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2021 FSAWWA Awards ............................................................ 59 Blue Planet Environmental Systems ..................................... 79 AWWA ACE22 ......................................................................... 15 AWWA Water Equation ............................................................ 46 Data Flow .................................................................................. 53 FSAWWA African-American History Month .......................... 55 FSAWWA Drop Savers Contest ............................................. 47 FSAWWA Water Professionals Thank You ............................ 43 FSAWWA Young Professionals Summit ................................ 77 FWPCOA Training Calendar ................................................... 71 FWRC ...................................................................................10-13 Gerber Pumps ............................................................................ 9 Heyward ...................................................................................... 2 Hudson Pump .......................................................................... 19 Hydro International .................................................................... 5 Kamstup ................................................................................... 57 Lakeside Equipment Corporation ............................................ 7 PolyProcessing ........................................................................ 63 UF TREEO Center Training ..................................................... 61 Xylem ........................................................................................ 80
Continued from page 60 1. B) Stormwater systems
Per FAC 62-330.010(2), Purpose and Implementation, “The ERP program governs the following: construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, repair, abandonment, and removal of stormwater management systems, dams, impoundments, reservoirs, appurtenant works, and works including docks, piers, structures, dredging, and filling located in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters.”
2. C) 9,000 square feet
Per FAC 62-330.020(2)(c), Regulated Activities, “a permit is required prior to the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, or abandonment of any project that, by itself or in combination with an activity conducted after Oct. 1, 2013, cumulatively results in any of the following: (a) Any project in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters; (b) A total of more than 4,000 square feet of impervious and semi-impervious surface areas subject to vehicular traffic; (c) A total of more than 9,000 square feet of impervious and semi-impervious surface area.”
3. D) 5 years
Per FAC 62-330.320(1), Duration of Permits, “Unless revoked, extended, or otherwise modified, the duration of a permit under this chapter is: (1) General permit - Five years to construct, commencing from the date notice is received by the agency, or the date the agency verifies compliance with the terms and conditions of the general permit in accordance with Rule 62330.402, F.A.C., whichever is later.”
4. C) At the work site of the
permitted activity.
Per FAC 62-330.350(1)(b), General Conditions for Individual Permits, “A complete copy of this permit shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity during the construction phase, and shall be available for review at the work site upon request by the agency staff. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to beginning construction.”
5. A) add additional treatment
capability to an existing stormwater management system.
Per FAC 62-330.451(2)(a), General Permit to Counties, Municipalities, and Other Agencies to Conduct Stormwater Retrofit Activities, “(1) A general permit is granted to counties, municipalities, state agencies, and water management districts to construct, operate, and maintain stormwater retrofit activities as authorized below for improving existing surface water and stormwater systems. This general permit may be used in conjunction with exempt activities. (2) Types of stormwater retrofit activities authorized under this general permit are: (a) Construction or alteration that will add additional treatment or attenuation capacity and capability to an existing stormwater management system.”
6. C) 30 feet.
Per FAC 62-330.453(3)(d), General Permit for Installation, Maintenance, Repair, and Removal of Utility Lines, “A general permit is granted for the installation, maintenance, repair, and removal of underground utility lines, cable, conduit, or pipeline transmitting electricity, communication signals, potable water, raw water, reclaimed water, domestic wastewater, propane gas, or natural gas …The maximum width of the disturbed corridor in wetlands shall not exceed 30 feet.”
7. C) 150 feet
Per FAC 62-330.457(1)(d), General Permit for Subaqueous Utility Crossings of Artificial Waterways, “A general permit is granted to any person constructing, repairing, or replacing a subaqueous utility crossing of artificial waters and residential canal systems, provided. . . The maximum length of the utility crossing shall not exceed 150 feet from top of bank to top of bank. Excavated trench dimensions shall be limited to a depth of not more than 10 feet below existing bottom contours and a trench top width of not more than 10 feet.”
8. A) 2 acres.
Per FAC 62-330.488(1), General Permit to Governmental Entities for Certain Public Use Facilities at Public Natural Areas, “A general permit is granted to governmental entities to construct, operate, and maintain public use facilities on public natural areas. For purposes of this rule, “public natural areas” are predominantly undeveloped lands owned by the governmental entity and that are dedicated and managed for the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of those lands. The public use facilities authorized by this permit are a parking lot or parking area and an at-grade access road, not to exceed a total size of 2 acres of impervious surface located entirely in uplands; at-grade access trails located entirely in uplands; restroom buildings and open-air shelters located entirely in uplands; pile-supported boardwalks having a maximum width of 6 feet; and pile-supported observation platforms, any of which shall not exceed 120 square feet in size.”
9. B) swales.
Per the ERP Handbook, Volume 1, Section 3.2.5. Swales, “Section 403.813(1)(j), F.S., exempts the construction and maintenance of swales. A swale is defined in Section 403.803(14), F.S., as a manmade trench that: (a) Has a top width-to-depth ratio of the cross section equal to or greater than 6:1, or side slopes equal to or greater than 3 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical; (b) Contains contiguous areas of standing or flowing water only following a rainfall event; (c) Is planted with vegetation suitable for soil stabilization, stormwater treatment, and nutrient uptake; and (d) Is designed to take into account the soil erodibility, soil percolation, slope, slope length, and drainage area so as to prevent erosion and reduce pollutant concentration of any discharge. Applicants are advised that the construction of a swale system does not qualify for the exemption under Section 403.813(1)(j), F.S. A “swale system” is a stormwater management system that does not consist entirely of swales.”
10. A) Automatically upon completion
of permitted activities.
Per the ERP Handbook, Volume 1, Section 12.2(a)1., Procedures for Requesting Conversion from the Construction Phase to the Operation and Maintenance Phase, “In accordance with subsection 62-330.310(5), F.A.C., projects authorized in a general permit shall automatically convert to an operation and maintenance phase upon completion of the permitted activities in conformance with all the terms and conditions of the permit.”