Volume 14 Issue 8

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04 FEB 2013

Students fooled by unofficial RAG Week page on Facebook By Áine O Donnell NUI Galway students have been duped by an April fool’s article which detailed the University’s supposed reissued support for RAG Week. The article, which resurfaced recently, resulted in the creation of a new RAG Week event page on

Facebook. The University continues to ban RAG Week and forbids any attempts to organise an unofficial event. The article, written on 1 April 2012, reported that NUI Galway had reinstated their support for RAG Week but had introduced new rules in order to control the chaotic displays of previous years.

A flare was set alight outside Supermac’s during last year’s unofficial RAG Week.

These rules included off-licenses demanding four forms of identification when purchasing alcohol and increased powers for bouncers and members of the Gardaí with the University implementing a ‘three-strikes-and-you’reout policy’, which could result in expulsion and even imprisonment. The representative from the President’s office who released this information was named ‘Avril Poisson’, which French students will recognise as the French translation of ‘April Fool’s Day’. The article declared that the apparent RAG Week would take place on April 1 2013. The article was posted on the RAG Week 2013 event page on Facebook with followers being asked by organisers whether to hold the event on February 18 as they had planned or on

April 1, stating “NUIG want it April 1”. Many NUI Galway students were misled by the information which appeared on the Facebook event page, including the reposting of the April Fool’s article. The hoax spread quickly around the University, with many students believing that NUI Galway had indeed decided to condone RAG Week despite the blatant clues in the article which disproved this. Ms Roisin Peddle, a Masters in Journalism graduate of NUI Galway, wrote the article last year. Ms Peddle was shocked at the resurface of the article, commenting; “I wrote the article off-the-cuff on April Fool's Day last year, and to be honest I'd forgotten all about it.”

Teddy Bear Hospital returns to NUI Galway


World News


Uniting against racism


NUI Galway’s say on sexual health


What is love?


A Portrait of the Artist


Film Reviews


NUI Galway Scholarship Awards


Continued on page 2…

Student resolves to camp for full academic year By Jessica Thompson NUI Galway student, Frank Cronin, who has been living in a tent since September, has decided to camp for the rest of the academic year. The 30-year-old student of psychology and Spanish started camping at the beginning of semester one for practical reasons, namely to save money and grow his YouTube channel, Glowpunk. Originally Frank said he was planning on camping in NUI Galway for a week, then a month, then the semester, but he recently revealed to Sin that he had planned all along to stay for the full year. “I feel like I’ve really adjusted to living in a tent and I want to complete the journey. If I do the year, I’ll feel like I’ve reached a mile-

stone,” said the final year student, when asked why he decided to continue camping. The bad weather of last week didn’t put him off, despite the floods in Shop Street and Flood Street that had many students fleeing to shelter in concrete buildings. “I left my tent set up for the weekend and when I came back, my sleeping bag was a little bit wet because the rain guard from the top slipped off, and my feet got a bit wet because of the rain, but the weather is kind of secondary after your psychological wellbeing,” said Frank, who lives in his tent in rain, hail or shine. He added; “When you’re feeling good, and your feet are dry and you don’t have other stresses in your life, then the weather really isn’t a problem. Tents are

built to keep water out, and Portwest gave me a load of equipment to keep me dry.” Frank sleeps on a blowup mattress, and uses two

sleeping bags – one from the seventies. If he gets cold at night, he walks around and puts on more layers and gets on with it rather than

complaining. The regular colds and flus are not a problem for Frank Cronin, who says that he’s been less sick whilst

living in the tent than he would be living in a house with other people. Continued on page 2…

Camping on campus in a completely non-camp way, Frank Cronin is all set for semester two.



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Students’ Union plan to launch gender campaign By Sean Dunne SU President Paul Curley has said that the reasoning behind a decision not to fully support the ‘Don't be that guy Galway’ campaign was that the SU has its own plans for a similar campaign. The campaign is being run by a group of current and graduate students of NUI Galway. It originated in Ottawa, Canada with a series of poster campaigns. Other leading Irish Universities such as Trinity College have pledged

their full support behind their students in their endeavours to highlight the campaign. One of the organisers of ‘Don’t be that guy Galway’ and recent NUI graduate George Karr said; “The Union have been promising their own campaign since last November.” He further added; “I’m not particularly up for playing games and politics with the union, we are going to keep talking to them and hope they will support us.” The campaign is being fully supported by The

Galway Rape Crisis centre and the Rape Crisis Network in Galway. The aim of the campaign is to target potential perpetrators of sexual harassment or assault, shifting the responsibility away from the victims. The images used in this campaign are “intentionally graphic to emphasise the bottom line, which is that sex without consent is sexual assault. Being drunk is no excuse for committing a violent crime.” It has been said that the poster campaign has

been taken as “a refreshing approach to tackling sexual violence among the youth aged 19 to 25.” The message being conveyed on the Facebook page for ‘Don’t be that guy Galway’ is simple: “sex without consent is rape. Sex without consent whilst drunk is also rape. Rape is not the victim's fault.” In the national rape crisis statistics and annual report, one victim of sexual assault wrote; “It’s just over one year since my rape. I’ve been getting counselling each week to help me come

Student resolves to camp for full academic year Continued from page 1… “So maybe that’s an argument for the HSE to send people to live in tents,” he laughs, adding; “I imagine that it has helped my immune system a little bit, and not being surrounded by people all the time is probably a good thing.” Frank’s tent is in a top secret location which he will not reveal. However, he did tell Sin where he pitched his tent first. “The first place I lived was actually in the back garden of a house that had been for sale for I don’t know how many years, and I remember when I was here years ago I said ‘that house is still for sale – I bet nobody goes into that back garden!’ So that was the illegal thing

that I was a bit nervous about sharing at the start,” he explained. Eventually he got anxious that he would upset someone by living there, so he moved; “I found my own little nest and it’s actually quite a spiritual place.” When asked if he ever wished he had proper accommodation, Frank explained that he is happy living in his tent. He was once approached by a charity, the name of which he can’t remember, who offered him a houseshare which he refused. “This is a small period of my life where I don’t want a house, and I’ll see it through to the end,” he said. Since September, Frank has had a number of visitors to his tent, including

his dad, Des Bishop and Buzz from Hardy Bucks. “A girl came all the way from Germany as a result of the videos and stayed in the tent. I didn’t know her but she was pretty,” he said. Perhaps the most valuable part of Frank’s experience is how it has helped his personal development. He now understands that he needs very little to be happy. Relationships and food are enough to get him by and he feels that he is more in tune with the universe. Talking about his newfound love of nature, he said; “You become hyperaware of the weather; how the clouds work, how they hold in the heat; when it’s going to be a cold day; where the wind is blowing from; what birds sing what songs

at what times. It’s very cool.” Where many might call him crazy for camping during an Irish winter, Frank sees it more as “having a grasp on what’s really important in life.” “I think this is a journey that is actually sanitising my mind and helping me to improve as a human,” he explained. Frank is in his final year of college, but hopes to do some more camping in the future; “I’m thinking of crossing the states in a tent… on the sly, because it’s illegal over there.” Frank Cronin is all set to perform his show Tent Boy in the Bank of Ireland Theatre on 7 February at 1pm as part of the Múscailt Arts Festival. All are welcome to attend.

The Commerce Ball was held last week, January 30, in The Radisson Blu Hotel. Photo by Des Foley.

to terms with what happened. I can’t undo what was done but I do choose how I go on from here. I get my space in counselling for my issues or my agenda. “I am never judged. I am never told that this is not normal. I am respected for me as I am. I’m learning not to judge myself any more. “It took the worst time in my life to get help from the kindest people in the

world. I was raped but I am more than rape. I’m a man, I was raped, I’m no longer a victim, I’m a survivor. I can never thank my counsellor enough.”(Survivor,2012). The message in this campaign is simple; “Don’t be that guy that doesn’t take responsibility. Don’t be that guy who doesn’t make sure his partner is consenting. Don’t be that guy who uses alcohol as a tool to sexual assault.”

Students fooled by unofficial RAG Week page on Facebook Continued from page 1… She also was surprised at the sheer amount of students who were beguiled by the joke article, adding; “It's crazy that people are taking it seriously; I thought it was pretty obvious that it was an April Fool's [joke], especially the threat of imprisonment!” In an environment of “critical thinkers” such as NUI Galway, Ms Peddle concluded; “you can't believe everything you read on the internet.” NUI Galway has responded to the huge public and student reaction to the Rag Week Facebook page. The university have notified students that any attempts to organise an unofficial RAG week or antisocial behaviour will be met with disciplinary action. In a statement released on 24 January, NUI Galway affirmed that “the University has and will continue to deal with them by means of the disciplinary process as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.” NUI Galway has also confirmed that action will be taken against any club or pub which organises RAG Week events from February 18 to 24. Publicans have realised this is not an empty threat given the University took action against The Hole in the Wall pub following an organised drinking event last year which almost resulted in the pub’s license being revoked.

The University asked Gardaí to supervise the RAG Week event page on Facebook but the page, which had over five thousand followers, has since been removed from the social networking site. NUI Galway Students’ Union President Paul Curley has spoken out against the organisation of the unofficial RAG Week in the media this week. Reiterating the University’s no tolerance policy with regard to this event, he said; “I disagree with the fact that the students are trying to arrange an unofficial rag week. I believe it is commercial interest. There was a comment that we pointed out to the City Tribune. ‘This year we’re working with the clubs,’ was the comment on a Facebook page that was consequentially taken down.” The Facebook page in question advertised a number of events in apparent conjunction with the clubs, including a ‘best drunken photo’ competition. Addresses for house parties were also published on the social networking page. Students have been warned that they will face disciplinary action if they help to organise any social events related to an unofficial RAG Week in Galway. Speaking on the behaviour of the students in NUI Galway, Mr Curley said; “I believe that the students of this university always behave, and I’d expect no different any other week of the year.”



By Jessica Thompson While sitting on a seat at Smokey’s one chilly evening last week, I noticed two people reading copies of Sin. I tried my best to avert my eyes, but it simply couldn’t be done. I couldn’t help but watch them, trying to get a peek at what articles they were reading. Why is she nodding her head like that? What is he laughing at? What are they so engrossed in?These were the questions going through my head at that moment.


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I believe the term “creeping” could be used here, but I promise you I am no creep. Rest assured that as you read this paper outside Smokey’s, or wherever you are, I am not sitting close by watching you. There is no need to look over your shoulder, because I am, most definitely, not there. And no, that girl throwing you dirty looks for flicking straight to page 31 rather than reading all the other juicy content is not me. This issue is quite a special issue, covering a number of different themes. As Valentine’s Day is coming up and we don’t have another issue before February 14, we’ve decided to get a few romantic articles together for your enjoyment – or displeasure; it really depends on your opinion of love.

Looking for a good movie to watch with your loved one? Jane’s got you covered on page 18. Need advice on Valentine’s Day cards? No problem. Lyndsay has some good tips on what cards you should not buy if you are trying to woo the object of your affections this V-Day. Just turn to page 20 for more. If you don’t have a date for Valentine’s Day, our very own Sinead Healy provides you with a list of things to do on February 14. You’ll find these tips on page 20. Also on page 20 is a sweet little article on how to tell someone you like them, written by Marése O’Sullivan for the shyer students among us. Or if you’re wondering what the hell it’s all about, check out page 18 where James Falconer teaches us all about love in a well-researched and very interesting article that kept me intrigued from beginning to end.

But don’t worry, this issue isn’t all about love and Valentines. Last week was Alcohol Awareness Week. Yes, that’s right – we’re back to having some sort of week every week. In light of this, Sin will provide you with some information on alcohol and its effects. On page 12, Ruth-Anne Brown runs through the different parts of the body, and explains how alcohol can damage our organs and affect our quality of life. Or if your new year’s resolution involves getting fit and exercising frequently, fitness guru John Mulry has provided Sin with a list of ways alcohol can hinder your workout. Turn to page 27 for more. But that’s not all. Next week is SHAG Week (Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance Week), so it’s time to get up to date on your sexual health. The Students’ Union will be


providing free SHAG packs, and our SU Welfare Officer has arranged for Condom Wednesdays to take place every day next week, so look out for members of the Welfare crew or call up to the Students’ Union any time for free condoms. On the topic of sexual health, Michael O’Loughlin went around NUI Galway last week to ask students and lecturers about sexual health awareness in NUI Galway. The results of his survey can be seen on page 17. Kiri Renssen, our health columnist, has also done a bit for SHAG Week. If you turn to page 27, you’ll find some useful tips on how to look after your sexual health. Other than that, we have some very interesting features, which I enjoyed thoroughly and I hope you will too. Conor Lane, for example, tells of his journey with one taxi driver who was a victim of

racist abuse. This is a very emotional article, close to Conor’s heart. Another piece I enjoyed, and which will make you think more about your social-networking habits, was Ruth Ní Bheoláin’s FOMO article. If you’re addicted to Facebook, you might suffer FOMO. Turn to page 14 to see what I mean. I could go on and on about all the great content in this issue of Sin but that would be giving away all the lovely little surprises nestled snugly into these pages. Instead I will wish you all a very happy Valentine’s Day. Cards and notes can be slipped under my office door, but I am not available for dates or canoodling, and would much prefer tea or chocolate. Sorry to disappoint. Now go forth my readers and enjoy yet another issue of Sin! Until next time, Jess

Sick teddy bears get full treatment at NUI Galway Teddy Bear Hospital By Lyndsay Hughes The eighth annual NUI Galway Teddy Bear Hospital took place on January 24 and 25 in the Bailey Allen Hall. Over 1,300 school children from all over Galway came along for their sick teddies to be diagnosed and treated by NUI Galway medicine and science students. The annual event is organised by the Sláinte Society, the NUI Galway branch of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations. The aim is to make children from three to eight years old feel more comfortable around doctors and in hospitals.

This year, twenty-six local primary schools participated, including kids from Athenry, Corrandulla, Headford, Oranmore, Tuam and Turloughmore. The Bailey Allen Hall was transformed into a teddyfilled wonderland, complete with a bouncy castle and ambulances. Abbott Pharmaceuticals, the Medical Protection Society, the Bon Secours Hospital and the Leo Walsh Pharmacy kindly sponsored equipment and various supplies to treat the teddies’ ailments. The Teddy Bear Pharmacy was donated by benefactors at Total Produce, Matt O’Flaherty Chemists and Boots.

Life-sized teddy bears were also running around, chasing ecstatic children and joining them in hulahooping and face-painting activities. One excited volunteer declared; “We’re flat out, but I’m loving every second!” Society Officer, Ríona Hughes, told Sin; “The Teddy Bear hospital is a wonderful opportunity for the students to engage in a meaningful way with the children in Galway City and County schools. It is one of the NUI Galway societies’ most colourful and endearing community outreach programmes and we are thrilled with its success.” Five-year-old Nicole, from Oranmore, said; “We

went on the bouncy castle and then to the doctor. All the teddies will get better before we go home.” A Senior Infants’ teacher said; “The volunteers are absolutely brilliant. They’re so good with the kids, and they all look like they really enjoy it.” At that very moment, a volunteer on a tiny bike whizzed along the hall in Áras na Mac Léinn, chased by twenty-five Junior Infants’ children in hysterics of laughter. The event was, once again, a major success, and the hundreds of children and their teddies will undoubtedly be looking forward to next year’s Teddy Bear Hospital.

Bursting with cuteness, NUI Galway’s Annual Teddy Bear Hospital was once again a success, with hundreds of sick teddy bears being treated for various illnesses and injuries. Photo by Lyndsay Hughes.

Editor: Jessica Thompson | editor@sin.ie Layout: Shannon Reeves | Contact via Ed. News Editor: Marése O’Sullivan | localnews.sined@gmail.com Deputy News Editor: Sean Dunne | nationalnews.sined@gmail.com Features Editors: Órla Ryan. Sean Dunne | features.sined@gmail.com Fashion, Arts & Entertainment Editor: James Falconer | artsentertainment.sined@gmail.com Sports Editor: Mark Higgins | sport.sined@gmail.com Sinners: Carrie Bennett | Ruth-Anne Browne | Eileen Cameron | Ross Cannon | Isabella De Luca | Sean Dunne | James Falconer | Caitlín Flynn | Ken Glennon | Sinead L. Healy | Mark Higgins | Lyndsay Hughes | Sinéad Hughes | Hannah Jenkinson | Jane Kearns | Leigh Michael Keeney | Conor Lane | Bebhinn Lernihan | Austin Maloney | Shannon McNamee | Merryman | Ciara Molloy | John Mulry | Ruth Ní Bheoláin | Ciara O’Brien | Martin O’Donoghue | Aine O’Donnell | Michael O’Loughlin | Marése O’Sullivan | Kiri Renssen | Rose Reyes | Órla Ryan | Sarah Jane Smith | Conor Stitt | Valeri Tarassov | Jessica Thompson



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Applications open for NUI Awards By Marése O’Sullivan The annual National University of Ireland (NUI) Awards were established to recognise excellent academic achievement, offering remarkable opportunities for students to receive muchneeded funding to undertake further study and research, and the judges are ready for more applications this year. The prizes range from awards for first year examination results to Post-Doctoral Fellowships. NUI Galway, in particular, has been very successful in obtaining NUI Awards: in 2012 alone, the NUI EJ

Phelan Fellowship in International Law, two Travelling Studentships and several Literary and Medical Scholarships and Prizes were received by current students and graduates. Indeed, the NUI Registrar, Dr. Attracta Halpin, told Sin; “We have noticed that students from NUI Galway have been particularly interested in taking part in some of the competitions and not surprisingly have enjoyed considerable success.” The judges are experts in their respective fields and represent each NUI constituent university. In some cases, it is necessary to have

a First Class Honours in your degree to be eligible for an NUI Award. Students first produce their research proposals, which are assessed by specialists. Afterwards, applicants are shortlisted and interviewed. “The Selection Panels are trying to [choose] the most able candidates and are impressed by those with the best academic records and the most interesting and well-thought out research proposals,” Dr. Halpin explained. Recipients of the NUI Awards are then given funding to allow them to pursue

further studies, and several have obtained qualifications from Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, The California Institute of Technology, and other leading universities. This year, there will be at least six Travelling Studentships on offer: four in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and two in the Sciences. “These Studentships will be of interest to students and graduates who are interested in pursuing doctoral studies in an NUI university or abroad,” Dr. Halpin stated. Each Studentship is valued at up to €64,000 and is tenable for up to four years.

There are also many scholarships available, such as the NUI Dr. Mary L. Thornton Scholarship in Education, Dr. H. H. Stewart Literary and Medical Scholarships and Prizes, and the Pierce Malone Scholarships in Engineering and Philosophy. The Irish Historical Research Prize (€5,000) will be awarded to senior historians – NUI Galway’s Emeritus Professor Nicholas Canny won this Prize twice – and the Publication Prize in Irish History (€3,000) is for the best new work of Irish history, published by a graduate within five years of their PhD.

The 2005 Recipient of the Dr. Mary L. Thornton Scholarship in Education, Dr. Elaine Keane, is now the Programme Director of NUI Galway’s Masters in Education. She commented: “I was delighted to win. I felt that it was, and continues to be, a very prestigious award, and it is recognised as such. This has been evident to me by the reaction of individuals on various boards and committees over the years when they see it on my C.V.” Further details about the NUI Awards are available on its website at www.nui. ie/awards.

NUI Galway President Jim Browne pays tribute to Éamon de Buitléar

Successful romantic relationships amongst over sixties

By Lyndsay Hughes

By Ciara O’Brien

Film-maker and former senator Éamon de Buitléar died on Sunday 26 January at his home in County Wicklow. Mr de Buitléar, who was 83, was Ireland’s bestknown independent wildlife film-maker since the 1960’s, and was known for his promotion of Irish language and music. In November last year, Mr de Buitléar donated his entire archive of film, music and writings to NUI Galway. The collection will be available in the new Arts, Humanities and

Social Sciences Research Building which will open on campus in 2013 and at the university Gaeltacht centres in Carna and at An Cheathrú Rua. In a tribute to the late film-maker, University President Jim Browne described Mr de Buitléar as an outstanding figure of modern Ireland. “An exceptional filmm a k e r, a c o m m i t t e d environmentalist, a public intellectual, author, musician and member of Seanad Eireann - he was a man of many parts and a man whose contribution to Irish society has enriched the

lives of many generations,” he said. "His enduring legacy will be a sense of respect for the landscape and heritage of Ireland, along with a joyful enthusiasm for the culture and traditions of our nation.” Dr Browne said the university was proud to have been entrusted with holding a lifetime's work for the nation and for generations of scholars. Mr de Buitléar is survived by his wife, Lailli, and five children, Aoife, Éanna, Róisín, Cian and Doireann, his grandchildren, greatgrandchildren, and his sisters and brothers.

NUI Galway President supports plans for western education cluster By Órla Ryan President of NUI Galway, Dr Jim Browne, has called on Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn to fast-track plans for a regional education cluster in the west. The Irish Universities Association has recommended that the current higher education system be reconfigured into five geographical groups. The new system would see NUI Galway join GMIT, Sligo IT, Letterkenny IT, St Angela’s College in Sligo and Shannon College of Hotel Management in an umbrella

group for the west of Ireland. Dr Browne is fully backing the move, saying it would lead to major cost reductions in the education sector. “There is a certain amount of duplication of programmes within regions, so we would try to remove duplication and that would ultimately make education cheaper. We would want to make sure that everything was provided for and there may be gaps in education, so by working together across the region, we can see what gaps there are and try to provide for those,” he stated.

Dr Browne added that the clusters would also allow colleges to share specialist staff and resources, thus improving the facilities they offer to students. GMIT President Michael Carmody also welcomed the idea of regional clusters, saying it was “definitely the way forward”. Mr Carmody admitted the current economic situation has brought amalgamation plans to the fore, but stressed the benefits of such a venture. “Higher institutions are expensive undertakings and we certainly feel that

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, one NUI Galway student takes the opportunity to ask the over sixties to tell her about love. Kate Burke is a doctoral student at NUI Galway who wants to examine the importance of romantic relationships for people over the age of 60. Kate, who is a Trainee Clinical Psychologist and is carrying out her research under the supervision of Dr. Michael Hogan, Lecturer in Psychology at NUI Galway, has created a questionnaire and ideally needs around 200 people to participate. As well as being over 60, participants should also either be in a romantic relationship or have been in a relationship within the last 10 years. Successful romantic relationships are recognised as being beneficial for psychoa co-ordinated approach to programmes and sharing resources and services would be a positive step,” he said. In 2011, the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 Report called for a reduction in the number of higher education providers in Ireland. On January 15 last, A Higher Education Authority publication recommended the number of third-level colleges in the State be cut from 39 to 24.

logical wellbeing and physical health. Communication, intimacy, sex and love have been found to be important in relationship satisfaction; however this research is usually completed with younger couples. Kate has already carried out some in-depth research with a group of younger people, and older people. Using a collective intelligence methodology some stark differences were identified between the focus groups “So far, in testing this research area, we think that older people see honesty as being the fundamental driver of all other elements of successful romantic relationships,” said Kate. She added; “Honesty is an interesting concept as it involves self-disclosure and risks putting an individual in a vulnerable position, and yet the ability to disclose honestly can facilitate a deeper

level of intimacy in the relationship.” For younger adults, communication and trust significantly enhance all elements of relationship success. Older adults also acknowledged the importance of these while both groups identified intimacy as an important component of relationship success. “The survey will hopefully build on our previous findings and provide some statistical information about this interesting topic, allowing us to learn more about what’s important in loving relationships for older people.” Those who wish to participate in the online study should log onto https:// www.surveymonkey.com/s/ MBNJ9CL. All participants’ data will be kept confidential with no identifying information attached to the questionnaires.

Kate Burke, a doctoral student at NUI Galway, wants to examine the importance of romantic relationships for people over the age of 60.



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European students hope new EU system will avoid dangers of University rankings

Galway is Ireland’s City of Knowledge

By Martin O’Donoghue

By Eileen Cameron

The European Students’ Union (ESU) hopes the introduction of U-Multirank, the European Commission’s new multidimensional ranking system for higher education institutes, will avoid the pitfalls of previous systems and aid students in colleges across the European Union. U-Multirank can be “an important tool” and help students to “take an informed decision by promoting the diversity of the European Higher Education Area,” according to Fernando M Galan of the ESU’s Executive Committee. However, the ESU does hold some concerns about the tendency of league tables to take from the

social aspect of higher education. The ESU has long been opposed to “the marketification and commodification of higher education” where the rise and fall of certain colleges’ reputations would allow them to make commensurate adjustments in funding and tuition fees. Ranking systems already exist for universities and the fall of Irish universities in such league tables since the beginning of the recession has garnered occasional media attention. However, recent studies have shown that a majority of the world’s universities are left out of such traditional ranking systems, because such league tables have adopted methodologies that only

address the top research universities globally. This is where the students hope the U-Multirank system will improve matters rather than add to the effect of traditional rankings as it has been specially designed and tested to avoid such difficulties. The ESU has fully supported the scheme with its own Executive Committee getting involved as stakeholders while a delegation of students attended the presentation by the European Commission on 30 and 31 January under the Irish presidency to the European Council. The delegation was keen to emphasise the concerns that students had about U-Multirank and discuss how it could be best developed from

their perspective. Among the students taking part was Erik Arroy, Chair of the National Union of Students in Sweden (SFS). Welcoming the U-Multirank system, Arroy acknowledged that “rankings will never be able to reflect the quality of, or students’ real experience of, higher education.” Nevertheless, he was satisfied that an effort was being made to provide an alternative to earlier flawed rankings and urged continued student involvement in the scheme on issues such as the indicators being used “in order for U-Multirank to have a chance to fulfil its purpose as a transparent and relevant information tool for students.”

NUI Galway celebrates History Month By Lyndsay Hughes An Cumann Staire have taken on the challenge of running the brand new History Month on campus. The initiative was launched on 14 January and will continue until Valentine’s Day (14 February). As part of History Month, there will be a series of historical events across campus, and an Cumann Staire are working in conjunction with numerous other college societies to make sure there’s something for everyone. A number of music acts will feature throughout

the festivities, along with museum and city tours. Over the coming week, there will be guest lectures from Dr John Cunningham and Professor John Baines, who will be talking about the historically weird and wonderful. D r. C u n n i n g h a m ’s lecture, ‘An Expurgated History of Rag Week in Galway’ takes place on 5 February in the Ruby Room in the King’s Head at 7pm. Professor Baines of Oxford University will present a lecture about the ‘The Formation of the Ancient Egyptian State’ in the Dillon lecture theatre

on Thursday 7 February at 7pm. The lectures are free and all are welcome to come along. Throughout the month, the societies involved will be hosting a range of activites from lectures and debates to radio shows and table quizzes. The events will culminate in a grand finale on February 13 with the famous NUI Galway Arts Ball, which takes place this year in the Salthill Hotel. The legendary Arts Ball pre-party will take place from 5pm that day in the College Bar. An Cumann Staire have

The ‘Click and Connect’ computer training initiative is to re-open next week due to popular demand. The free scheme will deliver basic computer training to 40 more people from 29 January. Classes will be small and will be taught in local, non-formal settings.

‘Click and Connect’ will be delivered by volunteers from the Discipline of Information Technology at NUI Galway. Participants will avail of free training, and will be introduced to the basics of computing. The course covers web browsing, using e-mail and accessing information online. NUI Galway has designed training mate-

rial suitable for absolute beginners. The training is intended as practical guidance for people with no experience of computers. Classes will be two hours duration over three consecutive weeks. The initiative is funded by the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. Professor Gerry Lyons, Dean of the College of

NUI Galway students invited to partake in Irish “Junior Nobel Prize” By Martin O’Donoghue

said that they “are looking to see what diverse ideas other societies can bring to History Month to promote both their particular areas and the historical theme to the students of NUIG.” The society stresses that this is an open event, and they are open to suggestions for artists or events that might add to the potential of this novel celebration of history. If you’d like to get involved or make a suggestion, you can contact an Cumann Staire at cumannstaire@socs.nuigalway.ie, or find them on Facebook.

‘Click and Connect’ returns to NUI Galway By Lyndsay Hughes

Galway has recently been named ‘Ireland’s knowledge city’, due to the fact that it boasts the highest proportion of PhD graduates outside of Dublin. In a ‘PhD Index’ research paper by Dr Sean McDonagh, a former lecturer at NUI Galway, figures from the 2011 census – which shows a total of 1,894 PhD graduates in Galway compared with 9,948 in Dublin – were analysed. In addition, Galway also has the second highest level of graduates overall and it is hoped this highly skilled workforce will be a huge incentive to multinationals who may be considering

Engineering and Informatics at NUI Galway, said: “Older people will particularly benefit, as will unemployed people and disadvantaged groups in the Galway region. These people miss out on opportunities most people take for granted.” To register for the classes, contact the course co-ordinator, David English, at 087 0571967.

investment in Ireland. NUI Galway currently has 15,000 students registered, with almost a quarter of these being postgraduate students on both taught and research courses. “Galway has a fairly small population by international standards, so it’s [a result of] fantastic work by the university, leadership and the research programmes, and they deserve high praise for it,” said Dr McDonagh. “Galway is doing particularly well; it’s an amazing figure and augurs well for the future. Galway City has more PhDs than Cork City. It is well-placed for attracting investment, industry and generating employment.”

An Irish academic awards programme cited as the Irish “Junior Nobel Prize” is inviting the world’s brightest undergraduates to submit course work to The Undergraduate Awards. The initiative is one which celebrates students who propose fresh arguments and approaches and provides them with a global platform for their ideas. Open to final and penultimate undergraduate students, the Awards were founded in 2008 by Trinity College Dublin graduates, Oisín Hanrahan (HandyBook) and Paddy Cosgrave (Web Summit, Founders). Growing steadily ever since, best-in-class students from the likes of CalTech, Harvard, University of Hong Kong and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay have already registered to submit their research papers to the 2013 programme. Programme Director Louise Hodgson said; “We’re looking for the next generation of creative thinkers and problem solvers. The programme attracts students who, at a very early stage in their academic careers, are already researching solutions to the

pressing problems we face as a global community and turning commonly-accepted theories on their heads.” Open to all disciplines, previous award winning proposals have included a low-cost filtration system for a novel toilet design for developing countries and the work of Fred English [UCC] on the cure for preeclampsia, a medical condition that takes the lives of over 100,000 pregnant women annually. In 2012, four NUI Galway students captured these prestigious awards while a further five were named highly commended entrants. Nominees for the 2013 Undergraduate Awards will be invited to Dublin in November to attend the UA Summit – a three-day ‘incubation centre’ comprising networking events, fireside chats and hands-on workshops. As part of the summit, the winning students will be awarded by patron of the awards programme, President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins, at the Undergraduate Awards Ceremony. Interested students can register or submit their coursework at www. undergraduateawards.com. Submissions close May 24 2013.


Ógra Fianna Fáil condemns HSE exploitation of graduates By Caitlin Flynn

Ógra Fianna Fáil has challenged the Health Service Executive (HSE) to reconsider what the organization calls an “attack on graduates” as a change in recruiting patterns for nursing and midwifery students is expected to expand throughout the health service. Controversy first arose with the unveiling of an employment initiative by the HSE that promised 1,000 new jobs to nursing and midwifery graduates – at a reduced salary. Recruits will be paid 80% of the salary of entry point staff nurses. The initiative is expected to save €10 million in 2013 by limiting overtime and reducing dependence on agency nurses. All HSE sites and HSE funded hospitals will be affected.

Graduates are offered a two year contract with “an agreed upon rotational aspect” if selected. The HSE insists that the recent policy change is a benefit, as the opportunity would increase participants’ training and offer job security in an economically disadvantaged climate. Ógra Fianna Fáil condemned what they view as an attack on graduates and education; “It is unrealistic for the government to expect fully qualified graduates to accept such a huge reduction in pay compared to those they will work alongside. “It is extremely weak of the Minister to rely on his own claim that this is ‘necessary’ to provide work experience for college graduates. All graduates have already been through intensive onsite training in order to qualify.”

Health Minister James Reilly, who is under fire for his plan to extend the practice throughout the health service, believes that the pull of job security will prevent emigration. Opponents believe the measure will instead encourage Ireland’s best and brightest to take their training elsewhere; “The State has invested heavily in educating students to this high standard and the Government simply cannot afford to pursue what is a highly discriminatory policy.” Students are frustrated, as their years of studying and cost of attending college are not bringing the rewards they anticipated. Not surprisingly, the government’s program has been met with a low level of interest. First appointments to the program are expected to begin at the end of February.

An information evening was held on Wednesday 23 January, focusing on the career choices available to those who study Social and Political Science. Head of Careers and Development Centre John Hannon explained to students their options, and gave advice on how to succeed in those options. Mr Hannon explained different areas of employ-

ment and made it clear that a student graduating from a Soc&Pol discipline has a variety of options from social work and community development to accounting and information technology. Student interest focused mainly on political consultancy, social work and the private sector. According to Mr Hannon it is quite realistic to achieve employment in any of those sectors. The session also cov-

ered the preparation of a Curriculum Vitae and valuable advice on how to behave in an interview. Students learned that any experience or skill they try to sell to a potential employer must be proven by facts and actual experience that can be traced back. Also, potential employers are not big fans of reading, so a CV must be as short, but informative, as possible. The information evening provided some advice that would be

By Marése O’Sullivan

NUI Galway language staff will host a third series of Babel public lectures in the Town Hall Theatre over the next three months. Entitled ‘Speaking in Tongues’, the talks will discuss various aspects of language such as translation, communication and body language. Ms. María del Pilar Alderete-Diez from the Spanish Department presented the first lecture, ‘Harry Potter is Funny’ on January 29. Ms. del Pilar AldereteDiez’s discussed “how humour develops” from the original language to Spanish and the diverse skills needed to translate it. “The talk is based on my background as [both] a researcher on translation and my role as a teacher on the B.A. Connect Children’s Studies course at NUI Galway. [It will] bring the kind of research

useful for students in any course. There will be more of these sessions held during the year, and it is strongly recommended that students attend some of them. If there are any questions or advice needed regarding career choice, the Careers Development Centre’s doors are always open. It is located on first floor of the Arts and Science building. More information is available at http://www.nuigalway. ie/careers/.

New Nursing and Midwifery Society By Carrie Bennett

This semester the brand new Nursing and Midwifery Society will bring an injection of all things fun to NUI Galway. Founder Pollyanna Prittie Joyce and her team have lots of plans for the coming months; including a charity fund-

raiser for Student Nurses Overseas (which helps students volunteer abroad over the summer) and an outing to Boda Borg in Boyle, Co. Roscommon – which is basically the Irish version of The Crystal Maze. The society aims to put the fun into Health Promotion of all kinds,

including the physical and mental wellbeing of the student body. The group holds its weekly meeting on Wednesdays at 5.30pm in the coffee dock on the third floor of Aras Moyola. All are welcome, regardless of their field of study. The more mem-


NUI Galway staff to head public lectures

Career guidance information evening held for Social and Political Science students By Valeri Tarassov


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bers, the more fun, so keep an eye out for signup sheets. One can also join the society's Facebook group 'NUIG Nursing and Midwifery Soc' for updates on outings and events. This society is sure to resuscitate the Nursing social scene, so don’t miss out!

we do in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures closer to the wider community in Galway, outside the university walls,” says Ms. del Pilar Alderete-Diez. Coordinator of the Masters in International Contemporary Literatures and Media, and German lecturer, Dr Tina-Karen Pusse, will take to the stage on February 26, focusing on reading the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke in a multilingual environment and comparing it to the meaning of Pentecost. “I hope to encourage the audience to engage with even difficult poetry, written in a language that is not their native one – even if their knowledge of the original language is very limited,” Dr. Pusse told Sin. Senior French lecturer, Dr Philip Dine, will be the last to give his public lecture, which takes place on March 19.

Featuring a talk on body language in sport, Dr. Dine shall particularly discuss the social significance of sport as a method of interaction and cultural representation. “What I am looking forward to most is the opportunity to talk to a broader audience than is normally the case for a research project. Sport is the ideal subject from that point of view, as it is so familiar to everyone, but it is also still relatively unexplored territory in academic terms,” he said “And such is the importance of sport in Irish society – just think of the local and national strength of the GAA – that a Galway audience is the perfect one to talk to about the ways in which games can shape our identity.” Admission is free and all are welcome. Contact the Town Hall Theatre’s Box Office for further details on 091-569777.

Facebook study highlights jealous feelings By Lyndsay Hughes Spending hours on Facebook is making us jealous. According to a new study – Envy on Facebook: A hidden threat to users’ life satisfaction? – which was carried out by researchers from Humboldt University and Darmstadt’s Technical University, one in three people feel jealous as a result of other people’s Facebook posts and pictures. Over 600 people took part in the survey, which revealed one in five had their last pang of jealousy while online. Facebook users claimed they were most likely to be jealous of other people’s social interactions (such as how many ‘likes’ a friend’s picture gets), as well as the sense that other people are just generally happier in their lives. The researchers described an online phenomenon called the ‘self-promotion envy cycle’, in which Facebook users exaggerated their

achievements to make themselves feel better next to their rich, content and successful friends and acquaintances. Some users admitted to hiding certain friends’ posts to avoid feeling jealous. “We were surprised by how many people have a negative experience from Facebook, with envy leaving them feeling lonely, frustrated or angry,” said Dr. Hanna Krasnova from Humboldt University. “Our findings signal that users frequently perceive Facebook as a stressful environment, which may, in the long run, endanger platform sustainability,” he continued. Social networking sites have had a lot of bad publicity in recent months, after a number of teens died by suicide following episodes of cyber-bullying. If you are affected by strong feelings of jealousy or unhappiness, or if you are the victim of online bullying, please visit www.headstrong. ie or www.barnardos.ie for support and advice.



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How long will the bus be? We’ll soon be able to see

Galway City receives €3.7 million transport investment

By James Falconer

By Gillian Keating

Galway City Council is in the process of launching new electronic signage with realtime bus information at 20 bus stops around the city. The system is being installed by the Council on behalf of the National Transport Authority and will use GPS technology to provide people with an accurate arrival time for buses. Also, a smartphone app is expected to be released by the Council which will provide live traffic, parking and transport information. Many students will be happy to hear that the signage will be provided in the northern, eastern and southern sides of Eyre Square; outside GMIT (both directions); the Seamus Quirke Road (at Rahoon Road junction and outside Westside Shopping Centre); at the main gate of UHG; at NUIG main

gate; Knocknacarra (opposite caravan park); Dublin Road (Castlegar complex); Dublin Road (Woodlands); Francis Street (opposite the Abbey); Upper Salthill (at Salthill Amusements); Dublin Road (the G Hotel); Tuam Road (at Riverside both directions); Castlepark Road (Sliabh Rua) and at Joyce’s Supermarket in Knocknacarra. This new system will be widely welcomed. However, the art of striking up conversation at bus stops will be slightly hindered as a result. It won’t really matter if you ask the person; “Are you here long?” because the time of arrival will now be displayed. Joe Tansey, Head of the Galway Transportation Unit stated; “The system provides real-time information using GPS along the route, so an accurate arrival time of buses on the route will be provided.”

Technology is improving society in a variety of ways, but one might fear that life is becoming so mechanical, that it eventually won’t be necessary to speak to each other. Well, I suppose there’s always the weather and slagging off politicians to fall back on! One would hope that this new endeavour will encourage people to use public transport therefore, taking more cars off the road. Cllr Mike Crowe, Chair of the Council’s Transportation Committee said; “It will give certainty to commuters that the bus is going to come. If they’re waiting for a 3.45pm bus and it’s going to be late, at least they’ll be informed, or if they’re in a busy locality, they can go off and get a coffee or something.” Maybe it’s time to leave the car at home and enjoy watching the bus arrive on time.

Public Transport Minister, Alan Kelly, has announced a €3.7 million funding package to improve transport in Galway City. The announcement was made at a press conference in Ceannt Station on Thursday 31 January. The funding, which is part of the regional cities sustainable transport programme will be allocated between Galway City Council and Bus Éireann, with the aim of improving walking, cycling and public transport facilities for commuters. At the press conference, Minister Kelly stated; “We want more people to use public transport, cycle and walk. But people need the necessary infrastructure to make the choice to change their mode of travel.” One of the key projects announced to achieve this

goal was the plan of redesigning Ceannt Bus and Railway Station. The concourse is intended to be re-designed into a more effective interchange area for passengers. Wider footpaths, clearer bus bays and taxi ranks were proposed, along with a seated waiting area and more retail units. The project also aims to build a pedestrian link from Ceannt Station to the Galway Coach Station. Re-designing the station is expected to cost approximately €1 million. Another half a million is to be spent on extending the Rahoon Road Bus Lane. A study is also being commissioned on bus and cycle network demand in Galway and an assessment of greenway locations to help with future planning decisions.

Funding was allocated to widen the footpaths on Bridge Street, also to improve traffic flow at the Salmon Weir Bridge and Connolly Avenue Junction. Further plans were made for investment in bus lanes at Rahoon Road and Monivea Road. Other projects proposed include the development of a greenway between Galway Cathedral and NUI Galway. The transport investment will also allow for increased CCTV cameras at city junctions. Information boards and parking guidance signs will also be placed in key areas of the city. Minister Kelly stated at the press conference; “This investment programme is a welcome step to improve local traffic pinch points and to enhance more sustainable transport patterns for the people of Galway City.”

Leading Irish University to waive fees for Jobs at risk as HMV students who play host to international students shuts down By Sean Dunne One of the leading private third-level colleges has offered students the chance to off-set their tuition fees if they play host to an international student and provide food and board. The initiative at Griffith College Dublin will see the college waive the €5000 fee students pay each year if the become a host family for international students. The scheme will also run in Limerick and Cork. The initiative is to combat the increasing fees for

students. As of September, Irish third level students will have to pay €2500 and by the end of 2015 this will be increased to €3000. The scholarship at Griffith College will be made available to students who arrange to host or for a relative to host suitable living arrangements. Many parents have had to forgo their children’s education fees for more pressing household expenditure “ We a r e c o n s c i o u s that these are difficult economic times for Irish families,” Griffith Col-

lege president Diarmuid Hegarty said. “The objective of this scheme is to provide more opportunity for Irish students to attend college by eliminating the fees while offering international students a unique living experience during their time in Ireland.” Non-EU students are a key source of income for the college. International students pay €7000 each year at the private college. The new scheme will target the international student market of Brazil, China, and France.

The college has acknowledged that the scheme should help to attract more international students and of course it has great benefits for Irish students who may struggle to pay the tuition in coming years. Griffith College has more than 7000 full- and part-time students. Over 60% of the student population are Irish students. Those who wish to apply can find out more by contacting the Griffith College admissions team on 01 415 0415 or emailing admissions@gcd.ie

Popular city restaurant closes doors for good By Ross Cannon The popular Spanish tapas restaurant Cava closed its doors for the last time on Friday 25 January. Owners and operators of Cava, JP McMahon and Drigin Gaffney confirmed the news on the restaurants website; “It is with deep regret and sadness that Drigin and I must announce that Cava will close... We

hope the [last] week will be a happy reflection on our last five years rather than a mourning on our closing.” The move to close the business comes after a long running discussion over the lease of the property, to which the couple felt the cost of rent to be “excessive”. While rent costs of the property did play a pivotal role in eatery’s closure, Mr

McMahon said that there were other factors, including increases in the cost of food, oil, coffee and a recent VAT increase on wine all played a part in Cava’s demise. Last minute discussions were held to save the restaurant from closure, but to no avail. Speaking prior to the closure announcement Mr McMahon stated that they had been struggling to pay rent over the last number

of years. It is known that other properties located on Dominick Street pay up to €120,000 per year. The couple run two other restaurants in the city. One of which is the award winning Aniar restaurant, located next door to Cava. Cava had employed 28 people prior to closing, who now look set to join the country’s long list of unemployed.

By Austin Maloney HMV Ireland has gone into receivership, putting 300 jobs at risk in sixteen locations around the country. T h e c o m p a n y ’s U K branch went into administration on January 15, after being refused a request for a £300 million lifeline by its suppliers. The Irish branch went into receivership the following day. All HMV Ireland’s stores will remain closed while the appointed receivers, Deloitte Ireland, examine the company’s viability and cost structure. Staff at stores in Cork, Dublin and Limerick had refused to hand over keys to the premises and started sitin protests, in an attempt to recover lost wages and redundancy payments. This ended when employees were told that wages would be paid by January 25, though without an indication as to whether the package agreed included redundancy payments. HMV also announced that they would no longer be honouring gift vouchers. The company’s UK branch began

accepting gift vouchers again on January 22, after strong public criticism of the initial decision to refuse them. However, with Irish stores currently closed, customers in this country may not ever be able to redeem their vouchers. When asked whether he would be asking Deloitte Ireland to pursue HMV over its refusal to honour vouchers, the Minister for Enterprise, Richard Bruton, stated; “Traders [are prohibited] from engaging in unfair or misleading commercial practices, [and] if a company issues gift vouchers it knows it cannot honour, it is a serious matter under company law.” Several musicians reacted to the news of HMV’s closure on Twitter. Everything Everything bassist Jeremy Pritchard commented; “Most towns – small, medium-sized towns – aren't going to have any kind of record shop anymore. […] There's not really a physical presence for the physical format on the high street,” while Blur guitarist, Graham Coxon, said; “They'll be closing down musicians soon… It ain't gonna get any better.”


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Is there life on Mars? By Shannon McNamee

Researchers from the Natural History Museum and the University of Aberdeen have discovered minerals on the subsurface of Mars, which they claim are the “strongest evidence yet” of life on the planet. It is believed that these minerals could have been in a zone up to five kilometres below the surface for much of the planet's history.

ike the McLaughlin Crater, the subsurface rocks – which contain hidden micro-organisms – are now being revealed because of meteorite collisions. The study – entitled ‘Groundwater activity on Mars and implications for a deep biosphere’, published by the journal Nature Geoscience – reveals that many of these exposed rocks contain minerals which have been altered by water

and therefore could have supported life; “Deposits formed as a result of groundwater upwelling […] could preserve critical evidence of a deep biosphere on Mars.” Dr Joseph Michalski, Planetary Geologist at the Natural History Museum in London, declared; “Whether the Martian geologic record contains life or not, analysis of these types of rocks would certainly teach us a tremendous amount about

early chemical processes in the solar system.” Professor John Parnell, Geochemist at the University of Aberdeen, noted; “We know from Earth’s history that planets face traumatic conditions, such as meteorite bombardment and ice ages, when the survival of life may depend on being well below ground. So it makes sense to search for evidence of life from that subsurface environment, in the geological records of both Earth and Mars.”

AC/DC singer set for the movies By Lyndsay Hughes

The life of legendary rock vocalist Bon Scott is being made into a movie. The AC/DC frontman, who died in 1980 from

alcohol poisoning, is to be the subject of a biographical film with actor and singer Rob Liotti playing the main role. Bon Scott: The Legend Of AC/DC will cover

the rock idol’s rise to fame in the late 1970s. Their massively popular Highway to Hell album was released during this ascension to rock superstardom.


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The film concept was originally reported in August 2012, and generated viral worldwide attention. “The story of Bon Scott is a classical tragedy. He travelled across the world, made his mark and then died too young,” said director J.R. Getches. “He was a misfit who found his place in rock music and became immortal pursuing his dream. This is a story worth telling,” he added. Lead actor Liotti is reported to have lost 40lbs through a serious physical routine in preparation for the role. Although the other main roles have reportedly been cast, it has not been revealed as yet who will play the roles of brothers Malcolm and Angus Young, Mark Evans, and Phil Rudd. Following Bon's death at the age of 33, the band considered splitting, but was encouraged by his family to continue. Vocalist Brian Johnson was recruited shortly after Bon’s demise, and the band released the album Back in Black in tribute to the tragic singer. Back in Black has gone on to become one of the biggest selling albums in music history. It sold over 50 million copies, and took the number two spot on the list of top selling albums of all time. It was beaten by Michael Jackson’s Thriller, which sold over 100 million copies.

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Batmobile sells for $4.6 million By Ross Cannon

The classic car from the Caped Crusader’s 1960s TV series was sold for $4.62 million at a Barret and Jackson auction in Scottsdale, Arizona, on January 19. Rick Champagne, a logistics company executive from Phoenix, Arizona, is the man who will take the wheel of the iconic Batmobile. Mr Champagne explained his fondness for the car, calling his purchase “a dream come true,” because he’d had a toy model of it since he was a child. The midnight-black and red pinstriped car has never been available for purchase before, leaving it with little or no record of previous value. George Barris, the original owner and expert in vehicle customization, bought the 1955 Lincoln concept car in 1965 from Ford for $1. Barris went on to spend a mere $15,000

to customise it for the TV show, turning the standard Lincoln into the head-turning vehicle of choice for Batman and Robin. “The car had to be a star on its own,” he said at the auction. “And it became one.” The heavily modified Batmobile measures nineteen feet. It has two Plexiglas bullet-proof bubbles for each occupant and boasts oil squirters, smoke screens and a batshaped Bat phone in the centre console. The series ran from 1965 to 1968 and featured Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin. It made it onto the silver screen and was the first full-length theatrical adaptation of the DC Comics character. After the TV series ended, Barris and the Batmobile toured the United States to show the unique car to the public. After interest dwindled, the car was housed in a private show room in California.

Moving Swiftly on… By Jane Kearns Taylor Swift is upset and embarrassed that her love life has become a joke. A recent source on gossip site, RadarOnline, reported that; “At first Taylor just thought it was funny how much interest people had in her love life and she went along with it. But now she's the butt of jokes on Saturday Night Live, in the tabloids and on the late night shows. She laughed it off, but the jokes made about her at the Golden Globes got under her skin." Since the release of her song ‘We are Never Ever Getting Back Together’, Swift has been the butt of a plethora of jokes from online parodies of her songs to entire blogs and memes making fun of her romantic life. Swift, who is now more famous for her relationships and breakups with

celebrities which include Joe Jonas, John Mayer, Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Lautner and most recently One Direction’s Harry Styles, has openly admitted to writing songs such as Tears on my Guitar, Dear John, We are never ever getting back together and I knew you were trouble about her failed relationships. But this openness that originally garnered her legions of fans has backfired, leaving Swift embarrassed and constantly mocked by the media and public for her serial dating habits. Apparently all this animosity towards Taylor has led her to reflect on her past choices as she now “really wants to make an effort to slow down and not jump from boyfriend to boyfriend… all the negative press has really opened her eyes and will be good for her.”



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‘Tá sé chomh héasca sin!’ Le Sinéad Hughes Cloistear i gcónaí faoi na daoine cáiliúla seo i ‘Hollywood’ agus an creideamh ait atá acu agus bíonn muid uile den tuairim ‘nach iad sin na hamadáin nó is léir nach daoine cliste iad’. Ach, an bhfuil an scéal ar fad ar eolas againn? “It all started with a simple cup of coffee”, a dúirt sé. Bhí súile an téatair greamaithe ar Peter Griffiths, iarbhall de Scientology. Chuir sé tús leis an léacht ag léiriú go raibh suim aige i ‘Dianetics’, smaoineamh/creideamh, dar leis, a chuireann barr feabhais ar do mhodh maireachtála. D’imigh a bhean chéile chuig cruinniú a bhí ar siúl ag grúpa a chreideann an teoiric seo. Nuair a bhí Peter ag bailiú a mhná, thug siad cuireadh dó teacht isteach agus cupán caife a ól, fad is a bhí sé ag fanacht. Thosaigh cúpla duine ón ngrúpa seo ag labhairt leis, ag cur ceisteanna air faoin saghas saoil a bhí aige agus an mbeadh suim aige ‘scrúdú pearsanta’ a dhéanamh. Rinne sé amhlaidh agus dúirt Peter linn gur cheap sé nach raibh ann ach scrúdú beag fánach faoi féin agus nár chuir sé aon suim ann. Léirigh torthaí an scrúdaithe dar leis na ‘Dianetics’ go bhféadfadh sé cruth nua agus úr a chur ar a shaol. Dúirt Peter leis féin go raibh an ceart acu, d’fheadfadh sé a bheith ní ba shásta, ní ba shaibhre agus ní ba shláintiúla. D’inis an grúpa dó go raibh cúrsaí acu do dhaoine cosúil leis, cúrsa a mhúineann duit go bhfuil

tú in ann a bheith ‘níos fearr mar dhuine’ agus d’fhreastail sé ar an gcúrsa sin. “Something happens to you”, arsa sé ag labhairt faoin gcúrsa. Nuair a bhí sé ag míniú dúinn céard a bhí ar siúl acu, ba léir go raibh na daoine faoi dhraíocht ag Ceannairí an chúrsa. Bhí ar Peter agus ar na daoine/baill nua na leabhair a bhí ag an ngrúpa seo a dhíol. Bhí an leabhar seo mar Bhíobla ag an ngrúpa. Cheap sé go raibh sé ag cabhrú leis an bpobal, go raibh sé ag déanamh maitheasa dó féin agus don phobal. Ní raibh ach cúpla cinneadh beag déanta aige ag an stad seo. Ach, i ngan fhios do féin, bhí sé mar bhall do Scientology anois! Bhí Peter faoi smacht ag Scientology ag an tráth seo. Dar leis, bíonn an eagraíocht seo ag iarraidh go mbeadh tú ‘ag feabhsú’ an t-am ar fad, tá sraith de chéimeanna san eagraíocht. Ach chun barr na gcéimeanna a bhaint amach, íocfaidh tú go daor as. Dhíol Peter a theach i Sasana chun tabhairt faoi shaol nua lena bhean chéile i Meiriceá faoi stiúir Scientology. Bhí air treoirleabhar na heagraíochta a léamh agus a shaol a bhunú ar an leabhar. “You would never question, but just go along with it”, a dúirt sé nuair a chuir mac léinn ceist air nár cheap sé go raibh rialacha áiféiseacha acu. Ní raibh cead aige caidreamh ar bith a bheith aige le ‘SP’ nó ‘suppressive people’. Glaotar ‘SP’ ar iriseoirí, duine ar bith a oibríonn leis an dlí nó duine a bhfuil pearsantacht láidir nó cumhachtach aige/aici.

Mhínigh Peter go gceapann daoine atá ina mball de Scientology gur drochdhaoine iad ‘SP’ agus má chaitheann tú an iomarca ama ina gcuideachta éireoidh tú tinn dá bharr. Nuair a cheap Peter nach raibh a shaol chomh hiontach sin agus go raibh sé fós ag íoc airgid leis an eagraíocht agus nach raibh sé ag teacht níos gaire don cheann scríbe (barr na gcéimeanna), stop sé agus chuimhnigh sé ar féin “Something’s not right here” a dúirt sé leis féin. Thosaigh sé ag cur ceisteanna ar dhaoine eile faoi na smaointe seo. Ní raibh na húdaráis sásta go raibh sé ag ceistiú modhanna na heagraíochta. Chuir siad pionós air, níor labhair duine ar bith leis, níor thug siad cabhair dó agus tar éis tamaill shocraigh sé go raibh sé in am aige imeacht ó Scientology. Bhí a shaol ina phraiseach agus ní raibh pingin rua fágtha aige nuair a tháinig sé ar ais go Sasana. Tháinig uaigneas air, mar sin thóg sé ionad nua Scientology ina cheantar féin. Ní raibh sé i bhfad gur thug sé na bréaga faoi dheara. Chonaic sé cá raibh an t-airgead ar fad ag dul. Chonaic sé an damáiste a rinne sé do dhaoine i ngan fhios dóibh féin. Chonaic sé cé chomh leithliseach is a bhí sé féin agus d’éirigh sé as arís. Ach an uair seo, níor fhill sé ar an eagraíocht. Anois caitheann Peter a shaol ag labhairt ar a scéal féin ag léachtaí cosúil leis an gceann seo ar mhaithe le daoine a chur ar an eolas faoi drochthionchar Scientology . An dtarlódh an rud céanna duit?

ALIVE NUI Galway’s Community Volunteering Programme

An opportunity of a lifetime What do ALIVE community volunteers do? talk to people  work with animals  drive cars  plant trees  write letters  paint walls  host events  raise funds  cook dinners  walk dogs  play music  listen to people  give first aid  collect for recycling  engage with young people  spend time with older people  keep accounts  campaign on justice issues  office work  after school support for children and much more! Sign up to volunteer on the ALIVE website  Volunteer Opportunities Database with over 120 Community opportunities  Map of Galway with Community Organisations markers to help you find your way  Stories from ALIVE community volunteers  Videos and interviews with community organisations

Some of the cast of RENT pose for photographs at the launch of the Múscailt Arts Festival, which was held in the Cube on 16 January.



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Hector Goes nowhere By James Falconer Hector Ó hEochagáin returned to TV screens in January with a new fourpart series called Hector Goes. While watching the first instalment, Hector Goes Holy, I was surprised to see that the obvious (clerical child abuse) was not mentioned or even hinted at. The 40 minute programme lacked any significant content and presupposed that all viewers knew about the Church. Surely viewers could expect some background to what faith and Christianity are, or any variant therein, to be at least grounded in something other than Hector’s opening line; “There was a time in Ireland when there was a picture of the Pope, JFK and the Sacred Heart in every kitchen up

and down the country”. Hector’s journey, or “pilgrimage” as he calls it, begins on top of Croagh Patrick where he says; “The Church used to be the boss, but for many, me included, it has become a great irrelevance […] I stopped going to mass and confession – I don’t know why. I stopped engaging with the Church years ago.” Hector travels to Knock, Maynooth and Navan to speak to trainee priests (seminarians) and members of the clergy. He bordered on the insulting towards the young seminarians by chiefly focusing on the perks of the job; “Lads, do yis have Sky Sports? Petrol in the car? Dinner on the table?” There was a nervous feeling from the “lads” which seemed to say; “well there’s a lot more to it than that,

Hector, you muppet!” The central theme of the show was why the Church had lost its grip? Hector must have been aware of the huge elephant following him across the country. How on earth was there no mention of clerical child abuse, or even an allusion to it? Considering the absolutely shocking chronicle of rape, torture and cover ups which are contained in both the Murphy and Ryan reports, it seems preposterous that this could be completely overlooked. In all the interviews, there was an air of mystery about why the Church had lost its grip in Ireland. It seemed so elusive to all concerned and was met with much speculation; however, no one could seem to put their finger on it. It’s hard to believe that

not one single church-goer or random member of the public was interviewed – exclusively priests? Of late, we’ve been preoccupied with the grossly unjust socialisation of private debt (bailing out bondholders), but let us not forget that Bertie Ahern and his government made a deal with the Catholic Church which saw taxpayers pick up the bill for compensation to victims of clerical sexual abuse, which came to over €1 billion. How could anyone possibly claim that the Catholic Church don’t have the funds to pay compensation to victims; it is the wealthiest and strongest political institution in the history of the world. Recent revelations show how the Church’s international portfolio, which lies camouflaged behind a massive offshore company structure built up over years, was actually created by money donated by Mussolini in return for papal recognition of the Italian fascist regime in 1929. Imagine central London and upmarket streets such as New Bond Street, or the nearby headquarters of the wealthy investment bank Altium Capital, which stands at the corner of St

James's Square and Pall Mall. These office blocks in London's most expensive district are part of a startling secret commercial property empire owned by the Vatican. Is there no end to scandal in the Catholic Church? It appears that the Redress Board in Ireland was set up by the government and the Church to pay out as little compensation as possible. If a victim wants proper compensation he/she would be best advised to go to the High Court or the European Court of Human Rights. Isn’t it time the Pope was brought before the Hauge? As head of the Catholic Church he is responsible by law for the crimes committed against children under their supervision. However, the Catholic Church appears to be above the law and their silence is deafening. To be guaranteed protection from civil prosecution in Ireland, the religious orders agreed in 2002 to contribute €128m in property and cash to the compensation fund; ten years later, only €105m has been transferred to the state, with orders retaining a fifth of the properties they promised to transfer. At the time of the 2002

deal, the estimated cost of redress was €500m. However, the horrifying revelations in 2009 in the Ryan Report more than doubled the estimated cost to its current €1.36 billion. Victims of clerical sexual abuse are now left in a situation where the government is trying to compensate them with healthcare benefits. This is absurd and an utter disgrace. One can only imagine that Hector had been briefed from upstairs in RTE and it’s likely that “don’t mention abuse” was agreed upon. The Catholic Church has received a hammering in the media and justifiably so. It seems that this programme wanted to explore reasons why people have drifted away from the Church. Instead of simply acknowledging the horrendous reports of abuse at the beginning of the show and then examining other aspects from there, it came across as a complete whitewash. Talk about any other topic, but whatever you do, don’t talk about what’s really going on. The show seemed to represent the ethos of the Catholic Church itself – say nothing.

Top five tips for travelling this summer By Bank of Ireland 1. Book early: Don’t miss out on the discount deals because you don’t have the funds now. Bank of Ireland has a €2,000 travel loan that is interest free for 9 months. If you register the loan account online, you can start paying it back straight away and have it cleared before the expiry date.

June Favre and Deirdre Lydon at the launch of Múscailt Arts Festival, which took place in the Cube on 16 January.

2. Be organised: Make sure you are up and running on internet banking and that you know how to use it before you go. Ensure your parents/guardian have your account details registered on their internet banking so they can transfer money immediately to you in case of an emergency. Order all visa debit cards/credit cards at least 3 weeks before you

go. If you have an existing card, check the expiry date to ensure it does not expire while you are abroad. If you need a loan, don’t leave it until you are due to go – you can apply now. 3. Save money: How should you use your money abroad? Don’t bring travellers cheques. They are expensive, have a lot of charges, are not cashable in every country and you need to carry your passport with you every time you wish to cash them. Bring a small amount of cash with you to get you through the first few days. Make sure you have a Visa debit card. This can be used worldwide and there are no charges when used within the EU & EEA countries. If travelling outside these countries, a credit card is cheaper to use.

4. Always have a back-up: You have spent your cash and have lost your visa debit card, now what do you do? It may take up to 3 weeks for you to receive your replacement card depending on where you are. Your options are to bring a credit card or register your friend’s bank account on your internet banking. This way, you can transfer money from your account into your friends account and they can use their card to withdraw it for you. Keep an eye on ATM charges though depending on where you are. 5. Enjoy yourself. Need more info? Text Kevin or Bernadette on 087 7742206/087 7811318 or just call into Bank of Ireland on campus.



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OPINION: Nurses hold their ground amidst HSE onslaught By James Falconer The HSE’s attempted recruitment of nurses at 80% of the agreed starting salary is a complete outrage and an absolute insult to graduate nurses. If only there was the political will to confront the enormously inflated tiers of administration and middle management that are an absolute drain on the HSE’s budget. Sadly, there is not, and those who devote themselves to working tirelessly on the frontline are the first and the hardest hit. This is a clear example of testing the waters with regards to wages. In 2009, the starting salary of a newly qualified staff nurse/ midwife was €33,470. The current starting salary of €27,211 could hardly be considered lucrative considering the demands and intensity of the occupation. Moreover, to try to reduce this to €22,000 is an insult to every member of the nursing profession. The current starting salary for a cleaner or a porter in the HSE is €24,750 and a nurse’s aide or health care assistant is paid in excess of the porter and cleaner. Graduated nurses are now faced with a situation where they would

have individuals working under their supervision and instruction who simply stroll in off the street and get paid more than them. As a result of the incentivised retirement scheme and the cessation of recruitment, the health system has in recent years been depleted of nurses in an intractable way. Ultimately, this has culminated in perilous staffing levels in many areas. It is widely known that the health service is understaffed and needs additional nurses to be able to offer a safe clinical environment for patients. However, to suggest that there will be more nurses on the ground as a result of this proposed scheme is nothing more than political spin. The nursing unions have long advocated the recruitment of newly qualified nurses as a cost saving measure. The cashstrapped HSE have been attempting to plug some of the most acute gaps in staffing by using expensive agency nurses and paying overtime. This simply defies logic and seems to be a short-term solution to a long-term problem. The HSE would save 54% on their current costs if they employed

newly qualified nurses at the correct rate of pay. Existing nurses have already, through a pay cut, a doubling in pension contribution, the Universal Social Charge and increases in PRSI witnessed a 25% reduction in their net pay. It is completely unacceptable to expect a newly registered nurse, just after finishing a degree, to work for the proposed remuneration. The Irish Nurses and Midwifes Organisation (INMO) vowed to broaden and intensify its boycott of the unjust graduate scheme proposed by the HSE. The INMO called the scheme a “low-paid sham” and said the HSE move “confirms this was never an educational programme” and “was always an overt attempt to introduce cut price, yellow-pack nursing posts into our health service.” The union has congratulated graduate nurses for their stance on the issue and advises 2010 and 2011 nurses to do the same. Of course, the HSE issued a nationwide statement maintaining that “informal interest and inquiries regarding the [graduate nurses] scheme” had been “strong”. How-

ever, it declined to provide the actual figures, and simply repeated this statement again. Soon afterwards the same officials had conceded – rather more quietly – that there was in fact almost no interest in any of the positions. HSE director of human resources, Barry O’Brien admitted there was indeed “a very slow level of application”. He claimed “actual numbers is not the issue”. Please tell us Mr O’Brien – what is the issue? Paul Falconer, an experienced nurse, having worked in many countries said; “I completely support the boycott of these

positions” and described the terms of the scheme as “farcical and insulting”. Furthermore, the unsanctioned over-payment of €160,000 by the HSE to the acting head, Tony O Brien, which he doesn’t have to re-pay, greatly adds to the injustice of cutting those on the frontline. Indeed, no other sector has taken such a heavy pay cut and the Croke Park agreement does not protect graduate nurses. James Reilly has insulted nurses and midwives by telling them to work in a fast food restaurant or emigrate; he should be sacked. He has shown grave disrespect to those who he is

supposed to be representing. His colleagues should be able to recognise this and therefore, call for his resignation; he is incompetent in his position. It’s the people in the most vulnerable positions who are being targeted by further cuts while those on the top of the food chain continue to remain unscathed. The HSE would achieve vast savings if it tackled the enormous bureaucracy, levels of administration and duplication within the organisation instead of constantly targeting the very people, without which, there is no viable health service.

OPINION: Help! Oil badly needed Bu Valeri Tarassov In western countries, it is always a case where many people are not happy with their governments, especially in cases where the government makes major decisions based on their own judgement. But would you like if your president made all your decisions for you and told you how to live your life, what to do and what to say? How about getting severely punished, kidnapped, beaten up or discriminated against for thinking differently and knowing that things are not going to change until a certain leader of a country is carried out of his office in a coffin? Well, anyone can try this out simply by becoming a

citizen and a resident of a country called Belarus, led by Aleksandr Lukashenko. Mr Lukashenko has been in power in Belarus since 1994. He was the only deputy at the time who voted for Belarus to step out from the Soviet Union, but he is, arguably, running the country in the same way or even worse than Soviet government did. Mr Lukashenko started off his career as a deputy director and later a director of a state-owned farm. Just to clarify, in order to achieve this position in the Soviet Union, one must have the support of a party and, most importantly, be good at milking a cow or operating a tractor. So maybe that is why the man is so desperate to prove himself?

In words of an Estonian MP Mr Juku-Kalle Raid who was observing parliamentary elections in Belarus in 2012, it is sad to see depressed people of Belarus, who are living in constant fear of even mentioning something in opposition to Mr. Lukashenko. Mr Raid said that there is nothing on TV other than a government-controlled channel showing the Belarusian leader everywhere; on a farm, in a factory, school etc. In Russian television, Lukashenko, is portrayed as a funny clown. There is no chance of watching this in Belarus – not even online. It is a state directive to have a portrait of a leader on the wall in every office, classroom or any other institution in the country. When you think of that, a

Pupils from Scoil Bhríde, Menlo, Co. Galway wait to get their teddies checked at the 8th Annual NUI Galway Teddy Bear Hospital. Photo by Aengus McMachon few other countries come to mind and some of them not too friendly. The leader is often quietly referred to as “Daddy”, as no decision is made without his consent. The Parliament of Belarus is called National Assembly of Belarus, where only two parties are currently represented; Block of Alexander Lukashenko (102 deputies) and Communist Party of Belarus (8 deputies). Every election, parliamentary or otherwise, has been criticised by foreign observers and the EU and United States because of

the amount of fraudulent activities that most of the foreign representatives have never seen before. Elections are usually followed by protests, where leaders of protesting organizations like Dmitri Daskevitš (Young Front) are earning a one-way ticket to prison, and remain there until they are ready to write a letter of apology and pray for forgiveness to a leader, which is redolent of times when one had to kneel in front of a king. So what should people of Belarus do? They

clearly need themselves some democracy. But how would they achieve it when relatives of the leader run local intelligence agencies and secret police? Well the answer is simple; they need to discover loads of oil on the territory of Belarus, and they can be sure that a year later Mr. Lukashenko will face accusations of ignoring human rights, producing WMD-s or maybe even harbouring leaders of al-Qaeda. We all know how that worked out for Saddam Hussein and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.


Drop of Kinsey they said. Be grand they said… By Ruth-Ann Browne There are no two ways about it – excessive drinking, especially on a regular basis, can lead to serious health problems. Enjoying the occasional drink responsibly is perfectly acceptable as it causes little or no damage to the body. However, it is when this occasional drink suddenly becomes a regular indulgence that serious damage, unknown to the drinker begins to occur. As Alcohol Awareness Week was last week, this article will focus solely on the effect excessive consumption of alcohol can have on the human body. Brace yourselves fellow students – you are about to learn the horrifying effects that beloved bottle of Kinsey of yours is doing to you… The Brain: Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways, and can affect the way the brain looks and works. These disruptions can change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with coordination. The Heart: Drinking a lot over a long time or too much on a single occasion can damage the heart, causing serious problems including; cardiomyopathy (stretching and drooping of heart muscle); arrhythmias (irregular heart beat); stroke; high blood pressure. Research also shows that drinking alcohol, in moderation that is, may protect healthy adults from developing coronary heart disease. The Liver: Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver, and can lead to a variety of problems and liver inflammations which can be quiet serious including; steatosis, or fatty liver; alcoholic hepatitis; fibrosis; cirrhosis. The Pancreas: Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in


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the pancreas that prevents proper digestion. Cancer: Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of developing certain cancers. These include cancers of the mouth, esophagus, throat, liver or breast. The Immune System: Drinking too much can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for disease. Chronic drinkers are more liable to contract diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis than moderate drinkers. Drinking a lot on a single occasion slows your body’s ability to ward off infections – even up to 24 hours after getting drunk. This is why many students often end up ill with infections such as tonsillitis. These are just some of the shocking examples of the damage alcohol can inflict on the human body. While drinking alcohol is itself not necessarily a problem – drinking in excessive amounts can cause a wide range of problems, and also increases your risk for a variety of problems. Research shows that alcohol enters your bloodstream as soon as you take your first sip. Shockingly, alcohol’s immediate effects can appear within about 10 minutes. As you drink, you increase your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level, which is the amount of alcohol present in your bloodstream. The

higher your BAC, the more impaired you become by alcohol’s effects. These effects can includereduced inhibitions, slurred speech, motor impairment, confusion, memory problems, concentration problems, coma, breathing problems, death. So now that you are aware of the dangers excessive consumption of alcohol can have on the body, how can you minimise your chances of this damage occurring in the first place? Next time you find yourself drinking, try to remember these top five tips. They really will benefit you in the long run. 1. Eat before or while drinking, and avoid salty snacks, which make you thirsty. 2. Be assertive: don’t be pressured into drinking more than you want or intend to. 3. Know your limits and stick to them • 21 units a week for men and • 14 units a week for women 4. Spread your units across the week: don’t save them up for one party. 5. Try not to confuse large measures of alcohol with standard measures, eg a glass of wine served at a party or at home may be much larger than the standard 125ml. Working out? Turn to page 27 to find out how Alcohol can hinder your workout.



New Public

Amnesty in Nicaragua: Fighting to stop the rape of young girls By Leigh Michael Keeney “My father was the one who abused me. He started to rape me from when I was 9 until I was 14. I was terrified of him… Sometimes he would hit me so much I could not go to school the next day… He wanted me to just stay in the house… And he abused me [sexually] as many times as he wanted. I couldn’t say anything because I was so frightened of him.” This heart-wrenching testimony by 17-year-old Connie from Managua, Nicaragua in Central America is just one voice of thousands of young girls who live in fear of rape and sexual assault every day in Nicaragua. Rape victims are usually too traumatised to speak out and their plight is often only discovered when it results in pregnancy. Abortion has been deemed a criminal offence in Nicaragua since 2008 and it is banned under all circumstances as the country is a highly socialist and Roman Catholic nation. The legal system is of little help to these girls and mostly fails them at every step, from reporting

to investigation to court hearings. In July of 2012, the Supreme Court of Justice actually reduced the sentence of Farinton Reyes for the rape of his co-worker Fátima Hernádez in 2009 to four years’ imprisonment as Farinton had committed the rape under the influence of alcohol and was in a state of sexual excitement he could not control. Fátima was also accused of co-operating in the rape. Alejandra, a 12-year-old survivor of sexual abuse testifies; “The police told me to stop crying, that there was no reason for me to cry, that what I was saying was not true. I felt very bad when the police said I was lying, because I would never lie about things like this.” Amnesty International is urging Nicaraguan authorities to repeal abortion laws and guarantee safe and accessible abortion services for rape victims and women whose lives or health would be at risk from the continuation of pregnancy. They need the authorities to start protecting the freedom of speech of those who speak out against the law and offer comprehensive support to the women and girls affected by it.

Maeve Mulrennan and Fionnuala Gallagher at the launch of the Múscailt Arts Festival, which took part in The Cube, Aras na Mac Leinn on January 16. Also pictured are Mikey and the Scallywags, who provided some entertainment at the launch. There was also a performance by the Galway University Musical Society (GUMS) who will be performing RENT. The festival will take place from 4 – 8 February.

This perspective regarding abortion is rather new to Amnesty International as a statement from them in 2005 declares; “There is no generally accepted right to abortion in international human rights law.” In 2007, it began to advocate pro-abortion, a switch which saw many Catholic leaders and institutions withdraw their support. Amnesty Ireland holds different views on abortion to Amnesty International. While Ireland by no means shares in the same level of sexual assault and rape as that which occurs in Nicaragua, the recent case of Savita Halappanavar has alerted Amnesty International to Ireland’s gap in human rights law. “International human rights law is clear about the right of a woman to access a safe and legal abortion where her life is at risk,” said Colm O'Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International in Ireland. Abortion is not the solution to all the victims’ problems in Nicaragua. Amnesty understands the problem is much more deeply rooted than that, but there’s no denying that the abolition of abortion only serves as a catalyst to intensify the plight of these girls. Amnesty is steadily asking Daniel Ortega Saavedra, president of Nicaragua, to address the issue of widespread rape and sexual abuse in his nation, but the endeavour is a tough and on-going one which Amnesty will not cease until women’s rights are realised and upheld. Sin Newspaper would like to apologise for some mistakes printed in the previous RE: New Public column by Robin Pötke. The corrected version of the article will be published on sin.ie in the coming weeks.



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Uniting against racism By Conor Lane Hearing the complaints of foreign taxi drivers was nothing new to me. For a long time people have been mentioning in passing the abuse that these men get on a regular basis. Whenever I did hear about it, there was always a moment of sympathy from myself and those beside me. But that sympathy was fleeting and soon it would leave my thoughts until the next time it was brought up. That feeling of fleeting sympathy became something much more substantial when I got a lift from a taxi driver who happened to be from the Congo a few weeks ago. I left the Front Door on a Saturday night to go look for my roommates, who had decided that I had spent too much time conversing with

a stranger and felt it was best to leave me to my own devices. With the temperature around the freezing point and the rain relentless, I made my way up Shop Street to get a taxi outside of Supermacs. I grabbed the first one I could and as I got in, I asked the driver if he would take to me Cuirt Na Coiribe. He nodded. The usual silence that precedes the expected “Where you from?” and “What are you doing in Galway?” carried on longer than expected. He drove me home in a direction that no other taxi driver had taken me before. So in my curiosity I asked him why he was taking me this way. He abruptly said; “You should have said which way you wanted me to take you or else I go which way I think is fastest.”

I didn’t appreciate his tone so I quickly responded by saying that there was no need for him to be defensive and that I wasn’t trying to insinuate that he was ripping me off. He then kept going on about how he wasn’t defensive and that he was taking me the best way. This continued until we arrived outside my apartment. Once he stopped the car, I felt tired of being the one who was defensive and I repeated my right to ask why a taxi driver would go a certain way without being seen as offering an insult. I simultaneously noticed that the price on the meter was slightly lower than the usual amount as I proceeded to pull out my wallet. The taxi driver looked at me and said; “I do not want your money, you can go.”

Interview with an SU Officer By Marése O’Sullivan 22-year-old fourth-year Podiatry student and Convenor of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Molly Smith, sat down with Sin to chat about balancing her work with her final year studies, the biggest challenges for the SU and the cuts in nursing wages. Why did you want to take on the role of Convenor? I wanted to

represent students and be there for them if they wanted to have a chat or needed a bit of support. What does most of your work consist of? I liaise between students and staff, particularly about placement schedules and lecture timings. Communication is [necessary] because there are so many contact hours. That needs to be the top priority for me. Also, there’s a new initiative to recruit nurses at a much lower percentage of pay, which would be new graduates mainly. With regard to that, in early January, we sent a delegation up to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation’s protest in Dublin. A lot of the nursing students were involved with it; they are great. If any other students

I retorted by saying that he had done me a service and I owed him for it so I handed the money over to him. He took it without making eye contact and switched off the car. Next came a monologue that I will remember for the rest of my life; “I’m sorry if I seemed aggressive, but you see, I am at the end of my shift and I am very tired. Today, like most days, I had several incidents of people shouting racial abuse at me.” My attention was now entirely fixed on his deep, dark eyes. “When you are a black taxi driver in Galway, people feel as if they can say anything they want to you. I once took four men to the airport from Galway that should have cost €40. When we arrived at the airport one of the men told me that €4 was good enough for a ni**er.


“Two of the others got out and the last one told me that he would pay me his share. So he passed me €10. I watched the others see this exchange and they shouted at me to hand it back over to them or else they’d smash up my car. I feared for my life in this moment and gave it back and drove off. “This is just one of the many terrible acts of racial hatred that I have experienced. I now live a life where I can trust no one and my family are the only people who keep me going. Sometimes I feel that death would be better than living. Racism is not this bad or accepted in England and I hope to move there someday. This is not why I came to Ireland.” Tears began to pour from his eyes and he placed his head on the steering wheel. I patted him on the back and told him the only thing I could think of at the time, which was that it just sim-

want to get involved, they can contact me or the SU for more information. What would you like to have achieved by the end of the year? I think I’d like to have a better representation of students on boards and committees, as well as good communication pathways between the Reps and the Head of their Faculty. What do you believe has been the most difficult challenge for the Students’ Union this year and how do you feel you as a team have responded to it? The increase in fees and the grant cuts have been the biggest issue, but we have campaigned and pulled out all the stops. There’s been a reverse on some of the cuts, but I think it’s an ongoing challenge. Engagement with students, from the

ply wasn’t fair that he would be made to feel this way because of the color of his skin. There was silence for a while and then he switched the car back on and he said; “Thank you.” I got out of the car having felt an aura of injustice in a way that I had never experienced. I’m likely to never see this man again but the event solidified an opinion of mine that taxi drivers are working in an environment that tolerates racism and they have very little protection. After telling him the story, a friend of mine, who is a tolerant person, said that black taxi drivers in the U.S. tend to charge more and I queried this, but he could offer no proof. Taxi drivers, whether they are white or black, are vulnerable people and are not being afforded the protection that they deserve, especially when it is their job to tolerate us.

Students’ Union’s point of view, is really important. We really have to get across what the SU has to offer. Students need to be made aware of all the support that’s available to them. What’s the hardest aspect of being a Convenor? Well, I’m a final year and my thesis is due! It’s tough trying to balance everything, but it’s enjoyable. I really like [the position]. It’s nice to see the changes that you make actually come into force and make a difference to students. I get on well with all the Reps. The three full-time officers [President, Education and Welfare] work very hard and they’re always there if I need them. What are your plans after college? Get a job! I’ll probably go back to Dublin – that’s where I’m from.

The Commerce Ball was, once again, a huge success last Wednesday, 30 January. Photos by Des Foley



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A student’s guide to highstreet discount shopping


The FOMO Generation We are in constant fear of becoming outdated; we are the FOMO generation. By Ruth Ní Bheoláin

that exists within four walls. It eliminates the need to Psychological research on engage in the real world Shopping is a necessity FOMO, Fear of Missing Out, beyond their doorsteps, letfor all students but when is an area of interest growing ting people hide behind push comes to shove high rapidly. FOMO essentially screens in comfortable chairs street stores can be far too pertains to the ever-growing where they are free to convey expensive. With the Januworld of social media and their ideal selves. ary sales nearly over and its prominence in not Here lies the seed that with sizes xxs and xxxl only our social lives, gaming giants such as the only sizes left in stock, but our academic and World of Warcraft and we must look to discount work lives too. Call of Duty help to shopping to assist our How can we live flourish, but they are retail therapy needs. fulfilling lives in the not the only ones. River Island provides no real world if we are so From Reddit to Tumblr student discount, however, afraid of missing out there are now countthis male and female orion something online less websites to suit How many of these social entated shop has “Student that our smart phones and satisfy every need networking sites have you joined? Shop In” events periodiare quick-linked to and interest. More serically throughout the year ously, pro-anorexia sites Facebook? Simiand give studentcardHow can we ­p inpoint such as the now defunct Anolar to issues such as cyber holders a massive saving of bullying, this issue did where this phenomenon rexia101 could even result 20% instore. River Island not spring up overnight. began? One would be in severe, often fatal, health usually promotes these You cannot deny that it is inclined to believe that those problems. becoming more relevant who have grown up with Some people try to comevents through Facebook. These events can be when a friend’s New Year’s social media will be most bat this almost essential extremely busy but well resolution is to receive more affected by this compulsive social conduct by disabling worth the savings. re-tweets on Twitter. It may need to be involved in the personal profiles. This New Look and Topshop/ not take you by surprise goings on of the cyber-sphere attempt is often futile, beaten Topman take care of their that this FOMO induced than those who grew up down by the effortlessness of student customer base by internet mania can lead to without it. There is another joining websites through the offering 10% discounts in more serious forms of inter- group to consider, however; now prominent addition of their stores respectively. net addiction and efforts to those who grew and pro- ‘log-in through Facebook’ or Together with River Island, combat it may be in vain. gressed with it. ‘log-in through Google’. these shops have a similar My introduction to We are not the Facebook Class-reps create Facebook range of clothing with FOMO began with involve- generation. We are the gener- groups to keep classmates ment in workshops where ation that Instant-Messaged in touch, and you certainly comparable trends and people discussed their views on MSN while arguing about can’t participate in a world styles. These shops can be essential for some club on this issue. The more they Top 16s and other halves you don’t even exist in. Busion Bebo. We are the gen- nesses post online offers, eration that transitioned many of which are now from dial-up to wireless so connected to the Facebook thoughtlessly we could not ‘Check-in’ application. The have fully appreciated the more people realise what awesomeness of this achieve- they are missing out on, the ment. We are the generation more often disabled profiles that used disposable cameras are reactivated, allegedly before digital cameras existed temporarily. and amateur Photoshoppers FOMO is a powerful social became professional Insta- motivator. The key way to gram users. We have seen so help you use this to your many transitions in our life- benefit rather than your dettime that we are in constant riment would be to find ways fear of becoming outdated; to help it motivate you and we are the FOMO generation. your own individual goals by Research has emphasised minimising the amount of the fundamental human time you spend using social need for inclusiveness and media every day. The first human connectedness. step in this process could be Extroverts and introverts to get your phone and delete alike need social contact to the convenient links it allows be content in their lives. you create with these sites. Where they differ is in the If you have maintained a type of contact they require fondness for grammar despite for this need to be satiated. the widespread ‘text-speak’ An extrovert is likely to social media encourages, continue to seek physical humour me at least; you contact regardless of how may have noticed an error. connected they are to oth- The correct abbreviation of ers in online forums but Fear of Missing Out should It was a good day for these kids as their teddy bears were restored to health by NUI introverts are more at risk of be ‘FMO’; even ‘of’ feared the Galway students at the Annual Teddy Bear Hospital. Photo by Lyndsay Hughes. becoming lost in this world exclusion. By Michael O’Loughlin

wear and their discounts allow for their clothes to be more competitively priced than many other stores. Topshop and Topman, known to everybody to be slightly over budget at times, also offer their discount on sale items for even more of a saving. Indigenous Galway store Born also offers a 10% saving for students. The discount is made available through a wide variety of brands and styles. Born is perfectly located for NUI Galway students as it is 2 minutes from the university campus for those who are too lazy or not brave enough to struggle against the harsh wind and rain that the skies of Galway throws at us. For those fond of the finer things in life and designer brands, Brown Thomas is the first port of call but the highend department store offers no concession for students. The highest end of Galway retail is not the student’s first choice for economic and budgetary shopping. Penneys and TK Maxx

don’t offer student discounts but they are shops associated with good prices and trendy fashion. Both stores are a quick and easy alternative to more expensive shops in Galway, but be careful as queues and the amount shoppers in these stores can be quite big, so be prepared. Some people may not know that Boots offer a 10% student discount with a valid Student Travelcard. This may help to buy make-up, tan and other going-out necessities but don’t forget they are a pharmacy too so you can pick up toiletries, accessories and other cheap goodies and they may come in cheaper than some supermarkets. Student discounts are very important so make sure to utilise your advantages in these shops and be clever when shopping. A lot of shops don’t advertise student discounts so when you’re at the counter don’t be afraid to ask and you may find yourself with a little discount and some money left over for a night out.

spoke, the more I realised that I, unbeknownst to myself, had become a victim of FOMO. Facebook was abandoned immediately and energy was exerted in a detailed review of the literature; #FOMO via Twitter.

S E G A P THE SU É Gaillimh O n in é L c a M a n s a lt a h Com ion n U ' ts n e d tu S y a lw a G I U N


"The mission of the Union shall be to represent its members and promote, defend and vindicate the rights of its members at all levels of society." — Constitution of the Students’ Union

NUI Galway Students’ Union randomly surveyed 578 students. Results showed that, 48 per cent of students knew somebody in NUIG who struggles with their mental health. Also since Mental health week in semester one, 52 percent of students surveyed were now more aware of negative mental health issues. Want to talk? Contact your Students’ Union Welfare officer email su.welfare@ nuigalway.ie or call 0863853659. All conversations are confidential. Contact the counselling services confidential and free.

Contact 091492484 or e-mail counselling@nuigalway.ie

SU Annual Charity Collection Day – More Volunteers needed! We are looking for volunteers to help out on Saturday 9th of February at our annual Charity Collection Day in town in aid of Pieta House and Age Action Ireland on Shop Street. If you have just two hours to spare shaking a bucket and convincing the good people of Galway to part with their loose change then email studentsunion@nuigalway.ie with your contact details and the time slot you can help at. Times are: 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm or 4pm-6pm. 371 SU David McSavage Poster.pdf




NUI Galway Students’ Union


David McSavage Plus Support C








Monday 11th February

The O’Flaherty Theatre

Doors 8pm

Tickets €8

SAY SOMETHING USI would like you to complete a survey on students’ experiences of violence (sexual assault, harassment, stalking, obsessive behaviour, etc.). You don’t have to have directly experienced any of these to fill it out and the survey is completely ­confidential. W W W. S U . N U I G A L W A Y. I E

You can fill in the survey by going to:

http://survey.usi.ie LOW RISK DRINKING BEHAVIOUR

Next Time You Are Drinking Try This:

1. Consider whether you will drink, what you will drink and how much you will drink before drinking. 2. Eat a full meal before drinking. 3. Select a safe way to get home (public transport, walking with a friend, ­designated driver) before drinking. 4. Avoid mixing alcohol drinks. Always know what you are drinking.

For SHAG Week

(11th to 15th Feb)

every day is



5. Pacing your drinking – about one drink per hour. Avoid getting drunk. 6. Alternating with non-alcoholic drinks throughout the evening. Drink Water at regular intervals.

{sin} 14–08

To paraphrase the great Dylan Moran; when it comes to relationships we are presented with two equally appealing options: loneliness or insanity. Humans are demanding creatures. We need purpose, companionship, love, and regular distractions from the recurring disappointment that is life. As we now find ourselves cast adrift in the vast limbo between major religious holidays, we begin searching for a day with minutely more significance than every other which surrounds it and is, essentially, exactly the same. So where do we look? Jesus? Overkill. Some major sporting event? Don’t go there. Pancakes? It’s been done. Love? Bingo. Everyone loves love, right? Hence the appeal of Valentine’s Day – twenty four hours specifically designated to loving love. Yay. Don’t get me wrong, love is the best thing in the world – until the shit hits the fan. Upon breaking up with someone, you become acutely aware that every single song, film, poem, book and basically the vast majority of any expression ever expressed boils down to love – or the lack thereof. When nursing a broken heart, this drove me fucking insane. I listen to the radio – a lot. Due to this fact, I developed a repetitive strain injury in my index finger from frantically switching

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stations. Every time inane chit chat gave way to someone conveying their emotions through the medium of song, I couldn’t take it. This was doubly annoying as I adore music –

Loneliness or Insanity? That is the question. we’ve been through a lot together but, not unlike my ex, we needed some time apart. To most, Video Killed the Radio Star. To me, they could’ve worked it out through couples’ counselling. Damn you, Buggles.

NUI Galway’s say on sexual health By Michael O’Loughlin With SHAG week ready for action on campus some students, Sin interviewed staff, students and Students’ Union representatives who have some thoughts on the importance of safe sex and STD/ STI awareness in NUI Galway. Ellen Keane and Chloe Heaney, 2BA Are you aware of the services that the SU and UCHG provide for STD’s and Sexual Awareness? Ellen: I’m not aware of the services, I’ve never heard of them. Do you think that practising safe sex is important? Ellen: Yes, it is important because nowadays there are so many diseases going around. These diseases can have big effects in later life. Do you know that there are up to 25 types of STDs? Chloe: I knew there was a lot, I didn’t know there was that many.

During my recuperation I found solace in Joe Duffy. I knew where I stood with him – the government was incompetent, the weather was crap, the economy was worse and, in general, everyone hated each other. His show highlights the fact we’re doomed and embraces it. Once the initial, almost unbearable ‘Oh God, every song reminds me of you’ pang begins to subside, music can prove extremely helpful in the heart-healing process. Breakup songs are cathartic, wonderful things – and, as Taylor Swift will testify, economically viable entities. The songstress,

Rachael Hickey, 1BSc Do you feel that practicing safe sex is important especially at your age and in University? Yes, it is very important to always practice safe sex. Are you aware there are STD clinics in college and in the hospital? I heard about them but I didn’t know where they are and how to go about getting a test done. Dr. Valerie Ledwith, ­Department of Geography As a lecturer, do you think the University are doing enough to promote safe sex? I don’t see a lot of visual signs or reminders in public space. Do you feel that the University should get more involved and have a bigger input? I think so, it’s a basic part of health promotion and perhaps the lack of visual signs and reminders is a reluctance to acknowledge that students are sexually active.

at the tender age of 23, has made a career largely based on lambasting her errant exes through catchy little pop ditties. A lady doesn’t kiss and tell, but by God she will dump your ass and sing.

Dami Adebari, SU Vice ­President, Welfare Officer In relation to your role in the SU, how important is SHAG week? I think SHAG week is very important to all students out there, first of all there are free condoms going all week. From a financial aspect, condoms are very expensive. It’s a great way to promote safe sex and the prevention of STIs. It also gives us a chance to educate our students on sexual health. What measures have you taken to increase knowledge on safe sex and STDs? We have condom Wednesday every second Wednesday on campus and we also advertise AIDS WEST and STI clinics in the special condom packs. As Welfare Officer, what advice would you give the students of NUIG in relation to safe sex, contraception and the prevention of STIs/ STDs? If you have never gotten a check-up before, get a check-up. Always wear a condom. Always be careful and if you think something is wrong get a check-up. You can drop into the Students’ Union for free condoms or advice anytime.

{17} 04–02

Swifty is a relatively new recruit to the scorned singers’ club. Odes to lovers past are as old as music itself. Roy Orbison’s ‘Heartbreak Radio’ is essential listening whether or not your lady done gone and left. Janis Joplin’s cover of ‘Piece of My Heart’ is one of the most gut-wrenching songs every sung. ‘Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone’ by Bill Withers drips into the ear canal like poisonous, bittersweet honey. The heartbreak genre has taken on various forms throughout its existence, quite notably morphing into a behemoth in the ‘80s. Note to self: excess hairspray can lead to excess heartbreak (or perhaps vice versa). Whitesnake’s ‘Hear I Go Again on My Own’ and ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ by Bonnie Tyler are particularly stellar examples of this. Those inclined to line dance their way out of a love rut, had to wait until the ‘90s to find some solace. By God, their patience was rewarded. Billy Ray Cyrus signed, sealed and delivered on that. There are countless heartbreak tunes You Oughta Know from that decade. Modern break-up songs tend to centre around expletives and the repetition of the word ‘ever’ – just not at the same time. Whatever your taste in music, someone’s got your back. And let’s face it; New York City didn’t burn down to the ground when your significant other walked away. All I know is; my ex-box was no Atari and I can once again listen to the radio without ending up sporting a rather fetching finger cast. My rehabilitation is complete. Valentine’s Day is a great idea in theory, but then again so was the mullet – and we all know where that got us. So, if presented with the option again, what would I choose – sanity or company? The jury’s still out.

Sharon Brennan, 2NG1 Do you think people are aware enough about STDs and their consequences? No, I don't think people are fully aware about STDs; people are not fully aware of the risks involved when having unprotected sex, the general public need to be further educated regarding this issue. Teresa Corbett, PhD, Department of Psychology Do you think people are aware enough about STDs and their consequences? I think that people are aware of STDs to a certain extent but that the way the information is presented bores people. It’s not a case of more or less information; it’s about targeting the information properly. Niamh Keogh, 3B.Comm What could NUI Galway and the Students’ Union do to help teach students about safe sex? Have an awareness night and have awareness stands around college and maybe posters in toilets for the STD/STI things.


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{sin} 04–02

Do you love me? By James Falconer What exactly is love? The word is often thrown around at leisure; “I love your hair, I love your shoes, oh and by the way, I love you!” Indeed, love has many guises; what’s its real face and where did it all begin? How did the ancients interpret “love”? It appears they did so in various ways. The Greek term Philia was understood as a deep, non-sexual intimacy between close friends and family members. Is this the type of love many of us show to our family at weekends when they cook, clean and taxi us around? How do we repay this love? Do we raid the presses and ask for money? Imagine if we were told to fend for ourselves, would we still love them? Is the love we have for our family and friends unconditional? Philia was also interpreted by the deep bond which was forged by soldiers as they fought alongside each other in battle. The Latin term Ludus describes a more playful affection found in flirting. The act of Ludus can be witnessed from the College Bar to Smokey’s and generally any social space where members of the opposite sex, and indeed the same sex, congregate. Agape, is another Greek word for a love that is found frequently in the Christian Scriptures (the New Testament). It is different from erotic love in that it is supposed to be the characteristic attitude of Christians toward one another; let’s hope that certain people in the north of Ireland are reading this. Love one another, no matter the colour.

Metta is a Pali term and derives from the Buddhist tradition. It is best defined as a loving-kindness which recognises friendliness as its chief characteristic. It is manifested as the disappearance of ill-will. Metta is based on an outlook of kindness. When it succeeds it eliminates ill-will. When it fails it degenerates into selfish affectionate desire. Careful now! Pragma is another Latin term which means a reality which is concrete. In the case of love, it basically represents the type of love that develops over a long period of time between long-term couples and involves actively practising goodwill, commitment, compromise and understanding. This is the love that my parents seem to have cultivated after 40+ years of marriage. Pragma appears to be the love we should all strive to emanate - love for all humanity. This can be very difficult when there are so many terrible things happening in the world. Philautia is self-love, which isn't actually as selfish as it sounds. As Aristotle discovered, in order to care for others you need to be able to care for yourself. Lastly, and the one which causes most trouble is Eros. This is about sexual passion and desire, which can be

Your Valentine’s Day flicks By Jane Kearns Picking an outfit to wear and a place to eat are two of the major concerns for many daters this Valentine’s Day, but for us students spending money on some new clothes and a fancy dinner is just out of the question; we need to find some simpler pleasures for the big date night this year. And what is more simple and easy than getting cosy on the couch with some pizza, your date and your favourite romantic film? Whether it’s your first date or a romantic night in with your significant other, here are some films that are sure to go down well on date night. Crazy, Stupid, Love Forget about The Notebook this year; watch this much more upbeat Ryan Gosling movie. Crazy, Stupid, Love is a little bit like the American answer to Love Actually but without the festive theme and with a lot more topless Ryan Gosling. The story follows the lives of Cal (Steve Carell) and Jacob (Ryan Gosling) who live very different lives but happen to meet when Cal finds himself alone after his wife

(Julianne Moore) asks for a divorce. Jacob helps Cal become a ladies’ man, but in the process finds himself falling for Hannah (Emma Stone), who he meets in a bar and who seems to be impervious to his charms. Crazy, Stupid, Love is one of the best of its kind in recent years; it’s clever, funny and heart-warming throughout, without being too female orientated. Steve Carell is fantastic as the awkward but nice Cal and despite being known for dramas, Gosling works terrifically well in this comedic role. The supporting cast including Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, Kevin Bacon and Marisa Tomei all help round out the story and make Crazy, Stupid, Love one of the must see date movies. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind This is not your typical love story; in fact it’s not a typical story full stop. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind centres on Joel (Jim Carey) and Clementine (Kate Winslet), a couple who, after a few years together, break up and separately decide to undergo a procedure to erase all of their memories of their relationship from their minds.

witnessed in many nightclubs throughout Galway, usually after midnight. Unless it morphs into Philia and/or Pragma, Eros will burn itself out. As there are so many variants of love, how can we possibly know what it is? Love may or may not be an illusion, but it can sometimes disappear overnight, whether we want it to or not. However, people have to try to remove these doubts when they The story of their tumultuous relationship is told through Joel’s memories as they are being erased, and it is only through this that he realises his relationship with Clementine is worth saving. Seeing the ups and downs of a realistic relationship and its eventual breakdown, makes the film difficult to watch at times but the lengths the characters go to in order to save it makes the film thoroughly enjoyable. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of the most interesting and unique storylines of any film in recent decades, it’s clever and thought-provoking and will surely lead to some debate after watching it with a loved one. (500) Days of Summer If you’re looking for something a little bit more quirky for a date night, then this film is the one to watch, and just like we’re told from the beginning, this is not a love story, but a story about love. The movie tells the story of Tom (Joseph Gordon Levitt) who falls head over heels in love with Summer (Zooey Deschanel), a girl who is mysterious, confusing and apparently not ready for the commitment that Tom wants. Tom gets his heart broken and Summer moves on, but unlike a lot of other romantic films, Tom’s efforts to get

believe they are in love. They must try to do this because it will greatly increase their contentment. In spite of all the effort we make in keeping love alive and fresh, it may not last. If love does not last, was it really love? If love comes and goes like a gust of wind, what was it? It is unrealistic to expect to experience all types of love with only one person. This is why family and community are important because it creates more harmony and unity for us to experience love. This does not mean that you have to go off and start a family. Lovers are breaking up all the time, some get back together and others do not. Moreover, some people go from being madly in love to the other extreme of absolutely hating one another. How can this be possible? The love they felt surely cannot have been love. Love appears to be about understanding, forgiveness and accepting your lover for who he/she is: warts and all, as they say! ­Summer back don’t exactly go to plan. (500) Days of Summer is fun and heartwarming, but realistic and the soundtrack will be stuck in your head for days. Up Everyone loves a good Pixar movie, and none are quite as nice in the romance department as Up. Dealing with exploration, adventure, loss, loneliness, friendship and love, Up is easily one of the best Pixar movies to date. The film centres on Carl, an elderly man who decides to fulfil his late wife’s dream of travelling to South America. He does this by tying thousands of helium balloons to his house and floating to Paradise Falls. Unbeknownst to Carl a little boy named Russell has joined him on his journey. At first Carl is grumpy and reluctant to accept Russell and the collection of animals he befriends along the way, but once they encounter lost explorer Charles Muntz, Carl realises he can’t survive without them. The bulk of the story is a regular adventure movie, but it is the opening and closing scenes that make the film fantastic, telling the tale of love and a lifelong relationship and the blossoming of a new friendship. Up is worth watching at any age or on any date.

{sin} 14–08

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{19} 04–02

Valentine’s Day: What does it mean to you? It’s a day to remember those you love… Every day can be Valentine’s Day; By Ciara Molloy every year. People will give gifts, some we just need to make it happen… Valentine’s Day is great. Granted, my experience of it is lax, at best. There were the primary school days when you’d make your little box, and give out random cards. Of course, the ‘cute’ boy in the class would always get the most, from little girls with red hair bobbins and love hearts on their socks. It’s a Hallmark holiday that we’ve grown up with. As a child, I loved Valentine’s Day. I loved the flurries of pink and red that surrounded the shops, and the art that would be done every year. I think every child who attended primary school made the crepe paper hearts. I always gave the cards to my parents. We’d bring in cards for our friends – and if a boy gave you one it was cause for celebration (or disgust, depending on the boy). As I got older, Valentine’s Day became more about dating. For years my mam wrote fake valentine’s cards, putting them into our porch the night before, and we’d open them with glee, trying to piece together who could have been the mystery suitor. One year there was a real one for my sister there, and seeing mam grabbing the card out of the bundle was almost funnier than my sister’s reaction to a card. But, I had never had a boyfriend. There were dates here and there – cinema, McDonalds, we’d go to kiss at the bus stop – but there was never a ‘boyfriend’. And never at Valentine’s Day. I think that it’s a fun day. Yeah, some people go over the top about it, just look at YouTube and Facebook. They’ll fill up with extravagant proposals and gifts this February fourteenth, just like they do

carefully planned out, and others picked up at the garage because because they were forgotten. But it’s not the gifts or the extravagance that makes me love the day. I love that it’s a day to remember those you love. Those kinds of days are often forgotten in modern life, because we’re all too busy or self-obsessed to get time to spend with the people who mean the most to us. While we make time for partners, an unfortunate fact of modern times is that it’s a lot more difficult to talk to people. Valentine’s Day offers a day to tell people that you love them, no questions asked. I don’t think Valentine’s Day is just for couples. Hank Green, YouTube entrepreneur, once said that “John [his brother] and I have a long standing arrangement to not use the ‘L’ word”. People are now uncomfortable saying they love each other. I think this feeling, this discomfort around the word “love” means that Valentine’s Day is more important than ever. Because, while we have the annoying couples going around doing some shameless self-promotion about their relationships, we also see couples who are content to celebrate their relationships in small ways, families who make Valentine’s about the whole group. Even single people are getting in on it with advice columnist Dan Savage hosting a Valentine’s show in Seattle for singletons. Saint Valentine is the Catholic saint of love, friendship and happy marriage. I firmly believe that we all need at least one of these things, and what better day to celebrate it than a day in dreary, rainy February?

Cheese and Cliché By Sarah-Jane Smith With Valentines Day around the corner, I thought what better article to write than one that covers the primary thought on everybody’s mind: cheesy, clichéd Valentine’s Day presents. It doesn’t matter if you’re celebrating the day or not you have to admit that this topic is always in the air on 14 February. This week I went around to people to see what their opinion of a “cheesy Valentine’s present” was. While some of the suggestions I got were the typical ‘cheesy’ type, others were definitely abnormal. I always thought that our opinion of Valentine’s Day was dependent on the amount of romance in our lives, but hearing people in relationships say that Valentine’s Day was merely a “money-making scheme”

was a shock to the system. However, I am and always will be a romantic and although I agree that Valentine’s Day has become more based around money, I still believe in the true meaning of the day to be love. Receiving a rose and a box of chocolates as a present on Valentine’s Day is perceived as the cheesiest and most typical present of the occasion, but honestly it is also sweet, romantic and thoughtful. Unfortunately, many of us are suckers when it comes to love and feeling ‘special’ and any act of kindness or receiving a present will give us those butterflies in our stomach and put a smile on our face.

By Valeri Tarassov Love is the most wonderful feeling a human can experience in a lifetime. Once a year this feeling is put to a test on Valentine’s Day. When two people love each other, it doesn’t really matter what happens on a day-to-day basis, as love always triumphs over little mistakes and mishaps. So what happens on Valentine’s Day? People go crazy buying small presents such as hearts, cute teddy bears or expensive perfumes and accessories; it is like Halloween or Christmas but for people in love. But who really benefits from the enormous amount of stuff that is purchased, for this one day of the year? One could argue that it happens for Christmas, but ‘we celebrate the birth of our Lord’ sounds significantly more important, doesn’t it? The only people who benefit from this day are business people who are unfortunately quite aware of the nature of human relationships, knowing that people could easily spend their last bit of cash on a Valentine’s Day present for their loved one. Therefore, another day in a calendar that originally used to be a religious celebration is turned in to a cash flow for business people. Of course, it is great to get presents and love gestures. But what happens when someone in a relationship forgets about the day? This usually leads to a probTop ten ­cheesiest ­Valentine’s Day presents: 1. Rose(s) and a box of chocolates were deemed the cheesiest, most clichéd gifts. 2. A romantic letter or poem: there’s a fine line between adorable and cringe-worthy when it comes to letters and poetry. 3. ‘Secret admirer’ cards: that old primary school tradition. 4. A first date to the cinema to see a chick flick, or scary movie. 5. A bunch of flowers... no roses? Cheap!! 6. A rose and a block of cheese: one of those abnormal ones I mentioned. 7. A love heart-shaped piece of jewelry: this can be very romantic. 8. A proposal: not everybody is this lucky or unlucky in some cases. 9. A night in a fancy hotel... Iwonder what is on their mind? 10. A bunch of roses with one fake rose and a note saying “I will love you until the

lem in the relationship, starting with a most common question; “How could you forget?” I don’t see how it does any good for a relationship where two people love each other. What about friendship and handwritten Valentines? Every year we see less of those. When I was in high school, a simple valentine note written on a ripped piece of paper was a joyful occasion. But relationships between people can be complicated. I have seen the joyful faces of those who got a bunch of valentines and the sad faces of people who got very few if any. If someone is lonely, is it necessary to make that person feel worse about it and constantly remind him or her about his or her loneliness. It is excruciating to see someone bullied about getting a few or no valentines; “Ha-ha, no one likes you”. How does that celebrate love between humans? A simple gesture of attention such as hug for a friend or a kiss to a loved one at least once a day is as great and even better than a fancy present once a year. Instead of showing love to a friend or someone feeling down once a year, why not do it simpler but more often? Every day can be a Valentine’s Day; we just need to make it happen.

last rose dies...” I can’t deny that is very romantic, as cheesy as it sounds. For anyone out there who has still to find that perfect Valentine’s Day present for that special someone, maybe this list will help and for those who already have it, I hope this list hasn’t ruined your idea. Although this is the top ten cheesiest presents I found, some people would find these very romantic; only you know what your special someone would like.


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Valentine’s Day cards: Choose wisely! By Lyndsay Hughes Exactly how easy is it to impress the one you fancy on Valentine’s Day? We all know that being the only girl/guy in the group that doesn’t get a card from a doting boyfriend/girlfriend, or a secret admirer, can be tough... but in the shops today, there are Valentine’s cards that very few girls or boys would be delighted to get. Strolling around town, the ‘Hallmark holiday’ aspect of Valentine’s Day is starting to reveal itself. Flowers, teddies, chocolates,

gift vouchers and ridiculously over-priced cards. From a girl’s perspective, there’s nothing more embarrassing than receiving a massive, feather-covered, singing ‘masterpiece’ of a card... trust me. But that option is way more preferable to some of the very questionable choices available out there. No, secret admirer, I don’t want to ‘shag’ you because you spent €2 on a card for me. You’ll have to take me to dinner first at the very least. Also, you’re not Austin Powers, so you’d better be using the word ‘shag’ ironically. The age-old problem of a ‘player’ guy being patted on the back for his talents versus the female equivalent being branded a slapper comes into play here. It might be absolutely hilarious for a guy to send a girl a disgustingly inappropriate Valentine’s card, but if a girl sent one to a guy, she’s as well to take a trip down the road to get the word ‘ho’ tattooed on her forehead. Who sends these cards? It’s unimaginable that a boyfriend/girlfriend would be impressed, on this very romantic day, by a card that vividly describes the planned activity for the evening, rather perversely illustrated by two latex-clad teddy bears. Am I wrong? As for secret admirers, the best thing to do it steer clear of these horrifically mortifying cards and opt for a simple but effective card, one that preferably doesn’t bring up the subject of your object of desire’s unmentionable parts.

“Roses are red, I have a phone, nobody texts me, Forever alone” Many of us dream of having the perfect Valentine’s Day where we are swept off our feet and lavished with attention from an adorning partner, showered with expensive gifts and taken out on the town to show the world just how loved up we are. Now take your head out of the clouds and remember this is reality and not a romantic comedy. Instead of lying on your floor this Valentine’s, screaming Adele lyrics at your 27 cats, take a breather and remember there’s plenty of fish in the sea, or in this case on the streets of Galway. Romance comes in different ways; whether it is roses delivered to your door, breakfast in bed or a bag of chips in Supermac’s at the end of a night, it’s out there. But whatever shape or form it comes in make sure you make your Valentine’s Day (and night) one to remember. Instead of sitting in on February 14, cursing the lovey dovey day and its existence, how about you try and make your Valentine’s more memorable? Traffic Light Party: No doubt the many nightclubs in Galway will be playing cupid as they host the annual Traffic light Party. For those who are

unfamiliar with the concept there are three different coloured stickers you receive upon entry to show your availability (or lack of). Red is taken, yellow is complicated and green is single. It’s a fun way to know who you can chat up or who you can leave alone. Speed Dating: Not just aimed at Valentine’s Day, this fun little activity is for those who are outgoing and want to meet someone. Even though it can be awkward at times it is a fun way of getting to know someone as well as helping you to talk to members of the opposite sex. Keep your eyes peeled this Valentine’s Day for places around Galway hosting these events; you never know, you might meet your Valentine. Blind Date: As cringe-worthy as this sound it is worth a try. It can go either three ways: good, bad, or really bad. It can be awkward and you do run the risk of ending up with, ahem, a “grenade”. If you’re genuinely not having a good time, you can always have your


Five ways to tell someone you like them By Marése O’Sullivan “Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.” So said Katherine Hepburn and, most of the time, I kind of agree. But with Valentine’s Day around the corner, maybe we should relax a bit when it comes to spreading the love. No need for horrific ‘mushy-gushiness’, but everyone could do with a little romance in their lives. So why don’t we bite the bullet and go for it? Have a bit of a laugh and score a date too? Well, to give you a helping hand, here are Sin’s five ways to tell someone you like them.

When you are faced with a rack of 500 Valentine’s cards, ranging from cute and soppy to downright porno, just try and think about the girl or guy it’s meant for. Will the girl you’re after laugh as hard as your friends did, or will she kick you in the place you’ve attempted to advertise through stationery? Will that guy you like appreciate an open-ended invitation to sleep with you and never call again? Probably. Happy choosing, Valentines!

Dateless in the city By Sinead L. Healy


1.The Night Out So you’re on the pull in Karma, or maybe just having a drink with friends, and you see your crush out. Your hair may be tousled and your housemate might have spilled his beer on you, but you’re going to march up and tell your darling how utterly amazeballs they look. Because they do. So don’t forget to have a crazy whirl with them on the dance floor. 2.The Movie Night Unwind at the cinema or curl up over a DVD. Either way, it’s their choice of film. Munch some popcorn and have a natter about what you both thought. The Eye Cinema has a Luxury Screen with velvet curtains and leather seats, if you want to go all out! 3.The Meal Find out what meal they love and then wow them with your awesome cooking skills; apron optional. Make a fabulous dessert and you’re in there. Pavlova highly recommended.

friends call you with an “emergency”. If it’s good enough for the movies than it’s good enough for real life. On the plus side you also could end up with a new friend and if it not there’s always the “block” option on Facebook. The Unbeliever: If Valentine’s Day doesn’t suit you in the slightest and you believe it’s another money making scheme, you can always just have a night in or out with your friends. Either way, you’re bound to have a good night, Galway style. If none of these ideas tickle your fancy this Valentine’s, you can always stay in on your own for the night. I’m sure your 27 cats will be happy…

4.The Beach Grab your car and go for a road-trip to Salthill. The beach may be chilly this time of year, but a nice walk along the sand can be just the job for relaxation. Bring a picnic if you like, and enjoy each other’s company. 5. The Cuppa Tae If they’re a tea fan, it really can’t get any better than a steaming mug of Barry’s (if they’re not a Barry’s enthusiast, what are you thinking?!) Woo ’em over a beverage-filled date, preferably accompanied by chocolate. Wishing you all love and soppy happiness in the future. Have a great Valentine’s Day, Sinners!



f e atur e s



Student Speak By Sean Dunne & Orla Ryan This w ns eek we a sked people if they had any Valentine’s Day pla and abo ut their ­Valentine’s memories, good and bad.


Donna Naughton Commerce and French “I met my boyfriend last Valentine’s night at the lock and key party in Buskers and we are still together.”

Keenan Nicola just Arts iend is r f y o b “My all ad with really b this kind of stuff.”

Shauna Keo gh Bio Tech “I was on my 3rd date last Vale ntine’s day with a gu y and he bought m e a harmonica bu t I didn’t get h im anything. We ’re still togethe r though so it sealed the deal.”


d Senlan o n e v a “I h s my plans a nd is boyfrie any.” m in Ger

Kafre Cian Mc ster isa “I’m a d that with all stuff” ney Gilhea Arts k it’s “I thin all too rcial, comme ove l if you ne o e som u o y then d l u o sh em tell th y.” a d every Ellen

Hannah Cos grave Arts “I got a secr et Valentine two years ago; a big red bunch of Roses.”

Paul Donovan and Sarah Gaffney “We are going out so we can’t ruin the surprises.”

{22} A rts & Ent e rtainm e nt {sin} 14–08


The Múscailt Arts Festival 2013 By James Falconer The 13th annual Múscailt Arts Festival kicks off this week in NUI Galway. The festival will run from 4 to 8 February boasting a programme full of art, music, dance, film, and performance. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘Merriment and What Not’. This theme was inspired by a character from Winnie-the-Pooh, and encourages the creative act that bursts forth with unexpected results. Everyone is welcome to participate in the festival. Production Manager James Fleming spoke to me about the upcoming festival, saying; “We’ve seen a great maturity in Múscailt over the past few years. I’ve been in this position since 2008 and it’s amazing to see the impact of the various Arts societies and how they mushroom into the festival.”

James also loves to see audience participation in Múscailt and is conscious of how important it is to “encourage others”. The festival was officially launched in the Cube on Wednesday 16 January with music from Mikey and the Scallywags and a couple of songs from the Galway University Musical Society (GUMS) who will perform the rock opera, RENT. As Múscailt is collaborating with the Galway Arts Centre, the honour of launching the festival was given to Maeve Mulrennan, Head of Visual Arts at the Galway Arts Centre. Maeve took the opportunity to “commend all artists involved”, whose long hours of hard work pay off with great rewards. She was critical of those who “slag off” the Arts in the NUIG Memes and she posed [and answered] a

pertinent question: “Could you imagine a world full of engineers? That would be boring!” She went on to praise the audience for helping to bridge and bond the Arts and thanked them for being so committed to the festival. This year's festival hosts an array of international, national and local artists including special guest, Mario Pirovano, who will perform Francis the Holy Jester written by nobelprize winner Dario Fo. Mario is the only actor that Dario Fo has permitted to perform this piece. Triko Cirkus Teatar (Best Independent Theatre Company in Croatia in 2012) will bring their hit show ‘Slavuj/Nightingale/ Rossigno, including four theatre clowns in the style of Jacques LeCoq and three musicians, directed by Lee DeLong. This is their only

Galway welcomes a day in the life of James Joyce By Austin Maloney Joyced! is a one-woman show based on the activities of James Joyce in the year 1904. The idea for the show is, unlike Joyce’s famous novel Ulysses, fairly simple. Katie O’Kelly plays a Rathmines market stallholder named JoJo, who has an obsession with all things Joyce. JoJo’s father charges him with rescuing Joyce’s legacy from ‘the academics’ and so he takes the audience on a tour of Joyce’s Dublin in the year 1904. Along the way, we meet the real-life figures who Joyce later transformed into Leopold and Molly Bloom, Simon and Stephen Dedalus among others. The show also features the key events in Joyce’s life that would inspire sections of Ulysses, such as his rescue from a drunken fight by Alfred Hunter (The

real-life Leopold Bloom), being shot at by his roommate in a Martello tower, and meeting his future wife, Nora Barnacle. An earlier incarnation was entitled Jimmy Joyced! featuring O’Kelly’s father Donal in the main role. Donal is also responsible for writing Joyced! In all honesty, the tsunami of references, names and characters may be somewhat overwhelming to those unfamiliar with Joyce or Ulysses. However, the play is perfect for Joyce enthusiasts, who will love the glimpse into his world and will relish matching

the real-life incidents with their fictional counterparts in Ulysses. Joyced! has received positive reviews from many sources. The Irish Times said that: “What O’Kelly does supply is conviction and amperage, telescoping the events of a year in the life of an alternately frustrated and enlivened 22-year-old into an hour of stage time”. Fest was similarly positive, giving the performance four stars and saying: “Katie's one-person performance of that script is a masterclass in careful characterisation of this large and motley cast of Dubliners”. It also received a nomination for the Best Solo Performance Award at Edinburgh 2012. So if you’re up for an evening filled with boater hats and Greek references, Joyced! might just be the show for you. Joyced! is on at the Galway Town Theatre on 12 February. Tickets are €16, and €12 for students.

show in Ireland so don’t miss out. All exhibitions are open Monday to Friday and open to the public, with many of the events free to attend. For further information, or for a copy of the programme, visit www.muscailt.nuigalway. ie or contact the Arts Office at 493766 or 495098. Tickets for events will be available from the

Socsbox at 091 492852 or socsbox@socs.

nuigalway. ie. RENT tickets are also available from Town Hall Theatre www. tht.ie or 091 569777.

GUMS set to perform RENT By Rose Reyes The Galway University Musical Society (GUMS) is set to perform the highly popular musical, RENT, as part of the Múscailt Arts Festival. This production will run from the 5-9 February in the Black Box Theatre and will mark the first time that the musical is staged in the West of Ireland. RENT is a rock opera with music and lyrics by Jonathan Larson based on Giacomo Puccini’s opera, La Bohème. It tells the story of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York’s Lower East Side. It is set in the thriving days of Bohemian Alphabet City and the dawn of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The story follows an unforgettable group of young artists as they struggle to survive, create, sustain relationships and find their voices while living for the day.

Rent gained critical acclaim on Broadway and won a Tony Award for Best Musical among other awards during its original run. The Broadway production closed in 2008 after a 12-year run of 5124 performances, the ninth longest-running Broadway show at the time. The success of the show led to several national tours and numerous foreign ­productions. When asked whether the choice of RENT was an ambitious undertaking, GUMS representative, Megan Connolly, said; “RENT is definitely big shoes to fill! Last year, GUMS stepped away from the more conventional musical choices and decided to tackle darker, but equally important and relevant themes such as abortion, rape and the discovery of sexuality in 'Spring Awakening'. This year, we wanted to continue this trend and not only put on a great show, but draw attention to issues that are

The cast of RENT at the launch of Muscailt Arts Festival.

still as prevalent in today's society as they were when 'RENT' was first written.” She went on to say; “This is the largest workload, singing-wise, that GUMS has ever taken on and the quality of the singing we have been hearing at rehearsals is a testament to the hard work and skill of our musical director Megan Lohan.” RENT has changed Broadway forever and transformed how a generation feels about musical theatre and raises awareness for a very important social issue. GUMS and this production are also sponsoring AIDS West and there will be a stand and a representative at the Black Box Theatre on each night in order to raise awareness for the illness, “so we can show our support to the people who are affected by it.” You won’t want to miss this production of RENT, a show whose story and music resonates deeply long after you’ve left the theatre. This production is made possible by producers Oisin Tierney and Amy Jordan. Musical Director is Megan Lohan and Choreographers are Michael Flanagan and Gillian Keady; RENT is directed by Kate Costello. Tickets are on sale from the Socs Box at NUI Galway, the Town Hall Theatre or online at www.tht.com. Adult: €12, Student: €10, Discounts are available at €8 per ticket for groups of 4 or more. Enjoy the show.

{sin} A rts & e nt e rtainm e nt {23} 14–08


Carnevale is coming to Galway

David O’Doherty to seize Galway

By Isabella De Luca

By Ruth-Ann Browne

• • • • •

of ten. Fun or what? How things can change in an instance though. The Irish Times have referred to him as “a national treasure”. The world of standup comedians as we know it would not be the same without O’Doherty and his prized possession, his miniature electronic keyboard. O’Doherty is known worldwide for his quirky and somewhat wacky personality making him stand out amongst his fellow comedians. He even has a famous motto: “Life is a marathon, not a sprint”. However, it is a somewhat contradictive motto as he proceeds to state: “But it’s a sort of a marathon that you really have to sprint”. He also compares life in general to the Olympics. He states it has many obstacles such as hurdles and weights to lift as well as swimming and, apparently, shooting. However, he says the one main difference between life

and the Olympics is that at the end of life you don’t get a medal – you die. You’ve got to love the optimism. Using his miniature piano, O'Doherty describes his own style of comedy in his song "FAQ for the DOD" as "very low energy musical whimsy" - or "VLEMWy", for short. This is an accurate summary as he delivers both his sung and spoken jokes with an extremely dry sarcasm. Most of his songs focus on unusual topics such as angry mathematicians, finding love and advice on how to dislodge a badger from one's leg. Indeed, absolutely invaluable information; this is a show that simply cannot afford to be missed. ‘Seize The David O’Doherty’ will be on in the Róisín Dubh on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 February at 8:30 pm. Tickets are €18 and €16 for Róisín Dubh members and can be bought at http:// www.roisindubh.net/tickets

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Sketch show comic David McSavage is coming to NUI Galway to perform a stand up gig for students organised by the Students’ Union. The event will take place on Monday February 11 in the O’ Flaherty Theatre. McSavage is most famous for his controversial and popular sketch show The Savage Eye broadcast on RTÉ 2. McSavage is the son of Fianna Fail politician David

Andrews and his brother is former Fianna Fail TD Barry Andrews. Ironically, his comedy revolves around satirising Irish society and in particular, Irish politicians. His show, The Savage Eye, revolves around McSavage’s impressions of facets of Irish society such as the Garda Síochana and the Catholic Church but also his surrealist interpretations of Irish celebrities including former president Mary Robinson, radio DJ Joe Duffy and Pat Kenny.


By Áine O Donnell

McSavage began his political career as a warmup act before the Late Late Show, the chat show which his first cousin, Ryan Tubridy, now presents. McSavage changed his name from Andrews early in his comedic career to disassociate himself with his political family. He said that the name was inspired by a racist slur when a British man called him a “muck savage” because he was Irish. He subsequently adopted this as his stage name: McSavage. He is married to Hannah, a Polish woman whom he met while busking on the streets of Amsterdam. She is the mother of both his children, Daniel and Jack. The Savage Eye had previously been nominated for an Irish Film and Television Award (IFTA) in 2010 for the first series and has recently been nominated for Best Entertainment Programme at this year’s IFTA. McSavage is currently working on the fourth series of the comedy sketch show. Tickets are on sale from the Student Union reception and are €8. The show will begin at 8pm with support from Marcus O’Laoire.

The wonderful David O’Doherty will be gigging in Galway very soon. O’Doherty is currently without doubt one of Ireland’s finest comedians. He has won numerous awards for his shows down through the years, including the prestigious Edinburgh Comedy Award of 2008 for his show ‘Lets Comedy’. Not only is O’Doherty a noted comedian, but his talents extend to the realms of acting, music, theatre and writing. Born in 1975, David had many dreams, not of becoming a famous stand-up comedian, but a professional cyclist and jazz musician. Who would have thought? When these dreams fell through, O’Doherty settled for working as a telemarketer, much to his disliking. This involved calling asking people to rate things out

ard Consu


A McSavage night in the O’Flaherty Theatre

nate them as their chosen charity for the Masquerade Ball. Full tickets cost €45 for students and €50 for nonstudents. Afters tickets are also available at the discounted price of €20. Headlining the night’s entertainment are Cotton Ball Three, an upcoming Galway band who are in the final of this year’s Witless battle-of-the-bands competition. A big hit in ‘La Casa del Jazz’ at the University Ball back in November, they are expected to put on another great show. Guests will also be treated to special performances by Carnivalthemed entertainers. Italian Society is kicking off the promotion of the event with a Mardi Gras stand on campus on Pancake Tuesday, February 12. Tickets for the Masquerade Ball are on sale now in the SocsBox and in Mez’s Masquerade Costume Shop on Middle Street.


“Society is a masked ball, where every one hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding,” remarked Ralph Waldo Emerson. A cynical view of the world we live in, if possibly an accurate one. It can certainly be said that most of our days are spent trying to be a person we’re not, and sometimes it is only through deceit that our true selves are revealed. In that case, what is the purpose of a Masquerade Ball? Why put on a mask if we are already leading a life of pretence? So that we can celebrate a night of freedom and revelry, of course! First recorded in Italy during the Renaissance, Masquerade Balls were costumed public festivities that were especially popular in Venice around the season of Carnevale, a frownedupon period of revelry and

festivity that takes place during the run up to Lent every year. T h e r e a r e n ’t m a n y chances for us to put on a physical disguise and let our secret personas run riot nowadays, but Italian Society are offering just that opportunity this coming February 21 in the Galway Bay Hotel, and all in aid of a great cause, the NUI Galway Best Buddies Programme. Best Buddies is a charity college society that is run in Galway by Ability West. They pair college students in fun, enriching, one-to-one friendships with members of the community who have an intellectual disability, aiming not only to enrich the lives of the Buddies but to change the way each of us thinks about people with a disability. As this fantastic programme receives no funding, Italian Society was honoured to nomi-

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{sin} A rts & e nt e rtainm e nt {25} 14–08


A Portrait of the Artist By James Falconer Flirt FM – Tuesday 11.30am Speaking to NUI Galway student and singer/ songwriter Padraig Jack. What inspires you as an artist? Well, I come from a musical family and I picked up the guitar when I was 21, I never had much of an interest in music before that apart from the tin whistle like many others growing up in Ireland! Once I learned a chord I began to love it and never put it down. I started writing songs early on and I find it a nice way to channel thoughts and aggression. So what would motivate you then to write a song? Anything; it could be a thought, some feeling good, bad, or indifferent. I pick up the guitar every day, strike a chord and then see what comes out and that’s usually were the better songs come from. Do you think that there could be a lot going on throughout the day in your subconscious and when you strike that chord it brings some of it out? I suppose that’s true, but I haven’t thought about it that much to be honest! [laughs]

I’ll give you something to think about! You’re ­probably fairly busy with your studies at the moment. What are you doing? I am, yes. I am doing a postgrad in computer science. There’s a lot of research involved – wireless networks, Wi-Fi stuff. I’m kept going 7 days with the lot and I need a holiday soon! Where would you like to go, somew here hot? No, I can’t afford that, Kerry or somewhere. I fancy a nice cottage for a week with my guitar. So this inspiration to write songs, I know you like to read ­history and philosophy, does any come from these subjects? It would, yes. I read history and philosophy just out of interest; I wouldn’t be an authority on it. A recent example: I wrote a song on Matthew, the disciple. I was simply playing a chord and the words that fitted with the melody were “the gospel of Matthew”, I don’t know where it came from. Then I did some research and tried to write the song around that.

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What did you find out about Matthew – any scandal? There’s actually debate about whether he wrote his gospel at all; he was one of the four apostles, is it? I’ve no idea! I think he was, anyway it seems that his book was just copied from Mark. Matthew did exist, and he was a tax collector over in Syria, or what is now Syria. That’s what I found out so I wrote about it and related it to my own views about that stuff. I’d say Matthew would have a hard time collecting taxes in Syria today! So how do you deal with blocks in your writing – is it frustrating? Yes, it gets frustrating alright. I hadn’t written anything in 6-8 months and then almost out of nowhere I have 4 songs finished and ideas for more. I’m in a creative place now, maybe it correlates with the climate. A bit of depression can be good for the creativity. So do you put yourself out there? You play at open-mics? I do, yes. I play at open-mics and I also run the Rosewood sessions, which is an original music showcase in Garvey’s Pub in Eyre Square every second Tuesday. It’s easy for me as there are so many people who want to play. I get to meet lots of musi-

cians and hear great original music. There are so many people to name… Let’s just say there’s an array of talent. Yes, there’s an array of talent and I love the fact that I’m a part of this scene. Do you think consistency of effort is important? Well, the industry doesn’t pay me very well so there’s a day job. So it can be hard at times to balance the two. I heard that Nick Cave works Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, sits down and writes and maintains that discipline. If a person loves what they’re doing I think they’ll always come back to it, therefore, be consistent. If you were to be locked up in solitary confinement and were allowed to have one album to listen to, what would it be? It’d have to be Devils and Dust by Bruce Springsteen. I just love it. It’s very stripped down; he doesn’t have many bells and whistles on it. I love the raw guitar playing by ‘The Boss’. Do you have a strong goal or purpose as an artist? I do it because I enjoy it to be honest. I suppose for anyone who listens to it, I hope that they would feel whatever it is I’m trying to portray in the song.

{26} A rts & Ent e rtainm e nt {sin} 14–08


Film Reviews Django Unchained This violent tale of slavery in the American south sees Quentin Tarantino operating close to his brilliant best in Django Unchained, Tarantino’s latest ode to exploitation cinema. The film stars Jamie Fox as the title slave-turned-bountyhunter, and Christoph Waltz, as the German bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz who frees him. The first half of Tarantino’s southern epic builds a surprisingly affecting friendship between the two men before fate drives them towards Leonardio Di Caprio’s slaveowner character, Calvin Candie (whom Django’s wife has been sold to). The pairing of Schultz and Django is the most

emotionally involving odd couple Tarantino has given us since his 1997 feature Jackie Brown. Fox brings plenty of swagger to his gunslinger persona under Schultz’s tutelage, while also showing the compassionate nature of his character who is ultimately on a mission to free his wife from Di Caprio’s Candie. On the subject, Leonardio Di Caprio is very good here, taking on a rare supporting role as the foppish Candie, an image of decaying youth and faded charm. His Southern prince runs a Mandingo fighting ring on the side where slaves are put to fight to the death. Through gruesome blood sport and the character named Steven (played extraordinar-

Gangster Squad A great cast is put to waste in Gangster Squad, a flashy shoot-em-up from Zombieland director, Ruben Flescher. The film is loosely inspired by the exploits of a group of law enforcers who waged guerilla warfare against notorious Los Angles crime lord, Micky Cohen, played here in suitably scene-chewing fashion by Sean Penn (who begins the movie quoting Dracula before having a man torn in two by cars) in LA 1949.

Led by war veteran John O’Mara (Josh Brolin) the team consists of disillusioned hotshot cop, played by Ryan Gosling who, along with Giovanni Ribisi as a surveillance expert makes the best impression of a cast given little to work with beyond a few obligatory character traits. Robert Patrick (a crack marksman who could hold his own in the wild west), Michael Pena (Robert Patrick’s sidekick) and Anthony Mackie (a beat

Les Miserablés Two years on from his multi-award winning crowd pleaser, The King’s Speech, Tom Hooper returns with a spectacularly lavish adaptation of the stage musical Les Miserablés from the novel by Victor Hugo. Steeping into the famous roles of parole-breaking fugitive turned born again Christian Jean Valjean and the copper bent on recapturing him, Javier, are Hugh Jackman and Russel Crowe respectively. Beginning as he means to go on Hooper introduces the two men at the stormy recovering of a shipwreck being salvaged by a group of convicts amidst crashing

waves and vertiginous camera movements all under the watchful eye of Crowe’s cop. It’s a very bombastic opening that sets the volume at eleven and, for better or worse, Hooper maintains it more or the less through-

By Ken Glennon ily by Samuel L. Jackson as the most racist character in the film who raised Candie and is the brains behind his plantation) there’s an odd but functioning mixture of slave commentary and knowingly over-the-top violence. At nearly three hours long, Django Unchained stretches itself. But the usual strengths found in Tarantino’s writing and the best ensemble he has assembled since Pulp Fiction make this tale of slavery, murder and heroism well worth the effort. Waltz and Jackson in particular do astonishing work as the heroic Schultz (a world removed from the hunter he played in Inglorious Bastards, but carrying over the charm, wit and verbal panache) and the monstrous creation of Steven respectively.

How Jackson hasn’t received any major awards recognition for his work here is anyone’s guess, but his phenomenal performance ranks among his best. As the dapper and altogether friendly Schultz, Christoph Waltz richly deserves the latest stream of plaudits coming his way

whilst benefiting greatly from Fox’s charismatic Django and Di Caprio’s sneering Candie who provide ample memorable moments of their own. True to form, Tarantino fills his film with memorable cameos including Franco Neri (who played the title character in Djang,o the 60s western with which this film

shares a name only) whilst Kerry Washington does fine work in a limited role as Django’s wife Bromhilda. As the sun sets in Tarant i n o ’s s e l f - p r o c l a i m e d “southern”, the dialogue and sharp characterizations on offer make it this filmmaker’s most enjoyable work in years.

cop who lost a niece to drugs) make up the Gangster Squad. Nick Nolte as the police chief who recruits O’Mara and Emma Stone as Cohen’s

etiquette trainer who gets into bed with Gosling’s cop round out the distinguished cast; all of whom stand around and look great in 1940s period dress amidst

the evocative set design within a world where everyone smokes and drinks every few scenes with the odd Tommy Gun thrown in for good measure. All of which calls to mind better films like L.A. Confidential (which showed Micky Cohen’s unremarkable arrest for tax evasion during the opening credits, his story here has a slightly more grandiose twist) and the film which Gangster Squad has been unfavourably compared the most: The Untouchables. Like Gangster Squad, that film had more surface than narrative meat on its bones.

Unlike Gangster Squad, The Untouchables had a Pulitzer-winner scripting the action and Brian DePalma’s masterful directorial bravado along with Sean Connery and Robert DeNiro, the latter of which Penn seems to be channelling along with Al Pacino’s character in Scarface. Epitomizing much of what there is to say about Gangster Squad, Sean Penn’s performance is entertaining in the moment in a supremely cartoonish nature, but begins to fade from memory before the credits start rolling.

out the course of the film’s two-and-half-hour-plus running time. Broadly speaking, what follows is Valjean’s journey from the oppressive hands of the law to a position of great wealth. Inextricably linked to Valjean’s faith is a young woman (Fantine, played

by Anne Hathaway, Oscar nominated here along with Hugh Jackman) who has fallen into destitution with a young daughter to care for. Down the road, the student revolution of 1832 in Paris will take place tying these disparate characters’ fates together. Logistically the scope of the film is astounding, a triumph of sumptuous art direction, whilst the use of live recording of the actors singing adds spontaneity to the extensive vocal work on display. That’s one of the main selling points in a thoroughly lavish musical that often gets weighed down by it’s own grandeur. A pure musical with barely

a pause for dialogue in sight, Les Miserablés wore me down. Feeling considerably longer than it’s actual run-time, it’s a colossal technical accomplishment that’s short on actual emotional connection (though the film that has reportedly had crowds in tears exiting theatres). Unlike Tim Burton’s superb take on Sweeney Todd, this engages only as spectacle. Everything smacks of artifice in a film that’s visually impressive but emotionally disengaging. There’s heavyweight dramatic performance from Hugh Jackman; Russell Crowe brings requisite authority and tenacity to

the part of Javier (his singing is perfectly fine too); whilst Anne Hathaway brings suitable misery to Fantine’s fall from grace and Samantha Barks delivers a brief but moving performance as the lovesick Éponine to Eddie Redmayne’s student revolutionary, Marius. In a season with competent but forgettable motion pictures like Gangster Squad and Jack Reacher, something this alive with ambition and mounted with such craftsmanship is worth seeing, flaws, excessive running time and all. For reviews on all the latest films, tune in to The Movie Show with Ken Glennon and Jane Kearns on Flirt fm on Fridays at 4pm.

{sin} 14–08

H e alth & F itn e ss

{27} 04–02

Alcohol: your most common fitness and fat loss questions answered is when people start a new fitness programme; they always seem to ask how alcohol will affect their progress. To help you understand the affects alcohol has on your progress I’ve compiled a list of the most common questions I get asked about alcohol.

By John Mulry of Expect Success Fitness The topic and debate on alcohol (whether being talked about in a good light or bad light) doesn’t seem to be losing any momentum. It’s one of the hottest topics in Ireland. I mean our social lives revolve around alcohol. Whether you drink or not, you’ve probably given directions tom somewhere based on what pubs the place was beside. One area of the alcohol debate I come across a lot

Are there ­calories in alcohol? Yes, alcohol is labelled as having 7.1 calories per gram, although if you take into account thermogenesis and the thermic effect of food it comes down to about 5.7 calories. What happens to me when I drink alcohol? When you drink alcohol (ethanol) your body, and specifically your liver goes into high alert mode because one of the metabolic by-products of alcohol is a toxin called acetate. Our liver starts working overtime to remove this

toxin and metabolizing it takes precedence over everything else. This means any fat-burning or growth and repair your body might have been doing comes to a standstill until the acetate is removed. This leads to the next question… Will I get fat if I drink alcohol? The easy answer here is yes and no. Let me start with the ‘no’ part. At the end of the day to put on weight you have to be in a calorie surplus and to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Bearing that fact in mind, when you drink alcohol, if you were to stay below or at your maintenance level of recommended calories then no, you wouldn’t gain weight. Therein lies the problem however... You see it’s what alcohol actually does to us that causes the problems. Alcohol, being alcohol, gets you drunk. When

Be informed about sexual health

By Kiri Renssen In light of S.H.A.G. week I’m going to share with you all a few nuggets of information that could potentially change your intimate experiences forever. First, you have to start by taking a firm grasp of… your sexual health, which you can only do well if you’re properly informed. Don’t be afraid to talk and ask questions. Talk to a health professional if you notice something unusual “down there”. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s just another penis or vagina for them, likely the umpteenth one they’ve seen since qualifying.

Don’t be afraid to talk to your partner if there’s a sexual issue bothering you. If you’re comfortable sharing your body with someone you should be comfortable sharing your worries or concerns with them too. First of all, if you’re not ready for the pitter-patter of little feet but you plan on being sexually active, you had better toddle over to your doctor for contraception pronto. There are several options available so choosing one that suits you best will be a doddle for you ladies. As for you gents, always wrap the bap. Nothing will protect you from STI’s like a condom. Fact. Other forms of contraception don’t provide the necessary barrier between body fluids and mucosa. However, they are not fool proof, particularly if you’re fooling around before the act proper. Condoms protect you best if you use them consistently and throughout the entire sex act, from start (before any genital contact) to the grand finale. If using lubricant,

make sure it is water based. While Vaseline may be closer to hand or you think massage oils would be more sensual, oil based lubricants weaken latex, thereby increasing the chances of the condom breaking. Broken condom, broken barrier, broken buzz. The big issue with STI’s is that many people don’t realise that they have one, particularly women. Up to 75% of women with Chlamydia and 90% of women with Gonorrhea are asymptomatic. However up to 70% of partners of women infected with Chlamydia test positive for it and males are more likely to experience symptoms. Both Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes and other reproductive organs), which damages the fallopian tubes thereby increasing the chances of tubal infertility and ectopic pregnancies (when the foetus develops somewhere other than in the uterus such as in a fallopian tube).

you’re drunk your inhibitions are lowered down – I mean “oh my god I can’t believe I [insert your own embarrassing story here] last night” down. These lowered inhibitions lead to all kinds of crazy stories but most importantly for you and your health they lead to you overeating; cue the snack-boxes, chilli fries and all the other junk food that more often than not follows a night out. It’s the alcohol and the excess calories from this junk food and late-night gorging that lead you to eat over maintenance and thus get fat. The second problem here is that, as calories go (alcohol calories are empty), they have no nutritional value whatsoever and they have a very short-term effect on satiety (how full you feel). And because the majority of alcohol is consumed in liquid form it’s very easy to over-consume calories by drinking alone.

What if I don’t eat and just drink instead? Seriously, are you that stupid? Re-read the previous two questions and pay specific attention to the fact that alcohol is a toxin, contains no nutritional value and leads to overeating by reduced inhibitions and, not to mention, going down this route is just plain idiotic, especially when you get the ‘weight-watchers’ saving all their points for the weekend and wonder why they aren’t getting any healthier. Is there a way I can minimise the negative effects of alcohol? Actually there is. Now I can’t take credit for this formula. It was devised by the excellent nutritional consultant Martin Berkhan. This works on a moderate basis only once every week or every 2 weeks and is not free reign to get bananas every night. On the day you

will be drinking, limit your intake of dietary fat to 0.3g per kg of bodyweight. Limit carb intake to 1.5g per kg of bodyweight. Get your carbs from veggies and any accessory carbs that are in protein sources. Eat as much lean protein as you want. Limit your alcohol choices to dry wines, spirits with calorie-free mixers and avoid beers, sugary drinks and high calorie cocktails. This formula focuses on elements that are least likely to cause fat storage when drinking. Remember though, alcohol is a toxin at the end of the day, it causes a host of other problems and should only ever be consumed in moderation, if at all. A friend mentioned to me recently that if alcohol had only been discovered today it would most definitely be banned. Remember that very true observation.

Ectopic pregnancies rarely go to term and are dangerous for the mother as she is at risk of the affected tube rupturing and serious haemorrhage. Furthermore it has been estimated that for each bout of pelvic inflammatory disease fertility drops by roughly 10%. So if a woman has three bouts of PID, she will be 30% less fertile. Other STI’s such as herpes and syphilis are no joke either. Primary infection with herpes involves a painful ulceration at the site of contact and a flu-like illness that lasts for roughly 2 weeks. The virus then

remains dormant in local sensory nerves and reactivates occasionally. What’s important to note about herpes is that you can still shed the virus even when asymptomatic. Syphilis infection is broken down into 3 stages. The primary stage involves a painless ulcer for between one and six weeks at the site of contact, which clears up on its own. The secondary stages kicks in 4-10 weeks after initial infection and while syphilis is renowned for causing atypical presentations, characteristic features of the secondary stage

include a pink-red, nonitchy rash on the torso and/or the soles of feet and palms of hands as well as swollen lymph nodes. Tertiary syphilis occurs on average 15 years after the primary infection and has neurological and cardiovascular ramifications. So in essence, do yourself a favour, practise safe sex. Don’t waste your time agonising and squirming because you’re too shy or embarrassed. Go to your doctor or the local STI clinic here in Galway if you’re worried about your sexual health. Even if you’re not, go for a check-up. Be informed.

Clubs Bookings in Kingfisher CLUB


PArk AND rIDE Tuesday to Dangan Sports Pavillion: now operating!

Commences to Dangan at 5.45pm Last bus from the Pavilion at 9.15pm


Bus will start at the Orbsen Building and complete its usual pickups. You can hop on and off as usual but this bus goes all the way to Dangan Pavillion!


Friday Saturday Sunday Mon – Wed Thursday

Service Operates:

5.45pm – 9.15pm 5.45pm – 8.15pm

Monday – Wednesday Departing from Orbsen Building:

5.45 | 6.15 | 6.45 | 7.15 | 7.45 | 8.15 | 8.45 | 9.15 (final bus from Dangan Pavillion)


Departing from Orbsen Building:

5.45 | 6.15 | 6.45 | 7.15 | 7.45 | 8.15 (final bus from Dangan Pavillion)

CLU - 20130119 - Sin Issue 7 Full Page Ad.indd 1

Aikido Karate Badminton Archery Club Futsal Soccer Taekwondo & Judo Swim Club Karate Club  Archery  Fencing Club Ladies Basketball - Varsities Karate Club  Aikido Club Maui Thai  Cricket Club Kayak Club Volleyball Volleyball Aikido Archery Mens Varsity Basketball Cricket Club Badminton Taekwondo Karate & Judo sharing General Varsity Training Sub Aqua Swim Club Frizbee Muai Thai Cricket Ladies Basketball - Varsities Ladies Basketball - Recreational Table Tennis & Fencing Taekwondo & Aikido Fencing Advanced Swim & Lifesaving Club Mens Basketball - Varsity Archery Club Fencing   Inline Hockey Volleyball Club Blank Judo Club Waterpolo Taekwondo

TIME 1.00pm – 2.00pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm 8.00pm – 10.00pm 8.00pm – 10.00pm 8.30pm – 11.00pm 7.30am –  9.00am 7.00pm – 9.00pm 6.00pm – 7.30pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm  7.00pm – 9.00pm 7.30pm – 9.30pm 9.00pm – 10.30pm 9.00pm – 11.00pm 8.00pm – 10.30pm 1.00pm – 2.00pm 1.00pm – 2.00pm 4.00pm – 6.00pm 6.00pm – 7.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm 9.00pm – 11.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm 8.00pm – 9.00pm 9.30pm – 11pm 7.00pm – 8.30am 5.00pm – 7.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm 9.00pm – 10.30pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm 8.00pm – 10.00pm 6.00pm – 8.00pm 8.00pm – 10.00pm 6.00pm – 10.00pm 9.00pm – 11.00pm 11.00am  11.00am – 1.30pm 3.00pm – 4.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm 6.00pm – 10.00pm 6.00pm – 7.00pm 7.00pm – 9.00pm 9.30pm – 11.00pm 12.00pm – 2.00pm

VENUE Hall 3  Raquetball Court Hall 1 & 2 Hall  3 Hall 1 & 2  Hall 3  Full Pool Dance Studio Hall 1 Hall 1 Hall 2 Hall 3 Hall 3 Hall 1 Hall 3  Full Pool Hall 2 Hall 2 to Oct 17th Hall 3 Hall 3 Hall 2  Hall 1 3 halls Hall 2  Hall 3 Hall 3 Full Pool 2 Lanes Hall 1 Hall 1 Hall 1 Hall 2  Hall 2  Hall 3 Hall 3 Raquetball Court Full Pool Hall 2 Hall 3 Hall 3 Hall 1 Hall 2 Hall 3 & 1 Hall 3 Full Pool Raquetball Court

Swim Club

4.00pm – 5.30pm

2 Lanes

Fencing Club

2.00pm – 4.00pm

Raquetball court

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{sin} 14–08

S ports

NUI Galway to host 2013 Windsurfing Intervarsities By Bebhinn Lernihan The rugged shores of Bellmullet, Co Mayo will once again be greeted by over a hundred talented windsurfers this April as NUI Galway hosts the 2013 Irish Windsurfing Intervarsities. The club, captained by Evan Flaherty, has finalised the event which will take place from 5 – 7 April in Colaiste U.I.S.C.E. In addition to clinics, beginner lessons and competitions, this year’s IVS will also include everyone's favourite, the 'Expression Session'. The winner of this years 'Expression Session' will receive a cup in honour of Mickey Clancy. The talented PWA windsurfer was preparing to compete at the 2013 PWA World

Tour before he passed away at the young age of 22 earlier this year. In preparation for the 2013 IVS, which is sponsored by Jamie Knox Watersports, Rusheen Bay, Adventure Training Ireland and many more, NUI Galway's Windsurfing Club are planning on returning to Castlegregory, Co Kerry once again. This will be the club's second year of hitting the Kerry waves which have been recently tracked down by the Red Bull Storm Chasers. Last year, a gang of around thirteen NUI Galway windsurfers of all levels travelled down to Kerry on the final day of summer exams. They spent nearly a week on the waves and fired up the barbeque on many evenings.

If last year is anything to go by this trip, which takes places from February 22 – 24, should not be missed. Just down the road from Jamie Knoxs' Watersports, the beaches are suitable for all levels, and the cottage fire welcomes everyone after a long day on the water. The windsurfing club meets every weekend in Rusheen Bay. Two sessions take place on Saturdays: the first begins at 11am and the second at 1pm. After each session a warming brunch is provided by the club members. The club caters for everybody from beginners to experts. If you would like to get involved or you would like to join the club on their trips away you can sign up to the mailing list on "yourspace" or join them on Facebook.

NUI Galway hosts Concannon Cup for secondary schools By Hannah Jenkinson The start of 2013 has seen a busy few weeks for the NUI Galway hockey club. One of the main events the club undertook was their hosting of the first Secondary Schools Hockey Tournament, now known as the Concannon Cup. The main reason behind the tournament was to encourage students from secondary schools to come and play in the college when they finish. The indoor hockey tournament was held in the Kingfisher due to bad weather conditions. There were four teams taking part in the tournament; The Jes, Salerno, Taylors Hill and a team from NUIG. The day was a great success for all and the students really enjoyed their day off school. Each team had three games to play throughout the day, leading up to the day’s deciding

match between The Jes and Salerno. The match started at a high pace and intensity, which continued for the duration of the game. The atmosphere in the Kingfisher hall was electric and cheers from both sidelines could be heard throughout the gym. The Jes raced into an early two-goal lead, but Salerno showed heart and grit to pull the game back to two-all. Salerno won the tournament on overall goal difference from their previous games. After the match the Concannon Cup was presented by Teresa Concannon to captain of Salerno. She also presented an award to Elaine Carey, from The Jes, who was chosen as Player of the Tournament on the back of her performances throughout the day. Overall the day was a great success after all the hard work that had gone into organising it and NUI Galway now hope to continue running the tournament for years to come.

In other hockey news the 1st teams have had a disappointing two weeks in their league fixtures. The team lost to both Galway 1sts and Greenfields 1sts after two of their toughest games this season. However this weekend the NUIG 2nds had a great seven-nil win over Greenfield 3rds in their league match.

The winners of the Conncannon Cup were Salerno.

{29} 04–02

CLUB PROFILE: Get your kicks at Taekwon-Do Club NUI Galway By Leigh Michael Keeney

Taekwon-Do founder, General Choi Hong Hi, wrote in his book A Theory of Power; “The beginning student may ask; ‘Where does one obtain the power to create the devastating results attributed to Taekwon-Do?’” The answer is simple, at NUI Galway Taekwon-Do club of course. Anyone, regardless of size, age, or gender has the potential to perform these same destructive techniques. The club is associated with a long-standing and growing organisation comprised of beginners and more advanced students and is made up of current and former world champions as well as many Masters of the art. The club has recently travelled to the European Championships in Poland, winning second and third sparring. The club will compete again at the approaching intervarsities in Cork on 23 February and are hopeful of more success. Training times are spread over the week to help members de-stress from the busy life of a student on Mondays 8pm – 10pm, Wednesdays 7pm – 9pm, Thursdays 8pm – 10pm and Saturdays 12pm – 2pm. While the club does compete at a national level, it has been represented in the past in countries as diverse as Germany, Spain and South Korea. All members can compete if they wish, with the club providing unequalled subsidising of trips, enabling each member to benefit and take part in all competitions. The club prides itself on taking care of its members, training them to be some of the best in Europe, as past victories reveal. But it also provides with a wide variety of social events and the most craic-filled nights out in Galway. Not only that, but it often integrates with other colleges and national clubs such as UL and DIT for training sessions and more unmissable get-togethers. March 9 will see the club host the Taekwon-Do Open right here in NUI Galway. This will be a great chance for the club to roll out the red carpet once more and show off what they’re made of. The last time the Kingfisher saw this many Taekwon-Do hotshots was in October, when the conductor of the Taekwon-Do Connacht Open, Mr Shane Fitzgibbon, stated just how impressed he was with NUI Galway and its facilities and that they’d definitely return in the future. For anyone who missed the astounding spectacle in October be sure not to in March because competing in TaekwonDo is one thing, but observing it really is something else. Come along to witness to the full force of power which General Choi knew all too well.



S ports



Champions League Returns With Stellar Line-Up By Mark Higgins 23 April 2003: Manchester United face Real Madrid in Old Trafford in the second leg of their Champions League quarter final tie. In one of the classic European ties, Ronaldo notches a hat-trick for the Los Blancos, tipping the tie in his side’s favour and endearing himself to the Old Trafford crowd to such an extent that he is applauded off the field by all 66,000 spectators in the stadium. Fast-forward ten years and a different Ronaldo is poised to grab the headlines. Whether Cristiano will be applauded off the field on 5 March, however, remains to be seen. The story of the Portuguese attacker returning to United for the first time since his world-record £80 million transfer in summer 2009 is just one to emerge from the

resumption of the world’s foremost club competition next week. The clash of Madrid and United is the standout tie, not least because of the Cron Factor. It also means the first meeting of Sir Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho since the latter’s arrival in Madrid. Madrid are struggling

Elsewhere in a stellar lineup of ties, Arsenal are paired with last year’s beaten finalists and Pep-fanciers, Bayern Munich. Arsene Wenger and his players have had their troubles this campaign, with the manager’s position arguably under more scrutiny now than at any other stage in his 16-year tenure in North London.

Celtic can revel in the role of

underdogs, but they will need a special

dose of Parkhead magic to stand any

chance of progressing to the last eight.

in La Liga, with their title all but lost to Barcelona, and are desperate to claim their first European crown since 2002. United, with their new attack-at-all-costs mentality and a free-scoring Dutchman leading the line, will do their utmost to stop them.

Bayern boast an exciting squad of young, predominantly German talent, and in players like Toni Kroos and Thomas Muller, have the potential to tear Arsenal’s much-maligned defence to shreds. But the Gunners have the knack of turning it on for big Euro-

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pean nights, particularly in the Emirates, where the first of the two legs will be held. As a reward for their group stage heroics, Neil Lennon’s Celtic are drawn against a formidable Juventus. The Italian champions had a somewhat dicey group stage campaign, and were reliant on a hard-fought round 6 win over Shaktar to secure top spot, but will be confident of toppling the Scots with a minimum of fuss. Celtic can revel in

the role of underdogs, but they will need a special dose of Parkhead magic to stand any chance of progressing to the last eight. Meanwhile, on the continent, the Barcelona show will roll into the San Siro to face Mario Ballotelli and AC Milan. Depleted of many of their stars by boardroom factors, this young Milan has shown considerable grit to reach the knockout stages, but will surely find the combined talents

of Messi, Iniesta, Cesc and Xavi too much to cope with, especially with the second leg to be played in the Camp Nou. The remaining matches see Porto face Malaga, Galatasary (with their shiny new acquisitions) play Schalke, and Valencia travel to Paris to meet Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s PSG. And, in one guaranteed to excite the football hipsters, Shaktar Donetsk take on Borussia Dortmund in the Ukraine.

NUI Galway honours young athletes By Mark Higgins NUI Galway’s most promising young athletes gathered in the Aula Maxima on Wednesday evening (31 Jan) for the awarding of this year’s university sports scholarships. The awards are presented to the cream of NUI Galway’s sporting talent across a wide spectrum of sports, recognising the talent and effort of college athletes who have competed and triumphed at national and international level.

The ceremony was hosted by Gary Ryan, former Olympic sprinter and elite sports development officer in NUI Galway. He welcomed the assembled athletes and their families and paid tribute to their dedication and success. He then introduced Dr Pat Morgan, Vice-President for the Student Experience in NUI Galway, to present the scholarship awards. Dr Morgan reminded the crowd of the recent success of some former NUI Galway scholarship recipients, including world silver

medallist Olive Loughnane and Olympic sprinter Paul Hession. The awards recognised college athletes from around Ireland, and across a wide variety of sports, from Gaelic football and hurling to boxing, rowing and golf. In all, 22 athletes were awarded with sports scholarships, with three more awarded in absentia. Mr Ryan then concluded the ceremony by offering his congratulations to all the recipients and their families, and wishing them every success in the future.

Republic of Ireland vs Poland preview By Ross Cannon The Republic of Ireland are to restart their World Cup preparations with a friendly match against Poland in Dublin on Wednesday night. It will be the Boys in Green’s first game of 2013 and will hopefully be the start of better things for the Irish squad, who endured a poor season in 2012. Ireland’s last two home games ended in defeat. A poor second-half performance saw Ireland go down 1-0 to Greece in November in an international friendly. October saw Ireland record one of their worst ever footballing defeats in the modern era; they were annihilated 6-1 by a talented German side in the second game of their World Cup qualifying campaign. A new year offers the Republic of Ireland a new start and the opportunity to

bring in new faces, which Giovanni Trapattoni seems to have done. Trapattoni has called up five uncapped players to his provisional squad to face Poland. One standout name of the five is Norwich’s Anthony Pilkington. Born in Blackburn, Pilkington qualifies to play for Ireland through his grandmother who was born in Dublin. Pilkington is an attacking midfielder who usually operates on the wing but can also lead the line playing up front. He possesses the ability to play with both feet and is not shy in front of goal, which he demonstrated against Manchester United back in November when he scored with a stunning near post header. It had been thought that veteran defender Richard Dunne would have been available for selection, but he has had an injury setback

and is now ruled out. The Aston Villa centre half has been out of action for the Republic since the European Championships in the summer, battling groin and hip injuries. Another veteran of Irish soccer, Shay Given announced his return to international football and made himself available for the friendly game but Trapattoni has not called upon the Donegal man. He stated through a FAI media release that he has “decided to use this friendly game as an opportunity to work with young players to see their potential.” Trapattoni seems to be ringing the changes as Robbie Keane has also been left out of the squad. This hopefully will give the Irish team the youthful injection it so sorely needs. The game will be live on Sky Sports 2 with kick-off at 7.45pm.

{sin} 14–08

7 1

F inal W O rd

NUI Galway Memes by Conor Stitt

2 5 8 9 6 8 9 3 1 9 8 Book32 1 6

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