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2021 FSAWWA Awards ..............................................................................................40 Blue Planet Environmental Systems ........................................................................63 CEU Challenge............................................................................................................19 Data Flow ....................................................................................................................47 Florida Aquastore .......................................................................................................57 FSAWWA 2022 Fall Conference ................................................................................26 FSAWWA Drop Savers Contest .................................................................................31 FSAWWA Fall Conference Exhibitors Thank You ....................................................27 FSAWWA Fall Conference Premier Sponsors Thank You ......................................28 FSAWWA Gold and Silver Sponsors Thank You .....................................................30 FSAWWA Platinum Sponsors Thank You ................................................................29 FWPCOA Training Calendar ......................................................................................55 Florida Water Resources Conference Announcement ...........................................12 Florida Water Resources Conference Information..................................................13 Florida Water Resources Conference Sponsorships .............................................14 Florida Water Resources Conference Sponsorships .............................................15 Gerber Pumps...............................................................................................................9 Heyward ........................................................................................................................2 Hudson Pump .............................................................................................................37 Hydro International ......................................................................................................5 Lakeside Equipment Corporation ..............................................................................7 Mead Hunt ...................................................................................................................18 PolyProcessing ..........................................................................................................43 UF TREEO Center .......................................................................................................41 Vaughn Nugent ...........................................................................................................58 WEF Access Water Platform .....................................................................................33 Xylem ...........................................................................................................................64 1. B) do not have health-based standards set under the Safe Drinking Water

Act (SDWA).

Per the EPA website, Monitoring Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminants, “EPA uses the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) to collect data for contaminants that are suspected to be present in drinking water and do not have health-based standards set under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).”

2. B) All systems serving 3,300 people and greater and a representative

sample of systems serving under 3,300 people

Per the EPA website, Monitoring Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminants, “The SDWA Amendments of 1996 and the amendments by Section 2021 of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) provide for: • Establishing a program to monitor for priority unregulated contaminants in drinking water every five years. • Monitoring all large systems serving greater than 10,000 people, monitoring all small public water systems serving between 3,300 and 10,000 people, and a representative sample of small public water systems serving fewer than 3,300 people; this expanded scope is conditioned on the availability of appropriations and sufficient laboratory capacity. • Storing analytical results in a National Contaminant Occurrence Database (NCOD).”

3. A) Contaminant Candidate List (CCL)

Per the UCMR 5 Public Meeting, the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL): “The SDWA 1412(b)(1)(B) required EPA to establish a listing of contaminants that are: • Not subject to any proposed or promulgated NPDWR • Known or anticipated to occur in PWS • May require regulation under the SDWA • Published every five years.”

4. C) EPA

Per the EPA website, Monitoring Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminants, “All laboratories conducting analyses for the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) must be approved by EPA.”

5. A) EPA

Per the UCMR Public Meeting, EPA responsibilities on behalf of small PWS, “EPA funds costs associated with analyses and shipping for small PWS (i.e., those serving 10,000 or fewer people).”

6. D) Lithium

Per the UCMR 5 Fact Sheet, “The UCMR 5 proposal specifies assessment monitoring for the 30 contaminants (29 PFAS and lithium). . .”

7. D) 2023 and 2025

Per the EPA Monitoring Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminants website, “The proposed fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 5) was published on March 11, 2021. The UCMR 5, as proposed, would require sample collection for 30 chemical contaminants between 2023 and 2025 using analytical methods developed by EPA and consensus organizations.”

8. A) Entry point to the distribution systems

Per the UCMR 5 Public Meeting, Sampling Frequency and Locations, “Sampling is proposed at the entry points to the distribution systems.”

9. B) Four times per year (about every three months)

Per the UCMR 5 Public Meeting, Sampling Frequency and Locations, “The UCMR 5 proposal identifies sampling frequencies and locations consistent with those used in UCMR 1 – UCMR 4 • Surface water systems (including those using groundwater under the direct influence of surface water) sample four times (~three months apart) during their year of sampling • Groundwater systems sample two times (five to seven months apart) during their year of sampling.”

10. A) Laboratories that performed the sample analysis

Per the EPA Monitoring Unregulated Drinking Water Contaminants website, “Based on the UCMR 5 proposed rule, published March 11, 2021, laboratories responsible for sample analysis would post data to EPA’s web-based Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review System (SDWARS) on behalf of public water systems (PWS), consistent with prior UCMR cycles. Users (including PWS that wish to review/approve data posted by their laboratories) access SDWARS through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX).”

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