Volume 12 Issue 7

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F R E E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R , V o l . 1 2 I S S U E 7 , 2 5 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 1

Pic: Eibhlin Seoighthe


By Méabh McDonnell & Richard Manton On New Year’s Day, the Jona Group – which owns Cuba*, The Cellar Bar, Bar 903 and Harvest Off-Licences – went into liquidation, resulting in the immediate closure of all premises. The club, pubs and off-licences were extremely popular student venues and

their closure has been met by shock and disappointment from NUIG students. The matter is even worse for the establishments’ 85 workers, many of which were students, who lost their jobs without notice. The premises entered into voluntary liquidation with losses of over €4 million, which

have been been attributed to a combination of low sales and high rents. John Grealish, a director of the Jona Group, said: “Since the start of the recession in June 2008 the sales in these three businesses have fallen by between 20 per cent and 50 per cent. In the last two years we have tried to manage the effects of the downturn by reducing costs.” Mr. Grealish stated that

remaining businesses in the Jona Group which include, McCanns SuperValu Moycullen, McCanns Centra Moycullen and Centra Ballybrit have been unaffected. Coincidentally, cheaper drinks prices in supermarkets, such as these owned by the Jona Group, are being blamed for the many closures of nighttime venues across the country. Val Hanley, a

former president of the Vintners Federation of Ireland and a former mayor of Galway, said: “The pub business and independent off license business has taken an awful hammering in the last year. The big supermarkets have a monopoly on the price of alcohol and pubs cannot compete with it.” See pages 16 and 17 for comment.

NEWS Green Week

page 2

Hunt report recommends student loan scheme this week By Grainne Coyne Minister for Education, Mary Coughlan, has announced that a student loan scheme for graduates could be introduced. The Hunt Report on Higher Education suggests that graduates would have to repay debts of at least €25,000 after completion of their degrees. There was also an insistence of rises on the Student Contribution Charge, a.k.a. the registration fee, which was announced in the Budget last December. It was also suggested by the Hunt Report that on the return of student fees, students would have to pay upfront for most third level courses. The proposed student loan schemes could take on average ten years for graduates to repay the minimum debt of the new scheme yet this figure could vary with interest rates. It has been recommended that the debt on graduates be broken down into annual fees of €5000 which could be repayable through a taxation system once students have reached a starter income after graduation.

By Richard Manton

The proposed new student loan scheme is similar to the former Minister for Education Batt O’Keeffe’s “study now, pay later” plan. Two years ago O’Keeffe established a strategy group chaired by Dr. Colin Hunt who worked with Brian Cowen when he was Minister of Finance to perform a report on education, yet despite all this time spent on the Hunt report it has only been met with lukewarm reviews. SU President, Peter Mannion, said: “NUI Galway Students’ Union has examined the proposal of a student loan scheme in detail, and given the enormous difficulties which the Australian government has had with the scheme, including recently writing off billions of Australian dollars in student debt, we feel that this is a completely unworkable system for Ireland. “ He continued: “ the proposal for a student loan scheme will be a regressive step for this country and will only serve to encourage emigration among the best and brightest from NUI Galway”

The fourth annual NUI Galway Green Week will take place on campus from 24 to 27 January. As part of the annual event NUI Galway will hold a Green Fair on Tuesday, 25 January, in the Bailey Allen Hall. The Fair will feature activities and awareness stands organised by various NUI Galway societies and by the Buildings Office, NUI Galway, and will focus strongly on fashion and the environment. Students of the Galway Technical Institute (GTI) training in Business Fashion Retail are collaborating with NUI Galway students and staff to organise a bring-and-buy sale of preloved clothes. This re-use of clothes is a highly effective way for one person to clear out their wardrobe while someone else benefits from a new or ‘nearly-new’ piece. According to NUI Galway’s Environmental Manager, Dr. Aoife Collins: “All financial donations received from the clothes sale will be given to the St. Vincent de Paul, Galway. The GTI students will also give

demonstrations on how to turn jaded outfits into fashion gems which otherwise may be sent to landfill. They will also create an eye-catching shopwindow display of mannequins wearing recycled materials.” Anyone wishing to donate clothes, accessories or old mobile phones for the Green Fair can leave them into the Socs Box office in Áras na Mac Léinn up until Monday, 24 January. During Green Week the Galway Market Traders will be stationed outside Áras na Mac Léinn from 25 to 26 January. In addition, a major factbased panel discussion titled Averting a Future Irish Energy Crisis will take place at 7pm in the O'Flaherty Lecture Theatre, located on the main Concourse on Wednesday, 26 January. The discussion will bring together experts in the fields of energy technology, policy, innovation and business and is organised by the Chemistry, Energy and Physics Societies at NUI Galway.

Report into racism in the Galway taxi industry Last December, the Irish Centre for Human Rights released a report assessing allegations of racism within the Galway taxi industry (which can easily be accessed at the Centre’s website, www.nuigalway.ie/human_righ ts/ridingalongwithracism.html). Claims and counter-claims of racism in Galway and the larger Irish society have grown in number and prominence since the beginning of the “Celtic tiger” phenomenon, when immigration to the island accelerated. The issue has intensified recently with the straightened circumstances and inevitably increased competition and tensions brought on by the current financial recession.

The Centre’s report has made an important contribution to this very public debate, sparking much commentary in the local and national media. Yet the value of this contribution is in its evidence based methodology and sustained investigation within the focussed remit of alleged racism within the Galway taxi industry, not as a stick to aimlessly stir a wider debate on racism in Irish society. It provides a way forward, a human rights-based approach to our consumer choices, not just another spin of the wheel of generalised claim and counter-claim in an often emotional and ungrounded argument. Not surprisingly, the key is in

the content of the report, and the catch is in actually reading it. Also not surprising is that few who disparage the report seem to have got past the catch. As a stick to stir argument the report is just a cover with the words “Riding Along With Racism?” on it. But as a considered academic assessment providing a way forward it is a 60 page document refined from months of investigation and observation, collated, analysed, structured, sent out to all those referred to for comments then incorporated, edited and peer reviewed, and finally launched. This is a far cry from a 100 word letter from an individual posted in the Galway

Advertiser, or an opinion aired in a taxi cab. Among the 16 recommendations the report makes is that NUIG require an employment diversity plan for all contracts for procurement for the purchase of goods and services and that any evidence of racial discrimination disqualifies a bid. All readers

are urged to consider this and other recommendations with a view to their implementation by NUIG, the Galway City Council, the Galway Chamber of Commerce, the Commission on Taxi Regulation and the government of Ireland. By Josh Curtis


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Múscailt festival launched in style By Richard Manton The annual Múscailt festival was launched last Wednesday in a kaleidoscope of colour. Attendees were treated to two songs from the musical ‘The Wedding Singer’, which will be performed throughout the week. The arts festival will

Energy Night on campus this week By Sinéad Burke Top experts from the fields of energy technology, policy, innovation and business will come together in NUI Galway on Wednesday, 26 January, 2011 to discuss the future of energy in Ireland. The Energy Night has been organised by the Chemistry, Energy and Physics Societies at NUI Galway. The NUI Galway Energy Night will open at 5:30pm in the Orbsen Building Foyer with a showcase of the rich and varied range of cutting-edge energy research currently underway at the University. With presenters working in areas from bio fuels to wave energy, and smart buildings to smart grids, the showcase will provide attendees and researchers alike with the opportunity to meet, learn and exchange ideas on the future of energy in Ireland. Following this, a major fact-based panel discussion entitled Averting a Future Pic: Leah Mollica Irish Energy Crisis will be held at 7pm in the O Flaherty Lecture Theatre, located on the main Concourse. RTE’s Environmental Editor Paul Cunningham will moderate the discussion. Panel participants include Professor J. Owen Lewis, Chief Executive of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), Paul Lynam, Chief Executive of Siemens Ireland, Emeritus Professor at

the Combustion Chemistry Centre NUI Galway and acclaimed fuels researcher John Simmie, Neil Walker, Head of the Energy and Environment Unit at the Irish Business Employers Confederation (IBEC), and Philip Walton, Emeritus Professor of Physics at NUI Galway and nationally-renowned nuclear energy expert. The hope is that the NUI Galway Energy Night will be a spark that ignites enhanced understanding, interaction and collaboration between energy stakeholders in the policy, business, technological and academic spheres as well as the public. The event is made possible by the generosity of sponsors Enerit Ltd., the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) and SEAI. The entire event is open to all members of the public. If you are interested in attending the panel discussion please email nuigenergy@gmail.com as space in the lecture theatre is limited. More information on NUI Galway Energy Night is available at https://sites.google.com/site/nuigener gynight2011/ and the facebook page NUIG Energy Night or by contacting Rory Monaghan at rory.monaghan@nuigalway.ie or 085 1509336.

begin on Monday, 7th February and runs until Saturday, 12th February. There will be a range of special guests, including the sculptor, Ana Pérez Pereda, and the artist, José Maria Mollina. Most events will take place on campus with other performances in the Black Box Theatre.

NUIG FEE protest Frank Fahey By Áine Mannion

On Monday 17th January, Fianna Fáil held a public meeting in the Clayton Hotel that ended in protest and walkouts. Both the speakers, Frank Fahey TD and Dr Alan Ahearne (NUIG), as well as the chair, Aer Arann’s Padraig O’Céidigh, seemed surprised at the level of anger at Fianna Fáil and the state of the nation which was present in the 200-strong crowd. Fahey accepted Fianna Fáil’s upcoming electoral defeat and spent most of his speech scaremongering against a Fine Gael/Labour coalition. Although he has spent the last two years on secondment to the Department of Finance, Dr Ahearne still insisted that he was an independent while spending an hour and a half explaining the need for cutbacks through Yogi bear, trains, and bazookas. The tension continued to rise throughout the Questions and Answers as those with questions about the real impact of the cuts were interrupted with shouts of “go on Frank, good man!” or found their questions unanswered by the panel. When NUIG student Senan Mac Aoidh asked ‘will you be suffering with all

your apartments and houses around the place?’ Fahey merely said that he would ‘make no apology to anybody for building up a property portfolio over the years.’ Another NUIG student, FEE member Joe Loughnane, asked how education cuts, registration fee increases, and huge emigration did not compel Mr Fahey to resign. The lack of any direct response led to a walkout by FEE. As Galway Unites Against Cuts and many others joined the walkout the meeting was called to an end. While FEE protested, Frank Fahey was taken away leaving Dr Ahearne to deal with the angry public who wanted to know how he could praise wage cuts for others while receiving €130,000 per year picnic-basket himself. The most unsettling part of the meeting was how out of touch Fianna Fáil appeared to be with the damage and pain they have inflicted on the nation through their cuts. Adding to this they expected that they could avoid dealing with the anger of the public, which understands the meaning of the cutbacks all too well.


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1200 students pack into one nightclub for charity By Gabby Connolly Labelled ‘The NUIG back to college party’, a society event attracted over 1200 students to CP's nightclub on Monday January 10th. The event which was organised by Sean Burke and Elaine Whelan from the Accountancy and Finance society was set up to raise money for Crumlin Children’s Hospital, Dublin and is one of the biggest parties ever organised by NUIG students. Over the Christmas break, the organisers launched a mass advertising campaign that garnered immense exposure for the event which saw over 1000 flyers distributed and a smartly advertised facebook event page created which attracted over 1400 students as guests within just 8 days.

New Deadline for ROPES journal B y Va l e r i e Ha r t n e t t The deadline for NUI Galway’s literary journal ROPES (Review of Postgraduate English Studies) has been extended until January 31st .This is to facilitate students who wish to submit to the journal. All literary and/or artistic submissions are welcome. Literary submissions cannot exceed 5,000 words and artwork will be reproduced in black and white in the journal. Submissions are limited to three pieces per person, and must be submitted on or before 31st of January 2011. Send fiction, one-act plays and poetry etc. to ropesgalway@gmail.com Artists, submit to ropesdesign@gmail.com All proceeds will be donated to AWARE.

On the night students were queuing from 10.30pm to gain access to the event, with the line for the nightclub circling from the entrance of CP's around to the entrance of GPO within just an hour. Commenting on the event Sean said that it couldn't have went better and that his and Elaine’s experience from organising the 1000 student summer after exams party really helped when it came to devising the marketing campaign. Commenting Pic:that Aisling Gaffney on future parties he said the society is in talks to organise a 2000 student party in CP's, Halo and Karma to launch college week and raise further money for crumlins childrens hospital and also another 1000 student summer after exams party.

Student group launched to promote enterprise By Aengus Fitzgerald A new student group, SEEN - Student Enterprise Exchange Network has been launched as an initiative on campus in NUI Galway with the aim of actively supporting, promoting & developing a spirit and culture of enterprise among the student population at NUI Galway. The group was set up to support and encourage NUI Galway students to break the mould and make their own mark. SEEN is open to students of all faculties and will be holding a number of events during the year - guest speaker, fun and exciting competitions and social events like ‘Speed Networking’. The group is supported by The Research Office, NUI Galway, Careers Office, CELT, Graduate Studies, TTO, SIF ACE and hopes to provide members with an excellent opportunity to network, learn new skills and enhance your entrepreneurial capabilities. Contact: seen.nuigalway@gmail.com 091 493550 Facebook@Seen NuiGalway

Applications Now Open for the Washington Ireland Program By Eamonn Fitzgerald The Washington-Ireland Program (WIP) is an NUI Galway-sponsored sixmonth programme of personal and professional development that brings outstanding university students from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to Washington DC for summer internships and leadership training. In Washington, participants gain firsthand experience of a mature political process and are exposed to a culture of diversity. Through an intense eightweek schedule, WIP interns are formed into a team and challenged to develop their vision for the future of post-conflict Ireland. Students gain invaluable practical experience by completing internships in US government, media, business and nonprofit organizations. To date more than 400 young adults

from Ireland have graduated from WIP, representing twenty-five different universities throughout the UK and Ireland. Many graduates are now emerging in important careers in politics, law, business, communications, education and community organizations. WIP are currently in the process of searching for the Class of 2011. The application process is now open, and is scheduled to close on the 7th of February. SU President, Peter Mannion, along with WIP Ireland Director Bryan Patten, will be hosting an information session in NUI Galway on the 27th of January in AC214 (on the Concourse) beginning at 6:00pm. For more information please visit www.wiprogram.org

Dramsoc pull off 24 hours of theatre By Méabh McDonnell DramSoc pulled off an unusual feat between Wednesday the 19th and Thursday the 20th of January. A full theatre production was written, cast and performed all within 24 hours.

Allow me to be Frank and was a small single act production of a moving story. Those in attendance described it as “a really impressive achievement” and “brilliantly executed”.

The event was a fundraiser for the Irish Student Drama Association Festival which NUIG’s DramSoc are hosting from 5th-12th March. The performance was simply titled

The performace played to a full house and recieved a standing ovation from the audience and participants said “It was amazing how everything came together and everyone’s ideas gelled.”

editorial/LETTERS SIN TEAM Editor Richard Manton

page 5

Welcome back to another semester at NUIG! I trust everyone’s Christmas was delightful. A big hello to all the new Americans!

sadden none more than the 85 workers (many, if not most of them, students) whose jobs have been lost as a result.

Unfortunately, not everyone had a happy new year as students returned to fundamentally changed social atmosphere around Galway City. On New Year’s Day, the Jona Group entered voluntary liquidation thereby closing Cuba*, The Cellar Bar, Bar 903 and the Harvest off-licence chain. This, I’m sure, will sadden many tile-hitting, tipple-drinking students, but it will

The owners blamed low sales (2050% drop) and high rent (unchanged in years) for the accumulation of losses. The closures come at a time when GPO is closed for renovations – narrowing options further.

editor@sin.ie News Editors Méabh McDonnell Gráinne Coyne Reviews Editor Darragh O’Connor Literary Editor Johanna Stock Sports Editor

Dear Sir,

Conor Lane Web Editor Chris Cosgrove Photography Leah Mollica Layout Tom Parandyk Contributors Josh Curtis Sinéad Burke Áine Mannion Gabby Connolly Valerie Hartnett Aengus Fitzgerald Eamonn Fitzgerald William Boyce John Cox Colleen Ní Bhaistir Síle Ní Dhóláin Brídín Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh Fiona Ní Mháille Anne-Marie Fitzgerald Kate Smyth Aisling Scally Aibhlín O’Leary Steven Conroy Miceala O’Donovan Ronan Cannon Lisa Jackson Shane Leonard Emer McHugh Damien McEvoy Ciarán Kelly Michael O’Connor Conrad Clancy Síle Johnson Fintan Keown

With our current government crumbling beneath the monumental weight of its own mediocrity and ineptitude, the spectacle would be comical were it not for the disastrous state of our economy. The whole thing has taken on the aura of a very badly directed Gilbert and Sullivan opera, with some cabinet members playing Gombeen versions of the Duke of Plaza-Toro and leading their fleeing regiments “at the fore-o”. Nor should we forget the role of the Green Party in propping up these comic actors, only to jump ship when it had almost hit the rocks. It is easy to understand why so many have become disillusioned with Irish politics. As a clergyman, a former secondary school teacher and a current student of NUIG, I like so many others was deeply saddened by the sporadic violence of a small minority at last year’s student protests. All people of good sense recognise that such behaviour is in no way illustrative of students in general. However, I would appeal to all students reading this to remember that the greatest weapon you will ever wield is the ballot paper. In this regard the pen is, indeed, mightier than the sword. Only by actually going out and voting can you have a

However, the most worrying part of all this is not the more difficult choice of night-life venue, but the

real say in your governed future. For years we have had a steady procession of mediocrities elected to Leinster House, a result perhaps influenced by the regular voting of a certain age bracket content to vote along party lines or “the way me father voted”. The consequence is an expensively dressed version of Ballymagash County Council. Your vote can make a real difference, but only if you vote for someone of vision and energy and someone with a new angle on our current problems. Fianna Fáil and the Greens have proved that they are unworthy of consideration. There is huge goodness, energy and decency in the young people of this country and without them Ireland is finished. Mobilise that energy and go out and vote on polling day. By doing so, you will create a real revolution in Irish politics. When Cowen et al are finally voted out of office, I would suggest that they go to their local town halls to audition for any forthcoming productions of ‘The Mikado’ or ‘The Gondoliers’. At least then we could all have a good laugh at their antics, without shuddering for the future. Yours, etc. Rev. Declan Kelly

possibilities of far more closures across the city and the monopolising of many services. These specific closures may have an impact on Galway’s clubculture, but it could get a lot worse.

locations were to remain empty for a substantial period.

All that said, the likelihood seems to be that most (if not all) of the venues will re-open under new management. Each premises has a prime location – Eyre Square, Eglinton Street, Wood Quay and across from the Spanish Arch. It would be hard to believe if these


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On a side note, I would like to encourage anyone who is considering getting involved in Sin to do so. We are always looking for new writers and no experience or commitment is required. Take a look at page 15 to find out about writing for Sin and other volunteering opportunities across campus.

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page 6

A statement from the Students’ Union Education Officer – Emmet Connolly The Students’ Union is pleased to have reached agreement with the library management that the key benefits of the former Desk Reserve system will be delivered in alternative ways. An effective alternative to desk reserve was a priority for me throughout semester one. I want students reading this to know that desk reserve was always a key issue for me with the library and university management. After a number of meetings from September through to December, we agreed that access to books in highest demand will be available through a new 3 Hour Loan Collection which is located at the Customer Services Desk in the Library. Students will be able to borrow these books for three hour periods right up until the end of this year’s Semester 2 exams. It will not be possible for students to re-issue books from the 3 Hour Loan Collection to themselves, which was a major flaw of the old desk reserve system. A range of other measures described by the Librarian in another article in this issue will improve access to course books. It should be pointed out that NUI Galway students have fared much better than students in other colleges such as Trinity and UCD. Over the past two years, our library opening hours have actually increased rather than decreased as they have in other colleges, and that the I and my colleagues in the Students’ Union have secured extensions in the opening hours of the Reading Room from closing at 11pm to 1.30am. As well as this, detailed discussions regarding the complete renovation of the Reading Room are well under way, and I hope that students will see major improvements in the facilities available there by September 2011.

Desk Reserve is dead. Long live, Desk Reserve. Desk Reserve of old is dead. It is no more. This it seems is something we now have to accept. There is however, a hope of sorts. A new and some might argue an improved version of Desk Reserve is being set up. The situation as it stands will see a system in place for all disciplines, where the most sought after books will be placed behind the reception at the library entrance, where they can be borrowed for 3 hours at a time before they must be returned. The major catch here being that for a book to 'qualify' for this special placement in the new Desk Reserve, it must already have been borrowed extensively. This, apparently, is to prevent lecturers from requesting large lists of books - taking up valuable space behind the reception desk – which have not, and seemingly therefore, will not be used. There is a kind of logic there. Sort of. There is a distinct lack of communication between academics – who plan students’ reading lists – and library management and unfortunately, there is the obvious problem where students will only try to check out books for an assignment once they have been given the said assignment. It is unlikely a precious book will be checked out before students are aware they need it. This could easily disrupt the 'must be checked out 3 times previously' system, which will naturally result in a lot of students vying for the same books at the same time. Although Desk Reserve as we knew it is gone, a compromise was secured. Class reps, such as Owen Harney – the rep for my class who took a personal interest in bringing this issue up in SU meetings - along with negotiators from the SU have been successful in bringing the not-as-good-as-before-but better-than-nothing version of Desk Reserve back for the students. Credit where credit is due. I understand in any negotiation no one side will get all they want and a compromise must be reached, and the result is just that. A compromise. The important thing now is to keep what little we have left. This new Desk Reserve has only been guaranteed until the end of the exams for Semester 2. This means that every academic year, or worst case, every semester, the terms will have to be renegotiated. The ultimate aims, as I understand them, is to eventually have all books digitized and downloadable and the hard copies will have RFID tags inserted to avoid them being successfully hidden. What a wonderful idea. Until then, we as students must ensure that the diminished Desk Reserve remains in place. After all, when a brand new bypass is replacing an old potholed road, the old road is not closed before the new one is opened. Basic common sense. So there we have it. A less than perfect outcome, but certainly much better than the threat imposed upon us of the complete removal of Desk Reserve. Come SU election time, make sure the relevant candidates know that they will only get a vote if Desk Reserve will be fought for and terms renegotiated each and every time it is necessary to do so, including ironing out any unforeseen problems with the new set up. Clearly management need to be reminded of what is important and the SU are willingly putting themselves in a position to fight for what the student deems important. As always has been the case, it is our responsibility to give them something to fight for. By William Boyce

page 7

Getting (Hold) of Course Books in the Library As noted in an article published in the

Library holds copies of all reading list

Students can help too. Call to the

last issue of Sin, and commented on by a

books”. These findings indicated a

Reading List Desk in the Library foyer

number of respondents in the recent

serious problem, a lot larger than just

and give us any reading lists you have so

LibQual survey, the Library discontinued

Desk Reserve. The Library is now re-

that we can copy them and follow up as

its Desk Reserve service last Summer.

directing staff effort from administering

necessary. The desk will operate until

This article explains why this decision

a system which was largely not working

28th January; please take your list to the

was taken and outlines a series of

as intended towards a more systematic

Customer Services Desk after that date.

measures, involving the deployment of

approach whose aim is to improve

Academic staff can email reading lists to

additional resources and new

access to course reading lists. A series of


technologies, being taken to deliver a

measures is described in the rest of this

major improvement in course reading

article. Constructive engagement with

Online Access: The printed book is

list support. In a nutshell, the Desk

Students Union officers has been a big

limited as a way of satisfying high

Reserve system represented a sticking

help in planning for Semester 2.

demand. Online access enables many

plaster rather than a root-and-branch

people to use the same book at once.

solution to the whole issue of providing

Better Access to Course Books

The Library is pursuing two avenues

effective access to the full range of

3-Hour Loan Collection: About 10% of

towards increased online access to

course reading material and a variety of

the books in the previous Desk Reserve

course reading materials. Firstly, we are

alternative approaches is needed.

system circulated frequently. Until the

buying online versions of course books

end of May, there will be a 3-Hour Loan

where they exist. If only a part of a book

Desk Reserve

Collection for books in high demand

is needed for course purposes, we can

Under the Desk Reserve system some

available for use within the Library only.

usually scan the relevant material and

academic staff advised the Library of

These books will be kept behind the

make an electronic copy accessible via

books, they expected to be in high

Customer Services Desk, will need to be

Blackboard in accordance with the

demand and these books were relocated

issued by staff at that Desk and returned

licence negotiated by the Irish

to a separate security-controlled area

to the same location. Library staff will

Copyright Licensing Agency and

where they were made available for

monitor levels of demand and identify

purchased annually by the University.

borrowing on 3- or 24-hour loan. This

books for inclusion in this relatively

system had its flaws. Students issued the

small collection, enabling access to a 3-

Knowing the System: Throughout

same book to themselves repeatedly on

hour loan copy.

Semester 2 our Information Assistants

the self-issue machines or defeated the

will provide training in locating books in

security system, removing a book from

1-Day Loans: Many books had their loan

the Library or placing a hold when a

the Desk Reserve area without

status converted to 1-day loans in

copy is on loan. Training will be at 11.00

borrowing it and hiding it elsewhere in

Semester 1 and this process will

each weekday in the Library Training

the Library. Students reported that three

continue in Semester 2. It is possible to

Room on the Ground Floor; there is no

hours was too short a loan period.

reserve these books by placing a hold on

need to book and you can simply drop

Photocopying offered an option but at a

them, thus preventing anyone from re-

in. A few minutes’ training could save

financial cost to the student. Only about

issuing the book. The Library will be

you a lot of time.

10% of the books in Desk Reserve were

running a series of sessions on placing

borrowed more than 50 times per

holds, as described later.

semester in 2009/10. This indicated that

Combating Unacceptable Behaviours: Practices such as hiding books or cutting

the required levels of circulation for the

Multiple Copies: As part of the same

out sections of books represent a major

other 90% of Desk Reserve books could

process for monitoring levels of demand

obstacle to effective access to course

be met without taking them from their

for books, the Library will order extra

reading material. Strong disciplinary

normal location in the Library.

copies. This has already been happening

measures will be taken against any

Surprisingly, 50% of the books in Desk

throughout Semester 1 as it has become

offenders detected and measures such

Reserve last year had not circulated at

evident that, whatever the loan period

as CCTV, security patrols and RFID


assigned, there may be too few copies to

technology will be stepped up

meet demand.

throughout the semester and beyond.

The decision to discontinue Desk

RFID will enable prompt detection of

Reserve was also informed by a Library

Reading Lists: A fundamental problem is

books hidden away from their normal

survey of undergraduates in Spring 2009.

that the Library only receives a very

location in the Library. If you witness

Only 43.8% of respondents agreed that

limited percentage of the actual number

unacceptable behaviours of this kind

“The Desk Reserve Collection meets my

of course reading lists and we are now

please let us know and help us to

needs for essential reading list

making a concerted effort to rectify this.

prevent them.

materials”. Of even more concern, only

Our subject librarians are contacting

36.5% of respondents agreed that “The

academic staff to get their reading lists.

By John Cox, University Librarian

su pages Budget 2011: Changes and Cuts to the Grant

living in towns like Tuam, Gort, Ardrahan

moment nurses and midwives are paid 80%

detailed discussions regarding the complete

and Headford would not be able to receive

of the minimum salary for the 36 weeks of

renovation of the Reading Room are well

the full non-adjacent grant of c.?3,000 and

the roistered placement. The Government

under way, and I hope that students will

would instead receive one of only c.?1,200.

intends to change this as follows:

see major improvements in the facilities available there by September 2011.'

This is a massive problem for some 25,000 students nationwide and we intend to lobby the new government and Minister for Education about reversing this measure

Budget 2011 has delivered two big blows

in time for September 2011. Whoever the

to students. Firstly, grants have been cut by

new minister is will have to formally sign

4%, which takes yet more money off those

off these changes in July, so we will have to

who are already struggling to stay in

wait and see what the composition of the

college. This comes on top of a 5%

new government will be, and then we and

reduction last year, despite the fact that

the USI will be lobbying hard on the issue.

· 2011 - 76% of the minimum point on the new lower scale · 2012 - 60% of the minimum point on the new lower scale · 2013 - 50% of the minimum point on the new lower scale · 2014 - 40% of the minimum point on the new lower scale · 2015 onwards - no payment

grants are being cut more proportionately than other state payments even though they increased by much less during the Celtic Tiger years. For the 40% of students relying on a grant, this cut is just another indication of how little the government values investing in the knowledge economy and will mean many students will drop out or not come to college in the first place. Secondly, the proposals to double the

The NUI Galway Students' Union is

Government plans to abolish pay for student nurses

qualification limit to get a non-adjacent student grant have been almost doubled

The Government intends to change the

from you needing to live 24km from the

payment arrangements for student nurses

college, to 45km. This means students

and midwives on clinical placement. At the

General Election for 11th March - make sure you're registered to vote!

determined oppose these exploitative cuts. Along with the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation we held a meeting with all Nursing and Midwifery Students. The

Applications for the WashingtonIreland Program (WIP) for Service and Leadership

meeting was to discuss our plans to campaign to have these measures reversed.

WIP is a six-month program of personal

We will provide more details over the

and professional development that brings

coming weeks. If you would like to be

outstanding university students from

involved in the campaign please contact

Northern Ireland and the Republic of


Ireland to Washington, DC for summer internships and leadership training.In Washington participants gain first-hand

SU secures new 3-Hour Loan Collection in Library

experience of a mature political process and are exposed to a culture of diversity. Through an intense eight-week schedule, WIP interns are formed into a team and challenged to develop their vision for the future of post-conflict Ireland. Students gain invaluable practical experience by completing internships in US government, media, business and non-profit organizations.

The Taoiseach has announced that the country will go to the polls on Friday 11th

The Students' Union Education Officer,

March for a general election. We in the SU want our students to know that we

Emmet Connolly, is pleased to announce

have already met local candidates from Fine Gael and Labour and have arranged

that the SU reached agreement with the

meetings with more candidates from several other parties in the constituencies

library management that the key benefits

around Galway. Working alongside our SU counterparts across the country, and

of the former Desk Reserve system will be

the national Union of Students in Ireland (USI), we hope to lobby as many

delivered in alternative ways:

More than 400 young adults from Ireland have graduated from WIP, representing twenty-five different universities throughout the UK and Ireland. Many graduates are now emerging in important careers in politics, law, business,

candidates as we can over the next 50 days until polling day. ‘Students will be able to borrow these Don't forget to register to vote! Applications to be included on the Supplement

books for three hour periods right up until

to the Register of Electors have now been opened. In order to be eligible to vote

the end of this year's Semester 2 exams. It

you must be over 18 on February 15th, not the date of the election. A lot of

will not be possible for students to re-issue

students will already be registered at home even if they are not aware of it. In

books from the 3 Hour Loan Collection to

September/October the local registration authorities go around homes around

themselves, which was a major flaw of the

the country registering those eligible to vote. It may be beneficial before they

old desk reserve system. It should be

attempt to register again to visit www.checktheregister.ie to make sure.

pointed out that NUI Galway students have fared much better than students in

communications, education and community organizations. The WIP application process is now open, and closes on February 7th. You can find more information about the Washington Ireland Program at www.wiprogram.org . WIP will be holding a talk in NUI Galway on Thursday 27th January at 6pm in AC214.

SU Elections 2011

If you are not registered but wish to be included, please download the form from

other colleges such as Trinity and UCD.

the Students' Union website. This form needs to be signed by a member of an

Over the past two years, our library

Gardai and sent to your Local Authority as soon as possible. To be certain that

opening hours have actually increased

your application is processed, aim to have your form in by the 18th of February.

rather than decreased as they have in other

Forms are available in the SU office.

colleges, and that the Students' Union here

The Students' Union Elections to elect

has secured extensions in the opening

your representatives for 2011/12 are fast

The Students' Union will be organising a voter registration drive in the coming

hours of the Reading Room from closing at

approaching. If you are thinking of running

weeks. If you would like to get involved in the campaign email

11pm to 1.30am, which will be again

for any of the nine positions on the SU


extended in coming weeks. As well as this,

Executive we will be hosting a "Look

su pages

Before You Leap" Election Information night for potential candidates on Tuesday 1st of February at 6pm in the Siobhan McKenna Theatre (Arts Millennium Building). This event will provide information on what the nine Executive Committee positions actually entail and all the other information you need if you are thinking about running for office. Other election dates to keep in mind are:

Green Week 24th - 27th January Next week is Green Week on Campus with a Green Fair on Tuesday in the Bailey Allen Hall. The Fair will feature activities and awareness stands organised by various NUI

Galway societies and by the Buildings

For further information please contact Dr

Office and will focus strongly on fashion

Aoife Collins, Environmental Manager, NUI

and the environment. Students of the

Galway at 091 495944 or

Galway Technical Institute (GTI) training in

aoife.collins@nuigalway.ie or visit

Business Fashion Retail are collaborating


with NUI Galway students and staff to organise a bring-and-buy sale of pre-loved clothes. This re-use of clothes is a highly effective way for one person to clear out their wardrobe while someone else benefits from a new or ‘nearly-new' piece. Anyone wishing to donate clothes,

SU Full Time Election Nominations Open: Thursday 24th February SU Full Time Election Nominations Close: 5pm Wednesday 2nd March Full Time Canvassing BEGINS: Monday 7th March SU Full Time Election: Thursday 10th March SU Part Time Election Nominations Open: Thursday 10th March SU Part Time Election Nominations Close: 5pm Wednesday 16th March Part Time Canvassing BEGINS: Monday 21st March SU Part Time Election: Thursday 24th March

accessories or old mobile phones for the Green Fair can leave them into the Socs

College Week 2011 - The Rubberbandits Confirmed

Box office in Áras na Mac Léinn up until Monday, 24 January.

Ladies and Gentlemen it's official: we will

The Galway Market Traders will be

have a horse outside for College Week! The

stationed outside Áras na Mac Léinn on

Rubberbandits will be playing this year's

Tuesday and Wednesday with Sushi,

College Week on Wednesday 2nd of

Crepes and Crafts. In addition, a major fact-

March. Tickets will be on sale from the

based panel discussion titled Averting a

Students' Union soon for €10. Remember

Future Irish Energy Crisis will take place at

this College Week we will be raising money

7pm in the O'Flaherty Lecture Theatre, on

for Ability West and the Alan Kerins

Wednesday, 26th January. The discussion

Projects and we need your help. If you have

will bring together experts in the fields of

any event ideas or want to volunteer to

energy technology, policy, innovation and

help out please email

business and is organised by the Chemistry,


Energy and Physics Societies at NUI Galway.

Leathanach Gaeilge

page 10

Glór Ghaeltachta

Síle agus Brídín

Is mise Colleen Ní Bhaistir

an áit an-bheag agus gur

agus táim chun sibh a chur ar

dóigh nach mbíonn aon

an eolas faoi na cúrsaí

chraic againn, ach bíonn a

Gaeilge atá ar fáil in Ollscoil

dhóthain craic againn. Gach

Ainm: Síle ‘Gaeluvvin’ Ní Dhóláin Aois: 19 Tá seans mhaith agat bualadh lei: i CPs, ar pháirc spóirt nó sa Chollege Bar. Suimeanna: Ag amhránaíocht (scamhlaigh mar chat), ag aisteoireacht, ag damhsa i CPs (ar an sean nós gan dabht),

na hÉireann, Gaillimh.

seachtain bíonn ar a laghad

ag labhairt gaeilge (fiú le daoine nach bhfuil gaeilge acu), agus ag dul chuig na leachtaí (lol!).

Chomh maith leis sin beidh

rud amháin eagraithe againn,

Da mbeifeá ar oilean tréigthe, cén trí rud a thógtha leat?

muid ag caint faoi imeachtaí

uaireanta is bus atá ag dul

Mála tae, na dírtheoirí gruaige (b’fhéidir go dtiocfadh buachaill deas le mé a shabháil!) agus stocaí tirim.

Gaeilge, cosúil le Seachtain

isteach chuig an cathair nó

Dean cur síos ar do bhuachaill fórfach:

na Gaeilge agus conas do

amanna eile bíonn tráth na

Bheadh sé abalta eitilt (is mé a shabhail ón t-oileán), bheadh gaeilge dén chéad scóth aige agus bheadh sé in ann mé a

chuid Gaeilge a úsáid go

gceisteanna againn sa halla.

chur ag gáirí i gcónaí!


An rud is fearr faoin

An tseachtain seo beidh

Acadamh ná mar gheall go

mé ag plé Acadamh na

bhfuil muid ‘chomh beag sin’

hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, áit

tá muid cosúil le clann agus

ina bhfuil mic léinn ag

bíonn aithne agat ar gach

staidéar trí mhéan na Gaeilge.

duine, ní dóigh gur féidir le

An tAcadamh

Ainm: Brídín ‘Ultra Gaeilgeóir’ Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh Aois: 18 Tá seans mhaith agat bualadh lei: i gKarma ag caitheamh na moves, amuigh sa Spidéal i Ros Na Rún, ag siúl thart

aon duine ar an bpríomh

ar an choláiste le Starbucks ina lámh agus ‘barry an bear’ ar a ceann.

champas é sin a rá!

Suimeanna: Ag aisteoireacht (a.k.a. ag inse bréaga) ag canadh (ach ní ar an seannós - níl airgead ar bith sa tsean

Mar sin, gach duine, is páirt

nós), ag caint le achan duine a chasan uirthi agus ag sabháil a cuid airgid go ciallmhar is ní i RiverIsland ag na

An tAcadamh, cén áit ina

d’Ollscoil na hÉireann

deireadh seacthaine (lol).

bhfuil sé sin? Sin an chéad

Gaillimhe muid agus tá muid

Da mbeifeá ar oilean tréigthe, cén trí rud a thógtha leat?

rud a bíonn le cloisteáil agam

chomh maith le haon duine

Mo chaired go léir, DJ, agus bád le imeacht nuair a bheadh an partyál réidh!

gach am a luaim le duine

ar an príomh champas! Agus

Dean cur síos ar do bhuachaill fórfach:

éigin an áit ina bhfuil mé ag

más rud é go bhfuil lá saor

Strapaire breá d’fhear áta dathúil gan dabht, fear a chaitheamh an oíche ag canadh dom (níl mé fussy, Paolo Nutini

staidéar faoi láthair agus

agat, tar ar cuairt agus beidh

nó Matt Cardle), duine a dhéanthas béile breá blasta dom achan oíche, agus a churthas sna tríotha ag gaire mé. (Tá

cuireann sé isteach orm!

deoch nó dhó againn!

millionaires agus damhsóirí sean nós ina bonus)

Is brainse d’Ollscoil na

Beidh an colún seo i ngach

hÉireann, Gaillimh é

eagrán den pháipéar ‘Sin’ go

Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta

deireadh an tseimeastair agus

Gaeilge. Ní dóigh liom go

beidh muid ag plé taobh na

raibh sé sin ar eolas agat! Tá

Gaeilge d’Ollscoil na

ceithre ionad ag an Acadamh

hÉireann Gaillimhe arís. Más

Brídín: A Shíle a chroí, droch scéal atá mé ag tabhairt chugat.

timpeall na tíre – Carna,

rud é go bhfuil aon tuairimí

Mí seo chuagainn ní bheith muid ag partyál i CPs níos mó,

Gaoth Dobhair agus an

agaibh seol isteach chuig an

tAcadamh ar an gCeathrú

bpáipéar iad.

Rua, an áit na bhfuil mé féin



tá mé ag bogadh go Vegas le mo bhuachaill nua agus ag starrál leis i mBroadway seo.

lonnaithe. Tá cúrsaí sa siúl sa


Spidéal freisin leis ag an

Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta

Acadamh – cúrsa ceoil i

Gaeilge: The Academy for

gcomhar le Stiúideo Cuan.

University Education

Chomh maith leis sin tá

through Irish

lárionad Acadamh na

An tAcadamh: The Academy

hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge in

Ag plé: Discussing

Áras na Gaeilge ar champas

Ollscoil na hÉireann Gaillimh:

Ollscoil na hÉireann,



Brainse: Branch

Sin ráite, céard é an

Lonnaithe: Situated

tAcadamh? Bhuel, mar a dúirt

Lárionad: Central Place

mé cheana féin, is brainse é

Príomh champas: Main

d’Ollscoil na hÉireann


Gaillimh. Déanaimid ár gcuid

Cúrsaí lánaimseartha: Full-

staidéir ar fad trí mheán na

time courses

Brídín: A Shíle a stoirín, nach cinnte go mbeidh mé arais.

Gaeilge. Anseo san Acadamh

Tráth na gceisteanna: Table

Ní thiocfadh liom tú a fhágáil leat féin ar an lash!

tá seacht gcúrsa


Goidfidh mé cupla milliún ó mo bhuachaill nua,

páirt aimseartha ann. Bíonn duine ag rá go bhfuil

Bhí mé ag súil le bheith ag ól leat roimh na scrúduithe, faraor! A Bhrídín, ná bí amaideach, tá géarchéim sa tír. Tá an t-ádh ort go bhfuil oideachas anseo go saor.

Brídín: Ach a Shíle a thaiscí, tá na pleananna deanta amach! Tá an iompar socraithe, ní ormsa atá an locht! Ach smaoinaigh ar na héadaí deasa a churthas mé chugat, gheobhaidh tú fear ar bith i CPs gan feidhm duit fiú bogadh!

Síle: Ach, a Bhrídín, ní fiú dom dul amach gan tusa, mo stór. Níl ‘moves’ na gcailíní eile maith go leor. Níl mise mé féin in ann na fir a choineál sásta. Nuair atá do Bhroadway sheó thart, tar ar ais go gasta!

Is beidh mé féin ‘s tú féin ag siopadóireacht i nGaillimh go luath.

lánaimseartha ar bun agus chomh maith le sin tá cúrsaí

Síle: Ó, a Bhrídín, ná habair é! Ná habair go bhfuil sé fíor!

Le Colleen Ní Bhaistir

page 11

Dear Agony Aunt, I’m completely broke after Christmas! I have so many expenses that I can’t keep up with them all, and I don’t know what to do. It’s really stressing me out. Any tips? Financially Embarrassed, 21 Dear Financially Embarrassed, Don’t despair. Panicking about your situation isn’t going to solve anything. Take a realistic look at your finances, and try to decide if your problem is temporary or not. The second term of college is just as expensive as the first, so you’re not alone in being strapped for cash after the holidays. If it helps, write a list of all of your expenses so that you can see exactly where the money needs to go, and compare that to your sources of income. The Students’ Union will be able to give you information on the Assistance Funds, available to students who are facing financial difficulties. They’ll also have information on budgeting, and applying for bank loans and the like. Keep an eye out for any weekend or part time jobs in your area, you never know what’s out there until you start looking, and any extra cash you can make is a definite plus! One piece of advice though, if you’re borrowing money from family or friends, just make sure you pay them back when you say you will. They’ll be more likely to do you a favour again if you keep your word. They’re probably having a poor January too. Wishing both you and your bank account a speedy recovery, Agony Aunt.

by Grainne Coyne

Overheard in NUIG Matthew Cosgrave: Girl in the concourse: “So turns out I wasn't pregnant I just drank too much orange juice.”

he won the tour de France 7 times Guy2: Sorry I am not familiar with French Athletes Girl: Your stupidity amazes me

Christina Walshe: *Girls looking at facebook photos* Girl 1: People say my sister looks nothing like me Girl 2: That one she does Girl 1: .... That’s me

Clodagh Mc Loughlin: Walking by Kingfisher: "...I tried to get swine flu; seriously I was like give it to me GIVE IT TO ME!"

Peter Flynn: Passing a group of female American students: Girl 1: So she went to Cole's - it's like, a clothing store - and she came home with a dog! Girl 2: Oh my god! Jennifer Mccormack: Guy to other guys: "She only got with him because he won the game of chess..." Stephen James Hanrahan: Overheard in a lecture: Guy1: I think Lance Armstrong is an amazing example of human determination Guy2: Who’s Lance Armstrong? Guy1: Possibly the greatest cyclist ever

Jeffrey Farrell: In Dunnes Stores, two girls ahead look confused. “Where is all the Tesco stuff?” Bríd Ní Chonchuir: In Maths exam: Girl: "How do you multiply matrices again? Across by down or down by across??" Boy: "...What are matrices?!" Lorna Holohan: First year bio exam: Girl one: Ewww what’s that smell? Girl two:*looks around*...Fear Jeanne Spillane: Girl on concourse: “It be weird to see a lad cry on a night out, I wouldn't know what to do. Actually I'd probably just shift him to shut him up”

Postgraduate Open Day, NUI Galway Wednesday 2 February 2011 12.30 pm to 4.30 pm Bailey Allen Hall, Áras na Mac Léinn (Student Centre)

• Develop expertise in your chosen subject • Boost your employability and earning power • Work with leading academics in your field Visit the Open Day to find out about our programmes, talk to lecturers and students. To book your place at the fair visit: www.nuigalway.ie/postgraduate-open-day Or just turn up and register on the day. For enquiries about the Open Day email: postgrad@nuigalway.ie

page 12

By Anne-Marie Fitzgerald

The Inevitable

As we venture into the tens/tweens/tweenies (or whatever you like to call it, I’m still not sure) the opportunity for trend-setting, decadedefining fashions presents itself once again. I like this prospect. Many a memorable fashion trend has become eternalised in its respective era, be it for its merits or its cringe-worthy faults. And soon, the clothing from the decade in which I spent my lovely childhood will gain the eternally too cool for school status of vintage. The term vintage fashion refers to clothing made in from 1920s right up to the 80s.

Anything that came before the 20s is considered to be antique. A number of trends stand out in each decade. You have the Chicago-style clothing of the 1920s and 30s. Think flapper dresses and cloche hats. There’s the pin- up look of the 40s and 50s, Grease-style, below the knee dresses with full skirts. The 60s brought us hippy bohemian clothing and groovy mini dresses. Disco epitomised 70s inspired fashion, flares and platforms and the likes. The 80s, the newest addition to the vintage family, is perhaps best explained by leg warmers, stone washed jeans and everything neon and everything Madonna. What I like about vintage clothes is that when they become vintage it makes them more than acceptable to wear, even 80 years later! The thing is that now, and I’m not sure if

this is worrying or not, the time for the 90s is coming! And there are so many different possibilities to consider! In the early 90s everything toned itself downhair flattened and make-up dulled. It was as if people were trying to make amends for their over-indulgence on neon in the previous decade. The 1980s wasn’t completely lost however- tie-dye t-shirts and Beverley Hills 90210 style plain tees tucked into blue stonewash jeans paid testament to this. The early 90s grunge look of over-sized plaid shirts, rock concert tshirts, Levis or Wrangler jeans and Doc Martins of every colour were donned by Nirvana-loving grunge-heads. The movie Clueless did a lot for girls’ style in the form of cute miniskirts, knee high socks and preppy plaid. It was somewhat of a defining movie in the 90s in terms of fashion. Sports clothing was big throughout the 90s. Shell tracksuits and post-80s high top sneakers were made cool by one Fresh Prince of Bell Air. There were parachute pants with bits hanging out of them for no reason. Rip-off tracksuits were a personal favourite of mine and bicycle

shorts were a staple for kids back then. Their full-length counter-part, leggings always looked stunning with bright white poodle socks. The Spice Girls, who would have been the most influential style icons (cringe) amongst my friends, saw 60s style mini dresses, platform heels and leopard print come back to the forefront of our fashion in the second half of the 1990s. I was only six at the time so I was limited to my luminous yellow SPICE belly top and bicycle shorts with watermelons on them. Thanks for that, Spice Girls. Another of the late 90s trends was the military movement. Combats and camouflaged t-shirts and jackets unfortunately found their way into many a wardrobe. In 2010, combat boots walked their way back into fashion; a 90s trend already creeping back into more than acceptable attire! In terms of shoes, as well as Docs, Nike Air Jordans cropped up in the early 90s. Hooker boots, those knee-high shiny leather things were as cool for my big sister as jelly sandals, big old rubber soled shoes and LA Gear light-up shoes were for me. Accessory-

page 13

Comeback of 90s Fashion, Yay!

wise, massive denim hats with flowers on them, scrunchies and hair bands, of the thick and thin variety, were worn with two drapey bits of curtain hair hanging over one’s face. Oh, how could I forget bandanas! My brother, God love him, donned a rat’s tail for much of the 90s like many others of his age. Thankfully my uncle sneakily hacked off the useless excuse of a hair style with a pair of hedge shearers. So soon the time will come when 90s fashion will be cool again. Which of the many trends will reappear in the

form of vintage clothing, I’m not sure. Unlike the previous decades, where an association can be made with a definite trend, the 90s brought us a hugely diverse mixed bag of fashions. It will most definitely be interesting to see which of my childhood trends it will be socially acceptable to once again rock. A number of them have already resurfaced on the high street, the likes of patterned leggings, and the good old denim jacket. With shell tracksuits on the up and up, maybe, just maybe (fingers crossed) my blue and orange rip-off Adidas tracksuit will see the light of day again.

page 14

BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE! A white sun bursting through the

winter has seen the best of coats,

hole in it. The poncho has taken a

tights and a skirt or shorts, so try

ten years. It will not tear easily

grey clouds does not mean

with styles to suit every figure.

modern twist with an adaption of

to ditch the jeans. If it’s too cold

and the more distressed it

sleeves. Just steer clear of multi-

for pumps, try to show the full

becomes, the more character it

summer is here. It doesn’t even mean spring is here. It’s Ireland.

The duffle coat is a classic coat

coloured 90s style ponchos with

leg, so don’t wear high boots.

develops. Like Ben Afflick,

Schizophrenic winter

that suits everyone. It has been

frills on them. This screams circus

Opt instead for brogues or ankle

leather jackets only get better

temperatures are at large until

supported by celebrities such as

tent and it’s been a while since


with age. River Island and

April at least. It’s hard to know

Alex Kapranos from Franz

anyone’s run off to the circus. Be

how to dress when it’s sunny but

Ferdinand and Paddington bear. It

a caped crusader! Capes are like

Trench coats suit everyone. They

leather jackets to boast, with

cold outside. There’s a chance

has three or four wooden

ponchos but more fitted and

have been seen on the biggest

prices starting around the

that the weather could improve

buttons attached by leather or

often have hoods. If you’re going

fashion icons of all time, such as

100euro mark.

but there’s also a chance that it’ll

rope loops stretching across the

to buy a cape, see the French

Jackie Kennedy and Humphrey

be freezing in half an hour. You

split in the middle of the coat. It

connection line at TK Maxx. It

Bogart in Casablanca. They are

Coats are one of the most

don’t want to have icicles

is made from duffel, a thick,

has great bargains for every taste.

typically waterproof, knee-length

important pieces of your

hanging out of your nostrils

course, woollen material and is

Just don’t buy a cape longer than

and pulled in at the waist with a

wardrobe. You wear them every

without your coat or the loss of

lined with a woolly tartan

knee-length unless you want to

belt. Coats below the knee

day and they are the first thing

sensation in your toes. If you

pattern. Although the duffel isn’t

re-enact Gandalf the Grey

should only be worn by tall

you see when you meet someone.

really hate the weather in Ireland,

waterproof because it is made of

shouting ‘you shall not pass!’

people. If you see someone who

It is important to invest in a good

relax, it’ll probably change in five

wool, its thick material ensures

looks like they’re a member of

coat you feel great in, because a

minutes. The best way to dress

that only the heaviest rainfall

The dress coat is a beautiful coat

the seven dwarfs, a long coat will

good coat will last for a long

for this weather is to wear a top

soaks through.

that suits slender ladies. It is

make them look shorter and


clenched in at the waist and

stocky. A leather jacket is a great

with a cardigan or hoodie over it

Topshop have a great range of

teamed with a cosy coat. It’s all

The poncho no longer looks like

poofs out at the knee. Make the

investment piece. Its strength and

about layering. This extended

an oversized handkerchief with a

best of this look with heavy

polish makes it last for at least

By Fiona Ní Mháille

Jill Hurley, left, wears a loose elegant ballerina bun and shows off the luxurious collar of her coat from Zara. The subtle mocha colours in her coat complement her skin tone and go perfectly with any dark shades. Barely-there makeup is so hot right now. Lucky for Jill, her clear skin doesn’t need the assistance of mac, bobbi brown or chanel. Her skinny jeans and ankle boots add understated glamour to her ensemble. Rebecca Tomkins, middle, brings an air of Parisian chic to the campus in NUIG. Her beautiful hair stands out from her black coat. A classic plain black coat, such as this, is timeless and will never date. Rebecca wears wool mittens to tackle the frosty weather in the west, which comes in handy as this Galway Girl can be seen extending the hand of friendship to people all around the world! Fellow red-head, Aisling Molloy, right, wears THE colour of the season, camel, with another bang-on-trend: a fur collar, to match. This Sligo lass is seen here wearing casual skinny jeans and a girl’s best friend for comfort-uggs! The chestnut shade of her uggs go perfectly with the camel colour of her beautiful duffel coat. Girls, we salute you!

talk to people

page 15

talk to people talk talk to to people people talk to people

Volunteering Page 2011 has been designated as the European Year for Volunteering. Over the next issues of Sin we will be bringing you information on events, opportunities to volunteer and the volunteering stories of NUI Galway W

student volunteers. ALIVE is the student volunteering programme in NUIG, check out www.nuigalway.ie/alive to get involved.



My volunteering story – Hot Spot Cafe In secondary school I had the opportunity to be involved in setting up a Youth Cafe. The “Hot Spot Cafe” was established with the involvement of Foróige and a €37,000 grant from the National Premises Fund. The hardest step was to find a local building which was structurally sound, large enough and easily accessible. Most communities have at least one building which is not in use and St. Vincent De Paul generously agreed to lease a building f previously used as a respite for people in need to Foróige.

A Youth cafe is a safe place for young people to be themselves. Meet friends and relax, get involved in good activities, deal with concerns they may have and access appropriate information, support and f services to enable them overcome adversity and lead happy, healthy and connected lives.

has gone on to be awarded grants for music, drama and dance studios.

ff of the Hot Spot Cafe is to The aim

In each issue this semester we will bring you the story of a different volunteer

become self sufficient. It raises necessary funds to remain open through community fundraising, donations, competitions and

By Tara Gibbons

If you think your community is in need of such a facility then get in touch with Foróige through their website at www.Foroige.ie.

Located in the newly revamped Hub, ALIVE, NUI Galway’s volunteer programme welcomes drop in visitors to chat about volunteering in the community, opportunities and experiences available and how to apply for the Presidential Award for Volunteering, the ALIVE Certificate.

Volunteer to write for Sin!

Looks good on a CV • Builds up portfolio material • Chance to win a Smedia award • Eligible for an ALIVE cert • Meet other writers • No experience necessary • Email editor@sin.ie

page 16




Other clubs to benefit from Cuba closure

By Aibhlín O’Leary

New Year’s Day for most NUIG

cheerfully poured our pints,

to over 4 million euro. However,

choice seems much more

venturing as far down-town as

students was a gruelling

stamped our wrists, and even

the liquidator, Brian McEnery

limited without it.”

the Roisín Dubh. At present

marathon of family-populated

on occasion mopped up after

(also a non-executive director

events, faking smiles and

we had had one too many. This

of NAMA), seems optimistic

Hope remains for Cuba

must be busily thinking of new

fighting the urge to run to the

wave of closures is just the

about the prospects of selling

stalwarts though. There is

ways to attract customers, so

toilet, or (in worst case

latest to hit the part-time

the businesses. Though some

speculation that GPO might

that they themselves may avoid

scenarios) curl up in a ball and

student labour force, which is

students may not regret Cuba’s

reopen with the staff of the

Cuba’s fate. For now Cuba

die. However, some students

keenly feeling the bitter effects

passing, for many it was seen as

Jona Group businesses,

mourners will have to content

were faced with an even worse

of the recession.

a vital alternative to the more

although one can only hope

themselves in anticipation of

evil. On the 1st of January 2011

Galway’s remaining nightclubs

mainstream nightclubs of the

that the rumoured name -

Cuba’s Goodbye Day - to be

Cuba, Bar 903, the Cellar, and

Despite appearances of success,

city, particularly with its indie-

“sugar and spice” is simply that.

held on the 12th of February.

Harvest Off-licences closed

John Grealish (owner of Cuba

style top-floor. Emilie Molloy

There has also been talk of CPs

Get there early with dancing

their doors, resulting in 85 job

and co.) went into voluntary

and Orla Martyn, 2nd year

opening Bar 1 with an

shoes and tissues in hand!

losses. Many of these jobs were

liquidation at the start of this

commerce students, said: “Cuba

alternative style dj, in order to

filled by students, who

month, with losses amounting

was our favourite club . . . our

prevent Cuba residents from

page 17

Tribute to Cuba

By Steven Conroy

We’re moving into a new year, a

Many a great night was had in

from your eye and just choose

and shouted, “Ah no lad you‘re

now is to remember, if you can,

time for settling back into

that club and I’m sure most of

another club to go to. I know I’ll

not serious! Now where will I

some of the great nights out

college life and having the craic.

you would say the same. A spot

miss it for the amount of time

go to get the shift?!” I Couldn’t

that ended up there. It’s

So lets get the year off to a

for doing shots, falling over and

that I spent there on nights out

have put it better myself. That’s

definitely worth giving a good

good start! But hold on, do you

then dancing the night away,

with friends over the last few

the question though, where to

send off. So, the next time

get the feeling that something

usually in that order! It was one

years. We never even

next? Sure, there’s lots more

you’re at a house party or

is not quite right, that

of the best clubs in Galway and

considered any other club in

clubs around the city, but in

drinking with friends, raise a

something is missing? Cuba is

so close to Charcoal Grill as

first year because we knew that

fairness though, I don’t think

glass to Cuba. An unreal spot

closed! Yes that’s right, poor old

well. Also, well-known for

we’d always have a great time in

they will ever really compare to

for havin’ the craic and going

Cuba is gone! If this is news to

having a line outside that would


the fun that you’d have in Cuba.

mad with friends. Cuba, we

you then take a moment to

test the patience of any

But, now that’s all changed and

salute you!

yourself, relax it‘s not the end

student. If Cuba has been your

One 2nd year engineering

of the world, or is it?

haunt for the last few months,

student was crushed upon

then you may wipe that tear

hearing that the club was closed

we have move to on. I suppose the only thing to do

page 18


What A Load Of Balls By Aisling Scally It’s that time of year again that whips

Coast, Karen Millen and the old reliable

every faculty into a frenzy- ball season is

Lipsy do some great shorter numbers that

well and truly upon us! Judging by the

can definitely be worn again, and I don’t

speedy ticket sell-outs most of you are

just mean the next day in the college bar.

attending at least one soirée this semester,

Don’t sweat the small stuff like finding

if not them all (if you can afford it

the perfect bag or shoes- gold, silver and

financially, physically and academically

even nude are the perfect colour palette

why not?). College balls are some of the

for both arm candy and footwear as they

best nights out in Galway and are well

go with everything.

worth the painfully long ticket queues. I attended my first ball in first year and

“The awkward moment when some other

have been hooked ever since. Sometimes,

girl has the same dress as you” is one of

however, the night itself can be

the most common pre-ball fears. Oh the

overshadowed by overly meticulous

humanity. Frankly, we all live in Galway,

preparation and minor panic attacks about

there are only a certain number of shops

accessories. If you’re a first time baller

and websites that cater for evening wear,

here’s a few tips to make the event less

chances are someone might have the same


dress as you. It’s not the end of the world, and certainly no excuse to spend your

Everyone wants to look their best on ball

night locked in the bathroom wailing as I

night, it’s a great chance to get the glad-

witnessed one girl doing a couple of years

rags on and go all out with hair and

back. If this minor inconvenience arises,

make-up. However there’s no point

it’s an occasion to LOL at both of your

freaking like the Sugababes in the pursuit

fantastic tastes, and dance off in the other

of your dream dress. After all, it’s really

direction. And truth be told it probably looks better on you.

On New Year’s Eve 2010, 3,000 blackbirds

Experts have explained that the reason

just one night in the greater scheme of

began dropping dead in the town of

behind the first incident in Beebe was the

things. Some girls seem to think it’s

Beebe, Arkansas. Since then, the media

New Year’s Eve celebrations. Professional

almost like another debs; I hate to shatter

For the lads it’s fairly basic...if you don’t

have been reporting ‘mysterious’ animal

fireworks startled birds as they were

the illusion, but it’s really not. I’ve heard

own a suit, rent or borrow one ASAP. Take

deaths across the globe – bird deaths in

settling down to roost. They took flight,

of people spending upwards of €300 on a

a shower. And that’s about it. It’s amazing

America and Sweden, 40,000 crab deaths

crashing into buildings and each other.

dress, plus hair, make-up, jewellery,

how well most guys scrub up, even the

in England, 700 turtle dove deaths in Italy

Explanations for the other deaths are also

whatever else you’re having yourself. This,

most unlikely characters often look rather

and millions of dead fish washing up on

being given. The crabs in England died due

my friends, is madness. Within an hour

ravishing in a shirt and tie, so it’s well

shores in Brazil, New Zealand and

to unusually cold temperatures. The birds

you’ll be in the midst of your classmates

worth making the effort.

Vietnam. According to Don Hendershot of

in Sweden died after a lorry collided with

bouncing around to whatever band is on

the Smokey Mountain News, ‘if there was

the flock. The turtle doves in Italy died as

offer, your shoes

any lingering doubt that the apocalypse

a result of indigestion after eating too

discarded and hair

was, indeed, scheduled for 2012, it has

many sunflower seeds from a local factory.


been erased’. The animal deaths have so

Reasons for fish-deaths include disease,

no-one will

far been attributed to a lesson from God

pollution and freezing weather.

care. If I

(Frank Thomas Croisdale of the Niagra

And finally, try not to arrive in an overly inebriated state. We’ve all heard


Falls Reporter says it’s ‘a clear sign that the

Yet people still suspect the worst,

good Lord has had enough of man’s

questioning why fireworks and cold

cavalier attitude’ to nature) and to

weather have not provoked this reaction

terrorism (Doug Hagmann of the Canada

before. Some prefer to suggest the

Free Press states that ‘our enemy has

HAARP project (High Frequency Active

made clear their intent to use biological

Aural Research Program) in Alaska, which

and chemical weapons’).

works with radio waves in order to


stories about

improve surveillance technology. Ian


These theories are possible, but no one

Brockwell from UFODigest.com suggests


has any evidence. The human imagination

that HAARP ‘could’ be harmful to birds


is a fantastic thing, especially when it

and fish and ‘probably’ humans, given the

to offer, it

unearths a good story. According to James

‘right amount’ of power.

would be to

Gorman of The New York Times, humans


avoid full-length

people forgetting their tickets or losing them en route, disasters

are inclined to suspect that something

The sudden media interest in the subject,

like the H1N1 virus.

ominous is afoot because ‘our minds have

is presenting an incomplete picture of

There’s only so many times you can hear

Most importantly, enjoy! It’s a great night

evolved to look for patterns and causative

common environmental realities.

“Oh sorry I stood on the bottom of your

out with your classmates and a welcome

agents … when we can’t find a natural

Biologists say these events happen all the

lovely dress in the middle of my dance-off

break from the usual night out... although

cause for an apparent pattern or event, we

time and are usually unrelated (and do not

and ripped it” before you lash out

I guarantee you’ll still end up in The

posit a supernatural one’.

result in Judgement Day).

irrationally at the offender in question.

Charcoal or Supermacs!

of the highest order.

page 20

The WikiLeaks rundown for students What is WikiLeaks?

first class who was stationed in Iraq. He

government is supposed to have an

WikiLeaks is a non-profit

used his high-level access to download

unauthorised email account.

organisation run with the sole

260,000 diplomatic cables (confidential

WikiLeaks came into possession of the

purpose of taking classified

message sent between embassies and

collected secret bibles of Scientology,

information and making it readily

the like) to a computer that contained

which explained the hierarchy, within it.

available for all to see, with the belief

highly sensitive information. These

The secret hierarchy that is.

that these actions will help bring

included 11,000 documents, which were

down corrupt governments and

regarded as classified and deemed by

businesses. It is a website that serves

the United States as “potentially

What effect has Wikileaks had on the world?

as a place where anyone with

dangerous” if released. Over the course

Julian Assange’s mission with WikiLeaks

classified or significant information

of six months between November 2009

has been to bring more transparency to

can simply upload it and have it read

and April 2010 he continued to

the world. He sees that the government

by anyone in the world. WikiLeaks

download the documents to a CD-RW,

keeping secrets as an “affront to the

currently employs 5 full-time staff,

which was titled “Lady Gaga”. After

governed” and that it goes entirely

40 volunteers and around 800

sending them to WikiLeaks, Manning

against the way institutions should be

occasional helpers. It is estimated

told his hacker friend in May about

run. It does ask the questions though.

that WikiLeaks had 1.2 million

what he had done. The friend

At which point does it become madness

documents after its first year alone. It

immediately reported Manning to the

to release information that could

averages 10,000 new documents a

authorities but it was too late by then.

potentially harm the innocent and

day. The information it has disclosed

The cables were now in the possession

should this much influence be

over the last number of years has led

of Assange.

concentrated on a man who has not been elected to do so and is very radical

to it being described by one U.S.

What secrets has WikiLeaks released?

in the way he thinks the world should

There are too many (several million)

which could potentially see him end up

Who is Julian Assange?

revelations to be covered in one

in jail as the laws on this type of public

Julian Assange is an Australian-born

paragraph. Below are some of the more

expression are not clearly defined. But

computer programmer,

momentous announcements:

you get the feeling that a few of them

mathematician and hacker, for all

In April 2007 a video was released of an

could be altered and a few judges put

intents and purposes, who set up

American-controlled drone killing two

under extreme pressure to put Assange

WikiLeaks in the winter of 2006. He

civilians who were thought to have

behind bars if even for a short period of

is a political activist who was

been terrorists.

time. The U.S. has learned a valuable

inspired to help rid the world of

A Chinese official stated that North

lesson in the way it transfers and

dishonest and fraudulent

Korea was behaving like a “spoiled

collects its information, and the number

organisations. He studied at the

child”. China has been a long time

of people who have access to classified

University of Melbourne before

protector of North Korea and this led

documents (over 600,000) must be

dropping out, as he was not

to speculation that they would like to


comfortable with the idea of taking

see North and South Korea unified

part in advanced research with his

under democratic rule.

What is the legacy of WikiLeaks?

peers for the Pentagon. On founding

The king of Saudi Arabia would like to

WikiLeaks has been revolutionary in the

WikiLeaks he stated, “To radically

see the U.S. attack Iran’s nuclear

sense that it has released more

shift regime behaviour we must think

programme. Despite the King trying to

information than the rest of the world

clearly and boldly for if we have

make up with Ahmadinejad, who

media combined. It shows how

learned anything, it is that regimes

claimed that Washington released these

powerful the web can be and that the

do not want to be changed”. We

cables on purpose. Then again, the

more classified a government makes a

must think beyond those who have

leader of Iran also insinuated that

document, the less secret it really is. So

gone before us and discover

September 11th was devised by the U.S.

while Assange and his peers may be

technological changes that embolden


under surveillance for the rest of their

us with ways to act in which our

In September 2009, just before the

lives, and in the future WikiLeaks may

forebears could not". He is currently

financial crisis in Iceland, documents

be shut down, no one knows for certain.

wanted by Swedish authorities due

were released that showed large sums

What we do know is that the damage is

to allegations of rape and sexual

of money being loaned to various

done. Whether WikiLeaks goes or stays,

molestation. Assange believes the

owners of the Kaupthing bank (one of

like weeds, more websites will take its

allegations are “politically

Iceland’s main banks) and large debts

place e.g. OpenLeaks and TradeLeaks.


were written off.

congressman as a “terrorist organisation”.

By Conor Lane

operate? Yes, he is doing a service, one,

Sarah Palin’s private Yahoo email

(Facts sourced from Time, Techradar

How did WikiLeaks obtain its recent documents?

account was hacked in 2008. This was a

and BBC News)

Bradley Manning, 22, was a private

for official business. No member of U.S.

secret email account that she was using

page 21

Diary of a Singleton 2:

A Few Good Men

By Eileen Dover

The fuss is all over. The roses tin and the mulled wine are

and lingering under the mistletoe, with a cosmopolitan in

realise how behind in study I am; how much my hair needs

finished. It’s time to join the gym and get your hair cut with

hand. I realised this Christmas how much I missed the

to be washed; and how much the dog needs to be walked.

empty purses after Christmas. Christmas in my house

typical Irish lad. Last year, I did the Erasmus year in France

When the time comes to meet the folks, I break out in a

wouldn’t have been the same without the eldest member of

studying French, English and Irish (yes, they taught Irish in

sweat, I change my outfit at least five times, and I hear

the family, my Great Auntie Sue, indulging us all in personal

France). People often ask me what it was like listening to a

myself laughing hysterically at everything they say. They

and inappropriate comments –‘Ara Eileen, you’re after

French person trying to speak Irish. I tell them it’s like

probably think they’re comedians. Suddenly ‘how are you?’

putting on a sight of weight, it pains my eyes to be looking

listening to an Offaly person trying to speak English. In

seems like the world’s best comical triumph. I am quite the

at ya!’ Her command of the English language is second to

France, I expected a race of muscular, romantic, deep men.

catch. Who wouldn’t want to bring home the hyena lady to


They didn’t disappoint me on this, but my mother always

their parents?

said ‘never date a guy who’s prettier than you’. That was the I kicked off 2011 with New Year Resolutions I don’t intend

perfect word for these men-pretty. They were chic. Their

So while reigning in the New Year, I had made a pact with

to keep-‘I will immediately lose 8 pounds, I will learn to

skinny jeans were tighter than mine. Some of them even

my friends to put the ’session’ back into the recession and

tolerate Auntie Sue and I will stop buying things I don’t

wore more makeup than me and that’s a challenge. I found

headed to the Townhouse pub. Five minutes in, an

need’. So far, I’ve put on half a stone and bought yet

myself longing for a typical Irish lad. How I missed the

animated young gent approached me with a broad smile

another little black dress. Every New Years, my mother

jerseys, the bobbled hats and even the fat man pants. The

spread across his face. ‘Nice legs, what time do they open?’

insists on taking out old childhood photos, welling up and

French men were so intense.

Who says romance is dead? When he saw my raised

declaring “you were cute!” (What, in the name of god,

eyebrow, he pulled out his wallet and asked could he buy

happened?) I often wonder if all mothers have the ability to

My French boyfriend wanted me to go to Lyon to meet his

me a drink, as I walked away, I wondered if this tactic

look at their children with unconditional love. I was far

parents after a week of dating. I didn’t know if I was to take

worked before. Did he really think he could lob the gob

from cute as a child. Unfortunate looking is an

this as a giant compliment or issue a restraining order. I’ve

after that? Was I the only woman immune to his roguish


seen ‘Meet the Parents’ too many times. I dread the idea of

charm? Either way, I think I’m worth more than a crumpled

My New Years was reeled in with fireworks, over-eating

meeting a boyfriend’s parents. The very mention of it, I

up fiver.

page 22

The Porn Ultimatum By Miceala O’Donovan

Pornography today has never been as accessible,

Most porn is made to appeal to one target audience;

being. It’s similar to when you are offered drugs. At the

explicit or socially acceptable. Twenty years ago you

men. In a way, the people who make porn dictate what

back of your mind you may wonder about its origin, and

had to go through the awkwardness of facing your

“should” turn men on and usually, the fantasy they create

what kind of business based on human misery you are

local newsagent to pay for a copy of Playboy, but

includes a young, big-boobed, sexually insatiable woman

contributing to, but the reality of that is not directly in

now the internet means that porn is everywhere and

or two. These fantasy women are extremely easy to

front of you. Porn can seem even more innocent because

we can view it anonymously, for free in sparkling

please. They react to everything the guy does with

it’s legal and only a few clicks away.

high definition anytime we like. But what is the cost

exaggerated moaning and screaming. But there’s a reason

of it on our relationships, our happiness and our

it’s called acting lads. Porn rarely depicts men focusing

The drug analogy is actually pretty accurate because new


on how to actually turn a woman on. In real life, most

studies have shown that internet porn is addictive, and

women aren’t going to experience explosive orgasms

more and more people are seeking help with dependency.

One disadvantage is that with such an abundance of

from anal sex or say “oh, yummy” when someone

Sexual arousal produces endorphins and adrenalin, the

graphic material at our fingertips, many young people

ejaculates all over her face. So if you’re interested in how

same chemicals associated with drugs like heroin. Plus

try to use porn to learn about sex, not realising that

to make women happy in bed, youjizz.com probably isn’t

there is a certain amount of shame surrounding the use

there is a huge distinction between the two concepts.

the answer.

of porn that is not found in a healthy sexual relationship.

It’s not hard to understand why this happens. A

After sex with someone you like, you feel good and have

hurried explanation of the bird’s and the bees from a

The image of women created by porn is not just

a nice cuddle, but after porn you feel “cheap and deflated

red faced parent and a contradictory mass of

unrealistic, it’s derogatory. Hateful language is often

with a pool of rapidly cooling spunk on your stomach” as

misinformation from peers would leave anyone

used, and names like “slut” or “bitch” are used pretty

Nathan from Misfits puts it. This leads some people to

pretty confused. The terror of making some

frequently. A lot of porn footage has a thread of

repeat the process to feel good again, and gradually even

unforgivable mistake mid-act leads them to porn to

domination, misogyny and humiliation running through

build up a tolerance, as mad as it sounds. I’m not saying

see some “professionals” in action and make sure

it. It’s not difficult to imagine why the makers of porn

porn is as bad for you as heroin, there definitely aren’t as

they know how to “do it properly”. And ok, the naked

have chosen this as a theme. The world wide porn

many health risks attached to the odd “allied Irish” as

woman is probably a draw for many of them too.

industry makes 72 billion euro annually. It is a business

there are dirty needles. But there is a very real possibility

based on the exploitation of performers of both genders

of developing a physical and psychological addiction to

But unfortunately, this means that young people

but women in particular. Of course there are people

porn, and I doubt explaining that one to your granny

mistake what they see porn stars doing for sex, when

working in the sex industry who claim to enjoy what

would be any less painful than admitting that you’re a

what they are actually watching is pure fiction. There

they do and there is an opportunity to make a lot of

heroin addict.

are no awkward moments in porn, those have been

money. But this is a small minority.

edited out. Nobody wears a condom or worries about

So remember, do everything in moderation. Don’t feel

contraception at all. Every guy has a huge boner, is

Like prostitutes, many actors and actresses in porn have

you need to look, perform or talk like a porn star

ready to do it every time, and has a discouragingly

a history of sexual abuse, drug addiction or poverty and

(especially talk, please!). What you see on Redtube might

massive amount of stamina. Nobody laughs in porn,

feel that entering the porn industry was not a choice but

be some stranger’s idea of what good sex looks like, but

probably because the people in it are working, not

a last resort. With the exception of a few of my male

trying to emulate it probably won’t feel that great for

having fun. Porn extracts all the reality and intimacy

friends, nobody really grows up aspiring to be a porn

who you’re doing it with and probably not for you

from sex, adds some silicone, viagra and flattering

star. It is easy to lose sight of the fact that the

either. And don’t take it too seriously. You might begin to

lighting, and gives millions of people inferiority

performers are real people, with families, and that their

share my opinion that the whole thing is actually kind of

complexes or warped attitudes towards sexuality as a

involvement in porn is likely to have negative, life-long

laughable, more than a bit ridiculous and the opposite of


consequences on their physical health and mental well-

what is sexy.

page 23

The Bicycle Thief By Ronan Cannon

He loved his bike. It was a

Heart broken and hysterical, he

raggedy rusty tragedy of a

marched the streets of Dublin.

thing, an abomination, even, to

He reported his darling stolen.

some ignorant types. But a

He plunged his very soul into

blessing to anyone who

endless hours in endless lost

understands the magical ability

and unfound. A week passed, a

of Dublinese bikes to;

month passed, six months

‘disappear’. It looked so awful

passed. And only with a full

that even the most base of

year near approaching did he

criminals would rather (heaven

find the strength to, at the very

forbid) do an honest days work,

least, try and love again.

than be seen cutting her chain. She was young, pretty and with Or, as one poet among them

twelve gears. To ride her was a

observed; “to appear reduced to

revelation, not least because

a level of desperation beyond

the brakes worked and the seat

redemption”. Of course, his

had padding-precious padding.

version contained a few more

But even with all that, alone at

expletives and, despite being

night, he felt there was

recounted verbally, the odd

something missing.

misspelling. The anniversary came. Though One day he rode his bike into

he knew it was wrong to dwell

town with the intention of

on the past, he still missed her.

riding in a very different

And the wine came out.

context. He locked his true love

A glass, two glasses, a

up outside the fancy once-

descending haze...

every-six-months-on-these-wag es restaurant and entered.

This had to stop. Taking his

Things going well he decided to

heart firmly in hand, closure

dazzle the girl with the delights

was needed. He decided to

of his local, where everyone

show his new darling the

knew his name and tourists

streets that had made him a

would routinely pose aside a

widower, and to say goodbye.

rusty bike.

And so he rode past the fancy restaurant that he had not seen

With a wink, nod and

for a year and a day, and saw

weakened knees they got a taxi

the love he had not seen for a

back to hers; a cavern of lust,

year and a day.

sweat, sin and shame. The details of which, though many

She was still there, locked

and racy, I shan’t bore you

faithfully to the guardrails.

with here.

Caught offside. The shame was intolerable. He started

For the tourists had nothing to pose beside in the morning.

peddling faster.

page 24

January Blues It’s safe to say January is the Katie Waissel of the

without hearing the words “I’m stone broke” at least

large numbers sweating it out in the Kingfisher, many

calendar. Almost everyone hates it with a fiery wrath

twice, and we blame it all on January.

of us are trying to lose that annoying holiday weight,

and can’t wait to frolic into February. Initially, the New

Unless you’re a freak of nature you’ve probably piled on

vowing to eat more healthily and cut out the booze, if

Year is full of promise, a chance to make changes and

a few pounds over Christmas. All that delicious

only for a while. Gym membership always multiplies in

set goals. The novelty soon wears off however, and

Christmassy food everywhere just begging to be eaten

January with many people’s New Year’s resolution

suddenly we’re all a little too familiar with the January

and those bountiful beverages pleading to be

being to shed a few pounds, tone up the tummy or get

blues. After a few wild weeks over Christmas we’re all

consumed excessively are bound to take their toll.

fiercely fit. It takes a lot of will power and copious

feeling a little worse for wear and are often hit by a

When else can you stuff two Roses in your mouth at

amounts of determination and fair play to all who are

large dose the post-festive fear. For some people it

the same time because you can’t decide which flavour

trying. My resolve usually dissolves when I see a Wispa

starts with seeing their bank statement after the

you’d prefer? When else is it acceptable to stuff

looking all delicious and chocolatey when queuing to

Christmas period. I’m sure many of us stood derailed by

Quality Street wrappers down the back of the couch so

pay for a pen or post-its in the college shop... I generally

disgust after noting multiple transactions in our

you can’t be blamed for eating all the toffee pennies in

end up caving, stuffing it in my mouth and then shaking

favourite night-time haunts and thinking of the

an extra large tin when there was no-one else in the

my fist to the heavens cursing January and its empty

millionaires we’d be had we not engaged in such

house? When else can you have “one last one for the

promises. But that’s just me.

wanton consumption. A number of us winced after

road” five times in a row? Most of us use Christmas as a

Thankfully this month is almost over, and we can soon

seeing the financial fiasco caused by the purchase of a

chance to over-indulge, and sadly pay for it when

flee into fabulous February, the month of my birth.

particularly gorgeous gift or a bodacious bargain during

January rolls around. I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans I

Before we know it there’ll be a grand stretch in the

the yuletide shopping extravaganza. I was personally

hadn’t worn in a while but used to fit perfectly

evenings, we’ll be financially afloat and on top of our

almost in negotiations with the IMF last week. You’re

yesterday and had to do that sexy jumping around

work-load. Until then, the few extra pounds can

not a proper student unless you’ve witnessed the

dance to get them over my newly padded posterior. I

provide insulation against the cold January air, and we

words “insufficient funds” flashing before your eyes in

blame it on the two chocolate Santas I discovered

can blame any misfortune on the most hated month of

that rude manner at least once in your academic career,

hidden in a cupboard the weekend before coming back

the year.

and legged it from the ATM in an advanced state of

to college which my mom later told me she had hidden

mortification. You can’t walk down concourse lately

for my own good. How embarrassing. Judging by the

By Aisling Scally

Procrastinator’s Guide to New Year: New Beginnings It’s New Year and time for resolutions. Every year I say

or maybe finish off COD it’s always good to make

believe that you are busy when in fact you are not

to myself, ‘this semester things will be different’, but

time for nothing.

busy at all.

behind. If you too often make empty promises to

My advice to any young procrastinator is to just

So, as they say in Latin, ‘Carpe Diem’ (seize the day)

better yourself, then you will know exactly how I feel.

accept that this is the way you are, you can say you’re

but always remember that the first rule of

going to change, you can buy books in advance but we

procrastination is what we can do today we can more

I find that the best thing to do is relax, take some time

all know they will more than likely either remain in

than likely do tomorrow as well. So go now my fellow

off maybe watch some telly, treat yourself to a night

their packaging or on the shelf in your room. So

procrastinators and heed my advice to be who you are

out – you know the usual. The best way to trudge

instead of trying to be what you are not, embrace

and not what you should or would like to be. Embrace

through another semester is not think about it too

your inner procrastinator. So I say leave the books to

the laziness and at least then you can have an

much, try and allocate your time so that you have

one side and take the time to do, well anything except

enjoyable life. Good luck to you all out there and

won’t get too bogged down, that way you can have a

what you should be doing. The whole illusion behind

Happy Procrastinating.

blast and be too busy to realise what’s going on

it all is that you are tricking yourself into believing

around you. So whether it’s taking a day to do nothing

you are doing something so you allow yourself to

even just one week back and I am somehow already

By Christopher Cosgrove

film reviews

page 25

The King's Speech Black Swan By Lisa Jackson

By Lisa Jackson

Tom Hooper's adaptation of the

upper lip. Rush is at his best and his

How do you take a film about girls

The other main personalities in the movie

fascinating story of King George VI has

interpretation of Lionel reminds me of his

dancing in frilly dresses and make it into a

are Sayers’ “frenemy” and fellow ballerina

been tipped for Oscar success - especially

playful performance as the controversial

genuinely disturbing thriller? Ask Darren

Lily (Mila Kunis) and her artistic director

for Colin Firth's brilliant portrayal of the

Marquis de Sade in Quills. I would have

Aronofsky to direct it, that’s how. The

Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel). Both

protagonist. Once you see this film you'll

liked to have seen more of Bonham Carter

Requiem for a Dream director takes the

characters are dark, sexy and

know why.

but she plays the part of the adoring regal

story of Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman) - a

unpredictable - a sharp contrast to the

wife to perfection. One thing that's pretty

fragile, doe-eyed ballerina - and turns it

seemingly timid Sayers.

Set in the 1930s, the film follows the life

obvious is that the casting director, Nina

into a snapshot of the human mind as it

The visual portrayal of Sayers as she

of reluctant leader Albert Frederick Arthur

Gold, must have watched a lot of Harry

appears to disintegrate.

begins to lose her nerve is fantastic. Three

George Windsor (or 'Bertie' to his friends)

Potter - Gambon and Bonham Carter are

as he battles with a life spent half in the

both regular Harry Potter cast members. In

We learn early on that Sayers is cast in the

special effects are interlaced sparingly

shadow of his older brother (Guy Pearce)

addition, the actor that plays Churchill

lead role in her New York City ballet

throughout the film to add depth and

who is first-in-line for the throne, and the

(Timothy Spall) might be more

company’s production of Swan Lake. This

enhance our understanding of Sayers as

other half in the limelight as son of the

recognisable as Wormtail from the

role involves playing the dual characters

she unravels. Secondly, the dramatic use

King George V (Michael Gambon). To

wizarding franchise.

of the good swan (white) and the evil

of mirrors is clever and allows us to

swan (black). The film then opens up as

glimpse parallel worlds and personalities.

make matters worse, Bertie suffers from a

particular aspects stood out. Firstly, subtle

terrible stammer that has hampered his

The film is quite sentimental but despite

we see new sides to Sayers’ personality as

Lastly, simply shot scenes like the close-

life since childhood.

this does not come across as cheesy -

she embraces the temperament of the

ups of Sayers breaking in her new ballet

which is quite a feat! The scenes featuring

black swan. Up to this point she’s shown

pumps by hand really convey the sense of

Bertie's wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham

Firth and Rush are pure gold and the

as a little girl who is tucked into her single

destruction that occurs throughout the

Carter) struggles to find a suitable speech

whole cinema was in fits laughing. The

bed at night by her “mommy”. As she


therapist to cure her beloved husband's

pair really worked well together and their

transforms, the people in her life also

condition before it crushes his confidence

chemistry is obvious. The cinematography

begin to reveal new facets to their

Oh and did I neglect to mention that

beyond repair. Finally she stumbles upon

is also worth the watch. There's a


Kunis and Portman get it on in a pretty

the unorthodox teachings of Aussie,

beautiful scene where Lionel and Bertie go

Don’t be fooled by the film’s pretty

graphic fashion in the middle of the

Lionel Logue, played by the fantastic

for a stroll in the park. We see a long shot

packaging. The opening scene of Sayers

movie? With an age classification of ‘16’,

Geoffrey Rush. The story follows the

up the avenue at one point that's magical.

dancing suggests that a beautiful film

this film is bound to make many the

about ballet awaits you. It barely hints at

teenage boy extremely pleased. And many

budding friendship of the unlikely pair against the backdrop of WWII, King

One last piece of trivia: Lionel's wife

the drama to follow. But it does follow.

the adult male too I suspect.

George V’s demise and Bertie's imminent

Myrtle is played by Jennifer Ehle who was

The movie packs one hell of a punch and

A word of caution: As you might have

rise to the throne following his brother's

the original Elizabeth Bennett in the BBC

the beauty of the performances is

gathered, this film is disturbing and not

illicit affair with an American harlot.

version of Pride and Prejudice in 1995.

balanced by the harshness of the world

for the squeamish. If you are a fan of

This featured none other than Colin Firth

Sayers finds herself in. There is one

movies like The Shining or What Lies

The casting is brilliant. Firth is simply

as the delectable Mr Darcy. Although they

particular scene about two-thirds of the

Beneath then this one is for you. On the

amazing. He resisted the urge to overplay

don't feature in many scenes together in

way in where Sayers visits ageing ballerina

other hand, if you are expecting a Dirty

his character's stammer and is brilliant at

The King's Speech, it's the first movie

Beth Macintyre (Winona Ryder) in the

Dancing style romance then maybe check

depicting the quintessential British stiff

they've appeared in together since then!

hospital that’s seriously shocking.

out Love and Other Drugs instead.

tech reviews

page 26

Game Review:

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood By Christopher Cosgrove

2011: A Year for Music By Shane Leonard

The Assassin’s Creed franchise goes back to when the first Playstation 3

The quick pace of the game allows

came out and ever since then

the storyline to remain interesting

UbiSoft have been able to capture

and keeps the gamer engrossed. The

and keep hold the attention of the

gameplay varies from the other

PS3 gamer. The franchise itself is rich

Assassin’s games as it gives the user

in story, technique and visual wonder

control over the Brotherhood and

and always manages to keep the

there are many new aspects to the

gamer wanting more. The great

game explored through the use of

conspiracy story which features in

having this Brotherhood at your

2011 is already looking like a big year for

band sound excited over a new found

the Assassin’s Creed games is not too

disposal. With cool new ways to

music. It seems that not only will it be a key

democracy and love for the band. ‘Angles’ will

farfetched and the characters of the

take out enemies with your

year for the world of pop, but also rock and

be released 22nd of March 2011 and look out

games are very easy to grow

comrades and even special missions

other genres. With established and influential

for lead single ‘Undercover of Darkness’.

accustom to.

to which you can send your fellow

artists releasing material this year along with

Arctic Monkeys are also releasing an album

some new fresh acts breaking the scene, this

this year. Their production team includes

The characters and story of the

gives the game a whole new level of

year could be an exciting blend of sounds.

James Ford and Josh Homme of Queens of the

Assassin’s Creed franchise has

gaming within the game itself. It is

Stone Age and they’re hoping for a summer

allowed it to expand even into the

also the first of the Assassin’s games

The album that looks set to dominate pop

release. If you prefer more downbeat rock acts

literary market also. With the

to feature online multiplayer

charts this year is ‘Born This Way’ (23rd of

you’ll be glad to know Elbow and Coldplay are

success of Assassin’s Creed 2,

capabilities in which users can fight

May 2011), Lady Gaga’s follow up to the

releasing records this year.

UbiSoft launched Assassin’s Creed

against each other online and build

Brotherhood as an interval game to

their own Brotherhood and compete for popularity and control.

groundbreaking ‘The Fame’. Debut single is

assassins on to receive experience,

released 13th of February 2011 and the date

Two of the world’s best hip hop artists have

keep Assassin’s Creed addicts

coincides with the 53rd Grammy Awards

united. Jay Z and Kanye West are releasing

satisfied until the release of the next

where the singer is bound to give the song an

‘Watch the Throne’ the album should be a

title. Brotherhood continues straight

Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood retains

outstanding live debut. Another album that

powerful piece and is set for release in March.

from the story arc of Assassin’s

the good one player style gaming

may cause ripples in the pop scene is La

If new bands are going to cause a stir it will be

Creed 2 and the player is set up with

from its predecessors which made

Roux’s follow up to her 2009 debut. She’s

the likes of The Vaccines, with a fresh take on

the task of further examining the

the franchise so popular, and with

determined to live up to the success of her

a kind of punk-indie hybrid. Or lad rockers

memories of the main protagonist

this idea as a starting point, UbiSoft

debut album and has begun collaborating with

Brother who claim they will steal the world’s

Desmond Mile’s ancestors. The

have enhanced the capabilities of the

White Lies. If everything goes well the album

attention by bringing a new buzz to Britpop.

ancestor in question is the same as

franchise with the introduction of

should be out for summer festivities.

Mona on the other hand has a kind of harsh

that from Assassin’s Creed 2: Ezio

the Brotherhood itself within the

and vintage guitar sound that could attract a

Auditore da Firenze. While

game. All in all, Assassin’s Creed

It’s certainly a special year for indie and rock

big following. Whatever your musical tastes,

controlling Ezio the main plot to the

Brotherhood stands as a sturdy and

fans as 2011 see’s the rebirth of The Strokes.

2011 should be a huge year for music fans and

game is to restore the Brotherhood

enjoyable addition to the Assassin’s

After a long five years it’s good to know that

the summer festivals look like they have

of Assassins to its former glory and

Creed franchise and a definite must

in a recent article with Rolling Stone all the

plenty of potential.

rid Rome of Borgia control.

buy for any Assassin’s fan.


page 27

Book Review:

Drama Review:

The Finkler Question

Phaedra’s Love By Emer McHugh

by Howard Jacobson

Several weeks ago during the Galway

pathways and steps, and the majority

Theatre Festival, the late Sarah

of the cast are clad in that same

Kane’s first play Blasted was staged

colour also – yet this is to

in Druid Lane by Banjaxed Theatre

great effect. Whereas it is clear to

Company, themselves alumni of the

the audience that the violence in the

Libor Sevcik, are

university. It in itself was the first

play creates bloodless wounds to its

Jews. They have

staging of any of Kane’s works in

cast - which, considering Kane’s

everything that

Galway. Dramsoc follow hot on its

reputation as an advocate for “the

Treslove desires:

heels with their production of Kane’s

theatre of extremes,” is somewhat

success, fame, love

second play, and whereas the former

out of place - otherwise there is

and bereavement:

may raise questions amongst its

great attention paid to the smallest

‘Treslove’s clocks

audience about whether its

details. Strophe’s bright red lipstick

were all wrong. He

depictions of violence may indeed

is a case in point, and Cahalan's

no sooner saw the

have some meaning or merit, the

performance hints at the precarious

woman than he

latter successfully adapts Seneca’s

balance between girlhood and

saw the aftermath

myth with an effective application of

maturity. Theseus’ discovery of

of her – his

black humour and uniformly strong

Phaedra’s death is one particular

marriage proposal


highlight, even more so because of

By Kate Smyth

and her acceptance,

its lack of dialogue. Robbins here

the home they

Samuel Ferry’s production opens

displays Theseus’ anguish effectively

would set up

with Jarlath Tivnan’s Hippolytus

– to the point where his shirt

together …’ This

sprawled across the floor,

becomes ripped and his face

woman would then

surrounded by boys’ toys and junk

becomes bloodied. Although I doubt

die ‘in a perfected

food, right in the middle of the stage

that the blood was intentional, it

dream of tragic

– a very apt place for him to be. The

certainly adds to a convincing

love –

play may be called Phaedra’s Love,


consumptive, wet-

but it is Hippolytus who calls the

eyelashed, and as

shots. Tivnan portrays him as

The creative team successfully mines

often as not singing

conniving, slovenly and manipulative,

the black humour pervading the

her goodbyes to

yet we also find him somewhat

proceedings, leading to some

him in phrases

riveting – and we are not the only

deliciously hilarious moments.

borrowed from

ones who think so, judging by the

Phaedra performs fellatio on

popular Italian

amount of people Hippolytus

Hippolytus, to which only the


manages to twist around his finger.

latter’s remote controlled race car is

These include Karen Connell’s

privy, spinning around repeatedly

He craves and

doomed queen Phaedra, herself

towards the front of the stage. All

idolises tragedy

channelling Norma Desmond and

the while, Ave Maria acts as a

and, after being

the quintessential desperate

soundtrack over the

Winner of the Man Booker Prize in 2010, The

mysteriously assaulted on a well-lit London

housewife, Áine Cahalan’s stroppy

proceedings. What we have in the

Finkler Question focuses on the obsessive

street, he decides to become what he has always

teenager Strophe and Paul Rogers’

end is a pill that is easier to swallow

ruminations of Julian Treslove, a man who sets

admired and looked up to: a Jew. For Treslove,

performance demonstrates that not

than Kane’s previous play. The fact

himself up for failure in every aspect of his life.

being Jewish means being a success, and his

even the clergy are safe either.

that it is a student drama production

Jacobson describes Treslove’s existence as a sort

relentless pondering of the subject remains

Hippolytus’ affair with Phaedra

certainly does impact on how the

of farce. He was once a producer on a late night

humorous and pathetic throughout the novel.

serves as a fatal catalyst for the

more violent and audacious scenes

devastating turn of events towards

are portrayed, yet it is to Ferry’s

radio program for the BBC, where no one listened to him, and his co-workers told him to

Finkler – pompous, arrogant and self-serving – is

the play’s conclusion, and which lead

credit that they are handled

‘cheer up’. Now, he works as a celebrity

less deferential towards Jews, even though he is

Oisín Robbins’ king Theseus to make

effectively and economically. With

lookalike, having brief and ridiculous

one. Through him, Jacobson explores Zionism,

some very ill-advised decisions.

this production and also that of

relationships with women (and two indolent

Israel and Palestine, and the complex and elusive

sons) and waiting, always waiting, for something

idea of anti-Semitism. The history and emotion

Ferry’s production is simplistic – we

productions of Kane’s works in the

to happen that will change his life.

behind this book is subtly mingled with humour.

are initially greeted with a set

West may follow.

However, no resolution is given, and the reader

constructed with black blocks,

Treslove’s two oldest friends, Sam Finkler and

is left questioning.

Banjaxed, perhaps now even more


page 28

Champions League Round-up: Week 6: All English teams through

Manchester United 1-1 Valencia FC Twente 3-3 Tottenham Hotspur Arsenal 3-1 Partizan Belgrade Marseille 1-0 Chelsea

The final week of the Champions

finished top of their group above Inter

away side equalised and it took until

League saw Manchester United play

Milan and like Blackpool in the

the 73rd minute before the Gunners

Valencia at Old Trafford with both

Premier League, were a breath of fresh

were in front again with Walcott and

teams having already qualified. Who

air in their debut season. The match

then Nasri scoring soon after to assure

would top the group? Being the only

finished 3 - 3 with Defoe scoring a

victory. You have to feel sorry for

question yet to be answered. United

couple but the talk will not of been

Wenger’s side being drawn against the

were unable to make history as they

about the game but more about its

Catalans two years in a row and while

conceded their first goal of the group

consequences. Tottenham finished top

Arsenal are a better, more experienced

stages to a Valencia strike that was

and so avoided most of the big guns in

side this time round, it’s going to take

down mostly to poor ball retention on

European football even though aging

something extraordinarily special if the

behalf of the Reds. Blushes were

AC Milan could prove trickier than

Gunners are to progress past the might

spared as Anderson brought the game

expected and with Inter Milan

of Barcelona and Messi.

level with a reactive finish in the

finishing second, it was just another

second half. The result meant that

reason why Rafael Benitez lost his job

Chelsea’s abysmal run of form

United finished as group leaders but

as technical director. Harry ‘Houdini’

continued as they lost their last group

they’re going to have to start playing in

Redknapp has done it again but you

game therefore losing their 100%

a higher gear if they want to progress

wonder if both his and Tottenham’s

record with Drogba returning to his

farther in the competition. You would

lack of experience of playing at this

old side Marseille, who he left for £24

still expect them to progress past

level could negatively affect their

million in 2004. It was a forgettable

Marseille in the next round especially

league form in the long run.

night for Chelsea as they failed to get

with the second leg being played at Old Trafford.

going in any shape or form but they Arsenal’s shaky European run saw

could be forgiven considering the

them nervously beat Partizan Belgrade

game was of no significance to their

Kudos to Tottenham Hotspur, who

at the Emirates as they booked their

campaign. A Marseille goal with less

have been this years’ surprise package

place in the last 16. But they paid the

than ten minutes to go resulted in

and have lit up the competition thanks

biggest price possible for not topping

victory for the French side.

to some fantastic displays from Gareth

their group by being drawn against

Copenhagen should be easily disposed

Bale and all round attacking football.

favourites Barcelona, who are

of by Chelsea in the next round.

Spurs found themselves up against FC

beginning to be thought of by many as

Twente in what would be a famous

the greatest team of all time. Van

night for the Londoners as they

Persie scored a penalty before the

By Conor Lane

The Magic of the cup It’s January and for any football fan it

signalled the end of the FA cup as we

Manchester City and Arsenal were

means the so called big boys enter the

knew it. Gone are the days of the top

held to draws by Championship clubs.

FA cup. However, the FA Cup no

teams contesting the latter stages of

The romance of the cup is all but

longer holds the authority or respect

the competition, over the last decade,

dead. It’s more important to stay in

that it once did. The big clubs no

Millwall, Southampton, Cardiff City

the Premier League, get promoted, or

longer care about the competition

and Portsmouth have all been

qualify for Europe than to focus on

purely because clubs feel that these

involved in the Wembley showpiece

the cup these days. The FA cup is fast

days they play too much football over

final in May, a sure sign that the

turning into the Carling Cup, where

a short space of time.

competition is going nowhere fast.

the bigger clubs see it as a reserve fixture. Unless the FA bring in a

Manchester United caused major

Last weekend, the big teams rested

Winter break or come up with a new

controversy back in the 1999/2000

their better players which gave their

way forward for the cup, the FA cup

season when they pulled out of the

younger players a chance to play,

will soon fade out, which would be a

competition so they could take part

citing the heavy schedule as leaving

shame given its history.

in the World Club Championship in

them with no other option.

Brazil. I doubt, should that decision

Newcastle, Sunderland,

be made today that there would be an

Middlesbrough and West Brom all

outcry of that level. That in effect

lost to inferior opposition, while

By Damien McEvoy


page 29

Ronaldinho’s premature homecoming 21st of November, 2005. Ronaldinho has just inspired Barcelona to a 3-0 humbling of Real Madrid with two goals at the Santiago Bernabau. For his efforts, Ronaldinho is given an unprecedented standing ovation from the Madristas. This one performance summed up Ronaldinho at his peak as he brought delight and astonishment even to fans of Barcelona’s bitterest rivals. With many modern footballers becoming mercenaries rather than football lovers, Ronaldinho’s infectious smile on the pitch was admired. However, his love of the good life and partying has ultimately led to his own downfall. Ronaldinho’s career began effectively where it will end, in Brazil. Rising up through the youth ranks from the age of seven, his debut came in 1998 as an eighteen year old. Over the next three seasons, he went on to score an incredible twenty-one goals in forty-four games for Gremio. His skill, vision and set-piece prowess were clearly visible even from a young age. As a gangly teenager, Ronaldinho came up against tough-tackling and experienced opponents (such as 1994 World Cup Brazillian captain Dunga) but this prepared him in the long-term for European football. His form with Gremio led to international recognition too as he impressed for Brazil in their 1999 Copa America victory. His rising reputation inevitably led to a move to Europe and Paris Saint-Germain signed Ronaldinho on a Bosman free in 2001. The manager of PSG at the time was the nononsense Luis Fernandez and there was a clash of personalities between the pair. Ronaldinho’s partying habits and extended holidays in Brazil were beginning to affect his form yet he still managed to perform at a decent level with seventeen goals in fifty-five games. Possibly feeling inhibited on the smaller stage of French football, the World Cup gave Ronaldinho the platform to showcase his talent with a Brazil team that were not expected to win. In Luis Felipe Scolari’s balanced line-up that fused the industry of Edmilson and Emerson with the potency of Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho, Brazil excelled. In the quarter-final against England, his lobbing of David Seaman from a

freekick, forty yards from goal, was the moment of the tournament. Although he did go on to get sent off in the match, Ronaldinho played a huge part in their eventual tournament victory with two goals and three assists. He was now the most in demand player in world football. Twelve months on and a revolution was occurring at Barcelona in 2003. The Catalan giants had gone three years without a Primera Division title and a new president arrived in the form of Joan Laporta who replaced the thenmanager and old-school Dutch master Louis Van Gaal with the modern Frank Rijkaard. Laporta wanted to see Barcelona return to their

footballing roots with ‘Total Football’ and saw Ronaldinhoa (albeit a Plan B after he failed to sign David Beckham) as central to this. Ronaldinho, with his €32,250,000 price-tag, did not disappoint. His ambition and self-motivation to prove himself at the highest club level was obvious. Europe was giving him the platform but he was also giving Europe a footballing lesson with his unprecedented Samba style that was so effective that it was rare that Ronaldinho, at his peak, was ever marked or bullied out of a match. Ronaldinho’s moments of brilliance were constant in the Champions League such as his jaw-dropping goal from the edge of the area against Chelsea in the quarter-final in 2005 which left everyone flat-footed. His incredible strength and acceleration were evident a year

later, again against Chelsea as he cruised past four Chelsea players leaving the then formidable John Terry on his backside before smashing the ball into the net. In 2006, he again showcased his genius against Werder Bremen when he struck a freekick under a jumping wall. By the end of 2005, Ronaldinho had won the World Player of the Year award for the second year running. He was now recognised as the world’s greatest footballer with team honours following suit as seen with Barcelona’s back-to-back titles in 2005 and 2006 and their Champions League triumph in 2006. He had won it all. The ambition and drive coupled with amazing ability that had made Ronaldinho the world’s best was beginning to wane. After a dismal World Cup in 2006 and a season disrupted by injuries, poor form and the emergence of Lionel Messi in 2007 and 2008, Ronaldinho was sold by Barcelona’s new manager Pep Guardiola to AC Milan in July 2008. There were flashes of brilliance and an admirable return of twenty goals in sixty-five matches. However, that trademark ‘flick of a switch’ ability Ronaldinho had to turn his marker and which made him unplayable was gone. He still had the amazing flicks and skill, but without his once unrivalled acceleration, these skills rarely resulted in anything more than showboating. After being ousted by Dunga from the national team in 2007, his desire to get back to his absolute best also seemed to have deserted him. Old habits continued too which ultimately ended his time in Milan. Manager Massimiliano Allegri began leaving him out of the team in the 2010/2011 season due to Ronaldinho’s partying. As a thirty year old, Ronaldinho heads back home to Brazil with Flamengo on a permanent deal. While he has numerous personal and team achievements to his name and his best years are behind him, there is still a feeling that this is a very premature homecoming for the greatest player of his generation. By Ciarán Kelly

clubs page

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Welcome back to all NUI Galway Sports Clubs New Clubs website coming soon …… Check out www.clubs.nuigalway.ie for more information!

NUI Galway Badminton Club. Enschede Trip 2010/2011 By Fintan Keown (Badminton Club Captain) Members of the NUI Galway badminton club recently participated in an International Student Badminton Tournament (ISBT) in Enschede, Holland. Among these members were, Fintan Keown (club captain), Simon Casey (PRO), Eamonn Flynn (Treasurer) and Joseph Kiely (Vice Captain). The tournament took place

Tag Rugby coming soon ……

between the 28th of December and the 1st of January. There were 4 divisions of players from grade A

Keep an eye on

(advanced international competitors) to grade D (beginners). Fintan competed in A and Simon, Joseph and Eamonn competed in the C grade. All four players put in some great performances and achieved some admirable results. Play began each morning at 9am and finished around 5pm. The standard of badminton was very high as there were participants from Scotland, Germany, France, Norway, England, Holland and Ireland competing. A meal was organised every evening in the city of Enschede. There was great entertainment provided every

www.otc.nuigalway.ie or email info@otc.nuigalway.ie for more information

night by the organising committee. This is where we got to meet and greet our fellow competitors and badminton enthusiasts. There was a quiz organised for one of the evenings and there was a New Year’s fancy dress party on the last night. A great week was had by all and we hope to attend this event again next year.

Intervarsities January 14th-16th

Indoor Cricket Intervarsities

NUI Galway


Taekwondo Intervarsities


NUIG 24 Hour Run and Naked Mile On Monday 7th of February, NUI Galway athletics club will

February 4th-6th

HESPC Pool Intervarsities


host a 24 hour fundraiser, incorporating the first ever Naked


Archery Intervarsities Round 4

NUI Galway

Mile. From 1pm, groups of NUIG students and staff will take

10th- 13th

IUFU Harding Cup


turns to run a 1mile circuit around campus beginning and

11th - 12th

Swimming Intervarsities


ending outside Aras Na Mac Leinn. As if that wasn’t enough,


IUSWA Lifesaving Intervarsities



Squash Intervarsities



Canoe Intervarsities



Judo Intervarsities


almost! At 12.45pm on Tuesday, students will complete the


IUFU Collingwood Cup


24hour event by running the final mile in nothing more than



NUI Galway

running shoes and specially designed underwear!

the final mile will become a lot more interesting when all participants will gather and run the final mile naked. Well

NUIG Athletics Club has gone from strength to


strength in recent years. It now offers coached training 3rd-5th

Sigerson Cup


4th & 5th




Womens Soccer

Cork IT


IUAA Cross County


athlete. They also offer coached circuit training sessions, all

19th - 20th

Archery Intervarsities Round 5


free of charge. The club are working hard to promote health


Crowley Cup


and fitness on campus and plan to build on the success of


Women's Rugby


recent years.

Mid March

Tennis Intervarsities


sessions for both sprinters and distance runners, group runs and accommodates from the recreational jogger to the elite

If you are interested in taking part in the fundraiser or any other NUIG athletics activity please contact the club at


athletics@clubs.nuigalway.ie. If it doesn’t sound like your cup

2nd & 3rd

Ultimate Frisbee



BICC Basketball Intervarsities


of tea, please come along and support what promises to be the


Archery Intervarsities Round 6


most unique event of the year. Not to be missed!

SPORT NEWS NUIG Hockey starts new year with a win

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FBD League, Round 2:

NUI Galway




By Conrad Clancy

By Sile Johnson NUI Galway 1sts started the 2011 hockey

Sligo side to breach NUI Galway’s defence

This all Galway FBD league game, took place

and another point from Deasmhumhaigh

year with a 2-1 victory over a Yeats-Sligo

and attack the circle a number of times.

in Tuam Stadium on Sunday 16th January.

saw the students lead 1-07 to 1-03 at half

side eager to amend their defeat to the

Their hard work finally paid dividends in

The game was slow to begin in earnest with

time. The second half begun with far more

college team last October.

the closing quarter, when Rachel Bourne

both sides missing a number of early scoring

intensity and Galway registered two quick

The game began in exciting fashion, with a

picked up a rebound from a short corner,

chances but by midway through the first

scores, a long range effort from Fiachra

goal for NUI Galway within the first five

and finished for the Sligo team.

half, NUIG held a 0-4 to nil lead, the

Breathneach and a Johnathan Ryan free,

minutes. An excellent interception by Jane

Although not quite at their best, NUI

highlight of these scores coming from Jason

before a Doherty free for NUIG. When

O Higgins set up the college sides’ first

Galway still secured the win 2-1, with

Doherty, with a well struck sideline kick. It

substitute Aidan Mullan finished well to the

scoring opportunity of the day. Sile

notable performances from goalkeeper

was 18 minutes before Galway finally

net on 41 minutes, sending NUIG six points

Johnson readily accepted it, after a skilful

Moya Carpenter and newcomer Molly

converted and went on to score 1-3 in the

clear, the game was all but over, owing to

assist from former Yeats player, Beth


next seven minutes, Matthew Clancy

the combination of good defence by the

Armstrong, whose reverse pass eliminated

The 2nds team did not fare as well in their

finishing the goal following a sequence of

college and poor finishing from the

the goalkeeper and granted Johnson an

Aisling Gaffney Irish Challenge match at Pic: home against

rebounded attempts. It was in the minutes

Tribesmen. A comeback never looked like

open goal.

Kilkenny Hockey Club. They suffered their

leading to the interval where NUIG

materialising. The last quarter saw Galway

Not long after, Armstrong herself was on

first defeat of the season against the

effectively won the game, points from

get three points, Sean Armstrong scoring

the score sheet, when she finished a shot

visitors, with an 8-1 loss. The only goal for

Peadar Gardiner and Fiachra

two, to close the margin to a goal that never

from across the circle, delivered to the left

the college side came from captain, Jenn

Deasmhumhaigh, before a good move

really threatened to arrive.

post by captain, Aoife Smyth.

Oakland, midway through the first half to

resulted in a well taken goal by Neil Douglas

The second half proved a different affair,

bring the score to 4-1. Unfortunately the

with some lively Yeats’ passages of play.

college side was unable to capitalize on this

Skilful runs by Sarah McDaid enabled the

momentum, and Kilkenny pulled away.

Camoige scholarships for NUIG’s Clare duo By Michael O Connor NUI Galway camogie received a timely

Both players have for many years lined out

boost as they prepare to compete as well as

with their club and county with distinction.

host the 2011 Ashbourne cup as two of

Anne Marie McMahon is a second year

their star players were awarded Camogie

student in NUI Galway and after a bright

association scholarships recently. Two

fresher year, in which she made the

Clare players: Sixmilebridge’s Chloe Morey

Ashbourne side with a number of sterling

and Crusheen’s Anne Marie

performances is this year’s side vice-

McMahon were the players in question.

captain. It is a rare honour for NUI Galway

Both camogie players come from well-

to have to two camogie scholarships, but it

known hurling clans in their native

is not a surprise considering the abilities

Sixmilebridge and Crusheen respectively.

and dedication of both players in question.

UCC await for Ladies footballers Reigning O’Connor shield champions NUI

and DCU. In the Lynch Cup, the second

Galway will face UCC (away) in the

string of the college face a trip to CIT with

opening round of the 2011 O’Connor Cup

the winners meeting UL(2) or UJJ (2). The

ladies football championship, for the elite

Donaghy Cup competition is to be played

teams in third level. Should NUI Galway

in four regional blitzes with the winners

win this tie, they will face the winners of

meeting for a second blitz on the 16th

QUB and DCU with a place in the semi-

March. NUI Galway has agreed to host the

finals for the winner. Should they lose

Connacht blitz and will take on Castlebar

against UCC, they play the losers of QUB

IT, IT Sligo (2) and GMIT.

Morey and Kelly lead NUI Galway to Walsh Cup win

NUI Galway




By Michael O Connor A powerful scoring display by Caimin Morey,

that the reigning Fitzgibbon champions

allied to a solid display at full-back by the

would offer a stern test to the home side in

team captain, were the main reasons which

the second period. Clare duo John Conlon

propelled NUI Galway to a nine point win

and effective target man Caimin Morey got

over an experimental Offaly side in Banagher

the college side off to the perfect start with

recently. Conditions in the Offaly venue

early points and within ten minutes, the

were wet and windy with the elements

sides were separated by the minimum (1-9)

favouring the home side in the first half.

to (0-11). Offaly managed only one score in

Despite this, NUI Galway kept in contact

the remaining twenty minutes as NUI

with Offaly for the first twenty minutes and

Galway went on a scoring spree adding 11

indeed should have been ahead, if only for

points to just one effort from the Faithful

better finishing. Offaly led (0-5) to (0-4)

county men. Kilkenny now await NUI

when a long range free from Michael Cordial

Galway next weekend in the Walsh Cup

got a deflection that ended up in the NUI

quarter-final with their best performers on

Galway net. Caimin Morey, Niall Burke, Sean

this occasion including Pat Kelly, Diarmuid

Glynn and Domhnall O Donovan had early

Nash, Seamus Hennessy, Joseph Cooney,

NUI Galway scores. By the interval Offaly

Domhnall O Donovan, John Conlon, Caimin

led (1-8) to (0-6) but it was abundantly clear

Morey and Barry Daly when introduced.

Party time for Gaelic games followers Karma next Monday and Thursday night is

on Monday night, 31st January. Tickets are

the venue for party goers and GAA

5-euro entry to karma with offers inside.

followers. Mix with the hurlers, footballers,

On Thursday night, 3rd February, the

camogie gals and ladies’ Gaelic players as

hurlers and camogie players are also having

they prepare for their upcoming

their college party with tickets also a cool

championship outing with a training

fiver. Tickets will be on sale in the Canteen

session on the dance floor of Karma. NUI

during the week. Please purchase from the

Galway men’s and ladies’ Gaelic football

Gaelic players you meet to support Gaelic

clubs are hosting a college party in Karma

games and have a great night out.

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