New Year, New You!

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New Year, New You!

We’re t o eeks i to the e ear, a d it’s still a ti e to keep feeli g fresh a d e and full of optimism for the year ahead. You may be someone who has resolved to read more, look at your phone less, exercise more, eat less junk food, or the #1 of course, lose weight. Ho e er, let’s ot destro our glass half-full outlook on 2015 by making these tough to keep promises to ourselves and buying into the whole New Year, New You o e e t. I stead let’s tr a e a to resol e our i es that is a it ore hu a and one that truly puts us in control of how we live our lives that will ultimately get us to where we want to be, New Year, Be You! We only get one life; we should enjoy it a d e true to oursel es. If e are ’t here e a t to e the it is up to us to ake that happen – e are i the dri er’s seat of our li es. What we do today becomes our tomorrow and if we really want something let’s get it! Little changes add up over time so here are 5 things that we can do in 2015 that will not change who we are at the core, but will help us to develop and grow: 1. Be a better listener – This is crucial for our personal and professional lives. Whe eeti g e people so eti es e are so fo used o hat e’re goi g to sa e t that e do ’t liste to hat the perso is urre tl sa i g to us.

Let’s e ore i the o e t a d e trul i terested i hat the other perso is saying, this helps to form better more trusting relationships. 2. Find the silver lining – Not everything goes our way, but usually at the very minimum we learn something from a tough situation. Keep the positivity flowing by recognizing this. 3. Step out of the comfort zone – Ask for a challenge at work, embrace it, this is the only way to learn and develop. Although it may be tough, we always get through it and come out having learned something new about our line of work, but also about ourselves. 4. Just go for it – Be confident, most of us question our abilities sometimes, which holds us back – this ear let’s just go for it! 5. Remember that we create our journeys – As long as we remind ourselves of this there should be no question that we are leading the life we chose for ourselves. Our decisions shape who we are and who we evolve into. 2015 is YOUR year!

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