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Students and Young Professionals Activities
There were a lot of things for young professionals and university students to learn about, see, and do at the conference.
Young Professionals Symposium
The symposium, a joint endeavor by FSAWWA and FWEA, presented a roundtable discussion, with guest speakers sharing their career stories.
YP Social
The social, which was an evening event, provided an opportunity for young professionals and others to meet, network, learn more about the industry, and have fun!
Student Poster Contest
The poster contest was held Monday afternoon in the rear stage area of the exhibit hall. The winners were: S First Place: Yan
Zhang, University of
South Florida S Second Place: Thanh
Lam, Jacobs
Student Design Competition
The Student Design Competition brings the brightest young minds and their water-related designs to the conference, with teams representing several Florida universities. Each team presented its real-world findings to an assigned problem or task in both environmental and wastewater interests. This competition is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students, typically completing a capstone project.
This year, Florida Gulf Coast University was the first-place winner in the wastewater category, and the first-place winner in the environmental category was University of South Florida.
The winning teams move on to the national contest at the 2022 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in New Orleans in October.
Resumé Writing Workshop
A resumé writing workshop was held to assist students in preparing a sharp resumé for future employment consideration, including objectives, education, experience, professional involvement, awards, and skills.