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Felix Wantang

Toronto, Canada

While working for a missionary hospital in a small town called Nguti in Cameroon, Felix Wantang received his first visitation from Jesus Christ in October 1991. After graduating with an MBA from the European University Madrid - Spain, he eventually moved to Canada in 1999 where he started meeting regularly face-to-face with Jesus Christ to learn the language of Heaven, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the supernatural mysteries of the Holy Bible. During one of the meetings in 2006, Jesus asked him to start writing the Hidden Supernatural Mysteries of the Holy Bible and the Language of Heaven because the Church for the most part has lost its way. His book is a series (trilogy) of Biblical revelations from Jesus Christ in the Language of Heaven titled, "Face to Face Meetings with Jesus Christ". Felix Wantang lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife and children. He continues to meet face-to-face regularly with Jesus Christ to learn more from God's plan for humanity.
