Essential Characteristics for Bouncing Back after Life Challenges
When we experience major life challenges, it often feels like we will never recover. However, there are ways to come back strong. Either you are this person or you know this person: the one who can easily bounce back after a setback. She does not get bogged down in times of trials, instead, she powers through them, resilient and strong, even coming out of the crisis stronger than before. Luckily, the characteristics that make a person resilient can be developed. If you want to become a more resilient person, cultivate the following characteristics. 1. Self-awareness. People who seem to skate through challenges are usually highly selfaware. Not only do they understand the nature of their situation, they understand how they are going to react to it, and they know how to deal with those feelings effectively. Instead of simply wandering through the trial, they are aware of everything that is happening, both internally and externally, and they use that awareness to solve problems as they arise. 2. Knowledge of the nature of life. Understanding that challenges and crises are inevitable and will come despite your best efforts is one of the cornerstones of resiliency. This may make some feel powerless, but in reality, it should help you understand that flexibility and adaptability are important traits to have. 3. Knowledge that you have control of your own life. When something negative happens in a person’s life, they sometimes look for a person to blame outside of themselves. In many instances, however, there is no one to blame, and even if there is someone to blame, wasting time and energy assigning blame to that person solves nothing. However, understanding that you have the ability to change your own life, and that you have control over what you do and even what you feel can help you not only accept your own shortcomings, but also steer your life in a positive direction.
4. Problem solving. This characteristic may be the most difficult to develop, because in times of trials, we often want to wallow in our sadness and feelings. However, once you develop an attitude of problem-solving, you will be much better equipped to handle crises. When your first instinct is to look for ways to fix even little things, you become empowered throughout your challenge and do not get bogged down in failures. 5. A strong social group. Even if your social group is only one person, having a strong connection with other people can help buoy you in times of difficulty. They will want to provide help and support, or even just lend a listening ear. Having people outside of the situation that you trust can also lend you perspective about the situation. 6. Asking for help. Many people are actually afraid to ask for help, even if they know that they need it. When you know that asking for help is a sign of strength and selfawareness, not weakness, trials will be much easier to overcome.