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Editorial Calendar


January............. Wastewater Treatment February ........... Water Supply; Alternative Sources March................ Energy Efficiency; Environmental Stewardship April .................. Conservation and Reuse May ................... Operations and Utilities Management June .................. Biosolids Management and Bioenergy Production July ................... Stormwater Management; Emerging Technologies August .............. Disinfection; Water Quality September........ Emerging Issues; Water Resources Management October............. New Facilities, Expansions, and Upgrades November......... Water Treatment December ......... Distribution and Collection

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American ............................... 51 AWWA Membership.............. 52

Blue Planet Environmental

Systems .............................. 71 CEU Challenge ..................... 21 Data Flow Systems .............. 65 Ferguson Waterworks.......... 13 Florida Aquastore................. 55

FSAWWA 2021 Conference

Competitions ...................... 39

FSAWWA 2021 Conference

Water Distribution Awards 38

FSAWWA 2021 Conference

Exhibit Registration ........... 36

FSAWWA 2021 Conference

Overview ............................. 35

FSAWWA 2021 Conference Poker Night & Happy Hour/

Golf Tournament ................ 37 FWPCOA State Short School 33 FWPCOA Training Calendar . 63 FWRC 2022 Call for Papers .. 66 Gerber Pumps ........................ 9 Heyward HICARB/HIBOCS ..... 2 Hudson Pump & Equipment . 53 Hydro International ................ 5 Kamstrup .............................. 46

Lakeside Equipment

Corporation ........................... 7 Mead & Hunt ......................... 67 RieberLok .............................. 62 Smith & Loveless ................. 23 UF TREEO Center ................. 47 Vaughan/FJ Nugent .............. 41

Water Treatment & Controls

Technology ......................... 61 Wright-Pierce ........................ 31 Xylem ..................................... 68 1. C) Secondary treatment and

basic disinfection

Per FAC 62-610.200(48) Definitions, “‘Reclaimed water,’ except as specifically provided in Chapter 62-610, F.A.C., means water that has received at least secondary treatment and basic disinfection and is reused after flowing out of a domestic wastewater treatment facility.”

2. A) may be part of the operation

and maintenance manual or a separate document.

Per FAC 62-610.320(6)(a), Operation and Maintenance Requirements and Operating Protocols, “An operating protocol is a document that describes how a domestic wastewater facility is to be operated to ensure that only reclaimed water that meets applicable standards is released to a reuse system. It is a detailed set of instructions for the operators of the facilities. It may be part of the operation and maintenance manual or it may be a separate document.”

3. D) Pastures for feed, fodder, fiber,

or seed crops

Per FAC 62-610.400(4) Description of System, “Reclaimed water may be applied to pastures and areas used to grow feed, fodder, fiber, or seed crops. Trees, including managed hardwood or softwood plantations, may be irrigated.” 7. C) 12 mg/L

Per FAC 62-610.510(1), Waste Treatment, Disinfection and Monitoring, “ The nitrate concentration in the applied reclaimed water shall not exceed 12 mg/L (as nitrogen) unless reasonable assurance is provided in the engineering report that nitrate as measured in any hydraulically down-gradient monitoring well located at the edge of the zone of discharge established in accordance with Chapter 62-520, F.A.C., will not exceed 10 mg/L or background levels in the receiving groundwater, whichever is less stringent.”

8. C) Surface waters

Per FAC 62-610.550(2) Groundwater Recharge and Indirect Potable Reuse, “Indirect potable reuse. This type of reuse system involves the planned use of reclaimed water to augment surface water resources which are used or will be used for public water supplies. Indirect potable reuse systems include: (a) Discharges to Class I surface waters, as described in Rule 62-610.554, F.A.C. (b) Discharges to other surface waters that are directly or indirectly connected to Class I surface waters, as described in Rule 62610.555, F.A.C.”

4. B) 3 feet

Per FAC 62-610.469(7)(c), Application/ Distribution Systems and Cross Connection Control, “Maximum obtainable separation of reclaimed water lines and domestic water lines shall be practiced. A minimum horizontal separation of 3 feet (outside to outside) shall be maintained between reclaimed water lines and either potable water mains or sewage collection lines. The department shall approve smaller horizontal separation distances if one of the following conditions is met: 1. The top of the reclaimed water line is installed at least 18 inches below the bottom of the potable water line. 2. The reclaimed water line is encased in concrete. 3. The applicant provides an affirmative demonstration in the engineering report that another alternative will result in an equivalent level of protection.”

5. C) potable reuse.

Per FDEP’s One Water Florida website, “Potable reuse is highly treated recycled water that can be used for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Recycled water is part of our state’s plan to be more sustainable, diversify its water sources, and protect the environment.”

6. A) contaminants of emerging


Per 403.064 FS(17) Reuse of Reclaimed Water, “By Dec. 31, 2020, the department shall initiate rule revisions based on the recommendations of the Potable Reuse Commission’s 2020 report ‘Advancing Potable Reuse in Florida: Framework for the Implementation of Potable Reuse in Florida.’ Rules for potable reuse projects must address contaminants of emerging concern and meet or exceed federal and state drinking water quality standards and other applicable water quality standards. Reclaimed water is deemed a water source for public water supply systems.”

9. D) water resource caution areas


Per FDEP’s Reuse Feasibility website, “Reuse feasibility studies are conducted in order to evaluate the capability of a domestic wastewater treatment plant to implement reuse. Rule 62-610.820, F.A.C., lists the rules and laws that require preparation of reuse feasibility studies as follows: (a) Section 403.064, F.S., for domestic wastewater facilities located within, serving a population within, or discharging within designated water resource caution areas (WRCAs). (b) The Indian River Lagoon system and Basin Act, contained in Chapter 90-262, Laws of Florida. (c) The antidegradation policy in Rules 62-4.242 and 62-302.300, F.A.C., for new or expanded surface water discharges. (d) By rules of the applicable water management district (WMD).”

10. B) a limited wet weather


Per FAC 62-610.860(1). Limited Wet Weather Discharge, “The department encourages implementation of reuse of reclaimed water programs. Demand for reclaimed waters normally declines during wet weather periods. During such wet weather periods, surface water stream flows normally increase. Allowing limited wet weather discharge of excess reclaimed waters during such wet weather periods will facilitate implementation of reuse projects. Therefore, persons implementing reuse projects are authorized to seek approval for limited wet weather discharges. . .”

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