Sin Volume 13 Issue 5 07-11-2011

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7 NOV 2011 From Áras Na Mac Léinn to Áras an Uachtaráin INMO to Vote on New 2 Proposal for Nurses’ Pay

By Katie Finnegan Former NUI Galway Students’ Union President has been elected as president of Ireland. In a dramatic t u r n a r o u n d , L a b o u r ’s Michael D Higgins topped the presidential poll with 701,101 first preference votes. The politician and poet received 39.6% of the vote, ahead of independent Sean Gallagher who trailed behind with only 28.5%. Higgins received an unprecedented swing in support after Mr Gallagher was publicly derailed by Sinn Féin’s Martin McGuinness in a pivotal Frontline debate. Michael D. grew up in County Clare with his aunt, uncle and younger brother. He moved to Galway and some spent time working in factories before getting a job in the ESB. He spoke of it as being a “wonderful time.” He made an impression on an ESB worker who gave him a £200 scholarship to attend the then University

Opening Up Government Data


Top 10 Productivity Apps for Students


Sin’s Guide to (Un) Healthy living


Bulmers Galway Comedy 23 Festival Highlights NUIG Kayak Club Does Donegal


Michael D. and his wife Sabina in An Bialann, NUI Galway on the final day of his successful Presidential campaign College Galway. Serving as Students’ Union president during 1964/65 in University College Galway Michael D. famously led over 600 students in a march to protest about poor relations between the university and the local community.

Higgins served as the Chairman of the Fianna Fáil Cumann before meeting controversial minister Noel Browne who convinced him to join the Labour party instead. He held positions as auditor of the Literary and Debating society and as editor of the

college newspaper. He graduated in 1965 and later returned as a professor in the Faculty of Arts, Commerce, Celtic Studies and Law. He was also appointed Adjunct Professor affiliated with the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI, Galway.

Current SU President Emmet Connolly says “It’s a great day for NUIG. It gives hope to the students that they’ve come to the right place to study. It gives them optimism. Michael D. has always been a friend of the students and the Students’ Union. He’s

helped us in the past and I hope that will continue. I think he’s inspired a lot of students to get involved in the community and volunteering. It’s a good day for the college. We’re very proud.” Continued on Page 2

FEE Presence Shakes up Campus Party Politics By Ian Colgan Chaos erupted at a meeting held by NUI Galway’s Ógra Fianna Fail Society recently, as fur flew between society members and members of Free Education for Everyone (FEE). The incident occurred at an open meeting in AC201 on the evening of Monday, 24 October, when a FEE group showed up, planning to generate debate. An awkward presence was created, escalating into an ugly exchange of abuse which culminated in Ógra Fianna Fail members locking themselves inside the room. The incident mirrors

that of a similar episode that occurred at a talk by Fine Gael TD Ciaran Cannon that same day, when about twenty-five FEE campaigners materialised at the back of the room. They remained quiet during his speech, before mercilessly questioning him in a subsequent debate, causing Young Fine Gael members to have to interject repeatedly to plead for them to let the man speak. “They let him speak, but then they were interrupting,” said newly-appointed Ógra Fine Gael Auditor Rory Boyle, who stressed that Young Fine Gael didn’t mind the company of FEE

and that, if anything, they functioned to create a more lively talk. “The worst thing was that they were cursing — there were some insults thrown around … But in fairness, I was expecting a lot worse,” the Fine Gael Auditor continued. “There was no physical or verbal intimidation [and] the minister said he’d be happy to come back.” This was in stark contrast to what happened at the Ógra Fianna Fail meeting that same evening, when FEE’s like intention of a healthy debate went awry, prompting Cumann de Barra members to walk

Liam Mcguire gets jungle fever between Noreen Coen and Bronagh Larkin in the College Bar this Halloween. out before returning to lock themselves inside of the room. This caused a student to voice concerns

for fire safety based on the belief that the room had not been booked. The Societies’ Office confirmed to Sin that

the room had in fact been booked. Continued on Page 2

{2} 13–05

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{sin} 07–11

From Áras Na Mac Léinn to Áras an Uachtaráin Continued from Page 1 Michael D. was a favorite to win the presidential election among students across the country. A poll carried out on 6 October coordinated by the UCD College Tribune showed that he was the preferred candidate in five out of the seven universities that took part. NUI Galway students are delighted with the outcome; Masters student Aisling Crowe says “I’m

happy, I think he can be a father figure to the country,” while IT student Eamonn Brophy says “He’s quite a lefty which I really like. He’s anti-blood sports, anti US in Shannon and other things most politicians won’t talk about or touch. He’s just a pretty cool normal guy who’s seen life. There’s no dirt on him because he’s an honest person. I think he’s by far the best man for the job.” The President elect

grabbed national attention when he protested against the visit of US President Ronald Regan in 1984. President Regan was receiving an honorary law doctorate from UCG and at the time, Higgins condemned the US government for arming and financing the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. Along with other UCG graduates, he held a “de-conferring” ceremony in Eyre Square where previous recipients

of honorary doctorates burnt their parchments to show their disgust at the decision of the University. During his political career, Michael D Higgins has campaigned tirelessly at home and abroad against the oppression of peoples, in defense of human rights and in securing justice for all. Higgins will be inaugurated at a state ceremony in Dublin Castle on 11 November.

Michael D’s Students’ Union President Card

FEE Presence Shakes up Campus Party Politics Continued from Page 1 FEE had appeared at the meeting with a large banner and occupied one side of the room, outnumbering Ógra Fianna Fail and thereby exuding an unintentional but perceived threat. “[We] had only the intention of engaging in debates with Cumann de Barra,” said FEE’s Will O’Brien. “We did not go in with the intention to disrupt the meeting whatsoever. The meeting was disrupted in the end, but that was down to how members of both FEE and Cumann de Barra reacted to each other.” “There was a particular point when the whole atmosphere changed in the room,” said Senan Mac Aoidh of FEE. “Initially…I made a very big effort to stay very friendly, very engaging ... we actually invited all the Fianna Failers to join FEE.” This gesture was based on the logic that being in Fianna Fail doesn’t exclude someone from being in FEE, the latter being a campaign as opposed to an organisation. Conversely, many members of FEE present at the meeting that night were also members of Cumann de Barra, but often the two conflict. “FEE has a history of publicly challenging Fianna Fail,” Mac Aoidh continued, “and we’re very proud of that tradition for the simple fact that our soul objective is to achieve free education for everyone in this country

… and any organisation that stands in the way of that will be challenged.” It wasn’t until FEE member Joe Loughnane started playing Rick Astley’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ on his laptop that any pretence to a constructive or civil debate collapsed. Ógra Fianna Fail’s Auditor retaliated by grabbing his laptop from him, sparking a shouting match between the two parties. “Fianna Fail reacted quite aggressively to that,” concedes Will O’Brien, “to which certain members of FEE reacted to their reaction, and it all just got out of hand.” “It erupted into a row because of failings on both sides,” O’Brien continued, “and lessons are being learned on both sides.” Joe Loughnane was reprimanded by FEE the day after the incident: “I was told that from now on, if we do engage in other people’s meetings, that if I have something to say I’ll say it constructively or else don’t speak at all,” Loughnane said. “I accept that, because I did go overboard on the night.” Cumann de Barra have declined to issue any comment or official statement on the incident, but steps have been taken to reduce the likelihood of a repeat happening. The two groups reconciled at a meeting on 1 November in which FEE agreed not to show up ‘en masse’ to any future Ógra Fianna Fail meetings.

Nelly Burke, Brenda Egan, Cecelia McDonald and Biddy Cusane in the College Bar for Halloween.

INMO to Vote on New Nurses’ Pay Deal By Barbara Preston Following the Government’s decision to drop plans to stop payments to fourth year student nurses on placement, the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) has postponed its protest march on 9 November. The new proposal is to reduce the student nurses’ payments to 60% of a first year staff nurse’s wage in 2010 and then to 50% thereafter. When contacted by Sin, the INMO said that they would have

“no comment” until there had been consultation within the organisation. The INMO Executive Council meet on 7 – 8 November and a national meeting of all class reps from across the country takes place on Wednesday, 9 November, following which there will be information meetings in all colleges and hospitals where there are clinical placements, commencing the week of 14 November. Balloting on the issue will be completed in early December.

If the nurses reject the Government’s new proposal, the current fourth year students, who have contracts with the HSE, will have to ballot on taking industrial action. Emmet Connolly, NUI Galway’s Students’ Union President welcomes this new development in the on-going debate on student nurses’ pay. He told Sin that “any review of the previous government’s disastrous decision, which is in the interest of our student nurses, is on the right

road,” and that the SU “will stand by whatever our nursing students want.” With the position still very unclear, Emmet says that it is important to “give the nurses time to fully understand what’s on the table.” What is essential over the next few weeks is that student nurses and midwives educate themselves as much as possible about the new proposal before voting on it. The decision to be made will affect nurse education for the foreseeable future.


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This editorial is bollocks. It’s November folks! Snuck up on us, didn’t it? With only 47 sleeps to Christmas Sin is mainly concerned about three things over the coming weeks: study, Santa, and Selleck. I’m blue in the face talking about Selleck. Like so many young men, my beloved boyfriend is growing a soup-strainer for Movember. “Is it Selleck yet?” he asks, as he leans closer to the mirror, sending good vibes to his follicles, willing the little molecules in the root to grasp on to the hair shaft and plummet head first towards his upper lip, grabbing a nose hair along the way and shouting “Cowabunga!” A moment later he asks again, “Selleck?” Yes Simon. It’s a little bit ginger and not visible except on close inspection but other than that you look exactly like Tom Selleck. Good job. What he’s not talking about, like so many men, is bollocks. All the downy peach-fuzz we are seeing on campus these days is being grown (or not, as the case may be) in the name of our boy’s bits. Movember is about men’s health, specifically prostate cancer. The Mo-vement aims to get people talking about a disease that will affect one in eight Irish men at some point in their lives. One in eight! It’s also over 90% curable if detected and treated

early enough, which is why getting people talking about it is vital. Yes, yes, I know that the prostate has nothing to do with bollocks, but ‘bollocks’ and its many derivatives are much funnier words than ‘prostate’. Actually, most of our readers are too young to worry about their prostates yet. But it is time to start checking your bollocks. No! Not now. When you’re at home please. Its one thing watching you squeeze out a ‘tache, quite another watching you go fish in Smokey’s. Keep it for special private time please, but do get in there, suss it out, and if anything feels weird get it checked out. The Student Health Unit in Aras na Mac Leinn offers a clinic for this kind of thing. Ladies, you can learn how to check your bits too. Again, not in Smokey’s. We’re charting some NUIG Mo-bro’s progress over the next month, so even if you’re worried about the study, you still have Santa, Selleck and Sin to look forward to.

{3} 07–11

OPINION: It’s Time The Editorial Board Now that the Presidential Election is over, Ireland looks to the next issue of national concern: the Budget. Every year the routine is the same, and for many of us December means not only Christmas but also exams, gloomy evenings, incessantly drizzling rain and the Budget. When we were children, what affected us most was the Childrens’ Allowance; it had the final say on whether or not some of us would have an extra roll of Super Fizzy Frosties on the monthly Child Benefit Tuesday. For other families it was the difference between Santa or no Santa. Today as students, what affects us most is the introduction of fees, that enigmatic “student contribution.” The upcoming budget will decide whether many of us here, and the thousands to come, will have the opportunity to receive a third-level education. Last week, the USI created a stir by running full-page

advertisements in national newspapers branding Government TDs “liars” for reneging on election promises against raising student fees, highlighting a pledge publically signed by Ruairí Quinn and Eamon Gilmore in February. Students and parents were urged to contact the listed TDs and express their objections to any budget proposal that includes fees, graduate taxes, or other new costs to pursue third-level education. Controversy rages over the USI’s actions; some call it a publicity stunt, intentionally carried out during a busy election week when TDs genuinely may not have been able to respond to emails and letters. Others express concern over the cost of the advertisement, especially as this money essentially comes from students’ own pockets through the student levy. Both the ad and the possible rise in student fees have incited anger among TDs, students, and students’ families: this was no doubt intentional. What is extremely impor-

tant is that this anger be channeled into something productive, something positive that will actually have an effective impact on a difficult situation. This board calls firstly on Labour to stand by its election promise, to practice integrity and to show loyalty to its electorate, many of whom voted for Labour because of the pledge signed by Gilmore and Quinn. Specifically, we call on Labour TDs to state in writing that they will vote against the Budget if it includes new student fees. Secondly this board calls on students to practice their democratic right by contacting their TDs through the Tell Your TD campaign and expressing their views. Labour must be warned that if they renege on their election pledge, their support will sink drastically and they will lose the ground they have gained as a credible, dependable political party in the eyes of students. The Liberal Democrats in the UK are a case-in-point. The key government

Ronan Browne, Patrick Dunne, Bryan Wefer and Stephen McGinley suit up for their graduation.

argument is that money has to come from somewhere; while it is our firm belief that the education sector is not the place from which that money should be taken, it is essential that we offer our TDs valid and viable options as to where funding can be found. Use the education you are receiving, now. There are over 1,800 students in the Department of Economics in NUI Galway, but the potential to formulate a solution does not lie in their hands alone. Put your education, your skills, your vibrancy and creativity to use by coming up with alternative solutions to a problem that must urgently be addressed! Finally this board would simply say to students – march! Many of us are justifiably angry that we must pay such a large registration fee, that we must wait indefinitely for grant notifications and payments, that our parents may have to shoulder an even greater financial burden, that we may be forced to drop out of university and emigrate in search of enough money to simply make a living – but we should not act like passive victims, awaiting salvation from afar. Instead you, the student, must take hold of this opportunity to express your opinion and to send our government a strong, vocal message: Ireland’s students will not be walked upon. We will march on government. The USI National Student Demonstration will march to government buildings on Wednesday 16 November at 3 pm in Dublin. Take advantage of the cheap transport the SU is offering and be there.

Editor: Rosemary Gallagher | Layout: Shannon Reeves | Contact via Ed. News Editor: Colette Sexton | Features Editors: Orla Reilly and Arthur Walsh Foreman | Fashion, Arts & Entertainment Editor: Ashling O Loughlin | Sports Editor: Marian Clohosey | Web Editor: Jessica Thompson | Photography: Ciara Holmes (unless otherwise specified) | Contributors: Dami Adebari | Barnacle | Aoife Brennan | Eistear de Burca | Ian Colgan | Fiona Curran | Darcy | Laura Donnelly | Cathy Donoghue | Ciara Dooley | Ronan Doyle | Joyce Fahy | Pedro Fiel | Katie Finnegan | Eamonn Flynn | Erika Fox | Martina Gannon | Fiona Gillespie | Fearghal Hand | Sinead Healy | Louise Hogan | David Holland | Síle Johnson | Alan Keane | Jane Kearns | Mark Kelly | Jordan Lillis | Gerard Madden | Austin Maloney | Thomas McGrath | Myles McKittrick | Dinny Mulvey | Colleen Ní Bhaistir | Aisling Noonan | Michael O’Connor | Paul O’Donnell | MaryKate O’Shaughnessy | Áine O’Donnell | Alan O’Dwyer | Liam F. O’Neill | Marése O’Sullivan | Roisin Peddle | Barbara Preston | Dr Nathan Quinlan | Orla Reilly | Colette Sexton | Ultan Sharkey | Kieran Staunton | Jessica Thompson | Paul Varley

{4} 13–05

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{sin} 07–11

Private firm to run Galway University Hospital? By Katie Finnegan and Rosemary Gallagher Recent reports revealed that a private firm is to be drafted in to run a number of the Ireland’s hospitals. Among these is Galway University Hospital, which has been beset by long waiting lists and overcrowding. Sin spoke to Mark Costigan in the Department of Health who explained that speculation in other media had been inaccurate and “unhelpful.” He confirmed that Minister James Reilly has indicated for some time that he is keen to “fortify

management capability” in hospitals in the West of Ireland, including GUH and UL. The HSE attempted a normal recruitment process that was unsuccessful, before seeking a management solution. Mr Costigan confirmed that the HSE invited five firms, two Irish and three British, to propose a management package for the hospitals in question. The roll of Chief Executive in Galway, as well as CEO, COO and Chief Financial Officer in Limerick are currently held on a temporary basis. Any proposal from these private firms will be subject

to verification from the HSE, who will select a winning tender from the selection proposed. In response to allegations of a private firm taking over management of GUH Mr Costigan assured Sin that “there is no question of that occurring … It will continue to be a HSE hospital. When a new management resource is decided upon it will be absolutely answerable to the HSE.” In Galway University Hospital’s emergency department 8% of patients wait more than 24 hours to be admitted to the hospital.

Cutting-edge Radar Maps Galway Bay By Sinead Healy Researchers at NUI Galway deployed a sophisticated coastal radar system in Galway Bay for the first time in North Atlantic European waters. The system transmits information such as maps of the surface currents and details of the height and direction of waves from the shoreline to the Institute. This technology has potential uses for research and for the local community. The Modelling and Informatics Group in the Ryan Institute, led by Dr. Mike Hartnett, develops models to forecast marine conditions such as tidal currents, storm surges and wave heights. The group is currently collaborating with IBM Smarter Cities Technology Centre, Dublin, to improve model forecasts using the radar data and meteorological data. All the radar maps of surface currents and model forecasts will be made available freely online to the public through the Galway Bay Coastal Observing System. There are also plans to produce high-resolution maps of Galway Bay on CD. Sailors, fishermen and tourists can then avail this information. The research will also be of considerable benefit to the search and rescue activities of the Irish

Coast Guard. Data from the radar is helping to overcome several complications in developing an accurate marine forecast model for Galway Bay. These challenges include the complex tide patterns from the flow of water around the Aran Islands and the strong influence of wind on water movement in the bay. According to Dr. Hartnettt, “the radar system will be moved and used to map most of the major bays and estuaries around Ireland. This research will result in the most detailed charts of surface currents every developed for Irish waters. In the longer term results from the

system will be used to assess trends of climate change in Irish coastal waters.” The findings from this predictive modeling can then be widely applied to protect coastal cities and their environment, which is fundamental to the Smarter Cities Technology Centre. Dr. Hartnett explains how the technology works: “The system consists of two antennae, one located on Mutton Island in inner Galway Bay, and the other located at Spiddal. Every half hour the radars remotely sense the surface of the bay using acoustic techniques. Wireless radio communications are used to enable the system transmit

According to HSE HealthStat figures, GUH is the worst performing hospital in the country. Chair of the HSE West forum, Cllr Padraig Conneely (Fine Gael), said: “GUH is not only an acute hospital, it is an acute embarrassment to myself and the HSE and it has to be an embarrassment to the Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, and it is time for a fresh approach.” Deputy Colm Keaveny believes that the problems in GUH are resource related. He says “the bed capacity and bed closures are a consequence of degrees of clinical

mismanagement at GUH and the allocation of resources.” Speaking on the issue, he believes that “one of the critical problems is the failure of the previous administration’s plans around the fair deal policy.” The purpose of the Scheme is to provide financial support for people assessed as needing longterm nursing home care. “There are significant numbers of elderly people who should be housed and supported in the community under the fair deals scheme that are currently taking up to forty beds in GUH causing a backlog in the A&E depart-

ment” said Deputy Keaveny. He went on to say “We need to reform how we spent money and connect with the community in terms of primary health care”. Deputy Keaveny is “not convinced the managers at GUH currently who are directly employed are not the best people for the job. The current management is under-resourced and spread quite thin. They have been carrying out the jobs of a number of people. Key managers have not been replaced.” Mr Costigan expects a resolution in the coming weeks.

Competition Eamonn Doyle, Robin Allen, Emmet Connolly, Sinead Higgins, Anunt Singh Gill, Patricia Ffrench and Brian Grant pitched in recently as part of NUI Galway’s efforts to develop a greener campus. We will be patrolling regularly to ensure NUI Galway remains litter free. If you’d like to be in with a chance to win a book voucher answer the following question: Cigarette butts were the main type of litter found but how many butts (cigarettes that is!) were picked up by one person during lunchtime outside Áras na Mac Léinn? Was it: A) less than 300? B) 300–600? or C) 600 plus? Answers to, Environmental Manager, by Wednesday 16 November. Winner will be announced in next issue of Sin.

maps of the surface currents in the bay back to NUI Galway. This is high resolution data, providing information on surface currents every

300m. Also, the radars provide wave height and direction data at selected locations within the bay.” The radar system is

funded by the Higher Education Authority under Cycle IV of its Programme for Research in Third Level Institutes.

{sin} 13–05

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{5} 07–11

Occupy Galway By Fearghal Hand Since 15 October Eyre Square has been home to a number of tents forming the basis what is Galway’s branch of an international political protest. Occupy Galway is both a show of solidarity with the Occupy Movement, which began at Wall Street on 17 September, and a demonstration in opposition of the Irish government’s policies of supporting and bailing out the financial institutions. The camp in Eyre Square is of modest size. It is kept at current size to avoid disrupting the movements and lives of Galway residents. If the camp were to take up space from the upcoming Christmas Market, it would be damaging its own cause. Occupiers do not stay in the camp for the entire duration, but a presence is maintained constantly. The protestors rotate presence giving the time they can, although some have other commitments, such as children. Unlike Occupy protests in other countries, the

presence and participation of students in the Galway protest is minimal. Currently the majority of those partaking are at least thirty years old. While the current participants are by no means ‘old’, Occupy Galway is not the commonly perceived caricature of political protest that paints the idealistic student, versed in Voltaire and Marx, eager to change the world with a placard and a chant. These are people who feel let down by the state and are voicing their dissent. There is no archetype occupier. Backgrounds vary, but the frustration is shared. Further than this, there have been negative and aggressive reactions from youth, who have been reported as students, to the Occupy Galway protesters. Late nights have seen verbal abuse, the throwing of bottles and the demolition of tents at the Occupy site. There is nothing substantial to say whether these where students, and assuming they were, whether they were from NUI Galway. Regardless, the clear demonstrated

aggression towards those occupying bodes badly for growth and student support. Last year students marched and demonstrated against the prospect of increased fees. This led to the promise of no increase by the incoming government. This promise was broken, prompting the USI to take out advertisements in national media last week, branding the Labour Government “Liars.” Students plan to march again in the capital on 16 November. At this point, the NUI Galway Student Union is unable to offer an official position on behalf of the students regarding the protests. The question of offering student body support to the protests will be brought before the class representatives so that action can be taken. The camp holds assemblies at 1pm and 6pm daily. Saturday acts as a public awareness day with the main gathering at 6pm. There is a strict no-alcohol policy in place.

Overheard in NUI Galway Evan Flaherty Lads walking around Áras na Mac Léinn after graduating: “Arts for life!!” “I feel like Voldemort in these robes!!” Keith Whitfield Mature students after a Discrete Maths lecture:

Student 1: That was the longest hour of my life. Student 2: Try nipple clamps. Daniel Maher In a Lecture: Lecturer: “Research shows that if you do more housework you get more sex ...Take note

lads!” James Kenny Two girls walking out of Kirwan after Soc & Pol What are doors actually for?.... I don’t get it?

Martin Regan Two lads in 3rd engineering: Guy 1: So who was the interview for today with the suit and all? Guy 2: Ehm, I was at a funeral. Guy 1: Oh right.

Chris Campbell Gort na Coribe: outside having a smoke overhearing one girl: “So when a women go through menopause does she feel her eggs burn up?!”

Claire Finnegan Walking beside the Bialann: Guy 1: Sure lad you’ve a great chest... Guy 2: Nah I don’t. Guy 1: Sure you’re like a fucking dragon!!! *grabs chest*

Overheard something ridiculous? Let us know on the Facebook page: Overheard in NUIGalway. Each week we will turn the best one into a comic strip!

{6} 13–05

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Opening up Government Data By Ciara Dooley A worldwide movement to make public data available to citizens, businesses, organisations and public authorities through the “Opening Up Government Data” initiative which is being hosted by the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) in NUI Galway on 8 November. The event aims to provide a global initiative to motivate governments into granting individuals the ability to obtain information which is collected and used by government bodies. Governments nowadays collect mass amounts of valuable information which includes data on transport, education, health and planning applications. Such information is not normally available, and even where individuals can access it is often expensive and difficult to obtain. The aim of the initiative is to ensure that this type of information will be made freely available and easily accessible online. DERI has taken charge of the movement and has been responsible for the creation and development of a number of technologies adopted around the world, including Web standards developed at the institute which have been used by the Obama administration in their open government

programs. In Ireland, DERI teamed up with local authorities such as Fingal County Council and the Local Government Computer Services Board, as well as the National Cross-Industry Working Group on Open Data to promote Open Data. Deirdre Lee, eGovernment Leader at DERI, explains: “One of the leading examples of opening up government data is data. gov, the US Open Data website launched by the Obama administration. Soon after, the UK launched uk, and in total more than 140 regions and countries now publish their data online. In Ireland, one of the early adaptors has been Fingal County Council, with DUBLinked, a consortium of Dublin councils, set to launch a similar Open Data website.” There are several benefits associated with the Open Data programme, including its beneficial economic and social values as well as the process being practically costless. The easy accessibility of information will allow entrepreneurs to build their businesses around data obtained, which will lead to job creation and an increase in the generation of profits, which will have a beneficial impact on the Irish economy . The issue of accountability will also be addressed

{sin} 07–11

Research Reveals Risk-taking Among Young Male Drivers By Barbara Preston Last month during Road Safety Week NUI Galway’s Dr Kiran Sarma of the Department of Psychology presented the RSA Annual Road Safety Lecture. One shocking finding he reported was that, when he surveyed 1,500 drivers between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five, one in five young men admitted to racing on public roads. With statistics showing that 38% of those who died on Irish roads last year were under twenty-five years of age, Dr Sarma was investigating psychological factors which could contribute to “risky” behaviour by young drivers. His findings support international statistics which consistently point to young under this initiative. Citizens have a right to know what their governments are involved in and what they are doing. In a democratic society such as our own, governments must participate in sharing information and make it easily accessible to their citizens. The programme has also enabled citizens to be more informed and involved in the decision-making process. The Open Data initiative will provide a transparent system where citizens will not only know what is taking place in the process of governance but will also give them the ability to contribute.

Aoife Roisin Bourke, Chloe O Flynn, Cathy Jenkins, Jenn Oakland, Aoife Dervan, Nicola Whelan and Chloe Watkins at the Hockey Intervarsities in the Ardilaun Hotel.

male drivers as being the most dangerous behind the wheel. Dr Sarma’s research found that a much lower proportion (7.8%) of females were likely to speed. Males are also more likely to drink drive and use their mobiles while driving. Why this is the case is down to many different factors but the research pointed to positive attitudes towards speeding, as well as young men being more impulsive and likely to seek excitement than young women. Dr Sarma believes that this false belief that males are better drivers than females is part of problem, as well as some young male drivers feeling that their car is an extension of themselves and their driving ability is an important part of selfesteem. He also pointed

to “pretty convincing evidence” that the pre-frontal cortex – the part of the brain that is involved in executive decision making – is still developing before the age of twenty-five. Dr Sarma believes it may explain why young men, in particular, took risks in cars and why many of them were immune to road safety awareness campaigns. OECD studies also agree that they are also far more likely to be aggressive, indulge in anti-social behaviour and succumb to peer pressure than women. Dr Sarma says that driving behaviour is learned from an early age as a passenger and, if risky driving is the norm in your family, then it’s likely that is how you will drive when it’s your turn to take the wheel. Driving is

a complicated activity and obviously, from the research, the reasons for the way we drive are also complex. Dr Sarma said that “This research helps us to understand the psychology of young male drivers and can inform the way we respond to risky and reckless driving. The research would suggest that addressing speeding attitudes is important but that deeper psychological factors are also linked to dangerous driving on our roads.” How the findings of this research can be practically implemented is still a mystery, but maybe the next time you are heading out in your car, no matter if you are male or female, remember to keep impulsiveness to a minimum and forget the showing off.

{sin} 13–05

G alway N ews

{7} 07–11

Glór Ghaeltachta: Seachtain i Ros na Rún le Colleen Ní Bhaistir Tá an t-ádh orm a bheith ag obair le cheann de na sobal drámaí is fearr in Éirínn- Ros na Rún! Tá thart ar trí mhí caite agam ag obair leo agus taitníonn sé go mór liom! Táim ag obair le Ros na Rúnmar chuid do mo thaithí oibre. Is ‘Cúntóir Iar-Leirithe’ mé mé agus bím ag plé leis an idirlíon. Tá trí suíomh Ros na Rún faoi láthair; www. agus Bím ag plé agus don chuid is mó. Le haghaidh na duine nach breathnaíonn ar Ros na Rún, seo dhuit leargas beag faoin gclár ón foireann Ros na Rún. ‘Sobaldráma is ea Ros na Rún atá lonnaithe i mbaile samhailteach in iarthar na hÉireann agus é bunaithe ar shaol baile agus gairme na ndaoine atá ina gcónaí ann. Craoladh an chéad sraith de Ros na Rún i 1994, an léiriúcháin neamhspleách is mó riamh i stair chraoltóireachta na tíre seo. Sé séasúr 16 atá ann agus is séasúr 16 de Ros na Rún ar an gceann is drámatúla agus is conspóidí fós. Cé go raibh an greann

mar chuid lárnach den chlár le blianta beaga anuas, beidh séasúr nua Ros na Rún lán le scéalta spreagúla, péidifilia agus ginmhilleadh san áireamh, chomh maith le carachtair nua mar ghnéithe lárnacha de chláir an tséasúir seo chomh maith.’ Ní bhíonn an seachtain mar an gceanna ach sin ceard a bhí ar súil agam an seachtain seo le Ros na Rún. Dé Luain: Rinne mé fótaisheisiún leis an Léiritheoir Sraithe Hugh. Bhí muid ag glacadh pictiúir de Vince, Bríd agus carachtair nua Grace. Tá scéal mór idir na trúír sin ach níl mé chun é a rá doibh!! Chomh maith le a bheith ag tabhairt cabhair don fótaisheisiún rinne mé taifead ar an rud uilig. Bíonn na míreanna sin go maith don suíomh Facebook Ros na Rún. Dhá uair níos déanaí tar éis roinnt athraithe éadaí, tuilleadh smideadh agus roinnt bpictiúir bhí muid críochnaithe! Níl sé chomh glamorous is a cheaptar! Bíonn na fótaisheisiún éasca i gcomparáid le a bheith ag taifead radharc, is féidir leat an radharc ceanna a dhéanamh arís agus arís eile go dtí go bhfuil sé foirfe- mar a d’fhoghlaim mé níos déanaí sa seachtain! Dé Máirt: Bhí mé ar ais

ar an set arís- yay! Bíonn sé níos suimiúla ná ag obair ar mo ríomhaire. An t-am seo bhí mé ag taifead ‘taobh thiar den radharc’. Chaith mé thart ar uair a chlog ag taifead na cúpla aisteoirí agus iad ag caint, ag aisteoireacht agus ag obair leis an criú. Beidh mé a úsáid an físe le haghaidh an suíomh Ros na Rún le agallamh agus mar sin

air. Chaith mé am leis an stiúrthóir Tommy inniu. Bhí sé ag obair le ceann de na eagarthóir ar clár a beidh ag craoladh tar éis Nollaig! Dé Céadaoin: Bhí mé ag cuir píosa faoin gcarachtair nua Martina le chéile nuair a fuair mé glaoch ó Dara, bainisteoir stáitse, a rá go raibh ‘duine breise’ ag taistil le haghaidh cúpla

Foclóir: sobal drámaí: Soap neamhspleách: Independent séasúr: Season ginmhilleadh: Abortion Cúntóir Iar-Leirithe: Post-Production Assistant fótaisheisiún: Photo-shoot Léiritheoir Sraithe: Series Producer Ag taifead: Recording ag déanamh eagarthóireacht: Editing gnóthach: Busy comhordaitheoir troda: Stunt person duine breise: Extra de. Chomh maith leis sin rinne mé agallamh le aisteoir nua, Emer. Is í Martina an carachtair atá aici. Bhí sí saghas neirbhíseach ach bhí an agallamh go maith agus beidh sé ar an suíomh roimh deireadh na seachtaine. Níos déanaí chuir mé na seatanna ar mo ríomhaire agus thosaigh mé ag déanamh eagarthóireacht

radharc. Deich nóiméad níos déanaí bhí mé sa phub ar set ag obair mar ceamaradóir. Rinne mé trí radharc in iomlán agus thug sé thart ar trí uair iad a thaifead! Bíonn a lán daoine breise ag taistil nuair a bíonn muid ag taifead i Tigh Tadhg, an phub i Ros na Rún, mar ba chóir go

mbeidh sé gnóthach agus go mbeidh duine thart. Tarlaíonn sé go minic dom mar gheall go bhfuil mé thart agus sásta cabhair a thabhairt ar an set. Go dtí seo bhí mé mar freastalaí faoi dhó i Ti Gaudi an bialann, ‘walk-on’ cúpla uair, sa phub ag ól le mo chara agus anois mar ceamaradóir! Táim beagnach famous! Dé Déardaoin: Chaith mé mo lá ar fad ag eagarthóireacht inniu. Tá ceithre míreanna nua déanta agam le cur ar an suíomh idirlíne Ros na Rún le haghaidh Oíche Shamhna. Nílim chun a rá ceard go díreach atá an ach tá siad scanrúil! Uaireanta bíonn sé deacair na míreanna sin a chur le chéile, go háirithe má tá sean- físe uaim. Tá cóip den gach eipeasóid de Ros na Rún againn san oifig agus nuair a bíonn seanfíse uaim caithfidh fáil amach cathain a a tharla an eacht agus an téip a fháil agus tuilleah a dhéanamh. Bíonn an próiseas sin leadránach uaireanta, ag brath ar cén mír atá tú ag fáil. Bíonn sé deacair gan an lá a caitheamh ar Facebook! D é h A o i n e : Tá an seachtain beagnach críochnaithe! Chaith mé an lá ar fad ag obair le Marcus, nó an carachtair Johnny sa clár. Is

comhordaitheoir troda é Marcus freisin, rinne sé cúrsa ar éachtaí anuraidh agus tá roinnt leideanna aige nuair a bíonn muid ag taifead aon troid. Mar shampla an troid mór a bhí i Ros na Rún ar an 25ú. Bhí muid ag taifead an troid sin ar feadh seacht n-uair!! Bhí Marcus ann don rud ar fad agus é a thabhairt cabhair don na fir a bhí ag troid agus ag aisteoireacht sa radharc freisin! Tá sé an deas freisin. Beidh mé ag cur mír faoi Marcus ar an suíomh idirlíne go gearr freisin. B’in an seachtain a bhí agam! Uaireanta bíonn níos mó le déanamh agam ar an set nó laethanta eile bím ag obair ar an ríomhaire don seachtain ar fad. Le haghaidh an scéal Ros na Rún go dtí seo a fháil téigh chuig an suíomh Tá sé ar fáil as Gaeilge agus as Béarla. Is féidir leat agallamh leis an cast a fheiceáil, cluichí a imirt agus níos mó. Chomh maith leis sin tá sraith nua darbh ainm ‘Na Ruin’ ar fáil ar an idirlín, cosúil le Ros na Rún ach dírithe ar déagóirí ar www. Tá go leor ag tarlú i Ros na Rún i mbliana agus is fiú breathnú air! Bíonn Ros na Rún ar TG4 gach Máirt agus Déardaoin ag 8.30.

New Book Investigates Ireland’s Last Great Predator By Roisin Peddle Dr Kieran Hickey, lecturer in Geography in NUI Galway, has released a new book on Ireland’s last great predator, the wolf. Wolves in Ireland: A Natural and Cultural History traces the story of the Irish wolf, which is believed to become extinct in 1786. Dr Hickey became interested in wolves while in his final year in UCC. “I was shocked to realise that there were wolves up till recently,” he said. His book deals with both the history of the wolf itself, its exter-

mination in Ireland and its cultural impact. The wolf has a fearsome reputation. It is the root of many superstitions and is painted as a dark beast to be feared. “Their reputation is far more than the reality... All the children’s nursery rhymes, fairy tales like Red Riding Hood; the wolf is a bad creature. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t underestimate them as a powerful predator, and you’re not dealing with them as individuals, you’re dealing with them as a wolf pack.” The wolf has a powerful cultural resonance

according to Dr Hickey. He describes one folk practice that remains in parts of West Clare and Tipperary. “In some cemeteries... they put the coffin on the ground to confuse the wolves so they wouldn’t go for the body [before burial]. That’s almost a direct link to the wolf.” The book also discusses the possibility of the reintroduction of the wolf into Ireland. Dr Hickey sees this as unlikely. “In an Irish context it’s not possible. It’s not likely for the next fifty years, if ever.” The Irish landscape is no

longer wild enough to support a population of wolves, and the Irish population is now too big. It would also be a costly scheme and Dr Hickey sees little public support for it. It would be a “nightmare scenario” for farmers. “When you consider sheep losses to domestic dogs... a wolf in a sheep field is like you or I going to a supermarket for a packet of meat.” Wolves in Ireland: A Natural and Cultural History is published by Four Courts Press and is available in the NUI Galway bookshop

Mark Farrell and Roise McGovern in their Halloween get-up in the college bar.


G alway N ews


{sin} 07–11

Unions, Newspapers and Censorship: How Independent Is our Student Media? By Louise Hogan The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media recently released a report on press censorship and violence against journalists to mark the five year anniversary of the brutal murder of Russian journalist Anna Politskovskaya. The report paints a bleak picture. In the last five years in the wider European area, thirty journalists have been murdered. Even more worryingly, convictions have occurred in only three of these cases. Violence against journalists is the most brutal form of censorship. Although the majority of

these murders took place in Eastern Europe and Russia, citizens of Western Europe have no reason to be complacent. Earlier this year, a correspondent for FRANCE24 was allegedly the victim of a violent attack; in the same month in Spain another journalist was brutally attacked in response to an article he had written; in Italy a journalist for the newspaper Metropolis was beaten unconscious while reporting on a case. Ireland is considered to be a generally safe environment for journalists to work in but we should not forget that many Irish journalists put their lives at risk to cover stories in

far flung, often war-torn destinations. One talented Irish journalist, Simon Cumbers was tragically killed in 2004 by terrorists while reporting on a story for BBC News in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His family, in conjunction with Irish Aid, chose to remember Simon by creating fund which promotes better coverage of development issues by funding journalists and students. Much like the death of Veronica Guerein, which provoked such public outrage and prompted a flurry of legislation aimed at clamping down on organized crime, the creation of the Simon Cumbers Media Fund ensured a tragic and need-

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less act was transformed into a positive agent for change. Ireland frequently ranks high in global indexes for press freedom. We have a relatively competitive and independent media but censorship is still a pressing issue. Our libel laws are among the strictest in the world, placing the burden of proof on the journalist. The OSCE report warns that including defamation clauses in criminal law means “the chilling effect of the possibility of imprisonment for published or broadcast words continues to curb free expression,” The report further points out that there are sufficient sanctions in civil law for justice to prevail in defamation conflicts. And what about our nation’s student press? Almost every student newspaper in Ireland was originally founded by its students’ union. Although every paper claims editorial independence, the relationship between the paper and union is not always an easy one. In February of this year, a very public spat emerged

between UCD’s Students’ Union and the staff of The University Observer when the SU tabled a motion to abolish the paper, arguing that UCD didn’t need the expense of supporting two student newspapers. The ensuing row revealed much about the uneasy relationship between the SU leadership and the paper’s editorial staff. In an open letter to the students of UCD, co-founder of the paper comedian Dara O’Brien acknowledged that “right from the start we said that while this paper would be funded by the Students’ Union, it would be editorially independent from it, even if that independence often led to clashes with the Union. Editors have been fired and editions have been threatened with being pulped.” Therein lies the problem; however independent a student newspaper may claim to be, its editor is hired by the Students’ Union. It follows that the editor can therefore be fired by the Union also, which can lead to a damaging culture of self-censorship. Our own

editor Rosemary Gallagher has taken a very firm stance on Sin’s editorial independence asserting “We will criticize the SU if they are doing things b a d l y. ” S U P r e s i d e n t Emmet Connolly concurs, stating, “Although the Editor’s terms of reference include producing twelve issues ‘in conjunction with the Students’ Union President,’ in practice I don’t interfere editorially and have no interest in doing so.” In NUI Galway, the Students’ Union seems respectful of Sin’s independence but it is worrying that this policy is very much subject to the whims of the Union leadership at any given time. It’s a safe assumption that even if the SU vehemently disagree with an article published by Sin, they won’t resort to threats or intimidation of journalists. But it is vital that we continually question the independence of the information we receive and create awareness on this issue, for our own benefit and to protect our journalist’s integrity and security.

Vow of Silence Challenge By Sinead Healy NUI Galway students will undertake a “24 Hour Vow of Silence Challenge” to raise money for the Best Buddies College Programme from 7 - 8 November. The Best Buddies College Programme creates opportunities for one-toone friendship between college students and people with intellectual disabilities. Their motto is: “Changing lives, one friendship at a time.” In the past, individuals with an intellectual disability often had little opportunity to socialise with peers. However, Best Buddies strives to breakdown these barriers. The “24 Hour Vow of

Silence Challenge” is a novel, fun way to fundraise for their activities During the 24 hours of silence, the students will attempt to go about their daily lives, including attending lectures and interacting with fellow students, friends and family without uttering a word. Anyone interested in taking up the challenge can express their interest by emailing bestbuddies@ Sponsorship cards and Best Buddies t-shirt will be available to all participants. Best Buddy student volunteers are pair-matched with a buddy. They meet up twice a month for a social activity – cinema,

shopping, bowing lunch or any normal activity that friends do – and keep in touch by e-mail, text or phone. In addition, a group activity with all buddies and students takes place every 4 - 6 weeks. Best Buddies was founded in America in 1989. In 2009, NUI Galway was the first college in Ireland to adopt this programme with the help of Ability West and Best Buddies Society. Ability West is a voluntary organisation in Galway that provides a variety of person-centred community based services to almost 500 children and adults with an intellectual disability. For further information see

{sin} 13–05

G alway N ews

{9} 07–11

NUI Galway Music Week, 14 – 18 November Music Week Inter-society Showcase By Thomas Mc Grath, Auditor Choral Soc This year for Music Week, there is a collaboration of musical talents for one night only as the NUI Galway Choral Society, Trad Society and Rock Society will come together to showcase the work they have completed thus far into the semester. The event, which takes place on Thursday 17 November at 8p.m. in the Bailey Allen Hall, promises to be a night of culture and recognition of the various talents that we possess here on campus. The Choral Society has this year added an a

capella choir to its repertoire, conducted by the society’s former auditor, Peter Mannion. Their combination of choral style, mixed with popular artists such as Lady Gaga, Bob Dylan and Adele come together to form a group only comparable to the artists themselves. In addition to that, this year the core group of the Choral Society have chosen an eclectic mix of genres and artists. From Mozart to the Beatles, this choir has honed their talents through the tutelage of Lily Mc Garry, a Masters

student here at NUI Galway. With a standing membership of 300, the Choral Society has a staple group of fifty coming to Tuesday rehearsals in the College Chapel. The Trad Society and Rock Society have also worked extremely hard to organise events this year. The Trad Society, working in collaboration with The Crane Bar on Sea Road, has weekly sessions with its members for an informal and fun event. The Rock Society work in conjunction with The Cellar Bar, Róisín Dubh, De Burgo’s and Kelly’s Bar to organise concerts for its 30+ bands and soloists each week.

GUMS: Nothing to do with the Dentist By Laura Donnelly, Auditor of GUMS If you haven’t heard of GUMS, Galway University Musical Society, you must have been hiding under a rock all semester. So far this year they have had the heats of NUIG’s Got Talent in the College bar, an epic Halloween “Zombie Prom Party” in Karma and produced The Rocky Horror Show with Dramsoc. Gums have decided to do even more events and it’s been pretty hectic, but don’t worry because there is so much more to come. NUIG’s Got Talent the Final will be happening in the Bailey Allen Hall

on 15 November, during Music week. Last year was a huge success with over 350 people watching Cathail Keaney dance his way to success, winning €1,000. This year will be just as exciting with some of the most talented people to join the competition since it started five years ago. GUMS are also doing a Musical concert on the 16 November in the Cube, in aid of the Clooney Sisters Charity in India. Bop, hop and be amazed by a night of songs from the musicals; Rent, Legally Blonde

and Chicago. GUMS biggest event of the year happens next semester, when they put on their full scale production of Spring Awakening, as part of the Múscailt Festival. Last year they did the hilarious musical The Wedding Singer to huge success with sold out performances. This year looks to be even better, with a provocative storyline and an amazing rock score. But this semester it’s all about Music Week, from 14 - 18 November so make sure you get down to socsbox to get your tickets for both NUIG’s Got Talent the Final and the Musical Concert.

Check out the Mega Musical Munchie Monday on 14 November at 6pm in the Bailey Allen Hall: an all singing, all dancing, all eating evening with loads of food, cabaret style seating, great music, beverages and full bar. Tickets €2

Sustainable Campus: A Campus on Two Wheels
 By Paul O’Donnell H. G. Wells once wrote “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.” Wells was a man far ahead of his time. The bicycle, looking much now as it did when the first chain driven rover was made in 1885, is being turned to more and more, not just as a way of getting around but as a cure to many of modern life’s stresses. The Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) reports, Energy Forecasts for Ireland to 2020 (2009) and Energy Security in Ireland: A Statistical Overview (2011), revealed the alarming effect our choice of transportation has had on our ‘energy security.’ The last two decades have seen a dramatic increase in our reliance on imported energy. This reliance, especially for use in private transportation, has left us considerably vulnerable to market fluctuations caused by peak oil and the consequential ‘Peak Car’ effect. In other words, travelling by car has become, and will continue to be, a more expensive mode of transport with each passing ‘crisis’.

With a moderate investment in a bike, and with regular maintenance, the worries of counting the euro as the tank fills up are lost. Regular exercise is an important step for people to achieve good health and fitness. Cycling, as an exercise, can reduce stress and depression while improving general well-being and self esteem. It helps to take one’s mind out of the everyday-life stresses of college deadlines and rejuvenates his soul. According to the British Medical Association, cycling just 20 miles a week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 50% and it burns calories, improves stamina, strength and muscle tone to name but a few benefits. Cycling is a great way to enjoy the outdoors whether it is a cycle to college over the Quincentennial Bridge or bombing it down hills in Barna Woods or Connemara with the mountain biking club. 
 Developing infrastructure and encouraging public transport, walking and cycling, has been on the agenda of governments and local authorities with growing importance over the last number of years. The City Councils GTU (Galway

Transportation Unit) is no different. Their continuing efforts can be seen in across the city from painting new bus lanes on Foster St to the Bishop O’Donnell building site, which began in October 2010. Hazardous as some of the routes may now be they offer safer, more continuous cycle routes to college.
 The Draft NUI Galway Travel Plan 2010 – 2014 featured the government cycle to work scheme, the combined City and Council smarter travel area action plan and new cycle racks, bike shelters and shower facilities in NUIG. All these are important and necessary facilities which the university should be lauded for providing; however, simply providing facilities is not the only – or most effective - way of encouraging students and staff to change their modes of transport. 
 In aspiring to the Dutch cycle culture, the London Cycling campaign recently launched their ‘Go Dutch – clear space for cycling on London’s main roads’ campaign. Matthew Wright wrote for the Guardian that it’s not just about providing cycle paths and facilities: “It has taken the Netherlands 25

years to build up its culture.” The social aspect which has been key to the success of cycling in places like Amsterdam and Portland, Oregon has been the focus on the vibrancy and variety of culture which can build up around cycling – tall bike jousting being one of the more peculiar sub-cultures which can be observed.
 Earlier this year, after months of work, the ecology society made a request for an empty space anywhere on campus. The proposal was to establish a free, student run volunteer bike workshop where student and staff alike were welcome to learn the art of bike mechanics with all of the required tools and parts available; the aim was more than to simply offer a service, the aim was to provide a cultural hub, a meeting point for all cyclists, whether they were enthusiasts or just curious: the building bricks for a true culture of cycling. Cycling will inevitably become more popular as driving continues to become more expensive; beyond the need, if cycling is seen for all its benefits, practical and social, we can then start to work towards a campus on two wheels.

Senan MacAoidh on the tall bike at Socs Day last year. Photograph by Paul.

{10} 13–05

N ational N ews

Garret FitzGerald Honoured at First NUI Memorial Lecture By Marése O’Sullivan Former Taoiseach, Dr. Garret FitzGerald, was honoured on 25 October at the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, at the inaugural National University of Ireland ‘Dr. Garret FitzGerald’ annual memorial lecture series. Every year, speakers at the event will discuss topics of national or international significance. UCD historian, Prof Ronan Fanning, commenced the series by speaking during the initial memorial lecture entitled ‘Garret FitzGerald and the Quest for a New Ireland’. He said that the statesman had “political integrity…[and] left Ireland a better place than he found it. Unlike so

many leading politicians, he never resisted change but embraced it.” He also commented that FitzGerald’s nickname, ‘Garret the Good’, would perhaps “100 years from now […] stand as his accolade.” FitzGerald died last May, aged 85. He had not only served in office as Taoiseach twice (1981 - 1982, and 1982 - 1987) but also held the post of Chancellor of the National University of Ireland from 1997 - 2009. He was a great advocate of peace; the Anglo-Irish Agreement, Fanning declared, was his “greatest achievement.” FitzGerald passed away on the third day of Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to this country, and she remarked at the time

that she was “saddened” to hear of his death and that FitzGerald had “made a lasting contribution to peace and will be greatly missed.” Taoiseach Enda Kenny stated at the inaugural lecture, “Dr. Garret FitzGerald was a towering figure in Irish public life for several decades until his death. Throughout his life he devoted his considerable intellectual capacities and his prodigious energy to the social, economic, cultural and political advancement of Irish society. It is entirely appropriate that the National University of Ireland, of which he was Chancellor […], should initiate the first major public tribute since his death.”


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{sin} 07–11

Threshold Seeks Protection of Vulnerable Tenants By Orla Reilly Threshold, the national housing agency, is seeking confirmation from the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Environment that the State will stop subsidising poor quality housing when the administration of rent supplement is transferred from the Department of Social Protection to the Department of the Environment. Threshold believes that the transfer will offer an opportunity for local authorities to address a number of issues in the private rented sector. Bob Jordan, Threshold’s National Director says that “By making the private rented sector more resilient and sustainable, instances of homelessness can be - in effect - reduced.” Threshold is calling on the government to ensure that when the transition of administration takes place, local authorities adopt

a more comprehensive inspection of properties, and of the landlords presenting them. That would include confirmation that landlords are fully compliant with their housing, legal and tax obligations. Threshold has proposed a ‘self-certification scheme’ for landlords to warrant that all properties presented for renting are “fit for their purpose.” Bob Jordan adds that “This should be backed up by a systematic and consistent inspection regime by local authorities that targets older and neglected properties.” “The private rented sector is now a key solution to social housing need,” Bob Jordan continues. He believes this to be of significant relevance in the provision of housing for single people as bedsits and one-bed apartments are common requests from homeless people moving into accommodation.

Threshold has also advocated that rent supplement be paid from the Department of the Environment directly to landlords in an effort to eliminate the ‘bargaining’ process currently taking place between the landlord and tenant. This way, the State is also in a position to regulate the amount of rent paid to landlords. Threshold confirmed that they are inundated with daily calls from tenants, particularly those at the lower end of the market, who are not being treated fairly. “As a housing organisation, we’re concerned that the gap between social housing and homelessness is adequately bridged so that we can prevent homeslessness and create solutions for those who find themselves out of a home.” For more information and advice on rented accommodation see

TCD Professor Uncovers Velazquez Masterpiece By Austin Maloney A 300 year old masterpiece by renowned Spanish artist Diego Velazquez has been discovered by Dr Peter Cherry, a professor of Art History in Trinity College Dublin. The painting, worth an estimated €3 million, was believed to have been the work of a nineteenth century British painter, Mathew Shepperson. The painting was initially set to be auctioned off with a number of works by Shepperson by Bonhams’ Oxford office in August last year. It had a guide price of only £500, but was sent to Dr Cherry after the London auctioneers became aware of stylistic similarities which resembled Velazquez’s other works. Velazquez is regarded as one of the greatest painters of the seventeenth century and there are only

100 known paintings of his worldwide. Dr Cherry, an expert in the works of Velazquez, decided after careful examination that the painting was in fact a work of the seventeenth century Spanish painter. The portrait is of a man in a black tunic and white collar. Speaking about the painting, Dr Cherry stated “The particular likeness and recognisably lifelike texture, weight and colours of the fleshy face speak of the actual encounter between subject and painter, while the style and technical brilliance of the representation itself betrays its author.” The painting then was examined by Carmen Garrido of the Prado museum in Madrid, and was validated as the work of Velazquez by technical analysis and X-ray testing. Andrew McKenzie, director of Old Master

paintings at Bonhams Fine Art Auctioneers, said “The discovery of this lost treasure is a once in a lifetime experience and it is tremendously exciting to be able to bring it to the world’s attention”. It is believed that Shepperson, who was a known art collector as well as a painter in his own right, bought the painting, and it was stored with his own work. The seller, who wishes to remain anonymous, is a descendant of Shepperson and inherited the painting along with a number of other works. The identity of the paintings subject is unknown, but the auction house believes it could be Juan Mateos, Phillip IV’s Master of the Hunt. The portrait will now be sold at Bonham’s Old Masters auction on 7 December, with a pre-sale estimate of £2m - £3m.

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Search for Ireland’s Brightest Student By Marése O’Sullivan The GradIreland National Student Challenge 2011 was recently launched at the annual Graduate Careers Fair in the RDS, by Minister of State for Training and Skills, Ciaran Cannon. The competition is a first for third-level undergraduate students, who not only have the chance of winning €1,000 and potential job opportunities if they apply, but also the prospect of being named Ireland’s brightest student. Minister Cannon stated at the Fair, “Different employers obviously have [varied] needs from their employees in terms of specific knowledge areas. However, graduates with key generic skills and competences, such as communication skills, decision making skills and the ability to work as part of a team are valued by all employers.” The two-part GradIreland Challenge has been designed in collaboration with leading psychometric test company ‘cut-e’, to identify the major skills and capabilities of future gradu-

ate recruits. Through the initial assessment – a series of online examinations in one forty-minute session – students will be tested on their verbal and numerical competence, on their commercial aptitude, and finally on their employability. These students will then be ranked in an online score board against other competitors from Ireland’s third-level institutions, based on their results. The top sixty from this leader board will be chosen to attend the Grand Final, where they will undertake physical and mental challenges. The person with the highest overall score will be announced as the country’s most gifted student. The winner will receive the €1,000 prize and will get the opportunity to showcase their natural academic ability before prospective employers. Runners up will be awarded €500 and €200 respectively, and any competition registrants also have the chance of winning Apple iPads and Amazon vouchers in the monthly prize draws,

regardless of how well they score. Mark Mitchell, Gradireland representative, said, “this challenge has been evolved with our partners in the Association of Higher Education Careers Services and cut-e to promote awareness of core […] employability skills among undergraduates in a new and dynamic way. Six leading graduate employers will also partner with us to create the six challenges for the final and [these companies] intend to use this challenge to feed into their graduate recruitment programmes. There is a very positive recruitment element to the competition, as well as an educational and careerawareness element, together with cash and other prizes to be won.” Undergraduate students can apply online for the challenge now at The website component will close in February 2012 and the Grand Final will take place at the UCD Quinn Business School on 14 March 2012.

Trinity Breaks World Record By Roisin Peddle Trinity College Dublin made the Guinness Book of Records recently with over 900 people contributing a sentence to a single story. The story of Sarah and Sparky was written on a giant scroll. The event was organised in conjunction with See Change and Fighting Words and was part of Trinity Students’ Union Mental Health Week. The slogan of this week was “Mental Health is part of everyone’s story.” Precisely 953 people filed into a marquee in Trinity’s Physics Garden to write a line of the story. It was not only students that contributed, but passing tourists and members of the general public too. The result is an aptly surreal tale of a girl named Sarah who is love with her one-legged, philandering friend Sparky. Sarah fails maths, auditions for

the X-Factor, meets Charlie Sheen, David Norris and a Rent-singing Barack Obama, and travels to Italy, Kenya and even UCD before she finds her happy ever after. The previous record for most people to contribute to a single story was in Vanuatu, in the South Pacific. Trinity comfortably beat their score of 838 people. Officials from Guinness World Records were there to oversee the story-writing and it will make the 2012 book for the “most people to contribute to a single story.” Trinity SU was assisted by two other organisations in creating the event. Fighting Words is a Dublin based organisation cofounded by the former Director of Amnesty International Sean Love and author Roddy Doyle in 2009. The organisation specialises in helping primary and secondary school students improve their creative writing skills.

See Change is a national programme seeking to reduce stigma about mental health issues in Irish society. Ryan Bartlett, President of TCDSU said, “It is fantastic for Trinity to break this world record, especially because it involved a joint effort with other people from around Dublin and even a few tourists! The broad range of people taking part in this is indicative of the message: mental health is part of everyone’s story; regardless of who you are, regardless of how your mental health is, it is a part of you and your story. The story itself won’t be winning any awards, but even without the world record today was a massive success because it got everyone talking about mental health and started to dismantle the stigma attached to it.” You can read Sarah’s strange adventure in full on

Engineering graduands as they enter the Bailey Allen Hall for their graduation ceremony

Ireland Votes ‘No’ to Granting Oireachtas Powers of Inquiry By Eistear de Búrca Along with the Presidential Election on 27 October, two referenda were also held. Ordinarily a referendum would call for much media attention and public canvassing but in this instance the presidential candidates stole the limelight and many individuals felt that not enough attention was given to the two amendments to the Constitution which would have permanent effect compared to the seven year presidency term if voted through. The referendum on the pay of judges proposed to allow for a law to be passed reducing the pay of judges proportionately if the pay of public servants is being or has been reduced and that reduction is stated to be “in the public interest.” The second referendum on Inquiries by the Oireachtas proposed to give new power to the Oireachtas to conduct inquiries into

matters of general public importance and, in doing so, to make findings of fact about any person’s conduct. The first referendum was voted through overwhelmingly with almost 80% in favour, while the second referendum was rejected by the Irish people with a result of 53 % against. While the success of the first referendum has been welcomed by the government, the blame game has already started concerning number two. The Referendum Commission began its campaign on 11 October, leaving only two weeks for publicity and canvassing; it now wonders if the people were perhaps uninformed about the proposal and hence voted ‘No’. The information released about the proposed amendment did bear negative connotations concerning the right to privacy and the power of the Oireachtas to investigate personal affairs and deny access to legal aid. Others have further argued

that Irish citizens were not consulted in the formulation of the amendment, thus indicating a condescending distance between the government and the electorate it governs. The majority of Irish voters decided from what they knew that this change to Bunreacht na hEireann was not something they wanted to support; the people have said that they want judicial power to remain with the judiciary pillar, and not to be given to the separate legislative and executive pillars that together form our government. While Tánaiste Éamonn Gilmore has said that the enquiry which the Government wanted into the banking crisis cannot now take place, a sincerely diligent reformation of the corrupt Irish tribunals system by the Oireachtas would no doubt allow an effective and non-biased judicial inquiry to take place in the future.

S E G A P THE SU É Gaillimh O n in é L c a M a n s a lt a h Com ion n U ' ts n e d tu S y a lw a G I U N

"The mission of the Union shall be to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society." — Constitution of the Students’ Union

URGENT: Students Urged to March to Stop Fees, Save the Grant, on Wed. 16th Nov. NUI GALWAY students are asked to sign up for the national student demonstration against a potential rise in the €2,000 college fee or cut in the student grant. The demonstration, which will take the form of a march from Dublin’s Parnell Square to Government Buildings, will be held on Wednesday 16 November and is being organised by the national Union of Students in Ireland (USI). Tickets for the march are available now from the SU offices in Áras na Mac Léinn, priced at €3 with the SU Card for the return bus journey to Dublin. Participants will receive a free t-shirt for the march, and will have refreshments later that night in the College Bar. Buses depart from the Cathedral car park at 10.30am on Wednesday 16th, and will be back in Galway at approximately 9pm. SU President Emmet Connolly said “It is absolutely vital that we get as many students as possible out on the streets of Dublin. We need students to realise that coming out marching does make a difference. If they come out on the 16th, we can put huge pressure on the government, and particularly on the Labour party, to leave the fees and grants alone. If we don’t have students out in significant numbers, we risk being walked over by the government. We need to make Labour realise that they signed their pledge before the general election, and they must stand by it now they’re in government. “Substantial increases would absolutely devastate access to higher education in Ireland were it to become a reality. The already-reduced student could also be under threat of another cut. As well as that, we’re seeing mature students being denied a student grant. We have to let the government know we won’t simply accept the destruction of an accessible higher education system in Ireland.” After the march to Government Buildings has concluded, some students will continue the protest by means of an overnight sleep-out. If you are interested in sleeping out in tents in front of the Dáil, email for more info or call up to the SU.


March to Government Buildings, Dublin why we’re marching: 1. We need to make Labour honour its preelection pledge to not increase fees or reduce the grant (see pic). 2. We need a fair deal for nursing students. They should be paid for their 4th year placements and not forced to work the wards for no pay. 3. Our Mature Students need support, not cuts. They have been denied the grant which they need to stay in college.

Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn signing the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) pre-election pledge not to increase fees or cut the student grant.

E h t E v a S • S E E F p o t S • t n a r G

E h t E v a S after the l i • á D S e E h t front of n i t r e-mail u Stop FE o o o g f n i n i p e e r e ie ted in sl e for mo way. offic l a U Interes g i S u e n h t @ t o en all up t su.presid march? C

FacEBooK: SEarch For

‘NUI Galway at the NatIONal StUdeNt demONStratION – 16th NOVember’.



nsu-20111025-16NovDemo.indd 2

TICKETS €3 with SU CARD from the SU Office

Buses dept. 10.30am,

NOV return 8.00 pm (approx.)

11/2/2011 2:32:11 PM


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The Inner Beauty Peagant Chloe Costello Speaks About her Plans to Volunteer in Zambia By Marése O’Sullivan First year NUI Galway Arts student, Chloe Costello, won the role of Miss County Galway in a beauty pageant with a difference, ‘Miss United Nations Ireland,’ which helps raise money for the international charity, Habitat for Humanity. Beauty industry expert, Sarah Boothe, established the Miss UN Ireland competition in 1996 to highlight women and their achievements in volunteerism. The United Nations Pageant System, according to their website, “not only focuses on the contestants’ endless inner beauty, but their desire to succeed, their dedication to service, their courage to fight for what is right and most importantly, the passion to make a difference in the live of those less fortunate through volunteerism.” Chloe’s goal is to raise funds for Zambia in her position as the Galway representative in the Miss

UN Ireland pageant. She is part of a team of twentyfive NUI Galway volunteers that will travel to Zambia in June 2012 under Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village Program to construct accommodation for the Zambian residents. The aid organisation has already helped to improve the lives of over 2.5 million people in more than ninety countries all over the world by tackling the global problem of poverty housing. “We are currently in the process of fundraising approximately €75,000 to build simple, decent and affordable homes in partnership with the local community in Zambia,” Chloe said. “Last year a group of student volunteers undertook a similar project in Bangladesh. The team will work alongside local people to construct several houses during a two to three week build. Habitat for Humanity builds houses along with

the families that will live in them, and not just for them. Labour is given free of charge, and families pay a small mortgage on the materials so that other families can be helped in a similar way. We really do need all the support and publicity we can get for this fantastic cause as it is very difficult to raise money in these recessionary times. Habitat for Humanity really does need as much funding as possible and every little bit of support helps.” Renowned rugby analyst Brent Pope made a documentary about his experience working with Habitat for Humanity last June, entitled Habitat, available on the charity’s website. “In 2012, Brent and retired Irish rugby player Malcolm O’Kelly will be joined by former Irish rugby international greats Girvan Dempsey, Bernard Jackman, Paddy Johns, Alan Quinlan, Frankie Sheahan, Paul Wallace, Brian Spill-

ane and Jeremy Davidson [and] between 6th-14th June 2012, [the volunteers] will live and work in the community with our rugby legends and build five homes in partnership with local families” states Habitat for Humanity. Brent Pope commented, “This is a chance in a lifetime for these guys to help out the charity. What they are willing to do is to show everyone in Ireland and around the world, that by very little effort, great things can be accomplished for impoverished people.” If Chloe wins ‘Miss United Nations Ireland 2011’, she will not only gain great publicity and sponsorship for Habitat for Humanity, she will receive prizes including a modeling contract with De Havalland Model Management, a hand-made crown by Carol Shaw Jewellery, a professional photo shoot and an all-expenses-paid trip to Sea Wind Resort,

Negril, Jamaica, for the World Finals of the contest in November. To find out more about the Miss UN Pageant, check out their website http:// unitednationpageants.

com/’ and for their Ireland section, visit If you want to support or volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, see http://www.habitatireland. ie/.

Cheating Chancers By Sinead Healy Why do people cheat? One: they suck! Two: because everyone else does (or so they think). Three: irrationality. That’s my cliffnotes version of the studies on decision-making. Research suggests that people cheat even when it is not in their best interest. It might be one thing if you are borderline failing a subject, but even then, you know that actually studying as opposed to pulling off a cheating scam is the safest bet. And if you’ve passed, one excellent grade is hardly worth it with so much to lose (I assume everyone has read the student code of conduct, right? If not, go read it and you’ll be scared off comtemplating cheating). Let’s be honest, cheating is hard work. Modern technology hasn’t made it easier. It’s like an arms race between cheaters and exam-setters. On one side, you have smartphones,

internet and small cameras/ microphones, but on the other there is algorithms, advanced software and internet. And in the crossfire are the non-cheaters getting their pen tips scrutinised and trips to the toilet timed. Whether it’s common sense or counter-intuitive, a desire for fairness is apparently one of the strongest motivations for cheating. A psychologist at an American University found that players in a game he created were less likely to behave selfishly when they knew that the other players weren’t behaving selfishly. How about we all collectively agree that there will be no more cheating? Just for old time’s sake then, let’s look at some genius and some outrageous cheats that people thought they got away with it.

Sports Cheating Alongside playing, cheating is the most common activity in all sports. Any

sports fan could rattle off a list of recent cheating scandals, but it isn’t a modern epidemic. Indeed, some of the classic cheats are the most shocking. Ta k e , f o r e x a m p l e , the early days of Tour de France. Evidence of blatant cheating, which includes travelling by car, taking shortcuts and illegal teamwork, seems straight out of Wile E. Coyote! In the second Tour de France, the top four were disqualified for their antics. How about the 2000 Summer Paralympics in Sydney? It turned out that most of the players on the gold medal-winning Spanish basketball team weren’t actually mentally disabled. They just really wanted to win. Then there was American Figure Skater Tonya Harding who manipulated her success in U.S Figure Skating Championships by assaulting and injuring another competitor Nancy Kerrigan. However, Kerrigan

recovered from her injuries and came second in the 1994 Olympics to Harding’s eighth place.

Test Cheating Going back to long before smartphones, calculators with formula etched on them or bathroom breaks, cheating was a regular occurrence in the civil service examinations in ancient China. Unlike the cheating Leaving Certificate student, who faces withheld results or the threat of being banned from taking a State exam, (no precedent on that yet despite roughly 100 reports of cheating each year), cheaters in these exams faced the death penalty. Still, cheaters cheated and presumably some lived to tell the tale. That is the undoing of many cunning cheaters: they want acknowledgment and seek admiration for their crafty deceits. They often brag or share their tricks at a later date. When word about a method of

Louise Murphy, Sarah Kerrane and Michelle Hooban at the ChemSoc’s Halloween event. cheating spreads it can lead to personal consequences but does it also increase the thrill for the cheater? For example, thinking up the fake coke bottle label with test answers in the place of ingredients was ingenious at the time. Try that move in the upcoming exams and you’ll be caught rapid. Even modifications like using drink bottles or chocolate bar wrappers don’t pass security. Cheating doesn’t stop at school or in sports. According to the Driving Safety Authority in Britain, tens of thousands of people could be paying imposters to sit their driving test for them.

If the imposter passes, the person paying them is granted a full licence. This elevates the cheating issue from a question of fair play to endangering people’s lives: drivers who have not passed a test are up to nine times more likely to have an accident. It’s probably overly optimistic to say that cheaters never prosper. Short-term they seem to do alright anyway. The general trend is that cheaters are either careless and get caught quickly, or clever and eventually blab so everyone can appreciate their deviousness. Honesty is the best policy after all.

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Being Gay Isn’t OK? On 11 October a young man was viciously assaulted and chased down Shop Street by three brute thugs. One of the trio tackled their victim to the ground and the three of them left him severely beaten. He was kicked in the head and with his nose left bleeding. Looking disfigured and distraught he curled into a ball and wept bitterly. Of all the passers-by, a girl called Emily Hannigan was the only person to approach him. She asked if he was ok and he replied “They did this to me because I’m gay.” The young man told Emily how the bouncer of a local night-club had remarked about him about being gay. He left upset while the three thugs overheard the bouncer and took it upon themselves to deal out ‘justice’. They chased him, calling him a ‘faggot’ and a coward. They caught him and beat him because of the bouncers comment about his sexuality. I interviewed several people around campus and got their opinions on the matter. James O’Sullivan, a Biotechnology student, found it to be an absolute outrage and was disgusted that Emily was the only

person to intervene and further, that no one who saw the display went to assist the victim while he was being assaulted. Caoimhe Maguire, a Biomedical student, could not believe people are still not willing to accept homosexuals into society, that there is somebody for everyone, it shouldn’t matter if that person is of the same sex as long as they make each other happy. Nothing else should matter to them or anyone else for it is nobody’s business but the couples own. Keith Webster, a law student, couldn’t understand why the thugs would take it upon themselves to brutally attack someone who had done nothing to provoke them. The most horrific thing about it all is that this man had to go home to his parents and explain that he was attacked for doing nothing but being himself. What is even worse than that is the young men who did this have parents who will either be disgusted, or quite possibly proud of the men that they raised. However due to people who discriminate with violence, they see homosexual people as freaks and the modern lepers of society. They may well pass these thoughts onto

their own children instead of loathing themselves for the sins and heinous crimes they have committed. How many people in NUI Galway were brought up this way? How many are homophobic or find homosexuals and lesbians menacing? How many were raised to believe that gay people are a waste of space? Was Da Vinci not believed to be gay? Think of all he did and inspired, his imprint on life and all he achieved. Or think of our own Oscar Wilde. It is horrible to know that people are not willing to empathise or accept the gay community within society, especially since we have an estimated gay population of 240,000 in Ireland. Here in Galway we have a gay night out, a gay society, we even have a gay night-club and bar! Ireland as a nation has to give up the ideology of racism and discrimination being ok, as enforced by TV and films like South Park or even The Guard in which Gleeson delivers the hilarious line “I’m Irish shur, racism is part of me culture.” As funny as it is, it does prove that we have a certain view of life. We need to change such thoughts if we wish to live in a free, friendly and accepting Ireland.

Members of BizSoc, Law Soc and Ents Soc presented a cheque for €1,200 to representatives from the Chernobyl Children’s fund on 25 October. The funds were raised through bucket collection at the College Bar and in Central Park Nightclub on 13 October. As a direct result of this collection, the Chernobyl Children’s project will be employing an additional carer for one of the orphanages. From left to right: Conor Nolan, Aisling McDevitt Murphy, Tara Gibbons (Law Soc), Marie Cox and Ann Coleman (Chernobyl representatives), Paul Curley & Kealinn Ross (BizSoc). Photograph by Anna Broderick.


How to ‘B’ Healthy! By Jessica Thompson

By David Holland


Healthy Living Week was last week, so how many of us managed to live healthily? They say “Your health is your wealth,” but can this proverb be taken literally? After all, healthy food can cost quite a bit more than the unhealthy alternative. But can we really put a price on our health? I spoke to nutritional therapist, acupuncturist, and bio-resonance practitioner, Laura Thompson, from Healthy Options on Main Street, Longford, on the subject, and she gave me quite a bit of useful information! When I asked Laura what the best supplements to take would be, she recommended a good multi B complex. “Your B vitamins are very important for your energy levels, but they’re also very important for your mental energy as well, and obviously being a student, you’re going to need to be able to concentrate. They’re also very important for the conversion of fat into energy, so they play a role also in your metabolism, and they also help you to absorb iron. The problem with B vitamins is they tend to be water soluble, so the body doesn‘t store it, so you need to get it into your system on a regular basis.” So, if you want to take a supplement, and only one supplement, go for a multi B complex. Winter is coming, and I asked Laura her advice on getting our immune systems boosted and ready to fight off the colds and flus that the season brings with it. “Your vitamin C is probably the most popular vitamin,” says Laura. “You can actually buy a mega B complex which also has 1000mg of vitamin C as well.” So, this has not only the B vitamins our bodies crave, but vitamin C too, which will help us fight off bugs in the winter months, and this is also quite affordable for students. “Obviously your diet is very important, and it’s important to eat hot foods,” Laura continues, “try to have lots of soups

and casseroles and stews. I know students generally don’t like cooking, but you could always make a really big pot of soup, or casserole, and have it over a period of a few days.” Obviously the exams are coming up before Christmas, so now is the time to get your brain ready. I asked Laura for her advice on combating stress. Again, the magical B vitamin is advised, as it helps your mental health, but if you want a little extra coming up to exam time, try some fish oils, such as Omega 3. “We’ve all heard of the salmon of knowledge,” Laura tells me, “and there’s a lot of truth to the story. Fish oils are very important for your memory and concentration, and they also help your recall. People have a lot of knowledge in their heads, but trying to recall it when you’re under pressure can often be difficult. So taking your fish oils is very important. Omega 3 is also a feel good fish oil. They make you feel happier in yourself, and help prevent depression. That would be my favourite one for students.” There are some vitamin

supplements designed specifically for exams, and one of these is called Balance for Nerves. But what is it? “Balance for Nerves,” Laura informs me, “is made up of amino acids and B vitamins, and it’s really to help your concentration levels when you’re stressed. You can have great concentration and great recall, but add a bit of stress to that and it becomes difficult to get that information from your head and onto the paper.” And some extremely important advice when taking these: “Don’t wait until the day before your exam to take it. Now is the time to really start looking for these things and get a build up of them in your system.” So, what I gathered from this interview is basically the following: take vitamin B!! It converts fat to energy, it helps concentration, it gives you energy, it helps your metabolism (and in turn your weight), it prevents depression. You can get it vitamin C which helps the immune system, it’s affordable, it combats stress, and the best part? It’s not a drug so it’s perfectly safe to take!

The Sin-dex With MaryKate O’Shaughnessy


Apricity: Feeling the warmth of the sun in winter. Serendipity: making any discovery that’s unexpected yet fortunate. Contumacious: Rebellious Widdiful: Someone who deserves to be hanged. Crurophilous: liking legs. Wamfle: to walk around with flapping clothes.

Urban Dictionary

Facepalm: the gesture of slapping the palm of one’s hand to the face, in a show of exasperation. Creep of shame: Creeping on people’s Facebook pages to see what disasters you may have posted while drunk. Frienemy: A person who poses as a friend, while secretly plotting your demise, a person who you don’t trust so you keep close. Food Boner: When one becomes aroused by the smell or sight of food. Reem (adjective): to be hot beyond anyone else. “You are so reem!” Reem (noun): a complete tool. Note: Anyone heard using ‘reem’ (adjective), without a mocking tone, is considered to be a ‘reem’ (noun).


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Jobs for Life By Aisling Noonan On my way to college each morning I walk by so many students listening to their iPods or iPhones and I wonder what they’re listening to. Music preferences are an important part of someone’s identity and iPods have allowed you to fit your whole music collection in your pocket. Apple’s products are an everyday part of life now and it would be hard to imagine life without them. Apples’ icon is one of the most recognizable logos on the planet. But what is the story behind Apples success? It is argued that the secret is its co-founder Steve Jobs. We all know that Steve Jobs sadly passed away on in October. But what was it about this man that made him so extraordinary? Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955. Jobs attended Reed College in Portland but he dropped out after a brief period. Although he dropped out of his course he continued to attend calligraphy classes. He credits these classes for the way PC fonts and typography are today. He started working at Atari in 1974. In 1976 at the age of 21 Jobs and his friend Stephen Wozniak set up Apple Computer Co. in his garage. Together they developed the first Apple computer but it was its successor the Apple II

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that really catapulted them to success. By the age of 25 Jobs net worth was a staggering $200 million dollars! Apples next project, the Lisa computer, proved to be ground breaking technology at the time. Shortly after that the Macintosh was launched and although it was successful Jobs’ role in the company was phased out. On departing from Apple, Jobs set up a software and hardware company named neXT Inc. In 1986 Jobs purchased the company from George Lucas that we all know today as Pixar. Pixar later teamed up with Disney and went on to produce: Toy Story, Cars and Wall.E. Apple ended up buying Jobs’ company neXT and he became as Apple’s CEO once more. With Jobs’ return to Apple the company went from strength to strength. From the iMac computer in 1998 to the iPod and iTunes to the iPhone and more recently the iPad, Apple became one of the most influential companies in the world with a cult-like following. Jobs had successfully dominated the music, phone, animation and the computer industries. Steve Jobs was known for his vision, entrepreneurship and passion. As he said at his famous speech at Stanford university, “you’ve got to find what you love...

the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and only way to do great work is to love what you do.” His combination of passion and sheer determination to keep on going no matter what, has giving him a truly deserved place in history. So the next time you’re listening to your iPod or on your Mac, think if it weren’t for this man the way we live today may be very different. So how does Steve Jobs success inspire us students? Take a look around. Every second person has an Apple product and almost everyone has a computer. Steve Jobs may be one of the most famous college drop-outs ever, but he still pursued what he enjoyed at university. Attending calligraphy classes influenced his work years later. This also applies to us. You may be doing Commerce, Arts or Science but this doesn’t mean you can’t also dip into other things that you love. University is a place of academic freedom where there is a wealth of knowledge and ideas. Learning not only comes from your lectures but there are also clubs, societies and volunteering. You never know, what you learn and who you meet may have a profound influence in your future.

Sin Sanctioned Procr astination This week: Dr Nathan Quinlan, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (the one without the chain) You ordered the new iPhone online, but received a Time Machine instead. Where to? I’d like to see dinosaurs. Maybe I could set up a wildlife reserve to keep some of them alive until humans came along. For that I’d need to get some robot wardens (from the future of course) to look after them through the countless eons. What could possibly go wrong? Who should our next victim be? Dr. Mark Healy in Civil Engineering is keen to be the next subject.

By Fiona Gillespie Now is the time to start planting bulbs for the coming months. Onion, garlic, tulip and daffodil can all be planted from now until the end of winter. They are simple to plant and result in tasty treats and beautiful flowers! Onion and garlic can be planted in soft soil with good drainage over the autumn and winter months (from September to mid-November for onion and October to February for garlic). Onion

sets can be bought from Brown Envelope Seeds ( or Irish Seed Savers ( The cheapest and nicest option for garlic is to save a few cloves from that tasty bulb you have lying around. Garlic cloves need to be planted in cold soil in order to encourage growth, and therefore are best planted in winter. Plant the bulbs and cloves flat end down and about 3 inches apart. Ensure that the onions are planted at the top of the soil and the garlic about 3 inches into

the soil. Onions and garlic are harvested at the start of summer and are ready once the leaves turn yellow. Spring flowering bulbs, such as tulip and daffodil, are planted similar to garlic. Place the bulbs in the fridge a few weeks before planting them, pointed end up, into soft, cold soil with very good drainage. Ensure that the bulbs are planted to a depth of three times their diameter. Regularly check that the soil is wet but not waterlogged. Your flowers should bloom in spring!

Ten Free Student Productivity Apps by Liam F. O’Neill If you own a smartphone, the chances are that you may already use one of the following. Smartphones can be leveraged to maximize productivity in University which frees up more time for the other important parts of your life. The following list includes apps from the main smartphone operating systems: Windows Phone, iOS, Android and Blackberry. 1. Flashcards – Windows Phone: I’m sure we have all using flashcards to help us memorise things. That’s so 20th century! Download the flashcard app and you can organise cards into deck and also add notes to each card. 2. OneNote – Windows Phone: This is a great app which you can use to quickly take down notes, record audio notes, make lists and tasks. It also syncs with OneNote on you PC (part of the Microsoft Office Suite) using the cloud to keep all of your notes in sync. 3. Skype – iOS, Android, Blackberry: It’s important to be able to keep in contact with your classmates, friends and family. Save money and

use the Skype application to make free calls to other Skype users. 4. Wunderlist - iOS, Android: A common way to avoid procrastination is to make task lists. Breaking up larger projects into small tasks makes them seem more manageable. Wunderlist is a fantastic application. It allows you to create tasks, organise tasks into categories, set due dates and share tasks with others. 5. Evernote – Windows Phone, iOS, Android, Blackberry: Similar to OneNote, this application is a great way of recording quick ideas, notes and lists while on the go.

doesn’t have official apps there are third party applications which let you view the content from your mobile device. 8. YouTube – Windows Phone, iOS, Android, Blackberry: The largest video hosting site on the web sure does have a lot of cute cat videos. It also has a large amount of informative educational videos. Being able to watch a quick YouTube to refresh your knowledge on the supply curve before an economics exam can be very useful.

6. Dropbox – iOS, Android, Blackberry: Want to access all of your documents from wherever you are? Setup Dropbox for free and enjoy 2GB of cloud storage so you can access your files from the desktop, the web and mobile.

9 . Yo u r P h o n e ’s Built-In Calendar – Windows Phone, iOS, Android, Blackberry: I’m surprised by how many people have smartphones and fail to use the calendar to its full potential. Whether it syncs to Google Calendar, Windows Live or iCloud, use the calendar to record your lecture schedule (Tip: Use recurring appointments!), sports training and study time.

7. Khan Academy – Windows Phone, iOS, Android: offers a large number of free instruction videos on subjects such as algebra, chemistry, computer science, statistics and art history. While it

10. – Wi n d o w s P h o n e , iOS, Android: We all know what a dictionary is and how useful it can be. Download the app to get it on your mobile. This app also includes a Thesaurus.

{sin} 13–05

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Facebook: The New Security Risk? By Mark Kelly For years, social network sites have been the place to escape the monotony of the world, and bitch about it. Sites like Bebo, MySpace and, of course, Facebook, have changed how we complain about life, contact our friends, be the nerds and idiots we really are, stalk your crush from afar, and post up pictures and videos of ourselves doing some weird stuff. However, Facebook’s new look may be threating this happy world. The new “security” settings have led to some problems. Four in fact: Employers, Friends, Face recognition and Lollipops. Let’s look at them in order. Facebook has been a place to show off the… weirder side of yourself. All your innermost, philosophical thoughts (or complete drivel) can be posted online for everyone to see. So, if your friend Matthew decided to post a pic of you setting fire to a couch that was ok. Well, not anymore. Now, employers will search your name on Facebook if you have applied for a job. This basically involves them typing the name or email that you willingly provide (aren’t you nice?) into the search engine. Then, they can see all the weird shit you have been doing, and can

bring it up in an interview “So James, I see you didn’t list ‘setting fire to couches’ as one of your hobbies. Why is that?” Safe to say you won’t get the job, unless they are looking for an arsonist, in which case congratulations! Next up is Friends. These people can mess up both your social standing and your friendships. There used to be a time when you could stay logged in to Facebook, confident nothing bad will happen. However, the new phenomenon of Fraping (writing or doing something negative whilst logged in as someone else) has made this a tad impossible. So, you’re going around, doing your thing, and when you come back, you find out that apparently you enjoy male genatalia, or your best mate has confessed your undying love to some random buer. Not good Face recognition is a new feature on Facebook. Basically, when your friend posts a picture with you in it on Facebook, the computer program will match your face with the face in the picture and your name will come up. This doesn’t help you maintain your arsonists’ anonymity (damn you Matthew!). It’s pretty creepy though, that a computer

program can identify you, it’s like finding out your best mates ugly sister is stalking you. Finally, lollipops. ‘Take my Lollipop’ is a sensation sweeping Facebook. Basically, if you click on the link on Facebook, it will snap to a video. There is some strange guy at a computer logging into Facebook: your Facebook. He looks through all your pictures and is getting clearly agitated. He then, using Facebook’s new checkin, (where it checks you in each time you post), finds where you live. He spends a while stroking a picture of you on the screen before hoping into his car, taping your photo to his dashboard, and driving to where you are. He gets out with a weapon in his hand, and after that shows a blood-stained lollipop with your name on it. Nice! So, basically, if you want a job, don’t want people to think you are someone you’re not, or in love with some random girl, or want to be identified as setting fire to couches or murdered, Facebook isn’t the place for you. However, I will stick with it until some maniac (most likely my best friend’s sister) murders me. Who thought a website could be bad for your health?

{17} 07–11

Out Like a Light A Few Quick Tips for Photos of your Night Out. By Ultan Sharkey Photography is all about light. Similar to the way your eyes work, we want to bounce light off the subject onto the image sensor. In a dark setting like a club or a pub, sometimes we can catch the subject with light from the surrounding room illuminating them. When that’s not possible, using a flash is the way to go. Where light comes from behind the subject, the subject can be silhouetted, leaving little light to bounce off the subject itself. If the silhouette effect isn’t what you desire, a flash or other light source from the front of the subject can solve this. When the subject is in motion, such as playing sports or gesticulating wildly on a dance floor, using flash can ‘freeze’ the moment giving you a sharp, in-focus image. However, without flash sometimes a slight blur is great to show the motion of the moment – especially if the background is focussed showing the contrast of movement. If you don’t feel like bringing a tripod with you on a night out, try steadying the shot by leaning on a table, a sober friend or a wall – whatever is handy. However, flash seems to

NUI Galway Corporate Law student, Trevor Glavey, receiving the Oscar Wilde Gold Medal for academic excellence from President Mary McAleese at the Undergraduate Awards Ceremony in Dublin Castle on 28 October. Trevor received the award for his essay entitled “Enforcement of EU Competition law and Respect for Human Rights.” He was one of 23 winners selected from 2,381 submissions. Photograph by Marc O’Sullivan.

be often used just because it’s there. This can lead to colder looking images – try the same shots without flash for some surprising results, especially if you can get your weird mate Dave to freeze that blue-steel pose for just long enough to take an unblurred shot. In terms of composition, the most often cited tip is the ‘Rule of thirds’. Imagine your frame is split into thirds with both horizontal and vertical lines. The four intersections of these lines suggest places where you can centre the subject of your shot for good composition. This rule is about the aesthetic balance of the image and is useful in that it makes for generally appealing shots. Simply put, try putting subjects off centre, into one of these thirds for more aesthetically pleasing shots. Ever notice in film that the bad guys are often filmed at an angle while the hero is filmed straight on? That’s because the angular shot is supposed to highlight the change in mood. Tilting your camera to 30 or 40 degrees can result in much less bland, more interesting photos. Play with other angles too, get low and take shots pointing the camera up to add drama to the shot. Stand on a stool (try not to get thrown out of the bar while doing these things) and shoot straight down on a subject for more interesting shots. A quick run-down of the important bits to know: Exposure: The density of light falling on the CCD image sensor in a digital camera or the film in a traditional camera. Aperture and DoF: Aperture refers to the size of the hole in the lens which lets the light into the CCD sensor or film. The smaller the aperture, the less light gets in and the darker the image will be. It also makes for a deeper depth of field (DoF), meaning everything in the image is in focus. A more open aperture lets more light in, creating a brighter image with a shallow DoF and a blurred background. Using the

effect of background blur, called bokeh can have aesthetically pleasing results (good bokeh) or distract the viewer (bad bokeh). Shutter: This device controls the amount of time the aperture remains open to expose the sensor or film to light. This length of time is called the exposure time. ISO: The International Organisation for Standards creates, well, standards for stuff. The short-form name isn’t a mistake, it’s based on a Greek word isos, meaning equal. ISO on a camera refers to the standards for the sensitivity of either the film in it, or the CCD image sensor in a digital camera, to light. So, ISO is about light sensitivity, set it higher when it’s dark and lower when it’s bright. However, if you can get the results you want without changing ISO you’ll have clearer images with less noise (that stuff that makes it look like you’ve got dust on the lens), so use it sparingly. Pro-tip: Create an image on your computer with your name and phone number in it with an “If lost, please return to...” message. Place it back on your cameras memory card and make it undelete-able. That way, if it’s not actually stolen from you there’s a chance you’ll have it returned. In any case, play around lots with your camera, especially if it’s digital. Try out the AV mode during the daytime and TV at night time for starters, and then switch to M to apply what you’ve figured out from those. Switch to those other modes and see what they can do: M = Manual, you can play with aperture and shutter P = Programmed (like auto), but only for aperture and shutter TV = Programmed aperture, you can play with the time-settings AV = Programmed shutter, you can play with the aperture With thanks to Matt Burke for corrections and suggestions.


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{sin} 07–11

The Occupy Movement By Colette Sexton Videos and pictures of the Occupy movement have been streaming into our homes through television and newspapers for almost six weeks. Now that the Occupy movement is right on our doorstep, we cannot ignore it anymore. Timber pallets and traffic cones are cornering off a segment of Eyre Square as a flurry of tents, posters and activists have moved onto the street, joining thousands of people across the world in the Occupy movement. So, what is the Occupy movement, why are they taking to our streets and what do they hope to achieve? The Occupy movement consists of series of international protests which have been ongoing since 17 September. They began with 259 SU Enterprise Awards Poster.pdf




an encampment on Wall Street, the financial district of New York City and have since spread to over 1,280 towns and cities worldwide. Adbusters, a Canadian activist group, initiated the Occupy movement when they called for a peaceful occupation of Wall Street in what they termed a ‘Tahrir Moment’. This was in reference to the eighteen day revolt in Tahrir Square in Cairo in early 2011. 250,000 people attended the Tahrir revolt to force the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and establishment of democracy. The occupation of Tahrir Square was a success when on February 11 Mubarak stepped down after thirty years as Egyptian President. The Egyptians had a clear objective in their protests earlier this year. They all

united to achieve democracy. It seems illogical that the Occupy movement is styling itself on the Tahrir revolt which was seeking democracy, when the Occupy movement is occurring in countries that are already democratic. There is method to their madness however, as the Occupy movement are hoping to establish a new type democracy. The Adbusters’ website declares that through the Occupy movement they aim to establish “Democracy not Corporatocracy” and to end the monied corruption of modern day democracy. The protests have been described as a democratic awakening as they are calling for people to examine alternatives to capitalism. Initially critics of the Occupy movement said










€25,000 PRIZE FUND Enter the NUI Galway Students’ Union Enterprise Awards. Closing date for submissions Friday 25th November. for more information. Supported By:

that it would never achieve anything as the protesters had not been able to collate their demands. However, by mid October the Occupy movement began to assemble under one main objective, for G20 leaders to vote for a ‘Robin Hood’ tax. The idea behind this tax is to take from the rich (the financial sector) and give to the poor. There are three main proposals on how to implement a Robin Hood tax. First, the Financial Transaction Tax, which would tax transactions such as stocks, bonds, foreign currency and derivatives by 0.05%. It is estimated that this tax could raise £250 billion annually. The second proposal is to impose a flat rate bank levy on financial institutions. Although the UK, France and Germany have already imposed bank

levies, the money generated from them is not being used to help the poor. The final proposal advocated a Financial Activities Tax (FAT) which is similar to a VAT style tax on the financial sector. The UK government has already said it would be willing to introduce such a tax if other EU member states did the same. Supporters of the Robin Hood tax include the Pope, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Bill Gates. The power of social media has been truly brought to light by the Occupy protests. #Occupy has filled up twitter pages while Facebook is being used to organise Occupy events. The Occupy Galway Facebook page has nearly 1000 ‘likes’ at time of going to press despite only a handful of people

actually protesting at the campsite. “We are the 99%”, the unifying slogan of the Occupy events, started off in a Tumblr blog and went viral. The slogan refers to the difference in wealth between the top 1% and the remaining 99% of US citizens. Although percentages refer to US statistics only, the slogan has been used in Occupy movements across the world. It remains to be seen whether these protests will actually make a difference or if their significance will become watered down due to disagreements about what they are actually protesting. If the Robin Hood tax is implemented, will the Occupy movements disperse or will they continue their protest to de-corrupt democracy? Only time will tell.


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Re: By Louise Hogan According to a 2008 study conducted by the EU on electoral gender quota systems, approximately half the world’s countries have implemented gender quotas. A roughly even global split should, in theory, make it easy to evaluate the effectiveness of such a policy. If only it were that simple; but of course (like everything else pertaining to members of the fairer sex), the issue is a little more complicated. Numbers aren’t the only factor to consider, determining effectiveness is also essential. Rwanda is a good example, or not, depending on your point of view. With a 51% female parliament, it is often held up as a model to be followed. But Rwanda has an authoritarian government which stuffs parliament with token politicians it can easily manipulate to suit its own aims. If few of the female parliamentarians

New Public

are actually effective, what’s the point in quotas? The connection between descriptive and substantial representation - mere percentages compared to actual content - is a much debated issue. Some proponents of gender quotas argue that even if initially many women elected are only ‘token’, eventually substance will follow; opponents of the policy argue that quality is better than quantity and some also point out that true equality would mean electing candidates solely on merit and completely disregarding gender as a factor. It’s not an easy debate as examples vary wildly. Contrasting with Rwanda is the case of Spain, where a system of gender quotas is in practice but has resulted in the world’s first majority female cabinet, staffed with highly educated, qualified and capable women. France however, with its gender quota system has a mere

19% female participation compared to a figure of 41% in the Netherlands, where there is no gender quota legislation. In Ireland, where female political representation currently stands at 14%, the idea of gender quotas has been seriously considered, especially since a recommendation last year by the Oireachtas Joint Committee called for their implementation. Opinion has been divided on the issue however. Many high profile female politicians, including Mary O’Rourke and Lucinda Creighton, have spoken out against quota implementation. O’Rourke was especially firm in her stance against such an implementation, arguing that merit alone resulted in her election as a representative official and she is against any policy which would “catapult” any person into a higher position than deserved. Creighton described

{19} 07–11

Gender Quotas in Politics: Effective Policy or Empty Gesture? quotas as “an easy solution to a difficult problem.” Although institutional and cultural considerations are a significant factor in the presence or absence of women in elective office, sometimes it just comes down to individual reasons. During the 2010 General Election, Fine Gael TD Olwyn Enright announced she would not be running for re-election, due to the pressures of juggling her family life and career. Uncomfortable a fact as it may be, the pressures of managing a family life and a political career can be a barrier to many women. At university level, where childcare and family rearing is for the vast majority not an issue, women are still outnumbered by their male counterparts when it comes to participation in college politics. Our SU executive has only four women out of sixteen positions and considerably less females nominate

themselves in comparison to their male counterparts. As female students marginally outnumber their male counterparts (approx. 54% to 46%), this would seem to indicate a huge misrepresentation. However student politics cannot be considered a micromodel of national politics. There is a surplus of males in student politics, but then the Students’ Union cannot be fully representative of the student population due to dismally low turnout figures for student elections. Also, some view politics as a popularity contest, and become involved for the wrong reasons. If we consider only the candidates who are running because of a passion for public service, there is a fairly even split between men and women. SU Equality officer William O’Brien echoes this view stating, “I would say that more males run for these positions for the wrong reasons (popu-

larity) and an equal number of males and females apply for the right reasons.” This fact, coupled with the low turnout figures for student voters, mean the low figure of women getting involved in student politics isn’t really something that can be addressed, or improved with quotas. In May of this year, the government proposed legislation which would severely cut state funding for major political parties if they failed to fill 30% of their nominations with female candidates. This policy wouldn’t ‘catapult’ anyone into a higher position than deserved, as any candidate nominated would still have to be elected. However, following a less than enthusiastic response, two months later the idea was put on hold indefinitely. Its potential effectiveness is nearly impossible to predict and now, we may never get to see it in practice.

The Student Friendly (Un)Healthy Living Guide By Áine O’Donnell In the spirit of Healthy Living week, we should all make a conscious effort towards our well-being. It is difficult as a college student to fit Healthy Living tips into our busy schedules. This guide is quick and accessible (and not recommended by any health professionals or nutritionists): Eating your ‘5-a-day’: When students move away to college eating fruit and vegetables are the least of their worries and are often omitted from our diets. To include more fruit and vegetables in your diet, why not order a tequila at the bar and squeeze all that essential Vitamin-C from the lemon afterwards but avoid the salt! this is a Healthy Living guide after all. You should up your Pot Noodle intake to get all the nutrition from those lovely dehydrated vegetables. And if you are really channelling your inner Gillian McKeefe

go for a few fruit pastilles… they’re like a portable fruit salad. Exercising: Exercising can be very time consuming and dull which is why it is not favoured by many young people, but there are many ways to get a sneaky work out without having to be bored to death. If you always leave your accommodation five minutes before your lecture starts then no doubt you will get a good run going to make it on time. Another way you have probably been getting fit without realising is when you cop on its a 9.45pm and you were planning on hitting the local off license… that will certainly get you moving. You could also don a grey tracksuit and run up the steps outside the Arts Millennium Building, Rocky Balboa style (fist pump optional). Looking After Your M e n t a l H e a l t h : We are often overcome with assignments or just missing Mammy’s home cooked

dinner and start feeling a bit down, but no worries as there are many useful solutions. You could watch a few episodes of Jeremy Kyle and suddenly your life will begin to seem perfect. Darcy and Barnacle, Sin’s own agony aunts are always here to help solve any problems you might be having. If all else fails have a cup of tea: it really is the answer to everything. Dress for the Weather: Galway’s weather could only be described as bipolar, one moment you think you are in the Bahamas then suddenly it changes to an Arctic storm. It is important to dress appropriatly for the weather. When your parents said “put on ye a good coat” they meant it and it is sound advice. When hitting Galway city you should be thinking more altar server than Snooki: if you wouldn’t wear it to mass then it is too short. Make sure you are prepared for any possibility, always put

sun cream on under your Ski jacket and wellies are quite simply a must. Eat a Variety of Food: Variety in the diet is very important and it is quite easy to get into the “if it’s microwavable I will eat it” routine. Try something new every once in a while: Aldi have an abundance of different food and if the ingredients

are in German all the better. Have a root around the back of your cupboards and make a meal with what you find, it will undoubtedly be interesting. Always live by the “3 second rule,” it avoids waste and is good for your immune system. Sleep: Sleep is one of the most important aspects of student life and we can never

get enough of it. Buy a set of ear plugs because those drunks singing “Loca People” at 5am will not go away. You should invest in a pair of sunglasses so you can go for a sneaky snooze between lectures. Always remember that dancing around Gort na Coiribe in the early hours seems like a good idea at the time but it never is.

Elly Duffy, Sile Johnson, Orla Callanan, Chloe O Flynn, Amy Rossiter and Aimee O Connor at the Hockey Intervarsity dinner in the Ardilaun Hotel.


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{sin} 07–11

Rag Week, Adieu! By Kieran Staunton “Almost 30 young people were admitted to hospital with alcohol related problems following a 99 cent drinks promotion in a premises in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. ... Figures released by the HSE show that 29 people were brought to Letterkenny General Hospital suffering from the effects of alcohol poisoning on Wednesday night last. Many of those admitted to hospital revealed how they had consumed shots of alcohol which were on offer for just 99 cent each.” — Irish Times, Tuesday, 25 October, 2011. Evidence, if any was needed, of this country’s love affair with booze. This incident in Donegal came in the same week that NUI Galway dispatched with the orgy of indulgence

that was RAG Week. A traditional rite of passage has gone the way of historical memory, consigned to the foreign country that is the past, where things were done differently. RAG Week is shorthand for unacceptable behaviour; a badge of dishonour if you will. And yet......I write as a thirty five year old mature student, one who is no stranger to the high stool, a devotee of the pub culture. I relish the convivial delights of a few pints and a bit of craic. In my time I have enjoyed the many highs and lows of alcohol; the disinhibition, the fun, the pit of sickness and despair. I am not trying to adopt a moralising tone. Merely, your correspondent has been there, and worn the T-shirt and borne the scars. What does interest me, though is precisely why

RAG Week has, in the last four or five years, exploded into something resembling the last days of Rome. You have a lifetime of drinking ahead of you – you don’t have to get it over and done in one night! Here is a thought or two as to why RAG Week has taken on the character it has in the last couple of years. Shoot me down on these if you will. Firstly, the sale of cost price alcohol has made booze cheaper than water or milk. If something is cheap, you are inclined to regard it cheaply and hold it in little respect. Alcohol is a drug – treat it with some regard. Secondly, I would suggest that the rise of social media in the last few years and the ‘flash mob’ phenomenon has lead to mega parties. Time was, when one would invite a

few friends over for a couple of drinks. If you have 500 friends on Facebook, well, you can see how these things get out of hand. The mob mentality can lead to mob behaviour. One chap damages a car and the principal of one-upmanship comes into play. The next thing you know, every car in the street is being trashed by the mob. People do hate to feel left out. Thirdly, I hold that drinking inexperience has to be a huge factor. Wine, followed by spirits, followed by beer is a recipe for disaster. You will pay for it the next day. Believe me, I have been there. A note of advice to young drinkers, (God, I sound like an auld fella!), be consistent. That is, stick to the one drink for the night. If you like stout best, then stick to stout. If vodka is your tipple, then

Park & Ride Bus Service Ride Bus Service Timetable - Semester 1, 2011 PARKPark&&RIDE BUS SERVICE Peak Morning Service from 1, Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) Timetable - Semester 2011

Timetable - S

8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45, 10.00, 10.15, 10.30, 10.45, 11.00 Peak Morning Service from Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) 8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45,

11.30, 12.00, 12.30

Lunchtime Shuttle Mid–Morning lite From Orbsen Building 13.00, 13.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark 13.15, 13:45

AN TSEIRBHÍS Park & Timetable RidePÁIRCEÁLA Bus Service - Semester& 1, TAISTIL 2011

Amchlár – S

Peak Morning Service from 1, Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) Timetable - Semester 2011

8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45, 10.00, 10.15, 10.30, 10.45, 11.00 Peak Morning Service from Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes)

13.15, 13:45

Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen Building (every 30 minutes)

14.30, 15.00, 15.30 Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen14.00, Building (every 30 minutes)


8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45,

10.15, 10.30, 10.45, from 11.00 Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) Mid - 10.00, Morning lite Service

11.30, 12.00, 12.30 Mid - Morning lite Service from Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) 11.30, 12.00, 12.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

13.00, 13.30

14.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30

13.00, 13.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Bus ag Am Lóin ó Áras Oirbsean 13.00, 13.30

17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00

The night time service is no longer running.

University is providing a free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsen to the Dangan carpark (only). The night time The service is no longer running. 9pmaplease telephone 091-561111 to request the Dangan The University isAfter providing free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsenatotaxi thejourney Danganto carpark (only). carpark. After 9pm pleasePlease telephone 091-561111 request a taxi journey to the Dangan note: No other to taxi destinations are possible and thecarpark. service is only available from 9pm to 11pm Please note: No other destinations are possible and the is only available from 9pm to 11pm Your taxi staff/student number and name willservice be requested by the driver, for our records.

Your staff/student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

13.15, 13:45

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

Bus ag Am Lóin ó Charrchlós an Daingin 13.15, 13:45

14.30, 15.00, 15.30 Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen14.00, Building (every 30 minutes) 14.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30

Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 15 minutes) Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 17.00, 15 minutes) 17.15, 17.30, 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.00, 17.15, 17.30, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00

The night time service is no longer running.

University is providing a free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsen to the Dangan carpark (only). The night time The service is no longer running.

Ní seirbhís ar fáil After 9pmana please telephone 091-561111 to request the Dangan The bheidh University is providing freehoíche EMERGENCY taxiníos shuttlemó. from Orbsenatotaxi thejourney Danganto carpark (only). carpark. Afteran 9pm pleasePlease telephone 091-561111 to request a taxi journey toin theaisce Dangan note: No other taxi destinations are possible and ar thecarpark. service is only available 9pm to 11pm Tá Ollscoil ag cur tacsaí ÉIGEANDÁLA saor fáil ó Oirbsean chuigfrom carrchlós Please note: No other destinations are possible and the is only available from 9pm to 11pm Your taxi staff/student number and name willservice be requested by the driver, for our records. Your staff/student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

a dhéanamh ar thacsaí chuig carrchlós an Daingin.Tabhair faoi deara: Ní féidir tacsaí

Dangan carpark. Please note: No other taxi destinations are possible and the service is student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

foirne/mic léinn a lua leis an tiománaí.

Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change

QR code timetable QR code timetable QR code timetable

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen Building (every 30 minutes)

Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 15 minutes) Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 17.00, 15 minutes) 17.15, 17.30, 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.00, 17.15, 17.30,

and had been living on borrowed time. Doubtless, there will be unofficial rag week festivities come February next, but hey, such is life. As one of my classmates commented, “NUIG will probably piggyback on to the GMIT Rag Week!” Perhaps attitudes are changing. Another classmate of mine posited the thought that, “RAG week shan’t be missed.” The annual cabaret that was NUI Galway RAG Week has had its day. What was acceptable once has now become taboo. This is part of the fabric of life. College is not all about academia and exams. There is a broader education at work here. You learn about life. You become mature; you accept the nature of responsibility. Hopefully you enjoy yourself along the way. That’s something we can all raise our glass to.

Park & Ride Bus Service

10.15, 10.30, 10.45, from 11.00 Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) Mid - 10.00, Morning lite Service

11.30, 12.00, 12.30 Mid - Morning lite Service from Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes)

stick to vodka. This is a cardinal rule of alcohol consumption. I learned it the hard way, trust me on this one! Just to take another slant on this, I got a medical opinion on the whole business of young people and alcohol. I’m deeply indebted to popular Galway city GP, Dr Dan Murphy. Dr Murphy holds that ‘alcohol overindulgence can have several effects; namely, disinhibition, particularly in young women. Also, it has can raise blood pressure. Finally it can have a negative bearing on mood. Alcohol can be a depressant. There is a proven link between high alcohol consumption and suicide.’ Essentially, I’m writing as the voice of experience. I’m not trying to preach. RAG Week spun out of control in the last few years

Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change QR code timetable

QR code timetable

{sin} 13–05

The Generation of Procrastination? By Jordan Lillis That fantastic time of year is coming up once again… Exams. Yes! The time to prove how much we have learnt this semester! The time to show our lecturers that all we’ve been concentrating on since we got back into college is keeping those books open, developing our minds and getting enthusiastic about knowledge! Right? Eh… yeah. Not really. Let’s face it. Exams, essays, and any kind of assignment given to us is a pain in the *(insert whatever word desired)*. Why are they such a pain? It’s not about the subject, it’s not about the course. I mean yeah, if you love a subject you’re going to be more willing to do the work, but it is still work and most of the time. What do we all do when we simply just don’t want to do this work? We procrastinate. Ah, procrastination. This magical word that gets blamed for just about every student’s inability to concentrate on something and just get it done. I myself, am the self proclaimed queen of procrastination! Somehow I’ve made it into third year, despite the insane amount of procrastination I’ve participated in throughout my years in the education system. Procrastination is like that friend you have that your parents hate, the one that always gets you into trouble. What gives us the right to blame it? More so, what is it? The definition of the term is putting off high priority tasks to complete low priority tasks. Yeah, because watching an unhealthy amount of The Hills, or playing Tetris can be referred to as a task… I think something that’s not to be ignored, is the amount we now have access to over the internet. Most of us have laptops, perhaps under the pre-

tence that they’re mainly used for college work and for getting things done faster. Yet how many times have you heard your mother or aunty or anyone older than you give out about the amount of time you spend of Facebook? It’s a never-ending battle our generation have to fight. The people who use Facebook the most are in fact students. Young people with, lets face it, little responsibility and a lot of time. Facebook has become a massive part of our social identity and the idea of someone not having a Facebook these days is just crazy and extremely rare. It’s not just Facebook; there’s Twitter, Youtube, Myspace, food websites that can deliver in an instant (mmm Domino’s), the list is endless! Now, in a culture that expects no less than everything we want at our fingertips, how has that affected us? I’m not saying there’s never been procrastination before now, because there’s always been procrastination. But I truly do believe there’s simply more to distract us from the real tasks we have to complete. I met with Kevin Davison from the Department of Education, to come to grips with procrastination. He brought to my attention that we need to differentiate between procrastination and just plain laziness and this is a good point. There is nothing actually wrong with procrastination, if by the end of it, you actually get something done. If we have an essay to do and we spend a few hours on Facebook, cleaning the house, eating, hanging out with friends, whatever it may be, we often feel guilty for this. We feel bad that we didn’t spend all that time on the essay. But if at the end of all that, we actually sit down and get a solid amount of work done, then that time before wasn’t time wasted,

F eatures

{21} 07–11


Dear Darcy, I recently moved in with a really good friend of mine and another girl. We’ve been in college together for three years and we’re now in our final year. I love living with her because she’s like a sister to me but her new boyfriend is a major dick. Both of us other flatmates hate him; we can’t stand to be in the house when he is over. And it feels like he never leaves. I’m convinced he’s with her because we live in town! He is no good for her; he manipulates her, just like her last boyfriend, and definitely is not the type of guy she should be dating. I know plenty of guys and I’ve tried suggesting them to her! My housemate is such a free spirit and he completely dampens her creativity, despite what she says about him inspiring her, and he takes up all her time. She deserves better. I’m terrified he’s going to make her fail final year if she doesn’t see sense soon! I’ve tried telling her all of this, but she just goes silent when I try to talk to her about it, or when I ask her to keep him away from the house because it’s unfair and I can’t feel at home with him around. I pay rent too! Yours truly, Angry Housemate Dear Angry Housemate, You need to take a step back and look at these problems individually or else you will feel completely overwhelmed. You are in a tough situation but by approaching it this way, you are making it even harder on yourself. First you must come to terms with the fact that it is not your place to decide who your friend dates. She is an adult and will make her own decisions. I know your heart is in the right place but as her friend you need to be supportive. Many friendships don’t survive arguments where a relationship is questioned. It is possible that your friend’s creativity isn’t being stifled, it’s just that she has found somebody she is completely comfortable around and doesn’t feel the need to constantly prove her creativity. This may not be the case but these situations are rarely black and white. Let her

come to conclusions about him herself. She has made it through three years of college and I’m sure she’ll pass final year too! It is unfair if he never leaves the house but you are adults and all of you should have the option of having friends over. Now if they are there 24/7 then they become housemates that should pay rent but you can’t have complete control over who comes in and out of the house. Try accepting him as your friend’s boyfriend and hopefully you will begin to see the good sides of him too. There is a chance that you haven’t seen that side of him yet because she doesn’t feel comfortable talking about him to you at all. Just keep an open mind!

Hugs —Darcy

Dear Angry Housemate, Grow up! You are in your final year. With the amount of time you spend worrying about who is in your house and who your friend is dating I’m worried you might fail. Are you this girl’s mother? Nobody likes a ‘know it all’. Sometimes you just need to mind your own business. So take a step back and leave her at it. If she truly is ruining her own life that is her decision but you don’t need to dramatise the situation. Worst case scenario he’s a dud boyfriend. He hasn’t chained her to the radiator in her room – relax. If this boy is at your house constantly then maybe he should pay towards rent but don’t get stingy! If he is her boyfriend/friends with benefits I highly doubt he’s thinking about what a great location he’s in as he avails of his benefits… In short build a bridge and get

it was just your way of working up to the essay. I know myself that I work best under pressure and many people are like this. There are obvious tips on how to stop procrastinating, but maybe we don’t need these tips, maybe we just need to

know that procrastination is absolutely fine if we get the work done at the end of it. It can be part of the process of getting something done. We don’t need tips on how to stop. We just need to limit the procrastination to a level that means our work isn’t suf-

over it. Worry about your own problems and learn to play nice. Your life will be the better for it.

That’s Life, Barnacle

For more advice please email advice.!

fering from it. There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s harder now for students to concentrate because of various addictions to particular social networking websites. But we gotta get over it! That’s what we’re dealing with. So stop feeling guilty for going on

Facebook or reading this paper when you’re meant to be writing an essay – just go do the freaking thing after you’ve fed your addiction a little bit. Sure I won’t even begin to tell ye how much procrastinating I did before writing this article…

{22} Arts & Entertainment {sin} 13–05


Tulca Festival of Visual Arts in Association with NUI Galway By Joyce Fahy This year’s Tulca Festival of Visual Arts titled ‘After the Fall’ relates to three overlapping collapses in society today: the economic crisis, the political upheaval and social problems. As the curator of the festival stated “the art not only reflects what’s going on but tries to critique it and reveal something new about what the potential could be.” The festival takes place from 4 - 20 November with a number of exciting installations situated on campus. An installation by renowned Romanian Artist Lia Perjovski will be in the Foyer of James Hardi-

man Library throughout the festival. This is asking to be viewed and can be slotted in to an exclusive study break. Her contemporary works are political and innovative, portraying her maturation under Romanian dictatorship which ended in 1989. Thus, her informative works are important for demonstrating the impact of history in society. On Saturday, 5 November, Perjovschi will present a talk on her practice in the James Hardiman Library Browsing Room at 3pm. On Saturday, 12 November, ‘Fugitive Papers’, an artistic research project examining art and art-writing as a public and critical activity will take place in The View,

Áras na Mac Léinn, at 3pm. It will be presented by Michaele Cutaya, James Merrigan and Fiona Woods. On Thursday, 17 November, a collaborative NUI Galway and GMIT presentation and workshop by Frances Whitehead ‘The Embedded Artist Project: Strategies for Civic Engagement. What do Artists Know?’ will be held in the Huston School of Film and Digital Media at the University and will run from 2.30 – 6pm. The session will include a presentation and workshop on the strategy of “embedding” practicing artists into local government work teams in order to bring new perspectives, mindsets, and processes to planning

projects important to the city’s future. This workshop is open to Artists, Art policy makers, Graduates, NUIG and Huston School of Film & Digital Media students, the Advocacy group and students from Art, Design and Film Studies in GMIT, as well as the Burren College of Art. Workshop places are limited and advance booking is necessary. There is no charge for this workshop. To register your place, contact dee. For information on more interesting and relevant talks, workshops and art which will be throughout the city in intimate venues, visit All events are free.

Profile: Rory Bowens By Martina Gannon Singer/song-writer Rory is currently is in his second year studying English and History. Sin met up with him to talk about his involvement in the Arts in Action programme. Sin: How would you describe the genre of music you write? Rory: Lyrics would be a huge part of it. It’s just the nature of it, it’s just me and the guitar, it’s very direct. The stuff I write about is very specific to my life and people of my age group. It’s universal in ways, lyrics about failed relationships or getting drunk and shifting someone, as well as broader concepts: playing it safe, being afraid to take risks. There’s serious topics too,

with lyrics I like to be honest and quite direct, my favourite lyricist would be Scott Hutchinson and he would be my biggest influence, his lyrics are grittily direct. I like using a slightly comical lilt to stuff to put across a more serious message. Life is sad and funny. I would never see myself as a comedy act as such. There are comic elements in my lyrics that hook people in and that are indicative to life. To ignore either tragedy or comedy is not true to life or honest. Sin: What is your opinion on the Arts in Action programme? Rory: It is a brilliant thing. It encompasses so many different arts like classical music, trad, dance, drama, film, literature and poetry. It

really is the creative arts in one continuous event. A lot of the events are free as well. Sin: How important would you say it is in relation to NUI Galway’s cultural identity? Rory: There are a lot of grass roots music events and I think it’s very important in that it does mirror the whole culture aspect of Galway, it’s a great concentrated event that covers all disciplines and it’s important in that it’s promoting all the different disciplines of the arts too and it’s unique to Galway. Sin: This year’s Arts in Action is themed around music and languages, how important do you think this is to young artists

like yourself and NUIG’s entertainment? Rory: It’s not terribly well known especially, but it is a great alternative to the typical entertainment of getting absolutely locked and hitting a nightclub. I think it’s great in that it’s just promoting arts in that whatever you do if you’re a poet, singer or dancer just keep doing it, keep creating. It’s giving people like myself an outlet. Sin: What is your involvement this year? Rory: One of the events in the Arts in Action that I’m doing is also free on 17 November at 1pm in the acoustic room. I’m supporting a guy called Jimmy Monaghan, his moniker is Music for Dead Birds and another Galway band, so I’ll be playing two or three songs there. So come down early!

By Pedro Fiel It’s Wednesday night and I find professional story teller, published author and NUI Galway History graduate Rab Swannock Fulton in one of the Cottage Bar’s cosy rooms, preparing for his first his Fright Nights throughout November. He is accompanied by a jolly Californian couple: “I was here two years ago and I travelled all the way back from Los Angeles to see him again,” shares Greg Lynch. I came to discover that the hot California sun wasn’t the sole reason for this bold move: Rab’s stories are absolutely captivating. As he himself puts it, “This is not Dreamworks.” In fact, with no tricks or special effects one finds oneself submerged in the imaginative world of Rab’s awe-inspiring stories. Fright Nights is guaranteed to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, with no additives or preservatives. Sin: What is your inspiration? Rab: Poverty, absolutely. If I didn’t tell stories I wouldn’t earn money and I couldn’t feed my children, so that keeps me going! I was brought up surrounded by stories: my family were always telling stories, so they are the main inspiration for me. I wouldn’t be doing this without them.

Sin: How did your studies contribute to your career, and what have you done since NUI Galway? Rab: Learning History you gain a new perspective on things, but I was already doing storytelling when I arrived in Ireland. The University only impacted my approach on For a full programme of what I was already doing. Arts in Action events see […] I worked with the BA­ Connect Programme for artsinaction.html Children’s Creativity. The

Sin: Where can people access your music? Rory: On youtube, myspace and my Facebook artist page [Rory Bowens] I am also involved in the happy hour on FlirtFM with Emma Van der Putten every Monday from 6-8pm.

Robin Allen, Kevin Donoghue, Brian Grant, John Carroll, Claire McCallion and Eoin Coates moustache up to support Movember.

Graduate Spotlight: Rab Fulton’s Frightful Career Arts Office commissioned me to do a web novel. I still feel a strong connection with NUIG. Sin: What is your best memory from university? Rab: Scrabbling over an airport fence [in Shannon at anti-war demo]. That was fun. I had no intention of going over the fence, but I had flashbacks from Scotland were I was involved in the home-rule movement. In court my lawyer said: “This man has never done this kind of thing” but I said “I have! I’ve been sitting on nuclear warheads and jumping fences and all!” and the judge stopped me and asked “You sat on nuclear warheads?” to which I replied “Yes! I sat on a truck, with nuclear weapons in it”. “Did it blow up?” he asked. “No”. Then he said “Well, that’s grand”. Sin: What is storytelling for you? Rab: I think it’s about when people get together and share. Sharing a connection with your friends, family and people from the four corners of the globe, because the audience is part of the storytelling as well. Sin: What should people expect from Fright Nights? Rab: Leave your expectations outside the door. I know people have expectations regarding what storytelling is, so they should keep an open mind. Be prepared to be amused but also... be prepared to be traumatised. […] In the Cottage Bar, no one can hear you scream! Fright Nights are on every Wednesday night at 8pm throughout November at the Cottage Bar. See http://marcusmarcusthe for more.

{sin} Arts & Entertainment {23} 13–05


Sex, Rugby and Orthopaedic Shoes An Audience With Brian Friel By Alan Keane Never arrive late to a comedy gig. There will invariably be two seats left directly in front of the stage which you and whoever is accompanying you will have to take. Oh, and never bring a friend who thinks it is ok to go out in what appear to be his pyjamas in public - this will attract unwanted attention from hungry comedians.

appearance of local favourite John Donnellan in between. Dead Cat Bounce is a Wall Street term which signifies a slight increase in stock prices after a severe slump. It is regarded as a mere gradual upward blip. Dead Cat Bounce is also a three piece Dublin comedy rock band. Comprising of three Trinity College graduates; bassist Shane O’Brien, James Walmsley on guitar and

The set list reads like something

you’d find scratched on

padded walls in institutes.

Without making reference to his size, (he does enough of that himself) Karl Spain was one very hungry MC on the night. He immediately devoured my dubiously dressed friend, and took a minute to savour the poor girl unfortunate enough to have one of those laughs. You know the one: the Peppa Pig laugh. “Do you do that all the time? I’m only asking because that’s the first time I’ve made a woman make a noise in a long time.” Spain warmed up the crowd so they were in a party mood by the time Dead Cat Bounce, ehhh.... bounced onto the stage at 10pm. The festivities were enhanced by the

vocals, and “comedy drummer” Damien Fox (it says so on his business card). The band’s career could hardly be more dissimilar to the term from which they derive their name. It hasn’t been a gradual upward blip, but rather an explosion to prominence in Irish comedy circles since their appearances on RTE2’s Republic of Telly last year. The set list reads like something you’d find scratched on padded walls in institutes. ‘Overenthusiastic Contraceptive Lady’ is a song Durex wouldn’t like to get too popular, as it might have an effect on sales. “I just want your lovin’ girl, I don’t want your babies, so

I promise to aim for your chest,” is but one of the lines from this song which had the audience rolling around beneath the bar stools. More guffaws for ‘Outsized Orthopaedic Shoe,’ an epic tale of friendship between a man with one leg shorter than the other, and his shoe. ‘Christians in Love’ portrays the carnal adventures of a newlywed couple “getting to know each other” for the first time. “Like a chimpanzee at a buffet car, they’re just grabbing at things before they know what they are, and seeing if they can fit them in their mouths”. The girl with the unfortunate laugh has reached unprecedented decibel levels by the end of this song, and many other audience members are in tears of laughter. However the biggest cheer of the night is reserved for the lads’ most well known song, ‘Rugby’. The video for this ditty is on YouTube and is well worth a watch or ten, featuring as it does Brent Pope and the mulleted one, former Irish hooker Shane Byrne. The song calls into question the heterosexuality of rugby, with such insightful lines as “we’re fooling the world that there’s nothing sexual, in a ball shaped like a giant testicle”. This gig was rucking brilliant.

By Jessica Thompson “Is he Brian Friel?” my fellow journalist, Ian Colgan, whispered to me, during a speech a young debater was reciting to the audience. I laughed and wrote this in my reporter’s notebook immediately. Brian Friel, renowned octogenarian playwright from the north of Ireland was due to visit NUI Galway on Thursday 20 October, yet here we were in the middle of a debate about the occupation movement in Wall Street, Dame Street, and even Eyre Square. But the occupation movement is another story entirely. I walked into this mysterious world of Lit ‘n’ Deb, expecting to meet the author of plays many of us have studied, such as Philadelphia Here I Come, Dancing at Lughnasa, and Translations, and what I got was a debate based on a movement that had absolutely nothing to do with literature! As riveting and interesting as this

debate was, with its strange ways – dinging a bell at random moments, banging on tables and calling “hear, hear!” when someone heard something they agreed with – I had to wait an hour for the event I had come to see. Finally, at 8pm, Brian Friel arrived. While I couldn’t question him, as he did not take questions, it was nice to sit back and just listen. The playwright arrived, leaning on a black cane, with a fancy silver handle. He wore grey suit and a checked shirt. He hobbled onto the stage, while the audience applauded him. There was a moment’s silence as he got his bearing, and then he spoke. He began by commenting on the “embarrassing title” of the talk, and the “awfully coy picture” of him, which was projected onto the screen behind him, that had been taken fifty years previous. Then came the important part - the reason we had all

gathered in this hall. The room went quiet and the playwright began to read. He read two extracts from his play, Making History. It certainly was an experience, sitting there, watching his hand gestures, taking in his change in manner as he swapped between the characters in the play. Here was the play, read aloud by the man who wrote it - the way it was supposed to be read. The reading lasted twenty minutes or so, and Brian Friel was presented with an award before shuffling off the stage. It was then that I got to meet the man, and I must admit he looked a lot more frail close up. He took my steady hand in his trembling one, and greeted me quietly, asking me to repeat my name a number of times, before signing the back of my reporters notebook. I left the hall feeling like I’d met a celebrity. I may have had to wait a little longer than expected, but I got what I came for.

Japanese Film Festival Comes to Galway By Ronan Doyle Currently making rounds of the country, the fourth annual Access Cinema Japanese Film Festival reaches Galway on 19 November. Over two days, the festival will showcase the best of modern Japanese cinema, incorporating everything from animation to documentary across its programme of nine feature films. Chief among these is Yôji Yamada’s Kabei, Our Mother, an adaptation of Teruyo Nogami’s biographical account of her childhood in Japan during World War II. Amazingly, this is Yamada’s eightieth film. His incredible experience contributes a masterful

grasp of subtle direction and emotional storytelling. After her husband is detained on charges of revolutionary “thought crimes,” a mother of two young girls struggles to raise them alone in a country distraught by the rule of an iron-fisted regime. Kabei, Our Mother sets out to give us the experience of this war from the perspective of an ordinary Japanese family, a purpose it fulfils magnificently. As the titular character, Sayuri Yoshinaga is completely mesmerising, drawing us into the plight of both her nation and herself as she silently suffers. This is a relentlessly tragic film, not afraid to show in

full gut-wrenching detail the torturous ordeal that the Nogami family are put through at the hands of their nation. Yamada crafts the emotion of his scenes perfectly, neatly avoiding the pitfalls of kitsch and sentimentality at all turns. It delivers an unflinchingly realistic take on this difficult story. Not all is clouded in such a pessimistic retrospect and many scenes bring much needed comic relief to keep us from sinking completely into the despair of these wartime horrors. Also included on the programme are two anime films: Colorful and The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, the former an exploration

Joanne Martin, Amanda Calbet, Michelle Hennigan, Mary T. Lohan and Jen Hendel dress up for ChemSoc’s Halloween event. of the connections between the living and the dead as seen through the eyes of a soul given a second chance in the body of a fourteen year old suicide. The latter is a tale of a popular girl who one day suddenly ceases to exist. These promising titles showcase the complex mix of emotional depth and adventurous narratives anime so often brings, and are sure to be a voice for a major genre of Japanese cinema. The feminist aspect of Kabei, Our Mother finds thematic synonymy in two other

of the films on display: Memories of Matsuko and Sawako Decides. In the second of these, a young woman finds herself thrust into the world of industry when she is forced to take over the factory of her recently deceased father. In Memories of Matsuko, a student tasked with clearing out his dead aunt’s apartment relives her cheerful life, journeying through fifty years of Japanese culture. For those seeking an allout romp of action fun, the festival will also include Tekken: Blood Vengeance, an

adaptation of the popular long-running game franchise that promises to deliver an energetically entertaining story with the characters we all know and love. Perhaps the most eclectic event of the programme, it just goes to show the all-encompassing view of Japanese cinema the festival hopes to offer. The Access Cinema Japanese Film Festival 2011 will take place in the Cinemobile (beside the Town Hall Theatre) on 19 – 20 November. Full details at

{24} Arts & Entertainment {sin} 13–05


He Will Always be a Rock ‘n’ Roll Nerd Tim Minchin at the Bulmers’ Galway Comedy Festival

By Jessica Thompson Dry ice swirls across the stage, twisting its way around the Steinway piano that awaits its master’s touch. I sit in the seat directly in front of the piano stool. I’ve been at the venue since 7pm, specifically to get this seat. Finally my hero strolls down through the hall and hops effortlessly onto the stage, to cheers and shouts from the audience. “There’s a special elevator we’re supposed to go down,” he says, jovially, “but I couldn’t, so I walked all the way down here from my hotel room!” He then proceeds to feel his way along the curtain at the back of the stage, searching for an exit from the stage. “Do you know how to get off stage?” he asks an unseen man behind the curtains. “There’s a man off-stage who doesn’t even know how to get off stage!” Soon he works his magic on the Steinway, playing sweet music for the ears of the hundreds of watching fans. He wears a white shirt, a black tie, black skinny jeans, and a suit jacket, which is

soon removed. His hair is backcombed, as usual, and there is dark eye-liner around his eyes. As always, he plays the piano barefooted. Not only is Tim a hilarious comedian, but he is a genius on the piano. As he breaks into ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Nerd,’ I can’t help, as a pianist, wishing I had his skill – and his piano for that matter. The Steinway is considered the best piano in the world, and as he plays it, I can understand why. But enough rambling about the piano, lets get back to the pianist! An alarm goes off somewhere in the middle of the lounge, and Tim explains that it goes off when he’s telling a terrible longwinded joke, for which the punch line isn’t worth the time it takes to tell. “Which means,” he adds, “it will be going off a lot.” The audience bursts into laughter as he asks their forgiveness. He turns to the man on my left, “Man in a suit,” he implores, “forgive me?” The man in the suit nods, delighted to be acknowledged by his hero, and Tim returns to the piano, muttering

Tim Minchin showing a bit of passion while he sings. Photo by Jessica Thompson. “always so forgiving, the man in a suit.” Ti m p l a y s h i s w a y through a number of his songs, including ‘Context’, ‘Prejudice’ and ‘Storm’. Though he doesn’t play ‘Canvas Bags’ (one of my favorites). He plays ‘If I Didn’t Have You’ – a song dedicated to his wife, claiming he’d have someone else if he didn’t have her. The song is made even funnier by the little wiggle he does between verses. The finale, however, is the most impressive part of the show. He finishes on the same song he has finished on since he started performing solo six years ago. He jokes about trying

to write a new song; “until finally, about three months ago… I gave up.” And why wouldn’t he? ‘Dark Side’ is probably his masterpiece. With fantastic solos, hilarious vocals and even a bit at the end where he jumps in the air, spins around, and uses his foot to play the final notes – true story!! Of course, he was called back for an encore, and played a truly beautiful song – ‘Not Perfect’. Apart from the four lads beside me in the front row who tried singing along, (who hadn’t a note in their heads), this gig was definitely one of the best I’ve seen. Tim, you are my hero!

Twenty Years of Jamming

By Paul Varley Pearl Jam are the type of band that attract a large loyal following, and many of their fans were salivating at the news o f C a m e r o n C r o w e ’s documentary, Twenty, celebrating the bands twenty years together. Although I am not a hardcore fan of Pearl Jam as many in the audience are, I do have an admiration for the band

and their lead singer, Eddie Vedder. What really drew me to them was the fact that it is hard to beat a good music documentary (especially in the cinema). Plus, Cameron Crowe was directing; a rock journalist, who put together one of the greatest film sound tracks ever in Almost Famous, so it really gave me cause to get excited. The film starts with band members Jeff Arment and Stone Gossard in their original band Mother Love Bone and the death of their friend and lead singer, Andrew Wood, to a drug overdose, leaving the band in disarray and doubting their future in music, until they meet a shy surfer called Eddie,

with his gravelly vocals and emotional delivery, creating a perfect chemistry between them. Leading to their debut album Temple of The Dog with the super group formed by Pearl Jam and Soundgarden. Culminating into their breakthrough album Ten as Pearl Jam, the film continues to chronicle their raise to fame and the hardships they found with being famous. But if you’re a fan you probably already know all this… Mainly consisting of stock footage from the early days, the documentary perfectly illustrates the intensity and energy of the live shows. At an hour and fifty minutes some might find it a little long, and it does wane a

little after the first hour, but it would have been hard to keep up with the pace of the first hour about the thrilling first decade of their career. The last fifty minutes slows down as their lives and careers do and they step back from centre stage. The stock footage is replaced with modern interviews, illustrating how their honesty and integrity has kept them together for so long. It’s already a must see for Pearl Jam fans, but for casual fans of the band or fans of music documentary’s there is plenty to keep you engrossed. From their drunken performance on MTV to tragedy at a Danish music festival, you will come out looking at them in a new light.

Review: The Tree of Life By Gerard Madden Terence Malick directs rarely, with a mere five films since 1973, yet he has left his mark as one of the most important auteurs in cinema. From his haunting feature debut, Badlands to his Oscar-nominated war epic, 1998’s The Thin Red Line, he has proved that what he lacks in frequency, he makes up for in impact. His 2011 Palme d’Or winning, The Tree of Life, which will be shown by FilmSoc on 8 November at 7pm in Aras Ui Cathail, is no less impressive. Like Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, it ambitiously tries to capture the human experience in cinematic form, utilising surreal imagery to do so. But it explores these themes through the prism of a human family, and contains a depth of human feeling where Kubrick’s film was emotionally cold. Images of a family, the O’Briens, coming to terms with the death of one of three brothers at the age of nineteen, play over the first fifteen minutes of the movie. The mother, played by Jessica Chastain, mourns, while the father, played by Brad Pitt, regrets his sternness with his lost child. Meanwhile another son, played by Sean Penn, wanders through a beautifully shot modern city, immersing himself in his work. This opening set piece is followed by Malick’s interpretation of the beginnings of the universe, beautifully realised by cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezski and the excellent special effects team. In a more literal interpretation of 2001’s famous final act, we are shown the Big Bang, the beginnings of life and

the age of dinosaurs. The rest of the film concerns itself with the O’Brien’s before the bereavement, showing us glimpses of their life through the filter of childhood memories from the siblings. The low angled, handheld shots and quick editing succeed excellently in conveying the nature of childhood experience, with the movie no doubt heavily autobiographical on Malick’s part. The soundtrack of religious hymns and classical music is first-class, especially John Tavener’s spine-tingling ‘Funeral Canticle’. While the children are portrayed excellently, the parents to some extent are caricatures. This is understandable, given that the film is shot from a child’s perspective, but can be repetitive. Chastain’s timid character is seen as a highly benevolent figure by the children. And also by the camera, where she is repeatedly shot by low camera angles against sunshine, making her seem like an almost God-like figure. In contrast, Pitt’s crewcut, regular guy character is the archetypal authoritarian father figure we’ve seen many times elsewhere. He is demanding towards his children because of his own frustration at his failure to improve his lot in life. The Tree of Life has earned a reputation for inaccessibility, but while it may alienate cinema-goers used to the traditional three-act structure, which it deliberately eschews, its delivery is brilliantly clear. It remains one of the most emotionally effective and beautifully realised films that this year has produced.

Jessica Chastain in The Tree of Life

{sin} 13–05

F ashion

{25} 07–11

First Class Honours in Style

The World Wide Web of Fashion

By Jane Kearns

By Cathy Donoghue

It’s that time of year again, when hundreds of students congregate outside the College Bar: they hug each other, shake hands with their lectures and beam with pride as they pose for pictures with their family and friends. For many this is the most important day of their academic lives. It signifies growing up and entering the working world, being completely independent of their family and supporting themselves. Of course I’m talking about graduating, but finally earning your degree isn’t all this day is all about. Graduation season is like a mini fashion week for us students. And when it comes to working this season’s trends the graduates of NUI Galway do it better than anyone else. As groups of girls in caps and gowns ran around outside the College Bar, all chatting excitedly and telling each other of their future plans it was hard not to look at the array of colours and styles poking out from underneath their gowns. This year’s graduation style is more in than ever; jewel colour cocktail dresses, monochrome tailoring and sky-high heels are the order of the day

for this year’s graduates, and many took inspiration from the autumn/winter catwalks. Looking feminine and adopting a classic style appeared at every fashion week and in every magazine of the season. Jewel tones replaced the summer’s acid brights, and ultra-feminine and flattering cuts took over from the Boho chic of the previous year. Luxury fabrics such as silk, satin, lace and brocade bring a vintage look to new styles, and simple patterned dresses teamed with detailed accessories help make outfits look timeless. To keep warm, 40s and 50s inspired leather gloves, capes and furs are a must have. For a more relaxed look, slightly more masculine styles, metallics and monochrome never fail. But what exactly are graduates wearing this year? Well many girls seem to be braving the cold and wet weather conditions by opting for bare, tanned legs and sleeveless dresses underneath their gowns. Super short and playful styles are very popular, with many girls choosing one shoulder, fitted cocktail dresses. The colours graduates are going for this year are mostly bold, jewel like colours, with purples,

pinks and greens being particularly popular. However some are going for a slightly different look, selecting a more androgynous look such as blazers over dresses, darker colours and even female tuxedos. Outfits aren’t the most important thing when it comes to graduation style: hair, makeup, shoes and accessories are all key elements in achieving the prefect graduation look, as they’re the only things that can be seen when our graduates are wearing their caps and gowns. This year graduates have kept hair and makeup simple and very tasteful, makeup is young and fresh and the popular hair style this year seems to be down with soft, loose curls or waves. This kind of understated look works very well with bright dresses as it allows more attention to be drawn to the dress and keeps the overall look from appearing tacky or over the top. When it comes to shoes, almost everyone seems to be wearing sky-high, Sex and the City inspired heels. Some chose bright colours to match their dresses, while others keep it simple with nude tones. Over all this year’s graduates know what’s in style and exactly how to work it.

Online shopping has become somewhat of a phenomenon in recent years. The main reason for this is the fact that it is so accessible and easy to use. Many people will admit to doing their weekly shop online to avoid facing the supermarket scrum. With queues of people, screaming children, aisle upon aisle of goods, a map is almost a requirement to navigate your way around the maze. Monday to Friday is traditionally viewed as the working week which means weekends allow people to have some well deserved time out and no one wants to spend that time trailing the shops. Ordering your shopping from the comfort of your couch has it perks. A simple click of a button and everything is sorted in seconds! Online shopping extends further than basic necessities of course. Fashion plays a big part in this industry. Every major brand and designer has a website to

showcase their wares. Blogging has also exploded as the latest sensation. Anyone even remotely interested in fashion has set up a blog to discuss and offer their opinions on the latest trends as they emerge. Talking to people it seems that many prefer to shop online for a new outfit rather then do the necessary footwork. ASOS, Topshop and Forever 21 are just a few of the names that have a large online following in Ireland. If I had a penny for the amount of times I’ve noticed a Facebook status cursing the invention of laser cards as ASOS benefits from our pockets. However this said there are considerable bargains to be found online and it is well worth your time to browse through the numerous sites available. RubyCotton is a shopping experience that all savvy fashionistas should engage in. It is 100% Irish owned and like many of the high street stores we know and love there are current trends to be found

Style Spotter With Erika Fox. Photographs by Cayla Bloomer Hat from guys section in River Island. Bag from H&M. Describe your style in 3 words: Quirky, fun and unique. Best dressed celebrity? Diane Kruger What is your opinion on NUIG style? Way better than I expected, I really like it! Name: Daniel Stewart

Name: Laura Clancy

Ciara Donnelly, Denise McCarthy and Emma Hayes at the Engineering Graduation.

at affordable prices. Each season brings new and exciting looks and the stock is updated continuously. RubyCotton is also currently in the process of searching for one lucky girl to become the face of their website. The winner will model the looks online and also participate in any adjoining campaigns. If this wasn’t prize enough there is also €500 worth of clothes up for grabs. A professional photo shoot will take place where the winner will be treated like a star. So to any prospective models reading who aspire to be the next Naomi Campbell then this could be the perfect platform to launch your career. Everyone needs a study break from time to time here at NUIG! When you’re on your fifth Facebook check of the day to see if you have any red button detailing your notifications give a look too. You might just find the perfect outfit for the next college night out... remember you heard it here first!

What are you wearing today? Pants from River Island. T-shirt from Penneys. Cardigan from Brown Thomas. Boots from Topshop.

What are you wearing today? Jeans from Bershka. T-shirt from Ripcurl. Cardigan borrowed from my friend who left it in my house last night! Describe your style: I don’t have a specific

style - you’ll see me in something completely different tomorrow! What do you think of NUIG Fashion? Awful! I’m not a big fan of Irish fashion at all.

N U I G a l way C L U B S PA G E Alumni SPORTS Leadership Award open to all Sports Clubs Work with Alumni Business mentors: career advice, marketing and budgeting expertise All this is available to you through this award. This award enables sports clubs to fasttrack their goals and ambitions. Achieve your Wish list! Congratulations to the Boxing Club winners 2010. Congratulations also to the Sub Aqua Club, Mountaineering Club, Boxing and Muai Thai for being successful in their requests to the Student project Fund. The Alumni Leadership will be rolled again Semester 2. Keep a lookout on your Clubs Page for the application form.


Volleyball Intervarsity: 17 – 19 November DIG — SET — SPIKE — SMASH A fabulous event to watch. Starting Thursday in the Kingfisher Club. There will be approximately 19 teams participating in this event with male and female competitors from all over Ireland.

Five-a-side Indoor and Outdoor Do you want to organise a fund-raiser for your club, class or charity? Or just have some fun? Check out the Cages in Corrib Village! Keep up to date on or contact for enquiries.

Inter-collegiate Games A HUGE THANK YOU to all those who participated in the inter-collegiate games. We are currently reviewing all the data, so look out for further developments. An enormous thank you to the Athletics club particularly Dee O’Dwyer and Oisin O’Carroll who have pioneered this programme. It will continue to grow and it will be due to their determination, vision and strength of character that the inter-collegiate games will be a cornerstone for the increase of students participation in sports in the future.

Darts Intervarsity 14 - 16 November A dynamic line-up of competitors. This national event will be held in Grealish’s of Carnmore. Transport will be providing for all competitors and spectators. Please contact the Darts Club for more information.

Also – The Corrib Cub Challenge Against fierce rivals G.M.I.T There can only be one winner! College Bar, NUI Galway 21 November at 7.30 sharp. Craic and Banter Guaranteed!

Run for Mark in the Dark – 16 November at 7.30pm A 2 mile run/walk/jog and chat along the way. Just do it! Start and finish at the Kingfisher Club. Chipped event so you will get a time for the event. Papa Johns will be providing a slice of Pizza and every competitor will receive a full goody bag. A great event for a great cause: check out the website to register online or on the day

Healthy Body - Healthy Mind Keep attending your training sessions and don’t forget to scan before you train! ALL club members: Remember to scan your attendance at the kiosks in Dangan and Kingfisher to upload attendances before you train.

The more active your club, the more funding available to it!

The Sports Unit is based in the Kingfisher Club. Kathy Hynes: Development officer for Clubs and Participation. Gary Ryan: Development Officer Elite Sports. Ellen Kelly: Administrative Staff

{sin} 13–05

S ports & F itness

Max the Intensity for Max Results By Aoife Brennan No matter what your fitness goal, the major research shows that intervals of high intensity are the way to go. Before we discuss this in-depth, lets get a few things out of the way: Basal metabolic rate (BMR): the amount of energy (calories) your body burns at rest, just to maintain normal function of your organs. A e ro b i c m e t a b o l i s m : when our cells use oxygen to make energy - very efficient, lots of energy made. Anaerobic metabolism: when the cells make energy in the absence of oxygen not so efficient, very little energy made. Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max): the maximum capacity of your body to transport and use up oxygen during exercise. This is a reflection of how fit you are. Plyometrics: also known as “explosive exercises” are exercises that are designed to train fast, powerful movements particularly in sports. Calisthenics: often commonly called bodyweight

exercises, calisthenics are the common exercises we’re all familiar with; push-ups, crunches, lunges etc. Interval training involves repeated bursts of high intensity exercise (the ‘work’ interval) followed by ‘rest’ periods of less intense effort. This is often called high intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprint training when it’s done running. The main principle of all interval training is to exercise in intensive bursts that rapidly push up your heart rate and challenge your strength and stamina. The short rest period that follows an interval allows the heart and muscles to recover somewhat so they can be challenged again in the next interval. This kind of exercising is done for much shorter periods of time (typically only 10-20 minutes) and is much more effective than traditional aerobic exercise and weight training which can be laborious and time-consuming. Training in intervals charges your metabolism! It increases your basal metabolic rate for a full 24 hours after

Workout Equipment Needed: • Interval timer. You can get this on your smartphone - Try Tabata Pro, Gymboss or Ugi timer. • Optional: sandbag, dumbbell or kettlebell. • Skipping rope.

them! This is a full body, strength and cardio workout. This workout is taken f r o m B o d y R o c k . t v. Search the site for ‘Beg for Mercy’ to get a more complete description and watch a video of the workout.

Muscles Targeted: Pretty much all of

1. Plank jumps: Start in plank position,

a workout meaning you burn more fat in that day than if you had done a longer, medium intensity workout, like jogging for an hour. It also increases your VO2max so you use the oxygen you take into your body more efficiently, improving your overall fitness. This has been shown to be true in people of all levels of fitness, even elite athletes who already have high levels of fitness. There is nothing special about the exercises done in intervals. It’s normal things like cycling, skipping, lunges, squats, push ups, etc. but it’s pushing yourself to the maximum effort during the ‘work’ interval that results in the benefits. Adding in pylometric moves like squat jumps can increase the burn. If you often train like this - at least three times a week - you will see increases in your strength and decreases in your body fat quite quickly. If you haven’t trained like this before and are looking to lose weight, remember that after a month or so you may start gaining some muscle so don’t get obsessed with what the weighing scale says. Get a tape, take the measurements of your body, make sure

you eat well, and you’ll lose inches if you stick at it. People often plateau in weight loss as their body grows, changes and adjusts to meet the demands of a new healthier lifestyle. Take your time, stick at it and don’t get disheartened. If strength and muscle gain is your goal chose bodyweight interval training like the workout shown here. You may need to train more than three times a week and, once your body has adjusted to using your own weight, you can add extra weight such as a sandbag, kettlebells or weight jackets to raise the bar - whatever it takes to max you out in your high intensity intervals. In addition to all the wonderful health and fitness benefits, HIIT can be done almost anywhere, anytime, with little or no equipment so you just need determination, drive and a willingness to sweat! If you don’t think HIIT is as good as a jog or a weights session, I challenge you to do the workout shown here. It’s short, simple and guaranteed to get your heart pumping and your muscles aching! If you haven’t exercised for a while, or have any health concerns, you may wish to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise regime.

{27} 07–11

Recipe: Creamy Korma

Method: 1. C u t t h e c h i c k e n breasts into bite sized chunks 2. Mix the chicken with the ginger, garlic and

yogurt. Cover and marinade for 12 hours or in the fridge overnight. You can leave this step out if you’re using just veg. 3. Liquidise the chopped onion and red chillies, add a little water if you need to. Blend until smooth. 4. Heat the ghee/oil in a pan. 5. Add the ground coriander, ground black pepper, turmeric and garam masala and stir fry for about 1-minute over a low heat. 6. Turn up the heat, add the onion and chilli paste and stir fry for 10-minutes. 7. Add the chicken/veg and the marinade and continue to stir fry for another 10-minutes. 8. A dd the creamed coconut and enough water to just cover the chicken/veg and bring to the boil, stirring until the coconut is dissolved. Stir in the ground almonds. 9. Reduce heat to low, cover the pan and simmer until the chicken/veg is tender (30-40 minutes). 10. R emove from heat, add lemon juice and salt to taste. Mix well. 11. Serve with some rice, preferably basmati.

on the other side. If you’re a beginner, do the push ups from your knees to allow your upper body strength to develop.

step. Step up onto the chair, trying to move with as much control as possible. You can hold weights to make it more challenging.

4. Step-ups – left leg: Stand with your left foot up on a chair or

5. S tep-ups – right leg: Same as step 4, using the right leg.

Preparation time: 30 minutes to overnight (if marinating the chicken). Cooking time: 30–40 minutes Ingredients: • 1Kg chicken breast or 1kg of vegetables (carrots, peas, string beans, peppers etc.) • 1 Heaped tbsp of finely grated fresh ginger • 3 Cloves of garlic, minced 150g thick (plain) yogurt • 1 Dried red chilli • 2 Finely chopped onions • 1 tbsp ghee or veg. Oil • 1 tbsp ground coriander • Pinch of ground black pepper • 1 tsp turmeric • 1 tsp garam masala water • 75g creamed coconut • Salt, to taste • 2 Heaped tbsps ground almonds • Finely chopped coriander leaves, to garnish • Juice of 1/2 lemon

jump your feet up towards your hands. Hop to the left, jump your feet back out into plank position and start again. Repeat as many times as you can in the 50 second interval. 2. Get ups: Lie flat on your back. Without the use of your hands, rock forward, sit up then stand up. Sit back down then lie down, again without the use of your hands. If you’re a complete beginner you can use your hands to assist you if necessary. If it’s not difficult enough, hold dumbbells or a sandbag to make it harder. 3. ( Elevated) push

ups with knee tuck: Start in a plank position. If you’re advanced, have your feet up on a chair or the couch. Bring your left knee towards your left shoulder, step back to plank, do a push up then repeat

{28} 13–05

S ports & F itness

{sin} 07–11

UCD Dominated Hockey Intervarsities Deemed a Raging Success By Síle Johnson It was a double taking for University College Dublin, who won both the men’s and ladies competitions. UCD Ladies, outright favourites to win the tournament, completed two in a row having been victorious in 2010 also. The side was captained by Galway local Brenda Flannery, who was cheered emphatically by team-mates and locals alike, as she went to accept the trophy. In the men’s competition, it was a resurrection of form for UCD as they were knocked out at the semi-final stage last year. However, with ‘Player of the Tournament’ Shane Donoghue dominating the final, the Dublin side had a convincing win over UCC to claim the Mauritius Cup. In the plate competitions, CIT took the Men’s Mauritius Plate, whilst Trinity College Dublin claimed the Chilean Plate. Last year’s Cup winners CIT, were not permitted to accept the trophy based on the fact that they are not a university, and therefore were a “guest” of the tournament. However, after much debate on the subject, the Irish University Hockey Association (IUHA) President, Lorna Mitchell, decided to change this rule and

allow the team to accept the Plate; to the delight of CIT. Hosts NUI Galway had a highly successful tournament. They opened the tournament by drawing to eventual cup finalists QUB, and beating RCSI. Aimee O’Connor, a new addition to the team this year, made a name for herself in the tournament by securing the equaliser for her side against TCD and scoring a hat-trick against RCSI. The next day brought NUI Galway’s first defeat; to last year’s cup runners up, Ulster Elks. However, the girls picked themselves to come out with a 3-3 draw to TCD, the goal to draw coming from the everpresent O’Connor. This was enough to put NUI Galway in third place in their pool, granting them a Plate semi-final against UL. They defeated the Limerick side 2-1, and set themselves up for another meeting with TCD in the Plate final. Unfortunately, the Galway girls went down 1-0 in the second half and not even Aimee O’Connor could find an equaliser for her side. It was a disappointing result for NUIG, who seemed to be on top for the duration of the match. However, despite losing out in the plate final, being runners-up is the best NUIG has done in

NUIG Captain Aoife Smyth puts in a tackle against UU attacker, with Hannah Jenkinson in support. Photo by Euge Pettit. the competition in many years. The team’s success was compounded by the fact that two of the NUIG side were selected for trials for the Irish university team; Rosie Shanahan and Síle Johnson. Competing well in the tournament was just reward for the members of NUIG Ladies Hockey Club, who have been planning for the tournament since last April. Intervarsities Coordinator, Louise Riordan was quick to recognise the hard work of her club members “the tournament was a great success both on and off the pitch thanks to the tireless efforts of all in the club.” Sincere thanks must also go to the NUIG Sports Unit. Kathy Hynes in particular must also be recognised for her out-

standing contribution to the organisation of the tournament. Visiting players and officials were extremely complimentary of the tournament also, with IUHA President Lorna Mitchell saying it was the most organised Intervarsities she has ever been to. Although the tournament is over, NUIG Ladies Hockey Club is far from idle. This weekend, they take on Muckross H.C. in the Irish Trophy, and have drawn Dungarvan H.C. in the Irish Challenge Cup. When the Cup matches are finished, the team will be back to competing in the Connacht Hockey Leagues. Having come second and third in the first and second Connacht hockey leagues respectively, the college side will

be looking to surpass last year’s placings and win both leagues. All in all, the tournament has been a raging success. NUIG’s Ladies Hockey team have run an outstanding tournament, and have brought much pride to the university and to the club. The club hopes to grow even more as a result of the attention brought to the sport by the tournament. Louise Riordan stated, “I hope the coverage we received will pay dividends for hockey in the university, in Galway and in Connacht in general.” The club can only now build on its success for the rest of the season, and wish Trinity College Dublin the best of luck in hosting the 2012 National Hockey Intervarsity Tournament.

Hat Trick for Junior Footballers NUIG: 1-12, Letterfrack: 1-2 By Dinny Mulvey NUI Galway Junior footballers are one step away from the Connacht final, carrying out their mission of silverware in supreme style. Their most recent task was hosting Letterfrack in Dangan. Last year in Letterfrack, the university suffered a heavy defeat but with a new panel numbering over thirty, the odds suggested

a stronger showing from the home side. Despite a sluggish start with a number of wasted scoring chances and a concession of possession, the home side were 1-3 to 1-1 ahead at the interval. Whatever hope Letterfrack had of success was stifled by a miserly NUI Galway defence who conceded just a single second half point whilst those up front added a confident

NUI Galway Junior Football Team: unbeaten all season. Photo by Michael O Connor nine points to run out facile winners. Earlier round wins were experienced against Castlebar IT 2-10 to 1-11 and GMIT 2-8 to 1-9.

NUIG: Damian McCaul, Gavin Kenny, Michael Holton, Ruaidhri McLoughlin, Gary Fitzpatrick, Eddie Kendrich (Captain), Ben Hogan,

Conor Guckian, Packie Leddy, Paddy McMyler, Anthony Brady, Gavin Hester, Shane Murphy, Padraig O Connor, Sean O’ Brien.

{sin} 13–05

S ports & F itness

{29} 07–11

An Inspiration: Meeting Mark Pollock By Martina Gannon I was lucky enough to have had the honour of meeting Mark Pollock, a sports adventurer and motivational speaker. Mark told Sin how he overcame going blind at the age of twenty-two, just before his final exams at Trinity and then being paralysed in an accident ten years later, to become the embodiment of resilience and an inspiration for many.

Could you offer a deeper understanding of where you get your motivation from, especially how you managed to continue your post-graduate studies after losing your sight? I went blind in my final year, literally a month away from sitting my finals and I had a job offer to start in London after graduation. I went blind in the space of two weeks and didn’t sit my finals. I had a couple of operations in June running into July. All my friends went away for the summer or went to Australia for the year, starting jobs in New York or London. I had this great sense that I was being left behind, I was going to be left in my bedroom at home where I grew up and life was going to be disastrous. So I think in part that was one of the big factors, at least it got me searching for some kind of future beyond blindness.

Were you searching for independence again or did you just not want to be left behind? Independence was one element, I think your independence feeds into your identity and when I lost my sight I was no longer a student, I was no longer a guy with a job and I was no longer a sportsman. Along with losing my sight I lost my identity and I had a great fear of having nothing and being no one so I wanted to go back and play sport again, get back into rowing. I wanted to work and get a meaningful job, not

just a job that blind people did, whatever that meant. Of course I wanted to go back (to university) and Trinity gave me my degree. I wanted to go back and prove I could get a degree so I did a Masters in Business Studies in the Smurfit Business school in UCD.

In terms of athletic achievements what inspired you to return to that? What got you into adventure sports? It was phase two of my rehabilitation post-blindness, summer of 2002, four years after I had gone blind. I had gone back rowing and eventually won silver and bronze in the Commonwealth games for Northern Ireland. It all came together in the August of 2002 when I handed in my Masters, I had my medals and I had proven to myself I could work. Suddenly it felt like a new start, it got me thinking about careers, I then met a motivational speaker who was an adventurer and I started to look at my own possibilities. I’d never heard of adventure racing, then I started meeting people which culminated in my first event: The Gobi March, then six marathons in a week in the Gobi desert and North West China. Things really started to take off then as I was meeting investment bankers, who then invited me to do motivational speeches.

Is that where you got the idea for your motivational speaking business? Yes, it was strange because as far as I was concerned in my early twenties I had gone blind, I had to rebuild my identity for no other agenda, just in order to cope with the blindness. I had to start living my life again, by rebuilding my identity. As a result of being successful at rowing, people started asking me to come in and share what I’d learned from bouncing back from the disaster of blindness. That’s when I started to get paid for my own analysis of my situation. I started to actively

analyse what I was learning from the challenge of blindness, the challenge of eventually going to the South Pole. Put it like this: being a motivational speaker and adventurer never came up in the

losing your sight and after your accident? It became very clear to me that no matter how capable I think I am, I can’t really achieve the things I want to achieve without the help of other

There’s a lot more to life than

just one single moment in time, one single set of results.

careers department in my school. I must admit, it has been amazing. The point I’m trying to make is that, I look at the before and after and the significant contrast between the way I was feeling in the months after I lost my sight. I honestly felt nothing was possible, it was such a drastic contrast to the experiences I’ve now had. I have looked back on it and thought why did I even feel bad at all post blindness because there was a life after blindness. It was great, I loved it!

You mention “conventional wisdom” in your blog (markpollock. what would you say to students that are not completely enamoured with following the academic route to a career? What alternatives do you see there? I think I would probably fit into the category of someone who wasn’t that interested in academia or school in my undergraduate until I got a bit older in my masters, maybe you get more and more interested when you find the thing that excites you. So often, there seems to be one way of going about things, as I know from my own experience, people who didn’t even try and get the points, went back as mature students with great drive and determination. The pressure is immense when you’re eighteen whereas there’s a lot more to life than just one single moment in time, one single set of results.

How has your outlook on life changed since

people. I think what I’ve learned from both disabilities is how important it is to acknowledge your own limitations and to acknowledge the incredible capabilities of the people around you.

What advice would you give to students both on a general scale and especially those who are experiencing difficulties? I think it’s important to acknowledge that everyone’s challenge is unique to them you don’t have to have a spinal cord injury or be blind or have some massive obvious difficulty in your life to be going through a tough time. The important thing is that you are in control of how you respond to the challenges. I would suggest that people acknowledge what’s going on - so deal in facts and reality. When you are going through a tough time you can’t deal with it on your own. You have to ask for help even if you don’t want to, reach out and get people around you to help out in whatever challenge you’re going through.

Do you have any future plans to do more motivational speaking? It’s at a stage where I’m analysing now what I’ve learnt over the last year and a half. So yes I intend to go back speaking and test myself physically again.

What has been the extent of your involvement with NUIG’s rowing club? I was involved with NUI Galway since I was

in school. I know a large number of NUI Galway rowers and I’m hoping they will participate in this run.

Where did you get the idea for the run from? We wanted to cover the four provinces: Dublin, Cork, Galway and Belfast. We wanted to get as many people as possible involved in something bigger, which in fact is walking again and recovering from spinal injury. The Run in The Dark for Mark will take place in Belfast, Cork, Dublin and Galway simultaneously on 16 November at 7.30pm, and ranges from 4 - 10km. Galway’s is a

unique 2 mile time trial/ fun run! Each location also has a walking option, so everyone can participate. The cost of the event is €25 per person for this very worthwhile cause. Log onto www.run4mark. com to enter. Trust me if I can do it, someone who hasn’t so much as jogged in years, anyone can! It’s for an incredible man and a life changing cause. The Sports’ Unit is also looking for fifty volunteers for the event to act as marshals and help with registration on the day. A commitment of four hours and one meeting is required. Please e-mail kathy.

Maher’s Goal Seals Derby Win Senior Hurling League NUIG: 1-9, GMIT: 1-6 By Michael O Connor The dull weather conditions endured by Galway natives, over the last week did little to dampen the vigour by which this round three Senior Hurling tie was contested recently in Dangan. Two scenarios were staring the home side with contrasting fortunes depending on the result. Success would mean a quarter final slot and defeat would mean a possible relegation dogfight. For most of the first half, exchanges were level with perhaps NUI Galway looking the better side but a determined GMIT team playing with gusto. A goal for the visitors midway through the second half gave them a four point lead, (1-5) to (0-4) and it appeared that NUI Galway were going to suffer a rare defeat at

home. The final ten minutes however, showed signs of what might be to come as NUI Galway finished the stronger with the vital goal coming from Padraig Maher and Niall Burke chipping in with points from play and placed balls. Best for the winners were the magnificent full back line of David Magner, Conor Helebert and Mark Kelly whilst Pat Kelly, Shane Hynes, Niall Burke and Padraig Maher led the fight up front. NUIG: Kevin O Grady, David Magner, Conor Helebert, Mark Kelly, Jonathan Morris, Pat Kelly, Cormac Diviney, Shane Hynes, JP O Connell (0-1), Padraig Maher (1-0), Niall Burke (0-6), Damian Lafferty, John Kelleher, Eoin O Farrell (0-1), Eoin Hayes (0-1). Sub: David Murphy for Kelleher.

NUIG Fresher Hurling team that played UCC recently. Photo by Michael O Connor

{30} 13–05

S ports & F itness

{sin} 07–11

A Closer Look at NUI Galway Kayak Club Badminton in NUI Galway takes on Donegal By Eamonn Flynn The NUI Galway Badminton club is one of the largest and most popular sports in the college, with high active membership and regular competitive activity. Training takes place twice a week, with coaching on Mondays from 6 – 8 and regular training on Wednesdays from 9 - 11. The club caters for all levels, from absolute beginners to advanced players. This year, we have two teams in the Galway County league, in divisions five and seven. Matches are played home and away in the county over the next few months. Each team plays a total of seven games on the night: Mens and Ladies Singles, Mens and Ladies Doubles and three mixed games. Teams can have a total of twelve players on a team, six men and six women. The first league match of the season took place on Wednesday 26 October when the division seven team played Letterfrack at home. NUI Galway came out the winners of a very close set of matches, winning 5-2 on the night. They won their games in Mens and Ladies singles, Ladies

Doubles and two mixed games. After each home match, the teams go to The River Inn to fill up on tea and sandwiches. The fact that they got off to such a flying start means they can be confident of another win, when they take on Killanin away in two weeks time. The Division five team also played their first league match on 27 October away to Oranmore. The score was the same on the night but unfortunately it went Oranmore’s way. However, it was not all doom and gloom: NUI Galway won the Men’s singles and one mixed game. They will bounce back from this defeat and look to get off to winning ways when they play Loughrea at home in two weeks time. The club hopes to retain the success of last year, when our division two team won the league and went on as Connaught champions to be crowned All Ireland Champions last May. The doubles championship is starting in November which takes place in GLTC every year and the club hopes to have a good entry for each grade. A team of around twenty

from the club just recently came back from the Irish International Student Badminton Tournament which was held over the bank holiday weekend in UL. It was a fantastic weekend of badminton, with nearly two hundred people taking part from all across Ireland and Europe. Fintan Keown and Colm Kelly made the finals of Grade A in all three categories, even playing each other in the singles final with Fintan winning on that occasion. The club hopes to have teams taking part in ISBT’s in Holland, Scotland and Norway again this year, as it has done over the past number of years. This is a very big year for our club, as it’s the first time in six years that we will be hosting the Badminton Intervarsities. This takes place in March and promises to be a brilliant event, with players who have played in the Commonwealth games even competing! NUI Galway Badminton club hopes to keep up the success of the past three years, encouraging social badminton as well as playing competitively at all levels. Come down and have a bash, we promise you will not be disappointed.

NUI Galway Freshers’ 3-2 to Salthill, 3-0 to Athlone By Dami Adebari The NUI Galway Freshers team started their silverware campaign in style with two pre-season matches. First up was the dismantling of our local rivals Salthill in Drum. The NUI Galway squad came together to show what they had to offer and unfortunately for Salthill, they were the first in the firing line. The NUI Galway Freshers couldn’t have hoped for a better start. A magnificent brace through the Salthill defence saw NUI Galway go 1-0 up after the first five minutes. Ten minutes before half time, Salthill responded with a brilliant goal. The game continued and neither could capital-

ise on their efforts. It was however by luck, that Salthill went 2-1 up with only fifteen minutes to go. The NUI Galway Freshers had left their defence wide open and allowed Salthill to crawl in. I thought it was over, but to my amazement the Freshers showed discipline and concentration. They rolled up their sleeves and worked hard to equalise. The score now stood at 2-2. Shouts of praise and inspiration such as, “go on lads, the game is in your hands, it’s all yours to win” was all that could be heard from manager Derek Rogers. And that is exactly what our boys did. They outplayed Salthill in every single part of the field and the end result

was a winning goal. 3-2 the final score. Mission accomplished but job not done, the Freshers had one more team to face. Athlone IT are a well decorated and established team. To put it simply, they are one of the best teams around and facing them is always an uphill task. There was certain disbelief among the NUI Galway lads but that was quickly put right by the manager’s speech in the dressing room. All Derek Rogers said was, “lads, Athlone are a great team, a strong team, but to all things that are great and strong, only time and chance happens to them all. Lads it’s your time, go out there and take the chance

By Alan O’ Dwyer Last Friday, nearly one hundred students congregated next to the Pearse’s Distillery Channel, across the road from the Cathedral. Older members of the Kayak Club had descended this channel countless times, as an access to running the lower Corrib. For the majority of these students, they were awaiting the buses to their first experience of kayaking, on moving water. Several hours later, they step off the buses into chaos! Ninety-five students into seven houses, they did not know what they let themselves in for, and all scrambled to find somewhere comfortable to sleep. The next morning instructors clambered around the mass of sleeping bodies, in an effort to find other instructors, dragging them out of their slumber. They geared up, loaded up and set up at the River Bunduff. A few minutes later, a group of instructors stood in a truck lay-by beside the river, eating breakfast rolls and making a plan for the day. After a quick run to re-acquaint ourselves with the Bunduff, the beginners arrive. They are introduced to the joys of changing into gear on an Irish roadside, something all NUI Galway KC members are all too used to. It was then time to hit the river, now the real fun got underway. Instructors started grabbing groups of beginners and bringing them to the starting point. All down the river, other

instructors were standing waist-deep, waiting to go to the rescue of any mishaps. After the first few runs, it was noticed the water levels were rising rapidly. The distant mountains started to display forming streams, dumping heavy rainfall into the river upstream. Eventually, the sound and whistle pierced the air up and down the banks; we just had to get off! For the first time in years, the levels rose simply too high, making the rapids that bit too intense for the rookies. When we got down to the bottom to scout the waterfall, the ultimate photo opportunity arose for first years. However, the high levels made the waterfall too intense for beginners to run. Before we left, two of the advanced members ran the drop showing the required skill necessary to undertake this particular part of the course. The party awaited us.

The theme was “inanimate objects,” and the sight of one hundred homemade attempts at this costume was something to behold. NUI Galway DJ society had set up camp in one of the houses, and we learned pretty quickly that the Kayak Club and DJ Soc are a good mix. The legendary party that makes the Donegal trip famous around campus, once again lived up to its reputation. Unfortunately, some beginners did not make it on to the river. We have now planned a day allowing everyone to run the lower Corrib through town on 6 November. It’s on high water these days, which unlike the Bunduff, doesn’t make it any more dangerous. It is however, far more fun! If any of you are walking along the Corrib on Sunday, keep an eye out for an armada of NUI Galway KC kayaks bursting through the waves.

and beat Athlone IT.” And that is exactly what they did. The match started and it was obvious that Athlone were a strong side. Their game consisted of long balls and man-to-man marking but our Fresher’s kept cool and waited for the perfect opportunity. Before we knew it, we were 1-0 up. It was all down to an unbelievable run through the heart of the Athlone IT defence by Eamon

O’Donnell. Athlone tried to respond but just could not find the site of goal. The game progressed and NUI Galway emerged successful again. Niall Whelan headed home past the Athlone IT goalkeeper to make it 2-0. Smiles all around on the NUI Galway side but frustrations started to show on the Athlone IT side. They fought tooth and nail but were always outclassed by the NUI Galway defence. To

put the cherry on the cake, The NUI Galway Freshers scored again. It was Eamon O’Donnell who once again found the back of the net from an impossible angle. The final score stood at 3-0. NUI Galway outclassed Athlone IT physically, mentally and numerically. Our Freshers played well and they summed up the match in their own terms, “easy peasy, squeeze the lemon.” Bring on the next game.

Jamie McCauley takes on Bunduff waterfall. Photo by Kelsie Sherman.


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{31} 07–11

What’s Happening in Galway 7th November - 20th November By Ashling O Loughlin, Arts & Entertainment Editor

Sudoku #1

2 4

9 8 5 7 7 5 6 3




9 6 8 7 4 8 2 6 3 2 5 1 4 5

2 4 5 6 9 5 7 2 8

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad

Play more online at Sudoku Sudoku#2 #1

Sudoku Sudoku#2 #1

62 4 3 8 5 4 9 66 8 75 18 3 2 54 71 1 3 7 5 5 7 8 22 9 1 5 25 6 3 8 7 6 4 4 9

© 2011

Brain Teasers Your life would be very empty if you had nothing to regret.

Sudoku #3

4 7 2

9 3

1 6

Hats On Death Row


Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad Book Intermediate 1

Sudoku Sudoku#4 #3




oners in front of him. The 8one4in front8of him 9 will be able to see 18… 1 9 53 “Starting with the last per1 4 7 8 5son in the row, the one 1 who 44 3 You are one of 20 prisoners can see everybody in front 6 2 3 9 3 77of on death row with the execu- him, he will be asked a simple 3 set for 6 tomorrow. 5 8 1question: ‘what is75the 9color of 6 tion date The 8 king is a ruthless man your hat?’ 1 3 2 “He will be only allowed to who likes to toy with his 5 9 4 2 9 5 24 people’s miseries. He comes to answer “BLACK” or “RED”. If 7 cell today 1 5and tells2you: 9he says 8 anything 66 9else 4you will your 8 1 © 2011 “I’m gonna give you prisoners ALL be executed immediately. a chance to go free tomorrow. “If he guesses the right colYou will all stand in a row our of the hat on his head he before the executioner and is set free, otherwise he is put we will put a hat on your to death. And we move on to head, either a red or a black the one in front of him and one. Of course you will not ask him the same question be able to see the colour of and so on… your own hat; you will only “Well, good luck tomorbe able to see the prisoners in row, HA HA HA HA HA HA!” front of you with their hats on; you will not be allowed Now since you all can comto look back or communicate municate freely during the night, together in any way. can you find a way to guarantee “The prisoner in the back the freedom of some prisoners will be able to see the 19 pris- tomorrow? How many?

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2 1 7

4 3


8 59 2

38 2 8 4 4 7 67 1 2 8 63 6 9 8 1 7 7 9 4 8 6 1 6 94 8 56 4 1 3 2 9 4 2 87 12 5 9

Square. 9pm. Saturday 19 November – Mervue Order of Malta Charity Christmas Fair @ In The Menlo Park Hotel Galway. 11am - 5pm Sunday 20 November – Villain screening as part of the Japanese film festival @ Cinemobile (beside the courthouse) at 9pm.

Horoscopes Challenging Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad

Sudoku #2

9 4

By Myles McKittrick


3 Aries [Mar 21 – Apr 19] 5 6 7

It is not your birthday any time in the near future.




Libra [Sept 23 – Oct 22] You are following X Factor but you have not voted for 3 an act yet. The act you vote 1for next 7 week will win the entire 4 competition. Choose wisely.

Taurus [Apr 20 – May 20] 58 2It is9time that you started thinking about Scorpio [Oct 23 – Nov 21] 66 87 7 7 very seriously 3 5 1 your letter to Santa. This Lynx is not an adequate 1 4 6 year try to make sure to use substitute for personal a formal letter 2 21 8 layout when 9 hygiene. ©© 2011 2011 ©©2011 © 2011 addressing Mr. Santa. Sagittarius [Nov 22 – Dec "A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad." "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit." 21] Gemini [May 21 – Jun 20] -- Samuel Goldwyn -- William Shakespeare You will use words when The truth is something Sudoku Sudoku#4 #3 Sudoku #4 talking today. I can say worth knowing. This is espe9 73 sequence4of numbers 4The6 following 2 1 3should 4 be read 8left 8 with 4 certainty 1however that cially true when you want to 46 to1bottom. to2right, top these will also 5 6 9 3 9 8contain 7 sylla- know 1 something important. bles. Avoid using the broad You can never know some3 1 8 9 2 5 7 3 3 9 1 vowels such as ‘a’ too often thing truly without knowing Legend has it that this was one 7 1 715 1 4 7 a 3the truth about what you of Google’s6famous 1 recruitment among peers as this gives puzzles, where prospective 2 1 bad impression. 95 6 3 8 9 5 8 employees 4 4 3 1 6want to know. I have faith solved logic and 1211 in you. 561 41 1 2 2 1 6 reasoning 1 problems 5 2in a quest 2– Jul 22] Cancer8[Jun 21 sumbit their CV to the search FlirtFM [Dec 22 – Jan 43 ?7? ? ? ? ? 2 HR 5 department. 1 7toengine 1 giant’s 6 will mention your Capricorn 2 ???????? name this week. Your passion 19] 9 4 3 4 8 4 7 5 8 6 for small men will get you ‘Slim-Fast’ 5 are 2the Question into trouble. 5 1: What 8 5 2 next two7rows 9 of6numbers? 4 9 ©© 2011 2011 ©©2011 © 2011 Question 2: How was this reached? Aquarius [Jan 20 – Feb 18] Leo [Jul 23 – Aug 22] In the words of Bruce Lee Final year Arts student looking forward to graduate Wise people keep their “Be water my friend.” employment options, as older friends look away awkfeet together when they are standing but don’t always Pisces [Feb 19 – Mar 20] wardly. Attention Everyone: Life is walk with an outstretched Condom remains unused in fresher’s wallet. NUIG management’s new line: “the construction site hand. too short to be down or unhappy outside the library is actually a modern art instalwith oneself. No matter how lation.” fat, ugly, stupid etc. you think Virgo [Aug 23 – Sept 22] Following successful ban of RAG week, SU plans to Virgo has many different you are, there is someone replace alcohol with grape juice in College Bar. meanings. In Irish it means who got a worse deal. Try and Fresher with pneumonia finally invests in a decent jacket ‘Virgo’ whereas in English smile every day. Do somefor Galway weather. it means the same thing thing that scares you: kiss Second year Engineering student uses wisdom and completely. Both transla- that boy you fancy, buy that sophistication from a year in Galway to successfully tions differ in that they are dress you always wanted, text the same thing. You will that girl with the great ‘eyes’. shift Fresher girl. have a fantastic day. Beware what if there was no tomorParking wardens defend “heartless bastards” policy. CP’s report 2000% increase in dry humping from August a blonde stranger with cup row? Live like you mean it, to October. cakes. you only get one chance.

Number Puzzle



Book 1

hats. He knows his hat is black [odd changed to even – must be his is black] and says “black”. Third guy has heard “black” and “black” and sees an even number of black hats. He knows his hat is red [even stayed even, but if his hat were black it would be odd] and says “red”. And so on, to the front of the line. General algorithm: the first time you hear “black”, say “odd”. Each time your hear “black” after

Book 1

before 10pm. Friday 11 Novemeber – Photography Exhibition: ‘China – A Century of Change’ @ The Arts Millennium Building. Entry free. Saturday 12 November – Royseven @ Roisin Dubh. Tickets 12 euro. Starts at

Comedy: ‘Eco friendly Jihad’ @ 8.00 pm in AM250. Wednesday 9 November – Salsa Classes @ The Cube Aras na Mac Linn. 7-8pm Thursday 10 November – ‘Tongue’ Funk night in Monroes pub. Free entry

Hall. 7-8pm Wednesday 16 November – GUMS Musical Concert @ Tyndall Theatre, 6-10pm Thursday 17 November – Rotoract Society - Fashion Show in the Radisson Hotel. (Time TBC) Friday 18 November – Galway Continental Christmas Market @ Eyre

Hats on Death Row: You can save 19 or 20 prisoners (the first may die). He says “Black” if he sees an odd number of black hats; “Red” otherwise. With this, each prisoner will know his hat’s colour. Second to speak hears “Black” and sees an even number of black

Monday 7 November – ‘The Quiet Club.’ Live sound installation. @ Rosin Dubh. 7pm. Tuesday 8 November – The Real Social Network screening @ 6.15pm in Cairnes Theatre with EcoSoc. Tuesday 8 November –

9pm Sunday 13 November – The Jane & Kiki Show @ Dignity Night Club. Free Entry. Monday 14 November – Comic Book Soc. The Art room. 8-10pm. Tuesday 15 November – NUIG’S Got Talent: The Final @ The Bailey Allen

Number Puzzle: 312211 13112221 that, change odd to “even”. When it’s your turn, if the number of black hats you see matches “even” or “odd” you’ve said, then you’re Red; otherwise your hat is Black.

Solution: Say what you see on each line. What you say becomes the next line: Line 1 is “Two ones” (2 1) Line 2 then becomes “one two, & one one” (1 2 1 1) Line 3 therefore is “One one, one two & two ones” (1 1 1 2 2 1) Line 4 is “Three ones, two twos & one one” (3 1 2 2 1 1) Line 5 is “One three, one one, two twos & two ones” (1 3 1 1 2 2 1 1)

{22} 13–05

F ashion


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