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On July 28, 2022, the city of Miami turned 126 years old. Founded by Julia Tuttle in 1896, it is the only major city in the United States founded by a woman. Though Miami’s feminist history is complex, it was forever changed when Daniella Levine Cava became its first female mayor. Levine Cava aims to ensure women can access equal opportunities and keep making a difference. Despite improvements to the opportunities offered to women since the mayor’s election, room remains for progress.
“Miami being founded by a woman should be celebrated and I am proud we are taking steps forward,” sophomore Claudia Travieso said. h
Effective July 1, the state of Florida can ticket those playing loud music in their cars. According to Florida Trooper Steve Montiero, officers have can take action if music from a vehicle can be heard from over 25 feet away. Lawmakers believe loud music causes accidents and consider avoiding disrupting drivers the most important aspect of this law. Like many other states, Florida tracks traffic infractions with a point system. If one accumulates too many points, consequences occur. As a result, drivers can be fined between $114 and $116 for loud music.
“This law is reasonable because it allows the music to be loud as long as it is not heard from a distance,” sophomore Melissa Hernandez said. h
Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States, came to Florida International University to speak about the effects of global warming on Aug. 1, 2022. According to PBS, Harris is concerned about the track the planet is on due to climate change, and has called it an urgent crisis that must be resolved. Due to this, she is giving states $1 billion to combat effects of global warming. Current effects of climate change that Miami is facing are a heat wave and a rise in hurricanes. Harris is attempting to save the most vulnerable places, especially Miami.
“Climate change is real, and it is something that affects every aspect of the world we live in,” junior Anderson Sanchez said. h
Standing in front of the Cav Man statue at the front of the school, Principal Tony Ullivarri celebrates the school’s recent “A” rating by the Florida Department of Education.
1-2 September, Picture Day
5 September, Labor Day
8 September, Senior Parent Night
21 September, Club Fair
Congrats, Cavs!
Congratulations to the school’s students and staff for contributing to making the school one of five traditional, non-magnet high schools to earn an “A” rating for the previous school year.
Congratulations to sophomores Evan Noval and Jeremy Smith for making Jerry’s Rising Stars’ list for their notable plays in football.
Congratulations to junior Daniela Pinero for earning first place for her fashion design and photography in her internship for Arts Institute of Miami this past July.
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