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2022 Florida Water Resources Conference: Connected Again!—Mish Clark
Mish Clark
Why Attend?
It’s going to be a great conference in Daytona Beach, April 24-27, 2022, at the Volusia County Ocean Center and the Hilton. We are hearing an overwhelming excitement to finally reconnect in 2022! Attendee registration opened on Dec. 1, 2021. As of midNovember, more than 60 percent of the exhibit floor is booked.
We look forward to connecting again in April 2022!
S Academics - Communicate your research results and learn about other research being conducted in your area of interest. S Consultants - Demonstrate the power and dynamics in your client work and continue to learn from others in the industry. S Managers, Directors, and Policy Makers - Discover new technologies and innovations for your utility/organization. S Operations, Maintenance, and Compliance
Professionals - Discover new technologies and what is happening in the water industry. S Practitioners - Show what is being done in your organization and learn what is happening in the water industry. S Public Officials and Regulatory Members - Meet water professionals who provide comprehensive information on every aspect of water usage. S Educators - Introduce your students to the water industry and share your efforts for the future of water. S Students - Share your research, get feedback, and network with the professionals. S Network with thousands of other consultants and professionals onsite. S Explore the latest updates on innovative topics from industry leaders, researchers, and expert practitioners. S Learn about the benefits of industry-leading products. S Be inspired by practical applications and technologies from colleagues. S Enhance your knowledge on the latest work and research to apply to your organization. S Expand and strengthen your skill set and framework with hands-on workshops. S Earn educational credits at hot-topic technical sessions. S Present your research, project, and/or product to receive feedback.
Why Exhibit? It’s One of the Best Opportunities to Reach Your Target Market
With over 350 exhibitors presenting new products and technical processes, there are more opportunities here than ever. The 2022 Florida Water Resource Conference can help you grow your market share, develop leads, connect with existing customers and prospects, and market-test new ideas.
Get ready to be impressed with the latest and greatest from the best and brightest. Whatever your motivation or sales strategies, your bottom line will thank you for getting to the largest joint water/wastewater/stormwater event in the Southeast. It’s all here.
What’s Included With Your Booth Reservation?
S Exhibit space is a 10-ft x 10-ft unit that includes: • booth carpet • 6-ft table • 3-ft side drape dividers • 8-ft back drape • 1 chair • 1 trash bin S Single line of one exhibitor company identification sign S Up to 10 staff exhibit-hall-only registrations per booth S Company listing in the official conference program issue S Discounted advertising rates in the
Florida Water Resources Journal conference issue
Have You Booked Your Attendee Registrations?
As we return to Daytona Beach, the east coast of Florida provides an excellent opportunity to reach those potential clients and workers who manage, design, and operate the water environment industry.
There is access to technical papers being presented at sessions and workshops, and involvement in the Operations Challenge Competition, Top Ops Competition, and Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest. University students can participate in the Student Design Competition and the Student Poster Competition. With the popular “Women of Water” forum, young professionals sessions and activities, a facility tour, and more—there is something for everyone at every level at the 2022 Florida Water Resources Conference. Register today!
Where to Register for a Booth or Book Your Attendee Registrations?
For all of the information you need, go to www.fwrc.org.
See you in Daytona Beach!
Mish Clark is the new executive manager of the Florida Water Resources Conference. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Mish at 267.884.6292. S