insight Building on our strengths
Editorial + masthead 03 50 years of Keller in Austria 04 TrIIIple 06 ‘City‘ for the train station in Wiener Neustadt 08 WA Kalkofenweg 09 Railways (ÖBB) mobility centre Lienz 10 Atomic and Keller 11 Grabenhof Linz 12 S7 14 Hagleitner 16 Storage reservoir ‘Gelbe Haide‘ 17 Keller in South Tyrol 18 Flat House Krenova Brno 20 Domaine des cerisiers 21 New production facility, Stadler Rail 22 Wastewater treatment plant extension 24 From the cotton mill to the residential and commercial building 25 Keller Hungary 26 A-Tower 28 Lidl Celje 29 NEWS FROM AROUND THE KELLER WORLD
England 30 Middle East 30 Spain 31 Tank storage foundation in Amsterdam 31 Caribbean 32 Keller receives ENR GLOBAL BEST PROJECTS AWARD 33
LI:NAFOS project Lean management in South East Europe Welcome to Keller‘s integrated management system Everything changes + Construction Congress Taster days ‘Technology‘ Keller Football Cup in Slovakia
34 35 36 37 38 39
50 YEARS OF KELLER IN AUSTRIA – WE SAY THANK YOU... … to our business partners, our suppliers, our stakeholders … to our employees who work every day on the construction sites, in the workshops, in the yards and in the offices to ensure that all requirements can be met … e specially to our families, who always give us encouragement, so that we can head for the next 50 Keller years. Friedrich Alfred Krupp once said: ‘Beginning on a small scale, enduring difficulties, striving for greatness‘. I think this quote applies perfectly to Keller. Founded as a one-man business in Vienna in 1969, we had to go through hard times several times, which we have come through thanks to you, dear business partners and friends. Since then, we have looked to the future with confidence and believe that we can carry out many interesting projects.
In these 50 years, we have grown from a ‘family business‘ to a part of the Keller Group that is currently the largest independent geotechnical specialist contractor in the world. At this point I would like to emphasize once again what is close to my heart: for our customers, we are still the local company that can execute small and large projects ... and not just in Austria, but throughout South East Europe. We have summarised these big and small projects in our Keller Insight magazine again this year. I hope you enjoy reading it and catching a glimpse into our everyday life in 2019.
Best wishes!
Andreas Körbler
Masthead: ‘Keller Insight‘ is a magazine by Keller Grundbau Ges.mbH and affiliated companies. Owned and published by: Keller Grundbau Ges.mbH, Guglgasse 15, BT 4a / 3.OG, 1110 Vienna, Austria E-Mail: Editor: Marina Vacali Design, layout and print: G.A. Service GmbH, Siezenheimer Straße 39, 5020 Salzburg Please send ideas and suggestions to the publisher. All rights and modifications reserved. If you no longer wish to receive our magazine in the future, please send us an email to
KELLER insight // 2019
January 24, 1969 – A date that will not mean much to most people. For Keller Austria on the other hand, this date laid the foundation for Keller Grundbau Ges.mbH. On this day, the company, then still under the name ‘Johann Keller Gesellschaft mbH‘, appeared for the first time in the commercial register of the city of Vienna – since then 50 years have passed! 50 years – a good time to celebrate this event with all employees and business partners. That‘s why there were two events in 2019 to thank all those who have supported us for half a century – in good times and in less good times! In June 2019, the yard in Söding was turned into a summer camp and a big ‘family party‘ took place, to which all Austrian colleagues were invited. Here everyone came together who manage the daily routine on and off the construction sites. A welcome opportunity to welcome everyone back together in one place. According to Business Unit Manager Andreas Körbler, all these people are the ones who keep the company alive. A good market alone is not enough. You need a combination of the right people to achieve something, he said in his welcoming speech.
KELLER insight // 2019
The physical well-being was more than taken care of and you could also do sports. There was badminton, table tennis, but also darts or table football. The highlight of the day, however, was the beautiful signature board that was built by the employees in the workshop, to which all those present could contribute. Thus, we were able to create a beautiful, intergenerational souvenir on this day, which will remind us of this great day over the next 50 years.
point emphasised by Mr. Thorsten Holl, President of the EMEA Division. ‘Everyone can be successful, but only the one who sticks to his team can survive the difficult times‘, was the conclusion of his words to those present. With these words, we say goodbye to the last 50 years and on to the next and thank you again for the trust you place in us every day!
In September 2019, our celebration for our partners followed, where about 250 guests gathered in the Viennese ‘Sofiensäle‘. This is a historic building, which burned down in 2001 and Keller was significantly involved in the extensive renovation from 2011 to 2012. In this beautiful setting, numerous business partners such as contractors, civil engineers, architects, consultants, stakeholders, suppliers, university representatives and many more accepted our invitation to celebrate our anniversary. Since Keller works more than 90% as a subcontractor for these business partners, Andreas Körbler warmly thanked them in his welcome speech for their co-operation over the last 50 years. Mr. Körbler also emphasised that the people around the world are also a part of Keller‘s focus. Keller started in Austria as a one-man business, led by Mr. Peter Stockhammer and it would not have been possible to survive the past 50 years without the ingenuity and dedication of construction site personnel and engineers. More proof that Keller still sees itself as a ‘family business‘ can be seen from the fact that there are many long-standing employees, and families who have been working for us for three generations. This local handshake partnership in combination with global thinking and action was the KELLER insight // 2019
of a watertight construction pit for three high-rise buildings in the centre of Vienna To counteract the lack of residential units in Vienna, the project partners SORAVIA and ARE Development, a company of the Federal Real Estate Company (BIG), decided to build three high- rise buildings in the 3rd district of Vienna, directly on the Danube Canal. The range of available living space ranges from a one-room apartment of 33m² up to the five-room apartment of 165m². The approximately 110 metre high-rise buildings offer a usable area of about 70,000m², which are divided into 1,170 residential units. At the beginning of 2018, Keller Grundbau Ges.mbH was awarded the contract by TrIIIple BP GmbH & Co OG as the general contractor for the entire construction pit and its foundation. THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS
The approximately 9,000m² excavation pit has an excavation slab at a depth of seven (dados) to 11 metres (tower areas) below street level. After a small layer of landfills and silty sands, the Danube crushed stone follows. These are composed of sandy gravel and form the aquifer. The lower edge of this gravel is located in the excavation area. Below follow the Miocene deposits, which are composed of several metres of water- bearing sand layers, traversed by clayey silt bands. The calm groundwater level is located at a depth of about five to six metres below ground level and thus above the excavation levels.
After a two-month preparation period and the completion of the demolition of the old customs office building, works began in mid-April 2018 with the safety measures. Due to the groundwater situation, a technically dense construction pit with anchors had to be executed. Depending on the local boundary conditions as well as the respective excavation depths, the pit support was implemented with a sheet pile and bored pile wall (CFA piles with a diameter of 88cm) whose spacings were sealed by jet grouting columns. The lower edge of the construction was chosen on the basis of the soil investigation so that it integrated into the Miocene layer to obtain a ‘dense‘ excavation pit. For the anchors a removable strand anchor was chosen, which can be removed from the sub-soil after the high-rise buildings have been built. A total of 12 tertiary vacuum wells (diameter 320, depth up to approximately -38m) and nine quaternary wells (diameter 720, down to the lower edge of gravel) were constructed for dewatering. To be able to measure and document the tertiary and quaternary water levels, three gauges were installed in each level. The pumped water reached the sedimentation tanks through a collecting pipe, to determine possible sand discharges and to be able to separate them if necessary. Subsequently, the pumped water was passed through the newly built noise protection gallery into the
KELLER insight // 2019
PROJECT INFORMATION Investor: ARE Development and SORAVIA Client: TrIIIple BP eins/zwei/drei/vier GmbH & Co OG Geotechnical Consultant: 3P Geotechnik ZT GmbH Quantities: 149 temporary strand anchors » 890 CFA piles Ø63 (foundation) » 80 CFA piles Ø88 (pit support) » 80 jet grouting columns (bored pile wall spacing sealing) » 60 jet grouting columns » 30 wells and gauge » 4,400m² sheet pile wall » 3,300m sounding drilling for warfare material » 65,000m³ excavation works Execution period: April 2018 – May 2019
Danube Canal. With an average of 340m³/h (a pool with a capacity of 50m³ would be filled in nine minutes) of water, we were in the predicted amount of pumped water and were able to reach the drawdown level. In the roughly eight months of the dewatering process, a total of two million cubic meters of water were pumped. This amount corresponds to the flow of the Danube (on average 1,900m³/s) in 18 minutes near Vienna. END IN SIGHT After a construction period of 12 weeks, in the summer of 2018, the pit support and dewatering process were completed, so that excavation could start up to the respective deepest excavation slab and the foundation works could start. As foundation elements, CFA piles were constructed with a diameter of 63cm and an average length of about 16m. The function of the foundation piles was on the one hand in the load transfer and on the other hand the buoyancy protection of the dados.
Thanks to professional planning, competent partners and a tight construction schedule, the first part of the excavation pit was handed over to the construction company four weeks earlier than planned, at the end of August 2018. By the end of 2018, the remaining areas of the excavation pit were gradually handed over to the construction company on time. In April 2019, the construction works had progressed so far that the building was buoyant and thus the pit support and the dewatering lost their functions. Therefore, the dewatering could be taken out of service and the wells, the sheet pile wall and the anchors were removed. In May 2019, all work was done to the full satisfaction of our client. We wish our client, TrIIIple BP GmbH & Co OG, a good construction process, so that nothing prevents completion of the project in 2021.
Andreas Kalcsics Keller Grundbau Vienna
KELLER insight // 2019
Finished pit support (CFA piles 63cm and jet grouting columns in between and anchors), sheet pile wall, foundation piles of the tower area, wells and main water pipe, noise protection wall in the background
Jakob Pelzl Keller Grundbau Vienna
Alexander Stöglehner Keller Grundbau Vienna
AUSTRIA Wr. Neustadt
Next to the train station in Wiener Neustadt, a 26m high office and commercial building is currently being built – the BHF-City. Perfect traffic connections and an outstanding infrastructure make this building particularly interesting. In addition, the two-storey basement offers plenty of space for car parking and storage areas. For the construction of the two basement levels, which should reach a depth of approximately 7.5m, excavation support was required, which had to be sealed off against groundwater, which was found at approximately 4m below pavement level. As a first stage, Keller constructed CFA piles along the footprint of the building. These piles had a diameter of approximately 63cm and reached a depth of approximately 11m. In a second step, the areas between the piles were grouted using the Soilcrete® technique. With this technique, the surrounding soil is eroded by a high speed grout jet which simultaneously mixes the soil and grout. In this way, a sealing against lateral groundwater ingress can be achieved. Furthermore, the Soilcrete® method was used to underpin the foundation of the adjacent ÖBB parking deck, as in this area it was not possible to construct any bored piles due to limited space. Due to the large depth of the excavation pit, both the walls and the underpinning elements had to be secured. As an alternative to steel strutting, 12m long removable strand anchors were installed at suitable intervals, allowing a free excavation pit to be built. As soon as the constructed building provides the necessary supporting forces, the anchor strands can be removed. To protect the bottom of the excavation pit against groundwater ingress from below, a 1.5m thick Soilcrete® sealing slab was constructed over the entire area of approximately 2,600m². This was located between 10.5 and 12m below pavement level and thus 3m below excavation level.
The weight of the soil between the bottom of the excavation pit and the upper level of the sealing slab counteracts the water pressure acting from below. As a result, a floating of the bottom could be prevented. Thanks to the special foundation measures mentioned above and despite a water level difference of approximately 3.5m, a dense excavation pit was successfully produced in the highly permeable gravel of Wiener Neustadt and the construction works was made possible.
PROJECT INFORMATION Investor: BHF-City Entwicklungs GmbH Client: BHF-City Entwicklungs GmbH Geotechnical consultant: Geologie Weixelberger GmbH Design: Fa. Keller Grundbau GmbH Quantities: »» Soilcrete® slab • 2,600m² Soilcrete® sealing slab »» 170m anchored bored pile wall: • Approx. 1,600m CFA piles Ø 63cm • Approx. 1,600m jet grouting sealing • Approx. 330m removable anchors »» 30m anchored jet grouting underpinning: • Approx. 315m removable anchors • Approx. 580m³ jet grouting elements Execution period: January – April 2019
KELLER insight // 2019
a new residential complex is built on secure ground The Wohnbauselbsthilfe is building a residential complex consisting of three buildings in the Vorarlberg municipality of GĂśtzis in the middle of the Rhine Valley. House 1 + 2 will be built on a common underground car park. The soil conditions made a deep foundation of the buildings necessary. To support the required loads of up to 800KN per pile, the commissioned soil surveyor recommended the use of CFA piles with diameters of 45 or 65cm. As an economical alternative, Keller Grundbau offered the commissioned contractor Wilhelm + Mayer a deep foundation with a Keller-owned system. The vibro concrete column system is a fully displaced cast-in-place pile system that has been used successfully as a deep foundation system for many years. The L-Alpha vibrator developed by Keller makes it possible to pass through denser layers while at the same time improving the soil. The column is produced by continuously pumping concrete over the nozzle when pulling out the feeder pipe. After the construction of the vibro concrete column, a reinforcement is installed in the fresh concrete.
With the Keller’s own rig type 04 the soil can be penetrated up to a depth of 22m. However, the required pile loads for this project made depths of up to 25m depth necessary. To meet these requirements, the TR07, which was developed by Keller Grundbau, was used for the first time. With the TR07, at a operating weight of maximum 59 tonnes, deep foundation elements with a length of 27m can be produced. The vibro concrete columns with load capacities of 600 and 800kN were produced within four weeks. Then, 20% of the produced vibro concrete columns were tested for their integrity after a curing time of about one week and released by the test engineer to the superstructure.
Gerhard Meyer Keller Grundbau Dornbirn
Investor: Wohnbauselbsthilfe Vorarlberger gemeinn. Gen.m.b.H Client: Wilhelm + Mayer Bau GmbH Geotechnical Consultant: BGG Consult Dr. Peter WaibelZT-GmbH Design: Keller Grundbau GmbH Quantities: Approx. 210 vibro concrete columns; total approx. 4,800m Execution period: July 2019
AUSTRIA Dornbirn
KELLER insight // 2019
Devid Wolfsgruber Keller Grundbau Innsbruck
AUSTRIAN FEDERAL RAILWAYS (ÖBB) – MOBILITY CENTRE LIENZ Lienz train station is the most important public and commercial transport hub in the East Tyrol region. As part of the modernisation of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), the aim of this conversion and expansion of the station was to make the use of public transportation more attractive and as uncomplicated as possible and to make travel more sustainable and environmentally friendly. The centrepiece of this revitalisation of the station was the pedestrian subway below the tracks. This walking and cycling subway connects the area south of the station with Lienz city centre and the station itself. As a result, the newly created Park & Ride facility in the south will move closer to the station making it easier for the numerous cyclists in the region. For the tunnelling at the station, as well as a partial underpinning of the old station building, the jet grouting system was chosen by the experts and designers. After the construction company, DI Walter Frey from Lienz, was awarded with the project, Keller Grundbau was commissioned as a subcontractor for the execution of the jet grouting works. With ÖBB insisting on keeping the trains running and causing the minimum amount of disruption for passengers, work had to be carried out in night shifts.
Real-time monitoring of the tracks for uplifting and subsidence prompted an immediate reaction to any track movements and ensured the tracks stayed open. On site we met very tight space conditions, due to partially parallel running demolition works and war material exploration. A clean coordination of the works, the optimisation of the processes and the tireless efforts of all colleagues during the night working, meant that all deadlines were met. The rail bridges could be lifted as planned and stored on the jet grouting abutments. After the completion of the works, the excavation of the underpass started. This revealed the technical success of the project, confirming the parameters set in the initial trial column.
After the site installation of the jet grouting equipment, the works started at the beginning of June 2019. By using the Acoustic Column Inspector (ACI®) and subsequent exposure of a sample column outside the track area, the assumed jet parameters were confirmed and optimised. The night works were executed under pressure to meet the very tight time schedule. In the area of the tunnel, the tracks were led in sections through rail bridges over the tunnel in an operation planned months in advance and with no room for time delays. Then, the double-rowed jet grouting excavation support in the area of the rail bridges, which also functioned as the bridge abutments, was carried out. Making the tracks ready for use at the end of the shift was initially one of the biggest problems. In the track area, it was not permitted to jet grout a large area as this would have impaired the load-bearing capacity of the track bed. By optimising the manufacturing sequence and filling the processed areas with track ballast, this problem was solved.
Investor: ÖBB Infrastruktur AG Client: Bauunternehmung DI Walter Frey GmbH Geotechnical Consultant and Designer: BGG Consult/Poltnigg & Klammer ZT- GmbH Quantities: Approx. 1,700m³ jet grouting for pit support / abutments / underpinning Execution period: May – June 2019
KELLER insight // 2019
…..a perfect team for more than 20 years Back in 1999, Keller Grundbau carried out the deep foundation work for a large section of the logistics centre at Atomic in Altenmarkt, near Salzburg. Due to the expansion of the world market-leading manufacturer in the alpine ski area, several extensions have been necessary since then. Each time, Keller Grundbau was able to offer its best technical and economical solution with in-house deep foundation techniques. The products Keller have offered over the years included grouted stone columns in 1999, vibro compaction in 2001, deep soil mixing in 2006 and, in 2019, we installed vibro concrete columns for four new buildings including two new high rack warehouses.
s in the previous work, special attention was paid to the soil conditions on site. The existing subsoil of loose/soft alternating layers of gravel, silt, sand and peat cannot withstand the high impact of the structures and the high racks without any damage. Therefore, as expected, deep foundation measures had to be taken. In consideration of the current boundary conditions, Keller’s vibro concrete columns were selected as the best solution. Despite a large construction area of approximately 7,000m², it was necessary to maintain the daily business of the factory without any disturbance. So, works had to be carried out in two sequences. The vibro concrete columns were installed by pumping the concrete up to the surface and then a central reinforcing rod was installed. The extremely tight construction schedule demanded detailed sequence planning and great discipline and effort to meet the agreed dates. Due to the extremely settlement-sensitive automatic high racks, the settlement of the finished product was very important. In addition to the continuous automatic depth recording of each individual concrete vibro column, two static pressure load tests in the immediate vicinity of the high rack warehouses, as well as several integrity tests with best results were carried out as quality assurance.
KELLER insight // 2019
Kevin Fauland Keller Grundbau Salzburg
Marko Schmölzer Keller Grundbau Salzburg
AUSTRIA Salzburg
Investor: Atomic Austria / AMER Sports / ANTA Sports Client: Bauunternehmung GRANIT Gesellschaft m.b.H. / Graz Geotechnical consultant: Bautechnische Versuchsund Forschungsanstalt Salzburg (bvfs) Designer: Praher-Schuster ZT-GmbH / Linz Quantities: 750 vibro concrete columns Execution period: 1st sequence of works: June – July 2019 2nd sequence of works: November – December 2019
one excavation pit, many challenges KKL Holding is building a spectacular new business and residential building in the centre of downtown Linz. The building, designed by atelier Meinhart, comprises a two-storey underground car park and several buildings with up to eight floors. The entire complex will house 25 residential units and one commercial space. In addition, 86 parking spaces will be provided in the two underground garages. After an intensive and detailed offer process, Keller was commissioned by the renowned construction company Kapl Bau GmbH to carry out the construction of the excavation pit and the foundations of the new building. The complex excavation pit was designed in the Keller design office. WHAT WE FACED The pit, which is approximately 8.5m deep, was supported by a contiguous pile wall with shotcrete infill. The bored piles were constructed as front-of-wall piles – a very common use in urban areas. Due to the depth of the excavation pit and the proximity and number of neighbouring buildings, the pile frames still had to be braced horizontally or diagonally into the excavation pit with hydraulic
bracings. In some areas, where bored piles could not be drilled due to foundation projections, the neighbouring buildings were under pinned with jet grouting elements and then anchored. The load-bearing structures and walls in the second basement were built on jet grouting columns. Depending on the load level, jet grouting columns with a diameter of up to 1.5m and depths of up to 8.0m had to be constructed. For this, drilling depths of up to 16m had to be realised.
KELLER insight // 2019
PROJECTS THE OUTCOME After a planning phase of about four weeks, the pile production started at the beginning of April 2019. Despite encountering massive boring obstacles, the drilling works were completed after three weeks. Immediately after, the jet grouting columns and building underpinnings were constructed in three weeks. The diameter control of the jet grouting columns was carried out with the Acoustic Column Inspector® (ACI®). In parallel with the excavation works, the bored piles were cleaned and the spaces between them were filled in with shotcrete. Depending on the pre-excavation conditions, the hydraulic bracings and strand anchors were gradually installed and stressed.
Parallel to the construction works, the excavation pit was intensively checked with an intensive monitoring system. Deformations on the existing buildings as well as of the bored piles by means of inclinometers and stiffness forces, were observed. The measured values were always below the calculated theoretical values.
The completed construction pit was handed over to the construction company at the end of July, with construction works already being carried out parallel to our work in sub-areas of the excavation pit. After finishing the ground slab and the ceiling above the second basement floor, the bracings were relieved and removed. Our works were finally completed in late October. ©atelier Meinhart
PROJECT INFORMATION Investor: KKL-Holding GmbHAuftraggeber: Kapl Bau GmbH Client: Kapl Bau GmbH Geotechnical Consultant: Geotechnik Tauchmann GmbH Design: Heintzel Steinbichl & Partner Tragswerksplanung ZT GmbH Quantities: »» Approx. 1,900m bored piles »» Approx. 800m³ jet grouting (foundation and underpinning) »» Approx. 150m temporary strand anchors »» Approx. 800m² shotcrete »» Approx. 75 to bracings Execution period: April – October 2019
Melanie Zauner Keller Grundbau Linz
Johannes Zauner Keller Grundbau Linz
KELLER insight // 2019
S7 FÜRSTENFELDER SCHNELLSTR RELIEF OF A MAIN AXIS In the future, the four-lane S7 Fürstenfelder Schnellstraße will run from Riegersdorf (A2) via Fürstenfeld to the Hungarian state border at Heiligenkreuz. The S7 will relieve traffic in the municipalities in Eastern Styria and Burgenland and provide a fast, high-performance and secure connection to the road network for existing and new companies. The soft ground is a major challenge for the construction works. For this reason, Keller was commissioned to carry out the special foundation works on two sections.
Investor: Asfinag Start of works: 2017 Finalisation of works: 2023 Investment volume: 700m€
SECTION 6 – BRIDGES (OBJ. S7.21 AND S7.22) At the beginning of 2019, Keller Grundbau GmbH was awarded the contract for the installation of bored piles for the foundation of two bridge structures (S7.21 over the Lafnitz and S7.22 over the Lahnbach), as well as for the installation of stone columns in the open space area in section 6. The piling works started at the end of February with bridge object S7.22. This bridge is about 120m long with two abutments and a central pillar. For the load transfer into the subsoil, 62 bored piles with a diameter of 120cm and drilling depths up to 31m were planned.
Client: Kostmann GmbH Quantities: Approx. 3,780m bored piles Approx. 1,220m stone columns Execution period: February – August 2019
KELLER insight // 2019
Peter Schicker Keller Grundbau Söding
Herbert Siegl Keller Grundbau Söding
AUSTRIA Fürstenfeld
The injection bolts with a single length of up to 12m were produced in a grid of 1.5m x 1.5m. In addition, strand anchors with individual lengths of up to 35m were also produced. The same drill rig, equipped with a vibro hammer, was used to construct both the injection bolts and the strand anchors. Approximately 220 stone columns were installed along the route as two water protection plants were produced for the transport of surface waters. In the course of the securing work at the west portal, a continuous creeping of the slope above the tunnel portal was noted due to the soft soil. To counteract this, approximately 180 CFA piles with a diameter of 90cm and different depths of up to 18m were constructed. In some areas, these are also anchored with 35m long pre-stressed anchors.
The piles were produced by rotary drilling. Most of the piles had to be produced under hydrostatic force. A total of 22 out of 62 piles were produced as inclined piles with an inclination of 10:1 and drilling depths of up to 28.5m. Object S7.21 is a bridge of about 140m in length, also with two abutments and one central pillar. As a deep foundation, 65 bored piles with a diameter of 120cm and drilling depths of up to 35m were constructed using the grabber method. This structure also required the production of inclined piles with a drilling depth of up to 34m. For the transport of surface waters, approximately 270 stone columns were constructed along the route.
PROJECT INFORMATION Client: Granit Baugesellschaft mbH Quantities: »» Approx. 20,000m² shotcrete »» Approx. 40,000m injection bolts »» Approx. 8,000m strand anchors »» Approx. 3,000m bored piles »» Approx. 2,000m stone columns Execution period: March 2019 – ongoing
SECTION 8 – RUDERSDORF TUNNEL Keller Grundbau GmbH was awarded the ground engineering works at the heart of the S7, the approximately three kilometre long Rudersdorf tunnel. The contract covers the securing works on both tunnel portals, as well as the slope-side excavation pit support with a total length of approximately 1,500m and a height of up to 15m using shotcrete and soil nails, reinforced with additional anchor beams. It was mandatory to use the wet-mix shotcrete method due to the EIA notification. The thickness of the shotcrete varied between 15 and 40cm. KELLER insight // 2019
Um diesem entgegenzuwirken werden ca. 180 Stück SOB-Pfähle mit einem Durchmesser von 90 cm und Einzeltiefen von bis zu 18 m hergestellt. Bereichsweise werden diese auch mit 35 m langen Vorspannankern rückverankert.
Dominik Struber Keller Grundbau Salzburg
Marko Schmölzer Keller Grundbau Salzburg
AUSTRIA Salzburg
KELLER GRUNDBAU on a ‘clean mission‘
The company, founded in 1971, is a family business based in Salzburg known for innovative and professional hygiene products. As the most modern chemical-technical production company in Europe, it manufactures all products exclusively at their headquarters in Zell am See. In order to keep up with the constant growth of the company, a plant extension became necessary. As an innovative client, they were open to innovative solutions from Keller. The existing facility is embedded in the extremely technically demanding Zeller Basin, more precisely in the vicinity of Lake Zell. The subsoil is not suitable for secure construction without further special foundation measures. Due to the basement, which reaches up to 3m into the groundwater, it was necessary to reduce the groundwater flow ‘from below‘ during construction as much as possible. This had to be done in addition to a dense excavation pit and deep foundation works. UNDERPINNING AND SEALING TROUGHS BY MEANS OF JET GROUTING (SOILCRETE®) As the excavation for the new basement reaches right up to the existing building, watertight underpinning had to be carried out. For this purpose, double-row jet grouting elements were constructed down to a depth of 10m. SOIL IMPROVEMENT BY MEANS OF KELLER’S VIBRO COMPACTION AS FOUNDATION MEASURE AND REDUCTION OF THE PERMEABILITY TO GROUNDWATER DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE
Investor and client: Hagleitner Hygiene International GmbH Geotechnical Consultant: Grund und Boden Geotechnik GmbH Design: BauCon ZT-GmbH Quantities: »» Approx. 30,000m3 vibro compaction »» Approx. 1,450m3 jet grouting elements »» Approx. 350m2 jet grouting sealing slabs Execution period: July – October 2019 A vertical division of the excavation pit with a sheet pile accelerated the construction process, so that the excavation for the first section could start after approximately eight weeks of construction.
To reduce the amount of water accumulated during the lowering of the groundwater inside the excavation pit, the upcoming unconsolidated soil was densified by additional sand material using deep vibrators. At the same time, we were able to increase the load-bearing capacity of the soil through our technology, so that the originally planned additional deep foundation could be omitted.
KELLER insight // 2019
Alexander Stöglehner Keller Grundbau Vienna
Production of sounding and test piles including three bidirectional static load tests with the PileHAY-Proof-System® and foundation of a wastewater storage tank by means of grouted Keller ductile piles (KDP) On behalf of the Municipal Authority of Vienna – Wien Kanal, Habau is building the Third Underground Reservoir in the city. It can absorb around 10,000m³ of rainwater from the 462 hectare catchment area Altmannsdorf and Hetzendorf (Vienna‘s 23 rd district) and protects the Liesing from pollution and flooding, especially after heavy rain events, so-called ‘rain bombs‘. The rainwater is temporarily stored and then led to the main Simmering sewage treatment plant. In the course of the tender a shallow foundation in combination with soil replacement in some areas was planned. Since the foundation level is about 6m below the current ground level and semi-solid to solid Vienna Miocene was found there, the client had concerns over carrying out the foundation works by means of KDP in respect of the pile drivability. Due to the possible low load-bearing soil layers in certain areas and the associated predicted extensive soil replacement, an alternative using ductile piles for the foundation was worked out in consultation with MA29 – Brückenbau und Grundbau, our client Habau and the designer Hengl & Pinter. To be able to exclude the ‘non-drivability of the soil‘, it was agreed to carry out trial pile drivings with three sounding piles 118/250mm (without concrete) in advance. These were successfully performed in May 2019 and were accompanied by vibration and sound level monitoring by the company geo-proof during construction of the sounding piles. This was mandatory due to the fact that the main power supply lines for the south of Vienna pass near the construction site. The vibrations that occurred were far below the limits of ÖNORM S9020. As local complaints could have occured, accompanying sound level measurements were also carried out. Here, too, it was detected that the noise caused by the construction of ductile piles was about the same level as the noise caused by the traffic of the Triesterstraße. Thus, the way was clear for a value engineering solution and ended up in a contract for Keller. The advantage for the client lays in the financial security against the changing ground conditions and thus in the omission of any massive soil exchange measures. Another advantage is the independence of weather events in terms of impacting the bottom of the excavation by precipitation waters for the shallow foundation. After the pit support with sheet piles by the company Heiss, a roughly 6m deep pit was excavated on an area of around 76 x 48m. About 22,000m³ of soil had to be moved by the in-house earthworks department of the company Habau.
and their load-bearing capacity. The test piles PP02 and PP03 were driven into the Miocene and the test pile PP01 into an area of fine sand layers with several metres of thickness. After a curing time of about 2.5 weeks, the test piles were carried out using the bidirectional static test load Pile-HAY-Proof-System®. With this static test load system, it is possible to determine the two load capacity components – peak pressure and skin friction – separately. Thus, it is possible to derive significantly more meaningful pile-driving criteria from the trials. The results of the test loads were remarkable. The skin friction at pile PP01 (fine sand & clayey silt) was almost twice as high as that of PP02 and PP03 (Viennese Miocene), despite the total harvest time being around 12% lower. Based on the test load results and Keller‘s many years of experience in the field of static test loads, a pile-driving criterion that was optimally adapted to the changing soil layers was determined in consultation with the MA29, which ensured both economical and geotechnically proper production of the structure piles. In this way, more than five kilometres of Keller ductile piles could be produced successfully and on time. In the area of the cross reinforcements of the sheet pile walls, the piles also had to be partially constructed in restricted access areas using short pieces with connecting sleeves. To minimise any softening of the working platform, the fine level and the clean layer were produced step by step after the pile production by our client. Due to the pile distribution – the piles were arranged in the entire excavation area – it was decided to remove the entrance and exit ramp before completion of the driven pile works. The meant was a continuous construction process without any interruptions due to earthworks. However, it also meant that our equipment had to be lifted out of the excavation pit by a 200 tonne mobile crane after the last ductile pile had been constructed. Despite the strongly changing soil layers in some areas according to the former Liesing streambed, 388 grouted ductile piles with a total length of 5,308m and design loads of up to 1,540kN were successfully completed and handed over to our client on time.
In the pit that was excavated down to the bottom of the clean layer, three trial piles 170/250mm with lengths between 10 and 12m were produced before the actual pile foundation works began. Their location was – similar to the sounding piles - chosen so that the soil in the entire field of construction could be examined in terms of drivability KELLER insight // 2019
A province between Italy and Austria The construction industry in Italy is currently in a difficult situation, due to the unstable political situation and some major infrastructure projects have been blocked. In South Tyrol, on the other hand, we find a much more promising market situation. In contrast to the rest of Italy, more investment is being made in residential and commercial construction. Due to this situation, we decided to reopen the Brixen office in April 2018.
ith a new and, above all, locally-based team, we will re- develop the market in South Tyrol and Trento. The current team in Brixen consists of Stefan Nitz (office manager) and Silvia Reifer (assistant). For the operational management on the construction sites, the office is supported by site managers from the Verona and Innsbruck offices. But, as you can read on these pages, we handle quite a lot interesting projects, so we are currently trying to strengthen the team with local site managers. A Leite - Meran (BZ). Our excavation pits benefit from BIM – an anchored jet grouting excavation support as an alternative to micropiles
vertically, so it didn’t reach into the neighbouring plot. A Revit 3D model was the basis of our elaborate solution for this project. The visual demonstration of the excavation pit in 3D was very helpful when it came to the many height differences and altitudes. In the various project phases, the data was exchanged between the designer and Keller using the 3D model in Revit. This example has shown that planning in 3D is necessary for complex excavation pits. In addition, there will be more and more excavation pits in the future where planning will be done in 3D. We are prepared for this and have made another step in the direction of Business Information Modelling with this project. Progress Headquarters – Brixen (BZ) New offices and production halls for growing business
The developer Father&Son is building a new property in the northern part of Meran, in a beautiful hillside location. Due to the steepness of the terrain and the geometric conditions of the project, (especially the restricted working area), the delivery of the property required an appropriate excavation support. The excavation support was made using an anchored jet grouting wall. Due to the close distances to the adjacent buildings, the anchors were partly installed with an inclination of 75°. Thus, the jet grouting element was prestressed almost
The Progress Group develops complete solutions for precast concrete plants worldwide. Due to the steadily growing market, the location in Brixen is being expanded with new offices and new production halls. With a seven-storey office building and a two-storey production hall, including an underground car park below it, this building is a showpiece for construction using precast concrete parts. Due to the existing soil conditions, the large dimension of the structure and the required loading capacities, appropriate deep foundation measures were needed to deliver the construction project as planned. The original design showed deep foundation works by means of bored piles. Since Keller knows exactly the soil conditions of the Brixen industrial zone, due to numerous projects they have carried out there, we proposed an alternative to the investor using Soilcrete®. After explaining the benefits of Soilcrete® in these soil conditions over bored piles, the other parties involved agreed and Keller were awarded the project. The distribution of the jet grouting columns (diameters between 120 and 180cm) was adjusted according to the load distribution and the lengths (approximately 10m) KELLER insight // 2019
Stefan Nitz Keller Fondazioni Brixen
according to the geological conditions. Thus, the quantities of the final jet grouting columns could be optimised, which brought the client time and economic benefits. This example has shown that Keller Fondazioni is a strong and reliable partner for complex solutions, where local knowledge of the soil is an important and often decisive factor in the success of a project. Factory building ‘Fischer‘ – Tramin (BZ) The ‘Mower Specialist‘ stays strong in South Tyrol The internationally operating company Fischer GmbH is the ‘Mower Specialist‘ for wine and fruit growers. Due to steady growth, the company has decided to expand its production facility. In a pre-project phase, the geologists and planners involved made an in-depth examination of the building site. In addition, two field trials were carried out (with pre-load fillings and corresponding settlement recordings). The obtained data was included in the dimensioning of the soil improvement. The design of the vibro replacement columns was carried out by the engineering office of ‘Holzner&Bertagnoli‘. The original design for the soil improvement consisted of approximately 2,000 compaction points with an average length of approximately 12.5m. Due to the tight schedule, the vibro replacement columns were produced using two rigs in a period of about eight weeks. After finishing the construction works, the settlements calculated in advance were verified by means of two load tests. Significantly lower settlements than expected were measured.
KELLER insight // 2019
For the construction of a new 10-storey residential and commercial building in Brno (CZ), Keller was commissioned to construct the pit support using jet grouting. However, this alternative solution came about in a later stage. The original solution was a pit support via a soldier pile wall. Due to our years of experience for these soil conditions and considering the groundwater level, we found that this solution was flawed. So, the project was redesigned by our technical office, presented to the client and finally released for execution.
The project is an approximately 46 x 28m and 7m deep excavation pit, which has to be sealed against groundwater ingress. In addition, the neighbouring buildings, which adjoin the excavation pit on two sides and consisted of old masonry, were partly underpinned by 1,300m Soilcrete® columns with a diameter of 120cm. The other two sides of the excavation pit were secured by means of a soldier pile wall with a Soilcrete® infill with a sealing function in the groundwater area and a timber lagging above the groundwater. In this case, steel section support links IPE 360mm were used. The Soilcrete® infill was realised with half columns. Furthermore, about 60 pre-stressed strand anchors were used for anchoring the rest of the excavation pit. In deeper sections, these 10 to 14m long strand anchors were supplemented with soil nails. In the course of the excavation works, the walls of the pit were milled to obtain a homgeneous area. For the construction of the foundations an alternative was also planned and elivered by Keller. Here, the customer was offered Kelly bored piles with a diameter of 600 and 900mm for cost and project optimisation. The piles a length between 5 and 24m. Due to good cooperation between the planning and execution department, KELLER – speciální zakládání, spol. s r.o. was able to carry out all works on time and to the complete satisfaction of all participants and hand over a dry excavation pit to the customer.
Petr Svoboda KELLER – speciální zakládání Brno
Karel Vítek KELLER – speciální zakládání Brno
Martin Vítek KELLER – speciální zakládání Brno
Investor: Rezidence Krona, a.s. Client: LERAM building s.r.o. Design: Ing. Karel Vítek Quantities: »» Approx. 1,300m Soilcrete® »» Approx. 1,100m bored piles, »» Approx. 500m soldier pile wall, »» Approx. 700m temporary anchors Execution period: February – August 2019
KELLER insight // 2019
Thierry Oechsel Keller-MTS AG Vétroz
DOMAINE DES CERISIERS An excavation pit with a view
© A7L SA
At the beginning of 2018, Keller-MTS AG was awarded the contract to carry out all the ground engineering works for the ‘Le Domaine des Cerisiers‘ project. The plan was to have multi-family houses in combination with business premises with a view of Lake Geneva. Keller-MTS AG was involved early in the planning of the ground engineering works because of difficult boundary conditions, such as existing buildings and the complex geological soil conditions and groundwater flow. The decision of their planners to award Keller-MTS AG the ground engineering works is based on the proven deep knowledge and experience in this field. To find a cost-effective solution for the client, Keller-MTS AG replaced the designed secant pile wall with a soldier pile wall and grouting to protect the excavation pit from the groundwater flows. The GEOTEST office was then commissioned to examine the concept and plans and to monitor the work later. During the works, deformation measurements using inclinometers were carried out in various areas. A successful preliminary test to check the tightness of the sealing wall allowed the suggested alternative to be implemented. The 7m deep excavation pit was subsequently anchored in one area and in the other area a reinforcement with steel pipe elements (ROR) up to a diameter of 406mm was installed, so that all impairments could be ruled out for the existing and sensitive service lines below the road. In the head area, the wall was secured with timber lagging, which led to further savings. The excavation work was carried out as planned and ground engineering works were successfully completed on time and to the complete satisfaction of all parties involved and handed over to the investor. Various techniques of Keller‘s product range were used on this site. Since no project is the same as another, it needs individual solutions for each of it – a strength of Keller-MTS AG. From spring 2020 onwards, the new residents will be able to enjoy the imposing view of Lake Geneva.
KELLER insight // 2019
Investor: A7L SA Customer: A7L SA Geotechnical consultant: GEOTEST SA Design: GEOTEST SA Quantities: »» 621m beams HEB180, »» 120m3 shotcrete, »» 250m2 timber lagging, »» 27 to reinforcements, »» 850m soil nails and anchors Execution period: June – October 2018
Stadler Rail AG is a Swiss manufacturer of rail vehicles, which operates worldwide. To meet the growing demands for such vehicles, the company invested in a new production facility as well as new headquarters in St. Margrethen in the canton of St. Gallen. The new location is located directly on the Austrian border near Lake Constance. The industrial building comprised of a production area of approximately 35,000m² as well as an office and administrative area of approximately 5,000m² and is located on a former industrial site between the railway station of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and the Alten-Rhein. Keller-MTS AG was awarded the contract for foundation and soil improvement works by the main contractor, HRS Real Estate AG. The contract included both the design and execution of the deep vibration works (vibro replacement and vibro concrete columns) and the construction of bored piles. The bored piles were executed as CFA piles by a subcontractor. The in-house implementation planning and the design of the soil improvement was carried out very successfully and economically despite the enormous project size and a very narrow planning period. The rough concept envisaged that in the hall areas, in which load capacities had to be transferred, a regular grid with vibro stone columns was used. For point loads or heavily loaded wall panels with increased demands on usability, partially, and according to requirements, vibro concrete columns were used. The geology in the construction area was
strongly influenced by Lake Constance and the Rhine. Below a loose rubble filling are alluvial deposits of clay silt and silty fine sand. This is followed by a pebbly, gravelly, partially water-bearing gravel from about 4m below ground. The entire project area is located in the water protection area Au. Thanks to the optimal frame conditions we created and the coordinated and optimised interaction between execution and planning, we were able to significantly undercut the given schedule. This was not least thanks to innovative and highly technological equipment and the ambitious efforts of the entire team of Keller-MTS AG. Up to four units were used on site during the 11-week’ run to produce the impressive number of 5,800 vibro stone and concrete columns. In total, approximately 28,000 metres of ground improvement were produced.
KELLER insight // 2019
SWITZERLAND St. Margrethen
Timo Ackermann Keller-MTS Ennetbaden
Stephan Gysler Keller-MTS Ennetbaden
Lukas Burger Keller-MTS Ennetbaden
For additional quality assurance during the production phase, the executed columns were visualised and evaluated with Keller’s VibroScan. Using the example of one of the largest industrial building sites in Switzerland, it has been shown that the choice of ground improvement on such a large area, under the corresponding boundary conditions, represents an economically and technically very attractive solution. Explicitly mentioned in this case is the compatibility of the vibro replacement technique with respect to the permeability of the soil, according to the applicable requirements in the water protection area Au. This was a key requirement for project.
PROJECT INFORMATION Investor: Stadler Rail AG Customer: HRS Real Estate AG, St.Gallen Geotechnical consultant: Grundbauberatung Geoconsulting AG Design: Keller-MTS AG Rolf Soller AG, Kreuzlingen Quantities: » Approx. 23,300m vibro stone columns »» Approx. 4,600m vibro concrete columns »» Total of approx. 5,800 columns »» 70 CFA piles Ø600mm Total: 680m »» 365 CFA piles Ø880mm Total 3,300m Execution period: August – November 2018
Keller-MTS moves to Bern At the beginning of 2019, Keller-MTS SA responded to the increasing growth in the Swiss market by opening a new office near the capital, Bern, in the centre of Switzerland. It closes the gap between the existing regional offices, which are now evenly distributed throughout the country and close to the areas with geologically interesting soils. Although Keller’s competition is already well established in the market, the interest of our customers in our main products – vibro replacement and Soilcrete® – has already been clearly demonstrated. By opening up to the regional market, we are contributing to our local focus and moving Keller closer to our customers.
You will find the team from Bern at the following contact details: Keller-MTS SA, Grubenstrasse 11, 3322 Urtenen-Schönbühlt: +41 31 533 54 00, e:
KELLER insight // 2019
Bianca Cinzaca Keller Geotehnika
The Bucharest Wastewater Treatment Plant is located outside Glina, east of the peripheral area of Bucharest, at approximately 12km from the city centre and has as its northern boundary the Dâmbovița River. The objective of the extension project is to increase the treatment capacity of the plant by installing a third treatment line. Keller Geotehnica was awarded the design and installation of ground improvement works to allow the building of the WWTP extension (2 objectives). The purpose of the soil treatment was to reduce the settlements induced by liquefaction. The chosen solution consisted of vibro stone columns by dry bottom feed method. The soil has a lenticular structure, comprising fine grained granular soils (i.e. sand, silty sand, clayey sand) having relatively low density and high permeability, confined by cohesive lenses (i.e. clays and silty sandy clays). Due to this, the groundwater has an irregular and non-homogen ous distribution throughout the intercepted lithology, but generally the water table has a variation of around 5m, with depths fluctuating between 3 and 8m from the natural ground level. Two areas were identified as having an obvious risk of liquefaction. They were treated by installing 9,400 vibro stone columns at 6.85m length and 1,900 vibro stone columns at 5.45m length. A target depth was established to achieve the necessary water drainage, irrespective of the refusal depth. Because in some areas the soil covering the liquefiable area was almost impossible to penetrate with the vibrator alone, approximately 15,550m of pre-drillings without soil evacuation were performed using the BG24 equipped with a continuous flight auger.
The works were performed with two rigs in day and night shifts in order to reduce the construction time to a minimum. The project was successfully finished after a period of four months.
PROJECT INFORMATION Investor: Bucharest Municipality Client: FCC CONSTRUCCION SA Barcelona, Sucursala București & AQUALIA INTECH Geotechnical consultant: Eptisa Romania SRL & Eptisa Servicios de Ingeneria SL & Konsent SA Design: Keller Geotehnica S.R.L. Quantities: Approx. 11,300 (≈74,700m) vibro stone columns Execution period: March – July 2019
KELLER insight // 2019
Ján Dobrovolský Keller špeciálne zakladanie Bratislava
SLOVAKIA Bratislava
working platform -2,40 m
jet grouting columns
ground water -5,9 m
The ageing cotton mill ‘Cvernovká‘ is revived in the vibrant district of ‘Mlynské nivy‘. Opened in 1901 during the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, the cotton mill was in operation for more than 100 years before being shut down in 2004. Now, the listed building will be converted into a modern residential and commercial building under the name ‘Zwirn‘, retaining the charm of the old mill and integrating it fully into Bratislava‘s ‘Mlynské nivy‘ district.
o carry out the project while maintaining the structure, underpinning and sealing slabs had to be installed using Soilcrete®. The biggest challenges were the prevailing limited space conditions, as well as shafts that reached below the groundwater level. The ground conditions
The present soil conditions proved to be typical for the region in and around Bratislava and were known to us due to our many years of experience. It is an approximately 14m thick gravel layer (quaternary sediments), followed by neogene deposits (clays), in which the boreholes reached a depth of 22.4m. The first two metres are an artificially constructed landfill that was already compacted so well that it could carry the floor plate of the old factory.
The underpinning of the existing building was carried out with Soilcrete® columns with a diameter of up to 1.60m. To be able to work in this limited space, a drilling rig was necessary, which manoeuvered well despite the low height. Thus, the choice was on the KB0-4. This project shows again that good teamwork between the office team and the construction site is essential to work out the best possible solution for our customers. So, we were able to hand over a dense excavation pit to our client after about eight months, so that the remaining works could be carried out.
Execution The factory consists of two separate buildings that have to be renovated. Due to the measures to boost the efficiency of the foundations, new trenches for service, ventilation and lift shafts had to be excavated. As we knew from the soil survey, the groundwater level was 5.88m below ground level, which was essential for carrying out these works. In the old production hall, the work was carried out from a working platform, which was located about 40cm below zero-elevation level. The excavation pit reached a depth of -7m. For this reason, a sealing slab had to be constructed using Soilcrete® columns with a diameter of up to 2m. In addition to the pit support and the sealing slab, Soilcrete® columns of smaller diameter were produced to underpin the existing structure.
PROJECT INFORMATION Investor: Pradiareň 1900, s.r.o. Customer: YIT Slovakia, a.s. Static consultant: Ing. Stanislav Kyseľ Design: Keller špeciálne zakladanie, spol. s.r.o. Quantities: 2,500m³ Soilcrete® Execution period: January – August 2019
The second building houses the factory‘s power supply. Here the working platform was 2m lower than in the first building. The excavation pit had to be taken down to a depth of 8.50m, which corresponds to the lowest point of this project.
KELLER insight // 2019
Robert Holczer Keller Melyepitö Budapest
Ronald Veider Keller Grundbau Innsbruck
KELLER HUNGARY a year later
The Hungarian branch was reopened in Budapest in the summer of 2018. In the past year we have been able to acquire and successfully handle several interesting projects, despite the initial difficulties such as authorities, approval processes, understaffing, etc. Some of these projects are described here. Ethnographic Museum Budapest – Bored piles in the city centre As part of the so-called Liget Project, the city park in the heart of Budapest will be completely renewed in about four years with a budget of approximately one billion euros. The park was built in the 19 th century on an area of 1,167,729m². Among other things, two existing museums will be completely renovated and three new museums, a new zoo and all parks will be rebuilt.
were separated by diaphragm walls that had to be constructed. The drilling was made from a flood-safe excavation level. The follow-up borehole surveying at each drilling provided information on whether and in what form additional measures were required. For the evaluation and visualisation of the borehole gradients, the in-house developed software Keller Column Inspector (KCI) was used. Due to time and space constraints, the excavation and concrete works took place parallel to our works and were a special challenge. As of the end of
Keller has been awarded a contract with a Hungarian partner for the foundation of the new ethnographic museum. The new museum, with approximately 34,000m² of exhibition space has received first place at the International Property Awards in the category of new public constructions. The ground engineering works started in February 2019 and were completed in mid-September 2019. The excavation depth was on average 8m, with the groundwater level being about -5m. In the period mentioned above, we completed about 21,500m CFA piles, including reworking, and were able to hand over the project on time despite some logistical difficulties. Lock Moson – Soilcrete® slab in western Hungary In the vicinity of Györ, in western Hungary, the state is building a lock in a tributary of the Danube as part of an environmental rehabilitation project. The structure regulates the water level and thus ensures continuous water supply. The public tender was a design & build task. Ground engineering works were carried out by Keller Melyepitö Kft Swietelsky Magyarorszag Kft. For the construction of the excavation pit, mainly in the flood area, with a surface area of approximately 8,000m², a diaphragm wall with a thickness of up to 80cm and statically required anchoring was designed and executed by Swietelsky Magyarország Kft. Due to an expected groundwater table difference of up to 7m, a horizontal Soilcrete® sealing slab was constructed. From April 2019, the production of a low-lying Soilcrete® sealing slab was carried out with a surface area of around 8,000m² and a thickness of approximately 2.50m. For reasons of following excavation and concrete works, the area was divided into 12 slab areas, which
KELLER insight // 2019
October 2019, almost 80% of the excavation pit has been excavated to the excavation base, and the amount of residual water produced is well below the contractual specifications. In the meantime, several sections have already been produced. This previous technical success is a confirmation of the prudent work process and the extensive control measures, but should by no means be taken for granted because sealing work is always subject to a high risk. All project participants are confident that they will be able to successfully complete the Soilcrete® waterproofing works by mid-November 2019. M76 Highway – Vibro replacement and vertical drains In the western part of Hungary, a new highway is being built to improve the connection between Zalaegerszeg and Budapest. Zalaegerszeg is also to be a test track for autonomously controlled electric vehicles. The highway crosses an approximately 8km long section of a swamp area on the western part of Lake Balaton. Keller Melyepitö Kft has been awarded the contract to improve the subsoil by means of vibro replacement below the bridge abutments to a size of approximately 80,000m and vertical drains of approximately 385,000m. The vibro columns reach a depth from five to about 9.5m with a diameter of 80cm. The designed length of the vertical drains is between 12 and 20m. The ground engineering works began in March 2019 and are expected to be completed by the summer of 2020.
MOL Polyol – the biggest ground engineering project in the region In eastern Hungary, an existing 100% state-owned petrochemical plant, built in 1953 and continuously upgraded, will be expanded between 2018 and 2021 to produce another product (polyol). The owner, MOL Petrolkémia AG is a chemical company and a wholly owned subsidiary of MOL. In 1966, the production of polyethylene started and in 1986 the production of polypropylene. By 2021-22, the new plant will be put into operation and will produce 200,000 tonnes of polyether polyol annually. The product is used as an important raw material mainly for products in the automotive, construction, packaging and furniture industries. MOL will become the only producer of polyether polyols in Central and Eastern Europe and wants to become the largest in Europe by 2030. Keller carries out all ground engineering works. The piling started in November 2018 and will be completed by the end of 2019. During this period, about 90,000m of CFA piles with diameters between 400 and 800mm will be produced. At peak times, we worked with six drilling rigs and up to 20 groups to stake out the pile heads. In addition to the logistical difficulties of continuously supplying concrete and reinforcement to six units, the H&S regulations, which are extremely demanding even for petrochemical plants, challenge us every day.
KELLER insight // 2019
Davorin Lesnik Keller Grundbau Söding
LUXUSHOTEL A-TOWER LJUBLJANA, SI The excavation support continues
Excavation support by means of overlapping jet grouting columns and temporary anchors As reported in the 2018 issue, the well-known jewellery chain Zlatarna Celje d.o.o. established a luxury hotel with four basements and a total height of over 80m above ground level in the city centre of the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. Keller Grundbau was responsible for the excavation support by means of overlapping jet grouting columns with multilayer temporary strand anchors, which was adapted to the very complex boundary conditions. The excavation pit had a dimension of approximately 55m x 40m and a depth of up to 18.5m. The existing soil can be described as sandy gravel up to 8m depth and then up to 16m depth as a conglomerate with partially embedded sand layers. To be able to guarantee the required and designed diameter and to be able to optimally match the production parameters to the present soil, the diameter controls and the associated performance parameters were executed using a system developed
in-house – the Acoustic Column Inspector®. These tests were adapted in a way that the approximately 8m thick conglomerate with the embedded sand layers was able to be eroded. The walls of the excavation pit, however, appeared as completely monolithic during excavation. As a result, the planned shotcrete between the piles could be eliminated. The extensive geodetic surveys during the execution showed no settlements of neighbouring buildings nor movements on the excavation pit. The project was completed to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Investor and client: Zlatarna Celje d.o.o. Geotechnical consultant: SLP d.o.o., Ljubljana Designer: University of Ljubljana and Insitu Geotechnik Graz GmbH Quantities: » Approx. 2,200m Soilcrete® columns Ø 200cm »» Approx. 4,700m 4 strand temporary anchors Execution period: October 2018 – March 2019
KELLER insight // 2019
Davorin Lesnik Keller Grundbau Söding
Deep foundation using vibro concrete columns and continuous flight auger (CFA) piles for a new logistics centre Near the Slovenian town of Celje, the supermarket chain Lidl is building a central warehouse for the supply of its stores for the region. The area is approximately 57,000m² and it will create more than 200 new jobs. The special feature of this modern building is its own integrated solar power plant with a capacity of 1 MW and a modular design with optimised transport routes.
The CFA piles with diameters of 60 and 80cm were drilled with drilling rigs of different sizes and continuous flight augers. After concreting with ready-mixed concrete via the hollow stem, the respective installation of the factory-supplied reinforcement cages was carried out. The CFA piling works were partly carried out by a subcontractor.
The design was drawn up by Elea iC d.o.o. from Ljubljana, a subsi diary of iC Group based in Vienna, using the Business Information Modelling (BIM) system, and involves using the latest environmentally-friendly building materials.
The specialist foundation works were carried out with up to six rigs in three and a half months, partly in day and night shifts.
The immediately adjacent soil is a low-bearing sandy clay with embedded sandy gravel layers of varying thickness, which overlays the load-bearing marl. Particularly striking are the extreme irregularities under the built-up area. In order to minimize the differential set-up, bored piles with corresponding integration into the marl were originally designed as foundation solution. In further optimisation steps, foundations or soil improvement by means of vibro concrete columns was proposed. Ultimately, a combination of vibro concrete columns and CFA piles was executed. The vibro concrete columns were constructed throughout the floor area and under the lighter bearing single footings, whereas the CFA piles were constructed under the heavier bearing areas as deep foundation. The construction of the vibro concrete columns with a nominal diameter of 60cm was carried out by the bottom-feed method. The grade C12/15 concrete was produced on site using a mobile mixing plant developed in-house. To be able to guarantee the required minimum diameter, all starting points of the vibro concrete columns were pre-drilled.
KELLER insight // 2019
The demanding quality assurance was carried out on the construction site and by an external concrete laboratory in the sense of external monitoring. A total of seven static and approximately 100 dynamic load tests were carried out by the company SLP d.o.o. from Ljubljana, as a further quality assurance measure. The work was completed to the fullest satisfaction of all project participants.
Investor: LIDL Slovenija d.o.o., k.d. Client: CGP d.d., Novo Mesto Designer: Elea iC d.o.o., Ljubljana (Mitglied der iC Group, Wien) Geotechnical Consultant: SLP d.o.o., Ljubljana Quantities: »» 40,000m vibro concrete columns »» 7,500m CFA piles »» 16,000m³ concrete Execution period: June – November 2018
Keller has completed work on some of the deepest jet grouting ever carried out in the UK at London’s super sewer project The Tideway project involves the construction of a 25km ‘super sewer’ under the River Thames. Not only will this alleviate pressure on London’s inadequate 150-year sewage system, but it will also boost the river economy, create attractive new public spaces and generate thousands of jobs. The Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore site drop shaft on the Tideway central section, designed to connect the existing Fleet sewer outfall and the northern Low Level 1 sewer into the new tunnel, came with several challenges to construct due to its central London location and restricted working area over the river.
One of the most significant aspects of the project was that it marked the first time jet grouting had been carried out at such depths in the UK, within the target strata and with the column diameters required. In order to reach these parameters a good co-operation between different Keller companies was necessary. The experiences in this global team showed that the own patented Soilcrete® double special system is the best way to execute the site. It has greater efficiency over other standard jet assemblies, directing air and grout at consistently high pressure and velocities to disaggregate the soil. This creates a more stable and efficient product with larger diameter columns. The Blackfriars site was complex because there was very little space to work. The site had to be planned with every detail, due to the fact that as soon as all equipment and machinery was delivered, there was no leeway anymore. Also the whole site installation was a challenge, since we had to meet Tideway’s commitment to keeping lorries off London’s congested roads and therefore, everything was delivered to site by barges travelling along the Thames. Despite the various challenges, the project was successfully completed within three months.
Keller faces the challenges of the oil and gas industry Keller has acquired over the last years, experience in numerous projects of the oil and gas industry in the Middle East. Currently, our colleagues are involved in projects at the BAPCO refinery in Bahrain and the CFP Ruwais refinery in the UAE. Both projects are very extensive. For the CFP Ruwais construction site a total of approximately 19,100 vibro compaction columns, approximately 1,900 bored piles and approximately 2,000 deep soil mixing columns are being constructed. A total of approximately 6,000 bored piles and approximately 7,000 displacement concrete piles have to be built on the construction site of the BAPCO refinery. Keller was commissioned for both projects on the basis of many years
of experience. The challenge in executing such projects is first and foremost the adherence to the strict security requirements. These apply both to occupational safety and to medical tests that all parties must undergo. In the case of the BAPCO refinery, there was also the introduction of new technology for the region, since Keller is using deep soil mixing (DSM) in Bahrain for the first time. Nevertheless, over the years we have learned and developed into a reliable partner in the oil and gas industry. For that reason, we are sure that we will carry out many more projects in this demanding sector.
KELLER insight // 2019
International Conference in Madrid a major success On 25 March 2019, Keller Cimentaciones organised an international geotechnical engineering conference in the ‘Circulo de Bellas Artes‘ in Madrid. The conference focused on presenting Keller products, and how Keller’s international reputation is built on engineering excellence and a commitment to continual innovation. Under the guidance of leading experts and technical directors from several countries in the Keller EMEA Division, topics related to the recent advances in design, execution, and quality control of relevant geotechnical projects were thoroughly explored. With more than 100 specialists from the Spanish and Portuguese geotechnical markets, including university professors and researchers, consultants, administration representatives and clients, the conference attracted a diverse audience.
It was a first-of-its-kind event in Keller EMEA, presenting the engineering expertise of Keller to an audience of leading experts within the Spanish and Portuguese geotechnical industry. The opportunity to discuss all aspects of the industry was appreciated by all and the team at Keller is already looking forward to organising many more successful events in the future.
TANK STORAGE FOUNDATION IN AMSTERDAM Premiere of CMM® Hybrid Column technology in the Netherlands The port of Amsterdam is constantly expanding and developing westward along the River IJ. The port is now – with Rotterdam – one of the two largest petroleum and coal ports in Europe. At the end of the 20th century, the western port area (Westpoort) was developed as a transit point for crude oil. In the Westpoort, the GPS group (Global Petro Storage) operates a site and stores petrol, oils and biofuels with a capacity of approximately 148,500m³ distributed over eleven tank farms. The oil tank farm is being expanded to include six additional tanks to increase storage capacity. The dimensions of the new tanks are between 28 and 36 metres in diameter and 25 metres high.
KELLER insight // 2019
Artificial sand was used to expand the harbour on the so-called ‘Polders‘ – tracts of low lands reclaimed from the river. Under the sand bedding, there is little load-bearing, just soft soil from layers of clay, loam and peat, which are underlain by load-bearing sands. Keller Fundering Techniques B.V. was commissioned by the Engineering, Procurement, Construction contractor Chemie-Tech Netherlands B.V. to carry out the ground improvement work. Taking into account the tank loads and subsoil properties, Keller developed a tailor-made foundation solution, based on a ground improvement with CMM® hybrid columns – a combination of full-displacement pile construction and vibro replacement. The soil improvement works in the Amsterdam Westpoort were carried out with two Liebherr LB24 and LB28 rotary drilling rigs and a TR05 rig and were completed on time after two months. The structural works could then start on time.
Keller cruise to success in the Caribbean
By successfully completing a grouted-injection project for a drinking water reservoir in the Caribbean island of St Barthelemy (St. Barts), Keller showed its adaptability, project know-how and proven expertise when tackling challenging projects.
ith a capacity of 685m 3 , this substantial reservoir project measured 17m long, 6m wide and 8m high, and came with many challenges, ranging from access and traffic proximity to typical construction site considerations. In terms of engineering challenges, the sands present proved to be liquefiable before the project, and given the limitations of the site, after discussion with the geotechnician, grouted injection was proposed. This was the first time Keller France had used this type of grouting technique to tackle liquefaction mitigation. The project was faced with specific transport and logistics challenges ranging from the size of the island and access required for machines, to limited transportation options, and the fact that there were already existing buildings close to the site. For example, it was not possible to buy the Ultrafine cement required locally. This had to imported from France and this posed additional concerns. Due to their location, the Caribbean islands present a very high level of seismic risk and often require solutions such as this for liquefaction mitigation. It is now accepted that more and more projects are very close to existing structures where vibro techniques cannot be deployed.
With the ability to propose this type of solution, Keller shows the value of its liquefaction mitigation expertise in terms of adaptability and as an alternative to traditional vibro techniques when their application is not appropriate.
North America’s leading geotechnical construction companies to combine – One North American geotechnical specialist contractor branded Keller
eller’s geotechnical construction businesses in North America are joining together as one unified company, and rebranding to Keller, effective January 1, 2020.
Specifically, current North American companies Bencor, Case Atlantic, Case Foundation, Hayward Baker, HJ Foundation, Keller Canada, McKinney and Moretrench will be integrated into one company and rebranded to Keller. Keller’s non-geotechnical construction businesses Moretrench Industrial, Suncoast Post-Tension, and Cyntech will stay as separate businesses within the Keller North American organization and retain their brands. GEO-Instruments, the instrumentation and monitoring company, will keep its brand.
‘Clients can be confident they’re getting the best, most competitive solutions, especially when these involve multiple techniques.‘ ‘Combining all our geotechnical strengths will therefore help Keller compete and win in North America. It will also be easier for teams to work together and realize best in class systems and processes, removing duplication and improving efficiency.‘ This will be a significant step forward for Keller Group’s largest division. The team has done a great job in assessing and planning for a successful implementation. We are confident that these actions will further differentiate Keller as the leading geotechnical contractor in North America.
‘Primarily we are making this change for our clients. Operating as one company in each local market, offering all products and services, we’ll be easier to understand and engage with,‘ explains James.
KELLER insight // 2019
The Follo Line Project is the largest infrastructure project in Norway. Once finished, it will include the country´s longest railway tunnel, which will be more than 20 km long. Named after the Follo Mountain, which the twin tube tunnel is passing through, this is the most important infrastructure project for the future of Oslo and its suburb of Ski.
o be able to meet the conditions described above in a timely manner, Keller carried out the foundation and renovation works in Oslo S and in Ski. These works began in 2016 and lasted until mid-2019. Three different business units (North West Europe, North East Europe and South East Europe) with an international team of nine different nations from across Europe worked tirelessly to successfully complete this project.
This enormous work performance and flexibility on site, has gained us an Award of Merit in the Rail category at the ENR (Engineering News-Record) Global Best Projects competition, which is awarded annually by an independent jury. Dominik Gächter, Osman Besler, Ioannis Tsakiris and Stergios Axios, who served as project and site managers, travelled to representing all colleagues from the various European branches involved in this project and New York in October 2019 to receive the award. This collaboration shows that multiculturalism can no longer be an exception, but a duty! If an Austrian from Vorarlberg, a Turk and two Greeks can successfully complete a project in Norway with the support of Great Britain, Poland, Italy and Finland, then the construction KELLER insight // 2019
industry has shifted its boundaries so much that there is room for everyone. Hence, this international approach should from now on be an example for the future. We would like to thank all Keller colleagues from all nations, both on and off site, who have successfully completed the project with their commitment.
Teşekkür ederiz
LI:NAFOS PROJECT Lina… what?... will most of you ask. Li:NAFoS is in German only an abbreviation for ‘Strand Anchors: Numerical Analysis Based on In Situ Studies with High-Resolution Fibre Optic Sensors‘ and is a joint research project undertaken with the support of the Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The aim of this project is a basic understanding of how the strand anchors work in terms of future optimisation. To achieve this goal, three in situ anchor extraction tests with fibre optic metrological monitoring were planned. The evaluation and interpretation of the measurements was achieved with the help of high-quality numerical calculations. The following research partners have come together for this purpose: » Institute of Engineering Geodesy and Measuring Systems of Graz University of Technology (IGMS) with focus on metrological monitoring of in-situ tests.
In the meantime, the first follow-up measurements have been carried out successfully and the fibre-optic sensor technology has proven itself for long-term measurements of the strand anchors. The last anchor test was carried out in the gravelly subsoil on the City Tower construction site in Ljubljana, Slovenia (see page 28). Again, the anchor was brought to failure as planned and the entire course was successfully accompanied metrologically. Thanks to the unique combination of partners who have complemented each other perfectly for the project (metrology, numerical calculations, execution, access to the construction sites) and their total commitment and cooperation, all participants have contributed to its successful completion.
» Institute of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering with emphasis on the implementation of numerical simulations of the experiments. » Keller Grundbau with a focus on performing the in-situ experiments. » ÖBB and ASFINAG as Austria‘s largest investors with interest in anchor optimisations and in new monitoring concepts. The project started in 2017 and this year it was successfully completed. In the course of the project, field trials were carried out in different subsoil conditions (fine-grained and coarse-grained soil and rock). The first field trial was held on the St. Kanzian (Koralmbahn tunnel) construction site which was dominated by fine-grained still-water sediments. The client, ÖBB, provided a suitable area for test purposes. Seven trial anchors of different types were installed and subjected to the pull-out tests. In all the anchors tested, the ultimate limit state was reached, collecting valuable information. In 2018, a field test was carried out as part of the renovation of the existing anchor wall Egger on the A10 motorway. The bonded length of the test anchor was in the rocky ground, which made the outer anchor failure unlikely. In coordination with ASFINAG, the fibre optic instrumentation of this anchor was designed for continuous measurements.
Institut Für Ingenieurgeodäsie und Messsysteme
KELLER insight // 2019
Christian Sigmund Keller Grundbau Vienna
Gerrit Heinrichs Keller Group plc
LEAN MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE Being innovative is something that comes naturally to the SEE Business Unit. Hence, it is not surprising that Keller in Austria is leading BU efforts in Lean implementation and in the application of methods and tools. LOCATE AND ELIMINATE WASTES The main driver on the way to continuous process improvement is to streamline and stabilize processes enabling growth and profitability for the whole business. The KAIZEN (Japanese = ‘to make better‘) workshops are focused on quick turnaround but follow a mid- to long-term vision of continuously questioning and improving the way we work. The approach behind Lean is holistic and does not only pertain to site but the entire supply chain from request for quote right until the invoice is paid by the customer. Improvements are done in small, revertible steps and are always focused on a manageable area of the supply chain. Improvement potential is identified by the people who run the processes and revolve around the reduction or elimination of waste while simultaneously increasing the value-added for the internal or external customer. THE FOCUS IS ON OPTIMISATION LEAN management is a focus at group level of Keller. Other EMEA division business of the Keller Group such as France, Poland and Spain have proved that the Keller Lean framework leads to sustainable improvements, for example in the application and assessment of concrete or handover from sales to production. Keller South East Europe is currently working on the optimisation of their site preparation process.
KELLER insight // 2019
The execution of 900 sites a year (starting four sites every day) makes improvement more than important. To be on time on our sites, having all essential equipment to start work promptly, is what our clients need to fulfil their programmes. Both, internal (site) and external (clients) customers will profit from a LEAN process. TEAMWORK IS THE KEY All improvements are implemented with the involvement of the different functions and stakeholders, thus ensuring everybody’s buy-in and support. Keller is not focused on applying as many Lean tools as possible but rather on a cultural change in the entire organisation. The main aim is to hone our process improvement skills to stay ahead of the competition. While the implementation and process adjustments are performed by the process owners, the leadership members support, enable and coach the rest of the organisation in implementing improvements and follow-ups, Lean is a team sport and cannot be achieved by one person single-handedly.
Andreas Kolenc Keller Grundbau Vienna
to Keller’s integrated management system – including the new health and safety standard ISO45001:2018 Keller Grundbau in Austria and Keller-MTS in Switzerland have had an ISO accredited integrated management system for several years. But what is an integrated management system? An integrated management system is a system that is based on the requirements of two or more management system standards. A fundamental characteristic of such an integrated management system is that, among others, a continuous optimisation and the consideration of potential and relevant risks in a holistic orientation takes place. Both Keller Grundbau and Keller MTS were covered with the ISO standards 9001:2015 (quality), 14001:2015 (environment) and OHSAS 18001:2007 (health and safety) until the beginning of 2019. As you can see, there was no ‘real‘ ISO standard for health and safety until the end of 2018, which was changed by the general introduction of ISO 45001:2018. At the same time, Keller Grundbau would have been recertified in the health and safety field in 2019, so that we took the decision to switch to ISO 45001 in the beginning of 2019.
What are the differences between the existing norms OHSAS 18801:2007 and ISO 45001:2018?
ISO 45001
OHSAS 18001
considers both risks and opportunities
considers ‘ONLY’ risks
takes into account interested parties
does not consider interested parties
During the implementation phase it was important for both companies that already had well-oiled processes to change them only where it was necessary in accordance with the new standard. At the same time, attempts were made to avoid excessive documentation, or at least to incorporate them with pragmatism into existing processes. Under the project leadership of Martin Lughammer and with the active support of Martina Rückenbaum in Austria and Stephan Gysler for Keller-MTS in Switzerland, both companies were successfully certified with ISO 45001:2018 in March 2019. This certification can also be found on our Keller stationery.
All other Keller SEE companies will also switch from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 in the years 2020 and 2021 respectively.
KELLER insight // 2019
EVERYTHING CHANGES ... AND YET EVERYTHING STAYS THE SAME In 2016, the global standardisation of Keller began with the introduction of the new logo. We wanted to show that many, large companies, are part of the Keller Group, although it was not always visible to the outside world. Since then, there are new, unified brochures, our new group YouTube channel, where you can find exciting worldwide project videos and other interesting news from the Keller world, and we are now well represented on LinkedIn. Within the last two years, we have reached more than 36,000 followers*. For us, this is proof that our daily performance is carried out to the complete satisfaction of all of you and you also give us online the trust that we experience on our construction sites. In addition, Keller Grundbau Ges.mbH put its new website online in July ( This is the first of seven, because all other countries of South East Europe will follow gradually. Here you will learn everything about our techniques, the solutions we offer, and news concerning the company and projects. Here, too, a consistent picture emerges of the remaining global Keller Business Units, as nine websites have already been launched worldwide with a uniform design in the last few months*.
The only thing that changes for you as a business partner, is that you can get an even better insight into our (ground engineering) everyday life. We have been operating internationally for decades, and we want to bring this closer to you. Of course, we will remain your local contact. We are now available both online and offline for you!
Follow us!
At the time of going to press October 2019
The Construction Congress 2020 (Baukongress 2020) opens again its doors The renowned building congress, organised by the Österreichische Bautechnik Vereinigung (öbv), brings together representatives from the public and private sector every two years. In 2020, the Austria Center Vienna will be the place to be for innovative solutions in the construction industry on 23 and 24 April. Around 2,000 participants from more than 20 European countries will meet with about 100 exhibitors and exchange views about project development, planning and execution. Keller will again be represented and we are looking forward to meeting you at our booth no. 15 for interesting and productive discussions to work out solutions for your ground engineering problem.
We look forward to meeting you at booth
KELLER insight // 2019
TASTER DAYS ‘TECHNOLOGY‘ How do you become a mechatronics engineer? What does a machining technician do? What future opportunities do you have as a construction machine technician? How does the apprenticeship work and what training opportunities exist? That‘s what some girls and boys, but also parents and teachers, ask when it comes to career choice. The ‘Neue Mittelschule (NMS) Mooskirchen‘ organised taster days on technology in co-operation with Keller Grundbau in May, in which 28 students from the 3rd grade had the opportunity to get to know and to try different technical professions. In the run-up to this, there was an information event in the school, in which Keller introduced itself to the youngsters and told them about the possible apprenticeship positions we offer, such as mechatronics, construction machinery technicians, steel locksmiths, and also career opportunities on our construction sites.
Karl Grabler Keller Grundbau Söding
A few days later, the students and teachers, together with some parents, visited the Keller workshop in Söding. The students then created an iron man made of steel nuts, pipes and an electronic circuit, with which the figures were brought to life through luminous eyes. Special attention was paid to the fact that the girls and boys can try out as many things as possible for the individual professions. So, they tried their hand at filing, sawing bending parts with hydraulic presses, soldering electronic parts and even welding work. Many girls have turned out to be natural talents for a technical profession, proving once again that there is no such thing as a ‘male job‘ anymore. Soldering and welding, in particular, were enthusiastically received by the young people, and when the parts were completely assembled and the eyes of the steel figures lit up, there were a lot of happy faces. Finally, the students presented their work and experiences to parents, teachers and the Keller team. With this event, Keller had the opportunity to introduce our company to the young people from our district. Our common goal - to generate interest in technical apprenticeships, to promote enthusiasm and to give a deep insight into the working environment -was achieved. We are particularly proud of the positive feedback from the participants and that we were asked after the event, to hold these taster days again in 2020. We thank the school for the confidence to choose us for these taster days and the students for the interest in our work.
KELLER insight // 2019
Eva Maria Braun Keller Grundbau Vienna
KELLER FOOTBALL CUP IN SLOVAKIA a tremendous success for South East Europe
With the motto ‘Fair Play and Team Spirit‘, the ninth annual Keller Football Cup took place in Slovakia this year. Our esteemed colleagues from Slovakia organised this two-day event with more than 180 participants (players and fans), which was a great success for our Business Unit (South East Europe). Our two men‘s teams won two coveted trophies: first place went to our Slovak & Czech team (consisting of colleagues from Slovakia and Czech Republic) and third place to our SEE team (consisting of Austrian colleagues). It was a terrific performance because it was the first time in the history of the Keller Football Cup that our Business Unit was able to take home two trophies. KELLER IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE SLOVAK NATIONAL TEAMS
At the end of a long day, both winners, men and women, could only be determined after penalty shootouts: the Slovak & Czech team won the men‘s competition against colleagues from United Kingdom, while the mixed Ladies United team won the women‘s match against Spain. Team SEE came in third of the men’s tournament after victory over Team Poland. The French team finished in the third place in the women‘s tournament ahead of the United Kingdom. The trophies were presented by Business Unit Manager South East Europe, Andreas Körbler, who once again put the emphasis on the ‘Team Spirit‘ of all participants and highlighted the family atmosphere of the competition. We are looking forward to the next tournament, which will take place next year in the UK.
Keller brought together a total of 17 football teams at the National Training Centre in Senec, where the Slovak national teams regularly train. Thirteen men‘s and four women‘s teams competed for glory on the weekend of 21 to 23 June 2019. With temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius and a short thunderstorm in the afternoon, the 170 participants from different countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom) met in exciting, nerve-wracking games.Supporters from all these countries created a great atmos phere during all games.
KELLER insight // 2019
global strength and local focus
Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey +43 1 892 3526