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Facility Tour
City of Daytona Beach Hosts Tour of Its LPGA Facility
On Sunday, April 24, conference attendees toured the City of Daytona Beach’s LPGA Facility. The facility is the site of the city’s 24-milliongallon-per-day (mgd) Ralph Brennan Water Treatment Plant, as well as the 15-mgd Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility (WRF).
During the tour, attendees visited the following:
Demonstration Testing System
The city recently completed two years of data gathering on this 200,000-gallon-per-day (gpd) direct potable reuse system. The system includes ultrafiltration, followed by nanofiltration, with polishing via ultraviolet advanced oxidation process (UVAOP). While the system is currently nonoperational, attendees had the chance to tour the facility, view the equipment setup, and ask questions.
Westside Water Reclamation Facility Upgrades
The city has invested $45 million in the Westside WRF over the past three years. Construction included an eight-cell tertiary deep bed sand filter structure, mechanical equipment, clarified liquid pump station structure, aeration improvements at the five-stage Bardenpho process, return activated sludge/waste activated sludge (RAS/WAS) pumping stations, two electrical buildings and dewatering feed box, construction of new deep bed sand filters and new dewatering belt filter presses, and miscellaneous demolition and improvements throughout the facility. Attendees were able to tour these improvements and see them in full operation.
Brennan Water Treatment Plant Filter Upgrades
The city is in the process of replacing dual media filters that range from 35 to 45 years old. Attendees toured the project and saw a filter in mid-demonstration and reconstruction.