ERASMUS+K2 PROJECT Strategic Partnership for Schools Only
SIBIU, 2018
Movere,Docere,Delectare through Reading ERASMUS + K2 Project Strategic Partnership for Schools Only
Movere, Docere, Delectare through Reading: Objectives and Priorities Welcome to Romania! The 1st Transnational Project Meeting Sibiu Transnational Project Meeting in Images A4: I Am Reading to You! Mai mulți elevi citesc mai mult!, la Școala Gimnazială Nr.25 Şcoala Gimnazială Nr.25 Sibiu promovează lectura Teatrul şi lectura – două arte. O singură scenă. Rebus Bucurie pentru vârstnici, în prag de sărbători Welcome to Portugal !- Learning, Teaching, Training Activity Remember Portugal! Macedo de Cavaleiros Experience in Images “Mayday for Fairy Tales” – writing the story A6: “Mayday for Fairy Tales”: Chapter 6 - Books Have No Ending Behind-the-Scenes: Writing Chapter 6 and Making-of the Movie Welcome to Poland !- Learning, Teaching, Training Activity Short Overview of the LTT Activities- Leszo Impresii: mobilitatea din Leszno Mobilitate proiect Erasmus+ „Bine ați venit in Leszno” Leszno Experience in Images De ce citesc?- interviu cu actrița Lerida Buchholtzer Why Do I Read?- interview with Lerida Buchholtzer, actress Let’s Read Together - ”The Little Mermaid” I Like Reading De ce citim? A9: Balloon Activity- End of the First Year Public Dissemination Event - 1st Year The First Year Project Activities at a Glance
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Objectives and Priorities The starting point of the project was the certitude/belief that reading is an essential activity to develop communication and that improving reading skills will help students in the learning process, no matter what the topic/subject might be. ICT skills will enable our students to communicate in a digital society and keep pace with nowadays changes. Exchange of good practices and mobilities will contribute to the a better understanding of the surrounding world and society. For teachers, the project is supposed to bring about a renewal of methods used in the teaching-learning process, thus improving the quality of didactic strategies.
Teachers will also create the contexts in which our students can develop all the initially planned competences. Self-esteem of both students and teachers, as well as a more open attitude towards the other partners will increase.
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ NR. 25 SIBIU, ROMANIA 16th- 20th November, 2016
The First Transnational Project Meeting The first Transnational Project Meeting "Welcome to ROMANIA!”, 16th -20th November 2016, was hosted by the coordinating school, Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu, Romania and had an important role in organizing and implementing the project.
The main objectives of the transnational meeting were: to establish roles and tasks of each partner school/contact person concerning implementation, evaluation, dissemination activities; to evaluate and monitor the progress of our project through clear indicators, diagrams, questionnaires; to establish specific criteria for selecting the students/ staff who will take part in the LTT activities; to create a common questionnaire for feedback after the mobilities, for all teachers and students involved; to discuss budget issues. Participants: sixteen teachers, three teachers from each partner school (Italy,
Portugal, Poland, Turkey) and four from Bulgaria were present and active during working sessions, focusing on the following issues: the Romanian NA evaluation of the project, strong and weak points - measures to improve it; the Implementation Plan for the first year of the project; tasks and roles for each partner were decided as follows: Portugal –MDD Newspaper, Italy- eTwinning, Bulgaria-evaluation, Turkey-MDD website, Romania and TurkeyDissemination Plan( in Google drive), Poland-management of project risks. the project website, www.mddreading.eu, was created by the Turkish team; deadlines should be respected-each partner has to upload activities/ results on Facebook page, MDD website, e-Twinning / Twin Space every month; the Portuguese team is in charge of MDD Digital Newspaper which will be issued once a semester, containing two sections, one in English and another one in the native languages of the partners; the initial questionnaires about “Reading Habits” were analysed; proper use of the Mobility Tool and Dashboard was presented by the Bulgarian partner; editing the Attendance Certificates and the Europass Mobility for teachers and students; budget issues and financial rules were discussed in line with Erasmus+ guide and in the presence of the school accountant. 15
common mobility criteria for teachers/ students were established as well as dates of the next two mobilities (Portugal and Poland). as for monitoring, a sample of 25 students in each school will be monitored three times throughout the duration of the project (November-December 2016, September
2017, May 2017) in order to evaluate the progress in reading skills. The Bulgarian team will be in charge of it, collecting data from all the partners. During the TPM in Sibiu, guests accompanied by their hosts visited: the ASTRA Library in Sibiu, one of the oldest libraries in the country -part of the national cultural heritage; the City Hall of Sibiu- an impressive building from 1906; Bran Castlefamous for the legend of Dracula; the Museum of the First Romanian School in Brasov. Manuela Tomescu, coordinator Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher
“I AM READING TO YOU” In November 2016, a group of students of the 6th &7th grade , with teachers of our school, visited the „Speranţa” Center („Hope” Center), which provides home and care to 33 children with severe disabilities. They sang carols, they read some Christmas stories and our students gave them some gifts to remember about this activity. In January, the 6th grade students, with their teacher, Radu Luminiţa, celebrated our most important poet, Mihai Eminescu, and all the students’parents came and read their favorite poem. In February, our young readers in the 2nd grade, guided by their teacher, Alina Popa, were visited by some parents, who read the stories which have enchanted their own childhood. The activity ended with something very sweet, a book-shaped cake. In March, the 5th grade students and their parents, had some important guests, the actors of The National Theater “ Radu Stanca”in Sibiu. They read fragments from “The Little Prince” and even performed some scenes. In April, some kindergarten kids had their own reading activity, as the parents came and read them some funny stories, showed them some pictures and discussed the characters with the children. At the end of The reading Club, the children received balloons with MDD acronym and a drawing with a book.
Through all these activities, many beautiful memories were shared, our students of all levels, from kindergarten to secondary level, learned how important it is to respect the others (the children with serious disabilities, the parents, the elderly), as well as the importance of reading more. We would like to thank everyone who got involved in these activities. Manuela Tomescu, coordinator
„ Mai mulți elevi citesc mai mult!”, la Școala 25 SIBIU 100 % / 7 noiembrie 2016
Cel puțin 600 de elevi din învățământul primar și gimnazial din mai multe țări europene, coordonați de 100 de profesori, sunt implicați într-un proiect Erasmus care a debutat în luna septembrie. Proiectul se numește „Erasmus+ MOVERE, DOCERE, DELECTARE” – (MDD) și este coordonat de cadrele didactice ale Școlii Gimnaziale Nr. 25 din Sibiu cu susținerea directorului prof. Călin Victor. Scopul proiectului MDD este promovarea lecturii, titlul sugerând aspectele fundamentale ale acesteia: implicarea sufletească a cititorului, emoţia lui, lărgirea orizontului de cunoaştere, cultura şi, nu în ultimul rând, buna dispoziţie, amuzamentul. De asemenea, motto-ul proiectului este Mai mulţi elevi citesc mai mult! (More students read more!). Activitățile se vor desfășura în cadrul școlii, în următoarele 24 de luni, alături de parteneri din Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Portugalia şi Turcia. Astfel, în luna noiembrie a acestui an, Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu va găzdui prima reuniune transnaţională la care vor lua parte cele cinci delegaţii ale şcolilor partenere. Vor fi douăzeci de activități lunare comune, cu sesiuni de lucru, în care se vor stabili criteriile de selecţie pentru mobilităţi, realizarea chestionarelor de satisfacţie pentru beneficiari: elevi, profesori, părinţi; se va alege sigla proiectului, vor fi filmuleţe de prezentare a şcolilor partenere, sesiuni skype pe tema lecturii, ateliere de scriere creativă pentru realizarea unei cărţi digitale comune, cluburi de lectură și acţiuni de voluntariat. Uniunea Europeană sprijină acest schimb de experiență și practici între instituţiile şcolare Aprin intermediul proiectelor Erasmus+ KA2 sub deviza: „proiectele Erasmus deschid mintea şi le schimbă viaţa participanţilor”. De: Redacția SIBIU 100% ( informații oferite de prof. Luminița Radu)
Şcoala Gimnazială Nr.25 Sibiu promovează lectura Turnul Sfatului din 07.11.2016 Școala Gimnazială Nr.25 din Sibiu este implicată în programul Erasmus+ numit “MOVERE, DOCERE, DELECTARE through Reading” (MDD), care se desfășoară de-a lungul a doi ani și are ca scop promovarea lecturii. Școala va implementa în următoarele 24 de luni proiectul Erasmus+ MOVERE, DOCERE, DELECTARE through Reading (MDD), în calitate de instituţie coordonatoare, având parteneri din Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Portugalia şi Turcia”, transmit reprezentanții Școlii Gimnaziale Nr.25. Scopul proiectului MDD este promovarea lecturii, titlul sugerând aspectele fundamentale ale acesteia: implicarea sufletească a cititorului, emoţia lui, lărgirea orizontului de cunoaştere, cultura şi, nu în ultimul rând, buna dispoziţie, amuzamentul. În luna noiembrie, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu va găzdui prima reuniune transnaţională la care vor lua parte cele cinci delegaţii ale şcolilor partenere. Vor fi sesiuni de lucru, stabilindu-se criteriile de selecţie pentru mobilităţi, realizarea chestionarelor de satisfacţie pentru beneficiari: elevi, profesori, părinţi; se va alege sigla proiectului şi multe alte aspecte se vor regăsi pe agenda de lucru. Obiectivele proiectului vor fi atinse prin intermediul a 20 de activităţi lunare comune, la acestea participând cel puţin 600 de elevi, de nivel primar şi gimnazial, îndrumaţi de peste 100 de profesori din cele şase ţări partenere. Printre acestea, filmuleţe de prezentare a şcolilor partenere, sesiuni skype pe tema lecturii, ateliere de scriere creativă pentru realizarea unei cărţi digitale comune, cluburi de lectură, acţiuni de voluntariat. Pe parcursul proiectului vor avea loc două reuniuni transnaţionale în România şi Turcia, precum şi activităţi de învăţare şi formare pentru elevi şi profesori în Portugalia, Polonia, Bulgaria şi Italia. De: Elena Andrei (informații oferite de prof. Luminița Radu)
„ Un cititor trăiește o mie de vieți înainte de a muri. Cel care nu citește niciodată trăiește doar una”. George R.R.Martin Lectura pare din ce în ce mai departe de copii în perioada aceasta, în care tehnologia a acaparat toate preocupările şi interesele, în care gadget-urile au devenit principala „jucărie” a celor mici şi celor mari; şi, totuşi, printre aceste activităţi, se mai strecoară ore de citit la şcoală, acasă, cu familia, la bibliotecă sau la librărie, curios să descoperi cele mai noi apariţii. Proiectul nostru, MDD, îşi propune tocmai acest lucru: să îi facă pe elevi să descopere sau să redescopere farmecul cititului, să îi determine să îşi pună întrebări, să le fie stârnită curiozitatea şi, mai ales, prin lectură, să descopere ceva despre ei şi despre lumea lor interioară. Ce altă modalitate mai bună de ajunge la sufletele micilor cititori decât prin modele? Astfel, în 12 decembrie 2016, am avut plăcerea să asistăm la un spectacol de poezie şi de muzică în care artişti de la Teatrul Naţional „Radu Stanca” au recitat şi au interpretat în mod unic versuri din poeziile celor mai cunoscuţi poeţi români, având ca temă iarna şi sărbătorile acestui anotimp feeric. Nu poate rămâne indiferent nimeni în faţa expresivităţii şi blândeţii din vocea marii actriţe Lerida Bulcholtzer sau a duioşiei de pe chipul actriţei Rodica Mărgărit. Versurile îmbinate cu colinde tradiţionale româneşti au fost recitate de actriţa Gabriela Neagu, iar actorul Cătălin Neghină, el însuşi un adevărat „Moş Crăciun” (aşa se şi prezintă copiilor, nu
doar pentru felul în care arată, ci şi pentru voioşia pe care o emană), a cântat la muzicuţă alături de toţi cei 80 de elevi participanţi la această manifestare. Liviu Vlad i-a încântat şi el pe copii cu felul său de a recita, mimica şi gestica completându-i interpretarea, spre amuzamentul tuturor. Cadrele didactice prezente şi-au amintit cu nostalgie de propria copilărie, de zăpezile grele de altădată, de părinți şi bunicii alături de care mergeau la colindat şi au retrăit pentru câteva clipe magia iernii. Elevii noștri au asistat la un spectacol de recitat, au văzut încă o dată ce înseamnă profunzimea unui vers, pentru că nimeni nu le poate transmite într-un mod mai potrivit asta decât niște actori. De altfel, considerăm că acestea activități au menirea de a le oferi, în primul rând elevilor, alternative pentru felul în care, prin lectură, îşi pot înfrânge propria emotivitate, pot descoperi laturi ascunse ale personalității lor iar când aceasta se combină cu elemente teatrale, ei pot descoperi cu adevărat ce înseamnă lectura. Ion Luca Caragiale, marele dramaturg român spunea, de altfel, că în teatru „ toate sunt, nu spuse, ci aievea înfăţişate; bucuria râde din ochi vii, durerea plânge cu lacrimi adevărate, faptele cer timp”. Credem că am reușit să îi convingem pe elevii noștri, o dată în plus, că teatrul 22
și lectura pot face parte și trebuie să facă parte din viața noastră, pentru că îți oferă sentimente unice, ceea ce descoperi în paginile unei cărți poate fi chiar ceea ce ai gândit tu, acolo te poți (re)găsi de fiecare dată iar bucuria descoperirii universului imaginar rămâne unică. Profesor Manuela Tomescu
Completează careul pentru a descoperi 18 nume de scriitori români, autori ai operelor: 1. „Făt- Frumos din lacrimă” 2. „Ursul păcălit de vulpe” 3. „Dumbrava minunată” 4. „Fricosul” 5. „Hora Unirii” 6. „Tâlharul pedepsit” 7. „Vestitorii primăverii” 8. „Fram, ursul polar” 9. „Ştefan cel Mare şi Vrâncioaia” 10. „Moromeţii” 11. „Toamna în muşuroi” 12. „Prâslea cel voinic şi merele de aur” 13. „Căţeluşul şchiop” 14. „Gospodina” 15. „Doi feţi cu stea în frunte” 16. „Vizită” 17. „Ciocârlia” 18. „Cuza Vodă şi sultanul” 14
8 2 1 11 5 10 17 6
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Bucurie pentru vârstnicii de la Căminul Dumbrava Sibiului, în prag de sărbători Tribuna Sibiului/ 13.12.2016 Sărbătorile de iarnă bat la uşă şi, în această perioadă, gesturile frumoase ajung în cât mai multe case. Copii, adulţi, oameni ai Bisericii, cu toţii mărinimoşi, caută să aducă un zâmbet şi o alinare, în pragul Crăciunului, fie celor mai nevoiaşi, fie celor care nu prea mai au pe nimeni alături. Marți, a fost rândul celor 16 persoane care locuiesc în Căminul de bătrâni Dumbrava Sibiului să se bucure de un spectacol de colinde, o binecuvântare şi o vorbă bună. Elevii şcolii Gimnaziale Nr. 25 din Sibiu, împreună cu trei profesoare şi părintele paroh de la Biserica de pe Calea Poplăcii, pr. Dumitru Luca, au mers să-i colinde pe vârstnici, oferindu-le câteva clipe de bucurie. A nins în noaptea de luni spre marţi în Sibiu şi stratul de omăt, deşi destul de subţire, întregeşte atmosfera frumoasă de sărbători care dăinuie la Căminul de bătrâni Dumbrava Sibiului. În jur de ora 12, copiii de la şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 sosesc în curtea căminului, echipaţi cu căciuliţe roşii, corniţe de reni, unul chiar îmbrăcat în Moş Crăciun, şi cu cât se apropie mai mult, cu atât grăbesc pasul, ca nu cumva să-i lase pe bătrâni să aştepte. Sunt 16 oameni înăuntru, bărbaţi şi femei, aşezaţi la mesele dintr-o încăpere albă a Căminului şi cu toţii zâmbesc când elevii intră. Însoţiţi de trei profesoare de la şcoală (Maria Luca, Diana Făgeţan şi Vasilica Creangă), copiii, elevi în clasele a V-a, a VI-a şi a VII-a, se aşază în faţa vârstnicilor şi încep să cânte. „O, ce veste minunată!”, „Colindiţa”, „Astăzi s-a născut Hristos” şi multe alte colinde răsună în încăpere, iar unii dintre elevi mai recită şi câte o poezie de iarnă. Pe la jumătatea programului, cântă la flaut „Steaua sus răsare”, iar la final, unul dintre elevi recită o poezie despre bunici, aceşti eroi ai sărbătorilor de iarnă, după cum îi numeşte. Emoţionaţi până la lacrimi... De pe margine, oamenii se bucură în sinea lor de acest moment. Pentru ei, vizita copiilor este cel mai frumos cadou pe care l-au primit în pragul sărbătorilor. Unii zâmbesc, alţii îşi şterg ochii înlăcrimaţi. Printre ei, şi Ileana. Are 88 de ani, este din Oneşti, Bacău, şi spune că stă la cămin de aproape un an. Când o întreb de vizita copiilor, îşi ia faţa între mâini şi nu mai poate scoate un cuvânt. Plânge din nou. La o masă alăturată, o femeie are faţa luminată şi îmi zâmbeşte larg când mă apropii. „Foarte frumoasă surpriza. Mulţumim mult, mulţumim din suflet. Să le dea Dumnezeu sănătate”, spune tanti Florica din comuna Clopotiva, Haţeg.
Apoi, preotul Dumitru Luca le vorbeşte vârstnicilor despre surpriza făcută de copii şi le spune că le-a adus un dar: o iconiţă sfântă de la Betleem. „Am venit cu un dar. Dar, mai întâi, darul cel mai mare sunt aceşti copii care ne-au adus colindul sfânt şi bun în glasurile lor atât de frumoase V-am adus o iconiţă de la Betleem, acolo unde s-a născut Domnul şi Mântuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos. Aceste iconiţe au fost atinse de Sfântul Mormânt de la Ierusalim. Veţi primi fiecare câte o iconiţă şi un mic dar din partea Bisericii noastre de pe Calea Poplăcii, cu hramul Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul şi Sfântul Mare Mucenic Dimitrie. Noi vă dorim să aveţi sănătate trupească, linişte sufletească şi Naşterea lui Hristos să vă fie de folos întru mulţi, mulţi şi fericiţi ani. Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze cu sănătate şi bucurii”, spune preotul paroh Dumitru Luca. La final, cântă cu toţii colindul „Trei păstori”, în timp ce preotul trece pe la fiecare vârstnic şi îi oferă o iconiţă, un calendar şi o binecuvântare. Ana Maria MĂTUŞOIU ( informații oferite de prof. Luminița Radu)
“ Digital Approaches to Reading in the Classroom of the Future” short-term joint staff training event: acquiring useful knowledge and using attractive tools to develop different reading processes and transform classes into innovative and creative ones short-term exchange of groups of pupils “Reading Night”- a challenging experience in the school library visiting important and interesting castles, museums, a library connected to Harry Potter taking part in a Carnival workshop about reconditioning old books
Remember Portugal! This mobility was a great experience which helped us develop socially and vocationally. There were only three pupils and two teachers who participated but we succeeded in spreading the knowledge we had accumulated. Everybody was fascinated when we were talking about things we had seen or food we had tasted. Our beautiful and colorful photos will always remind us of this special experience This trip was for me a real achievement. I proved it to myself and to the people around me that I could socialize and take care of myself, that I could handle such a responsibility. I flew for the first time (my stomach starts crying when I remember), I ate octopus tentacles (they have a jelly skin) and I slept in a library (I also ate in the library). These trips are important for socializing. The most important thing is to banish the shyness and to start meeting people and talking to them. You don’t have to worry if you make mistakes, everybody does. All I know is that this experience has changed my personality, my way of thinking and my vision of the world because I met pupils from foreign countries and kind people who made me feel at home. Like the project says: Movere, Docere. Delectare, these words apply to reading but they also apply to life. Vlăduţ Petrea, 8th grade 27
WELCOME TO PORTUGAL ! 19th -25th February, 2017 Remember Portugal! For me, the mobility to Portugal was a unique experience. When I heard that I was selected for the travelling, a smile appeared on my face. At that moment I was thinking that I was just a child and I was going to cross Europe. I was supposed to be like an adult. The day I left was amazing. I flew over the clouds. When I arrived in Portugal I met a lot of people who became my new friends. The first day was a little bit difficult for me, because I wasn’t prepared to speak much English. Along the way it started to be funny, my English became better. I started to feel like home. My host, Marta was like a sister to me. The activities we’ve done were very interesting. We learned how to restore a book. My favourite event was a journey in Braganca. We visited many incredible places, I tasted traditional food and I saw a popular festival. For me, this experience was a life lesson. The time flew like the wind but my memories will remain, and I will keep this trip in my heart for the rest of the life. The kind people will be my friends forever, my teachers and my schoolmates will remain in the book of my life at the chapter: “Important people”. Adina Mara, 6th grade
WELCOME TO PORTUGAL! 19th -25th February, 2017 Remember Portugal! At the beginning of the year, I applied for the Portugal mobility. I did not know what a great experience it would be. I travelled by plane for the first time, I practised my knowledge of English and I met a lot of interesting people. I enjoy travelling, so visiting Portugal was for me such a great thing! I was there atschool,I attended courses with other kids of my age. The school in Portugal is not the same with ours. It’s much bigger, with more students and the classes seem easier than here, in Sibiu. The children stay more in school till six o’clock in the evening. It was difficult for me to adjust to that schedule. I enjoyed my “family for a week”. Ana Louise was my host. We have so much in common. She likes the same movies like me, listens to the same music and she likes travelling. The host family showed me the town which is called Macedo de Cavaleiros and took me one evening at the restaurant. The first day was my favorite one because there was a nice meeting with the other kids and we saw Porto. This city is so gorgeous! We were at Leloo Book Store, which is a big and famous library. There were filmed some scenes from Harry Potter movie. We went on a tour of the city by a yellow bus, we saw the Atlantic Ocean and a lot of important buildings. On my journey I had many new experiences, one of them was to try the Portuguese cuisine for the first time, I ate much fish. I was impressed by a local festival, The Masks Festival. People were wearing masks and funny clothes. Those masks were trying to scare the people imitating devils and running after you, but at the end they took pictures and laughed. I’m so grateful for this happy experience! I give the persons who made this possible many thanks. It was a great journey of knowledge ! Ana-Maria Ciuştea, 7thA grade
A6 E-BOOK IN SIX CHAPTERS” “MAYDAY FOR FAIRY TALES” January-April 2017 “Mayday for Fairy Tales” – writing chapter 6 of the e-Book –a really exciting experience For me, the most interesting and most beautiful activity of all, in the first year of our project, was creating and acting in the sixth chapter of the common e-Book; it was pretty hard, it took me a few days, but in the end I think that all the work and the efforts were worth it because the result was as expected. When I began to write this story, I choose some Romanian traditional elements and characters well-known as Păcală, the Count Dracula or the Silly Man, that I integrated into my story and I wrote everything around this topic. Then I drew some main scenes, finally we got to the most important part: staging, playing after choosing the characters. This was also the hardest part and that took us the most time; it included: setting up the scene, creating the costumes of the participants who had to resemble the
characters in the story as much as possible, many hours of rehearsals. The characters in the story travel from one country to another to make all people, regardless of their age or nationality, to read the fairy tales and stories that delighted their childhood. With the help of the fairies, this desire was fulfilled. Georgiana Agârbician, 8th grade The e-Book in Six Chapters was completed by all partners, shared and made public for everyone to enjoy and get inspired in the Story Jumper library. Each chapter has been dramatized, performed, filmed and shared with the other partners and can be watched by a large audience on YouTube website. Gabriela Bârcă, English teacher
Mayday for Fairy Tales Chapter 6
BOOKS HAVE NOENDING A story written by Georgiana Agârbician Gabriela Bârcă
Victor Călin Manuela Tomescu
Sibiu, 2017
Georgiana Agârbician
English-Romanian version Translated into English by Gabriela-Simona Bârcă Ioana Bodea Epilogue written by
Gabriela-Simona Bârcă Drawings Georgiana Agârbician
Harry Potter's magical wand has done its job and has taken the three adventurers to Romania. “Where are we?,” Mary worried. “I don’t know!, “ Winnie the Pooh said and he looked confused. Harry Potter, Mary and Winnie the Pooh came into the hall of a big castle. At the end of the hall there was a room. Being pushed by curiosity, the three friends decided to visit the room. With small steps, they slowly approached the end of the hallway and carefully opened the massive wooden door of a large room. The room was quite strange and one of the walls was painted black and covered all over with lit candles and some weirdlooking, old paintings. The room had only one window and a crimson-red curtain was hanging over it. Through that halfopen window, a light wind was blowing, sounding like a continuous whistle. On tiptoe and very slowly, the three adventurers walked into the room thinking that they would find someone who could tell them where they were. It was an immense room and bookcases loaded with all kinds of books were leaning against the walls.
Bagheta magica a lui Harry Potter şi-a făcut treaba şi i-a dus pe cei trei aventurieri în Romania. - Unde suntem ? întreabă îngrijorată Mary. - Nu ştiu! răspunde confuz Winnie the Pooh. Harry Potter, Mary şi Winnie the Pooh au ajuns în holul unui castel. La capătul acestui hol era o cameră. Curioși, cei trei prieteni au decis să viziteze camera. Cu pași mărunți, se apropiau încet, încet de capătul holului. C u mare grijă, au des-
chis ușa mare a camerei, din lemn masiv, cu diverse modele. Acea încăpere era destul de stranie și iți dădea cu adevărat fiori. Pereții erau de culoarea neagră, încărcați cu lumânări şi tablouri vechi cu diverse peisaje. Acea încăpere avea un sigur geam peste care stătea mândră o perdea de culoare roșu-sângeriu. Prin acel geam întredeschis reușea să pătrundă un mic vânticel
care șuiera de zor. Ȋn vârful picioarelor, cei trei aventurieri au intrat încet– încet în încăpere cu gândul că vor găsi pe cineva care le poate spune unde se află. Era o încăpere imensă şi rafturi încărcate cu tot felul de cărţi se sprijineau de pereți.
In that huge room, which looked like a library, Winnie the Pooh and Mary started looking for a clue which might help them realize where exactly they were in Romania, while Harry Potter was eagerly searching in the drawers of a wooden desk. There was a deep silence in the room interrupted only by the
rustle of browsing the books. Suddenly, all the room resounded from a voice which
from a coffin laying on a table. From that coal-black fin resounded Dracula’s voice: “Who dares interrupt my afternoon slumber?”
Împreună cu Winnie the Pooh, Mary a început să caute în bi- blioteca imensă din încăpere un indiciu din care să își dea sea- ma în ce loc din România se afla, în timp ce Harry Potter căuta în sertarele unui birou de lemn. Ȋn încăpere era o liniște profundă întreruptă de răsfoitul căr- ților. Dintr-o dată, în toată camera răsună un glas ușor stins ca- re venea dintr-un sicriu așezat pe o masă. Din acel sicriu negru ca smoala răsuna glasul lui Dracula:
- Cine îndrăznește să îmi tulbure somnul de amiază?
“Excuse us, please, Sir, we don’t want to disturb you,” Winnie the Pooh said fearfully. “Who are you and what are you looking for in my Castle?,” asked Dracula with interest and wonder.
“Let me introduce myself: I'm Harry Potter and they are my friends, Mary and Winnie the Pooh. We have an important mission trying to make kids read again those wonderful fairy tales and stories that they once were reading,” answered Harry almost trembling with fear. “Good job, and what do I have to do with this?,” asked Dracu-
la in a high tone. “My magic wand has brought us here, in your Castle, a hint that you can give us a helping hand!,” added Harry. And he sounded more self-confident than before. “But, why shall I do that?,” asked Dracula, puzzled. “ I’m sure you are fond of reading because you have a huge library and you enjoy having direct contact with your favorite characters and you also enjoy travelling and joining them in all their adventures. Moreover, you are Count Dracula, one of the most famous vampires in literature. If children stop reading, they will forget you and soon you will no longer be known by anyone,” Mary said seriously.
-Vă rog să ne scuzați, domnule, dar nu voiam sa vă deranjăm! rostește fricos Winnie the Pooh. - Cine sunteți voi și ce căutați în castelul meu? întreabă curios Dracula. -Stați să mă prezint: eu sunt Harry Potter, iar aceștia sunt prietenii mei, Mary și Winnie the Pooh. Noi încercăm să îi facem pe copii să citească din nou basmele și poveștile minunate pe care odată le citeau! a răspuns cu ceva mai multa încredere Harry. - Bun! Și eu, ce treabă am cu asta? întreabă Dracula pe un ton ridicat. - Bagheta mea magică m-a adus aici, în castelul dumneavoastră, semn că ne puteți da o mâna de ajutor! a adăugat Harry.
Și de ce aș face asta? întreabă nedumerit Dracula.
- Sunt sigură ca vă place să citiți pentru că aveți o bibliotecă uriașă, să aveți un contact direct cu personajele dumneavoastră preferate și, de asemenea, să călătoriți și să le însoțiți pe ele în toate aventurile lor. În plus, din câte știu eu, dumneavoastră sunteți contele Dracula, unul dintre cei mai renumiți vampiri ai literaturii. Când copiii nu vor mai citi, vor uita de dumnea-
voastră și în curând nu veți mai fi recunoscut de nimeni! a spus serioasă Mary .
Hearing this, Count Dracula understood that his reputation was in danger, as well as his existence, so he was thoroughly thinking that he had to help the three friends, but did not want to admit it. “I see you know very well who I am and what I am famous for! If I think more and better ... I think I could give you and your friends a helping hand,” Dracula replied in a slightly arrogant tone. “Thank you, Sir, thank you!” answered Mary. “Good so far, can you tell us where we are?,” Winnie the Pooh
asked curiously. “Definitely! You are in the famous Bran Castle in Transylvania, the heart of Romania.” “Good! Now that we know where we are, we need your help. We don’t have much time. Unless we hurry, the characters of the fairy tales will disappear,” Mary said and she looked
extremely worried. “Hurry up then! We need to reach
as soon as possible”, Dracula replied enthusiastically. THE FAMOUS BRAN CASTLE
Auzind toate acestea, contele Dracula înțelege că reputația lui este în pericol, la fel ca și existența sa, deci se gândește serios că trebuie să îi ajute pe cei trei prieteni, însă nu vrea să dea această impresie. -Văd că știi foarte bine cine sunt eu și pentru ce sunt cunoscut! Dacă mă gândesc mai bine... cred
că îți pot da o mână de
ajutor ție
și prietenilor tăi! a
răspuns Dra-
cula pe un ton
ușor arogant. -Mulțumesc
înțelegere! a răspuns Mary. -Bun, deci acum, ne poți spune și unde ne aflăm? întreabă curios Winnie the Pooh. - Cu siguranță! Ne renumitul Castel
aflăm în Bran,
inima Transilvaniei. -Bun…acum că știm unde ne aflăm, trebuie să ne ajuți. Nu mai avem mult timp. Dacă nu ne grăbim, personajele din basme vor dispărea! a spus îngrijorată Mary. - Să ne grăbim atunci! Trebuie să ajungem în județul Sibiu! a răspuns entuziasmat Dracula.
Dracula, Winnie
the Pooh,
Mary and Harry Potter started their journey to Sibiu.
On their way they met a man wearing a Romanian peasant shirt, brown trousers, a hat on his head and walking barefoot. They realized immediately that he was the smart and funny fairytale character, Păcală. As they reached him, Winnie the Pooh told him: “Good afternoon, Mr. Păcală! How are you? Where’s your
friend, Tândală?” The little bear was very happy to meet one of his favourite fairy tale characters. “I am fine. I’m resting in the shadow of this beautiful tree. I don’t know anything about Tândală, where he might be. But what are you doing here?” “We must go to Sibiu because we are trying to save the fairy tale characters”, said firmly Dracula. “What do you mean to save them? But what is happening Păcală
them?” curiously
but worried at the same time.
Contele Dracula, Winnie the Pooh, Mary ţi Harry Potter se îndreaptă spre județul Sibiu. Pe drum întâlnesc un bărbat îmbrăcat într-o ie românească, cu niște pantaloni maro, cu o pălărie pe cap și desculț. Imediat, își dau seama că este vorba despre comicul şi inteligentul Păcală. Ajuns aproape de el, Winnie the Pooh îi spune: -Bună ziua, domnule Păcală! Ce mai faceți? Unde e amicul dumneavoastră, Tândală? îl întreabă ursulețul fericit că și-a întâlnit unul dintre personajele preferate din povești. - Eu fac foarte bine, mă relaxez la umbra acestui copac. De Tândală nu prea știu nimic. Nu știu pe unde este! Dar ce vă aduce pe aici? -Trebuie să ajungem în Sibiu. Încercăm să salvăm personajele din basme și povesti, spune răspicat Dracula. -Cum adică să le salvați? Dar ce se întâmplă cu ele? întreabă curi- os, dar în același timp și îngrijorat Păcală.
“Children no longer read books and that’s the reason why all the
fairy tale characters will soon be forgotten and they will
vanish if we do not persuade them to read again”, Winnie the Pooh answered. “ What do you mean? Children no longer read? This means that they do not find out the adventures I have gone through
and how smart I am to overcome them! This is impossible! I will come along and help you!” Păcală said lively. They set out for Sibiu and after several hours they ran into a man who was jumping up and down holding a bucket in his hand. Păcală knew what all that was about and he moved forward asking the man: “What blunder are you doing now?” “No blunder! I’m just trying to bring the light of the sun into my house for my children. They want to read but their room is not bright enough. I’ve been trying to catch the brightness of the sun
in this bucket since this morning, but it’s in vain “,
answered the man. “But this is not the right thing to do. You have to cut holes into the walls of the house, so the light can come into the room, Păcală told him.
-Copiii nu mai citesc în ultimul timp și, de aceea, ei nu cu-
nosc personajele celebre din povesti și basme! răspunde Winnie the Pooh. -Cum adică copiii nu mai citesc??!!! Asta înseamnă că nu o să mai afle de aventurile prin care eu am trecut și de modul inteligent prin care am reușit să le rezolv! Acest lucru nu se poate întâmpla, voi veni cu voi și vă voi ajuta! spune plin de
viată Păcală. După câteva ore bune de mers, cei patru ajung undeva, aproape de Sibiu. Aici zăresc cum sare un om cu o găleată în mână. Dându-și seama despre ce este vorba, Păcală înaintează: - Ce boacănă mai faci acum, tinere om ?
- Nicio boacănă! Eu încerc să aduc lumina în bordei pentru copiii mei, care încearcă să îşi citească lecțiile. De azi-dimineață tot încerc să prind soarele de pe cer în găleata asta şi să-l pun în
bordei...dar nu reușesc! răspunde uimit omul. -Dar nu aşa trebuie să procedezi ! Trebuie să faci găuri in pereții casei ca lumina sa pătrundă în cameră, i-a spus Păcală.
“Oh, you are so clever! God bless you! Thank you so much!” Suddenly Count Dracula had an idea: “I know a way to save the fairy tale characters! We must go immediately to the Astra Library in Sibiu, where we will meet a lot of children!” When they arrived at the library, the five adventurers staged a play that the children enjoyed so much that they wanted to read it again. So they began browsing many books looking for it. Thus, all the children realized that reading doesn't have to be a chore, but rather a pathway leading to a universe full of mystery, magic, illusions, and creatures that cannot be met in everyday life; looking at the children’s faces shining with joy and delight while watching in amazement the events which seemed to come to life under their eyes, the five adventurers understood that their main goal has been reached: the kids will start reading again, because only in this way their favour- ite characters will continue to live. Their inno- cence and candour are the ones which will save the world of fairy tales which will not vanish, but last forever.
- O, ești tare deștept! Să-ți dea Dumnezeu sănătate! Mulțumesc, mulțumesc mult, îi spune Omul cu pricina lui Păcală. În acel moment, Contelui Dracula îi vine o idee: -Știu cum putem salva personajele basmelor! Trebuie să mergem
imediat la Biblioteca „Astra”, unde trebuie să ne
întâlnim cu muuulţi copii! Ajunși la Bibliotecă, cei cinci aventurieri pun în scenă o piesă de teatru care îi încântă pe copii și care îi face din nou să răsfoiască cu mare drag piesa de teatru Astfel, copiii de pretutindeni au înțeles că lectura nu trebuie să fie o povară, ci că ea înseamnă o cale fermecată de a descoperi universuri pline de mistere, iluzii și creaturi pe care nu le pot întâlni în viața obișnuită; privind chipurile celor mici, care străluceau de bucurie și plăcere, simțeai cum tot ce citiseră în cărți parcă prindea viață chiar atunci. Cei cinci aventurieri au înțeles atunci că principalul lor scop a fost atins: copiii vor începe din
pentru că doar astfel, cărțile vor continua să trăiască. Candoarea și
inocența cele
lor vor
sunt salva
lumea basmelor, care nu va dispărea, ci va dăinui
totdeauna. 49
Once upon a time, in six far away countries, there lived some fairy queens and kings who used their magic wands to make borders disappear and friendship blossom. And these fairy queens and kings set off on a long journey, wandering through the six countries, travelling from one country to another and wherever they went they met joyful,
younger and older people gathering in magic places, reading long-forgotten fairy tales and stories and retelling them to whoever wanted to listen to them. Once they got to a mystic place, which looked like a library where they saw lots of old and young people, parents and grandparents, boys and girls lying and even sleeping on the floor, surrounded by heaps of books and couldn’t imagine how life would be without the wonderment offered by books. Some of them couldn’t help falling asleep of so much reading and they were eagerly looking for their book signs, as they wanted to have a short nap before starting to read another chapter. They surely were bookworms, who can fancy every-
thing they want, from sailing in pirates’ ships across the rough seas and oceans of the world to stepping lightly on the Moon.
Au fost odată ca niciodată, în șase țări îndepărtate, nişte zâne care și-au folosit baghetele fermecate pentru a face granițele să dispară și prietenia să înflorească. Și aceste zâne au pornit într-o lungă călătorie, cutreierând cele șase țări, călătorind dintr-o țară în alta și oriunde mergeau, întâlneau oameni plini de veselie, mai tineri sau
mai bătrâni care se adunau în locuri magice și citeau basme și povești de mult uitate sau le povesteau oricui dorea să-i asculte. Odată, zânele au ajuns într-un loc mistic, care semăna cu o
bibliotecă, unde au văzut o
mulțime de oameni, tineri și vârstnici, părinți și bunici, băieți și fete, stând pe podea, dormind chiar, înconjurați de
teancuri de cărți și care nu-și puteau imagina cum ar fi viața fără lumea minunată a cărților. Unii erau atât de obosiți de citit, încât abia se abțineau să nu adoarmă și își căutau cu nerăbdare semnele de carte pentru că voiau să moțăie un pic înainte de a citi următorul capitol. Cu siguranță erau șoareci de bibliotecă care își pot imagina orice își doresc : să navigheze pe mările și oceanele învolburate ale lumii în corăbiile piraților, sau să pășească ușor pe Lună.
So, the fairies decided to organize a contest and grant a
wish to anyone who would like to take part in the
competition. Many competitors enrolled and their only wish was that people
all over the world would read again and
again the fairy tales and stories that enchanted everyone’s childhood and meet the characters that no one should ever forget. A jury was formed and all the fairy tale characters stepped inside the huge hall of the “Universal Literature Library.� The competitors had to recognize their favourite book characters so, they came from far away countries and
enthusiastically but fairly competed with one another.
Văzând asta, zânele au hotărât să organizeze un concurs și
să îndeplinească o dorință oricui dorește să
participe la competiție. Mulți concurenți s-au înscris și singura lor dorință a fost ca oamenii din întreaga lume să citească iar și iar basmele și
poveștile care au încântat
copilăria tuturor și să întâlnească
personajele pe care
nimeni nu ar trebui să le uite vreodată. S-a format un juriu și toate personajele din basme au pășit
a au
„Bibliotecii trebuit
literaturii recunoască
personajele din cărțile preferate, așa că au venit în număr mare, din multe țări îndepărtate și au concurat cu mult entuziasm, dar corect unii cu alții.
At the end, the fairies granted their only wish so, nowadays wherever you go, be it Amasya, Dobrich, Leszno, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Pescara or Sibiu you will see people, regardless of their age, nationality or social position, meeting in various places,
schools, libraries, book shops and other magic
places, reading or just listening to fairy tales, stories and other books or retelling them to others. ‌ the fairies’ journey will never end and hopefully there will
always be children and grown-ups who will realize the
power that
a book may have on an individual and that
reading can teach
us life lessons, can touch our hearts,
delight us and bring about important and beneficial changes in everyone’s life. And so the story goes, that all the people in the six far away countries lived happily ever after.
La sfârșit, zânele le-au îndeplinit dorința, de aceea oriunde vei călători în zilele noastre, fie Amasya, Dobrich, Leszno, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Pescara sau Sibiu, vei vedea oameni, de diferite vârste, naționalități și cu diferite poziții sociale, care se întâlnesc în cele mai variate locuri: școli, biblioteci, librării sau alte locuri magice și care citesc sau doar ascultă basme și povești, sau le repovestesc altora. …călătoria zânelor nu se va termina nicicând, în speranța că vor exista întotdeauna copii și adulți care își vor da seama de puterea pe care o au cărțile asupra unei persoane și că ele ne pot da lecții de viață, pot ajunge la inimile noastre, ne pot delecta și pot aduce schimbări importante și benefice în viața fiecăruia dintre noi. Și povestea spune că toți oamenii din cele șase țări îndepărtate au trăit fericiți până la adânci bătrâneți.
Meet our characters: THE STORYTELLERS
The fairy queens:
In the school library...
...younger and older, parents and grandparents, teachers and pupils read long-forgotten stories and fairy tales...
Behind-the-Scenes: Writing Chapter 6: BOOKS HAVE NO ENDING and Making-of the Movie
Presentation for the National Contest
“MADE FOR EUROPE” Writing the sixth chapter of the e-Book "Mayday for Fairy Tales", followed by its dramatization, has been one of the most challenging and attractive activities of the project. It required many hours of hard work, as we had to do it in stages which finally led to the desired result: the completion of Chapter 6 of e-Book, BOOKS HAVE NO ENDING, written and illustrated by the students, under the guidance of the coordinating teachers Gabriela Bârcă, Manuela Tomescu and Victor Călin. 1. Getting familiar with the other 5 chapters
2. Writing and
9.Posting the film on You tube
8.Editing the booklet in bilingual edition
illustrating chapter 6
Mayday for Fairy Tales 3. Translating chapter 6
Chapter 6 Books Have No Ending 7.Filming and creating the DVD
4.Writing the epilogue
6.Creating the screenplay and dramatizing the story
5.Publishing chapter 6 in Story Jumper
The title of the book, "Mayday for Fairy Tales", was chosen starting from the idea that nowadays children are no longer attracted by reading and that the stories and the fairy tales that enchanted everyone’s of childhood are in danger of being forgotten. “Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!" is an emergency signal used by the crews of ships or aircraft in distress and notifies the necessity to grant an immediate aid. It comes from the French language (m'aider = help me) and must be uttered three times in case of emergency.
The requirement was to continue the story of the 5 chapters written by the partners, to take over some of their characters and to add some typical Romanian characters taken from Romanian literature. The characters of the story are travelling from one country to another, to determine all people, regardless of age or nationality, to read again the fairy tales and the stories that have delighted their childhood This wish will be granted with the help of the fairies.
Thus, after a series of adventures through the 5 partner countries, Harry Potter, Winnie the Pooh and Mary (a character of Polish literature) arrive in Romania with a view to determining the children and adults to start reading again. Using his magic wand, Harry Potter and his companions get to Bran Castle, where they find themselves face-to-face with Count Dracula, who despite the fear that he inspires, offers to help them and accompanies them to Sibiu, the final destination of their journey. “ With small steps, they slowly approached the end of the hallway and carefully opened the massive wooden door of a large room... The room was quite strange and one of the walls was painted black and covered all over with lit candles ……. The room had only one window and a crimson-red curtain was hanging over it. Through that half-open window, a light wind was blowing, sounding like a continuous whistle.” “ There was a deep silence in the room interrupted only by the rustle of browsing the books. Suddenly, all the room resounded from a voice which came from a coffin laying on a table. From that coal-black coffin resounded Dracula’s voice: 65
Count Dracula’s Library
“Who dares interrupt my afternoon slumber?” “Let me introduce myself: I'm Harry Potter and they are my friends, Mary and Winnie the Pooh. We have an important mission trying to make kids read again those wonderful fairy tales and stories that they once were reading,” answered Harry almost trembling with fear… and you are Count Dracula, one of the most famous vampires in literature. If children stop reading, they will forget you and soon you will no longer be known by anyone,” Mary said seriously. “ “Hearing this, Count Dracula understood that his reputation was in danger, as well as his existence, so he was thoroughly thinking that he had to help the three friends: “Hurry up We need to reach Sibiu as soon as possible,” Dracula replied enthusiastically.” On the way to Sibiu, the four adventurers meet Păcală and a Silly Man who entertain them with their funny jokes and who, hearing that the stories in which they are characters are no longer read, decide to join them in their journey to Sibiu: “Good afternoon, Mr. Păcală! How are you? Where’s your friend, Tândală?”, asked Winnie the Pooh. “I am fine. I’m resting in the shadow of this beautiful tree. I don’t know anything about Tândală … But what are you doing here?”
We must go to Sibiu because we are trying to save the fairy tale characters”, said firmly Dracula. “What do you mean to save them? But what is happening to them?” Păcală asked curiously but worried at the same time. “Children no longer read books and that’s the reason why all the fairy tale characters will soon be forgotten …..”, Winnie the Pooh answered. “What do you mean? Children no longer read? This means that they do not find out the adventures I have gone through and how smart I am to overcome them! This is impossible! I will come along and help you!” Păcală said lively.” Arriving at "Astra" Library in Sibiu, the five adventurers bring into the limelight a play which delights all children and wakes up in the desire of reading. Tired of so much reading, children, parents and grandparents fall asleep in the large reading room of the library, and are woken up by the fairies’ dance and magic wands, who have set off on their journey in order to fulfill everyone's desire: that all people around the world should start reading again long forgotten stories and fairy tales. Thus, all the children realized that reading doesn't have to be a chore, but rather a pathway leading to a universe full of mystery, magic, illusions, and creatures that cannot be met in everyday life… ...the five adventurers understood that their main goal has been reached: the kids will start reading again, because only in this way their favourite characters will continue to live. Their innocence and candour are the ones which will save the world of fairy tales which will not vanish, but last forever.”
Epilogue: “…nowadays wherever you go, be it Amasya, Dobrich, Leszno, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Pescara or Sibiu you will see people, regardless of their age, nationality or social position, meeting in various places, schools, libraries, book shops and other magic places, reading or just listening to fairy tales, stories and other books or retelling them to others… “… the fairies’ journey will never end and hopefully there will always be children and grown-ups who will realize the power that a book may have on an individual and that reading can teach us life lessons, can touch our hearts, delight us and bring about important and beneficial changes in everyone’s life. And so the story goes, that all the people in the six far away countries lived happily ever after.”
Dramatizing the story has been the most laborious step. It consisted of planning the setting for filming the scenes, acquiring costumes which were supposed to resemble those of the characters in the story and many, many hours of rehearsals. "Mayday for Fairy Tales" has been completed and published in Story Jumper Library, so can be read and viewed by a wide audience. The book can be used during literature/ reading classes and other educational activities or optional courses. Being a bilingual edition, it can be used both in primary and secondary level,as well as by students with SEN, enabling everyone to enrich and test their knowledge. The dramatization and the film were published on You Tube, giving the opportunity to watch our story, to a large number of children, parents, grandparents and other interested people.
Dramatization: prof. Gabriela Bârcă
Screenplay and film director: prof. Gabriela Bârcă
Video filming: prof. Liviu Cupcea Our results and products can be viewed : http://mddreading.eu E-twinning page Facebook Group page Story Jumper Library You Tube
ANA-MARIA CIUȘTEA, 8th grade COORDINATORS: Gabriela Bârcă, Victor Călin, Manuela Tomescu 68
22nd - 26th May 2017
WELCOME TO POLAND! SHORT OVERVIEW OF THE LEARNING, TEACHING, TRAINING ACTIVITIES “BY DANCE, THEATRE AND MUSIC TO LITERATURE” Date/ Duration: 22nd-26th May 2017 Host organization: Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 3 im. Marii Skłodowskiej – Curie, Leszno, Poland Monday 22nd May Welcome guests in the School Hall ( Headmaster’s speech – Grzegorz Mruk; Presentation of the partner schools; Performances by students of Primary School No. 3) Tour around school Meeting of the Mayor of Town and Tour of the Town Hall Treasure Hunt – tour around Leszno
Tuesday 23rd May Presentation on ‘Outfits and costumes on the background of the ages’ only for students. Dance workshops for students at the Municipal Cultural Centre hosted by dance instructor Ms. Elżbieta Bubak – Bober (in the downtown Chrobrego Street). Learning the following dances: Menuet, Waltz, Salsa. Teachers – working session Welcome speech to partners, the authorities of the town, parents and all students of school No.3; the performance of the first chapter of the MDD book ‘MAYDAY for Fairy Tales’; festive Costume Ball – ‘FAIRYTALE BALL’ Presentation on ‘Outfits and costumes on the background of the ages’ Dance workshops for teachers at the School Hall hosted by dance instructor Ms. Elżbieta Bubak – Bober; learning the following dances: Menuet, Waltz, Salsa. Wednesday 24th May Drive to discover the Palace in Rogalin (one of the most beautiful, carved in wood, library); tour of the palace; stroll in the garden and the park around the Palace where there are the oldest species of oak trees in Europe; Drive to explore Poznań – the capital of the region - Great Poland. A tour of the market square and the city centre, where the main attraction are the Goats; shopping souvenirs; Tour of the Raczyńskich Library in Poznań; Tour of Arkady Fiedler Museum – a prominent writer and traveler.
Thursday 25th May Drive to Wroclaw; tour of CAPITOL-Musical Theatre with a guide; explore the city Wroclaw with a guide – ‘A trip along the various garden gnomes’; seeing the universities and the market square; the old part and the new part of the city; Boat trip - ‘Driada’on the river. Friday 26th May The workshops of draw paper in the Museum of the city Leszno ( students and teachers); Drama workshops connected with the presentations of the following chapters of the ebook; Drive to Rydzyna for the evaluation workshops “Souvenir Book” – working in groups, interviews, memories; Farewell Time. Certificates delivery Saturday 27th May Departure to Wroclaw airport about 8 a. m. in front of the school Manuela Tomescu, coordinator Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher
Impresii: mobilitatea din Leszno „Prin participarea la programul ERASMUS din Polonia, am avut de învățat doar lucruri bune, interesante. Socializarea cu alți elevi din țări diferite, cu tradiții și culturi diferite, mi-a deschis noi orizonturi. M-a impresionat școala, cu parcul plin de liniște în care avea acces toată lumea. Dansurile organizate au făcut ca timpul petrecut sa treacă foarte repede. Vizita la primăria orașului, fiind cea mai veche clădire din oraș, m-a impresionat prin asemănarea cu clădirile pe care Sibiul le are. Vizita la biserica din Poznan ne-a bucurat tare mult, mai ales că la oră fixă, ieșeau două capre ce se băteau în coarne. Legătura cu familia la care am locuit, în acele zile, în Polonia a fost foarte strânsă, parcă era familia mea. Mulțumesc tuturor pentru experiența trăită!”
Diana Virlescu, clasa a VI-a B
Mobilitate proiect Erasmus + Bine ați venit in Leszno! SIBIU 100%, 22 iunie 2017
În perioada 22-26 mai 2017, în Leszno, Polonia, s-a desfășurat a doua mobilitate din cadrul proiectului de parteneriat strategic între școli Erasmus+, Movere, Docere, Delectare through Reading, proiect coordonat de Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 25 Sibiu şi la care mai participă şcoli din Portugalia, Turcia, Bulgaria, Italia şi Polonia. Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 3 im. Marii Skłodowskiej – Curie a fost şcoala unde sau organizat: workshopuri, ateliere, un bal de poveste; toate s-au îmbinat cu diverse excursii. „Pentru mine au fost momente de neuitat, pline de bucurie şi experiențe noi. Prin participarea la această mobilitate, am descoperit bogata cultură a Poloniei, obiective turistice inedite, am observat viața lor cotidiană şi mi-am făcut prieteni noi. ( Răzvan Văleanu) Ştefania Cinezan spune: „Am întâlnit o familie iubitoare. Am avut o primire călduroasă. Cel mai mult, în Leszno, mi-a
plăcut aleea umbrelelor. Era ca un curcubeu. Cetăţile şi oraşele vizitate au fost mirifice. Am vizitat Poznan unde sunt foarte cunoscute "Caprele Luptătoare" şi Wroclaw, oraşul celor 400 de pitici. A fost o experienţă din care am învăţat multe lucruri utile.” Diana Vîrlescu: „Am învăţat lucruri interesante. Socializarea cu elevi din țări diferite, cu tradiții și culturi diferite, mi-a deschis noi orizonturi. M-a impresionatşcoala, cu parcul plin de linişte în care avea acces toată lumea. Legătura cu familia la care am locuit a fost foarte strânsă, parcă era familia mea.” Elevii au fost însoțiți de către directorul instituției, Călin Victor și de coordonatorul principal al proiectului, Tomescu Manuela, într-o săptămână plină de creativitate, de culoare, de spontaneitate, cu activități originale și de mare impact. Coordonator proiect, prof. Manuela Tomescu
DE CE CITESC? Interviu cu actriţa Lerida Buchholtzer de la Teatrul Naţional „Radu Stanca” Sibiu MDD NEWSPAPER, mai 2017
1.Ce însemna lectura în copilărie şi ce înseamnă ea acum pt. dv ? Pentru mine lectura a fost si va rămâne un preţios şi fidel tovarăş de drum, pe parcursul vieţii. Acest însoţitor pe care îl putem convoca oricând dorim, este întotdeauna aşa cum ni-l dorim: distractiv, ludic, relaxant, ghid în călătorii imaginare sau călăuză înţeleaptă în drumul spre cunoaştere şi autocunoaştere. Lectura pentru mine este mereu revelatoare , până la limita înţelegerii mele, pe care o depăşesc mereu, tot prin lectură . 2.Aveţi vreo carte preferată? Dar un personaj? Am să vă răspund pe scurt. Punctez ceea ce consider important pentru colaborarea noastră, în strădania comună de a-i orienta pe elevi spre lectură. Nu voi face un top al cărţilor sau al personajelor mele preferate. Nu am ''preferinţe'', am doar exigenţe valorice şi un sistem de a-mi prioritiza lecturile . 3.Ce rol are lectura în dezvoltarea copilului? În primul rând LECTURA este cea care ne iniţiază, ne formează , ne ''sporeşte'' , ne ''şlefuieşte", ne rotunjeşte gândul, ne stimulează imaginaţia, ne antrenează emoţiile superioare, eclipsându-le pe cele primare. Contactul cu muzica, desenu , dansul ( şi chiar cu teatrul ) precede în copilărie, in mod obişnuit, lectura ca deprindere, dar abia ea , LECTURA, va duce la conştientizarea articulată, de către copil, a tot ceea ce se dezvoltă treptat în mintea şi sufletul lui . 4.Sunteţi un cititor înfocat? Cât de des citiţi? Sigur, contează CE, CÂND şi CUM citim. Nu m-am referit şi la cantitate ( CÂT ) , pentru că aici s-ar putea ivi o altă problemă: viciul lecturii, evadarea din realitate prin prea multă lectură ( indiferent de calitatea şi utilitatea ei ). Aici mă opresc, dar poate vom continua cu altă ocazie acest subiect vast şi foarte important. 74
5.Cum credeţi că activităţi ca cele la care participaţi alături de noi ( Clubul de lectură) îi pot influenţa pe elevi? Care credeţi că este impactul acestor activităţi asupra elevilor / părinţilor/ cadrelor didactice? Am văzut, pe parcursul colaborării noastre, că Dumneavoastră îi stimulaţi pe copii să citească, atrăgându-i, cu bune şi ingenioase metode. Felicitări Dvs. personal şi tuturor cadrelor didactice de la Şc. Gimnazială Nr. 25 implicate în aceste proiecte care vizează formarea unor tineri apţi pentru o viaţă civilizată. Pentru că -- în primă şi în ultimă instanţă -- LECTURA nu aparţine doar sferei culturale umaniste; ea este o componentă şi o condiţie a lumii civilizate . Cu multă stimă şi admiraţie pentru modul în care vă asumaţi nobila profesie de dascăl,
Lerida Buchholtzer ( a consemnat prof. Manuela Tomescu)
What did reading represent to you as a child and what does it represent to you today? To me, reading represents a precious and loyal companion on the life road. This companion, who we can call whenever we would like, is always as we wish: funny, relaxing, it guides us through the imaginary journeys or is a wise leader towards knowledge and self-knowing. Reading is always revealing, up to the limit of my understanding, which I always overcome, also through reading. Have you got a favourite book or a favourite character? I will answer this question shortly. I am emphasizing what I consider important to our collaboration, our common effort to orient the pupils towards reading. I will not hierarchize the books or my favourite characters. I haven’t got any ‘preferences’, I have got only strict demands and a system to prioritize my readings. What part does reading play in children’s development? First of all, reading is the one that initiates us, it shapes us, polishes us, stimulates our imagination, it trains our superior emotions, vanishing the primary ones. The contact with music, painting, dancing (and even theatre) usually precedes at an early age the reading as a learning activity. The reading will lead to an articulate consciousness of all the things that gradually develop in the child’s mind and soul. 75
Are you a passionate reader? How often do you read? Of course, it makes the difference: what, when, and how we read. I did not refer to the amount (how much) because here it might appear another issue: the vice of reading, the escape from reality through too much reading whatever its quality or usefulness. This is a vast and very important subject. Do you consider that our mutual activities (Reading Club) can influence the pupils? What impact do you think these activities can have on pupils/parents/teachers? I have noticed along the way that you stimulate the children to read, appealing to them through good and resourceful methods. Congratulations to you and to all the teachers from School Number 25 Sibiu involved in these projects which imply the instruction of capable young people. Afterwards the reading belongs not only to the humanist cultural area, being also a constituent and a condition of the civilized world.
Holding you in high esteem and admiration for the way you assume the noble profession of teacher, Lerida Buchholtzer
Hans Christian Andersen (2 April 1805 – 4 August 1875) was a Danish author. Although a prolific writer of plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, Andersen is best remembered for his fairy tales. Andersen's popularity is not limited to children; his stories, called “eventyr” in Danish, express themes that transcend age and nationality. Andersen's fairy tales, which have been translated into more than 125 languages have become culturally embedded in the West's collective consciousness, readily accessible to children, but presenting lessons of virtue and resilience in the face of adversity for mature readers as well. Some of his most famous fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina" and many more.
The Little Mermaid At Triton's castle, the king of seas and oceans, a great party is prepared. His daughters, the mermaids, are preparing for the show. Everybody is ready, but… somebody is missing ! Triton and his guests are waiting for Ariel, the best voice in the area, to sing. But Ariel is missing. ”Sebastian! Where is Ariel ? Go and find her ! ” shouted the king. Ariel is carefully exploring the depth of the sea together with her friend Flounder. ”Ariel your father has forbidden us to go close to the shipwrecks”. ”Oh, come on, you coward. ” Scuttle looked at the found object, a little bit confused. ”I think that is an object for people.” The next day, Ariel dashed to another ship with Flounder following her. Coming out of the sea, Ariel looked at the people singing and dancing on the deck. ”Happy birthday, Prince Eric!” cheered the people. She gazed in love at the handsome prince standing by the side of the ship. But right then, a terrible storm started, throwing Eric in the deep waters. Ariel manages to catch him and take him to the shore. Here, she begins to sing for him. Eric wakes up, so Ariel has to hide herself in the sea, before he realizes that she is a mermaid. ”Will I ever see him again … ? ” sighs Ariel watching him leave. Meanwhile, Triton reaches the cave where Ariel keeps all the treasures gathered from people. ”I told you to stay away from the people” Triton shouted . Ursula is the evil witch of the sea that wished to take King Triton's place. She hears Ariel crying near the prince's destroyed statue and tricks her promising she is the only 77
one who can help Ariel be together with her prince. Ursula promises Ariel to make her human, but the price will be her lovely voice. Desperate with paine and very much in love with the prince, Ariel signs. As soon as Ariel signs, Ursula takes her voice and tells her she will be human for three days. If the prince doesn't kiss her during this period, Ariel will become Ursula's slave forever. Ursula's spells turn the Little Mermaid into a beautiful human. She reaches the shore helped by friends just at the moment when the Prince appears. Eric takes Ariel to the palace. At the palace, Ariel receives a charming dress, and has dinner together with the Prince who invites her for a boat ride on the lake. Flounder, Sebastian and Scuttle are following them. All the living beings of the lake gather around them singing and creating a loving atmosphere. The two were almost ready to kiss but Ursula's servants turned over the boat stopping the two break the spell. Angry that she was so close to lose, Ursula turns herself into a beautiful girl, named Vanessa, and she uses Ariel's voice to charm the Prince. Eric believes that she is the one who saved his life. Poor Ariel, she can't tell the prince she is the girl who saved his life. Vanessa has the Prince under her spell. The next day, Scuttle announces Ariel that the Prince is going to marry. ”Everything is going great ” Ursula laughs in her cabin, looking in the mirror. Now she was again transformed from a beautiful girl into the bad witch. But Scuttle sees everything. Ariel is very sad. It is her last days as human, and Eric doesn't seem to want to kiss her. Scuttle announces that Vanessa is in fact Ursula. ”We have to stop this wedding”. A flock of birds dashes towards Vanessa, and Scuttle pulls out the pendant. Ariel regains her voice and Eric wakes up from the spell. The two embrace each other but … it is too late. ”Ha, ha, ha ! Too late, Ariel is mine !” Ariel turns into a siren . But before Eric can do anything, Ursula pulls the Little Mermaid in the depth of the sea. Triton asks Ursula to release Ariel. The witch shows Triton the contract signed by Ariel, and he tries to destroy it, with his magic trident, but in vain. Prince Eric scans the depths, looking for Ursula, and throws the harpoon. The witch becomes angry, now she is the Mistress of the sea, as Triton preferred to take Ariel's place and belong to Ursula from that moment on. Ursula becomes bigger, until she comes out of the waves. The created storm raises shipwrecks of thousands years old. Eric jumps to the nearest, goes to Ursula and stabs her in the heart. Ursula loses her magic powers. With his magic trident, Triton transforms Ariel in a human being. Eric, happily, takes her into his arms and they have a beautiful wedding.
„The Little Mermaid” Choose the correct answer. Circle it and fill in the gaps:
1. Triton is the king of seas and… a. towns b. oceans c. forests 2.Triton's…..are waiting for Ariel to sing a. guests b. teachers c. doctors 3. Ariel gazed in love at the…………Prince. a. handsome b. fat c.ugly 4. A terrible………..started, throwing Eric in the deep waters. a. storm b. rainbow c. fog 5. Eric realizes that Ariel is a ……. a. nurse b. baby c. mermaid
6. Go out and find her! He ……. a. washed b. shouted c. travelled 7. Scuttle was a little bit……… a. bored b. happy c. confused 8. Ariel keeps all the……….gathered from people. a. flowers b. pictures c. treasures 9. Ursula is the evil………of the sea. a. teacher b. witch c. friend 10. Ursula tells Ariel she will become a …...for three days. a. bird b. dog c. human
Alina-Mirela Popa, Primary School Teacher
The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen
H.C. Andersen’s House in Odense
I love reading ! MDD NEWSPAPER, May 2017
Reading means a lot to me, it is a wonderful experience which gives me unusual sensations that make me feel good. The books that I read carry me to another world, which is more attractive and interesting than the one we live in. It is a world populated by all kinds of characters, funny, strange or ordinary,
which go through different experiences that
teach you a lot of things: how to
become generous, how to get out of a difficult situation or about good or bad things. Sometimes I feel part of their story, sometimes I just stand outside waiting to see how the adventures end. To me the pleasure of reading started in the
early childhood, when I was only three years old. Although I could not read at that age, the books were my best company. My mum says that I used to stay by the window turning the pages of an illustrated book and pretending to read in a loud voice. I was making up stories as I was looking at the pictures. In ten minutes I could finish any book. I was a very serious and fast reader. So, I think reading is like having a precious treasure. It is not full of gems or money, but with lots of imagination, knowledge and fun. For me it is the richest treasure in the world because it gives me power, confidence and hope. Nora TaĹ&#x;cu, 7thA
I love reading ! MDD NEWSPAPER, May 2017
Out of all the activities one can name, reading is one of my favorites. Even though it’s lost some popularity over time, I still find it relaxing and very interesting and that is what I look for when trying out a new hobby. If I had to fill in the generic “favorite book” gap, one that stood out to me in particular would be Toporisca by Gary Paulsen who is a well-known author of young adult literature. Worldwide, the book is called Hatchet and it was translated into Romanian as toporisca, a sharp tool made out of steel that is used for cutting wood. The book presents the story of a young boy from New York whose plane ends up crash-landing into the woods after the pilot suffers a heart-attack. Brian finds himself lost in the middle of nowhere andi s forced to survive using only his hatchet, a gift he had received from his mom not long before leaving. Even though, at first he finds it very difficult and scary to live in the wilderness, over time, Brian develops his survival skills and becomes a fine woodsman. He is eventually found by a plane that hears his cries through a transmitter and saved. As you can already tell, I really love young adult literature since I find the characters closest to my age and so, the most relatable. Besides the simple joy you get from reading a good book, I also like to learn something from it. You never know when you get plane or ship wrecked or simply lost during a trip and even for a
short time, you have to work for your survival, so such a book that combines literature and skill use may come in handy. Finally, even though most children of my age, just as myself, love spending time online, I believe it is important to unwind from time to time by reading books that help you travel to completely new places, making your heart race, your brain work at its full capacity and your imagination go wild. Not many dare to live several lives thanks to such amazing books, but those who do are able to see the world in thousands of ways. Răzvan Văleanu 6th grade 81
I love reading ! MDD NEWSPAPER, May 2017
I grew up surrounded by books, first of all because of my mother. She used to read to me every day and I was always fascinated by her voice and by the characters she was reading me about. When I learnt how to read it was great because I could enter by myself into the world of stories. The first book I read was „Cuore� by Edmondo De Amicis. I love reading because it takes me to another world with beautiful characters and great adventures. Then, through reading, I enrich my vocabulary and I develop my imagination. My mother always said to me that books are the trees of wisdom, but now I can say that books give you wings to fly into the infinite universe. Alexandru Cazaciuc, 5th A
"O carte este o grădină, o livadă, un depozit, o petrecere, o companie de-a lungul drumului, un sfătuitor, o multitudine de consilieri", afirma Henry Ward Beecher. Un copil care creşte în lumea cărţilor este asemeni unei flori care creşte într-o grădina feerică. În ciuda progresului rapid al ştiinţei, cartea rămâne nemuritoare în educarea şi formarea personalităţii. Aflat în această lume, copilul se regăseşte în lumea cărţii, în care componentele ei sunt conţinuturile viu colorate şi atractive, ori în lumea poveştilor, unde oricine este desprins de firul realităţii şi atras involuntar de peripeţiile distractive ale personajelor acestora. Cartea este o comoară fără de preţ, în care unii îşi adună cele mai frumoase gânduri, ca alţii să le poată folosi în voie. "Cartea ne este prieten credincios, de nădejde", (G. F. Morozov). Coordonat pe acest drum, micul şcolar, se obişnuieşte cu gândul că, oriunde, oricând şi oricum, cartea rămâne cel mai bun profesor al omului. Cartea trebuie să devină prietena copilului de la cea mai fragedă vârstă. Ea îl ajută să parcurgă căile cunoaşterii, de la concret la abstract, de la intuiţie la reprezentare şi fantezie. Cu ajutorul ei, copilul intră în posesia numeroaselor instrumente care îi pot satisface dorinţa de a descoperi realitatea înconjurătoare, ea însăşi fiind o lume. Şcoala are o responsabilitate incontestabilă de a forma deprinderea de lectură încă din clasele primare, iar profesorul va fi regizorul care îl va conduce pe elev în mirifica lume a cărților. Micii şcolari nu pot citi chiar de la început atât de bine încât lectura să le producă plăcere... Este datoria adulţilor să îi introducă în minunata lume a cărţilor... Alegerea cărţilor potrivite este numai primul pas. Al doilea pas şi tot atât de important este deprinderea lecturii, obţinerea eficienţei ei maxime în urma citirii unei cărţi. Importanţa lecturii este evidentă şi mereu actuală. E un instrument care dezvoltă posibilitatea de comunicare între oameni. Când gustul pentru lectură este format din primii ani de şcoală, acesta rămâne pentru toată viaţa, o obişnuinţă utilă. Gustul pentru lectură nu vine de la sine ci se formează printr-o muncă a factorilor educaţionali (familia şi şcoala), o muncă caracterizată prin răbdare, perseverenţă, continuitate, voinţă. Perioada de formare a gustului pentru citit coincide cu cea când se pun bazele acestuia, în clasele I-IV. Elevului mic trebuie să i se trezească curiozitatea spre lecturi, să i se cultive interesul spre cunoaştere. Maria Giurgiu, prof. înv. primar 83
Colourful balloons, with messages inside, were set free at the same time,
in different places, celebrating the end of the first project year. It was the perfect chance to disseminate the main information, activities, the topic, the aims of our project. We were in the parks, in the centre of Sibiu, at the Children’s Hospital, in the neighbourhood, where we shared our project with everybody and our students encouraged others to read.
PUBLIC DISSEMINATION EVENT - FIRST YEAR October, 2017 At the end of the first project year, a Public Dissemination Event took place on 13th October, 2017 in the festive hall of the school, bringing together stakeholders, teachers of our school, but also from other educational institutions, parents and pupils. Thus, representatives of Sibiu County Board of Education, actors from The National Theater "Radu Stanca" in Sibiu, who participated almost monthly in the implementation activities, representatives of University "Lucian Blaga" Sibiu and of Astra Library were invited to join us. The event started with the headmaster’s speech, Mr Victor Călin,, who noted the importance of strategic school partnerships, pointing out that these are a unique way of making our school more visible, to promote quality education and exchange good practice with schools across Europe. The speech of the General Inspector Gheorghe Bârză followed, emphasizing that our school enjoys great visibility through this project, having an extraordinary impact on pupils and teachers and saying that it encourages the development of such programs and projects. The presentation of the project itself has referred to the objectives and the premises, underlying the development of such a topic (reading is extremely important in any school subject, developing many competences and the PISA exams, applicable also in Romania, emphasize literary or non-literary comprehension, reading being therefore the first competence concerned). The presentation of the activities implemented during the first project year,
in chronological order, was carried out by the project coordinator, by the members of the Romanian team and by the students that took part in the various activities. The students and teachers talked about their experiences and shared the way that new knowledge helped them to make their classes more attractive and exciting. Parents also noted the importance of sharing experiences for children, who are confronted with a new culture, having to speak English and integrate themselves into an unknown family. Then we watched the film made as a final product, after the Romanian chapter of the e-Book written by the students and which is the final product of the first year. The actors of the National Theater "Radu Stanca” highlighted the talent of the students, the correctness of the English language used by them, and the fact that they tried to get the best of their roles. Finally, impressions were changed, folders containing materials related to the topic and activities of the project have been offered to the audience, and guests have written their opinions and impressions in the feed-back album. We wish to congratulate our partners from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Turkey, the students, parents and teachers who guided them in all the activities and to wish everyone good luck in the second year of the project. Manuela Tomescu, Coordinator, Victor Călin, Headmaster
THE FIRST YEAR PROJECT ACTIVITIES… …AT A GLANCE A1. Meet My School! - September 2016 Getting to know one another through IC Technologies. Short videos of the partner schools were created, from kindergarten to high-school. The video presentations were uploaded on the MDD website, Facebook group page, etc.
A2. Design a Special, Unique Book Sign!- October 2016 Talented students proved their skills in drawing. The best 5 products in all classes were displayed in an exhibition and then participated at an on-line competition through Survey Monkey. The best book signs were voted by all the teams and were used to create the logo of the project. Some of the book signs were offered to teachers and students during the participation at the two Learning Teaching Training activities.
A3.Top 3 Favourite Books - October-November 2016 International lists of books and some interactive presentations were created by students of all levels. They chose: 3 national literature books and 3 international literature books during literature / English lessons and the students made also drawings or sketches of their favourite books in order to convince the others to vote.
A4. I’m Reading to You-November 2016-June 2018 Through this activity, we managed to develop a stronger connection between generations. We read to disadvantaged groups, such as old people and orphans. The students proved their sensibility, respect, helpfulness. Students of all levels and different teachers were involved. They became more responsible and thoughtful and wanted to share their passion for reading with everyone. This activity goes on throughout the project, once a semester.
A5. MDD Digital Newspaper –December 2016-June 2018 The first 2 editions of the newspaper were issued in December 2016 and May 2017, hosting pages in all 6 native languages of the partners and in English. A team of 10 students and 4 teachers from each school was in charge, developing European cooperation, active citizenship and the ability to work with written information. Students and teachers were encouraged to publish their articles on various topics, expressing their own points of view. There will be other 2 editions next year: 1edition/ semester 87
A6. e-Book in Six Chapters -January 2017- April 2017 A common e-Book was written in English using Story Jumper program; the students have chosen the topic from a given list published on e-Twinning; each country wrote one chapter and then each chapter was performed and recorded; it was translated into the native language. The main objective of this activity was to develop creative thinking of the students involved, but also to determine all teams to engage in collaborative work. The completed e-Book can be visualised for free in Story Jumper Library and on our website, as well as on e-Twinning platform.
A7. Older Read to Younger! - Reading ClubJanuary 2017-June 2018 Once a month, a different class with its teacher, read some texts in different places: at school, in the library, at the radio /on TV, downtown; students, members of their families, actors, artists, writers, other representatives of the local community were involved. It was the perfect way of reading together and to one another. Older students read to younger ones. Parents joined us in schools and read their favourite stories to the little readers. This activity has been planned to continue throughout the project.
A8. Bookworm Reading Contest-April 2017 The competition in the library aimed at promoting children’s reading and writing and developing a stronger connection with the library and the librarian; there were teams of all levels / classes and they read stories or books from the partners' literature. The little “bookworms” proved their creativity once again, their pleasure of telling stories, their desire to find more about the partners' literature and culture.
A9. Balloon Activity- June 2017 A dissemination activity at the end of the first project year: colourful flying balloons were painted and inside them the students put some little messages with information about the project, the address of the website, activities carried out, famous quotes about reading. The students set the balloons free at the same time in different places: in front of the school, in parks, near the children hospital, in order to inform as many citizens as possible about our project and encourage them to read.
Manuela Tomescu, coordinator Gabriela Bârcă, ESL teacher
Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 25 SIBIU, ROMANIA
E R A S M U S + 2016-2017 ISBN