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Test Yourself—Donna Kaluzniak

Test Yourself What Do You Know About 403.064 Florida Statutes – Reuse of Reclaimed Water?

Donna Kaluzniak


1. Per Chapter 403.064 Florida Statutes – Reuse of Reclaimed Water (403.064 FS), domestic wastewater utilities that dispose of effluent, reclaimed water, or reuse water by surface water discharge had to submit a plan to the Florida

Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) by Nov. 1, 2021. The plan calls for eliminating

a. all wetlands discharges. b. irrigation of crops with reclaimed water. c. nonbeneficial surface water discharges. d. surface water discharges from wastewater plants at mobile home parks.

2. Per 403.064 FS, FDEP shall approve or deny the plan on what time frame after receipt?

a. Three months b. Six months c. Nine months d. One year

3. Per 403.064 FS, if the plan was submitted to

FDEP by the Nov.1, 2021, deadline, the utility must fully implement the plan no later than what date?

a. Jan. 1, 2028 b. Jan. 1, 2032 c. Dec. 31, 2030 d. Dec. 31, 2035

4. Per 403.064 FS, if the plan was not submitted to

FDEP by the Nov. 1, 2021, deadline, the utility must fully implement the plan by what date?

a. Jan. 1, 2028 b. Jan. 1, 2032 c. Dec. 31, 2030 d. Dec. 31, 2035 5. Per 403.064 FS, FDEP shall approve a plan that does not provide for a complete elimination of the surface water discharge, but does demonstrate which of the following conditions that applies to the remaining discharge?

a. The discharge is associated with an indirect potable reuse project. b. The discharge is a currently permitted dry weather discharge. c. The discharge is from a facility that provides tertiary treatment. d. The discharge enters any stormwater management facility.

6. Per 403.064 FS, FDEP shall approve a plan if the utility operates domestic wastewater treatment facilities with reuse systems that reuse a minimum of what percent of a facility’s annual average flow as determined by the department using monitoring data for the prior five consecutive years?

a. 40 percent b. 50 percent c. 75 percent d. 90 percent

7. Per 403.064 FS, which domestic wastewater treatment facilities are exempt from providing a plan?

a. Facilities that upgraded treatment capabilities within the last five years. b. Facilities located in large urban areas. c. Facilities located in municipalities with less than $10 million in annual revenue. d. Facilities located in municipalities with less than $5 million in annual revenue.

8. Per 403.064 FS, FDEP and the water management districts must develop and execute a memorandum of agreement providing for a coordinated review of all permits associated with the construction and operation of an indirect potable reuse project by what date?

a. Dec.31, 2021 b. Dec. 31, 2022 c. Dec. 31, 2023 d. Dec. 31, 2024 9. Per 403.064 FS, FDEP shall submit a report to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by Dec. 31, 2021, providing the average gallons per day of effluent, reclaimed water, or reuse water that will no longer be discharged into surface waters by the utility and the dates of such elimination; the average gallons per day of surface water discharges that will continue and the level of treatment received before being discharged into a surface water by each alternative and utility; and any modified or new plans submitted by a utility since the last report. How often must this report be submitted?

a. Annually b. Biannually c. Every six months d. Every two years

10. Per 403.064 FS, FDEP initiated rule revisions for potable reuse. Rules for potable reuse projects must meet or exceed federal and state drinking water quality standards and other applicable water quality standards. The rules must also address

a. contaminants of emerging concern. b. infrastructure costs. c. irrigation loads. d. reuse for fire protection.

Answers on page 39

References used for this quiz: • Chapter 403.064 Florida Statutes Reuse of

Reclaimed Water: https://flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2021/0403.064

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