'Y Cerdyn' - 2016

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Dyddiad Darfod: Expiry Date: Rhif (iau): No (s): Diben Swyddfa yn unig For Office use only

PLEASE NOTE: In order to keep down the cost of this ticket, we do not maintain a database of holders. We do not issue replacement cards under any circumstances.

HAVE YOU ENCLOSED £15.00 AND A PHOTOGRAPH FOR EACH CARD REQUIRED? Please make cheques payable to: 'Ffestiniog Railway Company'

A YDYCH WEDI AMGAU £15.00 A FFOTOGRAFF AM BOB CERDYN? Gwnewch sieciau yn daladwy i: 'Cwmni Rheilffordd Ffestiniog'

Côd Post • Post Code

Cyfeiriad Sefydlog Permanent Address

Dyddiad • Date Eich Llofnod • Your Signature

Home owners and permanent residents in Conwy County Borough, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd, Anglesey or Wrexham. Valid for 5 years, 'Y Cerdyn' costs £15.00 and offers... Large discounts on all andThird return Third Classon the • Large discounts on all single andsingle return Class tickets tickets on the Ffestiniog & Railways. Welsh Highland Railways. Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Each adult senior citizen card-holder, Third Class, • Each Adult or or Concession 'Y Cerdyn' holder,travelling travelling in Third Class, cancan take a FREE accompanied child aged 3 -315 yrsyrs with them. take a FREE accompanied child aged - 15 with them. is not necessary children to have 'Y Cerdyn' unless there • It isItnot necessary for for children to have 'Y Cerdyn' unless there are aremore morechildren childrenininthe thegroup groupthan thanthere thereare areadults. adults/seniors. Children under the3yrs ageold of 3dodonot notneed need'Y'YCerdyn' Cerdyn'orora aticket tickettototravel. travel. • Children under To apply you will need a completed application form, a passport sized photograph and £15.00. (Please make cheques payable to: 'Ffestiniog Railway Company') Take these to a Booking Office in Porthmadog, Blaenau Ffestiniog or Caernarfon Station for processing - or send with an S.A.E. to 'Y Cerdyn', Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways, Harbour Station, Porthmadog, Gwynedd, LL49 9NF Don't forget to always carry 'Y Cerdyn' with you, as it must be shown to obtain your discounts. If you want to travel on the same day as purchase, please allow at least 30 minutes before the train departs to enable processing.

Rwy'n cytuno i dderbyn isddeddfau ac amodau'r Cwmni. • I agree to the Company's Bye-laws and conditions.


Oed (os dan 16) Age (if under 16)

Ffestiniog Railway

Enw cyntaf First name

Rheilffordd Ffestiniog

Cyfenw Surname

Welsh Highland Railway

Mr / Mrs Miss / Ms

Rheilffordd Eryri

Ffurflen gais am 'Y Cerdyn' • 'Y Cerdyn' Application Form

EICH HAWLIAU Perchnogion tai and thrigolion parhaol ym Mwrdeisdref Conwy, Sir Ddinbych, Sir Fflint, Gwynedd, Sir Fôn neu Wrecsam. Mae'r 'Cerdyn' yn costio £15.00, yn ddilys am bum mlynedd ac yn cynnig... • Disgownt da ar bob taith un ffordd neu ddychwelyd, Trydydd Dosbarth, ar Reilffyrdd Ffestiniog ac Eryri. • Gall deiliaid o'r 'Cerdyn', oedolyn neu consesiwn, sy'n teithio Trydydd Dosbarth, fynd ag un plentyn rhwng 3-15 am ddim ar y tren. • Nid yw'n angenrheidiol i blant gael Cerdyn, oni bai bod mwy o blant nag o oedolion yn y grwp sy'n teithio. I gael cerdyn rhaid i chwi gwblhau'r ffurflen, cael llun maint llun trwydded deithio a £15.00. (Gwnewch sieciau yn daladwy i: 'Cwmni Rheilffordd Ffestiniog') Ewch a'r rhain i un ai'r Swyddfa ym Mhorthmadog, Blaenau Ffestiniog neu Caernarfon lle y cewch y cerdyn a'i ddefnyddio'n syth, neu eu hanfon gyda'g amlen hunan gyfeiriedig a stamp arno i 'Y Cerdyn', Rheilffyrdd Ffestiniog ac Eryri, Gorsaf yr Harbwr, Porthmadog, Gwynedd, LL49 9NF Cofiwch gario'r cerdyn efo chwi bob amser am fod yn rhaid ichwi ei ddangos pan yn gofyn am ddisgownt. Os ydych yn bwriadu teithio yr un diwrnod ac yr ydych am brynu eich cerdyn, yna gofalwch gyrraedd beth bynnag 30 munud o leiaf cyn i'r tren adael fel y gallwn prosesu'r cerdyn.

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