2Graphic Productions is a graphic design, publishing, and media production studio based in the DMV. Since 2019 we have been producing different content from our digital art and comic books to our magazines and apparel. 2024 has presented plenty of challenges and blessings but we have decided to smack you in the face with new projects, starting with something we like to call “Phase #1”. With Phase #1 we hope to raise the funds needed to produce our ideas and continue to bring them to life. Not only does this include costs for living but this also includes production costs, so simple things like paper and ink for books, costs for software subscriptions, advertising, marketing costs and so much more.
2Graphic Productions for sale!
• Bi-monthly Magazine
• #GIVE Newsletter
• Paintings
• Prints
• T-shirts
• Greeting & Holiday Cards
• Trading Cards
• Collaboration Packages
• Art tokens
• Comic Books
• More Coming!
Social Media & Contacts:
Website: www.2graphic.biz
Instagram :
Twitter/X :
@2Graphic biz
#GIVE | 2Graphic Productions
E-Mail: thats2graphic@gmail.com
Follow us on:
Tik Tok :
Facebook :
2Graphic Productions
2Graphic TV
2Graphic TV:
Vlog Channel - 2Graphic TV
YouTube : 2Graphic Productions
Black Fantasy Comics
Black Fantasy Comics is a comic label created by 2Graphic Productions. Its a sub- genre of comics with a base in black art and culture. Black Fantasy comics are within the fantasy and sci-fi area and explore afro-futurism. So that’s where Black fantasy comics come from.
B.F.C.=Black Fantasy Comics=Black Comic Fan. Follow us on Instagram & TikTok - @blackcomicfan www.Blackcomicfan.com
Top 5 Comics on Webtoons:
1. Black Fantasy
2. Fried Chicken 3. Blaze Up
5. Slave or Free
#GIVE starts with an idea, a basic idea.
One that encourages any individual to help their friend, co-worker or their fellow man in need.
This could mean anything from a small monetary donation to just checking in to say hi.
Our goal is to contribute to the arts and larger basic community issues such as hunger, hygiene, and homelessness. We do so through donating and volunteering to different businesses, charities, and organizations that support these community issues as well.
Would you like to contribute to this idea?
Amount raised: $450
Our goal for this fundraiser is $2,500