Hardship and Retention Funds The Government gives every university funds each year to assist students who need extra financial support because they have higher than expected costs.
Falmouth University The Falmouth University Hardship Fund is designed to help students who encounter unforeseen financial problems during the academic year. Existing students (pre-2020 starters) will automatically be considered for the Materials Bursary and the Cornwall Award. For more on bursaries and awards, see here. New students (2020 starters), will be considered for the income-based Falmouth Bursary. For more information see here.
University of Exeter For the online form and guidance notes on the Hardship Fund see here. For further information see here.
General Government guideline can be found here: www.gov.uk/studentfinance If students have any concerns or require help completing the form, they can contact The Students’ Union Advice Service: website: www.thesu.org.uk/advice email: advice@thesu.org.uk