Got Fat? The Ultimate Tips on loosing that stubborn weight
Got Fat? Copyright © 2014 by JMB
This compiled guide will cover tips on how to lose weight, muscle building, health, everyday motivation, compound exercises, equipments, cardio and all that hoopla you need to rid yourself of that not so lovely love handles as well as full proof programs you must definitely try out. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission for the author. 1
DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention 2
Compound Exercises What are compound exercises? A compound exercise is any exercise that involves the use of more than one major muscle group at a time. Typically, there is one larger muscle group that ends up doing the majority of the work, and then one or more smaller muscle groups that are recruited secondarily. So basically, if you don’t have much time to workout then this is the way to go. Here’s a list of the most common compound exercises along with the primary and secondary muscle groups each one targets: ● Flat, Incline or Decline Bench Press (barbell, dumbbell or machine) Primary Muscle Group : Chest Secondary Muscle Groups : Shoulders, Triceps ● Overhead Shoulder Press (barbell, dumbbell or machine) Primary Muscle Group : Shoulders Secondary Muscle Group : Triceps ● Dips (on parallel bars with slight forward lean) Primary Muscle Group : Chest Secondary Muscle Groups : Triceps, Shoulders ● Dips (on parallel bars with no forward lean) Primary Muscle Group : Triceps Secondary Muscle Groups : Shoulders, Chest 3
● Rows (barbell, dumbbell, or machine) Primary Muscle Group : Back Secondary Muscle Group : Biceps ● PullUps, ChinUps, Lat PullDowns (any type of grip) Primary Muscle Group : Back Secondary Muscle Group : Biceps ● Deadlifts (many variations) Primary Muscle Group : Posterior Chain (Hamstrings, Glutes, Back, etc.) Secondary Muscle Groups : Much Of Lower Body, Much Of Upper Body ● Squats (many variations) Primary Muscle Group : Quads Secondary
Groups :
(Glutes/Hamstrings), Lower Back 4
15 Best Workout Tips Want to know the secrets to getting a toned, trim body in record time? Put a few of these tips into action each week and you're guaranteed to see faster results! 1. Tone Up on the Treadmill "Save time at the gym with this 10minute cardio/sculpt session: Hop on a treadmill holding a three to fivepound dumbbell in each hand, and set the speed to a brisk walk. Do a oneminute set each of shoulder presses, biceps curls, triceps extensions, side laterals, front laterals and standing triceps kickbacks one after another as you walk. It’s an amazing upperbody challenge that also gets your heart pumping. Do this series two or three times each week. As you improve, work up to doing fourminute sets." —Michael George, trainer and owner of Integrated Motivational Fitness in Los Angeles 2. Power Up Your Runs "Adding wall sits to the end of every run will strengthen your quads, hamstrings and glutes, improving your speed and endurance. Lean against a wall with your feet shoulderwidth apart, then squat until your knees are bent at 45 degrees. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds; work up to doing 10 sets. Add a challenge by including heel raises: Lift your left heel, then the right, then lift both together twice."
—Mindy Solkin, owner and head coach of the Running Center, New York City 3. Chart Your Progress "Stay motivated using a fitness report card. Jot down these subjects: Cardio, Muscle Conditioning, Flexibility and Attitude. Set goals (for example, doing 10 "boy" pushups) and grade yourself A through F at least four times a year. When you see how much you improve, you'll want to stay in great shape." —Ken Alan, Los Angeles—based personal trainer 4. Try This All-in-One Toner "A sidestep squat with wood chop works your arms, torso, abs, back, legs, inner thighs and butt. Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart holding a three to fourpound medicine ball in your hands. Bend your arms up so that the ball is at eye level over your right shoulder. As you bring the ball toward your left knee, step out with your left leg and bend it no further than 90 degrees, keeping your right leg straight. Return to the starting position. Do 10 to 15 reps and repeat on the other leg." —David Kirsch, trainer and author of The Ultimate New York Body Plan (McGrawHill, 2004) 5. Break Out the Shovel "Why pay someone to clear snow from your driveway? Besides burning nearly 400 calories per hour, shoveling snow develops muscular 7
endurance and power. But be safe: Minimize the amount of snow on each shovelful, and bend from your knees and hips, not your back." —Tom Seabourne, Ph.D., exercise physiologist and sports psychologist at Northeast Texas Community College in Mount Pleasant, Texas 6. Work Out During Your Workday "Sit on a stability ball to strengthen your core, and keep dumbbells or exercise tubing at your desk. Squeeze in 12 to 15 reps of exercises like dumbbell curls, overhead presses and ab crunches; aim for two or three sets of each. This gives you more free time to fit in fun workouts like biking or tennis." —Gregory Florez, personal trainer and CEO of Salt Lake City — based 7. Take This Jump-Rope Challenge "The best cardio workout is the jumprope doubleturn maneuver. It's intense: You'll burn about 26 calories per minute! Do a basic jump for five minutes, then jump twice as high and turn the rope twice as fast so it passes under your feet twice before you land. This takes timing, patience and power. But you'll get in great shape just by working at it." —Michael Olajide Jr., former number one world middleweight contender and cofounder/trainer at Aerospace High Performance Center in New York City
8. Give Yourself a Break "You don't have to be a fitness saint to get results. Follow the 80/20 plan: Eighty percent of the year, you'll exercise regularly and eat well. Know that you'll slip 20 percent of the time due to holidays and work deadlines. When you accept that fitness isn't an allornothing proposition, you're more likely to stick with it for life." —Maureen Wilson, owner/personal trainer/instructor, Sweat Co. Studios, Vancouver, B.C. 9. Get a Jump on Weight Loss "Add plyometric box jumps to your workout to improve your cardiovascular stamina and leg strength — you'll really sculpt your hamstrings, quads and glutes. Find a sturdy box that';s at least one foot high [like a Plyo Box, $139.95; 8885567464;]. Starting from a standing position, explosively jump to the middle of the box, then jump back down. Repeat 20 times." —Michael George 10.
Don't Skimp on Carbs
"Your body needs them to fuel a workout, so reach for fruit or highfiber crackers an hour beforehand. If you'e exercising for 90 minutes or longer, include some protein so that the carbs break down more slowly, giving you longerlasting energy. Your best bets: lowfat cheese and crackers, trail mix or half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." —Cindy Sherwin, R.D., personal trainer at the Gym in New York City 9
Maximize Your Crunches
"Don't relax your abs as you lower your chest away from your knees during a crunch — you get only half the abtoning benefit! To get the firmest abs possible, you need to sustain the contraction on the way down." —Steve Ilg, founder of Wholistic Fitness Personal Training and author of Total Body Transformation (Hyperion, 2004) 12.
Intensify Your Push-Up
"Squatthrust pushups get you in great shape because they work your upper body, core and lower body and improve agility, strength and endurance all at once. From a standing position, bend down, put your hands on the floor shoulderwidth apart, and jump your feet back into plank position. If you're strong, cross your ankles; otherwise, jump your feet wide apart. Do a pushup, then jump your feet together or uncross your ankles. Jump your feet back to your hands and stand up. Do eight reps total, rest for one minute, and repeat." —Keli Roberts, Los Angeles — based trainer 13.
Paddle Your Way to Flatter Abs
"Go kayaking to get a taut stomach — it's ideal because much of your rowing power comes from your core. Mimic the motion and resistance of the water at home by looping an exercise band around the bottom of a table leg or other fixed object. Sit on the floor with legs extended, knees slightly bent; grasp one end of the band in each hand. Rotate your torso 10
to one side as you bring the elbow back slightly, then switch sides. Do three sets of one to three minutes each." —Barbara Bushman, Ph.D., associate professor of health, physical education and recreation at Southwest Missouri State University 14.
Make Over Your Running Routine
"Unless you're training for a marathon, skip long, slow, distance running sprinting builds more muscle. Add a few 10 to 60second sprints to your run, slowing down just long enough to catch your breath between them." —Stephen Holt, 2003 ACE Personal Trainer of the Year 15.
Super-Sculpt Your Butt
"Get great glutes by targeting the muscles and connective tissues buried deep in your body. To hit them, do highintensity squats, such as jump squats. Then, blast off butt flab with crosscountry skiing, bleacher running and stair climbing." —Steve Ilg 11
4 Healthy tips to lose weight losing weight can be daunting task. But while you’re at it, why not lose weight and at the same time, stay healthy? after all, health is wealth. here are four tips healthy tips to lose weight. 1. Nix that alcohol A 5ounce glass of wine or light beer generally packs about 100 calories. Consumed every day for one year, 100 extra calories adds up to a 10pound weight gain. 2. Cut Your Carb Servings in Half Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that everyone should follow a lowcarb, highprotein Atkinslike diet—or the currently trendy Dukan Diet. What I’m suggesting is to eat half of the bread, or the rice or the pasta, you’d normally have, plus extra veggies on the side to fill you up! (Choosing whole grains, which generally contain more fiber, will also help you feel fuller for longer.) To lose the extra weight I gained while pregnant with each of my boys, I started having one slice of bakery bread spread with peanut butter instead of two for breakfast. 3. Have a Salad Every Day for lunch I’m talking a big salad with loads of fiberrich vegetables, topped with a little lean protein: chicken, salmon or baked tofu. Research suggests that both fiber and protein are particularly satisfying. 4. Eat Every 3 or 4 hours When you’re cutting calories, it’s important to spread them out so that you don’t get too hungry. I find that having a meal or snack every few hours keeps my hunger in check. Keep in mind, though: 13
the more frequently you eat, the lower in calories your snack should be. Good choices: an apple and a few almonds or some raw veggies with a few tablespoons of hummus. 14
Top Ten Cardio tips Cardio exercises will benefit your weight loss goals in no time! plus, it will keep that big red pumping machine inside you very healthy. Here are some tips to ensure your cardio is very effective. 1. For fat loss, cardio should be done on an empty stomach. (Everyone knows this, no need to go on with it.) 2. Cardio and weightlifting should be done 8 hours apart from each other. 3. Start small with cardio, and increase gradually (weekly). This way if you are dieting to be ripped you will not eat away at your hardearned muscle. 4. Each cardio session should not be done the same. Vary your forms of cardio, whether it is running, rowing, martial arts, and so on. This way it will not be boring (for those who really hate cardio) and it has something to do with your body not getting used to it. 5. This is concerning cardio for fat loss. Your body starts consuming fat after a certain time during your cardio. Some say 20 minutes, but it depends on the individual (everyone is different). So a helpful tip is to keep your cardio going for at least 30 minutes, this is moderate to highintensity cardio. 6. Always, always, stretch your muscles before cardio. Do a good stretch before each cardio session (includes calves, quads, hamstrings). If you don't, you will be feeling it 5 minutes into your cardio. 15
7. Switch up the intensity during your cardio. Start with a short walk, go into moderate, then high intensity, then (if you can) do what I like to call ultra intensity, then reduce it down to moderate, and end the session with a nice and easy pace. The walking parts should only be like a minute or two combined! Your cardio should consist of 50% moderate, 40% high, and 10% low. 8. It is important to know your target heart rate (THR). This is a must, because if you're under your target heart rate, you're not doing much to get yourself ripped. The actual equation is subtract your age from 220, but I use a heart rate monitor. 9. Never ever do your cardio right after your workout . For any of you that do this, or are thinking of doing it, don't! After a workout, your body is in need of food and other good stuff, and if you do cardio right after, just think what is going to happen. Something so bad, so terrible, so disgusting, that I forgot ... So that just shows you that it must be pretty bad, so don't do it! 10. concerning fat loss: cardio will not make you become a lean mean muscle machine, it's only 10% of the equation, the other 90% is nutrition. I would bump up the nutrition but that will depress everybody. 16
Weight Loss Motivation: 13 ways to stay on track Who doesn’t want to get motivated whilst burning that fat? lose that weight in a stress free way while having fun! try these few tips to stay motivated. 1. Have lots of sex First off, it's pretty damn fun. But it can also keep you on the slim track. Having an orgasm releases the same endorphins in your brain that eating chocolate doeswithout the calories. 2. Chart your progress Weight loss is serious business. Treat it that way. Weigh yourself every morning 3. Face Your Reflection When you feel fat you probably shun mirrors. Turns out you should do the opposite. 4. Get Rubbed A new study from Ohio State University shows that women who accept their bodies are more likely to have better eating habits. And decadent as it may sound, getting a massage can help with that. 5. Become a class regular Join a group exercise class and make friends with your fellow regulars. Seeing your pals will inspire you to attend even when you feel like playing hooky. 6. Call on Your Inner Cheapskate Consider buying a package of personal training sessions and scheduling all your appointments now. 17
7. Get Gabbing Reams of studies prove that support from other people can keep you motivated to lose weight. 8. Lift The weight you’ve lost Use dumbbells that correspond to the number of pounds you've already dropped. 9. Get out Your sexiestskinny outfit You know that yogurt commercial where a woman takes a teenyweeny yellow polkadot bikini and hangs it on her wall to help motivate her to lose weight? She's one smart cookie. 10.
Rock out A recent study by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity found that people are more likely to stick to an exercise program if they listen to music while working out.
Enlist Fido Consider adopting a fuzzy friend if you don't have one already. Studies show that owning a dog can help you drop pounds.
Make a promise It's really hard to blow off a commitment you've made to lots of people.
Score some free stuff There's no motivation like saving money. And since insurance providers want you to stay healthy so you don't develop expensive diseases like diabetes, some offer perks that make getting fit easier.
Top 7 Home exercise Equipment Going to the gym is the most common way to workout. But that doesnt mean you can’t lose weight in the privacy of your own home. Here are some top equipments you can use and are easily bought online. 1. Heart Rate Monitor Burn fat faster by monitoring your heart rate in real time with a heart rate monitor. Heart rate monitors usually have two components: a) chest strap and b) a wristwatchtype display for instant feedback of your heart rate. No more guessing if you’re working hard enough while doing cardio. 2. Resistance Bands A great alternative to hand weights for resistance and strength training, especially if you travel. Resistance bands look like large rubber bands and usually come packaged with a variety resistance. 3. Dumbbells Cardio is great, but it’s only one part of a weight loss program. Ramp up your fat loss by adding weights and dumbbells for resistance and strength training. 4. Physio Ball No matter what you call it, the bottom line is it’s a large polyvinyl ball (typically between 18 and 28 inches in diameter). You can use it for just about anything: as a bench for weight training, for ab exercises, stretching. 5. Step Bench A step bench is a FUN piece of equipment. It looks like a long step stool and is used for step aerobics. You’ll really get your heart pumping with one of these. 19
6. Home Gym Systems Allinone home gym systems, like Bowflex, have everything you need to get in shape and build muscle. They’re great space savers if want to get serious about weight training, but don’t have the room. 7. Elliptical Trainer Elliptical trainers give you a big bang for your cardio buck by combining your lower AND upper body into your workout. 20
7 Tips For clothes shopping During a Weight Loss Transition Clothes can be a big factor to motivate you in losing weight. Updating your closet during weight loss can (and will) urge you further to purge that fat away. 1. Start with what you have One of the best ways for how to dress while you’re losing weight is to start with what you have on hand. It probably isn’t necessary to go out and buy all new clothes at one time. 2. Dont Buy everything at once If you lose 15 pounds, good for you! But don’t go out and buy 5 new pairs of jeans. Just buy 2 for now. If you lose more weight later, you won’t have all these excess pants that don’t fit. 3. Emphasize the Basics One tip for losing weight is to emphasize the basics of your wardrobe first. 4. Pick Patterns Most people who are overweight are told to buy plain colors to make them look slimmer, so during your weight loss, to keep from looking frumpy, do the opposite. Buy printed scarves, shirts and accessories to add pizazz to your outfits and to keep from looking drab and enjoy your hard earned work to wear fun prints! 5. Be Brave You’ve worked hard to lose weight, so quit picking up all those plain outfits, and be a little brave when you go shopping for new clothes! 21
6. Spend a little here and there Instead of celebrating your weight loss with one huge shopping trip, spend a little here and there over time. A shirt here, a blouse there, a skirt next time, etc. This not only keeps you motivated, but also ensures you aren’t buying too many clothes before you’ve lost all your weight. 22
And there you have it. Now get up and start shedding those unwanted weight in no time!