch – a short performance by the cast of Spring Awakening, the musical, by GUMS. Currently in rehearsal, the Tony Award winning musical will be staged in the Town Hall Theatre next month and promises to be a production not to be missed. The festival itself takes place from 6 - 10 February and, to whet your appetite, some of the other highlights to look forward to are offerings from the Juggling Soc, including spectacular fire juggling and a special, magical

performance by Yann Frisch; Comicsoc’s 24 hour Comic Challenge to produce an original comic and performances from Dramsoc and a poetry slam. Music plays a big part in Múscailt, and the final of Ents and Musicsoc Witless Competition will be on in the College Bar. Many guest musicians will be performing around campus as well as NUI Galway Orchestra, Tradsoc, Choralsoc and Diplóma in Trad. Music students. Múscailt is not only about performance; it encompasses all of the arts and offers a wide variety of events and fun things to do. It kicks off with an illustrated lecture with student participation by special guest artist, Sinéad Aldridge, on Protest Art, and she will also launch Artsoc’s annual show on day one. Other artists involved will be Mariella Macleman, artist in residence with Geology and Zoology; Eleanor Brennan is holding a new show in the Arts Millennium Building; and Anthony J. Faulder Mawson will transform one of the glass bridges between the Arts and Science Building and IT – something to look out for! New films from the students of the Houston Film School will be shown during the festival and Anime and Manga Soc will be showing some classics. It’s building up to be a bigger and better festival than ever, with something for everyone and myriad opportunities for getting involved. Full details will be revealed at the launch on Wednesday, 18 with a free reception to enjoy as well as the entertainment, so get along to the Bank of Ireland Theatre to be ‘Illuminated’ by Múscailt.

Editor: Rosemary Gallagher | Layout: Shannon Reeves | Contact via Ed. News Editor: Colette Sexton | Features Editors: Orla Reilly and Arthur Walsh Foreman | Fashion, Arts & Entertainment Editor: Ashling O Loughlin | Sports Editor: Marian Clohosey | Web Editor: Jessica Thompson: Photography: Ciara Holmes (unless otherwise specified) | Contributors: Mohit Agrawal | Mustapha Al-Hayani | Leigh Ashmore | Barnacle | Aoife Brennan | Sandra Butler | Eileen Cameron | Chris Clyne | Róisín Connaughton | Aisling Crowe | Darcy | Dr. Frances Fahy | Joyce Fahy | Katie Finnegan | Martina Gannon | Fiona Gillespie | Brian Grant | Mary Greene | Sinead Healy | Declan Higgins | Alan Keane | Jane Kearns | Mark Kelly | Conor Lane | Adam Loughnane | Grainne Lynch | Gerard Madden | Austin Maloney | Siobhan Manson | Martina Maughan | Marie Mc Intyre | Pádraig McMahon | Ashling O Loughlin | Cormac O’Malley | Marése O’Sullivan | Roisin Peddle | Barbara Preston | Colette Sexton | Anne-Marie Shanahan | Style Spotter | Lia Stokes | Jessica Thompson | Paul Varley

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Every Day I’m Shufflin! By Siobhan Manson NUI Galway’s Centre for Irish studies has announced Róisín Ní Mhainín as Sean-nós dancer in residence for 2012. Róisín said “I am thrilled to be appointed sean-nós dancer in residence and it is exciting to return to NUI Galway where I graduated.” A native of Rosmuc, Róisín is widely acclaimed as being one of the leading exponents of sean-nós dancing worldwide. With over twenty years of dancing experience Róisín has performed extensively in both live productions like The Well in Vicar Street and television programmes such as Between Jigs and Reels. She has also hosted workshops throughout Europe and performing as far afield as the Las Vegas, Nigeria and Brazil. The post of dancer/ singer residency was implemented to represent the university’s connection with the

traditional arts and an acknowledgement of Sean-nós as a valued art form. Since 2002 six highly acclaimed singers have held the position but Róisín is only the second dancer to have been invited. Seosamh Ó Neachtain, also hailing from Connemara, was dancer in residence in 2009. Sean- nós, meaning old style, has its origins in the west of Ireland and to this day the area is home to many of the countries finest and most reputable Sean-nós dancers and singers. Professor Gearóid Denvir observed that Róisín draws from the wellspring of traditional culture in Connemara through her steps. The Irish Centre believes the resident artist post consolidates the relationship between the Centre for Irish Studies and the Irish-speaking communities of South Connemara. Since the global success of Riverdance Irish dancing has become increasingly popular

internationally. Róisín said that “for many years perhaps sean-nós dancing was not fully understood or appreciated as a part of Irish culture therefore it is satisfying to see how it is being recognised as a central part of our heritage.” Its growing popularity is evident at An tOireachtas, the annual sean- nós dancing competition, in which Róisín has enjoyed huge success in the past. The event is televised and attended by competitors and spectators from across the world. As part of her residency, Róisín will display her talents at a number of performances throughout the year. She has also begun hosting a seven-week instructive workshop and she hopes the students will enjoy learning the sean-nós style of dance. The next class will take place on Wednesday, 18 January at the Aula Maxima at 7pm. Attendance is free and is open to students and the general public.

New Masters to Explore Effects of HP in Galway By Marie Mc Intyre Hewlett Packard (HP) Galway and NUI Galway recently launched a Masters Fellowship in Commerce as part of the fortieth anniversary celebrations of HP Galway. This research based Masters Fellowship in commerce will analyse the impact of HP Galway on the regional and national economy over the last forty years. The research will examine the knock-on effects of HP Galway in terms of the economic development of Galway, the Western region and nationally. It will also focus on other impacts especially the development of the Information and Communications Te c h n o l o g i e s ( I C T ) industry in Ireland, man-

agement capabilities, the creation of startups, and educational support at secondary and tertiary levels. The strength of ICT industry is Ireland cannot be understated. Five of the world’s leading global ICT companies, including HP, have considerable bases here. The sector in Ireland currently employs 91,000 people. This has led to the growth in reputation of Ireland’s thriving ICT sector with additional ICT companies choosing Ireland on the back of this reputation. In addition to the benefits of a developed sector and low corporation tax, Ireland has the highest proportion of science graduates of any other EU member state (Eurostat). Ireland has seven universities and numerous

institutes of technology and other academic institutes, which produce consistent levels of highly educated science graduates who will seek employment in ICT and related areas. The purpose of fellowships of this nature is to encourage and support graduates of proven academic excellence to advance their scholarly research gaining industry knowledge, while contributing to the research and development of companies such as HP. Opportunities such as this do not make themselves available every day. Details of the Masters fellowship are available at cisc and the closing date for applications is the Wednesday, 18 January, 2012.

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GMIT to Host National Food Forum By Pádraig McMahon Ireland’s first national food forum is to be held in Galway on 2 February. The one-day event will be hosted by the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology Hotel School. It aims to provide an interactive experience showcasing local and artisan food produce and to provide a network for likeminded “foodies”. The event will include a series of master classes with industry professionals and demonstrations from well known chefs. The type of foods showcased will range from Irish Lamb and Pork and bread making to chocolate craft and even molecular gastronomy. To complement the food a dedicated “Drinks Quarter” will provide classes in wine appreciation, beer and food-matching and a chance to meet whiskey distillers and blenders. Proceedings will culminate in a celebratory dining experience prepared by GMIT

Hotel School lecturers and students. The forum which takes place at the Dublin Road Campus, is the brainchild of three GMIT Hotel School lecturers; Jacinta Dalton, Cormac Handy and Colin Gilligan. It aims to support the local food industry and promote sustainability, as well as providing GMIT culinary students with further opportunities to showcase their skills. Last December students of the BA in Culinary Arts degree programme developed a number of innovative new food products as part of their second year “Food Product Development” module. Students were asked to respond to changing consumer demands such as glutenfree foods or convenient ready-to-eat products. Among the nine new products showcased were Cake-Mix (a gluten free vanilla oven ready sponge mix) and Squeeze Me Hummus (chocolate-flavoured

squeezable hummus). The event will also include an indoor local producer market and is seen as an ideal opportunity to highlight the excellent work of local food and beverage products in the run up to the Volvo Ocean Race set to arrive in Galway this summer. Food is seen as one of the four ‘pillars’ of the race along with marine, innovation and green, according to Cait Noone, Head of the Hotel School at GMIT. The Foodie forum is open to the public and industry colleagues. Anyone wishing to attend must register their interest before 20 January at foodieforum. Tickets for the event cost €10, however students will be admitted free to the day event with a valid student ID. Tickets inclusive of the celebratory meal are €35. Further information and regular updates can be found on twitter @thefoodforum or on Facebook by searching for ­TheFoodieForum.

NUI Galway and Presentation Secondary School Partnership By Eileen Cameron For those of you looking for a birthday present or special gift for a child a new venture between students from the Presentation Secondary School in Galway City and the NUIG MSc in Strategic Marketing could be the answer. As part of a new e-Commerce module in their transition year, and with the assistance of their business teacher Eleanor Fogarty, the Presentation students are developing an online marketing strategy for a new children’s book. The book is called Willou Mac Wiggle and the Dive Dive Birds. It was written by Declan Clarke, with illustrations by Rebecca Kane, one of the Presen-

tation School Transition Year students. The book is designed for children aged between two and six. It is set in Wormsville where the brave hero Willou and his friends protect all the worm folk from the Dive Dive birds. Willou Mac Wiggle and the Dive Dive Birds is available for download on iTunes for €5.99. The online campaign will give both the Transition Year and the MSc students valuable experience in online marketing. Discussing this new initiative, Dr Ann Torres, Lecturer in Marketing with the J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics at NUI Galway, said: “The MSc Strategic Marketing cultivates students’ practical skills through the

application of theory to real business situations, such as developing an e-marketing strategy for an e-book. It is this link between practice and theory that enhances the MSc students’ capability to perform as an effective marketer. Further, NUI Galway’s involvement with the Presentation Secondary School is a valuable gateway in which secondary school students may gain an insight into the opportunities associated with third-level education.” As part of their e-Commerce strategy, the students have launched a Facebook page which can be accessed at http://www.facebook. com/pages/Willou-Mac-­ Wiggle/162753060485920.

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New Competition Makes Students Very ‘Appy By Grainne Lynch NUI Galway and GMIT are giving students the opportunity to create their own web or mobile app with the new competition, Code Ninja. The competition is open to students of all disciplines and all you need to enter is a good idea. Once you have registered your interest, there are workshops and training in design and programming, as well as feedback and mentoring as the app is developed. It’s a great opportunity for students to learn new skills from app experts and bring students from the two colleges together.

It’s also an opportunity to forge links between NUI Galway, GMIT and the tech community in Galway. Dr Jim Duggan of NUI Galway and Dr Dean Duignan of GMIT believe that by talking part in Code Ninja students can learn new skills, network with the technology entrepreneurs and academic experts with a view to fostering a culture of creativity and excitement, as well as adding value to their curriculum vitae. There is a growing start-up culture in Galway and Code Ninja hopes to encourage and build on that. This idea is supported by Galway technology entrepreneurs

Mike FitzGerald, CEO, OnepageCRM, and Paul Killoran, CEO of Starlight. ie. The apps can be developed for any web or mobile platform and focus on any area - Gaming, Social, Business, Entertainment, Local, Music, Education, etc. You can enter the competition as an individual or as a group. The individual prizes are an iPad for the winner and an iPod Touch for the runner-up, while there are cash prizes of €500 and €250 for the g r o u p w i n n e r s . Vi s i t to register and do it soon because the first workshop is on 19 January.

Glycoscience Research Going Sweetly in NUI Galway By Mark Kelly Glycoscientists in NUI Galway have had a lot of success in recent times. Research into the field of complex sugars, which cover all the cells in the human body and many of the proteins in the bloodstream, has been progressing well. Learning how sugar changes as the body grows or as diseases develop could lead to some massive scientific discoveries. The research group, led by Professor Lokesh Johsi, has secured tens of millions of euro in the last year. For research into this field alone, €3 million has been secured. The investments for different areas of research within Glycoscience have come from different bodies including the Government and others. The Government’s new Food Institutional Research Measure (FIRM), which was recently

announced by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, has funded the group to study the sugar components of milk, in conjunction with researchers in the Teagasc Research Station, Co. Cork. The aim is to improve the infant milk formula industry in Ireland, a world leader in the infant milk formula industry. It has also secured funding from the Technology Innovation Development Awards (TIDA), from the Science Foundation Ireland in association with Enterprise Ireland. The group will lead one of these successful award projects and will collaborate on another two, the aim being to identify innovative ideas in glycoscience for commercial benefit. More funding with the Alimentary Glycoscience Research Cluster,

also supported by Science Foundation Ireland has been secured. The group will collaborate with many other similar groups around the country to investigate sugars in the gut, how to counteract gut pathogens and improving treatments to foster and maintain a healthier gut. Finally, Dr. Siobhan Glavey, a postgraduate student of NUI Galway, has secured a prestigious award from the Health Research Board under the National SpR/SR Academic Fellowship Programme 2011 and will join the group to investigate the role of glycosylation in the development and progression of multiple myeloma, a cancer of antibody-producing plasma cells in the body. This research will be directed by Prof. Johsi and Prof. Micheal O’Dwyer of the Haematology Department at University Hospital Galway.

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NUI Galway Appoints Ireland’s First Professor of Midwifery By Katie Finnegan NUI Galway has announced the appointment of the Republic of Ireland’s first Professor of Midwifery. Professor Declan Devane is based at NUI Galway’s School of Nursing and Midwifery. The school has approximately 700 students and is at the forefront of nursing and midwifery education and research in Ireland. Every year, over 75,000 babies are born in Ireland. Commenting on his appointment, Professor Devane said that he was delighted and honoured to accept the new role: “My hope is that my appointment will enable me to work with those who seek a better service for childbearing women and their children. Most births take place against a backdrop of sub-optimal infrastructure, in large and aging hospitals with too few delivery suites.” Dr Jim Browne, Presi-

dent of NUI Galway, said “Professor Devane has a proven record of excellence in teaching and research. Through his research work, his professional activities and his interest in developing international collaborations, Professor Devane will make a valuable contribution to the success of our School of Nursing and Midwifery, which has established a growing research reputation.” Over his 22-year career in nursing and midwifery, Professor Devane has established an international reputation as a leading researcher and scholar in his areas of expertise, which include the implementation and evaluation of models of maternity care and on methods of assessment of fetal wellbeing. Professor Devane qualified as a nurse in Galway and as a midwife in Bristol and Gloucestershire, where he worked before returning to Ireland to work in the Rotunda, the Coombe

Women & Infants University Hospital and in Trinity College Dublin. He is a member of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Expert Network of Research Advisors, a member of the Midwifery Committee of An Bord Altranais, and an Honorary Visiting Fellow of both the UK Cochrane Centre and the Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital. Professor Devane is passionate about the care of children with serious illnesses, particularly those with life-limiting illness, and is a Director of the children’s cancer charity for the West, Hand in Hand (http:// In 2009, combining fundraising activities for this charity with his love of scuba diving, he raised over €35,000 for charity and simultaneously set a Guinness World Record for the ‘Longest open saltwater SCUBA dive (cold water)’.

FEE activists organised an occupation of Fine Gael TD Brian Walsh’s office in Bohermore in late November, in a preemptive protest against the reintroduction of fees in December’s budget. A number of activists chained themselves to desks inside the constituency office, while two others climbed on top of the roof and unfurled a banner. Firemen arrived to rescue the student protestor remaining on the roof of the building, who was eventually helped down with the aid of the fire chief. The protest resulted in the arrests of nine student activists, including Students’ Union Irish Officer, Senan MacAoidh.

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FEE Activist George Carr demonstrates his solidarity.

New Developments in Language Learning in GMIT By Jane Kearns Despite the recent budget cuts to the teaching of foreign languages at primary school level, there have been some new developments in language learning throughout the EU, all thanks to a new online teaching resource which is being partly developed by GMIT. EuroCatering Language Training is a web based programme which is aimed at those in the catering and restaurant industry who wish to improve their language skills. The objective of the website is to teach students the terminology they would hear in a kitchen

or restaurant, this is done by presenting students with a variety of situations that they may encounter while working; broadening their vocabulary and making them more confident with their new language. The programme offers twelve different European languages, ranging from German to Finnish and even Irish, and is currently being used by GMIT students studying business and culinary arts. The programme was developed by partners from all over Europe, (including GMIT which represented Ireland) over three years costing €400,000 which was funded by the European

Commission’s Leonardo Programme. The new phase of the project which will train reception workers was recently developed in GMIT where emissaries from all the participating countries met to complete the language training project. The programme has already received a number of awards, and looks like it will continue to thrive well into the future, with lecturers in GMIT’s School of Humanities saying it is a fantastic programme that has been integrated into the Business and Culinary Arts curriculum and is proving to be an excellent learning tool for students.

Students’ Union Equality Officer Will O’Brien who arrived late to the protest and failed to get arrested.

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€1 Million Donated to NUI Galway for Breast Cancer Research Facility By Marése O’Sullivan NUI Galway’s upcoming Translational Research Facility has recently received a €1 million donation for its development from the National Breast Cancer Research Institute (NBCRI), through the Galway University Foundation. The facility will be on the grounds of University Hospital Galway, beside the Clinical Sciences Institute (where NBCRI is located). It will welcome ten main

researchers, as well as 120 scholars specialising in cancer biology and other clinical disciplines. The scientists will have an open-plan wet laboratory space, including a write-up area, in the facility; this is to ensure groups can come and go throughout their study, depending on their needs. Each office for the ten primary examiners and the varied support resources – for example, tissue culture and microscopy – will be based around

the open-plan area. This design is to assist the multidisciplinary methods and approaches that it is hoped will be taken at the breast cancer research facility. Established in 1991, the NBCRI has been fully supportive of the plan for the facility, their aim being “to conduct relevant, ethical research into the biology of breast cancer, to determine the cause of this disease and improve the treatment for patients.” They state, “Ongoing

research is essential to ensure the optimal treatment for all patients, to reduce their side effects, to improve their quality of life and, primarily, increase their chance of survival.” NUI Galway alumnus and Professor of Surgery at the university, Professor Kerin, believes that “the key to managing breast cancer is to individualise treatment and to give each patient the therapies most likely to cure them yet spare the toxicity of the

treatments.” This result can be achieved by the creation of a first-class breast cancer research institute. President James Browne affirmed NUI Galway’s delight to obtain such a wonderful donation for the development of the University’s Translational Research Facility. “[The service] will allow our researchers to ‘translate’ their work into practical strategies, which will help patients and those facing currently intractable health ALIVEStand.qxd


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problems. The cutting-edge work being done by Galway scientists and clinicians will be brought from ‘bench to bedside’ in the new Translational Research Facility. “On behalf of NUI Galway, I would like to sincerely thank the NBCRI, who do such sterling work to raise awareness of breast cancer. Their generous support will enable cancer sufferers to benefit from innovative treatments to address their health concerns in the future.”

NUIG Professor to Receive Major Award By Katie Finnegan One of Ireland’s leading scientists working in the field of stem cell therapy is to receive a major award in recognition of his work at NUI Galway. Professor Frank Barry, Director of the National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science at NUI Galway, is to receive the Marshall R. Urist Award for

Excellence in Tissue Regeneration Research. It is the first time the award will go a scientist working outside of the US. The award was created in 1996 and is sponsored by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. This esteemed award honours people that have established themselves as cutting-edge researchers in tissue regeneration research. It was named

Professor Frank Barry. Image courtesy of the Marketing & Communications Office, NUI Galway.

after Dr Marshall R. Urist (1914-2001) who carried out pioneering studies on bone induction and the identification of bone morphogenetic protein which transformed orthopedic medicine. Harry A. McKellop, Chair of the Awards and Recognition Committee of the Orthopaedic Research Society, said: “The Urist Award honours investigators who have made significant contributions to research in tissue regeneration. It is presented to Professor Barry in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of cell mediated therapies in bone and joint repair, and the impact of his research on improving the understanding of tissue regeneration and joint metabolism.” Professor Frank Barry, originally from Cobh in Co Cork, moved to the US in 1990 to work with Osiris Therapeutics in Baltimore. This company is currently one of the leading companies engaged in the development of stem cell therapies. He returned to Ireland in 2004 and is currently Scientific Director of the Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) based in the Orbsen Building at NUI Galway. In 2009, he took over as Director of NCBES and manages seventy academic

investigators and 300 researchers who develop groundbreaking diagnostic and therapeutic solutions in the areas of Biomedical Engineering, Cancer, Neuroscience, and Regenerative Medicine. Speaking after the announcement of the award, Professor Barry stated “It is an extraordinary honour for me personally to receive this award and I am very grateful to the Orthopaedic Research Society for recognising the research I have been involved in over the last number of years. I am fully aware that research of this nature involves teams of scientists and I have been very fortunate to work with many talented and innovative researchers in the US and especially now at NUI Galway.” Professor Barry will be presented with a commemorative plaque and an honorarium of $5,000 during the 2012 Annual Meeting of the ORS in San Francisco, on 6 February. Professor Barry will join the company of previous distinguished recipients, including Drs. Ernesto Canalis, A. Hari Redi, Arnold Caplan, Richard Coutts, Thomas Einhorn, Steven Goldstein, Rocky Tuan, Farshid Guilak, Chris Evans, Vicky Rosen and Jay Lieberman.

NUI Galway Presidential Award for Volunteering

The ALIVE Certificate Reward Recognition Celebration Awarded annually by the President of NUI Galway to students in acknowledgment of all extra-curricular volunteering. Unique opportunity for NUI Galway students to achieve recognition for their voluntary commitment to communities. A prestigious achievement celebrated at the annual ALIVE Certificate Ceremony.

Apply online today at

ES G PA THE SU É Gaillimh O n in é L c a M a n s a lt a h Com ion n U ' ts n e d tu S y a lw a G I U N

"The mission of the Union shall be to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society." — Constitution of the Students’ Union

! s t n e d u t s l a n o i t a n r e t n i r u o l l a o t y a n o i n Welcome to Galw U ­ ’ s t n e d u t S e h t n i s u o t p u l l a C ! h . e r Fáilte go Gaillim e h y a t s r u o y g n i r u d s n o i t s e u q y n a e if you hav

Class Reps Review Over the next week and a half the­ ­Students’ Union will be carrying out a review of the Class Rep System. • This will be taking place in selected classes throughout the campus. • There will be a short survey for each student to fill out, to see how well they believe their Class Rep is performing. • The survey should take no longer than five minutes to complete. • There is also an area on the survey for suggestions on how to make the Class Rep System better.

Universal Gym Membership

The Students’ Union and the University are currently in negotiations regarding a deal which would lead to universal membership of the University Sports Centre for NUI Galway students. Both parties are aiming to have negotiations finalised within the next three weeks, and for a comprehensive proposal regarding such a deal to be put before the student body by referendum in mid-to-late February. While we cannot confirm exact details of the deal at this stage, we can say that we are aiming for it to involve students contributing no more than €50 on top of the current €224 NUI Galway Student Levy, and that extensive renovations to the gym to accommodate increased numbers must occur before students are asked to pay an increased levy.

€2  Clubs  Charge in  Kingfisher Abolished As part of the Rag Week agreement signed between the University and the Students’ Union earlier this year, the €2 charge which had to be paid by members of sports teams, who are not members of the Kingfisher Club, to attend training in the Sports Centre has been abolished. This is good news for participation in sports and is to be welcomed.

Calling all innovators! Do you have an idea you’d like to see come to life? Want to create a podcast? Propose a new method of assessment? Design a new technology tool for your course or for campus? Whatever it is you have in mind, the Students’ Union and NUI Galway want you to make your idea an on-campus reality. The EXPLORE Student Staff Innovation Initiative is currently inviting applications from students and from staff. The application process is very straightforward. It’s vital that each application has a minimum of one student and one staff member, and that projects are innovative (not already being done) and sustainable on campus. This is a great way to pilot a new idea, make your mark on campus and boost your CV!

Apply now to EXPLORE The first application deadline is 27 January 2012. Application forms and further information is available from Contact Amber at to find out more.

{10} 13–07

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Google Gives €1 Million to Trinity Science Gallery By Mark Kelly Trinity College Dublin have secured €1 million in funding for their Science Gallery. It comes at a time when investment in science in Ireland is one of the rare fields experiencing increased funding, and TCD’s plan to build an international network of these Science Galleries has attracted some funding from Google. Since its opening in Feb-

ruary of 2008, the Science Gallery, located at Trinity College Dublin, has seen over 800,000 visitors to its eighteen different exhibitions, with many of these being young people. The gallery was established in the hopes of encouraging and fostering a love of math, science, technology and engineering in younger people. With the success of the Science Gallery, Dr. Michael John Gorman, direc-

tor of the gallery, had an idea to expand the project to other Universities in other cities. With the European HQ of Google located in the city, Dr. Gorman was encouraged to apply to its philanthropic side,, for some of the €40 million on offer to institutions and research groups. The idea was welcomed warmly, and the gallery received one of the biggest portions of the funds to be awarded.

UCD Students’ Union Reform By Austin Maloney The Students Union at University College Dublin is set to undergo major reform in the next couple of months in response to a debt problem which has become apparent over the past year. The Students’ Union has found itself facing a large debt and has been forced to reorganise its structure and processes to address this problem. The Union is set to become a limited company and a new constitution is in the process of being drafted. Speaking to Sin about these changes at the end of November, UCD Students’ Union President Pat de Brún said “When I started in July I had some worries about the finances of the union, and I undertook a financial investigation into our financial position and it became clear to me that there were some issues. Upon further investigation it became clear that there was a serious deficit there and I employed an accounting firm to come in and charged them with getting the accounts up to date, to produce audited accounts for the

past five years, which had not been done, to assess the financial position and what, if any, debt existed, and to produce a work plan to make sure nothing like this ever happened again.” After this was done, it was discovered that the UCD SU had a significant debt, and that changes would need to be made. “Significant progress has been made since then,” said de Brún, “We’ve assessed that there is a large level of debt and we’re currently going about a large scale restructuring process, rebuilding from the ground up and restructuring the entire organisation. We’re looking at incorporating into separate limited companies, bringing in a new constitution, and changing the whole staff structures as well, so really it will be an entirely new organisation by the time this process is finished in a few months’ time. I’m incorporating the union as a limited company, which means that there is specific legal obligations to produce audited accounts every year .We’re putting that requirement into the new constitution

as well. We’re going to change our staffing structures, to bring in a commercial manager, and a general manager, and those kinds of long term permanent staff members who can really oversee the accounting situation and also just ensure that the union is run as efficiently as possible.” De Brún also said the scale of the debt problems were largely unknown at the Union prior to this year. “It was a complete shock. I didn’t think we had any debt at all, no one did. I don’t think anyone was aware to be honest, it was years of poor financial management and inadequate structures really, for an organisation with very high turnover and a large number of staff. It was just very poor financial management for years.” The Union plans to take out a long term loan to pay off the debts and then pay off the loan over a four to six year period. The union hopes to put the new constitution to council by 19 January and then vote on it by the end of February, and have the new constitution in place by the end of the college year.

“It is fantastic, we are completely thrilled with this,” said Dr Michael John Gorman. Google, the internet search-engine giant, had been a supporter of the gallery for years prior to Monday’s announcement. The gallery is interesting as it uses highly innovative and engaging exhibitions to interest students between the ages of 15 and 25 in science and engineering as well as the arts.

The idea behind the creation of The Global Science Gallery Network (GSGN) is to connect with different people from the arts, science, engineering and academic worlds, as well as fostering a curiosity in Science and Engineering in young people. “The Science Gallery is a new model for connecting young people to the world of science and the world of art and design.” This would be carried across to the eight new galleries. “You can tap into the smartest people in

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the city and harvest ideas,” Dr. Gorman said. “We create about five exhibitions a year. If we had science galleries in different cities we could create two exhibitions in Dublin and bring in three from the network and those from Dublin could go back into the network.” The plans to expand the gallery to other universities around the world is ambitious, but with a company like Google backing it, the aim to expand to eight universities by 2020 is a very real possibility.

UL Appoints Ireland’s First Female Professor of Primary Healthcare Research By Colette Sexton The University of Limerick has appointed Anne MacFarlane as Ireland’s first female professor of Primary Healthcare Research. Professor MacFarlane is not only the first female Professor in this discipline in Ireland but she is also the first social scientist to hold a Chair in academic primary care in Ireland. She has over twenty years experience of health services research. Professor MacFarlane’s work focuses on the involvement of people from marginalised communities in primary care research and development projects. In this, she uses participator y research methods and a contemporary social theory which centres on introducing and maintaining innovation in healthcare settings. Profes-

sor MacFarlane explained the importance of this research: “We need a high quality evidence base about primary care. This needs to be generated in Irish primary care settings so that services meet the needs of service users and their families. “My focus is on ensuring that service users have a ‘voice’ in generating that evidence base.” The Director of Research in the Graduate Entry Medical School, Professor Colum Dunne, commended Professor MacFarlane’s appointment. He said: “Prof MacFarlane’s appointment to GEMS represents an important addition to our faculty. Translational research, and programmes focused on effectiveness, efficiencies and economics in healthcare, must be holistic in engaging with stakeholders.

“Anne’s experience in researching this area will allow GEMS to continue to enhance its relevance to innovation in Irish and international healthcare.” Professor MacFarlane has a strong connection with NUI Galway. After graduating from University College Cork in 1992 with a B.A. (psychology and sociology) she continued her studies in the Department of Health Promotion, NUI Galway. She completed her MA (1995) and Ph.D (1998) here. She worked as a Research Fellow in University College London from 2000-2002, She then returned to NUI Galway and held a Health Research Board Health Services Research Fellowship in the Department of General Practice, NUI Galway (2002-2004). After this, Professor MacFarlane lectured here for a number of years.

European Investment Bank Finances €90 Million UCD development scheme By Conor Lane UCD will receive a €90 million investment from the European Investment Bank in an effort to redevelop the campus between 2011 and 2015. The European Investment Bank, created by the Treaty of Rome in 1958, has been the long-term lending institution of the European Union. This huge sum of money was originally intended to be financed by the government but due to budget cuts and an attempt to scale back in exchequer funding, it was

no longer feasible. Plutarchos Sakellaris, the EIB’s vice-president said that the university project is, “aimed at making the university more competitive in order to attract more students and more researchers”. The EIB borrows on the capital markets to finance these projects. The EIB’s objective is to contribute towards the integration and balanced development as well as the economic and social cohesion of the EU Member States by making long-term finance available to those who need it.

UCD plans to develop six buildings including the second phase of UCD’s Science Centre, construction of a new School of Law and refurbishment and construction of student accommodation. Dr. Hugh Brady, president of UCD, said that this, “partnership with the EIB will ensure that UCD consolidates and enhance its position at the top of the table of European universities.” The predominance of EIB financing in human capital is geared towards useful investment in buildings and equipment, but

a growing proportion goes to other investment such as academic research. This news may come as a surprise to the students of NUI Galway who are forced to put up with large scale excavation sites near key buildings that are not close to beginning construction nor are they being completed. Five years ago, a plan was devised to create a ‘campus of the future’ for a total cost of €400 million which was unveiled at the time due to the 40% growth in undergraduate students over a six year period.

This plan was supposed to be financed by a combination of the university’s resources, government grant aid and private philanthropic finance. There were supposed to be twenty major infrastructure projects with an emphasis on restructuring the campus to be oriented towards the River Corrib. It was initially thought that the process would take between 6 - 8 years but it is clearly a long way off that mark. Students of NUI Galway will feel aggrieved to know that the Belfield campus in UCD is

described as one of the finest university facilities in Europe and while NUI Galway may have a more historical feeling to its campus, it is evident that more needs to be invested for it to keep up with its student numbers. The ESB is also set to benefit from a loan scheme worth €235 million to fund ‘smart’ investments in Ireland’s electricity networks to enhance the transmission and distribution links from wind farms and to integrate renewables to these networks.

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Opinion: UCC Chief Hits Wrong Target

Life After College

By Roisin Peddle

Why academic merit alone won’t cut it.

According to UCC President, Dr Michael Murphy, the best and brightest of Irish Leaving Cert students, unwilling to mix with the plebs in Irish universities, are flocking to Harvard and Oxford. In remarks made to the Cork Chamber of Commerce in December, Dr Murphy said that the pressure of providing access to university for disadvantaged, disabled and mature students was leading to “academically talented” students studying abroad. “It has become unpopular, indeed politically incorrect, to voice concerns about the needs of academically talented students,” he said. “There is extensive anecdotal evidence

of many of our brightest students emigrating after completing Leaving Certificate for overseas education and never returning.” Dr Murphy has since toned down his remarks after condemnation from a number of Irish academics and Cork politicians. But is there any truth in the assertion that Irish students are leaving to go abroad? There is a reason why Dr Murphy said “anecdotal” evidence. Over 71,000 students applied to the CAO in 2010 and 61,000 listed Irish colleges offering Level 7 and 8 courses as their first preferences. That is a total of 90%. The remaining 10% are dispersed among apprenticeships, FETAC courses, work, emigration, social welfare and studying abroad.

US colleges offer a small number of athletic scholarships which lure Irish teenagers away. Northern Irish universities are not covered by the CAO. UK colleges, especially in Scotland, offer medical and science courses that are not available in Ireland. With all this factored in, the numbers doing undergraduate courses aboard is minuscule. Far more sinister is Dr Murphy’s assertion that “access” and “academically talented” are somehow mutually exclusive. It is true that some students benefit from the Higher Education Access Route scheme that offers courses on reduced points. However, there are strict criteria to meet, and it is designed to help students who cannot afford grinds or

attend a disadvantaged school. The majority of those who take part in Access programmes in universities do not need to go this route as they meet and exceed the points requirements for their chosen courses. The initiatives, which consist of orientation and small amounts of funding, are funded by the EU. Many access students go on to post-graduate education or work with not much more assistance than the general student population. Dr Murphy seems unaware of what is happening on the ground in his own and other universities. Like many issues in Irish society, the wrong target is again under fire. Dr Murphy gets paid €232,151 a year, and it is the access students who are using too many resources?

UCD Students to Benefit from Link with Chinese University By Marése O’Sullivan University College Dublin has signed a groundbreaking agreement with the Beijing University of Technology to form a ‘Beijing-Dublin International Campus,’ which will give Dublin students the chance to firmly integrate themselves into Chinese culture by opening up educational and research links between the two universities. The ‘study abroad’ opportunity will begin in September, with dual degree programmes in engineering, business and

science. Approximately 350 students are expected to benefit from the experience. The Mayor of Beijing, Guo Jinlong, who visited Ireland last September and received the inaugural Confucius Institute Medal at UCD from the Minister of Education, Ruairí Quinn, was present at the event at City Hall in Beijing and commented on the plan’s “milestone” achievement in revolutionising Chinese education. Mr Guo explained “This co-operation model is an innovation for the Beijing educational system. It’s

the first time to establish a co-operation between a municipal university and a foreign institution to set up a subsidiary campus.” President of UCD, Dr. Hugh Brady, stated that they planned to increase the venture to full university status in the near future. “The agreement came about very quickly,” he said. “We started talking about it in August [2011] and the first students will come in September [of this] year. The twinning of the cities of Beijing and Dublin was the inspiration, and

it gave us the support of the mayor.” He also voiced his hope that the campus would become the home of topquality Chinese and Irish language, culture and business students. Ambassador of Ireland to China, Declan Kelleher, gave a speech in Chinese at the signing and declared that his assistant, Lin Zhi, was a graduate of the technology university. Professor Alan Kennan, the manager of the development of the International Campus, also attended the event.

University of Limerick to Celebrate 40th Anniversary with Scholarships By Jessica Thompson The University of Limerick is marking its fortieth anniversary in style, by awarding scholarships worth €2,000 to forty lucky incoming students. The news will provide a much-needed boost to prospective students, and indeed their parents, following the budget announcement of an increase in fees. The scholarships will be awarded to students based on their performance in the Leaving Certificate. The scholarships will go a long way in paying the necessary bills

that come with college, leaving students and parents with €2,000 less to search for down the back of the couch. All CAO applicants will automatically be included in the selection process, as long as they have not already been offered or received a different scholarship or bursary from the University of Limerick. These scholarships will be offered across all disciplines of UL, and includes nine scholarships for each faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Education and Science, Kemmy Business School, and Science and Engineering.

As well as these, two scholarships will be awarded for the World Academy of Music and Dance, with an additional two offered for inter-faculty programmes, such as the BA in Law and Accounting. Speaking about these forty scholarships, Professor Paul McCutcheon, Vice President Academic and Registrar of the University of Limerick said “UL has grown expansively into an internationally renowned university and produced talented and high calibre graduates. The UL40 Scholarships are an ideal way to recognise UL’s academic achievements over the past

forty years since it first began by helping forty entrant students to begin their academic lives.” The scholarships of €2,000 each are funded by the University of Limerick in recognition of its fortieth year as an educational institute. The university was established as the National Institute for Higher Education in 1972. In 1989, the University of Limerick was established as the first new university in the history of the state. These scholarships, however small, bring a little bit of hope to prospective students in these difficult times.

By Declan Higgins Whether it’s GAA, lacrosse, charity, debating or juggling, it seems employers are growing ever more enthused by what students have done outside of the exam hall while they expend their time in college. Record numbers of students are enrolled in third level courses, and they are sticking out their degrees to graduation. This invariably means that among a vast pool of graduates, employers are in search of ‘individuals’; people who have peppered their time in university by delving into the multitude of activities available and left their mark thereon. Those heavily involved in societies and organisations in our own university have gone onto great success. Brendan Grehan (BA, LL.B.) SC, a previous auditor of Lit ‘n Deb, is now regarded as the foremost criminal barrister of his generation. The gregarious Pat Rabbitte (BA), T.D. is a previous president of the Students’ Union at NUI Galway. Most recently, Dannie

Hanna (BCL), a recipient of the ALIVE award for volunteering, worked with death row inmates in Texas and the Law Reform Commission in Dublin. These are but examples of the importance and recognition of ‘off the books’ activity in college. In a study commissioned by the Dublin Institute of Technology, students who partook in extra-curricular activities were found to be far less likely to drop out of college than their non-participating counterparts. That in itself speaks volumes of the positive impact of such a balance between business and pleasure in college life. While undeniably time consuming, clubs, societies and the SU provide a valuable outlet and interest focus for us all. It’s a fantastic way to meet new and interesting people that, without being involved, we would never have met. Employers have taken the correct decision to weight extra-curricular involvement nearly on a par with academic merit. For, in finding the perfect employee; you really can’t have one without the other!

Acknowledge my Effin Hometown! By Jessica Thompson About Effin time! The village of Effin in Co. Limerick has finally achieved what it set out to do so many months ago. Facebook have finally given up and allowed the happy villagers to list the parish as their hometown. The campaign to get Effin recognised by the social network was started by Effin woman, Ann Marie Kennedy, who works at the University of Limerick. She began the campaign after she and a number of others tried to insert Effin as their hometown, only to have it deemed “offensive”. Kennedy even set up a Facebook page called “Please get my hometown Effin recognised”, but this, too, was deemed “offensive”. It was an Effin disaster. Ann Marie Kennedy took to the airwaves to speak about her campaign, and gathered many followers. She interested not only those of us in Ireland, but also people in the

UK and even the US. Apparently Effin was not recognised by Facebook, as it is a parish, and not a village or town, but the campaigners did not let up, and finally Effin people got their own little Christmas present. “We weren’t told about it,” Kennedy told the Irish Independent, “but it seems that the change happened sometime over Christmas. It looks like everyone here in Ireland can register that as their homeplace. “It is great, but we’re not there yet. While anyone here in Ireland can put Effin as their homeplace, some people abroad cannot so hopefully that will be overcome soon as there is a lot of Effin people abroad.” It seems that the Effin issue has not been fully resolved, however, as the Effin phrase can still be used offensively, so only users living in Ireland are permitted to list the village as their own. What an Effin pain!


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Sustainable Campus: Towards Fair-Trade Universities

By Mary Greene University and college campuses, like many other institutions in contemporary society, are places of consumption. Every day in Ireland thousands of students and staff eat and consume in these spaces. Wouldn’t it be great, then, if we could know if the food we eat in canteens and cafes and the goods we buy in university stores are the products of ethical and environmentally conscious labour practices? As consumers our choices, decisions and demands have an enormous effect on international markets. But how aware are we of where the products we rely on and use on a daily basis come from? How conscious are we of the

working conditions, culture and identity of the producers whose livelihoods revolve around the production of these goods? How many of us stop to think of the environmental impact that the products we eat, wear and use on daily basis have on natural ecosystems? Unfortunately, the vast majority of the goods we consume on a daily basis are products of a globalised system of trade characterised by labour exploitation and environmental degradation. As consumers we have a role to play in directing how this system develops. In today’s complex system of international trade it can seem overwhelming to come to terms with the responsibility we have to make ethically aware choices in our everyday decisions. However, there is something we can do. Buying and selling Fair-trade products on campus helps to ensure that universities are supporting

products that, in turn, support equitable, sustainable development. Rather than facing the dilemma of questioning whether your morning coffee is the product of inhumane labour, or whether products with cheap prices are the result of exploitative labour processes (as is all too often the case), products labelled with Fair-trade certification guarantee the consumer that their money is promoting a system working towards sustainable development and poverty alleviation. According to Fairtrade Ireland: “Fair Trade is a market based development strategy that gives marginalized producers a chance to succeed in the global marketplace. It addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives... Fair Trade offers consumers a means to make

their purchasing power a tool for real social and economic change in the world.” Fair-trade aims to bring more equity into the complex international trade process. Essentially fair-trade ensures that farmers receive a fair price for their yields, that they work under decent and safe working conditions, that they are afforded the right to organise, that they are provided with a basic living wage to sustain their families and invest in the long term sustainability of their communities; it also means that methods of production are carried out in an environmentally sustainable manner, that farmers and other producers ensure that their practices are not negatively impacting on natural land and water areas and that certain toxic chemicals are not used in production. Over the past several decades fair-trade shops, schools, towns and even cities have begun to emerge throughout Europe, North America and further afield. Galway became a fair-trade city in 2005 and since this time great strides

have been made in engaging a wide set of actors, from the local council to businesses and community groups, in raising awareness about and implementing fair-trade practices throughout the city. A growing number of universities throughout the world have implemented fair-trade policies, organising steering committees comprising of both students and staff who work together with the goal of promoting and raising awareness about the fair-trade movement and the benefits of adopting fair-trade policies on campus. In Ireland, ten campuses have to date received official fair-trade status, Trinity College Dublin, UL and NUI Maynooth among them. A good first step for NUI Galway to start working towards becoming a Fair-Trade University would be to create a fair-trade committee of students and staff who would commit to working together to create a fair-trade university policy plan. This committee would be well placed to work alongside the already established Green Campus

Committee. While fair-trade coffee is currently sold at some cafes and outlets throughout the campus, eventually it would be served at all cafes and canteens and at all conferences and meetings hosted by the university. In addition, fair-trade food products would be made available to purchase in all college shops. Furthermore, the university would formally commit to supporting education on fair-trade issues and to ensuring that all university caterers use fairtrade products on campus as soon as it is possible to do so. As a site of social and cultural innovation, NUI Galway has a responsibility to demonstrate leadership in social responsibility and equity in its practices. If we all work together in becoming a Fair Trade campus we can inspire other colleges and institutions, as well as individual consumers, to follow suit. If you are interested in Fair Trade, or any other issues concerned with sustainability on campus, contact to get involved.

Quick and Dirty Guide to the Budget By Mark Kelly and Mohit Agrawal Codswollop, horseradish, philistine, oddball. Making no sense, huh? Pretty much like this budget, which will have a horrible effect on 3rd level education and the economy. While the consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers crows that this budget “is as good for business as can be expected,” it’s just as bad for students. Us students, who have taken a lot of pain in the last two budgets, were crucified by the Government. At least Labour got their thirty pieces of silver, even if USI are trying to sue them for it. Students are among the hardest hit groups in the budget. The biggest, and by far the most controversial cuts were that of completely removing Postgraduate grants and re-introducing full Postgraduate fees. Seeing as how having people in the workforce with Masters and Doctorates is both socially and economically good, this makes about as much sense as cutting off your thumbs. No, honestly. All the good work and research done

by our postgrads will be undercut as only the rich will have access to Masters and PhDs. There will be a lot of competition for scholarships, which may increase the standard, but that isn’t enough to maintain Ireland as a huge exporter of medicines and technology. Undergraduates face problems too. The Student Contribution now stands at €2,250, an increase of €250. There is also a 3% cut to grants. Over the last four years, student fees have increased 200%, or tripled (math makes no sense) from €750 to €2,250. Some students on the grant have now lost over €3,500. To put it into perspective, that’s nearly 1,000 pints! On a brighter note, there has been no increase in alcohol prices (though minimum prices may be on their way soon enough). Lower and middle-class students will be most negatively affected by this budget; the poorest students are still protected: students who receive the special grant will only have to pay €2,000 on postgraduate fees. This middle-class squeeze (no, not what your

Aunt Agatha calls a hug) will have a detrimental effect on the cultural and social side of college because these students: a) are smart and contribute to college, and b) can communicate between the snobs and the rest. However, students now realise that political parties are as two-faced as Batman’s nemesis, eh, Two-Face. At least we are going to see an intriguing court case. USI, to whom Labour pledged not to increase fees, are pursuing this matter in court. It’s good to see Judas finally on trial. Oh, it’s only Ruairi Quinn? It will still be interesting to see how it goes. Like a real life Judge Judy case there! One good thing is the ceiling for the Universal Social Charge (USC). It was set at €10,000. So, if you earn a tenner an hour, you can work nineteen hours a week without charge (hurray!). All in all, students - and therefore the future of Ireland have been screwed worse than Henry screwed us in the 2010 World Cup Qualifiers. No I’m not feckin’ over it.

Gulliver’s travels began in Trinity College Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver’s Travels after he graduated from Trinity College. You could start your own voyage of discovery as a postgraduate student in Ireland’s oldest university. With more than 4 million volumes in our copyright library, dozens of research centres and hundreds of taught courses you will have all the research resources you need to seek out new worlds of knowledge. Our students have imagined giants and gone on to become giants of world culture. Come to Trinity and see how big a footprint you can leave. Postgraduate Open Day Thursday, 26th January 2012.

Visit to see what you could become. Find us on Facebook

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{sin} 16–01

Interview with Declan Ganley by Cormac O’Malley On Friday 6 January, I caught up with successful businessman, Declan Ganley. Mr Ganley is well known across many circles in Ireland, especially in politics and commerce. He led the Libertas ‘No’ campaign in both Lisbon treaty campaigns. His public profile has also risen due to his regular appearances on Tonight with Vincent Browne and The Frontline. Declan, as a very successful businessman, what would you say to students right now who are studying commerce? In studying commerce there are a few key principles to remember: there is no substitute for hard work; there are no shortcuts around hard work; the freedom to succeed is guaranteed by the freedom to fail. Failure is not something

to be afraid of. It is part of the education process of any aspiring entrepreneur. If you embark upon an entrepreneurial and business career, you will have failures and you should embrace them, and learn from them; and don’t worry about it - pick yourself up and crack on. If you don’t have failures, you’ll never be a truly successful entrepreneur, because you can never reach the giddying heights of entrepreneurship without falling at a few fences and collapsing into the mud a few times. It is character building, as my mother would say. One point which will be made about where we are now, is that it was not caused by capitalism, but corporate cronyism. That is absolutely correct. I posted on Twitter a couple of weeks ago, just before Christmas when the half a


trillion bank shot, to use a snooker analogy, was made to pump liquidity in to these failed European banks by the ECB via the IMF, that’s cheating. This is not capitalism - it is an affront to capitalism. Any student of Hayek or Milton Friedman would understand that bailing-out, providing corporate welfare to failing businesses, does a huge disservice, first of all to the taxpayer whose money is bailing them out; and secondly to the businesses, who are not allowed to exploit the natural forces that would demand that they restructure. This disadvantages their customers greatly, and destroys the field of competition. To suggest that, if you were to, for example, close the Ford motor company, no one would ever make a car again, is clearly ridiculous. It’s even more ridiculous to suggest that by allowing some banks to fail, we

won’t have banking services. We will. Competition will provide for them. This corporatist act, the corporate welfare that we’re seeing in Europe, is a distrust of the markets. The market is distrusted because the market provides competition and the financial and political elites of Europe have become so completely welded together in their collective interests, they don’t want political competition and they don’t want commercial competition in the banking sector, hence we have this massive corporate welfare for defunct, anticompetitive banks which has ended capitalism in any true sense in the European Union. Just getting back to students, some people say the euro is going to fail, some say that it’s not going to fail. If we pull out of the European Union

which many people are now asking for, more so in Britain than in Ireland, how will that really affect Irish businesses? The honest answer is that nobody can tell you the answer - because, as is the case with such complex unleashing of centrifugal forces, no one can tell you where the shrapnel is going to fall or what’s going to happen in the case of a collapse of the euro. To suggest that it’s going to be fine and everyone will be okay, I think is possible. But I would not say that it is likely. We went ahead with the euro in the European Union, yes, we did it much too early, certainly the conditions were not right. It was based much more upon hope than on facts, but the failure of the euro is now something that carries with it, the risk of the failure of the entire European project. Why? Because the euro is

the thing that the ordinary working people of Europe touch and feel every day. That, in the mind of the average punter on the street in Europe, wherever they are in the Eurozone, the euro is the living example, a tactile representation of the European Union. If the coin of the realm fails, it is quite likely that the realm, the European Union, will fail. In fact, no one has ever been able to give me an example of a realm whose currency failed, where the realm continued to survive afterwards. Therefore, we must ensure, or do everything we can to ensure that the euro succeeds. The Euro will not succeed with the current set of policies; bailing-out bust financial institutions; opening up the massive risk of hyper-inflation. Killing off competition will not foster conditions for the survival of the euro. I think it will do exactly the opposite.

New Public ChaplainCy

A Window into Islam By Mustapha al-hayani, Muslim Youth Soc According to the Quran, men and women are equal before God; both created for the sole purpose of worshipping God through faith and good deeds.

O humankind! Be conscious of your Lord Who

created you from a single soul, and out of it created

its mate, and out of the two spread countless men and

women. Be conscious of your Lord through Whom you

demand your mutual rights and honor the wombs; God always watches over you. (Quran 4:1) Islam recognises women as individuals with specific rights. Among these are: the right to life, the right to learn; the right to earn, own and dispose property; the right to choose a husband; the right, as a wife, to her pre-marriage standard of living; the right to be treated equally; and the right to inherit. Women,

like men, are rewarded by God for a righteously led life. Muslim women dress in a way that is modest and dignified. The purpose of clothing is not only to protect oneself from physical elements, but also to protect oneself from immorality and pride. Some traditions of

dress, and more generally, the treatment of women in some Muslim countries and societies, are often a reflection of culture. This is very often inconsistent and even contrary to Islam teachings. Prophet Muhammad said: “The most perfect in faith among you believers is he who is best in manner and kindest to his wife.”

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{sin} 13–07

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{15} 16–01

What the Heck Happens in… The Alumni Office?

With Sandra Butler

What the heck happens in the alumni office? This is where you can keep up to date with your fellow alumni. The Alumni Office works with the Alumni Association to maintain a vital connection with the university’s graduates. D o n ’t f o r g e t , o n c e you graduate, you are all members of the Alumni Association! I’m in final year, but I’m not going to be topping

any career ladders any time soon. What do you want to hear from me for? It may not seem important or relevant to you now, but once you leave NUIG, leave Galway and especially if you leave Ireland, it is great to keep in touch or renew friendships with your college friends. If you give us your contact details now, we will send you Alumni Links every few months, details of your class reunions and what is happening in the Alumni Clubs across the globe. So before you graduate, find us on Facebook (NUI Galway Alumni) or on LinkedIn, or text GRAD YYYY (year of graduation) to 51000 to be in with the chance of winning an iPad! What kind of events have you got going on? Do I need to play golf? We hold various reunions and events throughout the year. The main class reun-

ions are held in Galway and always include a tour of the campus to see the most recent changes that have taken place along with dinner and drinks. There are sports reunions (watch out for the big Sigerson Reunion next month), political and literary talks and interviews, musical evenings and BBQs. If any graduate decides to organise an event of any kind, we are delighted to assist in any way. And there is of course an annual golf tournament… People keep harping on about ‘networking.’ Can I rub shoulders with any big wigs at these events? Yes of course, these events are not just social, but can also be a very important business tool. We have many prominent alumni who regularly attend our events, and genuinely love chatting to their fellow graduates.

Where’s My Present? By Joyce Fahy It used to be so much fun. An excited jolly old man who slid down billions of chimneys, simply because he cared about children’s materialistic needs. And, well flying around the world with a few reindeers, giving

presents in exchange for free pieces of cake and glasses of brandy sounds like a pretty good night. But we won’t be fooled again. Who needs toys anyway? Remember the Furby toy that was way more creepy than cuddly, the make-yourown sets which never ended

up making anything (except a father angry as he tried to fix them), remote control cars that become worthless once you lost the remote? Now we want grown up things. Expensive perfume that we never wear because we feel guilty we’ll waste it. Classic books that we hope

So how would I go about winning one of those alumni awards? The Alumni Awards recognise individual excellence and achievements among the University’s more than 80,000 graduates worldwide. The awards programme boasts an impressive roll call of sixty-four outstanding graduates who have gone on to honour their alma mater, including, for example, Michael D. Higgins, Ciarán FitzGerald, Sean O’Rourke, Professor Frank Gannon, Dr Luke Clancy and Colm Murray. This is certainly something to strive towards as you develop your career, but keep an eye out for a new Alumni Award next year aimed at undergrads and recent graduates.

in a reunion or attended an alumni event of some form in 2011? That’s not counting the 100s and 1,000s of graduates who meet at reunions organised by the initiative of the classes themselves. The success of these events illustrates the strong and lasting ties that NUI Galway alumni have with each other and their alma mater.

I hear there are alumni associations in exotic places like Beijing and Athlone. What kinds of

thing do they get up to? NUI Galway alumni clubs can be found all over the world, the most recent being the Brussels Club, which was established last May. Anyone can set up a club, and the Alumni Association is committed to supporting the development of new clubs through communication with graduates in your area, staff support, start-up funding towards programme expenses and organising NUI Galway academic attendance at events. For example, last year the New England Alumni Club hosted a night at the theatre with a cocktail party and performance of Druid’s Cripple of Inishmaan in Boston, the Galway Club organised a tour of TG4 and cruise on the Corrib Princess, and the Dublin Club hosted a Seanad Eireann candidates’ debate. Would you believe that over 3,000 alumni in Ireland and abroad took part

Who are you anyway? I’m the board chairperson. I have a BA (Spanish and French) and a HDip in Education, spent five amazing years in NUI Galway in the 80s, and my passion was Kayaking. I host a radio show called The Alumni Hour on Flirt FM every Thursday at 2pm in which I chat to NUIG graduates about their college days. I have been on the Alumni Board for the past five years and am delighted to still be involved with NUIG and the Alumni Association.

will make us appear intelligent. Clothes. Make up, maintenance kits, body lotion, pajamas, stationery. When did the transition from fun toys to practical items occur? And why? I want my youth back! I miss the excitement of opening up a present that I know I will marvel over for the day, lugging it around until the battery goes or my brother steals it.

And why have Christmas presents shrunk in size? I miss the day when the half wrapped parcel wouldn’t even fit under the tree. I don’t care about the price! I’m not asking for much. Just something fun. Christmas should be about nostalgia. About being a child for a day. Gone are the days when I can write a list and receive what I’ve been dreaming about for

months. Even when I wrote ‘a surprise’, Santa knew. I guess he’s just lost interest. Now it’s all about function. Cut the practicality. Bring back the games which were relished for the day and then discarded when the day changed and reality returned. It’s the only way Christmas shopping will be fun again, like Santa intended it to be.


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{sin} 16–01

Ten Reasons Why January Isn’t So Blue! By Sinead Healy Welcome back to a brand new year, and a brand new issue of Sin! We have survived 2011 just barely - and we have survived the New Year celebrations. Some of you might still be nursing the festive hangover’s and trying to piece together what exactly happened Saint Stephens night! Christmas has come and gone, and the festive fun is over. People say that January is a depressing month for most of us. Well for students it’s even worse. We

now back in their boxes, shoved at the back of the ever-expanding wardrobe only to resurface as birthday presents during the year. We get to come back to our student houses only to realise we have no oil left and you can see your own breath in front of you, or to discover that you forgot to take out that carton of milk which has now turned to concrete (sadly this is something that I can vouch for!). But you should be well insulated as a result of being a few pounds heavier thanks to Mammy’s home cook-

Think of the poor students in some

colleges such as Sligo I.T. that have to do the exams after Christmas.

are all broke from spending too much of what we didn’t have at Christmas on presents that sadly, are

ing and one too many selection boxes. However if you are still feeling blue, I have come up with TEN

reasons why January shouldn’t get you down; 1. A brand new edition of Sin is out which means more excellent tips, articles and lol’s to get you through the next two weeks. 2. The exams are over. We don’t have to think about them for another five months. Just think of the poor students in some colleges such as Sligo I.T. that have to do the exams after Christmas. Yes that’s right, on Stephens Day, as us NUIGers were stuffing are faces full of our Mammy’s leftover stuffing with not a care in the world, others were starting to hit the books. 3. For those of you lucky enough to get the grant, it should be due in any day now, which

4. All those drunken mistakes, fights, and other things that you wish could erase are behind you, it is a new year so make it a brand new you!

Peak Morning Service from 1, Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) Timetable - Semester 2011

Timetable - S

8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45, 10.00, 10.15, 10.30, 10.45, 11.00 Peak Morning Service from Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) 8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45,

6. No assignments to do for at least another month and a half! Which means that big brown building outside the concourse known as the library to some of you or the creeping hotspot for others will not have to be entered for another month.

11.30, 12.00, 12.30

Lunchtime Shuttle Mid–Morning lite From Orbsen Building 13.00, 13.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark 13.15, 13:45

13.15, 13:45

Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen Building (every 30 minutes)

14.30, 15.00, 15.30 Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen14.00, Building (every 30 minutes)


14.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30

17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00

The night time service is no longer running.

University is providing a free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsen to the Dangan carpark (only). The night time The service is no longer running. 9pmaplease telephone 091-561111 to request the Dangan The University isAfter providing free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsenatotaxi thejourney Danganto carpark (only). carpark. After 9pm pleasePlease telephone 091-561111 request a taxi journey to the Dangan note: No other to taxi destinations are possible and thecarpark. service is only available from 9pm to 11pm Please note: No other destinations are possible and the is only available from 9pm to 11pm Your taxi staff/student number and name willservice be requested by the driver, for our records.

Your staff/student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

Peak Morning Service from Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes)

8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45, 10.00, 10.15, 10.30, 10.45, 11.00 Peak Morning Service from Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) 8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45,

10.15, 10.30, 10.45, from 11.00 Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) Mid - 10.00, Morning lite Service

11.30, 12.00, 12.30 Mid - Morning lite Service from Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) 11.30, 12.00, 12.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building 13.00, 13.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Bus ag Am Lóin ó Áras Oirbsean 13.00, 13.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark 13.15, 13:45

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

Bus ag Am Lóin ó Charrchlós an Daingin 13.15, 13:45

Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen Building (every 30 minutes)

14.30, 15.00, 15.30 Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen14.00, Building (every 30 minutes) 14.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30

Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 15 minutes) Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 17.00, 15 minutes) 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.15, 17.30, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.00, 17.15, 17.30, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00

The night time service is no longer running.

University is providing a free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsen to the Dangan carpark (only). The night time The service is no longer running.

Ní seirbhís ar fáil After 9pmana please telephone 091-561111 to request the Dangan The bheidh University is providing freehoíche EMERGENCY taxiníos shuttlemó. from Orbsenatotaxi thejourney Danganto carpark (only). carpark. Afteran 9pm pleasePlease telephone 091-561111 to request a taxi journey toin theaisce Dangan note: No other taxi destinations are possible and ar thecarpark. service is only available 9pm to 11pm Tá Ollscoil ag cur tacsaí ÉIGEANDÁLA saor fáil ó Oirbsean chuigfrom carrchlós Please note: No other destinations are possible and the is only available from 9pm to 11pm Your taxi staff/student number and name willservice be requested by the driver, for our records. Your staff/student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

a dhéanamh ar thacsaí chuig carrchlós an Daingin.Tabhair faoi deara: Ní féidir tacsaí

Dangan carpark. Please note: No other taxi destinations are possible and the service is student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

foirne/mic léinn a lua leis an tiománaí.

Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change

QR code timetable QR code timetable QR code timetable

Now enjoy the first month back! I know I am glad to be back, cold house and all.

Timetable - Semester 1, 2011 Amchlár –S

Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 15 minutes) Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 17.00, 15 minutes) 17.15, 17.30, 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.00, 17.15, 17.30,

10. Last but by no means least, you get to see all the friends that you haven’t seen in the last few weeks, whether it be Claire from Sligo or Tommy from the back end arse of nowhere, you’ll be glad to see their familiar face coming down the concourse. Then you have an excuse to skip that lecture for a catch-up in Smokey’s or the College Bar. Just make sure you don’t do this in the month of March, or you will be kicking yourself come May.

AN TSEIRBHÍS Park & Timetable RidePÁIRCEÁLA Bus Service - Semester& 1, TAISTIL 2011

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

13.00, 13.30

9. Finally, back to the nightlife that gives us many opportunities to give the bouncers of Supermac’s abuse. We are reunited with the ever so classy Club K, Karma – which is easier to get into than the library these

days – and CP’s with those endless stairs that are just asking to be fallen on. And that’s just a few of the local watering holes.

Park & Ride Bus Service

10.15, 10.30, 10.45, from 11.00 Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) Mid - 10.00, Morning lite Service

11.30, 12.00, 12.30 Mid - Morning lite Service from Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes)

8. You get to make a New Year’s resolution that clearly will not last you come February, but hey it is worth a try and it makes us feel just a little bit better about ourselves. Whether it is taking up a new hobby or quitting a bad habit. It’s your choice and you might even save a few euro!

5. We are one month closer to the much anticipated “Rag Day”. It will be interesting to see how this new order of things will go.

Park & Ride Bus Service Ride Bus Service Timetable - Semester 1, 2011 PARKPark&&RIDE BUS SERVICE

7. Those of you who slacked off in semester one and wanted to kick yourself in the face near exam time, this semester you have a chance to make up for it all by doing the work on time.

means the college bar and the Eyre square shopping center will be extra busy for the next month.

Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change QR code timetable

QR code timetable


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{17} 16–01


Graduate Spotlight Study Sussed, But What About Your Free Time? By Anne-Marie Shanahan, 2012 President of Junior Chamber Galway

“At Harvard I did my learning,

Junior Chamber gave me learning for life.” — John F. Kennedy

Does your CV say you have, ‘leadership skills’? Have you ever run a project for disadvantaged children in your community? Can you give me an example where you had to take initiative? What do you do in your spare time? You may have been asked these questions before in a summer job interview, or perhaps you will be job-seeking in the next few months, which is why you must take a careful look not only at your academic results but also what you do with your free time at College. In a recent article in a National Newspaper on students and volunteering, David Broderick of IBEC said that “leadership and initiative are the top competencies that companies look for in new hires.” So, are you prepared for the real world? I thought back to my own NUI Galway days (or UCG as I stubbornly insist!) and pondered on how “getting involved” prepared me for my subsequent career. I enjoy the odd bout of nostalgia about life as a student in Celtic Tiger Ireland. It’s a great feeling returning to “Tir na nOg” as I call NUI Galway and being surrounded by enthusiastic and bright young people. It makes me appreciate the excellent and eclectic education I received over my two postgraduate years. I relish the ability I have to discuss French cinema in different languages, or debate on contemporary issues in education. Thanks to my H.Dip I have acquired the skills to make my language classes as engaging and informative as possible. In addition, the lengthy hours of research spent on topics on Medieval France in dusty old libraries in Paris will always stay with me. Upon graduating from NUI Galway I have been fortunate to have had the experience of working in a variety of hugely interesting posts. I have been an intern

in the United Nations, a secondary school teacher, a project executive for the Enterprise Europe Network here in Galway amongst others. It is undoubtedly the combined experiences and skills I acquired as part of fully taking part In University life that prove to be so rewarding from a career and personal perspective. Whether it was facing a group of lively sixteen year olds on a Friday afternoon, or liaising with senior UN staff it was the skills I learned in the Drama Society that assisted with my nerves. I learned about the concept of “trouble shooting”, when lost in Ahascragh as part of an orienteering excursion, the choral society nurtured my enduring love of classical music. My participation in the French and Languages club would subsequent plot my career course. Perhaps my most enduring legacy was my stint as an early morning presenter and researcher on “Flirt FM” which is one of the most interesting things you can write about in your CV and certainly a great talking point

during dull job interviews! It was there that I learned about media, telling a good story and above all taught me about leadership and initiative. My years at NUI Galway still encouraged me to “get involved” in the community and I became a member of JCI Galway in 2008. I was instantly hooked. For the past few years being part of the largest organisation of young leaders and entrepreneurs in the world has given me opportunities, opened many career doors and given me the opportunity to travel internationally and make many friends. Past members have included Bill Gates, Al Gore and John F. Kennedy. I have allowed myself to be challenged by producing the JCI Tourist Guide, run business events and dress up as a very un-scary Braveheart in the Saint Patricks Day Parade! I also have had the privilege of representing Ireland in the JCI European Public Speaking Championships. Ultimately I have gained an appreciation of the importance of “getting involved”! As President of JCI Galway, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to students at our “open night” which shall be on 26 January and hope that I meet as many of you there as possible! For more info email

Dear Darcy, I’m recently single and my ex boyfriend just happens to be in my class. That’s not such a big deal except we’re in all of the same seminars. Worse still his new girlfriend is also in some of our seminars. I don’t know how to handle it because I still really like him and I can’t face being around the two of them. They’ll definitely be all over each other. Do you think that I should switch seminars or demand that he switches? He broke up with me and it’s the least he could do. Many thanks, Broken hearted and alone Dear Broken hearted and alone, I’m totally feeling for you. I can tell you are really upset and I know it’s probably not a great start to your New Year but life is full of surprises. This could be a blessing in disguise. Perhaps it will act as a motivational tool for achieving academic success in spite of this new obstacle. I think it’s important that you keep this in perspective. Ultimately you are here to get a degree. This should come above all else whenever possible. Be the bigger person and let them stay in their seminar. If necessary maybe you could switch but do you really want to seem

Dear Broken hearted and alone, You should definitely demand that he switches seminars along with that good for nothing new girlfriend of his too. I have been thinking of the best way for you to do this for a few days and in the end I myself took some advice from dear old Darcy (you know the old mantra about honesty?). It’s going to be better for all parties involved if this is addressed openly. During your first seminar begin the class by announcing the change in relationship status between you both. Remember just because they’re in your seminar doesn’t mean you’re Facebook friends (it’s only fair to include everyone in this decision). Next just explain your reasons for wanting him to switch seminar. In the end I’d suggest you leave it

Anne-Marie at the Volunteering Fair in September

bothered by him and his new girlfriend. I want you to do whatever will make it easier for you to study whether that means switching out of the seminars or just ignoring him. But please don’t let this guy affect your education. You are going to be destined for great things this year. I can feel it! You go girl!

Hugs —Darcy

up to a class vote on who has to move. There is no way that they won’t see your side on this. Especially after you explain why it’s the least he could do. Finally, I think it would only be fair for this to be video taped. You will need some official record that such a vote took place when he is forced to change seminars. Best of luck! I just know you are going to win!

That’s Life, Barnacle

For more advice please email!


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How Would You Spend Your Last Days (at University)? By Martina Gannon The end is officially nigh. We have been told we must say our bye-byes in 2012, we are doomed. Goodbye Ireland, hello sexy alien invasion. My knowledge of the actual prediction of the world’s demise is clearly limited; I believe the original prophet was some kind of hunchback fellow with prophetic scribbles. So how will you choose to live before you are blasted into smithereens by a gigantic meteor? I have received frightfully varied responses to this question, ranging from racing through the university naked and intoxicated to racking up a record-breaking day of orgasms to taking the opportunity to ‘shift the face off’ ones figure of fancy. If you would like to engage in something a little more realistic and fulfilling then follow my train of thoughts. The reality is we have absolutely no inkling as to when our final hour will be and even though this is a fear-inducing fact some of us are still persisting in postponing our true ambitions until the precarious

future. Why suffer through yet another day of boring lectures and heart-attack inducing assignments and essays on a subject you despise when you do not have to. How many of you reading this are studying something you feel you should be studying instead of something you would love to study? ‘ Ti s t h e s e a s o n f o r resolutions and selfimprovement for all aspects of your life so why focus on the one that you participate in full-time: university. We are told that university is supposed to be ‘the best years of your life’ does this cliché accurately describe your current university experience? If you find it lacking why not fill in those gaps with the diversity of opportunities that only a university like NUI Galway could provide? As good ole Socrates would say: the unexamined life is not worth living. If your current degree does not 100% enthral and satisfy you then why not re-examine your original choice and make some adjustments. Make that appointment with the careers department today. Even if you do not end

up drastically changing courses at least you will have a better idea of what your real interests are and where this new knowledge could take you in the future. It is never too late to review your current position, whether you are in first year, final year or any semester in between. University is probably the best place to be right now to develop and hone whatever your specialist or preferred skills and knowledge may be, sheltered from the current recessionary storm. You can exploit your true potential and the potential of this university by simply exploring its hundreds of vibrant opportunities for student growth. This manifests itself in the form of the university’s diverse degrees, its hundreds of societies, clubs and volunteering and travelling opportunities. The best part of this simple path to being an exceptional student is that it is all provided online. The societies and clubs can be joined with one click. NUI Galway’s ALIVE volunteering programme provides exciting opportunities to travel all over the world with tried

and trusted organisations. Another prickly factor that cannot be avoided is that of the CV. Active participation in a vast range of societies, clubs or volunteering organisation serves to accentuate what may otherwise be an ordinary CV after completing university. Involvement in these unlimited activities and events, which could be as minor as occasionally helping out, to becoming a chairperson or secretary of one of the societies you are involved with. Regardless of whether or not the world implodes by the end of this year, your courageous efforts at energetically squeezing the absolute best out of your university experience will not be wasted. Procrastination with study is an acceptable occasional habit. Procrastination of truly living your life and realising your potential in university is just plain stupid. If you make some changes now you can meet that giant meteor with a big grin knowing you have squeezed every last drop of potential out of your university experience, right before you go splat!

{sin} 16–01

Now I Am Become Death – The Destroyer Of Worlds By Adam Loughnane Winding and weaving like an old outstretched Almanac The Fragments of Memory float as Grains in the Sunshine What is that Sentiment so fetid, so foul? So jarring, so empty - Crushed Petals on Concrete Oh, They care not for the Needs of Posterity The Door has closed - That cold, stone Edifice Yet Moths still murmur of Valiance and Revolution A Gray Tide glides as Weary Cliffs contemplate Indeed, the Hustle and Bustle will continue apace No Ceremony, no Honour, no Truth Young Yresim perished once again Today They were drowned out by brambled Materialism The Gales, the Noxious Gales are shrieking Equinox Daylight exudes amongst the Derelict Rafters When will the Bed of Self-Satisfaction fall? The Roof - Our Roof - is gasping, is clutching Beneath Swarthy Elysium, Scarecrows now roam free My sallow Abdomen is splitting - has split The Crystals of Threnody are one with the Oxygen Dragonflies rape within Purple Shade’s dominion And He stands in the Hail - that ungodly Bastard His Face turned back, the Epitome of Pathos Those Crematory Words drip from His Abominable Soul “Now I Am Become Death - The Destroyer Of Worlds” Adam’s piece has earned him a volume of Sylvia Plath’s Collected Poems, sponsored by Galway’s own Kennys Bookshop []. If you wish to submit a piece of creative writing under 500 words, email Each week the editor’s pick will win a prize!

Sin Sanctioned Procr astination This week, Dr Frances Fahy in the Geography Department. What’s the most unrealistic New Year’s Resolution you ever made and how long did it last? I was never averse to writing in verse But New Year was to be my time. From January first, come hell or worse, I was going to speak in rhyme. The first few days went by in a haze, As a poet, I was to myself true, But my vow came a cropper getting words that rhymed proper With Von Humboldt, Sauer and Bourdieu! Who should our next victim be? Dr Kevin Davison in Education said he was ‘game’ for the next issue – he was in fact very enthusiastic!

Pierre Nerisson & Marion Boulanger at the Skeff with the INternational Students’ Society Welcome Back Party

{sin} 13–07

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Overheard in NUI Galway Rosemary Gallagher Guy outside Concourse: “You should take up air guitar. The strings are cheaper.”

Guy 1: God, Michael is after losing a lot of weight hasn’t he? Guy 2 : naaaaah he just got a hair cut...

Clodagh Mc Loughlin Brian Reddan: I’m goin’ crazy with the suspension...
 Me: You mean tension??

Elaine Johnson Girl outside Bialann: What plays have we done in English? The Weir, By the Bog of Cats and.... oh! Riding by the Sea! 
*awkward pause*

Aine Ruth “I wish I was a redneck... even if you didn’t have a fella you could still shift your cousins.” Dearbhla O’Connor Three girls outside the BOI theatre... They see a sign for the 3d exhibition: Girl 1: that what we are?! Girl 2: I think we’re 4d, ‘cause we have four sides? Girl 3: I’m pretty sure we’re 3... Girl 1: But.. if we’re 3d how was Spy Kids in 4d? Brian FitzGibbon Tw o g u y s o u t s i d e t h e library
: Guy 1: how are you sorted for these exams?
 Guy 2: I’m screwed man, it’ll be a Christmas miracle if I pass them! Bridgeen Mc Glynn Girl: “The amount of people wearing them glasses from Penneys to get in the mood for being smart...” Melissa Lyons Two lads in a psychology lecture:

Paul Abberton Heading into town:
 Guy 1: Don’t forget your condoms.
 Guy 2: Shit, I don’t know where I put them.
 Guy 1: You put them on your willy. Claire Moran Engineering students taking about law students....

 Girl 1: They learn about torts and stuff...
 Girl 2: Whats tort?
 Guy 1: Don’t you know anything? Its a type of french cake! Maud Gibbons Group passing by laughing)
 Guy: Oh I won’t be using fajitas in the bedroom now so! Seán Ó Maonaigh Two girls chatting on concourse:

 Girl 1: I really feel like I’m back in junior cert.
 Girl 2: What do you mean?
 Girl 1: Just not having a job, you know? It feels weird.
 Girl 2: Oh right. <pause>


Garden Pests – Aphids By Fiona Gillespie

After the long Christmas break, some of us may have arrived back into Galway to discover plants suffering from lack of love. The only remedy for this is to get out your watering can Claire Smith Guy 1: ...Seriously though, and give the soil a bit of do you know any smart attention. Next, inspect people in Geography?
 the leaves of the plants for aphids – small, soft-bodied Guy 2: No... insects, the most common of which are greenflies and Kathy Armstrong Guy 1: Hurling isn’t a real blackflies. Aphids suck the mans sport anyway
 sap out of the plant and Guy2: why what sport do transmit a black substance called honeydew, which you play?? Guy 1 : Pool... and darts...
 effectively kills the plant. Guys 2: They’re ‘practicFor those with gardens ing-for-wanking’ sports and outdoor areas, getting rid of aphids will be easy. Planting marigold, spearEvan Flaherty Guy on concourse, stroking mint or stinging nettle near his beard, chatting to group your affected plant may control aphid infestations. of lads: “Ah yeah, just the way the Marigold in particular proladies like it, the ‘ol fanny-tickler” I thought you were going to make some reference to your knacker drinking last night.

{19} duces a pesticidal chemical from the roots which, while strong enough to kill small insects, will not affect tender herbs. Additionally, larger critters may benefit your garden by feeding on aphids. The main and most common predator of aphids is the ladybird. If you have a ladybird or two among your plants, feel lucky that they’re helping you in your garden. If your plants are indoors, you can spray them every few days with a very dilute solution of soap and water until the insects are dehydrated and fall off the plants. Alternatively, an organic spray called Neem II may be more effective at killing aphids and other pests. With any luck, these methods will get rid of any pests and your plants will continue to grow happily.

Cáit Neylon Going up the stairs in Tower 2 on the concourse: Girl to her friend: “You have smelly ears!” David Lyons In the Reading Room: Guy 1: “.....”
 Guy 2: “.........”
 Girl 1: *rustles paper*
 Girl 2: *cough*
 Guy 3: “Zzzzzzzz”
 Girl 3: “.....” Jordan Hynes Concourse:
 Girl1: What ya do over the weekend?
 Girl2: Nothing really... bitta fingerin’ myself on chat roulette, the usual!

Maria Esther and Milou Degu Esposit in the Skeff for the ISS’s welcome back party.


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{sin} 16–01

Some of our Best and Brightest: The Mitchell Scholars By Colette Sexton Mohit Agrawal, currently a postgraduate student in NUI Galway, has recently been awarded what is considered to be the world’s most prestigious scholarship. The Rhodes Scholarship is an international postgraduate award for study at the University of Oxford. But how did the Princeton graduate end up studying Economic Policy Evaluation and Planning in NUI Galway? Last year, Mohit actually turned down the final Rhodes interview and instead applied for the Mitchell Scholarship. The Mitchell Scholarship is awarded to twelve Americans aged eighteen to thirty every year to fund one year of graduate study in Ireland. Mohit believed that studying in Ireland would be more exciting than being in the United Kingdom. I spoke to both of the current Mitchell Scholars in NUI Galway, Mohit Agrawal and Katie Van Winkle, to see why they decided to study in the City of the Tribes. Mohit, of West Lafayette,

Indiana, graduated from Princeton University with a major in mathematics and certificates in applied mathematics and computer science. Mohit’s time in Ireland has not been his first venture overseas. He previously led an Engineers Without Borders team in Ghana and studied applied mathematics at the National University of Singapore. Katie Van Winkle, from Austin in Texas, graduated from Swarthmore College with highest honours in Theatre and Sociology/Anthropology. She went on to pursue a post-graduate dramaturgy fellowship at Baltimore’s Centerstage. Katie is studying Drama and Theatre in NUI Galway as part of her Mitchell Scholarship. The Mitchell Scholarship looks for students with “persuasive, documented evidence of significant achievement in three areas: scholarship, leadership, and commitment to community and public service.” The candidates are put through a gruelling application process, which includes submitting a 1,000 word essay

Happy New Year from An Bhialann, NUI Galway! An Bhialann have provided catering services at NUI Galway since 1992, currently employing 47 people on campus. In 2010, joint investment with NUI Galway resulted in a complete redesign of ‘An Bhialann’ to create a modern, state-of-theart facility - designed to deliver a wider choice of quality dishes to fulfil students’ and staff’s needs. The facility now also includes popular brands Subway and Starbucks. Thanks to all of you who took part in our focus groups in 2011, which has lead to new meal deals, menus and value promotions being launched this term. At An Bhialann, customer satisfaction is our number one priority - we run regular surveys and focus groups with students and staff to constantly review and develop our food offers and service. Many of you expressed an interest in working on our promotion teams, so as part of a new initiative, we are now seeking to recruit students to join our CHECK IT OUT promotion team for a 2 day campus campaign over the coming weeks. (Contact or Nuig for more details)

as well as five letters of recommendation and completing several intense interviews. In total, twelve candidates are selected each year. The Mitchell Scholarship provides a number of benefits including a direct admission into a postgraduate program in Ireland, waiver of university fees, free housing; and a stipend to cover living expenses and travel. Speaking about the scholarship, Mohit explained what being selected meant to him: “The Mitchell Scholarship was a huge honour and a huge relief. A huge honour because getting the award is so competitive, and a huge relief because then I didn’t have to worry about finishing the rest of my grad school applications. “I can’t think of a better time or place than “now” and “Ireland” to study economics and policy. The Irish government is – out of necessity – fulfilling every economists’ dream by experimenting with housing policy, tax policy, and deficit spending... this year has finally made me feel like an economist - I’ve been able

Meet your new Food Services General Manager Stephen Donohue joins the An Bhialann team at NUI Galway from across the road - University Hospital Galway! Stephen has 27 years’ experience in the service industry including hotels, resorts and event management. Originally from Mayo, he lived in New York for several years and is back in Galway for the past 9 years. Stephen recently returned to study part time whilst working full time and successfully completed an honours degree in Business Studies. “I am genuinely delighted with the opportunity to manage the food services at this prestigious location and will strive to ensure we deliver the best service for our customers. Together with my team, I plan to improve service and increase customer satisfaction by ensuring that we listen to you and meet your needs” said Stephen.

“Following the launch of our exciting new food offer in September - Bleecker Street New York Deli, Pizza Pronto, Burger Studio and Pan Asian, we’ve added a further range of offers and meal deals to fit every students budget. And based on your feedback, here’s a snapshot of what we’ve added; Baked Potato with a range

to get a much firmer understanding of the Eurozone and Euro crisis and am no longer flummoxed when people ask for my opinion on economic issues.” Katie also expressed her delight at being awarded the scholarship: “I feel thrilled and honoured to have been selected for the Mitchell Scholarship... As I study theatre, the chance to witness festivals, productions, and rehearsal processes first-hand is invaluable. Irish drama has a rich tradition and an exhilarating contemporary scene... I hope to found a theatre company of my own one day, and would love to initiate international exchange between artists in the US and in Ireland.” As Mitchell Scholars, Katie and Mohit could have studied in any university in Ireland. Mohit said there were several reasons why he chose to study in NUI Galway: “Primarily, I was looking for a one-year postgrad in economics and policy, and Galway had the best fit for that by far... Also, I wanted to get away from

Pizza Slice & Chips only €2.50 Half Pizza & Chips only €3.95

Mohit Agrawal (front right) with Andrew Montague, Lord Mayor of Dublin, at a Labour Youth event last semester. Also pictured is Katie Marcum (front left), a fellow Mitchell Scholar studying English at UCD, and other “future Labour party leaders”. Image courtesy of Mohit. Dublin--I felt that I wouldn’t be able to discover “Ireland” if I were stuck in St. Stephen’s Green (or, god forbid, on UCD’s post-modern campus).” Katie’s reasons for picking our campus vary from Mohit’s: “I chose NUIG for the strengths of the MADT program, which combines practical and theoretical coursework and places students in internships with a range of theatre companies, and for the excitement that the city of Galway offers, particularly in the summer festival season.” Both Mohit and Katie have achieved a lot so far and it is apparent that they are both

Create your own burger from only €2.99

of toppings from €1.95, Pizza slice & chips €2.50, create your own Quarter Pounder Burger from €2.99, coffee & muffin €2.49, and great meal deals from only €4.99.” Stephen said, “Our message is simple You asked, We listened….Come along to An Bhialann and check out our great new offers, and find us on facebook to win a €10 An Bhialann gift voucher EVERY WEEK!!! I look forward to meeting you all in the coming weeks.” An Bhialann also works with local suppliers to ensure the best quality produce is sourced to deliver the food offering to customers on campus. One of these suppliers is Curley’s -

Supporting Local Business – Curley’s Quality Foods. Curley’s Quality Foods was founded in 1974 by John Curley, Vegetable Grower (pictured) and has become one of the fastest grown

driven, young people who will certainly continue to be successful in the future. Hopefully they will enjoy their final semester in NUI Galway and will maintain their relationships with the university after they have graduated.

I wish to extend a huge congratulations to Mohit on his recent award, on behalf of the entire Sin team. Mohit has impressed us all with his writing and extensive knowledge of, well, practically everything. We will miss him greatly next year, and wish him the very best in his decidedly bright future. — Ed

Check out the new hot chicken baguette counter! Chicken baguette from only €3.49

independent fruit and vegetable suppliers in the West of Ireland. Curley’s currently have 65 people employed full and part time and utilise local suppliers for 90% of their fresh vegetables. Cyril Curley, General Manager at Curley’s Quality Foods outlines “Our company has relied upon ongoing contracts with organisations such as ARAMARK, who provide the food services at An Bhialann NUI Galway. A lot of local Irish suppliers couldn’t function without the support. We work closely with ARAMARK to plan fresh daily deliveries to their client operations, which is a team effort, and relies upon significant resources to have the correct infrastructure in place to supply our accredited product on time.” Donal O’Brien, CEO ARAMARK Ireland outlines “Our partnership with Curley’s is fundamental to the successful delivery of a quality food offer to our clients and customers across the west of Ireland. We aim to support local suppliers across each of the regions in which we operate and look forward to continuing to grow our partnership with Curley’s in the future.”

{sin} 13–07

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{21} 16–01

Societies’ Semester Ahead At Societies’ Day 2 Mark Kelly and Ciara Holmes asked the Socs about their big plans for 2012. Here’s what they had to say: Laura Hillard, Triona Keane (Health Promotion Work Placement), Ciaran Farrell and Aoife Walters (Health Connect Volunteers) of Health Connect. Health Connect are a society of peer mentors who students can talk to about physical, mental, emotional and sexual health. They will be organising a health fair on 14 February in the Bailey Allen Hall

J.D. Kiely, Auditor of Music and Ents Soc. The Universities Battle of the Bands, ‘Witless’, will run every Tuesday from 17 January to 7 February in the College Bar.

Ronan Gallagher (Head Technician), Roisin Moore (Ordinary Committee Member), Nicola Coyle (Cast member) of Dramsoc

Aisling Ni Churraighin, secertary of Cumainn Craic. Cumainn Craic will be planning events for Seachtain na Gaeilge, which will take place from 5 - 17 March

Dramsoc will be attending the ISDA Festival in UCD in late March. They held auditions for cast members on Wednesday and Thursday. Shane Commins, Recording Secretary of Lit & Deb

Valerie McKay (secertary) and Larkin Stevens (Auditor) of Anime & Manga.

Coming up this semester are debates on Civil Disobedience and Animal Rights.

Anime & Manga have organised an Anime Convention, Akumakon, which will take place from 19 21 Janurary.

Conor Nolan (Members Liason Officer) and Maeve Griffin (Public Relations Officer) of Law Soc.

Aine Kilbane (Secretary), Aoife Molloy (Designer) and Michelle Mooratemple (PRO) of Potter Soc. One of our newest societies, Potter Soc plans to hold a Sorting Ceremony and Great Feast later this semester.

Jenny Brennan (Events Organiser), Aisling McBee (Treasurer), Caoimhin O’Higgins (School Liaison Officer) and Sophie Connolly (Director) of GUMS. Spring Awakening will run in the Town Hall Theatre from 7 - 11 February

Law Soc are organising the Law Ball, which will take place on 1 Feburary.

For more Society Events check out www.socs.!

{22} Arts & Entertainment {sin} 13–07


Bell X1 Still Flying High By Ashling O Loughlin The first time I saw Bell X1 play live was in 2006 and I was standing in a mosh pit, covered in muck and alcohol, waiting for the Red Hot Chilli’s to come on stage. Lead singer Paul Noonan strutted around in a plum coloured

suit while throwing marshmallows into the crowd. Admittedly, I was only familiar with one of their songs, ‘Flame’, but I was enthralled at how impressive their live performance was. Six years later I stood (a bit more respectful looking) in the Black Box Theatre in Galway to see one

of my now favourite Irish acts playing to a venue of adoring fans; and Bell X1 can still certainly wow a crowd. The band, who take their name from a model of plane, have been touring over the past few months, and on 3 December they paid a very welcomed visit to the city of Galway. The venue is very minimalistic and intimate, and gives the impression that you are at a private performance rather than a public concert. Special guests, Jape, an electro rock band from Dublin warmed up the stage and got the crowd on their feet for the main act. Bell X1 then took to the stage, playing songs from their most recent



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album, Bloodless Coup. The electric arrival of the band on stage ignited the crowd immediately, as fans began to sway and sing along to every clever lyric. Often the trouble with new music is that old fans just want to hear their favourites and aren’t as interested in the new material. This, however, was not the case with Bell x1, as their new album is a continuation of their unique sound that is so loved by their followers. New songs like ‘Velcro,’ have already become as popular as some of their older

hits. On the night, the band’s deliverance of their new songs filled the venue with excitement, as they played a fresh wave of powerful ballads, catchy synth and drum beats and memorable lyrics. The band did not neglect their most popular songs however. Fast passed classics, such as ‘Flame’ and ‘The Great Defector’ had the whole place jumping and losing themselves in the music. ‘Tounge’ was a haunted performance of loud and emotive song that captured the entire audience. Slower ballads, such as ‘Bad

Skin Day’ and ‘Eve, the apple of my eye’ sounded even more powerful and beautiful when played so softly and acoustically. The show ended on the high note of ‘Rocky took a lover,’ which caused me to have no voice for the next couple of days. Bell X1 delivered a solid and memorable performance, and added a spark of energy and lightness to the blackened venue. It may have been six years since I last encountered them, but my recent reunion with Bell X1 reaffirmed them as ‘the apple of my eye.’

Review: My Week with Marilyn by Marése O’Sullivan Legendary actress Marilyn Monroe is renowned for her sexiness and glamour; little was known of her life behind the scenes… until now. Based on the bestselling diaries of the then-twenty-three year old Third Assistant Director Colin Clarke, My Week with Marilyn tells the beautiful story of the time spent between Clarke and the dynamic Monroe in the week her husband – Arthur Miller – left England to return to America. Monroe was then, at thirty-one, “the most famous woman on Earth,” but trapped in the spotlight, afraid and nervous, caught up in the whirlwind of Hollywood fame. Directed by Simon Curtis, the drama takes place during the difficult filming of the 1957 film The Prince and the Showgirl in Pinewood Studios, London, revealing the heightened tensions and clashes between the blonde bombshell, Monroe, and her director/co-star Laurence Olivier on the set, where Clarke was Olivier’s employee. Adrian Hodges’ screenplay of My Week with Marilyn reveals the slow breakdown of the icon,

reliant on drink and drugs, needing affection and adoration to mask her insecurity. Monroe’s desperate search for stability, for escape and for someone to rely on takes Colin on a journey he will never forget. Filmed in the same studios where The Prince and the Showgirl was really captured on camera, the cast is clearly empowered by the spirits of their real-life characters. Starring a host of actors at the top of their game, My Week with Marilyn sees excellent performances from Michelle Williams as Monroe, Eddie Redmayne as Clarke, and Kenneth Branagh as Olivier. Judi Dench and Harry Potter’s Emma Watson also light up the screen, despite their small roles. While undoubtedly wanting the audience to sympathise with Monroe, director Curtis is certainly not afraid to show the young woman’s addictions and depression as she struggles to truly be a great actress. Monroe is willingly imprisoned by the persona she has established for herself. Williams is the perfect choice to portray both sides of Monroe: the sultry, stunning goddess as well as the

Michelle Williams with Dougray Scott turmoiled and vulnerable young woman who grew up without a mother. Grossing over $1.5 million on its opening weekend, the Oscar-worthy flick kicks off with a fantastic musical performance of Heat Wave from Williams as Monroe, clad in carefully chosen costume to reflect the true clothing of the era. My Week with Marilyn is a wonderfully crafted work and a remarkable insight into the life the star led; although Williams reveals Monroe’s giggly, charming nature, the film does not shy away from the gritty detail of her hardships, even depicting her reaction to a miscarriage. The beautiful orchestral score – composed by Conrad Pope and Alexandre Desplat – features soft notes from the piano as the main theme, indicating the fragile nature of the film star. Facts about Monroe, Clarke and Olivier bookend the film, describing the huge successes all three went on to have in their respective careers, giving the conclusion a satisfying tone. My Week with Marilyn is definitely recommended… and my boyfriend even liked it too!

{sin} Arts & Entertainment {23} 13–07


Bane: The Unlikely Face of the 99%? Review: Inni By Gerard Madden “There’s a storm coming (...) You and your friends better batten down the hatches. Because when it hits, you’re all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.” If you think that’s a typical quote from an Occupy Wall Street protestor, you’d be only half-right. In fact it is something Catwoman’s alter ego Selina Kyle, clearly a paid-up member of Occupy Gotham, says to Bruce Wayne as they dance in the latest

trailer for next July’s The Dark Knight Rises. Yep, just when you thought Christopher Nolan’s take on the Batman legend had reached the apex of awesomeness, he goes out and turns the finale to the series into a parable of the Occupy’s movement’s class revolt. Clearly not agreeing with odious former Batman cartoonist Frank Miller, who infamously denounced the Occupy movement as “thieves and rapists” and “pond scum,” Nolan reportedly considered including Occupy Wall Street’s base of Zucotti Park as part of

filming. So is Batman part of the one percent, given Bruce Wayne’s fabulous wealth? And if he is, should ‘Victory to Bane and the 99%!’ be the Occupy movement’s new slogan in 2012? Certainly the difference between richboy Bruce and the film’s main bad guy, who rose up from poverty through a little ‘back-breaking’ work, couldn’t be more stark. Of the many great films I watched while rendered immobile by turkey and cider over the Christmas holidays, Michael Mann’s The Insider was one of the best, and instantly comes to mind as another great film of the 99%. In this story based on true events, Al Pacino stars as Lowell Bergman, a gravel-voiced CBS journalist who must go out of his way to fight for a whistleblower of his; this time, the smoking gun is actually smoking. That whistleblower is Jeffrey Wigand, played by Russell Crowe, an executive at Brown & Williamson Tobacco, who courageously revealed in the mid 90s that cigarette companies had been adding nicotine to their products to make them more addictive. Wigand eventually prevailed over the giant corporations, but not before a smear campaign and a lot of hardship along the way. The film’s lessons for the Occupy movement? Hang on tight. And get

Al Pacino to do your PR La Haine is an angry, witty and pulsating look at the side of Paris we don’t usually get to see on our cinema screens, and the mass poverty that exists in the city. The movie tells the story of three working class youths and 24 hours that changes them and the community in which they live forever. The film pulsates with the energy of the banlieues, with Edith Piaf and KRS-One providing the soundtrack of the streets. Our heroes, the Jewish Vinz, the black Hubert and the Arab Sayid wander through the streets of Paris in the aftermath of a riot. They get up to various misadventures and nursing their hatred of the police, which leads to one inevitable conclusion. Say what you like about property damage, riots produce damn good films! The editor demanded that ‘Robin Hood’ be included in this article, and was scandalised when I thought she was referring to Ridley Scott’s 2010 movie. So I couldn’t leave without paying tribute to the original story of the 99%, and Kevin Costner’s classic 1991 film, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. The Nottingham brigand was the original class warrior, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, and with Christian Slater, Morgan Freeman and Bryan Adams in tow, a film has rarely contained so much awesomeness.

The Golden Years of Goldfrapp By Roisin Peddle Dreamy, sexy and hypnotic, electro pop duo Goldfrapp have always been a class apart since their formation in 1999. Will Gregory and Alison Goldfrapp emerged out of the trip-hop scene of the 1990s and their first album Felt Mountain was shortlisted for the 2000 Mercury Prize. With such diverse musical influences as Kate Bush, T-Rex and Serge Gainsbourg, Goldfrapp are nothing if not eclectic. Alison Goldfrapp’s distinctive look - pirate hats, peacock feathers, ringmaster suits - adds to he uniqueness of this duo. Will Gregory has said his biggest inspiration is the composer Enrico

Morricone, best known for the theme to the spaghetti western, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. This cinematic style is best seen in their earlier work, especially in songs like ‘Oompa Radar’. Now, thirteen years on from their first album, Goldfrapp will release a collection of their greatest hits next month. Goldfrapp: The Singles covers their evolution from the cinematic, floaty sound of Felt Mountain to the upbeat disco-pop of 2010’s Head First. The stomping ‘Ooh La La’ from 2005’s Supernature opens the collection. This was Goldfrapp’s first UK Top Five single and is still sound tracking ads seven years later. It is of course, the Gold-

by Paul Varley Inni is the second film about the highly celebrated Icelandic band Sigur Ros. Following the success of the 2007 film Heima, which follows the band around their homeland on a homecoming tour, with Iceland providing a beautiful backdrop to the band’s music. Inni is much more intimate, capturing their live performance and their earlier roots. Canadian directer Vincent Morisset uses an intensely low light level and obscure camera angles, reminiscent of the 2010 Mogwai live performance film Burning. It captures the band in a stylistic view, a dreamy kind of form but frustratingly, he is never happy to concentrate on the entire stage for any length of time. Apart from the stylistic faults the overall idea is simple - the music. Starting off beautifully with ‘Ný batterí,’ with its haunting vocals and dark moody sound it tees you up for a treat. Moving onto the ever brilliant and beautiful ‘Svefn-g-englar’, with just the added volume of a cinema the sound of the opening xylophone sends shivers down your spine, leaving those who haven’t seen them live wondering how much better it is in person (me included).

The archive footage is a bit under-used accounting for around ten minutes of the film, but adds to the overall dreaminess, giving glimpses of the band as they were forming, their influences and the origin of their name. The music really wins the day. A must see for all Sigur Ros fans as this may be their swansong. With the bands current separation, most of the band concentrating on family and Jonsi carving out a successful solo career, the chances of a reunion are slim. For those new to the band, Heima would be a better introduction because of its stronger narrative and beautiful landscapes. But Inni holds its own as a fan film; it is minimalistic and at times enchanting. Best seen in the cinema, but if not possible a good sound system on your television, turned up loud!

frapp song everyone knows. The pace doesn’t let up with ‘Supernature’s Number 1’ and 2003’s ‘Strict Machine’, the insanely catchy ode to robotic love. Apparently this song is about lab rats being trained to love… or something. Even better, it sounds like something a lovelorn android would sing in the year 3000. One of the highlights is 2008s ‘A&E’, from the Goldfrapp’s fourth album Seventh Tree. Lush and gorgeous, its dark lyrics seem somehow uplifting. It’s one of the most beautiful songs that Goldfrapp have recorded. Likewise much of ‘Seventh Tree’ is gloriously melancholic. The other representative from the album on this collection is the Beatles-esque ‘Happiness’. The tempo ups again with

the feel good ‘Rocket’ and ‘Believer’ from 2010’s Head First. ‘Rocket’, a song you can’t help but sing along to, is a great introduction to the Grammy-nominated Head First. And for fans, there’s an extra treat; two new songs conclude the album. The mellow and wistful ‘Yellow Halo’ is ray of sunshine for the ears. The longing ‘Melancholy Sky,’ is a chilled finale to a fantastic collection. For those who only know ‘Ooh La La’ and ‘Strict Machine’, this album is a great way to get introduced to Goldfrapp’s music. More dedicated fans will be delighted with the two new tracks. Goldfrapp: the Singles is well worth investing in. Goldfrapp: The Singles will be released on CD and download on Mute/Parlophone records on 6 February, 2012.

{24} Arts & Entertainment {sin} 13–07


Spring Into the New Season

Galway Shows Its Creative Side

By Ashling O Loughlin

By Lia Stokes

The winter months have been a whirlwind of velvet, blacks and leather, and after the party season, I never want to see sequins again. Which is why the arrival of the Spring/Summer collections 2012, were such a welcome breath of fresh air. The international designer collections are what dictate the clothes that will appear in our wardrobes and high street shops, so if you want to be in the know for this spring, then all you have to do is look to the catwalk to see what trends are in store for you in the next few months. As February approaches, we can only hope that the Galway weather is going to improve slightly, and with the dark days of winter coming to an end its time to put an end to those dark wardrobes too. The clothes of Spring and Summer are going to be coloured from a palette of pastels; so think faint lavenders, ice cream pinks and glacier blues. It is a total revival of the girlygirl look, without being too brash or over-powering. And its not just clothes, expect to

see mint framed sunglasses and soft coloured heels. For those who really dare to stand out, then candy coloured hair is the next step in brightening up your look. The dip-dye trend has been increasingly popular over the past year, with hair ends turning blue and orange. And if the Thakoon and Marchesa models at New York fashion week are anything to go by, then we can expect to see a lot more colour in hair this season again. As for motifs and designs, you can expect to see a lot of Indian, Chinese and tribal prints this summer – the bolder the better. And of course it wouldn’t be Spring without some floral prints , which will no doubt tie in with the pastel colouring and girly look of the season. With the remaking of The Great Gatsby this year, the flapper look and low waisted dresses are also making an appearance in 2012. Strong heeled, dance-worthy shoes , fringing, feathers and beading is what makes the 20s look so glamorous. Usually cut below the knee, the 20s dress makes a perfect gown for any college or GAA balls

that might be coming up, as it is formal without making you feel over-dressed or like your wearing a debs dress . One of the most notable pieces to invest in this season is the skirt. The asymmetric skirt is continuing its dominance into spring; long at the back and short at the front, it is a piece that can be dressed down with flats during the day or teamed with heels for going out at night time. The Peplum skirt is another major trend and is extremely flattering to wear. Its layered midriff is perfect for showing off a slim waist, while also covering any weight you might have around the tummy after the festive season. The peplum style is not just constricted to the pencil skirt, and can be found in many other designs including dresses. It has been a popular choice in many Spring collections, including designers such as Marc Jacobs and Nina Ricci. A new year, and a whole new selection of clothes and trends to pick from. With such a selection of colours and prints, black just doesn’t have a place in your wardrobe anymore!

Last week Galway was witness to the first ever Galway Blogger Meet-Up. The event, which was held in the beautiful House Hotel in the heart of the city, was set up with the aim of bringing together some of Galway’s finest bloggers; from writers, photographers, fashion lovers, designers and artists to share ideas and interests and generally plan world domination. The brains behind the idea is blogger and journalist, not to mention NUI Galway alumna, Ciara O’Doherty. “I have always said that Galway has so much talent to offer and I thought this kind of get-together would be a great way for everyone to share ideas and hopefully achieve something great further down the line.” The introductory meeting was buzzing with anticipation and excitement for what the day would hold, and it didn’t disappoint. It brought together an eclectic mix of people with a variety of interests and even offered

Style Spotter With Erika Fox. Photographs by Cayla Bloomer

Check out Erika’s blog at Name: Rachel Quinlan

Name: Elizabeth Blake

What are you wearing today? Shorts from Topshop. Kimona, Top and Tights from Asos. Bag, Vintage. Dr. Martins, Online.

What are you wearing today? Fur coat and Jumper from Topshop Jeans from All Saints. Bag from Tommy Hilfiger.

How would you describe your style? I’m not a big fan of your typical high-street stores, I much prefer vintage and thrift stores as you can be sure that no one will have what you buy. It allows you to add a little character to your look and I love that.

Describe your typical daytime style? My style varies a lot, usually depending on my mood that day. It can vary from anything quite girly to looks that are much more “boyish.” I wouldn’t say that I’m very influenced by trends.

Who is your Style Icon? Cara Delevingne (model).

Who is your Style Icon? Freja Beha Erichsen.

those in attendance some sweet treats and tea and coffee to keep energy levels up amid all of the brainstorming. NUI Galway was well represented in the mix with a number of our own contributors in attendance. The event was a huge success with a great turn out and has resulted in the formation of The Galway Blogger Collective. The aim of the group is to offer a platform for members to make contacts in various fields, have some fun, meet new people and share information and experiences with the rest of the group. Anyone and everyone is welcome at what is hoped to become a monthly meet-up and planning session. Among the crowd of enthusiastic bloggers were the creators of the galway. com website. This is a great interactive website that is constantly being updated with news, views and reviews of all things Galway. The site has been on the go for over six months now but is rapidly expanding and looking for contributors to help do so.

And where better to start looking than at a meeting of online writers? Although Dublin is often considered the centre for all things arts and culture, Galway also has a lot to offer in terms of human resources. Known for its bohemian artsy vibe, the city is awash with fresh, undiscovered talent both young and old, from musicians and artists to writers and designers. The Galway Blogger Collective is an initiative which hopes to showcase this talent and share it with a wider audience through the blogosphere. If you are a blogger or interested in getting involved in The Galway Blogger Collective, you can leave a comment on my blog ragsandretrospect. with your name and email address and I will get back to you with the details. Or if you are interested in contributing to simply get in contact with them through the website or the facebook page at https://www.facebook. com/­galwaydotcom .

Happy New Year from the Sports Unit! w w w.c

y. ie lu b s .n u ig a lwa



Hall 1

“PLAY YOUR PART” this Semester

Club Booking Time Table in Sports Complex 2011 – 2012 Hall 2

1-2pm 3-5pm

Tabletennis Club


Badminton Club

Badminton Club

Archery Club





Taekwondo Club & Judo Club


7-9am 6 - 7.30pm 6-8pm 7.30 - 9.30pm

Cricket Club Fencing Club Muai Thai Club

1-2pm Aikido Club

Ladies Varsity Bball



Swim Club 8.30 11pm

Mountaineering Club 7-10pm Wall

ig a lwa y. ie

Dangan Sports Regional Corrib Village Grounds Sports Centre Cages

Boxing 6-8pm

Athletics 6.30-7pm

Ladies Soccer 6-7.30pm

Womens Rugby 7.30Hockey 7.15-9pm 8.45pm

Karate Club Aikido Club

8 - 10pm

Dangan Pavillion


Boxing 5-6.30pm

Athletics 7-8pm

Mens Soccer 5.30-7pm

Lacrosse 6.30-8pm

Mens Rugby 7-8.30pm

Volleyball Club

9 - 10.30pm


R.Ball Court / Studio

Hall 3

w w w.c lu b s .n u

7-8.30am 1-2pm 4-6pm 6 - 7pm

Cricket 9-10.30pm

Kayak Club 9-11pm Swim Club

Frisbee Club

Mens Fresher Bball


Cricket Club

Taekwondo Club

8-9pm 9-11pm

Badminton Club

Badminton Club

7-9am 5-7pm 6-8pm

Cricket Club Volleyball Club


Boxing 6-8pm

Hockey 6.15-7.45pm Womens Rugby 7.308.45pm

General Varsity Training Badminton Club

Sub Aqua Club

Archery Club Ladies Varsity Bball

Table Tennis Club Mountaineering Club 7-10pm Wall Taekwondo & Aikido Fencing Club

Muay Thai

8-10pm 9pm - 10.30pm Cricket Club

Athletics 7-8pm

Mens Soccer 5.30-7pm Softball 6-7.30pm Athletics 6.30-7pm Mens Rugby 7-8.30pm

Lacrosse 6.30-8pm

Swim Club 8.30 - 11pm

11am - 1.30pm 2-3pm 6-7pm 7-9pm

Aikido Club Archery Club Judo & Karate 6-8pm Handball Club 6-10pm

Archery Club Fencing Club Inline Hockey Club


Hall 1

Speedball Club Volleyball Club

Capoeira 6-8pm Studio

Judo Club

Hall 2

Hall 3

12-2pm 4-5.30pm

R.Ball Court / Studio


Dangan Pavillion

Dangan Sports Regional Corrib Village Grounds Sports Centre Cages


Dangan Pavillion

Dangan Sports Regional Corrib Village Grounds Sports Centre Cages

Taekwondo Club



Hall 1

Hall 2


Hall 3

R.Ball Court / Studio

Fencing Club

Off Campus Clubs

Equestrian Club, Rockmount R.C, Wed 1pm Frisbee Club, Presidents Lawn, Mon & Thurs, 6pm Squash Club, Galway Lawn Tennis Club, Mon & Wed 7.30-9.30pm

FUTsAL Indoor soccer at the Kingfisher Club. Mondays 8–10pm

starts 23rd January. Limited to 32 teams. €40.00 per squad of 8. sign up before Friday 20th January at Noon. Great Great Prizes!

Information stands at Clubs day (12th January) Congratulations to Darren & the Bitches overall winners of Futsal semester 1. For further info contact Kevin Cassidy.

Email: Or text Kevin: 0861772589 Or visit Kevin Cassidy is the facilitator for all your recreational soccer. Most capped player for Galway United, Manager/Coach with Galway District League.

Tennis Club, Galway Lawn Tennis Club, Sun 6-8pm Handball Club, St Marys School, Tues & Thurs Golf Lessons, Salthill Driving Range Wed 6pm 7-10pm Mountbike - Ballyhoura Mtb Trails Dates TBC Surf Meeting, O’ Flaherty Theatre, Mon 6.30-8pm Sailing, Galway Docks, Fri 1pm Mountaineering Hikes, leaves Quad, Sun 9.30am

Windsurfing , Rusheen Bay, Sat 11am - 3pm Pool & Snooker - Hub, Mon, Tues, Wed, 6-10pm Rowing Club, Kingfisher, Mon & Wed. The Rowing Club Tues & Thurs 6pm, Fri 4pm.

The Le ade r ship P ro gr amme is back in Act ion!

Can’t Beat the Rain?

Please check out our website www. for more.

COrrib CagEs

For more info on University Sports or Clubs please contact: Kathy Hynes, Development Officer, Clubs & Participation. Ph: 091 493475, E: Gary Ryan, Development Officer, Elite Sport Ph: 091 49 5979, E: Ellen Kelly, Sports Administration Office Ph: 091 493482, E:

For news & more information please see the calendar which is updated daily on

only €20.00 per hour – includes lights!

sTaFF and sTudEnTs Opening 9am — Closing 10pm For further informati on contact Kevin Cassid y. E-mail: Text Kevin: 0861772589 Or visit: facilitator for all Kevin Cassidy is the cer. Most capped your recreational soc ted, Manager/ player for Galway Uni District League. Coach with Galway

{26} 13–07

S ports & F itness

{sin} 16–01

NUI Galway Hits the Bullseye at UDAI Tournament By Chris Clyne On the 2 - 3 December, six members of the NUI Galway Darts club descended upon Bodkins Library Bar to compete in the fifth annual U.D.A.I. singles and pairs tournament along with thirty-two players from across Ireland. NUI Galway did not disappoint. The talented Luke “The Wizard” McGrath lifted the coveted Singles Cup in a tense final against Tal-

laght’s Keith Kilduff. Kilduff is a renowned scorer but Luke wasn’t phased by this and he himself put in the big scores to silence the Tallaght man, testament to this was in the final leg when “Barbie” hit a 180 but McGrath replied with a 130 and on the next visit checked 35 with a single three, double sixteen with Kilduff sat on double ten to win the final 2-0. Silver ware was also secured in the pairs final by

Luke McGrath and Stiofán De Lundres Ó’Dálaigh in the form of second place. Stiofán, a multiple All-Ireland and World Champion wasn’t firing on all cylinders and the Tallaght men, namely Neil McDonald sensed this. As a result, Stiofán was punished as class shone through. However, he hit double sixteen with one dart to take the game to a deciding leg but it wasn’t to be and the NUI Galway pair unfortunately

The ‘Welsh Dragons’: Chris Clyne and Alan Murray, with Kathy Hynes, NUIG Sports Unit. Photo by Stiofán De Lundres ó'Dálaigh. Photo courtesy of NUIG Darts Club.

lost 2-1. In order to reach the pairs final, the NUI Galway men had to beat their fellow team mates “The Welsh Dragons” in the form of Alan Murray and Chris Clyne. The midlands men played consistently but the heavy scoring eluded them and the semi-final went to a deciding leg. Stiofán and McGrath hit two massive scores in two separate legs to leave themselves on doubles. If this

wasn’t the case, the outcome may have turned out differently but the runners-up were clinical on the doubles and won the game 2-1. Therefore, Clyne and Murray competed in the Shield Final against IT Carlow’s Daniel Salmon and Gearoid Galavan. Their victory was never in doubt as both men played well and Murray who is on track to earn the “Most Improved Player of the Year” title - hit double seven

to take the first leg. The second leg was much more nip and tuck but Clyne sealed the win with double two for a 2-0 win. The U.D.A.I. Team’s Intervarsities takes place in early March in Cork and the club hopes to retain their title from last year. Training is held every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m in McAlinden’s Pub, Lower Dominick Street. New members are always welcome.

Luke McGrath and Stiofán De Lundres ó'Dálaigh with Kathy Hynes, who took second place in the pairs final. Photo courtesy of NUIG Darts Club.

NUI Galway Men’s Football Team Firmly Set Their Sights on Sigerson Cup By Brian Grant After a very disappointing first semester, the NUI Galway Men’s Senior Football teams’ fortune appears to be changing for the better. Though they lost all of their games by the narrowest of margins in the All-Ireland league, joint-managers John Maughan and Tomás Tierney were confident of their team’s progress, having experimented with almost fifty different players throughout the League stages. Although they are open-minded in terms of different combinations, a comfortable and composed panel has evolved and are content playing to

the managers’ game plan. The prestigious intervarsity Sigerson Cup competition will be hosted at NUI Galway this year. Both players and management are well aware of how important the next two months are going to be. The team travelled to Dublin on 29 December to take on a DIT outfit filled with an array of star-studded inter-county players. The Galway side aired their early New Years intentions, asserting that they are a force not to be underestimated, coming out on the right side of the scoreboard in a tough competitive battle. Gaining confidence from this victory, the side travelled to Ballyhaunis

facing Sligo in the opening round of the FBD Connacht League under floodlights on Wednesday, 4 January at the Connacht GAA council’s new centre of excellence. Played in tempestuous weather conditions, this game was always going to be a dogged affair. Playing with the elements in the first half, the college team took a reasonable advantage into the interval leading 1-4 to 0-2 with Mayo Students, Neil Dougless and Jason Doherty both playing in the full-forward line, at the end of every score for the college. As expected, Sligo were not going to give up without a fight and came at the third-level side in

their droves for the first fifteen minutes of the second half. However, NUI Galway resisted this series of attacks holding them to two points in the second half, while they themselves added another two points to their tally finishing the game on a score line of 1-6 to 0-4. The following Sunday (7 January) the students continued their winning streak in Tuam stadium against an experimental Galway senior team, which consisted of several players who won the All-Ireland U-21 championship last year. The teams were fairly balanced throughout with the sides level up to as many as five occasions during the hour.

The decisive score, however, fell in the University’s favour fifteen minutes from time, somewhat against the run of play when Kerry man Iain Galvin rifled home a goal from thirteen yards out. The college never looked back after this and despite the Galway management bringing on fresh legs, adding energy to their attack, the college side came out victorious when the final whistle was blown on a result of 1-8 to 0-9. With only four weeks to go until the first round of the Sigerson tournament against St. Marys Belfast, Maughan and Tierney now have to start selecting what they believe their best starting fifteen to be, and have

only three games left to find that suitable combination. However, this is easier said than done as inter-county stars such as Sligo’s Stephen Gilmartin, Tipperary’s Ciarán McDonald and Galway’s Greg Higgins were all out with injury over the last few weeks and are determined to return for the first round. These injuries have given younger players such as Shane Moran, John Maloney, Stephen Ging and David Gavin a chance to shine, all of which have impressed management over the past few games, providing John Maughan and Tomás Tierney with a number of tough selection decisions over the coming weeks.

{sin} 13–07

S ports & F itness

Make Promises You Can Keep By Aoife Brennan January, the month of broken promises. Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Have you broken it? Did you even start it? Although starting a new year with a goal in mind is not a bad idea, a major milestone in the calendar isn’t necessary to make a change in your life. First and foremost, the most important thing you need is to make the decision. I mean really make it. Not “I’m going to try to eat fewer crisps” or “I’m going to try to quit smoking.” You will never be able to motivate yourself to do anything if there’s a little

voice in the back of your head telling you that you didn’t really mean it to begin with. Sit down and think about it. Do you really, really, really want to do it? If the answer is no, nothing will motivate you, you’ll be miserable trying to achieve it and you’ll probably fail like the majority of people who make hasty New Years resolutions. To make things worse, you’ll put yourself off ever trying it again, and the circle of guilt will continue. You can make this decision at any time. It doesn’t need to be the start of the week, month, year or even the beginning of a new day. It begins once you make the

commitment to your goal. When choosing your goal, start small, be specific, and make a plan. For example, if your goal is to melt away that Christmas tummy then choose one thing to change about your diet, one thing you’ll change about your exercise regime (or lack thereof) and work on sticking with that for, say, five days a week. Have a calendar on your wall and put a big green tick on it at the end of each day you achieve your goal. When you fall down on your goal, put a red ‘X’ on that day. That way, each day you wake up and see all those marks, red or green, you grant yourself extra

encouragement to succeed the next day. When the changes you’ve chosen to make are no longer a challenge, add a new goal and start to work on that until it’s an effortless part of your life. This way you give yourself a good chance of success. The more you succeed the greater your confidence will be in your ability to achieve. So be kind to yourself. Make promises you can keep. Finally, don’t beat yourself up if you fall off your chosen wagon. You haven’t failed; you’ve taken a detour. Dust yourself off and have the courage to start again, no matter what time of the year.

Workout: Twelve Minute Interval Training Equipment Needed: Interval timer, set for twelve rounds of 10 seconds and 50 seconds. This workout is taken from where it’s called the “Good Feeling Fitness Routine.” If you’re thinking of doing this workout, Google that title to see the video to show you how all the exercises are done. This routine is suitable for guys and girls of all fitness levels - just push yourself to a level where you feel challenged but take your time if working out is a new thing for you. As always, listen to your body; stop if there is any pain, take breaks if you need them and don’t be sloppy with your form do the exercises right so as not to injure yourself.

1. Ten high knees + ten mountain climbers: high knees is just running on the spot but lifting your knees as high as you can each time. After you’ve done ten, drop into a pushup position (also known as plank position) for the ten mountain climbers. Mountain climbers are running on the spot in the plank position as shown in the picture. Repeat this sequence as many times as you can in the fifty-second interval.

squat down and touch the ground with both hands then leap up and jump towards the ceiling. Do two of these before dropping to the ground to do two pushups with the knees on or off the ground, depending on your strength. Hop back up the standing position and jump up bringing both knees towards your chest as much as you can (a tuck jump). Repeat this sequence of three exercises for the fifty-second interval.

2. Two squat jumps + two push-ups + one tuck jump: Squat jumps - feet hip distance apart,

3. Plank side-jumps: start in plank position. Jump both your feet up towards your right hand,

Mountain Climbers

Squat Jumps jump back to plank position, jump both feet up to the left and back again. Repeat for the rest of the fifty-second interval trying to do as many jumps as you can. Repeat this sequence four times for a twelveminute workout. Feel free to push it for longer if you’re feeling buff!

Plank Side Jumps

{27} 16–01

RECIPE: Fish Pie Preparation time: 30-40 minutes Cooking time: 35 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients: 1 kg potatoes 50 g butter Splash of milk 500 ml fish or vegetable stock 100 ml white wine Small bunch of parsley, separated into leaves and stalks (optional) 400 g white fish and/or salmon 300 g smoked white fish 200 g small 50 g butter 50 g plain (cream) flour 200 ml cream Handful of white bread crumbs (optional) Method 1. Heat oven to 180 C. 2. Peel the potatoes, cut into chunks, cover with cold water, boil and simmer for about 20 minutes, until tender. 3. Drain and mash the potatoes with the butter (up to 50 g) and a splash of milk until smooth. Season with salt and black pepper and set aside. 4. Put the fish stock, wine and parsley stalks into a large pan and bring to a simmer. 5. Add the chopped fish and simmer for five minutes before removing it with a spoon. Remove the skins, if any, and cut into large chunks. Discard the parsley stalks. 6. In a separate pot, make the white sauce: melt 50 g of butter over a low heat then stir in the 50 g flour. Cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring, not letting it brown or burn. 7. Add a drop of the stock mixture to the butter and flour mixture and make into a paste. Continue adding small volumes of stock and mixing until all the stock mixture is added. 8. Bring the sauce to the boil then simmer for about twenty minutes until it thickens and cooks. 9. Take the sauce off the heat and stir in the cream, parsley leaves, fish chunks and prawns. 10. Put the fish and sauce mixture in a casserole dish and spread the mashed potato over the top. 11. Bake for twenty minutes then sprinkle with the breadcrumbs (optional) and bake for a further fifteen minutes until the top is golden.

{28} 13–07

S ports & F itness

{sin} 16–01

2011 in Review: NUI Galway Sports Clubs By Aisling Crowe The previous twelve months have been a hugely successful time in the sporting life of NUI Galway. Whether it was winning All-Ireland championships or introducing people to new sports, the University’s sports clubs have many tales of sporting joy to tell and have high hopes for building on that success this year.

Windsurfing Last year was a really successful year for the Windsurfing club. According to Evan Flaherty, the highlight of the year was getting more people interested in windsurfing and involved in the sport. “Pretty much every weekend we have ten or fifteen people training in Rusheen Bay, which is a safe, sheltered bay for beginners.” This year the club is hoping to expand its membership and build on the success of last year. The intervarsities are coming up in Belmullet in March and the club is hoping to do well there and maybe organise a trip to Egypt or the Canary Islands later in the year.

Women’s Rugby This year is the women’s rugby team’s tenth anniversary and they have plenty to celebrate. In 2011, they took part in intervarsities in Carlow and got to the final of the Connacht league. As well as that, three of the team – Hannah Smith, Carol Staunton and Heather Carey were picked to play for Connacht. Carol also played on the Irish women’s team and PRO Hannah Smith says that it was one of the highlights of the year for the club. These sporting achieve ments were recognized off the pitch with the club winning the award for most improved club and Heather winning the Rugby Award at the Sports Awards. The club also got to the final of the Sports Leadership programme “We don’t need awards but it’s lovely to be acknowledged for the work of the last two seasons,” adds

Hannah. This year, the club will host the women’s rugby intervarsities on both the 28th and 29th of March and everyone involved with the club is looking forward to the tournament and hoping to make it into a rugby festival.

Surfing 2011 was another hugely successful year for NUI Galw a y ’s s u r f i n g c l u b . T h e y continued their dominance of the Irish intervarsities, tri-

Aine O Brien, Johnny Hynes & Dami Adebari from the Soocer team at Clubs Day.


Angela Williams and Paul Mccormack from the Inline Hockey Club at the Clubs Day in the Kingfisher. umphing for the seventh year running. Another highlight for the club was their recent trip to Portugal for a surf camp. “It was perfect, the perfect venue and the perfect weather,” says Dominic Barrett, PRO. The intervarsities are coming up in March and the club is hoping to take the title for the eighth year in a row, however, the competition in Strandhill will be intense. “It will be tough and there will be a fair bit of competition. Sligo (IT) are probably the second best after us,” states Felim O’Toole.

NUI Galway’s badminton players enjoyed a very successful year in 2011. They had three teams competing in the Galway league. Another team won Division Two of the Galway league, and went on to further glory by capturing the Connacht league and the All-Ireland title. The club also came third at intervarsities last year. One of the highlights of the entire year was hosting the GSBT in January. This was an international competition with over a hundred players taking part. Building on the success of that tournament last year,

and Marianna Van Dyke on the female épée Five Nations team. One of the highlights of the year for the club was the West of Ireland Open. Brendan Masterson explains: “It’s a national ranking competition and Fenit, our treasurer came third there and in Schull.” The men’s foil team was third at intervarsities. The club is currently preparing for the 2011 intervarsities which are in five weeks time and they are hopeful of a good showing there. “We have high hopes for the men’s foil team to do well, maybe second or third and we have a good épée team too,” adds Brendan.

Women’s Hockey The Women’s hockey team had a brilliant 2011. The highlight of their year was hosting the intervarsities. “The intervarsities were the best ever run according to IHU President Lorna Mitchell and it was our most successful tournament as well,” explains Síle Johnson. The team finished runners up in the plate and reached the semi finals of the Examiner Cup. They also finished second in the league, which was their highest position ever. The girls hope to build on the success of last year in 2012 and win the Examiner Cup and the Connacht Cup. The club’s seconds team is currently leading their division by three points and are very hopeful of winning the league.

Darts Aoife Smyth putting in a tackle, with Hannah Jenkinson in support. Photo by Euge Pettit. the club is hosting the Junior Cup in February and the intervarsities in March. The club is hoping to repeat its success of last year in the league and All-Ireland and to take part in Galway county competitions again.

Fencing NUIG Women’s Rugby Team in the Maradyke, Cork after their game against UCC. Image courtesy of NUIG Women’s Rugby.

Members of the Fencing club made their mark on the international scene during 2011 with Cian Blakes representing Ireland on the students Five Nations team

The NUI Galway Darts club has a newly crowned All-Ireland champion in their midst. Luke McGrath won the singles title just last month in GMIT. His victory is just one of a number of outstanding achievements by the club and its members who have achieved much in the five years since it was founded. Last year, the club won the colleges’ All-Ireland team tournament and are also European University Darts Champions. They also defeated local rivals GMIT in the hotly contested Corrib Cup. This year the club will travel to the European Championships in Holland and are hoping to do well there. The colleges’ All-Ireland tournament takes place in UCC at the start of March and retaining the title that they won last year is a priority.

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Last year, the Rowing Club won three titles at the National Championships, with victories coming in the women’s intermediate four, the women’s novice four and the men’s novice four. The women’s novice eight won at the intervaristies in Cork but the club’s main aim for the year is the National Championships where they compete with over eighty rowing clubs in Ireland. The hard work they put in over ten and a half months clearly paid off as they came joint second overall. The club also suffered the sad loss of inspirational coach Tom Tuohy, who died last year. He helped the club to achieve massive success, winning over forty pennants at the National Championships and coaching Henley winning crews and future Irish Olympians. This year, the club is looking forward to a good National Championships and intervarsities. One of the highlights of the coming year will be getting the opportunity to row the Olympic course in London. The club is participating in the London Metro event which takes place six weeks before the Olympics.

The Club had a highly successful showing at the AllIreland colleges’ tethrathalon competition in November. The tethrathalon comprises running, shooting, swimming and show jumping and the club had success in both the individual and team competions with first and second places in the individual running disciplines and a team third. This year, the club is hosting the intervarsities, which will take place next month. The competition is a truly international one with

Sarah Smith, Sean Coughlan, Diarmuid Kenneally, Conal Phelan and David Moran from the Judo clud during Clubs Day.

Pool and Snooker The club is yet another success story in the sporting life of NUI Galway. They are current All Ireland college league champions. Last year alone, they got to the semi finals of the intervarsity competition and four individual players made it to the final sixteen at the tournament. Two members of the A team have also represented Ireland at international competitions over the last year. On top of all of these fantastic achieve-

Rita Breen, Maeve Canning, Sharon Moran and Elaine Johnson from the NUI Galway Rugby team at Clubs Day in the Kingfisher.

Aikido Success isn’t just measured in trophies and titles, it takes many different forms and shapes. The NUI Galway Aikido club had a very important year. The club’s members organized a Misogi in Connemara to raise funds for the Ireland Japan Earthquake Appeal. The event was an enormous success and the club raised €954 to help the people worst affected by last year’s devastating earthquake and tsunami. The club received a letter from the Ireland Japan Association expressing their heartfelt gratitude for their efforts. The club recently took part in the Aikido intervarsity seminar (there is no competitive element in Aikido), which was conducted by the chief instructor in Ireland. In August, eight club members including instructors took part in a week-long summer school in Limerick. This year the club is hoping to take part in the Sports Leadership programme in the hope that they will be able to send some members to Japan to train. The club would also like to expand and include new members in 2012.

students coming from Great Britain, Poland, Belgium and France to take part in show jumping, dressage and prix caprilli competitions. The club is always open to new members.


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semester, the camogie panel expanded with the addition of a number of highly skilled players. NUI Galway had one Freshers’ team in the northern blitz, they entered as reigning champions and succeeded in maintaining the title for the second year in a row. Furthermore, they also established two teams for the southern freshers’ competition hosted by CIT. Both teams represented the university exceptionally well and made it to the semi finals. Unfortunately, one of the teams was narrowly beaten by Mary Immaculate College, Limerick by a single point. The entire panel participated in the league campaign, beating CIT but unfortunately losing out to DCU. However, the training intensity has increased, with sessions over the holidays, including a team bonding trip in Dublin for two days. The NUI Galway Camogie championship commences on 25 January away to the reigning champions WIT. Currently, both the panel and management are strongly focused on this difficult and demanding task. Yet, they are more than ready to take all the necessary steps to ensure the Ashbourne Cup returns safe and sound to NUI Galway. The Camogie panel would like to thank the management and back room team support for all the effort and work they have done thus far. The club are holding a fundraising table quiz on 19 January at 7:30pm in the College Bar. There will be food and prizes on the night. Teams of four per table at €5 per head. Great craic and entertainment is guaranteed!

By Róisín Connaughton

The NUIG Aikido Club at the “Misogi” on 29 May, on top of Lackavreagh in Connemara. Image courtesy of NUIG Aikido. ments, club member Stephen Sempsey is the number one ranked player in the country. The next few months promise to be enormously exciting. Coming up in quick succession, they will be contesting the finals of both the CUSAI league and HESPC intervarsities. Additionally, they are assisting the World Snooker organising committee for the purpose of the PTC snooker finals, which will take place in the Bailey Allen Hall on 14 March. This prestigious event has a first prize of €80,000.

Now that 2011 has drawn to a close, it is time for NUI Galway’s Camogie teams to focus their attention on the challenges that lie ahead in 2012. Throughout the first

Mark Kelly & David Hanley from the softball team during Clubs Day.

Ladies Soccer By Rosemary Gallagher The team had several success in 2011, including a flawless campaign at the Soccer Intervarsities in Cork. While they remained unbeaten for the tournament, they unfortunately lost on points. Also in 2011 Rosa Shine, Nuala Marshall, Leona Doolan and Siobhan Tully made it to the Irish Universities’ All Star Team. Pictured are Johnny Hynes, coach, and the committee of the NUI Galway Ladies Soccer Club, who will be hosting the Soccer Intervarsities 2012 from 8 – 10 March.

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Gym Membership For All NUI Galway Students? By Katie Finnegan At the Clubs Captain meeting held early last week, the subject of Universal Gym membership was brought up once again. The University is very keen to push this, more so than last year. According to Eamonn Flynn, NUI Galway’s Clubs Captain, the proposal is to increase the student levy, “by no more than €50” per year and is not set to be raised over the coming years. This would be in addition to the €224 levy currently paid by students. This in turn would remove the current €250 student charge for membership to the gym on the university grounds. The introduction of universal gym membership would entitle every student to use the facilities in the Kingfisher. According to SU President, Emmet Connolly “extensive renovations would need to be made to the gym to accommodate increased numbers and must occur before students are asked to pay an increased levy.” This was confirmed at the Club Captains’ meeting by Eamonn Flynn who said that there is in fact a proposal to

extend the current building as well as making some changes to the inside of the building. The addition of a dedicated clubs area is being looked at. The €50 levy would not be brought in until final works on the building are completed, which, if it goes ahead, would hopefully be completed for the start of the academic year in September 2013. Currently, a petition is being signed in favour of this proposal, and if the signatures

are received, “a comprehensive proposal regarding such a deal will be put before the student body by referendum in mid-to-late February” said Emmet Connolly. This proposal has been met with mixed reaction from students. It is not the first time that the University has attempted to introduce universal membership for all students. One third-year arts student, Sarah O’Connor, explained how she felt that it

was unnecessary to introduce more fees “when most people will probably never use it. It’s only going to benefit a handful of people.” David Coyle, a final year chemistry student feels slightly differently, “If the college, and Kingfisher stick to these terms this can only benefit the student body. As it stands, there’s a huge, modern facility on our campus - that we’re paying a levy towards - but can’t use without paying for.”

Closure of UCD’s Running Track Creates Widespread Animosity By Alan Keane The iconic UCD running track at Belfield closed late last November amidst a storm of controversy. The track - which has existed at the site for over fifty years – was occupied by diggers tearing up the surface less than a day after UCD circulated an email to students to drop the bombshell that the facility was no more. The lack of notice was the main grievance that students of the college had, together with the lack of an alternative facility for their athletes. This prompted members of the university’s athletic club to set up a campaign called Save Our Track. This campaign consisted of a well supported facebook page and a petition. Members of the club also turned out for a raucous run through campus,

bursting into the canteen and various lecture halls to raise the profile of their cause. Unfortunately for these athletes, and many more who utilised the facilities without attending the college, their attempts to save the track were futile from the outset as, no sooner had they been informed of the intentions of the University to demolish the track, the diggers were in demolishing it. The official line, stated in the email to UCD students, was that the track was closed due to health and safety reasons. This prompted incredulity among those protesting against the track closure. Antoine Burke, a World Junior Chamionship silver medalist in 1994, and an alumni of UCD, was quoted in the Irish Times as saying “‘Slippery when wet’ is an

unbelievable claim for which to shut the doors of this facility, to me, it’s like removing a cooker because it’s ‘dangerous when hot’”. The campaign to save the track garnered much high profile support, including Leinster and Ireland prop Cian Healy, and notable athletes of today and yesteryear such as David Gillick, Sonia O’Sullivan, Paula Radcliffe and Eamon Coughlan. Coughlan was one of the four Irish athletes who set a current world record way back in August 1985, when at a Goal charity event they smashed the time for the 4x1 mile relay. That event also attracted one of the largest crowds ever seen at an athletics event in Ireland. There is talk that there will be a replacement track built in the Clonskeagh area of UCD,

as this is where the majority of the University’s sporting facilities are now located. However, in the current economic climate, there is real uncertainty over when this will be. The Save Our Track campaign claimed that UCD had recently acquired a loan of €90 million [see page 10 – Ed], and that a mere €500,000 of that would be sufficient to develop the new facilities. However, as it stands, the only acknowledgement that the historic track ever existed at Belfield is a statement on the universities website where the athletics facilities should be. “We (UCD) hope to be able to provide an alternative facility on campus in the future.” Ambiguous, and in the months running up to the London Olympics, not good enough.


F inal W ord


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What’s Happening in Galway 16TH – 29th jANUARY Book 1

Book 1

Sudoku #1

Sudoku Sudoku#1 #2

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad

Book 1Intermediate Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad

Sudoku#1 #2 Sudoku

26 4 3 8 5 7 8 2 95 2 9 6 2 4 9 66 1 7 8 4 5 8 57 81 3 2 4 36 4 1 1 3 – Comedy: Neil 9Monday 8 7 4 16 January – St. Vincent5 Thursday719 January de5 Paul the 9 College Delamere, Hall Theatre. 7 Town 7 meeting, 8 Library 2 of 6 3 5 5 7 Tickets €20. Chapel @ 6-9pm. Friday 20 January – Glitter & Glam 22 85 6 January 3 5 7for Wit- Event7with 8 Draiocht, Tuesday 17 – Heats Halo Nightclub @ less €6 1 Tickets 66 7Socs 7 in5 association2 with Ents, Music and 12-3am. 5 9 from 8 7box. 8 65 RockSock commence. College Bar @ 9pm. Saturday 21 January – Music: The 3 Boys 52the6Black Stuff, 3 @ 6 5 1 2 8 from 1 Monroes Bar Running until 24 January. 21 9 2 12 – Film-7 10pm. 3Wednesday 4 18 January 5 8 6 Tickets 4 4 €10. 2 4




© 2011 soc screening of 12 Angry Men, Áras Uí Chathail @ 7pm.

©©2011 Sunday 22 January – Music: Midwinter Festival; Intimate Voices, Town Hall

4 7 2

Sudoku Sudoku#3 #4

Sudoku Sudoku#3 #4

Sudoku #3

9 3

1 4 7 6 2 3 6 8 5 9 7 1 5

1 6

5 8 4 1 8 5 3 9 5 8 1 4 2

2 9 8

8 5 8 9 9 1 3 57 9 1 3 5 42 66 9 4

35 44 77

CloakRumours The NUIG ComicSoc Presents...

Life of the Party By Leigh Ashmore

4 4 2 3 3 59 6 65 34

2 9 8 1

© 2011

Sudoku #2

2 83 9 1 8 4 4 7 4 3 By Katy Quinn 5 6 7 2 8 76 1 3 6Theatre. 1 7 9 8Tickets €6 1 Thursday 26 January – VegSoc host Soc 7 9 23 4January – French 8 1 Veggie Pot Luck 2 Lunch, 4 The Hub @ 1pm. 7 Monday Friday 27 January – Music: The host annual Table Quiz, College Bar @ 2 9 8 6 1 6 49 7.30pm. Amazing Apples, Monroes Bar @ 10pm. Tuesday 4 124 January – Muslim Youth 7 3Tickets 5 €7 1 host Palestine History Talk, Concourse Saturday 28 January – Music: Grand2 78 4 6 2 9 4 AC215 @ 6.30pm master Flash, Roisin Dubh @ 9pm. Tickets 9 Wednesday 25 January 8 €18. 9 5 – Music: The ©© 2011 2011 Underground Sound, Monroes Bar @ 9pm. Free admission.

"A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad." -- Samuel Goldwyn

Your life would be very empty if you had nothing to regret.

6 9 64 1 7 57 6 4 7 9 5

37 1 8

4 5 ©©2011


Challenging Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad

2011 Sunday ©29 January – Comedy: Eric Lalor, Roisin Dubh @ 9pm. Tickets €15

"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit." -- William Shakespeare

Sudoku #4

2 1 3

88 4 5 6 9 3 7 3 9 2 5 6 1 1 4 8 4 3 8 9 5 2 6 1 5 7 1 2 5 1 3 4 8 4 22 7 9 6 8 5 ©© 2011 2011

Two students executed by librarians after being found writing – not reading – in the Reading Room. Student Facebook-stalks old friend from primary school who didn’t go to college. Vast majority of status updates contain at least one of the following words: ‘hungover,’ ‘great craic,’ ‘dying,’ ‘pints!’ ‘ughhh,’ ‘Australia.’ Secret staff-only nightclub discovered underneath the Quad. Trade unions insist the nightclub is necessary for staff training and development; threaten strike action. Incoming Erasmus student soaks up local culture in Tig Coili. Having soaked up considerably more local culture than the legal limit, attempts to cycle home… to Italy. New staff in Cloakroom wonder why they don’t actually hear that many rumours down there. #OccupyGalway spawns copy-cat groups on campus, including #OccupyConcourse, #OccupyAC201, and #OccupyMartinRyanInstitute. #OccupySinOffice met with open hostility from frazzled Editor. Coyotes fights off stiff competition from Club K to become the nightclub of choice for contracting STDs among first year students. PhD student denies opportunity to procrastinate: concerned med-head friends refer her for immediate MRI scanning. Engineers finally venture over to Áras Moyola to talk to nursing students. Shifting ensues. Smokies Cafe decide to float idea of ‘Decaf Tuesdays,’ Smokies seen billowing smoke shortly thereafter. SU Equality Officer Will O’Brien to shave dread-locks, donate to science. Loud-Breathing-Girl, Guy-Who-Smells-Like-Ass, and Always-Coughing-Mature-Student complete the most annoying table in the Library. NUI Galway is named ‘Best NUI Galway of the Year.’ President Browne “very pleased” by the award. SIN authors seek access to Oxford Dictionaries through Library; librarians deny existence of any such texts.

Horoscopes 4

1 9 8 7


By3the Ultan Sharkey, Ruth9Scales and Rosemary Gallagher 7 3

4 3 - Apr19] 1 Libra 6 [Sept23 - Oct22] Aries [Mar21 You8 will submit You will attempt to join 2 your thesis early. HA! No you won’t. a club today to improve 6 2 your fitness. On the way Taurus 7 [Apr20 - May20] 5 8 6 you will meet some friends You will receive an heading back to Corrib, and 4 9 drinking instead. Work it unexpected visitor soon.© 2011go To counter their mysteri- out tiny dancer. ous adverse effects answer your door with the words Scorpio [Oct23 - Nov21] “I know why you’re here” You are now aware of for the next fourteen days. your own breathing. You’re Also, buy a TV license. aware of the feel of clothing against your skin. Have Gemini [May21 - Jun20] a nice day. Weirdo. Your father’s first cousin, twice removed (on his Sagittarius [Nov22 mother’s side) sends you a Dec21] message: Hop on one foot That girl whose cheek for twelve beats this mid- you stroke in a creepy fashnight. If you fall over, you ion is one touch away from will have good luck. If you a restraining order. Cease don’t, that’s better luck. and desist. Cancer [Jun21 - Jul22] That thing that your friend asked you to do that made you feel uncomfortable but kinda warm is illegal. You’re being watched right now. No! Don’t look around like an idiot! Also, Irene doesn’t sell flowers, that’s a surveillance van. Leo [Jul23 - Aug22] You keep hearing a low guttural howling outside the library. Nobody else hears it. There is nothing wrong with your hearing. Answer the call. Virgo [Aug23 - Sept22] My friend likes you. Over there, with the goatee. He wants to know if he can have your number. And a lock of your hair.

Capricorn [Dec22 - Jan19] You keep hearing a low guttural howling from your bowels. Everybody else hears it. There’s something wrong with your herrings. Answer the call. Aquarius [Jan20 - Feb18] You’ve already broken that New Year Resolution haven’t you? Never mind, tomorrow is another day. However, today is a day too. Stop reading made-up horoscopes and go do that thing you said you’d do. Pisces [Feb19 - Mar20] You had a sweet gig writing Horoscopes for Sin Newspaper, but one week you didn’t respond to an email and your column was poached. You don’t like them apples.

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F ashion


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