FXU Awards 2016 Online Programme

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Welcome to the 2016 FXU Awards Ceremony! As student leaders, it gives us great pleasure to recognise and celebrate the broad and diverse achievements being led by students studying in Cornwall. Congratulations to everyone who has been nominated and shortlisted. Enjoy the evening!

Thank you and good luck! From your FXU Presidents 2015/16 Grace Fisher FXU President Exeter Fred Mallin FXU President Falmouth

Alexa Webster FXU President Community & Welfare Amanda Chetwynd-Cowieson FXU President Student Experience

Order of Ceremony


RAD Awards


Volunteering Award


Andy Hocking Award


V Team Awards


Sustainability Award


Student Voice Awards


Student Experience Award


Society Awards


Sports Awards


FXU Award


Open Award


Special Recognition Award


The Daniel Palmer Award

RAD Awards Presenting the RAD Awards is Clare Mills and Tom DeFraine; representatives from Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF). MRF have been FXU RAD’s charity of the year 2015-16 and have been a huge support to fundraising activities on campus. Meningitis and septicaemia kills approximately 1,000 people around the world every day; and has been known to affect the student population particularly in recent years. 6

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Fundraising event of the year This award is for the student, or group of students, who have demonstrated the most original ways of fundraising. The shortlisted nominees are: CSM Crazy Week (Alex Perry) A notoriously difficult week of events to co-ordinate and this year’s team did a fantastic job pulling it back up to its historical fundraising standard. Oxjam (Alex Day) A twist on the annual Oxjam event, this year we saw a unique collaboration with SPACE 37, creating a music and art exhibition. ‘Take Me Out’ Team (Rebekah Trehern) A good combination of love, laughter and fundraising. This well-humoured event had campus buzzing and raised a fantastic amount for charity.

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Most Significant Contribution to Fundraising This award is for the student, or group of students, who have made the most significant contribution to fundraising. The shortlisted nominees are: David Whitehead David has undertaken two charity challenges abroad during his time at university. His most significant contribution is the research and development of charity challenges as a brand for FXU RAD. The positive results of his boundless energy are visible in the heightened interest and number of new challenge leaders coming forward. Ellie Healy An integral part of the RAD Committee, Ellie took on the challenge of bringing LOST to Cornwall again. This logistically challenging and detailed event was well executed and the hype she created ensured it sold out in less than five hours, smashing the fundraising total of the 2014 event. Rebekah Trehern Rebekah is an unstoppable fundraising force, this year taking on the role of FXU RAD Social Media and Marketing and joint Challenge Leader for East African Playgrounds Uganda Gorilla Trek, alongside her many other extracurricular activities. Maliaika Ibreck Maliaika took the brave decision to do what many would find impossible to consider, shaving her head for the charity Macmillan, raising an impressive ÂŁ1640.07 on the way.


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Greatest Contribution to Fundraising by a Sports Club or Society This award is for the sports club or society that has provided the greatest contribution to FXU fundraising. The shortlisted nominees are: FXU Tang Soo Do (Shelterbox Challenge) Team Tang Soo Do will be bravely facing the elements of Dartmoor by taking part in ShelterBox’s Wild West Challenge later this year and team fundraising is already well underway. Watch this space. FXU Feminist Society (Various events) FXU Feminist Society have been very active this year, hosting raffles, clothes swaps and fundraising for West Cornwall Women’s Aid. FXU Islamic Society (Feeding Syria Campaign) In July 2015, the society pledged to try and raise £10,000 to support those who need it most in the Syrian refugee crisis, raising funds for Human Appeal. With great determination and collaboration with other societies, this has flourished into a very inspirational campaign.

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Presenting the Volunteering Award are Alan Rower and Dave Nicoll, representatives from the RNLI. The RNLI is one of the UK’s most loved and well known charities and volunteer organisations. They rely on volunteers to provide an integral public service rescuing thousands and saving hundreds of lives each year. 10

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Most Significant Contribution to the Community through Volunteering This is the award for the student, or group of students who have made the most significant contribution to the community through volunteering. The shortlisted nominees are: Ben Stokes (K9 Crusaders) Ben independently founded the K9 Crusaders student-led volunteer project allowing students to volunteer at the local dog shelter. This project has helped to double the number of volunteers at the centre so managers can focus on re-homing dogs, rejuvenating the site and fundraising. Rebekah Trehern Rebekah has volunteered an astounding amount of her time to the local and student community. Even in her final year she has completed her Girl Guiding Leadership Award, fulfilled a number of FXU leadership and committee roles and still manages to volunteer her spare time to drive for the FXU Swimming Club. Sam Mosedale & Charlotte Main (Flicka) The Flicka student-led volunteer project has continuously offered a range of volunteering opportunities at the local horse and donkey sanctuary. They make every effort to engage the student population in the project, bringing donkeys to campus to help relieve student stress and offering weekly and twiceweekly sessions throughout the term. Atena Tabeahmadi (Believe and Do Good) Atena’s enthusiasm for the events during the month of Believe and Do Good was inspirational; despite being in her third year of study she has always devoted her time to ISOC. She is an inspirational young woman and her eagerness to develop good community and student relations is a reflection of her kind heart. Appreciate | Nominate | Celebrate


Presenting the Andy Hocking Award is John Dukes. John works for the Devon and Cornwall Police and is the Police Representative for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter. He has been a Police Community Support Officer for the past 2 years having previously served as a Police Officer for 28 years; before this John served in the Royal Navy and saw active service in the Falklands conflict. Since joining the police, John has spent most of his career in the Criminal Investigation Department investigating serious crime before diversifying into Community Policing, becoming employed as the Beat Manager for Penryn. 12

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Outstanding Contribution to Community Engagement This is the award for outstanding contribution to the local and wider community. The shortlisted nominees are: Ben Stokes (K9 Crusaders) Ben has gone above and beyond to create the K9 Crusaders volunteer projects, running regular weekly sessions at the kennels and training up new members to join his dedicated volunteer team. Ellie Robinson-Carte (Penryn Memory CafÊ) Alongside her master’s degree, Ellie has been working with Penryn Town council to fill a large gap in support facilities for the people of Penryn. The project has attracted a number of different volunteers and society groups, creating a very important and diverse link with the local community which has rarely been seen before. FXU Islamic Society (Believe & Do Good) A month of activities bringing the students and community together including handing out 1000 roses in the community to anyone who passed by. Each rose had a small message of positivity from the Quran that were applicable to all, regardless of faith. Ellen Whitby & Katya-Rose Zaki (Generation Wild) Generation Wild aims to educate local children about the wonders of the natural environment, getting them outside enjoying nature through a range of after school workshops. They have worked tirelessly over the last two years to set the project up and to create links with local Scout, Cub and Brownie groups.

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Presenting the V Team Awards is Ruth Grimmer. Ruth Grimmer is the Head of Professional Services, Cornwall, for the University of Exeter. Ruth is responsible for the provision of professional services in Cornwall for the university and relationship management with our campus partners, service providers, FXU and the broader town and gown. She has worked in higher education for nearly 25 years. 14

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The V Team enables students to log their volunteer hours to work towards a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.

V Team Gold Award Awarded to students who have 200 hours logged. Ben Stokes Charlotte Mills Samantha Mosedale Charlotte Main

V Team Silver Award Awarded to students who have 100 hours logged. Rebekah Trehern Robbie Bartlett

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Presenting the Sustainability Award is Professor David Hosken. David Hosken is Professor of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Exeter and also Dean for Exeter students studying in Cornwall. David has broad interests but is primarily interested in sexual phenotypes. He is a member of the Evolution research group and is based in Cornwall. 16

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Sustainable Project or Event of the Year This award is for significant contribution to the FXU Green Living Project that significantly contributes to a sustainable project or event. The shortlisted nominees are: Shed Talks (Olly Jamieson) An evening of five TED-style talks delivered by students, lecturers and external speakers. The focus was on sustainability and social justice and created a forum for the sharing of inspiring ideas between students and the community. This hugely popular event has inspired others and there are aspirations for it to become an annual student-led event. Independent State of Jungle (Dan Hawkes) A five day educational simulation engaging students in local, national and global politics. Students were tasked with starting a new country from scratch, hiring academics, lecturers and experts as “consultants� to advise them on making their new country the most environmentally sustainable in the world. Bob Walley (Various projects) Bob has been a willing, enthusiastic driver of sustainability on campus by taking a supporting and mentoring role in events such as Independent State of Jungle and SHED talks. In addition he coordinated a small group of students to attend COP 21 in Paris for the Climate Conference and march.

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Co-Presenting the Student Voice Awards are Tim Quine and Professor Geoff Smith. Tim Quine is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) and Professor of Earth System Science at the University of Exeter. Tim maintains a close partnership with the Students’ Guild and FXU to look at the quality and enhancement of the student experience. Professor Geoff Smith is the senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Falmouth University and his role is to support to the ViceChancellor in the leadership, management and day-to-day operation of the university and to make major contributions to strategy and decision-making across the full range of institutional activity. 18

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Falmouth Academic Rep of the Year This is the award for the most outstanding Falmouth student academic representative. The shortlisted nominees are: Julia De Graaf Julia is a key reason for an increasingly engaged student body at the Falmouth Campus, showing ceaseless commitment to her role. Her maturity and experience have been vital in ensuring students have been represented and consulted on a number of key issues. Inger-Kristine Steinsland Being a Postgraduate Rep is especially difficult but IngerKristine has ensured her peers have been represented not only at course meetings but linked into wider FXU activities and campaigns. She has also sat on additional panels and focus groups, and ensured the postgraduate and international student voice has been included. Dwayne Roberts Dwayne excels in his roles of Course and Department Rep, with enthusiasm, dedication and responsibility. Organising regular department meet-ups for AMATA Reps to continue developing communication between the student body and the staff he is a wonderful example of a positive student leader.

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Exeter Academic Rep of the Year This is the award for the most outstanding Exeter student academic representative. The shortlisted nominees are: Jack Whitear As inaugral Chair of the PG CSM SSLC, Jack has done a fantastic job of leading the committee and pathfinding the role. He has been a dedicated and enthusiastic ambassador for the CSM community, and given a far higher profile to their postgraduate students. Naomi Fuller It’s credit to Naomi that she has run an efficient and effective SSLC whilst being based at Truro, rather than St Lukes where the majority of medical students are based. She has regularly made trips to Exeter to meet with the reps based there and has really supported FXU to build links with the Truro students. Oussama Kardi Oussama has been a really effective and dynamic Subject Chair this year, quickly cultivating an ethos of open and earnest communication into and out of the SSLC. He gets stuff done, always chases things up, and has implemented many changes this year to benefit the wider Politics student community.


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FXU Rep Legend This award is to recognise outstanding commitment to FXU representation including facilitating feedback to students and the FXU council, affecting positive change on or off campus. The shortlisted nominees are: Robbie Bartlett Robbie has worked very hard this year to raise the profile of FXU Sports through his enthusiastic engagement in and promotion of Give It A Go week, to attending Student Council. He has participated in numerous feedback sessions and is a regular feature in FXU social media. Bryony Hacker Bryony has been outstanding this year in representing students across the Falmouth School of Art at University, FXPlus and FXU meetings, including several above and beyond her roles. She has a real passion for change, works really hard, is well respected by staff and peers alike, listens to everyone, and has been a key reason for the increased engagement of the Falmouth Campus students this year. Cameron Harrington Cameron has been a committed and enthusiastic Executive Officer this year through attendance at the Liberation Committee and also through representing LGBTQ+ students and FXU at an NUS Conference where they also presented a motion which passed. Jack Sargent Despite coming into the role a little late, Jack has been an excellent Rep, helping set up the PG Research Forum and being a proactive ambassador for FXU, promoting campaigns and getting feedback to support Student Voice activities.

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Most Significant Contribution to Student Voice Activities This award is for the student, or student group, who has made the greatest contribution, either by widening participation, or by raising the profile to FXU’s student voice activities. The shortlisted nominees are: Politics Research Team These students have provided FXU with independent research and feedback about how to better reach disengaged students, which will have a positive impact on the Student Voice system. Julia De Graaf Julia has been an exceptional Rep, having been elected in all 3 years of her studies with her experience and maturity being especially valuable this year. She has very positive relations with staff and students, progressing queries and problems effectively. Julia liaises with FXU on larger issues, providing clear and fair communication to and from the students she represents. Falmouth Fine Art Reps As a whole they have been engaged, committed, positive and responsive, ensuring all students on their course have been represented at a range of forums. The course staff agree that this set of Reps have been exceptionally proactive, providing strong representation of their peers and going above and beyond their roles.


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Student-Led Campaign of Project of the Year This is the award for a student, representative/s or student group who successfully completed the best campaign or project which demonstrates engagement with a wide and diverse range of students, and inspires and educates others. The shortlisted nominees are: Empowering Women This campaign gave the women of Penryn Campus, and beyond, the opportunity to speak about their experiences and then magnified this through an exhibition and through connecting with Humans of Falmouth. This helped students realise that by supporting and empowering each other, our whole society will benefit. Syria Not Forgotten This campaign united three major societies, FXU Islamic Society, FXU Feminist Society and the African Caribbean Society in an aim to raise funds for and awareness of the horrific situation in Syria, which has left thousands of people starving. A range of activities from a braid bar to running 10k in 10 days raised over £4,000. Nature Watch (EcoSoc & Wild Doc Soc) Nature Watch is a high quality broadcast nature series, which has quickly garnered praise from some of the biggest names in Wildlife photography and TV. Bringing together students from Exeter and Falmouth courses, they have worked with local charities and businesses and aim to inspire and educate. Don’t DisAbility The Disability Campaign organized a week designed to break down the stigmas and stereotypes of disability in a year when government cuts to disabled students funding meant it was needed more than ever. The awareness fayre got students thinking about disability differently and the campaign hasn’t ended yet! Appreciate | Nominate | Celebrate


Co-Presenting the Student Experience Award is Oussama Kardi and James Crump. Oussama Kardi is a final year politics student at the University of Exeter (Cornwall campus). He is also a student Trustee for FXU. He has been a Parliamentary Intern in the House of Commons for Adrian Bailey MP and an intern for the UAE Embassy. Oussasma is a keen footballer representing the Universities FXU football team. James Crump is a final year Film student at Falmouth University and is a keen advocate for students, running for NUS delegate in 2015. James has been a Trustee for FXU since 2015. 24

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Outstanding Contribution to the Student Experience This award is for the member of staff who has most actively given their time to contribute to the student experience. The winner was selected from a shortlist by students. The shortlisted nominees are: Sam Green & Daisy Gates Sam, Daisy and the rest of the Bioscience Student Employability Committee have done an excellent job at organising a series of seminars this year and also CLES Cornwall’s biggest Careers Fair. They are dedicated to ensuring that Bioscience students in Penryn have the opportunity to network with employers and find out more about potential careers in a variety of fields. The committee have organised over 10 employability seminars, extra training events for students, and organised free transport for students to a Bioinformatics course at Streatham. Mathilde Baade As FXU International Executive Officer, Mathilde has worked passionately to support and improve the international student experience both locally and working with the National Union of Students (NUS). Mathilde took a lead role in the planning of Norwegian Constitution Day which was a complete success! Mathilde is always positive and enthusiastic about any project she is working on and is continually motivated to support international students in Cornwall. Hannah Partington Everyone who meets Hannah cannot fail to be impressed by her dedication to students and her passion to encourage student reps to make positive change. Hannah has improved the student rep experience, delivering training and ongoing support throughout the year. She inspires confidence in students to play an active part in making change happen alongside developing their personal skills and experience as a result. Hannah’s work often goes unnoticed, with her modesty allowing reps to shine in their own right. Appreciate | Nominate | Celebrate


Presenting the Society Awards is Roz Evans. Roz Evans studied at the University of Exeter’s Penryn Campus, graduating 1st class in Conservation Biology and Ecology. During her time at University, with the support of FXU she established ‘Life Magazine’ which is high quality publication combing & showcasing the skills of students of both Falmouth and Exeter to present photography, articles and research around the fascinating topic of nature. Once she graduated Roz utilized the skills she learnt from this successful experience with FXU and committed herself to creating a successful magazine. She is now the Founder & Editor for ‘Biosphere’ which is a digital popular science magazine dedicated to the ever changing natural world. 26

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Society of the Year This will be awarded to the overall best-performing society of the year, with consideration to the societies’ achievements, member satisfaction and the FXU accreditation award. The shortlisted nominees are: African Caribbean Society (ACS) ACS has attracted a large and diverse membership through an endless stream of events, activities and opportunities to educate. The society works hard to connect with the community and supports global issues through campaigns. The Falmouth Anchor A regularly updated website coupled with termly printed issues, reporting about student, community and global issues, mean that its increasingly wide readership is kept informed. Wild Doc Soc Wild Doc Soc is certainly the biggest with 372 members attracting high profile guest speakers, such as George McGavin, Nick Baker and Gordon Buchanan. The society has opened a world of career-enhancing opportunities to students based in Cornwall.

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Most Improved Society of the Year This award is based on the FXU Accreditation Scheme, which provides a consistent standard for benchmarking societies and enables the development of safe, effective and active clubs, based on good practise resulting in high member satisfaction. The shortlisted nominees are: Palaeontology Soc Palaeo Soc is constantly striving to provide a diverse range of activities, including a hugely popular guest lecture by Nigel Marven, more than satisfying a committed following of happy members. FXU Photography Society This society provides opportunities for all students to get involved with photography, with access to equipment, locations, tutoring, workshops and competitions, as well as providing a social space for photography fans!

Most Outstanding Society Committee Member This will be awarded to a society or committee member who demonstrates an outstanding personal contribution to the organisation and conduct of the society. The shortlisted nominees are: Kyle McGill – Jazz Harbour Kyle has the rare ability to work around the clock to help out all the musicians in the Jazz Harbour society reach their full potential without making things too serious! Kyle’s infectious sense of humour, coupled with his kindness, means there isn’t a member who doesn’t enjoy the society under his leadership. Recognised to taking on the challenge of leading the society in a particularly difficult time; Kyle has managed to create a warm and inviting environment for members with ever expanding opportunities. 28

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Wajeeha Sheikh – FXU Islamic Society Wajeeha has been described as unique, passionate, selfless and the face of Islam for FXU. Her enthusiasm for her faith and the success of ISOC has led to her committing endless hours of her time to the society. Wajeeha has been recognised for her ability to identify opportunities to educate and inform those who are less familiar about the faith in a way that is interactive, open and inclusive. Hermione Blomfield-Smith – The Falmouth Anchor Otherwise known as The Falmouth Anchor’s ‘Wonder Woman’, Hermione’s driven and strong-minded personality has meant she’s been able to carry the terrific weight and burden of starting a student newspaper from scratch with great success and always with a smile on her face. Her open and clear leadership style, coupled with her professionalism, has meant she’s been influential in the paper’s admirable status within the student community. Annabel Frimpong – African Caribbean Society (ACS) Bella processes a variety of admirable skills and qualities that she invests in the betterment of ACS, including the ability to think innovatively, organise effectively, work as part of a team and at all times remain kind and approachable. Bella’s zeal, when combined with her skills and qualities, truly help ACS meet its goals of celebrating and teaching about African and Caribbean culture on campus. Caitlin Warren – FXU Feminist Society Caitlin’s attention to detail and her ability to constantly go above and beyond ensures nothing is forgotten. Her willingness to do ‘the leg-work’ means she is primarily the reason why things have happened for Fem Soc this academic year. Her warm and welcoming personality and commitment to the society has also been recognised as influential to the success in recruiting and retaining members. Appreciate | Nominate | Celebrate


Most Innovative Society Event or Project of the Year This will be awarded to the society that has demonstrated creativity and enterprise when planning and conducting activities for its members, including trips, activity breaks, fundraising and events. The shortlisted nominees are: Black History Month – (African Caribbean Society) A month dedicated to educating the student and wider community about black history through talks, jazz, food, debates, discussions and collaborative events with other societies. The Falmouth Anchor coverage of the FXU Elections A professional multi-media project to promote and extend the coverage of FXU’s presidential elections. Influential in providing a platform for students to take part in the election. Falmouth Christian Union (FCU) Meals A series of inclusive and popular events that provide regular free meals and talks to the student community. CU Free Meals offer diverse discussions over a two-course meal, which is greatly enjoyed by all. Nature Watch (EcoSoc & Wild Doc Soc) Conceived as a joint project between EcoSoc and Wild Doc Soc, in its first year it has succeeded in creating three full episodes of wildlife and conservation themed entertainment.


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Sports Awards Sponsor Penryn Campus Sports Centre Opening September 2016

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Presenting the Sports Awards is Sarah Hunter. Sarah Hunter MBE who has gained 78 Caps for England Rugby was part of the World Cup winning team 2014 and was the Captain of England’s winning Six Nations side earlier in 2016.


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Sports Person of the Year This award will be presented to a current student for outstanding sporting achievement. The shortlisted nominees are: Hanna Wigart Hanna has been a key member of the committee to motivate fellow club members to push themselves beyond their known limits and has performed consistently for FXU and Kernow Volleyball Clubs. Cat McNaney This year, Cat has represented the University of Exeter first team in the BUCS South Premiership, played for Hartpury Gloucester at club level and was selected to represent the England U20s, 15s and the England Development 7s Squad, in the hope of getting into the future senior England squad. Sean Havis As well as representing Cornwall Badminton, Sean’s passion, positive attitude and commitment as Men’s Captain of CSM Badminton Club has seen him inspire many others to take up the sport.

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Most Outstanding Sports Club Committee Member This will be awarded to a sports club committee member that demonstrates an outstanding personal contribution to the organisation and running of the club that ensures success over the academic year. The shortlisted nominees are: Callum Palmer – CSM Men’s Hockey Callum has been on the CSM Men’s Hockey committee for the last two years and ensures the club runs smoothly both on and off the pitch. He has established closer links with CSM Ladies Hockey to enter mixed league and built rapport with community clubs to fulfil future fixtures. Alicia Ackroyd – Tremough Quidditch Club As Vice President of Tremough Quidditch Club, Alicia has organised their tournaments and trips away, attended every training session and fundraiser, secured the club sponsorship towards their new kit and passed the Assistant Referee test for the British Quidditch Cup, without which they would not have been eligible to attend. Naomi Tilley – CUC Climbing Club From day one, Naomi has shown complete dedication, ensuring club members are happy, new members are welcome and is able to convince anyone they can do it. She finds a way for climbing to get involved in every FXU campaign, has created the first Competition for South West Universities and put on additional training in First Aid for her members. Max Bale – CSM Squash Participation for CSM Squash has increased this year due to Max creating a friendly atmosphere and an increase in the number of socials. He has also provided an opportunity for members to play competitively in the Cornish League for the first time, which subsequently helped them with a 5-0 win in the Bottle Match. 34

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Competitive Sports Club of the Year This is awarded to the overall best performing competitive sports club of the year taking into account organisation, events, competitions, activities and membership satisfaction The shortlisted nominees are: CSM Rugby CSM Rugby have gone from strength to strength, more than doubling their membership in two years, increasing the training they have on offer, including strength and conditioning and video analysis, contributing to finishing second in Cornwall Division 1 and winning the Bottle Match for the first time since 2010. FXU Volleyball Men’s Volleyball won BUCS Western 2A League this year and got to the semi-finals of the BUCS Conference Cup, came fourth in a National Spotify competition and have set up their first club shop. They provide volleyball opportunities to the wider community by linking up with festivals and continue to create new events, such as glow in the dark volleyball. CSM Ladies Hockey Finishing third in the league and setting a new Bottle record, Ladies Hockey have had their most successful season. The club has been successful in developing the second team this year by entering the Badgers League, providing a competitive element to all and have formed a mixed team with the men’s. Kernow Ultimate Frisbee As the only Cornwall-based club, Kernow Ultimate promotes the sport in a positive and fun way. Competitively they have won their BUCS League, placed sixth at Men’s Regionals and 11th for Mixed Regionals. Appreciate | Nominate | Celebrate


Non-Competitive Sports Club of the Year This is awarded to the overall best performing non-competitive sports club of the year organisation, events, competitions, activities and membership satisfaction. The shortlisted nominees are: CUC Climbing Club Providing a variety of activities from indoor, outdoor trips, residentials, socials, film nights, route setting sessions, collaborating with other FXU clubs/societies and friendly competitions, the Climbing Club has continued to see its membership rise in an organised and fun atmosphere. Fusion Cheerleading Two committee members successfully gained coaching qualifications in 2015 to enable the Cheerleading Club to allow the skills level for members to increase and by doing so have supported other FXU activities, such as cheering at the DisAbility Campaign basketball match, and Dartington Society’s Concourse. An increase in socials and presence on social media has made the club feel more like a family. FXU Swimming As well as consistently putting on regular trips to local pools, The Swimming Club has offered more opportunities to their members through competitions in BUCS and at Swimming Galas, collaborating with other watersports clubs affiliated to FXU and built rapport with the RNLI.


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Most Improved Sports Club of the Year This award will be based on the FXU Accreditation Scheme, which provides a consistent standard for benchmarking clubs and enables the development of safe, effective and active clubs, based on good practice resulting in high member satisfaction. The shortlisted nominees are: FXU Pole Fitness FXU Pole Fitness has more than doubled their membership in a year. They have put on a number of courses catering for a range of ability levels and the opportunity to do some in a shorter period of time. Their social media activity has increased, seeing a number of fun competitions for members to get involved in. FXU Basketball Within the first year, FXU Basketball has linked with Sport England Doorstep Project to provide free sessions to members of the club and local community. They have successfully been awarded an Ambassador position and support from Basketball England and have entered the Cornwall League.

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Presenting the FXU Award is Rob Gofton. On leaving school Rob became a professional cricketer and played for 5 years before a shoulder injury forced his early retirement. During his career he played for Worcestershire & Leicestershire and made his first class debut against the tourist, Pakistan, in 1992. Following his cricketing career, Rob returned to education and went to study at De Montfort University, studying Marketing & Accounting, graduating in 1996. In 2003 he relocated to Devon and joined the University of Plymouth Students’ Union and became Director of Communications & Social Enterprise. He had responsibility for all the commercial services; bar, nightclub, shop and catering. He was also responsible for the marketing and communications for the Students’ Union. After nearly 9 years at Plymouth he left to become the Chief Executive of Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union (FXU). 38

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Best Overall Contribution to FXU Award for the current student or member of staff who has most actively given their time to help FXU. The shortlisted nominees are: Mathilde Baade As a first year student Mathilde’s contribution to FXU activities have been truly impressive, she has taken all of her roles and responsibilities incredibly seriously even taking her role as International Exec Officer to a national level. Rebekah Trehern It is students like Rebekah that absolutely amaze us, going above and beyond in a number of different leadership positions and executing them all to the highest standard, all whilst in her final year and with a permanent a smile on her face. Olly Jamieson Olly’s enthusiasm and conscientious nature means that his contribution to students via FXU activities has been invaluable – whether it be within the rep system, working clubs and societies or by championing sustainability.

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Presenting the Open Award is Professor Anne Carlisle. Professor, Anne Carlisle is Vice-Chancellor & Chief Executive at Falmouth University. In this role she sets and leads strategy for the University. She is a Director on the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Board, Chair of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership Innovation & Knowledge Strategy Board, Chair of Combined Universities in Cornwall (CUC) Steering Group, a member of the Strategy Board of Superfast Broadband and a member of Tate St Ives Advisory Board. Her background is firmly established in the visual arts and creative industries with her first class honours degree in Fine Art from the University of Ulster and an MA from Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London. Professor Carlisle co-founded CIRCA publications before embarking upon an academic career. 40

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Open Award This award is to celebrate outstanding achievement by an individual or group whose efforts haven’t been considered elsewhere. The shortlisted nominees are: Professor Catherine Leyshon Catherine has met with SSLC chairs for CLES fortnightly and has been really easy to talk to about any issues. She has been extremely effective in getting any concerns addressed and has particularly helped with supporting the issue of financial transparency for students. Space 37 This is an art oriented project and community space, which was set up by students on Fine Art. It has hosted a regular and exciting programme of events including: music, poetry, spoken word and open mic nights. Sandra Dowle – Student Support Services As part of Sandra’s nomination a student said “Sandra is one of the kindest and most caring people I have ever been lucky enough to meet. She goes above and beyond the duties of her job, to really be there for you and offer you support as an individual”

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Presenting the Special Recognition Award is Alexa Webster. Alexa Webster is FXU President Community & Welfare, also known as ‘Captain Welfare’ to students across the campuses. Over the past year she has worked on equality and diversity, mental health, accessibility issues and implemented a wider selection of sexual protection. Alexa has been re-elected as FXU President Community & Welfare for 2016/17 and is looking forward to the year ahead. She will be tackling issues around drink spiking, working towards the launch of FXU Nightline and getting involved with more national politics with the NUS. She loves you, the students, dearly (even if you do keep her up at night worrying!) but has always maintained she has the best job in the world! 42

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Special Recognition Award The FXU Special Recognition Award is for students or groups of students who constantly work to improve the lives and experience of their fellow students. These students or groups of students fall outside one of the existing categories and is our way to say thank you to them for all the valuable work they do for our members every day. The winners of this award will be announced at the FXU Awards Ceremony on Monday 23rd May 2016.

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Presenting the Daniel Palmer award are Susan & Jim Palmer. In 2008, Daniel Palmer was in the third year of his degree in Geography at the University of Exeter’s Tremough Campus when he was tragically killed in an accident. We are delighted and honoured to invite his parents to present the award and to celebrate Daniel’s life. 44

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The Daniel Palmer Award The Daniel Palmer Award is named in memory of a past student who supported FXU in many ways and whose greatest achievement for FXU was the setting up of the St John LINKS Group, which has gone from strength to strength. The winner of this award has been selected by the FXU panel from the winners of all categories, for the most outstanding contribution to the student experience. The winner of this award will be announced at the FXU Awards Ceremony on Monday 23rd May 2016.

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The Award Designer This year’s awards were designed by Brett Luffman, 3rd year student BA(Hons) Sustainable Product Design. The awards use FSC registered Sapele wood for the boat base with recycled hardboard sails and waves. Sapele comes from a similar strain of tree as mahogany which gives it a golden to dark reddish brown colouration. FSC registration requires trees to be replanted where they are sourced, and ensures these awards are sustainable as possible.


Appreciate | Nominate | Celebrate

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the awards and the awards ceremony including: Mathilde Baade & Nina Bejany BA (Hons) Creative Events Management students Nathan Elemen Editor of our opening video Ellie Bearcroft & Chris Smith Photographers The wonderful performances from Milo Gore, Viva Voce, The Chorus and Tremough Follies To everyone who nominated a group or individual for an award All of the wonderful staff at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall We would also like to thank our guests for joining us for this year’s annual FXU Awards ceremony to recognise outstanding student and staff achievement in a night of celebration.

www.fxu.org.uk Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a registered charity in England & Wales No. 1145405

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