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information 24 hours a day and those desires do not stop just because people get behind the wheel. Drivers don’t always realize the dangers of taking their eyes and minds off the road, their hands off the wheel, and focusing on activities other than driving.
Company Policy
Every company should have a policy that prohibits the use of cell phones while driving, but just having a policy is not enough; it must be communicated to the affected employees, compliance must be monitored, and violations enforced. The National Safety Council has a free cell phone kit available to help develop a policy. There’s information to assist with understanding the issue, obtaining buy-in from leadership, and educating employees. There’s also a sample cell phone policy to use as a blueprint for your organization.
There are severe consequences if one of your employees is involved in a severe or even fatal accident while on company business and was found to be distracted because of using a cell phone at the time of the accident, especially if your organization does not have an established cell phone policy. There have been numerous documented lawsuits with multimillion-dollar settlements awarded by juries to the victims involving distracted drivers.
Prevention Strategies
Distracted driving is a complicated issue and must be approached through multiple channels. Enacting laws banning the use of cell phones and increasing the penalties for violators will deter some, but not all drivers. Continued driver education and awareness are vital tools in changing drivers’ behaviors.
Distracted driving is a learned behavior. There have been surveys where young drivers cite instances of observing their parents using their cell phones while driving. Education is the key to breaking the chain of distracted driving for future generations of drivers, which will ultimately make American roadways safer.
Consider the following to minimize distractions while driving: S Adjust mirrors, temperature controls, and entertainment consoles when you first get into the vehicle. S Input your destination into your GPS before embarking on your trip. S Stow cell phones in the trunk or glove compartment. S Turn off cell phones and have a programmed message informing the caller that you are driving and you will call them after you arrive at your destination. S If you must use your cell phone, pull off the road to a safe area before making or answering a call. S Never take a photo with your cell phone unless your vehicle is stopped. S If you stop for food, eat it while your vehicle is parked. S Do not perform personal grooming while driving. S Purchase and install GPS mounts that allow you to keep your head up.
For more information go to the official website for distracted driving at www.distraction. gov, or the National Safety Council website on the topic at http://www.nsc.org/learn/NSCInitiatives/Pages/distracted-driving.aspx. S

Outstanding and Most Improved Water Treatment Plant Awards
Class A, Class B, Class C Deadline: Friday, March 18, 2022
Outstanding Water Treatment Plant Operator Award
Deadline: Friday, March 18, 2022
AWWA Operator’s Meritorious Service Award
Deadline: Friday, March 18, 2022 For more information please go to our website www.fsawwa.org/WTPawards or contact Paul Kavanagh at (813) 264-3835 or kavanaghp@hillsboroughcounty.org