1 minute read
And Finally
Closing the feedback loop is often the hardest part of the job but just as important as getting the feedback in the first place. Your University and academic staff will be working hard to let students know what has happened because of the feedback they’ve been given through your work as a Rep, as well as things like module evaluation and the National Student Survey (NSS). Please help them deliver these updates where you can. Your effectiveness as a Rep will be largely measured by your peers as to whether it was worth giving you feedback, so it’s in your interests to share any success you’ve had. Encourage staff to give brief updates at the beginning of a lecture or group meeting following on from an SSLC.
THANK YOU for giving your time to help better the experience of all your peers whilst at university. We think this makes you a pretty awesome human. If you ever need reminding of this, or a cup of tea, someone to chat to, or to celebrate creating positive change then get in touch and we’ll be happy to oblige!