Sin Volume 13 Issue 10

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VOL 13, ISSUE 10

27 FEB 2012

NUIG President Responds to Quinn's Claims About Evaluation in the University System By Colette Sexton The NUI Galway President has rejected claims that students should have sole responsibility for the evaluation of their lecturers. At an event in the University of Limerick earlier this month the Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, said that the only people who can tell the HEA and the Department of Education whether lecturers are doing their jobs are the students. NUI Galway President, James Browne, disagreed with these claims, saying that evaluation must come from other areas also. “Ultimately there has to be also an evaluation by, let’s say, professional bodies who have some sense of what should be in

curriculum because they are looking at the graduates that emerge from it. Employers have a right to give feedback, the academics themselves have a right to look at international experience to see what’s being taught elsewhere,” according to the president, “there are lots of different sources of feedback. Students are one, albeit very important part of that but not the only part of it.” Dr Browne agreed that the evaluation of lecturers by students is significant and that University managers are keen to introduce this into the culture of third level institutions in Ireland. “The Minister for Education sets the tone and I think he is right to set the tone in terms of the need

for feedback and the need for students to be demanding and for lecturers to be responsive,” Mr Browne said, “...if the student leaders carry though in the individual colleges I think they will find that the great majority of University managers want to see this.” The importance of student representation was emphasised by the President. “The Class Representative group which the Students’ Union manages … are the direct contact into the students,” according to Dr Browne, “it is important that they would encourage students to demand the right to give feedback and then the responsible use of it when they have the opportunity.” Student feedback is

beginning to be imbedded in the culture of NUI Galway. Staff members applying for promotions must show they are getting student feedback and that they are taking their teaching seriously. The president said in the future, he would like to see each lecturer allocating a certain time that students can come to them for help or to ask questions. He does not believe that a lecturer’s job is solely to turn up on time and to deliver a lecture. Dr Browne said: “I would like to see every lecturer saying to his or her class ‘if you need to talk to me I am available whenever, my office is open at certain times to you’.”

GMIT Cancels RAG Week 2 Bill Cullen Speaks at NUIG


International Women’s Day Special Feature 13 on Sexual Violence Has NUIG Gone Meme Crazy?


Theatre Week Preview


Interview with Witless Winners, Gearbox


How to beat DOMS


Continued on Page 2

Huntington’s Disease Breakthrough at NUIG By Sinead Healy Researchers at NUI Galway have made a significant discovery in the treatment of Huntington’s disease. They found experimental drugs that could be developed as a way to slow the progression of this disorder. These findings were published last week in the intentional online journal PLoS Biology. They do not represent a cure, but rather open up a new possibility on how disease progression might be controlled. Huntington’s disease is a devastating inherited disorder in which cells in certain parts of the brain die away. It progressively impairs a person’s ability to think, talk and walk. Affecting over 100,000

people worldwide, Huntington’s typically appears during middle age and is always fatal. At present, there is no cure or way to slow disease progression. Available treatments are designed only to manage symptoms. An inherited mutation causing too many repeats of the DNA ‘letters’ CAG in a particular gene underlies this disease. The number of repeats is thought to affect how quickly a person’s symptoms will progress. In the Centre for Chromosome Biology at NUI Galway, Prof. Robert Lahue’s research team found that specific enzymes called histone deacetylase complexes (HDACs) are involved in the expansion of CAG repeats. Furthermore, by

blocking these enzymes in human cells in the lab with experimental drugs, they dampened down the expansion. This discovery suggests that inhibiting HDAC action slows down the mutation process and CAG expansions. Theoretically, slowing down these expansions would delay the disease. A key finding of this study was to pinpoint specific HDACs for selective blocking. Several laboratories in the US are currently testing new HDAC inhibitors in the laboratory for efficacy and safety. Prof. Lahue intends to collaborate with them to find out if dampening down these specific HDACs can have the beneficial side-effect of slowing CAG expansions

The winners and organisers of the Society Bursary Awards at the ceremony on 22 February. Photo by Joe Hyland, PhotoSoc. in the brain itself. One particular drug is already in preclinical trials in the US for another aspect of Huntington’s disease. Although excited about this discovery, Prof. Lahue was keen not to raise false

hopes emphasising that the HDAC inhibitors are still experimental and their development to potential drugs is still some way off. This study, which used yeast and human cells growing in the lab, was

funded by Science Foundation Ireland. Michael Conneally, originally from Galway and now US based, was credited with identifying the mutated Huntington gene in 1993.

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End of RAG week for Galway By Ellen Leahy A vote held by the Class Representative Council in GMIT has brought an official end to RAG Week in Galway. The motion to remove it from the SU's operations calendar was carried by a large majority of 66 votes to 1. The Students’ Union at GMIT still intends to run charitable events over a longer period of time in the hopes of bringing the emphasis away from a week of alcohol fuelled night activities. This decision follows a move by NUI Galway last October to bring an end to what was officially known as College Week. The decision was made after some NUI Galway students were seen to have engaged in anti-social behaviour. When asked for comments on NUI Galway's influence on the GMIT SUs decision, the Students’ Union President Joe O'Connor stated that GMIT was wary of being the only third level institution in Galway to hold a Rag Week. He went on

to say that it was an issue that their class reps were already concerned about and they were aware that their student's reputations were at stake. He stated that: “From our point of view this was something that our class reps wanted to tackle and address anyway, from the very start of the year, from the first couple of classes and council meetings that we would have had even prior to the NUIG decision being confirmed by your own executives.” He said that after incidents in previous years, RAG Week in GMIT was well monitored but that “the spirit of the decision probably wouldn't have changed a great deal regardless of NUIG's decision.” The decision can be seen as an attempt to change the student drinking culture in Galway. The SU president claimed that the decision would be a small step towards curbing Galway's student drinking culture: “I think its more so that it should have some positive effect in the longer term in terms

of curving the period concentrated drinking which has become associated with RAG week.” He said that this decision will hopefully break the association that charitable events held by students have with drinking: “Our hope is that moving towards more of a focus on large scale fund-raising taking place during the day, predominately on campus, encouraging participation in sports and things like that, will definitely break that shame. That no longer charitable fund-raising is connected to the consumption of alcohol.” Despite the end to the back to back night time events, the GMIT SU Intend to increase the amount of money raised for charity. The target amount is over €20,000 for five charities that were selected by the class rep council: the Irish Cancer Society, the Irish Heart Foundation, the Make A Wish Foundation, the RNLI (Galway Lifeboats), and SOSAD ( Save our Sons and Daughters).

NUIG President Responds to Quinn’s Claims About Evaluation in the University System Continued from Page 1 The President was keen to emphasise how well Irish universities are doing globally. The recent Higher Education Authority report explained that Ireland ranked second out of twenty-seven OECD countries in terms of graduates per academic staff member. It also pointed out that Irish universities ranked first of those twenty-seven countries in terms of how employers rate Irish graduates. In response to this, Dr Browne said “That’s evidence at the macro level that the system is good but also I would say yes, in my experience the majority of academics do a good

days work. Now there is a minority that don’t, we all know that, but they are a small minority.” There have been cases in the past where NUI Galway lecturers have not received positive feedback from their students. However, a lecturer has never been let go for this reason. “We have had cases where a lecturer were talked to by Dean or the Head of school and asked to change things,” the President explained “the approach here is to help people to improve.” The university has structures in place to help lecturers improve their teaching skills. CELT, the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching,

runs courses which lecturers are encourage to take in order to progress in their work. “Our approach here is to use feedback not in an inspectorial way. Our impression is to use feedback to increase the quality of the student experience and of the lecturing experience,” Dr Browne asserted, “I am convinced that the great majority of staff in the universities do a really good job. I am convinced of that based on my own experience and also the data shows that.” However, as of yet, there is no direct evidence that the CELT course and student feedback are improving teaching in NUI Galway.

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Ooops! We got it wrong! Sin wishes to correct some information, which appeared in "Erasmus Programme Needs to be More Inclusive" on page 15 of Issue 9:

• Erasmus year is an integral part of the degree programme of most students taking a language at NUI Galway, be it the BA, BComm, BCorp or BCL International. It is the Erasmus year that allows students to “earn” the International degree. • Other students in BA Connect, Law, Commerce and Medicine at NUI Galway can also avail of the Erasmus Programme. The International Office is working hard to increase opportunities for Science and Engineering students, though the latter can

currently carry out their PEP placements under the programme. • N U I G a l w a y h a s Erasmus links with universities around Europe that offer courses through the medium of English. So you do not need to study a language! • The International Office will assist any academic staff member who would like to propose new links with partner institutions abroad that would allow our students to spend a period of between 3 and 12 months studying in Europe as a recognised part of their course here. • The Erasmus Mobility Grant ranges from around €900 for a three-month stay to approximately €1,900 for a 9-month stay,

though this varies depending on the cost of living in the country you are going to. You can continue to receive your County Council/ Local Authority maintenance grant while abroad. Additional funding can be available for students in prohibitive circumstances, subject to HEA approval. For more details, contact the International Affairs Office. • Over 200 NUI Galway students took part in the Erasmus programme last year. Most importantly, Erasmus is awesome. For more information about this lifechanging experience, see or contact Mary or Gisèle in the International Office (

President to be Made Free Man of Galway City By Katie Finnegan President Michael D. Higgins is to be made a Freeman of Galway. The decision was made at a meeting of Galway City Council on Monday 13 February. All local councilors voted unanimously in favour of conferring the honour on the President during a secret ballot. Mayor Hildegarde Naughton said that NUI Galway graduate Mr Higgins was an obvious choice for the celebrated award: “I think it’s fitting that he is honoured with the Freedom of the City. He’s given so much of his life and service to Galway City through his academic and political life.” She also spoke about the great service he has given to the West of Ireland during his time as Minister for Arts. “He set up TG4 and promoted Irish culture and language through his love of the language and use of it. He has a distinguished record in human rights and often ploughed a lone furrow advocating many unpopular causes and has an international status as a campaigner for human rights.”

It is not yet known when the ceremony will take place although Mayor Naughton has confirmed that the next step is to get in touch with Áras an Uachtaráin. “The next step is that contact will be made with the Áras and a date will be fixed for the ceremony in due course,” the Mayor said. Other recipients of the

award include local businesswoman Mary Bennett and Let’s Do It Galway CEO John Killeen, who both received the Freedom of Galway City in recent years. Former Presidents Douglas Hyde (1930) and Sean T O’Kelly (1950) have also been made Freemen of the City, while Eamon De Valera was bestowed the honour in 1946.

Eilish McCarthy from the all-female cast of Hamlet with Dramsoc. Photo by Matt Burke.

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Editorial International Women’s Day is 8 March. Sin is devoting special attention to our sisters this issue, and I’m devoting special attention to my amazing Deputy Editors. Our fearless News Editor, Colette Sexton, is from ‘Whest’ Clare, and did her undergrad at UL. I can tell you, she's a politics dork. What does she want to be when she grows up? “Rosemary Gallagher. Failing that, presenter of the Late Late or editor of a national newspaper would be acceptable.” She’s inspired by the “coolest Irish woman of all time,” Mary Robinson who referred to "the women of Ireland who instead of rocking the cradle rocked the system." I liked that. Ashling O Loughlin, our Arts & Entertainment Editor actually did the same undergrad as me: a Single Major English degree in UCD. She describes herself as a former Dub, turned culchie: “While Wexford has been home for many years, I still

wear the Dublin jersey proudly.” She wants to be a journalist so she chose the right MA, and while she enjoys all aspects of media her passion has always been writing, which is fortunate because she's damn good at. She’s doing an internship in a “fancy pants” magazine in Dublin this summer, though I’m not sure if it’s a fancy-pantsmagazine or a magazine about fancy pants? She is our resident fashionista after all! Ashling described her Mom as the empowering woman in her life: “My mother is a wonderful artist, teacher and friend […] we grew up calling her always by her first name, as she always said that 'mammy' was not her name and did not define her.” M a r i a n C l o h o s e y, our Sports Editor has been hanging tough in what some consider a “man’s job” a l l y e a r. Until this week, when she got flattened by the flu! Did she let that stop her? Not a bit of it. Our Sports Section is as big and bold as ever. She was, however, too doped up on Lemsip to answer my questions. Lia Stokes, our most recent addition to the editorial team, is a Galway girl through and through. Raised in

Kilcolgan, she did her undergrad in English and Soc & Pol in NUIG. She hopes to write 'witty features' for a big glossy magazine some day, or and now for something completely different! cover marine stories for National Geographic! Lia is from a big family of strong women. "My mum has six sisters all of whom have excelled in their professions from engineers and teachers to pharmacists and even a manager of the Nation Women's Council of Ireland." She said, "I have always felt empowered as a young woman, never questioning my ability as a result of my gender." Jessica Thompson comes from Longford, but claims she found herself in Galway. It's her "home away from home." She's also a UCD alum, where she studies English and Music, and when she's finished her MA will turn her hand at anything journalismrelated. I asked her what she had to say about female empowerment and this is what I got: "’Who runs the world? Girls GIRLS!’ I hate that song. Seriously do. But I love to see an editorial team full of women. We rock this joint!" And me? My inspiration is my mother. There’s not enough room in this whole paper to tell you about that. But I will say this: she’d have been proud of us.

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USI High Court Case is Heard but Judgement Reserved by Eistear de Burca On the 23 - 24 February the High Court in Dublin heard arguments from affected students who believe the grant changes imposed in the Budget 2011 were in breach of the assurances they had been promised by the incoming government. The case was heard by Justice Hedigan; the counsel for the affected students was given by Pat Butler SC and the government was represented by Eoin McCullough SC and Patrick McGrath SC. In the course of the hearing, a representative from the Department of Public Expenditure outlined the

financial implications of the funding cuts for the government, and sections of the Student Support Act of 2011 were debated. Regarding the case, Gary Redmond, USI president said: “It is a shocking indictment of the Minister for Education that students are left with no other option but to resort to the courts in order to be able to stay in college and complete their education … Even the maximum level of the grant comes nowhere close to covering the costs associated with attending college. “Many of these mature students have been made redundant during the reces-

sion and were encouraged by state agencies and the Government to go back to education and up-skill in order to create opportunities for themselves to re-enter the workforce. These students have made enormous personal sacrifices to cope with the costs of education and now their hopes and dreams for the future have been dashed…” Justice Hedigan has reserved judgement on the case and will deliver his verdict after some consideration. If the case is successful, grant payments will be back-dated to September and reimbursed to affected third-level students.

NUIG Energy Night team leaders Neil Duffy, Magdalena Hajdukiwicze, Christine Conroy, Rory Monaghan, Mark Coughlan, Sinéad Burke and Damien Kilgannon with the NUIG Energy Night Tom O’Connor Trophy 2012. The trophy will be awarded to the researcher with the best poster at the Poster Showcase along with a cash prize. Photo by Denis Wettmann, PhotoSoc.

Editor: Rosemary Gallagher | Layout: Shannon Reeves | Contact via Ed. News Editor: Colette Sexton | Features Editors: Lia Stokes | Fashion, Arts & Entertainment Editor: Ashling O Loughlin | Sports Editor: Marian Clohosey | Web Editor: Jessica Thompson: All Photography provided by Photo Soc (unless otherwise specified) | Contributors: Leigh Ashmore | Cayla Bloomer | Aoife Brennan | Eileen Cameron | Conrad Clancy | Margaret Coleman | Ian Colgan | Patrick Collins | Aisling Crowe | Alana Darby | Eistear de Burca | Katie Finegan | Martina Gannon | Fiona Gillespie | Kenneth Glennon | Sinead Healy | Michael Healy | Patrick Higgins | Declan Higgins | Louise Hogan | Alan Keane | Jane Kearns | Mark Kelly | Damien Kilgannon | Conor Lane | Ellen Leahy | Gerard Madden | Austin Maloney | Myles McKittrick | Sean Mooney | Ashling O Loughlin | Cormac O Malley | Ros O Maolduin | Ciara O’Brien | Marése O’Sullivan | Roisin Peddle | Sarah Perry | Barbara Preston | Patricia Prieto-Blanco | Ruth Quinlan | Katy Quinn | Colette Sexton | Daragh Small | Daragh Small | Jessica Thompson | Paul Varley

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Mature Students’ Officer Resigns After Controversial SU Council By Ian Colgan and Mark Kelly A member of the Students’ Union has resigned following a tense argument at a recent SU Council meeting. Mature Students’ Officer, Mark Pierce, reportedly acted aggressively at a SU Council meeting on the evening of Monday, 13 February. Following this incident, a written motion of censure was made against him by the Students’ Union and he stepped down from the position. “I have resigned as a matter of principle,” Pierce said. “There are some people who think these actions are needed,” he went on to say, “but [they] don’t think of people’s future or education.” A vote was conducted at the meeting on nine proposals put forward by Equality Officer Will O’Brien on how far students were willing to go to combat fees. The proposals were a ‘litmus test’ ranked one to nine in order of extremity. The most extreme of these was a potential disruption to exams that would be organised by the SU and would require the full support of students. This motion was defeated, while others passed by comfortable margins. However, despite this, some of the class reps in the debate

did express some concern at the vagueness of some of the motions. “Only the relatively mild ones will be acted upon, such as liaising with Unions,” O’Brien said. “I made it very clear that the possibility of more serious occupations, fees boycotts and general strikes will only be undertaken with the consultation of class reps [and] students.” “[Pierce] tried to paint all nine motions with the same brush — that they were all extreme,” Irish Language Officer Senan Mac Aoidh said. “And he got violent in his language,” he added. The incident in question occurred after the Mature Student Officer read a quote from another student, who had told him he would “take a wheel brace” against anyone who disrupted his exams. There was uproar from both Council Chairperson, Claire McCallion as well as O’Brien and Mac Aoidh. Joe Loughanne then uttered a comment to Pierce, prompting Pierce to react angrily. Pierce said he would be “outside if he wasn’t chicken enough to say it to his face.” “He did directly threaten violence,” said Equality Officer Will O’Brien. Pierce has refuted this claim. “I didn’t threaten anyone,” Pierce stated. “What I said was a quote from a student and I felt

it was important to show the amount of passion and opposition against the motion.” A by-election is expected by the end of the semester to elect of new Mature Students’ Officer. SU Council Chairperson Claire McCaillion told Sin that Pierce apologised to her as Chairperson for his actions immediately following the meeting. This is third instance of an SU Officer receiving a motion of censure this academic year, following the conduct of O’Brien and Mac Aoidh in January, but the first case of an officer stepping down from his position. The second motion, proposed by Student Union President Emmet Connolly, was also passed by a large majority. The motion was to change the elections part of the constitution to state that no freebies (i.e. sweets, promotional caps) pets or sponsorship, either by a society, club or corporation would be allowed during elections. It also gave elections committee more powers to ensure a fairer campaign, as well as moving the campaign start for candidates to 6pm Sunday evening before elections. All candidates must also attend a daily meeting with the other candidates to discuss any problems they are having, in general or with each other.

Michael D Visits NUIG By Colette Sexton The inaugural visit of Michael D. Higgins to NUI Galway as President of Ireland took place on Friday, 24 February 2012. The occasion marked Mr Higgins’ first official visit as president. It occurred fifty years after he was enrolled as a mature student at the university. During the visit the president launched Ireland’s first dedicated Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopment Research. The centre is co-funded by Galway University Foundation. Director Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopment Research, NUI Galway,

Dr Geraldine Leader, was also present at the event. The Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research aims to improve the lives of children, adolescents and adults diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other Neurodevelopmental Conditions. The centre is dedicated to conducting innovative scientific research, delivering high-quality professional education and services to the community. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has increased from 5

per 10,000 a decade ago to 1 per 100 live births today. Among boys the incidence is 1 in 70. Although there are no comparable studies of ASD in Ireland, it is believed the prevalence is as high as that found in the U.S. Michael D. Higgins has had a long history with NUI Galway. He was Students’ Union President from 1964 to 1965. During this time, he led a march of 600 students to protest about poor relations generally between the University and the local community. He was a lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Sociology here before resigning to concentrate on his political career.

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Sustainable Energy Research in NUIG By Patrick Higgins

Researchers at NUI Galway’s Ryan Institute are currently involved in a major €14 million European initiative to develop the potential of algae as a source of sustainable energy. The research, which forms part of a Swansea University-led Energetic Algae project, focuses primarily on the early-stage cultivation of macro alga and is valued at almost €1.2 million, over the next four years. Currently, algal bioenergy technologies are immature but with sustained research, the project hopes to expand the field greatly. The group will focus on the cultivation of some of Ireland’s native kelp species with the growth of the seaweed crop occurring in two phases, the first phase

of which is being carried out at the Ryan Institute’s Carna Research Station, Co. Galway. Dr Maeve Edwards, a research scientist at the Ryan Institute’s Carna facility, explains: “In our facilities here, microscopic stages of the algae are cultured and sprayed onto ropes. Once the seaweed has been ‘seeded’ onto hundreds of metres of rope, they are deployed at sea in the one-hectare experimental plot in Ventry Harbour, Co. Kerry.” Professor Colin Brown, Director of the Ryan Institute at NUI Galway, commented: “Ireland and the European Union recognise the need to reduce our dependence on dwindling petroleum stocks and are promoting the use of biofuels. I am delighted to see that bright young researchers in the Ryan

Institute have spotted the opportunity to engage in international and innovative research into a source of biomass - in this case, seaweed - whose conversion to biofuels could help in the transformation of the transport sector.” Seaweed is also to be cultivated in both Northern Ireland by Queen’s University Belfast and in Brittany through the Centre d’Etude et de Valorisation des Algues (CEVA) under the coordination of NUI Galway. The Energetic Algae project involves nineteen Partners and thirteen Observers across eight EU member states, and aims to reduce CO2 emissions and Europe’s dependency on unsustainable energy sources, through the accelerated development and deployment of algal-based biomass and bioenergy technologies.

Great news for An Bialann as the ARAMARK Food Services Team won the prestigious Hotel & Catering Review Gold Medal Award recently at the recent 23rd Annual Awards ceremony for their NUI Galway operation. Image courtesy of ARAMARK Ireland.

NUI Galway Students’ Union Shop scooped the Stationary Award at the recent XL Store of the Year ceremony in the Mullingar Park Hotel. Congratulations to Liam Buckley and the well-known staff on his third consecutive success in this category. According to Aidan Grimes, CEO Students’ Union Commercials Services said, “This award acknowledges the hard work and attention to detail by Liam and all the staff in the shop. This is […] a testament to the consistently high quality offering, value and service offered to the students and staff of NUI Galway year on year.” Image courtesy of Cormac Donoghue.

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NUI Galway Lecturer Appointed to New Legal Aid Board By Conor Lane A Legal Aid Board, which has been set up by the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Deputy Alan Shatter, has appointed an NUI Galway lecturer to its board. Donncha O’Connell, a well regarded human rights activist will be a part of a select group of people. Their job will be to help deal with the increased need for legal aid

and services that have arose out of the severe downturn of the Irish economy. One of the main objectives of the new board is to make it so that every applicant who requires legal aid will get an appointment within three or four weeks of applying. A Mayo man, O’Connell graduated from NUI Galway, which was then known as UCG, with a BA (in Legal

Science and Sociology and Politics) before continuing on to earn an LL.B and finally, completing a masters in Law from the University of Edinburgh in 1993. Mr O’Connell was Dean of Law at NUI Galway from 2005 to 2008. He was the first full-time Director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and was a board member of Amnesty InternationalIreland. He is the editor of

NUIG Leads the Way in Genetic Discrimination Conference By Declan Higgins NUI Galway has made waves in Europe with its groundbreaking work in the area of genetic discrimination. The Centre for Disability Law and Policy hosted a conference entitled ‘Genetic Discrimination – Transatlantic Perspectives on the Case for a European Level Legal Response’ recently at the university. A novel endeavour for the whole of Europe, the conference tackled issues surrounding the privacy of genetic information and discrimination based thereon. Regulation was a key feature of the event, because, as

matters stand, the legislative basis in this area consists of what Aisling de Paor, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, described as “patchwork of diverse laws throughout the European member states.” Many people versed in this complex area of law and ethics spoke at the conference. These included Dr William Binchy of Trinity College Dublin, Mr Pat Clarke of the European Disability Forum, Ms Marian Harkin MEP (Ind. North West) and Mr Billy Hawkes, the currently Data Protection Commissioner. Speakers from outside of Ireland gave a comparative

analysis of the issues arising, including two notable US academics, Professor Michael Waterstone and Professor Meera Adya who imparted the American position on the issue. The law and ethics implications of genetic discrimination were outlined by Professor Yann Joly. The question of genetic discrimination is of wide ranging importance in the modern, technology-fuelled world. According to Ms. de Paor, it “can be perpetuated, not only by employers and insurance companies, but by other social actors such as banks and companies offering long term loans.” This,

NUI Galway and UL to Collaborate with Silicon Valley Firm By Mark Kelly NUI Galway’s Science Department had more research success on Thursday,16 February when they managed to secure a partnership with University of Limerick (UL) and Compact Imaging (CI), a company based in the Silicon Valley dedicated to finding non-invasive imaging and measuring devices via optical technologies. It comes at a time when research funding and research findings in the School of Science in NUI Galway are at an alltime high. The two-year agreement, in the scientific field of biophotonics, specifically optical coherence tomography (OCT), will explore and further develop CI’s novel

technologies. OCT is an imaging technique similar to ultrasound, but employing light rather than sound. For years, NUI Galway has been a world leader in the field of OCT, especially in the field of medical and biological imaging. The hope is that some of this research can be incorporated into CI’s latest development, the MRO, or multiple-reference OCT. This is only in development, but is a plan to create a small, mobile, robust OCT device, which will be cost effective and suited both to integration with large multi-purpose instruments for office or clinic use and to higher volume mobile or remote applications. CI hope to use NUI Galway’s and UL’s “extensive research capabilities” to help develop this

device more. In return, NUI Galway and UL will receive equity (shares) in the company, as well as unspecified research funding. NUI Galway’s Professor Martin Leahy, who is Chair of Applied Physics at NUI Galway will lead the research team. He is also Scientific Director of the National Biophotonics Imaging Platform Ireland (NBIPI) and Director of the University’s Tissue Optics and Microcirculation Imaging Laboratory (TOMI). “Physics has delivered extraordinary advances in almost every facet of modern life,” said Professor Leahy. “From the humble thermometer and stethoscope to X-Ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET and radiotherapy, our health has been transformed by

the Irish Human Rights Law Review, which is published annually. As a qualified barrister and lecturer, he continues to teach Constitutional Law, European Human Rights, Processes of law reform and Advocacy, Activism & Public Interest Law here at NUI Galway. He ran as an Independent candidate in the Election to the Seanad in early 2011 despite being a member of the Labour Party. He is a regular contributor to the Irish media on legal and political affairs. she contends, gives rise to a conflict of competing rights and interests. Now a solution to balancing them must be found. Chaired by Mr. Justice John McMenamin for the High Court, the conference raised issues of such importance that they will have a hearing at the seat of EU democracy at the European Parliament. In an age when technology is constantly evolving and encompassing new and profound ideas, endeavours such as they which strive to highlight issues or privacy arising there from are to be embraced. This being the first in Europe, it is something of which Ms. de Paor, the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, and the university as a whole, should be justifiably proud. these advances. Photonics promises to bring healthcare to the next level, as it is the only means to see cells and molecules in small, accessible, low cost and safe imaging systems. “Compact Imaging’s multiple-reference OCT technology has the potential to harness all these advantages, delivering solutions to health and security markets with a distinct edge,” added Professor Leahy. Speaking about the alliance, UL President, Professor Don Barry said: “This alliance and this pioneering commercial agreement highlight what can be achieved with some innovative thinking from supporters of the University. It demonstrates ways in which commercially astute universities and their foundations can benefit through creative collaborations with industry.” Dr. James Browne, President of NUI Galway, was

{5} 27–02

New R.A. Porgramme Launched by Corrib Village by Patrick Collins In January the residents of Corrib Village were introduced to their new “Residential Assistants” better known as the RA’s, at an event hosted in the games room. This new programme, launched by Corrib Village this year, has proven to be a roaring success, as the meet and greet night alone saw over 100 of Corrib's Residents turn up for the evening. On the night everyone met their new R.A’s while playing games like Giant Connect 4 and Jenga as well as the famous Fifa 12 on Xbox. There was also Pizza and other goodies which weren’t long disappearing as well as plenty of feedback for Corrib Village to ponder over. Speaking at the event Corrib Village General Manager Roisin Buckley said “The RA’s have very quickly become part of the Corrib Village Team and are really helping us to foster a great Community atmosphere here in Corrib Village.” The RA’s responsibilities include Student peer and Community Building; facilitating the implementation of Corrib Village Residences Policies and Procedures, organising and running a packed Activity Schedule – they are indeed a vital link between Corrib Village Management and Students. I caught up with one of

the RA’s Mark Cecchetti recently who explained that “the role of the R.A is to ensure that there is a great community atmosphere in Corrib Village and that if any residents have a problem of any sort, and are too shy to talk to Corrib Village staff, whom I assure you are fantastic people themselves, then they have somebody just like us to go to and we can guide them in the right direction to get the help or support that they need. There is also a fun side to being an RA in that we get to help staff decide on what events should be run and it’s great fun (but hard work!) organising and attending the events from 5 a side soccer leagues to paintballing, movie nights and Cupán Tae as Gaeilge.” RA application is open to all students who are resident in Corrib Village; in fact one of the first recruits is Drew Dunlap from Hofstra University, USA. The R.A’s were selected by management after a series of “rigorous and intensive.” The R.A’s are on site to help, so make sure to keep an eye out for them in their Red Hoodies if you have a problem or give them a call any day between 7pm and 11pm and they will be there to take your call! Or you can drop by The Games Room every Tuesday from 7pm to 8pm to have a cuppa and a chat with the R.A. on duty.

also extremely pleased with the partnership. “Leveraging knowledge to support innovation is an important part of the mission of universities. For NUI Galway and UL to partner in this way with an emerging company in Sil-

icon Valley is a very exciting development. NUI Galway is delighted to be part of this collaboration which brings mutual benefit to all partners – academic and commercial,” said Dr Jim Browne,


G alway N E w s


{sin} 27–02

Online Language Diploma Course a Galway Hospital Introduces First in Ireland All-Campus Smoking Ban By Katy Quinn This year will see the beginning of an exciting prospect for NUI Galway as it becomes the first Irish university to host a language diploma that will be conducted entirely through the internet. The Online Diploma in Italian will begin this September specifically designed to allow access to education for those students not fortunate enough to conduct their studies from campus. It will cater for students in remote areas, students with less mobility and mature students with time constraints. Head of the Italian Department, Paolo Bartoloni, stated that the course "will fill a significant gap in the teaching and learning experience in Ireland, providing a platform through which foreign lan-

guages will be available to students." According to Prof Bartoloni "the course is aimed at beginners who have little or no knowledge of Italian", he added, "as well as language tuition, there will be a module on intercultural and oral skills which will look at cultural issues... and encourage discussions on a variety of topics." Already the creators of the course are ensuring that even though it will be conducted online, it covers all aspects and qualities needed to learn a new language thoroughly. When asked if he thought online learning would be as effective as coming to classes, he stated "students become active participants and share the responsibility of constructing their knowledge ... virtual meetings will be organised and we stress that the emphasis is

on collaboration." Therefore, the course encourages students to take their learning into their own hands and ensure that they get the best learning experience possible. A language is a skill most employers value highly since a lot of companies have major international ties. As travelling abroad becomes the norm amongst graduates, a new language can only serve to open up new doors and opportunities especially as it widens your job sphere and does not limit the countries you can travel to. Hopefully, this will pave the way for more languages and courses to be available online so that people of all ages may benefit. Those interested in taking the course should consult adulteducation for details of application and fees.

By Austin Maloney

on a survey of patients and staff of GUH, we know that the majority of people will support the implementation of the new policy,” Mr Canavan said, “providing a smoke free environment sends a clear message that this hospital is committed to protecting and promoting the health of our patients, staff and all those who visit Galway University Hospitals.” GUH is one of the eight regional cancer centres in Ireland and the new policy reflects this fact. Consultant Cardiologist at GUH, Dr Jim Crowley, spoke of the dangers of smoking: “Smoking is the single biggest cause of ill-health and death in our society. It is the single biggest cause of cancer and chronic chest disease and exacerbation of diabetes. This major cause of illness, chronic disability and death is preventable, yet accounts for some 5,500 deaths in Ire-

Smokers are unable to light-up on-campus at University Hospital Galway and Merlin Park Hospital since a total ban on smoking on the hospital grounds was introduced Wednesday, 22 February. The ban applies to all who enter the hospital grounds, including staff, patients, contractors and visitors. The Chief Operating Officer of the Galway, Roscommon Hospital Group, Tony Canavan pointed to the successful implementation of smoking bans at hospitals in Dublin and Cork as positive examples that Galway University Hospital are seeking to follow: “We realise fully that the introduction of a Smoke Free Campus policy will take time to implement fully but the experience of other hospitals has been positive and based

Park & Ride Bus Service

land each year. Most smokers want to quit and most would also prefer that they never started smoking in the first place.” Dr Crowley went on to say that they are supporting those who wish to quit smoking. “In GUH we will be supporting patients who want to quit smoking and we will be offering smoking cessation advice and support to patients to help them quit smoking to to massage their addiction during their hospital stay. Quitting smoking reduces the risks of cardiovascular disease. Within twenty minutes of quitting, your circulation will improve and your heart rate and blood pressure will get lower,” said Dr Drowley. The HSE has created a QUIT campaign to aid those who wish to quit smoking, and will be introducing a Smoke-Free policy to all health campuses by 2015.

Park & Ride Bus Service

Ride Bus Service Timetable - Semester 1, 2011 PARKPark&&RIDE BUS SERVICE

AN TSEIRBHÍS Park & Timetable RidePÁIRCEÁLA Bus Service - Semester& 1, TAISTIL 2011

Timetable - Semester 2, 2012

Amchlár – Seimeastar 2, 2012

Peak Morning Service from 1, Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) Timetable - Semester 2011

8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45, 10.00, 10.15, 10.30, 10.45, 11.00 Peak Morning Service from Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) 8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45,

Peak Morning Service from 1, Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes) Timetable - Semester 2011

8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45, 10.00, 10.15, 10.30, 10.45, 11.00 Peak Morning Service from Dangan Carpark (every 15 minutes)

10.15, 10.30, 10.45, from 11.00 Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) Mid - 10.00, Morning lite Service

11.30, 12.00, 12.30 Mid - Morning lite Service from Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) 11.30, 12.00, 12.30

Lunchtime Shuttle Mid–Morning lite From Orbsen Building 13.00, 13.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark 13.15, 13:45

11.30, 12.00, 12.30 Mid - Morning lite Service from Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) 11.30, 12.00, 12.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

13.00, 13.30

13.15, 13:45

Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen Building (every 30 minutes)

14.30, 15.00, 15.30 Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen14.00, Building (every 30 minutes)


8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45,

10.15, 10.30, 10.45, from 11.00 Dangan Carpark (every 30 minutes) Mid - 10.00, Morning lite Service

14.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30

13.00, 13.30

Lunchtime Shuttle From Orbsen Building

Bus ag Am Lóin ó Áras Oirbsean 13.00, 13.30

17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00

The night time service is no longer running.

University is providing a free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsen to the Dangan carpark (only). The night time The service is no longer running. 9pmaplease telephone 091-561111 to request the Dangan The University isAfter providing free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsenatotaxi thejourney Danganto carpark (only). carpark. After 9pm pleasePlease telephone 091-561111 request a taxi journey to the Dangan note: No other to taxi destinations are possible and thecarpark. service is only available from 9pm to 11pm Please note: No other destinations are possible and the is only available from 9pm to 11pm Your taxi staff/student number and name willservice be requested by the driver, for our records.

Your staff/student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

Bus ag Am Lóin ó Charrchlós an Daingin 13.15, 13:45

14.30, 15.00, 15.30 Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen14.00, Building (every 30 minutes) 14.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30

Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 15 minutes) Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 17.00, 15 minutes) 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.15, 17.30, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.00, 17.15, 17.30, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00

The night time service is no longer running.

The University is providing a free EMERGENCY taxi shuttle from Orbsen to the Dangan carpark (only). The night time service is no longer running.

Ní seirbhís ar fáil After 9pmana please telephone 091-561111 to request the Dangan The bheidh University is providing freehoíche EMERGENCY taxiníos shuttlemó. from Orbsenatotaxi thejourney Danganto carpark (only). carpark. Afteran 9pm pleasePlease telephone 091-561111 to request a taxi journey toin theaisce Dangan note: No other taxi destinations are possible and ar thecarpark. service is only available 9pm to 11pm Tá Ollscoil ag cur tacsaí ÉIGEANDÁLA saor fáil ó Oirbsean chuigfrom carrchlós Please note: No other destinations are possible and the is only available from 9pm to 11pm Your taxi staff/student number and name willservice be requested by the driver, for our records. Your staff/student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

a dhéanamh ar thacsaí chuig carrchlós an Daingin.Tabhair faoi deara: Ní féidir tacsaí

Dangan carpark. Please note: No other taxi destinations are possible and the service is student number and name will be requested by the driver, for our records.

foirne/mic léinn a lua leis an tiománaí.

Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change

QR code timetable QR code timetable QR code timetable

13.15, 13:45

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

Afternoon lite Service from Orbsen Building (every 30 minutes)

Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 15 minutes) Peak Evening Service from Orbsen Building (every 17.00, 15 minutes) 17.15, 17.30, 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.45, 18.00, 18.15, 18.30, 18.45, 19.00 16.00, 16.15, 16.30, 16.45, 17.00, 17.15, 17.30,

Lunchtime Shuttle From Dangan Carpark

Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change Buildings Office, 2011; subject to change QR code timetable

QR code timetable

{sin} 13–10

G alway N e w s

Engineering Students Scoop Second Prize in HAS Competition By Katie Finnegan A team of engineering students from NUI Galway have won second place in the Health and Safety Authority’s (HSA) ‘Safety in Design and Construction’ third-level competition. The students from NUI Galway were Kevin Carney, a fourth year BSc in Project and Construction student from Frenchpark, Co. Roscommon; fourth year BE in Civil Engineering student Grant Deeney from Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon; and Conor Higgins a fourth year BE in Civil Engineering student from Wicklow Town. The finals, which were held in Dublin saw six short-listed teams battle it out to win the prize. The overall winners were Carlow IT, with third place going to Letterkenny IT. Other third-level institutions represented in the final included Cork IT and two teams from Carlow IT. According to the HAS, “The competition aims to provide an environment

where undergraduate students can collaborate and work together to enhance, develop and embed their knowledge and understanding of health and safety in construction.” Joanne Harmon, Education Manager with the Health and Safety Authority said: “This competition is in its third year and it’s great to see the level of engagement from students and their lecturers as well as the continual high standards and creativity on display. I would like to congratulate NUI Galway and thank everyone else who took part. We kept the brief as real as possible so that students had to be creative in their solutions but are also as likely to come across similar scenarios in their future working life.” Dr Jamie Goggins Programme Director for BSc in Project and Construction Management at NUI Galway, said: “We would like to congratulate Kevin, Grant and Conor on winning second place in this

competition. Members of this team also won the competition last year, which is a credit to the students. The aim of the competition fits very well with the ethos of our undergraduate degree programmes in construction related programmes – to provide an environment where undergraduate students can collaborate and work together to enhance, develop and embed their knowledge and understanding of various aspects of engineering and construction. Furthermore, this competition provides a platform for students to work in multidisciplinary groups, which is an experience that we value and promote in our undergraduate degree programmes.” The judging panel was made up of the following members: Paraig E a r l e y, C o n s t r u c t i o n Policy Inspector, HSA; Mike Keyes, Aegis Safety Management; and Tony Sheridan, Health and Safety Manager, John Sisk and Son Ltd.

{7} 27–02

Four Months for Attempted Theft in James Hardiman Library By Barbara Preston An attempted theft of a laptop from the Reading Room under the James Hardiman Library resulted in a four-month jail term for a Tuam man last week. The incident took place almost a year ago and was treated very seriously by Judge Mary Fahy. “It is a deliberate act to enter a building [as a trespasser]... People who use a computer for work or for college put a lot of effort and time into it, and a theft like this could affect their exams and work. It is serious,” she said. After the Reading Room was upgraded over the

summer, access control was introduced in November last, with students needing to swipe their college ID cards to enter. However, this in itself is not sufficient to prevent further thefts. According to Mr Gerry Nolan, NUI Galway Security Services Supervisor, “Just because there is access control, students still need to be vigilant.” He warned Sin about the “classic” practice of ‘tailgating’, when a potential thief can enter the Reading Room on the heels of a genuine student. Nobody can be sure that the stranger following them is someone that has the right to be there.

Most people will also have noticed the door propped open at one time or another, to save some lazy individuals the hassle of having to get their ID cards out to swipe them. This is totally defeating the purpose of having access control. In the past few weeks, security cameras have been installed but the security team needs the cooperation of students. “You can’t rely on the person sitting beside you to keep an eye on your property if you leave the room,” Mr Nolan told Sin. “Do not leave laptops unattended” and, most important of all, “do not get complacent.”

Calls for Participation in Engineers’ Week By Colette Sexton Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn has called for students, schools and parents to take part in Engineers’ Week 2012. Together with Engineers Ireland, the Minister appealed to people to take part in the week

NUI Galway Students meet staff from Matheson Ormsby Prentice in NUI Galway on 21 February, at an information evening for the firm’s Summer Internship Programme. From left to right: Kealinn Ross (Corporate Law), Joe Duffy (MOP), Mary Hanley (NUI Galway graduate and trainee at MOP), Bernadette Coleman (MOP), Seona O’Donnellan (Corporate Law), Killian Doherty and Rory Dunn (both LLB). Photo by Rosemary Gallagher.

which will run from 27 February to 4 March 2012. The campaign is held each year by Engineers Ireland to encourage young people to pursue engineering as a career and the importance of the profession to Ireland. Speaking about the event, the Minister said he hopes the event will display the importance of maths to students. “I hope that the events planned as part of Engineers Week 2012 will show students that maths is important in every day life,” Deputy Quinn explained, “This is a key principle of the new Project Maths programme which is being rolled out across all postprimary schools.” The theme for Engineers Week 2012 is “Connecting Our Lives”. During the week events for students of all ages, aimed at highlighting the importance of engineering to our daily lives, will take place across the country. In the context of the ongoing roll-out of Project Maths, Minister Quinn said that the week can support classroom learning by providing hands-on examples of real-life maths. NUI Galway’s Engineering Society is taking part

in the on-street charity collection along with GMIT Engineering Society. All proceeds raised will go towards Enable Ireland as they are using engineering innovation in the technology they use to treat people with disabilities. This is the first time Engineers Ireland is running the event in Galway, in previous years this collection was only done in Dublin. Different events will take place each day during the week. • Monday 27 February: Launching Engineers Week. • Tuesday 28 February: Innovation Day; Third Level Day, On-Street Charity Collection and Ethical Hackathon. • Wednesday 29 February: CPD Seminar. • Thursday 1 March: Volunteer Day; Volunteer engineers visit primary schools. • Friday 2 March: Open Day; Engineering firms open their doors to the public. • Saturday 3 March: Family Fun Day; Show for children For further information and to see a full list of events taking place during the week log onto www.


G alway N e w s


{sin} 27–02

Accused Brothel Worker GMIT to Recreate Titanic Held in Custody Dinner for Centenary By Martina Gannon A woman was remanded in custody charged with operating a brothel in Galway city. The Romanian National, Monica Ciuciu (34) was in Galway District court at the time of this issue going to press accused of running a brothel in Galway city. The brothel that they were accused of running was discovered in a raid by Gardaí in Galway city in early February when they arrested two suspects. Mill Street Garda station had no comment to make at the time of arrest. At Galway District Court on Monday 13 February, Monica Ciuciu (34) and Ioan Bizau (28) both with a rental address on

Mary Street, appeared before Judge Mary Fahy charged with acting or assisting in the management of a brothel at their apartment on 11 February, 2012, contrary to Section 11 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993. Bizau was further charged with possession of cocaine at the same address and date, contrary to Section 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Act. Garda Noel Sweeney gave evidence of arresting Ciuciu at the apartment on 12 February and later charging her to which, after caution, she replied: “I admit.” The court heard that Bizau was arrested on the same day and that after arrest, charge, and caution he replied: “Not

true.” An NUI Galway student living beside the brothel spoke of their shock at the discovery: “I couldn’t believe it when I heard. I had no idea it was going on. It does explain all the dodgy old men hanging around though.” Galway is no stranger to brothels, last year in January and in July two different arrests were made against people running brothels in Galway city. Several more undiscovered brothels are also rumoured to be around the city. Monica Ciuciu is due in court again next week. No further details have been released about the male that is also accused of being involved.

The Hotel School at GMIT is to commemorate the centenary of the RMS Titanic’s sinking by recreating an eleven-course black-tie gala dinner, a replica of the last meal eaten by first-class passengers on board the ship that fateful night of 14 April, 1912, as a fundraiser for the Galway RNLI Lifeboat. The event will take place on Wednesday, 21 March at 6.30pm and its sixty tickets have already

Want to be the next self-made millionaire?

A r t s l e c t u r e r, N o e l Loughnane, has always been fascinated by Titanic’s story and came up with the idea for the dinner to honour both the centenary of the sinking and the exceptional work done by maritime charities. He will take charge of a team of students from Culinar y Arts, Hotel Management, Hospitality Studies, Bar Supervision, Bar Management and Tourism Management, as well as their lecturers. They will work in four kitchens to

lege’s students to make the event a true tribute to the spirit of Titanic: “Students in the Hotel School have a long, proud [and] established reputation in the region for working with voluntary groups and managing fundraising events,” she said. “In addition, our students and colleagues have an opportunity at this event to showcase their outstanding culinary skills and restaurant service etiquette. We look forward to gastronomic delight.”

Our menu on the night is the same as it was 100 years

ago, but served in a contemporary style and in a different

order. It will be a great learning experience for our students.

been sold out. Champagne and oysters will be on offer at the reception, where every guest will receive their own boarding pass. Each of the eleven courses has been researched thoroughly and will be served with a different wine, costing €100 a head. A string quartet will play throughout the evening. Event Management students from the college will dress in period costume and decorate the Connemara training restaurant with pink roses and white daisies, which were placed on the tables of the Titanic’s dining room. GMIT Culinary


bring the Titanic experience to life. Mr Loughnane remarked, “Our menu on the night is the same as it was 100 years ago, but served in a contemporary style and in a different order. It will be a great learning experience for our students – who are really excited about the event and happy to be volunteering their time and energy for a charity like Galway Lifeboat – while also respectfully marking the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.” Cáit Noone, Head of GMIT’s Hotel School, commented on the enthusiasm of the col-

Chairperson of the Galway RNLI Lifeboat Fundraising Committee, Ciara O’Byrne, praised the Hotel School for its initiative in organising the commemorative dinner. “One life lost at sea affects families and [their] community for generations,” she declared. “The dedication and selfless voluntary work of the RNLI crews in saving lives at sea does not go unnoticed, but we are indebted to the people who fundraise and organise events to ensure funds are there for training our crews to successfully save lives at sea. We wish GMIT every success with this event.”

Minister Gets Stuck in Traffic

Are you a third level student with a novel idea for a new business? Do you feel your idea has got real commercial potential? If so, then this competition is for you. There’s an incredible first place cash prize of €10,000 to be won to potentially help turn your enterprise idea into a business reality. So get a team together for the most exciting challenge of your life so far...

By Kenneth Glennon

be more. Go further.

5083 EI Think Press-Ad - 125x175 AW.indd 1

By Marése O’Sullivan

24/02/2012 15:35

Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly had a taste of commuting student-style after he was forced to trudge through the rain for half an hour only to arrive two hours late for his planned meeting in Galway Hospital with the newly instated CEO Bill Maher. The good doctor was forced to abandon his car near Menlo Park hotel after heavy traffic forced him to complete

his journey on foot to the University Hospital. As a result another meeting scheduled later that evening with the Galway Hospice concerning funding was cancelled. Former Mayor of Galway, Padraig Conneely was less than sympathetic towards the minister’s plight. The Fine Gael councillor stated that, while unfortunate he was caught in the traffic, this was what people in Galway had to deal with on a daily

basis with such horrendous traffic conditions becoming increasingly frequent, going on to cite the need for an outer bypass. When all is said though, our Health Minister deserves credit; it takes an ambitious man to attempt to beat the typical onslaught of traffic in Galway for a 4 o’clock appointment on any given Friday. More such optimism in this current climate - and an umbrella - would do us all a world of good.


N ational N e w s


Bill Cullen Visits NUI Galway By Ellen Leahy Entrepreneur and Apprentice star Bill Cullen visited Galway on Tuesday, 21 February, to give a motivational talk to NUI Galway students. His main message to upcoming graduates was that despite the tough economic times, with the right amount of work and the right amount of self belief you can get anywhere you want to be. His main mantra is to outwork everyone else and to always aim to be in the top three of any area you are working in. The message that he wanted to get across to students was the idea of personal responsibility. He emphasised a “yes you can attitude” backed up by massive actions, determination and persistence. To focus your mind with a five year plan will get you anywhere you want to be but this is no use unless you are the best at what you’re doing and you must create your own future. “Wherever you are now is where you want to be” was his mantra of personal responsibility. If you are unhappy with the situation you are in it is pointless to blame others or to focus on regret, the only thing to be done is get your goals clear again and achieve them through self discipline.

Bill Cullen is a true ragsto-riches story. It is proof that anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit can make it to the top with the right attitude. Born into a poor inner city neighbourhood in Dublin, he was one of fourteen children. His career began at age thirteen when he was expelled from school. In his first job as a messenger boy for Waldron's Ford dealership in Dublin he always went the extra mile to maximise his results, through networking out at the pumps early


The Eurozone Debate By Cormac O Malley

cars throughout the whole of his career. He is the host of the reality TV show The Apprentice and shares the secrets success by giving motivational talks. Within the next twelve months, he will also be the first Irishman in space through Richard Branson's virgin galactic project. His message for the business students of NUI Galway was that economically, times are as tough as you make them. Though it is true that many businesses will fail, there is

Bill Cullen is a true rags-to-riches story. It is proof that anyone with

an entrepreneurial spirit can make it to the top with the right attitude.

in the morning to all the extra hours he did. The initiative he took in his first job got him seven rises within his first year. Through the goals he set and the actions put in to the achievement these goals, he made to general director of the company nine years later. From this he set up the Fairlane Motor Company which became the biggest Ford dealership in Ireland. He transformed the then troubled Renault dealership and is now chairman of the Glencullen group and has sold a total of 370,000


only one way that you can succeed and that's to stand out from the crowd, to outwork everyone else and to do whatever is necessary to achieve your goals. He advised those entering business to have the right priorities. Finance should not be your first priority but if you put effort into achieving your goals you will make money as your business plan comes to fruition. Most importantly, he emphasised that success in business is something that is achieved through the power of positive thinking.

‘This house believes that the euro-zone has failed the people of Europe’ was the motion put before the house in Lit & Deb’s debate last Thursday, 23 February. Speaking in proposition was committee member and Arts student, Andrew Hannon. He began by talking about the fact that a loss of economic sovereignty and was always inevitable with the invention of a currency subscribed to by seventeen different countries. He went on further to say that while Ireland for the most part is the author of its own problems, our retaining of the Irish punt would have resulted in less of a knock-on effect for the other countries of Europe. He also spoke about the fact that the Euro suits German exports and industrial production, but

that is no justification for their dominance, being seen in recent actions. Speaking in opposition was recent NUI Galway graduate of Chemistry and former Lit & Deb committee member, Ron Fitzpatrick. He made the point that the entrance of the euro gave the Eurozone countries an opportunity of low interest rates. This opportunity helped countries who otherwise would have seen a lack of economic growth because of the volatility of their own currencies, the non-existence of the Euro would result in the occurrence of currency wars before our own eyes. He went on further to point out that the euro did not go far enough; it should have also provided conscripted countries to the single currency with universal fiscal policy. The proposition replied by pointing out that saying

that the Euro did not go far enough surely proves that the currency is failing. As predicted, it was said that the only way to save the Euro is by wider European regulation and fiscal policy the latter being the purpose of current treaty change being proposed in Europe, and specifically mentioned in Article 126 of Lisbon Treaty. The motion put before the house has been the talk of people across Europe, mainly over the past year. It has brought conflicting wishes, some want a return to sovereignty and more want increased federalism. Everyone should question right now what they think of the European project, as things are about to change. We may yet see the fall of the union, we may not. Either way, deciding what we want, where we stand is more relevant than ever.

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BizSoc hosted Bill Cullen, of The Apprentice, at their Executive Guest Speaker Series on 21 February. Pictured are Sam Murphy, Conor Mulloy, Kealinn Ross and Paul Curley from BizSoc, along with Bill Cullen and partner Jackie Lavin. Photo by Joe Hyland, PhotoSoc.

S E G A P THE SU É Gaillimh O n in é L c a M a n s a lt a h Com ion n U ' ts n e d tu S y a lw a G I U N

"The mission of the Union shall be to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society." — Constitution of the Students’ Union

Seachtain na Gaeilge Dé hAoine 2ú

Ceardlann Comharthaí Agóide ar son na Gaeilge, sa seomra ealaíne in Áras na Mac Léinn (12i.n.) Comórtas Drámaíochta: Féile na gColáistí in Áras na Gaeilge

Dé Satharn 3ú

Comórtas Drámaíochta: Féile na gColáistí in Áras na Gaeilge

Dé Luain 5ú

Seoladh Sheachtain na Gaeilge Péinteáil Múrphictiúir Tús le Seachtain Gan Béarla Maidin Caifé in Áras na Gaeilge (10r.n.) Ciorcal comhrá mean-leibhéal (4 i.n.) in AM205 Ciorcal comhrá do thosaitheoirí (6i.n.) i gcafé Áras na Gaeilge Céilí i mBeár an Choláiste (8i.n.)

Dé Máirt 6ú

Scannán, Animé agus Manga Gaeilge (123i.n.) in Áras na Mac Léinn Turas chuig an Acadamh: Tóraíocht taisce, Sarú Churiarracht Domhanda & Cóisir (bus ag imeacht ón ollscoil ag 4i.n.)

Dé Ceadaoin 7ú

Ciorcail comhrá ardleibhéal (5 i.n.) in AM122 Aoi-chainteoir: Tommy Rua Ó Conghaile (6i.n.) Oíche Chultúrtha leis an Chumann Léann Éireanneach (8i.n.)

Deardaoin 8ú

Flash Céilí/ Agóid sa Chathair (ag bualadh le chéile ag Áras na Mac Léinn ag 2i.n.) Comórtas Rós Árus na nGael

Dé hAoine 9ú

Cóisir Sheachtain gan Béarla in Árus na nGael, Sráid Dhoiminic

Dé Luain 12ú

Finscéal Fibín in Amharclann Bhanc na hÉireann (1i.n.) Ciorcail comhrá meán-leibhéal (4 i.n.) in AM205 Ciorcail comhrá do thosaitheoirí (6i.n.) i café Áras na Gaeilge

Dé Máirt 13ú

Craoladh beo taobh amuigh de Áras na Mac Léinn le Rónán Mac Aodha Bhuí ó Raidió na Gaeltachta (3-5i.n.) Cabaret Craiceáilte i mBeár an Choláiste (8i.n.)

Dé Ceadaoin 14ú

Maidin Caifé/ ‘Is leor beirt’ sa Hub, Áras na Mac Léínn (10r.n.) Airneán scéalaíochta, filíochta agus drámaíochta (12-4i.n.) Ciorcal Comhrá ardleibhéal (5i.n.) in AM122 Caint faoin Ainrialachas (6i.n.) Ceolchoirm Oi Polloi (banna ceoil le Gaeilge na hAlban) in Árus na nGael, Sráid Dhoiminic (8i.n.)

Déardaoin 15ú

Caint ar Shaor Oideachas do Chách (5i.n.) in AC201 Céilí in Árus na nGael, Sráid Dhoiminic (8i.n.) Dé hAoine 16ú Rith 2012 (ag tosú ag an Fhaiche Mhór ag 14.30) Cóisir amuigh ar an gCeathrú Rua

0 0 0 , 3 € R E V O FEES S T U C T N A R G MORE ees F t s n Agai h c r ore a m M r a h t Bo o ce) t i f G f I O NU TD’s h s l a W b. (Brian sday 29th Fe ar B e g Wedne e l l k Co c o l c ’ 1 o Supported by your Students’ Union and FREE Education for Everyone

{12} 13–10

N ational N e w s

{sin} 27–02

Sexual Health Survey Trinity Opens New Provides Worrying Results Medical School By Jane Kearns Earlier this month the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) teamed up with the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme, MSD and Durex for Sexual Health and Guidance (SHAG) Week. They aimed to promote and inform students on safe sex and sexual health. As part of SHAG week the USI conducted a nationwide student survey on sexual health, which asked a variety of questions about sexual health, activity and knowledge. Some of the results were shocking and really put students’ attitudes towards sex into perspective in the lead up to SHAG week. The survey found that 85% of students are sexually active. Of these, a staggering 74% have had sex without a condom. Reasons for this included having other forms of contraception, being in a long term relationship and most worryingly of all being impaired due to alcohol or drugs which 15% of students admitted to. The survey also found that 65% of students are not concerned about catching an STI, but

are more worried about themselves or their partner getting pregnant. 71% of students have never been tested for an STI and 22% don’t know if they have ever contracted one, but 93% feel confident enough to ask their partner if they have a condom before engaging in sex. The survey learned that Irish students are among the less promiscuous students in Europe, with 73% saying they have had between 1 and 3 sexual partners in the last twelve months, and when it comes to getting clued in on sex 13% admit to getting most of their sexual health information from friends. Other common places students get their sexual health information include television, leaflets, magazines, doctors and even toilet doors which almost 6% confessed to! When asked what topics should be included in a sexual health information programme for students, 37% said they would like more material and facts on protecting against, testing and treating STIs, and a further 20% asked for more information on the effects of

drugs and alcohol on sexual behaviour. In response to the survey and as part of promoting SHAG Week USI president Gary Redmond said that “sexual health is an integral part of student life. There has been a dramatic rise in the numbers of STIs reported in Ireland particularly among people aged 18-24. Talking about sex related issues is still a taboo subject in Ireland and we want to break through these barriers and encourage people to practice safer sex and to look after their sexual health.” The USI distributed 40,000 SHAG packs throughout colleges and universities around Ireland, 4,000 of which were handed out in NUI Galway. Each SHAG pack contained a Durex condom, a sachet of lube and information on contraception, STI’s and fertility to allow students to make safer choices when it comes to their sexual health. All the information provided during SHAG week aimed to help students to take control of their sexual health and make informed decisions regarding their contraceptive choices.

By Patrick Higgins The new School of Medicine at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) was officially opened by Minister for Research and Innovation, Séan Sherlock, on 15 February. The new school, housed in the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, was built with the help of €21 million from the Higher Education Authority/Department of Education. The school, which pioneered medical education in Ireland in the eighteenth century, was previously scattered across several buildings and annexes on the university’s College Green campus. Now, for the first time in the School of Medicine’s history, all preclinical medical education and training activities will take place under the one roof. The modern premises features world standard teaching equipment including teaching laboratories

Cáit Neylon Bathroom in the library... Girl on seeing her friend: Hey, are you on the rag? I mean are you out for RAG week?!"
 Friend: *awkward shuffle* Kevin David Donoghue Boy 1: I think we'll go out to Oughterard.
 Boy 2: Isn't that where the president's house is?
 Boy 1: No that's Áras an Uachtaráin. Were you joking? Boy two: Uh....ya.

Órla Conroy Fella on the phone on concourse Ya, I’m sorry about leaving so abruptly the other morning... But I was wondering if you’re at anything tonight...” Nicola Walsh Girl outside concourse: I just have that feeling inside me yano? Her friend: "What kind of feeling?
 Girl: An 'I'm definitely getting the ride tonight!' feeling!

the research elements of the School and the continuing international recognition of its excellence in the areas of immunology, cancer, infectious diseases, psychiatric genetics and public health. Welcoming the development, Minister Sherlock stated: “Ireland’s future doctors and medical scientists will benefit from the best of teaching facilities in this state-of-the-art building for Trinity College’s new School of Medicine, where leading technology and bespoke setting will augment quality teaching, research and learning for generations to come.” Tr i n i t y ’s S c h o o l o f Medicine currently delivers multidisciplinary education across all levels of health care to 750 medical undergraduate and 550 postgraduate students, including PhD and MD students and currently ranks within the top 100 medical schools globally based on QS world rankings.

USI Welcomes Publication of Higher Education Reform Documents By Eileen Cameron

Overheard in NUI Galway...

with the latest technologies, 300-seat lecture theatres, seminar rooms and a specially designed Anatomy Dissection Room with extensive audio video equipment facilities to enhance the learning experience. TCD’s Provost Dr Patrick Prendergast is adamant these “leading edge facilities” will have “a real impact on the training of future generations of doctors and researchers and ultimately improved healthcare.” The School is set to benefit from the collaborative nature of the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, which brings together research activities across five schools to drive cutting edge biomedical research. Professor Dermot Kelleher, the head of the School of Medicine and vice-provost for Medical Affairs, pointed to this uniqueness of having "medical students benefiting from the high-level multidisciplinary research environment." He praised

The recent publication of papers relating to the procEimear Ní Longaigh ess of reform in the higher Overheard outside the library
 education sector has been Girl 1: I love that you're a given a guarded welcome secret slut.
 by the Union of Students in Girl 2: I don't like the term Ireland (USI). USI President, slut. I like sex... I just don't Gary Redmond commented, tend to like the people I “These documents represent have sex with so I give the first stage in that process them one go each... but USI warns that this process must be transparent and free from political interferRobbie Milton Overheard in the bathroom at ence at every stage.” Engineering and Nurses Ball...
 In a letter accompanying One lad to his mate: “Ya the papers, the CEO of the gotta be a special kinda Higher Education Authority sick to get sick on a door (HEA), Mr. Tom Boland said, handle” “The publication of these guidelines and frameworks mark the beginning of an intense period which will, by the end of this year, see the HEA advising the Minister on an appropriate structure, or blueprint, for the Irish higher education system for the years ahead.” Inter-institutional collaboration will increase

significantly, as these papers are implemented. The papers include ‘Towards a Future Higher Education Landscape’, ‘Process and Criteria for Designation as a Technological University’ and ‘Guidelines on Regional Clusters.’ USI president, Gary Redmond further stated, “USI welcomes the publication of these papers as the first major step in the implementation of the National Strategy for Higher Education and the beginning of a process of major reform. This milestone marks an ideal opportunity for Higher Education Institutions to enter into an open and honest dialogue with students and stakeholders. This dialogue must result in each Institution developing a roadmap to ensure that they place themselves to in a position to lead in the future development of their regions and the economy.” As part of the reform process, each institution has six

months to submit a strategic plan to the HEA outlining its mission, preferred structure, regional links and other relevant information. The HEA will then assess course duplication, and funding amongst other higher education issues. According to the USI president, “The criteria and process for designation as a Technological University are robust and will protect the integrity and international reputation of Ireland’s Higher Education system. The process sets ambitious but achievable targets for Higher Education Institutions. Institutions have the opportunity to adapt and advance in a manner appropriate to both their individual and their region’s needs. Building a cohesive Higher Education sector requires clarity of direction to ensure that it is fit for purpose and will deliver for students, industry, the economy and Ireland."


F eatures


Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures Sexual Violence: An International Perpective by Margaret Coleman “Yelling RAPE when someone touches you.” Almost 7,000 Facebook users like this. Rape has become very easy to joke about in the twenty-first century. While the word may seem harmless to some, it is a word that brings suffering to millions of people all over the world. So why do people think it’s funny? Why do people join these groups on Facebook? It is because we, the youth of today, are not paying attention to serious issues occurring every day around us – rape included. When I asked some NUIG students on Erasmus in Europe and Africa to share their observations on attitudes towards women, it became clear that the objectification of the female sex is a global trend. One student living in France felt that getting dressed up in a skirt and heels for a night out was “asking for trouble.” Some students in Spain explained that having words like “blonde” or “goodlooking” shouted at them walking down the street is not uncommon. Now, some may argue that this comes down to a simple case of flattery. Some women may not find this behaviour offensive. However, some women do. When people act this way, they are not giving women a choice. If women don’t like it, they just have to “deal with it.” This kind of behaviour happens in every country, and is carried out by only a small portion of the male population. Nonetheless, it happens, and it’s affecting women everywhere, everyday. When asked about their experiences on placement in Africa, two students made it clear that women were inferior to men in society. “Walking down the street, I get yelled at and sometimes sexual abuse is hurled at me,” one student tells me when talking about her experience in Cameroon. Sexual violence is rampant

throughout the continent, and as one student in South Africa discovered, it is not something men are ashamed of. “It’s not a shameful thing, in some cases, raping a woman is seen as a sign of manhood. If a man decides to talk to you, you talk back to him or he will follow you. Touching is to be expected.” Degrading comments and negative attitudes affect many women in Ireland and abroad. However, when it comes to unacceptable behaviour, the story gets much worse. Sexual violence is an ongoing tragedy in many parts of the world. Sex trafficking, genital mutilation, incest and rape are part of daily life for so many women. When we think of Haiti, we think of the devastating earthquake that left thousands without homes in 2010. We’ve seen the news coverage of the wrecked villages all over our television screens. What we don’t see or hear about is the hundreds of girls left vulnerable in these villages, who have been at heightened risk of sexual assault due to their unsafe surroundings. In the two months following the earthquake, 230 cases of rape were reported in fifteen camps in Haiti. This happened in two months, how many more assaults has there been two years on? One of the worst affected countries, in terms of sexual violence is The Democratic Republic of Congo. According to a May 2011 study an estimated 1,152 women are raped in the country every day. The statistics are staggering, but still the voices of thousands of women fall on deaf ears. Unfortunately, the situation in the Congo represents only one chapter in a horror story. According to a recent poll conducted by TrustLaw Women, it is one of the four most dangerous countries to be a woman, along with Afghanistan,

Pakistan, India and Somalia. Before you get ready to go out tonight, take a minute to remind yourself how lucky you are that you don’t spend every minute of your life in fear. Instead of gossiping to your friends about what someone was wearing, ask them do they know about Congo? Do they know that more women in the US report being sexually assaulted than women who admit to being smokers?

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is “Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures”. This day is about making the connection between a “funny” Facebook group and the millions of real rapes happening around the globe. This day is about saying no to rape culture and rape “jokes”. It’s about standing up to people who think rape is something to be laughed about. It’s about standing up for any woman who’s ever felt uncomfortable because of a sly comment or an inappropriate action. Real changes, international advocacy and a better world for womankind will not happen unless women and men everywhere wake up and give this issue the attention it deserves.

{13} 27–02

Wearing a Mini Skirt and Downing Tequila? Surely She Was Asking for it. by Louise Hogan As apparently well educated, young women, my friends and I would consider ourselves to be pretty enlightened when it comes to matters of equality: you know, feminism and all that. But we’re not as open minded as we like to think and it’s a rather safe bet that you don’t have quite the equalitarian mindset

you thought you had either. Did you take part in Galway’s Slutwalk last year? Proudly show your solidarity with victims of sexual assault, both male and female? Well done if you did. It’s more commendable however, if you adjusted your attitude accordingly. In a very high profile case last year, a Listowel man was convicted of sexually assaulting a young woman he knew on a night out. There was no uncertainty in the case; Gardaí discovered the victim half naked behind a skip, with the accused standing over her; she had bruises consistent both with being dragged along the ground and forcibly

held down; CCTV footage clearly showed the accused carrying the victim, who was semi-conscious at the time, down an alleyway where a jury consisting of ten men and two women unanimously concluded he sexually assaulted and beat her. But as he stood in the courtroom following conviction, over fifty locals filed past shaking his hand as his traumatised victim watched in tears. The victim had a poor reputation; she was considered by many to be rather “promiscuous” and the fact that on the night in question she had seemingly passed out from drinking too much all contributed to this widespread sympathy for the man who assaulted her. This is where our true lack of enlightenment shines through. Our personal opinion of the victim and his or her past behaviour often colours our view of a sexual assault, which is ridiculous when you consider it logically. If someone you really don’t like, with a penchant for flashing money around gets robbed, you don’t absolve the thief of guilt; what if a girl you don’t like, who has a habit of dressing rather scantily and sleeping around gets raped; do you find yourself automatically qualifying the actions of her attacker? Obviously I’m not claiming a girl in a mini skirt is more likely than a girl in jeans to be sexually assaulted, nor am I ignoring the growing issue of male sexual assault victims in this country; I am focusing on our attitudes to victims of sexual assault however and the prejudices many of us hold, consciously or not. Think I’m exaggerating the issue? Consider a thief who steals a car which was parked in a notoriously crime ridden area, with its keys in the ignition and the drivers door left open. The car thief cannot

deny legal responsibility by claiming the owner of the car “was asking for it.” A man dressed in designer ware with a known reputation for giving charitably is robbed; no court would allow the defence that the victim was “known for giving it away.” These are common defences in rape cases however. These are uncomfortable questions that reveal attitudes we’re often ashamed to have but it’s something we need to address. Personally, I’ve resolved to stop using words like ‘bitch’, ‘whore’ and ‘slut’ to describe girls I know - or indeed, girls I don’t know but feel the need to comment on when I see them dress rather inappropriately for the weather. It’s not my business if a girl likes to dress a certain way or act a certain way and by labelling her because of these things, I’m contributing to a greater confusion around the issue of sexual assault. By calling another girl a ‘whore’, I’m dehumanising her. It’s not a stretch to say I’m allowing others to do the same. Two separate surveys in 2008 and 2009 found that many Irish people believe the victim is partly to blame if they are sexually assaulted; a third of people in the Republic believed a woman was partly or fully to blame if she wore revealing clothes and was subsequently assaulted; a shocking 46% of Northern Irish students questioned in a 2008 survey said women who flirted with their attackers were at least partly to blame. The Galway Rape Crisis Centre estimates that approximately 80% of the sexual assault victims they deal with knew their attacker. We all need to take responsibility for the creation of a culture where a victim’s choice of clothing and perceived reputation denies them justice and recognise that our own attitudes reflect a society which still has a long way to go in terms of equality.


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NUI Galway Masters Students Bid Farewell to a Great Teacher By Jessica Thompson It’s 9:25am on 5 September 2011. Sixteen nervous students sit around a quiet newsroom, eying each other up, sussing each other out, waiting. Tension and anticipation are thick in the air, as they awkwardly introduce themselves to whoever they're sitting beside. At half past nine, the class finally begins. He walks in - a man in his sixties, looking a little fragile. He hobbles towards the top of the room, watched by his sixteen students. He wears a woollen jumper, beige trousers, glasses, and has a patch over one eye. Despite his fragile state, he has an aura of power and

was gone before he could learn the name of even one student. Despite the shortness of their time with him, those students learned more from J.C. than they realised. Little things he did or said stuck in their minds, guiding them when they're stuck on article introductions; making them laugh at his good humour. “[Column-writing is] like having a stick, with which you beat yourself week after week.” “Newspapers contain news - not delightfully written 'arty farty' articles.” “Everything you have to say should be said in the intro.” “You walk into your

colleagues, Bernadette Prendergast: “He was a born teacher, and he was able to impart the skills of journalism in a really easy style […] Journalism is a tough career, you have to be tough. You have to have guts.” Earlier that day, on the Keith Finnegan Show, Bernadette had said, “He had an easy style, the students didn't realise it but they were learning so much from him.” And she was right. Past students may not have realised they were learning, but this year's students, after very few classes, began to realise that they had, in a short space of time, learned from him. Though they

an expert in his field and a true professional. He will be such a loss to journalism in Galway and Ireland.” Alan, Keane, the class rep, also expressed his sadness on behalf of the class: “We were all extremely sad to hear of John's passing. In the short time we knew him last semester, he taught us more about journalism than many would learn in a lifetime of Dictaphones and reporters' notepads.” “John Cunningham was a man of honesty and integrity, always fair in his work. It's a sad, sad day for Galway, and a sad, sad day for journalism,” said Katie Finnegan. Ian Colgan, however, sums up the feelings of

“When the words are inadequate to describe the man.” — John Cunningham, Galway City Tribune, 1 July 2010.

authority about him that demands respect. He lowers himself into his chair painfully and introduces himself as John Cunningham, as he has done every September for many, many years. What followed was a small number of classes in which those sixteen students covered the fictional story of Mary McGinty - a story which will be fondly remembered by many of John's past students. There were four, maybe five classes in total, and then he

local pub and people turn to you and say 'What's doin?' You tell them in one line.” So what's doin'? The death has taken place of journalist, John Cunningham, after an illness. On 8 February 2012, those same students sat in the newsroom, reading the news about, and the tributes to John Cunningham that had been pouring in since the early hours of the morning. Class begins with a tribute from one of John's

spent a mere handful of hours in the presence of this wisdom and knowledge, they knew they were lucky to have had him for even one of those hours. Tributes have poured in from all over the country for John Cunningham, and as his last class, those sixteen students who nervously awaited his arrival on 5 September 2011 would also like to pay tribute. “Although we only had him as a teacher for a few weeks,” says Roisin Peddle, “we knew that John was

Orchestra Society’s Colm O’Rourke and Steven Conroy took a joint prize in the groups category for their virtuoso Spanish guitar performance at the NUI Galway Society Bursary Finals on 22 February. Photo by Joe Hyland, PhotoSoc.

the entire class, when he speaks of his own thoughts on John Cunningham: “I consider myself one of an extremely fortunate few to have been part of the last group of Journalism students at NUI Galway that John Cunningham imparted some of his many years of wisdom upon. “I only had three or four classes with John, but in those few lessons he instilled in me at least three times as many fundamental principles of the trade that I will carry with me for the rest of my career, which, if is one ninth as highly regarded as his own, I will be able to subsist in my elder days on nothing but pride. “John Cunningham was a stalwart heavyweight of the profession; a man who understood and respected both the sharp blades and blunt edges of the craft, and how they could best be wielded to the main purpose: the mediating of news and the worship of truth.” It is the end of an era for the Masters in Journalism at NUI Galway, but the class of 2011/2012 will never forget the huge amount of knowledge gained from such a mighty figure.

{sin} 27–02

The NUI Awards By Marése O’Sullivan The National University of Ireland (NUI) Awards were established to recognise academic achievement. They offer remarkable opportunities for students to receive much-needed funding to undertake further study and research; grants and scholarships are also available. For outstanding undergraduates, the Dr. Henry Hutchinson Stewart Scholarships and Prizes give them the chance to be awarded a €1,000 Scholarship or, indeed, medals. The Literary Awards are offered to students for their First Arts results in all languages and the Medical Awards can be awarded in over twenty fields of science, medicine and healthcare. Podiatry and Radiology are two disciplines being incorporated for the first time this year. The €2,000 NUI Club London Scholarship is also a new feature, for an NUI Galway student in Film Studies. The Awards have consistently featured NUI Galway students as recipients. The NUI Registrar, Dr. Attracta Halpin, told Sin: “We have noticed that students from NUI Galway have been particularly interested in taking part in some of the competitions and not surprisingly have enjoyed considerable success.” Firstly, students produce their research proposals, which are assessed by specialists. Afterwards, applicants are shortlisted and interviewed. “What the selectors are looking for are able students with research proposals that are well thought out and presented,” Dr. Halpin explained. She revealed that the majority of funding from the Awards goes “straight to the student to support him or her through a PhD or post-doctoral programme.” The 2012 Awards will offer three prestigious Post-Doctoral Fellowships, “including the [first] Dr. Garret FitzGerald Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities.” Travelling Scholarships – founded in 1910 – are particularly valued. NUI Galway alumni Bríd Ní Ghráinne, Fiona Morrissey, Ciara Kyne and Eimear Dolan were all recipi-

ents of these Scholarships in 2011. “Generally speaking, NUI Awards attract considerable interest and are highly prized,” states Dr. Halpin. “To be able to say that you came out on top, or near the top, in a competition across all the NUI institutions marks you out as a high achiever.” The 2005 Recipient of the Dr. Mary L. Thornton Scholarship in Education, Dr. Elaine Keane, is now the Programme Director of NUI Galway’s Masters in Education. She commented: “I was delighted to win [the Scholarship]. I felt that it was, and continues to be, a very prestigious award, and it is recognised as such. This has been evident to me by the reaction of individuals on various boards and committees over the years when they see it on my C.V. […] This year, I was thrilled that my PhD student, Hannagh McGinley, was awarded the Scholarship. Having been through the whole process myself, I felt that I was in a good position to support her.” NUI Galway postgraduate Dara Folan received the Mansion House Fund Prize in Irish History and the Scoláireacht Gaeilge. He remarked: “My undergraduate dissertation in history was entitled ‘The Gaelic League and the Irish language in Galway, 18941915’. […] The official public recognition and prestige accompanying the presentation of awards is both a very humbling and encouraging experience for recipients.” He divulged to Sin what the Awards meant to him. “My first reaction on receiving the news […] was genuine disbelief,” he declared. “Overall I was delighted to have been part of what was a very successful year for NUI Galway in the Awards category. I am presently beginning a PhD in Modern Irish History at NUI Galway under the new Digital Humanities Doctoral program at the Moore Institute, and I think the official recognition by the NUI […] would certainly have helped my postgraduate fellowship application, as well as adding to my academic C.V.”

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{15} 27–02

Sustainable Campus: NUI Galway Energy Night by Damien Kilgannon On 6 March, NUIG Energy Night will take place throughout the day in the Bailey Allen Hall. This year will mark the second time the event will be held on campus and it is set to become an annual fixture in the NUI Galway calendar, building on the success of last year’s event and the plaudits it received from industry and media from far and wide. For those of you who haven’t heard about it, NUIG Energy Night is organised entirely by NUI Galway students. It aims to bring together the major players in the Irish energy sector to debate the future of energy and to introduce them to the great students and energy research pro-

grammes here on campus. Last year's event involved a Poster Showcase and competition, where researchers presented posters which displayed their research in the traditional areas such as wind, hydro and solar energy production, as well as some new cutting edge research through the disciplines of chemistry and biology. There was also a strong showing of entrants in the area of energy technology. The winning posters can be seen on the website; Last year's event culminated in a panel discussion held in a packed O’Flaherty theatre where experts in the energy sector discussed and debated how best we could try ‘Averting a future Irish energy crisis’. The discussion was lively to say the

least, with great interaction from the audience. This year the organising committee has upped the ante; spearheaded by Director Sinéad Burke, an NUI Galway graduate and current PhD student, with the help of the Energy Society founder Rory Monaghan, NUI Galway and GMIT graduate. Sinéad and Rory were founding directors of the first Energy Night and have created a daylong event, which is set to be “a truly diverse and insightful exploration of the energy situation in Ireland, through academia, industry and the community.” This student-run event is the only of its kind in Ireland and it reflects the central role the event organisers believe energy must play in the economic recov-

ery of Ireland. NUIG Energy Night is an innovative event, where the Physics, Chemistry and Energy student societies bring together all of the stakeholders in the energy sector to discuss such questions as “How best can Ireland leverage its abundant innovative spirit, entrepreneurial vision and natural resources to secure a clean, affordable energy future and a sustainable economic recovery?” This year, along with the Poster Showcase and Panel Discussion organisers have added an Industry and Careers Fair to the schedule. The Industry and Careers Fair, will give students and companies the chance to network and all students with posters in the competition will have their research on display for the compa-

nies to see. The posters will be on display in the Bailey Allen hall intermingled with the company stands throughout the day from 2pm. After the Panel Discussion, which will take place in the Bailey Allen at 6pm, a team of judges will select the winning posters and the winner will be awarded the Dr. Tom O’Connor trophy along with a cash prize. This year's Panel Discussion has big shoes to fill, but a lot of work has gone into sourcing speakers from a diverse background as possible keeping in line with the uniqueness and diversity of the event, we are confident it will be a success. The discussion will be moderated by the experienced George Lee of RTE’s Business Desk, with experts from the fields of business, enterprise and

investment, innovation and energy technology coming to NUI Galway to discuss and debate ‘Putting Energy to Work for Ireland.’ This will be the centrepiece of the NUIG Energy Night and will take place at 6pm in the Bailey Allen Hall. Featuring energy executives and experts from Ireland and abroad, including Gabriel D’Arcy, CEO, Bord na Mona, Norman Crowley, founder of Crowley Carbon, Brian O’Cathan, CEO of Petroceltic, Serial Entrepreneur George Polk, who has worked with Richard Branson and George Soros, and Tom Kelly, Clean Tech Divisional Manager with Enterprise Ireland. It is set to be very insightful and exciting event, and we are looking forward to seeing you all there.

Ah Go On, Go On, Go On… by Roisin Peddle Back in the 1990s, Channel 4 took a big gamble on an odd idea. The sitcom that premiered in April 1995 concerned the adventures of three priests stranded on a remote island off the west coast of Ireland (so remote it wasn’t on any maps: “we’re not exactly New York”). They’d all been banished to Craggy Island for misdemeanours that made them unfit to minister on the mainland. Father Ted Crilly (the late Dermot Morgan), the straight man of the series, had misappropriated a Lourdes fund for a trip to Las Vegas, giving rise to the immortal fiscal excuse “The money was just resting in my account.” The preternaturally stupid Father Dougal Maguire (Ardal O’Hanlon) had endangered the lives of several hundred nuns in an incident which was sadly never elaborated on. The alcoholic Father Jack Hackett (Frank Kelly) was too drunk, lecherous and disgusting to remain an active priest. A “frustrated old bag” of a housekeeper, Mrs Clank-Clank Doyle, kept them in vats of tea and built small greenhouses

around the parochial house before collapsing of overwork. Father Ted shouldn’t have worked. Dermot Morgan and Frank Kelly were famous in Ireland but unknown in the UK. It was hard to imagine a British audience taking to a comedy about Irish Catholic priests. The writers – two young Dubliners called Graham Linehan and Arthur Mathews - worried about what Irish audiences would make of the whole thing: would it be seen as disrespectful, or far worse, a case of English television mocking the Paddies? Luckily, Father Ted was produced at exactly the right moment. Old stigmas about the Irish in Britain were lessening with the peace process and the success of Irish bands and films. While reports of abuse in the Catholic Church were beginning to emerge, the true scale had yet to be uncovered. This meant that Father Ted’s priests were easily sympathised with, yet fun could be poked at the Church: for example, Bishop Len Brennan’s similarity with Eamonn Casey. And of course, analysis aside, Father Ted was

downright hilarious. The scripts were sharp and surreal - a special kind of Irish madness. It’s often been said that in parts of Ireland, Father Ted was a documentary. Every village in Ireland has a Tom: the Dallas-loving throwback with a propensity for extreme violence (“Have ye nothing I can kill at all?!”). It was zany and surreal, but like all the best comedies it had a warped logic all of its own. Ted could be vain and greedy, but he always won the audience’s sympathy. And like all the best fictional universes, the detail in Father Ted is astounding. In some ways the small things make Father Ted a cult classic: it’s a universe where sheep drink tea, crows steal glasses and “freak pointing” is a legitimate fairground attraction. Graham Linehan told the Irish Post in a recent interview that Father Ted was a “specific kind of magic” and it’s difficult to argue. Calling the programme a cult classic is an understatement. It joins the likes of The Simpsons in being a cultural reference point - someone says “go on, go on, go on” and an Irish person knows

instantly what they mean. It has spawned its own festival – Tedfest - which began in 2007, and this year took place from February 23 to 26. Back in 2007, Inishmore and Inis Oirr fought to the death - well a five-a-side soccer match - for the honour of being Craggy Island. Inishmore won, making Inis Oirr Rugged Island, the rival parish of Father Ted’s exact double and sworn enemy, Father Dick Byrne. Tedfest has taken place every year since on Inishmore. People dress up and participate in Ted-inspired lunacy: the Lovely Girls Contest, Morning Games with Sister Assumpta and Ireland’s Smallest Lingerie Department are just some of the events over the three days. Back on the mainland, the Roisin Dubh here in Galway also hosts some Tedfest events: the Toilet Duck Awards, and standup comedy from three stars of the show, Paul Woodfull (Father Stone), Joe Rooney (Father Damo) and Patrick McDonnell (Eoin McLove). Its seventeen years since the first episode of Father Ted premiered, and the show is bigger than ever. As Dougal might say, “That’s a bit mad Ted!”

The final performance bursary at the NUI Galway Society Bursary Finals on 22 February was awarded to Shaun Leonard, a BA Connect with Creative Writing Student who performed an original performance poem for the audience on the challenges of being Irish. Photo by Joe Hyland, PhotoSoc.


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{sin} 27–02

An Evening of Erotic Pleasures with C. Margery Kempe By Martina Gannon I recently had the immense pleasure (oo-er) of attending an evening talk with erotic fiction writer C. Margery Kempe organised by the rejuvenated English Society. Kempe has all the hallmarks of a true writer: from her inability to run out of ideas, using every available surface as a brainstorm centre, to her determined persistence in getting her work finished. This disciplined dedication manifests itself in her multitude of published works both online and in paperback form. Initially her enlightening talk brought us through the historical phases of romance, from its early Medieval and classical horror form to its current revolutionary e-book form. As well as outlining for us how, as a genre, Romance has been ridiculed and derogated by so many readers of fiction. She speaks about the ‘scorn’ genre, but describes romance as “the best-selling genre in the world” and examines the differences between male and female romance writing. She points out the mutual ridicule from both sides, while highlighting that Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels could be classed as romance for men. She also mentioned the oft-parodied use of metaphor in Romance literature. No, she does not

have a favourite metaphor for penis, although she does make reference to an Erotic thesaurus entitled The Bald-Headed Hermit and the Artichoke which is well worth a read for some raunchy giggles and for perhaps finding some new nicknames for your friends (and by ‘friends’ I don’t mean your genitalia). On writing good Romance. There is no formula. The closest writing equivalent Kempe equates to a formula is: HEA: Happy Ever After (for the real romantics) and HFN: Happy For Now, which an increasing number of the more realist readers want to read. The sensual details are very important to remember when writing good romance. The main criterion is appealing to the senses; the visual, tactile, auditory, taste, scent. She emphasises the importance of not just focusing on the visual aspect of description but also to focus on the vulnerabilities of the characters. When writing sex scenes Kempe stresses: “perfect isn’t interesting, difficult, problematic, that’s interesting.” “There is something for everyone!” Kempe explains that there are very specific publishers and that everything imaginable is possible: lesbian, gay men, LGBT and

specifically kinky stuff. As well as the more adventurous: paranormal, fairies, demons, zombies and, of course, vampires. On the ‘scorn’ involved in writing romance. Kempe admits that she too had misconceptions about writing romance in the very beginning before the passion for writing it took over. She laughs incredulously at the notion that: “romance is bad for women, it gives them unrealistic expectations.” She also maintains that “women telling their stories of desire are scorned by society.” Any advice for writers? “There is a market for everything. Write a story you enjoy and go find a market for it.” Kempe advises. “Harlequin publishing is a great support. It gives great advice to new writers and even has sections on its website whereby it outlines how to write great romance.” How important is escapism is for readers of fiction? “ I t h i n k i t ’s o v e r played,” explains Kempe, “I think it’s often used as a way to denigrate whatever genres that we’ve talked about. Any book, even if it’s very realistic, is an escape from reality and I often think it’s used as a prerogative term

English Soc springs back into action with an evening of Erotic Fiction! Dr Frances Mc Cormack, C. Margery Kempe, Claire McCallion (auditor), Martina Gannon and Lauren Dooley (PROs). Photo by Rosemary Gallagher. when it’s not really. I mean anytime somebody picks up a book they’re stepping into somebody else’s imaginary world. To denigrate romance fiction or science-fiction as escapism is cheap really: everybody’s an escapist!”

a lot of people think they can’t write erotic fiction because they haven’t had a lot of wild experiences. But like any topic you can research it.” I can imagine trying to apply for a research scholarship for that…

How do you know so much about sex? And do you think you need a great wealth of experience or just imagination? “Um experience!” she laughs. “A bit of both. I like to have an interesting sex life but also there’s a lot of reading other books, imagining things and sometimes then trying them. I think

What is the most enjoyable aspect of writing romance/erotic fiction for you? She immediately smiles devilishly. I ask her if she’s considering saying “the research”. She laughs so I take this as an affirmative response. “The wonderful thing about writing is that it’s a conjuring act - you’re

creating worlds out of nothing, worlds out of words. It’s a lot of fun. I think the best way to learn something is to have to teach it.” She refuses to sell me any of her millions of non-stop ideas but you can indulge in her imaginary world by checking out: Also, her newest novel: Man City would make anyone take an interest in football, seriously. To avoid missing future English Soc events that could spice up your sexlife, check out “English Soc, NUI Galway” on Facebook. Disclaimer: sex-life not guaranteed.

Natural Remedies By Fiona Gillespie

Students enjoying Cumann Staire's fabulous Arts Ball, 15 February. Photo by Cathrin Gaillimhiau, PhotoSoc.

As part of Green Week, one of the fantastic NUI Galway campus gardeners, Laura O’Connor, dropped into Aras na Mac Leinn to give a talk on the many uses of herbs. Along with showing us how to make a window box filled with excellent herbs for cooking - such as rosemary, lemon thyme, sage and peppermint - she showed us a few natural home remedies and explained how to make them. Witch Hazel Gel. Witch hazel gel can be used to

treat spots and acne. To make this gel, place 200g of witch hazel twigs and leaves in a pan with 500ml hot water and gently heat for about an hour. Strain the liquid through a sieve into a mixing bowl and add 6 sachets of vegetable gelatine. Stir until the gelatine dissolves and leave to cool. Add 2 tablespoons vodka and stir well, then pour into a jar. This gel will keep up to six months when stored in the fridge. Simply dap a little bit onto the infected area regularly to see great results. Peppermint Tea. Pep-

permint tea is super for easing stomach upsets and it couldn’t be easier to make. Steep one tablespoon of fresh peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water for about five minutes and then drink, preferably with your feet up and a good book in your hands. Once you’ve used these straightforward recipes, and gotten great results, why not make more home remedies? So many are available online or maybe you can pick up a dedicated book in Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop!

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Plagiarism: Nobody Likes a Copycat by Martina Gannon Have you ever been midway through an essay or assignment and found yourself struggling to find a tenth different way to imaginatively describe the title? Just how do you avoid sounding like a parroting idiot who is surgically attached to an online thesaurus? I gathered some tips from lecturers, my own super deep pool of wisdom and sought expert advice from Sharon Flynn, Assistant Director of NUIG’s Academic Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. [Excellent referencing Martina. —Ed] What are the most common signs of plagiarism? Plagiarism is when you take other people’s words, ideas, data, methods, images, etc and present them as your own. Plagiarism matters in the University because it is a missed opportunity for learning; it’s not fair on students who do genuine work; and it undervalues your degree. It’s important to realise that lecturers are not overtly looking out for plagiarism; they are not the plagiarism police. However, there are some signs that might indicate that there is a problem. Changes in language or writing style are the most common signs, or just a feeling that you’ve seen this somewhere before. What are the most effective ways to avoid plagiarism? It’s good to make use of other people’s work, and in many assignments it’s expected that you’ve read around your topic, but you have to acknowledge that it is their work. Plagiarism is fairly easy to avoid. The rule of thumb is: always acknowledge your sources. When you make use of pre-existing material, make it clear who originally wrote/ created the material.

Start working on assignments early; don’t leave it all until the last 24 hours. Make sure you document all your sources, so that you can easily put together a reference list. If you have any questions about referencing, talk to your lecturer. What support is available to students if they are suspected of plagiarism? There are lots of resources available to support students in their writing. For example, the Academic Writing Centre, based in the Library, provides a drop-in facility where students can work one-to-one with qualified tutors. The AWC also has a Facebook page and regularly posts information and updates. On Blackboard, any student can self-enrol in the Learning Centre, where there are self-study lessons on reading and note-making, critical thinking skills, academic writing, referencing and plagiarism. If you are suspected of plagiarism, you may be approached by your lecturer, who will try to help you understand where you might have gone wrong, and how to avoid plagiarism in the future. You may be invited to speak with your School’s plagiarism adviser (according to the NUI Galway Code of Practice for Dealing with Plagiarism). In that case, don’t panic. You can bring a friend to support you. Just be honest about what may have happened, and listen to any advice you are given by the adviser. What are the penalties for plagiarism? The plagiarism advisers, who make decisions about penalties arising from plagiarism, use three criteria for deciding a penalty. 1. The level of the student: are you a first year, final year, or postgraduate student? 2. Is this a first, second or

subsequent offence (i.e. are you a serial plagiariser)? 3. The extent of the plagiarism within the assignment The most common penalties are: resubmission of the piece of work, for a capped mark (usually 40%); or the assignment is immediately awarded 0%, with no opportunity to resubmit. In some cases there is no formal penalty given, but any subsequent offence will be treated more seriously. The most severe penalty that could be applied, but only in very extreme and very rare cases, would be expulsion from the University. How common is it? It’s difficult to estimate how many students plagiarise on a regular basis (as opposed to how many cases are detected and reported); research depends on students admitting to plagiarising or being accurate about reporting the behaviour of their peers. There are twenty-eight plagiarism advisers across the University, and they each deal with a number of cases each year. The total number of cases reported in any year exceeds 100. A bigger number of minor or inadvertent cases are dealt with by lecturers through feedback and support of student writing. I do hope this article has not hampered your generally ecstatic enthusiasm for writing essays. Nobody likes a copycat. Stick on your thinking caps and go find yourself a thesaurus. If you find your thinking cap is missing (god forbid) there are also other options: you can check out NUIG’s comprehensive website on plagiarism as well as the student code of conduct and if you still are not satisfied then you can interrogate the staff in each department of each subject, who are specially trained plagiarism ninjas.

— Reference your sources as you go! It will make essay writing so much easier and clearer for you and is an invaluable source of back up if you are ever accused or suspected of plagiarism. — Make the online thesaurus your new best bud. — Many lecturers recommend you keep a little list of synonyms (or ‘big words’ as I like to call them) and use them as you repeatedly find innovative ways of reinventing the essay title for the hundredth time. — Learn how to spell plagiarism. It is a shockingly difficult word to spell. Unless you ever plan on using the lame excuse of: “Me? Plagiarise? Sure I can’t even spell the word!”

Dear Darcy, I am a second year Arts student who doesn’t drink. I enjoy socialising and I have a lot of friends in college. I often go to pubs and clubs for nights out but I can never flirt with a girl after 10 o’clock because they are always drunk and for me to flirt would just be creepy. How can I meet anyone if don’t drink? It’s not that I never go out; it’s just that I don’t enjoy feeling like some type of predator when I talk to a girl. I’m a good-looking guy with a lot to offer. So Darcy, tell me how can I meet a woman without having to get drunk or compliment/publicly discuss her boobs (I’ve heard that girls like that, right?)? Many thanks, Mr. Non Alcoholic Stud Muffin Dear Non Alcoholic Stud Muffin, I suspect that your problem isn’t as unique as you think. There are plenty of people who don’t drink and many of them find girlfriends/boyfriends etc. without needing some magic spell to help them along. I think that you need to stop looking at your lack of drinking as some type of female deterrent. The best advice I can give is to focus on the qualities you have to offer and make sure you are engaging in enough social activities that don’t involve alcohol. Even if you don’t drink it’s not healthy to confine socialising to pubs and clubs. Try to meet new people through extracurricular activities like a sewing circle! It is true, you can’t perv on drunken ladies in a

Dear N.A.S.M. Are you for real? I don’t know where to start. I’m not sure if you know this but you sound creepy. Go back to your dungeon and think of a new brilliant plan to capture a woman (might I suggest the Nurses ball for next year?)! So here it is, some advice that will actually work. Unlike the advice of someone who I will not mention… 1. Grow up 2. Become brilliant. Learn to play the guitar or something worth talking about. Then you could go to some open mic night. Being on stage does wonders for a guys chance with the ladies. Only boring people need to be drunk so that they can hit on drunk women.

club but you can always ask the sober girl to dance. And take it from me, there is always a sober girl there. Whether she’s the one sitting with all the jackets or standing at the edge of the dance floor, she’s there! If all else fails – ladies and gentleman my email is below. Email me if you find yourself in the same boat as Mr. Non Alcoholic Stud Muffin! I feel a singles night on the horizon!

Hugs —Darcy P.S. Please do not go stalking the poor girls minding their friends’ jackets. It was just an example!

3. Become a Pick Up Artist. 4. Get a life! These are just a few suggestions. If these don’t work you should look into mail order brides.

That’s Life, Barnacle

For more advice please email!


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New Public

Women and the Media Industry by Patricia Prieto Blanco, Feminist Society. Women and girls in the media today are still significantly under-represented. According to the Global Media Report 2010, only 24% of the people heard, read about or seen in the news are female. They are likely to be portrayed as individuals interested in romance, dating or personal appearance; while their role as experts is greatly despised, with over 80% of experts and spokespersons in the news being men. This situation leaves us with a male-centric portrayal of the world, where not only stereotypes of gender, but also of class and ethnicity are continuously being reinforced. There is only one way left to foster change: more women working behind the scenes! Journalism was born with the aim to inform the general public about current events. This should provide citizens with a platform for active participation in political discussions. As time went by, the affairs discussed in the public sphere became denser and the time left for a local citizen to actually review each article for precision became scarce. Journalists were given a vote of confidence and the general public started to trust their competence for completeness and fairness. This lead to the rise of Journalism, the Fourth Power or ‘Fourth Estate’: a group of companies that could steer public opinion about anything in almost any direction they were willing to. Nowadays, in spite of the growing number of counter-informational sites on the internet, the situ-

ation remains practically the same. In 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stated the need of establishing frameworks to assure dignity and integrity for all human beings, "equal rights of men and women" to promote social progress. However the gender gap is still obvious and often prevents women from participating as citizens in the political and public sphere. The socalled Fourth Power, in its role of counterweight, was called to act as platform for gender-equal citizen participation, but the oligarchic and male-dominated media panorama showed and still shows little interest to contribute towards a gender-balanced society. Almost half of stories in the media reinforce gender stereotypes; while only 6% of stories challenge them, mostly authored by female journalists. However, their situation is difficult: only 37% of the full-time staff working in daily newspapers and less than 40% in TV News are women according to American Society of News Editors, 2011. In the cinema world things are no better: in 2011, “women accounted for 5% of directors, a decrease of two percentage points from 2010 and approximately half the percentage of women directors working in 1998,” according to Martha M. Lauzen of San Diego State University. Two months ago The New Work Times, after 160 years in existence, appointed Jill Abramson as its first female editor. She is a tireless fighter, who defines journalism not as her job, but as her “life”. Her trajectory reminds us of other well known iron-

ladies: Angela Merkel or Margaret Thatcher. But their stories do not help us to overcome the gender gap: quite the contrary. They reinforce the idea of ‘career-women’, who don’t dare to combine work and a personal life, and if so they are punished accordingly. Beatriz Gimeno has already alerted us about the incipient “anti-feminism” of tomorrow: not that the patriarchal system is put into question, but the progress made by the feminism of the first and second waves, including the right of us all, individuals and women, to choose. Luckily for us, Sin is the needle in the haystack with an almost entirely female editorial staff, who know how to balance work and a social life. [And college! —Ed]

{sin} 27–02

OPINION: I'm a Vegan and I Come in Peace By Robin Pötke How do you know the vegan in the room? They’ll let you know. Yes, nothing makes my blood boil like a holier-than-thou broccolimuncher who seeks to force his tree-hugging ways on me. This is chiefly because I used to be a holier-thanthou broccoli-muncher who sought to force his tree-hugging ways on other people. Now I’m just a guy who eats plants and tries hard not to be a ass about it. Too many fundamentalist vegans out there do the cause a disservice by spouting polemics and threatening guileless meat lovers with a kind of hell where they will be stabbed with carrot-pronged pitchforks and force-fed brussel sprouts by the vengeful spirits of all the animals they gobbled up in their lifetime. People don’t want someone else’s morality shoved down their throats; they want to be presented with rational arguments and, better still, impulses to think for themselves. Many seasoned animal rights

activists even recommend to exclude morals from the discourse altogether, as moralising always smacks of religion, and nobody likes a missionary. However, I think there’s a difference between moralising and making moral arguments. Granted, there’s a plethora of scientific evidence that seems to make the case for plant-based diets much better than morals ever could: Nutritionists have linked meat and dairy to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and, unsurprisingly, obesity (google “China Study”). United Nations researchers have found the ecological impact of meat and dairy farming to be more grievous than all land and air traffic combined (google “Livestock’s Long Shadow”). Then again, why do we even give a damn about the environment? Because we find it morally unacceptable to make our descendants pay for our recklessness. Morality guides our conscious behaviour in pretty much everything we do, which is why questions of morality tend to be so hotly

Musical Societey’s Oisin Minogue, who won the Audience Choice award after demonstrating his extensive knowledge of both saxophone and bouzouki at the NUI Galway Society Bursary Finals on 22 February. Photo by Joe Hyland, PhotoSoc.

contested - between cultures, between generations, and between herbivores and carnists (those who choose to eat meat). People say animals don’t need rights. Well, humans don’t need rights either. We just grant rights to one another because we think it would be nicer this way. Because we don’t like suffering. Because we’re moral beings. So let’s not shy away from looking morally at the way we treat our fellow animals: No cow, pig or chicken ever gave their consent to be deprived of their lives and liberty, and surely, no animal ever wishes to die. So, morally speaking, we are violent oppressors. Morally speaking, animals are our slaves. Many argue this is natural, that humans have simply perfected predation. After all, a lion pouncing on a defenceless antelope might look like a ruthless thug, but he doesn’t have a choice: He’s a natural carnivore and could not survive without killing. Human beings, however, are omnivores. We can get by equally well (and sometimes better) on a completely plant-based diet. Morally speaking, we have a choice. Morally speaking, we’re the only species that choose to kill for food. So, do I think you should stop eating, wearing and otherwise exploiting animals? Yes. How does that make me any different from a holier-than-thou broccolimuncher who seeks to force his tree-hugging ways on you? In that I don’t think you’re a bad person for not agreeing with me. In that I want you to question what you’ve been taught about animals and draw your own conclusions, rather than simply adopt my viewpoint. In that I’m writing this in a newspaper you may put down, dispose of and forget about at your discretion, and not screaming it in your face at the top of my lungs. Join the debate on Facebook: “SIN Newspaper, NUI Galway” — Ed

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The Galway City Museum: Tangible History for NUI Galway Students By Katy Quinn The Galway City Museum is one of the city's most treasured possessions and not only that, it functions as an important asset to the students of Galway. I decided to take this opportunity to raise some awareness of the Museum so that the students of NUI Galway might just come to appreciate this fantastic amenity. It wasn't my first visit to the museum, but it was my first time to speak to any of the employees there. Helen Bermingham is the Documentation Officer at the museum and she was quick to help with any questions I had. She told me that, due to cutbacks, there is not enough staff there to cope with any extra advertising and publicity that would then encourage people to visit.

As a result, the museum is listed in most guidebooks and information guides but they do not have a marketing department or enough staff to cope with the influx of people if one was established. I had heard about a volunteer programme between the University and the Museum but when I enquired about this I learned that unfortunately no such programme exists. It was something that was talked about frequently and even advertised at one stage but it never came to fruition. According to Emma Quinn, a volunteer at the museum and NUIG alumna, there was one afternoon of conservation work between the museum and NUIG but nothing more ever came of it: "It is unfortunate, but circumstances may have arisen on both sides,

that prevented it going ahead, you never know they might reopen the situation in the future." Emma also added that “NUI Galway are a bit behind, compared with the other colleges of Galway, in relation to making students aware that they can volunteer at the museum.” However, NUI Galway has had a lot of involvement with the museum in past exhibits and events. Helen explained that these included, “Science week organised by the Science Department, Brain Awareness by the Neurology Department and the History students organised an exhibit in the past.” The Museum also hosts book launches and lectures from NUIG with some lecturers even holding classes there. She added “There has been collaboration between us

and members of staff from some departments, such as Archaeology and History, in the development of exhibitions like dating artefacts etc.” F o r t u n a t e l y, t h e museum is open to taking on volunteers should anyone wish to gain more experience of the kind of work that takes place there. As Emma said, "Since the cultural heritage sector is taking a knock in the recent cutbacks, it’s important to remember that students are the way forward and their contribution and volunteer work could help to breathe new life into a museum that some students seem to have forgotten.” The Galway Museum has been housed in a new and thoroughly modern building, just through the Spanish Arch, since 2007. The building is light and

open allowing a great expanse for the exhibits that it houses. These include a massive Galway Hooker fishing boat in the atrium that can be seen from every angle as visitor’s move between the floors. The ground floor hosts ‘Prehistoric and Medieval Galway,’ following an Art Gallery, ‘Cinema and Galway’ and ‘Dance Hall Days’. The final floor houses, perhaps the most intriguing exhibit in the Museum if you’re interested in military history: ‘Galway and the Wars of Empire’. Not only does this exhibit include the names of those men involved in the Easter Rising, it lists the names of those who fought bravely in World War I. The First World War is a very important period in Irish history that cannot be forgotten and is detailed with great care

in this exhibit. I was pleased to hear that the students of NUI Galway in the past had used the museum to their advantage; creating exhibits and, like Emma, volunteering there. Even if you are not studying within either of these departments, the museum houses an art gallery and information on the Galway Arts Festival. If you are interested in literature there is an exhibit devoted to the memory of the famous, Galway born, Irish poet Pádraic ó Conaire. There is something for everyone to enjoy and it is right in the heart of this historic city. For anyone looking for more information, the staff at the Museum will be more than happy to assist and any students who wish to volunteer should visit Galway County Council.

A Mysterious Object From Under the Engineering Building by Ros O Maolduin NUI Galway may only have been established in 1845, but people have been knocking around the space that was to become our campus for a lot longer. The earliest evidence we have is an exciting find discovered where the new engineering building now stands, during archaeological investigations in 2008. The find in question was a mysterious Bronze Age weapon called a halberd,

found by a graduate of NUIG’s Department of Archaeology, Billy Quinn. Billy now works as an archaeological site director with Moore Group, a Galway based archaeological firm with a particular interest in the production and consumption of prehistoric alcohol (www.mooregroup. ie). Halberds are daggerlike metal blades that were mounted on a long wooden shaft at a right angle. They date to the

Early Bronze Age (c. 23001900 BC) and have been found in Ireland, Iberia and central Europe. Just over 600 have been found and of these over 170 are from Ireland. Archaeologists normally consider halberds as ‘ritual’ rather than ‘functional’ tools. This interpretation stems from a presumed clumsiness in hand, which after holding and swinging a replica I can personally attest is not true. Ronan O’Flaherty, who made the

Replica halberd made by Ronan O’Flaherty of Crane Bag Consulting

replica, recently did a PhD in UCD on the function and context of halberds. In the course of his work Ronan had occasion to test the effectiveness of halberds on sheep cadavers “unskinned and still warm” obtained from an abattoir. Ronan’s replica halberd proved to be effective and deadly! According to Ronan “a short chopping blow, raising the weapon no more than a couple of feet and delivered with confidence rather than brute force was sufficient to pierce the skull, often very deeply indeed.” With the assistance of the engineers at UCD, Ronan has gone on to conduct more controlled experiments, and shown that the notches found on many halberd blade edges were most probably made by clashes with other halberds. So our NUIG find may have been

People wielding halberds in rock-art of Val Fontalba, Mount Bego, Southern France a weapon, arguably one of the first objects specifically designed to kill another human: most previous items used for combat were simply adapted from an existing tool form. But does this exclude a ‘ritual’ explanation? From ethnographic studies (studies of living cultures) we have learnt that many traditional communities around the world do not make as strict a division between the sacred and profane, as we in the West

often do. It is still likely that there was a ritual dimension to the use of our halberd and depictions of figures wielding such objects from the Alps conjure up images of ceremonies with dancing and other less bloodthirsty social practices. The NUIG halberd has been conserved and is now on display at the Galway City Museum. The museum is open 10am 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday and admission is free!


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No Regrets by Ciara O’Brien Judging by the amount of people who, according to Facebook, have read ‘The Top 5 regrets of the dying’ it is clear that I’m not the only one who is concerned about leaving college with massive regrets. Regrets ranging from working too hard (it’s hard to imagine many people here suffering from that dilemma), to having the courage to express their feelings. So take this as an excuse to skip a week of lectures and tell everyone you don’t like, just how much hatred you feel toward them. That’s your responsibility, but this article will help push you towards graduation with no regrets! On that note, I have received advice from one of the wonderful Varsity college basketball coaches under the strict instructions that I wasn’t to reveal her identity. Her advice is, true to form, to join as many clubs and societies as possible, all of which can be found through www. She goes on to say that this particularly important for first year students: “There's so many clubs and societies to choose from it gives people a chance to try something new. From a clubs perspective, most have beginners’ levels so you're mixed in with people who will be as clueless as yourself!” Try out something you’ve never done before, something new: college is all

about new experiences and meeting new types of people after all. She herself is glad she got involved with the basketball team, and claims that between the actual tournaments and games, the highlight being the Varsity Tournament in April, and the nights out for “team bonding” there’s never a dull moment! “I have had some of the craziest experiences since first year from this club!” And from what I can see she’s made some of the best friends. Unless you plan on living your college life ala Asher Roth getting involved is one of the most important things a student can and should do. We should constantly be participating in activities and groups so that we can have many a fond memory to look back on, and friends to laugh about it with when we’re in the real world. The most common aim when we hit college is to graduate, with flying colours of course. To get a totally opposite perspective on college life I’ve also enrolled Galway University Musical Society’s Sophie Connolly who was the director of the wonderful Spring Awakening this year. She says that college, to a first year Arts student (her own course of choice), consists of partying, making new friends, joining societies, partying, and if you have the time attending introductory

{sin} 27–02

Festival Fever lectures and choosing your subjects. She advises indulging, enjoying your first year but at your own risk! Her plan was to pass first year (“which I can safely say I achieved… somehow”), behave responsibly without the influence of alcohol and to be part of as many societies as she could “and that’s when GUMS took over.” “When I got one of the lead roles in The Wedding Singer I was shocked. I loved every minute of being in the musical so this year when GUMS were looking for a director for ‘Spring Awakening’ I jumped at the chance. Directing a musical and balancing college work has been difficult but I wouldn’t change it. I’d advise all first year students to get involved in GUMS or a society you really like. Directing Spring Awakening has been one of the most rewarding college experiences I’ve had.” Like all of us though, Sophie has regrets that extracurriculars may have taken over the focus from college work, but it’s all relevant! I’m sure at some point I had dreams of getting a first in my exams which is something I wish I had kept focused on. But I also wish I had auditioned for more DramSoc shows; both goals I’m hoping to get around to this year. To new college students whatever you don’t get around to in first year there is always second year.

By Ashling O Loughlin In recent years music festivals have become a popular alternative to sun holidays, particularly with students. It is cheaper to head off to a festival for a weekend, rather than talking a whole week off work and paying a fortune to stay in a resort. The low cost of camping in a tent and bringing your own booze along means that you get to have a break, without it costing an absolute fortune. The cancellation of Oxegen this summer came as such a let-down to so many festival goers. As one of Europe’s best festivals, the Kildare based music event attracted 70,000 campers every year and guaranteed a star filled line up. However, despite the disappointment, there are still many other options this Summer. Perhaps its absence might even give people the opportunity to explore other avenues in the festival world. Ireland boasts so many other great music events that this could be the Summer to become acquainted with some of them. One the most attractive of these, is of course The Electric Picnic in county Laois. This circus of art, music, holistic health and theatre takes place in Stradbally every year over the first weekend of September. A three day camping ticket costs €240 and it is a really chilled out

and unique atmosphere, with great music acts. However, if this is a bit arty-farty for you, and you aren’t feeling the hipster vibe, then there’s always the more ‘craic’ oriented Fleadh Ceol. The Fleadh is one of the best weekends you will ever spend in Ireland and is well worth the trip over the border this Summer. Having been relocated to Co. Derry, the celebration of Irish music will take place at the end of August in the UK City of Culture. Heading to the Fleadh can be a cheap weekend as there is no ticket expense so all you have to worry about is bringing a tent and your tin whistle with you. While Ireland has a great selection of events to offer, travelling abroad to experience another country’s festivals and culture is something to definitely consider. And it’s not half as expensive as you might expect. Most European cities are quite cheap to fly to, and there is the added bonus of warm weather. You will find that most festivals have the exact same bands and performers as Ireland, but the tickets are actually cheaper. Also, when it comes to transport, food and drink, pretty much everywhere else in Europe is cheaper than Ireland. So you won’t need the same budget that you would require for a weekend of camping at Punchestown.

The Sing n Tonics won a joint prize in the groups category with for their mesmerising Lady Gaga cover, at the NUI Galway Society Bursary Finals on 22 February. Photo by Joe Hyland, PhotoSoc.

Take the Rock en Seine music festival in Paris as an example. With a three day camping ticket costing just €125, it would be nearly cheaper to go to Paris, than spend the weekend in Ireland. The festival takes place at the very end of August, so you’re guaranteed great weather. Set in the idyllic woodland of the Domain Stadium, just off the River Seine, the location itself is enough to travel for. And it doesn’t stop there, with the French being a very clean and civilised crowd of people, everything is very chilled out at the festival and the campsite is spotless. No fear of having your stuff robbed or your tent set on fire. There are festivals like this all over Europe throughout the Summer. For you devoted rock fans, there’s Roskilde in Denmark, which is the biggest music festival in Northern Europe and was first founded in 1971. Acts this year include Bruce Springsteen and the E.Street Band, The Cure and Bjork. It runs from the 5 - 8 July and tickets are around €260 for three days. Unless you’re over 60, in which case you are entitled to free admission to the event. So start working on your fake I.D now. If you’re not really into rock music but you love the fun of a festival, then Tomorrowland in Belguim promises to be buzzing with party and dance music. The festival is set in the aptly named town of Boom, and this year David Guetta and Fat Boy Slim are already lined up to play the event. It takes place from the 27 29 July and a three day ticket costs €228. There has a been a lot of talk about Tomorrowland in Ireland this year, and with its timing in July it could be the perfect replacement for Oxegen. With such a diverse range of music festivals happening in so many countries, its a great excuse to get away, see the world and hear all your favourite bands. I’m probably not going to make Failte Ireland’s Christmas card list next year by saying this, but I know I’d go for flip flops in France over wellies in Wexford any day.


F eatures


{21} 27–02

Gaming App Review By Sean Mooney

Gaming apps for mobile devices – they’re unavoidable nowadays. Whether you’re on the bus, in the Bialann, or up the back of the lecture hall, you’re bound to see someone trying to beat their friend’s latest highscore in some easy-to-play-but-difficultto-master game.

or hinder your gameplay with adverts to buy more virtual coins. Angry Birds – Demo Version Rating: 8.5/10 Grab the bird and catapult it at the pigs’ fortress… Sounds easy? Just you try it! This fast-paced game will provide hours of fun as you strive to complete

You’re faced with an adorable little

chicken (in an egg) who’s trying to

chase the cheeky rabbit down a hole.

But what’s the best app to get? How much should you pay for one? Does it matter what type of phone/tablet you have? We’ve had a look at five of the most popular games currently available in the app-stores. They’re all designed for Android, iPhone and iPad. All of them are free, but they’ll either try to get you to upgrade to the full version,

the 15 free levels. There are a variety of difficulties and the physics involved is quite advanced. Unlike other games there’s an online version available, and the 79 cent charge for the full 200 levels is very good value. The main downside is that too much comes down to the luck of ‘Rovio Mobile’s subtle physics algorithms. Also, it can

become repetitive without a friend to compete against. All in all though, it’s a worthwhile download. Temple Run Rating: 8/10 What first struck me about this game is its pure simplicity. You’re running through an abandoned temple from demonic monkeys, and you’ve to turn left and right, jump or slide through the gauntlet ahead. There’s even a quick tutorial to start you off, before the speed gradually picks up and you’re full-focused on just trying to survive. Unlike other games, there’s not as much pressure on you to purchase extra coins, and the various objectives and strategies really give this game its addictive appeal. On the downside each level is practically the same, with the randomized courses doing little to repel that feeling of repetitiveness. I can see how this game quickly gets tiring, but there’s no way I’m

going to quit whilst my friend still has a higher score! Egg Punch Rating: 7/10 ‘Pixel Juice’ have really gone for the cuteness factor on this one! You’re faced with an adorable little chicken (in an egg) who’s trying to chase the cheeky rabbit down a hole. This original spin on crazy golf is equipped with pristine, colourful graphics and it really appeals to the whole family. It’s similar to Angry Birds in that its quick levels are perfect for short breaks. Unfortunately, unlike Angry Birds it will continuously offer to sell you virtual coins (used to progress through levels) and you’re faced with the choice to either try and earn them for free yourself, actually buy them, or stop playing. Where’s my Water? – Demo Version Rating: 6.5/10 Currently doing well

on the downloads chart is another educational gaming App from Disney. Your goal is to help Swampy the crocodile get water for his shower by clearing a path for the water to flow through. The levels get increasingly more complex until you’re racking your brain for the best way to navigate the maze of pipes, blocks, bombs and everything else in the way of this ‘gator’s cleanliness! Although the water-flow physics is quite impressive, there’re only so many times you can complete the same puzzle. Maybe other people will find this game more appealing, but I’m certainly not going to be buying the full version any time soon.

and ammo upgrades along the way, you need to strategically choose your missions for optimum scores. Unfortunately, good graphics don’t sell an app, and the number of financial requests during this free game is a massive turn-off. Whilst doing it on the cheap (typical student style!) is possible, it takes a while to build up enough coins to progress and the missions quickly become repetitive. Basically, it’s good craic, but you won’t have too much fun unless you pay!

Contract Killer Rating: 6/10 I don’t recall ever being so impressed with an App’s graphic design. This shooting game challenges you to work swiftly and accurately to exterminate/neutralise your target(s). With gun

In conclusion, every application-designing company is out to make money, and it would be unfair to expect to play the games without some sort of comeuppance. However, I would still urge you to try them all (sure what have you to lose). Each person is different, and you might end up feeling that 79 cent is worth the hours of enjoyment gained.

and “He stole my Finding Nemo blanket: make sure he sleeps with the fishes.” With such ruthless ambi-

tions no doubt he’ll be running in the NUIG Student Union elections once he grows up.

NUI Galway Memes By Gerard Madden Over the last few days, meme humour has gone beyond the horizons of those who lurk on the dark recesses of 4chan to reach the mainstream of NUIG and campuses nationwide. Courtesy of a not so anonymous contributor we’ll call Conor S - sorry, too obvious, we’ll just call him C Stitt - many students on campus will be bemused by the eclectic list of images that have been clogging up their Facebook feeds over

the last few days thanks to ‘NUI Galway Memes’. It seems that almost every aspect of campus life can be related back to a meme in some way, shape or form, and now your student newspaper gives you an exclusive guide to NUI Galway memes! Digs against our allegedly inferior neighbours in GMIT draws much of NUIG Memes’ humour, with our separated brethren on the other side of the city getting no mercy from the page’s barbs. It seems

our anonymous satirists don’t have much regard for the intelligence or the employability of students on the other side of the city, with GMIT students portrayed as children playing with crayons and fools in general. The fact that said satirists are creeping ever closer to failing their exams courtesy of the endless hours lost on NUIG Memes and the countless brain cells lost in the process, seems hilariously lost on them! Other targets of NUIG’s students include Trinity College, with members of said university being rather stereotypically compared to Orangemen and Redcoats, with a few NUIG students obviously still aggrieved they didn’t get their first choice in their CAO. Other scapegoats include the library’s bouncers, with the contributors to the page obviously not faring well with the library’s staff. Those in Áras na Gaeilge aren’t

immune from the page’s criticisms either, with the college’s Gaelgeoiri being compared to everyone’s favourite Blasket islander, Peig Sayers. The memes have also dealt with many of the more idiosyncratic features of NUIG society; never before has the selfless task of holding every door in the IT department open for the person behind you been depicted so well. ‘Scumbag’ Blackboard and its tendency to crash just as an assignment is due is also a major target on the page. I’m disappointed with the fact that Baby Godfather hasn’t featured much in the page so far, which is a shame, as he is one of the best memes to have emerged to-date. Our titular, tuxedo-wearing hero has been known to issue threatening statements such as “The cow goes moo and the duck goes quack, let’s see what kind of sound a rat makes!”


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{22} Arts & Entertainment {sin} 13–10


One Man - 10,000 Voices review: Red State by Ruth Quinlan Billed as the “Man of 10,000 Sound Effects,” Michael Winslow certainly delivers as promised. In the Roisin Dubh recently, I watched (or more accurately, heard) Jimi Hendrix riffing at Woodstock, an explosive space battle from Star Wars, and the dulcet rasps of Louis Armstrong — all from just one man on stage. He is perhaps best known for his role as Larvelle Jones in the seven Police Academy movies. However, he has also continued touring the world doing live stand-up gigs as well as regular TV work. When Winslow first appeared, I realized how long it had been since Police Academy and stars like Steve Guttenberg had been major movie earners. Back in the 80s, Winslow had played a young, skinny police cadet. Now, standing on stage in front of me, was a thick-set, middle-aged man. Age had not slowed him down, however. Despite some initial trouble with the microphone, Winslow forged ahead and quickly

got the crowd onside. I pitied the girls sitting up at the front, especially when he started doing impressions of the various Rabbit vibrator settings and winking down knowingly at them. They squirmed in their seats, unsure of whether to feign ignorance or laugh it off. Lucky enough to have found seats at the sold-out gig, I was tucked away safely out of sight. He then moved onto various scenarios where his talents are regularly put to some rather deviant uses. Crack addicts are freaked out in the fruit and veg section by jungle noises, flight attendants are driven to distraction when call-buttons keep pinging, and cashiers are fleeced when groceries are beeped for free through the scanner. I would not recommend shopping or flying with this guy. However, Winslow outdid himself with his rendition of Star Wars. When he spoke of seeing it for the first time, it was obvious that he lives to collect sounds, much like magpies seek out shiny trinkets. With a look of over-

joyed awe on his face, he asked, “Do you know how many sound effects there are in Star Wars?!” A rhetorical question of course; nobody had a clue - we all just knew it was an awful lot. Sitting cross-legged on the floor while the muted movie clip played on a screen behind him, he provided an orchestra’s worth of sounds. Dialogue for Han, Luke, Leia and the droids, Wookiee expletives, explosions, laserfire, gun-ship fly-bys — all provided courtesy of Winslow. Working at an amazing rate, he was right on cue with each noise and voice. By the end of the fiveminute clip, I was breathless in sympathy, even though he was the one doing all the talking. This level of energy continued until he closed out the gig by serenading us with the Satchmo classic, What a Wonderful World. He got a huge round of applause as we all finally caught our breath. Winslow is a lucky man in my opinion. He has pulled off what most of us only dream about –succeeding in making a living from a beloved hobby.

By Paul Varley Kevin Smith has been knocking out films for nearly twenty years now and is best known for his famous duo Jay and Silent Bob (Bob he plays himself). But his most celebrated work is his debut film Clerks way back in 1994, with few hits since . Red State might be his road back to form. Starting as a teen slasher film, a trio of horny high school teens find a woman online who will have sex with them. She then leads them to speed down to a caravan in the middle of the woods to get their rocks off with an older women (original stuff, I know). The film then shifts gears when the teens wake up in a church to a scorning fire and brimstone sermon by pastor Cooper, about God hating all types of deviants especially homosexuals. Michael Park portrays the role brilliantly as a patriarch of one of those insane fundamentalist churches who’s followers live in a compound and

are all one family. Smith has seemingly based them on the Westboro Babtist Church, led by pastor Fred Phelps, and is apparently having a go at their skewed sense of morality and blatant bigotry. These are the type of people that protest at soldier’s funerals and thank God for AIDS. Smith has also used them to promote the film in different parts of the U.S inviting them to protest at certain screenings, in a great piece of free promotion. The plot takes a new direction when A.T.F. agents show up led by Joesph Keenen (John Goodman). Smith is not afraid to stick the dagger in to the government as well and their handlings of situations like these. The one that springs to mind is the Branch Davidian siege in 1992. The rest you will have to see for yourself. The best thing about the film is the usual snappy dialogue from Smith and the central performances from Goodman and Parks, the heads of two opposing groups. Parks as the iron-

fisted, but beloved head of the family, comes over as a calculating sociopath with a strong belief in his righteous hate of deviants. Backed by the bible, he is also devout family man, loved by all his flock. Goodman on the other hand is a likable A.T.F. agent with a somewhat skewed moral compass and aggressive nature. The rest of the characters are secondary and used to move the plot along sometimes violently and confusingly. The film doesn’t really know what it is, a horror an action or political satire; it messily changes gears at times and is on the face of it unfinished. But Smith has achieved something out of that mess. It is bold, it has a swipe at fundamentalists and government with equal vigour and gives the middle finger to gun nuts and big America. This film offers a refreshing take on this genre and with two great performances from Parks and Goodman, it will leave you frustrated, shocked and amazed in equal measure.

The Jerome Hynes Memorial One-Act Play Series By Michael Healy The Jerome Hynes Memorial Competition was launched in 2005, and has run every year since. Jerome Hynes, an alumni of NUI Galway, died suddenly at age fourty-five in September 2005. During his life he was general manager of Druid (1988-88) and chief executive of the Wexford Festival Opera (1988-2005). He also served as Deputy Chairman of the Arts Council of Ireland in his final two years. He made an obvious and significant contribution to the arts in Ireland throughout his life. It’s fitting then that, eight original one act plays will receive their first perform-

ance during Theatre week in the competition that bears his name. The plays vary greatly in their subject matter. Family conflicts seem to making a strong showing, with searches for biological parents, unprepared fathers, and tension with friends, sisters and parents popping up in the blurbs placed on the plays. There’s scope for comedy dark or otherwise in many and intrigue and drama seems evident in others. The characters stretch from failing clowns to some Irish lads on the lash in New York for paddy’s day, and there’s even an unofficial (I assume) sequel to Cathleen Ní Houlihan amongst the plays. With eight plays and

tickets for the omnibus only €10, and €8 for students, I can’t see how anyone with even a miniscule interest in theatre could be disappointed. The plays will run at lunchtimes and in the evenings from 27 February to 2 March in the Cube, Aras na Mac Leinn. All eight can be seen at once at the Omnibus on Friday 2nd from 6pm, this is followed by an awards ceremony. Other events throughout Theatre Week include three radio plays created by student playwrights working in conjunction with Flirt FM, which can be heard at the festival launch in the View from 12.30pm to 2pm on Monday the 27th. They can also be heard on Flirt FM.

Hannah O’Reilly(background), Helen Hughes, Meaghan Smyth, Eilish McCarthy, Aoife Noone, Samuel Ó Fearraigh, Tara Faherty (background) from the all-female cast of Hamlet with Dramsoc. Photo by Matt Burke. Dramasoc are performing Eve Einsler’s Vagina Monologues, with proceeds in aid of the Galway Rape crisis centre, as well as a production of Hamlet.

The Philosophy Society is holding a reading of Plato’s Republic and the Rock Soc will have the Witless Showcase on Tuesday the 28th in the College bar.

Tickets for all the events are available from the SocsBox. For more information on any of the events or Theatre Week in general visit

{sin} Arts & Entertainment {23} 13–10


The Original Rude Boys Review: The Grey By Alan Keane And it goes a little something like this: “These labels said we were just too different. Dublin hiphop would never work, There’s something missing. The accent is too deep, it’s too strong, And now most of them are singing along.” - These lyrics from the forthcoming single ‘Travelling Man’ by Rob, Neddy and Walshy, the talented trio that make up The Original Rudeboys, pretty much sum up the last twelve months for the band. They’ve hit the milestone of one million views on YouTube, and their song “Stars In My Eyes” had a top three spot on the iTunes chart. And let’s not forget their slot at Oxegen. Not bad for a bunch of lads from the Five Lamps area of Dublin’s inner-city. It’s difficult to categorise the band. Rob is the Gerard Pique look-alike with a voice in the mould of troubadour Ray La Montagne. Poetic lyrics roll easily off the tongue of rhymer Neddy. And Sean (Walshy)

plays the ukulele. He plays the ukulele good. The Script are a trio who have made it big in recent years, with Danny O’Donoghue’s combination of rap and soulful choruses. With all due respect however, The Script is severely lacking in the ukulele department. Success like what The Script has attained is surely on the agenda for The Original Rudeboys. Their soon to be released single was cowritten and produced by a man who is no stranger to success. Jake Gosling is the producer of Brit nominee, Ed Sheeran (you may have heard of him). The new single ‘Travelling Man’ is a nod to the band’s last year, which has been spent mainly on the road touring (they’ve played sold out shows at The Sugar Club and The Workman’s Club). It’s all in the name of the game however, and their growing fan base both at home and abroad shows that their hard work has paid off. They’ve also supported musical acts as diverse as Sinead O’Connor, The

Game and Olly Murs, which gives you an indication as to their wide appeal. Their debut single, ‘Stars In My Eyes’, hit number three in the iTunes charts, and the official video for the song is available to watch now on YouTube. Take a look. While you’re there, ignore the urge to search “talking dog” and look instead for the videos of the three lads performing their tunes on a couch. Much more rewarding than ‘Charlie bit my finger.’ The Original Rudeboys are currently touring the country, with upcoming dates in Dublin, Dundalk, Cork and Wexford to name but a few. If you get a chance, go see them. ‘Travelling Man’ is available on CD and download on 9 March, and includes three non-album tracks, most impressive of which is the heart-rending ‘The Last Goodbye’. If the non-album tracks are this exciting, then the question is; How good are the album tracks going to be? Find out for yourself. The album, This Life, is out Friday 23 March.

By Kenneth Glennon Advertised as a punch up between Liam Neeson and a pack of man-eating Wolves, director Joe Carnahan’s film The Grey arrives as a surprisingly thoughtful, slow paced survival thriller. The movie is based on a group of working men whose plane crashes in the Alaskan wilderness and find themselves prey to a group of wolves whose territory they have invaded. With the odds stacked against them they are rallied into action by Ottaway (Neeson) a sharpshooter who prior to the crash was hired to protect workers on rigs from animal attacks. When we first meet Ottaway he is a defeated man who, mourning the death of wife, is about to commit suicide only for the cry of wolf in the distance halting him. When we see him next it is to board the doomed flight that by its end will leave him fighting desperately for his life. Assessing the balance between wolf action and drama in The Grey, it is worth obser ving that

while the wolves exist as an ever-present threat to the dwindling survivors, the bulk of the film centres on how the men attempt to survive the unforgiving conditions. The supporting cast such as Dermot Mulroney (Zodiac) and Frank Grillo (Warrior) really shine in their response to the life or death situation that they face. Carnahan gives us just enough detail to care about their respective faiths and as a result each death carries some resonance rather than being a vehicle for CGI wolf attacks. This is a more contemplative film than one might expect given the adverts, or Neeson’s recent high profile releases such as Taken, Unknown or The A-Team would suggest. That said the film is not without thrills and when the wolves do appear they are used to maximum effect either in brief but brutal attacks on the survivors or in one memorable scene seen only by the light of their eyes as they descend upon the men’s camp. Their ominous howls guarantee they are never far from the action. But it’s Neeson’s

movie and he is excellent in a commanding performance. Playing the group’s own Alpha Male it’s hard to imagine the directors alleged first choice Bradley Cooper holding the screen as convincingly as Neeson does. Whether he’s forcefully stopping a fellow survivor from stealing a dead man’s wallet, talking a fatally wounded man through his death, staring down the pack of wolves or movingly making the most out of the subplot involving the death of Ottaway’s wife, Neeson delivers throughout. It’s a consummate performance in a film that takes its time; sometimes appearing to run out of steam given the sparse story being told. But it successfully builds to a satisfying conclusion on the back of a terrific central performance, fine work from the ensemble cast and steady direction from Carnahan. A director who, as well as writing the film from Ian McKenzie Jeffers short story Ghost Walkers, deserves credit for shooting on location in British Columbia and giving the film an invaluable level of authenticity.

The Not-so-Irish IFTAs By Roisin Peddle The Irish Film and Television Awards have gotten a kicking since they were broadcast on Saturday 11 February. There was a bizarre moment when Kathryn Thomas allegedly stormed the stage at the after-party and gave out to the lead singer of Alabama 3 for inciting “riots”. The Catholic Church was not impressed that Prime Time Investigates won Best Current Affairs/News after the Father Kevin Reynolds libel case. Loose definitions of Irishness were used in some nominations- Game of Thrones, HBO’s fantasy epic, was partly shot in Northern Ireland so it qualified for an IFTA nomination. Brenda Fricker called the ceremony “cringeworthy.” The people of Ireland reacted with the usual scorn reserved only

for RTE. The awards themselves, compered by Simon Delaney, were predictably boring, but then again, all award ceremonies are. We watch for the wit of the hosts; usually a mildly incisive, but never offensive, somewhat funny repartee. We watch to gawk at our celebrity idols, to marvel at their luvvie speeches and their grace. We watch to see what they wear. We watch in case someone has a mental breakdown on the redcarpet. If most people are honest, they don’t really watch to see who wins. Who won the IFTAs? Brilliant Galway-set film, The Guard, scooped most of the film awards, and Love/Hate swept the TV board. While, Michael Fassbender won the best actor gong for Shame. So far, so predictable. Of course they are pre-

dictable. The Irish film industry produces a handful of movies a year. RTE deserves the criticism it gets for not having the imagination to fund exciting new projects, instead going for boring, safe options. It seems that they will always prefer to splash a lick of green paint over a British reality format than fund a quality Irish drama. TV3 lacks RTE’s funding for drama and again, relies on reality and imports. TG4 makes quality drama but is limited by its small budget and its perceived minority status. With all this considered, is it any wonder that the IFTAs roll out the same faces every year? Rather than self-congratulation, it might be better to take the kinder view that the IFTAs intend to promote talent on a very small island. It’s hardly fair to compare them with the Oscars.

H o w e v e r, t h e r e i s one thing the IFTA’s can improve on for next year: they can take the fulllength dress stipulation off the invites. This year’s red-carpet was incredibly disappointing, with only Chris O’Dowd’s fiancée Dawn Porter ignoring the rule in a black and silver dress, which, although nice, wouldn’t have looked out of place in Karma. Laura Whitmore was probably the best dressed on the night, although her red gown was nothing special. It’d be hard to make that girl look ugly. The fashion was a pale imitation of that at the BAFTAs. It could be argued that the entire ceremony is a facsimile of the BAFTAs down to the name. But who knows what the tenth IFTAs in 2013 hold? More of the same, or something new?

NUI Galway Energy Night organisers and sponsors at the launch evening, ahead of the big event on 6 March. Including Clodagh Barry and Amber Walsh Olesen (EXPLORE), Padraic O’Donohue (Engineers Ireland), Denise Horan (Shell) and Maricka Burke Keogh (Enerit). For more see nuigenergynight. com. Photo by Denis Wettmann, PhotoSoc.

{24} Arts & Entertainment {sin} 13–10


They Hope You’ll Think They’re Lunatics By Michael Healy Gearbox, the five piece that won the Witless competition, were poising themselves for three gigs in rapid succession when I interviewed them. Preparing to compete in the Societies Bursary Competition on 22 February, the alternative Rag Week festival, and the Witless winners showcase on the 28th in the College Bar, they seemed excited and confident. Alan Callery, lead vocalist spoke for his band mates, Zubin Shrestha (Lead Guitar), John O’Conner (Guitar), Stephan Murphy (Bass) and Colm Rogers (Drums), saying “We’re definitely up for it.” Colm complained only slightly

about the need to lug around all the equipment. When asked how they thought their fans viewed them, Alan answered with “I hope they think we’re a bunch of lunatics … a band to have the craic.” This desire for energy and fun carries over into the bands interesting logo. It is inspired by Zubins dog, named Punty, who managed to get its head stuck in a can of dog food which he had stolen from Zubin’s neighbour. The image combined with the slogan “Innocence and Gluttony,” which the band say came from the wise mind of Zubin, will adorn the bands t-shirts. If the t-shirt is sounding good, you can enquire about them

through Gearbox’s Facebook page. Gearbox have some shows coming up on 28 February in the College Bar and on 22 April in the Róisín Dúbh. All five members are studying here at NUIG and as a result plan to record their song “Burnout” and shoot the music video for it during the summer, because as Alan said, “education comes first”. The band said they are working on new material which they hope to record this summer after playing it live for a while and perfecting it. As the interview came to an end Alan asked if I was going to ask them what their favourite Icecream was, probably trying to highlight how strange

some interview questions can be, so I asked. Turns out Icebergers are the favourite amongst the four musicians. I warned them that if I included it here in print, as I have done, they may be bombarded by Icebergers at future gigs by the adoring masses. The band seemed to think it was a good idea and put in a request for some chicken rolls as well. They listed their common influences as Thin Lizzy and Pearl Jam, with Colm citing the drummers of Led Zeppelin and Avenged Sevenfold. Alan also spoke of how he was impressed by the vocals of Danny O’Reilly from the Coronas. They said their sound is inspired by Classic Rock, but with their own inventive elements thrown in. If you want to judge for yourself check out s:tv’s

Witless winners Gearbox performing at the final in the College Bar on 7 February. Photo by Kieran Durcan, PhotoSoc. coverage of Witless online. My advice for anyone planning to attend one of Gearbox’s gigs is, bring along an Iceberger and maybe even a chicken roll for the band. Perhaps help them carry some equipment in beforehand. They kept me entertained through our short interview. If they can

hold a crowd half as well they won’t disappoint. Gearbox wish to thank everyone who came to Witless and supported them. You can also catch Gearbox at the Postgraduate Ball in the Meyrick Hotel on 22 March. Tickets €45 on sale 28 February, available at the Socs Box.

Fionnuala Flanagan Visits NUIG By Roisin Peddle Fionnuala Flanagan charmed those attending her talk in the John Huston School of Film and Digital Media on Monday February 13. The diminutive actress was fresh from her success at that weekend’s IFTA awards where she had been honoured with a life-time achievement award. Acting is in her blood. Dublin-born Fionnula’s father, Terence Niall Flanagan, was a promising actor who cut his career short to fight against Franco in the Spanish Civil War. He was wrongly reported dead on BBC World Service. When he returned to Ireland alive, Fionnula said, “The family were enraged as they had spent all their money on black clothes. A cousin had a mass said thanking God for taking another communist.” She is sparkling company, but she wasn’t always so gregarious. As a child she suffered from “chronic shyness,” being terrified to wear a watch her father gave her as a present “in case someone

asked me the time.” Her family sent her to speech and drama to improve her shyness, and she found she loved acting. Stints at the Abbey and other theatres led to her role in a 1965 production of An Triail, the Mairead Ni Ghrada play about teen pregnancy. She won a Jacobs Award for her performance, and this led to a role as Gerty McDowell in a film adaptation of James Joyce’s Ulysses. She is a lifelong fan of his work, and has adapted Molly Bloom’s soliloquy for the stage. She is delighted that the copyright restriction on Joyce’s work has been lifted. She had obtained permission to use his work by “devious methods” and “detective work” in the past. One of Fionnula’s most controversial roles was that of an IRA hunger striker’s mother in Some Mother’s Son. She is very passionate about the importance of addressing the hunger strikes in a historical context. “It is a watershed moment in our history that has never been properly dealt with ever since.” She has high praise for Steve McQueen’s 2008

film Hunger: “Hunger was wonderful… Michael Fassbender was terrific.” She felt the ire of many in the British film industry with the release of Some Mother’s Son. Its release coincided with the ending of the ceasefire with the IRA bombing of Canary Wharf in 1997. “They behaved towards me as if I was an IRA bomber come to blow them up. People were very insulting even on the red carpet.” The veteran actor David Kelly had passed away just the evening before Fionnula’s talk. A clip of Mr Kelly in 1998’s Waking Ned Devine was shown to guffaws from the audience. “A wonderful naked actor on a motorbike,” Fionnula said with a smile. A fitting tribute to a man who brought laughter and joy to so many. After the stunning success of The Guard, Fionnula has two projects in the pipeline - Life’s a Breeze and Coming and Going. She is delighted at the current state of the Irish film industry. “It’s wonderful to see indigenous Irish films move into the mainstream.”

{sin} 13–10

F ashion

{25} 27–02

Are Fashion Magazines Going out of Style? By Jane Kearns In this digital age it’s hard not to get sucked into the world of social networks, vlogs, blogs and everything in between, from the your average Joe to worldwide franchises everyone who’s anyone uses the online world to express themselves, promote themselves and even catapult themselves into fame. So of course the fashion industry like any other is using the internet to keep up to date with the evolving technological universe, but is the growing use of the internet in fashion having detrimental effects on the more traditional fashion world? The freedom of the web allows anyone to have a voice and an influence on every possible subject on Earth, and fashion is no exception; type ‘fashion’ into Google and you’re greeted by a myriad of online magazines, shops, videos and blogs, so it comes as no surprise that fashion moguls like Vogue and Cosmopolitan are feeling threatened by the growing number of unknowns gar-

nering attention and respect for their fashion blogs. When it comes to blogs and magazines who’s more influential? More relevant? Just a few years ago we would have all thought magazines, they’re the official ones, the ones that are given all the inside information on upcoming trends, deal with designers and get the coveted press passes at events, but things are rapidly changing and bloggers and their blogs are overtaking traditional media outlets, and making a living out of their hobbies. Even at this year’s London and New York fashion weeks bloggers were given press passes and a front row seats at some shows next to the likes of Vogue editor Anna Wintour! But why are blogs gaining so much relevance? They are always up to date, cater to every style and trend and most importantly they’re accessible and much easier to relate to than high fashion magazines; some of the most popular blogs are dedicated to street style, the high-street and bargain buys. Sites like and bryanboy.

com are among the most well-known and successful fashion blogs out there, unlike fashion magazines these blogs are devoted to bringing you street style and a normal person’s views and experiences with fashion. As blogs continue to grow in popularity so too do online shops, websites like, boohoo. com and are now as popular as many highstreet shops, and when it comes to designer clothing places like and offer fantastic discounts on otherwise unaffordable items. Like blogs are changing the way magazines operate, online stores are doing the same to high-street and designer shops: almost every shop or label you can think of has its very own online store where you can browse and buy clothes at the click of a button. The web is changing the fashion industry and the internet is quickly becoming very a significant part the fashion world, but as long as the high-street exists and magazines are still being printed, they’ll never go out of style!

Students enjoying Cumann Staire's fabulous Arts Ball, 15 February. Photo by Cathrin Gaillimhiau, PhotoSoc.

One for All and All for Onesie

Style Spotter

By Sarah Perry

With Cayla Bloomer

This craze of big baby suits started late last year when they seemed like a practical joke to all, however, it seems a trend had started. Not only chilren and teenagers are wearing them but also grown men. But just what is a onesie, some people may ask? A onesie is like a pair of pajamas with no separation from top to bottom and a zip along the front. I have to admit, that to begin with I was also one of those who would joke about the people who would wear them to bed, but after one night of sleeping like a baby - literally - my opinion has changed completely. I beg you spend one night of humiliation and experimentation in a onesie and

then you will understand. At first you will deny ever having slept in one, but then the urge will come. Like an addiction as some might say, where you will need the comfort of one such onesie again and again. However despite its comfort, the Onsie is not without a few complications. One such problem is, they are not exactly the most attractive thing you could wear to bed. Also what if a situation arose where your partner is also wearing a onesie to bed the same night you are? In that case you should surely consider a onesie rota. Guys in onesies in my opinion are not attractive. It completely destroys the masculine image us women have of men, to the point where instead of finding

him attractive we find him cute and cuddly. “I wouldn’t be happy to wear them because I believe they look childish and difficult to get in and out of, and what’s wrong with socks pyjamas and a t-shirt?” explained Cory ó Brollacháin. Another difficulty with the Onesie is when wanting to use the toilet - let’s just say it’s not that easy! As there is no separation from top to bottom, you basically have to strip off. But I believe it’s a small sacrifice to make, don’t you? I am appealing of course to the people who haven’t already experienced the amazing quality of a onesie. Sinéad Ní Chormaic said the idea of a man wearing a Onesie wouldn’t bother her at all: “first of all they are funny and

you have to admire a guy who would wear one to bed.” However despite her views, it seems the general consensus is that it is unacceptable and unattractive for a man to wear one. But why should just us women get to embrace the comfiness? Maybe because, in the wise lyrics of James Brown, “This is a man’s world”, and they get enough pleasures in life. It is not a big surprise to men that us girls have to make more of an effort when going to a club and even something as simple as attending college. Because of this I believe onesies should be worn by women only. The onesie is our compensation. We deserve comfort now and again and men should make this one sacrifice and stay out of our onesies.

Name: Chris Campbell Shirt from New Look T-shirt from Hot topic Jeans and Sun Glasses from Penneys Describe your style: Erratic, flannel/check patterns, hip hop! What inspires your style? I just wear what I want. When I shop I just look for something that's comfortable and that I can perform in when I'm popping (a form of hip hop dancing: you learn something new everyday!) Hip-hop has definitely inspired the way I dress since I've started dancing! I'm practical when it comes to dressing, I like my boots because they keep my feet dry! How do you find the style at NUIG? Trackies. Everyone has their own preferences and that seems to be the main one in NUIG.

Celebrate the Leap Year! with NUIG Clubs

Fun Run l i a r T e k i B n i a t Moun l i a r T e Treasur s t n e m h Refres Q B B r e t Win

y h F r e t a bru 29

12 – 3pm in Dangan Sports Pavillion


S ports & F itness


{27} 27–02

Down in the DOMS By Aoife Brennan Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the term used to describe the achy, tender pain and stiffness you get in your muscles 12-72 hours after a workout. It can happen after strenuous exercise or if you use the muscles in a way they’re not accustomed to, regardless of your fitness level. It is different to acute muscle soreness, which is the pain you feel in muscles while exercising - this is acute pain and is due to exhaustion in the muscle and build up of the by-products of energy production in the muscle cells. It was once thought that DOMS pain was due to the build-up of lactic acid in the tissues as lactic acid is only produced when muscles are worked quite hard and enter anaerobic metabolism. However, it has since been shown that lactic acid is cleared from the body within hours of exercise and so lactic acid build-up does not explain stiffness that begins much later. DOMS begins hours or days after exertion and is typically only felt when the muscle is stretched or used and not while at rest. The most accepted explanation attributes DOMS to the inflammation that results from damage of the muscle fibres during exertion. When we use muscles in a new way, increase the workload of the muscle, or use muscles that haven’t been challenged in a long time, overworked muscle cells reach their limit and tear. This is not the same as “pulling a muscle” which is a serious injury involving partial or complete rupture

of the entire muscle body. The DOMS tears are microscopic and are part of the normal muscle building process. Once these microtears have occurred, the contents of the broken cells leak out in the surrounding tissue. This causes a cascade of reactions that includes:

• Activation of enzymes that begin to digest the leaked molecules. • Activation of the inflammatory process. This causes swelling and warming up of the damaged area. • Sensitisation of local pain receptors in response to the leaked cell contents and also as part of the inflammatory process. • I n f l u x o f “ c l e a n up” cells such as neutrophils and macrophages.

All this leads to achybreaky muscles and can discourage people from working out again too soon. However, getting going again is one way to help decrease the soreness. It has been shown that this doesn’t damage the muscles or decrease your ability to recover. Other ways that can help shorten the duration of a bout of the DOMS include gentle massage of the affected muscle, taking hot baths and using steam rooms or saunas. These all increase blood flow to the muscles and speed up the recovery process. Many professional athletes use ice baths to prevent the DOMS and speed up recovery. It is thought that the extreme cold constricts the blood flow, decrease swelling of tissues and decrease the metabolic activity that produces that pain. Rewarming afterwards causes an influx

Muscle architecture up close

of fresh warm blood. Ice baths, however, are still a controversial subject and some studies show them to be affective while others do not, stating that they are only as effective as getting moving again soon after your workout. If you feel like it, go for it! Personally I’d rather subject myself to a hot bath but each to their own! Anti-inflammatory use is also controversial, with many studies showing that although drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen may help with pain, they do not seem to reduce the length of time the DOMS lasts. So how do we prevent it? Pre-exercise warm up has been shown to be effective as it warms up the muscles and increases their elasticity, decreasing the amount of damage that happens to the muscle during the subsequent workout. Another way to prevent DOMS is to use the ‘repeated-bout effect’. This just means that engaging in repeated, less intense exercise to allow the muscle to adapt to the new movement or new action will give a muscle time to adapt, grow and strengthen to be able to undertake its new challenge. If you’re a more serious athlete or a bit of an exercise buff you may want to consider the use of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) both to help prevent DOMS and have a more efficient recovery from exertion. BCAAs are leucine, isoleucine and valine and they are essential amino acids that make up the bulk of our muscle mass. We cannot make them in our bodies so we must get them from our diet. Foods high in BCAAs

Microtears in muscle fibres

Anatomy of a muscle include red meat, poultry, soy eggs and dairy (preferably low-fat versions to keep it healthy). BCAAs can also be bought in powdered form from health food shops or online. Does soreness mean muscle growth? The straight answer is no, you do not have to feel sore after a workout for it to increase muscle strength. It is true that you need to cause microscopic damage to cause muscle growth and re-modelling but the degree of pain experienced after a workout is not always a reflection of how much muscle damage we have caused. If you’re sore you’ve caused those micro-tears but the degree of soreness experienced varies from person-toperson and even between workouts depending on how ready the body is for exercise before we start. Soreness is merely one marker of muscle change. If you’re feeling better, running faster, lifting heavier, doing more pushups, swimming faster - then your muscles are responding. Use your improvements in your sport or your workout to gauge your progress rather than how much you can’t move the next day. So, after strenuous exertion we have muscles that need repairing and support for growth and we also have decreased our muscles stores of glycogen, the carbohydrate that is our muscles source of energy. By working out we have given our muscles the signal to change and strengthen so now we need to provide it with the building blocks.

Research suggests there is a one hour window after working out in which we can take advantage of this repair mechanism to build stronger, leaner muscles but eating the right foods, often called ‘recovery foods’. An ideal recovery food contains protein (for those BCAAs mentioned above) and carbohydrate in a ratio of about 1:4. If you are new to working out and are looking to either build muscle or lose weight then be careful to not consume too many carbs after a workout. When our body is in this repair and build mode, it is more sensitive to insulin, our sugar storage hormone. If you consume too much sugar it just gets stored as fat at this time rather than just replacing energy stores. Recover y foods really become important only when you’re a more serious endurance athlete or someone that trains regularly (5 or more a week). For you serious folk, it is recommended that you consume 0.5-0.75 grams of carbs per pound of body weight after a workout along with some protein.

Examples of recovery foods (consume with lots of water for post-workout rehydration): • Protein shakes or recovery shakes: These have many advantages as recovery food. They are formulated by experts in the area of fitness and muscle building for optimal results and as they are liquid they are handy for those of us on the go. They’re quick to make up and so can be consumed within that one hour window after your workout. • Chocolate milk: Find the one with the lowest sugar (some have extra added) or mix up some of the powdered kind. • Yoghurt with granola and fruit. • Lean meat and vegetables: Vegetables are complex carbohydrates and some of the sweeter ones (peas, sweetcorn) have plenty of sugar for refueling. • Protein bars: Again, convenient and specially formulated. • Bagel with peanut butter and some fruit juice. • Bowl of (healthy) cereal or oatmeal with milk.

{28} 13–10

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{sin} 27–02

Rough Conditions at Sailing Intervarsities by Alana Darby and Mark Kelly The Irish University Sailing Association (IUSA) National Championships took place from the 15 - 19 February, hosted by Trinity College Dublin in Mayo Sailing Club, Westport. Twenty-eight teams from ten colleges all over Ireland and Scotland took part in the final event of the college sailing season: 180 students in total. The competition began on Thursday morning with the twenty-eight teams being sorted in four groups, each team racing everyone in their group in order to sort the teams into Gold, Silver and Bronze fleets for the rest of the competition. Conditions were good with steady winds and by the end of the day NUIG 1 , which consisted of Alana Darby with Ben Scallan, Marky Armstrong with sister Ciara Armstrong and Ian Richardson with first year Rory Lynch, who was a standout perfromer, had put in a very pleasing performance, winning four out of six races placing them in the Silver fleet. NUIG 2, which consisted of Conall Holohan with Deidre Ni Chonchuchair, Eoin Breen with Colm Foy, and Rob Lind with Hugh O’Sullivan, placed in Bronze. The second day of racing brought challenging conditions. As racing went on, strong gusts and poor conditions began to take their toll

on the sailors and the boats, with many a capsize, dripping wet sailors and holed boats. With only a few races completed, racing was called off for the day. Saturday morning began even windier than the day before and the decision was made to cancel racing for the day. Usually the Finals of the event take place on Saturday, with the prize-giving during the Black Tie Ball that evening but weather conditions proved against us and it was decided that the Gold fleet would sail the finals in a few weeks time in Dublin. The Silver and Bronze Fleets sailed their finals on the Sunday. Conditions on Sunday were light and sunny. With the wind picking up around noon the racing for the Silver

and Bronze Fleet semi’s and finals began. Both NUIG 1 and NUIG 2 made it to the finals of the Silver and Bronze Fleet respectively. NUIG 2 went up against UCD 5 first in the bestof-three decider, losing 2-0 to a strong UCD team. Next came NUIG 1 up against UCD 3. The first race was a very close affair with UCD scraping the win. NUIG 1 fought hard but fell at the last hurdle to a very strong team-racing team, ending the competition in second place in the Silver Fleet, still a very good performance. Aidan Breen, who is ViceCaptain, was extremely pleased with the weekend’s performance. “We did fairly well; I feel we are all very happy with the results. We have been struggling to get a

solid fleet together this year, so to do this well is an extremely good result. Our first team did really well. The second team was only formed this year, but they have been doing consistently well all year, and they hope to be sailing and doing as well, if not better, next year.” Many thanks to both TCD and Mayo SC for a fantastic and very well run event, despite the awful weather conditions. Many thanks also to the Jury members, Umpires, OOD, Beachmaster and change over drivers. Also, a special mention goes out to DJ Byrno, for coming up one of the nights to provide a good night of entertainment for all the weary bodies there. All involved enjoyed their weekend.

Adam Caulfield presenting Jack Mc Carthy with the Most Valuable Player (MVP) award at the Water Polo Intervarsity Championships on 27 – 28 January. Image courtesy of the NUIG Swimming, Lifesaving and Water Polo Team.

Tennis Intervarsities in UCC By Daragh Small

The NUI Galway tennis intervarsity teams travelled to UCC on 15 February to take part in the annual Irish intervarsities competition. Both teams from NUIG were unlucky not to progress further as they were handed tough draws in the early rounds. The first round pairings say the men facing a strong Trinity College Dublin club lead by two former Irish internationals. Trinity did come out on top, however NUIG can take some consolation from the fact that Dublin side went on to take the men’s title. The ladies were beaten by

another one of the favourites, this time the accomplished DCU outfit packed the greater punch dumping the Galway Girls out of the competition and they also went on to take the title overall. The NUIG Ladies team consisted of Marion Hanley, Lucy Penkova, Moya Carpenter, Jennifer Hegarty, Stefanie Sage and Rachel Enright. While the Men’s team were represented by Neil McLoughlin, Conor Fahy, Brenden Murtugh, Peter Floyd, Ryan Sugrue and Dave Duggan. The competition took place in Sunday’s Well Boating and Tennis Club and despite the men’s team getting knocked out early on Ryan Sugrue

commented that “It was good craic, the event was well organised and the Shield gave us another chance to play after getting knocked out by Trinity.” One thing that seems to be apparent from talking to some of the NUIG competitors in the Tennis intervarsities is that there is so much more to the competition than tennis. Marion Hanley stated that “the social scene is a big part of the intervarsities and the dinners on both Wednesday and Thursday night were very enjoyable. The highlight for me is of course the tennis but it also feels like a reunion. People I have known for years that I don't now always get to

see come and play varsities!” Intervarsities always form a basis for competitors to put themselves up against the very best in the game and the tennis intervarsities are no different. Stefanie Sage enjoyed the competition saying “it was a good experience for the teams to play against such high calibre players, all the teams were lovely and the nights were great fun. So all in all, we had poor results but it was good practice and good fun.” Next time the tennis intervarsities take place in Belfast and Moya Carpenter said “we will train hard for next year and go fighting when we arrive at Belfast!”

{sin} 13–10

S ports & F itness

{29} 27–02

The Sigerson Cup By Aisling Crowe NUI Galway welcomed football teams from across the country to Galway last weekend for the Sigerson Cup finals. It was an auspicious occasion for the college’s football club as it celebrated 100 hundred years since NUIG first won the prestigious tournament in 1912. Since that momentous day a century ago the Sigerson cup has returned to the City of the Tribes 21 times. Sadly the home team didn’t get an opportunity to add this year’s title to that collection as NUIG lost out to University of Ulster Jordanstown in the quarter finals. Former President of the GAA, Dr. Mick Loftus, was invited back to NUIG to launch this year’s tournament. The Mayo footballer

played with distinction on three Sigerson Cup winning teams during his six years studying medicine in UCG (now NUIG). Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s father Henry was another Mayo man to represent NUIG with distinction. He won five Sigerson medals with the college during the glory days of the 1930’s when the football team won nine titles during that decade. The Sigerson Cup is one of the most prestigious college sports tournaments in Ireland and some of the finest footballers to have ever played the game have graced the competition with their skills and this year it was no different. The Sigerson Cup itself was contested by the footballers of NUI Maynooth, University of Ulster Jordanstown, UCC and UCD. The Trench Cup saw the

footballers of Trinity College, WIT, LIT and British champions Liverpool Hope University battle it out for top honours. In the Corn na MacLeinn competition three teacher training colleges took on the student doctors as teams from Mater Dei, Marino and Froebel reached the semi finals along with the Royal College of Surgeons’ footballers. As well as celebrating the current crop of footballing talent, the weekend was also about remembering heroes of days gone by. NUIG’s football club held a reunion dinner for the Sigerson Cup winning sides of 1962 and 1963 at the Radisson Hotel on Friday 24 February. Ten of those Sigerson heroes formed the backbone of Galway’s legendary three in row All-Ireland champions from 1964 – 1966.

The NUI Galway Men’s Water Polo Team who won the Intervarsity Championships recently led by captain Adam Caulfield. Image courtesy of the NUIG Swimming, Lifesaving and Water Polo Team.

NUI Galway Rue Missed Opportunity By Conrad Clancy NUIG 1-6: UUJ 0-12 NUI Galway faced University of Ulster, Jordanstown in the Sigerson Cup quarter final on 15 February. It was a game

that NUIG really could have won but such is the competitive nature of the Sigerson Cup and UUJ came away with a three point victory after a succession of late scores. The home side started very well with a first minute

point form Fiachra Deasmunaigh whose solo run through the defence ended with a point. UUJ hit right back through Kieran Hughes. There were plenty of chances in the opening period but there was no

Leo McCloon (left) and Kevin Conlon (right) competing for the ball. Photo by Conrad Clancy

score again until a swift NUIG attack led to a well taken goal by Jason Doherty in the 9th minute. Both sides missed a number of frees and struggled in that department throughout. Jordanstown scored three points in as many minutes to bring the scores to level after twenty minutes at 1-1 to 0-4. The Galway side ended their seven-teen minute wait for a score when corner back Laurence Healy pointed after being set up well by substitute Kevin Conlon. Diarmaid McNulty levelled for the northern side and then Neil Douglas pointed the only placed ball of the first half to restore a one point lead. But NUIG could have gone into the half time break behind if UUJ midfielder Neil Macadam had not blasted over from ten metres out. Neither team would have been too disappointed with level scores at the break. NUIG had the wind at their backs for the second half but it was UUJ that scored first from a Paul Devlin free. Mattie Donnelly put the away side two ahead. The NUIG midfield dominated for the next 20minutes and they retook

the lead on fourty-one minutes after a trio of scores coming from Shane Moran, who slotted over after an excellent dummy, Jason Doherty and Kevin Conlon. They could have put one foot in the Sigerson weekend when they unlocked the Ulster University defence but Kevin Conlon’s low shot went narrowly wide. They continued to dominate but were not able to convert. Diarmaid McNulty was able to sneak a point against the run of play to tie it up again with ten minutes remaining. It was a tug-of-war from there on in and NUIG looked as if they would be the ones to pull over the line. An excellent turnover from team captain Kieran McDonald gave the impression that it would be his side’s day but a number of hurried shots allowed UUJ to stay in the hunt. Kieran Hughes moved to midfield changed the momentum. His ball winning and distribution effectively won it for “The Poly”. Mattie Donnelly pointed and NUIG let go of the rope. UUJ won a penalty after the NUIG ‘hurry up’ did not work out. Donnelly elected for

the over the bar option and seconds later McNulty tagged on another point to end any hopes of an NUIG comeback. “We are gutted and obviously the dressing room in gutted. We were obviously hoping as hosts to be here for the weekend in two weeks time. We were certainly good enough but unfortunately we didn’t take our chances” said NUIG manager John Maughan. “It was always going to be the next team to score with seven or eight minutes to go that would win it and we had those chances but Jordanstown are a quality, a good side with quality footballers and they got that little break and we couldn’t take our chances” continued the Mayo man. One of those quality players was Kieran Hughes he said afterwards that “A game can turn within one kick of a ball; they had the free kick to win it and I thought it was over but we came up and got the two or three scores in a row. I’m absolutely delighted to get back here next week.” This article originally appeared on Reproduced with kind permission from the editor.

{30} 13–10

S ports & F itness

{sin} 27–02

Mixed Bag of Controversy and Success at Kayaking Intervarsities By Daragh Small NUI Galway lived up to their billing as one of the biggest university Kayak clubs in the country at Castlebar on 18 - 19 February. However, some contentious decision making on behalf of the GMIT Castlebar team is threatening to spoil the events on the Clydagh River and Lough Lannagh. The Galway-Mayo Institute sparked controversy in two of the events with their slight ‘bending’ of the rules on the day. In the polo event, the home team only used one competitor giving them an unfair advantage. The result of the whitewater event was also brought into disrepute when

GMIT Castlebar allowed one of their teammates to swim to the finish-line when the rules had clearly stated all members must be in their kayak’s as they pass the finish line. This will have frustrated a committed NUI Galway effort that could have delivered even more success if the rules had been upheld. Nevertheless club Captain Alan O’Dwyer remained composed commenting that “our recent training had paid off with us claiming our usual position at the top of the long distance event, tying with UCD for first place.” He went on to say that “the freestyle team, after less than an hour’s sleep and already having ran

the Clydagh, managed to claim second place just behind UL, with our own Barry Loughnane sticking the only air loop trick of the competition.” Alan didn’t talk about the actions of GMIT Castlebar, instead he focused on the Kayaking. “The whitewater event was stepped up this year which was very enjoyable. The upper Clydagh was used which contains the grade four rapid ‘fivestep’, a series of five drops which managed to claim swimmers from nearly every college.” Eighteen colleges took part in Castlebar with NUI Galway’s freestyle team made up of Barry Loughnane, Aisling Corrigan, David Doyle and

Andrew Regan finishing second behind UL. Meanwhile NUI Galway were victorious in the Long Distance event on the Sunday and the K2 team also enjoyed success with Captain Alan O’Dwyer and Mark McNally finishing second. The NUI Galway team can be pleased with their weekend’s efforts as they remain at the pinnacle of Watersports in Ireland. A lot of positives can be taken from how they performed so well at such a prestigious event however, the debate over GMIT Castlebar’s actions are set to leave a sour taste in the mouth. Especially considering how NUI Galway’s final position was affected.

Lough Inagh and Lissoughter. Photo by Natalie Tesch.

The NUI Galway Mountaineering club grabbing lunch under Cnoc na hUillean. Photo by Natalie Tesch.

Hurleys of Tomorrow Rising from the Ashes By Alan Keane The latest in the Engineering Department’s series of sports seminars took place on Valentines Day. I’ve been wracking my brains trying to come up with a suitable sicklysweet pun. Sadly, “the talk was lovely” is as far as I’ve got. So we’ll move on. Dr Conchúr Ó Brádaigh, senior lecturer in mechanical and biomedical engineering, delivered this talk, which focused on engineering in hurling. In the course of an hour Ó Brádaigh gave an overview of the latest developments, which could genuinely change the game of hurling. Yo u ’ r e r e a d i n g t h e sports pages of this venerable paper. Thus I assume you have a modicum of interest in sport. Hence I also assume that you probably know that a hurley is traditionally made of ash. If you didn’t, you do now. The problem with ash is that it’s a natural resource, and is thus liable to run out. Which is why

there have been efforts made in recent years to develop a hurley made of an alternative material. Unfortunately, even a plastic hurley is twice as heavy as its ash equivalent. The solution is to make any alternative hurley hollow. Irish company Cultec have developed one which is made of fibre enforced polymer and wrapped over a hollow core. This hurley is now being used at senior level. Dublin forward Ryan O’Dwyer is one of the more notable users of the Cultec product. One major benefit of the hollow hurley is that the sweet spot on the boss is larger, thus allowing for a better strike of the ball, more of the time. Does this mean the end of the ash hurley? In a word, no. There will always be a demand for ash hurleys, and while there is a diminishing supply of ash right now, saplings planted in the past decade will come into maturity in the next few years. Hurley making is a venerable tradition in this country and

one which will continue long into the future. The one unfortunate aspect of the Cultec hurley is that to make it in Ireland would be too costly for the company, and as such the product is made in Taiwan. Ó Brádaigh also discussed the developments which have taken place in sliotar and helmet making. The traditional cork core of a sliotar is being replaced by one made of polymer. He warned against people wearing uncredited helmets, as they are uncredited for a reason and possibly not up to the highest safety standards. The main attributes of a good helmet are apparently to be safe but wearable, with a good field of vision available to the wearer. Which unfortunately rules out the helmets knights wore in medieval times. Pity. If the GAA wants to boost ticket sales for the National Leagues, they should have half time jousting matches between the substitutes. Just saying.

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F inal Word


{31} 27–02

What’s Happening in Galway

27th February – 11th March By Marése O’Sullivan

Thursday 1 March – Habitat for Humanity Fundraising Table Quiz @ College Bar, 8pm. Monday 27 February – Theatre: Blue Raincoat present their Nominations open at 10am for Part-Time SU Officers. adaptation of Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, @ Town Hall Theatre at Friday 2 March – Music: Ham Sandwich @ Roisín Dubh, 8pm. Admission €14 on Monday and €20/€16 thereafter. 9pm. Tickets €8-€10 from Tuesday 28 February – Trad Soc Session @The Crane Bar, 10pm. Saturday 3 March – Galway City Museum host ‘Seachtain na Amnesty Society Gig @ Roisín Dubh. Doors at 9pm. Admission €4. Gaeilge: An Sliocht Is Fearr Liom’ with Breandán Ó Heaghra Wednesday 29 February – FEE Galway and NUIG Students’ and guests, reading extracts from Pádraic Ó Conaire’s writUnion march as part of National Day of Activism @ 1pm. ings through Irish, 11am-12pm. At 2.30-3.30pm Tom Kenny Beginners BellyPuzzles Dancing Class @ Áras na nGael. 6.30-Sudoku Puzzles of Kenny’s Bookshop will beChallenging having an informal talk on his Book 1 Egyptian by KrazyDad Book 1Intermediate Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad Easy Sudoku by KrazyDad 7.30pm. €12 per class. Contact Lisa on 086-3128659. family’s connection with Ó Conaire at the City Museum, Sudoku Sudoku#5#6


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1 6 6 5 99 3 1 4 9 1 34 2 6 4 2 2 4 5 4 3 22 9 5

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©© 2011 2011

S (Nov 22 - Dec 21) husiastic. You have a reckless ce you lack talent. The majority or dope fiends or both. People ou a great deal.

CloakRumours Sudoku Sudoku#7 #8

5 61 82 6 7 6 7 1 2 NUIG 5 2ComicSoc 9Presents... 81 2 9 9 4 The 1 37 6 1 5 8 2 8 1 2 61 5 8 8 3 4 8 9 36 15 1 4 3 3 6 7 1 5 8 2 9 2 6 4 95 12 4 98 7 By Leigh Ashmore 2 1 7 24 3 6 3 5 6 12 97 1 3 5 4 1 6 1

Crazy Student is Crazy 2011 ©© 2011


7 5 4 3 7 9 66 2 1 6 8 5 2 1 8 8 2 2 9


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2011 ©© 2011

"It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death." -- Thomas Mann

Sudoku#7#8 Sudoku

Sudoku #6

In politics, an absurdity is not a handicap.

5 © 2011

-- NapoleonSHAG Bonapartepack as it didn’t get him the ride. Student returns Sudoku #8 election campaign gathers The Vote for Dr. Zoidberg momentum as a flashmob 7 chanting “woob woob5 3 4 1 7 woob woob wood woob” invades reading room. 9 ask As5RAG5week definitely2doesn’t heat up,3students “Where’s our bleedin’ concert?!” 95 62 7 6 Student realises he has actually complained about every2 4 thing in 7 the University and9achieved his life ambition. NUIG 3 from Australia 9 for a brief holi-1 8 Graduate returning day dubs RAG week “shite this year.” SU President 86 8forced to2 fork 5 out for flight. 7 4 Emmet Connolly Theatre5week begins theatrically with 4 6 law student declaring loudly in Smokey’s that she was so hung-over she 4 died 7 5 7 nearly 8 after Donegal3Tuesday. Large 2 scale construction 3 6 beside Bank of Ireland8revealed ©as 2011 © 2011 elaborate heist when defeated construction© 2011 workers in black and white striped clothing were seen leaving with empty SWAG bags, cursing students. The first rule about RAG Week is you don’t talk about RAG Week. Engineering students fine tuning catapult to transport PhD students from Arts Millenium Building to Library, over construction work. FEE to run candidates for all SU Election positions, the TedFest Lovely Girl Competition and the Eurovision. Bill Cullen reportedly devastated to hear he missed Rizzle Kicks at the Commerce Ball. Fires whoever messed up the dates for his NUI Galway visit. Formerly respected fellow PhD student exposes his genitalia to Sin Editor during Arts Ball. Sin Editor wishes it was the most disturbing thing she saw that night. Student Assistance Fund finally distributed along with a book of Supermacs vouchers and left over SHAG packs. Local publicans bemoan the double-edged sword of RAG week cancellation. Yes there are no condoms on their windscreens, but their annual fundraiser for renovations is nearly a bust. PhotoSoc takes over principal photograph for Sin. Students complain that Out and About snaps are to “artsy fartsy” for Facebook profile pics.

entitled ‘The Kennys and Ó Conaire’. Booking required for both events. Sunday 4 March – Zumba Party with New York-based choreographer Zumba Jammer Eduardo Fajardo @ NUI Galway’s Kingfisher, 2.30 - 4.30pm. Tickets €12/€15. Contact Monika on 087-9799099 or email Monday 5 March – Seachtain na Gaeilge begins. Tuesday 6 March – Music: ConTempo Quartet Concert @ Town Hall Theatre, 1.10-1.50pm. Free admission. Early arrival advised. Wednesday 7 March – Stress-relieving Qigong Class @ The View, Áras na Mac Léinn, 5.10 – 6.15pm. Contact lotus@ Comic Book Drawing Class, 7.30-9.30pm @ Art Room, Áras na Mac Léinn. Tell Vice-Auditor Lisa that’s she’s awesome. Thursday 8 March – Polling for Full-Time Students’ Union Officers takes place on campus from 10am – 9pm. Don’t forget your NUI Galway Student Card to vote. Friday 9 March – Semester Two 2011-2012 Exam Timetables released at 4pm. Check your CASS account to access your timetable at Saturday 10 March – Galway City Museum screening awardwinning documentary, Pádraic Ó Conaire: An Fear, in Irish with English subtitles. 12-1.15pm. Booking required. Sunday 11 March – Music: ‘Éireann agus Alba’ Concert @ Áras na nGael, 8pm. Tickets €10/€8.

Horoscopes By Myles McKittrick

on the end of a cup man.

Aries [Mar21-Apr19] If you were to count the number girlfriends you have ever had, divide that number by three and find the square root of that number you get the same number you started with.

Libra [Sept23-Oct22] Ceapaim go bhfuil to anmaith… Cuir ghlaoigh orm? [Horoscope writers are naturally useless at Irish.]

Taurus [Apr20-May20] A kebab and chips. Gemini [May21-Jun20] Seven is your number. Nothing quite like being right all the time, but you wouldn’t know. And why don’t you wear the ring anymore? I’d say happy RAG week but you took that too. Cancer [Jun21-Jul22] Love will find you… Well you’ll have to learn to love him/her. Leo [Jul23-Aug22] You will lodge a request with the Students’ Union to say that Sin horoscopes are so ‘fricking’ good that you think I should be paid a large sum of money per issue… Thanks for that! Virgo [Aug23-Sept22] You will be banned from Smokies this week for indecent pinky exposure. No one wants to see an over-extended pinky

Scorpio [Oct23-Nov21] You will win the lottery this week and you will never have to study anything for the rest of your life. I promise. Sagittarius [Nov22-Dec21] Go and do something for charity. Be nice. You only get one life. Capricorn [Dec22-Jan19] Do you remember the film The Last Unicorn? My younger sister used to love that film. You probably wouldn’t remember it because you’re mean…. Aquarius [Jan20-Feb18] Hope your birthday went great. On second thought, I wasnt invited so screw you… Pisces [Feb19-Mar20] This is just one of those weeks when you are in dire need of something completely random and fun. If anyone has any ideas get in contact with the Editor and the message will be passed on. Thanks Ed for agreeing to this ;)

{22} 13–04

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27/01/2012 11:29

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