5 Ways to Stay Fit and Beat Stress All Year Long

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5 Ways to Stay Fit and Beat Stress All Year Long

There is a strong tie between our bodies and minds. If the mind is stressed, the body is stressed to. How do you relieve stress? It turns out that exercise is one of the best ways to beat stress and make sure that your body is in peak physical condition. Every year, lots of women make the New Year’s resolution to exercise more and get or stay fit. This can be a double-whammy, also helping you achieve your goal of reducing stress and living a less anxious life. Exercise, even just walking around town, helps your body become better able to process stress and it can even release endorphins, which can seriously improve your mood and your ability to deal with tough situations. Plus, if you exercise outside, you’ll get the mood and immune system-boosting benefits of sunlight. All in all, there’s not really anything better than exercise for a stressed-out, over-worked woman. Here are five ways to fit it into your busy schedule in the next year. 1. Go for an early morning walk. Did you know that walking is actually one of the best stressreducing exercises out there? Not only is great for reducing stress, it can help kick start your metabolism and help give you energy throughout the day. If you opt for an early morning walk, you’ll get your daily dose of Vitamin D and the release of serotonin that will help improve your mood, your productivity, and your ability to combat stress throughout the day. There really isn’t anything better than a morning walk for stress-fighting. 2. Put the kid in a stroller and go for an afternoon stroll. Want to get out and exercise but have a young kid in the home? Walks are great for kids, too. They get the sunlight they need and the stimulation of being outside in the fresh air, on the move. If your morning is spent making sure lunches are made for work and school-goers, doing laundry, and otherwise getting the house in order, take a break in the afternoon, put the kid in a stroller, and go for a quick walk. http://natural-stress-relief-women.com/

3. Get a home gym. Most people believe that a home gym is out of their reach, either because they do not have the funds for the machines or the space to house them. But that simply isn’t true! Just dedicate one corner of one room to a machine, and you can get fit and beat stress right in the comfort of your own home, while catching up on reading, the news, and even work. A treadmill is the ultimate option for most people, as it allows them to walk, jog, or run, and avoid punishing weather outside. Simple aerobics equipment is small, easy to store, and can be used whenever and wherever. There are even stair steppers that are extremely small and easy to use. 4. Get a dog. If you don’t already have a dog, consider getting one—yes, pets are a huge commitment, but they also provide natural stress relief in the home and can actually encourage you to workout. Even the lowest-energy dogs (the ones that loll around the house all day and don’t bother to get up, even if you try to entice them with a game of fetch), love getting out of the house and going for a walk, which can encourage you to do the same thing. Plus, studies have shown that petting a dog lowers blood pressure and improves the mood. 5. Stretch to stay limber. If you’re not employing a regular stretching routine, now is the time to start. Stretching doesn’t just help you stay limber, it actually improves your body’s stress response and combats the physical symptoms of stress. Anxiety can actually collect in your muscles, making them tense and achy, especially if you pile exercise on top of that. Make sure you are stretching to ensure your body is a calm as possible.


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