Acne Treatment In Five Simple Steps

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Acne Treatment in Five simple steps

MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE essential steps to acne clear skin


Table of Contents Disclaimer ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Introduction �������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Suffering from Acne �������������������������������������������������������� 5 You are not alone ����������������������������������������������������������� 5 My Experience ���������������������������������������������������������������� 6 What causes Acne? �������������������������������������������������������� 7 What factors cause acne? ������������������������������������������ 7 Hormonal ������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Genetics ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Psychological �������������������������������������������������������������� 7 Diet �����������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Types of acne ������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 Cleansing ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 9 When you should cleanse your skin ���������������������������9 When you should cleanse you skin ��������������������������10 The typical steps for cleansing are as follows: ����������10 Which is the best cleanser? ������������������������������������������ 11 Exfoliation ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Why is exfoliation it important? �������������������������������11 Choose the right agent ���������������������������������������������11 How to exfoliate ������������������������������������������������������� 12 Spot Treatment ������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Toning ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Moisturise �������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Tips ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Myths ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16


Disclaimer The information contained within this publication is based upon my own knowledge and experience and takes into account the most recent published academic research. However it is not intended to replace the expert knowledge and services or a physician or dermatologist. This publication is intended to provide you with information to help identify cosmetic products but is not intended to substitute the decisions a doctor can make for you on a one to one basis. If you believe you have a serious skin condition you should seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner. There is nothing in this guide that can help diagnose your skin condition. If in doubt get the expert opinion of a qualified dermatologist Copyright




i I’m Susan Sadler the author of this guide and just like you I once suffered from terrible acne. This publication aims to help you understand acne and place you on the right path to treat your acne and stopping it from reoccurring. Often those suffering from acne don’t understand the basic causes of acne or the fundamentals of how to treat it. To be honest the wide selection of treatments available can make choosing the right one a daunting task, especially when a lot of them don’t work. Inspecting what some treatment products contain can also make you a little apprehensive to try them; azelaic acid and benzoyl peroxide don’t sound too inviting to your face but are two stable ingredients that are in a lot of the top treatment products and bring tremendous benefits for most sufferers of acne. Dermatology is a tremendously in-depth branch of medicine. I will keep to the basics of acne causes and the fundamental principles of treating and preventing acne as well as my own personal experience to successfully treating acne. I want you to maximise your chances of treating your acne without making you read unnecessary literature. The truth is for most people the procedure for treating their acne is relatively straight forward but it involves patience and more importantly consistency. One of the hardest aspects of treating acne is choosing a product that is effective. Acne Treatment Institute offers a comprehensive comparison of modern day over the counter treatments.


Suffering from Acne Everyone desires beautiful flawless skin, fortunately for those lucky few it comes naturally and they don’t put effort, thought or consideration into it, they simply have beautiful skin and perhaps take it for granted. However most people don’t have flawless skin and there are a plethora of skin conditions that you can suffer from, one of the most common is acne. With reading this guide and applying the knowledge contained within it you will significantly increase your chances of treating your acne. Don’t let acne affect your self-confidence, your social engagement or your life.

You are not alone You don’t suffer alone, acne is the world’s most common skin disease and affects 650 million people, just know that you don’t have to go through it alone and millions of people have been successfully treated. Everyone especially during adolescents will have an acne breakout with an occasional spot but approximately 15 percent of adolescents will suffer from frequent and persistent acne. It most commonly shows its first signs during early teenage years and peaks between 17 and 21 years old. This type of acne of adolescent acne is extremely common and easier to control than adult acne. Acne in its second most common form usually develops in early adulthood but it can arise at any point in someone’s life. Adult acne is harder to control and usually will require an oral treatment in combination with consistent skin treatment from acne treatment products. The treatment may also need to continue consistently for years or the acne may return.


My Experience My personal experience with acne started when I was a teenager. I had whiteheads, black heads and papules around my chin but mostly concentrated on my forehead. It really wasn’t a pleasant site. I remember having a few acute spots and the colour of my skin changing colour, getting slightly redder. Knowing what I know now I should have addressed the issue immediately but I didn’t and it developed to a state in which I was extremely embarrassed. It made me incredibly self-conscious, when talking to people all I could think about is ‘they were staring at my acne’. For women in particular there is incredible social pressure to look attractive and I knew that my acne was the polar opposite. For a teenager there is a unique problem of not quite being your own person but trying to be independent. I didn’t want to approach my parents for help as it was embarrassing, I didn’t think they would understand or be able to help. This was also before the time of the internet, if you could imagine such a place. It’s a lot easier in this day and age to get the information you need to treat acne so hopefully you won’t have to go through the same experiences I did. Within a relatively short space of time the acne on my forehead was getting worse. I felt that it had developed so much it was a prominent feature of my face and that I would be described as ‘the girl with the spots’. My skin was quite oily and I tried Clearasil to clean it and whilst you can visually see from the cotton bud the amount of dirt it cleans from your skin it didn’t produce any noticeable effect on reducing my acne. I made the huge mistake of picking and scratching my acne thinking I could clean it up and make it look less noticeable. If I’m being honest I went to some ridiculous extremes to clear my acne, it’s hard to say this because it sounds stupid but in my desperation I even used a nail file in an attempt to scratch off the spots on my forehead. Needless to say it didn’t have the desired effect and I had to cut my hair to have a fringe to cover up the atrocity I had created. At this point I was at

an all-time low; I pretty much made every mistake you could make and it was abundantly clear that I needed to approach acne in a completely different manner. It wasn’t long after hitting rock bottom and residing there for a while that I had success and in a relatively short space of time I managed to start seeing huge improvements and eventually be completely acne free. I have minimal scarring and have been acne free ever since. It wasn’t even hard to do once I knew how. All I had to do was follow a simple five step process. It’s a five step process that most of the major acne treatment products use and they do so for a reason. It works. You may already be familiar with the method but you need to consistently apply the methodology for a duration of at least four weeks to get noticeable results. The five steps are as follows:

1 Cleansing 2 Exfoliation 3 Spot Treatment 4 Toning 5 Moisturising The causes of acne can be split into two distinct categories internal factors (e.g. hormone levels, psychological stress) and external factors (e.g. clogged pores). While it is true that to maximise your chances of treating acne you should address both aspects that can cause acne your first port of call and the most effective is to treat acne externally. We will briefly talk about some internal factors but the majority of this document will address external factors. Education is your best weapon against acne. Thoroughly understanding what can cause it and what you can do to treat it is the key. For that reason I’m going to talk a little bit about the causes of acne. You can of course skip this section if you want to only read about the process of effectively treating of acne.



What causes Acne? Your skin is covered in follicles which are also known as pores. Microscopic Sebaceous glands (sometimes referred to as grease glands) within the skin produce Sebum which is an essential oil responsible for lubricating and waterproofing your skin. Usually sebum will travel through yours pores to the surface of your skin. People like us who suffer from acne due to sebaceous glands producing too much sebum and from pores becoming congested by a mixture of the oil and dead skin. When the oil becomes blocked it gives acne causing bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes, abv p.acnes) an environment to thrive, this produces the highly visible symptoms of acne. Though it’s not completely understood what causes some glands to produce excess sebum there are a number of contributing factors.

Genetics play a large factor in acne prevalence; this is backed up by numerous scientific studies. If you are genetically predisposed to suffer from acne then it’s unfortunately unavoidable and cannot be prevented all you can treat it to lessen the symptons.

Psychological You may have found correlation personally yourself between acne outbreaks and mental health, I for one use to have increased acne severity when I had a lot of mental stress. There are mixed reports on whether stress is a factor. Some people and some studies say that stress doesn’t increase the severity or risk of an acne outbreak but the National Institute of Health list’s stress as a factor. You may find that the effects of stress and acne differ from person to person.


This may surprise you but the relationship between diet and acne has a lot of contradicting studies surThere are a lot of conflicting findings for what factors can cause acne. Many different scientific studies rounding it. Many previous scientific studies have found there to be no correlation between diet and have published contradicting findings for many facacne. Though recent studies have found that certors. It seems that natural variation from person to person is quite large so it’s important to try to follow tain elements of diet may make acne worse but not best practices and find what works for you the best. necessarily greasy foods as you may expect. High glycaemic index foods can spike your insulin and the types of food that have recently been associated with What factors cause acne? worsening already associated acne. Foods with high Glycaemic index are typically white and sugary foods. Acne is caused from sebaceous glands beneath the You can immediately lower it by eating more complex skin which are controlled by sex hormones; this is carbohydrate equivalents such as brown bread and why acne is far more prevalent in teenagers than brown rice as well as less sugary foods. in adults. These grease glands produce our skins natural oils to protect our skin though sometime the Eating bad foods may or may not affect your acne pores to the skin become blocked usually by producbut eating healthy foods is always recommended ing excess oil. for healthy living and it may give your body a better chance of naturally defeating acne.


The causes of over active grease glands can be hormonal triggered. Events such as puberty or menstrual cycles are frequent causes. Also hormone altering medication such as steroids can have a similar effect.

Remember acne can only be treated it cannot be cured. The amount of treatment and the results you may see will vary significantly from person to person. Usually it takes a minimum of six weeks consistent treatment to see any results. Giving up treatment too earlier after not seeing immediate results is frequently the reason why many people never manage to treat their acne.



Types of acne Acne can take many different forms we are going to briefly identify the most common forms of acne. To help yo understand thie diagram below shows a normal follicle.

Normal Follicle Whiteheads much like blackheads are the result of another blocked sebaceous duct only this time the pore is closed and appears white. The pore being closed stops oxygen from contacting the blocked oil and without oxidising it will remain white. This is the only difference between white and blackheads.



Blackheads are essentially blocked sebaceous ducts in the skin, blocked by oil and debris. The pore is open but blocked it’s medically know as an open comedo. The dark appearance of a blackhead is caused by oxidation due to the open pore. It’s an incredibly common and misconception that blackheads are caused from lack of hygiene or dirt.

Pustules are large spots that contain puss they frequently cause significant inflammation on your skin. Most often they are on your face or areas that produce a lot of sweat like your shoulders or back. They look like your typical “big spot” an inflamed red area surrounding a white centre. The puss is created from your cells in your body fighting the bacteria that cause acne themselves breaking down. They can also grow into cysts and become hard if untreated, this is known as cystic acne. Again this reiterates the urgency of starting acne treatment as soon as possible. The best over counter treatments for pustules are those containing peroxide, salicylic acid and sulphur.


Cleansing Facial cleansing is the single most important factor in treating your acne. To maximise your chances of being acne free you need to know what to cleanse with, where and when. If you are prone to acne then you have probably been through the ritual of daily cleansing but most people don’t have a clue how cleansing actually works or how to cleanse effectively. Cleansing will not only clean your face by removing dirt it will also kill Propionibacterium acnes the bacteria that causes acne. If you kill the bacteria frequently then it will have a reduced chance of making its way into your pores.

When you should cleanse your skin You may be expecting a different answer but if you aren’t wearing makeup then in most circumstances cleansing your face just once a day should be sufficient. Too much cleansing is detrimental to your skin. Cleansing more frequently than once a day can cause irritation in your skin and subsequently create more dead skin. Dead skin is part of the recipe for developing acne it can clog pores and will increase the severity of your acne. I am sure that you can relate with the premise that everyone who suffers from acne wants to be cured and clear of the visual symptoms as soon as possible. Unfortunately this desperation to be acne free immediately leads many people to be too aggressive when cleansing their face. Your skin is delicate especially on your face it should not have any signs of pain, it shouldn’t be red or tingling if it is then you are washing and scrubbing too hard and it will only make your acne stay longer. For a cleanser you don’t need to aggressively scrub the active ingredients in the cleanser will do the work on their own. Most modern day cleansers don’t actually encourage you to scrub with a washcloth just gently apply them.


Cleansing Facial cleansing is the single most important factor in treating your acne. To maximise your chances of being acne free you need to know what to cleanse with, where and when. If you are prone to acne then you have probably been through the ritual of daily cleansing but most people don’t have a clue how cleansing actually works or how to cleanse effectively. Cleansing will not only clean your face by removing dirt it will also kill Propionibacterium acnes the bacteria that causes acne. If you kill the bacteria frequently then it will have a reduced chance of making its way into your pores.

When you should cleanse you skin


You may be expecting a different answer but if Facial c you aren’t wearing makeup then in most l ea circumstances cleansing your face just once a day should be sufficient. Too much cleansing is detrimental to your skin. Cleansing more frequently than once a day can cause irritation in your skin and subsequently create more dead skin. Dead skin is part of the recipe for developing acne it can clog pores and will increase the severity of your acne.


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I am sure that you can relate with the premise that everyone or who suffers from acne wants in to be cured and clear of tr the visual symptoms as soon as possible. Unfortunately this desperation to be acne free immediately leads many people to be too aggressive when cleansing their face.

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your acne

Your skin is delicate especially on your face it should not have any signs of pain, it shouldn’t be red or tingling if it is then you are washing and scrubbing too hard and it will only make your acne stay longer. For a cleanser you don’t need to aggressively scrub the active ingredients in the cleanser will do the work on their own. Most modern day cleansers don’t actually encourage you to scrub with a washcloth just gently apply them.

The typical steps for cleansing are as follows:


First wash and clean your hands thoroughly, there is no point cleansing your face if your hands are dirty you will just transfer bacteria from your hands to face.


Prepare your face by washing it with warm water. The warm water will open up the pores in your skin and allow deeper access into them for the cleanser.


Read the instructions for the cleanser you may need to work it into a lather before application. Apply the cleanser and massage it into your skin gently in circular motions. Most cleansers should be left for a minute allowing them time to work their way deep into your pores and dissolving dirt and attack bacteria.


After the allotted time recommended by the product has expired remove the cleanser from your face by either splashing it with warm water or gently using soft, damp cotton pads. Make sure all the cleanser is removed from your face. Any residual cleanser left on your skin can cause irritation.


After removing the cleanser you want to rinse your skin with cold water. This will close your pores and prevent dirt from entering them. It will also reduce any redness or inflammation in your skin and leave you looking more fresh faced.


Finally dry your face with a clean towel or paper towel. Dirty towels are a haven for bacteria and you will transfer them to your skin if they are used. Make sure you clean your towels regularly.


Which is the best cleanser? Picking an effective cleanser is a huge part of treating acne. Many people don’t get the treatment results they want simply from picking an ineffective cleanser. There are thousands of different acne treatment products available and the vast majority of them don’t deliver advertised or expected results. You have a lot of options available when it comes to purchasing a cleanser. One of the best products you can buy online is exposed skin care it is probably the best skin cleanser and complete acne treatment solution you can buy online. If you would prefer to buy a treatment plan or cleanser in person you should go to your local pharmacy and buy products that are noncomedogenic. Products from reputable brands such as Clinique or Neutrogena are also good choices if you can’t buy exposed skin care treatments. You can also ask an assistant which products they stock are currently treating acne with the greatest success.

makes their acne worse though there is the possibility they could be being too aggressive. It certainly helped me and I maintain it in my skin care routine. As the results are quite subjective you may have to approach it with an experimental mind-set; test it, look at the results and make any necessary alterations.

Why is exfoliation it important? Your body naturally builds new skin cells and sheds dead skin cells in a process known as desquamation. In normal circumstances dead skin cells fall off your skin without you even noticing, this is what the majority of dust in your home is made from. However in people suffering from acne this process doesn’t always function the way it is intended. If the dead skin cells aren’t shed in the way they are supposed they remain on your healthy skin and can contribute to your acne worsening. Dead skin will linger and get mixed with sebum oils. This can block pores which in turn lead to increased inflammation and greatly increase the chance of making outbreaks worse. This condition is called retention hyperkeratosis and is the reason why exfoliation is important to treat acne. Exfoliation is physical intervention using a scrub or abrasive pad to assist in the removal of dead skin.

Choose the right agent

Exfoliation Firstly the effectiveness of Exfoliation is quite subjective and results can vary quite dramatically from person to person. For me and based on my experiences exfoliation was an integral part of me successfully treating my acne but it doesn’t always help everyone treat acne. Some people believe it

There are many different exfoliating methods available but they fall into two categories, physical exfoliating agents and chemical agents. Many cleanser products designed to treat acne such as the exposed skin care treatment we recommend contain glycolic acid. Glycolic acid will gently dissolve the dead top layer of skin this means no physical abrasive agents are needed. Although an ingredient called Glycolic acid may not sound like it but this is a very mind form of exfoliation. I personally find I get better results when using it in conjunction with a physical agent. A word of warning; be careful of treatment solutions, gels and creams that contain naturally occurring rough exfoliating agents such as apricot pips. Whilst anything natural sounds great and may have implications of being gentle on your skin it’s not


necessarily true. Apricot pips for example are far too hard and rough, the pips will scratch your skin and cause inflammation as your skin tries to protect itself. You can also use a physical exfoliating agent such as a scrubbing cloth but there are still more gentle physical agents available that you such try first. A better option is to use a soft smooth silicone exfoliation pad or a mild exfoliating pad. I personally use a Konjac sponge and get excellent results. I always recommend starting with the most gentle options of exfoliation (konjac sponge or silicone bead) and if you think you need to exfoliated a bit deeper you can use a scrubbing cloth. If you are still unsure which product to use for exfoliation then you should speak to your dermatologist.

How to exfoliate With all the documented benefits of exfoliation it’s quite easy to see how some people can exfoliate too much, many people think that more frequent exfoliating will yield better results, however this isn’t the case. You definitely don’t want exfoliate too much, it’s quite easy to aggravate your skin from frequent exfoliation, ideally you should limit yourself to know more than two times a week.

Exfoliate in the morning Skin typically renews itself at night so the best time to help your skin shred its natural layer is in the morning.

Cleanse before exfoliating Follow the routine in the way laid out in this document, cleanse then exfoliate. If you exfoliate before cleansing you run the risk of scrubbing dirt and residue deeper into your pores, which will only exasperate your acne.

Be gentle This is really important and it is easy to be too rough unintentionally. Read the instructions on the product you choose. As stated previously exfoliating is a very subjective aspect of acne treatment for most people gentle exfoliating will make your acne better but you need to listen to your skin. Excessive redness or flaking from your skin is a sure sign that you are being too aggressive.


Spot Treatment


You may think that acne treatment and spot treatment is the same but spot treatment focusses on individual troublesome pimples. Cleansing will reduce the amount and severity of blemishes in your acne and exfoliation will help with the removal of dead skin, white heads and black heads. But for those persistent spots that don’t seem to be improving you can apply specific treatment. With most skin types you can use a product that contains more Benzoyl Peroxide on a specific spot that you can with a lotion that you will apply to your entire face.

The use of a toner agent is again a little subjective some people will see great benefits from using a toner whilst overs won’t, a toner won’t be detrimental to your skin though so it’s always worth trying. Results from using a toner depend on your skin and the type of acne you are suffering from. This stage of the skin care treatment is the least important in my opinion and may not be necessary at all. Try it and look at your results, if you like the way it makes your skin feel and look then continue using one.

Typical cleansers have around 2 - 5% benzoyl peroxide but spot treatments have up to 10% benzoyl peroxide which would be too concentrated to apply to your whole face but to individual spots it works wonders. It’s highly concentrated and gives maximum results and shouldn’t dry out your face if applied to a few individual spots. I don’t really need to cover spot treatment in too much detail. All you do is after you have cleansed (and exfoliated if needed) simply apply a small amount of the product on your most troublesome spots. If you want an effective spot treatment product you can try this one. Or if you buy a complete skin care product like exposed skin care one will be included.

Toners are applied to your skin after cleansing but before moisturising usually with a cotton ball or pad. Toners are designed to close the pores in your skin which prevents further dirt or dead skin entering them. I use a toner and if you choose to use on make sure it’s hypoallergenic so your skin shouldn’t react to it. Also you may want to look if your toner contains alcohol which could dry out your skin and exasperate your acne symptoms. All good skin care complete kits will contain a toner cream or lotion.


Moisturise To finish your routine you should moisturise. Cleansing your face often strips it of the essential oils that it needs to remain healthy. That’s the point of cleansing, you want to unblock pores and clean excess oil from your skin, but it won’t differentiate between excess oil and essential oils. Your skin is an organ and it needs moisture to function properly. To ensure that it doesn’t dry out, peel or crack you should use a moisturiser. Moisturising is an essential step and should be done unless you are in the very few minorities that have exceptionally oily skin and then moisturising may not be necessary. I moisturise after every time I cleanse my face. You should use a non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic moisturiser, this simply means that it won’t contain ingredients that could clog your pores meaning it won’t produce blackheads or whiteheads. There are moisturisers made for oily, combination or dry skin. For oily skin which is most common for acne sufferers the use of a gel based moisturiser is usually better suited, they provide essential moisture without overburdening your skin. If you suffer from particularly dry skin then you may be better suited to use a cream based moisturiser. They are heavier and longer lasting than gel based moisturisers but for most acne sufferers a gel based one would be more suited. Again the best approach is to moisturise and see, if your skin still feels dry use a stronger moisturiser. If it feels too greasy then you should change to a lighter product.


Tips 1

Sooner rather than later

Treat your acne as soon as possible; this is the single most important piece of advice to take with you. Acne can quickly develop from mild to severe if left untreated, the more you let it develop untreated the longer it will take to treat. Inflammatory acne where the skin turns red and swollen can cause severe acne scarring. Prevention of scarring is a much better option than treating it. Exercise patience with your treatment, acne may develop really fast but will take skin at least four weeks to improvements from treatment. Just to reiterate get treatment as soon as possible. Do it today.


Stick to one treatment

Many people suffering from acne try multiple products in desperation to treat their acne. The theory is that more treatments at once will speed up the healing process. This mentality will often cause people to abandon a product if they don’t see results in a few days. You need to stick with a product for a few weeks to see improvements. Changing products frequently can distress your skin and lead to bigger lesions and pigmentation. Stick to one treatment.


Choosing the wrong treatment

If you have acne prone skin you need to choose a product that will work for you. Unfortunately in the acne industry there are hundreds, even thousands of acne products available and many of them don’t deliver what you would expect. This is particularly arduous if you get a product that is going to be ineffective as you have to try it for a few weeks to see that it doesn’t work. Our recommend product is exposed skin care. Exposed have literally helped thousands of people become acne free. You can see some inspirational testimonials and pictures of previous satisfied customers on their website. If you don’t want to use exposed make sure your choice avoids harsh cleansing products. Alkaline bar soaps, and alcohol based cleansers carry a high probably of increasing the severity of acne.


Stopping treatment too soon


Don’t pick




Wash your hair frequently

To keep your skin blemish and acne free you should continue using an acne treatment product. If you stop using it too soon then there is a high likelihood it will return. When you become acne free the best action to take is to taper down on the amount of treatment you are applying. If you are cleansing once a day start cleansing once every two days. Then after a while if your acne still hasn’t returned start using it twice a week. For most people who suffer from acne you will need to continue using some treatment product even when it has gone.

I’m sure you have heard this numerous times and you know you shouldn’t pick but unless you know the reasons for it then the incentive isn’t always there. Picking or squeezing spots is far too harsh on your skin and picking spots takes healthy skin with it making the area affected bigger and deeper which massively increases the chances of leaving a permanent scar. You also run the risk of pushing infected materials further into your pores and spreading bacteria. You may think that picking spots makes your acne look better but in the long term it won’t

Never go to sleep with your makeup on. Makeup can be a major cause of skin irritation and while it won’t usually result in severe acne it can definitely lead to the formation of a few pimples if left on too long. The option to go through this entire skin cleaning routine may not always be available to you depending on your lifestyle. So as a backup you should keep a bag of baby wipes with you at all times, make sure they are suitable for use on your face.

Believe it or not your hair can increase the severity of acne. If you have long hair or a fringe then it can come in contact with your skin. Styling products from your hair can seep onto your skin which can trap acne causing bacteria in your pores. Depending on what hair styling products you wear there is a possibility you can make your acne worse.


Myths 1

Bad Hygiene causes acne

Bad hygiene causes acne is a total myth but is one of the most common misconceptions and the one that carries the highest levels of social implications. If you have the predisposition to get acne you are going to get acne, no amount of personal hygiene can prevent it. The best thing you can do is follow our guide to minimise the severity of your acne and treat it. Treat it as soon as possible, if you do have acne you have it for the shortest times possible.



There is a lot of conflicting opinion when it comes to diet and its effect on acne. Some studies suggest there is no correlation between diet and acne whilst others suggest there is at least a small correlation. The myth though is about the types of food that get commonly associated with acne. A lot of people assume eating greasy foods will make your acne worse and this isn’t true. Greasy foods you eat don’t directly equate to greasy skin. One possible link is high glycaemic index foods; foods that have a lot of simple carbs and refined sugars in them, not grease can make acne worse. These are foods such as white pasta and white

bread, simply switching to brown bread and brown pasta could lead to some improvement in your skin condition. High glycaemic foods spike you insulin which can trigger a hormonal cascade and endocrine response, this can result in further sebum secretion and more acne. A Mediterranean diet, one that’s free of processed foods and high in fresh fruit, veg and lean meats may contribute to an improvement in skin conditions. While there is a lot of contradicting evidence to the effectiveness of eating healthy has on acne it’s always best to try and eat healthy for general fitness alone.


Tanning will help acne

This isn’t true in most cases it may actually make the condition worse. This may be hard to believe to some people as they swear by it and to be honest it may give a short time visual improvement at the cost of long term condition. Tanning can mask the look of acne temporally but make the problem much worse as it will dry out your skin.


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