in this issue: Fresh magazine, Flatliners, Oasis, Hardy Bucks, Lisbon Treaty, New Buildings on Campus, Scrobius Pip and Dans Le Sac, Arctic Monkeys,Sailing, GAA
F R E E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R , V O L . 1 0 I S S U E 1 , 1 4 . 0 9 . 2 0 0 9
Warning from Down Under of crippling debt if fees return By Deirdre Judge
The new Park and Ride facility at Dangan. Pic. Deirdre Judge
Angry staff and students forced to ‘park and stride’ By Deirdre Judge
Student officers at the special meeting about the reintroduction of fees
The university’s new Park and Ride
current economic situation the
system has hit a huge snag with the
necessary resources are not available.
news that while 500 new car parking
The cost of operating the bus service
spaces are available at Dangan, there is
could be met by a price of less than
A combination of bad timing and the
Incoming students this year have been
no bus to transport staff and students
€100 being paid by every person
weather was blamed for the poor
notified by the Higher Education
to the campus.
holding a parking permit,” he said.
turnout at the public fees meeting
Authority that they may have to pay for
attended by student representatives
their own tuition from next year. The
Keith Warnock,Vice President for
SIN contacted Mr Warnock regarding
from Australia and New Zealand last
‘study-now-pay-later’ model has been
Capital Projects said in an email
the matter. “University management had
week. Steffie Hinchy, Education Officer
reported to be the one favoured by
circulated to staff that while they had
hoped to introduce a system of charging
of National Union of Students in
Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe. It
hoped to reach agreement on a new
to finance the bus. Discussions with staff
Australia (NUS) and Sophia Blair
is believed to be one of five models he
parking system, it had “not proved
and student representatives ended in a
President of the New Zealand Union of
has presented to the Cabinet with a
possible”. Efforts had been made to
stalemate so there would be no bus for
Students Associations (NZUSA)
September 15th deadline for returning
introduce charges that would reduce
the foreseeable future but I remain
explained how the deferred loan system
observations before he will make a
demand and provide the resources to
optimistic that the situation will be
in their countries had student debt
formal recommendation on the issue.
operate the bus service but to no avail.
resolved,” he said.
reaching a whopping $10 billion and rising.
“The HEA grant is not available to fund continued on page 2
a bus service, and, even if it were, in the
continued on page 2
continued from page 1
Warning from Down Under of crippling debt if fees return
at by taking the approximate cost of
system of deferred loans he denied being
and their shortcomings.’ O Cuiv said he
running the bus and dividing it by the
in favour of this model saying that “the
is ‘on record at NUIG for saying that he
number of parking permits and rounding
media had hyped this up.” Hinchy, who
personally does not object to high
it off.” On the point as to how any
with her New Zealand counterpart,
earners paying fees but that there is no
charge for the service related to students
Sophia Blair are here to meet with
question of imposing fees on those who
he said, “Students would be expected to
politicians and students to spread
cannot afford it.’
awareness of the problems created by
In response to the situation Students
student debt in their countries. They have
Union President Donna Cummins said
held meetings and garnered support from
they had been made aware during the
FF back benchers and Hinchy is expected
summer that there would be problems
to meet Mary Harney in the coming days.
with introducing the new Park and Ride
Peter Mannion, President of the USI has
system, and the situation is “not at all
said, ‘Minister O’Keeffe is not making the
satisfactory.” She feels the parking
decision on his own, it’s time for
Steffie explained how the Higher
problem could partly be alleviated if
politicians such as Eamon Gilmore to put
Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)
those staff and students living within
their money where their mouth is.’ He is
works in Australia. The HECS is
walking distance decided to leave their
appealing to all students saying ‘we need
determined by the student’s course of
cars at home. “Commuting students who
you’ and stressing the importance of
study and as it is gauged by future
cannot afford to pay rent in the city and
student participation in campaigns being
earning capacity students make
are therefore forced to drive long
organised by SU’s, such as Battle Buses to
mandatory repayments when they reach
distances deserve the parking spaces, and
local TD offices as they ‘are feeling the
a specified earning threshold. The initial
staff and students are equally guilty in this
heat’ and ‘they must be held to account.
set up costs of this system in 1989
matter. From environmental and health
If they don’t get it right now, it could be
incurred “huge costs to the Australian
points of view alone, those that can walk
detrimental for students in the future.’
Government and it was over a decade
should walk.”
Donna Cummins, SU President of NUIG
before it began to recuperate any of this
Donna added: “We are working hard to
said, “Second years and up must look
revenue,” said Steffie. This has led to 3
get resolution in this matter. The SU is
after the incoming students and said it is
billion of the $10 billion student debt
very concerned for the safety of students
important to be proactive not reactive.”
been written off as bad debt.
and the Union will be advising students
She recently held a meeting with O’
She added, “The debt per student
to avoid parking there at night.” The Park
Keeffe and while he clarified some points,
averages between $20,000 and $40,000
and Ride facility opened on September 7,
his refusal to consider putting off any
(€11,000 to €23,000) and it is only now
and can be accessed via Corrib Village off
proposal until after the publication of the
20 years later that the real socio-
Upper Newcastle Road.
Book of Estimates by the Auditor
economic problems are becoming known. Women take longer to pay the HECS back as they often have to leave the workforce when they have children and consequently this has led to a reduction of fertility rates.” Mortgage rates are also affected, as people have to put off buying homes. “Often people emigrate as a way to avoid paying back their loans leaving the Government no way of recouping monies, but with interest accruing on said loans they may never be able to return home,” she said.
General was ‘very disappointing’.
Come to the Library this week Great prizes can be won by first year students who visit the Library’s orientation event over the next three days. Prizes on offer include laptops, training vouchers, a flat-screen TV, travel vouchers and gym membership, plus loads more. If that is not enough, we will be handing out lots of free sweets. By coming to meet Library staff and learn what the Library has to offer, you will be in with a chance to win. Everyone is entered into a draw. We are always very keen to talk to students, since we want to provide the best service possible. During the orientation event, Library staff will be in the Library foyer to answer any questions and advise on all aspects of the Library’s services and resources.
Meeting with Minister disappointing for Ozzie student reps By Deirdre Judge
Sophia added, “In New Zealand the average debt per student is around
The meeting between Steffie Hinchy,
$27,000 dollars
Australia’s Education Officer of the
(€13,000) and student debt is expected
National Union of Students was
to reach $20 billion by 2020.
described as ‘very disappointing’ as Minister O’ Keeffe proved less than
continued from page 1
Park and Stride When asked about the €100 he said, “This figure was to give an indication of what the charge might be. It was arrived
forthcoming on the proposal relating to fees he has presented to the Cabinet. While he willingly admitted to presenting five draft models to Ministers who have been given until the 15th of September to respond with their views, he expressed ‘no preference’ to any one of them according to Hinchy. In response to questioning about his supposed leaning to the Australian
USI President Peter Mannion speaking at a special meeting on the reintroduction of fees. Pic. Nick Geoghegan
Both the USI and NUIG’s SU said that Minister O’ Cuiv who was publicly embroiled in student protest last year had refused to meet them to discuss the situation. SIN contacted the Minister and was told that a funeral of a close friend prevented him from taking part in the recent discussion on Galway Bay FM. He went on to say he is ‘intimately aware of the Australian and New Zealand systems
We believe that the Library is central to your studies, since it gives you access to a wide range of resources – books, journals, databases, electronic journals. Drop in to see us and get a flavour of the Library and its friendly staff. We promise not to overload you with information. We have now produced a self-guided tour of the Library. There is a booklet with printed maps that highlight key
services.You can use the booklet with an
were closed. And the question has to be
Having it on campus is a definite
the purpose it was designed for.
audio wand available from the Customer
asked; was it all worth it? Áras Moyola
The library is open access for all
Services Desk, or you can download the
was built not so long ago. Would it not
The new library has a PC suite, plenty of
students. For the nursing students this
audio tour from the Library’s website:
have made more sense to include an
study space, photocopiers and wireless
new library will make researching
extra floor for the Nursing Library there,
internet. It looks a bit strange with those
assignments and studying for exams
The Library Orientation event takes
where the nursing students have all their
wooden slats on one corner (a rag week
much easier than it has been in the past,
place from 10am to 4pm on Tuesday 15
lectures? That being said, previous to this
accident in the making) but it can be
but at exam time it will also fill up with
September and Wednesday 16 September
the nursing students had to walk out to
argued that the building is simple and
other students who can’t find space in
and on Thursday 17 September from
Dangan to get to the Nursing library.
straightforward, and is ideally suited for
the main library. Should the Nursing
10am to 1pm.
New Nursing Library finally open By Matthew Watkin The new Nursing Library-between Áras Na Gael and the James Hardiman Library-is now open. For most students the building of this new library was an inconvenience; for pretty much all of last year the whole area was blocked off and the steps from Smokey’s down towards the College bar and the Students’ Union Advertisment
New Nursing Library
Library be reserved exclusively for the
na Mac Léinn being reopened to students.
‘College Weeks’. An added bonus to this
and truly operational by the end of the
nursing students? It was built
Completion of the project had originally
space is the beautifully designed panelling
purposefully for them, but as one of the
been set for September. According to a
along the walls that doubles as
librarians remarked to me, “It’s hardly
spokesperson in the Buildings Office,
partitioning so the hall can be divided
fair to exclude other students when
“The programme was to release the
into three separate areas.
there may be space for them to study
events space (called the ‘Bailey-Allen
Much thought has gone into considering
too.” The university are very keen on the
Hall’) for term start, and the rest of the
access and usage by those with
‘campus of the future’. The new
spaces during the month of September.
disabilities, as all areas are wheelchair
Engineering building, the remodelling of
We are hitting our deadlines, but with an
accessible and included is a special
Áras na Mac Léinn and now this new
extraordinary amount of effort. The
wheelchair lift to some of the areas
library are certainly on the way to
budget for the renovations “was
upstairs. All room signs have also been
achieving that.
approximately €5 million and thankfully
done in Braille ensuring those who are
we are hitting the agreed financial
visually impaired can move around with
Facilities on offer in the new building
The Health Unit is set to move back in at
include acoustic rooms, a dark room for
the end of the month and has been
photography buffs, an art room flooded
described by a member of its staff as
with natural light, a multi-purpose room,
‘fabulous.’ The unit has been kitted out
a space created for students to relax in
with extra consulting rooms, a more
and rest their lecture addled brains, while
comfortable waiting area, separate sick
staring out at the view across the Corrib.
bay with en-suite facilities and is
The pièce de resistance however is the
decorated from floor to ceiling with ‘a
‘Bailey-Allen Hall, an enormous space
high spec of infectious control.’
with kitchen facilities next door so the
Despite the fact that works are still being
annual plethora of Socs balls have the
carried out, Flirt FM is expected to be
perfect venue to hand. The Hall will
moving in by the middle of September
undoubtedly be crucial to the SU’s
and according to Emma Conway, SU
efforts to hold big events during future
Welfare Officer, the Aras should be ‘well
Renovation of Aras na Mac Léinn near completion By Deirdre Judge Finishing touches and addressing last minute snags appear to be all that stands in the way of the newly revamped Aras
Rag Week to be rebranded College Week By Deirdre Judge Proposed changes to the week formerly known as Rag Week are “not window dressing”, according to Student Union President Donna Cummins. The withdrawal of support for Rag Week in 2009 by university management left the future of the event hanging in the balance. Agreement has now been reached between the SU and management and the re-launch or re-branding of the week to ‘College Week’ is expected to take place in October. Donna describes some of the changes as
The newly renovated Aras na Mac Léinn
Finishing touches being put to the Baily Allen Hall
The Health Unit
“drastic but necessary”. She said it is
Paula Healy podcasting, re-streaming and
said: “Given the current economic
important to refocus on the “number
24 hour webstreaming are coming to
climate, even more students are relying
Tutors have been trained to help
one priority of the week which is to raise
Flirt FM soon.
on financial help from the Government
students get started, organise and clarify
with their college expenses. This year, we
ideas or fine-tune their writing in terms
have witnessed an increase of 30 percent
of grammar or spelling. Students should
in the number of students applying for
bring a copy of the assignment and any
the maintenance grant. For vulnerable
notes, drafts or completed compositions
students, the first six weeks in college are
to the session, which will last a maximum
critical and if these students are
of 30 minutes on a one-to-one basis.
struggling financially, there is a real danger
According to Sandra Bunting of the
that they will be compelled to drop out
Academic Writing Centre: “At times
of their studies. This latest delay in the
students don’t know exactly what they
payment of grants by Sligo County
want to work on. Tutors talk them
Council will affect hundreds of students,
through their assignment and clarify their
who may possibly have to wait until
ideas. If they don’t know where to start,
January 2010 to receive their payments.
they initiate several idea generation
This delay would not have occurred if the
techniques. Students may want to expand
Student Support Bill had been enacted as
on main points, shape the material better
or improve their grammar and
more money for charity.” The SU is keen to host as many “quality events as it can” in an effort to keep students on campus, as past weeks have shown “that it can be done well and I am looking forward to the launch in a few weeks time.” Many felt that pubs and clubs around the city played a part in the events of last year and the SU have met some of the owners of these in a bid to avoid future problems. “They were not contributing but instead were eroding the basis of Rag Week and should stop trying to hijack the event for personal gain. We would
Delays in Sligo maintenance grant payments causes concern
like them to participate. However if they contribute to the week as given the
The Union of Students in Ireland is
present economic climate, more than
deeply concerned about the delay in
ever they need to support our local
payment of the maintenance grant to
charities. The week will be a campus
students from Sligo. Sligo County Council
event not a city one,” said Donna.
has indicated that it will not make the grant available to students until it
Tragic death of Nursing student It is with regret that the college has learned of the tragic death of student Sarah Morrissey. She was due to begin her second year of Undergraduate Nursing this month, at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at NUI Galway. Sarah was laid to rest last week at Kilmurray McMahon, Kilrush, Co Clare.
24-hour Webstreaming and Podcasting Coming to Flirt FM Podcasting and 24 hour web streaming are to be available on NUIG’s college radio station Flirt FM. The station, which has been based in Aras Uí Chathail, is due to open in their new studios in the refurbished Aras na Mac Léinn this week. A new look website will be launched shortly and according to station manager
receives the relevant funding from the Government. The USI has strongly condemned the Minister of Education, Batt O’ Keeffe, for failing to implement long overdue reforms to the student grant system, which were promised in
punctuation. In some cases it is simply a
Academic Writing Centre to relocate to the Library
the Student Support Bill. This bill was
The Academic Writing Centre is to
designed to address the longstanding
relocate from the Students Union offices
criticism of the student grants system by
to the James Hardiman Library. The
introducing reforms which would
service was established last January on
streamline the whole process, making it
the initiative of the Student Council to
easier to operate and less bureaucratic.
help students with their compositions,
For years a fragmented grants system has
essays and written projects. It caters to
been responsible for delayed grant
all undergraduates no matter what
payments and much confusion to
discipline. Mainly a drop-in facility,
students. USI President, Peter Mannion
appointments can also be made by email
matter of giving students the reassurance they need to write well and feel confident about it. We try to give them the tools to work through their assignments in a more focused way. We have helped students from Commerce, Nursing end Engineering as well as History, English, Sociology, Politics and other Arts subjects. Anyone who wants to improve writing skills can benefit from the service.” The Centre was set up last January on a trial basis. “We ended up dealing with a large number of students, some of them dropping in and others by appointment. The number of enquiries increased daily. Perhaps our biggest achievement was to get the go ahead to continue this year,” she said.
Positions Available:
News Reporters Features Writers Sports Writers Photographers Sub Editors Distribution Team General Helpers
AC 213 6PM TUE
People With Information On Stories Sin Could Cover Editor 2009/2010: Mairead Ni Chaoimh
Editor Mairéad Ní Chaoimh News Team Deirdre Judge Matthew Watkin Entertainment Team Aoife McMurrow Sinead Burke Liam Griffin Contributors Colm Byrne Richard Martin Sarah Schepers Kevin O’Connor Conor Keane Lorraine O’Hanlon James Byrne Ronan Fitzpatrick Aisling Walsh Photography Nick Geoghegan Business Manager Andrew Cosgrove Layout Tom Parandyk
Editorial Team:
Hi guys, and welcome back
success of this paper
just opened on campus
their cars. The SU is advising
to another year of college,
depends on your
without the ‘ride’ facility. A
students simply not to park
and a special hello to
contributions. So the bigger
brand new 500-space car
there at night.
freshers who are new to the
and better the team, the
park as part of this ‘park
The college authorities are
better the end product! If
and ride’ plan is now open
saying that a HEA grant
You have in your hands the
you think you might enjoy
at Dangan. The original idea
funding the bus service is
very first issue of sin for this
being part of the sin team,
was that motorists would
not available. And they are
year, your ticket to the latest
whether it be through
park their car there, then
also saying that when
news and general goings on
chasing news stories, taking
board a shuttle bus which
students and staff
round campus.
pictures, proofing articles,
would take them onto the
representatives got together
Yours truly has been
penning heavy hitting
main campus. Now it has
to hammer out a deal over
appointed new editor for
opinion pieces, covering
emerged that there is no
charging for the bus, they
the coming year. Due to
sport or helping out with
shuttle bus service, nor will
could not agree and a
cost cutting in the Students
distribution, then come
there be any put in place any
stalemate was reached.
Union the post has been
along to the first meeting.
time soon. The hope was
Clearly there is conflict
slashed from the full-time
It’s happening on Tuesday
that this ‘park and ride’
between the staff and
post it was last year to the
September 15th in room AC
would go a long way into
students on this issue. At the
part-time post that it is now
213 at 6pm. If you can’t
addressing the university’s
end of the day though, the
this year.
make the meeting, feel free
chronic parking situation.
authorities need to ensure
This means that the quality
to drop me a mail or pop
But now the name ‘Park and
that agreement is reached as
of the publication will
into my office and introduce
Stride’ has caught on round
soon as possible. The
inevitably suffer, as resources
yourself. All ideas are
campus. This latest twist in
situation urgently needs to
will be stretched. However,
the saga is a major blow to
be resolved. We are all back
in the spirit of these tough
the university’s parking
to college now in our
economic times, we will
strategy. And worryingly, it
droves, and looking for a car
endeavour to nonetheless
It would be comical if it
puts the safety of students
parking space will not get
entertain and inform you as
wasn’t so serious. A new
who stay late in college at
any easier until this problem
best we can. Ultimately the
‘park and ride’ facility has
risk as they walk back to
is tackled.
For all the la test news, views and reviews g o to www. sin. ie
La Tacquita: Dispatches from an Irish student in Mexico feature by Aisling Walsh I have been in Mexico for nearly a month and amazingly I have not died
So it appears I won't get much use out of my six
the geese and ducks woke up and basically this
months supply of Tamiflu, unless I sell it on the black
continued for the rest of the day. After a few days I
market to recoup some of the expense. I'm almost
hardly noticed it but every few mornings, just after
sorry I haven't contracted the 'deadly' virus just so I
the menagerie next door began its dawn chorus, the
could say: 'Yeah, I got swine flu in Mexico, you know
trains would pass with whistles blaring to warn
the place where it all started.' But seriously, when
early-rising pedestrians of their approach (to get to
travelling to a foreign country there are almost
some parts of Xalapa you have to cross the tracks
always real fears or concerns, no more so then
by foot) adding to the cacophony. If that wasn't
when planning to be away for a year. A study abroad
enough to get me up in the morning I also had
year is a great opportunity to learn a language,
regular human traffic passing through my bedroom
expand your horizons and experience a different
from about 7am on as my housemates had to cut
pace of life. There is so much to look forward to:
through my room to light the gas heater for their
incessant parties, gorgeous men, exotic food and
showers. No matter how quiet or discreet they
drink, weekends in the mountains or at the beach
were about it I never managed to sleep through it.
and, well, university of course! Erasmus is not just a holiday, however, and planning to live in a foreign
It sounds like hell but actually there were many
country for a year is a hell of a lot more
compensations. To say that the Casa Libertaria was a
complicated then throwing some flip-flops and
party house would be an understatement. From they
sundresses in a suitcase and hopping of to Marbella
day I arrived to the day I left I think there was only
for a week. It takes a lot of organisation, a lot of
one night where there weren't at least a few chelas
planning and a lot of patience.
(Mexican slang for beer) shared or a full blown party or night out. On my first full day in Xalapa,
First you need to you provide the documentation
after paying a brief visit to the school for Foreign
your host university requires - proof of funding,
Students to let them know I was alive, I was taken
medical certs, letters of acceptance, passport
to a pulquerĂa. Pulque is a sweet, opaque alcoholic
photos, placement tests. Once that is completed you
drink made from fermented agave (cactus) sap. It's
need to gather all the documentation required to
strong but it goes down easy and since they serve it
obtain a visa (if studying outside the EU): further
in giant jars it's quite easy to get very drunk without
proof of funding, letters of acceptance, passport
even realising it. So I spent the afternoon sitting on a
photos etc.
bench, in what looked like someone's run down back yard, drinking pulque and getting to know my
or even contracted swine flu. Of course there have been a few anxious moments, like that time when the person next to me on the bus sneezed and the other time when the person I was talking to coughed without covering their mouth. After each incident I monitored myself for signs of any flu like symptoms but I seem to be perfectly healthy.
I arrived in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico at 4am on
housemates and their friends.
Sunday the 16th of August, having left Ireland at 7am the day before. It took one car journey, two flights, a
The following two weeks passed in a blur of
taxi, a bus journey and another taxi to arrive at La
registering for college, picking classes, looking for
Casa Libertaria, my home for the next two weeks. A
houses, trying every kind of Mexican food and drink
mildly drunk, young Frenchman - who I knew
I could find and lots and lots of partying. After a
through a friend but had only ever had contact with
week of checking websites, ringing numbers in local
over email - greeted me and showed me to my
newspapers and visiting some extremely dodgy
lodgings before disappearing back to bed, leaving me
apartments - one lady wanted to charge twice what
alone to ponder my surroundings. The house was
I ended up paying for a room with an ensuite but no
basic at best: two toilets whose cisterns needed to
internet, no kitchen and absolutely NO MALE
be filled manually after every use, one bathroom
VISITORS (her emphasis). I finally found a nice
missing a sink, a kitchen which seemed to be held
comfortable house with a functioning toilet, spotless
together with dirt and grease, a broken bed which
kitchen and no turkeys or human traffic through my
served as a couch and a general feeling of choas
bedroom every morning. I am sharing with a
about the place. My room itself was clean and
Mexican, an Australian and the occasional cockroach.
comfortable with only one or two drawbacks. I will be here for the next year studying a variety of It had been hard to settle that night even though I
subjects from a course on Don Quixote and
was wrecked after my 30 hours of travelling, but I
Cervantes to the Human Body & Sexuality (for
was finally drifting off to sleep around 5 am when I
which we will actually be required to watch a porn
was jolted back to full consciousness by a cock
movie in class next week). If you were under the
crowing from what seemed to be just outside my
impression that Mexico was a conservative Catholic
window. It was the moment I felt I had finally arrived
country I can tell you now that it is very often the
in Mexico; a country where it seems even in the
middle of a city you can be woken by a rooster. The cock was followed by a screaming turkey and then
Over 2,000 to attend NUI Galway Volunteering Fair
involved with Galway city and county organisations. Whether it is working with youth, disability or social justice organisations, our students gain skills and experience while lending a hand. NUI Galway really values our community partners as they host and support our student volunteers. The Fair is great opportunity for students to see the range of activities within the Galway community they can avail of, while also providing a space for organisations to recruit much needed volunteers”. Exhibitors at the Volunteer Fair will include: Rehab Care, Habitat for Humanity, Down Syndrome Ireland; Childline, Galway Refugee Support Group, Simon Community, Enable Ireland and Positive Mental Health. Lorraine Tansey added: “We are delighted to not only welcome community organisations to showcase their opportunities for volunteers but also
The eighth annual NUI Galway Volunteering Fair will take place on Thursday, 24 September in Áras na Mac Léinn, from 1-5pm. With over 2,000 students, staff and members of the general public expected to attend, the Fair will be officially opened by Galway City Mayor Declan McDonnell. Over 60 charities and community organisations will showcase the wide range of volunteer opportunities available for students. This year NUI Galway's volunteer programme ALIVE is delighted to collaborate with the Galway Volunteer Centre in hosting the event. The Fair is part of a week-long celebration of volunteering at NUI Galway, the culmination of which will coincide with the national volunteering Give it a Swirl day on Friday, 25 September. Lorraine Tansey is Volunteer Coordinator of the
to welcome members of the public onto campus”. Established in 2003, the ALIVE programme at NUI Galway, was the first ever student volunteer programme to be embedded within an institution of higher education in Ireland. Through the ALIVE Programme, students can access an online database of volunteer opportunities. The programme also includes a series of workshops to help students make the most of their volunteering experience. At the end of the academic year students can apply for an ALIVE Certificate which is awarded by NUI Galway President, Dr James J. Browne, in recognition of their commitment to volunteering. To book a stand or for further information, please contact the ALIVE office on 091 493823 or email
ALIVE Programme at NUI Galway: “Students benefit enormously from getting
Sammelsurium at The Arts Millennium building A multi-media exhibition can be viewed from this week in the foyer of the Arts Millennium building. The exhibition will be opened on Wednesday, September 16 at 6.00pm by NUI Galway Arts Officer, Fionnuala Gallagher.The exhibition entitled Sammelsurium will run until October 14 and is open daily from 9am to 10pm. It includes figurative work and abstracts of varied media. The exhibition contains the work of two female artists Dagmar Drabent and Marina Wild. It includes figurative work and abstracts of varied media.The Arts Millennium Building is located opposite the James Hardiman Library.
The group of 22 NUIG volunteers who built homes in Honduras
NUIG volunteers build homes and survive a coup in Honduras feature by James Byrne NUIG volunteers travelled to Honduras in Central America to build homes during the summer.
This resulted in an inseparable link between the
would especially like to thank the group leaders,
affable Santa Rosa de Copan people and the hearts
Iomar, Paddy, Mary and Brian for providing a
and minds of 22 intrepid NUIG Volunteers. Those
wonderful opportunity for all involved. As a result of
who participated not only exacted change in the
the success of this year’s mission, Fr Iomar Daniels
way Margaret Meade prophesises but more
will be running a similar trip next summer; do keep
importantly received a life lesson which no text
an eye out for details (
book or lecture can furnish. This attests to the
However for some of the group, the military Coup
reality of altruism and its effects and how a small
d’état of June 28th provided an interesting end to
group of committed citizens can change someone’s
their Honduran experience. President Manuel
world, one brick at a time.
Zelaya, who is currently in exile was toppled for his
Working under the auspices of Habitat for
attempts to amend the constitution and seek re-
Humanity, who aim to eliminate housing poverty, our
election of the presidency beyond the four year
group worked alongside local labourers and
limit. But for Laoise Martin and David Keane among
beneficiaries to construct six houses which became
others, witnessing the 9pm curfews and the
homes for the worthy recipients. During the three
presence of armed soldiers on the streets was a
week build we constructed homes from foundation
surreal incident. “We were fortunate to be removed
level to the finishing touches. Some of the laborious
from the centre of it, our only real fear was not
jobs included digging foundations, mixing concrete,
been able to fly home due to the airports been
block laying, plastering, laying floors to building
closed,” said Laoise. The coup leaders have since
drainage units and general labour. There certainly
received worldwide condemnation and at present
was no scarcity of hard work especially demanding
the situation is still unresolved.
in the humid conditions!
For all concerned Honduras is a fond memory now,
In Honduras a home costs $5,000 to construct, with
but the result is one which has provided a home for
the recipient family paying a small mortgage so that
nigh on 35 people and many more to come. The
this program can be continued for another needy
kind words offered by the recipients at the farewell
family. It’s very much a “hand up, not out idea” says
ceremony were testament to the effort put in by
Cathal McCague, one of the volunteers.
the group since last October.
As a group, the undertaking overall raised over
We are stuck in the midst of economic mire here at
€112,000 for the cause which of course was
home, but the photos and provision of homes for
completely due to the generosity of NUIG students
our Honduran friends does not display their
and staff and the wider Galway community. A big
affluence. Their affluence in graciousness, humility
thank you is merited to all, but especially to the
and appreciation was all brought home to us. We
Chaplaincy Office, the president Dr Jim Brown and
have the wonderful recollections and cries of “Mas
Vice President, Mary O’Riordan, Alumni Office,
Agua” (more water) and “Mas Cemento” (more
United Charities, Brendan Smith (DERI) and past
cement) as a fond memory!
pupils. The foot soldiers of the group however
Paid for by the SU and printed in Sin, because you need to know
Update from SU President, Donna Cummins.
Have you elected your class rep yet? Every class is entitled to a Class
contact the SU Vice-President/Education
Representative to represent their class.
Officer Emmet Connolly at
If your class does not have a Class Rep Further
your voice will not be heard. If you have
information regarding the role of Class
been elected as a Class Rep make sure
Reps is also available in the education
you drop up to the Students’ Union
sector of our website
office with your sign-up sheet Class Rep training
completed or get a sign-up sheet from
will be held on Saturday, the 3rd of
October with the first full CRC meeting scheduled for Monday 5th at 6pm in the
If you have any questions on the roles
Colm O’hEocha Theatre.
and responsibilities of a Class Rep
Win tickets for Neil Delamere!!! comedian Neil Delamere debuts his new show Bookmarks as part of NUI Galway
Students’ Union Freshers’ Fortnight. You are very welcome to the first instalment of the SU Page for this academic year. Over the next 8 months, we are hoping to use this
Tickets are only €8 from the Students’
space to communicate with you about what your Union is working on
Union (College ID required). Gig takes
and what issues are relevant to you. At the moment, we are fighting the
place in the O’Flaherty Theatre at 8pm
introduction of proposed third level fees. If Minister O’Keefe gets his
on Wednesday 23rd of September.
way, the first years this year will be paying extortionate fees for the
Support on the night comes from
remainder of their degree. If introduced, a loan system (which is what
comedian John Lynn.
is favoured by the Minister) will not generate income until 2015. It will The SU is giving away two sets of two
not help us out of this recession and it will not improve the standard of education in third level institutions. Applications to English
NUI Galway Students’ Union Freshers’
tickets. All you have to do to win is
Universities rose 15% this year and with these proposed measures, an
Fortnight 09 presents NEIL DELAMERE
email with
Arts degree in UCD would cost more than the equivalent qualification
Best known as the star of RTE’s The
your name, phone number and student
in Oxford. Third level fees are an immediate threat. If you disagree with
Panel and BBC’s Blame Game, Irish
paying up to €35,000 for your degree, e-mail and tell Minister Eamon O’Cuiv that the West is awake.
Freshers’ Ball
This has been a busy Summer for the new officers in your Students’ Union. I have been working hard to ensure that you get better value
NUI Galway Students’ Union Freshers’
Party & Disconnect 4 in the Class
for your money on campus. Fruit in all SU outlets has been reduced to
Fortnight 09 presents the Freshers’ Ball
Room and DJ Graham Stewart in
45 cent. A microwave will be available in Smokies to ensure you have a
School Disco
the Dance Room
hot meal. Pints in the College Bar will be the cheapest in town at just
Tickets: €10 from the Students’ Union
Competitions, freebies, prizes and
€4 and soda guns have made soft drinks as cheap as 80cent. Be sure to
Thursday 24th of September
surprises all night long. Prizes for best
pick up an SU Card and use it so you can build points and getter
8pm – 10pm
dressed school girl and boy. Think
better value in Smokies, the College Bar, the SU Shop and The Wall
Pre-Ball reception in The College Bar
blazers, tartan, knee high socks and a bit
Café. The SU Skill Shop is also taking form and keep an eye out on
10pm onwards
of bling thrown in!
your chance to learn CPR and suicide interventions skills.
School Buses depart College Bar for Ball 11pm – 2.30am
ID Required Over 18’s
Check out the sparkling new SU website on for
School Disco with 2 rooms of music
Only ROAR No Refunds
more information and feel free to call up the SU office in Áras na
featuring: Super Extra Bonus
Macléinn at any stage during the year with any questions.
Contact us! Our offices are located upstairs in Áras na Macléinn.
Enjoy the year!
The SU Sessions present Kilkenny band Saving J this Tuesday the 15th of September at 7pm. As part to the Freshers’ Fortnight of events the SU Sessions return for a second year and are delighted to welcome back Saving J who are touring the country with their debut album “This City Street”. Kilkenny-based purveyors of power-pop SAVING J continue to tour the
Union Services
The SU Sessions – Saving J
Lockers: Log on to the SU website at and apply for a locker. Then you have a couple of days to call up to the Union offices in Áras na Macléinn to pay and collect your key. Cloakroom: To avoid dragging your bag of laundry around before the weekend trip home, drop your stuff into the Students’ Union cloakroom located in the Library Basement. The service is free and it’s open 9am – 9pm Monday – Thursday and 9am – 6:30pm on Fridays. Second Hand Bookshop:
country with the likes of The Coronas, The Blizzards, Ham Sandwich &
Save yourself some pennies and check out the Students’ Union bookshop
Fight Like Apes, winning the musical hearts of all and bouncing all over
online at You can search by subject and check out the condition
the radio waves with their blitz of quality singles. Doing it the good old
of the book by calling up to the Union offices. You’ll be amazed at how much
fashioned way by releasing a steady flow of brilliant singles, their 'live'
money this can save you. You can also sell your old books here.
following has grown to impressive numbers. Accommodation Advice: Their debut album 'This City Street' is a look back onto early 90's pop
Not sure if your landlord is really entitled to start subletting your living room
and is reminiscent of US bands like REM, The Gin Blossoms and Veruca
carpet without telling you? Talk to Emma Conway, the SU Welfare Officer. She
can help you with any questions about renting and about your tenancy rights. Contact Emma at or just call up.
The band will tour across Ireland in September to demonstrate their blend of what Hotpress described as 'Unstoppable, Euphoric Pop'
Education Woes: Repeats, appeals, subject choices and project decisions can all be a bit of a slap
The SU Sessions are a free weekly event open to the public and hosted
in the face after a care-free Summer. If you’re having any trouble with these or
by NUI, Galway Students’ Union in ECO Grounds (An Bialann) every
other academic issues, give Emmet Connolly an e-mail at
Tuesday at 7pm. . and he will help you out.
The First Year Welcome
SU Card & Travel Card: These cards will save you money for your dietary and locomotive needs. Call up to the Union to receive yours.
Keep an eye out for all the Freshers’ Fortnight stuff – free diaries are being distributed across campus, the Freshers’ Fortnight timetables and Your Union posters with information on what we do and how to contact us.
The Canadian show, Trailer Park Boys is
way people get their entertainment?
obviously a big influence on Hardy Bucks, did
We'd like to think so. We hope that more people
you watch it and think "I can do that!" or
see us and get inspired to start making their own
were you thinking of directing something for
stuff. Laptops and cameras have gotten way cheaper
a while and the format just fit? I'm not sure
in the past 10 years. If you have an idea that might
it's ever explained why the lads are being
work, you can get an audience online and hopefully
filmed or why anyone would want to make a
find funding to make it grow.
documentary about two wasters in Mayo.
Youtube sensation from small town Mayo finds mainstream success feature by Kevin O’Connor
“Yeah we're big fans and and really admire the show
That's obviously a double edged sword too
but it wasn't a case of rip off city. The humour and
though, although Youtube is a great way for
colloquialisms of the rural Irish male/ small town
unknowns to make shows for hardly any
Mayo are what got us doing it. I had a college
mone.Being on TV obviously does give
project to do and Martin happened to be free that
credence to a series, however, do you find
weekend so we just started riffing random
that making a show for TV means you have to
throwaway lines. We'd cut it and get kicks out of it
water it down compared to something that
ourselves. We did a proper one six months later
will just be on the net?
with loads more characters and that became
Yes. If it was on TV, Bucks would have to be so
episodes 1-3.”
tightly scripted that it could hold the attention of the average viewer. That would mean taking out the
One of the background themes in the show is
meandering scenes and the obviously amateurish
about the impact of the recession on small-
approach which we think is the main charm of the
town Ireland, did you feel that young people
show. We're not on telly though so we don't have to
in small towns in Ireland are generally
worry about it.
forgotten about in other areas of arts and culture, or was it just the case that you
I recently saw a Hardy Bucks live show being
thought "this will be funny"?
advertised, what's involved in that? Is it a one
As mentioned it was purely for our own
off or is that a permanent direction?
entertainment. It wasn't until we put up a demo on
Not sure really. Can't see it being as engaging as the
Bebo (baby!) and it turned out that more people
videos but we like the way the Bulmer’s festival is
than just ourselves liked it. Now it's getting a little
putting us on with rubber bandits as it demonstrates
bit more popular on youtube. It has opened our
that it's not just musicians who can start gigging
eyes to the fact that there really isn't much
from their uploads. More Irish internet comedy
attention given to comedy for youngsters living
outside the Pale. What next for Eddie and Buzz? Are they ever
Sin’s Kevin O’Connor recently caught up with Chris Tordoff, one of the cocreators of Hardy Bucks, a Youtube sensation that is quickly finding mainstream success. Hardy Bucks is about two lads trying to make the most of life in small town Mayo while
A lot of people are surprised that you are
going to get to Galway?
actually from England, the old cliche is that
It's only an hour away by Bus Eireann so maybe they
it's only an outsider that can properly satirise
might be tempted to get a return and cruise to CP's
something (Des Bishop being the other Irish
for a few gamey birds. Be warned though potential
based example that springs to mind) but is
gamey birds - If one of them scores and any of the
there truth in that in your opinion?
other lads don't, they'll end up piling back to your
We say we're more Irish than English really as we've
gaff for a place to crash anyway so hide the
been over here since we were kids. Always sharing
Bavaria cos Eddie's a slave to it.
the same point of reference from an early age helped so we'd say yes there is truth in it. Des
Have you any other projects lined up?
Bishop works well cos it's the observations of rural
Not yet but hopefully when we finish this Storyland
life from someone with a streetwise Bronx brogue.
thing (one episode left) we might do something else.
Big culture gap, whereas Bucks is so unflinchingly
battling with their arch nemesis and local drug dealer; The Viper, but in reality, it’s about much more.
rural that it probably won’t be as readily accepted.
And now for a few suggested questions for our readers; Does The Viper know that he has
Is it a fair point that without Youtube Hardy
a cobra on his t-shirt and not a viper? Is a
Bucks wouldn't exist? This is probably the first
middlin' big man really better than a good
example (except maybe Eyebrowy), in the
small man? How much is a tenshpot in
British Isles at least, of a popular online only
series that has gone mainstream almost
No, he's pig ignorant. Of course he is. €15-20.
overnight, is this going to be one of the early examples of the internet overtaking TV in the
Okkervil River Gig Review
acclaim. The band is known for their energetic performances and concept albums that are meticulously detailed from the lyrics. Front man Will Sheff writes with the gift of a novelist and sings in an accessible tone. Taking the stage with suits donned and looking rather dapper, the crowd was more than excited to see the band finally play The Roisin. Supping on pints of Guinness and in high spirits after their performance at the Electric Picnic the band belted out number after catchy number. Highlights of the gig included performances of tracks Lost Coastlines
by Sinead Burke
with the entire audience contributing fast paced handclaps. The voice of Patrick Pestorius was simply smooth and gorgeous on this one. Also the excellent track Our Life Is Not A Movie Or May with shaky maraccas, and also a heavy rocking tambourine version of The Beach Boys Sloop John B. Galway gave them a great
Another Texan based six piece, these guys and gal played The Roisin on September 7th. After years of trying to set up a performance at the Roisin, Okkervil River (a name taken from a short story by Tolstaya) released their latest
reception (which was much deserved after the quality gig). These guys and gal will definitely be back and if you haven’t already you should take a trip down Okkervil River.
album titled The Stand Ins in September 2008 and it received much critical
Blitzen Trapper Gig Review by Sinead Burke
when he plays harmonica and acoustic guitar numbers. Shockingly Blitzen Trapper played a free gig in The Roisin in association with Strange Brew (before their set at this years Electric Picnic) and were even kind enough to write out a set list for Sin ( they don’t get them printed up, they just go with the flow). Sounding similar
Hailing from Austin, Texas are the charming and uplifting Blitzen Trapper. The six
to The Band, Dylan’s Basement Tapes, CSNY (Crosby Stills Nash and Young); and
piece played the Roisin on Thursday the 3rd of September. After recent shows in
citing influences of Gram Parsons (The Byrds) to Jeff Tweedy (Wilco) these guys
Dublin supporting Wilco and having supported Fleet Foxes these guys have
put on one hell of an old school show, by a modern band. So break out the
already been that band to watch. Rolling Stone featured their track Furr as the #4
record player, these guys give you the option of buying their album on vinyl at the
best single of 2008 and their album of the same title was voted #13 in their best
gig. Carefree country folk lyrics created romantic images that were teamed with
albums of the year chart. Lead singer Eric Earley is reminiscent of a young Dylan
gorgeous melodies and powerful harmonies. Simply Blitzful.
The September Issue Film Review
entertaining to watch because she’s endlessly poised and always ready with a catty put-down. Her father was the editor of The London Evening Standard and the only time that you actually see any sort of vulnerability in her is when she says that her intellectual siblings don’t seem to think much of what she does. Her daughter Bee goes so far as to dismiss the fashion industry (and therefore Anna’s job) as ‘amusing’ and seems determined not to follow in her mother’s footsteps.
by Lorraine O’Hanlon
These little insights make it easy to forget that we are dealing with a woman who has so much influence over the fashion industry that designer clothing companies have been known to change their designs or even the fabrics of clothes that they have produced based on her whims.Anna’s team at Vogue is made up of larger-
The September Issue was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance
than-life characters and the documentary also features actress Sienna Miller in a
Film Festival and was screened to an adoring audience during this year’s Galway
cringe-worthy cameo. Given that we’re so used to seeing airbrushed actresses in
Film Fleadh. Soon the rest of the country will figure out why this RJ Cutler-
magazines it’s enlightening to see Miller’s appearance being ripped apart and then
directed documentary was such a hit on the festival circuit. It offers a rare glimpse
rebuilt by unforgiving fashion experts. Despite the appearance of a bona fide
into the inner workings of ‘Style Bible’ Vogue magazine as it follows Anna Wintour,
celebrity in the documentary, the blunt fashion editor Grace Coddington is the
the commanding editor, and her team as they put together the September 2007
outright star of The September Issue. She is different in every way to the prim
issue of Vogue. The issue was the largest one the magazine had ever published,
editor, yet she is one of the few people whose opinion that Anna ever actually
running at a massive 840 pages. Most people will be familiar with Anna Wintour
considers. Their dynamic is fascinating and sometimes hilarious to watch. Anyone
from Meryl Streep’s portrayal of a character based on her in the enjoyable chick
who has even a passing interest in fashion or journalism must go see The
flick The Devil Wears Prada. The inspiration for that film was the fiction book of
September Issue. Fans of The Devil Wears Prada, Ugly Betty or even America’s
the same name by Lauren Weisberger, Anna’s former assistant. Ms. Wintour
Next Top Model in particular will love this revealing documentary.
doesn’t come across as evil as Meryl Streep’s character but she’s just as
Rating: 8/10
by Ronan Fitzpatrick In 2008 Ireland was asked to ratify the Lisbon Treaty, and with a clear majority, they rejected it instead. Now, less than 16 months later, the same question is being put to the Irish people. Referenda are the chance for a nation of people to speak together, with one voice and make their opinion clear on the issues of the day, but it seems that
478 days after the Irish people
been calling for years. It does
on our constitution will have to
said ‘No’ to the Lisbon Treaty,
this by taking decisions which
be put to referendum.
they’ll vote again, but not on the
used to be made by the Council
Lisbon isn’t just about the
same thing as the ‘No’ side say.
of Ministers, and allowing the
internal structures of the EU
The Irish electorate stand
directly elected EU Parliament
though. The Treaty specifically
poised to deliver a vote which
to have a say. This follows the
makes fighting climate change a
will dramatically affect our
shift in power from the
part of EU policy. The treaty
future. There are some who
unelected to the elected bodies
makes the Charter of
believe that we should not be
of the EU. The Treaty will mean
Fundamental Rights of the
making this choice. They say that
all Council meetings will be
European Union a part of EU
‘No means No’ and that it is
televised and can be viewed by
law which protects the rights of
undemocratic to vote again but
the public for the first time. The
all EU citizens. The Lisbon Treaty
they are wrong. Firstly, we are
Treaty will also make the EU
also enshrines the principle of
being asked to vote on a subtly
more culpable to national
mutual solidarity where EU
but fundamentally different
parliaments who will now have
members will help each other
proposition. We now know that
the power to view proposed EU
when they are affected by
Ireland will get to retain its
legislation and demand a review
natural disasters or attack
Commissioner. The guarantees
of it, a big step in making the
without promising military
secured on taxation, neutrality
‘Brussels bureaucracy’ more
and ethical issues such as
If you think Lisbon won’t make
abortion will now be EU law
Lisbon also makes a number of
the EU better or worse there
their opinion isn’t always heeded. Has
and will be equal to the treaties
other institutional changes. It
are still good reasons to vote
anything really changed since the first
themselves. So while some argue
changes the system of voting in
‘Yes’. Voting ‘No’ sends a bad
that not a word has changed,
the European Council and the
image to the world about the
the substance of what we are
number of areas which are
type of country Ireland is. We
voting on has changed. Secondly,
decided by Qualified Majority
built our economic and
there is the pragmatic view. The
Voting (QMV). This will mean
diplomatic success in recent
alternative to a second
that the majority of people in
years by portraying ourselves as
referendum is to see the EU
the EU overall and the majority
an open, vibrant nation which
caught in more institutional
of countries will have to support
embraced the EU ideal. We have
wrangling while its future is
a proposal to have it approved.
built up goodwill towards us by
Europe has moved on, with many
being decided. At a time when
Some have said these changes
embracing the larger role we
the EU needs to be working on
take power away from smaller
can have in the world via the EU.
member states ratifying the Treaty
the big issues such as climate
member states but this is
Voting ‘No’ sends a clear signal
change and the global recession,
incorrect as that figure only
that we are moving away from
this would be madness. Put
takes into account half of the
the EU and this can only have a
simply, Lisbon II is the most
new voting system. In reality we
negative effect both
practical choice for Ireland and
retain about the same amount
diplomatically and economically.
the EU.
of power as we have now! The
As part of the EU, Ireland can
So why should you vote ‘Yes’?
removal of vetoes has scared
do more than it can alone.
While the Lisbon Treaty isn’t
some but we retain a veto on
So vote ‘Yes’ for a stronger,
particularly exciting, it does
important issues such as military
more dynamic and more
introduce a number of changes
and taxation matters. Lisbon
democratic EU. Vote ‘Yes’ for a
which alter the structures of the
also introduces a new system
better future for Ireland, the EU
EU to reflect its increased size.
for amending treaties which will
and its citizens. The choice is
The Lisbon Treaty goes a long
help make the EU more
ours, let’s make it the smart
way to making the EU more
dynamic. However, as is the case
democratic, which critics have
now, any changes which impinge
vote and can our new legal guarantees be relied on? We are also the only country whose people have gotten to vote, how much of a factor should this be? In the mean time,
already. Should Ireland really be able to halt the progress of over 730 million people? This article lays out the arguments in favour of the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ sides of this new Lisbon campaign from two student perspectives.
NO We are a society which firmly
to inform people. An
will only be within the limits
believes in the democratic
independent booklet was sent
defined by the Treaty, making it
process. We believe that the
to every home explaining the
entirely toothless. The Lisbon
majority will of the people
ramifications of a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
Treaty is supposed to give
carries with it the supreme
vote and numerous debates;
Europe an ‘environmental
decision on how our country
public and televised occurred in
conscience’ and make real
should proceed in its existence.
which the Irish people could
efforts to address climate
In the past we have used our
make up their minds. This they
change, yet the treaty sets out
vote to choose new leaders and
did and they decided to vote
no real targets or guidelines,
change the very fabric of our
against the Lisbon Treaty. In the
merely aspirations and aims. In
Constitution. While some of
wave of panic that followed,
addition, Lisbon specifically
Deb and Law Soc, the debate comes
these decisions can prove to be
European leaders such as
makes room for a European
unpopular, as seems to
German Chancellor Angela
Nuclear Policy, a move which
to Áras na Mac Léinn. Come and
frequently be the case with the
Merkel and EU Commission
Ireland has traditionally been
results of General Elections, the
President Jose Manuel Barroso
very strongly opposed to. By
fact remains that the peoples’
were quick to criticise our
ratifying Lisbon, we could be
voice, decision and mandate are
decision from the corridors of
opening the door for nuclear
meant to be respected and the
Brussels. French President
power to become a part of
validity of that decision above
Nicolas Sarkozy had the cheek
Ireland energy policy. Is this
question. The EU seems to be an
to actually fly to Dublin to
really in the best interests of
institution which does not hold
criticise us in person and call for
Ireland, or of Europe for that
these values as near or dear as
a rerun of the referendum.
we do. In fact whenever we
We as a nation made that
Finally, we have to look at the
make a decision which
decision; it was delivered by a
thinly veiled threats issued by
undermines the view of the
strong majority and as such
the ‘Yes’ side. The poster
European Commission, Ireland is
should be given the respect that
campaign urging us to ratify the
scolded as the naughty
it deserves. Holding a second
treaty hints at dark
rebellious child of Europe. In the
vote on the Lisbon Treaty
consequences if we refuse to
past, we have been asked to call
undermines Ireland’s right to
approve it this time around. Are
a second referendum because
have it decisions respected in
we really to believe that a
the decision we returned did
Europe, and it seems that a ‘No’
second rejection of the Treaty
not sit well with the aims of the
vote is the only way to show
will lead to us being thrown out
EU. We saw this happen with the
the condescending Commission
of the European Union? Member
Nice Treaty and now it is
that any decision delivered by
states have differed with the EC
happening again with Lisbon.
our people in referenda is final
before, the United Kingdom and
The simple fact is; the majority
and not open to negotiation.
Denmark refused to join the
of people who cast their votes
Even the proposed benefits of
single currency and they are still
last year rejected the Lisbon
the Lisbon Treaty do not stand
welcome members of the EU
treaty. Those who voted ‘No’ in
up to much scrutiny. The
after all.
the first round have had their
Charter of Fundamental Rights
This could be the most
choice dismissed by the EU, who
is one of the biggest weapons
important moment in the
say they were misled by
the ‘Yes’ side has in this debate.
history of the EU. With each
scaremongering, blatant
We are told that it is a
treaty we are moving more and
Euroscepticism or general
magnificent document, charged
more towards a single political
paranoia from those terrified of
with protecting the social rights
identity. If the road ahead is not
a more powerful European
of each and every European. Yet
one we wish to travel, we must
Union. The fact remains that
they fail to mention that the
speak now, speak firmly, and
both sides had the opportunity
rights protected in the treaty
vote ‘No’.
by Conor Keane Next we bring this, one of the most talked about referenda of recent years, to your doorstep. On the 24th of September, courtesy of Lit and
hear what the experts on Lisbon have to say, with confirmed guests including Minister Micháel Martin (Minister for Foreign Affairs) himself and the always controversial MEP, Patricia McKenna. Then, put your voice and vote to the test on the motion: “This House Believes No Means No”.
Eagles of Death Metal Swoop in by Tomwaitress Tomwaitress meets Jesse "Boots Electric" Hughes of Eagles of Death Metal.
So like everything else in the country the music
headphones, which he removes and I salute him. We
scene is suffering thanks to the recession. It would
get talking about Eagles of Death Metal’s last album
seem press passes are getting harder and harder to
Heart On and eventually I pluck up the courage and
get a hold of. Take my latest attempt to get a press
ask him if he could maybe put my name on the
pass for the Eagles of Death Metal gig in Dolan’s
guest list. He says of course and fetches a card from
Warehouse in Limerick on the 25th of August. I was
his black beaten wallet. “Here write your name on
out of the country when the tickets went on sale.
this,” he kindly says and hands me a card. I rummage
By the time I was back in the country the tickets
through my handbag for a pen and when I’ve finally
were sold out. Fuck. Apply for a press pass and
found one I look up to see that he’s turned around
they’re “all” gone, enter a competition to win
slightly bent over to allow me to lean the card on
tickets, doubt there were even any tickets to give
his shoulder and write. Hands trembling I write
away. So what do you do? Well if you’re Tomwaitress
Tomwaitress* and on closer inspection I realise that
you go straight to the band, man. Hey these times
the card is an Ace of Spades playing card. What a
are making us all a whole lot more resourceful,
dude. He takes the card, puts it back in his wallet,
you’ve got to take things into your own hands right?
and gives me a kiss on the cheek. His moustached kiss is genuine and sweet. Girls on the street
Walking down Cruises Street (Limerick’s version of
approach me and ask “Is that the guy from Queens
Shop Street) I spot Jesse “Boots Electric” Hughes
of the Stone Age?” Later they mention that he came
window shopping with his black haired beauty of a
into Boots with his girlfriend to buy toothbrushes,
girlfriend. He’s about to light up a cigarette. I let him
and dental floss and said that he is going to put
take the first drag and then politely (if that’s
them on the guest list too. A buzz is around the
possible) interrupt. His girlfriend is sucking on a
town, with girls from pharmacies to antique stores
candy pop. So I tell him I’m a fan and he asks if I’m
getting put on the guest list. Later at the sold out
heading to the gig, I awkwardly tell him no that I
gig, “Davey Jo” Catching walks past us in the hallway.
have to catch a plane to Paris in the morning. He
The excitement is tangible. The venue is packed to
jokingly berates me for this and says that I should
the ratio of 70/30 in favour of men. The stage is
try come along, we get to talking about the fact that
filled with one hell of a big drum kit, fenced in by
they’ll be in Paris at the weekend too, performing at
maroon velvet-covered amps which are contrasted
the Rock En Seine Festival. Through his desert red
by funky Californian orange amps. The band
sun glasses he asks me where should they shop and
including Hughes, Catching, O'Connor and Castillo
where exactly is Dolan’s. His girlfriend states that
speed through tracks such as Cherry Cola, I Want
she wants “shoes” and they’re off to Footlocker. I
You So Hard (Boy’s Bad News), Don’t Speak (I
wish him best of luck with the gig and they’re gone.
Came To Make A Bang), Got A Feelin’ (Just
Only then after the adrenalin and Jesse is gone, it
Nineteen), Brown Sugar, Secret Plans, Wannabe in
occurs to me that I should have asked him for a
L.A. and Now I’m A Fool to name a few. The last
press pass. Fuck.
track of the night was the glorious Speaking In Tongues. Eagles of Death Metal turned Dolan’s into
Fast forward to a couple of hours later and I’m
one big mosh pit, with men stage diving, girls
walking out of HMV (after buying a reggae/rap
swooning and everybody was rockin' out.
album). All of a sudden I spot that Jesse is walking
Peace, Love & Death Metal.
towards me. He’s alone this time, listening to
Well it’s closing time…till next time, Tomwaitress.
Erasmus View by Sarah Schepers A German Erasmus student shares her first impressions of Galway with SIN. She gets harrassed by ignorant racist drunks round town, yet still manages to have a good time in Galway.
“Galway is the best choice you could have made!”. “I
people, we were a bit shocked when we were
had some of the best nights partying in Galway.”
confronted with a different group of people. In only
“The Irish people are the most friendly people I have
one night I got insulted three times by different
ever met.” These are just some quotes of friends and
drunk guys for being German. The last one even
family members when I told them that I was going to
introduced himself to me as Hitler. In between these
Galway for one semester. I’m a visiting student from
three events an old guy was making gestures at me
Germany and I always wanted to go to Ireland to
to have sex with him and another guy that followed
experience this great country.
us just reached out to literally suck my friend’s face.
The first few days started really well. After meeting
So when I met “Hitler” I finally lost it. After shouting
my American roommates the first feeling of a slightly
at him for maybe ten minutes suddenly he was the
increasing sadness had vanished completely. We went
shocked one and started apologising to me over and
out to pubs, ate fish and chips. Locals invited us for
over again. I calmed down, realised that he was a
Guinness, we toured the city and were amazed by all
really nice guy, and we had a good long talk. In the
the cute and colourful houses. We started saying:
end, even the worst night so far ended up being
“Stop it Ireland. You’re too cute.” Even the rain didn’t
really great. Stop it Ireland!
seem to bother us. After all this cuteness and meeting really friendly Advertisment
Anti Pop Consortium feature by Liam Griffin Sin’s Liam Griffin sits down with hip hop group Anti Pop Consortium for a chat
Anti Pop Consortium are one of the few hip hop
of hip hop since you were together last?
groups that manage to attract fans from almost
Beans: Much has changed and the influence that we
every musical background. Mixing electronica with
inspired has saturated the landscape. No matter
their poetic abstract lyrics Beans, High Priest and M
how many people think that have a grasp of
Sayyid create songs which are challenging, thought
electronic music in hip hop, they ain't us and this
provoking and often really weird. Not content with
album will prove it.
writing Burroughs in the Ghetto style lyrics all
Priest: ditto
members of the group produce the other worldly
Sin: How much room is there for improvisation on
beats and pieces that make up an APC track. When
word got out in 2003 that the group had broken up
Beans: Improvisation is a huge factor in our live
the hip hop community let out a collective sigh.
shows. We've come up with some things that we
Here was one of the most engaging and progressive
wish we had recorded HAHAHA!! It’s something
troupe giving up the ghost. Thankfully they have
we collectively enjoy performing and to me,
recently reunited, at a time when intelligent Hip
becomes the highlight of the show.
Hop is needed the most, with a new album
Priest: We bring the studio to the stage- it's the
Fluorescent Black.
only way to keep it interesting for us as performers.
SIN: Anti Pop Consortium have been working on
Sin: You've recently signed to Big Dada, an imprint
separate projects for about 6 years. What happened
of Ninja Tune. Are there any other artists on Ninja
to bring you back together?
Tune that you admire?
Beans: In our separation, we still stayed in touch
Beans: We like Roots Manuva!! We did a track with
and was aware of what the other was doing. It was
dude for our record
through an ex-girlfriend who got us together for my
SIN: APC is one of the few hip hop groups that are
birthday 2 years ago. We met and decided it was
involved in both the lyrical composition and
time to work together again.
production. Do you think this is important? Are
Priest: We were all in the headspace finally- it
there any unusual instruments you've been using
definitely took a bit of coaxing but I am glad we
lately? Do you have any favourite pieces of
were able to make it happen.
SIN: How did it feel to be back in the studio after
Beans: It's very important because our sound is
so many years?
self-contained and the source of that material
Beans: It felt like no time had passed but it took
derives from us. I'm not going to list what we use
sometime to start working and get use to working
because it doesn't matter. You can't do what we do
together again. This album is proof of that process
so it's irrelevant.
Priest: Yep felt same as it ever was.
Priest: I could go on for days, but it is a very
SIN: How would a typical APC track develop?
interesting for hardware/software and the
Beans: Since we're all producers, someone will
integration of the two- We have a lot of resources
produce the track and who ever lays vocals on the
from modular synths to OSC controllers to millions
track first is the first MC heard on the track or
of vst plugins and such- the lemur has been great for
arranged in an agreed upon order. We improvise and
wilding out in LIVE 8 the ARP 2600 is definitely a
record jams at practice sessions some of the tracks
favourite as well.
on the next record were done in this fashion.
SIN: ATP are known for being involved in slam
Priest: There is no set formula- as Beans said since
poetry and taking an experimental approach to
we were all produce everybody brings something to
writing lyrics- can you describe some for the ideas
the table- on the LP it was great to record in the
that inspire you?
same fashion we perform as a "band" with all the
Beans: Life is the inspiration. Not in the slightest
synths and effects at once.
do we encounter a problem with expressing
SIN: Have you been playing new material live? How
ourselves being creative. That's why APC are here
have audiences responded to your new material?
on earth. We're all serious writers and pay close
Beans: The new material has been received quite
attention to the writing. Other people are doing
favorably and in the live shows, we only feature 2 of
what they do but we do us.
our old recordings so it's going down with
Priest: The slam poetry scene was open and
audiences quite well.
equally influenced by hip hop- it provided a great
Priest: We are not resting on our laurels and
atmosphere to grow.
romanticizing the past is corny - it's critical to share our most recent developments - sometimes to a fault but we wouldn't have it any other way SIN: Have you noticed any changes in the landscape
Sweet n Sour Bite from the Arctic Monkeys by Sinead Burke Sinead Burke reviews the latest album - Humbug-from the Arctic Monkeys.
Humbug, the third album by the Sheffield four The
sound that leads into a more than infectious guitar
Arctic Monkeys-Turner, Cook, O’Malley and
hook, twisting and turning and is further
Helders-is their most interesting and intelligent to
complimented by Turner’s excellent timing/use of
date. It was recorded in the small town of Joshua
the word “pirouette”. Secret Door recorded at The
Tree in the Mojave Desert at Rancho de Luna with
Integraton (which is a wooden dome that is 38ft
help from Joshua Homme (Queens of The Stone
high in the middle of the Mojave Desert) is the most
Age, Eagles of Death Metal and Them Crooked
honest of tracks and it is on this track that Turner
Vultures) and Alain Johannes (Eleven, Queens of The
might just be acknowledging his moany reputation.
Stone Age and Them Crooked Vultures), in Homme’s
Up next is Potion Approaching with the suggestive
Pink Duck studio in Burbank, L.A. and even all the
and sensual lyrics, “Yours is the only ocean/ that I
way to Brooklyn to work with James Ford (Simian
want to swing from” The shakedown near the end
Mobile Disco). Humbug is short and boy is it sweet,
of the song with Homme ooh oohing in the
sour and oh so sexy. The boys are back with new
background is bubbling with sex appeal. The
haircuts and long locks that are untamed, yet of
gorgeous Fire And The Thud is the next song on the
course tamed. Their debut album Whatever People
album and features Alison Mosshart of The Kills.
Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not was the fastest selling
Cornerstone is simply gorgeous with Turner
debut album in British music history and won the
sounding like Richard Hawley on this track, amongst
2006 Mercury Music Prize and as if that wasn’t
others. For instance remember the crooning sound
enough, just recently it has gone platinum four times
of his voice on the track Only One Who Knows, off
over. Arctic Monkey’s second album Favourite Worst
their second album. On Humbug Turner’s voice is
Nightmare was nominated for the 2007 Mercury
most evidently influenced from his vocal style
Music Prize and sold close to over a quarter of a
adopted for his side project The Last Shadow
million copies in the first week of its release. Every
Puppets (with Miles Kane of The Rascals). For the
track off the first album was excellent; not one
majority of this mature record his voice is more
could be classified as a filler. However, the same
crooner than commoner. Dance Little Liar is the
cannot be said for the Arctic’s second album, which
track that convinced Josh Homme to work with the
started off exceptionally strong with tracks like
Monkeys. Homme only had to hear one note to
Teddy Picker and Fluorescent Adolescent and ended
change his mind after ten years of saying no to
excellently with songs such as Old Yellow Bricks,
producing bands. The opening note is as eerie as a
505 and Brainstorm. Somehow the album got lost in
backwards guitar can sound. Pretty Visitors beats
the middle perhaps due to Turner’s inner “miserable
out at an incredibly fast pace, akin to the Monkey’s
little tyke, a reputation that his songwriting seems to
earlier style. Also it is more reminiscent of Turner’s
have outgrown on their third album Humbug.
earlier lyrics when he dryly states “What came first
The opening track My Propeller has a sinister sound.
the chicken or the dickhead”. The Jeweller’s Hands
The whole song is a double entendre and seriously
is a novel of a song in its own right. Turner’s wit is
sexy, “I can’t get it started on my own”. Crying
as sharp as ever and the band is only growing
Lightning is the first single off the album and has a
tighter.With direction from Homme, Johannes and
heavy base, cymbal drums, and one motherfucker of
Ford they have made an album that only truly
a guitar solo. Turner’s lyrics are bang on as always:
reveals its treats after you give it a certain number
“Outside the café by the cracker factory you were
of plays, so yes treat it like the hard boiled sweety
practicing a magic trick”. Next up is Dangerous
that it is, and suck on it for a while.
Animals which is perhaps the most QOTSA sounding track on the album. It begins with a sonar
How their star has fallen feature by Richard Martin
I suspect that a lot of Oasis fans
as everyone now knows, blew it.
things you’ll never see’. Their
breathed sighs of relief when
To speak of Oasis and why they
childhoods were marred by
Oasis finally called it a day last
were so important is to speak
drunken domestic violence
month. Noel announced he
of Noel not Liam. Noel wrote
which their father regularly
could not ‘work with Liam one
the songs and ‘made it
subjected on his family. They had
had to ask that shows how far their
day longer’. The truth is Oasis
happen’. That is not to say Liam
a miserable childhood, but a
have spent the noughties
isn’t talented, because he is. His
normal working class
star had fallen. There was once a
releasing bad album after bad
voice on the first three albums
‘Thatcherite’ childhood.
album. Their sound evolved to
is incredible. Heartfelt and
such a diluted weak form devoid
passionate, reminiscent and on a
Few people realise that Noel
of any real passion relative to
parity with Lennon and Lydon,
was quite old when they
their early sound that it had
but he never had any creative
released ‘Definitely Maybe’ in
become almost cringeworthy
the autumn of 94. He was 28.
listening. With each new release
Oasis have always been a band
He had spent the last 10 years
their legacy, credibility and
that identified with the working
of his life on the fringes of the
importance as a band suffered.
class. The Conservative rule of
music scene of Madchester
Any true fan of Oasis was
the 80’s and early 90’s had
eventually working as a roadie
secretly delighted by the news.
entrenched the working classes
for the ‘Inspiral Carpets’. Those
However the question remains.
firmly at the bottom of the
were the years that made Noel
Were they ever important? Yes.
social ladder. It was not a land of
and Oasis. Living in bedsits,
But why? What was so
equal opportunity. A whole
having no money, signing on, he
important about five working
generation had grown up
was the quintessential working
class Mancunians? Basically when
knowing nothing but
class man. During that period he
they first emerged in late 1994
conservative rule. For millions
wrote the first three albums and
the music scene was shit. With
the dole and bedsits were the
a whole host of future B-sides.
Kurt Cobain’s suicide in April
only reality in their lives. People
He wrote about hope and
1994, a huge gaping void was
had lost hope. Noel rightly
despair and crucially from the
left. The angst of Grunge was
commented that it was ‘soul
working class perspective. He
over. The energy, baggies and
destroying’ to leave school and
once said when asked about his
Reni-hats of Madchester and the
join the dole queues with your
song-writing from that period of
community of Spike Island had
father. The Gallaghers came from
his life that ‘I was writing about
long since evaporated into the
this environment, an
things that were true to me,
vaults of musical lore. The Roses
environment where ‘We’ll see
shagging, drinking and taking
Did Oasis ever really matter? That I
time where a question like that would have been inconceivable, an all most heretical statement.
drugs’. On hearing Kurt Cobain
reflection on a pain that will never
proclaim that ‘I hate myself and I
leave him fused with a euphoric
wanna die’ he wrote ‘Live Forever’
powerful melody is possibly Noel’s
as a riposte in 1992 at a low ebb
greatest ever achievement as a
in his life. Millions across Britain
and the world could identify with
It has been said cruelly and unfairly
this outlook, the reality of poverty
in certain circles that Noel’s
and being a member of the
musical talents are overrated and
underclass without a voice or
that he has been guilty of nothing
more than base thievery of other
All great art has an element of
artists’ work. Most notably T-Rex’s
catharsis- where the artist pours
classic ‘Get it on’ which Noel used
all his emotions, his neuroses and
on ‘Cigarettes and Alcohol’(which
his psychosis into his art and
Alan McGee once described as the
expresses his or herself with
best social comment in 40 years of
poignancy and confidence. The
music) and ‘Some Might Say’.
early Oasis sound is at its root
However I disagree with that point
form a cathartic sound. Noel
of view. As James Joyce once said
unleashed his pain, bitterness and
‘Creativity is memory’. It could be
dispair and in the process created
argued that Joyce ripped off
brilliance. ‘Don’t Look Back In
Homer in creating ‘Ulysses’. But in
Anger’ is a classic example. The
truth it could only take an artist of
regular childhood refrain, ‘Stand up
genius to transpose the
beside the fireplace and take that
wanderings of an epic, mythical
look from off your face’ was what
Greek hero (Odysseus) with that
Peggy Gallagher used to admonish
of a bumbling Dublin Jew (Leopold
her surly son with when the family
Bloom) and a young wannabe poet
photographs were being taken.
(Stephen Daedalus). If anything,
Another example is the John
Noel has been far too depreciating
Lennon line ‘I’m going to start a
of his musical gifts.
revolution from my bed’. The
That Oasis became ‘The Voice’ for
homage to his hero and the
working class Britain was
inevitable. Their euphoric music
styles and being the biggest bands
middle of a cocaine blizzard. Noel’s
became the very thing they set out
became the music of change. It
in Britpop also led inevitably to
home ‘Supernova Heights’ became a
not to be; cliched rock stars: self
wasn’t coincidental that ‘Some
comparisons to the rivalry
‘happening’ place. The two
indulgent, arrogant and out of touch.
Might Say’ became Oasis’s No1 hit
between ‘The Stones’ and ‘The
Gallaghers embraced the blizzard
When New Labour eventually
on the day that Labour recorded a
Beatles’ in the 60’s, which in
with equal enthusiasm and they
recorded their landmark landslide
landslide victory over the
essence is what Britpop was all
eventually paid the price. Cocaine is
victory over the Tories in 1997,
Conservatives in the local
about, a revivalist movement trying
the ultimate reward drug. In more
Noel famously visited 10 Downing
elections. People wanted change
to recreate the greatest decade
primitive times it was used as an
St the next day to meet Blair. The
and to overthrow the
known to mankind. To most people
anaesthetic to dull pain. The mass
two leaders of their respective
establishment. It seemed Britain
it was the working class heroes of
release of dopamine and serotonin
social movements were famously
was moving their beat. Their music
the North versus soft middle-class-
infuses the user with confidence and
photographed sipping champagne
went hand in hand with change and
shandy-lager drinkers of the south.
euphoria. But it is a false high and a
and having a big chuckle. Songs like
the future. The Oasis formula was
That ‘Blur’ had an amazing guitarist
fake confidence. And the user
‘Up in the Sky’, ‘Cigarettes and
simple and unbeatable: a brash
in Graham Coxon and had a
quickly becomes guilty of bad
Alcohol’ were made to sound
charismatic almost anarchistic
unique sound was overlooked by
behaviour. When Noel hoped in an
hollow by this ill-judged meeting.
frontman with anthemic melodic
all and sundry. Blur won the battle
interview in 1995 that Albarn and
Once Noel decided to go there he
songs that symbolised the lifestyle,
with ‘Country House’ but Oasis
Alec James (Blur bass player)
lost his unique status in society
bravura and charisma of the
won the war with the release of
‘caught AIDS’ and died it became
which few others have had, a man
working classes. At their peak it
the ‘WTSMG’ album. As the Oasis
apparent that success, money and
respected by all strata of society.
seemed Britain was moving to
star shined ever brighter and the
drugs had changed him for the
Any future pronouncement that
their beat. Their music went hand
industry became consumed by
worse. His prodigious cocaine
Noel would make could never have
in hand with change and the
‘Noelrock’, Damon Albarn became
consumption had taken away from
the same ring of authenticity
one of the most reviled people in
him the sensitivity and grounded
because he was now part of the
Their ‘war’ with Blur gripped the
working class outlook that was
establishment, something which he
nation. It inevitably became a war
However the end was nigh.
crucial to his creativity and success.
never was until fame and success
between the classes. The differing
London at the time was in the
To his credit he did apologise saying
came into the equation.
‘AIDS was no laughing matter’, but
Oasis released four more albums
it was a comment that drew the
until there eventual demise this
wrath of even his biggest fan, his
August. Each was a diluted form of
mother Peggy Gallagher saying ‘I
their previous brilliance. Whilst
didn’t raise my son to say things like
there are undoubtedly lots of good
songs, not one of the albums can be
At their peak their potential
seen a great work of art. While the
seemed limitless. Their sound was a
two brothers always fought, Noel
fusion of everything of what had
describing Liam as having ‘man
existed before them; The Beatles,
periods’ no-one ever really believed
The Stones, Bowie, The Sex Pistols,
they would split. But when Liam
Slade, The Roses, T Rex, The Bee
reportedly questioned the
Gees............ the list is endless.
legitimacy of Noel’s kid and
They reached their zenith on the
smashed his guitar backstage at the
10th and 11th of August 1996
Rock-en-Seine festival on the 28th
where they played Knebworth. They
of August it was the straw which
were so big at the time they could
broke the camel’s back. The
have played 53 sell out shows. But
remaining tour dates were cancelled
the end was just around the corner.
and Noel is expected to finally
‘Be Here Now’ signalled the end of
break out on his own. Oasis have
Britpop and Oasis as a serious
been for the last 10 years a band
musical force. Once the initial hype
living a formulaic existence devoid
subsided people realised what it
of the passion and hunger which
was; over produced, bloated and
brought them to stardom. However
self-indulgent, it bore all the
as Harrison once put it ‘All things
hallmarks of serious cocaine use.
must pass’. Oasis had their day. And
Whilst they are good songs ‘Stand
it was a good fucking day!
By Me’ being particularly notable, the lyrics are lazy and the sound lacks coherency. The Gallaghers
Red Lola Theatre Review by Colm Byrne What if you found out that the same young girl/boy you see at the bus stop
reversed and have white porcelain masks at the back of their heads. Get the
everyday fantasised about having sex with you? It's a very uncomfortable thought.
idea? The inversion is disorienting but not by the simple effect itself, but by
Children in theatre and film are commonly stereotyped as precocious and
creating an abstraction allowing the audience to enter safely into the off-colour
innocent, but what about precocious and sexual? This is where Asylum
sexual dynamics between a man and a child unfolding on the stage.
productions lands us right into this topic in a clever way, as you'll see.
This is for children right? Simple plot? Puppets? Asylum successfully invoke the post-modern theatre experience where expectations are reversed and norms are
Red Lola is a body bending haunting power play on sexuality presented as a
gone out the window.
simple story told backwards in short, sharp vignettes. Lola (Medbh Lambert), a
But what is it that this show asserts? Sexualised youth? A real-life girl's day-dream
pubescent schoolgirl waits for the bus. Along comes Hum (Marcus Bale). He's
of a faceless lover in the minutes before her bus comes? A trap for the audience
married, and is all business with his suit and briefcase. They wait in silence. Lola
transformed to voyeurs? Asylum have produced something worthy of the stage
notices Hum. Lola wants Hum. She raises her skirt a few inches showing her
and debate. Red Lola is an Asylum Productions play staged in Mill Street Studios,
creamy white thighs. Hum is shocked.
Dublin as part of the Dublin Fringe Festival, and runs until this Saturday
The piece is staged like a puppet show. The actors are rendered into full size
September 19th.
marionettes by having their backs to the audience; they wear their clothes Advertisment
Flatliners interview by Aoife McMurrow Sin’s Aoife McMurrow caught up with Canadian punksters Flatliners. Up for discussion was speed, weed, Fat Mike’s Nipples and war wounds. “Our sins have come back in a physical form…and they’re pissed.”
-Flatliners, (1990)
Do you think your style of
lot of jealousy?
Jon: Rob Hasebe!
music has changed since
Chris: Actually, we got so many
Chris: Rob Hasbe was a prick!
“Destroy To Create,”
chicks it was fucking cool.
No, that’s actually our really
perhaps moving away from
[Laughs] No, it took us a long
good friend.
ska and leaning more
time to record that record
Jon: Rob we love you!
towards hardcore punk?
when we were in High School.
Chris: Yes it has. We wrote the
We recorded in a town that was
“The Great Awake”
first record when we were
half an hour away so we had to
embraces the “gritty punk
pretty young; we were fourteen
take the bus there with all of
rock” that you grew up
years old. We didn’t smoke that
our gear or we’d have to ask
listening to. What bands
much weed back then, so maybe
one of our parents to drive us.
would that be?
that’s why it’s slowed down a
Chris: It’s hard to say. We all
bit! Next record we’re going to
Did your classmates realise
like a lot of similar bands but we
get addicted to speed and just
just how big you were going
all like our own little thing.
see what happens, it’ll be really
to become as a band?
Scott: We listen to a lot of the
Chris: No and once we got
newer Fat Wreck Chords bands
Scott: We wrote most of that
there, they stopped being friends
to be completely honest with
record when we were fourteen,
with us! There was one time
you. We’re all huge fans of None
and recorded it when we were
while we were in High School
More Black, Dead to Me,
sixteen because at that point we
when we were just trying to
Dillinger Four, the newer
had finally written enough songs
book as many shows as possible
generation of all these amazing
that we could record a full
and at one point, all of our
length record; so we were really
parents were trying to convince
stoked about that, obviously.
us to quit the band until we
You’ve been lucky enough to
Three years passed after that
were done with school, that we
perform with the likes of
record came out before we
could pick up where we left off
Anti-Flag and Rancid. Out of
really started writing songs for
but it never happened obviously.
all the bands you’ve played
another record so we weren’t
I hope now that we defied their
with, has there been any
old, but we were older and I
guess our musical tastes kind of changed.
Scott: I remember when we Is there anybody in
played with Anti-Flag, we were
particular you’d like to stick
seventeen years old and we
What was it like recording
a big two fingers to now
were hanging out in our room
when you were still in High
that you’ve got to where
just like this at the show and
School? Did you encounter a
you are?
Chris #2 from Anti-Flag just
comes in and sits down with Jon and
surprising thing about them?
music and the fun part of it, the
you’re going to go that route, I mean
I and we just talked about Mitch
Chris and Scott: Mike’s nipples!
important part of it really. There’s big
everyone’s really the same in the
Hedburg, the comedian, for like
Scott: They’re really big and not
companies like Live Nation who own
end, they just want to go to a show.?
twenty minutes. It was weird! He just
regular looking whatsoever. They’re
like three quarters of the venues in
came in and introduced himself like
great. Spectacular nipples.
the United States which is just weird.
If you could pick one song that
“Hey, I‘m Chris.” We’ve been lucky
Chris: Honestly, the most surprising
It seems that in North America
embodies everything you stand
enough to tour or at least play a
thing about being on tour with
there is more of a hectic business
one-off show with some of these
NOFX is that we are on tour with
mindset rather than here where it’s
Jon: “In my eyes” by Minor threat
incredible bands and when you meet
just “fuck it, it’s music, just enjoy it.”
them and they’re just older dudes
Scott: At the same time though in
You can generally gauge how
who play punk rock music. Everyone
Do you think the term “punk”
North America, we’ve experienced
good a punk gig was by the size
is doing it for the same reason.
is used too loosely these days?
the punk rock scene more out there
of the bruises that appear the
We’ve been lucky not to experience
It was but not so much anymore
because we started as a really small
next day. Have you any war
much rock-stardom bullshit.
because now, I don’t even know
band playing really small clubs and
wounds from this tour?
what popular music is now, but its all
community centres, that’s where you
Jon: Scott’s neck is pretty fucked up,
How do you keep yourself
bands like Cobra Starship and maybe
really see the scene come out and
I don’t know what happened there!
a few backwards ass motherfuckers
everyone does their part. Those
[everyone looks at the suspicious
Chris: We don’t take anything
would consider that punk rock. A
small shows are fun.
looking bruise on Scott’s neck]
few years ago a lot more people
Chris: Maybe that’s why I’m thinking
Scott: No, it’s not a hickey, it’s eh…
were all like “New Found Glory are
the way I am about the Europeans. I
Chris: I just punched him in the
Even when you’re touring with
a punk rock band!” When the pop-
mean the first time we came over
your own idols?
punk thing was huge everyone did.
here we were blown away. We were
Chris: It fucks with your head but in
so taken aback and flattered that
So you gave him the hickey?
the best possible way. They’re just
How do you find the punk scene
people knew our band and that a lot
Chris: I gave him the hickey. You
regular dudes and they take care of
here differs from the American
of people would come out and
know we’ve been friends for a long
the bands they bring out because
punk scene?
actually pay their own money to see
time. Love comes out. We did drink a
they’re the ones bringing them out.
Chris: In comparison between
us play. We had never been there
lot of wine that night.
They’ve been in the exact same
Europe, the U.K and North America,
Note: Shortly after this interview
position we’re in so now it’s their
I find that kids are a lot more into
Scott: In North America we’d go
was conducted, Chris had passed out
turn. NOFX bring us out time and
good music here. Maybe that’s
out and flyer for our own shows, just
in a cupboard, Paul had disappeared
time again, it’s ridiculous.
because we get lucky and play good
bring our friends and randomners to
with a mysterious Irish girl and
shows out here but it seems that the
see our band.
Scott’s hickey hadn’t improved.
You’re here tonight with NOFX.
people that are working the shows
Chris: Kids know over here already.
Getting to know them as
and go to the shows and even the
As far as country to country goes,
Jon and Rob Hasbe are still the
people, what’s been the most
bands, care a lot more about the
there aren’t that many differences. If
best of friends.
Scroobius Pip and Dan Le Sac interview by Liam Griffin Sin’s Liam Griffin interviews hiphopsters Scroobius Pip and Dan Le Sac, the band who have become legendary with their experimental approach to live performances.
Scroobius Pip and Dan Le Sac
about something you can’t force
and shaved my head so no-one
arrived triumphantly on the UK
anyone to believe in something
recognises me so I can walk
music scene in 2007 with their
so if someone listens to a song
around and see what the DJs
witty pop culture bashing single
and it makes them think about
are playing and how the crowd
"Thou Shalt Always Kill," which
anything then that’s the
are reacting. I usually open with
became an instant hit. Since then
important thing. We don’t really
some classic hip hop, like Run
their album Angles was released
make love songs because we’ve
DMC or something and move
to critical and public acclaim
heard love songs so much that it
on to electro and disco. I tend
earning them the cultural capital
is insipid. We’re all told what
to stay away from guitar
necessary to give up their real
love is that by the time you’re
orientated stuff. Invariably I’ll
jobs and embark on a globe
25 you’re sick of the subject- so
end up playing jungle for the last
trotting musical adventure.
instead we make songs about
half hour or so, I can’t help
Sounding more like a
Tommy Cooper.” Tommy
performance poet than a regular
Cooper was an English comic-
Recently the band got into an
UK rapper Scroobius writes
magician whose act often
awkward position- they were
thought-provoking songs about
involved messing up the magic
booked to play a gig sponsored
God, self-harm and the periodic
trick for the purpose of making
by Coca Cola, a company they
table. Dan Le Sac provides blips
it a comical farce. “Most people
openly despise. Instead of
and beats that borrow from old
don’t know he died onstage,”
cancelling the gig they decided
school hip hop, electro and
Dan adds.
to use the stage as a platform to
Scroobius Pip and Dan Le Sac’s
voice their opinions. “We’re
SIN caught up with the one who
live performances have become
both anti-Coca Cola and Nestlé.
doesn’t have a Hassidic beard or
legendary for their experimental
Relentless, who are sponsoring
wear a trucker’s hat after his
approaches. One idea was to
this festival, has recently been
energetic DJ set at Bar903. But
present the shows as
bought by Coca Cola but we
this isn’t Dan’s first time in
motivational seminars, using four
were unaware of this when we
Galway- they’ve played blinding
forms of motivation—Love,
agreed to do the gig. When we
sets in both De Burgos and the
Lessons, Storytelling and
found out Coke had bought
Roisin Dubh. Although he’s had
Religion—to link their songs
Relentless we talked about
almost no sleep and he has a
throughout the show. I ask Dan
pulling out of the gig because
whole day of travelling ahead of
if they have come up with any
we’d be taking money from a
him Dan appears fresh and
more schemes to present their
company we rally against but it
upbeat. I ask him if he’s been
music. “Currently we have new
was too close to the show to
having a good time recently:
ideas that we’ve been kinda
walk out so we’ve made an
“The summer’s been really good,
trying to put together but we’re
active effort to let people know
we were meant to take the
always trying to think of new
about the problems Coke cause
summer off. But we started to
ideas and approaches. Pip always
and to be honest it’s actually
get offers from places like
tries to practice his banter with
worked out better for us. We
Norway and Sweden, places we
the crowd cos he has a bit of a
realised we can suck the
haven’t been. We decided to
stutter. But we don’t want to get
corporate cock a little as long as
push the album back further and
lazy and just hire a live band. It’s
we do it in the right way and it’s
actually try to hit off to some of
like artists feel they have to fill
becoming harder and harder to
these spots. We have been doing
the stage with more musicians
avoid it. Instead of living a life
our best to stay away from the
and backing singers. I don’t want
where you avoid everything and
UK and Ireland, not because we
a drummer, I don’t need a
sit in a box drinking filtered still
don’t like playing here but
drummer. It makes more sense
water while eating your own
because people might get sick of
for us to have dancers,” he
sandals. You have to admit the
jokes, “than it does extra
facts you know and talk about
For a band that is so open about
them and try to stay honest.”
their views (they hate Coca
But the band is one part of
Hopefully this honesty extends
Cola, they’re worried about how
Dan’s musical life- the other
to Dan's promise to return to
we’re using up the world’s
being his job as a travelling DJ.
Galway in the near future.
resources and they abhor
But what kind of songs does he
However it will be interesting to
worshipping popular bands) I
play? “I really play everything. If
see what direction Scroobius Pip
wonder if there are any specific
depends what the venue and the
and Dan Le Sac take from here
messages Dan would like people
people are like. I always get to
and whether or not they can
to take from their
shows an hour before and
hang on to their integrity.
music.“Whatever they like. No
wander around the crowd- its
matter how much you can talk
good now I’ve grown sideburns
NUIG Sailing Club success in Cong to Galway Race by Lisa Mullee Following on from the success of the Volvo Ocean Race NUIG sailors take on a version of their own Volvo by participating in the challenging Cong to Galway race.
Lisa Mullee at the helm during the Cong Galway race
Saturday August 29th saw a total of ten NUIG
Clarke and Marguerite Leech for taking the trophies
sailors competing in the infamous 32km race from
for 1st Vanguard and 2nd boat overall, as well as Lisa
Cong to Galway along the challenging waterways of
Mullee and Helm for securing the trophy for 3rd
Lough Corrib. Four Vanguards and an RS800 Skiff
place overall. Many thanks to Corrib Rowing and
boat enjoyed great success and exciting sailing
Yachting Club for hosting a great event, long may it
conditions in a fleet of 38 boats. An NUIG boat
storming along at speeds of up to 17 knots achieved
NUIG Sailing Club are also holding the top two
the winning time on the first leg to Kilbeggan, the
positions in an on-going 1720 keelboat Youth
halfway point, where a welcome rest was had by
Championships taking place Sundays in Galway Bay
Sailing Club. We have a packed schedule ahead with
The re-start proved exciting with increased wind
the GP14 Youth Championships around the corner,
speed as the whole fleet began the tough upwind
swiftly followed by University Team Racing events.
sail, navigating treacherous rocks with varying
We hope to see some new sailors this year with
success! Unpredictable winds on the River Corrib
introduction sessions kicking off after Clubs Day.
meant a demanding final sprint to the finish line at
Word on the water has it that there will be a BBQ
Menlo Castle, with congratulations due to Cathal
and celebrations to start the season in style.....
Sport News & Opinion Clubs to recruit new members at Clubs Day Clubs Day is taking place this Tuesday September 15th. There are now 45 active and vibrant sports clubs at NUI Galway that you could join. You could take up anything from martial arts to camogie to cricket to tag rugby. Joining and participating in a sports club will provide you with lasting memories of college life. Active participation in sport and fitness activity keeps your mind alert and your body toned. It is a great social outlet. Clubs day is taking place in the University Sports Complex, Kingfisher
taught on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Ireland’s performances throughout the
around Ireland could be a very different
6pm-7pm, everyone is welcome "and we
campaign have NOT been pretty and
prospect! Steven Reid and Steve Finnan
do mean everyone". This style of class
remained true in the Cyprus game. Shay
might be able to stand on two legs
enables all levels of abilities to work –
Given launched ball after ball on top of
without buckling, Stephen Kelly might
out together and achieve their health
Keane and Doyle who are hardly giants!
get some game time, Kilbane might be
and fitness goals together and have
With that gameplan, Folan should have
dropped, Andy might get a game in the
some fun.
been given the nod. Granted it was a
centre, McGeady might actually cross a
very energetic Irish start and Doyle
ball that beats the first man, and even
Clubs Captain
took his goal well but once the
S.Ireland could answer the call.
Nominations close for the position of
Cypriots scored they took control.
Clubs Captain on Wednesday 23
Whelan and Andrews didn’t get a kick
That’s assuming that all goes to plan in
September at 5pm.
and were found to be out of their depth
the next two games.....
against a second rate national midfield.
Fingers crossed folks!
On Course for a Showdown in Croke Park
It took a moment of skill - and luck that
By Conor McGinty
the highest level. O'Shea, Given, Dunne,
Club. Indoor clubs training takes place primarily in the University Sports Complex with some exceptions such as
Another World Cup qualifying match,
the Handball club who train in the
another dismal and depressing
University Sports Complex and St
performance, another 3points.
Mary’s School, a 10 minutes walk from
Entering the business end of the
campus. The Squash Club train in the
campaign Ireland are sitting pretty in
University Sports Complex and the
second place just a point behind the
Lawn & Tennis Club in Salthill, a 20
World Champions and are on course
minute walk from campus. The Boxing
for a showdown in Croke Park on the
club train in the Pavilion in the Dangan
10th October.
Sports facility.
A glance at the table would suggest all
Field Sports clubs train primarily in the
is well in Camp Trap but this just isn't
Dangan Sports facility. Water Sports
the case.
clubs train in the University Sports
For God's sake we should be putting
Complex, and the Kayak club train on
teams like Cyprus and Montenegro to
the Corrib river as do the Rowing club.
the sword and not just winning by
Check out this website for more details
nicking the odd goal!! We have a
& timetables:
squadful of Premiership footballers -
Exercise can act as the key to a healthy
deemed with La Liga one of the top
lifestyle, meeting like-minded friends and
leagues in the world - compared to the
an opportunity for a sense of personal
Cypriot team made up solely of players
achievement. This applies to whatever
from their national league. Trap will
level of fitness you are and at what level
point to his victories, unbeaten run in
you choose to participate. Other
competitive matches and most
activities during the year open to
importantly the position the national
participants include fun runs, 5 a side
team find themselves in to answer his
soccer and rugby tournaments.
critics. But are his €2million a year
Club fitness is open to all students and
salary and his reluctance to alter his
is a circuit based class using weights,
tactics liable to cost us a place in South
stability balls and kettlebells. The class is
the Cypriot keeper unnecessarily came of his line - from Duff to set up Keane for what could be the most important goal he has scored in a qualifying campaign. Dropping points to Cyprus would have been a nail in the coffin of our World Cup ambitions. And so begins the Dunphy-esque rant;
GAA Referees Required By Michael O’Connor
We have players capable of playing at Duff, Keane and Doyle all have strong claims to being essential to their current teams. If their club managers, even God damn Mick McCarthy -as much as I'm pro-Keane (Roy) he was the last man under who we actually played good football -saw a performance like that , they'd be replaced long before the end. Real followers of football know the Italians’ negative tactics don't allow for players to play the "beautiful game". Football needs entertainment and frankly you'd see better games in your local leagues than that displayed in Cyprus. If management think that these kind of tactics are going to bring Ireland to the top table in South Africa they're going to be seriously shocked! If we qualify, the play-offs are going to throw up a tie much more challenging than what we have faced to date - think Sweden, Russia, Croatia, and France..... I shudder to think how we'll get found out if we get drawn against one of these "football" teams! The sooner Trapattoni eats humble pie and changes tack the better. Because by the time 2010 comes
Over the course of a Gaelic games season in the university numerous games are played in NUI Galway in the Dangan Sports ground. The most important person in any game is the referee and NUI Galway are offering an opportunity to any budding whistle blower to learn the rudiments of the game. A basic one-day course will be run by the NUI Galway GAA office to train up potential new referees. Once completed new whistlers will be asked to take charge of challenge games in hurling, football, men’s and women and camogie. The need for the college to have a number of referees available to handle challenge games within the college is one of the biggest difficulties facing the college each season. Any interested potential referee can choose to referee any code or be available for all games. Any student who does the one-day course that will take less than two hours will be paid for each game that he/she officiates at and will receive official college gear. Contact Michael O Connor (087) 9840184 or
Football Sigerson Cup 2009 panel
All systems go for another Gaelic games season
Caimin Morey, Clare U 21 player
The largest sporting organisation in the university is
those Gaelic games fans who wish to play sport but
the GAA with its many facets, namely hurling,
do not feel up to the rigours of senior training the
football, ladies Gaelic football, camogie and handball.
second string sides would and always do provide
A long and famed history is attached to GAA in the
excellent training, matches and an opportunity to
university with many of the game’s greatest
meet new buddies around the college. A new
exponents linked to former/current students and
development last year was the formation of a
players. There are nearly 20 teams in total playing
second fresher hurling side and for this to continue
Gaelic Games. A notable feature of the current
more players each season are required to sign up.
hurling side is the large representation of 13 NUIG
The camogie side shows great promise winning the
students on the Clare under-21 hurling panel that
Ashbourne shield in 2009 whilst the Sigerson side
played part in the historic under-21 hurling final
reached the semi-final losing narrowly, displaying
versus Kilkenny last weekend. A number of the
great scope for future success. The ladies football
Galway minor hurling panel that won the All-Ireland
club is one of the strongest sport units in the
minor hurling title recently are also in the college as
college and continues to grow from strength to
first years. A vast number of inter county players in
strength. For more information relating to Gaelic
hurling, football, camogie and ladies Gaelic are
Games within the college contact Michael O
students in the college thus ensuring a strong
Connor, Gaelic games officer (087) 9840184 or
competitive environment for places on the senior
sides. Outside of the senior teams there exists intermediate and junior sides in all codes as well as fresher A and B sides in hurling and football. For