Scia Engineer Brochure

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Metro Station Strizkov Prague EXCON a.s.

The latest technology for modelling, analysing, designing and detailing all types of structures in 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D

How far dare you go?

Innovation Scia Engineer is a new software platform for structural engineers. It models, analyses, designs and details any type of structure.

From the simplest to the most complex construction in concrete, steel, aluminium, plastic, timber or mixed, with integration of the local and international codes and with a link between the analysis and drawing components. • Object oriented technology • Bi-directional coherent link between the analysis and structural models (CAD) with a BIM (building information modelling) workbench • Extensive calculation functionality (linear, 2nd order, prestressing, dynamics …) • International applicable software (with a comprehensive range of design codes for various countries) • Structures with simple to complex geometry: straight beams, curved beams, flat and curved surfaces with reinforcement and varying inertia • Detailing: design of bolted & welded steel connections and of practical concrete reinforcement • The newest design techniques, e.g. fire safety control for steel and concrete • “Autodesign”: extensive capabilities for global and detailed optimisation of the structure • “Member Recognizer”: automatic transformation of general structural shapes into analysis objects • Open program interface for customization by the users • Continuous development by an experienced international development team

“Scia Open Platform”: improved exchange of design data with your project partners 3D Steel portal frame with ArcelorMittal Cellular Beam

“Template Analysis”

Mixed steel-concrete building, Sigma Projekt (HR)

Obtain a better and more complete understanding of the behavior of the structure

“Template Analysis” provides a quick, dedicated and easy-to-use solution for repetitive calculations. For example, the engineer is able to model in Scia Engineer a two-span beam including supports, loads and combinations, and obtains the required design documents. If he wants to use the same kind of project in the future, he assigns parameters to the relevant properties (span, loads, etc – see “Parametric Modelling”) and saves the project as a template. This is then used in Scia Engineer or in a special interface called Scia ODA, where the template works as a wizard, guiding the user through the necessary input steps, performing the calculation and displaying the updated calculation report. Typical applications: precast RC beams, steel portal frames, concrete slabs or simple bridges, water tanks, etc...

Speed Analysis and design of all types of structures are done thanks to the fastest finite element computing engine.

Proven speed thanks to: • Working graphically with intelligent structural objects (beams, columns, walls, floors, shells …) • Intuitive and easy to learn user interface • An open library of parametric models for a fast generation of new structures • Load generators (snow, wind, soil, water accumulation …) • “Active Document” with bi-directional link between the project model and the calculation report • “ChapterMaker” technology enables fast and customized creation of sub-chapters for any collection of items like members, profiles, load cases, combinations, etc. • Extended picture gallery: overview drawings, structural details • “Autodesign” and detailing following building codes for steel, concrete, composite wood, aluminium ... • Automatic general arrangement and connection drawings thanks to the unique “True Analysis” approach: structural and analysis model are generated in one go • Automatic finite element meshing • “Template Analysis”: quick reuse of user-generated parametric models for the creation of new designs • Support of 64 bit processors: allowing higher computing speed and the use of the entire available memory

This project illustrates the calculation speed, Arcadis Bouw & Vastgoed (NL)

“Structure-2-Analysis” The powerful “Structure-2-Analysis” algorithm transforms a typical CAD-model (with improper alignment or connections of building parts) into a model used for analysis. Location of this functionality in the structural analysis software ensures that the engineer remains the master of his model and underlying assumptions.

“Autodesign” Scia Engineer allows for an optimum design of steel and concrete structures. Advanced automatic optimization is performed according to design code provisions and additional rules by the user, defining if needed the relationship between different parameters. Optimized structural items include: hot-rolled and built-up steel profiles, types of steel connections, concrete reinforcement, etc...

Aluminium profile

Beams and columns reinforcement

Cooperation with other industrial partners (ArcelorMittal, Echo, Kaltenbach) for full engineering details

Virtual Modelling Scia Engineer is the building information modelling (BIM) solution that supports the full engineering work, from concept to detailing and construction

• Any material, any geometry, any size: the full structure is modelled with Scia Engineer • First “Parametric Modelling” software for the structural engineer • User defined templates to generate building parts and speed up modelling • Information rich objects • “True-Analysis”: two models are aligned internally, i.e. the structural work model and the analysis model. The engineer is mastering his analysis model, while keeping integrity with the detailer • Efficient change management through the BIM workbench • Collaboration is reinforced: conceptual design alternatives are quickly shared with the project owner, architect, MEP engineer, fabricator, contractor, … • Changes to the model are automatically reflected in all related tasks: design & analysis, engineering reports, quantities, drawings • Clash checks expose potential conflicts

A guaranteed quality and contribution to safety control

Assessment of the fire resistance of a steel structure

Significant added value thanks to its comprehensive and professional calculation reports fully linked to the structural model

“Parametric Modelling”

Soil-interaction for structures on foundation plates, Ingenieurbüro OHR (D)

Increase your profit margin by reacting quickly ‘in real time’ on each modification to the structure

In “Parametric Modelling” numerical values of selected properties of a model, such as node coordinates or load values, are replaced by variables. These are assigned a common value, or even formulae containing classical arithmetic and Boolean operators. Parametric properties are: coordinates, sections, materials, all types of loads, masses, prestressing force, etc. This is used for: • Standard project templates. With repetitive structures, the user creates a parametric model just once, including all necessary reports. The next time a project of the same kind is started, only some parameters need to be changed, and the project is finished. (see “Template Analysis”) • Sensitivity analysis. Using freely defined parameters, the designer is able to analyse quickly the effect of different variations for a given project. With the “Batch Optimizer”, a large number of possible combinations of parameter values can be run and the results plotted in Microsoft Excel to locate the optimum.

Design Competence Advanced design functionalities integrated within the modelling, analysis and reporting, all in one software platform

• Truly code compliant: Euronorm (with N.A.D’s), American code, several other ongoing codes. Learn different codes through Scia Engineer • Scia has dedicated product engineers watching the evolution of code changes for all materials: steel, concrete, prestressing, wood, aluminium, … • “What if” inspection for design alternatives for a structure or structural parts • “Autodesign” functions to automate the design process to find minimal weight or minimum cost • Visualize design decisions graphically • Integrate design with detailing: steel connections with bolts, welds … Steel reinforcement with practical lay-outs • Advanced design competence: fire resistance, concrete cracking, plasticity • Dedicated design know-how for specific structures: prestressed concrete, precast concrete, steel towers, pipelines, scaffolding, plastic tanks, … • Special modules for pre-engineered buildings

“Round-Trip Engineering” To meet the ever growing pressures of time, cost and quality on the engineering design office, a reliable, accurate and timely communication between every department and stage of a project is essential. The “Round-Trip Engineering” link between Scia Engineer and Allplan performs the iterative process of reviewing, refining or changing construction details during the course of the project. This two-way digital communication of geometric and even reinforcement data between the engineer and draftsman, reduces times to completion, avoids mistakes and results in substantially increased productivity compared to paper transfer.

Moving convoy loads

“SnapCheck” “SnapCheck” gives the user the power to not only perform a global Yes/No check of the structure, but to quickly investigate the detailed results and code checks for any single element in the structure. Whether a steel code check of a beam or connection, an analysis of the reinforced concrete interaction diagram or the stress/strain situation in a prestressed concrete section, all information is provided at a glance in a separate screen dialogue which is also sent to the Document. Timber design

Structural model with curved beams, Varitec (CH)

Peaks in stresses around the supporting columns of the gastank.

Quality The quality is guaranteed thanks to a user-friendly, precise and complete interface, as well as through clear visualization, calculation functionalities and output.

Quality: • Analysis and structural models are integrated: possible mistakes are eliminated • Visual control: 3D, transparency, hidden line surfaces, clipbox • 2D drawings are automatically generated from the 3D model • Professional calculation reports • Development and support from an ISO 9001 / 2001 certified company Safety: Reliable calculation results guarantee an indispensable tool for everyday use • Design and control with respect to fire resistance • Simulation of various loads (snow, wind, soil, earthquake, water accumulation) • Dynamic behaviour • Large deformations • Totally in accordance with the Euronorm and other international design norms • “SnapCheck” enables fast local structural safety assessments

“True Analysis”

Position of strands in a post-tensioned bridge.

Prefab elements

Interoperability is an essential part of Scia’s BIM concept (Building Information Modelling)

Complete and detailed control of the calculations and all results

Automatic generation of professional general arrangement drawings

Most structural analysis and design software systems traditionally work only with a so-called “analysis model”, consisting of just enough information to perform the analysis. Scia Engineer is unique in that it allows the engineer to very quickly define additional properties, such as element types (beams, columns, walls) linked to priorities, additional eccentricities or end-cuts for linear elements and surfaces, or even purely graphical objects (general solids). Having a structural model in addition to the analysis model has many advantages: • Quick general assembly drawings can be generated automatically. This is useful for internal communication, or in a tender stage, where no detailed drawings are needed • It is the only way to insure a consistent communication with CAD-software and guarantee the integrity of the Building Information Modelling process • Collision checks with the surrounding objects are performed

Communication Thanks to Scia Engineer’s interoperability options, innovation and productivity in structural design are getting a big boost.

“True Analysis” enables the project’s structural and analysis model to be generated in the same environment and in one single step. Scia Engineer supports a full “Round-Trip Engineering” of the structural model with Allplan, including geometry and reinforcement. With direct support of the Revit® Structure and Tekla Structures API’s, the analysis model is obtained directly from the CAD-package and changes are sent back. Scia Engineer also offers seamless data-exchange via IFC, XML, VRML, DXF, DWG, PDF 3D, etc. Competitive advantages: • Shorter and faster time to design a project • Higher productivity with an improved quality of engineering work • Cost reduction thanks to optimisation of weight, correct design & code compliance • Better communication and coordination: real help to understand the structural behavior • The best structural design software in the BIM process • Easier and faster detection and correction of conflicts and errors

“Active Document”

Deformations in a reinforced concrete floor Reuby and Stagg Ltd (UK)

Scia has passed the IFC 2x3 certification

“Active Document” Often as much as 30% of the work of the engineer is the creation and updating of project-related documentation. With “Active Document” the user greatly saves on that time, by: • Creating fully customizable standard templates containing all desired information • Updating the current document(s) to reflect the current state of the project • Allowing spreadsheet style changes to the value of any data in the document (node coordinates, loads, etc) Updating a report is reduced to just a few minutes!

Enabling innovative structures

Objects properties are always accessible

“ChapterMaker” “ChapterMaker” automatically creates chapters and sub-chapters showing tables and pictures for each element of a specified set, always up-to-date with the number of items in the current project. The output may be nested, to show for example the bending moment diagram for each load case, against each member of a given section type.

Specifications Scia Engineer

General - Scia Engineer user environment • Object-oriented: with a simple right-click of the mouse button you can modify, delete, copy … everything, everywhere • Well-structured property dialogues are used for fast viewing and editing of all object-properties • “Parametric Modelling”: geometry and loads • Templates and user defined models: individual generators • “Autodesign” of steel profiles and concrete reinforcement according to different codes • Several languages to be selected for the user interface and the reporting: English, Dutch, German, French, Czech, Slovak, Spanish, Romanian and Russian Input of your Structure - Modeller • Beams can be straight, curved, with haunches, with holes or completely arbitrary • Flat or curved surfaces with constant or variable thickness can have intersections with cut-outs, holes, sub regions with a different thickness or ribs • The calculation model is 2D and 3D with a perfect integration of beams and surfaces • A wide range of cross-sections is available in the standard profile library. It includes standard steel cross-sections (HEA, IPE, L, RHS, CHS, C, T …), concrete cross-sections, welded sections, thin-walled sections, pairs of sections, sheet welded sections, composite sections, aluminium sections, bridge sections, … • Load generators: water and snow accumulation, wind, soil loads, etc • “Round-Trip Engineering” with Allplan • EN code implementation: very easy and fast handling of national annexes • Import and export of the model with DXF, DWG, VRML, PSS, IFC, DSTV, XML, PDF 3D. Bi-directional links are available for “Round-Trip Engineering”, Archicad (Structural Work Link), ProSteel (Kiwi Software), Tekla Structures, Revit (Autodesk), etc Calculation • A wide variety of calculation types including linear, non-linear, prestressing, dynamics and global buckling analysis • Linear analysis (1st order) • Non-linear analysis • 2nd order with initial deformation and curvature of the structure, large displacements • Beams with pressure-only, tension-only, limited pressure or tension • Gap elements • Non-linear springs in hinges and supports (soil) • Cables • Dynamic analysis - Natural modes and frequencies - Harmonic loads - Seismic loads (modal superposition) - Non-uniform damping - Time-history analysis • Soil-structure interaction • Global structure stability (structural buckling: linear and non-linear) • Mobile and convoy loads • Membrane elements (tents) • Pressure only shell elements (masonry walls, nonreinforced concrete walls) • Code dependant concrete deflections (creep and cracking) • Material non-linear analysis for concrete (redistribution of internal forces) • Torsional buckling (warping) • Time dependant analysis for (prestressed) concrete structures including creep, stress history, shrinkage, ageing, long-term losses, relaxation and stress redistribution

• Construction stages (linear and non-linear) • “Autodesign” • Analysis after analysis: use results from one analysis as the initial situation of a new analysis Results • A wide variety of results in beams and slabs is viewed: deformations, internal forces, supports reactions, connections forces, internal stresses, contact stresses, foundation load table • Results are viewed generally for the whole structure or detailed for a selection of elements • The graphical representation of results is flexible and the user chooses between different possibilities Output - The document • The user defines the layout of the document: - Which tables should be printed - The contents and layout of each table - “ChapterMaker”, fast creation of pictures and tables - Customizable front page, headers and footers - The order: by load case, by element • Picture gallery for graphical views • The document is dynamic: the tables with results are updated automatically when the input data are changed and the structure is recalculated • Well-structured output is obtained using the automatic paragraph numbering • The user-defined layouts are stored as a template so that they can be reused for other projects • “Active Document”: the user may change the project input data in the document. The project model will be adapted automatically, the structure is recalculated and the document (results…) will be adapted accordingly • The document is exported to HTML, ASCII, RTF, PDF, PDF 3D. Steel Designer • Steel code checks according to a large number of codes: EN1993, NEN 6770/6771, DIN18800, CSN73-1401, STN73-1401.98, Önorm4300, CM66, SIA263, BS2000, AISC2005, IS800 • The steel code checks include design and optimization of cross-sections, section checks, buckling and stability design, lateral torsional buckling (including 2nd order – LTB II) • Automatic determination of buckling lengths with manual adaptations or input by the user • Various analysis methods available: 2nd order analysis (p-delta effects, bow imperfections), nonlinear analysis (hinges, supports, wind-bracings, members), seismic analysis (EN1998) and global stability analysis • Fire resistance checks according to the latest EN, NEN and SIA • Design of cellular beams (in cooperation with ArcelorMittal) according to ENV1993 and BS • Connection design according to the latest EN, BS and DIN with bolted frame connections, welded frame connections, pinned frame connections, bolted diagonals and pinned grid connections • Connection design with “Parametric Modelling” and “SnapCheck” features • Library of connection design for use with an expert system • The design of connections with a large variety of shapes and with a large range of stiffeners, additional haunches … • General arrangements and detailing drawings generated automatically for selected model sections or for each part of a connection

Timber Designer • Timber design according to EC1995 • The design of timber includes the design and optimization of cross-sections and check of creep deformations Aluminium Designer • Aluminium design according to EC1999 • The design of aluminium includes (bow) imperfections, transverse welds, HAZ data and the existing tools as provided by the steel design modules (optimization, etc) Concrete Designer • Concrete design of beams, columns and slabs according to a large number of codes: EC2, BAEL91, DIN1045, NEN6720, ÖnormB4700, CSN, BS8110, SIA262, ACI318, IS456 … • “Autodesign” of beams and columns • Enhanced crack proof control • Safe and economical design algorithm for bending and membrane forces in slabs, combined with an advanced algorithm for optimal steel reinforcement • Punching check in slabs • Prestressing and Time Dependent Analysis according to EC2, DIN, CSN, ONORM and NEN code. • “SnapCheck” for prestressed and reinforced concrete • Fire resistance according to EC2 Concrete Precast Designer • Precast Beams and Columns according to EN1992-1-2 including fire resistance check • Hollow core slab design according to EN1168 • Library of Beam Strand Patterns or Reinforcement Templates • Unique “Template Analysis” using Scia ODA (One Dialogue Applications) Composite Structures • Scia Mixbeam: Composite bridges modelling, analysis and checking according to the French regulations • Check of composite beams, slabs and columns in accordance with EN1994 for buildings and BS5950 • The design of structures includes final (composite) and construction (non-composite) stage and fire resistance design Special Steel Designer Modules • Scaffolding design: Input of initial deformation, member and connection checks for scaffolding structures according to EN12811-1 • Power mast checks: special checks for high voltage power mast according to EN50381-3-15 • Steel hall modeller: Special wizard for fast input of steel halls Scia Pipeline • “Autodesign” of 3D pipelines for onshore and offshore applications Detailer • Automatic generation of professional quality steel general arrangement drawings • Generation of anchorage and implantation plan • Different planes are selected and a picture will be generated for each plane • User-definable layout including all kinds of dimension lines • Possibility to add texts, lines, circles … • Final drawing is composed in the so-called “paper space” mode and is printed or exported to DXF, DWG …


Scia Group nv - Industrieweg 1007 - B-3540 Herk-de-Stad (Belgium) Tel.: +32 13 55 17 75 - Fax: +32 13 55 41 75 - For a complete list of all our international agencies and partners, please visit our website

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