Globally, we produce 300 million metric tons of plastic every year. The advantages of this versatile and low cost material come at a price, however, as the environmental impact of plastics consumption is substantial. In developed nations such as the United States and United Kingdom, where responsibility for plastic waste is relinquished at the close of a bin, we only recycle 5% of the plastic products that we dispose of.
Inspired by the practical advice offered by household reference books such as Haynes Manuals, and the everyday environmentalism of the Whole Earth Catalog, the purpose of this thesis is to offer an alternative method for recycling our plastic waste. Through a series of material tests and prototypes, the manual is presented in the form of a ‘Plastics Cookbook’, with technical information about plastic and three do-it-yourself ‘recipes’ which are designed to engender a hands-on and creative approach to recycling.