Volume 12 Issue 1

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F R E E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R , V o l . 1 2 I S S U E 1 , 2 1 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 0

Construction set to continue on campus GMIT enlists Student Patrol Force By Richard Manton GMIT has begun hiring student patrollers for housing estates surrounding the college. The measure has been brought-in in an attempt to curb anti-social behaviour by students. The patrols are linked to a hotline that has been made available to local residents. Construction around the Yellow Thing. Pic by Leah Mollica

By Grainne Coyne Construction is set to continue on campus for many years to come. The recently completed works to the main concourse entrance and An Bialinn will be followed by more work to that area of the university, namely an extension to the West of the Library and construction to the Arts Millennium entrance to the university. In addition, the new Engineering building in North Campus, a Biosciences Research Building in Dangan, an Arts,

Sin's 10th Birthday! Page 20

Humanities and Social Sciences Research building outside the front of the Arts Millennium Building, a Human Biology building and an extension to the Education Department will see NUIG remain as a construction site for years to come. While these new buildings may be essential for an expanding campus, it is inconvenience for students and staff, in particular the blockade placed around the west of library, as this makes it difficult to access the Arts Millennium Building. A second blockade has been

Fresh Freshers' Pullout

put in place at the end of the road underneath the Arts/Science Concourse preventing traffic accessing the north side of the campus. According to President Jim Browne, the construction, “creates problems for all members of the University community”, but that the “temporary inconvenience is a small price to pay for the significant improvements to our campus and learning environment that these developments bring.”

continued on page 2

The duties of the patrollers will involve responding to calls to the hotline, locating the disturbance and noting the level of disturbance. The patrollers have a solely observational role and cannot confront students or enter homes. They will act as a liaison with Gardai via a Student Liaison Committee. Patrols of 6-8 students will run every night during Freshers’ Week and other busy periods, such as Rag Week. For the rest of the year, the patrol will operate only on the busy social nights, once these have been identified. continued on page 2

Win a Laptop worth Page 23



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Construction set to continue on campus

Plan” has resulted in the completion of the Kingfisher gym, library expansion, Aras Na Gaeilge, refurbishments within the canteen and concourse entrance.

continued from page 1

According to the President’s address on the future of campus, around €400 million for the expansion and construction of new buildings on campus has been financed “by University resources and a combination of government, private and philanthropic funding.”

The new development of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research building will provide essential facilities for students and staff. However, this comes at the cost of the green pastures, which previously lay in front of the Arts Millennium Building. President’s lawn, adjacent to the Quad, will be the only large green pasture left on the main campus. According to Browne, the Governing Authority of NUIG “authorised a visionary capital development programme” to address a serious deficit in physical resources on campus, since then this “Strategic

There are further possibilities of expansions and constructions taking place on campus in the close future. University management wishes to “reintegrate the river with the campus and buildings.” It is hoped that from these expansions of present buildings and creation of new ones that NUIG will become “a campus to rival that of any university, in the future.”

Work on the New Engineering Building. Pic by Leah Mollica

GMIT enlists Student Patrol Force continued from page 1 “We can’t be seen to be supporting anti-social students. We need something between the SU and the misbehaving students, that’s where the patrollers come in. Gardai have taken a no-tolerance approach and we feel that what we’ve done is best for students”. The scheme is funded by GMIT, however it is paid through the Students’ Union. The SU sought

mature, responsible, mainly final year students to fill the positions. Interestingly, a NUIG student was one of the applicants. The patrols will cover estates such as Gleann Rua, Lurgan Park, Belmont and areas of Ballybane and Doughiska. During the ‘quiet hours’ of 12am-2am, when most students have gone to town, the patrollers will provide a litter cleanup service in these areas. Speaking to Sin, GMIT SU President, Colin Canny, said: “These kind of patrols are already in place in WIT, UU and other colleges. We’re creating jobs in a recession and at no cost to the SU. This is something that NUIG should look into taking up as well.”

NUIG rises to 232nd in the world By Méabh McDonnell The 2010 QS university ranking lists, released on the 8th September, produced a number of changes to the 2009 list. NUIG and UCC rose on the ranking list, while TCD and UCD both fell places. NUIG rose from 243rd place to 232nd. The QS university ranking system examines the universities upon a number of criteria. Among these are research citation, staff to student ratio, peer academic review and employers review. There is no category for student preference, nor teaching quality on the system, which can be seen to be a purely statistical ranking, with very little human input. However, the QS website acknowledges that measuring staff to student ratio is not the ideal method to measure teaching quality, but they argue that any other method would be difficult to implement. The rankings do not acknowledge quality of life in a university nor do they guarantee a job if a person is in attendance at that particular university. It is simply a statistical compilation. However this does not mean that the university rankings are unacknowledged, they are held in a very high regard by many and for that reason it would seem important to acknowledge the facts which the lists are based upon. With the current economic crisis there was little expectation that the Irish universities would perform well in the QS ranking. According to the Irish times: “NUIG and UCC have done well to buck the trend and rise through the rankings.” However, the rankings were taken from data supplied in late 2009, and times have since changed. The effects of cutbacks had just begun to show when the lists were being compiled. It will be more interesting to see the rankings for next year, when the effects of cutbacks and the increase in college applications, but also campus improvements, will affect the results. While NUIG rose in the

rankings this year, the university remains in fourth place of the Irish universities, behind TCD, UCD and UCC, and above DCU, NUIM and UL.The 2010 QS university ranking lists, released on the 8th September, produced a number of changes to the 2009 list. NUIG and UCC rose on the ranking list, while TCD and UCD both fell places. NUIG rose from 243rd place to 232nd. The QS university ranking system examines the universities upon a number of criteria. Among these are research citation, staff to student ratio, peer academic review and employers review. There is no category for student preference, nor teaching quality on the system, which can be seen to be a purely statistical ranking, with very little human input. However, the QS website acknowledges that measuring staff to student ratio is not the ideal method to measure teaching quality, but they argue that any other method would be difficult to implement. The rankings do not acknowledge quality of life in a university nor do they guarantee a job if a person is in attendance at that particular university. It is simply a statistical compilation. However this does not mean that the university rankings are unacknowledged, they are held in a very high regard by many and for that reason it would seem important to acknowledge the facts which the lists are based upon. With the current economic crisis there was little expectation that the Irish universities would perform well in the QS ranking. According to the Irish times: “NUIG and UCC have done well to buck the trend and rise through the rankings.” However, the rankings were taken from data supplied in late 2009, and times have since changed. The effects of cutbacks had just begun to show when the lists were being compiled. It will be more interesting to see the rankings for next year, when the effects of cutbacks and the increase in college applications, but also campus improvements, will affect the results. While NUIG rose in the rankings this year, the university remains in fourth place of the Irish universities, behind TCD, UCD and UCC, and above DCU, NUIM and UL.

NEWS NUIG Student Wins JCI Outstanding Young Person of the World Award

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Melanie Hennessy.

By Naomi Moran Melanie Hennessy, the founding member of the NUIG Draíocht Society has been awarded with the JCI Most Outstanding Young Person of the World in the category of Humanitarian and/or voluntary leadership. She has won a trip to Japan for her efforts. According to the JCI website: “For her extraordinary work in raising humanitarian aid and awareness, Melanie Hennessy of Ennis, Ireland was named a 2010 JCI Ten Outstanding Young Per-

SU Announce College Week Charities By Naomi Moran Melanie Hennessy, the founding member of the NUIG Draíocht Society has been awarded with the JCI Most Outstanding Young Person of the World in the category of Humanitarian and/or voluntary leadership. She has won a trip to Japan for her efforts. According to the JCI website: “For her extraordinary work in raising humanitarian aid and awareness, Melanie Hennessy of Ennis, Ireland was named a 2010 JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (JCI TOYP) recipient in the category of humanitarian and/or voluntary leadership.'” Melanie set up Draíocht Society with a group of students whose dream was to help orphaned Nepali children and to promote multiculturism in Ireland. Draíocht fundraises for the orphanage which Melanie founded. Throughout the year Draíocht also organise a group of students to volunteer in the orphanage in Talamarang each summer. They have

sons of the World (JCI TOYP) recipient in the category of humanitarian and/or voluntary leadership.'” Melanie set up Draíocht Society with a group of students whose dream was to help orphaned Nepali children and to promote multiculturism in Ireland. Draíocht fundraises for the orphanage which Melanie founded. Throughout

also been involved in founding a community school in Talamarang which now has over 500 students. This summer the aim of the society was to build a health unit in Talamarang. When the team arrived out, they realised that building a health unit which would only serve roughly a hundred people would be a waste of resources and they decided to set up a walking clinic which would serve a much wider community. This way they would be able to reach people who would normally not be able to access health care. Melanie says this was a great success and is looking forward to running a biannual walking clinic for the people of Talamarang and the surrounding rural areas. She was nominated by Societies Officer Ríona Hughes in May for the Connaught Junior Chamber awards and has gone right to the top. She, along with Elvis Presley, John F. Kennedy, Orson Wells and Bill Clinton hold this honour. According to Ríona Hughes: “she has been a source of inspiration to us all since she first applied for Society recognition in 2008. She is truly an outstanding person and has already won best new society at the 2009 Society Awards and best Civic Contribution at the 2010 Society Awards”.

the year Draíocht also organise a group of students to volunteer in the orphanage in Talamarang each summer. They have also been involved in founding a community school in Talamarang which now has over 500 students. This summer the aim of the society was to build a health unit in Talamarang. When the team arrived out, they

COPE Galway launch ‘Make a Star’ COPE Galway's annual makeover fundraising extravaganza 'Make a Star' will take place in the Galway Bay Hotel on Sunday, 3rd of October. Make a Star 2010 is an opportunity for members of the public, who raise vital funds for COPE Galway, to get a complete hair, beauty and fashion makeover. Speaking at the launch of the event, Maura Derrane, COPE Galway's Patron, commented "Make A Star is the perfect excuse for women to get glammed up and at the same time help those in Galway suffering from isolation." Twenty women and men get the opportunity to have a professional makeover (grooming for men) and go on to become runway stars on the evening of 3rd October. In the week leading up to the event, Galway's top hair and beauty pro-

realised that building a health unit which would only serve roughly a hundred people would be a waste of resources and they decided to set up a walking clinic which would serve a much wider community. This way they would be able to reach people who would normally not be able to access health care. Melanie says this was a great success and is looking forward to running a biannual walking clinic for the people of Talamarang and the surrounding rural areas. She was nominated by Societies Officer Ríona Hughes in May for the Connaught Junior Chamber awards and has gone right to the top. She, along with Elvis Presley, John F. Kennedy, Orson Wells and Bill Clinton hold this honour. According to Ríona Hughes: “she has been a source of inspiration to us all since she first applied for Society recognition in 2008. She is truly an outstanding person and has already won best new society at the 2009 Society Awards and best Civic Contribution at the 2010 Society Awards”.

fessionals will give each participant a complete hair and beauty makeover in their salons. Following this, each 'Make a Star' model will be paired with shopping professionals from top Galway boutiques who will match them with a flattering outfit to model on the evening. Mandy Maher of Catwalk Model Agency will also work with each of the 'Make a Star' participants to ensure they release the supermodel within as they walk down the runway at the fashion show. If you are interested in participating in Make a Star 2010, you have to raise €500 to support the work of COPE Galway (€100 of this must be paid as a registration fee by 10th September 2010). All proceeds raised are used by COPE Galway in the community to provide targeted services including a refuge for women and children affected by domestic violence, accommodation for homeless people and sustenance and social supports for older people at home. Places are limited. Call Pamela or Edel on 091 778750, fundraising@copegalway.ie

March against Health Cuts A march to stop cuts to UHG and Merlin Park hospital will take place on Saturday, 25th September. Protestors have been asked to assemble at the Cathedral at 2pm. The march has been organised by Galway Says No to Health Cuts. Call 0879479557 or 0872504252 for more information.


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Arts in Action Returns By Mary McDonnell The NUI Galway “Arts in Action” programme is about to kick off once again with an even more diverse range of events than last year. The programme is an initiative by the university to offer its students the opportunity to participate in and attend a variety of arts related events, at little or no cost to the student. As well as this, many of the events are preceded with talks by the performers, with the aim of enhancing the student’s experience of the performance, as well as sparking ideas and discussion. The programme will begin on September 27th, with a performance by the renowned Cathy Sharp Dance Ensemble, at the Town Hall Theatre. This contemporary dance performance from Switzerland will begin at 8pm,

with a pre-show talk at 6.30pm. The packed year-long schedule of Arts in Action events includes a screening in October of Italian film, The Best of Youth. This will be a fun day out, with popcorn and a meal deal at Smokie’s for all who come (bring a cushion and a flask of tea!). November boasts a packed schedule, with a performance of Oedipus Loves You by Pan Pan Theatre Company, a songwriters’ workshop, and an appearance from BellX1. Semester two will be equally as exciting, with a traditional opera, and a digital media exhibition amongst other events. For more information, check out the Arts in Action Facebook page, or contact artsinaction@nuigalway.ie. Tickets for all of these events can be obtained from Catherine Mc Curry, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies, First Floor, Arts Millennium Building.

NUIG students support second flotilla to Palestine By Joseph Loughnane Following the attack on the flottila to Palestine last May, a second flottila is to be sent next month. The NUIG Palestine Solidarity Society are fundraising to ensure that an Irish ship is part of the second flotilla. On 31st May, the elite Israeli naval unit Flotilla 13 stormed the MV Mavi Marmara, the Turkish flagship of an international flotilla bringing humanitarian aid to the besieged people of Gaza. The attack took place in international waters, some 80 nautical miles from the coast of the Gaza Strip. The attack killed at least 9 unarmed Turkish peace activists, and left several dozen injured some of them seriously. Accompanying the Mavi Marmara, was the Challenger I with three Irish activists among its passengers: Dr Fintan Lane, Fiachra O Luain and Shane Dillon. Israeli commandos boarded this ship and forced it to divert to the Israeli port of Ashdod, offering considerable violence to the passengers who offered no resistance. The MV Rachel Corrie followed with several days' delay in the wake of the

Arts Office Present ‘Songs of Joyce’ By Mary McDonnell A 50-minute musical extravaganza at lunchtime with songs drawn from the life and works of James Joyce. The Shannon Colleens bring their own particular earthy brand of harmonies to some of James Joyce’s best-loved popular songs – from bawdy street ballads and sea shanties to music hall hits and folksongs. 1.10pm, Friday 24th September in the Bank of Ireland Theatre. Admission Free and all are welcome.

Mavi Marmara and Challenger I. On board were five Irish passengers: Nobel Peace Prize-winner Mairead Maguire, former UN Assistant Secretary-General Denis Halliday, Derek and Jenny Graham, peace activists from County Mayo, and Fiona Thompson, a film maker from Dundalk. This ship was boarded by Israeli commandos in international waters on 4th June and similarly diverted to Ashdod. Eventually all Irish passport-holders including Esam Bin-Ali and Al-Mahdi Alharat, two Libyan born Irish citizens who were on other ships in the flotilla - were returned safely. All reported that their mobile phones and cameras had not been returned - which is to say that they were stolen - and Mr O Luain's passport was retained by the Israelis. Those who comprise the Irish Ship to Gaza Campaign represent Irish people and organisations that aim to break this inhuman siege by being part of the Second Freedom Flotilla. Fundraising is being carried out to ensure that an Irish ship is among those that set out in October 2010 to break the illegal siege of Gaza. To ensure that Ireland is represented in the Freedom Flotilla 2, donations are being accepted by the Irish Ship to Gaza fund. Bank account details are available from the Palestine Solidarity Society. To get involved, contact the society at palestinesolidarity@socs.nuigalway.ie or phone 087 2729021.

Dramsoc launch programme of events By Abby Noyce and Sam Ferry Staged and Confused, dramsoc’s weekly night of improv., theatre games and script-work is held on Wednesdays at 79pm in The View, Aras na Mac Leinn. This will be followed by Open Mic night in the Cellar Bar. Auditions for ‘The Dumb Waiter’ will take place on 23rd September from 46pm in The Cube, Aras na Mac Leinn. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ will take place at 8pm from 28th September – 3rd October at 8pm. Tickets cost €8/€5.

page 5 SIN TEAM: Editor Richard Manton


As a civil engineer, it’s quite clear that the university is facility

The year has only just begun and the Students’ Union has

deficient, however, there are some concerns that many

already made a massive blunder – hiring an engineering

students have voiced in regard to the construction:

graduate as the editor of Sin! My name is Richard Manton

editor@sin.ie Contributors Miceala O’Donnovan Aine McWilliams Edwin McGreal

and I’d like to welcome all of you back to NUIG. Whether

Firstly, is it really necessary that the three projects in the area

you’re a first year, or you’re Dave Finn, welcome to the first

between the library and the AMB take place all at once? This

issue of Sin for the academic year 2010-11. Sin is Galway’s

has made access to these buildings quite difficult at times.

only student newspaper and will be your guide to all the

Secondly, what about the green areas around campus? With

latest news, sport, reviews and features over the coming year.

the removal of the areas at the BOI end of the concourse and beside the AMB, President’s lawn is the only large green area

Vincent Hughes Valerie Hartnett Chris Cosgrove

This is a very special year for Sin – it’s our 10th birthday!

this side of Dangan. Thirdly, where exactly is the money

Throughout the year we’ll have special pages that delve into

coming from and could it be better spent?

Sin’s ungodly past. In this issue, we have a comeback by Sin’s

James Mahon Grainne Coyne

favourite miscreant – Paddy Garcia. We also take a look at

This construction will go some way towards meeting the

Sin’s first five years with ‘A history of Sin’ from 2005.

current space deficit, but the latest CAO figures beg the

Prionsias Barrett

question: do we have anywhere near enough places in third

Meabh McDonnell

I’ve made a few cosmetic changes to the paper from previous

level as a whole? The harsh economic climate has resulted in

Kevin McCague

years. I hope you’ve noticed the change in front page layout,

thousands returning to education and thousands more

the introduction of headers and the boost in colour.

staying on for postgraduate courses. Unfortunately, this same

However, the real changes are still to come. My plan is to

climate has resulted in public spending cuts that effected

Joseph Loughnane

revamp the news and sports sections over the coming weeks,

higher level education, as with every other government

Mary McDonnell

with the aim of having detailed, accurate and interesting

department. These cuts have not been reflected fully in

stories, with a flavour of controversy.

NUIG’s world ranking, which rose nine places to 232nd this

Orla Brady Laura Cleary

Emmet Byrne


Paddy McMenamin To do this, we need you! We’re well on the way to recruiting

Marc McMenamin Nathan McGreal Kevin Hough Daniel Doyle Naomi Moran Photography Leah Mollica Layout Tom Parandyk


Ciaran Kelly

a mini-army of volunteers and I am especially looking for

In the fees debates over the last few years, the one thing both

news and sports writers. If you are interested in getting

sides agreed on was that the status quo was unsustainable,

involved, in whatever way, send me an email at editor@sin.ie

yet that’s what remained. If the government is to take the

or come along to our meeting today (Tuesday, 21st

development of a knowledge economy serious, the third-level


funding situation must be sorted out. In my view, there must be serious investment in higher education, connected to a

Construction and University Places

programme of job creation to cut across graduate

Everyone has noticed the construction around campus,

unemployment and emigration and to prevent a ‘brain drain’

especially in the vicinity of the library. The work near the


‘Yellow Thing’ is nearing completion, however, there is much still to do. NUIG’s ‘Campus of the Future’ plans are wide

What are your thoughts? Send a letter to the editor at

ranging, both in terms of vision and duration.

editor@sin.ie about this or any other issue.

Come along to g e t i n v o lv e d ! AC214 (BOI end of Concourse, left after yellow doors)


stS e p t e m b e r

7 p m , T u e s d ay

Sin Meeting

Why write for Sin? Looks good on a CV Builds up portfolio material Chance to win a Smedia award Eligible for an ALIVE cert Meet other writers Free stuff! editor@sin.ie

page 6


tries internet dating

There is a time in Galway city, even before the first leaf falls when you can feel the season change. The rain constantly beats at your window and you know for sure that the summer is gone. A new chapter in life opens up.

Later that day, I began to think about

You start university, begin a new relationship or just stay healing from your old one. Being single in the city, you start the year with few shots, a few pints here and there but then it all turns into cloudiness and a night you won’t remember in the morning. However, I started my new single life by talking to a random guy on internet. I was like ‘why not?’, nothing horrible could happen if he doesn’t know me and I don’t know him. A few questions about his personal life turned into a weird conversation about lesbian sex, porn orgies and what kind of underwear I wear. My first reaction was like to run, delete the account and never ever do that again! But for some reason I continued to talk to him for few days, intrigued to find out more. Afterall, he had a hot picture of his body (ladies you would definitely appreciate it).

Talking about himself further, I found out that he likes shopping and shoes. A bell rang in my head - he must be gay. No decent guy likes shopping, especially shoe-shopping. Yet I was wrong again. It left me confused. Instead of bothering to figure everything out, I went to my favourite couple’s home and got totally wasted and stoned. When I get drunk I get horny. Having previously swapped numbers with him, I decided to send him a text. It seems I have more courage when intoxicated. Out the blue, I was like let’s meet. That was at around 12 am. He got a bit freaked out and was shy about meeting. Like what the hell, I’m a girl, I wasn’t gonna kill him. I’m the one who should have been concerned. I was meeting a 28 year old guy. I wasn’t thinking straight. Waking up next morning I got a flashback of texting, and at that point I wanted to die. I eventually got over it and went out to buy shoes with my girlfriend.

fate: the crazy concept that we are not responsible for the course that our lives take, that it’s all predestined. The thing that bull-shits all over our lives, makes us do crazy things, turn to drugs, to alcohol and become whores after it fucks up our lives. It’s all written in the stars. Maybe that explains why your life tends to be more random if you live in the city - you can’t see the stars. Instead, you see your exes. They still make your heart jump and you get the butterfly feelings in your stomach. After these thoughts, I said ‘fuck fate!’, grabbed it by the balls, built up the courage and met ‘internet guy’. God what was I thinking! I wanted to run as soon as possible, to pretend that it’s not me he’s meeting and just be a bitch. But being nice I couldn’t do it. I sat there smiling and nodding, adding a few awws and mmms. It was the longest hour of my life. The worst thing was he kept staring at me, and it was that look that he was picturing me naked. All I wanted to do was run away and hide, and take a long, long shower.

You may ask ‘Was it worth it?’. I have to say ‘No!’. Would I ever do it again? Maybe, but not anytime soon, not unless I’m desperate and lose my looks. That said, he was a nice person, nothing against him, but all I saw was friendship. Why exactly did I do this’ I am still not sure. Maybe to show that I can move on from my ex, that I am not hurting inside, that I am me again, that I am ready. But it’s all a lie. I admit fate does make you do crazy things, especially when you do have a broken heart. But maybe our mistakes are what make our fate, without them we wouldn’t be who we are now. They shape what our lives are and what they will be. They help us to meet amazing people that change who you are, your whole existence.

By Sinderella

page 7

How to Get Da Shift Welcome to college freshworld 2010 at NUIG, famous for rag week and being a campus in a city with too many clubs five mins apart from each other. If you wander through freshers week without getting da shift then you must’ve been trapped in Joseph Fritzel’s basement watching Oprah and eating swiss rolls for most of your life.

or if she goes smoking area, stand near her with your lighter on show and offering fags. Don’t offer her a drink unless you have to! Cigs are cheaper

“amazing ear rings” (can also use rings, necklace) allowing to touch a sensitive area and if all else fails lie!

I could continue with the rules, but I must first tell you…

As a straight male entering college in this era of stunning “beuers” and “feekin” you have entered paradise, as a girl you can literally control a guy by not giving him what he wants out of these four categories: 1. sex, 2. food, 3. sport, 4. cars or more sex.

What not to do A former manager of Karma told me a tale of a girl giving a blowjob to a guy in the club and the girl being removed for the act. When the lad was approached by security, he said “I didn’t do anything wrong. She did it to me!”, and asked for a manager. This will not work! FAIL!

Rules for Getting Da Shift 1st rule: According to DJ rankin is “listen to your heart”. I disagree with Mr. Gordon Rankin. Follow your instinct, young stallions, if you want the women to come faster to you than the Venga Bus to gay pride, give the woman what she wants, e.g alcohol, attention, a cuddle or last resort - a chicken snack box in Supermacs. If she asks for chicken tenders, she’s gagging for it! If she asks for a Heather Mills lunchbox (2 breasts, 1 leg), be wary!

DO NOT, ENTER A COUNTY CHALLENGE SHIFT OFF COMPETITION for duration of either a semester or 1st year! Unless you are sure you don’t want a girlfriend, there are 32 counties in this island, and Wexford, Laois, and Armagh will be hard to find, so either put in 100 per cent to knock off the ladies or don’t bother at all.

2nd rule: Dress for the woman. Don’t wear cantos and a shexy shirt and go chatting up skanks covered in uv paint and quoting cascada lyrics. Know your target audience, gauge your range, check out the demographic in the queue beforehand. Know you limits young obi wans, don’t push for a 7 or 8 stunner if she’s not drunk enough. You are your own enemy around women. 3rd rule: To get her attention, first see if any of her friends have any idea who you are. Enter through the back door system to get attention – a bit like Waterford hurling. If not, just stand around looking savage. If she goes on dance floor make sure she leaves it thinking you’re a hybrid of Michael Flatly on steroids and George Sampson after a few shots of toilet duck. 4th rule: If all else fails, wait till she gets vvvvvvvv drunk and try the above,

Car Park, and its 2.34am, and you can barely see the lads or where the dance floor is, go straight for her and put your hand to her lips and say “Don’t talk, let’s just go”. Don’t use this unless you are at wits end. It’s called the Johnny Bravo!

If a girl tells you she’s not looking for just the shift! She wants a relationship! She is not offering sex. If she is, it’s with more terms and conditions than Portsmouth’s financial controller! Laurie Vegas, LA Pornstar, in a recent interview with me, said that if the girl spends too much time playing with your ass then she’s not interested in what’s the other side.

than drink. It’s a waste of 6 euro, and she will probably ask for a double vodka redbull “double weapon juice and hammer time” even though she’s been on Bavaria pints all night. If she listens to you talking shite for more 3 minutes you have a shot at the shift. If she pretends to answer her phone or starts texting while you’re talking make a reference to her

Lie about everything, completely lie about anything that you know will slowly veer you back on track to the shift. Create a total persona, tell her you will be in X-Factor in a month or two, “don’t tell her its really coyote factor”.

I shall continue this series each issue with exclusive interviews with the cast of Hardybucks and more tips from top UK and USA adult entertainers and relationship psychologists, as well as looking at the theories of “LOB THE GOB” “DROP THE PAW” and “IF IN DOUBT POP IT OUT”.

If a girl has been round the block and back and in reverse, and she sticks out like a Nissan Almera in Trinity College

Stay tuned tigers and tigressess, rawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwr By James Mahon

page 8

Go Shopping In Born

Attend a Gig at the Roisin Dubh

Located in Newtownsmith, just a stones throw off University Road, the huge range and student discount make this shop a firm favourite among Galway girls and boys. Inside you will find the luxurious interior a treat to shop in, as you browse through quirky brands like Motel and Lipsy. While the girls will also be enraptured by the impressive shoes, bags and accessories, the guys should check out the men's section upstairs which includes brands like Jack and Jones. There is even a cute cafe inside, looking onto the River Corrib. Perfect!

The Roisin on Dominick Street is famous as one of the best live music venues in the country. The cosy size of the stage and dancefloor downstairs mean watching a gig here is an intimate, unforgettable experience. They regularly host free gigs, comedy on Wednesday nights and silent discos. If you get too hot and sweaty from all that dancing, head upstairs to the lovely beer garden for a breather. Exciting upcoming shows include Ellie Goulding and Two Door Cinema Club later this year.

y a w l a G e h T Experience Whether you w ill be studying here for four y ears or just a semester, here are the five thin gs you would be c razy to miss.

By Miceala O


Spend a Day in Salthill

Relax at the Spanish Arch

Explore Connemara

Feel like a kid again at Galways seaside suburb! Get a 99 and take a stroll along the prom, or let your silly-side run wild in the gloriously tacky Seapoint Leisure Centre arcade. If you’re really brave, dare your friends to jump off the diving board with you, and get a hot chocolate in Arabica afterwards to warm up. Atlantaquarium is also worth a look and end the day by sitting on the beach to watch the sun set over Galway bay.

When the weather is good, crowds of Galwegians flock to "The Sparch" to chill out and have the craic. There is usually a busker or two around and the atmosphere is great. The famous arch itself was part of the original city walls, so it's a little piece of Galway's history. Try McDonagh's, just across the road at the bottom of Quay Street, for the best chips you will ever have in your life. Galway doesn't get better than this!

Adventure time! You may have to employ the help of a friend with a car for this one, but if they aren't the wellywearing type, O'Neachtain’s tours will bring students for just 15 euro. The unspoiled landscape is breathtaking and a perfect antidote to the stress of college life. It's dotted with charming little pubs where you can enjoy some traditional Irish music and practice your Gaeilge on the locals. Just don't drink too many pints of Guinness or it could be a messy drive home...

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e d i u G l a v i v r u S y t Universi

Part ONE :

t u O g Movin

Dear Student, So you’ve flown the parental nest! Congratulations are in order. Moving can be a stressful experience, particularly if you’re moving to a new city, so well done on overcoming that first obstacle on your path to independence. But while you’re revelling in your new-found liberation, spare a thought for the logistics of house-sharing. I do not mean to ruin your fantasies of freedom, and although your housemates will hardly expect you to live by your parents’ rules, there are a few minor considerations to take into account. Firstly, develop a few house rules. This doesn’t have to be an exhaustive and extensive Fun Prohibition Charter, rather a few basic agreements that you reach together in order to make living together easier on you all. You will have more fun together if you’re not all seething with resentment over petty house squabbles like whose turn it is to take out the bins, or why one person hasn’t bought a bottle of washing up liquid once in 12 months! It is best to come to these agreements at the beginning. There is no point in

waiting until later in the year, when honestly you’ll have more important things to worry about! Find an evening when everyone is free, and work together. Don’t take it upon yourself to compose this list alone, and don’t expect someone else to do it without any help from you. Dividing yourselves into rule makers and breakers this early on is a bad idea. Sharing a house involves a lot of co-operation, so get used to it! Some simple things to agree on may include: Smoking Decide from the outset whether or not to allow smoking inside the house. Smokers, the world is not necessarily your ashtray, and if you decide to make your house a smoke-free zone, keep it that way. Also, if you’ve designated smoke free areas in the house, like the kitchen or bathroom don’t smoke in these places. Make sure your guests are aware of these rules. Shared Expenses These include things like toilet paper, bin bags and cleaning equipment. Take it in turns to buy these things, or set up a communal fund for them. It’s unfair to expect one person to

constantly shell out for stuff that everyone is using (or ought to be using anyway!). If it’s your turn to buy toilet paper or washing up liquid, or whatever make sure you buy it. Cleaning Clean up after yourself! Your housemates should not have to clean up your messes, and you shouldn’t have to clean up after them. Rotate chores such as vacuuming, taking out the bins and cleaning common areas of the house. Washing your own cups and plates doesn’t exempt you from cleaning the shower when it’s your turn to do it! Also, remember that your parents or your housemates’ parents may come a-visiting at some stage. You do want to avoid the matriarchal cardiac arrest that will ensue if Mummy Dearest thinks her beloved offspring is living in a pigsty. Secondly, respect one another. You are all equals and entitled to the same courtesy. Don’t take one another for granted, and don’t assume your housemates “won’t mind”. Inform them if you’re having guests over, especially if you won’t be there yourself. Finding a stranger merrily making himself breakfast in your kitchen because “my sister said I could stay in her room

while she was gone” may induce a mini heart attack in your housemates if they don’t know about it. If you need a favour from your housemates, ask them first. Don’t lend out their possessions or offer the use of their empty bed to your out-oftown guest without asking them first. Also, if your housemate asks a favour of you consider it fairly. Is your vegetarian housemate being “too picky” by asking you not to cook meat in her special pots and pans brought from home? Maybe you think so, but it’s not your call. However, if she asks if a friend can sleep in your room while you’re gone, feel free to say no if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Lastly, have fun together! Do things together as a group. Go out, or stay in with your housemates. If you’re living with natives of the city, they’ll be able to show you around. If you’re all new in town, enjoy finding things out. You’re living it up in the big city after all, free from the constraints of the family home……….. Sincerely, An older and (allegedly) wiser student :)

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By Edwin McGreal

Ways to Spot a First Year In case ye don’t know it folks, us seasoned college goers can spot the first years from a hundred paces. Here are some of the tell-tale signs: 1. Wearing your county jersey Some more established students may be guilty of this crime against fashion, but its mainly first years. You don’t need to proclaim your identity. Tipp, Clare, Sligo and even Roscommon - all race and creeds are welcome. We’ll allow an exception the week after Mayo win an All-Ireland (as if!). 2. Buying pint bottles galore in the college bar Many is the naive first year who comes into college with plenty of money in their pocket from a summer’s work and, unused to budgeting, goes on the prime pint bottles of cider. Look for the €2 pints folks and if you don’t like them, well acquire the taste, you’ll need to! 3. Village people Many parents are happy to see their son or daughter spend their first college year on campus in Corrib Village. And it makes sense on a lot of

levels for those moving to new surroundings. Just don’t come back during Rag Week parents unless you want illusions of an Alice in Wonderland type centre shattered! 4. Taking what they can from the canteen First years, like all of us, are great survivors underneath it all. Why take one salt sachet when you can grab 10 and not have to buy any for the house? Why take one slice of garlic bread when there’s room for three? And don’t worry, everyone else tries it too. 5. Queues at the Porter’s Desk Trying to get around the college with no knowledge of the surroundings is nigh on impossible. Most people come to the Porter’s Desk (Information Point) on the main concourse. Others try to find their way on their own, before going to the Porter’s Desk with their tails between their legs.

6. Looking for Mervue Community Centre Want to confuse a first year? Tell them they’ve to sit an exam in Mervue Community Centre. Come next May the new intake will know the campus like the back of their hand. But hearing they’ve an exam an exam in Mervue will have them right back in Freshers Week again looking lost. 7. Asking for directions to the Tyndall Theatre It is hard to blame any first year for not being able to find this little cranny. We’ve all struggled to find this first time out. Without directions, you’ll do well to find Tyndall. Make sure you point the first years’ in the right direction and don’t be bold sending them in the direction of Bank of Ireland! 8. Queues for free stuff If you’re a first year student who hasn’t been queuing for free stuff, then

you either don’t know about it (in which case get along to the banks and the students’ union and see what you can wrangle) or you have too much money to be bothering with queuing (in which case, any chance of a few quid?). 9. Buying everything in the book shop Don’t buy new books when you can get get them second hand for half the price or less. And if you’ve managed to get money from your folks for new books, then you’ve a whole lot of spare cash on hand, ca ching! 10. Filling up the library A seat in the library in September is hard found with all the first years hogging them. Of course we’re messing. Any first years in the library in September ought to be congratulated for their commitment. But they should also be committed! Get out of there, ye don’t have exams till May for the love of God!

Ten Things to Think-over by Ten Top Talents

Compiled by Proinsias Barrett

Woody Allen: “I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of another student.” Albert Einstein: “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world”

Alice Duer Miller “Don't ever dare to take your college as a matter of course - because, like democracy and freedom, many people you'll never know have broken their hearts to get it for you.” Samuel Beckett “Dublin University contains the dream of Ireland - rich and thick.” Thomas Ehrlich “College education should equip one to entertain three things: a friend, an idea and oneself.”

Frank Zappa “If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.” Benny Hill “Have you noticed that all the people in favour of abortion are already born?” Chinese bloke “He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does not remains a fool forever.”

Don Marquis “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.” Napoleon Hill “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” Thomas Alva Edison “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”

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S.T.WHY? Sin visits the STI clinic in UHG Isn't it just a sickener? No matter how advanced mankind's civilisation has gotten in all it's conquests, glories and epic triumphs upon the passage of time battlefield we still can't fight a wart on the knob. How is this possible? Why wasn't its eradication on the to-do list of governments everywhere when a stable world was finally established? Do you like giving us these tribulations of sexual inactivity God? Does it amuse you on your God-box when you sit down at the end of your hard day of making more snakes and flick around to watch the World Reality TV show? "Let's see what new unnecessary crap I'm putting them through today..." Fuck sake. Well it's a growing experience to behold there's no doubt about it. Do you remember your first check? It always starts so innnocently, like a secret no-sex scud missile fired right up the urethra. You slog out of bed for a day of avoiding lectures, lurch into the shower to wake yourself up and not too long after entering you notice it. There. Looking up at you as if to say "I know you've been having too much fun lately, so in spite I've decided to stay over for a while." Panic. Internet. Wikipedia. STI. Symptoms. Moment of clarity. Bollocks.

many places you can stand up in and can say, without even knowing the fellow man beside you, "WE'VE ALL HAD SEX! ALRIGHT! THE BOND IS BROKEN!". It's a victory party celebrating the fact you are now mature enough to fornicate on a casual basis and in doing so, need a tune-up from time to time. The advancement of moving from secondary school to college is much like upgrading from a brick nokia to an Iphone. Sure it's more hip and independent but you better be ready for more in-house maintenance. And so you wait. And then they open the doors. And then you have to wait some more. As you march in single file, it's much like a solemn platoon

wall. The atmosphere in an STI clinic waiting room can be very tense and anti-social. It's like having a wake for your libido. Everyone's mourning the fact there's something hindering their ability to copulate and holding a number for 15 - 120 minutes is the only way to progress. And so you wait. Magazines are a small help for a distraction but soon enough you realise you're looking at people that more or less probably don't have an STI at the moment. Bastards. Wait a minute... Here's a sign of things looking up... It's someone you know in the clinic! Ah sure boys. Do I wave awkwardly or concentrate anywhere else? Either way it's nice to know you


It's one of those rare things in life that is absolutely serious and absolutely side-splitting at the same time. Once in the door of the establishment, it feels like you've just became apart of an exclusive club so-to-speak. There's not

He examines (details missing). For obvious purposes in case one is eating whilst reading we will not talk of the swab and it's implications but seriously. It's the 21st century. Sort yourself out, HSE. An alternative has never been more needed since hangovers. I asked for something to bite down on and the lab coats looked at me as if it had never been asked. So you don't make the same mistake, a leg off a small coffee table might suffice. Put it on the suitcase list for your stay at Costa de la Confession.

Conversation. The doctor gives the 41-1 and regardless of the outcome it is a relief to at least know what you have and how it can be treated. It'll be grand. Armed with cream/pills/advice/prescription and a possible return date you thank and leave the office feeling like you've just gotten homework for your penis. Who'd of thought one body part could be so demanding? Only something that provides such gratifying satisfaction as the ecstasy-filled stimulation of an orgasm would require so much attention. Your numbskulls all meet in the war-room of the sexual endeavour district of your brain and the president goes: "Gentlemen, we have a crisis. **** has an STI." Most of the men seated stay still awaiting instructions though remaining tense while some of the more dramatic members of the cabinet abandon ship altogether and jump out the ear.

Not to worry though, courtesy of locational proximity there's a clinic just across the road! It's like they knew you were coming... The best advice I could give you on receiving such an unlucky addition to your anatomy is to imagine everyone else in the world has it as well. You might as well because until the issue is resolved it's best to have the mentality that you're somewhat in 'dick-jail' as it were. Instead of having sex with women you have to have conversations with them. That's as far as you're getting. For now. So what to do? In the clinic you go, dummy. Whether it's genital herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis, chanchroid, thrush or crabs you best be on the mend ASAP. It's best to remember that you should be there at least a half hour before it's actually opened as the queue is nearly always hilarious. Ah yes, the STI clinic journey.

corridor following a person slightly more educated than you and BOOM you're in the office. "And so ****, what seems to be the problem?" (hopefully he doesn't say 'this time' at the end of the sentence). "Well..." Da-dee-da-deedah. Symptoms blah blah, Ask Jeeves didn't help etc. Help me. Please oh God get my rocket back on the landing pad and ready for launch. I WAS JUST GETTING GOOD AT IT!

exploring territory they've seen before but are on the edge from possible snipers nonetheless. The snipers in this case are the doctors with the bad news. But that's not until later. First you need your number. Get a low one. The receptionist hands you the digit of fate and you sit down to engage in a long imaginary conversation with the

have a mutual bond of not thinking clearly. This clinic's turning in to be some craic. Ringing people passes the time: "You'll never guess where I am..." Everyone loves a scoop.

Relax. It happens, and as life progresses (including one's love life) it becomes as routine as a dental check-up though the frequency of visits should be a little lower than the latter. Weeks pass after the appropriate treatment and you find yourself back to Planet Comfortable In My Pants. Dear Steroid Cream, thank you. Dear Recipient, no problem. Now don't screw it up.

Before you know it - Hurrah! Your proverbial number is indeed up. Another shame-filled walk through the

Summation: STI experience = Newfound respect for non-STI state. Everyone wins.

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Fight Like Apes and the Coonics In one of the best gigs to ever grace NUI Galway in quiet some time, Dublin-based Fight Like Apes played to a packed out College Bar on Thursday evening. Support for the evening came in the form of The Coonics, who whetted the audience’s appetite with a short set but this was truly a night for Fight Like Apes who mix rock, punk and synth with lyrics of love, loss, anger and affection for all things alternative. The quirky foursome kicked off the night with a bang, launching into some rousing renditions of their best known songs. From the moment they hit the stage, the crowd went wild, singing a long with each song and bowing before the brilliance of MayKay’s enthralling vocals. Their set included their best known hits Lend Me Your

Face, Something Global and Jake Summers. They also included the track Hoo Ha Henry from their recently released album The Body of Christ and the Legs of Tina Turner. This mesmerising group kept the crowd well entertained with vocals that could switch from being sweet and tender into a ferocious roar. The audience was engaged and even the band’s keyboard player got into the swing of things by jumping into the crowd at one point. They closed their set with the audience begging for more. The Body of Christ and the Legs of Tina Turner is available to buy now. By Emma Conway

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College can be an expensive time and it’s easy to lose track of your spending between rent food and social life, but following these easy budgeting tips should help your money go further

4. Budget: Every month write down how much you plan to spend on everything, based on how much income you have coming in and stick to it. If you live in a shared house maybe agree to put a fiver each a week for bills into a kitty so it’s not so much to come up with all at once. Don’t impulse buy things you don’t need when you do have money, as in if you planned to only spend 60 Euro a month on clothes don’t go out and buy a pair of ugg boots just because you just got your grant that day. It goes fast if you don’t stick to your budget.

1. Socialising: Whether it’s your first year or you’ve just missed Galway over the summer, it’s easy to get carried away and spend all your money in CPs or Karma in the first week or two. While this may seem like a great idea at the time it won’t be so great if you end up short on rent or food money. You don’t have to go out every night and when you do only bring as much money out with you as you intend to spend when your sober with enough put aside enough for the taxi home, if you bring too much out you might end up seeing your budget of 40 Euro stretching to 70. It might also be a good idea to put a daily limit on your ATM to avoid drunken withdrawals. If you need to get a taxi, use a cab company instead of a taxi because they have fixed rates and you know what you’re paying before you go.

5. Shop wisely: Shopping in Aldi and Lidl is the best way to make a small food budget go further as everything here is really cheap whereas if you go into Tesco or Dunne’s you may find yourself throwing some more expensive stuff into the trolley, as well as a few sneaky cans and suddenly you realise you’ve spent way too much. Buy stuff that is cheap and will last, like pasta and rice to make dinner instead of takeaways, the €18 spent on one large pizza from dominos could be equal to a week’s shop in Aldi. Buy stuff for lunches too, because if you buy meals in college everyday it works out pretty expensive.

2. Income: Most students will need to try find some sort of a part-time job to fund their college life, even if you’re getting the grant its usually not enough on its own. If you don’t already have a parttime job, now is the time to start looking, although it’s much harder to get a permanent job anywhere lately, loads of places in town are already looking for Christmas temp. people and clubs and pubs are always looking for promotions people. If you can’t get a job or the grant, taking out a loan might be the only option, make sure you shop around for the best interest rate, the Credit Union is usually best. 3. Accommodation: Make sure you’re getting your money’s worth for your accommodation. If there’s any damage to anything that was done before you moved in point it out to landlord now so they can’t claim it was caused by you, and make sure you don’t actually cause any damage either because some landlords will use any excuse to hold onto your deposit and the last thing you want is to start your summer being down three or four hundred Euro. If you think there‘s anything wrong with your accommodation or feel you’re being ripped off, there’s a place called Threshold on Merchants Road that deals with tenant-landlord problems.


If you’re buying books, get them from the student union second hand – it’s much cheaper. Lastly don’t forget when shopping in town to use your student discount. Most places have one now and it may be one of the only financial advantages you have as a student so make use of it!

By Laura Cleary

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The Fresher’s Guide to Dealing with Housemates When I was seven years old, I played a game where I pretended that I had moved away from home, I had my own apartment and I had an office with stationery that all matched. Eleven years later I was confronted with the reality of moving away from home, away from dishwashers, double beds, and with people I wasn’t related to. Living with folks who aren’t your blood relatives has its merits and its drawbacks, you don’t necessarily have to like these people, then again you don’t necessarily have to like your family. You can shout at your sister when she spends ages in the shower. You can give out hell to your brother for eating the last slice of cake, taking the TV remote or interrupting your REM cycle with his intolerable noise some might call music. But when you leave your home to move into the big city you will, suddenly, most likely for the first time in your life, be living with people who aren’t your family. I can

<insert angsty band here> and even breaking a few pencils. But if a fellow housemate annoys you to pencil breaking point, you have to take it, meekly and without even the comfort of the odd passive aggressive comment. You have to endure a year with these people and let’s face it you don’t know each other that well. Because of this, courtesy dictates all. So every little nuance that annoys you will simply have to be tolerated. If your housemate monopolises the shower, you need to get up earlier, because banging loudly upon the door can be considered unfriendly. If your housemates have a slightly different attitude to cleanliness that you, i.e. waiting for dishes to ferment before washing them, beyond having a polite chat about it there’s nothing much you can do. Now if your housemate unfortunately decides to approach your bedside, accompanied by a six-inch knife, two to three times a week then you should maybe find a new place to live. But beyond extreme conditions such as this, there’s not much you can do. Surely the solution then, is to find housemates that you get along with and can talk to, like friends? The answer to this question is a tragic one I’m afraid, because the highway of college life is littered with casualties of friends, who thought it would be a great adventure to

By Méabh McDonnell

practically hear your excitement as you plan staying up until 4am for no reason, having Dionysian house parties, living life to its complete fullness. After all, why shouldn’t you, you’re only young once. You, my friend, envision Utopia, an unattainable existence that cannot and will never exist. I’m not saying that your stay in college will be a horrific endurance that would make Hitchcock sit up and take notice but I am almost certain it will fall short of your expectations. Because believe it or not, your family are actually the people who will give you the most freedom in your living arrangements. I can hear your violent protestations; surely your parents would lose years off of their lives if they knew the antics you get up to with your housemates. Your mother would lock you inside your room throw away the key and send food in through a hatch until you’re too old to run away. However If that unlikely situation did occur, you would have no qualms about shouting your head off about it, blasting

live together, and six months later weren’t speaking. Because living with someone you were once friends with can shed some interesting light upon their habits, nicest of which is how much they enjoy singing showtunes in the shower. Don’t get me wrong, there are friendships which have survived the ordeal, mostly due to a great deal of compromise and communication on the part of everyone in the house/apartment/secret lair. The ‘subtle hint’ simply becomes part of your daily rhetoric, effective because there’s minimal chance of people’s feelings get hurt. House meetings to discuss bills and certain issues such as cleanliness can be useful also so at least some of the time you can get your feelings voiced. But most likely there will always be things about your housemates which annoy you. I suppose the moral of the story is the importance of finding new friends with whom you can complain about your showtune singing, lack of cleaning… no good housemates.

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The Fresher’s Guide to College Roommates

You’ve been offered your place in NUIG and although the thought of moving away from home is daunting, you’re looking forward to be moving away from your annoying little sister and your nagging mother. However, whether you’re moving in with new people or an old friend, you’ll discover that you don’t really know someone until you live with them. Here are just a few of the personalities you may come across when you move into your new place. The Kleptomaniac Living with our first roommate from hell, the kleptomaniac, is a lot like living with a younger sibling. Your clothes start to go missing and end up in their laundry basket. When it’s their turn to buy the toilet paper, they arrive home with industrial sized rolls which look suspiciously like the ones at college. Rather than fork out ten cent for ketchup at lunch, they’ll hide it under their plate, along with a year’s supply of salt and pepper sachets to bring home.

The Neat Freak Next we have the neat freak, who seems like an ideal roommate at the start. They’ll wash your clothes when they’re putting on a load and wash your dishes when they’re doing their own. You begin to have second thoughts when they start the post house party clean-up at 7am, making a little more

noise with the vacuum cleaner than necessary. The neat freak is usually very passive aggressive and when you offer to help clean up after you stumble out of bed around noon, they’ll calmly reply that they’ve finished and suggest you go back to bed to recover. However, when you view their Facebook profile, you see they announce that they complain how they’ve spent the morning slaving away while you lazed in bed. The Slob In contrast to this, we have the slob. Just one week of living with the slob will have you begging the neat freak to move back in. They’ll leave a Domino’s box lying next to the couch for a week, and will heat up the remains when they’re too lazy to cook. They’ll find clothes to wear from the dirty laundry basket. The scariest thing about living with the slob, aside from the family of mice that have moved in, is that you slowly find yourself turning into the neat freak.

The Stalker The stalker is a flattering friend to have at first. They are always paying you compliments on your hair or outfit. However, it becomes slightly worrying when they start buying the same shampoo as you, and reconstruct an identical outfit to yours but you suppose that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. When they start sympathising with Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character in Single White Female, it may be time to see if you can break your lease agreement. Party Animal v. Serious Student Two other roommates you may have are the party animal and the serious student. The party animal knows the best spots for going out; the serious student knows the best spots in the library. The party animal will introduce you to a whole new group of friends; the serious student will help you figure out how to access Blackboard. The party animal wakes you up stumbling in at 6am for the third night running;

the serious student shoots daggers at you the morning after you tip-toe in at 2am. Peculiarly, these types of roommates can actually cohabit quite well together, as the party animal is usually heading out when the serious student is getting in, and getting home when the serious student is getting up for the day. This list of roommate types is by no means extensive, with new breeds emerging each semester. I won’t even begin to touch on the subject of the roommate with a boyfriend or girlfriend. There is little doubt that sometime during your time in college you’ll end up living with one of these roommates. More often than not though, your new roommate will end up becoming a great friend, even if they are a little messy or constantly use the last of your shampoo. If not? Try to get a room of your own next year.

By Orla Brady

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Welcome to the SU Page Welcome to the SU Page!! The SU Page is designed to give you a brief overview of the work that the Students’ Union is doing to improve your time in college. If there’s anything that you feel needs to be worked on or changes about the Students’ Union, the University, or almost anything else be sure to let us know. In order to welcome everyone to Galway for 2010/2011 we have some great events lined up over the next week including the Saw Doctors and our Freshers’ Traffic light Party. For a full line up of events make sure you check out Fresh, our pullout magazine included in this issue of Sin.

Class Reps Every class is entitled to a Class Representative to represent their class. If your class does not have a Class Rep your voice will not be heard. If your class has not yet elected a Class Rep put pressure on your lecturer to organise elections. If you have been elected as a Class Rep make sure you drop up to the Students’ Union office with your sign-up sheet completed or get a sign-up sheet from us. If you have any questions on the roles and responsibilities of a Class Rep contact the SU Vice-President/Education Officer Emmet Connolly at su.education@nuigalway.ie. Further information regarding the role of Class Reps is also available in the education section of our website www.su.nuigalway.ie.

SU Crew The SU Crew is a new idea we’ve come up with and is aimed at getting people who usually wouldn’t be involved in the Students’ Union to sign up, get a nice t-shirt and other goodies in return for their help promoting the Students’ Union on campus and advising us about what students want from us. That might involve organising gigs and entertainments or helping with our various campaigns during the year such as SHAG Week (Sexual Health and Guidance) and College Week. The whole point of the SU Crew is that it’s purposefully flexible and it’s role can change from month to month– if you want to go around with a charity bucket for us, that’s fine; if you’d rather try and get us to fund some new idea you how to make campus better, we’re all ears; if you just want to help with running campaigns or gigs, that’s great. Sign up at the SU stand at Societies Day, Freshers’ Fair, or up at our office during Freshers’ Fortnight. Contact Emmet in the SU for more information on su.education@nuigalway.ie.

Please note that lockers are now available for purchase online. You need to register online first at www.su.nuigalway.ie and your locker will be reserved for a 3 day period during which you can call up to the SU to collect your key and pay for same.


If you want to get in touch with the Students’ Union please email studentsunion@nuigalway.ie with any questions or suggestions you may have. You can also find us on

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/NUIGalwayStudentsUnion Twitter http://www.twitter.com/nuigsu MySpace http://www.myspace.com/thesusessions.

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Burning the Qur’an I’m sure that at this point most of us are aware of the recent threats made to burn the Qur’an, the Islamic holy book. As a frequent YouTube user, I watched as a war unfolded in the comments sections of any and all videos related to this topic. It is a subject that has bothered me greatly. Being more inclined towards the side that opposes the idea of burning the Qur’an, I will point out that I am not completely biased on this issue; I am aware that many of the Islamic people were foolish in their reactions to the threat. In burning models of Pastor Jones, the man behind the uproar, and the American flag, some Muslims gave the Pastor exactly what he wanted; an opportunity to brand the Islamic people as extremists. Through threats of violence from a smaller number of these people, he was provided with a chance to call them dangerous also. I mean no

I do not follow any organized religion; personally I view any form of congregation as an excuse for humanity to wage war. For years, I was an atheist. I believed in no God, and even now, I do not believe in the ‘traditional’ values of any established religion. Yet, I can accept that the Qur’an is more to the Islamic people than “Just a book.” The Qur’an, according to Muslim belief, is a collection of the direct writings of the prophet Muhammad, and these words are believed to have originated from God. For centuries, potentially since it was first written, the Qur’an has remained unchanged. To the people that believe what is written within, it is far more than “Just a book” and even more than a symbol of their faith. Many Catholics take the Bible for granted, and that isn’t frowned upon. It’s getting rarer to find a person among any religion

through any media, and regardless of frontiers.” Yes, that could be taken and interpreted as a statement that allows people freedom to express their opinion of an idea through the burning of an associated symbol. Yet, it should not be translated to that effect; the act of burning a symbol is a violent, provocative and hateful one, guaranteed to put the well-being of certain members of society at risk. In this case, Pastor Jones was warned by religious and political leaders all over the world that burning the Qur’an could cost the lives of innocent Americans and people outside of the Islamic faith. Freedom of speech should be limited to vocalization, the written word, and peaceful protest. If Pastor Jones can say ‘Freedom of expression allows me to express my opinion of this organization by burning its symbol’, knowing he will indirectly cause harm to innocents, then what is stopping a

Pastor Terry Jones offence to the Islamic people, but the only reactions that got any major publicity, the only reactions and public protests that I witnessed through the media, were the responses of extremists. It was the actions of these people that, in the end, proved to be Pastor Jones’ greatest weapon in this debate. On the other side, however, the forum wars were fought by three kinds of people; the people that justified the burning of the Qur’an by claiming it is “Just a book”, the people that justified the Pastor’s intentions through “Freedom of speech”, and the people that were simply prejudiced against the Islamic people. Occasionally you would find a bystander trying to make peace between the two sides, but these people were hard to come across. My response to the arguments in the Pastor’s favour is as follows.

that genuinely takes it seriously. The Muslims are proud of their faith, and they follow it to the best of their abilities. The Muslim people have a profound connection and respect for the Qur’an, one which should be looked upon as a virtue. Another way of looking at the “Just a book” argument is to take the approach ‘If it’s just a book, why would Pastor Jones take such a risk?’ The answer is simple; he knew it would provoke an agitated response from the Islamic people. He knows it is not “Just a book.” In response to cries of “Free speech”, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart ideas

person from saying ‘Freedom of expression allows me to express my opinion of this organization through violence’? It’s a very messy subject, one that is best left untouched. Finally, in response to the prejudice of both sides of this argument, not just the prejudices against the Islamic people, I will say that there is no evidence that any of the involved religions seek world domination through violence. Perhaps a few people within those organizations would like to achieve such a thing, but that is no excuse to condemn all members of that faith. Don’t forget that in the end, every last one of us, regardless of what altar we choose to pray before, the colour of our skin, our sexuality or our gender, we are all equal. By Vincent Hughes

page 18

A 12-month addiction My addiction began a year ago. Twelve months to the day. I started out on the mild stuff, about four years ago, but it was nothing compared to this. I progressed, became more addicted and I saw my friends do the same. There were those who declared they would never go near it, but I knew they’d be broken. As for the others, it’s their fault I’m like this. They convinced me. Since I became hooked, I’ve seen it happen, time and time again...

One of my first facebook experiences was with a girl, whom in all honesty I wouldn’t be in contact with if we weren’t friends on fb. That and we’re cousins. This particular status went something like “Guys, seriously don’t know whether to get an iPod touch and a blackberry or just an iPhone altogether. Such a dilemma....HELP!!!” My helpful response was: ”Amy, seriously, I have to decide between contact lenses and food money. The joys of student life”. She never did respond.

At first it was the thrill of something new, not knowing what to expect. I could take it or leave it as I chose. But the words “four weeks until exams” panicked me. I sunk me further into my dependent state. I blocked out the college work that was piling up. I needed to escape. Night faded into morning; people I never talked to became those I befriended. There was no going back.

So the start of another semster means more novels to read, essays to write and more importantly, photo’s to be tagged, fraping to be done and NUIG overheard stories to be posted. Let the fun begin.

This Facebook lark is so addicitve, much worse than Bebo. At least it’s cheaper than a craic habit. Trust me on that one. It’s when you see ‘View Laura’s profile’ and think “Who the hell is Laura?”, you know you have a problem.

Anyway, I’m off to do some studying (Home and Away’s on). Arts life is so tough. I think I might go out tonight, my lectures start at two tomorrow. By Stacey the Arts Student

Why I chose Arts Back in the summer of 2008, the CAO deadline was looming and I still had no fixed idea what area of study I would pursue if and when I got as far as third level. For me, the career guidance on hand proved little use as I vehemently avoided the idea of a fixed career path that would lead on to a stable, but terrifyingly unequivocal future. Had I known then the more fluid nature of these things I doubt it would have been such an issue, yet I still find the idea of attaching a specific career to a 17 year old unnerving. Arts beckoned as the ideal way of avoiding the grown-up seriousness of adult decision-making while also keeping an interesting mix of disciplines to tie me over until something took the place of indecision. Of course, what I actually encountered was so much more than this; it wasn’t a three-year stop-gap, but a completely novel experience that greeted me in the first few weeks of first year. It also changed how I understood and valued knowledge and learning. Maybe this can be said about any third-level course, but Arts seemed to be built around the possibility of exploration, rather than just absorption and repetition. One of the great joys about Arts is the sheer body of students that share the same area of study as you. Although this may pose some practical problems, like having to jam the steps in a packed lecture hall, it also means that, if you’re a sociable person, there’ll be a new person to meet for every day of the year. Looking back on it, the first weeks of first year were a time of

intense possibility, and the chance to try out something unconventional and unfamiliar was certainly an attraction to me, after the concentrated drills that became most Leaving Cert classes. The structure facilitated this; you could only bring two subjects into 2nd year, so why not throw your hat in with something a bit zany? I remember my first Philosophy lecture, which gave a run-down of an aspect of learning and reflection that was completely unknown to me. To some it seemed wonderfully bizarre; others thought it difficult, perplexing, annoying or pointless. However, it did share a characteristic of Arts in general: in the impersonal environment of a large lecture hall, it provoked a reaction in everyone that was genuinely personal. Arts also delays the necessity to pin down your wider economic potential and allows you to be creative, without having to have any artistic talent as such. Like everything else, you first need to become a slave to procedure and style before you can put a personal spin on an essay or class presentation, for example, but it’s an environment where you’re awarded for this creativity, when it eventually comes. This can only be a good thing and I think this is part of a wider value system that’s more studentfriendly because of the scope it gives to our input. I’ve discovered this and other things since starting in first year, while none of my half-baked preconceptions have been met. How many courses can you say that about? By Kevin McCague

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Dear Agony Aunt, I’m a first year who has just moved to Galway for college. I don’t know anybody here, and I’m scared that I won’t make any friends. How do I meet people? Lonely Law Student, 18

Dear Lonely law Student, First of all, you are not alone. Every first year feels lost and confused, and everyone worries about making new friends. The best place to start is at home. If you share accommodation with others, there’s some new friends right there! Go out with your housemates and get to know them. If you get on well with the people you live with, you’ll feel more confident when it comes to meeting your classmates. Get involved in college activities. NUIG has a huge variety of clubs and societies, covering almost every interest you could think of. Joining the Law Soc would be a good place to start! You’ll get to meet other students taking the course, and attend talks by members of the legal profession. As regards other societies, you’re sure to find something you enjoy doing. Societies are a great way to meet and socialise with people who enjoy the same things as you do. Sign up and be prepared for a seriously full social calendar! Volunteering for the ALIVE programme, the newspaper, or campus radio will also broaden your social circle. Once classes start, you could apply for a position as class rep, which would put you in regular contact with your classmates and lecturers. Class reps also organise outings and parties which are lots of fun for all involved. By the end of the first semester you’ll wonder at how you could ever have felt lonely! Agony Aunt.

by Grainne Coyne

Overheard in NUIG Clodagh Mc Loughlin: Queuing for geography today... "I think I ate a whole tub of coleslaw last night, just on its own" Paul Mac Eoin: While in the gym, two lads next to me on the rowing machines. One said to the other "Let's race to 5 minutes". Enda Boland: In Corrib village just after watching the impulse add with Saturdays: Guy 1:'You know Mike scored her at a teenage disco a couple of years ago!' (her being Una Healy from the Saturdays!) Guy 2:' No way! Did yah Mike?' Paul O'Connor: Two from outside the college bar this afternoon. "I'd love to get a hold of that one with a banana and some masking tape." and "I've an awful pain in my back man, is there anywhere in Galway where you can get one of those Japanese women in a bath robe hanging from the roof whole that massage you with their feet."

Marion Coulon: Guy in the queue for subway "Can I order a football?" Paul Abberton: Awkward moment in the University Hospital. Doctor talking to receptionist. Doctor: Welcome back, Emily. Receptionist: Thanks. Doctor: Did you have a nice week? Receptionist: Not really... I was at a funeral… Doctor: *Walking away/fleeing* Oh sorry... Caroline Flaherty: On the concourse Guy 1: Hey man what's up? Guy 2: hopefully I will b up on top of you later Dearbhla O'Connor: Overheard in Corrib Village; Guy running up the road "I've got the formulae! I repeat, I have got the formulae!" Aimee Ní Cholla Girl: In Aras na Gaeilge, “We have a sheep, just the one though. My dad won it”

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A history of Sin If any reader is expecting to see a religious debate take place, please turn the page now. This article exists in order to inform you of the history of your beloved college rag and what lies ahead for this important facet of student expression. Sin will be merely six years old next semester, which begs the question – what came beforehand?

obligations as editor and her responsibilities as SU PRO. In the following year, a positive step forward was taken by the SU president Paddy Jordan and other students to create a website with the purpose of being an information network for students. Sin was beginning to take shape.

Before Sin The first ever newspaper on campus was Unity. Unity was the rag for the “UCG” student population during the swinging sixties, psychedelic seventies and awful eighties, the last session of which was produced in the form of a magazine a decade ago. The survival of Unity was hampered by its irregular publication. Unity ended up as a society. An account for this publication still survives to this day and is currently being cleared.

The arrival of Sin John “Hetch” Nolan, known as “Hetch” because of his pronunciation of the letter ‘h’, was instrumental in the creation and development of the Sin website. In an attempt to merge both ‘Galway’ and ‘student’ SU president Paddy Jordan made the suggestion of “gstud.com”. Thankfully, after careful deliberation between Jordan, Hetch and Ray McDonnell the title of Sin was agreed upon and it originally stood for “Student Information Network.” Ray McDonnell, a graphics designer, was responsible for the Sin logo which remains pretty much the same to this day. According to Hetch the website was a “moderate success” from the beginning. Sin ended up winning the accolade of Best Student Website in the 2000 Student Media Awards. It was also nominated twice afterwards in later years. After the launch of the website a meeting took place to discuss the future plans for the student newspaper.

Coolchaint made its appearance in the early ninetiesas the trendy new student newspaper in UCG. In the beginning, Coolchaint adopted the bi-lingual policy of the university. While good intentions may have been behind this approach, it reflected negatively on the editors. It was as if they needed these translations for filler as opposed to any arguable cultural significance. The paper improved drastically in later years but not before a little controversy took place. In 1996 editor Benny McDonnell was unavailable to work for one particular issue because of family circumstances. Two members of the Students’ Union executive decided to edit the issue instead. Unfortunately, McDonnell found certain references in this edition to be personally offensive. The result was a libel case brought against the SU which was eventually settled outside of court. Matters were not grim for long with the arrival of James O’Connell. O’Connell was a student of the Diploma in Journalism (now a Masters programme). While the bi-lingual grounded policy of doubling of articles still continued, it was limited to a few articles and thus allowed the paper room for more substantial content. The newspaper benefited from a more coherent structure. Things appeared to be looking up. The rival of Coolchaint Once there were two newspapers on campus, it was Coolchaint v The University Independent. Kieran Hartigan was the editor of this rival rag. He was responsible for the management and finance of the paper. However when hartigan left the university his newspaper soon followed. Coolchaint’s rival had a life span of nearly two years between 1999 to late in 2000. Students were impressed with this rival paper. One student interviewed considered the paper to be “genuinely independent, with an excellent layout and was influencial in terms of the arrival of Sin.” At the end of the millennium Tara Lee-Cullen was the PRO for the SU whilst acting as editor for Coolchaint. She faced some criticism from the student body because of the issues with how LeeCullen could reach a compromise between her

An independent Sin… Deviously after the launch of the website, to make it appear as if it and the newspaper had been an integrated plan from the beginning it was decied that both entities should share the same name. There was some debate in this meeting as to what the acronym of Sin should stand for. Eventually, it was decided that “Student Independent Newspaper” would be the most suitable (this has since been phased out). It has been made clear by the members of that meeting that there was no “agenda” in question with regards to the inclusion of “independent” in the title. A constant debate rages on as to whether Sin should assume the position of caustic critic to the actions of the SU. The newspaper is dependent upon the SU for layout and design and office space. Sin currently maintains a position of being an “editorially independent publication.” Michael Coyne, one of the three co-editors of the first Sin, states to this day that the change from the word ‘information’ to ‘independent’ was “blown out of all proportion.” He also describes the situation as “a classic cliché” that people would demand the paper to act completely independently of the university. Students may have become quite attached to this approach after it was proven possible by the short-lived University Independent. The original Sin In the beginning Sin was managed by three editors Michael Coyne, Kathy Mooney and Joanne Sweeney. Kevin O’Shaughnessy was in charge of design and layout. The first Sin was regarded as a success by most. The only drawback to having three main editors was the lack of a consistent structure for the paper. It appeared

(Reprinted from 21st November 2005)

that a rotational editorship was in place since much emphasis would shift from section to section with each issue. One contributor interviewed believed that while the “editors were good, Kevin’s design was the real clincher” for the first year of Sin. The contributor goes on to explain that “Kevin was a bit of a genius when it came to computers and his professional layout and design of the paper contributed much more than the new name or the logo to the public’s perception that this was a holly different paper from Coolchaint.” Up to now After the first year of Sin, there was a kittle difficulty with finding a new editor. Jennifer Allen, now a MAJ graduate, generously stepped in for one issue before a fulltime editor stepped forward. Elaine Dobbyn applied for the position of editor shortly afterwards. Unfortunately, towards the end of the yeara heated discussion took place between Dobbyn and former SU administrative officer Peter Conry concerning a libel check of the paper. Dobbyn resigned promptly afterwards and the 2002 volume concluded before rag week. Andy Hamilton was editor for the next year of Sin. Hamilton was followed by Peter Malone. Malone also had a short-lived editorship mainly due to disagreements over the legal checking of Sin. This now brings us to the current editorship of Lenny Antonelli. The future of Sin Antonelli sincerely hopes that the future of the newspaper will be taken under “great consideration” by the Students’ Union executive in th upcoming plans to restructure the union. The outgoing editor would be very keen to see his successor “stepping back from academic commitments for the year” as he “believes that the workload has increased significantly during the past two years.” In terms of layout, Antonelli would like to see future editors establishing guidelines in terms of the layout and design of the newspaper as “there is a need for greater consistency in the paper from year to year.” Finally, above all else, Antonelli “hopes to ensure that better facilities and a better infrastructure for the production of the paper will be in place for his successor.” To conclude I must quote an ode from Kevin O’Shaughnessy which captures the madness required every time an issue is prepared for publication in his ‘Ode to Panic Desktop Publishing’: Once a fortnight, that panic strikes, Sin is to be published. For it is from all the screaming, bloodshed and rich, deep and meaningful verbal abuse that this humble college rag is produced. With no real budget, a few people, a computer from the far side, and generally feck all else, we get this together every once in a while for you. My thanks to all who make those panicked, screaming weekend sessions happen during the year. By Nora Lydon

page 21 The Diary of an Arts Graduate with Paddy Garcia

Zen and the art of trolley maintenance No more 9a.m lectures for me, no more assignment deadlines or cramming for exams, for the first time since I was five years old, my life no longer revolves around the timetable and my fate is in nobody's hands but my own, my future will no longer be determined by the arbitrary whims of a man at a desk. I am finally the master of my own universe, a king among men. I answer to no-one but myself and give way to nothing except my own desires. I am bound by neither place nor time and am free to roam the earth as I please. I now have an Arts degree. This is how I come to find myself sitting in my underpants at three in the afternoon, eating Cheerios straight from the box and drinking white wine from a mug with a picture of a cat on it that was here when I moved in. The mug was already here, not the wine. I'm sitting on the floor behind the television, facing the corner. This is the only spot in the apartment where it is possible to steal wireless internet from the neighbours. I am listening to Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, watching Trailerpark Boys on youtube and having a very involved discussion on a message board about the pros and cons of a movie of the anime cartoon series Cowboy Bebop. I'm actually taking a break from what I'm supposed to be doing, I'm at the tail end of a 30 episode marathon of the West Wing. I estimate it'll be another four days before I finish all 155 episodes. After that's over with, I will posses all knowledge about the intricacies of US politics, so far, it seems to involve a lot of talking quickly while walking down long hallways. When I finished college and my parents sat me down and said, “OK, you've got your degree, now what?”, this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I said, “I just want to take a break for a while.” I'll have you know, good reader, that this isn't all I've been doing since you last heard from me. Like the good citizen that I am, I got a job straight out of college. Probably the greatest job I have ever had or will ever have again, even if I one day become the CEO of a multinational porn and beer consortium, that job will still be the best. It was probably the greatest embodiment of the idea of 'a fair day's wage for a fair day's work' even in the eyes of the most ardent socialist while perfectly balanced with the capitalist

ethos of the faceless minimum wage cog in a huge machine. I was in charge of the shopping trolleys at a large, suburban supermarket. I say 'in charge', I was actually the only person working the trolleys, but that gave me a leg up over the other supermarket drones who spent their days inside, stacking shelves and manning the checkouts. But then again, that's like saying I was the best looking girl in Coyotes, or that I won a Special Olympics medal, or that I was the best journalist working for The Sun, it's still pretty shit. My duties were simple: sit inside a corrugated metal shed all day in the carpark, when someone wants a trolley, give them a ticket, take a euro off them and give them a trolley, when they return the trolley and the ticket, give them their euro back. Sometimes, very rarely, I would need to help an old woman with her groceries or assist in removing a very, very fat child from a child seat. Aside from that, it was bliss, for ten hours a day, I sat in a comfortable chair, sheltered from the elements, but very much 'outside' in the fresh air and read a book, magazine or newspaper. I met some interesting people, mainly old people who hang out in supermarkets all day because they've nowhere else to go, they just walk around until they keel over, safe in the knowledge that they didn't die at home, alone. This happened surprisingly regularly, so much so that it stops becoming depressing and starts to seem like one of those things in society that seem horrific when viewed subjectively but are an essential part of our lives, like third-world poverty or teenage binge drinking. Everything was going great, I felt I was mastering a craft, getting to know the art of trolley maintenance, fixing errant wheels that would lead trolleys astray, oiling the hinges on child seats, contemplating the intricate physics of the 'trolley snake', the form trolleys take when they're slotted perfectly into each other like a beautiful a-sexual orgy or a single amorphic beast that can't be tamed, even by the most skilled of handlers when being transported across a rain slicked carpark in one long, beautiful convoy. Then, disaster struck. Like the cooper put out of business by the cheap steel silo, or the lumberjack's dulled axe or the cavalry

horse knackered by the jeep, I was replaced by a machine. I came to work one day to find my shed no longer there, the trolleys I knew so well were replaced by shinier, newer models that were coin operated with a chain link. Being hungover in the dole office seems like a right of passage for young people in Ireland these days. The first time I went in, the day after I left the trolley industry, it felt like a cattle mart, they're so used to unskilled college graduates at this stage that they hardly give you a second look, they mumble something about a FAS course and stamp your form. “Two thousand and eight euro and thirtytwo cent”, the nice woman at the post office said as she counted out a batch of twenty crisp €100 euro notes when I first collected my 'payment'. I was unsure what to do. They don't teach the accepted dole etiquette in Arts, but they really should start. “Backpay payment,” she said, “you'll be on 196 every week from now on, and 50 for rent.” That was only slightly less than what I was getting in the supermarket. I had great plans for that two grand. I was going to backpack around Europe, finding underground music scenes that are unknown outside Budapest or Prague, I'd buy a cheap motorcycle, explore the entire west coast of Ireland, I'd buy a kilo of the finest hash imaginable, sell it in ten spots and live like a sultan. On the dole in Galway, one imagines there's no other place like it, it's the perfect marriage, the greatest city in the world to be a dole, as Joyce said, it's the “graveyard of ambition”, surely the perfect place for someone with no ambition. I never went to Prague, I never even looked for a motorcycle and I didn't take the Galway ten-spot scene by storm. The two grand drifted through my fingers like a handful of sand. Now, here I am, on the dole in the greatest dole city in the world, hiding out in my recession bunker, stocking up on cheap beer and dried pasta, waiting out The Man and his economy. I'm the king of my own universe, the prince of paupers, bound by nothing except my own ambition.

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Your tech needs for college Christopher Cosgrove tells of all the tech essentials for college It’s back to college time again and with all the costs of books, accommodation, etc. students have a tendency to neglect some of the things that they would deem non-essential. However, no matter what you may be doing at college you will need at some point to come to terms with what to do with your technology needs. In this article I am going to highlight my recommendations and technology essentials for all students so that technology will be the least of your worries.

utilising everything your laptop can offer. For those of you a bit short of pocket I advise you to check out www.software4students.ie. This website contains various software at less than half price for college students. Take for example if you want to upgrade your computer to Windows 7, normally this would cost in regions of €150 but on software4students you can purchase an upgrade to Windows 7 Professional for €45.45.

First things first, the absolute ultimate tech gadget that every student needs is the laptop. There is no way that you can try get through your studies at college without using the essential laptop in one way or another. However, the question most students have is what do I need to have on my laptop? What type of laptop should I get? What do I and don’t I need for my laptop? To try and help you all with these questions I will explain the various important aspects of the laptop and give you some great places where you can get a great deal on a laptop.

With Windows 7 Professional there are loads of great features at your disposal and you are guaranteed a system which uses your computer to its full potential. Again in reference to software4students there is also a great offer on another student essential and that is Microsoft Office. Office is the most used application by students and normally this program suite would cost you in the range of near €600 but on software4students you can get the basic version of Office for €75. With these great deals and more software4students is a gold nugget for all your software needs for college.

My own personal sys for any student is to get Windows 7. Whether you are buying a new laptop or upgrading your current laptop, Windows 7 is the perfect operating system for

In relation to those of you looking to get a new laptop, I would recommend shopping around before you decide on your laptop and don’t let places like PC World and Currys fool you into

This is the ijacker

With the laptop taken care of we can talk about the essential tech accessories for every student. For me, student life would not be the same without the iPod! Whether it’s to pass the time when walking or to ignore weirdoes on a bus, the iPod is an ingenious invention and a complete student must have! iPods range in price depending on the type you want but in my opinion it is well worth getting an iPod touch as it comes in very handy for not just music but there are many other uses for the iPod. I could write countless articles on the different apps available for your iPod which can greatly aid your time at college but that is for another time. With your iPod and your laptop college can become less of a stressful time and with these two basic tech gadgets alone you have all you need tech-wise for your stay at college.

iwakeup with Dave is on air from 6.50am to 10.50am on i102104.

one who broadcasts it on a radio station with almost 200,000 listeners…

Breakfast Radio Presenter Dave O’ Connor from the West and North West’s biggest regional radio station i102-104, talks to Áine Mc Williams about radio and those prank phone calls….

What is your favourite ijacker moment? If I had to pick one it would be when we called a girl called Sarah whose car was seized by customs in NUIG I rang her and told her we accidentally crushed her car. It was her reaction that made the phone call. There were more beeps then an Osbournes Tv show, it must be the calibre of people who park in NUIG…

Why did you choose a career in radio? It always seemed like a natural career path for me. From a young age, I had great interest in radio and was always fascinated by how it was such a close medium in people’s lives. When I was 15, I cheekily called East Coast Radio, Co. Wicklow looking for a tour of the radio station. Thankfully, they obliged and after seeing my enthusiasm and potential, they decided to give me some part time work. How did you get to where you are now? After working for East Coast Radio, I joined Newstalk. I then joined FM104 Dublin as well as working in Management for a leading local station. After making the afternoon show on i102-104 (the most listened to afternoon show in any radio station in Ireland), I was promoted to host the breakfast show iwakeup with Dave. What is your favourite thing about radio? The best thing is when Sally-Anne from the show and I go on air, we have a laugh and enjoy what we’re doing. I think that is why people choose to

buying a lot more than you need. One of the best places to get your shiny new laptop is from Dell, directly through their online website. The great advantage of Dell is that you can completely customise your laptop the way you want and there are also great offers on various netbooks for students if you check the website out at www.dell.ie.

listen to us too. If people are awake early enough to listen to us they are normally awake because they have to be. So, it’s my job to make it a little bit easier for them to face the day. You’re best known for your ijacker prank phone calls, how did you come up with this idea? The idea of prank phone calls isn’t a new idea, but I do feel that my take on this is unique. The ijackers that I do really push the boundaries in pranks, but also every ijacker is set up by one person who wants to catch out someone in their life. I’m just the innocent intermediary! Oh and the

As you mentioned earlier, you recently were promoted to iwakeup with Dave, how are you finding the new show and the early mornings? The new structure, features and competitions are reasons the show is winning more and more audiences every day. I don’t mind the early mornings but it means I have to go to bed earlier than my two year old niece. Any advice for students looking for a career in radio? A C.V will never get you a job. Any plans for the future? I hope so, but that depends on God.

page 23

Win a Lenovo Thinkpad Laptop worth


All you have to do is answer the question below and drop the form into the box in the Students’ Union to be in with a chance to win. Closing date for entries is Thursday, 30th September. Q. Name three features that make the Lenovo Thinkpad T410 rugged enough for students 1. ____________________________________________

Name: _______________________________

2. ____________________________________________

Student ID: ___________________________

3. ____________________________________________

Phone No.: ___________________________

(Hint: check out nuiglaptops4students.compupacit.ie)

The Societies Page

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SOC EVENTS TUESDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER Musical Society (GUMS) Auditions for ‘The Wedding Singer’ Time: 12:00 - 20:00 Venue: Aras na Mac Léinn Calling all singers, dancers and actors to come along and auditions for this year's hilarious 80's musical, The Wedding Singer. Comedy Soc Black Books Marathon Time: 12:00 - 17:00 Venue: Large Acoustic Room, Aras na Mac Leinn Mature Students AGM Mature Students Society Time: 12:00 - 13:00 Venue: Áras na Mac Léinn - Meeting Room 1 AGM to elect new committee members for the Mature students society 2010/2011 Poker Society Poker Tournament Time: 18:00 - 23:55 Venue: The View Held every Tuesday in "The View", these tournaments will be a variation of both a Freezeout and Re-buy. Alternating every week. Juggling Soc Beginner's Workshop with Marco Paoletti Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: Bailey Allen Hall, Aras Na Mac Leinn Come learn how to juggle 3 balls with a professional juggler. This is our biggest event every year so be sure not to miss it! Choral Soc First Choral Soc Practice and PIZZA! Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: College Chapel, entrance in Arts Millennium Building Car Park First weekly practice for Choral Society - free pizza afterwards!

WEDNESDAY 22ND SEPTEMBER SOCS AND CLUBS FAIR Time: 10:00 - 18:00 Venue: Áras na Mac Léinn It is your second chance to sign up to clubs and societies and get a taster of what they get up to during the year. Dramsoc Staged & Confused Time: 19:00 - 21:00 Venue: The View, Weekly Improvisation Session hosted by Dramsoc followed by Open Mic Night in The Cellar Bar THURSDAY 23RD SEPTEMBER Musical Society (GUMS) The Wedding Singer DVD Night Time: 20:00 - 23:00 Venue: The View, Aras Na Mac Leinn Comedy Soc Mighty Boosh Marathon Time: 12:00 - 17:00 Venue: Large Acoustic Room, Aras na Mac Leinn Provide your own hallucinogens, we'll bring the tea. FRIDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER Maths Soc Mathsoc Seminar Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: C219, Aras de Brun TUESDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER Dramsoc Romeo and Juliet Time: 20:00 – 23:00 Venue: Bank of Ireland Theatre Tickets €5/€3 from the Socsbox. WEDNESDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER Dramsoc Romeo and Juliet Time: 20:00-23:00 Venue: Bank of Ireland Theatre Tickets €5/€3 from the Socsbox.

Energy Society NUIG Energy Society Lecture Series"Development of the Electric Car: Formula 1 or Mini?" Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Venue: AC 203 Speaker: Professor Ger Hurley, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Dramsoc Staged & Confused Time: 19:00 - 21:00 Venue: The View, Weekly Improvisation Session hosted by Dramsoc followed by Open Mic Night in The Cellar Bar.

Art Soc Art Soc First Meeting Time: 19:00 - 21:00 Venue: The Art Room, Aras na Mac Leinn

THURSDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER Dramsoc Romeo and Juliet Time: 20:00-23:00 Venue: Bank of Ireland Theatre Tickets €5/€3 from the Socsbox.


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SOC PROFILES Name of Society: The Comic Book Society (a.k.a. Awesome Soc!) Describe your society: Think of Awesome. That’s us. We are the access point to all things Comic Book related on campus. We encourage our members to explore this dynamic medium of the highest potential with us! Join, participate, engage! One interesting fact that people may not know about your society: Well.. we… eh.. we’re brand new? Will that do? How about that we’re freakin awesome? And that we’re gonna host joint society events like every single week, with such societies as the Lit & Deb, Art Soc, Writer’s Soc, BACon Soc, etc etc… What are you looking forward to most this year? New Comics! And doing a comic book themed ‘Murder Mystery Weekend’ on Achill island… The Comic Book Society meet every Thursday in Meeting Room 2 at 7:30 and Mondays in the Art Room at 8pm. Email comicbook@socs.nuigalway.ie

Name of Society: Draiocht Describe your society : We are an organisation which seeks to work with communities in Nepal to increase health education and women’s rights in sustainable modern locally acceptable ways. Our primary goal is the maintainence of the Little Angel Child home. We seek to acomplish our goals by encouraging the involvement of NUIG students in fund raising, idea creation, voluenteering in Nepal and having fun.

One interesting fact that people may not know about your society: The goat at the child home, Saty, always tries to eat the school books! What are looking forward to most this year? We’re looking forward to raising money in the most fun way possible with mystery tours, bright and bold balls and even a second annual water walk in the pipeline!!! Draiocht have not set up a weekly meeting yet but to contact them email draiocht@socs.nuigalway.ie

Name of Society: Juggling Society Describe your society: The Juggling Society hosts workshops and practice sessions twice a week to teach people a variety of juggling and circus-related skills, as well as various shows, parties, and trips throughout the year. One interesting fact that people may not know about your society: You don’t need to be able to juggle to join Juggling Society, you don’t need hand-eye coordination, you don’t even need your own balls! All equipment is provided. What are looking forward to most this year? Our beginner’s juggling workshop with professional juggler Marco Paoletti, flown in specially for the occasion from the capital of the juggling world, Berlin, on Tuesday 21st at 6pm in the Bailey Allen Hall. Juggling Society meet every Tuesday and Thurday at 6pm. Email juggling@socs.nuigalway.ie


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House M.D. Take the perfect balance of medical mystery and drama, all topped off with top class humour and witty one liners, it must be House M.D.

The supporting cast compliments House perfectly also, made up of House’s best friend who would do anything for him, his boss who lets him get away with murder and a team who attempts to challenge House’s authority and medical practices, the supporting cast add a lot of flavour to the show.

Following Dr. Gregory House, a cynical, sarcastic and unpleasant diagnostician, House M.D. changes the way your stereotypical TV drama works. The formula for a general episode of House is quite simple. A certain individual will get rather ill with a sickness that no ordinary doctor can decipher, so it is up to House and his highly trained team of doctors to solve the puzzle. With this mystery element to the show combined with the personal lives of House, his team and his apparent friends, House M.D. makes for fabulous and gripping TV. One of the things that makes House so watchable is the character himself. House is a very unconventional leading man in almost every sense of the way. Suffering from a leg infarction, House is cane-bound and in constant agonising pain. This pain demands House to be on a painkiller called

Vicodin which he is completely addicted to. The pain, along with the addiction makes house a man who pushes people who are close to him away, plus giving him a very bleak outlook on life. Throughout the seasons of House M.D. we see House find it difficult to allow anyone to get close to him, due to this pain.

Now six seasons have past and a lot has changed. It is difficult to give much of a synopsis without giving too much away for those who have yet to watch House, but what I can say is, House is definitely a changed man. It is amazing to see all of the characters develop throughout the series, but specifically House. Be sure to watch series 7 of House (starting September 20th in the US) or to catch up if you have missed out on this amazing show. By Daniel Doyle

Dinner for Schmucks Dinner for Schmucks is based on Francais Veber’s film Le Diner de cons, even though disputed by many critics as not as good as the original; Dinner for Schmucks does provide some laughs and two hours of escapism. Directed by Jay Roach, Tim (Paul Rudd), an executive, is determined to get promoted by impressing his boss over a possible business deal with wealthy Swiss businessman Martin Mueller (David Walliams). Tim’s boss (Bruce Greenwood) who is impressed by his initiative invites Tim to an exclusive dinner party where he and other executives must bring along a person with an eccentric talent to the dinner, where they are compared and secretly mocked.

Whoever is found to be the most amusing guest receives a trophy and the executive praised for their find. Tim succeeds in discovering the ideal candidate to bring to the dinner party, Barry (Steve Carell) an IRS employee whose strange behaviour is seen when Tim almost knocks him down in the middle of the road collecting a dead mouse. However in the short space of time in which Barry thinks he has befriended Tim, he ultimately ruins Tim’s relationship with his girlfriend Julie and disrupts a business lunch he has with potential client Martin Mueller. It’s not the first project Paul Rudd and Steve Carell have worked on together, they have succeeded again in delivering hilarious performances and react well with each other on screen. It may have

Cookbook Competition Your chance to win ‘The Hard Times Cookbook – Good Food on a Budget’ Just email editor@sin.ie with your best budget food tips. The writer of the best tip will win a free copy of The Hard Times Cookbook, by Eamonn O Cathain. Closing date for entries is Thursday, 30th September.

The Hard Times CookBook is a must have for food lovers and anyone who cooks at home – generous in content, but lean where it matters – in your pocket. This indispensable guide, which contains more than a hundred recipes, will help you reconnect with food in these changed times – and save money in the process. The Hard Times Cookbook can be purchased from www.libertiespress.com

had a slow start, however the laughs begin with the eccentric artist Kieran and his self portraits of himself in which Julie the curator has to deal with, as well as Barry’s strange behaviour and the situations he places Tim in. Zach Galifianakis who plays Therman, Barry’s boss, and David Walliams both give amusing performances but not as entertaining as their given reputations. It may not be this year’s blockbuster with its crude jokes and predictable comic situations. If you’re looking for a deep, meaningful film this may not be your cup of tea, but if you want a laugh and an easy view, Dinner for Schmucks is for you. By Grainne Coyne

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Hurling Team of the Year 2010 Brendan Cummins (Tipperary) : Another vintage year for the legendary custodian, who surely must have claims on being regarded as the greatest goalkeeper since Tony Reddin. Beaten three times by both Cork and Galway, but this owed more to the limitations of those in front of him than any error on the flawless Ballybacon Grange man’s part. Noel Connors (Waterford): The Waterford defender has developed into the finest young corner back in the country and played a stellar part in the Deise’s victorious Munster Championship campaign, a victory founded on defensive solidity. Notice there hasn’t been much talk about Waterford’s weak full back line since the Passage East youngster entered the fray. Paul Curran (Tipperary): Tipperary used three full backs in the campaign, but none made such an impression as the Mullinahone man. Last year’s AllStar in the position Padraic Maher endured a torrid time by the Lee, Declan Fanning’s only outing was bought to a swift conclusion by an altercation with Stephen Banville, but Curran assumed the responsibility and quickly settled in with a commanding outing against the Slaneysiders. Joes Bergin and Canning were shackled, before an outstanding performance in the semi final versus Waterford was followed up with a solid final display. Jackie Tyrell (Kilkenny): Faced stiff competition from Paddy Stapleton, but the uncompromising James Stephens corner back holds few peers in his position. Allowed Pat Horgan too much leeway for a brief period in the second half of their semi final, but the game had long since ceased as a contest by that stage. Tommy Walsh (Kilkenny): Last year’s Hurler of the Year picked up where he left off with a barnstorming Leinster Championship. Niall McCarthy and Patrick Maher brought a physical approach to proceedings and all though both seen some ball neither can be said to have gotten the better of the Tullaroan man.

Michael Walsh (Waterford): Established himself as the country’s best centre back. Strong in the air, quick off the mark, brave in the tackle: Ken McGrath without the fanfare. Noel McGrath made hay in the semi final, but Walsh seemed a victim of Davy Fitzgerald’s tactical system rather than being out hurled. J.J. Delaney(Kilkenny): Hurler of the year in 2003, he would have designs on

midfield for 2010 after the injury sustained by James Woodlock and has improved every game since. Capped an all action final performance with two splended first half points. Young Hurler of the Year. Michael Fennelly (Kilkenny): Kilkenny just keep on producing them. The Ballyhale man enjoyed his first extended run in his favoured position and rewarded his manager’s faith with

Brendan Cummins

Noel Connors

Paul Curran

Jackie Tyrell

Tommy Walsh

Michael Walsh

J.J. Delaney

Brendan Maher

Michael Fennelly

Damien Hayes

Noel McGrath

Shane Dooley

John Mullane

Richie Power

Lar Corbett

the title again if Kilkenny had prevailed in the decider. Outstanding all year long, probably the best fielder of the ball in the country and held his opponent scoreless in both semi final and final. Brendan Maher (Tipperary): Thrown in at the deep end against Limerick in last years semi final, the Borris-Ileigh man emerged swimming. Moved to

an outstanding contribution all through the campaign. Damien Hayes (Galway): Joe Canning may grab the limelight, but it’s his Portumna colleague who grabs the scores. 1-1 versus Kilkenny in the Leinster final despite operating out the field for much of proceedings, he hit Tipperary for two points more from a similar role.

Noel McGrath (Tipperary): In the early stages of the season, it looked as though the young Loughmore Casteleiney man had contracted a rather nasty dose of second season syndrome. Struggling in the tight confines of the corner, Liam Sheedy liberated him to the centre forward berth for the All-Ireland semi final and he revelled in a Man of the Match performance. Opportunistic goal in the final buried Kilkennys hopes of a five in a row. Shane Dooley (Offaly): The fact that the Offaly forward was only pipped for the top scorers accolade by Eoin Kelly on final day is a measure of his immense contribution to the Faithful County. Showed nerve beyond his years in nailing huge pressure frees to earn second chances against both Antrim and Galway; 3-41 is a remarkable total for someone whose campaign ended in July. John Mullane(Waterford): The most accurate forward in the country. Scored a minimum of three points from play every time he took to the field, he matched the total in Waterford’s toughest assignment against Tipperary. Also wins a vast amount of frees which tend to go unnoticed in the grander scheme of things. Richie Power (Kilkenny): With Shefflin’s injury and Eddie Brenann’s loss of form, there was a vacancy for a talismanic forward to spearhead Kilkennys attack. Power obliged. Gave Eoin Cadogan a roasting in the semi final before contributing over half of Kilkennys final total, although he may rue some missed frees. Lar Corbett(Tipperary): Scoring three goals in an All-Ireland final for the first time in 40 years probably deserves an award of its own but the Thurles star will have to do make do with an AllStar and a probable Hurler of the Year award to compliment it. Is finally delivering consistently on his vast potential after injury seemed to be hampering his progress. By Kevin Hough

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Donegal, It’s Going off! Marc Mc Menamin takes a look at Surfing in Donegal. The Summer may be over but that doesn’t mean that a Winter of shuffling books in hand between the library and Smokey’s is the only option for the returning student. With the heavy winter swells beginning to surge, South Donegal is the perfect place for both the experienced and complete novice to indulge in what has become something of a national phenomenon. For those in the know, Rossnowlagh and Bundoran are considered by many to be the Mecca of Irish surfing. The European Championships in 1997 and Quicksilver Masters in 2001 have seen giants of the sport like Kelly Slater and Tom Curren tackle some of the finest reef and beach breaks in the world, firmly putting Donegal at the top of the list of destinations for surfers of all descriptions. In recent years, competitive surfers and ‘soul surfers’ (someone who travels searching for the perfect wave) have flocked to the North West to ride what have been referred to as world class waves. According to ‘Richie Fitzgerald’ local legend and star of Joel Conroy’s award winning film ‘Waveriders’ ‘Donegal is

very much a coldwater Eden for the surfer’. Those of you who are intimidated by all this talk about the pros shouldn’t worry; Surfing in Donegal is not exclusive to world champions.

Some of the finest surf schools in the country are on hand to offer tuition to anyone eager to get in the water and catch some waves. Turf N Surf lodge located on Bayview terrace overlooks the world famous ‘Peak’ reef break, the lodge

offers a residential surf school and provides the equipment for lessons catering for all abilities. For individual coaching Richie Fitzgerald’s ‘Irish Surf Coach’ is the best port of call. A former Irish Champion, Richie made history in 2008 by surfing a monstrous 60ft wave at Mullaghmore off the coast of County Sligo. He provides tuition from beginner right up advanced levels of ability. The NUIG Surf Club organise weekend surfing trips to Bundoran and Rossnowlagh and this year are cohosting the Irish Intervarsities with the University of Ulster Coleraine at Bundoran in February. The club meets every Wednesday in AM150 at 8pm. So cast away those winter blues and ignore the constant rain in Galway, Jump in the Atlantic and try your hand at surfing, you probably won’t surf a 60ft wave but you definitely will enjoy yourself. If what I’ve written hasn’t yet enticed you I'll leave you with a quote from the great man himself Kelly Slater: “Surfing is very much like making love. It always feels good, no matter how many times you’ve done it.” By Marc Mc Menamin

Ireland's 2010 Euro Campaign: Forgetting the 'what ifs.' Irish football has endured what can only be described as a torrid time in the wake of that night in Paris, an event that'll forever live in infamy for Irish supporters. After an amazing team performance, the luck of the Irish had appeared to be all but lucky the moment Henry's hand dribbled the ball back into play, and with that gut-wrenching action the country's aspirations of seeing Ireland line-out in the World Cup were brutally cut down. While we've all moved on, I can't help but feel there's still a bitter taste residing in the mouth of Irish fans and players. I for one can honestly say there's still a small part of me wondering what if Ireland had qualified, what if we had gone to the World Cup, and what if Henry remembered he was playing football? Now, we won't dwell on what's been done and dusted, as history has taught us we can't change the past. So, with the Euro 2012 campaign already underway we find ourselves on the brink of a new era in Irish football. The demons of the past will have been fully exorcised by the time the European Championships come around, the

only thing Ireland have to worry about is making sure they make it to Poland and Ukraine. We've gotten off to a flyer with six points out of six, but trickier tests lie ahead. Our group stage is comprised of Armenia, Russia, Andorra, Slovakia and Macedonia. Slovakia and Russia will most definitely pose serious threats to the boys in green and will be difficult opponents, especially away from home. In the first game of Group B, Ireland secured all three points thanks to Keith Fahey's precious goal, in what was far from a beautiful performance. In the second match, an absolute screamer from Kevin Doyle was the pick of our goals from a fairly comfortable 3-1 victory over Andorra. Although in saying that and with all respect to Kevin Doyle, Andorra's Josep Antoni Gomes isn't what I'd consider a good goalkeeper by any means. Looking forward to the future, our results have been good but our performances must improve for the pending games in the group. Trapattoni hasn't got a squad packed with superstars and lacks the depth that teams such as Spain enjoy.

The most alarming aspect is that our most experienced and reliable players are mere shadows at club level, namely Shay Given and Robbie Keane. Given has spent the first few weeks of this season warming up the bench as Joe Hart is the preferred choice of the Manchester City boss. Robbie Keane is in the same predicament and is surplus to requirements at Spurs. If we're to avoid another case of "what if" and "if only" we need our best players to be playing week in, week out. On the road to the Euros, ring-rust is the last thing we need. We're in a strong position as it stands presently, but if we're to avoid more heartache and despair then Ireland need to coalesce into a team that makes their own luck. As a fan I'll be watching the upcoming matches very closely and hoping upon hope that we take the bull by the horns, it's essential to build on the results thus far. Maybe then I can forget the if, buts and maybes. By Nathan McGreal

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Muay Thai By Emmet By

‘The Scienc e of 8 Limbs’


Ireland’s pride and joy Bernard Dunne was stripped of his superbantamweight world title by the feared number one contender Poonsawat Kratingdaenggym of Thailand on Saturday, September 26th last. It was four months since he had attained the title but Dunne was pushed by the world council into facing the fearsome Buddhist, a fight he was less than comfortable with accepting. Those who watched the fight may have noticed the commentator emphasising Poonsawat’s style, derived from years of extensive training in the martial art ‘Muay Thai’. He cut his Thai fighting career short in order to focus on professional boxing. The devastating results are well known at this stage. However, knowledge of the globally burgeoning Muay Thai, on the other hand, may not be so widespread. Muay Thai is a competitive martial art and the national sport of Thailand. Not to be mistaken(on pain of death) with kickboxing, Thai boxing (Muay Thai in Thai) is also known as ’the science of 8 limbs’ and it involves hands, legs, knees, elbows and a standing grapple called ‘the clinch’. It is a hugely popular and lucrative pastime in Thailand, but, more importantly, it and its

predecessor to which it owes its genesis, Muay Boran, are absolutely integral to their history and culture and it is a huge point of pride for the Thai people. Muay Boran was originally developed as a form of combat that would allow a disarmed soldier to effectively fight an armed opponent. Focusing on bonedense body parts, knees, elbows, shins, etc., which would hopefully give the warrior his best chance of dealing with a blade (keeping in mind this is life or death), it promoted short, hard-hitting moves to incapacitate a foe as quickly and efficiently as possible. At first associated with the nobility, a Thai king was expected to be a great warrior as well as philosopher, leading his people physically and spiritually. Its comprehensive introduction throughout the army saw organised, competitive fights appear, this coupled with a surge in royal interest saw these become commonplace throughout the nation (returning soldiers giving the lower classes access to good training). However, the vicious nature of the art saw the need to regulate and tone it down as a sport. Injuries could be very serious, sometimes fatal, and fights were short. So, it became what we know today as Muay Thai, with head butts, groundwork and blows to the

neck, crotch and spine illegalized forthwith. The recent popularisation of the sport owes a lot to the rise of the mixedmartial arts (MMA) competition, UFC, and ‘The Octagon’ as the ring is ominously labelled. Many fighters use Muay Thai as the basis of their striking, jiu-jitsu conversely being influential to the groundwork, as the style is seen as being practical, effective and intelligent. Also, many Thai fighters find themselves excelling within MMA competitions on an international level; see the legendary Buakaw Por. Pramuk’s progress this year through the K-1 world MAX championship, the only man to hold the title twice. When it comes to this sport Thais are in a different league, hard as nails after a youth of rigorous conditioning with the art hardwired into their systems, they are natural competitors despite generally being significantly smaller than westerners. The sublime Saenchai is currentley seen as the best pound for pound fighter in the sport. Although Muay Thai has found itself being drawn to the world stage by these competitions, it generally suffers

none of the meat-headed machismo that often propagates these sports. Thai fighters are known for being extremely easy-going, respectful and humorous. One will often see a stray smile or laugh, displays of showmanship or even dancing from a fighter if you attend a show, particularly if they are Thai. Every fight is preceded by a traditional dance known as the ‘Wai-Kru’ (respect to the teacher), used as a moment’s meditation and an acknowledgement of those who have trained and influenced you. Think of it like a chilled out Hahka. It is extremely important to the Thai people and a good Wai-Kru displays great respect. The Irish Muay Thai council is trying to standardise it in all shows at the moment as it is often neglected by European countries. Over the last few years NUIG Muay Thai has begun to produce competitive fighters. However, they must join the mother-club, ‘Hanuman’, in order to attend the novice shows, as intervarsities have yet to be established. Muay Thai training happens every Tuesday and Thursday with Kru Dave Joyce in the Kingfisher gym, 7pm – 9pm, and caters for people of all experience and ability.

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Football’s coming home… no it isn’t! “It’s not over yet... it is now!” Kenneth Wolstenholme's famous words from (whisper it… 1966), once more come back to haunt our nearest and dearest neighbour's eternal search for the Holy Grail of world soccer - that little 12" gold nugget that Jules Rimet gave to the aficionados of the beautiful game. To be played for among the greatest exponents of the people's game: the great Hungarians, Puskas & Hidegkuti; the beautiful Brazilians, Garrincha, Jairzinho, Pele; the magical Argentines, Kempes, Maradona & Messi; the ever efficient Germans, Beckenbauer, Muller & Klose; and the Spanish aristocrats of the modern era, Xavi, Iniesta & Puyol. And then there is England!! Every 4 years, we are put through this emotional wrangle when all our xenophobic tendencies surface and we take great delight in the deficiencies of the English. The tabloid press whips their nation into a jingoistic hysteria recreating a Falklands moment. Will they ever learn? When the World Cup started in 1930, they didn't even enter, suggesting the idea would never catch on! They finally appeared in 1950 only to be humbly sent home again by that powerhouse of world football - the USA! '54 saw the arrival of their defeated adversaries from two imperial slaughter matches, and began one of the greatest rivalries in football. '58 witnessed the emergence of football Samba style and the incomparable Pele and the great white dopes were on the early boat home from Gothenburg. Ditto '62 and the claim to be the founders of football and its greatest exponents was sounding slightly shallow. Of course their finest moment since the Magna Carta, followed

in '66 when home advantage and dodgy refereeing decisions combined with a Russian linesman having a Thierry Henry moment, ensured that football 'was coming home'! And how we lived to regret it. Repeated on BBC2 every Xmas and celebrated annually along with the Reformation, Waterloo, Trafalgar, Dunkirk and the Falklands. Bonetti in 1970 throwing away a 2-0 lead to Uwe Seeler's Germans, Tomacheski the mad Polish goalkeeper at Wembley in '74 denying them, the heroes of the favelas were just too strong in '78. The swish Italians put paid to Keegans perm in '82 and of course every Irishman's favourite Latin American son, Maradona, playing Donegal-style hand passing to gain revenge for the Malvinas in '86! And then there came the penalties! The past two decades of greed and avarice of the Premier League has produced obscenely overpaid players who couldn’t put a penalty past your granny from 12 yards! So in these recessionary times after being screwed by AngloIrish, suddenly its World Cup time and our spirits are lifted. England are the favourites again. They defeat some small emerging African nation in the group stages and the nation has apoplexy, and then of course - well we all know the script - hard luck stories or missed penalties, or they are tired after spending pre world cup training in some Manchester lap dance club... and well… you can always rely on the Germans! By Paddy McMenamin

The Champions League is staying in Milan, AC Milan that is! It’s July 20th 2010 at the Milanello training ground. Three thousand fans of the Rossoneri have gathered, not to watch their troops but to bear banners smeared with the phrase “Go home Berlusconi”. The reason? A lack of investment. No matter how smutty Silvio Berlusconi’s image has been, he has generally pleased Milan fans. Under his presidency of the club since 1986, they have had their most successful period. Seven Scudetto league titles have been won along with five European Cups. The Berlusconi era has seen some of the modern greats like Van Basten, Rijkaard, Gullit, Shevchenko and Káka grace the sacred San Siro turf. However, history is one thing, as today, Milan have seen their despised roommate at the San Siro, Inter, dominate with five Scudettos and a Champions League. Berlusconi turned to his cheque book and as far as panic-like buys go, you could do a lot worse than Robinho and Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Robinho when happy and loved, as seen with Santos and Brazil, can be a handful on the pitch rather than being one off it like at Man City. Happy is the key word for both Robinho and Ibrahimovic. They are both undoubted talents who have flourished when they are at the centre of things. Ibrahimovic’s record at Barca was criticised, but he did score sixteen goals in twenty nine games and had a phenomenal record of fifty seven goals and twenty one assists in eighty eight

games with bitter rivals Inter. So with Pirlo, Seedorf and Ronaldinho supplying the front line of Pato, Robinho and Ibrahimovic, Milan has a team of Galacticos that could well rival their Group G opponents Real Madrid. The key for a team of egos is often a non-superstar manager. In Massimilliano Allegri, who has only notably managed Cagliari and had a career mainly as a lower-league journeyman, Berlusconi has taken a gamble. However, Allegri knows how to get the best out his players as was seen with Cagliari’s impressive 9th place finish in 2009 and the fact Andrea Cossu, Federico Marchetti and Robert Acquafresca were all capped for the then rigidly conservative Italy. It’s not the first time Berlusconi has gambled and it could well work out magically. When Arrigo Saachi was given the job in 1987, he had only previously managed the then Serie B side, Parma. Under Saachi, Milan won a Scudetto and retained the European Cup in 1990. Again boldness was shown in offering Fabio Capello his first management job in 1991 where he won four Scudettos and a European Cup. In 2001, Carlo Ancelotti took on the manager’s job and was someone who had just been trophyless with Juventus but Berlusconi took the gamble which led to two Champions League titles and a Scudetto. Allegri’s Galacticos could well follow suit. By Ciaran Kelly

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Seamus Hennessy

players to hold back their celebrations following the senior win days previously. Seamus said: “We had to be back at training on the Tuesday. We couldn’t train in Thurles because of the homecoming, we had to go elsewhere in the county to avoid the celebrations!”

Over the last few months, Seamus Hennessy has won practically everything hurling has to offer. Starting with NUIG’s Fitzgibbon Cup win in March, he went on to win All-Ireland medals with Tipperary at senior and under-21 level. A native of Cloughjordan and player for the Kilruane-MacDonaghs club, he has played hurling in NUIG since freshers and started playing Fitzgibbon hurling last year. Seamus described last year’s Fitzgibbon win as “a brilliant experience, considering we were big outsiders”. “It was especially great for Tony ‘Horse’ Regan”, he added.

For years, Seamus has borne the nickname ‘Fez’. Explaining this he says: “The lads said I run like a pheasant, so that’s where it came from. I’m not really sure what a pheasant runs like, but if it’s like me, it must be slow!” Considering NUIG’s chances for back-to-back Fitzgibbon wins, he wasn’t giving much away: “ We’ll have to see who we have playing. We’ll take it match by match. We didn’t expect to win last year, so you never know!”

Moving on to the more recent success with Tipp, he described the senior win as “massive”. “It was a wonderful experience and a unique achievement”. The victory ended Tipp’s nine year wait for the Liam McCarthy, which is now safely back in ‘the home of hurling’. The under-21 game was “also massive”. “Tipperary hadn’t won the under-21s since ’95,

Sport: Hurling Age: 20 Course: 3rd Commerce

so it was another big match.” One can only imagine how difficult it was for the eight senior

Anyone interested in playing Gaelic Games can contact Michael O'Connor, Gaelic Games Development Officer, at gaelicgames@nuigalway.ie or on 0879840184. Games start this week.

Champions League First Round Matches Will English teams improve on their early round knockouts last year? On September 14, the Champions League kicked off in interesting fashion with England's top players in action, many of whom got their first chance to prove on a world stage once again that they are indeed top players. The dark clouds resting above many of the their heads was evident; the clouds filled with a grim memory that was the world cup, especially for the England players. With Rangers in town, Manchester United fans would have felt that this would have been a good opportunity for their team to run riot and build up some confidence ahead of an important match against Liverpool, but this was not the case. Having fielded a string of fringe players, Alex Ferguson’s side failed to bring any cutting edge to the game, Fletcher being the bright light; taking command of midfield and Gibson having influenced proceedings with thunderous shots on goal. It ended all square at full time with neither side looking like they were going to break the deadlock.

The game had a sour taste to it as Valencias’ broken ankle soon after half-time inevitably ruled him out for the long haul. This result is hardly a blow to the side but it won’t do their morale any good at a time where they really need to step their performances up a notch to get their season going. A great day for Rangers as a draw to them would have felt like a win but Manchester United looked like a speed train with one of it’s tracks out of sync with the other, while their odds of lifting the trophy will have been slashed after that result and performance.

domestic form into their match against Zillina, with Essien, Anelka (2) and Sturridge all scoring in a 4-1 win. They will certainly be among the favorites to land the coveted trophy and they will want to sooner rather than later.

Things turned out quite differently for Chelsea and Arsenal, on the other hand, with both teams winning comfortably, and in style too. If you were to ask a group of Chelsea fans what they would like to win this season, I’m sure it would be a unanimous vote in favour of European glory but if you were to ask the Arsenal supporters, I’m sure they’d like to see their side win anything this season. Chelsea carried their superb

Round-up: Manchester United 0 – 0 Rangers Chelsea 4 – 1 Zillina Arsenal 6 – 0 Braga Tottenham 2 – 2 Werder Bremen

How Braga beat Celtic and Seville in the qualification rounds is incomprehensible as they were slaughtered six nil in a game where Arsenal didn’t have to get out of third gear. Fabregas controlled the game and added two goals to boot while young Vela and Wilshere had memorable nights; the former scoring two goals.

By Conor Lane

Biggest ever Clubs Day attendance! Over 45 clubs gathered in the University Sports Complex for this year’s Clubs Day. With the highest turnout in years, the Sports Clubs were delighted to welcome all new members (and old) to sign up. All Sports Clubs had record students signing up. Flirt Fm broadcasted live and clubs demonstrating all day led to the huge success of this year’s Clubs Day. New clubs captain Eric Coleman-Brockie was overwhelmed by the turnout “I’m delighted with the numbers who turned up, it shows with all the different clubs there is something for everyone”. Don’t worry if you missed Clubs Day, there is another chance to sign up at the Clubs & Societies Fair in the Bailey Allen on September 22nd. Come along for loads of fun and freebies!!

Sports Connect Leadership Award 2010/11


Last year NUI Galway’s Sports Unit in association with the Alumni Association launched the inaugural Sports Connect leadership programme. After six weeks of mentoring Snow Sports, Muay Thai, Ladies Basketball, Hockey and Sailing Club presented their projects. A judging panel consisting of: Jim Ward, Registrar NUI Galway, Mary O’Riordan, Vice-President for the Student Experience, Lorraine Tansey, Alive and Donna Cummins Student Union president 2009/10 chose the Hockey Club as eventual winners. The results speak for themselves; NUI Galway hockey Club, inaugural winners, gained the support of the University with their initiative to develop hockey in NUI Galway. Following the Leadership programme, the Hockey Club now have a full new coaching team and are visiting local schools. The Sailing Club secured finance for six new boats from the project fund. At Clubs Day Snow Sports Club launched their proposal for a competition to win a free Ski trip. This year every club will be invited to apply to take part. More details to follow ….

!"#$%&'() )*+,-+( Well done to all Clubs involved in this year's Clubs Day! A very good start to what I hope will be a great year! We will be in touch about Clubs training weekend October 3rd & 4th! !"#$%&' '%()*& !"#"$%&'"()*+,,-."/*,%/*0$123*4*56/)-.-&6)-%(** * Ps Don’t forget to sign up for finance training! &

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