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AUB Illustration Graduate Show Embassy Tea Gallery, London 1st - 5th July 2014

It’s High Noon and the 2014 Illustration graduates from Bournemouth are ready for the shoot-out! This year group has demonstrated a high level of technical ability, enthusiasm for the subject and a willingness to take risks and push Illustration further. However the most distinctive quality they all possess is a friendly and supportive approach to each other and this will serve them well when they kick the creative saloon doors open. Yee-ha! - Joel Lardner Senior Lecturer, AUB


George’s work mainly centres around hand drawn illustrations complemented with digital colouring and design.

www.aubri-illustration.com aubriillustration@hotmail.com @george_aubri


Philip Bailey is a paper artist; his work is an extension of his love for the ubiquitous white sheet. Playfulness is key to his practice; combining sculptural pieces with the human form to communicate notions of distorted reality.

www.philip-bailey.co.uk phildan@hotmail.co.uk @philthepaperboy


Alex (aka MissABeet) is all about bold colour, line and imagination! She has developed a keen interest in characters, narratives and pattern that she uses as part of visual story telling, aimed at children. More recently she has focussed on contemporary decorated products that brighten up everyday modern life.

www.missabeet.com missabeet@outlook.com @MissABeet


BIDDLECOMBE Eloise is an Illustrator and Stitch artist. Whilst working with textiles, she thrives under projects based on social commentary whilst keeping a light hearted and easy image.

eloisebiddlecombe.co.uk eloise.biddlecombe@gmail.com


If you’re a fan of bizarre characters and witty stories, as well as a universal importance of keeping a positive mental attitude while living in the ever-darkening modern world.... Boy, are YOU in for a treat! Everything Clark creates has some form of narrative in mind, whether it’s an actual comic strip, or a poster featuring a weird yet wonderful individual. Like any adult, Clark does this using superheroes, monsters, silence, violence and a healthy dose of satire. Currently based in Bournemouth, his influences include those of British comics, real people, b-movies and DIY culture.

facebook.com/ clarkbintillustration @BintsBanter


Delicate and ethereal, Laura Bourne’s botanical illustrations and floral pattern designs are inspired by the intricate beauty of nature, tales of mythology, and life in the Hampshire countryside she grew up in. Using both hand-drawn and digital techniques, Laura translates these themes; producing highly detailed imagery in pencil, ink and watercolour that is then transformed into prints that can be applied to products and textiles. Laura comes from five generations of artists who all specialised in the still life of nature, especially flowers and she hopes to continue the legacy through her own practice.

www.laurafloraillustration.co.uk laura.bourne@hotmail.co.uk @laurafloraillu


Christabel Budd’s work is inspired by experience and the contrast between rural and urban landscapes. She often reacts to her environment, places visited and the atmosphere of a place, which is described using a limited palette, and block colour. Her work explores the versatility of knitting as a drawing tool, whilst trying to challenge stereotypes that surround the process of knit, not only gender and age but also outcome. Her work is driven by the desire to represent knitting as an efficient communicative and illustrative tool.

www.crystalbudd.com crystalbudd@live.co.uk @CrystalHBudd


Sam is a Jersey born artist who specialises in observational drawing, from life and photographic reference. Sam’s work aims to capture his interest in the real world and real experiences, using his passion for travel and exploration to fuel his energetic and detailed illustrations. Heavily concerned with process his drawings are characterised by confident strokes and carefully considered line choices, creating sensitive and intriguing images with an immediate handmade feel.

samcarneyillustrationillustration.com samcarneyillustration@gmail.com @samcrn3




Growing up in London has had a strong influence in Louis’ work with buildings and the city often featuring heavily. He enjoys working with Rotring pens and screen-printing and model making, all of which are analogue processes as he enjoys the honesty of the images they create. However, he is currently starting to use digital processes to further his practise.

www.louiscraigcarpenter.com louiscraigcarpenter@gmail.com @louis draws


Aisling has always been a passionate storyteller and has loved drawing from a young age. Her time on the BA Illustration course at AUB has allowed her to channel the two into a passion for children’s picture book illustration. Her work is made up of a variety of mixed media but more recently through experimentation she has discovered a love of ink and watercolour when creating imagery. She enjoys creatingher own narratives and seeing them come alive through her illustrations.

www.aillustration.com aisling.crosland@hotmail.co.uk @aislingcrosland


Davies is influenced by traditional watercolours but has developed his own contemporary style with ink, using strong colours to evoke a sense of memory and place.

www.jdaviesillustration.com jdaviesillustration@gmail.com


Sam is a British Illustrator, currently residing in the countryside a few miles from Bristol. Her primary focus is children’s picture book illustration. Her work is inspired by her memories and surroundings, personal experiences influence both her story making and image creation. Growing up in the Somerset countryside has inspired a passion for nature, a theme that features often throughout her work. She uses a variety of mediums to create her imagery, from coloured pencils to a variety of paints and occasionally she dabbles with collage. She also uses Photoshop as a means of arranging and creating interesting and playful compositions to best display her illustrations.

mantha-kay-davies.tumblr.com mantha.kay.davies@hotmail.co.uk


An animal loving illustrator, creating scenes with ink and digital colour.

www.annabeldavisillustration.co.uk annabeldavis35@hotmail.co.uk @rentawombat


Lee is an illustrator based in Bournemouth - writing and illustrating children’s books is what his work mostly revolves around. He creates characters and worlds that you can get lost in and become part of those stories whilst joining the heroes in their quests.

www.leechristopherillustrations. tumblr.com leorarts@googlemail.com @Leorartslee


A young and mischievous monster boy with terrible claws and fangs filled with pure horror, disguised as a withdrawn illustrator residing by the English seaside.

www.mirikun.com miri@mirikun.com @Mirikun


Claire is an Illustrator and stitch artist currently residing in Bournemouth. She creates installations by exploring the boundaries between illustration and textiles. Collecting inspiration from the atmospheres around her in the every day whilst finding and creating details within the chaos.

claireedwardes.co.uk cedwardes@hotmail.co.uk


www.xueyun.co.uk Apricot56989558@163.com


Maia is an illustrator originally from Denmark, where (with the help of her Grandmother, a fellow illustrator) she began discovering her love of drawing from a young age. She likes to think her illustrations have improved since then, and nowadays finds herself continually fascinated by the concept of imagination. Its ambiguousness is intriguing, and she like narratives where you can’t quite be sure whether something is really happening. She likes creating strange creatures and interesting characters, and exploring them through one-off illustrations and different narratives. When she’s not scribbling away, she enjoys daydreaming, rescuing moths and endlessly re-reading Tove Jansson’s Moomin books.

www.maiafjord.com maiafjord@gmail.com @MaiaFjord


As an illustrator, Pearl believes it is her job to create a unique representation of the world, as we know it. Language has always been a passion of hers, and she believes that her love for it fuels her illustration practice.

www.pearlfok.com info@pearlfok.com @PearlFok


Abby is an illustrator working in 3d and paper engineering to create interactive and site specific pieces. She takes the everyday woes of life and tries to find a positive outlook, brightening up your day wherever she can by creating surreal and vibrant inventions. Abby aims to give her audience the effect of recieving a friendly smile from a stranger by creating something unexpected and often humorous. Her work is defined by it’s bright colours and patterns. Whether working in paper or found objects she constantly has the need to decorate, concentrating on beautiful aesthetic.

www.abbyfoord.co.uk @AbbyFoord


Rosanna’s wholesome upbringing has had a big influence on her morals and the process led work she makes today. Her self-authored work comes largely from experiences, including the people she meets and places traveled, her work also contains a desire to create awareness of important conservational issues.

www.rosannafrost.com rosanna_frost@hotmail.co.uk @rosannafrost


Katy Harrald is an illustrator based in the New Forest. Her illustrations play with the tonal qualities and intricate detailing of graphite, frequently combining multiple textures with detailed and accurate representations. Her work is often focused on scientific history and concepts; converging art with maths and science; producing images of equipment, portraits, and object collections. A growing library of text books and historical replicas coupled with dedicated attendance to lectures and museums, provides a multitude of inspirational subjects for her monochromatic works.

www.katyharrald.com katybharrald@gmail.com @katyharrald


Janine Harvey is a London based illustrator and printmaker. She completed her foundation in Art and Design at London College of Fashion, soon to be followed by a BA (Hons) Degree in Illustration at Arts University Bournemouth. Janine Harvey’s work is heavily inspired by black culture, music and femininity. She specialises in portraiture, incorporating a playful fusion of colour and print, which can be applied to a variety of outcomes.

Janine-harvey.4ormat.com Janineharvey00@gmail.com @janine_harvey


Originally from Hertfordshire, Emma has always enjoyed making images and crafting with a focused precision and attention to detail. Her current practice consists of delicate pencil drawings and intricate paper cutting, using her love of nature as inspiration for her decorative work. Beyond drawing she also enjoys crafting with a range of materials including paper, fabric and embroidery and has completed a short course in Silversmithing jewellery at Arts University Bournemouth.

www.emmaillustrates.com emma.honess@ntlworld.com @Emma_Honess


Jasper is an animator, model maker and illustrator from the Isle of Man. his main method of working now is 3D creating models and sculptures ready to be animated, his work is mostly narrative usually based around his own stories and experiences.

jasperhook-hultgren.tumblr.com jasperhook@msn.com


Tom is a Bristol based illustrator and visual development artist. He has a real passion for narrative and design. Showing a huge interest in creating both; children’s books and conceptual designs for film and game. He brings details and concepts into his illustrations that allow the mind and the audience to really visually explore his works. Tom takes his inspiration from the natural world - from vast landscapes to microscopic plant forms - injecting his imaginative forms and playful humour into his illustrations.

www.tominnesillustrations.com tominnesillustrations@hotmail.co.uk @InnesTom


Evleen Ireland is an illustrator originally from London, currently based in Bournemouth. The focus of her work is scientific illustration with specific interest in archaeology, palaeontology and zoology most often achieved digitally but with reference to hand rendered marks.

www.evleenirelandillustration.co.uk evleenireland@hotmail.com


Emily Irving is a 3D paper artist and illustrator based in Kent. Emily explores shape and form through her practice and is fascinated by the process of construction. Predominantly using paper and card, her work manifests itself into playful scenes and props which are designed to be interacted with and that often generates a sense of nostalgia. Her work is distinctive by the use of bright, bold colours she uses and the clean cut finish in which her objects are executed. Emily’s work has evolved during her time studying, beginning with layered paper cut outs on flat surfaces, which gave her the chance to explore some stop motion animation. Now, her work is predominantly larger three dimensional pieces which feature paper mechanisms and pop up elements.

www.emilyirving.co.uk hello@emilyirving.co.uk @Emily_Irving


Ricky’s illustrations are usually a mashup of messy marks and found imagery that sway towards themes of discovery, science and the unknown. With a profound focus towards shape, composition and colour, he uses methods of contemporary abstract collage to construct his work. Through this he enjoys challenging whoever sees his work and the way they interpret the illustration.

www.rickyjarvis.com rickydraws@hotmail.com facebook.com/rickyillustrates


James Keith’s work consists primarily of both analogue and digital drawings, using these to create designs for screenprinting. This work is presented under the brand name ‘Penda’ producing clothing, zines, prints and more.

penda.squarespace.com Pendakeith@gmail.com @Penda_Creates


Sooyeon Kim is a South Korean illustrator, currently living at Bournemouth. She enjoys the both of digital drawing and hand drawing. Her work is inspired by books, animation, her surroundings and childhood nostalgia. Her illustrating style is strong, fantasy, bright and colourful, she likes to create interesting dreamy world with mysterious creature which invite the viewers to enjoy her works.

www.sooandillustration.com ok911216@naver.com @lovelysoo11


Spanning across a variety of mediums, themes of portraiture, the body, identity, voyeurism and personal spaces dominant the work Charlie makes and show her love for the uniqueness of every person that she meets, and for their worlds, as well as her own.

artworkbycharlieking.tumblr.com charliekingcreative@outlook.com @charliekingart


Shuyi Li is an illustrator from China. Her work is currently about everyday life, femininity and travel

clover.lee@hotmail.com clovershuyili.tumblr.com


Primarily interested in storytelling, Katherine is keen to reach people of all ages through words and pictures. Contrasting themes of imagination and reality are predominant in her work. Taking inspiration from the real world as well as films and fantasy fiction, she likes to create characters and other worlds with paint, ink and pencil.

www.katherineloosley.co.uk @Kat450


Joe Mackenzie is an illustrator currently based in Bournemouth. He uses collage to reconstruct mundane moments, routine memories and the nostalgia of the environments of the 1950’s. Joe picks up on everyday occurrences and small details that provide the foundation for his work from daytime TV to mums riding scooters.

joemackenzie.co.uk joemackenzie53@yahoo.co.uk @joemackenzie6

LUKE MACMASTER His work is focused upon the creation of powerful wordless narratives. Whether by means of printmaking or hand-drawn, he creates striking, high contrast sequential images with a cinematic quality.

www.lukemacmaster.com lukemacmaster@live.com @LukeMacmaster


You will find a lot of colourful characters in Marianna’s illustrations, who are either drawn, printed, laser cut, animated or put together in short comics.You could say she’s a multi practitioner of sorts.Originally from Venezuela, her work is heavily inspired by Latin American culture, folk art, patterns and Bossa Nova music. Being mainly interested in narratives, she dreams of publishing stories in English and in Spanish, for adults and children alike.

www.mariannamadriz.com mariannamadriz@gmail.com @Madspot


Tom is an illustrator from the Jersey Channel Islands. His work mainly revolves around planetary scenes and space art created with spray paints. These pieces try to be as colourful as possible while still maintaining a sense of realism. He also creates black and white portraits along with digitally coloured comic book art.

tmanning91.wix.com/ tmanningillustration t.manning91@hotmail.co.uk

JADE McFARLAND Jade is a British illustrator, currently living near London. Influenced by the scary things that lie under children’s beds, her work is a fusion of the imagined and the observed. You can normally fine her doodling and scrawling depth and theatre that creates her signature narrative style. Her playful working method of re-assembling her own drawings digitally and by hand is used to create images that tell a story, compliment a specific text or answer a brief. Her work of exploring dark subject matters in to something adults and children can learn from in a fun and exciting way.

www.jademcdiamond.tumblr.com jadediamond@outlook.com @Jademcdiamond


Living and working in the South of England, Sarah is inspired by the natural beauty of areas such as the New Forest, where she is a keen forager of wild food. Her work, which also takes inspiration from traditional folk tales, is made using traditional materials such as ink and watercolour, in combination with digital media, and often focuses on a strong sense of atmosphere.

www.sarahmcquilkin.com sarah.mcquilkin@live.co.uk @SMcQuilkin


Kristi Minchin’s work is an exploration of colour, shape and form through 3D sculpture; using paper, plastic and found objects Kristi likes to comment om human interaction and British humour.

www.kristiminchin.co.uk kristiminchin@googlemail.com @kristiminchin


Illustrator and animator exploring the relationship between sound and image in short, narrative focused films and animations.

www.morganmakes.com thomas_morgan_6@msn.com


www.emilyoconnor.com emjoconnor@hotmail.com @littlegolden


Allie is an Illustrator from Horsham, West Sussex who grew up in a small countryside village and therefore, as a child, was engrossed in the natural world and creating mythological stories from the places and creatures around me. Her work draws upon these naive adventures and explores ethereal narratives and mysterious environments.

www.allieoldfield.com allieoldfield@gmail.com @allieoldfield


Nicole Owen is an illustrator and textile artist from Cornwall. Nicole first studied her foundation diploma in art and design Art Falmouth University, after which she went on to study a BA in Illustration at the Arts University Bournemouth where she developed a interest in fabric printing and machine embroidery.

nicoleowen.squarespace.com nicoleowen@live.co.uk @nicoleowen3


Natalie is a British Illustrator currently residing in Brighton. Inspired by the amalgamation of fiction and reality, colour and the surreal, she predominantly create hand drawn imagery displaying dark, gritty images with a colourful, playful twist. Most of her work is created using watercolour, ink and marker pens to capture a painterly and organic approach to her Illustrative practice.



Sophia is an illustrator and graphic designer from Athens, Greece, currently residing in London, UK. The imagery she creates is based around an Absurdist perception of the weak line between truth and illusion. In her personal work she attempts to create illustrations that metaphorically interfere with the reality of human nature on an individual and societal level, to project a subjective truth. Nature, architecture and personal observation are a big influence on her work, but she tries to keep an unbiased stance in her visual, social critique.

www.sophia-pistofidou-illustration.com sophiapistofidou@gmail.com


Julianna Romano’s drawings are inspired by places, stories and people. Her love for hand-rendered pattern and texture is reflected in idyllic encounters between dreamlike landscapes and wordless narratives.

juliannaromanoportfolio.tumblr.com jkrfmp.tumblr.com julianna.romano@hotmail.com @JuliannaRomano1


An illustrator based in Bournemouth, Ed is a fan of several different things; but that list mainly includes books, his bicycle and making bad unity games. He also like big landscapes, on account of them being big.

www.edsavage.co.uk @SavagedEd


Strongly influenced by the Theatre Arts and nostalgic themes, Emma Sears incorporates papercutting and installation techniques into her practice to create a sense of performance in her illustrations.

www.emmasears.co.uk helloemmasears@gmail.com @Emma_Sears


Hope Sloan is an Illustration student from Brighton. Inspired by words, people, and nature, she uses social observation and humour to fuel her narratives. She creates comics and picture books/zines with sketchy mono printing or graphite, and is working towards building a little library of weird but entertaining images.

www.hopesloan.co.uk hello@hopesloan.com @HopeASloan


www.sam-smyth.com sam.smyth@hotmail.com




Digital and analogue techniques and processes are often used within David’s work, which often showcases his fondness of typography. He is particularly interested in text and image, focusing on line and colour finding ways of experimenting these elements within his practice. He can be found experimenting with pencil, ink, paint and enjoys using the computer as a tool.



Amy is an artist from Sydney, currently residing in Hong Kong. Her inspiration has always been the places she has been and their cultures. She loves traveling and meeting new people from different cultures and listening to their stories. She creates characters using bright colors and patterns based on the people she met and the environment she was infused into.

www.amtillustration.com amymariat@hotmail.com facebook.com/amtillustration


WIDDOWSON Dan is a UK based illustrator, writer, vegan and rhymologist extraordinaire, but there’s such a thing as a rhymologist. He mostly creates creatures, characters and stories for children. He’ll let you in on a secret too... One day, he’s going to save the world with his trusty pencil. That’s just between you and him though, so keep it quiet.

www.danwiddowson.com danwiddowson.tumblr.com @DanWiddowson


Cathy is influenced by the beauty of the natural world and the patterns and organic shapes which are found in nature. Her work also looks into the diversity and quirks of being human. She aims to reinvent the traditional which she turns into contemporary work. She uses a mixture of techniques in her practice and loves to use playful colours and pattern to bring her images to life. Her main love is to create illustrated textiles, bringing fabric and pen together.

www.cathywinch.com cathywinch@gmail.com @CathyWinch


London based Artist and Illustrator specialising in the creation of Figurative, Observational and Imaginative works. Inspired by contemporary issues and Human nature with a favoured passion for Drawing and Portraiture. Her work is realised through hand rendered experimentation; regarding the interest in relaying the true essence of atmosphere, character and expression.

rachelwinzar.com hellorachelwinzar@hotmail.com @WinzarRachel


Florence Zealey is a picture-maker, who was born and grew up in Farnham, a craft town just outside of London in the UK. After completing her Foundation course in her hometown, she moved down to the seaside to pursue her love of drawing. She uses coloured pencils, pens and collage, and is inspired by people, her surroundings and childhood nostalgia. When Florence is not drawing, she likes exploring, smelling books and befriending stray cats.

www.florencedraws.co.uk flozealey@hotmail.com @florencedraws



Many thanks to our exhibition sponsors: EXWHYZED, GFSmith, Jimmy’s Iced Coffee and Don’t Panic, for all their kind donations and support for High Noon Show! www.exwhyzed.co.uk www.gfsmith.com jimmysicedcoffee.com dontpaniconline.com/london


To the head of our exhibition organisers: Louis Craig Carpenter, Maia Fjord; Katy Harrald, Hope Sloan and Florence Zealey Poster design: Marianna Madriz and Florence Zealey Exhibition booklet design/ Show branding: Florence Zealey To all team behind the Hullabaloo and Silent Auction Fundraisers - you all did an amazing job! The Embassy Tea Gallery Our wonderful Sponsors - Don’t Panic, EXWHYZED, GFSmith and Jimmy’s Iced Coffee Mike Heaton at EXWHYZED All of you lovely people who donated through our Indiegogo campaign! Lastly, a big thank you to our tutors and visiting lecturers over the last three years for all your help, support and ideas over the last three years, in particular Joel, Lisa and Paul in this final year!

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