Master This One Shopping Habit Now To Avoid Financial Stress Later

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Master This One Shopping Habit Now To Avoid Financial Stress Later

Do you know how to enjoy higher quality products on a budget? It’s easier than you think! All it takes is a little insight into where to look, what items are worth the extra cost and when to incorporate them. If you are trying to manage your money effectively, you may be convinced that shopping at dollar stores and browsing the discount rack at “regular” stores are your only option. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Actually, buying fewer and better items may be a superior financial strategy. You can be frugal and still enjoy higher end products and services that enhance your health and well-being. Benefits of Buyer Higher Quality Products 1. Minimize and reduce stress. The material things you love can create headaches and frustration when they break down and need repairs. A brand name tablet may function better and last longer than the obscure model that’s on sale. That means LESS stress, irritation and frustration for you! 2. Helps you save time. Think about it for a moment. When you have fewer belongings, you will spend less time cleaning, maintaining, and fixing them. You can even vacuum and dust your house faster because the clutter is gone. That alone is a HUGE benefit for me! 3. Results in LESS waste. I don’t know about you, but for me I take comfort and pride in knowing that what I do as a consumer has a positive impact on “mother earth”. Goods that are manufactured to stricter standards often use materials and processes that are eco-friendly. You’ll also be dumping less stuff into landfills, and making this planet a better place for us and generations to come. That ranks high on my list too! 4. Makes you feel more confident. I never follow trends. For me, its more important to develop my own personal style instead of blindly following the latest trends. And it saves me a LOT of money too! I choose items that suit my lifestyle and sense of taste. If you want to manage our money properly and avoid unecessary financial stress, you need to learn to do the same. You’ll be content with your ballerina flats until they wear out, even if celebrities ( or your colleagues, neighbor, or best -friend) are wearing stiletto heels this season.

Check out these places to find Higher Quality 1. Invest in yourself. The money you spend investing in yourself through education, training and coaching could be your wisest investment. I consider myself a life student, always interested in learning, and investing in improving myself and my skills. A practical stress management course and personal coaching may pay for itself many times over if it helps you live the stress-resilient, happy life you deserve and avoid further financial, physical and emotional challenges. 2. Improve the beauty of your home. This may seem like an odd piece of advice, but its best to shop for used furniture and accessories. I have discovered that used furniture is often better made than contemporary pieces, and cost far less. They just don’t make things like they used to anymore, so I stretch my dollars by shopping for used furniture whenever I can. That does not mean you should buy stuff that is no loner any good. LOTS of used furniture is still in TOP condition because the previous owner bought high quality stuff and took very good care of it. Those are the types of used furniture you need to keep you eye out for. 3. Take good care of your car. After my house, my car is my biggest expense. Here too, I choose to be a good used car. But depending on your situation, a reliable vehicle with good gas mileage may be a better bargain than sinking more money into your old car that’s constantly breaking down. In some parts of the world, employer subsidies might make public transportation cheaper than driving. If that applies to you, GREAT! In my neck of the woods, a car is essential. So I buy a good used car and take extra good care of it by getting an oil change and tune-up every 4 months. 4. Schedule a medical check-up regularly. It’s common for women to cut back on medical care when money is tight, but that can backfire. Managing chronic conditions and treating new symptoms promptly could help you avoid a more costly hospital stay or other major procedure. I schedule bi-annual check-ups with my natural health doctor, since I am very much in to natural and alternative remedies. That help me stay on track health wise and nip a problem in the bud before it gets out of hand, if anything is detected. My grandmother always used to say: “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. That 100% true when it comes to your health. 5. Buy, prepare and eat nutritious food. You’ve probably heard about corn subsidies that enable low prices on junk food. Healthier food is worth the higher prices to lower your medical expenses and keep you and your family healthy. One of the best ways to build a stress-resilient body is to eat nutritious food! 6. Gift your wardrobe a facelift. Do you have a closet full of dresses and suits that you regret buying? You can give them a facelift or a new breath of life by combining them with something new. Try putting together a new wardrobe with a limited number of versatile garments you love. Calculate the best buys by thinking in terms of cost per wearing. If you mix and match in a creative way, you’ll be surprised at how gorgeous you look in your “new creations”. 7. Make time to enjoy your leisure. if money is tight and oyu cannot afford the sky high prices for sporting events and amusement parks, I have GOOD news! There are many enriching free or low-cost activities. Visit the library to read a classic novel or play each week. Sign up for modern dance classes or gourmet cooking lessons. Try photography classes, or backyard camping. Even backyard bird watching can turn out to be a really pleasurable, relaxing and enjoyable way to spend your leisure time without breaking your budget.

8. Treat Yourself To A Vacation. Weekend getaways are awesome! Smaller and more frequent getaways always give me more pleasure than taking one grand vacation that leaves me feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. of course, if you have kids and they have to be in school, then this might be more difficult for you. Research destinations that you can visit for a day trip or long weekend. Then treat yourself to a weekend vacation regularly. 9. Prove Your Generate By Giving to Charity. Consider providing support the way major foundations and philanthropists do it. Give larger amounts of money to fewer causes to have a greater impact. Pay more attention to value rather than price tags. Owning fewer items of better quality can make you healthier, happier, and more productive. And isn’t that what we all want?

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