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Step 2: Ways Of Collecting Feedback

Step 2:

Ways Of Collecting Feedback


The first step is to think about how you are going to get feedback from the students you represent. You’ll likely need to experiment and try a few different methods to make sure you’re giving all your students good opportunities to express their opinions.

Our tips are: • Just asking if anyone has any feedback won’t usually give you much useful information. You can try asking questions about specific topics, which should help students reflect on their experience. • People aren’t good at predicting the future- that’s what you’re asking them to do. Rather, assess how it’s working. • Be specific- how would you develop a strong sense of community on the course?

The way that you ask questions is important as well. See the table for ideas:

With Falmouth Flexible courses being solely online, you could try online polls, e-drop boxes (Padlet is a good option), MS forms. The most popular way is setting up or using Facebook groups, as most students use this platform. If you’re finding it difficult to engage your cohort, then get in touch with Lizzy or Lewis and they can give you some ideas.

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