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CEU Challenge
Members of the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA) may earn continuing education units through the CEU Challenge! Answer the questions published on this page, based on the technical articles in this month’s issue. Circle the letter of each correct answer. There is only one correct answer to each question! Answer 80 percent of the questions on any article correctly to earn 0.1 CEU for your license. Retests are available.
This month’s editorial theme is Emerging Issues and Water Resources Management. Look above each set of questions to see if it is for water operators (DW), distribution system operators (DS), or wastewater operators (WW). Mail the completed page (or a photocopy) to: Florida Environmental Professionals Training, P.O. Box 33119, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. 33420-3119. Enclose $15 for each set of questions you choose to answer (make checks payable to FWPCOA). You MUST be an FWPCOA member before you can submit your answers!
Contact FWPCOA at membership@fwpcoa.org or at 561-840-0340. Articles from past issues can be viewed on the Journal website, www.fwrj.com.
Article 1 ____________________________________
LICENSE NUMBER for Which CEUs Should Be Awarded
Article 2 ____________________________________
LICENSE NUMBER for Which CEUs Should Be Awarded
Article 3 ____________________________________
LICENSE NUMBER for Which CEUs Should Be Awarded
If paying by credit card, fax to (561) 625-4858 providing the following information:
(Credit Card Number)
(Expiration Date)
Conversion of Onsite Treatment and Disposal Systems: Will it Improve Water Quality?
Jenelle A. Mohammed, Sarina J. Ergas, and Mahmood H. Nachabe (Article 1: CEU = 0.1 WW02015410)
1. Which of the following are onsite treatment and disposal systems not designed to remove? a. Pathogens b. Organic matter c. Nutrients d. Suspended solids
2. _____________ adsorb(s) to the soil or is (are) stored in groundwater. a. Carbonaceous biological oxygen demand b. Dissolved solids c. Nitrogen d. Phosphorus
3. In the time series analysis, preconversion nutrient loads a flow rate of ____ gallons per capita per day. a. 2.26 b. 10 c. 60 d. 80
4. High concentrations of ___________ indicate nutrient overenrichment, which can increase phytoplankton and algae growth. a. phosphorus b. nitrogen c. chlorophyll-a d. turbidity
5. Which of the following is not recommended as a priority consideration for governments considering online septic tank and disposal system conversions? a. Type of property (residential versus commercial) b. Lot size c. Distance to water bodies d. Water table levels
Lead and Copper Rule Revision Compliance and Funding Strategies for Systems With and Without Lead Service Lines
Christopher Hill, Quirien Muylwyk, and John Konkus (Article 2: CEU = 0.1 DW/DS02015409)
1. The replacement of ____________ is expected to be undertaken opportunistically, whenever discovered in the system. a. copper pipe with nonlead core solder b. copper pipe with lead core solder c. service brass d. lead connectors
2. The compliance date for the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions is/ was a. January 2021. b. Dec. 16, 2021. c. Oct. 16, 2024. d. Dec. 31, 2024.
3. The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions establish a new lead trigger level of ____ micrograms per liter. a. 10 b. 13 c. 15 d. 90
4. A water system that exceeds the action level must implement full lead service line replacement at a rate a. approved by the state. b. approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). c. of 3 percent per year. d. of 5 percent per year.
5. The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions identify single-family services of copper with lead solder as Tier ___ sampling sites. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4