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With any business, it is typical to establish good marketing and enticing features that cater to consumers’ wants. Apps such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook have all been built off of algorithms that make the app more appealing to each individual user.
Algorithms, in this context, deliver relatable content to each person, based on their previous searches and interests using mathematical codes, according to the Digital Marketing Institute. Therefore, a user remains in an everlasting routine of swipes and scrolls.
Algorithms create a feed that becomes more personalized and therefore, necessary to each user. Thus, media apps inherently serve as efficient self-advertisement, as everything is catered to the user at a personal level.
According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, algorithms have developed a computer-based personality decorated by each user, which has shown to be more knowledgeable about the user than most of their closest relationships.
With that, there is no doubt that platforms will know what exact feed will pertain to and interest the user most, making it almost inevitable for the user to want to continue engaging with the app.
According to Bipper Media, Spotify