Volume 11 Issue 9

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in this issue: Special Sin investigation into Reg. Fee, Is the SU a waste of space?, Granny O’Grimm, sex, headshops, Winter Olympics, Hamlet,Youth in Revolt, Overheard in NUIG, Ball pics, SU elections, posters controversy, mature students up in arms

F R E E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R , V O L . 1 1 I S S U E 9 , 2 2 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 0

Management pull plug on College Week campus gigs By Deirdre Judge The refusal of NUIG management to allow the Bailey Allen Hall to be used for events during College Week led to a last minute scramble by the SU to find alternative venues. Alcohol consumption in the hall was the main reason behind management’s refusal. This has led to a complete turnabout for the SU who had for months publicly stated their desire to keep events on campus. However, the headline acts, Calvin Harris and The Coronas will now play in the Black Box and the Radisson Hotel respectively. “We had no other option. It was not what we wanted at all,” said Donna Cummins, SU President. “The situation would have been very different if we had been told months ago rather than having the rug pulled from under us at such a late stage. We are very disappointed,” she added. The SU are now planning to picket two upcoming major events which are taking place in the Bailey Allen Hall- the €150 a head Gala Banquet and the national Labour Party conference-in protest at the situation. What makes the management decision so contentious is that recent non-student events including the Bailey Allen official opening had full bar facilities available inside the Hall. At a recent Class Reps Council, students

Keith Warnock

voted overwhelmingly in favour of allowing alcohol to be available at the main events during College Week. Despite the SU giving assurances that they would enforce restrictions on alcohol consumption in the Hall, such as only allowing plastic glasses and

SINderella makeover queen Orla Keane ready to motor to the ball in style. See inside.

Staff angered by lack of consultation on UL Alliance By Karrie Kehoe

implementing a no shot policy, management refused to budge on the

Concerns have been voiced by staff over

over the merits of such an alliance.”

issue. In response Keith Warnock,

the newly announced strategic alliance

The lecturer added, “The worry is that

Director of Safety said, “I consulted a

between NUI Galway and the University

this alliance would define NUI Galway as

of Limerick. An NUIG Arts lecturer says,

having a predominantly regional mission,

“While the initiative is clearly significant

rather than a national or international

for both institutions it has taken place

one, a move which appears to have been

without including academic staff in the

facilitated by the dissolution of the NUI

discussions. All of us have a stake in this

and existing relationships with UCC,

and would want to participate in shaping

UCD and Maynooth.”

wide range of people on the issue and the unanimous view was that it would not be appropriate to have the events in the Bailey Allen Hall with either a bar in the Hall itself or an arrangement for alcohol to be brought into the Hall from the Student Bar.” continued on page 4

developments and to engage in debate

continued on page 4

The upcoming Gala Banquet is a major social and PR

Pencil it into your diary right now. Because that is the

event in the corporate diary of the university. It is a

date you won’t want to miss out on: the date of the most

reasonably posh affair, with tickets costing €150 a head.

important NUIG protest demonstration of the year. Dust

President Jim Browne will certainly not relish the

off your placards and get thinking of catchy slogans now.

prospect of hordes of angry students outside waving

The SU are planning a major demonstration in protest at

placards greeting the Black Tie guests.

NUIG management’s policy concerning student use of the

Neither will he be savouring the idea of protests marring

Bailey Allen Hall. The protest will take place on the night

the national Labour Party Conference in April.

of the Gala Banquet outside Áras na Mac Léinn.

Because if this issue has not been resolved by then, ex NUIG SU Presidents Pat Rabbitte and Eamon Gilmore

The college authorities originally supported plans for The

who are due to attend this key conference, will in fact be

Coronas and Calvin Harris to play Bailey Allen, but in a

welcomed by irate students.

cynical move at the eleventh hour they withdrew their support. This means that they have essentially pulled the

This issue is not just about College Week gigs; it’s far

plug on a campus based College Week.

bigger than that. It is about fighting for our right to have a

sin team


Ensure that you are in Galway on Saturday March 6th.

Editor Mairéad Ní Chaoimh editor@sin.ie 087 6761067

Business Manager Andrew Cosgrove

Layout Tom Parandyk

News Editor Deirdre Judge

proper say in the running of the Hall for next year and The manner in which management changed their mind at

the future. It is a matter that concerns any student who

such a late stage is objectionable. It shows at the very

wants to participate in a Society or attend a future event

least an attitude of discourtesy towards the student body.

in the Bailey Allen.

It reflects a culture of arrogance at the highest levels of

It is vital that this mess gets sorted immediately, before

university management. And it highlights the endless red

official rules and regulations are brought in, and any more

tape that students must wade through in order to

time is lost. One thing is certain- Frank Bailey must be

organise any event.

turning in his grave.

The main reason permission was refused was because the Hall was deemed “inappropriate” for a concert.

Note from SIN Business Manager

Management were concerned about wear and tear and

Hi, hope things are going well in your college year. With

possible damage to the newly refurbished hall. Fair

that in mind we have extended the makeover

enough. However, it appears it is not OK for students to

competition, so there will be a winner every issue until

drink in the hall, but it’s OK for staff and delegates at

the last issue. We have had many entries and I hope Orla

corporate functions. It is galling to see that a completely

(who won the last competition, see inside) enjoyed it as

different set of rules apply to students.

much as we did here at Sin!

It is an appalling that this fabulous span-new facility, which students paid for themselves, is inaccessible to students.

You can enter as usual with the forms around campus; we

What other events (with or without alcohol) will also

also have set up an email: sinmakeover@gmail.com. Go on

never see the light of day based on similar unfathomable

and give it a go, as they say, "It could be you".


Andrew Cosgrove

Sub Editor Oisín Collins

Features Editor Donna Miskell

Ents Editor Sinéad Burke

Photo Editor Nick Geoghegan

Sports Editor Cian Murray

Web Editor Vacant

Literary Editor Shaun Leonard

SIN WALL Nick Geoghegan

Richard Manton

“‘Patrick Ward falling in Gort Lake'

“The use of the registration fee for

is probably the funniest You Tube

academic services equates to

video from Co Galway. Grab onto

robbery of students."

the piiiipe!"

Tom Parandyk

Kevin O’Connor

“My mama taught me not to call

“It seems that the fewer jobs there

next morning. My dad was not

are for graduates, the more

there. And the spring came so

candidates there are for student

suddenly that year.”

elections, coincidence?”

Lorraine O’Hanlon

Deirdre Judge

“Hoisted for Haiti was a brilliant

“NUIG management's production

way to raise funds for Haven, I

"The Bailey Allen fiasco" has been

wonder if it would work if it was

panned by students due to its adult

recreated in Eyre Square?”


Contributors Leah Mollica Richard Manton Lorraine O’Hanlon Grainne Coyne Aisling Walsh Gabrielle Campion Maebh McDonnell Dylan Murphy Stephen Reilly Laurie Greenfield Erin Foley Karrie Kehoe Mary McDonnell Padraig McMahon Kevin O’Connor

Distribution Nicholas Fitzgerald

continued from page 1

Management pull plug on College Week campus gigs The other reason management cited was

prepared and will be decided at a UCPMG meeting on March 1st.

continued from page 1

Staff angered by lack of consultation on UL Alliance

the potential for damage to walls and

The Irish Federation of University

carpets that holding a big event would

Teachers have reiterated these

bring. Donna said, “The situation has

sentiments and expressed

been a real smack in the face. If the Hall

disappointment that neither staff nor

is only going to be made available for

students were consulted about the

corporate events then management

alliance. Although the aim of the Alliance

should hang their heads in shame.”

is to create centres of world-class

“Why were events such as the Bailey

excellence within the universities,

Allen opening and the Connacht Rugby

questions have been raised among staff as

function allowed to use the space with

to whether a union with UL is in the best

full bars available?” asked Donna. “We

interests of NUIG. Concerns have been

didn’t even request a bar in the Hall but

expressed regarding UL’s highly focused

despite this and all our reassurances they

teaching ethos, compared with NUIG’s

still said no. It was very disappointing,

more moderate approach to a mix of

especially as member of management was

research and teaching. This move has

recently quoted in the media as saying

been viewed as possibly limiting for the

the university was “100% supportive of

future of research in Galway.

College Week. This clearly is not the

Furthermore, with science and economic

case.” An Áras na Mac Léinn meeting

development research focuses of the

held on Wednesday February 17th led to

Alliance, there are further concerns that

management conceding there were issues

the Arts and Humanities will be

that needed resolving over the use of the


Hall. A proposal of operational guidelines

There has been speculation that the

for future use of the Bailey Allen is being

At the UL Alliance launch were Dr James Browne, NUIG President with An Taoiseach Brian Cowen and Professor Don Barry, UL President

‘strategic alliance’ is in fact, a pre-emptive

President Browne that there will be no

defence against growing governmental

mandatory transferring of students

opinion that the Irish state cannot sustain

between campuses and that a fund will be

seven universities. Former EU

established to financially assist students

Commissioner Peter Sutherland has

who do voluntarily transfer between the

openly called for the number of

campuses, much like the Erasmus fund.

universities in Ireland to be reduced,

There are also hopes that students’

arguing that universities should be

degrees will have a higher value

amalgamated so that they can compete

internationally due to the alliance.

seriously on comprehensive world-class research, education and postgraduate training. However, NUIG Students Union has declared that they hope “in the long run [the alliance] will be good for the university and good for the region.” There have been assurances from

New exchange programmes with UL By Karrie Kehoe NUI Galway and the University of Limerick have agreed to form what has been described as ‘a new strategic alliance’. The announcement comes a little over a month since the government announced their decision to dissolve the National Universities of Ireland body, as well as the announcement of UCD and TCD’s innovation alliance last March. This new partnership will see the two universities pool resources, as well as focusing on the development of third and fourth level education, in the West and Mid West. The new partnership will cover some 27,000 students and 3,500 staff stretched between the two campuses. In an email circulated among students, Dr

Alcohol flowing freely at the Bailey Allen opening in January

James Browne, President of NUIG listed the many future collaboration plans

between the two universities including

Federation of University Teachers (IFUT),

involve huge avoidable cost to the

Nations website, while to date the

the establishment of a joint Medical

following a Freedom of Information Act

university – money which could be

unknown group have made no

Academy in Ballinasloe (Portiuncula) and

application, show that Irish universities

better used elsewhere – but also, we

statements and the information on their

Roscommon Hospitals, a ‘Link-to-Learn’

have paid nearly €1 million to IBEC

believe, there is an element of trying to

posters has been impossible to

programme which will facilitate a student

between 2005 and 2009 for this

intimidate staff against raising grievances

independently verify.

exchange programme between the two


even of a relatively simple nature. They

Describing their posters, the Palestine

universities and a new four year

These payments took place despite the

are being let know that they will face a

Solidarity Society stated: “[Our] posters

structured PhD programme in Digital

fact that each university has a HR

barrage of lawyers at the other side of

were designed so that it read like the

Media and Film. More details are available

department for precisely the same

the table.”

country Israel was speaking about all the

on www.nuigalway.ie/ul-alliance/.

purpose. The university also has a

IBEC describes itself as “the national

violence it had caused. All the facts put

Partnership Committee and the state

umbrella organisation for business and

up were true; they can be cross-

provides a free service for dispute

employers in Ireland”. As part of

referenced against any legal journals or

resolution through the Labour Relations

member’s benefits, the confederation


Commission and the Labour Court.

states: “Why incur expensive solicitors’

The Human Rights Society state that they

On top of these payments, the figures

fees? IBEC can negotiate with trade

have no opinion on the Israel Palestine

show the amount spent by universities in

unions on your behalf and represent you

conflict, and issued the following

hiring lawyers to deal with employees. In

at industrial relations institutions and at


2007, NUIG spent €247,794 in legal fees

employment tribunals.”

“The Human Rights society was recently

purely in respect of dealings with

SIN did not succeed in receiving a

and personally targeted with material

employees or ex-employees.

comment from NUIG HR Department at

apparently aimed at another society

According to Mike Jennings, General

the time of going to press.

entirely and concerning an issue on

NUIG pay IBEC 55,000 ‘for advice’ By Richard Manton In 2008, NUIG paid €55,952 to the Irish Business and Employer’s Confederation (IBEC) for advice in dealing with employees and industrial disputes. Over the past five years, the university has paid the confederation a total of €218,769. The figures released by the Irish

Secretary of IFUT: “IFUT has expressed

which we have no opinion or position,

serious concern over recent years that

namely the Israel/Palestine conflict. We

universities are using needlessly expensive legal teams to deal with industrial relations matters.” Jennings continued: “Not only does this

Posters defaced on NUIG campus By Karrie Kehoe Posters on campus belonging to the Human Rights and Palestine Solidarity Societies were defaced by unknown

The defaced poster

individuals on Tuesday February 9th. The Palestine Solidarity Society had posted a series of propagandist statements condemning the history of the Israeli state. By beginning each statement with the phrase ‘I am Israel’, the posters were written as though Israel was accepting its controversial political history and war record. The posters belonging to the Human Rights Society were advertising a talk by death row survivors.

feel the attack was ignorantly misplaced and are prepared to accept an apology on these grounds.” “We cannot, however, condone the form this defacement took. Our fundamental right to free expression was damaged and we strongly resent this. We challenge the perpetrators to justify their actions to us at any time, as it is our nature to encourage free debate and discussion.”

Only one third of registration fee spent on student services By Richard Manton

The vandalism consisted of covering the information of the original posters with

It has just been revealed that only €513

an opposing history of the state of Israel

of the €1,500 registration fee is actually

mimicking the style of the material of the

spent on student services. The figures,

Palestine Solidarity Society’s posters. The

which are released by the NUIG

unofficial posters were printed so that

Students’ Union in Sin today, have come

they covered the content, but not the

after weeks of exchanges between the

banners, of the Palestinian posters,

SU and university officials. The amount

making it appear that the new material

has been described as “disgraceful” by SU

was presented by the Palestine Solidarity

President Donna Cummins.

Society. Sources in the Solidarity society

The remainder of the registration fee,

assert that their information is factual

€987, is spent on services that cannot be

and has was extracted from the United

considered student services, according to the Students’ Union. The figures show

that last September, each student paid

The registration fee, which was intended


During the 'Taming the Tiger’ event

€785 towards the cost of the library,

to fund exams, registration and student

This issue was subject to a special Sin

evangelist Anthony spoke about his life as

computer services and CELT. These

services, will also be used to cover the

investigation. See feature “How they are

a bodyguard and his incarceration in the

charges come following the controversial

space costs attributable to student

fleecing us with the reg fee and cooking

notorious Nicosia Central Prison in

move earlier this year where the library,

services, which this year, for the first

the books to justify it” for comment.

Cyprus, where he was converted to

computer services (ISS) and CELT were

time, included library, ISS and CELT space


reclassified as ‘student services’ for the

costs. Students spent €104 on space

Skeptic Soc IT Officer Aaron Hastings

first time.

costs this year, of which the majority is

Cummins maintains: “The library, ISS and

due to the library, ISS and CELT.

CELT are academic services, not student

In the period since 1996, NUIG’s core

services, and therefore should come out

grant has been continuously cut, and the

of the core grant, not the registration

registration fee has been used as a

fee.” She added: “There has been a lack

subsidy. That’s according to Jim Browne

of sincerity by the university in making

who told the Galway Independent: “The

the system transparent. They are not

truth in the matter is that the fee is being

compliant with the Framework for Good

increased to compensate for cuts in

Practice in that they do not provide

block grants.”

information to students annually on the

The president defended the use of the

allocation of the registration fee.”

registration fee, saying: "The college

Issues have also been raised over the

offers a huge variety of student services

category of expenditure entitled ‘space

and these all have to be paid for. Some of

costs’. These costs include light, heat,

the registration fee would go towards

water and maintenance and are

things like computer access, keeping the

distributed amongst university buildings

library up to date, services that are

according to floor area in square metres.

essential for the students.”

The formula leads to services which

Browne went on to say that he had

cover the greatest area incurring the

sympathy for students, but the reality is

largest charge, rather than the services

that students are going to have to make

which generate the largest cost.

more of a contribution to their

Students walk out of 'Taming the Tiger' talk By Lorraine O'Hanlon The NUI Galway Christian Union Society has responded to complaints from students that it falsely advertised a talk given by former world Kung-Fu champion Tony Anthony. Posters around campus for the 'Taming the Tiger’ talk did not mention the involvement of Christian Union Soc and did not indicate that it was a Christian event. This led several students to walk out of the talk in protest at what they considered to be overtly religious content.

attended 'Taming the Tiger’ and said that he was unaware that it was organised by Christian Union Soc. "The leaflets distributed throughout the campus advertising the event contained no reference to Christian Union or the fact that Anthony's story is primarily a religious one," he said. When asked why the posters did not indicate the involvement of the society, Christian Union Soc Auditor Nathan Dancey explained that the organisers of ‘Taming the Tiger’ had provided the society with a poster template to use to promote the event. He also said that he had made a mistake by not including the society’s email address on the posters, as the email address given on flyers (tamingthetigergalway@gmail.com) did not indicate that the event was connected to the society. He added however that two large banners had

been erected outside the hall to make people aware that it was a Christian event. Dancey confirmed that some people had left the hall during the talk but he was not aware of why they had done so. He said that the banners outside should have indicated that ‘Taming the Tiger’ would be religious in tone. The involvement of the Christian Union Soc in the event was also clearly specified in an article published in the Galway Independent, on Facebook and on the NUI Galway Societies website. However IT student Hastings says that he felt "coerced" and "deceived" into attending a religious event. "This talk was falsely advertised, with no mention of its highly-religious content," he claimed. "It was downright offensive to much of the audience, including me. As such, I believe an apology from the Christian Union Society is in order." In response, Dancey has said that it was not the intention of the Christian Union Soc to coerce anyone into attending ’Taming the Tiger’ and he apologised to any students who may have felt that they were deceived by advertising for the event.

NUIG could

Conor O’Kane, an NUIG post doc business researcher raised €36,000 for Haiti after spending 48 hours in a Perspex box suspended over Fermoy

lose a counsellor By Padraig McMahon Student Support services look unlikely to retain their full-time Drug and Alcohol Counsellor despite only having to fund just under half the cost. The counsellor in question, Mark Campbell, is reaching the end of a three-year term, funded jointly by NUIG and the Western Region Drugs Task Force. Student Services have indicated that they have other priorities,

even though the WRDTF have offered to

university in line with the National Drug

continue joint funding. A surplus from last

Strategy 2009-2016, and would take the

year’s budget exists, according to the

lead in implementing the new drug

Counselling Service, which could be used

strategy. Colleagues within NUIG feel

to secure this position for at least one

the loss of this service would be ‘short-

more year, with a view to making it

sighted and ill-advised’, pointing to the

permanent. Figures released by the

growing number of “head shops” and

Student Counselling Service show the

recent findings of The Clan report which

numbers of clients using the service had

show significant problems with alcohol

increased overall by 8% in the 08/09

among students. Government proposals

period with increasing numbers

around the curtailing or licensing of

attending for alcohol related issues and

“head shops” are currently being

misuse of illegal drugs. Mark is working

discussed by the Oireachtas.

closely with university staff and students,

The Students Union are also opposed to

as well as the WRDTF and the HSE, in

the removal of the Drug and Alcohol

drafting a new Drug Policy for the

Counsellor. Welfare Officer Emma Conway told SIN, “One of the biggest mental issues facing students are excessive or illegal drug and alcohol consumption. To remove a designated counsellor in this field would be detrimental to the mental well-being of the student body. It is stupid to get rid of a Drug and Alcohol Counsellor who is being used a lot, and I’ll be backing Mark and the Counselling service in whatever action they decide.” Student Services had not commented at the time of going to press.

NUIG give 155,000 to Haiti NUI, Galway Haiti Fund coordinators: Olive Mills (School of Science), Fr Iomar Daniels, Mairead Molloy (Anatomy), Fr Diarmuid Hogan, Dolores McAndrew (Chaplaincy)

The 500 children who call St Helene’s Orphanage, Kenscoff home and the well over 1,000 critically injured being treated at the 200-bed St Damien’s Hospital in Port-au-Prince have been beneficiaries of

the outstanding generosity shown by our university community. The NUI, Galway Haiti Fund, established

A scene from Clamped by Stephen Reilly

in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, now stands at over €155,000, much of which has been contributed by students and staff. This entire sum has been forwarded to Kieran Rigney from Banagher and his colleague Gena Heraty from Westport, both of whom have worked in impoverished Haiti for almost twenty years. In the short term this money will be used to buy food for children, medicine for patients and diesel for electricity

Theatrical intrigue for the NUIG Theatre Festival

generators. In the months ahead, the

be located in Áras na Mac Léinn and An

require very good student

NUI, Galway Haiti Fund will be used to

Bialann. Another station will be open in


rebuild badly damaged buildings and

the CSI (Medicine only) from 12pm to

Equally though she sees issues closer to

facilities and to expand the range of

2pm. The count will take place in the

home also being of great concern to the

educational, medical and social services.

Bailey Allen Hall on Friday March 5th

incoming Executive. “Increasingly I’ve

Further details of this work are available

from 10am.

come to realise that while it is great to

on www.nphhaiti.org

According to Donna Cummins SU

try and improve on what we’ve got,

President the elections have generated

maintaining what we already have is

serious interest among the students.

equally important. The loss of two

“People seem to be genuinely

computer suites when students are

interested”, she said. Anyone considering

crying out for more computer access is

Theatre fever is grabbing the university

running for a position is encouraged to

an example of this.”

as students and guest theatre companies

Election time approaches

talk to members of the present Executive

By Deirdre Judge

get ready to tread the boards. From

so they get an understanding of what

Due to College Week the election for

March 1st to 5th the Theatre Festival in

these positions entail. “It is important

the part time officers will not take place

NUI Galway will take place. The theatre

Polling Day for the election of three full-

especially when it comes to campaigning

until Thursday March 25th. Nominations

space in Áras na Mac Léinn and the Bank

time Students’ Union officers will take

to be realistic. While things such as 24

will be open from Wednesday 10th of

of Ireland theatre will play host to the

place on Thursday March 4th from 10am

hour library access sound great, they

March to Tuesday 16th of March. Polling

Jerome Hynes one act play series, a

to 9pm. Nominations for candidates will

might not be achievable,” Donna added.

stations and times are as above. For

Dramsoc production of the Oscar Wilde

remain open until Wednesday February

She feels that now is a very important

further information regarding the

classic ‘Starchild’ including Mephisto’s ‘A

24th at 5pm. The three positions are SU

time to become involved with the SU,

elections check the SU website.

World’s Wife’, Waterdonkey’s ‘Love Song’

President,VP/ Education Officer and

particularly on a national scale. “Issues

and Poormouth’s production of

VP/Welfare Officer. Polling stations will

such as cutbacks in Back to Education

‘Clamped’ by Stephen Reilly. The one act play series will run throughout the week in the Bank of Ireland Theatre. This includes eleven original one acts by staff and students. These one acts are all in the running for the Jerome Hynes memorial prize which will be awarded on Friday 5th of March

SU officers clamp President Jim Browne’s car in protest at the proposed introduction of two tier parking charges

after the omnibus of the plays.

who is sexually active and thinks they

unit located in Áras na Mac Leinn beside

the best quality information quickly and

The radio play series is a new venture

may have a sexually transmitted infection

the SU office.

efficiently. By putting quality information

this year and writers of the university

(STI) or just looking to become more

have taken up the challenge to write,

aware about their sexual health, to come

produce, direct and record the plays

to the clinic and avail of free sexual

themselves. These plays will be

health information along with free STI

Hate assignments?

into your assignments, you will achieve

broadcasted during the theatre festival in

screenings and treatments. The easiest

association with the university radio

way is to ‘drop in’ to the newly

station, Flirt FM. The launch will take

renovated GUM clinic, which is located

place on Thursday 4th of March.

just off campus opposite the maternity

Sure, many students hate doing

there to answer your questions and give

When asked about the preparations for

unit in the hospital (UCHG). The clinic

assignments, those necessary evils that


the festival Riona Hughes, Societies

provides free STI screening and operates

have to be completed to a deadline so

Monday 22 February: Arts and Social

Officer said ‘Áras na Mac Leinn is alive

using an anonymous system of mobile

that, after three or more years, a degree


with rehearsals at the moment. If the

numbers rather than names. They also

is awarded. Even I, an aging librarian, can

Tuesday 23 February: Science,

preparations are anything to go by, we

provide free treatment of infections.

remember those last minute panics, as I

Engineering, Nursing, Medicine, Health

are all in for a real treat’.

Symptoms of STI’s include pain when

tried to gather the information required


The theatre festival is open to everyone.

having sex, unusual vaginal discharge,

to do the assignment. Somebody else

Wednesday 24 February: Law and

Tickets will go on sale soon, for more

bleeding between periods, a discharge

always had the book that I needed. It


information check out

from the penis or a sore lump or rash in

always seemed that I had plenty of time

So take advantage of their expertise


the genital area. Dr Emma Kilgarriff, GP

to get it all together, but the eleventh

before the deadlines get any closer.

at Whitehall Medical Centre advises any

hour always arrived unexpectedly.

If you can’t make it on the day, don’t fret

students experiencing symptoms to

Does that sound familiar? You could make

too much, since there is always someone

“contact the Gums clinic, student health

things much easier for yourself, and learn

from the subject teams available in the

unit, or their GP immediately” and also

to love working on assignments, - well,

information offices. Don’t be shy about

recommends “both male and female

almost love. Working in the Library are

going through a door, since you will be

students use condoms and have STI

teams of Subject Librarians and

very welcome.

screens as appropriate”.

Information Assistants. They can help you

The Gum clinic holds ‘walk in’ sessions

locate the ‘hidden’ information that you

on Monday afternoons at 1.50pm,

need, and you should understand that

Wednesday mornings at 8.50am and

there is a vast amount of information

Wednesday afternoons at 1.50pm. These

available in the Library. Through offering

sessions work on a first come-first-

advice and training, our subject teams can

served basis. Otherwise, appointments

point you to the best resources to use,

can be made by phoning (091) 525200.

both print and electronic.

Students can also visit the student health

With their help, you will be able to locate

How to get the shag you need! By Erin Foley Sexual health awareness and guidance (SHAG) should be pursued by students all year, not just during shag week, advises the Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) Clinic. The GUM clinic advises anyone

greater satisfaction and better grades.You will also leave yourself more time for living. For three days the Library’s subject

By Laurie Greenfield

teams will be in the Library foyer between 11am and 3pm. They will be

Next Sin deadline Thursday March 4th, 9am

Web Editor wanted for www.sin.ie Closing date for applications: Friday March 5th, 5pm

Sinners Night Out Thurs Feb 25th Massimo, 9pm

Next Sin Meeting Wednesday Feb 24th 6pm – 7pm Meeting Room 2 Áras na Mac Léinn All Welcome Drink Aware have launched a sensible drinking campaign which will involve placing life size images of passed out drunk students in NUIG toilet cubicles

Knowing Me/ Knowing You

Society Questionnaire 1. What is your society?

7. What is your society’s favourite colour?

GiGsoc (Gay in Galway)

Multi :P

2. In five words or less how would you describe your society?

8. If your society had an action figure, who would it be?

Fun, safe, educational, empowering, craic.

A mix and match collection of Barbie and Ken Dolls.

3. What are you looking forward to doing the most this year?

9. Who do you look up to the most?

SLQS - Smells Like Queen Spirit, next semester’s best alternative music event.

My Mammy.

4. How did you get involved in your society in the first place?

10. If your society was a board game, what would you be?

I joined on Socs Day 06; the New Members Liaison Officer talked me into it, now


I’m the Co-Auditor!

11. What would your society’s theme tune be?

5. What is the greatest challenge your society has overcome?

Cagney and Lacey theme tune (2nd season)

Hehe lets not get into the greatest, but we have overcome many challenges!

12. What’s your society’s Motto?

6. If your society had to run from a burning building what one thing

Gay is not what you are it is a part of who you are – Personal Motto.

would you bring with you?

13. What is the meaning of life?

The GiGsoc banner- that was one expensive mofo banner!

According to the Dulux ad it’s a powerful thing.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Madame, On Monday February 8th the Life Society

disseminated by the media. I would suggest that the people filing

hosted a pro-life Chalk Day which generated

objections do something constructive

a great deal of interest both positive and

instead. They could come with us every

negative. Due to the extraordinary good

week to help women in crisis pregnancies

weather, the life messages we drew in front

for instance. They could help educate people

of the library were visible throughout the

about the miraculous and amazing

remainder of the week. We have since had

development of the unborn child or offer

complaints filed against us and our posters

assistance to women with Post-Abortion

have been vandalised as well as stolen. One

Syndrome grieving over the loss of their

arrogant young man said he was going to

aborted child. Not only would they be

have us disbanded. As we had permission for

helping other people, but their ignorance

the Chalk Day and broke no regulations, I

and disregard for life would soon melt away,

am astonished that these troublemakers

replaced by wonder and respect for the

maintenance grant would be available to me.

economic reasons. It was also designed to

think they have a right to behave in such a

great mystery and infinite value of a unique,

Indeed it was the availability of these monies

help redress the poor representation of this

unrepeatable human person.

that made going back to college financially

marginalised demographic in third level

possible. Halfway through my course in

education. Once again it is those most in

fashion. They dumped soapy water on all the messages in an attempt to erase them and

NUIG members of Grants for Mature Students

scrawled disgusting graffiti nearby such as

Mise le meas,

January, it emerged that the government had

need of a helping hand who shall lose out

'Eat your Fetus' and 'Stop Breeding'.

Maria Mahoney

made cuts in education. So when I finish my

from these cuts. I have personally spoken

Life Society (Auditor)

Access course in May and go on to do my

with many of the students on the course,

were the product of only a small handful of

arts degree in September, I will then be

who have told me they no longer feel

people and we were able to engage in many

eligible for BTEA, which I am not on at the

financially secure enough to continue on to

constructive discussions with students

moment. But this will disqualify me for the

their arts degree.

throughout the day. Many students stopped

Dear Madame,

maintenance grant.

to read and ponder the messages which

I am contacting you with regard to the

ranged from the serious to the light-hearted:

recent cuts in education grants. I am

no longer be able to pursue my goal of

who claimed to be committed to education.

'Abortion: One Heart Stops, One Heart

currently a mature student in an Access

returning to full-time education. For the

Perhaps in the dazzling lights of the

Breaks'; 'Life is Precious'; 'Defend Life'; 'Viva

course in NUIG. Access is a part time

government to expect us mature students,

Oireachtas its hard for the Minister to see

la Vida'; 'Let the Born Care for the Unborn';

preparation course for entry into a full time

already paying the weekly bills of an

the social inequity of these cuts.

'Its Grand to Stand by the Unborn'; 'Life is

degree program. This course is designed to

independent life, to now incur the added

Unfortunately many Access students can see

the First Right'; 'Take My Hand, Not My Life'.

get people from a socio/economic

expense of full time education on top of this,

all too clearly. What they see is the end of

How can anyone take exception to such

disadvantaged background into third level

and survive on €196 a week, is extremely

the road for their dreams of third level

basic human sentiments? Vitriolic reactions, I



education, and the possibilities it would

Fortunately, such anti-life sentiments

suppose, are to be expected whenever

When I started this course last

If this continues to be the case I will

This course was designed to give a

anyone undermines the lucrative abortion

September, it was on the premise that both

second chance to those who missed out the

industry and its marketing slogans, currently

the Back to Education Allowance and the

first time in education, for various social and

I am hugely disappointed with this situation and feel let down by a government

bring. Naoise McDonagh

By re-categorising the library, computer services and CELT as student services, NUIG (in collusion with the HEA) has been using registration fees to subsidise core university activities for over a decade. To make things worse, the university has been using creative accountancy and vague titles to cover their tracks.

Tuition related or Student Service? Library Cost: €6.6 million* Role: The James Hardiman Library is one of the most vital parts of the university. Along

Registration Fee

with the book and journal services, the

The Student Services Levy (a.k.a. registration fee)

library provides e-resources, multimedia

makes up €1,500 of the Non-Tuition Charge that

resources, study space, assistive technology

NUIG students pay to get in the door of the

and much more. Without the library, the

university. The fee was introduced in 1996 following the abolition of full third level fees. According to the Department of Education in 1996, the fee was

How they are fleecing us with the reg fee and cooking the books to justify it Special SIN Investigation

intended to be used for exams and registration and for student services such as the students’ union,

only one third of the registration fee is spent on student services, Richard

the SU as the amount corresponding to genuine

Cost: €4.4 million*

Student Services, which are then subsidised by the

Role: Information Solutions and Services

university to the tune of an extra 30%. However, over the last 13 years, the registration fee has been used to pay for all types of expenditure and so has risen astronomically. Starting at a modest

integral part of the university. As well as maintaining computer suites and accounts, ISS provides email, internet, intranet and

2001 and to €670 in 2002 before eventually being

wireless connections. ISS also provides

hiked up from €900 to €1500 last year; for statistics

technical support in lecture theatres and

buffs that’s a 700% increase since 1996.

other learning environments.

Each increase in the registration fee has come at the

Although, elements of this are student

same time as cuts in the core grant from the state to

services, the overwhelming amount is tuition related. Courses such as science and engineering could not be offered without

has consciously tried to shift third level funding from

the software and hardware provided by ISS.

central taxation to student contributions.

Nearly every other course in NUIG makes

In that sense, one could sympathise with the

use of facilities such as Blackboard, printing,

university authorities in the challenge they face to

photocopying and email.

get extra funding for their institutions. Underfunding

Verdict: Tuition related

is the fault of successive Ministers for Finance and Ministers for Education, not universities. That said, the way that the universities have gone about getting this extra funding has been underhanded and has

Manton takes a closer look


(ISS) a.k.a. Computer Services is also an

£150 (€190) in 1996, it was increased to €396 by

been completely at students’ expense.

and gives his take on the

Verdict: Tuition related a

Computer Services (ISS)

even before the crisis in the public finances, the state

Following the revelation that

service in NUIG.

The €513 amount of the €1,500 was calculated by

coupled with registration fee increases shows that

Richard Manton

lecturers, it is possibly the most vital tuition

clubs and societies.

the universities. This history of core grant cuts


university would struggle to function. After

CELT Cost: €1.5 million* Role: The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) is responsible for:

Library, ISS and CELT

academic staff development, audiovisual

“If the institutes and colleges are not providing

services, learning technologies, An

services at €1,500 per student, they won’t go up. If

Teanglann (language labs), teaching &

they can prove the services are above that, then obviously that’s a consideration that we’ll take into account.” – Batt O’Keeffe, 12th October 2009. Some time in early 2009, informal advice was given

learning policy, civic engagement & service learning and Blackboard. Nothing on this list can be portrayed as a student service –

to the seven universities from the Higher Education

all are tuition related.

Authority (HEA) to reclassify libraries, computer

Verdict: Tuition related

services (ISS) and other academic services (i.e. CELT) as ‘student services’. These services had never before

Societies, clubs, SU, healthcare, counselling etc.

been classed as student services, and of course are

Verdict: Student Services

not student services. They are tuition or academic related (see Tuition related or Student Services?). To facilitate this move, a whole range of ‘creative

*Excludes space costs

accountancy’ was employed - the overall aim being to increase the figure under the ‘student services’ heading in universities’ expenditure accounts. With this

Genuine Student Services

done, the universities could justify last year’s registration fee increase and could

One can only imagine how far the university will take the idea of space costs and

even lobby for a further increase in the near future - as suggested by Batt

student services. What else will they come up with to include? In Trinity, animal

O’Keeffe in the quote above.

research is included as a student service even though it’s used exclusively for

It is clear that this was a premeditated and long-term move. In the universities’

academic research. In UCC, President Con Murphy has said that he considered

submission to the joint Oireachtas committee, the accounts were specifically

whether filling potholes is a student service!

structured to show that the full amount of the registration fee goes to ‘student

With this kind of logic, the justification is there for the terming of tuition itself as

services’. They even went one further and claimed that the registration fee isn’t

a student service and, therefore, the increase of the Student Services levy to the

enough, that the universities subsidise what they term ‘student services’.

magnitude of €6,000. Then we’re back to a situation of full fees in all but name. At the same time as the registration fee is used to subsidise tuition related

Space Costs

activities, some real student services are getting little or no funding. Students

A key part of the creative accountancy and underhanded maneuverings has been

must pay for services such as the crèche and will have to pay for parking in the

the use of vague titles for certain items of expenditure. Nowhere is this more

near future. Services such as counselling have been subject to staff cuts. Students

evident than with ‘space costs’. The idea of space costs is simple – costs

even have to pay for a gym, built with their own money, because the

connected with light, heat, water and maintenance etc.

university was never going to build a gym of its own

The sly bit comes in how space costs are



calculated and distributed.

Fleeced with fees

Until now, it was never that important for the university to

Following these revelations, the

distribute space costs

underhanded moves, the

between the different

creative accountancy

• Space Associated with Student Facilities

buildings and departments - it

and the appalling lack of student





Now, however, in an

would be

ent services Genuine stud

well within their



rights to




either of


the following:


(a) that

bill for


‘student services’,


rvices Computer Se

for genuine



university has

services is

put a figure on

ramped up to

the amount of

the full €15

space costs that

million that is

they believe

brought in by the

corresponds to these

registration fee; or (b) the

‘student services’. In one way, this is fair – the health unit, societies etc. incur costs for heating and lighting etc. which are necessary to provide these genuine student services. But it’s not that simple. The majority of space costs actually correspond to the all new student

registration fee is immediately reduced to the order of €750 or lower. The underfunding of universities is the most important issue facing third level. With the introduction of full fees ruled out by the current government and extremely unlikely to

services of the library, ISS and CELT. Furthermore, the method for distributing

be introduced under a FG/Labour government, the only options left open are the

space costs beggars belief.

status quo or a significant increase in state funding through the core grant.

The university doesn’t have figures for the space costs for each building (or at

In this author’s opinion, Jim Browne and other university officials need to pull the

least haven’t installed meters for each). Figures only exist for the expenditure on

thumb out and put real pressure on the government by making this underfunding

electricity, water etc. for the university as a whole. Therefore, space costs have

a media issue, an election issue and a talking point in wider society. Just as the

been distributed according to the floor space, in square metres, of each building.

university can’t continue on such a low core grant, neither can students continue

This has led to a massive and unfair charge for the space costs of genuine student

to be fleeced under the guise of student services.

services like PE and sport, just because these facilities cover a large area in square metres.

Paid for by the SU and printed in Sin. Contact us! Our offices are located upstairs in Áras na Macléinn, www.su.nuigalway.ie

Anti-Social Behaviour Guys, please think about your actions and the consequences you face. Anti-Social Behaviour will not be tolerated by anyone, so have some sense and bare this in mind:

What YOUR officers have been up to…

* Keep the Noise down * Respect your Neighbours * Respect your homes

It’s been ages since we last gave you an

UCPMG, headed to Letterkenny to meet

update on what’s been happening so we

the guys from USI and to top it all off, I

thought we’d give you a brief rundown of

haven’t managed to break any limbs this

what we’ve been up to.


Donna “I have been working on; The

Padraic “I have created a petition stating

renovation of The Hub, acquiring a

that the buildings office should be more

transparent breakdown of your registration

accountable to students. I attended various

fee and ensuring it is being spent fairly, the

meetings across campus and I’ve helped

SU Elections 2010

organisation of College Week events,

societies with some of their events. I’ve also

It’s coming up to that time of year again and maybe you have

ensuring the cost of food and drink in the

had some casework. I have chaired a few

realised that you have your own unfulfilled political aspirations. If

SU outlets are being kept as low as possible,

societies’ forums and I also attend National

so please note the following dates:

fighting for a guarantee from the University

Council in Letterkenny”

that student facilities are not being hijacked

Oisin “I’ve spent some time out in the

Sabbatical Elections (President, Vice-President/Education, Vice-

for non-student uses, clamping President

Acadamh helping the folks out there. I went


Browne’s car on a mandate issued by Class

to Green Week and Muscailt events. I also

Nominations open: 09:15 Thursday 18th February 2010

Reps and getting the Laptop Purchase

did loads of work during SHAG Week like

Nominations close: 17:00 Wednesday 24th February 2010

Scheme in place for September so we can

handing out the packs. I sat on discipline

Withdrawals close: 17:00 Friday 26th February 2010

get better value.”

committee too. I’ve really been preoccupied

Polling: 10:00-21:00 Thursday 4th March 2010

Emmet “I chaired various Class Reps

with getting stuff ready for Seachtain Na

meetings, advised many students by email,

Gaeilge and helping promote College Week.

Part-time Elections (Oifigeach na Gaeilge, Equality, SDO, Clubs,

phone and drop ins; I attended several

Sinead: “I have been busy planning

Societies, Postgrad)

University meetings where I represented

Rainbow Week, doing some casework, doing

Nominations open: 09:15 Wednesday 10th March 2010

students’ interests. I also worked on

some epic work for SHAG Week, appearing

Nominations close: 17:00 Tuesday 16th March 2010

College Week plans and I’m currently

in the SHAG Week video and handing out

Withdrawals close: 17:00 Friday 19th March 2010

helping co-ordinate a campaign against the

SHAG Packs, coming out to my T.D,

Polling: 10:00 – 21:00 Thursday 25th March 2010

removal of maintenance grants from BTEA

attended various events, went to USI’s

students. This involved me doing interviews

Activist Academy and probably more stuff I

Further information and nomination forms available from the SU

with TV3, Flirt FM and iRadio, press releases,

can’t remember because I’m concussed”


paper interviews and contacting all

Shane “I have been mad at work with

Oireachtas members and arranging

coursework; went along to the handball

meetings with them”

intervarsity along with other games, still

Emma “I have been up to my eyes these

helping out clubs who needed some

past few weeks with Student Assistance

assistance, met up with University

Fund stuff, running around doing work for

management at UCPMG and was the brains

Tickets are now on sale for the big College Week gigs from the

SHAG Week like handing out the packs,

behind the highly successful Clubs Ball”

Students’ Union office. The gigs are: Mon 8th March – The Coronas

doing interviews and appearing in the

Jason “I’ve been doing a fair bit of casework

& The Chapters will be playing the Radisson Late Lounge. Tickets are

SHAG Week video (look it up on YouTube,

in the last few weeks. I’ve attended Class

€15 (€20 Non NUI Galway Students). Over 18’s event. Doors 8pm.

it’s banned in certain countries!) and doing

Reps meetings and I’ve had several meetings

Mon 8th March – Comedian Jason Byrne & Jarlath Regan will be on

the odd residence run with some

with the Dean of Postgraduate Studies and

in the O’hEocha Theatre, Arts Millennium Building. Tickets are €8.

volunteers; I’ve had tons of casework, be it

other departments. I’ve also attended

Doors 8pm. Weds 10th March – Calvin Harris DJ Set in the Black

through email or text as well as people

regular exec meetings.”

Box. Tickets are €25 (€30 Non NUI Galway Students). Over 18’s

popping in to see me. I spent time working

Anunt “Well a few of the things I’ve been

event. Doors 8pm. SOLD OUT We have 2 pairs of tickets for Jason

with the counselling service, went along to

up to over the past few weeks are attending

Byrne up for grabs if you can answer the following question: Name

the JIGSAW mental health services launch, I

the opening of Muscailt, Green Week, SHAG

the 2010 College Week charities. Email your answer and phone

spent ages at the discipline committee and

Week and attending exec meetings and the

number to studentsunion@nuigalway.ie before 5pm on Tuesday

listened to University management at

usual case work which is keeping me busy.”

23rd February to be in with a chance of winning.

* If you are caught behaving in an anti-social way it could result in suspension and a criminal conviction. (No J1s, no entry to Australia etc.)

College Week Tickets Now On Sale!

College Week Charities Here is where the College Week money

dementia, their families and carers with

is going. We want to raise as much

the necessary support to maximise their

money as possible and if you have any

quality of life.

fundraising ideas then drop us a line at

Peter McVerry Trust supports young


homeless people to break the cycle of

COPE Galway is a Galway charity that

homelessness and move towards

provides services to the most isolated in

independent living through the provision

our community including a refuge for

of a continuum of care services.

women and children affected by

Habitat for Humanity welcomes all

domestic violence, accommodation for

people-regardless of race, religion,

those experiencing homelessness and

ethnicity or any other difference-to

sustenance and social supports for older

build simple, decent, affordable houses

people at home.

with those who lack adequate shelter.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland is a

Our own Fr. Iomar Daniels and a team

national voluntary organisation with an

of NUI, Galway students and leaders,

extensive national network of branches,

will once again travel abroad to help

regional offices and services that aims to

build houses for the poor in Bangladesh,

provide people with all forms of

India in late May/early June 2010.

The SU Sessions – Mugger Dave On Tuesday 9th March our Mini Triathlon returns with a 5km run, 10km

The SU Sessions present Mugger

cycle and 500m Swim. If you think you are tough enough to complete this

Dave on Tuesday the 23rd of

challenge you need to raise €25 minimum to enter. You can sign up in the

February at 7pm.

SU, the Sports Centre (Kingfisher) or Dangan and collect a sponsorship card. Registration on the day is at the Sports Centre and all participants

True to their belief in "loud and live",

get a free t-shirt and lunch.

Galwegian trio Mugger Dave recorded

Remember NUI Galway Students’ Union College Week events support the

and mixed their own E.P with

following charities: COPE Galway, the Alzheimer Society of Ireland

confidence in their experience, having

(Western Branch), Peter McVerry Trust and Habitat for Humanity.

rehearsed and gigged extensively since the formation of the band in 2007. The Irish Times recently hailed them as one

College Week Fire Walk – Wednesday 10th of March

of Irelands most promising bands! Pop/Rock trio 'Mugger Dave' comprise of Simon Noble (Lead Vocals / Guitar), Seán Herriott (Bass / Backing Vocals) & Níall Curran (Drums). The band’s intention from the start was to play a collection of pop songs as loud and as forcibly as possible by a power trio. The group's collective experience shows in the tightness of their performance, with all three members knowing exactly what they want to create: a hard-hitting rock band, with catchy, feel-good melodies reminiscent of the Kinks, underlined by driving bass lines and a heavy, no-nonsense, drumbeat. Their energetic live shows are driven by the powerhouse rhythm section and overlaid with unique melodies and imaginative harmonies.

Spaces for this years Fire Walk are filling up fast so if you are interested in Simon describes his lyrics as being "an

this amazing challenge call up to the SU office to sign up! To secure your

infectious blend of coy coyness and

place you must raise a minimum of €250 by 5pm on Monday the 1st of

social satire". ‘Listen hard and listen

March. Sponsorship cards are available from the Students’ Union at which

well’- is their request to you.

point your €50 deposit must be paid. Please note that places on the fire walk are strictly limited to 50 participants. For further information on the

‘Mugger Dave have Immediately

Fire Walk call up to the Students’ Union for an information pack.

distinctive, powerfully tight and forceful music- Custom Made for Radio, expect HOTPRESS.

We Need Your Ideas

The SU Sessions are a free weekly event

The SU plan to renovate The Hub in Áras na MacLeinn so it can be used

open to the public and hosted by NUI,

as a student common room. Plans so far include sofas, a TV, and pool

Galway Students’ Union in An Bialann

tables. If you would like to see anything else included in this space let us

(The Canteen NUIG) every Tuesday at

know. The renovations should be completed in September of 2010. Let us

7pm. www.myspace.com/thesusessions .

know by emailing us at studentsunion@nuigalway.ie

to hear a lot more from Mugger Dave’-

Every year the Irish Blood Transfusion Service sends

transmissible diseases are more common in

out thousands of letters, advertisements and

homosexual men than in others. They may not

requests for people to donate blood. However, none

comprise the majority of such infections in the

of these ever mention that, for practicing

community, but they do form a higher-than-average

homosexual men, there is a blanket ban on giving

risk category, in so far as they form a category at all”.


However, he has also highlighted the fact that, “Only

Many would raise the question ‘why?’. Why is it that,

a small minority of homosexual men are at risk. The

according to the website of the Irish Blood

notion that all gay men are at risk is offensive”.

Transfusion Service, under ‘Safety Measures’ it states,

Dr Murphy illustrated the transfusion service’s view

“ Never give blood if you are a male who has ever

upon the matter: “Transfusion services worldwide

had anal or oral sex with another male, even if a

are scarred by their previous mishandling of

condom or other form of protection was used”. Sin

emerging diseases and are understandably very

spoke to Student Union Equality Officer, Sinéad

cautious about moving from one fairly secure

Dolan, to get her views upon the campaign, and

position to another, perhaps less secure one”. He

people’s reactions to it. “It started in the 80s with

went on to state, “Nevertheless it would be a far

the AIDS crisis,” Sinéad said. “People weren’t having

better position for human and societal reasons if the

safe sex and gay men had a higher chance of getting

transfusion services were to remove the ban on

the disease.” IBTS National Medical Director, Dr

homosexual men.”

William Murphy, writing for the Irish Times stated,

There are other unfortunate side effects to the ban,

“In the early 80’s there was no test for the virus

“The thing is often because gay men don’t give blood

[AIDS], however it was known that there was an

gay women don’t either. I guarantee you if there was

epidemic of the virus among gay men. As an

a blood drive tomorrow and that law was

emergency measure gay men were barred from

overturned today, 90% of the blood donated would

donating blood.” Dr Murphy went on to point out,

be gay”. According to Sinéad, as part of the campaign,

“It worked. By the time a test for the virus appeared,

the gay and lesbian community involved will often

the rate of transmission by blood donation had fallen

protest with placards, which do not condemn or

precipitously and thousands of lives had been saved”.

interrupt the blood donation, but in fact encourage

There are basic tests taken on all blood donated to

and inform: “ We march with signs that say things

the Irish Blood Transfusion Service. Mirenda O’

like, ‘Give blood because we can’t’”. But what is the

Donovan, Head of Corporate Affairs in the IBTS

goal here? Is it an immediate overturn of the law in

stated, “The IBTS tests all blood donations

question? “We would like it just looked at and

collected. This testing is carried out at our Centres

investigated, then maybe it’ll be seen that it is

in Dublin and Cork. Every donation is tested for

outdated”. The opportunity to give blood would be

Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis and HIV.” As to the

highly valued by those who are denied it simply

exclusion of homosexual men from blood donation,

because of their sex; Sinéad concluded, “It’s giving

Ms O’ Donovan commented, “This policy is in place

homophobia a basis.”

in many blood transfusion services in the Western

It is understandable why the ban upon gay men from

world.” However, Sinéad pointed out, “Women who

donating blood was introduced in the 80’s, but it

have anal sex only have to wait three months before

would seem that the issue needs to be revisited. It

giving blood”. This begs the question as to why it is

relates to a world beyond the AIDS crisis, one which

different for men. She also highlighted the

has moved on from stereotypes and has new health

conscientious nature of gay men in regards to their

considerations. However, as things stand, we shall

sex life: “Safe sex for gay men is a kind of obsession”.

simply have to wait and see if change can occur in

Dr Murphy has countered: “Infections with sexually

the transfusion services.

Why can’t gay men donate blood? by Méabh McDonnell

Méabh McDonnell explains why gay men are not permitted to donate blood.

YES to

NO to



by Emmet Connolly

by Janet Larkin

The NUIG Students’ Union has

who, at some point during

Every student in NUI, Galway is

the cost and quality of food in

achieved a lot for students in

college, end up stressed out

automatically a member of the

the College Bar, a SU-run

the past. They’ve been involved

with academic or personal

Union and as with every Union,

venture, and An Bhialann; I can’t

in dozens of campaigns aimed at

issues, the SU is always there to

the members are guaranteed

help but feel that we’re not

defending students’ interests

help, and is far from being

benefits in exchange for paying a

getting bang for our buck. It

and helping to create a better


membership fee. But what

seems that the Union has

college environment. SU

The SU is your voice. It is the

benefits are NUIG Students

become a superficial body

officers have led students in

sole representative body for the

getting from the Union? The

concerned with fun activities to

protest against fees and

16,000 students in this

Union is failing when the price

entertain the general student

cutbacks, shoddy

University. It has 13,000 full

of food and alcohol is more

populous. The problem of

accommodation and safety

members who pay €25 each

expensive on campus than it is

computer suites on campus has

issues. This year, we have been

year as part of the student levy.

off-campus, and university

been long-running but with

involved in running campaigns

It employs almost 100 people

administration force hundreds

more students than ever

about parking on campus, grant

across four commercial

of people to queue for hours so

attending NUIG, how can the

cuts for back-to-education

operations- the SU Shop,

that they can register for their

Students’ Union stand by while

students, pushing for the

Smokies, The Wall, and the

chosen modules. The Students’

computer suites on the Arts

Student Support Bill which will

College Bar. Many of these staff

Union has become a redundant

Science Concourse are being

greatly help students on grants,

are full-time students who get

organisation. Compared to the

closed down? The problems

and the successful anti-fees

work part-time to earn enough

80’s, I can’t help but feel that

with university administration

campaign earlier in the year that

to stay in college. For those

the will to fight the good fight

and red tape are endless. Any

stopped students facing a bill of

students who earn their living

on behalf of students has gone.

member of a society will know

€8,000 per year of college. In

from the Union, it is far from

And it is not because there is

the headache induced by the

addition to these campaigns, we

being redundant.

nothing left to fight for. While

words ‘Buildings Office’ and any

also run the annual Sexual

Ultimately, the Union is needed

Students’ Unions were

student will groan at the

Health (SHAG), Mental Health,

because without it we would

campaigning for contraception

thought of studying in the

and Green week campaigns, as

not be able to act as one unit,

in the 80s, our own SU can’t

library during exam season.

well as raising money during

as one voice. We would not be

even campaign for things like

These are basic problems

College Week, with €32,000

heard by the university or by

gay rights, but can organise one

students encounter on a day-to-

being collected last year for

the Government. As members

hell of a pyjama party. The one

day basis in NUIG, and as every

four deserving charities.

of a Union you know there are

big challenge the Union faces

officer of the SU has

A key part of our work is

people working on your behalf

was the fight against fees, and

experienced these problems,

advising students. Every day we

so that you don’t have to be

even that was only won because

you’d think that more would be

have students coming to ask, in

always protesting or wishing

the Green Party needed to

done to combat them. The SU

confidence, for advice on almost

things could be better. When

show that it hadn’t lost all of its

has become answerable to the

any issue you can think of that

times get tough and students

backbone, nothing to do with

university; its new missions are

could affect you during your

are threatened, the Union is

the work of Students’ Unions.

to have the most colourful t-

college life. We have a full-time

ready to mobilise and lead the

The average college student is

shirts for SHAG week and the

Education and Welfare Officers

student population to defend

more concerned with getting

coolest bands for College Week.

to help students who have fallen

their interests. Having a strong

the cheapest pint possible than

At a time when bureaucracy is

on hard times, need help or

and well-led Students’ Union is

the bilingual policy of the

strangling student activity, is it

advice, or just someone to have

in the interests of all students

university, and the Union is

not time that the SU stood up

a chat with when things get too

here in NUI Galway and is far

either ignoring or overlooking

for us? It would seem the

much for them. For students

from redundant.

this. There’s a disparity between

answer is a resounding no.

If you’re not convinced either way or want more information on this Head2Head topic, come to the Kirwan Theatre at 7pm on March 4th where there will be a debate on whether the Students’ Union matters to students today!

Head 2 Head - presenting two sides of the story

Janet Larkin tells you why the Students’ Union has passed its sell by date and no longer matters to students while Emmet Connolly, SU Education Officer, argues that it still has an important role to play.

Human Chess, N i c k


Matt Watkin, Nursing, as Hungover Man post Nursing

Sinead Dolan, Equality officer, as Misty from Pokemon

Peirce Hennegan as James Bond

Cian Larkin as a Ghostbuster

NUIG mystery tour a success by Sean Burke and Lorna Taaffe NUIG’s first year mystery tour was organised by Sean Burke and Lorna Taaffe,

bouncer on each bus and only a small number of students acting up on the night.

two first year accountancy students. Lorna and Sean are also Auditor and Vice

There were problems on the night with a few students drinking too much prior

Auditor of the Accountancy and Finance Society. The tour has been hailed a

to entering the bus leaving the organisers with no option but to refuse them

massive success. The mystery tour was advertised mainly through leaflets in

entry to the bus. Students were also frisked on entering the nightclub with a

Corrib Village over a mere three days and managed to sell out 300 tickets in less

significant amount of drink being confiscated which left a few students unhappy.

than three hours. The organisers admitted there were a few glitches with

Buses departed from Limerick at 2.50 am and went to a Supermac’s branch on

organising security, buses, the nightclub and overselling tickets which left them

the Ennis Road which had an agreement with the organisers to have a late

pulling an all nighter the night before to get everything in order. But overall

opening just for the students. There was a problem with a large number of

students who were lucky enough to secure a ticket are hailing it as the best first

students going against the organisers’ advice and not returning to the buses to

year event of 2010. Buses left at 7.30 pm and went straight to a Gort nightclub

return to Galway but overall the night went to plan with Roisin McInerney saying

where students stayed for two hours, then arrived in Limerick at 11.30 pm to go

she and her friends had an epic night and would definitely attend the mystery

to the Icon nightclub. Students are saying the event was organised well with a

tour Sean and Lorna plan on organising for 2011.

Ball Season, L e a h

Jacinta Conway, Carla Fraser, Edaine Carroll, Edel Murphy at the Law Ball

Katherine Wade and Lorcan Burke at the Law Ball

Chris Droney and Andrew Glynn at the Law Ball

Fiona Kennedy, Claire Walsh and Alice Clerkin

Triana Jacon, Kelly McCale, Kenvin Gorman, Sarah McDermott, Marian Greene at the Law Ball

Ken Walsh,Valda Jegorova, Ciaran McCabe at the Arts Ball

Annmarie Biggins, Claire Walsh, Teresa Macken at the Law ball

Mollica and Matt Burke

Eva Henshaw, Avril Smyth, Aimee Brennan at the Arts Ball

Rico Casey, John Tormey, Ray Darcy, Ciara McGin

Paul O'Reilly and Fiona McGowan at the Carnevale Ball

Lisa Halpin, Stephanie Casol and Ann-Marie Fox

Paul Coleman, Dolores Reilly, Nollaig O'Seannlain, Rory Gavin, Lorna Ruane at the Law ball

Nora Ni Dhomhnaill, Aideen MacInerney, Michael McNally, Tona Roduibh, Arts Ball organizers

Where's your

head at?

Galway Head Shop

by Kevin O'Connor

The latest debate about shutting down headshops ignores the real issues, argues Kevin O'Connor.

Headshops have come under fierce criticism recently,

cause a bad reaction, the customer won't come back

but instead of having a reasoned debate about the

and profits will drop. If the shops are regulated by

issue, things seem to be devolving into mass hysteria.

the government instead of closed down, the

If you don't know what a headshop is, it's a place

products can be taxed more heavily, or if the shops

where anyone can buy legal alternatives to drugs

are made to obtain a licence, the sellers can be

such as ecstasy, cannabis, hallucinogens and cocaine

screened for criminal records, while encouraging

which use a mix of legal chemicals or herbs to mimic

them to take care whom they sell to. All of this

the affects of these substances. Other, more exotic,

would help to ensure these products aren't abused.

but less powerful drugs are also available. The shops

Nobody seems to be taking into account the jobs

also sell 'drug paraphernalia' such as pipes, bongs,

that this industry creates, from the people actually

grow lamps, cannabis seeds, cocaine spoons and the

working in the shops around the country, to the

ubiquitous Bob Marley t-shirts.

people who deliver the products.

The latest media meltdown regarding headshops has

Stopping real crime.

been boiling over for the past four weeks due to

If the assertions that the headshops that have been

dedicated (one sided) coverage on Liveline. We have

supposedly burned down were fire bombed by drugs

heard from distraught parents and radio callers who

gangs are true, then surely this proves that the

range from ill-informed hysterics ("They're smoking

headshops are catering to casual drug users who

hemp and giving it to kids.") to genuinely worried

would otherwise rely on criminals to supply them

parents of young adults whose children have taken a

with pills or cannabis. They have tried the headshop

liking to these 'legal highs' in an unhealthy way. In the

products and have not gone back to the dealers. Real

past two weeks, the same number of headshops have

crime prevention in action without one extra hour

burned down in Dublin, with arson suspected in both

of Garda overtime. The half a million euro in cash

cases. One of the suspected motives is that the

found in the headshop could be seen as half million

shops were burned down by Dublin drug dealers,

euro that is not under the floorboards of a drug

angry at the loss of customers preferring to buy legal


drugs from a shop rather than illegal ones from the drug dealers. The €500,000 that was apparently

Basic civil liberties and common sense.

found in one of the burned down buildings in Dublin

The 'war on drugs' is lost. The criminals are winning

is the only evidence needed of the profits these

by a huge margin and a huge amount of money. Time

shops are making, with the reactionary moral

is being wasted by European governments trying to

majority arguing for the shop's closure citing this

police an unstoppable market. Drugs will be taken by

profiting as a factor.

large numbers of people whether we like the idea or

There are four issues that nobody seems to be

not and money spent on drug education instead of

talking about in the debate surrounding headshops

policing is the only way to change that. If I know that,

that should really be at the top of the agenda:

then surely the lawmakers also know. The banning of headshops in Ireland, if it is to go ahead, will not stop

Media bias.

the people wanting to get high getting high. The

This, to me, is the most striking problem about the

parents who ring into Joe Duffy with tales of woe

situation. Obviously, the more the headshop story

about their sons taking a fistful of pills every morning

gets reported, the more fuel that is added (no pun

will find they have a new set of problems once the

intended) to the prohibitionists' argument. This

shops close down. Little Johnny will start sniffing glue

causes further outrage and further news to report.

or drinking bottles of Vodka. He isn't overindulging in

Last week's march through Castlebar by a hundred

legal highs because the headshops are forcing them

or so people calling for the local headshop to be

on him, it's because he lives in small town Ireland, it's

closed down makes great news, but it clouds the real

because he's bored or because he has other

issue, that prohibition doesn't work and that

problems that aren't being addressed. That's not even

regulation is the best way forward.

mentioning that a huge majority of the people who buy these products are law abiding citizens who have

Regulation and profits.

experienced no ill effects from using these drugs and

Lots of people go to these shops, mostly young

are willing to fork out €20 to €60 at a time in order

people, mostly people who don't vote and mostly

to buy recreational drugs from a safe environment

people who don't listen to Joe Duffy it seems. Any of

rather than a carpark behind a cinema. These

the headshops I'm aware of operate a strict, yet

people's rights are being railroaded by the

voluntary, over 18’s sales policy and are very careful

uninformed moral majority. The government is once

to make the cusotmer make the best decision

again ready to ignore all of these arguments and

possible when buying products, ensuring they know

pander to reactionary arguments instead of being

what they're doing, have a good time and will come

brave enough to have a real debate about the wider

back. This is a business after all, and like every other

issues in society which have lead us to the current

free-market enterprise, if the products don't work or


Random mumblings from the leaders of tomorrow. We may be in trouble. Submitted via the Overheard in NUIG Facebook page Dear John,

Catherine Gallery: Two girls outside AMB. Girl 1: “Jaysus I’m

I'm a final year Arts student studying History and Psychological

starved, will we go to the Bialinn?" Girl 2: "Oh Lord no, just ate

Studies. I would like to continue with my studies next year but I'm not

tissue. It's great for staving hunger." Times are tough.

sure what to do and I feel like time is running out. I enjoy psychology and I would like to stay in Galway. Do I still have time to apply for a

Kathy Barrett: Overheard: “It was so cold in our house last night

postgraduate course next year and if so what options are open to me?

there was steam rising from the toilet!”

Yours, Anne-Marie Fitzgerald

Rachel Enright: On the steps outside the library two guys are walking down and myself and two girl friends are walking up:

Hi Anne-Marie,

First guy goes to second whilst referring to one of us: “I

There is still lots of time to apply for the majority of post grad courses – although

thought that was Maria for a second, kinda looks like her.”

the advice on postgrads is to “apply early and often”. You say that you enjoy

Second guy pulls a face of disgust: “What? That looks nothing

psychology – however, this can mean lots of things. Probably the first question you

like Maria!! What are you talking about??!?”

need to answer for yourself is, ‘Do I really want to become a psychologist?” If the

First guy: “Well the hair kinda does...”

answer is yes, then to work in Ireland you need to be eligible for Registered

Second guy: “No... no... that looks nothing like Maria!” (as if he was

Membership with the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). Before becoming a

being insulted!)

Registered Member you must first become a Graduate Member which is based on gaining at least a second class honours in an accredited undergraduate degree or

Angela Sweeney: Middle-aged woman trying to console distressed

conversion course. The H DipPsych conversion course in NUI Galway has limited

middle aged man outside the library: 'Of course, you'd get that in a

places (8 – 12) and is based on results, so you should consider having a ‘Plan B’ and

head shop! I'd get that for you no bother!!'

apply elsewhere also. UCC, UCD and Trinity have two-year options and you will get a list of one-year conversion courses in the UK on www.bps.org.uk. You could also

Kelly McGill: Friend after a night out "If you paid someone to lick

stay in Galway and do the conversion option offered by the Open University – this

the foundation off your face they wouldn’t do half as good a job!"

is by distance education (they send you material online and you do the assignments in your own time)

Mary Poniard: Girl, after studying anatomy for a whole semester

However, you may not want to become a psychologist but are interested in related

goes “Jeez imagine if ya only had one liver"...pause with all her

‘social’ areas. You still have time to apply for the MSc Applied Behaviour Analysis

friends..."Eh ya imagine how terrible that would be...” (laughter)

(closing date is 11th June), MA Community Development (closing date 16th March) or the MA Health Promotion (closing 28th May). Perhaps you may be interested in

Rob Dunne: In Dillon theatre: 3 girls, one says to another "You

the research or scientific aspect of psychology so you could apply for an MLitt

look like a hair dresser". Another girl says "Oh my God you SO

(apply by mid July), the MSc Neuropharmacology (closing date 11th June) or MSc

do!” Third girl says "I know! I get that all the time!"

Occupational Health & Safety and Ergonomics (closing date 23rd April). Or your interest may lie in management, if so you could consider the MSc International

Ciara Kilcommons: A group of drunken people sitting in

Management (closing date 12th March) if you have an interest in the technology

Supermacs on the way to/from a ball in NUIG.... "Ohmigod! My

aspect you could apply for the Master of Information Technology where your

camera's in some mad language!!.....Oh, wait, it's upside down...."

psychology would be very useful (closing date 21 June). Decisions, decisions! Of course you could pursue the history route but there are

Darren Mulvey: Lad en route to college bar asks mate "Have we

many more options open to Arts students such as HR, journalism, teaching, law, IT,

any toilet roll at home?" Friend walking with him replies "No, were

film marketing…. Why not get a better focus by doing a free psychometric test,

you printing your degree out AGAIN or something"

meeting a careers adviser and taking time to make a decision that suits you? Have a look at www.nuigalway.ie/careers to see how Careers can help. Worried about

Aideen Malone: Guy in sociology: “Is Dingle in Cork?” Later on:

your career? Contact me, the Career Doctor, via editor@sin.ie for great

“What is the capital of Cork?” Another guy: “Cork city” First guy:

advice. John

“There is a Cork city?”

Galways Premier 5 star salon !"#$%&'&($)* )"++$#, and galway's trendies t clothes shop, -.)#, in associa tion with SIN newspaper, an d NUI students un ion want to reinvent a 'New You' for the new year. ur revamp on yo g a complete rin fe of e ar pe e W and a su r e up by experts d hair and mak do is read an l you have to n io cool outfit! Al at all inform fully, provide r fo s fill forms care te y da e on necessar and be availabl s. ph ra og d phot make over an +/0123'45/6'78364'9561 '/:28;'3<7 9561:'45/'=>8'928?'>65 /8?'=>1@/:A 56'71>2B'78364AC23<'@2= 3/67'>8?'37D3 >33>=<7?'35 :281>E75 F76G;1>2BH=51A 56':21@B4'=>BB'28'35'3<7 ':3/?783:I /8258'>8?';73'3<7'9561 '3<767'>B:5H


+@628;'K>E75F76'C28876 NUI Galway student Orla Keane has a spring in her step as the winner of the first ever makeover competition carried out by Galway premier salon Zenith Hairdressing and in association with Sin newspapers and Born clothing store. As a full time student of the BA sa Cumarsáid and a devoted member of the rowing team at NUIG Orla has been more high seas than high fashion of late, and this competition was a welcome chance to up the glamour stakes. Orla’s day started with a trip to Zenith Hairdressing on Eyre St, where owner Paul

Griffin carefully consulted with her, advising on all the key seasons trends and suitability of styles and colours. Working with her natural skin tones Paul set about weaving multi toned ammonia free highlights through Orla’s hair creating a more even, sophisticated look. After rinsing, treating and a heavenly head massage from Zenith resident Thai masseur, Orla’s hair was magically shaped, styled and teased into glamorous perfection. Once her tresses were in order, Audrey from the International School of Makeup Artistry expertly ap-


plied Orla’s make up, giving advice and tips on the go. On arrival at Born amazing clothes shop, the crew were met by Sarah,who advised and styled in accordance with key spring trend and the result was a young, glamorous versatile look with killer heels and accessories to dress it up for evening wear. Once skillfully photographed by Leah, Orla set off for the engineers ball with her chic new look, including hair, make up, clothes and a bag of luxury hair care and styling products from Zenith Hairdressing.

Talking about her day Orla was enthusiastic, “I was treated like a star for the photo shoot, it was cool, there were people popping in and out after every few shots to tidy up my make-up and do my hair”. Like Cinderella she was off to the ball that eveningand brought theshoes and bag the ‘fairy godmothers’ had given her, “I had nothing planned for that night andwhen I won I thought when am I going to get another chance like this?” Orla recommended the make over “to anyone who doesn’t often get a chance to pamper themselves I’d really encourage them to enter, it’s well worth it”.

College Style

Cheryl Morris Chemistry PhD Wearing: The boots I got in the States, they’re


Uggs. The jeans are from Origin in Galway, the top is from Born and the jacket is years old and I can’t


remember where I got it. Favourite Shop? Pagan


or Twice as Nice. Best and worst dressed


celebrities? Jordan probably would be the worst dressed and I can’t think of a best-dressed celebrity.


Worst fashion mistake? Red knee high stiletto


boots that I had years and years ago, they were awful.

Jakub Biernacik

Conor Quinlan



Wearing: Most of this I got in Marks and Spencer Wearing: The shoes are your regular Nike runners,

and River Island. Not a clue where I got the shoes,

the jeans are either Topman or River Island, the shirt is

the jeans are probably Penney’s and the wristbands I

from Penney’s. The jacket was Burtons in the Galway

got in Poland when I was there for the summer. My

Shopping Centre and the wristbands, my girlfriend got

friend made the white one for me, it was a nice gift.

me them, I think from Topman.

Favourite Shop? River Island I’d say. Best and

Favourite Shop? Topman occasionally has very nice

worst dressed celebrities? I’d say Colin Farrell

stuff but it’s Penney’s that I’d shop in the most

dresses quite well anyway and the worst would be

because it has cheap prices and pretty decent clothes.

hard to pick but I’d say Lady Gaga- I don’t like her

Best and worst dressed celebrities? Johnny Depp

style at all. Worst fashion mistake? I wouldn’t

always looks class and the worst I think is Amy

really recall any of my mistakes but I remember

Winehouse. Worst fashion mistake? I have at home

once my mother was going into town so I asked her

this... it’s not really a suit jacket but it’s in the shape of

to get me a pair of boxers and by mistake she got

a suit jacket... but it’s velvet and it looks good. But it’s

me g-strings and I ended up wearing them anyway.

there over a year now and I think I wore it once.

They weren’t the most comfortable underwear I ever wore!

Karen Traynor Arts Wearing: My Boots are from Topshop, the jeans are Topshop, my tops are from Penney’s, Urban Outfitters and Topshop and the bow is A-Wear. Favourite Shop? Topshop. Best and worst dressed celebrities? The best was Audrey Hepburn and the worst is Lady Gaga. Worst fashion mistake? Anything pre-first year in college!

Lo ga n

Asking to be let in By Lauren Funtanilla

B y

Sa m

I imagine she stands naked

Transferred to family practice. Hate it. kids’ drip grease, peach yogurt mix; mothers with vicarious hypochondria; They scream at me, “Ebola! Ebola!”

W re


beneath a flowing faucet.

hi ld re


An open-palm spread over cold tile, anotherpressedagainst


ha tC

a heaving chest. A solitary strand

voices like geeses, strained honking, tennis balls half-way up, all-way stuck in wan necks. Have a green-eyed wife, children. Pregnancy was a surprise (sex too, for that matter), No stork, ringing the doorbell during your Morning coffee, just screams from your love and the blind thing, painted in her blood, specter of life. The growing is slow and hard, like breeding colonies of mosquitoes, you


can never give enough. Treat you like slaves til they treat you like gods. From thirsty wail,

spiralling down,

to “Wooow, Daydy tall!” They trust what’s said because you said it, so you say things just


to make the day flow softer. She adores them, down,

I pretend. I act in the old way, pull my lips like there’s a bowstring at the tips,

following the salty river

emotionlessly emoting. My face,

coursing across her leg,

the cheery jack-o-lantern, but my wife

through her toes,

cuckoos leave, can act married again then.

believes my carved smile. Suppose can wait til

emptying into the abysmal whirlpool. Her shuddering shoulders cloaked by steam like encroaching clouds. The incessant drumming drops interrupted by my knock, knock knock

ie ay.




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Sex & the Single Student


The Word

We’ve just passed the annual cheesetastic,

Lusty Love

vomit inducing, love fest that is Valentine’s

If you aren’t actually in love then I think

Day. Don’t get me wrong- I’m a hopeless

lusty love is the next best thing. Lusty lovers

romantic deep down but stuffed Gorillas

neither know nor care much about the little

holding hearts, overpriced roses and

details of their other half’s life such as their

restaurants crammed with smug couples

favourite film or middle name. All the lusty

proving their undying devotion to each

lover needs to know is that they find their

other just doesn’t float my boat. Then again,

partner pretty damn sexy. Lusty love is not

maybe I’m just a bitter old singleton. One

to be confused with mindless sex in which

thing’s for sure, as February 14th rolls

the ‘every hole’s a goal’ philosophy applies

around each year the L word becomes

because here who you’re doing is just as

unavoidable and this year it got me thinking,

important as what you’re doing. Lusty love

what’s it all about?

can grow into something more mature and serious so is often seen in the early stages of

Puppy Love

a relationship. Other times it can fizzle out.

This type of love is in fact infatuation. It’s

Whatever way it goes, it’s fun while it lasts

characterized by a completely illogical belief

so make the most of it.

that you and the object of your heart’s

by Donna Miskell La-la-la-love. Donna Miskell muses over the little word with big meaning.

desire are ‘meant’ to be together, even if

True Love

you’ve only known each other five minutes.

When I say true love I’m not talking about

For many, puppy love is also first love.

the whirlwind romances of Hollywood films

Before fights, lies, tears and the pain of a

where women always have fuzz-free legs

broken heart have made them cynical and

and matching knickers and men pull out

wary puppy lovers still believe in Disney

chairs and say things like “Never let go,

style happily-ever-afters. Everyone knows a

Rose.” True love isn’t just the stuff of legend

puppy love couple. They’re the ones who

and all the hype around the subject

need everyone to know how in love they are

sometimes makes it hard to spot it when

and so they always call each other baby, put

it’s right in front of your face. To me, true

embarrassing amounts of kisses on every

love should have a little bit of all of the

Facebook wall comment and stand in the

above – like, lust and infatuation. It means

corner at parties holding hands instead of

being completely comfortable and at ease

mingling and having fun. More often than

with another person, knowing they’re not

not puppy love is fast and fleeting. Once the

perfect but corny as it sounds knowing they

initial flood of feelings wears off and the

are perfect for you. It’s not magical and it’s

lovers start to see each other’s flaws

not easy so it will take a little effort to

infatuation just ain’t gonna cut it. Sorry

make it last but if it does life will be a whole


lot sweeter.

Like Love

Love has long been a source of frustration

Like love can happen when you start going

and inspiration for artists, poets and

out with a close friend or have being going

musicians as well as perplexing far more

out with someone so long the spark is well

intelligent folk than me so I won’t say this is

and truly extinguished. With like love there

a definitive guide, but instead just

are no excessive public displays of affection

something to get you thinking about

and equally no blazing arguments. There is a

what kind of lover are you?

deep rooted respect, a lot of fond feelings and many shared experiences which add up to something that is a lot like love but without heat, passion, and that certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ is never going to be ‘The One’.

Film Review

Youth in Revolt by Dylan Murphy

Michael Cera

Remember that quirky awkward virgin teenager that Michael Cera played in

hi-jinks ensue. It should be mentioned that the scenes between Nick and Francois

Superbad? And Juno? And Year One? (Don’t worry nobody else saw it either).

are where the film really shines and occasionally one cannot help but recall

Well he’s back! Kind of. In his latest release Youth in Revolt where Cera actually

elements of Fight Club.

plays two different roles...Wait! Come back! In this adaption of the coming-of-age novel by CD Payne (kudos for the

The script is interesting as it takes a common theme (nice guy trying to get laid) and portrays it using ultra-absurdist language, colourful characters and even

awesome name) Cera plays Nick Twisp, a, that’s right you guessed it, quirky

instances of stop-motion animation but it can often seem like the dialogue is just

awkward virgin teenager! While camping with his mother and her oafish

trying to be odd for the sake of it to the point that it can feel pretentious. Steve

boyfriend Nick meets Sheeni (Portia Doubleday), a Francophile who (gasp) turns

Buscemi and Fred Willard also feature as part of a great cast that really could

out to be just as quirky as he is! Though he instantly falls for her, the feeling

have been used better at times. The film is a peculiar take on the question of how

does not appear to be mutual and Nick is forced to try and change his nice-guy

far a nice guy should go to get a girl with the added pressure that sex creates but

persona in order to win her over. This leads to the creation of alter-ego Francois

be warned ladies and gentlemen. Superbad this is not.

Dillinger, a suave, moustachioed rebel (also played by Cera) and naturally, illegal

La Taquita Dispatches from an Irish Student

in Mexico Church San Juan de Chamula,

by Aisling Walsh

where live chickens are commonly sacrificed

I don't go to mass as a rule but I decided to make an exception last Sunday and

family member, a good harvest or the deceased. Whole Michael familiesCera gathered to

attend church in San Juan de Chamula, a Mayan village 40 minutes from San

perform rituals using eggs, soft drinks, the local liquor, posh, and live

Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

or sometimes freshly killed chickens. I did not see any chickens being sacrificed

Stepping into the church was like stepping into another world. The dark interior

but apparently it is quite common. Healers performed cleansing rituals with eggs

was lit by the soft glow of hundreds of candles laid out on the floor and along

and prayed for people when requested. The occasional rhythmic chant broke

both walls. Shafts of light from high windows cut through thick clouds of copal

through the constant hum of prayers being said in Tzotsil, the local indigenous

incense. Banners of flower patterned cloths hung from the ceiling. The floor was

language. The worshippers scarcely paid attention to the curious and fascinated

covered in a fine layer of pine needles. Glass cabinets, each one housing a

stares from the hordes of tourists milling around the church but photos were

different saint, lined the walls. The porcelain figures were elaborately dressed and

strictly forbidden inside the church and unwelcome outside. Live has never been

adorned with mirrors to reflect any bad intentions from the congregation.

easy for the Chamulans and it was hard not to be moved by the pain and anguish

Every Sunday the saints are dressed with fresh clothes for the new week. I

visible in the figures of some of the worshippers. But for every tear or sigh of

watched as several men, distinguished from the crowd by their white satin shirts,

distress there was a smile or the tinkle of muffled laughter. The church is at the

trousers and headscarves and the white sheep's wool tunic belted at the waist,

core of community life; it is both a centre of worship and a meeting space. There

carried out this solemn duty. Each saint was given a new robe and last week’s

was not a black robed priest in sight nor signs of a conventional Sunday Mass.

robes were placed in individual baskets and carefully stored away. Arrangements

The chamulans have completely taken ownership of their church and occupied

of fresh lilies of the valley were then placed around each case.

the space to practice their paradoxical mix of extreme Catholic devotion with

There were no seats or pews in the church; worshippers simply cleared a space

Mayan practices and beliefs.

for themselves among the pine leaves. Kneeling on the ground they laid out their candles, the size and quantity depending on whether they were praying for a sick

BUDGET BAKING Costs: Approximately

€3.50 Makes about 9 squares

Something Sweet…

Lemon drizzle cake

These quick and filling snacks are perfect for the cold weather. They make a very substantial breakfast. Tasty served with fried tomatoes and eggs.

Ingredients: For cake:

1 lemon –rind and juice

100g/4oz butter

For drizzle:

6oz caster sugar

2 oz sugar

2 eggs (beaten)

1 Lemon-rind and juice

6oz self-raising flour

Method: 1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. 2. Grease an 8 inch square baking tin. (or a round one is fine also). 3. Beat the butter and caster sugar together until pale and creamy. 4. Add the beaten eggs little by little, adding a little flour with each addition. Mix in the rest of the flour. 5. Add the lemon rind and juice and mix again.

By Mary McDonnell

6. Spoon into the tin, and bake for 25 minutes or until golden. When the cake has baked, let it to cool slightly, then prick holes all over it with a fork. 7. Sprinkle the top of the cake with the lemon rind and 1oz of the sugar. 8. Heat the lemon juice and the remaining one ounce falafel of sugar together in a saucepan for a few minutes, then pour over the cake. Leave to cool, then cut into squares.

It’s very hard to find time to make nutritious homemade food, but if you do get a couple of hours, this recipe is simple and fun to make, especially if you have some help. Abbreviations: Oz (nothing to do with a yellow brick road)= ounces g = grammes N.B: Although it is possible to mix and mash by hand, an electric hand mixer and a hand blender will become good friends of yours if you decide you like this cooking thing.

And the nominees are: ‘Strict Joy’ - The Swell Season,

their bespoke energetic live shows, these guys seem

‘Blue Lights On The Runway’ - Bell X1, ‘And So I

like they should go all the way. The list contains a

Watch You From Afar’- And so I Watch you from

couple of Galway natives such as former Choice

Afar , ‘Pages’ - Julie Feeney, ‘We Love You Dark

Music Prize winner Julie Feeney, Colm Mac Con

Matter’ - Dark Room Notes, ‘Let The Truth Be Told’ -

Iomaire (violinist from band of The Swell Season),

Laura Izibor, ‘Trees Dream In Algebra’ – Codes,

Adrian Crowley, and Ronan Gaughan and Ruairi

‘Season of the Sparks’ - Adrian Crowley, ‘The

Ferrie (two members from Dark Room Notes).

Duckworth Lewis Method’ - The Duckworth Lewis

While past winners have been what some would call

Method and ‘Slow Dynamo’ - Valerie Francis.

an ‘alternative’ choice, it would seem that many

Already in its fifth year, the Choice Music Prize was

factors and not just who had the best album, need to

established to highlight and reward the best in Irish

be deliberated before the decision can be made.

music. Founded by Dave Reid and Jim Carroll it is

A critical music award, such as the CMP, can change

known for being awarded to the crème de la crème

an artist’s/bands career and launch them into the

of Irish musicians. In essence, the Choice Music Prize

international mainstream music industry, that is if

could be classed as the Irish equivalent of the

they haven’t already arrived. For instance, how likely


Julie Feeney

Music Prize

nominees chosen

Dark Room Notes

by Sinéad Burke

It’s awards season and the nominees for the Choice Music Prize have been announced, Sinéad Burke gives the lowdown on who could claim the coveted award.

Mercury Prize in England. The winner gets €10,000

are Oscar winners Glen Hansard and Marketa Iglova

courtesy of the IMRO and the IRMA. The award is

to win with their new Swell Season album ‘Strict

provided courtesy of the RAAP (Recorded Artists

Joy’? It contains utterly gorgeous tracks such as ‘Low

and Performers Ltd.)

Rising’, the music video of which is directed by Sam

Past winners have included: Julie Feeney for her

Beam of Iron and Wine. With friends like that and

album ‘13 Songs’ (2005), The Divine Comedy with

the band being signed to the same label as Tom Waits

their record ‘Victory For The Comic Muse’ (2006),

in the US it seems like they’ve pretty much hit the

Super Extra Bonus Party with their debut album

big time already.

‘Super Extra Bonus Party’ (2007), and Jape with

The question is, will the CMP follow in the music

‘Ritual’ (2008). The live event where the winner will

industry’s footsteps and back a solo female artist as

be announced takes place on March 3rd in Vicar

the best new Irish act? After all, in the past year the

Street and is judged by a group of 12 experts in the

music industry has seen the rise of females across

Irish music industry. Today FM’s Alison Curtis will MC

the globe, making Valerie Francis’s already strong

the event, which will also be broadcasted live on the

chances perhaps somewhat advantageous over the

Paul McLoone show on Today FM and will feature

groups that are nominated this year, Dark Room

interviews with some of the nominated artists.

Notes and The Duckworth Lewis Method. Codes are

That is the story so far, but who is going to win this

the obvious choice out of the groups that are

coveted prize of choice? The bookies money is on So

nominated but seem a little too packaged to receive

I Watch You From Afar, a bunch of lads from

full backing to scoop the prize. Due to prior

Northern Ireland who specialise in instrumental

performance arrangements in the U.S. Bell X1 and

rock. Think a little bit Battles, but heavier. With great

Laura Ibizor are unable to attend the live event on

press from the likes of Kerrang!, NME and strong

March 3rd, thus perhaps making a win for either

support from the BBC; following the release of their

unlikely. With so much talent, it’s a tough decision;

excellent self titled album last April, coupled with

here’s hoping the panel makes the right choice.


Identity Parade line out for SU Sessions. by Padraig McMahon Dublin Five piece talk to SIN’s Pádraig McMahon about chart success, the danger of pigeon holes and their links to Galway. SIN: You were here playing The SU Sessions in An Bialann, how was that?

the song itself, and it kinda has its own direction. A lot of songs sound like

Identity Parade: It was pretty cool; it’s a nice little setup in the canteen, thanks

Identity Parade songs but they might start off rock and roll, or electro or even

to Joanna and Cormac.

country. Whatever the song is, if it’s catchy and we enjoy playing it we’ll develop

SIN: You are a Dublin band but you have some Galway connections, what are they?

that sound. Every time we play a gig we get compared to someone new.

Identity Parade: Yeah, our management and the producer of our forthcoming

SIN: You’re doing something right, all the singles have charted and the last two

album (former Saw Doctor John ‘Turps’ Burke) are both from Galway. We

were top 15, as well as single of the fortnight in Hotpress.

actually recorded half of it in Bermingham House outside Tuam, and then finished

Identity Parade: Well that was pretty cool. Charts only garner so much, which

it off in Asylum Studios in Dublin.

is great, but for critics like Eamonn Carr and Hotpress to exclaim that we’re an

SIN: You played at the launch of the Galway Rape Crisis Centre album ‘Awake’,

interesting band, that’s what we want, people saying we dig what you’re doing. It

recently too?

just makes it all worthwhile and gets us out of a pigeon-hole. There’s nothing

Identity Parade: Well it raised awareness for the cause and hopefully it will go

worse than hearing the same old thing again.

on to sell and create some funding for the Centre, there are lots of great artists

SIN: So what’s next for the band?

involved like the Saw Doctors, The Waterboys, Keith Mullins and The Coonics.

Identity Parade: Our debut album will be released on 12th March; we’re just

There is a link on IdentityParade.net to buy the album ‘Awake’ and all proceeds

looking forward to getting it out and promoting it, then albums 2, and 3……

go to the GRCC.

We’ve a lot to offer, we really do.

SIN: Your sound is not easy to pin down, how would you describe it?

Identity Parade’s next single, When You Go is released 26th February 26th and

Identity Parade: We intentionally do not want to be pigeon-holed as ‘that kind of

the album March 12th. Check Identityparade.net for details. Hear them in studio

band, or that sound’. We approach the songwriting from the sense of the melody,

Monday Feb 20th at 2pm on Flirt 101.3

Theatre Review

Hamlet by Stephen Reilly


The standard of live entertainment in Galway last month was so monumentally

were drafted in and out with minimal fuss. This production changed the setting to

awful that one had to be on guard against falling expectations and standards on a

the 1830’s in order to facilitate the use of guns on stage. Guns admittedly, are

similar trajectory. Blue Raincoat’s At Swim Two Birds pulled the defiled theatre

impressive, but the extended sword fight between Hamlet and Laertes was a

scene out of the sewer. While Second Age, with their epic production of Hamlet,

genuine treat and a worthy showcase of the skill and training of Marty Rea

have swept in with the gusto befitting a prince and restored the virtue of the

(Hamlet) and Shawn Sturnick (Laertes).

besmirched maiden.

Rea never faltered throughout the two and a half hour production; he played

My appetite was whet when I heard that Alan Stanford directed this production.

Hamlet with a youthful demeanour but conveyed the character’s immense

This man has achieved so much in 40 years of entertainment that he has no

intellect and retiring wary nature. This is one of the most complex male roles in

space in his biog for his memorable role as George in Glenroe. In interviews he

theatre. It requires a superior level of professionalism and maturity to do it

boasted of a dream cast and his boast was well founded. This confluence of

justice, and Marty Rea was not found wanting. The production was very well

quality, in conjunction with the fact that Shakespeare is fairly handy at writing

paced with comic moments and light relief. Even Hamlet, who reads as a solemn

plays meant that even the most shell-shocked theatre goers were able to purge

character was humorous by turns.

the memories of January and leave the theatre with a seasonal spring in their step.

Despite the best efforts of some obstreperous elements among the many school

The action was presented on an unpretentious set, its floor inclined quite steeply

groups present this production will be remembered as a highlight of 2010.

towards the audience. Large columns flanked the stage and assorted set pieces

Second age: First class!

Cé hí Granny O’ Grimm?

Chas mé le Kathleen O’Rourke, scríbhneoir agus

Sin é mar a tháinig Granny agus an scannán féin ar an

‘guth’ Ghranny O’Grimm, nuair bhí sí ag an Oíche

saol, ach cén sórt duine í Granny? “Ceapaim go bhfuil

Ghaeilge den Fhéile Ealaíon Múscailt. Tá Granny

Granny ag iarraidh a bheith ina seanmháthair an-

O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty ainmnithe i gcatagóir an

mhaith agus tá sé sin an-tábhachtach mar tá sí an-

ghearrscannáin bheoite is fearr don Searmanas

seanfhaiseanta agus is fantasist í. Sin í an fhadhb. Is

Bronnta Oscars i mí an Mhárta beag seo.

breá léi brionglóidí ach tá an difríocht idir a cuid

Dúirt Kathleen liom gur cuireadh tús le Granny

brionglóidí agus an réalaíocht chomh mór sin go

O’Grimm blianta sula raibh Oscar nó scannán ar bith

mbeidh i gcónaí díomá uirthi. Ní féidir leis an saol

ar intinn aon duine. “Bhí me sa choláiste oiliúna ag an

coimeád suas leis na brionglóidí sin, mar sin tar éis

am, ag déanamh iarchéime sa mhúinteoireacht agus

saol fada den díomá, creideann sí ‘is cuma céard a

bhíomar ag foghlaim faoi Fairy Tales, agus na Brothers

dhéanann tú beidh díomá ort’ mar tá sí róbhródúil

Grimm agus an psychoanalysis a bhaineann le Fairy

chun smaoineamh ‘an bhfuil aon rud gur féidir liomsa

Tales. Cheap mé go raibh sé an-suimiúil. Bhí mé ag

a dhéanamh chun é sin a athrú?’ Caithfidh sí an

déanamh stand-up na laetheanta sin chomh maith

milleán ar fad a chur ar rudaí agus ar dhaoine eile.”

agus bhí mé mar bhall de ghrúpa, The Fallen Angels”.

Tá Granny ar nós seanmhná aon áit timpeall an

Is ansin a thosaigh Kathleen ag tabhairt faoi

domhain, agus measann Kathleen gurb é sin an fáth a

charachtair éagsúla agus ag déanamh píosaí faoi Fairy

bhfuil tóir uirthi. Cé go bhfuil greann an-Éireannach ag

Tales nó Finscéalta. “Tháinig sé diaidh ar ndiaidh”, a

baint léi, tá mná cosúil léi le feiceáil go hidirnáisiúnta! Granny O’Grimm

by Gabrielle Campion

dúirt sí, “Bhíomar saghas ag pleidhcíocht le rudaí agus

“Ta seanmhná feargacha i ngach tír. Is cuimhin liom,

thosaigh mé ag insint scéalta ar bhealach uafásach

chaith mé trí mhí sa Ghearmáin nuair a bhí mé ocht

agus cosúil le seanbhean agus sin mar a rugadh

mbliana déag d’aois. Bhí seanbhean fheargach bitter


lán le resentment. Tá siad i ngach áit, agus tuigeann daoine an chumhacht a bhaineann le seanbhean.

Ainmnithe do dhuais Oscar agus

Cara le Kathleen, Nicky Phelan, a chuir tús leis na

Ceapaim go raibh gach duine i suíomh ina raibh

smaointí scannánaíochta. Eiseann a stiúir agus a

seantuismitheoir ag tabhairt aire dóibh am éigin. So,

féith ghrinn na hÉireann á moladh

bhrúigh an carachtar ar aghaidh ó sceitse grinn go

yeah, bitter and resentment have universal appeal.”

gearrscannán. “Ceapaim i 2005, bhí The Fallen Angels

Agus céard atá i ndán do Ghranny O’Grimm i ndiaidh

Caberet sa Spiegel Tent i mBaile Átha Cliath. Bhí

na nOscars? “Bhuel tá rud amháin cinnte agus sin,

Nicky sa lucht éisteachta agus thaitin an seó

díomá. Beidh díomá ar Ghranny O’Grimm. Beidh

leis...Dúirt sé gur cheap sé go ndeanfadh sé

contempt iomlán aici do na celebrities ar fad, beidh

gearrscánnán beoite [animated] an-mhaith. Ní raibh

an aimsir róthe di, agus má fhaighean sí an duais beidh

mé ag súil le haon rud, bhí an méid sin scepticism

sí róthrom di.” Dúirt Kathleen go bhfuil go leor ag

orm, is dócha, ag an am. Tagann an meid sin daoine

tarlúint sa chúlra agus gur chóir dúinn bheith ag

chugat ag rá ‘oh ba bhreá liom obair a dhéanamh leat’

breathnú amach le haghaidh Granny ar an teilifís, ach

agus i gcónaí bíonn diomá ort (ráite i nguth

go háirithe timpeall am na nOscars!

Ghranny)!!” Ach lean Nicky í go dtí go raibh script

Bíonn Granny ar Twitter beagnach gach lá le “Daily

seolta aici chuige agus tharghuthú déanta i gceart aici.

Irish Dose of Pessimism a ofráil do dhaoine” agus

Bhí sé deacair uirthi an trasnú ón árdán go dtí an

chomh maith leis sin bíonn sí ar Facebook chun bhur

stiúideo a dhéanamh, ach is léir gur fiú sa deireadh é!

gcuid fadhbanna a réiteach. Is féidir Granny O’

“Nuair a chloiseann tú é tá sé an-simplí ach bhí sé

Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty a fheiceáil ar shuíomh idirlín

deacair...Ní féidir liom cur síos a dhéanamh air ach

Granny, www.grannyogrimm.com.

ag an domhan mór – ach cé hí Granny O’ Grimm? “So, yeah, bitter and resentment have universal appeal.”

bíonn an méid sin nirt ag teastáil.”

SPORTS NEWS Bobshleamhnán i gCeanada Le Rachel Ní Fhionnáin Chonaic tú ‘Cool Runnings’, scannán faoi fhoireann ó Iamáice, tír gan sioc ná sneachta a bhí ag traenáil le haghaidh cluichí oilimpeacha an Gheimhridh. I mbliana, tá foireann againn i gCeanada ag ullmhú chun a bheith páirteach sna rásanna. Cuireadh tús leis an oscailt oifigiúil Dé Sathairn an 13 Feabhra agus leanfaidh na cluichí go deireadh na míosa.

an traenálaí atá acu.Nuair a bhrúnn Bergin an bob 50

biggest completions of the event and the only beginner

méadar taobh istigh do chúig soicind, sleamhnaíonn siad

competition in the British Isles.

síos an traic chomh tapaidh le 144 cileaméadar san uair

After the finals of the men’s and women’s open, 30

agus stiúraíonn Hoey iad! I mbliana i gCeanada, deirtear

people took part in a fun expression session, with spot

gurb é an traic is tapúla ar domhain é.

prizes being awarded for the best fancy dress costume,

Ceadaítear fiche foireann sa chomórtas agus i mbliana

best wipeout, best headstand and the best tandem surf

fiche haon de bharr na trioblóide nuair a tharraing an


Ostair amach.

Next year the event will be held in Bundoran, and co-

Mar a dúirt an carachtar Sanka Coffie i g‘CoolRunnings’:

hosted by UUC and NUIG.

‘Kiss my lucky Egg’ roimh gach rás, tá súil againn go léir

Rip Curl were the main sponsors, and the competition

go mbeidh an ubh chásca lán le hádh ag na cailíní i

was judged by the Irish Surfing Association.



Galway Winners Mens Open

Bobshleamhnán- Bobsleigh

1st Ollie O’Flaherty NUIG

Scannán- film

2nd Owen Murphy GMIT

I mbliana – This year

3rd Hugh Galloway NUIG

Iamáice- Jamaica

4th Rob Cahill NUIG

Ag ullmhú- preparing for Foireann- Team

Womens Open

Cluichí oilimpeacha an gheimhridh- Winter

3rd Rebecca Pigott NUIG

Olympic Games

4th Elisha Hickey NUIG

Bean choscáin- brake woman Spíce- spikes


Sleamhnaíonn siad- They slide

Ist Stephen Kelleher NUIG

trioblóid- trouble

2nd Baron Tomlinson NUIG

Ádh- luck!

Stephen and Ollie on crest of a winning wave

Victory for NUIG cricketers NUI Galway Cricket Team has recently won the Indoor Cricket Championships for the second time in the last three years. The team won the Indoor Cricket

NUIG were hosts of the surfing intervarsities which

Championships which were held in the Kingfisher Club

were held in Strandhill, Co Sligo on February 13th to

on the 5th to 7th of February. NUIG hosted 11 other

14th. The NUIG Surf Club has been the title holder of

teams from the length and width of the country. On

the Irish Surfing Association Student Intervarsities for

their way to the final, the well rounded NUIG team beat

the past five years. A very poor swell forecast meant Cé go raibh sneachta sa tír i rith na nollag, fós, chuaigh

the likes of GMIT, UCD, WIT and UCC to top their

that on Friday morning the contest was almost called off.

beirt chailín ó Éire go dtí an Ghearmáin chun traenáil a

group. The only blemish of the group stages was the

Instead a decision was made to run the entire event on

dhéanamh roimh na comórtaisí chun cháiliú do na

solitary loss to University of Ulster. In the semi's NUIG

Saturday, which promised to have better waves. A total

cluichí. D’úsáid na cailíní bobshleamhnán a bhí ag

overcame a strong Griffith college team boasting two

of 120 competitors took part in five different categories:

foireann fir (a ghlac páirt sna hoilimpeacha i 1998), i

Irish College players proving that NUIG's top seeding

men’s open, women’s open, longboard, body board, and

mBaile Átha Cliath ar thraic tirim agus dhein sé an beart

over the last four years was by no fluke.

beginners. The event was held in one to two foot surf,

mar is iad Claire Bergin agus Aoife Hoey ó Bhaile Átha

The final was a thrilling affair where put into bat first;

with a light offshore breeze for most of the day. Clear

Cliath an chéad bheirt bhean ó Éirinn riamh a bheidh ag

the home team put up a meager target of 102 all out in

skies and sunshine allowed spectators to watch from the

seasamh d’Éirinn in Oilimpeacha an Gheimhridh.

their allotted 15 overs against the tournament favorites

car park, and Incide Surf Shop from Cork provided

Is lúthchleasaí í bean an choscáin Claire Bergin agus

DBS. NUI Galway's all round fielding effort and superb

entertainment in the form of music and a much-

tháinig sí sa cheathrú háit sna comórtais Domhanda san

bowling bowled out the only unbeaten team- until the

appreciated barbeque. The beach was split into two

Iodáil anuraidh. Caitheann sí bróga reatha speisialta le

Finals- in the tournament for 80 runs. NUI Galway

separate contest zones to allow the beginners

spíce fúthu agus ritheann sí ar an leac oighear leis an

Cricket Team has now won the event twice, having been

competition to take place at the same time as the main

mbob sula léimeann siad isteach. Is píolót í Aoife Hoey a

finalists in the inaugural year and having reached the


bhí mar seaimpín sa tríléim i 2003 agus is í deirfiúr Aoife

semi's last year.

Over 43 beginners took part, making it one of the

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