in this issue: Election Special: three pages of coverage inside plus photos. grade inflation. Hardy Bucks, the Breakfast Club, the Oscars, Berlin, kayaking, the J1 visa
F R E E S T U D E N T N E W S PA P E R , V O L . 1 1 I S S U E 1 0 , 0 3 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 0
NUIG win Fitzgibbon Cup after 30-year wait By Padraig McMahon NUI Galway's hurlers have won the
impressive 1-11 in total. But the Galway
Fitzgibbon Cup for the first time in 30
side had it's own heroes, among them
captain Finian Coone and
They beat Waterford IT at Pearse
goalscorer Caimin Morey on 43 minutes.
Stadium by a single point in a thrilling
NUIG took the lead for the first time in
match which finished NUIG 1:17 WIT
extra-time but WIT matched them score
1:16 after extra-time. The winning point
for score. The long wait for victory in the
was slotted over beautifully by forward
Fitzgibbon cup seemed lost when the
John Conlon after probably the best
visitors edged ahead with minutes to go,
move of a scrappy but highly entertaining
but buoyed by the exuberant home
match. For the second time in two days
support NUIG scored twice without
the Galway team pushed the game into
reply to secure the cup for only the tenth
extra time, having booked their place in
occasion in its history. Captain Finian
the final against the Waterford side by
Coone thanked the Waterford team for a
beating Limerick IT. NUIG, who
hard-fought match, adding, “Surely you
Polling for the full time Students’ Union
the incumbent Education Officer was
hosted this year's finals in the Fitzgibbon,
can't begrudge us this one”. He thanked
Executive positions took place on
getting the majority of the first preference
Ryan and Fergal Maher Cups, forced the
all the backroom staff at NUIG but
Thursday. Polling early in the day was very
game into 20 minutes of extra time with
special mention went to Tony 'Horse'
high and over 1,500 students had voted
Just after 12pm Dave Geary, who was
before mid afternoon. The final tally of
overseeing the election announced the
a stirring comeback which saw them level
Reagan, recently retired Head of Sport
voters after polls closed at 9pm came in
result. The valid poll was 2,877 making the
the match at 1:11 apiece after 60 minutes
and current Hurling Club Chairman at
at just over 2,900. Boxes containing the
quota 1,439 with 63 spoilt votes. The first
of normal time. Scored by Seamus
NUI Galway, who was honoured the
votes were stored overnight in a secure
count was as follows: Emmett Connolly
Hennessy who had pushed up from the
previous night at the annual Fitzgibbon
room with CCTV.
1,597, Brendan Gallagher 295, Nick
half back line deep into injury time
Cup dinner, and presented with a golfing
The sorting of votes began just after
Geoghegan 316, James Mc Glynn 242 and
after NUIG had trailed by a massive 1-6
trip to St Andrews in recognition of his
10am on Friday. When the voting slips
Heber Rowan 384, RON (re-open
at one stage in large part to the free-
tireless service over the past 40 years to
were sorted for the three positions the
nominations) 43. Emmet Connolly having
taking expertise of man of the match WIT
NUIG hurling and football.
counting of votes began with the position
exceeded the quota was deemed elected.
forward Timmy Hammersley scoring an
Peter Mannion (centre) is the new SU President. Emma Conway (left) and Emmet Connolly were both re-elected for a second term. Photo: Leah Mollica
Peter Mannion is elected SU President By Deirdre Judge
of Education Officer. Within an hour it became apparent that Emmet Connolly,
continued on the next page
Finally the long awaited week has arrived. It’s
The other matter I have to mention, to be
time to get into the party mood, have the craic
serious for a minute, is the issue of alcohol.
and let the hair down.You can see a full
Basically, the less drink you consume, the less
timetable of events printed on the Students’
messiness there is for you and everyone around
Union page in this issue. The highlights are of
you. The more you drink, the more likely you
course the big gigs: Calvin Harris, The Coronas
are to end up causing hassle and having a crap
and Jason Byrne. In addition to the three
sin team
Hurray, it’s College Week!
Editor Mairéad Ní Chaoimh 087 6761067
Web Editor Vacant Business Manager Andrew Cosgrove
headline acts, one event to keep an eye out for is the Firewalk which was a huge success last
Go easy on the booze, be aware of the amounts
year. It is quite amazing to see people bravely
you are drinking, (especially at house parties)
walk across the wood embers which are
and look out for your friends. has
burning at 1,236 degrees Fahrenheit and there is
plenty of handy tips and info on stuff like alcohol
sure to be a fantastic atmosphere at the event.
units, and they also have an interesting list of
Layout Tom Parandyk
‘The Top Ten Booze Myths Uncovered’. Student favourites the Hardy Bucks will pay the College Bar a visit on Tuesday evening. To get
Bear in mind that the media are also keeping a
the lowdown, read Padraig McMahon’s
close eye on this year’s festivities. They would
interview with the Mayo lads in the ents section.
only be delighted to report on any student
Don’t forget the dunk tank, the bungee
shenanigans this week. What happened last year
trampoline bounce and on Thursday night, the
was appalling - there were around 40 students
Music Soc Witless final.
arrested, and as management famously
News Editor Deirdre Judge
Sub Editor Oisín Collins
described it “a series of unfortunate incidents” But I guess the best fun is often the unorganised
occurred. The national media highlighted how
stuff, so whatever that entails enjoy the week,
serious the misconduct actually was. Let’s not
together with your mates. Take a few tips from
go there again.
Features Editor Donna Miskell
our sex columnist Donna Miskell on how to and incident free. Because, if all goes well, not And remember what all this is about - raising
only will local charities be thankful for a few
money for four very worthy charities. Let’s try
grand but it will be the first step on the road to
and lift the roof on the figures, and make it the
cleaning up the tarnished image of the event,
best year ever. Last year €32,500 was raised for
and securing its future.
Literary Editor Shaun Leonard
Contributors Leah Mollica Richard Manton Grainne Coyne Aisling Walsh Maebh McDonnell Karrie Kehoe Padraig McMahon Liam Griffin James Mulhall Nathan Reynolds Katie Holmes Rachel Ní Fhionnáin Jamie McCauley
Ents Editor Sinéad Burke
The point is: let’s make this College Week fun,
score this week too!
Sports Editor Cian Murray
Photo Editor Nick Geoghegan
Distribution Nicholas Fitzgerald
charity. We have to beat this!
realised that Brian Grant who many saw
were John Bugler 125, Noel Colleran 104,
eleventh hour.
as a joke candidate and who had
Joseph Loughnane 493, Peter Mannion
Late on Friday night the Students Union
admitted at Hustings that he only
1,339, Eamon McGee 57, Paddy Melia
announced that the protest-regarding
decided to run after a Facebook group
610, Mike Spring 141 and RON 22. Over
management policy on student use of the
had been set up was in serious
the following five counts RON, McGee,
contention. Over the next four counts,
Colleran, Bugler, and Spring were
RON, O’Reilly Healy, Fitzgerald and
eliminated. The final count results were
McGeady were eliminated but neither of
Joseph Loughnane 608, Peter Mannion
Just after 12.30pm the counting began for
the two remaining candidates reached
1,472 and Paddy Melia 677. Peter
addressing fair access of Áras na Mac
the position of Welfare Officer. Within an
the quota. The final tally was Emma
Mannion having exceeded the quota was
Léinn,” she said.
hour it became obvious this was going to
Conway 1,317 and Brian Grant 1,168.
deemed elected.
The Students’ Union had rejected the
be a much more drawn out affair as
Emma Conway, the second incumbent
candidates seemed to getting a more
officer was deemed elected.
even split of the first preference vote.
Attention quickly shifted to the count for
The valid poll was 2,891 with 41 spoilt
the position of SU President. This soon
votes making the quota 1,446. The first
began to look like a three horse race
count was Emma Conway 920, Christine
with the first preferences being split
Fitzgerald 299, Brian Grant 895, John Mc
between Joseph Loughnane, Peter
Geady 456, David O’Reilly Healy 289 and
Mannion and Paddy Melia. The valid poll
RON 32.
was 2,891; 36 votes were spoilt leaving
Tension quickly rose as those present
the quota at 1,447. The first count results
continued from page 1
Peter Mannion is elected SU President
Bailey Allen Hall-was called off. Donna Cummins, SU President said that she felt university managers were now taking the concerns of students seriously. “Headway has been achieved in terms of
university’s first draft proposal on
Protest called off at the eleventh hour B y M a i r é a d Ní C h a o i m h The Gala Banquet protest scheduled for Saturday night was cancelled at the
guidelines for use of the hall, but a second draft was produced on Friday which led the SU to take the decision to call off the protest. She did not rule out however staging a protest at the upcoming Labour party conference. The first draft proposed the following: that alcohol, except for wine, would generally not be permitted to be served in the Bailey Allen Hall unless a
substantial meal was provided.
Buildings Office when organising events,
Buildings office” and that the difficulties
a representative on the University
The Gala Banquet was held in the Bailey
especially regarding room bookings. He
only extend to “certain people”. A key
Society Co-ordination Group (USCG),
Allen Hall on Saturday night.
said in some cases societies haven’t
goal of the petition is to have a
Mr Gibney said that Buildings had an
For more updates check
received replies to emails submitted in
representative from the Buildings office
arrangement with the VP for the Student
October and as a result “weren’t able to
sit on the USCG.
Experience that they do not attend every
organise events”.
John Gibney, NUIG Director of Physical
meeting of the USCG, but attend only
Also highlighted were the difficulties
Resources responded to the above
where there are issues being discussed
faced by students organising charity
complaints, commenting that he was
that require their input. In response to
events outside Aras na Mac Léinn, such as
unaware of any specific complaints about
the questions about fundraising, Mr
students raising money for Haiti. A
the room booking service, but
Gibney said that bucket collections were
bucket collection organised with a
apologising for any unnecessary delays.
“a tricky issue”. To prevent “non bona
number of societies was prevented from
He also pointed out that there was a
fide collections…all bucket collections
going ahead due to certain policies which,
feedback function on the Buildings Office
must be static…and information about
according to the Buildings Office, have
the cause should be fixed on the display
always been in place.
Regarding the fireproofing of the Bailey
board.” he explained.
In addition to that, a number of technical
Allen Hall, he said that the wall panelling
issues have also arisen within Aras na
in the hall was fire proofed, but needed a
Mac Léinn such as lack of “sound
higher fire proof rating. “A new panel has
proofing and space in the acoustic
been sourced and is currently being
rooms” and the inability to record events
technically assessed.” Mr Gibney stated.
in the Bailey Allen Hall due to lack of
“Once this is completed and approved,
technical facilities. There have also been
the panels will be erected. It is correct to
concerns raised over the lack of fire
say the work should have been
extinguishers and fire proofing in the
completed by now, but it is incorrect to
Bailey Allen Hall. This building “was
say that this is a serious health and safety
supposed to be fire proofed around
risk,” said Mr Gibney. He added that fire
Christmas,” Padraic told SIN, “but hasn’t
extinguishers often disappear from
various locations around campus but
Padraic emphasised that the petition is
they are replaced as soon as possible.
not directed towards “everyone at the
Regarding the request that Buildings have
Buildings come under fire from Societies B y G r ainne Coyne A petition has been circulated by the NUIG Societies Chairperson which outlines complaints about the lack of “transparency and information on certain policies issued by the Buildings Office”. The petition arose from concerns raised at a meeting of the societies’ forum three weeks ago and to date has collected between 200 and 300 signatures. Speaking to SIN, Societies Chairperson Padraic Harley outlined the issues with the Buildings Office which led to the creation of this petition. He explained difficulties that societies faced with the
‘Zero tolerance’ warning for College Week By Deirdre Judge Both management and the SU are urging students to be mindful of the ‘zero tolerance’ policy being adopted by the
Gardaí during College Week. While
“There is a very high probability that a
Week is not Rag Week; it is a series of
O’Keeffe, follows the publication of a
GMIT’s Rag Week appears to have been
student who gets arrested will never get
SU events and the focus should not be
report which found evidence of grade
successful in avoiding any of last year’s
a visa to travel to places such as the
on alcohol.”
inflation in universities.
controversy a number of students were
United States, Australia or New Zealand.
Those holding house parties under the
The report carried out by the
arrested during the week, including “a
If you attend a job interview for positions
Code of Conduct could face disciplinary
Department of Education stated that the
such as teaching or the medical
proceedings if complaints are made.VP
percentage of first class awards in
profession there will be Garda checks.
O’Riordan said that in such instances
honours degrees awarded by Irish
This conviction will never be expunged;
excuses such as gate crashing or tenants
universities has increased from 8.3% in
you will never be shot of it.”
not being present will not be accepted.
1997 to 16.2% in 2008. It is expected that
Mary O’Riordan,VP for the Student
“There is no defence- it is your
this new qualifications and quality
Experience reiterated Donna’s
responsibility for what happens.”
assurance agency will be set up early
Mary O’Riordan: Every student that I have had before me for disciplinary proceedings the issue has always involved drink.
comments. Since the introduction of the
next year.
new Code of Conduct she has been
The university presidents have said that
directly involved in dealing with students who have breached the Code. “Every student that I have had before me for disciplinary proceedings the issue has always involved drink. These have been really good students just behaving irrationally because of having too much
small minority” of NUIG students,
the long-term implications of having a
Cummins. no longer issuing adult cautions but
She added, “While it is not in our interest to have students arrested, last
instead students face being arrested for any anti social behaviour. Donna said this
year reflected very poorly on the university and the President’s decision on Rag Week clearly indicated the university’s position. College Charity
this inflation can be explained by a number of factors, including more transparent assessment and wider access to learning materials. NUIG President Jim Browne told Sin that there had been a reluctance in the past for examiners to give full grades, but now the university had changed its approach.
Legislation is now being drafted to set up a new national agency to monitor the
criminal record.”
Under the new guidelines the Gardaí are
students in the future.
B y M a i r é a d Ní C h a o i m h
to drink. They don’t seem to understand
according to SU President Donna
could have serious implications for
New agency to monitor degree quality
quality of higher education degrees in Ireland. A single body will now be tasked with the job of assuring the quality of degrees. It will merge existing agencies such as the IQUB and the NQAI. The move by Education Minister Batt
“Students have become more engaged and ambitious. Look at how full the library is, and the demand to have it open at the weekend,” he said. He said that examiners are encouraged to award full marks when they are rightly deserved, and the university has compiled grade descriptors for examiners.
for more campus news go to
Elections Special Who are you? My name is Peter Mannion. I am 21 years old and I come from Tuam. I have a degree in Corporate Law and I am currently doing my LLM. Why did you decide to run for election? I have been at NUIG for four years and have been very involved with societies. This has led me to spend a lot of time complaining about how things are done. I suppose I realised that I felt it was time to stop complaining and actually try and see if I could do something to change things. I feel I am ready to do the job and to do it well and I hope I achieve that. The ever-increasing registration fee is a real source of discontent among students. What if anything, do you plan on doing about it? I feel it is important that the SU campaign to ensure university accountability for the
Peter Mannion: A Biography Peter Mannion is 21 years old and comes from Tuam, Co Galway.
registration fee. We need to make certain that the fee is being used on Student Services and there is complete transparency so that they can’t cook the books in order to show the HEA that any further increase is needed.
He graduated in 2009 with a first class honours in Law and is now studying for his LLM. He is actively involved with societies, most notably the Law Society of which he was auditor in 2008/09. Among renowned guests he welcomed as auditor was Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor Eli Wiesel. He was an intern for the then Senator Obama for three months in the summer of 2008, an experience he self deprecatingly has described as getting very friendly with the coffee and copying machines, but he will get to invite Obama out for a pint ‘when’
Tension between the SU and university management is very high at the moment. How do you feel about this? A certain amount of tension is inevitable between the two. I think if there is tension it means the SU are actually doing their job and fighting on the students’ behalf. It is important though to try and find some common ground to start discussions and I think there are plenty of areas for that. But it shouldn’t always be a cosy relationship.
he visits Ireland. Peter also met Senator Hilary Clinton and Senator Patrick Murphy during his sojourn in Washington. He was on Ryan Tubridy’s radio show not once but twice and admitted on air to being an American politics anorak and a diehard West Wing fan. He is also socially conscious as he noticed there was a large number of homeless people in Washington which he learned were war veterans whom he said had been very badly treated by the past US Governments. He has admitted to owning a large cardboard cutout of
In your manifesto you called for anonymous marking in exams. What do you mean? NUIG is the only university that does not have this system. I feel that there is always the danger under the present system for all sorts of prejudice to seep in and I think it is important to get that changed and I know it is already being put on the table for discussion. There doesn’t seem to be a massive amount of opposition. I feel we will soon realise the benefits of introducing this system.
President Obama.
The SU have been accused of not communicating with students. What do you
intend on doing about this? It is very important that there is regular communication between the SU and the students. A lot of the SU work goes unknown by students because of this. Unfortunately the SU is
Peter Mannion
not fully up to date with social media. I hope to run a weekly blog and will use Twitter and Facebook as a means of letting the students know what’s going on. What is your opinion on the ongoing issues over the use of the Bailey Allen Hall by students?
by Deirdre Judge
It was always my understanding that the Hall was intended to be able to hold such big events. We need to insist that the students get to use it in the same way as the university does. Is there anything you would like to add? I am really looking forward to the coming year, especially to meeting as many students as I can and engaging with them.
Elections Special Emma Conway fights her way to another term as SU Welfare Officer
help students de-stress. She talks about wanting more
campuses. He views the alliance as something positive,
class reps for the coming year and praises a number of
and a realistic way in which UL & NUIG can compete
“excellent” first year class reps from last year who
for postgraduate research funding against the UCD &
“really proved their worth”. She also intends to
TCD alliance. When asked if he could see himself
implement a Residence Reps system for all the student
working with UL’s education officer in the future he
responded that he probably will but that as the UL
Overall Conway continues to fight for more working
SU are not in USI he has had not too much contact
CCTV and better lighting on campus to improve overall
with them before.
student safety.
Connolly disputes the argument that student apathy is rife on campus, despite an abysmal 2,877 votes cast
By Karrie Kehoe Emma Conway’s first reaction when she discovered she had been re-elected Welfare Officer was “Oh my God – in a good way”. The returning Welfare officer whose mother famously campaigned for her, beat her competing opponents in an extremely close race winning a total of 1,317 votes after transfers on the fifth count, leaving a slim margin of 149 votes between her and Brian Grant.
Emmet Connolly Education Officer to take on the grant system By Karrie Kehoe
during the elections out of a student population of approximately 17,000. Connolly feels that ‘students don’t want to be involved in protesting unless they need to’. Complaints have been voiced previously over the low turnout of class reps at Council meetings. Connolly responded that in the past he had been “too soft with class reps” but that he will try motivate them more this year to fulfil their representative responsibilities and attend more council meetings. While last year the union managed
Emmet Connolly has been re-elected as VicePresident Education Officer in a landslide election. Connolly beat his opponents with a massive 1,597 votes on the second count, leaving the unsuccessful candidates trailing behind with an enormous margin of over 1,200 votes. Connolly is quoted as stating he is “delighted” with the result. During the election campaign Connolly fell under criticism for his membership of Fianna Fáil, with some students going so far as to deface his election posters with ‘Voter Advisory: Fianna Fáil Candidate’ stickers. Connolly has stated clearly in his campaign manifesto that grants are one of his main focuses this year. He wishes to establish the ‘Never Enough and Never On Time’ campaign, a national campaign focusing on student grants. While working with USI, Connolly plans to place more pressure on County Council authorities to pay out grants on time. He estimates that in the next two years we will see a 50 percent When approached on her aims for the coming academic year she stated that similar enough to her fellow SU officer Emmet Connolly, she plans to focus on the never ending fight against fees and a reform of the grant system. Continuing the financial theme, Conway intends to establish the MABS clinic on campus for students and staff alike who need extra help budgeting. She hopes this will alleviate some of the ‘financial pressure’ for everyone. It is her aim for UL and NUIG SU welfare officers to work together more in the coming year; she also intends to interact more with USI this year commenting on how they “really upped their game last year”. Conway, who talks about mental health issues and examination de-stress in her manifesto aims to focus on more “personal well being” this coming academic year and is planning on organising more random fun days to
increase in the amount of students dependent upon grants, as well as a third of NUIG students already receiving them. Connolly feels that there are disparities in how grants are administered. He calls for the standardisation of grant forms and procedures as well as the availability of an electronic grant form. Connolly also strongly advocates a move towards a centralised grants authority. When it comes to the all important topic of the NUIG- UL Alliance, Connolly similar enough to the NUIG establishment is rather vague on the topic. He states that as of yet no specifics have been hammered out regarding the implementation of the alliance but reiterates the old statement that there will be no forcing of students to travel between campuses and that a student fund will be established to financially assist students that do voluntarily travel between
to increase the number of class reps by a staggering 40 per cent he would prefer this year a smaller number of active class reps. Connolly argues that one of his main efforts this year is to stop any more of the computer suites closing and is seeking assurances from the university that this will not happen without consultation. He intends to establish six ‘non academic’ PC’s in areas around the campus such as Smokey’s for student enjoyment. Connolly also aims to oppose any increases in the €1,500 registration fee and publish a new ‘Funding Your Postgrad Guide” for graduates, detailing funding opportunities as well as scholarships that are available. Overall he sums up this year as focusing on smaller things to increase the availability of what’s there.
Elections Special The race kicked off in the early hours of Monday
provided the public with thousands of his
morning. As per usual there was a gunshot start as
sumptuously decorated cupcakes on polling day,
the majority of candidates gave Speedy Gonzales a
although whether this swayed the general public to
run for his money as they ’andale-ed’ throughout
vote can’t really be said. The atmosphere on polling
campus affixing as many posters as possible to the
day was excited and somewhat terse for the
notice boards. The campaigns this year featured, all in
candidates. However by the end of the day there was
all, a remarkably ‘shiny’ turnout: lots of posters, fliers
so much enthusiasm that people were sprinting
and T-Shirts and the odd Batman suit, just to lift
towards the polling stations to get their votes in on
everyone’s mood. The posters provided colourful
time before the 9pm closing in Áras na Mac Léinn.
material whether it came in the form of trying to
The elections ended with an amalgamation of
secure the ‘everyman’ vote with pictures of Peter
excitement and exhaustion; the candidates had an
Griffin or having the insight to know that everyone
opportunity to get some sleep and be well rested for
loves puppies. There were also candidates who
the count the next day, whether any actually availed
showed how in touch they were with the arts by
of this opportunity was a different story.
featuring themselves in some of the biggest films of
The excitement continued into the count on Friday.
the last two decades; the same went for the
The day started off slowly. The count, being
candidates who featured acrostic poems to illustrate
scheduled to begin at 10am actually began at
the issues. But the posters were only the beginning.
10.24am. Those conducting the count displayed their
This year seemed to be the year of the t- shirt, be
efficiency and dedication when the boxes were
they sunshine yellow or custom white, the ‘support
opened and they had to sort Everest like mounds of
my candidate’ t-Shirt was this week’s must-have-item.
paper into their respective categories. Education
The atmosphere among the student body however,
Officer was the first to be tackled and was tackled at
despite the sumptuous t-Shirts seemed to be a semi
extreme speed, Emmet Connolly being the only
interested apathy. Students in lecture halls listened
candidate throughout the entire count to receive a
(in relative quiet) to what the candidates had to say
second box for his first preference votes, let alone
and then went back to whatever issue they were
the fact that he won on the first count. There was
talking about. The candidates, for some, became
excitement abundant as the incumbent was
those to be avoided rather than engaged. The issues
announced to be returning to office. The tensions
and various manifestos at times seemed to matter
were relatively low leading up to Welfare Officer,
only to those directly involved in the campaigns.
however they were brought right up to the brim
Throughout the week the game was stepped up by
with the announcement on the first count that there
all of the candidates, whether they were giving out
were a mere 25 votes between incumbent Emma
sweets (Willy Wonka would’ve been proud) or giving
Conway and dark horse Brian Grant. It became a
out umbrellas. It could seem that certain candidates
tense race between both these candidates, in the end
were of the disposition that the only way to the
neither one reaching the quota, Emma winning by
hearts of the students of NUIG is to offer them
149 votes on the fifth count. They then moved on to
protection from the rain. Certain candidates
the Presidency count, the tension having dissipated
discussed the idea that there should be a spending
to a tense exhaustion. After the first count, it became
cap on each of the campaigns. However this would
obvious that it would be difficult to defeat Peter
be difficult to enforce, therefore it would seem that
Mannion; however the vote did proceed until the
we are stuck in the era of free radios, sweets and
sixth count. The day ended on a level of celebration
umbrellas to keep the students sweet. Of course a
tempered by a numb relief with the excitement at an
certain candidate proved that keeping people ‘sweet’
end and the winning candidates set out for a new
was one of the prime directives. Nick Geoghegan
year, new beginnings and new problems to encounter.
A week in student politics
The SU Elections by Méabh McDonnell
Méabh McDonnell reviews the week gone by in the SU elections.
Elections, L e a h
NSS cardboard war, M a t t
Dear John,
both orally and in writing
I'm a final-year student of
- an interest in Irish public affairs and in
Philosophy, Sociology and Politics.
international relations
I've always been interested in a
- an ability to work independently and to
career that involved diplomacy or
deal effectively with people knowledge of
international relations, however I
foreign languages is an advantage.
have no idea how to go about
Your degree should give you a great
getting into this or even what
knowledge base. However, gather as much
qualifications are needed for these
concrete examples to show that you are
fields. What should my next steps be
resourceful, have organisational ability,
if I want to join the diplomatic
flexibility, can work in a team etc.
On, you can read more
about Civil Service roles, including those in
Shane Raymond
the Department of Foreign Affairs. The site also offers an email alert service which
Dear Shane,
notifies one automatically when jobs of
The ‘Third Secretary’ is the entry grade to
interest are advertised. At present,
a diplomatic career and you apply online
however, there is a moratorium on
through I hope you like
recruitment into the Public Sector, so it is
to travel! Third Secretaries are initially
unlikely that positions will arise in the near
assigned for training in Dublin or Limerick
future. Don’t panic however – there are
for two to three years, and then can
employment opportunities with the EU
expect postings in up to six or seven
Institutions (European Personnel Selection
countries afterwards.
Office) or with the United Nations (United
The requirements of the job give a useful
Nations Human Resources Office). You
insight into your next steps. The Civil
could also consider the UK where there is
Service Commissioners are looking for
a ‘Civil Service Fast Stream’ for graduates.
graduates who have the skills to undertake
It would be a good idea to apply for an EU
the demanding responsibilities of the
internship – check the internship section
position and also demonstrate that they
on or call into
have the potential to represent Ireland
the Careers Information Room. Lots of
abroad and to progress to the most senior
postgraduate courses can help such as the
positions of the diplomatic service. A good
LLB or LLM or a relevant research
third level degree (first or second class
masters. You could also build up your
honors or have qualified as a
administrative or business skills through
solicitor/barrister) is required and
the Higher Diploma in Business Studies in
candidates will also be expected to show
NUI Galway. There are also interesting
that they have:
postgrads in international relations/studies
- the ability to analyse complex situations
such as those in DCU, UL and UCD.
and to put forward practical
Worried about your career? Contact me,
recommendations for action
the Career Doctor, via for
- the capacity to make effective
great personalised advice.
presentations and to communicate well,
The best quotes from the Overheard in NUIG Facebook page as selected by Grainne Coyne
Dean Boyce:
Christopher Cosgrove:
Girl in English lecture: How much
Standing in the queue to
is that book??
Smokey’s talking to a friend to
Some lad: about €7
try and convince them to skip
Girl: Well that’s another €30
their lecture and doss:
euro from mum!!
"Just take it off!" People behind puzzled and girl says: "Excuse
Rachel Cahill:
A while ago in the college bar, girl asks me whilst looking at the
Aisling Finn :
soccer match on screen, "Is that
Girl 1: You know they never
like Fifa or real life?"
check people’s ID’s for the library
Emma Farrell:
Girl 2: What are you on about?
In the girls' toilets in Aras na Mac
They always check. Otherwise
Léinn after a loud *plop*;
civilians would just walk in.
Girl 1: Oh no!
Girl 1: Civilians?
Girl 2: What?
Girl 2: Yeah, you know, non-
Girl 1: I just dropped my phone
people (Silence)....... I mean non-
in the toilet!!
Brian Murphy:
James Michael Greaney:
Overheard drunken knacks
In the library, at the main desk, a
walking through college two
girl in the queue gets a phone
weeks ago, when one of them
yells out:
Girl: [whispering] "Hello?"
"Sure, how was I to know rag
Girl on the other end:
week was only on in GMIT."
Karen Morris:
Librarian: You, go outside!
Three Arts students chatting about dissertation
Lorna Flynn:
Girl 1: I have 48 pages typed and
A girl in the computer suite
nearly 9,000 words; he has 40
turns and says to me
and just 6,000...How does that
Girl: You know a twin room?
make sense?
Me: Ya
Girl 2: you have smaller writing
Girl: Is that the one with the
two beds?
Guy: It’s typed, you dope...
The NUIG-UL Strategic Alliance has reignited some
Each alliance has been penned as an attempt to drive
smouldering questions over the future of NUIG.
the smart economy in the respective regions.
Could the alliance be the first step in a move
However, the actual benefit to the ‘smart economy’
towards amalgamation of NUIG and UL? Is it
is questionable. What can these alliances do that co-
indicative of the regional character of Irish
ordination within NUI couldn’t?
universities? Or is it simply a knee-jerk reaction to
Numerous regional federations could now take the
the abolition of the NUI? The alliance has also come
place of NUI, which leads to questions over how the
at a time of alarming reports on grade inflation.
quality of formerly NUI degrees will now be analysed and maintained.
NUI Abolition The abolition of the National University of Ireland
Grade Inflation
(NUI) as a federation of NUIG, NUIM, UCC and
The quality of NUI degrees has already been called
UCD and other smaller colleges has come as a
into question. Last week, a study by Trinity College
shock. The McCarthy (An Bord Snip Nua) Report
revealed the extent of grade inflation in NUI degrees
claimed that the move would save €3 million, but this
over the past fifteen years. The numbers of first class
was rubbished by NUI Registrar, Dr Attracta Halpin,
honours degrees awarded by NUIG has increased by
who said: “The idea that €3 million could be saved is
115% since 1994. In NUIM the figure is 700%.
fanciful”. The majority of NUI expenditure will simply
This increase was attributed to examiners being “less
be passed on to the constituent institutions.
mean” by NUIG President, Jim Browne. Speaking to
The abolition has resulted in fears regarding the
Sin immediately after the figures were released,
status and recognition of NUI degrees. The NUI
Browne said that the increase is down to “a better
brand has been built over 100 years and has over
teaching system, more competitive students and the
250,000 graduates. NUI Chancellor, Dr Maurice
use of full grades by examiners”.
Manning, said: “NUI is the connective tissue that joins
Even if this is the case, how the figures are viewed by
the constituent universities together and gives
industry and the public, and not the degree value
meaning to the concept of the NUI degree.”
itself, may be the biggest worry.
UL Alliance
Regional Universities
Coming only one month apart, the issues of the NUI
The establishment of rival university federations
abolition and the UL alliance cannot be separated.
along the lines of University of the West and
Interestingly, the NUIG-UL ‘strategic alliance’ also
University of the East are unlikely, but cannot be
includes a partnership with the Georgia Institute of
ruled out. Regional alliances, federations or even
Technology in the US. This means that NUIG may
mergers could make practical sense to avoid
now have more of a connection with Georgia than
duplication of disciplines and facilitate the lack of
with Maynooth!
student mobility, but will entail problems with
Although the alliance appears to be thrown together
national coordination and analysis of degree
in response to the NUI abolition and short-reaching,
does NUiG + UL = University of the West? by Richard Manton
In the context of the UL alliance, NUI abolition and grade inflation, Richard Manton looks at the future of NUIG and NUI degrees.
it comes as part of a trend of ‘regionalisation’ of universities. An alliance has also been created
For now, we are in limbo. NUI is gone, universities
between Trinity College and UCD. Irish universities
are in a nervous period of courting one another and
have always had a regional character with Irish
what it means to get a ‘first’ remains as abstract as
students among the least mobile in Europe.
‘the smart economy’.
LETTERS TO ThE EdiTOr Dear Madam,
marketing tactics like those teeny tiny
Dear Madam,
Dear Madam,
One week before the voting begins, the
I wish to respond to the student who
would-be elected begin to campaign.
wrote (SIN Issue 7/ January 18th 2010)
successful companies i.e. Starbucks and I recently read the article SIN published
on on the full time SU Exec Hustings which took place
Here are a few 'free' ideas for those
Several people are running around like
regarding poor lecturing standards and
last Wednesday evening. I saw that there
hopefuls out there, hoping to get those
March hares on magic mushrooms
exhorted the university to consider this
was a brief report on each candidate’s
votes handed to them on a silver
handing out teeth destroying sweets to
issue. I would like to reassure this
performance on the night. The first thing
persuade the cornered victim to vote
student that the university takes the
for them.
matter of standards, in all areas of
Their manifestos lack anything we
performance, very seriously indeed. The
to strike me was the fact that the evaluation of my performance began
with my name being misspelled. This, I
all 1st year IT students can develop at
haven’t heard before, and are well short
university is committed to providing a
thought, was just a minor and honest
least one webpage.
of any original thought. How is it
high quality learning experience for all
mistake. As I then read down through
Tell your constituents who you are (a
possible to find out about the different
the article, I found that it was very
short Bio), where you are from,
candidates and what they stand for?
harsh and grossly unfair, as I feel I got
why you are running for election and
How is it possible, in this short time, to
The university has invested heavily in
some good points across to the crowd
what you can do for the student body
weigh up the pros and cons of these
the Centre for Excellence in Learning
and have since been praised for my
at NUIG.
participants and make an informed and
and Teaching which supports and
performance by people in attendance.
carefully thought out decision on who
advises academic staff in providing
This year was the first time I ever ran
social networking site. All you need to
you would like to represent you in the
innovative pedagogical
for a position within the SU and I was
do is create a page, state your goals and
Students’ Union? Perhaps you do not
approaches. CELT in association with
completely new to a lot of the
ethos and get a few fans (another tip:
want a Students’ Union at all, and it
the Colleges and Schools has developed
processes of an election campaign. The
fan = Possible Vote if you can drag the
would appear that 80% of you don’t
a Teaching Learning and Assessment
harsh criticism I received in the article
Facebook user out of bed in time to
care for a Students’ Union. Supposedly
Strategy which is designed to achieve,
has left a bitter mark for me on what
cast their vote).
there are lots of rules about not being
on behalf of all students and staff, the
was otherwise a fun and interesting
able to canvass throughout the year;
highest standard of educational
week and a new and great experience
day. Try it! Even if only one tenth of the
this I understand makes it hard for the
resources for access to knowledge,
for me personally.
student body open/read the email, you
candidates to get around to canvassing
development of critical thinking, and the
have exposure.Your name is out there,
all the students. How can you justify the
methods that assure a fair evaluation of
and hopefully your message too! It
legitimacy of this union based on such a
success. Part of this strategy is the
John Bugler
would be advisable to include a link to
small turnout of voters? Could it
implementation of systematic evaluation
your website in this message.
possibly be the €22,000 that each
of all courses by students. The Deans of
elected sabbatical position would be
Colleges and Heads of Schools are in
hundreds of wasted (extra)
paid? Is it a training ground for the up
the process of ensuring that a student
posters/flyers from last year’s SU
and coming Brian Cowens to cut their
feedback mechanism is in place in all
What a joy it was walking through the
election and, I dunno, print on the other
political teeth, whom are perhaps
courses. Students should routinely and
campus this morning to see hundreds of
already supported by their preferred
frequently be asked for feedback.
campaign posters littered about the
5. Video Message - use one of the
party? You could see some candidates
In the event that this is not happening
campus grounds of NUIG. The Students’
hundreds of free video messaging
had a lot more money than others.
we would urge that the class
Union budget for printing and
services out there to self-promote
Could it possibly be an exercise for the
representative contact the appropriate
photocopying is, no doubt, a bottomless
(try Then ask for
ego and a chance to wield power to
Head of School or raise it at a meeting
pit and every one of the candidates feel
some air time on all the Campus flat
feed this ego? My sincerest respect to
of the School or Discipline student
that the more paper they throw around
screens. Maybe someone will actually
those candidates who genuinely mean
liaison group.
with their name on it, the more votes
look at them, hear your message and
well, and to everyone else involved in
they will earn. Well, not my vote!
who knows – vote for you!
what I can only describe as a circus act.
Stop talking through your farce and get
Professor Jim Ward
back to the real world.
Registrar & Deputy President
Dear Madam,
Develop a website. Rumour has it
Have you heard of Facebook? It is a
Email. We get ten to fifteen emails a
Recycle - take (for example) all the
Seeing as we are well into the throes of the 21st Century; one would think
Best of luck to all candidates,
that at least one of these candidates
Móna Wise
might come up with something a little
BA-Connect, Creative Writing
Alan Coss
greener to aid their campaigning? Surely, at least one candidate cares about the enormous amount of paper wasted daily at NUIG? Why is it that not one candidate (currently in office or running for election) has attempted to steal a vote by trying successful internet
Got something to say? Need to air a grievance? Send a letter to
Paid for by the SU and printed in Sin. Contact us! Our offices are located upstairs in Áras na Macléinn,
College Week Timetable 2010 The bucket squad will be shaking their money makers across Campus all week
Wednesday 10th March
looking for your shiny coinage. Give generously when you see the yellow buckets
11am - 4pm Cadbury GAA Challenge - outside the Orbsen/IT Building. Score and
and you shall receive a pressie!
Monday 8th March
12pm - 2pm International Sports Day - In association with HispanoSoc outside the
10am - 5pm ArtSoc Chalk Day - Get in touch with your creative side and decorate
Orbsen/IT Buildings. Sign up your international delegation of 6 in the SU/SocsBox
the ground outside the library raising money for the College Week charities in the
for €12. First prize €100.
process. 12pm - 3pm 5 A Side Knockout Blitz - Gather your crew of five and get down to 1pm Scavenger Hunt - Use your powers of persuasion to beg, borrow and gather
the Kingfisher Sports Hall to compete for the honour, the glory and the €500
the items on the list with a first prize of €300. Register your team of two in the
prize! Team registration in the SU €40 per team. Spaces limited.
SU now for €10. 8pm Calvin Harris & Support LRB - Black Box Theatre. Tickets €25 (€30 Non-NUI 8pm Comedian Jason Byrne - Jason Byrne with support Jarlath Regan will be
Galway Students) from the SU. Over 18's only event. SOLD OUT.
entertaining you in the O'Heocha Theatre. Tickets are only €8 from the SU now with added raffle!
9pm College Week Fire Walk - Call down to watch the brave souls risk it all as they walk unharmed across wood embers burning at 1236 degrees Fahrenheit
8pm The Coronas with support from The Chapters & Futures Apart - in the
behind the Orbsen/IT Buildings.
Radisson Live Lounge. Tickets €15 from the SU. Over 18's only event. College Bar: 3pm DJ Ryan 6pm Buck Taylor 8pm Man Utd v AC Milan College Bar: 2pm DJ Byrno. 3pm Commerce student Waxing. 6pm The Neon Knights.
Thursday 11th March 12.30pm - 2pm Auction - The 3rd Annual College Week Auction for University staff
Tuesday 9th March
will be held in the Aula Maxima Lower. Tickets are €5 which includes lunch from
10am - 2pm Mini Triathlon - A 5km run, 10km cycle and 500m Swim - are you
the Gourmet Tart Company. Paddy Flynn of Galway Real Estate will be overseeing
tough enough? Raise €25 minimum to enter and sign up in the SU or the Sports
proceedings and there will be some serious recession busting bargains to be had!
Centre. Registration at the Kingfisher and all participants get a free t-shirt and
A full list of auction items is available from the Students' Union and there will be
also be a raffle with some great prizes.
12pm - 4pm Dunk Tank - Your chance to give some familiar faces (including DJ
College Bar: 7pm Witless Final with MusicSoc
Byrno) a good soaking outside Áras na Mac Léinn. 3 balls for €5 or €20 to just push the button!
Remember all proceeds from the weeks events go to the
12pm - 4pm Bungee Trampoline Bounce - Bounce, flip and feel like Tigger! €2 a go
four College Week Charities: COPE Galway, the Alzheimer
outside Áras na Mac Léinn.
Society of Ireland (Western Region), Peter McVerry Trust
1pm - 4pm Poetry Wall - With WritersSoc in the foyer of Áras na Mac Léinn.
and Habitat for Humanity.
College Bar: 2pm DJ Paul Hannon. 6pm Hardy Bucks 7pm Knights of Leon
Part Time Officer Elections If you have election fever nominations for the Part-time Elections positions of Oifigeach na Gaeilge, Equality Officer, Student Development Officer, Clubs Captain, Societies Chairperson and Postgrad Officer all open this Wednesday 10th of March. Nomination forms and further information is available from the SU and the SU website.
Congratulations to our College Week band The Coronas who won Best Irish Album at The Meteor Awards 2010 with “Tony was an ex-con”, beating off competition from U2 and Snow Patrol.
Where is my money going? What is the registration charge?
Are you getting value for
This is an annual charge that all undergraduate students (except those who qualify for maintenance grants) have to pay. It
amounts to €1500. In addition to the registration charge, NUI, Galway has a student levy which amount to €224.. Therefore the combined cost
No. All items listed as a
of registration is €1724.
“Student service” by this University are extremely important and for many, college
Student Levy Breakdown 2010
life would be very difficult Sport & Recreation Union
€ 19.28
without them. However, the
Students Services Socities
€ 19.28
rate of increase of the
Students Union
€ 25.14
Registration Charge has spiraled
Áras MacLéinn Teo levy
out of control and in a “free
Health Unit levy
fees” country, students should
Flirt FM Students project fund University Sports Centre
€4.92 €19.69
not be saddled with these charges.
€100.00 €224.00
We estimate that out of €1500, only €513 is being spent on services the Reg Fee was
Registration Fee Breakdown 2010
intended to support when it Examination Costs
NUI Registration Estimate
Registration, Fees, Admissions & Records
was introduced in 1996.
€33.18 What is the Projects Fund?
Student Societies
Sports & Recreation
Students' Union
This is invested in capital
Student Welfare & Outreach
projects that directly benefit the
Student Project Fund USI Fees Student Services
student population. The
committee who decide on the
allocation of the fund is made
Accommodation Office
up of an equal number of
Student Retention
students and staff. Examples of
Student Progression
projects include; The Chapel
Garden, The Memorial Garden,
Mature Students Officer
The SU Sessions the kit out of
the refurbished Áras na
Schools Liaison Marketing
Macléinn and the new Pitches at
Vice President for Student Experience
Marketing & Communication Overseas Student Officer
Corrib Village.
Disability Office
Careers Office
Sports & Recreation
Heath Unit & Counselling
Space Associated with Student Facilities
Audio Visual
Language Labs
What is CELT?
Presidents’ Awards CELT
Postgrad courses
Teaching & Learning
Galways Premier 5 star salon ZENITH HAIRDR ESSING and galway's trendies t clothes shop, BORN, in associa tion with SIN newspaper, an d NUI students un ion want to reinvent a 'New You' for the new year. ur revamp on yo g a complete rin fe of e ar pe e W and a su r e up by experts d hair and mak do is read an l you have to n io cool outfit! Al at all inform fully, provide r fo s fill forms care te y da e on necessar and be availabl s. ph ra og d phot make over an Submit your entry for m using the forms you can find aro und campus, or email entry,with pic ture and text attached to sinmakeo, or simply call in to the students' union and get the for m there also.
ZENITH HAIRDRESSING MAKE OVER WINNER .... in association with Born and Sin newspapers NUI Galway student Nessa enjoyed a rare treat this week as the second person to win a fabulous makeover from Zenith Hairdressing and Born Clothing Store, in association with Sin newspapers. On arrival at Zenith on Eyre St, Nessa had her style, colour and per-
sonal likes and dislikes carefully considered by salon owner Paul. Using Paul's many years of experience as a top stylist and platform artist, a soft shiny colour was decided on, in keeping with this season’s trends. After carefully stripping away layers of home colour from Nessa's hair, a beautiful glossy chocolate semi permanent colour was applied to condition and enhance, and compliment Nessa's skin tone
and eyes. After completing reshaping Nessa's hair, but maintaining significant length for versatility our lovely model for the day was given skin and make-up tips ( throw away those make-up wipes girls, full of nasty alcohol) by the talented Audrey from the international school of make up. Onward to Born, in Newtownsmith, where a funky leather jacket/ankle boot combo, incorporating skinny jeans and this sea-
son’s must have nautical theme top where chosen for Nessa. The lovely Leah photographed our becoming fashionista for the day and before you know it Nessa was on her way. With her ultra modern hairstyle, make-up, trendy clothes and her obligatory goodie bag from Zenith Hairdressing. Zenith Hairdressing is available for appointments on 091 533 680.
YES to
NO to
Legalise Euthanasia
Legalise Euthanasia
by Saoirse Healy
by Nollaig O’Scannlain
If the debate on abortion has
possesses it deems it to be. The
Thinking of euthanasia as ‘the
to make patients as comfortable
been put on the backburner, the
unfortunate reality is that a life
humane thing’ or a just means to
and pain free as possible having
debate on euthanasia has yet to
as described above is, for some
end someone’s suffering is frankly a
become so effective and wide
be properly started. There is
people, a fate worse than death.
gross simplification. On the most
ranging, there is no longer any
outrage from pro-life lobbyists
When there is no potential for
basic level, euthanasia means
reason for an individual to be in
that it should even be discussed.
quality of life to be restored to
allowing a person to end, or making
pain for prolonged periods of time.
The true manifestation of this
an acceptable level, why should
the decision, to end someone’s life.
The proposal to legalise euthanasia
became apparent last summer
someone’s individual decision
This is the fundamental problem
does not traditionally come from
when an angry mob of pro life
on this matter be taken away
with euthanasia; it is a decision that
doctors, rather it is families and
activists with angry calls of ‘Nazi
from them? Euthanasia is not be
once taken can never be reversed.
patients themselves who seek this
style eugenics’ forced a lecture
an option many terminally ill
For a similar reason, we in the
change. It is a clear fact that the
organised by CUH Ethics forum
patients would wish to avail of
civilised world no longer allow
vast majority of medical
on the subject of Euthanasia to
but for those that do, why do
capital punishment for crimes
practitioners do not support
be called off. With euthanasia
those of us who have never
because the chance of making an
euthanasia and would never
legal in many other European
experienced such anguish get to
error or of overlooking something
propose it to their patients. At the
countries including Switzerland,
cast judgement on them and
is so great and the consequences
most basic level, euthanasia is
Belgium and the Netherlands, it
deny them their last wish? As it
for the individual involved so
completely at odds with the
is only a matter of time before
stands now, if a spouse, loved
fundamental that we simply cannot
fundamental principles of practicing
the voices of those begging for
one or physician helps a
take the chance.
medicine and the Hippocratic Oath
mercy at the end of their painful
terminally ill patient to hasten
Whatever doctors may say, modern
to “Do No Harm”. How could a
lives force us to consider if
their own death, they are guilty
medicine and medical opinion
medical professional reconcile their
there is in fact limitations to
of a crime. This extends to even
remain fallible and may always
decision to end a patient’s life
when life should continue.
if someone travels with the
remain so. It is not unknown for
when they have sworn to do all
There is an inherent moral
patient to a country where
those in a coma or suffering from a
they can to help care for and assist
compass within all of us as well
euthanasia is legal. Our short-
terminal illness to make full
their patients in living on?
as decades of moral teaching on
sighted laws just cause suffering,
recoveries against all odds and
There is another name for
the subject that leads us to
not just to the patients but to
massively exceeded the timeframe
euthanasia and that is assisted
believe life is always worth
their loved ones who are
and standard of life that their
suicide. Unfortunately when we
preserving. We now need to
paralysed by the law and can’t
doctors claimed. If we allow
propose euthanasia we are often
examine this closer because in a
help their spouse, sibling or
doctors, relatives or patients to
proposing allowing individuals to
few specialised instances, not
child in their greatest hour of
make decisions as to the life of
decide when they die. This is
preserving life, even actively
individuals we may be doing so
fundamentally opposed to the
terminating life could be the
There are three cornerstones
without knowing all the facts or all
principles of society where we do
more humane option. For those
of medical ethics: to do good,
the possibilities for recovery. In
not allow people to make the
unfortunate patients with a
do no harm and patient
euthanasia it can literally be a case
decision to end their own lives. We
debilitating condition that
autonomy. If this is the decision
of doctors differing and patients
would never allow someone
causes them incessant pain,
that patient wishes to make and
standing on the edge of a cliff to
strips them of their physical
the physician is alleviating
It is worth remembering that in
jump just because we thought they
capacities and mental faculties
suffering, then surely the ‘doing
cases where euthanasia is chosen it
had nothing to live for, and we
and has no hope at the end of
good’ and patient autonomy has
is often justified as being performed
would most certainly not give them
the tunnel, euthanasia could be
been upheld and outweighs any
to reduce the patient’s suffering.
a push – which is exactly what
an attractive option. Life is only
irrelevant notion of physical
However, with the advances in
euthanasia seeks to do.
as valuable as the person who
painkillers and medicines designed
The debate continues in the Kirwan Theatre at 7pm on March 25th with the motion “This House Would Legalise Euthanasia” being debated by guest speakers and students. Come along and have your say!
Head 2 Head - presenting two sides of the story
Saoirse Healy explains why the decision to end a person’s life should always be in their hands and why euthanasia must be legalised for this to happen. On the other side, Nollaig O’Scannlain argues that human life is too precious to ever be harmed in this way and euthanasia is something we cannot allow in our society.
At last College Week is upon us and for the
don’t drink, but if you are hoping to seduce
students of NUIG this can only mean one
someone then falling around the place while time! Of course there will be
babbling incoherently is hardly going to
some altruistic fundraising too, but we’ll
impress. If you think about it sensibly I’m
make damn sure we have fun while we’re at
sure most of you ladies of NUIG would like
it. It’s the Irish answer to Spring Break, a
to keep your dignity intact and remember
week when students let loose and truly
any rendezvous that might occur. Lads, if
enjoy being young and carefree.
you want to know why you shouldn’t hit the
For any single students out there hoping to
bottle too hard I’ve got two words – Brewers Droop. Having said this alcohol is a
Sex & the Single Student
wonderful social lubricant so it’s no harm to use it to your advantage. A good rule of thumb is to have enough so you feel comfortable giving it your all on the dancefloor but not so much that you end up that pathetic drunk person asleep outside Supermac’s. The only souvenir you want from College Week is a head full of memories, not a nasty rash in your nether regions. It should go without saying that you should always use protection; being drunk is
no excuse not to be safe. Carry a condom with you, so should an opportunity present itself you are prepared.
Above any other year in the academic calendar College Week is a time when random hook-ups are plentiful, normal rules don’t apply and you should make the most
by Donna Miskell
of it. Fancy someone in your class but never had the courage to talk to them? Then seize the day – or should I seize the week – and go for it now. If it all goes pear shaped
Donna Miskell tells us why there is no better time for hooking up than College Week
get a bit of action there is no better time
you’ve only got a couple of weeks of
than College Week. The relaxed party
awkward lectures left anyway. Always
atmosphere that hovers around campus
wanted to call in to your hot neighbour’s
makes people more open and approachable
house? Now’s your chance, provided they’re
as they slip into personas normally reserved
students too, of course! A College Week
for boozy holidays on the Costa Del Sol. The
without sex (or at least a little drunken
many gigs on campus are going to be
rummage) is like a scone without raisins.
packed with potential partners and the fact
Sure, it still tastes pretty sweet but you
that you’re at the same gig shows you’ve
can’t help getting the feeling something is
already got something in common. As well
missing. This College Week I urge you all to
as this all the clubs in town are going to be
make sure your scone has plenty of raisins.
packed so there really is no excuse not to score. While it should be easy to get lucky during College Week if you want to maximize your chances of success try not to overdo it on the alcohol. Don’t panic, I’m not saying
For the average student money is an alien luxury.
of departure, but the top prices payable should not
Everything undertaken in not only their academic
exceed €350. While the flight prices can be daunting,
lives, but also in their personal lives boils down to
the sun can be equally enticing! The most important
money, or lack of it. This, of course, causes problems
thing to remember when going abroad is that while
because, well, what can you do with no money? So,
it can cost to get there; the sun resorts are generally
with this in mind, I decided to research the best ways
very cheap to live in for the time you are there.
for students to enjoy the upcoming summer, both at
Can’t afford festival or foreign holiday prices? Fear
home and abroad.
not! Why not try the newly popular staycation?
First, let’s get the obvious choice out of the way:
There are several areas of interest in Ireland, and
festival season. Not only are music festivals great fun,
believe it or not, several sun resorts! Tramore,
but they are an inexpensive way to have a break in
Bundoran and Dungarvan are among the most
the summer. The most obvious choice is Oxegen: the
popular, with our very own Salthill also a great spot.
biggest and best in Ireland. This year’s festival kicks
These can look so tourist friendly, you sometimes
off on July 9th, with the 8th being the extra day for
think you’re abroad. I would recommend Bundoran
those who opt for a four day ticket. Prices range
or Salthill, with Donegal town and Galway City
from €99.50 to €244.50, so this is a festival catering
nearby for your active holiday nightlife. While Irish
for many budgets. Another wise choice would be
beaches may not be as pristine as their
Electric Picnic, which has a growing fan base. This
Mediterranean counterparts, there is always
year’s EP is from September 3rd to 5th; nearer to
something comforting about holidaying in your home
your return to college but a nice way to end the
summer on a high. Tickets are priced at around €199,
Volunteering is an alternative way to go. Usually free,
making it slightly cheaper than Oxegen, for camping
or very cheap, this experience is not only fun but
anyway. Electric Picnic offers more than music; with
also rewarding. If you volunteer this summer with
comedians, artists and other entertainment acts
NUI Galway’s very own ALIVE initiative, you can earn
performing. There are also other festivals in Britain
yourself some formal accreditation in the form of an
and mainland Europe which could double as a
ALIVE Certificate from the university, which always
holiday; unfortunately several have sold out in the
looks great on a CV, so you’re securing your future,
pre-booking stages.
having fun and helping out all in the one go!
Should a festival not appeal to you, there is always
So, students, get your thinking caps on! Set a budget
the option of heading abroad for some fun in the
and stick to it. No matter what your budget is, there
sun! Most sun resorts are priced in the same region;
is always something fun to do with your summer.
with Spain and its islands, Portugal and Bulgaria being
Whether you jet off to sunnier climates, stay in
among the cheapest options. Student hostels are
Ireland or do your own thing, make sure to have a
often reasonable, though harder to find in the
great summer and return to Galway refreshed and
popular areas. Some can be as cheap as €26 per
ready to hit the student lifestyle once more!
Guide to a fun
low-budget summer by James Mulhall
James Mulhall offers tips on how to have a great time this summer without breaking the bank.
night. Flights can vary depending on the planned time
With second semester well underway and exam time
idea if you can, and the Craigslist website gives plenty
looming, what better way to distract the college
of accommodation listings for all cities over the US. The next thing that should be done as soon as
student from the stresses of lectures, assignments,
how to survive the
and study than the planning of their J1 summer. The
possible is getting your Social Security Number. This
J1 Exchange Visitor Visa allows third level students to
can take up to five weeks to process and is a feature
travel to the US and work legally there for up to
on most job application forms and essential to most
four months. The ‘working holiday’ is a chance for
employers. A useful tip if you are travelling to San
the full-time (and perhaps model) college student to
Francisco, the Social Security Office in Chinatown
take a summer-long stab at real life. This entails
can be very obliging in providing your number earlier
sorting out rented accommodation, finding yourself a
than this if you plead your desperate financial
job and the acceptance that the parental safety net is
situation. When job-hunting, take yourself and your
at least a five hour plane journey away. For the
résumé (not your CV) to the tourist spots. Pier 39 in
J1 America experience
Biking the Bridge
Satellite and night time shot of San Francisco
typical student, however, the J1 provides an escape
San Francisco is the principal tourist area where I
from the responsibilities that we students have to
and all of my friends found work in various
deal with throughout the year: a ceaseless flow of
restaurants and as ticket sellers for tourist
assignments, readings, and tests, and not to mention a
attractions. Also don’t be embarrassed to be cheesy
hectic and extremely wearing social life. With the
and extra friendly when looking for a job; it’s a
seemingly endless formalities of form filling and
quality that I found American employers endear to,
embassy meetings hopefully out of the way at this
shocking I know! House parties were the main
stage, all that remains now is the blissful anticipation
source of our messy fun-filled times and were a great
best tips on how to live it up
of what for me and my friends was the summer of a
way of meeting other J1’ers who ventured into
lifetime! With three months experience of life as a
parties like a moth to a flame. Partying with the
resident of Berkeley, California behind me, I hope to
fraternity brothers in our house was always fun, and
provide those of you headed for the Land of
getting to know people in work and those that you
Opportunity with a rough and mildly helpful guide on
live with can mean Facebook friends for life! If you
how to survive the J1 experience.
play football or hurling, get in contact with a club in
by Anne-Marie Fitzgerald
Heading to America this summer? Read below for the
If you have yet to get around to organising a
your city. It provides possibly the only exercise you’ll
roof over your head for the summer, or indeed you
get all summer and gives you the opportunity to
don’t plan to until after your arrival, don’t fear. My
socialise with the settled Irish community in your
friends and I exchanged emails with a fraternity
brother in Berkeley who assured us that we could
Tempting as it is to spend the majority of your
rent a room in his fraternity house for the summer.
hard-earned wages on the honest to God serious
Upon our arrival at Kappa Delta Rho we were
drinking habit that you develop in America, try to
greeted with a room full of vodka bottles, a snake pit,
save some money for travel (and food). There are
a serious lack of beds, and the distinct smell of wee.
some amazing places to see in America. I was lucky
Luckily for us we had landed in a college town full of
enough to visit San Diego, Las Vegas, the Grand
low-priced accommodation and had no problems in
Canyon, and Orange County. So go J1’ers, live it up
finding a more suitable, and as it turned out, more
for the summer, party hard and see and do as much
partying-inclined house. If you are seeking cheap and
as you can for it may be the most irresponsible you
cheerful accommodation, college lodgings are ideal.
will ever allow yourself to be.
Getting contacts from former J1’ers is also a good
La Taquita Dispatches from an Irish Student in Mexico by Aisling Walsh
Zapatourism in the Heart of Chiapas On the 1st of January 1994, an unknown masked army stormed the city of San Cristobal
and I was required to state my occupation and the purpose ofMichael my visitCera before being
de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico and declared war on the Mexican state. The EZLN (Ejército
escorted to the ‘Committee of Explanations’ followed by a brief meeting with the JBG. I
Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) or Zapatistas, an army of indigenous and mestizo
was met by three masked representatives and given a formal welcome to the caracol and
peasants, called for freedom, dignity, land, education, health, food and human and cultural
an explanation of its purpose. I was permitted to walk around freely and take photos of
rights, demands which had been ignored during 500 years of indigenous struggle against
the murals that decorate almost every building. I visited the huge school complex, some of
colonisation and later an oppressive Mexican state.
the weaving and artisan cooperatives and ate quesadillas in the small cafe.
16 years have passed since the Zapatista uprising and San Cristobal de Las Casas has been
Oventik is the most accessible and tourist friendly caracol. Some lie so deep in the jungle
transformed from a regional back-water to a hub for backpackers, activists and the
that Westerners are a rare and exotic presence and visiting requires prior permission and
Mexican military. Left leaning bookshops, gourmet restaurants and cafes with names like
security checks. Nevertheless idealistic Westerners visit these communities every year as
Revolution have sprung up to cater for the hoards of westerners that visit San Cristobal
human rights observers. Despite the cessation of open armed conflict, the Mexican
every year to partake in the ‘revolution’. In an attempt to find out how the Zapatistas are
government continues to fight a dirty war against Zapatista communities giving them
progressing I visited Oventik, Caracol II. A caracol (literally meaning snail shell) is a
constant abuse, taking prisoners and even perpetrating massacres of innocent men, women
Zapatista community and organisational centre. There are six in total dotted around
and children.
Chiapas' jungles and mountains, each one led by a Junta de Buen Gobierno (JBG), which
When I asked the JBG how Westerners can best show solidarity with the Zapatista
means ‘The Committee of Good Government’. The JBG looks after the affairs of the
struggle they responded by saying: “We are still here. Ours is not just an armed struggle
carcol and the Zapatista villages they represent while also providing clinics, pharmacies,
but a struggle for social justice. You can bring this message to your country.”
dental surgeries and primary and secondary educational services.
Arriving just before noon, I was the first visitor of the day. My passport was scrutinized
Next Sin deadline Tuesday March 16th 5pm Web Editor wanted for
Remote control robots to battle it out in Bailey Allen by Finn Krewer
Compsoc is organising a two day robotics themed event, Botwars in Aras Na
starter kit of code is also supplied. Entries are still open via email:
Mac Léinn on March 12th and 13th. There are two competitions on the two days
open to Irish universities to participate and it is open to students to see on the
There will also be an all console and projector games room, an all day movie
day. Botwars is an event where remote controlled student-built robots battle to
room with your favourite robot movies and the Compsoc debate of the year; PC
the death and will be held in the Bailey Allen Hall on March 12th. The Design
v MAC v LINUX. On top of that, there is a two-day LAN party on the 12th and
Build Code Challenge is a one day challenge on the 13th where teams of up to
13th – sign up is open at
three students must design, build and programme a robot to complete a certain
Of course there will be a night out afterwards with all the colleges that are
task. Robot kits are supplied to contestants in the form of Lego NXT kits and a
coming down to Galway for this event. Tickets are on sale now in the SocsBox.
YOUTUBE? ME TUBE TOO! Venturing into Youtube hell so you don't have to.
The Alf experience
A poorly dubbed Alf from Home and Away finds his world crumbling around him as a pair of his pants is stolen, his sideburns are abused, his toaster disappears and no-one seems to give a flamin’ hoot. The investigation starts out poorly as even the local police dive out of the surf club early to avoid Alf's melancholic mutterings before he latches on to an unsuspecting pool player. Things don't look helpful as the pool player repeatedly tries to back away, search around for assistance and genuinely seems disturbed at Alf's cross examination of who really in fact stole his toaster. Unfortunately things don't improve for Alf as in the following scene his dinner partners refuse to believe his claims that he invented lettuce as well as "inventing things" and "prawns" despite Alf's devoted selfassurance that he did. The experience does end on a redemptive note however as Alf removes himself from the table greeting a new guest on the way upstairs as a result of him soiling himself. Really Alf... By Nathan Reynolds
Best Bits: 1:07 - Did you steal my toaster? 1:44 - What about that time you said you invented "inventing things"? Well...that’s 'cause I did mate. 0:22 - F**king hell Alf, what do you want, ya crazy old bastard?
Small minded small timers know the difference between business and family Old money new money cash money family money money Nary has a soliloquy ever sounded so much like press packet lies
There’s something about a dirty old man
San der s
High C over E (over O
My Lord in unleavened bread
Like so many unfinished similes End of days, end parentheses
That brings out the inner child in me. Blinking blankly at the polar bear that Groomed his way into our home to stay
White, cute and cuddly from far away
Like a drop of slaughter in the ocean
Licking blood from his lips and chin His tongue a leech, silent and deadly
Of citric litigation that invites and inspires sacrilicious dividends
Michael Cera
Tal ki
Gethsemane blows the whistle and our means just defy the ends
“Hey buddy looks like they’re gonna need a new Orleans
Wh at
Enron Enron La ma Sabachthani By Shaun Le onard
Divine requisition forms stacked up on St. Pete’s table
Semi-colon upper case d
Breath foul to the taste Stale voice, mouldy face His prey in a cloud of
How about you grab a six-pack and I’ll see you down there
Steamed lust, wet want,
Crying like a financial portfolio in the dark
He had to stifle sounds
Everyone unabashedly and unknowingly taking parts
With his guttural growls
In LARP larks
As he funnel-fed me.
End of quotation marks
My head is sore from Banging it against notches On my butchered bedpost. There is something about Talking to you that brings Out the dirty old man in me. There is no such thing as Cuddly polar bears anymore They die all the time these days
Lit er ary
Ed ito r,
Swans stopped by to make sure I was ok
Sh a
Sitting still, till all of the story was out
ard , s. leo
Nodding mutely before flying away
rd 9@ nu ig
alw ay. ie
You heard their song as they flew Over The Claddagh and Galway Bay.
Gig Preview
Mary McPartlan
MA’s bring stars of Irish trad to NUIG by Katie Holmes I am one of the 13 MA Arts Policy and Practice students based in the Huston School of
fiddle player Frankie Gavin, accordion player Máirtín O’Connor, Steve Cooney the ‘musical
Film and Digital Media, and lately we have all been preparing hectically for the Traditional
polymath’, Róisín Elsafty sean-nós singer from Connemara, Lillis O’Laoire traditional singer
Arts Concert we’re producing on Thursday March 25th in the Bailey Allen.
from Donegal, Louis de Paor Irish language poet, Ronan Browne Uileann piper, amongst
It is the final, flagship event of the Arts in Action Programme, and as exciting as running
many others including Mary McPartlan, the sean-nós dancer Seosamh Ó Neachtain, Garry
around like a headless chicken is, we are all the more determined to bring you the best
O’Briain, amongst many others performing traditional and contemporary works in music
night because the performers are the best, traditional Irish artists from the Galway and
and song.
Gaeltacht regions of Ireland, drafted in for the students and staff of NUIG for one gig only.
As far as we, the MA Arts Policy and Practice students, are concerned, this gig is
Did you get to see Benjamin De Burca’s stencil graffiti art around campus last month? Did
something very close to our hearts. All 13 of us have taken various and multiple tasks
you enjoy Mari and Hakon Samuelson, a classical double act from Norway, relish the Italian
from design to tech, stage management to hospitality, marketing to production. It is all part
jazz ensemble Gatto Marte, who performed the music of the 1925 classic, Chaplin film,
of the music practice-based module this semester, and is essential to the course for giving
After the Goldrush?
us hands-on experience and responsibility for a concert that is produced by students for
If not, let me introduce you to the Arts in Action programme. The programme has been
students. In the coming weeks you’ll see us round campus alongside the Trad Soc, (who
described as ‘a far-reaching and original concept’, its aim being to give you, the students of
will also be performing on the night), attempting to remind you of the power and
NUIG, access to all art forms at an international level of excellence.
brilliance of our own traditional music and song, and the chance this gig offers to celebrate
During the year the programme brought NUIG a bit of everything from jazz to theatre,
and discover them.
and finally on Thursday March 25th in the Bailey Allen Hall, you are welcome to a gathering and celebration of Irish traditional music, song, dance and poetry.
Tickets are €10/€5 student concession, and are available on the door on the night, or
The night will be the perfect introduction to indigenous Irish traditional arts. We’ve got
from the Society Box Office (Socs Box 091-492852).
Léirmheas drámaíochta Moladh d’Óige Dhramatúil na hOllscoile
Cúigear Cáiliúl The Breakfast Club. Photo: Matt Burke
by Rachel Ní Fhionnáin ‘Who are you?’, is ea an cheist mhór a chuirimíd orainn go léir agus sin an chéad cheist a
Every family is dysfunctional, otherwise we would all stay at home forever and live with
cuireadh sa dráma ‘The Breakfast Club’ a bhí ar siúl le linn seachtain na drámaíochta sa
our parents!
choláiste in Áras na Mac léinn. Bunaíodh an dráma faoi dhéagóirí a bhí faoi choinneáil sa
Tugaim ardmholadh don stiúrthóir Podge Daly mar thug sé treoracha iontacha do na
scoil, iad gan tacaíocht ar bith ón mbaile ná ón scoil .
haisteoirí uile agus d’úsáid siad an seomra uile mar stáitse. Bhí smaointe greannmhara aige
Ag tosach an dráma tháinig an príomhoide ar stáitse ag tabhairt amach don lucht
faoi na ‘props’ a úsáid go háirithe na hirisleabhair agus na cealtáin.
féachanna (a bhí suite ag boird scoile ar nós go raibh muid i seomra ranga), ag rá nach
Bhí na ‘props’ an-oiriúnach do na carachtair, ag am loin sa dráma, d’ól an Nerd Capri Sun,
raibh fóinphóca in úsáid i 1985 agus nach raibh cead againn iad a úsáid!
le ceapaire bán gan ‘crust’ air, ní raibh tada ag Rocker ach ‘weed’ le buidéal 2 lítear Fanta
Chonaiceamar cúigear mac léinn suite i seomra, gan chaint seachas ón bpríomhoide a
ag Stud.
tháinig isteach ag béiceadh ag tabhairt aiste dóibh leis an gceist thuas. Nuair nach raibh sé
Theastaigh ón stiúrthóir a léiriú an leadrán a bhí sa seomra ag an tosach agus d’úsáid siad
istigh leo, bhíodh sé ina oifig ag féachaint ar ghrianghraf álainn dó féin.
na soilse i slí fíor éifeachtach i dteannta torann an chloig, ag cur don ghreann a bhí le linn
Fuaireamar amach diaidh ar ndiadh ‘cérbh iad’ na daoine seo: ‘Jock’, ‘Princess Claire’,
an drama agus cinnte bhí ceol na n-ochtóidí fíor éifeachtach.
‘Brain’, ‘Criminal’ agus ‘Basketcase’, pearsantachtaí a tháinig ó chúlra difriúla ach fós go
Cé go raibh sé deacair ‘Princess’ a chlos uaireanta mar bhí guth ciúin aici, bhí sí níos fearr
raibh fadhbanna pearsanta acu uile.
ag deireadh an dráma. Bhí ... ...
An chéad rud a sheas amach láithreach ná an seit agus an ealaín iontach a bhí sa chúlra. Bhí
Tugaim ardmholadh don stiúrthóir Podge Daly agus sheas Rocker, Nerd agus an
an script an-ghreannmhar le ráitis ar nós:
Príomhoide amach ach bhí obair fhoirne maith idir iad uile.
Things have changed by Sinéad Burke The five nominations for Best Original Song were not performed at this year’s Oscars. Sin’s Sinéad Burke examines the history of song in film and questions why now has the Academy decided to abandon the tradition. Introduced in 1934, the Oscar category for Best Original Song has a long history
‘Almost There’ and ‘Down in New Orleans’, both by Randy Newman from the
in Hollywood.
animated film The Princess and The Frog, ‘Loin de Paname’ by Reinhart Wagner
This year’s Oscars will mark ten years since
and Frank Thomas from the French film Paris 36,
Bob Dylan won Best Original song for ‘Things
‘Take It All’ by Maury Yeston from the musical film
Have Changed’, his song from the film Wonder
Nine and ‘The Weary Kind’ by Ryan Bingham and
Boys. Once again, it seems like Dylan’s lyrics
T Bone Burnett taken from the film Crazy Heart.
were prolific and reign truer today than when
Certainly the Academy acknowledges the
he wrote them a decade ago. Regarding the
importance of song in film; why else have the
importance of song in film, it seems that the
category? Songs can, and those nominated do,
Academy, to quote Dylan, “used to care, but
drive home the true message of the story being
things have changed”.
portrayed in the film on screen. The cancellation of
Earlier in the year, the Academy announced that
the live performances are reportedly due to the
this year’s five nominations in the category for
fact that the song category never delivered ratings
Best Original Song would not be performed
and that the removal of performances will free up
live at the ceremony in Los Angeles which took
more time, allowing the show to run more
place on Sunday. Instead, the songs were
smoothly without any big production
showcased with clips from the films that they
Ryan Bingham
featured in. This year’s five nominees were:
performances holding up the stage.
Gig Preview Lowerstate presents WBEEZA at Deeper in The Cellar by Sinéad Burke Lowerstate is a local electronic club night in Galway.
production can be jacking, swinging,
It started out as a simple idea between two friends - to bring quality electronic
jazzy, soulful, tough, deep and raw. He
music to Western Ireland. At Lowerstate club nights a balanced musical line
takes in the history of house, with an
between well-known classics and back-of-the-crate platters is kept, yet the
ear for Detroit, and gives it a true
sounds are always moving forward joining the dots between the deepest house
London stamp. With international
and techno. Originally based in the old-school Spanish wine cellar De Burgo's, the
support across the board in the Techno
night has now found a new home at the appropriately named Deeper - another
world from the likes of Laurent Garnier,
cellar perfect for their trademark up-close-and-personal parties. Kitted with a
to Sebo K (Mobilee), and through the
highly powered Funktion 1 system and customised lighting, the night makes it
House spectrum from Trus'me (Prime
easy for you to tune into that lower state of consciousness. After two years, and
Numbers) to Jus' Ed (Underground
more than 20 international guests the club has grown into one of Galway's most
Quality), to name a few and to even
established nights. On St Patrick’s day Lowerstate presents WBEEZA who will
being listed third in the Little White
play at Deeper in The Cellar.
Earbuds Top 5 Breakout Acts of 2009,
Signed to the very highly regarded Third Ear Recordings, WBEEZA is sitting
among the likes of Mount Kimbie and
comfortably amongst names like Brendon Moeller, Fabrice Lig and Theo Parrish,
Black Jazz Consortium. Tickets cost
bringing some well needed freshness to London’s dance music scene. WBEEZA’s
€10 and doors open from 11pm.
Berlin tops for techno grooves
When I was watching Up in the Air recently all the
techno. For some visiting Berlin is like a pilgrimage to
horrors of air travel were brought back to me- the
Mecca, for others it is a short holiday to sample the
overcrowded airports, the torturous security checks,
most unique nightclubs in the world.
the never-ending queues. Seeing George Clooney
“Berlin is the best place in the world for techno
navigate his way through baggage areas and flight
music.” Kingsley, a Galway student enthuses. “I visited
gates made me wonder why bother ever journeying
Berlin in August 2008. I was inter-railing and we
further than you have to? But I do and recently my
decided to start with Berlin because most of us were
reasons for travelling have been musical. In the past
really into techno. Berlin is amazing. It’s like a melting
year I’ve attended two foreign music festivals with
pot- there’s so much going on there. So many people
another one coming up in a few months and judging
go and the stories they come back with are insane.
by the amount of Irish people I’ve encountered, I’m
So you got to see if they’re true. We had four days
not alone. Flying around the world is no longer a
booked in Berlin and we went to four clubs. The
luxury for sophisticated jetsetters but for anyone
clubs in Berlin don’t close. It‘s a very different
with a credit card and the patience to put up with
experience when you don’t have to leave a club until
airport hassles.
you want to.” I’m curious to know why Berlin holds
The city which has perhaps the most experience
such allure. “You start listening to techno, and you
with this form of tourism is Berlin. Every month
realise that virtually everyone you’re listening to is Matthias Tanzmann and Len Faki
DJ Richie Hawtin
by Liam Griffin
Berlin, arguably one of the hippest cities in the world, is a Mecca for party animals, techno lovers and clubbers that never sleep.
thousands of people, dubbed the “easyjetset” arrive
living in Berlin”.
into Schonefeld Airport attracted by its infamous
I suspect the internet also plays a part in propagating
nightclubs, its talented DJ's and the stories of its
the myths which turn a lot of peoples’ sights to this
decadent parties going on all night and all day.
historical city. On internet forums and message
Berlin’s history as a party capital goes back to
boards tales of fantastic parties circulate the same
shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall when a small
way stories of schoolmates getting into a club using
event called the Love Parade was organised to
his brother’s driving licence would in secondary
promote freedom and music. Since German culture
school. When the world famous DJ Richie Hawtin
is synonymous with techno from its forefathers
was kicked out of Berghain, the most admired club in
Kraftwerk to its modern practitioners it was no
Berlin a few months ago the online chatter was
surprise that the Love Parade featured
deafening. Don’t expect to see any pictures of what
predominantly electronic music in the form of
Mr Hawtin was doing as photography (including
Techno, Trance and House. The Love Parade grew
mobile phones) is forbidden inside Berghain, which
from a few hundred dancers to a fun crowd of
adds to the mystique of the venue. The events of
40,000 partygoers in its mid nineties heyday only to
Berlin are discussed and analysed online and
fall apart into a mess of beer bottles and rubbish
momentum for the next weekend builds; people
when 1.5 million people participated in its later days.
outside Germany get wind of interesting parties and
Before it became a disaster, the parade brought in
a few more book their flights. With the arrival of
huge amounts of much needed revenue to a region
budget airlines a return flight might cost as little as a
which was suffering financially. The parade has not
meal out. The possibility of participating in this
been resurrected since its final swan song in 2003
increasingly global phenomenon is only a few clicks
but it is now spoken about with the same reverence
usually associated with Woodstock Festival. In
When Irish music magazine Slick DJ asked Berghain
subsequent years Berlin has maintained its esteemed
resident DJ Len Faki why he thought the club and
reputation as a paradise for weekend ravers and full
the city attracted so many people he said, “Berlin is
time clubbers. Its gigantic clubs such as Berghian and
changing all the time, that’s surely one thing that
Watergate situated on the banks of the river Spree
attracts all sorts of artists and visitors. I mean,
bring together the best of 20 years of house and
sometimes it feels like everyone from the scene has
moved here. There’s so much going on all the time
exceptionally less than most cities- including the
named Airbound, an Irish promoting group have
everywhere. You can have a really good party every
one you live in. The major reason for this is Berlin’s
organised two annual festivals on the Adriatic Sea in
day of the week. That’s pretty rare I think. And of
expectations for an economic overhaul following
Croatia. Situated in a remote fishing village called
course because of the town’s history there is a
reunification never materialised and now Berlin
Peticane the organisers brought over Djs from
special vibe. It’s not a beautiful shiny city per se, it’s
finds itself in a unique situation. The cost of land
England, Ireland, Germany and America for a highly
edgy, direct, but very open minded and relaxed. And
hasn’t increased the way it has throughout the rest
successful festival. The group are now organising
Berghian symbolises that perfectly and combines
of Europe and it has actually experienced a
other events in Barcelona and Berlin, with their
the east and west factor literally- in the way you
population decrease. But what is bad for Berlin has
next party on a boat in London at the beginning of
can do anything you want as long as you don’t
benefited the underground music community and
April. I remember being at a gig in Galway last
bother anyone else.”
tourists. Many artists have also relocated here giving
summer where a reasonably well-known DJ was
The hip website Hub Culture recently released
the city a liberal and bohemian feel. Because land is
performing but hardly anybody had shown up.
their 2010 Zeitgeist City Ranking and awarded
not in demand promoters have been given
When I asked one of the only people where
Berlin the number two position behind Sao Paulo.
opportunities to open and maintain clubs easier
everyone was he said “Croatia” and then groaned
The judges described Berlin as “cheap, but
than would be expected in other cities and club
about how he wished he was there with all his
fantastically cultured, somehow holding onto its
owners have creatively renovated disused factories
friends. It really brought home to me how easy an
personality despite all the changes”. Berlin is seen
or warehouses into cavernous clubs. Berghian itself
alternative it is to spend your weekend at a sunny
to many as the alternative to the overpriced and
is a former power station which many believe gives
fishing village than at home.
overcrowded cities elsewhere in Europe. Public
it its unique personality.
The sun is indeed a nice and forgotten side effect of
transport is cheap and easy to use and there is little
Kingsley agrees Berlin offers great value for money.
travel. Kingsley, who has also been to Sonar, a music
or no language barrier. “I don’t speak any German
“Door prices would be about €5 in and drinks are
festival in Barcelona agrees. “It’s great to be at a
which only pissed off one doorman.” Kingsley tells
pretty cheap. The door policy can be exclusive but
festival outside at night and be boiling hot. You go to
me. “In general Germans have very good English,
not expensive. What was strange was that you
Electric Picnic at the start of September and you
but they don’t like it if you assume they do. You
might pay more at a bar for a drink than you would
expect to have good weather but then it starts
have to be respectful.”
in a club. People are in clubs for so long that they
raining. I like that I got sunburnt [at sonar] when
The affordability is another important factor. The
don’t need to jack up the prices to make money. 24
the sun was coming up and Carl Craig still hadn’t
reality is that it can be cheaper for an Irish resident
hour clubs just rewrite the rules on how to run a
stopped playing even though he was supposed to
to fly to Berlin and stay in a four star hotel than to
business.” Berlin is not the only place where people
stop at 5.”
get a train to Dublin or Galway and stay in a bed
are prepared to fly to. Even promoters are finding it
Now, where did I leave my passport…? Suddenly
and breakfast. You can fly, sleep, dine and dance for
more desirable to organise events abroad. The aptly
the airport doesn’t sound that bad.
Matthias Tanzmann and Len Faki
Over the last few years the output of original
it." The Viper is a constant source of irritation to the
RTÉ programming has withered away as a plethora of
Hardy Bucks and is played by the uncredited Chris.
reality shows seemed to sprout like weeds in TV
"He's caricature-ish, kind of an absurd character. It's
listings, and entertaining comedy especially became
like he's got a bit of small man syndrome, a bit of a
very thin on the ground. But someone in Montrose
tool. He's the fly in the ointment and that's why he
got the idea to cultivate the burgeoning talent
gets a reaction."
of filmmakers, and the Storyland competition was
Even though none of the cast had acted before, the
born. Step forward the Hardy Bucks, winners of the
show is only loosely scripted by Chris and Martin
inaugural competition with their take on small town
(Maloney) with lines ad-libbed by the cast. "It helps
life in the West of Ireland and the funniest Irish
that we're a group of friends willing to act like idiots
comedy series for years. SIN spoke to co-creator
in front of each other", explains Chris. “Myself and
and director Chris Tordoff ahead of their live
Martin chisel out a story, set up the scene and direct.
appearance at NUI Galway's College Week to get the
The rest of the comedy comes from the actors and
lowdown on the 'skyboys'.
whatever they come up with on the day. We all
For those who don't know, Hardy Bucks follows the
appreciate each others comedic readings". The same
fortunes of four 'shturdy, reliable fellas' from a Mayo
approach is likely to be used as the teamwork on
town known as 'Castletown' with little to do apart
scripts for three new half-hour episodes they intend
from 'drinkin, fighting and shmokin'. Their exploits are
to film in the summertime for TV, with hopes of
shown in a mockumentary over nine episodes (plus a
being commissioned for further series. "The only
Christmas special) that quickly gathered a large
thing that worries me is having less control, with
Hardy Bucks
hardy Bucks play College Week by Pádraig McMahon
Hardy Bucks finally make it to Galway. Pádraig McMahon traces their journey.
following as Eddie, Buzz, Toastin and Boo struggle
YouTube we made it from scratch and I'd want to
through the recession, doing whatever they can to
direct it myself. It'd feel weird handing it over to
have a good time and maybe even escape to Galway.
someone else; there are so many people involved in
Throw in a supporting cast of 'characters' alarmingly
TV production. Hopefully it'll transfer to TV without
familiar to most people and a nemesis known as The
alienating the original fans of the show". In the
Viper, and it's no wonder the show has had over half
meantime the Hardy Bucks have been appearing all
a million hits on Youtube alone.
over the country in live shows, and come to NUIG
So has success changed Chris's expectations at all?
College Bar on the back of shows in the Roisin
"Our hopes have gotten higher for doing something
Dubh and Cyprus Avenue among others. So what can
with the show," he says." In the beginning we didn't
people expect from their appearance at College
anticipate doing something that would get so many
Week? "What we usually do to keep the authenticity
views. At first it was just a hobby but it's taken on a
of the characters is to have an interview format set
life of it's own". The same can be said of the
up, individually and then as a group," explains Chris.
characters, who are a 50/50 mix in terms of how
"They talk about their lives and their views. Most
'true to life' they are. According to Chris, "We've all
people who come along have seen the show and
got the town (Swinford) in us, but we're aware of it
enjoy it because they know the characters. We were
and how close we are to them. Otherwise you
at Cork Rag Week recently and it went really well,
couldn't make a comedy out of it. The others are
there were around 500 people at it. It's great fun".
being recognised the whole time,'Hey, you're Buzz,
Hardy Bucks play the College Bar at 6pm Tuesday
Hiya Eddie'. I can get away from it. I'm safe as long as
9th for College Week. Admission is free.
I'm not wearing shades and a T-shirt with a snake on
All 10 episodes are available on Youtube.
Galway becomes
Kayakers set off on the Long Distance race. Photo: Kelsie Sherman
the kayaking capital by Jamie McCauley Valentine's weekend was a busy one for the NUIG kayak club, who were proud to host
freestyle circuit. With the ULKC team comprising exclusively of former Irish
the 2010 National kayaking Intervarsties. The event is the second largest annual fixture in
internationals, they were the favourites for the event and they did not disappoint. The
the Irish kayaking scene topped only by the Liffey descent. This year 13 college clubs from
NUIG team consisting of Michelle Kearns, Ethan McMeekin, Darragh Craughwell and Barry
across Ireland descended on Galway city for the weekend. The weekend comprised of four
Loughnane put in a strong display to place a comfortable second ahead of GMIT-Castlebar
events; Kayak Polo, Long Distance, Freestyle and White water along with two parties.
who rounded out the top three.
The polo competition took place in the city on two pitches at the Claddagh basin, the
The most anticipated event was the white water race. This year NUIG took the event and
location of the 2009 Galway polo competition and the 2009 Irish canoe polo open. The
evolved it from a short race on a grade two section of river to a 2.5km race on a grade
city centre location attracted spectators from both colleges and the public, creating a buzz
three river, the Boluisce. This was no small feat with 32 safety boaters, all of whom
of energy around the matches. The competition concluded with the final between a
students or alumni of NUIG strategically positioned along the course to oversee the
fiercely competitive University of Limerick Kayak Club (ULKC) team and the annual
safety of all the competitors. The four teams who advanced to the boater cross finals were
favourites Maynooth University Canoe Club (MUCK). The match went right to the wire
GMIT-Castlebar, UCD, Trinity and NUIG. The finals were hotly contested with GMIT-
with MUCK taking the victory.
Castlebar taking first place and collecting the Deirdre Conroy Cup. This was GMIT-
The Long Distance event took place early Saturday morning in Galway's traditional home
Castlebar’s first event victory and a great moment for their growing club.
of long distance racing, the river Corrib. With a 5km circuit, starting at the NUIG sports
The overall winners of the 2010 Kayaking intervarsity were ULKC. NUIG came a very
grounds in Dangan, competitors raced in eight different classes over distances of five and
close second with GMIT-Castlebar in third.
ten kilometres. With a total field of over 220 boats on the water, it was a truly wonderful sight on a frosty Galway morning. NUIG fought hard to take the overall event ahead of
The Niamh Tomkins Memorial Trophy was presented to Irene O’Brien of University
ULKC in close second.
College Cork. On behalf of NUIG kayak club we would like to thank everyone who
The freestyle event was held at the Clifden play feature, a popular location on the Irish
helped run the event and all the competing teams who travelled to Galway.