2 minute read
Membership Corner
from FVMA Advocate Issue 1, 2020
To all our veterinarian and affiliate members,
I am excited to serve as your new director of membership and certification at the Florida Veterinary Medical Association (FVMA). Having previous association experience, I understand how crucial our role is to all of you, and how we can strive to make your jobs easier. The work of our association is to provide its members with professional tools and support, to offer world-class continuing education, and to fight for the well-being of all veterinary professionals and animals. I am passionate about this role and will work every day to advance this profession.
Your FVMA team is always looking to enhance your benefits and provide more communication to you throughout the year. We will be rolling out several new benefits. Our first will be a monthly legislative/regulatory update. This update will keep you posted on what is happening at the state Capitol, provide an overview of bills we are monitoring, and discuss new regulations and issues that affect the veterinary profession at the local level. We will keep you informed about how we are supporting you and this amazing profession through our year-round advocacy program.
Another of our goals is to expand the membership and benefits of our affiliate groups. The FVMA’s new Team Member Engagement Specialist, Tammy Borden, is leading this endeavor to make the affiliate membership program more robust. We aim to streamline the program, grow the overall membership, and build a stronger relationship with all team members in this profession.

The FVMA thrives because of our members' support. We are recognized as a national leader, expert, and advocate for the veterinary profession. We appreciate your continued membership and engagement. The support that we have received has made us a successful association since 1928, and we will continue to work for the advancement of this profession for many more years to come.
Renew your membership by March 31 st , so we can continue to provide you with discounted rates for continuing education offerings, and fight for legislation that protects veterinary medicine and makes a positive impact on what you do. Please encourage your colleagues who have not yet joined to become members or affiliate members of the FVMA. We need everyone involved in fulfilling our mission: to advance the veterinary medical profession, promote animal health and well-being, and protect public health.
— Brandon Wilson FVMA Director of Membership & Certification