Volume 11 Issue 8

Page 1

in this issue: Sinéad Higgins, Commerce Ball, Teddy Bear Hospital, Premiership, The Wiz, Art Soc, NUI dissolution, Cougars, The Career Doctor, Glee, sea swimming, Bubba Shakespeare, Brothers, Bobby Noonan, Frankie O’Mahony

F R E E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R , V O L . 1 0 I S S U E 8 , 0 1 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 0

Sean O hEachteirn gives Teddy a swine flu jab at the Teddy Bear Hospital

It’s Green Week this week in NUIG, Pics: Leah Mollica

Alarm raised over NUIG registration fee figures

Man behind the mystery Rag Week webpage revealed By Deirdre Judge

By Richard Manton and Mairéad Ní Chaoimh NUIG Students Union have raised the

for “transparency and student

A Facebook page called ‘Galway Rag

On the website students are asked to

alarm surrounding the spending of the

consultation in the appropriation of this

Week 2010’ has received over 7,100 fans

offer suggestion for events stating that

registration fee by university


in just over a week. The page has been set

“Pubs and Clubs are ready to invite you


She added: “We are strongly opposed to

up by a private individual in opposition to

to great parties in February. Most of them

SU officers say they are “very

the proposed reclassification of the

the rebranded College Week.

are disappointed that Rag Week is

concerned” about the matter, saying

library, computer services and CELT as

that figures given to them by the

a ‘student service’ when it is clearly an

university do not tally with the figures

academic service that should be funded

presented by NUIG at the Oireachtas

by the core grant. We are also unhappy

joint committee on Education and

that there is use of vague categories of



Donna Cummins, SU President is calling

continued on page 4

supposed to be a small event and it has NUIG Students Union has strongly

been rescheduled to a different date.”

condemned the webpage, saying it was set

SU president Donna Cummins,

up by individuals out to make personal

responding to the fact that the page had

financial gain for themselves.

attracted so many fans said: “People will

The page has been set up “in oposition

sign up to anything.”

(sic) to new College Charity Week” and calls for a return to the old Rag Week.

continued on page 4

sin team


Editor Mairéad Ní Chaoimh editor@sin.ie 087 6761067

It is time for NUIG management to clear the air, come

spreadsheet clarifying all of these matters, and

clean and tell us exactly where our registration fee is

immediately send it to the Students’ Union.


And that is only for starters. After is has been established

The university presidents have already put their hands up

where the money is going, students should then be

and admitted that the money is being spent on a wide

consulted, not in a tokenistic way, but in a very real,

range of core services instead of strictly on student

proper and lasting way and have a well deserved say in the


divvying out of the registration fee cake.

There are claims of “creative accountancy” flying around

Watch this space. As soon as we get more details on the

and of collusion between universities and the HEA. Our

nuts and bolts of the NUIG registration fee we will post it

own SU, after trawling through a rake of figures over the

on www.sin.ie

Layout Tom Parandyk

The NUIG figures have only just been released following a


request sent in to accounts six weeks ago, and they are

Note from SIN Business Manager:

News Editor Deirdre Judge

not adding up. In addition, the figures released are unclear

Hi all,

weekend, have revealed that they are seriously worried

Business Manager Andrew Cosgrove

and angered about what they are uncovering.

and drastically need further clarification. The figures that NUIG presented to the Oireachtas joint

We have a great competition for you to enter in the next

committee on Education and Science do not match up

four issues of SIN. To overcome the winter blues SIN has

with the figures the SU were given by the university.

teamed up with Zenith and the Born Store to offer a

The term Student Services is a vague one, and one that

lucky reader the opportunity for a makeover – male or

urgently needs to be defined. The term ‘space costs’ is

female. Competition entry forms can be found inside the

another phrase begging an explanation. It appears a huge

paper or available at the SU office - don't forget to attach

chunk of our fee has gone towards space costs, whatever

a passport photograph with your entry. Winner will be

that means.

contacted by February 8th.

Each student pays €1,500 each year in a registration fee;

Thanks to our sponsors Zenith and Born Store, and

we should be told exactly where the money is going, and

wishing you all the

not be subjected to muddy accounting practices.

best of luck. Andrew Cosgrove

charge of the college’s accounts and get them to do up a

SIN Business Manager

Features Editor Donna Miskell

Ents Editor Sinéad Burke

Photo Editor Nick Geoghegan

SIN is calling on President Dr Jim Browne to pull his socks up on this one; he needs to get onto whoever is in

Sub Editor Oisín Collins

Sports Editor Cian Murray

SIN WALL Richard Manton

Mairéad Ní Chaoimh

“The use of the registration fee to

“The attempt by a Galway events

subsidise core university funding

promoter to set up a rival College

shows how fees really do exist in

Week shows the lengths that city


business people will go to make

Web Editor Colm Byrne

Literary Editor Shaun Leonard

money out of students.”

Tom Parandyk “Positive vibes. Warm hands. No

Aidan Fitzsimons

stress. No must. No greed. One

“After a great display last year which

mind. Fuck progress. Walt Disney.

saw them finish second, the Reds

Undelivered bills. Heaven in my bed

have crumbled in recent times.”

with my Love."

Oisín Collins Grainne Coyne

“Nuclear power, now that’s

"It’s good to see everyone getting

something the Irish government

eco-friendly for Green Week and

should have control over.”

that more facilities are being put in place to make NUIG even greener."

Gabrielle Campion “I find that when I can think of

Maebh McDonnell

nothing witty to write, a good quote

“You haven’t lived until you’ve seen

from someone reputable like Oscar

audience members- who look like

Wilde tends to fill the void nicely. It

accountants- shouting ‘Lean ar

doesn't work well when trying to

aghaidh cailín!’ "

make conversation though."

Contributors Grainne Coyne Leah Mollica Lorraine O’Hanlon Aisling Walsh Gabrielle Campion Maebh McDonnell Dylan Murphy Stephen Reilly Laurie Greenfield Fiona Canning Aidan Fitzsimons Erin Foley Carrie Anne Kehoe Mary McDonnell Hilary Gallagher Alan Coss Padraig McMahon Distribution Nicholas Fitzgerald

continued from page 1

the SU’s College Week because “they

core student services such as exams,

students.” Dr Browne told SIN he “was

have money in February, not in March”.

registration, health, sport,

fairly optimistic” the issues of importance

accommodation etc. were found to be Borkowski said that he had no plans Man behind the Mr much less at €8.2m. to raise money for charity through the Further investigations will determine proposed events. mystery Rag which student services the registration Week webpage fee is being used to fund in NUIG and Alarm raised how much of the Student Services Levy revealed is actually spent on student services. over NUIG “This approach of being “opposed to registration fee College Charity Week” is ridiculous and we don’t believe that being against Dissolution of figures charity is going to have support amongst

NUI to go ahead

the student population of NUIG. This is a

Her comments come in the wake of the

ploy by a small group of individuals

heads of the country’s main universities

outside the campus, who are

admitting that the €1,500 registration

disseminating misinformation to make

charge is being used to fund a wide range

personal profit and in doing so are

of core services and is essentially a fee.

undermining a goal to raise money for

The registration charge was originally

The four NUI Presidents, Dr Jim Browne,

hugely worthwhile causes,” said Donna.

established to fund exams, registration

Dr John Hughes, Dr Hugh Brady and Dr

She said she would not be sidetracked by

and student services after third level fees

Michael Murphy held a meeting with

anyone who was ill intentioned, and that

were abolished in 1995.

Minister Batt O’Keeffe on Wednesday to

she was confident the vast majority of students were behind College Week. “Rag Week is dead in the water,” she

The spending of the registration fee by universities has been described as “creative accountancy” by Fine Gael TD

By Deirdre Judge

discuss his decision to dissolve the NUI. The announcement, which came on January 20th, raised serious concerns as the Minister had not discussed the


Brian Hayes.

SIN managed to track down the man

At Thursday’s meeting of the Joint

who set up the page. He is from Eastern

Oireachtas Committee for Science and

Europe, his name is Robert Borkowski

Dr Browne had been anxious to stress

Education Mr Hayes branded it as “gross

and he is a web developer and managing

before that meeting that whatever the

collusion” between universities and the

outcome the dissolution of the NUI

director of galwaynightlife.ie.

HEA in order to make up for the cut in

would have “minimal impact on

“We don’t support the hooligans- we just

government funding.

want people to have fun in a good way. If

Speaking to SIN, NUIG Education Officer

I hadn’t done this, someone else would,”

Emmet Connolly said: “What we’ve seen

he told SIN.

in the Oireachtas is disturbing. The

He said he had been in negotiations with

registration fee should be used for

an event organiser to run the page for

student services like health, counselling,

NUIG’s College Week. He had already

careers advice and sport, not to subsidise

done work on the Facebook page and

core university funding. We will have

had it up and running before he found

serious questions for the president and

out that plans for the week had been

university management.”

changed. He said he had tried to contact

Investigations by the TCD Students

the SU about the matter but received no

Union found that only €537 of the

response. “There had been no bad

€1,500 fee is spent on services such as

intentions; it happened by accident,” is

exams, registration, health and sport in

how he describes how the Facebook

TCD. In UCD, the figure was found to be

page went from less than 300 fans to


nearly 7,000 in five days.

The Oireachtas committee meeting was

Mr Borkowski told SIN that he is

called to discuss the registration fee and

“speaking with business interests” and

was attended by all seven university

using the number of fans to gender up

presidents, including Dr Jim Browne.

support to run events that are affordable

Figures given to SIN by the University

to students next month. He feels that the

Registrar last year showed the cost of

students will support his idea because

‘student services’ to be around €12

they want bigger events and earlier than

million. Meanwhile in TCD, the costs of

matter with the NUI prior to going public.

Robin Allen, Class Reps with one of the ‘counting devices’ sent to the President’s office Pic: Nick Geoghegan

the NUI wished to raise with the minister would be met with a positive response. Dr Browne said while he understood the reasoning behind the Minister’s decision he was hoping they could persuade him to retain some of the NUI structure and administrative duties. Among these was the safeguarding of the awarding of prizes by the NUI and Dr Browne said these “are of vital importance.” Another fundamental aspect which the heads were seeking assurance on was the safeguarding of the brand that is NUI. “The name of NUI is an internationally recognised symbol. Having an NUI degree carries serious weight particularly in Asia and the US,” he added. Following the meeting, Dr Browne’s office has informed SIN that the meeting was “very frank, but positive.” The dissolution will proceed but the Minister has given assurance that the name NUI, Galway will remain. He has also requested the Presidents revert to him with proposals on how to retain the NUI brand. Local Labour politician Michael D Higgins expressed concern in the Galway Advertiser over the value the dissolution could have on the status of an NUI degree in the future.

Abacus beads sent to President’s office By Deirdre Judge

been decided on for September and no ceiling has been indicated in relation to any charge.” Dr Browne said, “The university had

Simon O'Connor diagnoses a patient at the Teddy Bear hospital Pic: Leah Mollica

conceded to Donna’s well argued point on disproportion. If the Dangan car park becomes full than the students will have a case to look for a concession in September.” He said €32 was a “very reasonable sum to pay for five months

Class Reps have begun a campaign in

parking” and added, “Students who are

protest at the proposed introduction of a

driving are able to pay tax and insurance;

two-tier parking permit charge.

the parking charge is very little in relation

They have sent 120 letters, beads from

to this.”

broken abacuses, maths times tables and other counting devices to the office of NUIG President Jim Browne. The campaign is designed to illustrate management’s inability to count. Class reps voted overwhelmingly in favour of action against management’s decision to enforce a parking permit charge at a class reps council meeting held on January 18th. Those in attendance responded angrily to the decision that will see students paying €32 to park their cars on campus, despite only having access to about 20% of parking spaces. The campaign began that evening with each class rep submitting a hand written letter to Dr Jim Browne, NUIG’s President stating their opposition to the charge. Each letter also contained an abacus bead to signify management’s inability to count given the disparity of parking spaces. The SU informed management that they had received a mandate from the reps to launch a protest. SU president Donna Cummins stressed, “This protest is against management and not the staff of the university. The introduction of a permit charge was rushed and done without agreement.” She said the reps have also expressed serious concerns that they are expected to pay a charge from now until May but as of yet there has been no details forthcoming as to how or when this payment is to be made. “We told management that it would be a struggle to inform the staff and students midway through the year in such a way that they could change their habits regarding parking on campus. There is much confusion and frustration given that we can’t tell students what we don’t know ourselves.” She added, “Class reps are worried an exact charge has been not

Over 1,000 kids attend teddy bear hospital By Deirdre Judge The 5th annual Teddy Bear Hospital took place on Thursday and Friday in the Bailey Allen Hall. Over 1,000 children and their teddies came from 29 schools in Galway city and county to visit the hospital. The event which was organised by Sláinte Soc had over 100 volunteers, mainly medical and nursing students on hand to deal with the patients. Cornelia Carey, PRO for Sláinte Soc

described the hospital as a way for

Sponsorship for the two day event came

“teddy bear doctors to explain how

from Smyth’ s Toystore who provided

doctors work and to show the children

teddies, Boots and Medisource who

that hospital and medical procedures are

provided medical supplies and the

not so scary”.

‘medicine’, all 3,500 pieces of fruit came

On arrival children were shown into a

courtesy of Total Produce.

waiting area with games such as Giant

The Order of Malta was also on hand to

Jenga and Connect4, face painting and a

show children what being on a stretcher

bouncing castle. Juggling Soc was also on

or getting into an ambulance was like.

hand to provide entertainment. The

Eimear Connally a teacher from Scoil an

children then brought their teddies for a

Linbh Iosa in Galway City said, “It was a

consultation with the Teddy Doctors

great way of familiarising children with

after which tests such as x-rays and MRI

the procedure of going to the doctor.

scans were taken before proceeding for

They get to bring their teddy bears just

further treatment.

like their parents bring them”.

The event brought out the best in

Humanist of the Year, 2009. His blog won

the Galway Advertiser.

held in memory of the four female

everyone as even the much maligned

the Koufax award for Best Expert Blog in

The increase in PhD graduates (to in

students who lost their lives in a tragic

clampers willingly unclamped the car of

2005, while the science journal Nature

excess of 200 across all five colleges)

road accident last November.

the owner of the bouncing castle without

ranked it the best blog written by a

comes as part of the NUI Galway

The Mass takes place at 1.10pm and will

any fuss.

scientist. Now Myers is coming to NUIG

Strategic Plan 2009-2014, which aims to

be followed by a Service of Dedication at

SIN talked with many of the

to give a talk on the topics of evolution

chart the way forward for the university.

the University Memorial. Families of the

‘patients’ who were very pleased with

and creationism. He is no stranger to

Nugent claims: “This university is already

victims will be in attendance. NUIG

their treatments. One such patient

controversy and to attempts at

producing enough graduates and

students Teresa Molloy, Marie Conneely,

‘Ted’ was described as doing “very well”

censorship. Threats were made on his life

postgraduates, without any further

Sarah Byrne and Sorcha Rose McLoughlin

after having surgery to repair a hole in

in 2008 after his ‘kidnapping’ of a

increases in student numbers being

were the four women who died in the

his heart.

communion wafer sparked outrage in the

required. A lot of the recent graduates in

road traffic accident.

Catholic community. One of Myers’

particular will struggle to find meaningful

comments on the incident now holds

employment in the west or indeed in any

pride of place in Atheist Ireland’s 25

part of Ireland and will be forced to

blasphemous quotes’ (Google them!). So

emigrate in search of employment.”

if you’re a sceptic, a scientist, or just want

Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr Pat

to hear one of the world’s funniest and

Morgan hit back at the criticisms pointing

most incisive social commentators in

out that PhD graduates will not be

person, please come along to the

overproduced, nor will they be diluted.

O’Flaherty theatre on Thursday February

Speaking to SIN, Dr Morgan said: “200

4 at 6.30pm.

PhD graduates in science would be too

Famous US sceptic to visit NUIG By John Birrane The Skeptic Society is having an exciting first year. Even the most optimistic members could hardly have dreamed they would have secured one of the world’s best-known sceptics, Professor PZ Myers, as a speaker at NUIG. Paul Zachary (PZ) Myers is an associate professor of evolutionary developmental biology at the University of Minnesota,

many, but having 200 PhD graduates

PhD plans described as ‘absolute madness’

Morris. His science blog Pharyngula is one of the most famous and popular on

By Richard Manton

the web, described by himself as a mishmash of ‘evolution, development and

The plan to increase PhD numbers to

random biological ejaculations from a

above 200 per year by 2014 has come

godless liberal.’ Myers, a friend of Richard

under criticism by an NUIG PhD

Dawkins (The Selfish Gene, The God

graduate. Dr Desmond Nugent said:

Delusion), uses his huge readership to

“Irish universities must temper their

help combat the influence of religious

graduate output to meet actual economic

and pseudoscientific groups.

demand, otherwise they risk diluting the

across all disciplines is not an overproduction. NUI Galway is broadening the skills of PhD graduates with added focus on personal development, strengthening the degree rather than diluting.” On the question of jobs for PhD graduates, Morgan pointed out that: “75 per cent of masters and PhD graduates [are] in employment across a wide range of industries and academic institutions, and of those 90 per cent of them found employment in Ireland,” and the increase in PhD numbers is a central tenet in NUIG’s commitment to “leading the smart economy in the region”. Between 2003 and 2008, PhD numbers at NUIG increased from 54 to 102. The Strategic Plan commits the university to increasing PhD numbers to 200+ by

Professor PZ Myers

2014. This will be made up of 120-140 in Science, Engineering and Medicine and 70-80 in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Memorial Mass for November road accident victims Myers’ efforts towards public education

value of the qualifications they offer. As

and awareness of science have earned

for the aim of producing 200 science

All NUIG students are invited to attend a

him a number of awards, including the

PhD graduates per year, this seems like

memorial Mass this Tuesday February 4th

American Humanist Association’s

absolute madness,” he said in a letter to

in the College Chapel. The Mass is being

NUIG invest 2 million in green energy By Grainne Coyne NUIG Environmental Officer, Sinead Higgins spoke to SIN on the environmental achievements of NUIG over the last three years, the continuing improvements being made and ‘Green Week’. Speaking of NUIG’s environmentally friendly attitude, Sinead says, “In the last three years, NUIG has invested over €2 million in energy efficiency measures, which have helped reduce our dependence on fossil fuels”, and adds that carbon emissions have been reduced by almost 5%. Recently, NUIG has installed other ecofriendly power sources such as, “the solar panels on the library roof which provide 40% of hot water to An Bialann, the biomass boiler which will provide heat to the Quadrangle when installed in the next few months and potentially save 370 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per year.” Sinead was delighted to see NUIG’s waste production decrease. Recycling rates increased by 7% to 37% in 2009. Sinead has further hopes that the recycling rate will rise in 2010. Sinead spoke to SIN about other environmental improvements around the college: “The facilities for cyclists have improved, with more secure bike stands and following requests from students and staff, some new shelters”. She also highlighted the benefits of the new NUIG travel mug, “If every person even had three cups of coffee per week that could result in over three million disposable cups going to landfill per year”. The mug will be promoted all of this week by the Students’ Union. “NUIG is ‘going green’ this week,”

according to Sinead as the annual Green Week returns to campus. The week will be launched on Monday at 1.15pm by President Dr Jim Browne and RTÉ environment correspondent Paul Cunningham will also be there. There are a variety of environmental themed activities going on during Green Week such as the ‘Leave your Car at Home Day’, the ‘Ecolympics’, energy conservation talks, and much more. Sinead praises student involvement, saying, “The societies have greatly supported Green Week,” with many organising environmental themed events for instance the Film society screening

Galway Oxfam get 4k in a week By Lorraine O'Hanlon Millions have been affected by the earthquake that struck close to the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince on January 12. Up to three million people live in the area worst hit by the earthquake and many have lost family, homes, livelihoods

Aggie says that the donations in Galway

ceremony last Tuesday. The awards

have been similarly generous: “The

acknowledge outstanding people and

donations in the shop in Galway have

organisations who, through their

been great, last week we took €4,000

commitment to participating in unpaid

and altogether Oxfam Ireland has raised

community and voluntary activities, have

€550,000. I think it’s brilliant, especially

made a significant impact on the quality

because everyone is saving every penny

of their communities in Galway City.

now and then when something like this happens the reaction is just amazing. It really is.” People can donate through the Oxfam Galway store on Lower Abbeygate Street, by calling 1850-304055 or online at www.oxfamireland.org

and essential services. Oxfam Galway manager Aggie Sage hopes

Green Week

Students honoured at Mayor's Awards By Lorraine O'Hanlon Three NUIG students have been nominated for the prestigious Galway City Mayor’s Awards. NUI Galway Student Volunteer Co-ordinator Lorraine Tansey nominated the three students this year in the Young Volunteer of the Year category. Lorraine nominated second year Arts student Mary Gavaghan for “her incredible bravery” in 2009. Mary shaved all her long blonde hair for Rag Week Charities. Her fundraising was a major success and she raised €2,000 in four months. Postgraduate student Shane

environmental conscious films such as An Inconvenient Truth and WALL-E, and Lit & Deb are having a debate on nuclear power. Along with this, all week, unwanted items such as books, CDs, DVDs etc. can be dropped off at Socs Box to assist Enable Ireland as part of the ‘Bring Back Week’. Sinead said that individual students can do very simple things to help us protect our environment, from not printing unless necessary to closing doors in buildings. She is looking forward to setting up a Green Team and a network of environmental champions across the campus to help spread the ‘Green’ message.” According to Sinead, Green Week highlights the fact that, “Students want to play their part in ‘greening’ the campus,” and during Green week she encourages all students to get involved.

that with the continued support of the

White has co-ordinated fellow student

international community a real difference

volunteers for the Le Chéile homework

can be made to those who have suffered

club in Westside for the last three years.

in Haiti. “I think because Oxfam have

Each week Shane sits down with young

been in Haiti for 30 years they know the

people in the Westside Community

area really well and they know what

Centre and offers one-on-one support

needs to be done,” she says. As part of

with maths, science and English. Lorraine

the relief efforts, Oxfam has set up a

says: “Not only has Shane acted as an

water bladder that can hold 10,000 litres

incredible role model for the young

of water on a former golf course and at

people of Westside but he has also

three other sites where water

recruited many NUIG students as

distribution can take place. “Every charity

volunteers for the club.” Undergraduate

is known for something,” Aggie says.

Marianne Clifford has volunteered with

“And Oxfam is known for being able to

numerous organisations and has made a

get water anywhere within 24 hours.”

big impact in the community as a

The 48 Oxfam shops around the country

volunteer with Gra- a Parents Autism

have seen unprecedented generosity

Group- and she has fundraised for COPE

from the public in the wake of the

Galway with the Junior Chamber

disaster. The Oxfam store on George's

International (JCI).

Street in Dublin took in €3,500 in one

Mayor Declan McDonnell presented

day and Oxfam Lisburn received an s

certificates to the 70 nominated groups

anonymous cash donation of £5,000.

and individuals who attended the awards

Anime and Manga Soc at Eirthakon

Corporate responsibility exhibition

Mac Léinn and the Bailey Allen Hall,

year. It has been reported that since the

start thinking and acting like

featuring artists such as Aiden Barry, Alice

publication of the Ryan and Murphy

entrepreneurs. The aim of the module,

Maher and balloon sculptures courtesy of

Reports on institutionalised sexual abuse

which is called ‘Innovation, Creativity and

Ana Bella Alvarez.

in 2009, there has been a surge in

Enterprise’, is to “develop and nurture

Some of the musical events to watch out

demand for rape counselling services

the innovative capacity in students of

for are, James Lisney’s ‘200 years of

across the country.

business”, which is said to be a “critical

Do big companies really care about you?

Chopin and Schumann’, Trad Soc’s

In the first six months of 2009 the Dublin

requirement” for the Commerce

Does Shell? Tesco? Vodafone? Hard to tell,

sessions in Aras na Mac Leinn and

Rape Crisis Centre experienced a 16%

students as they come to the end of their

but they certainly care that you think

Rocapella. For those with a more eclectic

rise in calls to their 24-hour helpline and

undergraduate studies.

they care! A survey carried out by

taste, alternative entertainment will

it is believed that this considerable surge

The new module, which is the first of this

Oracle Corporation in 2005 showed that

include world renowned juggler Marco

in calls was directly linked to the

kind in Ireland, was designed by Mr

85% of executives and investors claim

Paoletti whose latest act is described as

publication of the Ryan report. Last

Michael Campion (lecturer at The JE

that a measure of corporate

“two ducks, one metronome, one radio

month, the DRCC made a national appeal

Cairnes School of Business & Economics),

responsibility is central to their

and 19 balls.”

seeking forty new female volunteers to

along with Mr Pádraig Bhreathnach

investment decisions, a figure almost

Arts Officer, Fionnuala Gallagher said,

help cope with the overwhelming

(Founder of Macnas) and Mr Pádraig Ó

double that of five years previously. In the

“it’s hard to believe that it is ten years


Céidigh (Aer Arann and Adjunct

latest Financial Times survey, results

since the festival began.” Director of

The Galway Rape Crisis centre has

Professor, JE Cairnes School of Business

showed that 75-80% of British

Marketing and Communications for

reported that while demand for their

& Economics). Under this new system,

consumers were inclined to reward

NUIG, Caroline Loughnane, outline her

services is always increasing, they have

final year Commerce students will work

companies for being “good corporate

delight in being involved with the launch

not experienced any extraordinary surge

in groups to develop and grow an

citizens” and a 2008 MBA student survey

of “an energetic and exciting festival with

of the same scale in the last year. In

innovative idea into a business. The

even found that 26% of respondents say

its superb line up.” She added that it was

discussing the ratio for those seeking

students will receive regular mentoring

that it is an important factor in their job

the perfect way to “cast off the doom

their services, the Galway Rape Crisis

from their assigned mentor – a member


and gloom” of winter.

Centre estimated a balance of 50% old

of staff from the School of Business &

With this in mind and in celebration of

Ms Loughnane continued, “NUIG has

and 50% new cases. They also added that

Economics or a local business person. All

their 10th anniversary, Business in the

always been encouraging and supportive

while they are not pursuing a particular

the mentors will share their first hand

Community Ireland (BITCI), in

of emerging artistic talent.” She

recruiting drive at the moment like the

experience of creating successful

partnership with the Community

reminded those present that Druid and

DRCC, they look to recruit volunteers

business companies or community

Knowledge Initiative (CKI) at NUIG, is

Macnas originated on campus and the

on an on-going basis.

projects with the final year commerce

launching a portrait exhibition entitled

actress Siobhan McKenna first tread the

In 2008 the GRCC experienced an

students. The mentors will guide, advise

‘The Faces of Corporate Responsibility,

boards at NUIG.

overall increase of 8.4% in numbers of

and motivate their assigned groups on a

Ireland’ on February 9th at 2pm in the

Entertainment for the launch was

those seeking their services. Due to

weekly basis and then assess the finished

Orbsen Building. From altruistic security

provided by Galway University Musical

budget cuts in the HSE, their funding has

guards to environmentally conscious

Society (GUMS) who performed

been capped over the last 2 years which

bankers, this exhibition showcases

numbers from their show ‘The WIZ’

has caused financial strain and may start

contributions to society made by Irish

which is running in the Black Box Theatre

to hamper the efforts of the service. The

employees. BITCI is a non-profit

during the festival. The rap artist Bubba

budget cuts have made continuous

organisation specialising in advice and

Shakespeare who has performed at

fundraising now essential to continue to

guidance to leading Irish companies in

Electric Picnic wowed the audience with

support the service. A representative

corporate responsibility. The exhibition

his version of Justin Timberlake’s Sexy

from the Galway Rape Crisis Centre

runs until February 12th.

Back ‘as Gaeilge.’

stated, “Demand keeps going up and

Most of the events running are free and

money keeps going down”.

10th ‘Múscailt’ festival launched By Deirdre Judge On Monday January 25th, NUIG’s ‘Muscailt’ festival was launched at the Bank of Ireland Theatre. This year’s festival is running from February 8th to

open to everyone. For dates and times check the Muscailt brochure which is available on campus or visit the Muscailt website at www.muscailt.nuigalway.ie

Galway Rape Crisis Centre sees increase in demand By Karrie Anne Kehoe

‘Apprentice’ style module for Commerce students

Wednesday Feb 10th 6pm-7pm

Meeting Room 2 Áras na Mac Léinn

By Erin Foley Twenty local business people, along with staff of the JE Cairnes Business School,

12th and a wide variety of different

Next Sin Meeting

events are taking place.Visual art

The Galway Rape Crisis centre has

have come together to create an

exhibitions and talks will run in Áras na

reported an 8% increase in individuals

‘apprentice style’ assessment in a plan to

availing of their drop-in service in the last

get final year Commerce students to

All welcome

projects in an ‘apprentice style’ series of

Over the Edge were also celebrating

presentations which will leave one group

their seventh anniversary that night.

Galway based writers themselves, Kevin

The Academic Writing Centre is a free

as the overall winner.

Funded by the Arts Council and

Higgins and Susan Millar DuMars thanked

drop-in facility where students can come

In his recent talk to the final year

accommodated kindly by Pat McMahon,

Galway City Library, Pat McMahon, the

and work with qualified tutors in an

Commerce class on ‘Entrepreneurship in

the evening was suitably surrounded by

Arts Council and all of their many other

informal setting. The centre is now

the Field of Innovation’, Pádraig Ó

books in a large back room of the

sponsors for allowing it all to happen

located in James Hardiman Library.

Céidigh urged the final year Commerce

library. Three very different featured

each month. Pat McMahon in turn

Sessions are held in the library three

students to “really go for this

readers took to the microphone: Lisa

presented Kevin Higgins and Susan Millar

mornings and four evenings a week on a

opportunity”, as there has never been

Allen, Paul Conway and David Wheatley,

DuMars with a bottle of wine and

one-to-one basis. Among the writing

any module prior to this that allows for

before the microphone was given to the

bouquet of flowers in appreciation for

issues dealt with are: Does the essay flow

undergraduate business students to

floor and audience of close to 70. Lisa

what they do, showing the civility and

well? How can I proofread my essay?

“create opportunities for developing new

Allen, who was shortlisted for the, ‘Over

friendliness of the whole

What is the right way to quote for my

ideas for business and society”. Ó

The Edge writer of the year’ in 2009,

organisation. For more information on


Céidigh advised the final year Commerce

explored themes of femininity and

Over The Edge, see their blog at:

class to “give it their all”, as the success

nostalgia in her first ever featured


of the new module is “completely down

reading, to an appreciative applause. She

to them”.

was followed by Paul Conway, who was also shortlisted for their writer of the

Over The Edge marks seven years By Fiona Canning Over The Edge, a professional literary organisation who are based in Galway, held their first reading evening of the decade on Thursday January 21st in Galway City Library on Augustine Street.

year in 2009; he delved into a descriptive world of imagery delivered with thought

Organisers of Over The Edge and

definitely noticeable.”

Whip essays into shape

provoking style. David Wheatley barely gave us time to clap, keeping us laughing

The Academic Writing Centre is opening

with his witty musings. He read a couple

its door again for another term. Free

of poems from his much anticipated

writing support has begun after record

collection entitled, Mocker, which was

attendance by students from mainly Arts,

published in 2006 by Gallery Press. An

but from other schools and colleges at

editor of Samuel Beckett’s Selected

NUIG as well. “The students we have

Poems 1930-1989 and winner of “The

come into contact with want to write

Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize” in 2008,

well,” said the director of the centre

David Wheatley's blog can be found at:

Sandra Bunting. “We have had students


coming to sessions several different times and an improvement in their writing is

Staff of the JE Cairnes School of Business & Economics meeting with members of the Galway community to plan the mentoring of commerce students

Next Sin deadline

Thursday Feb 18th 9am

www.sin.ie Articles wanted to update website

Knowing Me/ Knowing You (aha), Society Questionnaire Ógra Shinn Féin 1. What is your society? Ógra Shinn Féin 2. In five words or less how would you describe your society? Irish-language promoting republican socialists 3. What are you looking forward to doing the most this year? Furthering the knowledge of students on topics such as republicanism and socialism and inviting some keynote speakers to the university to talk about relevant topics. We are also hoping to create public interest in relation to contentious issues such as the NAMA proposals, the preservation of ‘an Ghaeilge’ in modern Ireland and the proposed Shell oil line into Ireland. 4. How did you get involved in your society in the first place? When I came to NUIG in first year I joined the Ógra Shinn Féin Society and met some great, enthusiastic people! When the chairperson at the time passed on my name to my local cumann I linked up with volunteers at home and I then, in turn, became heavily involved with Ógra Shinn Féin in NUIG. 5. What is the greatest challenge your society has overcome? We have managed to get respectable numbers of people attending weekly meetings and being actively involved with the society. 6. If your society had to run from a burning building what one thing would you bring with you? My folder with everything society-related in it!

Ógra Shinn Féin in solidarity with the SEGI members arrested in the Basque country

7. What is your society’s favourite colour? Emerald Green 8. If your society had an action figure, who would it be? MLA Gerry Kelly 9. Who do you look up to the most? James Connolly and Bobby Sands – However, anyone who stood by the principles of Republican Socialism and/or gave their lives for the sake of Ireland deserve huge respect. 10. If your society was a board game, what would you be? Mastermind. Wer’e all really really smart! 11. What would your society’s theme tune be? A Nation Once Again 12. What’s your society’s Motto? Saoirse, Ceart agus Síocháin. 13. What is the meaning of life? We’ll get back to you on that one...

Paid for by the SU and printed in Sin. Contact us! Our offices are located upstairs in Áras na Macléinn, www.su.nuigalway.ie

Big O Competition Winners Congratulations to the winners of the Big O Taxis competition, Christina Callanan, Lisa Rockett-Hayes and Brian Walsh who won €100 each; yet another great reason to read the Students’ Union Weekly Email.

A message from the Clubs Captain Hi folks, I'm Shane, the Clubs Captain from the Students' Union and I guess its my turn to write this weeks SU page. The role of Clubs Captain is to encourage all the university clubs to develop and grow. I am also the liaison for all the clubs and committes on the SU Executive, and a couple of weeks ago we had our first ever Clubs Ball out in Salthill which was a big success.

College Week Fire Walk 10th March 2010

So why get involved with clubs? Well it's a great way to get active and fit.

Fire walking is the practice of walking

Sponsorship cards will be available from

Plus you get to meet loads of new people, learn new skills and basically

barefoot across a bed of burning coals

the Students’ Union shortly on a first

have the craic. I've enjoyed all my time with clubs and I'm sure you will

without getting burned. Fire walking is a

come, first served basis at which point

too. There are loads of clubs for you to choose from so there is

powerful tool designed to help

the €50 deposit must be paid. Please

something for everyone.

transform fear and to inspire people to

note that places on the fire walk are

do things they initially didn't think

strictly limited to 50 participants.

If you are ever looking for me, you can usually find me most afternoons

possible. At this event sponsored

All of the money raised will go to the

knocking about the Kingfisher, in the office near the sports hall and if you

individuals, after a motivational training

four College Week Charities: Cope

need to contact me, you can give a shout at su.clubs@nuigalway.ie

session, walk across 20 feet of wood

Galway, the Alzheimer Society of Ireland

embers burning at 1200 degrees

(Western Branch), Peter McVerry Trust

Fahrenheit without experiencing any

and Habitat for Humanity. For further

pain or injury! Does this sound like your

information on the Fire Walk call up to

cup of tea?

the Students’ Union for an information


RSA Shuttle

pack. If anyone is free to volunteer to Well then to secure your place you

help out with our bucket collection on

must raise a minimum of €250 by 5pm

Saturday February 13th please email

on Monday the 1st of March.


Haitian Earthquake Appeal: NUI Galway Hope for Haiti Gig Three bands and a comedian will

Collection points for the Haitian

combine forces to raise funds for Goal’s

Earthquake Appeal have been set up in

relief work in Haiti. The gig will take

the following areas on Campus:

place on Tuesday 2nd February in the

Áras na Mac Léinn: The SocsBox, The

College Bar at 9pm. The Coonics will be

Students’ Union Office, The College Bar,

joined by The Ralphs, Gentleman’s Get

Rush Café.

Together and comedian Stephen Bennet.

The Concourse: Smokey’s Café, The

It promises to be a great night. Please

Students’ Union Shop. Kingfisher Sports

come, support, bring friends, be

Centre: The Wall Café.

generous and keep in mind that this is in

Arts Millennium Building: ALIVE Office

aid of the worst natural disaster ever;

(ground floor, corner nearest Library).

200,000 people have died, 3 million people are in need of food and water

Please give what you can. All proceeds

and thousands are awaiting urgent

will go directly to the Haitian Relief

medical attention. Tickets are available at

effort and this collection is supervised

the door at just €5.

by the Students’ Union.

The SU Sessions – 21 Outs

Green Week This weeks sees NUI Galway go GREEN

to Campus with their stalls outside Áras

so to show our support we’ll be holding

na Mac Léinn selling Veggie Curry,

an Ecolympics in the Bailey Allen Hall on

Hummus, Sushi, Crepes, Pretzels, crafts

Monday afternoon. This will give you a

and more. And don’t forget, to get

chance to see how good you are at tug

yourself a nice SU Eco Mug in the SU

of war, the welly toss, sack races and

outlets. For more information on all the

other games that remind you of Sports

events during Green Week check out

Day at school. On Wednesday and


Thursday the market traders returning


The SU Sessions present 21 Outs on Tuesday the 9th of February at 7pm.

The SU Sessions – Karl McHugh The SU Sessions present Donegal native Karl McHugh this Tuesday the 2nd of February at 7pm. “The music of Karl McHugh has shades of artists as diverse as Josh Rouse,

21 OUTS is a

Brno Chairs on Bass and Patrick

Damien Rice, Bob Dylan and Counting

grunge/blues/rock/alternative trio

Brennan on drums.

Crows but frequently – notably on

formed by multi-instrumentalist

You can check the band out on

‘Necklace With A Moon Attached’ – it is

Philip Cassidy in July 2007. Since

www.myspace.com/21outs where

Josh Rouse that he most closely

forming the band 21 OUTS has

you will find demos, live videos

resembles. One of Karl McHugh’s best

been presented to audiences all

and plenty of reviews and blogs.

qualities as a singer/songwriter is that

over Ireland and in the form of

You can also find the band on

he sings proudly in his native Donegal

many different line ups.

bebo, youtube and Facebook.

accent. Singing in one’s own native

In July 2008 an earlier incarnation

“a band you should pay attention

tongue is a feature of the music of some

of the band went to the studio to

to” - The Postcard Factory, Flirt

is such a good song that it should have

record the debut album, pre

FM 101.3

been one of the first songs on the CD.”

production began in August 2007

The SU Sessions are a free

I will present the alternate argument

and although the line has seen

weekly event open to the public

and say that finding it at the end of the

some changes Philip has been

and hosted by NUI, Galway

CD is like finding a treasure, for a

visiting the studio since and now

Students’ Union in An Bialann

treasure it is. This astonishing song is a

it is finally finished and will be

(The Canteen NUIG) every

beautiful, fragile, delicate piece of

released in 2010. At the SU

Tuesday at 7pm.

songwriting, something that very few

Sessions Philip will be joined by


songwriters in these postmodern times

Kenneth 'Bushy' Coyne of The

of Ireland ’s best artists such as Damien Dempsey, John Spillane and Sean Keane and this marks Karl McHugh out as a wise young man who knows the way to go with his music. The best tribute I can pay to any song on this CD is that Chiccagoan folk legend Michael McDermott became a big fan of ‘Flowers On The Road’ during his recent visit to Donegal, saying: “This

would attempt or manage.


Facebook Ban Following a further mandate from the Full Class Reps Council, the Students’ Union has requested a ban on Facebook in campus PC suites. The restrictions will be in place in Campus PC suites from Monday 1st of February until the end of semester two exams in May. The ban will operate from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and will not affect your laptops. For any queries regarding the ban please contact Emmet the SU Vice President/Education Officer at su.education@nuigalway.ie.

Class Reps Meetings SHAG Week returns on Monday February 15th so if you want to volunteer contact

Union Body will be held on Monday 1st February in the Siobhan McKenna

Emma the SU Vice President/Welfare Officer at su.welfare@nuigalway.ie. We’re also

Theatre, Arts Millennium Building at 6pm – All Union Body Reps should

looking for people to help out with our SHAG Week Movie (it’s tasteful, we promise).

attend this meeting.

Art Soc: 30 years in the picture Art Soc 2010

P for Physics, P for Party by Adam Beatty The NUIG Physics Society continued with its strong tradition of great events with its annual trip abroad which took place in January. At a great price of €50, interest in the trip was strong and we departed Ireland with 31 excited students. It was difficult of course to choose location to rival last years' (Amsterdam and European Space Agency in Noordwijk Netherlands)! However, it was arranged for the society to travel to Munich in Germany to visit the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and the Isar II Nuclear Power Plant. Here we witnessed some awesome engineering and cutting edge science and technology. In the end, it was a trip of absolutely epic proportions! Excluding travel, our group had five nights and four days in Munich. The visits to the Max Planck Institute and the

by Tadhg Tynan

nuclear power plant were at the beginning and the end of the trip leaving almost three days for us to show the Germans how the Irish have the craic! The infamous clubbing area of Kultfabrik housing 31 bars and clubs was frequented on a nightly basis! For some this was the trip of a lifetime, for others next year's

It’s late November, coming up to Christmas exams, but I also have to make time

trip can't come quickly enough. One particularly enthusiastic student was

to sort stuff with the Art Society. Out of a shot in the dark I decide to find out

even looking at cheap flights for this weekend for a reunion! For those that

the origin of Art Soc. It has always been a discussion for Art Soc committee both

missed out, the old adage of, 'If you're not in you can't win,' comes to mind!

past and present as no one truly knew how old we were. According to society

The society is currently planning to hold one of the single largest parties in NUIG

records the title ‘Art Society’ dated back to the very formation of the Queen’s

this year! This will be our penultimate event for the year. It follows

college of Galway (NUIG as it is known today). But for me I needed to know how

250 students in the College Bar in September, 700+ at the Science Ball, 50 on a

old were really were.

Mystery tour and precedes another Mystery tour!

After a stroll around campus to every department I could think of I finally found a

Physics Soc in

minutes journal hidden in the special collections room of the James Hardiman


Library. In it was the origin of the NUIG Art society or the Art club of UCG as it was known at the time. It showed that the first meeting of the society was November 7th 1979. Over 30 years since its formation! Written in it was their constitution of the art club, its members and its committee and their plans for the coming year. Written in it was plans to ‘have an art exhibition sometime in February’ which is what the art society has been doing every year since then. It was wonderful to find written proof of the Art Society’s past but I tried to figure out why they were the Art Club and not Art Soc. I loved the realisation that the Art Soc has an interesting past both as a title and as the society that gives students the opportunity to release the potential of the artist within. Its gives a sense of stability for if one does not know their own past then their future becomes unclear. But now with the knowledge that we are 30 years in existence we can look toward to the future with no confusion and constant motivation. This year the Art Society is celebrating its 30th annual art exhibition on the February 8th to celebrate the opening of the Múscailt arts festival which is

We are planning a fancy dress party for Tuesday February 16th with a county

running all week. We shall also be celebrating the launch of our Art society comic

colours theme. Is it possible to fill an entire club with our county colours?! We

‘Lunatic Fringe’ which is now in its 5th year. Our special guest this year is Aideen

have booked out Coyotes Nightclub and there will be 600 tickets available. Of

Barry, a talented Irish artist who is one of the only artists who has painted in

course there will be great value for your money, so potentially this could be a

Zero Gravity at NASA. For this special event we would be honoured if all Art Soc

perfect pre 'College Charity Week' party. This will be a ticket only event. Keep an

members past and present were there to celebrate it with us along with

eye on notice boards and the Socs Box for more information!

refreshments during the opening.

Head 2 Head - presenting two sides of the story

Eileen Coughlan tells us why we need to reopen the debate on nuclear power while Oisín Collins argues against this, saying people are still scared about a technology which, in a different guise, could destroy civilisation at a touch of a button.

YES to

NO to

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power

by Eileen Coughlan

by Oisín Collins

Nuclear power is a scary, scary

to get rid of the waste

We are facing a global crisis.

really, in good conscience, bring

thing. The very concept is alien

radioactive material that is an

Soon, there will be no oil, no

this risk to Ireland?

to our way of thinking. The idea

inevitable by-product of the

coal, no natural gas. Wind, Solar

that splitting apart something so

process and until we figure this

and geothermal energy are all

We also hear that nuclear

tiny as to be invisible under a

out, radioactive waste will

woefully underdeveloped and

power is an unlimited source of

normal microscope can produce

continue to build up.

not ready to supply the world’s

energy, which is true if you only

enough energy to destroy a city,

But 200 years from now, there

power. People are becoming

consider what goes into the

even a country, is akin to magic.

still won’t be enough of a build-

desperate for a solution – and a

system. Unfortunately, it rather

And magic has always scared us.

up of radioactive waste to

decision made in desperation is

ignores the other end of the

So when it comes to nuclear

seriously affect the world’s

rarely a good one. When we

process, the waste. Even with all

power, it is very easy to prey

safety. And the technology now

hear the proponents of nuclear

of today’s technology, we still

upon people’s irrational fears.

available means that once

power glossing over the risks

have absolutely no clue how to

When a campaigner for

buried, this waste will be so

and trying to sell this easy, quick

make this material safe again.

Greenpeace or any other such

well-protected as to have

solution, there must surely be

The best option we have is to

organisation makes illogical

effectively been neutralised,

cause to take a step back and

wrap it in concrete and dump it

claims about danger, referring to

even if this protection can only

look at this objectively.

down a deep hole, cover it up,

the two major incidents that

remain for a few centuries. If we

There is a massive amount of

and hope the problem goes

have occurred at nuclear plants

continue in our reliance on

confusion and misunderstanding

away. Given that we still have no

over the last 50 years, people

fossil fuels, climate change and

surrounding the facts of nuclear

idea of all the risks that long-

don’t think about the logic

pollution will have caused many

power. Many people harbour

term exposure to radiation can

behind it.

millions of deaths in this time.

reservations, born in part from

cause to human beings, it is

Fossil fuels are a finite resource

the fear of weapons that could

irresponsible to invite these

The fact is that Western nuclear

and we are running out.

destroy civilisation at just a

risks upon ourselves.

power has never killed anyone.

Uranium is plentiful and the

touch of that big red button.

We need to invest in a lasting

Ever. There has been only one

carbon emissions resulting from

Only half a century ago, an

solution, one that doesn’t fill

major incident in any nuclear

the generation of power in

individual who suggested

our country with toxic waste.

power plant in which people

nuclear plants are negligible.

harnessing the awesome power

There are so many options

were harmed and this was due

Nuclear power may not be the

of an atomic reaction to

available – we need to stop

more to incompetence than any

solution to all the world’s

generate a safe form of energy,

chasing the great white whale of

inherent flaw in the technology.

energy needs and environmental

would be ridiculed and mocked.

Nuclear Power which is blinding

Many other European countries

problems. But it’s better than

When the methods and raw

us from a real solution, one

have embraced this technology.

any of the other options out

materials used in nuclear

which will not poison our

France, for example, gets 78% of

there. Right now, what we need

reactors are much the same

country and jeopardise our

its electricity from nuclear

is something to ease our

now as they were when this

children’s future.


reliance on the fuels that are

technology began, it is hard to

polluting our atmosphere. If we

convince people that there are

If you haven’t heard enough,

The only rational reason to

wait another 100 years or so it

no risks. The nuclear reaction in

please come along to the

argue against the use of nuclear

may be too late.

Chernobyl which breached the

Kirwan Theatre this Thursday

power is that the waste, as yet,

core and exposed hundreds of

4th February at 7pm to hear

cannot be disposed of

thousands of people to

the Lit & Deb debate the

permanently. This is a reasonable

radiation poisoning is the same

motion “THB Ireland is Ready

concern. We don’t know when,

reaction which powers France,

for Nuclear Power” as part of

how or whether we’ll be able

the UK and the USA. Can we

Green Week.

La Taquita

Aisling volunteering in Mexico

Dispatches from an Irish student in Mexico by Aisling Walsh In a tucked away corner of San Marcos de la Laguna, a tiny village on the shore of Guatemala’s most picturesque lake, Atitlan, at the end of a rough stone path and hidden among avocado, papaya and hocote trees you will find La Cambalacha. La Cambalacha, meaning exchange, is a community arts centre that has been operating in San Marcos for over seven years. There the focus is on providing dance, theatre, movement and performance workshops for children and young people from San Marcos who wouldn’t normally be able to access the arts through public school. Still on my Christmas holidays I decided to travel down to Lago Atitlan from Mexico to join the group from Mayfield Community Arts Centre during their stay in La Cambalacha. The two organisations have had a yearly exchange with young people since 2007. I joined four other youth leaders and nine Irish teenagers for three weeks of inter-cultural exchange. My role included breakfast making at 6.30am every morning, translating between the Irish, who had very little Spanish and the Guatemalans, most of whom spoke one of two indigenous languages, Tz’utujil or Kaqchiquel. lake, sunbathing on rocks or painting a mural at La Cambalacha’s second space in I was also supporting the young Irish people who were there to participate in and

the neighbouring town of San Pablo.

give workshops on their own. When I wasn’t involved in one of the above activities, you might have found me swimming in the crystal clear waters of the

When we first arrived, the space in San Pablo had a roof, a concrete floor scattered with rubbish and debris and one low mud-brick wall. Our mission was to turn these walls from an eyesore into something cheerful to brighten up the space for San Pablo’s young Cambalacheros. We spent the three weeks designing, sketching up and finally painting the mural over a three-day blitz with help from everyone including La Cambalacha’s youngest attendees who left with more paint on themselves than on the wall with the result being a completely revitalised space ready for a new year. The result of three weeks of constant exchange and interaction was a beautiful mural, a new piece of theatre, a sharing of cultures and many new and lasting friendships. www.lacambalacha.org www.mayfieldarts.org

Clubs Ball, L e a h


Commerce Ball, M a t t


Fairy Godmother It’s time to embrace the green of spring, leave the blueness of January behind and freshen up your mind, body and soul. by Gabrielle Campion Many people find January the most awful of the

there are places left, get on to Cindy Dring; she’s

interested in is Getting Out of Your Head, with

months – it’s cold, sometimes wet, (always in

lovely: (cindy.dring@nuigalway.ie).

Moya Roddy which will take place over the course

Galway, though strangely not this year) and dreary.

A full outline of the Mind Body and Soul

of three Wednesdays starting this week. This would

Though this January began with great intentions,

programme can be found on socs.nuigalway.ie, but

be perfect for any of you who are feeling a little bit

with its continuation of the winter wonderland

below is a taster of mindfully delicious classes that

frustrated with yourselves for not being able to

Christmas we experienced, it left its loveliness

may tickle your taste buds.

express yourself as you’d like- it is a ‘journey from

behind by the 11th as the bills started to pour back

Meditation led by Moya Roddy in the Art Gallery in

the head to the heart using writing, chakra

in after the Christmas break and deadlines loomed

the Quad, every Thursday, from 1.10pm to 2pm, and

balancing, and meditation’. Sounds like an

and passed. With all the semester one stuff safely

good news guys, there’s no need to book! Moving

experience, doesn’t it?

packed away forever (fingers crossed), and semester

Mindfully, with Florence Abram and Marese Cregg,

If the above seem a bit airy fairy to you, but you

two now in full swing, it’s time to get organised! I

Mondays starting 1st February 5:30pm – 7pm in

still need to vent, express yourself or just get out of

don’t mean just in relation to college, but socially

The Space. This aims to ‘bring your mind and body

your house without going for a drink, Societies and

and mentally as well. What better way than by

into balance by practicing physical yoga postures

Clubs are your place, it’s never too late and there’s

taking advantage of our on campus help-your-mind-

with controlled breathing and meditation’. If this

something for all you Cinderellas (and Princes of

your-own-way series of courses and events?

doesn’t cure those January blues then I don’t know

course)! I know it’s been said time and time again,

Some, admittedly, have already started. How awful a

what will! Unfortunately, spaces are limited so get in

but it’s true, they’re where you’ll meet people just

Fairy God Mother I’m proving to be by not having

touch with Cindy, chomh luath agus gur féidir leat!

like you, warts and all.

informed you sooner, but others have not. To see if

Another class that I thought you might be

Slán go fóill a choiníní misniúla!

BUDGET BAKING Costs: Approximately

€3.00 Makes about 8 potato cakes

By Mary McDonnell

Something Savoury…

Simple Potato Cakes

These quick and filling snacks are perfect for the cold weather. They make a very substantial breakfast. Tasty served with fried tomatoes and eggs.

Ingredients: 400g/1 pound potatoes ½ Onion 3 dessert spoons flour Salt & black pepper


5. Heat oil in a frying pan.

1. Peel the potatoes and grate them into a

6. Drop spoons of the mixture onto the hot

mixing bowl.


2. Grate in the onion.

7. Fry each side for about five minutes until

3. Season with salt and black pepper.


4. Add the flour and mix.

8. Enjoy


It’s very hard to find time to make nutritious homemade food, but if you do get a couple of hours, this recipe is simple and fun to make, especially if you have some help. Abbreviations: Oz (nothing to do with a yellow brick road)= ounces g = grammes N.B: Although it is possible to mix and mash by hand, an electric hand mixer and a hand blender will become good friends of yours if you decide you like this cooking thing.

When news broke recently about Northern Ireland

going out with someone 15 years her junior, even if

MP Iris Robinson’s affair with then 19-year-old Kirk

he was, at 25, hardly being taken advantage of? Demi

McCamberly people were understandably shocked

and Ashton were too busy being loved up to care

and some even outraged. Leaving aside the fact that

what anyone was saying and have themselves poked

the aptly named Mrs Robinson held a position of

fun at the sizeable age gap on a number of occasions.

power and the responsibility that goes with it, she

It seems their relationship signalled the birth (or at

had also managed to commit not one but two huge

least the widespread acceptance) of the Cougar.

social crimes. The first being cheating on her husband

So what is a Cougar? A Cougar is generally

and the second, perhaps more controversial one,

defined as a woman aged 35 years or older dating a

being sleeping with a man many years her junior. Is it

man at least 10 years younger than her. The fact that

strange the amount of attention that was given to

there is no such name for the Cougar’s male

her lover’s age? Or are you really surprised? After all

counterpart is proof in itself that it isn’t seen as such

we are living in the age of M.I.L.F.s and Cougars.

a taboo. The reasons why these so called Cougars go

For a long time it was only men who could get

after younger men are widespread and varied and in

away with dating someone younger than them.

reality it would be fair to assume that each woman’s

Whether it was a rich, sleazy, prematurely balding,

reasons are different. Personally I think it’s great!

mid-life crisis having Lothario along the lines of Peter

Why shouldn’t a woman date a hot, horny 25 year

Stringfellow or your lovely Uncle Pat whose wife

old if she wants? And don’t be too worried about Cougar extraordinaire Iris Robinson

Sex & the Single Student

Cougars by Donna Miskell

Donna Miskell talks about the hottest accessory for the lady over 35, a boy-toy.

happens to be ten years younger than him, a man

the guys in this scenario, apparently there are many

dating a younger woman would hardly even raise an

benefits to dating a Cougar. While the woman enjoys

eye-brow. Didn’t everyone know men were ruled by

the tight ass and extra energy that more mature

the little brain in their trousers, age didn’t matter as

males lack the guy gets to learn a thing or two from

long as Woody was happy. A woman going out with a

a woman who has been around long enough to

younger man was a totally different matter. A few

know what she wants. As well as this Cougars are

years ago any woman brave or stupid enough to

less likely to be clingy which undoubtedly appeals to

admit to seeing a man even five years her junior

commitment phobic 20-something year olds.

would have set tongues wagging faster than you can say ‘cradle snatcher’. Ah, how times have changed. When Demi Moore first started a relationship

So ladies of NUIG rest easy in your beds tonight. Don’t stress about age or settling down because it looks like Cougars are here to stay so

with her now hubbie Ashton Kutcher she gave weeks

you’ve got at least another 20 years in your prime.

of ammunition to gossip columnists the world over.

Happy hunting!

Quelle horreur! How could she even think about

Sin as Gaeilge by Alan Coss Scríobh mé cúpla píosa do Sin i mBéarla agus bhí mé ag ceapadh go mbeadh sé go deas alt a scríobh i nGaeilge freisin. Tá mé cinnte go bhfuil go leor daoine ann atá ag iarraidh an Ghaeilge a léamh. Níl aon pháipéar Gaeilge san Ollscoil faoi láthair, ach bíonn go leor daoine ag Dear John,

caint as Gaeilge agus anois tá siad in ann í a léamh freisin! Má tá aon

I'm 24 and in my final year. I'm doing maths and computer science

duine amuigh ansin a bhfuil suim acu rud ar bith a scríobh, i nGaeilge,

and wondering what the hell to do next year. Should I go out into the

do Sin, tá céad míle fáilte rompu! Má tá dán agat nó scéal beag nó

big bad world of work or should I go on and get further education?

nuacht, téigh i dteangmháil leis an eagarthóir , editor@sin.ie.

There's alot of people out there in the same boat as me asking: what

Tá fógra agam anois faoi chlár a bheidh ar raidió an choláiste, Flirt

can I do with this degree?

FM darb ainm ‘College Road’. Tá sé scríofa as Gaeilge agus Béarla

Yours, Nick Geoghegan

faoin saol sa choláiste. Is sobaldráma nó soap opera é agus mar sin beidh go leor scannal ann agus go leor craic. Beidh sé ar siúl gach

Hi Nick,

seachtain mar sin bígí ag éisteacht nó beidh sibh as an loop. Tá sé

As you say above you do appear to have only two choices, but even within these

scríofa ag mic léinn an MA Writing, Brid Buckley, Colm Byrne, Davnet

choices there are many options for you to explore. So, let’s look at each – firstly,

Heery, Joe Jennings, David O’Doherty agus Sinead O’Loughlin. Agus tá

the big bad world of work – should I or shouldn’t I? Did you know that 40% of all

foireann an dathúil ar fad ag glacadh páirt ann. Beidh sibh in ann na

graduate employers hire graduates from any discipline? So this means you could

rúin ar fad a fháil amach – na rudaí a bhíonn ar siúl lasmuigh de na

now apply for graduate programmes in many national and multinationals companies,

ranganna agus san oíche ar ‘College Road!’ Má tá níos mo eolais uait

including Musgrave Group, Diageo, Irish Distillers or the Kerry Group. In a graduate

is féidir dul chuig http://www.mightystudent.org/crew.

programme you typically do a number or rotations across a range of business

Do dhaoine amuigh ansin a bhfuil ag iarraidh a gcuid Gaeilge a

functions (e.g. manufacturing, HR, IT, sales, management), towards the end of the

feabhsú, bíonn ranganna ar siúl in Áras na Gaeilge ar an gcampas, agus

programme you choose the area you would like to gain more experience in and on

ar Shráid Dominic sa chathair tá Club Árus na nGael agus bíonn

completion you may be given the opportunity to stay in the organisation or you

ranganna ar siúl ansin le go leor rudaí eile chomh maith.

may decide to opt out and try something new…! If you wanted the opportunity to

Slán go fóill agus bíodh seachtain dheas agaibh.

travel and gain invaluable work experience you could try your hand at the Enterprise Ireland Internship Programme or the IBEC Export Orientation Programme. The few programmes mentioned here have deadlines only around the

Tá tú ag teastáil uainn!

corner so check out our website: http://www.nuigalway.ie/careers/ ASAP. However, this isn’t your only option in the big bad world of work – you could also go directly into a job using your degree – keep an eye out for companies Aviya (used to be Nortel), Fidelity Investments, Cisco, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Facebook and

by Gabrielle Campion

other technology driven companies that are screaming out for graduates with your skills-set. If you are a keen ‘gamer’ (Xbox, Wii etc…), Gala an online gaming company announced during the week they are creating 100 new jobs in Dublin, which is an ideal opportunity for Generation Y grads with your qualifications. Now, to your second option – further study. There are so many courses you can do– postgraduate conversion courses that could take your career in a completely different direction. For example, you may decide you would like to become an accountant, a solicitor, a teacher a psychologist or even a doctor – all of which are possible. However, you could also consolidate your interest in your degree subjects and develop this by pursuing a masters (research/taught) or even a PhD in areas including IT, finance, economics and if you are interested in keeping information safe or cracking codes a career in security could be for you! Come along to the Postgraduate Studies Fair on Feb 3rd in Bailey Allen Hall to start looking at some of these options! Worried about your career? Contact me, the Career Doctor via editor@sin.ie. John

Tá tú ag teastáil uainn! A chairde gael, is mise Gabrielle, Fairy God Mother, fo-eagarthóir Gaeilge agus Jack-of-all-trades i gcoitinne. Bhí mé ar an bhfoireann eagarthóireachta de Ar Strae, an chéad nuachtán Gaeilge in OÉ Gaillimh a foilsíodh i 2008, agus nach bhfuil anseo a thuilleadh. Sniffle. Cé nach bhfuilim ag súil le rud mar sin a athchruthú, má tá suim ag aon duine a bhfuil an Ghaeilge á dhéanamh acu nó a bhfuil spéis ar leith acu sa teanga, rud a scríobh dúinn, ná bíodh drogall oraibh. Táimid ag lorg alt de gach saghas: ar ábhar litríochta, polaitíochta, tuairimíochta nó nuachta, is cuma. Cuirigí smaointí ar aghaidh go editor@sin.ie agus cuirfear chugam iad. Tá mé ag súil leis an iomad alt nach mbeidh mé in ann codladh! Beirigí bua a chairde.

College Style

Emma Canavan Arts with Children’s Studies Wearing: I actually prefer making stuff myself


because I’m not entirely satisfied with what you can buy around the shops and sometimes I like to look


at children’s corners because they always have nice


stuff for little ones. I like to knit stuff and I like to


re-design stuff, sometimes I get something off my mother and just change it entirely.


Favourite shop? I like charity shops but not all of


them. It always depends what kind of fashion is around. For example I find there’s a lot of stuff they sell where there’s hardly any fabric and I’m not paying €40 for nothing. I really like H&M and

Sarah Kilduff

Monsoon. Best and worst dressed celebrities? I don’t give


a shit about celebrities- I’ve never bought a magazine in my life. I hardly know the names of any

Wearing: Pretty much everything I’m wearing is

celebrities but what I see looks absolutely

from Penney’s.

disgusting, I hate to look at it and I don’t think these

Favourite shop? I’m a student and I don’t have a

people have the right to be showing their arses off

lot of money so Penney’s rocks. I love it.

to me because I really don’t want to see them.

Best and worst dressed celebrities? Worst would be Jordan- she should cover that rack! And I like Catherine Zeta Jones.

Daniel McGill Arts

Worst fashion mistake? I tend to wear a lot of black and brown but I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing...it’s probably a bad thing!

Wearing: These are jeans that I’ve had for probably the bones of a decade and I love them. I’ve always had them and I thought 'I’m not going to let them die.' Gradually holes were starting to appear everywhere so I thought ‘No, I’ll fix them.’ So one part is a skirt that I found in St. Vincent de Paul and the other piece is fabric I found in Hickey’s in the Eyre Square Shopping Centre. They’re gradually going to get worse and worse but I’ll try to keep fixing them until there’s nothing left. The rest is basically cobbled together from charity shops. Favourite shop? I hate the idea of there being another of the exact same item of clothing in a different size in the same shop so that’s why I don’t like the department stores and the Shop Street shops because you’ve got this selection with slight variations in colour. With the charity shops you’ve got that mystique and you’ve got that excitement that you might get lucky and you might find something that fits that you like, so it’s very seldom that I would actually buy anything somewhere other than charity shops. Best and worst dressed celebrities? Probably my favourite in terms of dress, even though they all have stylists, is people like Simon Amstell and Johnny Depp obviously. And as for worst I’d have to go for just black crossover culture so people like Justin Timberlake. Worst fashion mistake? For a while I had a lime green Mohawk. It went in a zigzag, I was dating a hairdresser at the time, and it lasted for about three weeks. I thought ‘I can’t do this anymore’ and that’s when I started wearing a hat essentially, and just got into the habit of doing it.

Worst fashion mistake? I don’t think I’ve ever had one, I’ll wear anything as long as I like it.

Sh aw Le on rid ay 1 B y

All the knights long dead.

Chivalry is forgotten,

He seems like a really nice guy Don’t let him know How far I’d go


Honor’s a word rarely said.

Just don’t tell your god that I don’t believe in him

If he could just work up the pluck


In Deed By Nicholas Fitzgerald

All the castles have fallen,

To get me on my hands and knees

Now there are no more heroes, No-one by which to be led.

Iron collars are white now, over which and under who, Steeds are steel instead.

near heaven’s tilt for “how do you do,” live birds of black and blue and tan

Legends are the heaviest drinkers,

tooling twigs while dreaming man.

Nothing but fools in hospital beds.

Tidy times indeed...

Tool Users By Sam Logan Literary Ed itor, Shau

n Leonard, s.le



It’s not every day that we hear the words ‘Irish Alice Clerkin, Steve Bennet, rapper’. winner ofThis NUIG's gotbe talent andattributed Collie McCarthy language could easily to

Living Life for the Moment

was never really recognised by my peers when I was younger and performing was my way of getting

the fact that whenever officials attempt to make the

everyone to notice me, now it’s just become my way

Irish language ‘accessible to you people’ they end up

of life, what better way to connect with people than

with a watered down commercial act. It gives me so

through song?”

much pleasure to report that Bubba Shakespeare is

We moved on to the nature of the act that he

light years away from any of the above. Performing a

performs, where it all came from, starting with the

preview of his act at the launch of the Múscailt

name, “Well, Bubba is an American term of affection,

festival last Monday he jolted the crowd out of their

it means next of kin and Shakespeare is creativity

afternoon slumber, and even got them to join in a

and that really describes my music, all my songs are

chorus of ‘Bringing Sexy Back’- ‘as Gaeilge’. You

about love -and lust I suppose”, he laughs. Bubba raps

haven’t lived until you’ve seen audience members-

using incredibly accessible Irish, that seems to flow

who look like accountants- shouting ‘Lean ar aghaidh

with the beat, a lovely natural rhythm. I wondered

cailín!’ and swaying to the beat. Bubba Shakespeare

whether this was difficult to bring about, “ You have

doesn’t seem to use the fact that he raps ‘as Gaeilge’

to change your perspective when rapping in Irish, Pic: Leah Mollica

by Méabh McDonnell

Méabh McDonnell catches up with one of Múscailt’s highlights Bubba Shakespeare as a gimmick or show stealer. And therein lies his

you have to look at the feelings and emotions you

charm. It was a new way of viewing Irish, one that

want to express in a different way some of the time

should be encouraged. It felt like being a member of

because the words that you would use in English just

an in joke. SIN caught up with him after the show

aren’t there.” I’m curious about the big draw his

and decided to get the lowdown on what it means

music seems to have. “It surprises people,” he says

to be an Irish language rapper.

with a grin. “It’s a little bit bold and people don’t

Bubba Shakespeare (christened Cian Morris) had

expect Irish to be sharp and bold, to mention sex,

humble beginnings in the not-so far away land of

and lust”, he grins and remembers people’s

Tipperary and found rap to be his calling at a young

reluctance to shout out the word ‘gnéas’ (sex)

age, “I started rapping when I was about twelve in

earlier in the show.

English. I moved to Cork when I was eighteen”. He explained how in Cork he found the encouragement

As to where he’s going he is confident and calm, “I’m

to begin rapping in Irish, “I was hanging out with a

working on mainly demoes at the moment, but I’m

Chinese friend of mine who was rapping in Chinese, I

really just living for moments like that [earlier

thought it was brilliant and he suggested to me ,

performance]”. As regards the future: “Well America

“Why not rap in Irish?’”. Having gone to a Gaelscoil,

is the big dream, the market is there but it’s a really

he had the confidence to lead from there. “I don’t

difficult route to take, you need to get famous

really know how it all happened”- he grinned- “One

enough where you can do whatever you want.” His

gig just seemed to lead on to another, that’s the

encouragement for people is simple, “Speak Irish if

nature of the business, the originality of the act you

you can and speak it if you can’t”. Ladies and

perform will get you noticed”. He performed at the

gentlemen, there’s something here, I’m not quite sure

Electric Picnic last year.

what it is yet, but I have a feeling that Bubba

He moves on, “ Performing gives me confidence, I

Shakespeare is ‘one to watch’.

TV Review

Film Review

Ladies and gentlemen I give you: Glee


by Donna Miskell

by Dylan Murphy

Eeek, I’m a Gleek! If you’re scratching your head thinking what

Poor Jim Sheridan. Over the past 20 years the Irish director

the hell is a Gleek then where have you been? A Gleek is a fan

has made some genuinely good films such as My Left Foot, In

of Glee, duh! And if you don’t know what Glee is then you

America and who could forget Get Rich or Die Tryin’ the

are definitely spending too much time in the library.

awe-inspiring semi-autobiographical tale of rapper 50 Cent’s

Glee is the latest hit American show to grace our shores

life (OK we all make mistakes). Throughout his career

and boy is it gonna be huge. Based in a high school it revolves

Sheridan has been nominated six times for an Oscar but

around the school’s show choir or Glee Club if you will.

never quite got there, which is a good metaphor for his latest

Created by Ryan Murphy ("Nip/Tuck,") the series is irreverent,

effort, Brothers, a film which tries so hard but doesn’t quite

fun and refreshing. It also happens to be a musical, but if you

succeed. Based on a Danish film of the same name, it stars

are not a fan of musicals don’t worry Glee is different to

Jake Gyllenhall and Tobey Maguire as the brothers of the title.

anything you’ve seen before.

The plot is fairly straight-forward, Gyllenhall plays Tommy, an

Will (Matthew Morrison) is an idealistic teacher at

ex-con with a drinking problem while Maguire plays Sam, a

McKinley High School who gets the chance to take over the

respectable marine with a family (“who else but Tobey

downtrodden Glee Club. What he's got going against him is

Maguire could make Jake Gyllenhall look like a bad-ass?” I

that everyone thinks Glee Club is ‘lame’. And worse, McKinley

heard a fellow cinema-goer comment). Naturally Sam is called

High dotes on its "Cheerios" - the snotty, world-beating

up to serve overseas, leaving Tommy alone with Sam’s

cheerleading squad coached by Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch), a

impressionable, desperate-for-a- father-figure daughter and his

scary, victory obsessed woman who comes out with gems like

totally-out-of-Tobey Maguire’s-league wife (Natalie Portman).

“Hey homeless person, why don’t you try not being

After just arriving in Afghanistan, Sam is shot down and

homeless!” Will's job will be to make Glee Club cool again. It's

declared dead, leaving Tommy to look after the family. Of

not going to be easy, because he's got a ragtag group: Artie

course Sam survived only to return home, find his position

(Kevin McHale), who's in a wheelchair; Mercedes (Amber

unintentionally usurped and go slightly crazy. It’s here that the

Riley), the plus-size diva; Tina (Jenna Ushkowitz), the rebellious

plot just sort of...stops. There is a lot of ways that it could

stutterer; and Kurt (Chris Colfer), the boy diva. While Will

have gone but it just seems to go... nowhere, albeit with a lot

attempts to mold them, he's got one standout star, Rachel

of suspense. There are so many tense scenes in this movie it is

(Lea Michele), the hyper-driven, egotistical girl with the note-

unbelievable. However the directing is done well, the plot

perfect voice, and one diamond in the rough, Finn (Cory

moves quickly for the most part. The performances are solid (I

Monteith), the quarterback with good looks and a real passion

must admit it is odd seeing Maguire play the troubled

for show choir.

character rather than Gyllenhall). It just seems to lack

Glee skates along the lines of cliché but has so far managed to completely turn convention on its head. Artie may be in a wheelchair but he also plays electric guitar and Tina, yeah she’s faking that stutter. Amid a wonderful mesh of genres (comedy, drama, musical etc.) there are some really strong storylines giving a deliciously enjoyable take on the tired high school formula. And then there’s the music. Every episode features a mix of old school folk tunes and modern tracks like Kanye West’s Golddigger and Beyonce’s Halo and Single Ladies. No sooner has an episode finished in America and these songs are number 1 on itunes with over 2 million combined digital sales so far. Thanks to an excellent cast, great writing and smart song choices, Glee has already been picked up for a second season before the first one is even over. Great news for Gleeks everywhere. And if you’re not a Gleek yet, you will be.

something that would make it a great film rather than a good one.


Bobby Noonan lands at the SU Sessions by Padraig McMahon Bobby Noonan talks to SIN’s Padraig McMahon about how he hates the 'singer-songwriter' label, why hugs are worth more than cash and his maiden appearance at the SU Sessions. SIN: Welcome to NUI, Galway Bobby. Is this your first time playing

SIN: Who are your main influences and how would you describe your



Bobby Noonan: Yeah, this is my first time here but I played Galway years ago.

Bobby Noonan: I absolutely hate this question! I'm a singer/songwriter but

When last here, four years ago, it was with a band and now it feels great to be

they're such a dime a dozen that I hate using the term. My music is pop and I'm

returning now with my own material. I'm so looking forward to the college

not ashamed to say it. It's really fun to play and it's accessible. As regards

sessions because students really appreciate original music.

influences I'd listen to Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin and Pearl Jam but when you hear me, there'd be hints of Damien Rice or Declan O'Rourke. Stevie Wonder is one

SIN: Is there a big difference between what you played then and your

of my biggest influences but it's hard to hear him in my music.

current stuff? Bobby Noonan: I used to play heavy metal when I was going through my rocker

SIN: One of your songs is Bonnie, which is about Bonnie & Clyde. What

phase. Now it's completely different - it's just me and a guitar. However, it is

inspired you to write about the notorious couple?

harder to win people over because you just don't make as much noise.

Bobby Noonan: I always loved the Bonnie & Clyde thing. They struck me as a modern day Romeo and Juliet. They were hardened criminals, but she never fired

SIN: You released an EP last year called I Broke It. Has that been

a gun. She was a good person. I was going out with this wonderful girl once and I

received well?

was convinced that I wasn't good enough for her. Clyde was mad about Bonnie

Bobby Noonan: Yes, that's going well. But when I first started selling it I was

but he must've felt 'look what I'm doing to this girl', as I did. Also, I dig the idea of

embarrassed plugging myself every second song so I started giving it away free for

love on the run.

hugs. For me music is always the live experience. It's important that people come

Catch this interview in full Monday 2pm on Flirt Fm 101.3. or podcast

to hear it live and then decide if they like what I play.

it or check out www.myspace.com/bobbynoonansongs

Out On A Limb by Sinéad Burke Limerick-based independent label Out On A Limb Records has announced that they will put on a show in Galway at the Róisín Dubh this Thursday February 4th. The first night (three such nights are being put on across the country) will take place at the Róisín Dubh and will see the bands Ten Past Seven, Windings and Hooray For Humans in action at a free show as part of the Strange Brew club night. Directly after, Windings and Hooray For Humans DJs will be lashing out the hits in the upstairs venue at the Róisín Dubh. Additionally samplers featuring exclusive tracks from all the artists on the label will be available in digital and very limited edition individualised CD formats will be given out to early gig goers! For more information, and to check out the bands please see http://www.myspace.com/outonalimbrecords.

Windings from independent Irish label Out On A Limb Records) who will be performing at the Róisín Dubh this coming Thursday. Image provided courtesy of OOAL Records


DJ Frankie O’ Mahony by Sinéad Burke

Specialising in reggae, hip-hop and lo-fi music Frankie O’Mahony spins records

Wailers in Dolans Warehouse (just recently voted

on Thursday nights from 9pm in the Bierhaus on Dominick Street. The chilled

Munster’s best venue) to even selectin’ for YT

mood of his mixes meshes with the warm laid-back atmosphere of the Bierhaus

from Zion Train on New Years Eve.

and is more than the perfect spot for an alternative night in Galway. Frankie, a current final year Arts student is also involved with the NUIG DJ Soc and plays

Sin’s Sinéad Burke caught up with him for a

at the society’s sessions on Tuesday nights in The Blue Note. Originally from

quick Q & A.

Limerick, Frankie has been directly involved with the rebirth of the reggae music scene in the city. From spinning records at Roots Factory nights at The

What was the first record you ever bought?

Underground in Baker Place with Universal Rockers to playing support for The

‘Skam’ by Boards of Canada. What is the last record you bought?

‘Television Addict’ by Pupa Jim. Favourite record of all time?

Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of The Moon’, at the moment anyway. Favourite Saturday night record?

Calibre – ‘Calibre’; especially the two tracks ‘Deep Everytime’ or ‘All The Days’. Favourite Sunday morning record?

Bop ‘Clear Your Mind’ – sheer beauty! And lastly, most importantly, what is your favourite food for the munchies?

A full on roast, followed by a cornetto and an airport toblerone.

Múscailt Preview

GUMS to whizz over the rainbow by James Brennan After ten years Galway University Musical Society (GUMS) is still pulling huge numbersof students into its productions every year. I caught up with musical director John Joyce, director Kate Costello and choreographer Michael Flanagan as they prepared for this year’s production of ‘The Wiz’ to discuss the show and what makes the society tick.

Munchkins from The Wiz

So guys how did you get the gig?

Power Performance Academy and the

work with people your own age as it

be lying if I didn't say that Michael

John: It's the same as any society

Renmore Pantomime.

takes any degree of intimidation out of

Jackson’s untimely death didn't affect

position, I voiced my interest in the

John: I'm a grade 8 piano and I've

things. There's a bit more messing than

our decision. He played the scarecrow

position, was nominated at the AGM

been singing all my life. I also played the

a normal show but that's what makes

in the film of the musical back in 1978.

and was voted in.

lead in the previous two GUMS shows.

us work as a fun society.

And finally, what character

Kate: I was in charge of PR last year

The great thing about GUMS is that

Kate: Teamwork is always difficult but

would you pick out of the show

for GUMS and thought I'd love to have

you don't need huge amounts of

it’s always so rewarding when you see

to perform?

a go at the directing side of things and

experience to be given a great

the final product It's my first time

Kate: I'd love Addaperle but I don't

I got voted in.

opportunity to learn and to improve

directing so I can't compare it to

think I could do as good a job as my

Mike: The previous choreographer

yourself. This is the first time I've ever

anything but I have really enjoyed

sister Eva-Marie. I'll pick Evilene, the

nominated me and I got voted in at the

done anything like musical directing.

working with people my own age.

wicked witch of the west. It's a lovely

AGM.... unanimously I might add ha ha.

What courses are you doing in

John: I love it. The guys treat you with

over the top part and who doesn't

What experience did you have


respect in rehearsals and as a friend

love playing a villain?

prior to getting your jobs?

Mike: 2nd Science

whenever we're just hanging out, it’s

John: Evilene, I absolutely love her song.

Kate: Well, I'm qualified by the

John: 2nd Medicine

very balanced.

It's sexy, its got great attitude and I

Associate Irish Board of Speech and

Kate: Final Year Arts English and legal

Why do the Wiz?

hate bad news......haha

Drama to teach drama and that along


Mike: Well this is GUMS ten-year

Mike: I love the Lion. He has a beautiful

with performing in plays and musicals

What is the Wiz?

anniversary so we thought we needed

duet with Dorothy and it's a part with

since I was 12 gave me loads of

Kate: It’s a modern adaptation of the

to mark the occasion. The first show

huge laughs and a big lovable character.

confidence to take on the job of

classic story of The Wizard of Oz.

the society ever did was ‘The Wizard


John: It gives the classic story a soulful

of Oz’, so it felt apt to do an

The Wiz will take place in the

Mike: I choreographed the show last


adaptation of that classic to show how

Black Box Theatre from 9th-

year so the guys knew they could trust

Mike: It’s a very funny show.

much the society has developed and

13th February. Tickets are

me. I've also been in productions all

What are your fellow students


available for €8 in the Socs Box

over Galway for the likes of Galway

like to work with? Any mutinies?

Kate: It was mainly down to the ten-

for all students.

Musical Society, Encore Musical Society,

Mike: It's great, it's so much easier to

year anniversary of the society but I'd

Swimming with the fishes

Last year after finishing college I found myself at a

torture, rather than a refreshing way to celebrate

loose end. Finding myself in a similar situation to

being alive. During those times, the benefit of doing

most graduates, i.e. unemployed, I wanted to do

this folly…ahem…challenge with others really shone

something that was a) free and b) fun. On my walks

through. We pushed each other (not physically

along the prom I began to notice something that

because that would just be plain cruel) on those

struck me as rather peculiar- people jumping into the

disgusting days, and cheered/screamed while plunging

sea, regardless of the freezing weather. A notion

into ice cold water, when really the only sane thing to

began to develop in my mind, if an octogenarian could

do was to remain in bed. Dammit, there were people

do it then what was there to stop me? Sanity? I hear

who had been swimming here daily for the past 30

you say. Pah! Sanity too often gets in the way of a

years, so surely we could manage two measly weeks!

good ol’ bit of fun.

Day 14 arrived. Hurray! We splashed about in self-

Now, from past flights of fancy, I knew that my good

congratulatory triumph. Then suddenly it was over

intentions often petered out after a few days. A plan

and the question of ‘what next?’ loomed, until one

of attack was necessary. I had read somewhere (most

tenacious member said, ‘Same time tomorrow?’ We

likely a highly unreliable and unscientific source) that

didn’t hesitate. In we went the next day and the next

it took only two weeks to break a bad habit, so I

and the next. Months later and I still have the desire

applied a reverse logic and decided that it must take

to go splashing about in the Atlantic but the

two weeks to make a good habit stick. The idea was,

difference is that now I don’t have a sense of

Hilary and her buddies brave the Atlantic in January

by Hilary Gallagher

Hilary Gallagher attempts to go sea swimming in Salthill every day for two weeks. if I could go sea swimming every day for a fortnight, I

obligation to a ‘plan’, but rather I do it because I

would certainly know by the end of it whether I liked

really want to. If you’ve ever been to Blackrock,

it enough to keep it up.

Salthill and seen those crazies jumping in, maybe

So that was how I found myself, one less than

consider joining them. After all it’s free and fun. Plus

glorious morning, shivering in my swimsuit getting

after two weeks you never know, you might make a

ready to bound in off the diving board at Blackrock

habit of it.

to the icy depths below. Having roped in two others to take this Daily Dip Challenge, I felt that I couldn’t

Hilary’s tips for sea swimming success:

turn back now, so in I went and oh good God, it was

a) Know your body. Only stay in as long as you

freezing! As I surfaced to see the others jump in after

feel you can.

me, I found that despite the toe-numbing cold I was

b) Gear up. Flip flops or wetsuit boots, a towel,

laughing hysterically. Looking back on it now this may

a swimming hat (the granny type with air

possibly have been a side-effect of hypothermic

pockets as they keep the head warm), and a

shock. We bobbed around for a while (a very short

swim suit!

while!), then once dressed a feeling of freshness and achievement washed over me. Day one was down. And so we struggled on regardless of the weather.

c) Bring a flask of a hot drink and a small bite to eat afterwards. c) Go when there are others about. This is

Some days the sea was a beautiful Mediterranean

especially true in winter as there are no

blue, others it was like jumping into seaweed soup.

lifeguards on duty.

Some days it was calm, and others waves crashed

d) Get moving soon after your swim.

over the diving boards and our heads. I won’t lie and

e) Talk to other swimmers. They are always

say every day I was enthusiastically diving in ready to

more than happy to give advice or even just

swim the width of the bay. There were days (namely

have a chat.

when it was bucketing down) where the idea of jumping into the Atlantic seemed more like a form of

f) Keep it up and try to recruit others!

The ups and downs of the Premier League rounded up nicely for you

Articles like this normally rotate around the ‘Big

incredible saves and overall great play from the

4’ when it comes to highs, but I’m going to heap

Hull City stopper. A star-filled Spurs line up

my praise on Birmingham City. An impressive

threw everything at the Russian, but time and

three month unbeaten run finally came to an end

again he threw it back. It will be a while before

on Wednesday night, but not before amassing

the Premier League sees a goalkeeping

draws with Chelsea, Man Utd, Liverpool and Man

performance this awe-inspiring.

City. With the Blues looking set for another year in top flight, McLeish and his men have brought the feel-good factor to St Andrews.

by Aidan Fitzsimons

lows, and if Birmingham are the high, then Liverpool are unquestionably the low. After a

Premiership Round-up

They say you have to take the highs with the

An end to the summer of 2009 left one

great display last year which saw them finish

question in Manchester United fans’ minds - how

second, the Reds have crumbled in recent times.

will they cope without Cristiano Ronaldo? And

The pre-season hype, that this will be Liverpool’s

the answer is: surprisingly well. Rooney’s tally of

year, further heightens fans’ worries as to where

19 goals has helped along the way, but the

the team is going. And indeed injuries to Torres,

revitalised Ryan Giggs has been the true star of

Benayoun and Gerrard have darkened an already

the show. His adaptation from his former game

gloomy season.

of quick runs and winding and twisting beyond opponents, to a more elegant passing game has

Welcome to a new feature for SIN- the Premiership Round-up,

captured the attention of football fans. And at 37,

villain, and I personally can’t look beyond the

he’s showing no signs of handing in his famous

calamity that is Rafa Benitez. Since 2004 he has

no.11 jersey just yet.

bought in 48 new players, with very few stars. By early January the Reds were effectively out of

where we’ll take a look at the highs and the lows of the past week in the English Premier League.

Where there’s a hero there must be a

Once in a lifetime a goalkeeper puts in a

the running for every title they were in

performance so immaculate, that the opposition

contention for. But yet the fans have turned on

would have been better off leaving their strikers

the owners instead. It puzzles me. So who is our

at home. And in a tough fought game against

Premier League villain- Rafa or Hicks and Gillett?

Spurs, that day came for Boaz Myhill. To say his

You decide.

display was heroic would not do justice to the

At the official launch of the 2010 Fitzgibbon cup to be hosted over March 5th/6th in Dangan NUIG, Moycullen and Pearse Stadium were Michael O’Connor, Gaelic games officer NUIG, John Conlon, elite athlete and Rory Meehan (Ulster Bank)

The NUIG team who won the All Ireland Freshers seven a side in UCD: Janny Mannion (Galway), Bronagh Kelly (Galway), Niamh Cunningham (Mayo), Cathriona Walsh (Tipperary), Maria Connell (Galway), Sarah Conneally (Galway). Ciara Hegarty (Donegal) captain, Eilish Ward (Donegal) player of the tournament

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